Joint Operating Concept (JOC) - GlobalSecurity.org

Joint Operating Concept (JOC) - GlobalSecurity.org

Joint Operating Concept (JOC) - GlobalSecurity.org


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Appendix E<br />

• Foment a massive popular movement resulting in a peaceful change of<br />

regime through Country C’s political process.<br />

• Degrade and disrupt the current regime’s support to internal and<br />

external terrorism <strong>org</strong>anizations.<br />

• Discredit the current regime and bolster popular domestic and regional<br />

discontent with the current regime.<br />

• Assist Country C rebels with intelligence, communications, selected IO<br />

capabilities, logistics support, and force protection.<br />

• Expand the resistance by employing more combat operations if the<br />

regime refuses to step down despite a massive popular movement.<br />

• After removal of the regime and when requested by the new<br />

government, vet, reform, and employ existing Country C military and<br />

security forces to provide domestic security and national defense.<br />

End State. The end state is a self-sufficient civil authority in a stable Country<br />

C that is not hostile to US interests and does not provide support to terrorism.<br />

CONOPS. The operation will be conducted in three phases (note: activities<br />

within phases may overlap):<br />

• Phase I: Assessment and Preparation. Conduct OPE in nations<br />

adjacent to Country C to set the conditions for the next phase of UW<br />

activities in Country C. UW capability development goals include the<br />

creation of a synchronized, overt, clandestine and, if appropriate and<br />

authorized, covert network of capabilities sustainable for the duration<br />

of the campaign.<br />

• Phase II: Operational Employment. Continue coordinated UW<br />

activities and begin operations. SOF teams will make contact with<br />

indigenous opposition groups and attempt to develop them into an<br />

<strong>org</strong>anized resistance force. Cadres are trained and preparations are<br />

made to expand and build up the resistance force. Intelligence nets are<br />

established or further developed. As the buildup proceeds, the<br />

membership of the resistance force is expanded and its activities<br />

broadened, to include infiltration or interim procurement of equipment<br />

and supplies to support subsequent combat operations. Previously<br />

trained cadres continue to recruit and train new members, and<br />

additional units are formed. Limited operations are conducted to build<br />

confidence in the guerrillas and confuse and harass the Country C<br />

government. UW will focus on identifying, training, and equipping<br />

resistance elements and assisting in identifying and securing a<br />

replacement regime.<br />

• Phase III: Stability Operations. After the present Country C regime<br />

is deposed and a reformist government declared, US forces will<br />

transition to stability operations.<br />


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