Application Form 2010
Application Form 2010
Application Form 2010
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<strong>Application</strong> <strong>Form</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />
<strong>Application</strong> deadline:<br />
1/12/2009<br />
Master in Problem Based Learning in Engineering and Science, MPBL<br />
Apply for admission to:<br />
Entire Master in Problem Based Learning in Engineering and Science<br />
Module 2<br />
Courses ECTS-<br />
Period <strong>Application</strong> Start<br />
points<br />
deadline<br />
Master in Problem Based Learning 60 ECTS 01.02.<strong>2010</strong> – 31.01.2012 01.12.2009 01.02.<strong>2010</strong><br />
Module 2 15 ECTS 01.02.<strong>2010</strong> – 31.01.2011 01.12.2009 01.02.<strong>2010</strong><br />
►Personal information<br />
Other nationalities than Danish:<br />
Date of birth: dd-mm-yy<br />
Danish citizens only:<br />
CPR number: -<br />
Citizenship: Danish Other Country:<br />
First name(s):<br />
Private address:<br />
Last name:<br />
Postal code City:<br />
Country:<br />
Private phone:<br />
E-mail address:<br />
Work phone:<br />
Occupation: Workplace name:<br />
Work place address:<br />
Postal code City:<br />
Country:<br />
►Invoice to employer. Payment information<br />
If the invoice to the employer is to be sent to another address than the one you have stated under your<br />
workplace address, you are requested to state where the invoice is to be sent:<br />
Company name:<br />
Company address:<br />
Postal code City:<br />
Country:<br />
Send to:<br />
Aalborg University<br />
Secretariat for<br />
Continuing Education<br />
P.O. Box 159<br />
9100 Aalborg<br />
Denmark<br />
Exemption: I apply for exemption from the educational admission requirements.<br />
<strong>Application</strong> and documentation must be enclosed.
1. Qualifying admission exam certificate or diploma<br />
(cf. admission requirements on the homepage of the programme:<br />
Degree:<br />
Name of educational institution:<br />
Year of graduation:<br />
2. Other academic information<br />
If you have additional concluded educations or other diplomas that you wish to be considered, please<br />
enclose this information in a CV. The CV must provide: name of education /course, name of<br />
institution and the period within which you have participated in the educational programme/ the<br />
course.<br />
3. Relevant work experience (cf. admission requirements on<br />
State here your three-year relevant work experience and enclose documentation. Enclose<br />
documentation in the shape of a declaration from your employer, a copy of your employment contract<br />
or the like. You are requested to include further relevant work experience in your CV.<br />
Workplace:<br />
Period: Number of hours per week:<br />
Occupation/title:<br />
Work assignments:<br />
4. Enclosures<br />
The applicant is responsible for enclosing the necessary documentation in copies provided with his/her<br />
date of birth or CPR number (Danish citizens only).<br />
The following documentation must be enclosed:<br />
• Documentation for educational information in fields 1 and 2<br />
• Documentation for relevant work experience in field 3<br />
• Briefly state your motivation for applying<br />
• Curriculum Vitae.<br />
You are welcome to send your application by e-mail to this e-mail address: You can attach<br />
enclosures to your e-mail in the form of scanned documents converted into PDF format.<br />
Date:<br />