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11 IMSC Session Program<br />

Probabilistic forecasts of future climate based on an objective<br />

Bayesian approach using Jeffreys' Prior<br />

Monday - Poster Session 9<br />

Steve Jewson 1 , Dan Rowlands 2 and Myles Allen 2<br />

1 Risk Management Solutions<br />

2 Oxford University, UK<br />

Bayesian statistical methods can be divided into ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’<br />

approaches, the difference being whether the prior is based on judgement, or on some<br />

kind of rule. Several authors have used subjective Bayesian statistics to convert<br />

numerical climate model runs into probabilistic forecasts of future climate. We<br />

believe that there are three particular weaknesses of such an approach. Firstly, that<br />

since the prior is based on judgement rather than on repeatable scientific methodology<br />

it is perfectly reasonable to disagree with the resulting predictions. This is fine if the<br />

predictions are for the personal use of the modellers, but less appropriate if the<br />

predictions are to be used to try and achieve wider consensus about likely future<br />

climates. Secondly, predictions based on subjective priors can never be subjected to<br />

credible evaluation by hindcasting. Thirdly, the prediction produced from such an<br />

analysis cannot be usefully compared with predictions from other models, since any<br />

differences may simply be due to differences in the judgements included in the prior.<br />

To avoid these problems we believe that it would also be useful to produce<br />

probabilistic climate forecasts from numerical climate models using objective<br />

Bayesian statistics. In particular, we believe that it would be useful to use the (nonlocation<br />

version of) Jeffreys' Prior, since (a) it is the most commonly used and most<br />

widely discussed objective prior, (b) it has various attractive mathematical properties,<br />

and (c) it is already used in probabilistic predictions of future climate based on pure<br />

statistical models. We argue that the calculation of Jeffreys’ Prior for complex<br />

numerical climate models can be made feasible by making the reasonable assumption<br />

that model errors are normally distributed. Based on this assumption we show how<br />

expressions for the Jeffreys’ Prior can be derived, and present some results from<br />

application to very simple climate models. We discuss some of the issues that are<br />

likely to arise when applying Jeffreys’ Prior to fully complex numerical climate<br />

models, discuss whether similar ideas could or should be applied to seasonal and<br />

decadal forecasts, and mention some aspects of experimental design, including the<br />

possible benefits of using initial condition ensembles of size one.<br />

Finally we propose that the time has come for seasonal forecasts, decadal forecasts,<br />

and climate predictions to be tested using rigourous out-of-sample hindcasting. To<br />

achieve that the model parameters should be fitted using either maximum likelihood<br />

or (preferably) objective Bayesian inference. We believe that computer power has<br />

reached the point where the complexity of the models should no longer be an excuse<br />

for not testing them in this way. Such testing would yield invaluable information<br />

about model skill, would increase the confidence in projections of the future, and<br />

would open the door to the development of much better methods for calibration and<br />

model combination.<br />

Abstracts 48

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