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11 IMSC Session Program<br />

No title provided<br />

Wednesday - Poster Session 5<br />

Carlos Gaitan<br />

The coarse-resolution Canadian Coupled General Circulation Model (CGCM 3.1)<br />

running the SRES A2, and the SRES A1B simulations (Nakicenovic, N. et al, 2000)<br />

was downscaled using a variety of linear and nonlinear machine learning/statistical<br />

methods (e.g. linear regression, principal component analysis, artificial neural<br />

networks) to obtain daily station values of maximum temperature (TMAX), and<br />

minimum temperature (TMIN) for five weather stations located on Vancouver Island.<br />

The downscaled data were analyzed for variability and extremes events. In addition,<br />

based on previous work by STARDEX (Climatic Research Unit, 2005), extreme<br />

indices were calculated, and comparisons in variability were made between values of<br />

these indices observed in the base climate period (1961-2000), and values projected<br />

for the 21st century. The results show that the downscaled data series were able to<br />

capture higher variances than the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, although these variances<br />

are smaller than weather station/observed ones.<br />

Abstracts 203

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