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11 IMSC Session Program<br />

Climate change projections for Switzerland: A Bayesian multimodel<br />

combination using ENSEMBLES regional climate<br />

models<br />

Monday - Parallel Session 9<br />

A. M. Fischer 1 , C. Buser 2 , A. P. Weigel 1 , M. A. Liniger 1 and C. Appenzeller 1<br />

1<br />

Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Zurich, Switzerland<br />

2 Seminar for Statistics ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland<br />

The assessment of different future climate pathways is a highly challenging task due<br />

to the cascade of uncertainties ranging from emission uncertainties, model<br />

uncertainties over natural fluctuations down to uncertainties arising from downscaling<br />

approaches. The latter is particularly challenging over complex terrains such as the<br />

Alpine region. However, it is climate change information on these spatial scales,<br />

which is most relevant for end-user needs. Here, we focus on model uncertainty. A<br />

pragmatic and well-accepted approach to address model uncertainty is given by the<br />

concept of multi-model combination. The key challenge in this context is the<br />

derivation of a probability density function (pdf) from a finite set of discrete ensemble<br />

members. Given that any climate projection needs to be conditioned on an array of<br />

unprovable assumptions (e.g. assumptions concerning the future behavior of<br />

systematic model biases), it is conceptually reasonable to determine such a multimodel<br />

pdf within a Bayesian framework.<br />

Here, we discuss the recently developed Bayesian multi-model combination algorithm<br />

of Buser et al. (2009) with regard to its applicability for regional climate scenarios.<br />

This Bayesian methodology combines observations of the control period with the<br />

output of control and scenario runs from multiple climate models. The algorithm<br />

considers both the change of the mean signal as well as changes in inter-annual<br />

variability and quantifies the systematic model biases. Due to an identifyability<br />

problem between the climate change signal and model-induced projection errors, an<br />

informative prior needs to be applied to constrain the projection error tolerance. Using<br />

synthetic data, mimicking real model data, it can be shown that the posterior<br />

distribution in the mean climate shift is largely dominated by the underlying<br />

assumptions of this prior: the more informative the prior is chosen, the smaller is the<br />

uncertainty in the mean shift and vice versa. This also has implications on how an<br />

outlier in the different model projections is contributing to the posterior distribution.<br />

Different approaches to define this informative prior are discussed.<br />

As the main application, the Bayesian methodology is then applied to seasonally<br />

averaged regional climate scenarios for Switzerland under the A1B emission scenario,<br />

taking 2021-2050 as scenario and 1961-1990 as control period. The data basis for<br />

these projections stems from a new generation of high-resolution (25 km) regional<br />

climate model (RCM) simulations provided by the European project FP6-<br />

ENSEMBLES. The magnitudes of internal variability are quantified, and a proposal is<br />

made on how these may be included into the prior specifications. Applying these<br />

specifications, the projections indicate a temperature increase over Switzerland within<br />

the range of plus 0.5 – 3.0 °C, similar to previous estimates of climate scenarios<br />

derived from a pattern scaling approach of PRUDENCE models. However, unlike this<br />

earlier study, the transient ENSEMBLES model simulations do not reveal a<br />

significant decrease in summer and autumn precipitation. This points to the<br />

Abstracts 67

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