Encyclopedia of Connecticut biography, genealogical-memorial ...

Encyclopedia of Connecticut biography, genealogical-memorial ...

Encyclopedia of Connecticut biography, genealogical-memorial ...


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Brown Colleges, passing the preliminary tem. This contract between the two<br />

examinations for both institutions. He companies resulted in a compromise<br />

entered neither, however, but, becoming which gave the Bell Company an undis-<br />

deeply interested in metallurgical engi- puted field. Its stock had gradually in-<br />

neering, went to Freiburg, Germany, creased in value from one to fifty dollars<br />

where he pursued a course in this science per share, and eventually rose to $800<br />

at the School <strong>of</strong> Mines, from which he per share. Through his holdings in the<br />

was graduated in 1867. On his return company, Mr. Bradley realized a goodly<br />

to America, he went to Colorado for the pr<strong>of</strong>it. His name ranks among the fore-<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> developing some mining prop- most in the history <strong>of</strong> the telephone, and<br />

erty, making the journey across the plains he probably did more to make it a busi-<br />

in a stage coach, at a time when Indians ness success than any other man in the<br />

and marauding bands <strong>of</strong> outlaws infested country. He saw from the outset the<br />

the region. The coach preceding that in great financial possibilities in what others<br />

which he was a passenger was attacked <strong>of</strong> recognized foresight had regarded as a<br />

by Indians and all its occupants killed, mere mechanical toy, and became one <strong>of</strong><br />

After a short period spent in the West, the original investigators and promoters<br />

which was filled with the thrilling exper- <strong>of</strong> the invention which has played so im-<br />

ience <strong>of</strong> the pioneer days, he returned to portant a part in human progress in the<br />

his home, and shortly afterward went to past three decades. In his researches he<br />

South America to investigate mining con- was associated with Pr<strong>of</strong>essor John<br />

ditions there. Pierce and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Blake, <strong>of</strong> Brown<br />

On his return, in Boston he met Pr<strong>of</strong>es- University, and, encouraged in the un-<br />

sor Alexander Graham Bell, then a teacher dertaking by the late Hon. Rowland G.<br />

<strong>of</strong> a new system <strong>of</strong> communication for Hazard, <strong>of</strong> Peace Dale, who was confident<br />

deaf mutes, who subsequently went to that the telephone would be as univer-<br />

Salem, Massachusetts, and, while giving sally used as gas and water,<br />

instructions there, devoted considerable After establishing the telephone on a<br />

time to the study and development <strong>of</strong> the financial basis, in 1883 Mr. Bradley settelephone.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Bell later came to tied in Washington, D. C, and became<br />

Providence, where he met Norman N. actively interested in the Mergenthaler<br />

Mason, who was then in the apothecary Linotype Company, which had been a<br />

business, and they with others placed the business failure for more than six years,<br />

telephone on a practical working basis. With the assistance <strong>of</strong> the late Hon. Wil-<br />

Mr. Bradley, deeply interested in the pro- Ham C. Whitney, who was secretary <strong>of</strong><br />

ject, and keenly alive to its possibilities, the United States Navy in President<br />

was induced to introduce the invention in Cleveland's cabinet, Mr. Bradley put the<br />

Boston, where in 1876 he organized the latter company in such a sound financial<br />

New England Telephone Company. In condition that its stock was greatly en-<br />

the following year he organized the Na- hanced in value.<br />

tional Telephone Company in New York Mr. Bradley later became interested in<br />

City. In the meantime the Western Un- the Florida Coast Line Canal and Trans-<br />

ion Telegraph Company had acquired the portation Company, investing heavily in<br />

Edison patents for the telephone, and its stock. This company was organized<br />

there was a contract between the two for the purpose <strong>of</strong> constructing an inland<br />

companies for the monopoly <strong>of</strong> the sys- waterway five hundred and sixty miles in<br />


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