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11 IMSC Session Program<br />

Serial correlation in the water mass properties of the Gulf of<br />

St. Lawrence<br />

Tuesday - Poster Session 10<br />

Denis Gilbert<br />

Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Mont-Joli, Canada,<br />

The water masses of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, as well as most of the world ocean,<br />

exhibit strong serial correlation in interannual time series of temperature, salinity,<br />

dissolved oxygen and other properties. In spite of this, oceanographers and fisheries<br />

scientists often ignore serial correlation in estimations of the mean or the trend of<br />

univariate time series, thus overestimating the number of degrees of freedom and<br />

underestimating the uncertainties for the test statistics. Another area of research<br />

suffering from the neglect of serial correlation is fisheries oceanography. For<br />

example, a large proportion of fish recruitment studies claim significant relationships<br />

between a given environmental variable time series and the recruitment time series of<br />

a particular species, completely ignoring the fact that one or perhaps both time series<br />

are serially correlated to begin with. I will be reviewing some of the most popular<br />

techniques for taking into account serial correlation in oceanography and fisheries<br />

science.<br />

Abstracts 121

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