Ideal Income Balanced Fund (6725) - Standard Life

Ideal Income Balanced Fund (6725) - Standard Life

Ideal Income Balanced Fund (6725) - Standard Life


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There’s a product to suit every portfolio<br />

Maturity/Payout Benefit<br />

Guarantee<br />

1 Since there are some circumstances where creditor protection may not apply, it is recommended that contractholders consult a legal advisor to find out if they<br />

are eligible for this kind of protection.<br />

2 Not applicable in Québec, as notarial wills do not need to be probated by the court, and for holograph wills and wills made in the presence of witnesses,<br />

probate fees are minimal.<br />

In case of discrepancies between the remuneration shown here and your remuneration contract, the latter will prevail.<br />

<strong>Ideal</strong> Segregated <strong>Fund</strong>s and <strong>Ideal</strong> Segregated <strong>Fund</strong>s – Signature Series are offered under <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Life</strong>’s savings and retirement income plans, which are insurance products.<br />

A description of the key features of <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Life</strong>’s <strong>Ideal</strong> Segregated <strong>Fund</strong>s and <strong>Ideal</strong> Segregated <strong>Fund</strong>s – Signature Series is contained in the Information Folders and Contracts.<br />

Subject to any applicable guarantees, any part of the premium or other amount allocated to an <strong>Ideal</strong> Segregated <strong>Fund</strong> or <strong>Ideal</strong> Segregated <strong>Fund</strong> – Signature Series<br />

is invested at the risk of the contractholder and may increase or decrease in value according to fluctuations in the market value of the assets of the fund.<br />

For advisor use only. This document is not intended for public distribution.<br />

The <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Assurance Company of Canada<br />

April 2011<br />

<strong>6725</strong>E-05-2011 (PDF only)<br />

<strong>Ideal</strong> Segregated <strong>Fund</strong>s <strong>Ideal</strong> Segregated <strong>Fund</strong>s –<br />

Signature Series<br />

75% Choice of 75% (<strong>Ideal</strong> 75/100 Series) or<br />

100% (<strong>Ideal</strong> 100/100 Series)<br />

Death Benefit Guarantee 100% (75% if the annuitant is age 80 or over when the contract/series is purchased)<br />

Resets Available on the No-Load with Reset and Platinum<br />

Option only<br />

Capped management<br />

fees<br />

Available on all load options<br />

3% cap on Back-End Load and No-Load options only Not applicable<br />

High net worth option Platinum Option available for minimum investments of $250,000<br />

Flexible load options<br />

for you and your clients<br />

Load Option Total Commission Load Option Total Commission<br />

Back-End Load<br />

(5yr DSC Schedule)<br />

Upfront: 5.0%<br />

Trailer: 0.5% (0.15% for<br />

Money Market II <strong>Fund</strong><br />

(MM II))<br />

No-Load Upfront: 0%<br />

Trailer: 1.0%<br />

(0.25% for MM II)<br />

No-Load with Reset<br />

(not available on<br />

<strong>Fund</strong>SERV – commissions<br />

are advisor portion only)<br />

Upfront: 2.1%<br />

Yr 1 – 3 Trailer: 0.4%<br />

(0.2% for MM II)<br />

Yr 3 + Trailer: 0.8%<br />

(excludes MM II)<br />

Platinum Upfront: 0%<br />

Trailer: 1.0%<br />

(0.25% for MM II)<br />

Back-end Load<br />

(7yr DSC<br />

Schedule)<br />

Upfront: 5.0%<br />

Yr 1 - 7 Trailer: 0.5% (0.15% for<br />

Money Market <strong>Fund</strong> (MM))<br />

Yr 7 + Trailer: 1.25% (0.25% for MM<br />

and 1% for Fixed <strong>Income</strong> <strong>Fund</strong>s)<br />

No-Load Upfront: 0%<br />

Trailer: 1.25%<br />

(0.25% for MM and 1% for Fixed<br />

<strong>Income</strong> <strong>Fund</strong>s)<br />

Low-Load<br />

(3yr DSC<br />

Schedule)<br />

Upfront: 2.5%<br />

Yr 1 – 3 Trailer: 0.5%<br />

(0.15% for MM)<br />

Yr 3 + Trailer: 1.25% (0.25% for<br />

MM and 1% for Fixed <strong>Income</strong> <strong>Fund</strong>s)<br />

Platinum Upfront: 0%<br />

Trailer: 1.0% (0.25% for MM)<br />

Sigma Assistel N/A A free telephone assistance service for your clients’<br />

non-financial needs<br />

Potential for creditor<br />

protection 1 and probate<br />

bypass opportunities 2<br />

Find the one that’s right for your client. The <strong>Ideal</strong> <strong>Income</strong> <strong>Balanced</strong> <strong>Fund</strong> is available under both <strong>Ideal</strong><br />

Segregated <strong>Fund</strong>s and <strong>Ideal</strong> Segregated <strong>Fund</strong>s – Signature Series.<br />

When a beneficiary (of the preferred class for creditor protection) is named in the contract, segregated<br />

funds may benefit from credit protection and avoid probate upon death, leaving more to loved ones<br />

Learn more<br />

Western@standardlife.ca 1-800-663-1673, Central@standardlife.ca 1-800-554-4947, Eastern@standardlife.ca 1-877-549-4665

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