Stockholm - Airport Collaborative Decision Making

Stockholm - Airport Collaborative Decision Making

Stockholm - Airport Collaborative Decision Making


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CDM Task Force 13<br />

13-14th November 2006<br />



<strong>Airport</strong> CDM Implementation Status<br />

Petter Holsberg<br />

ATS-Arlanda<br />

1<br />

European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

2<br />

19R<br />

01L<br />

08<br />

19L<br />

01R<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> Overview<br />

Problems are some noise complaints and lack of stands in peak<br />

hours<br />

Planned development: New apron and increase of capacity from<br />

80 to 90 MVTS/H in autumn 2007 (independent parallel operations)<br />

26<br />

850 MVTS/D<br />

230 000 MVTS/Y (-2% in 2006)<br />

18 million pax (+5.2% in 2006)<br />

Capacity 80 MVTS/H<br />

75 Airline operators<br />

3 Airline operation centres<br />

4 Handling agents<br />

2 De-icing agents

3<br />

Brief Project History<br />

The local CDM project at Arlanda was established in 2002 together with<br />

EUROCONTROL. The project plan described the following four work<br />

packages;<br />

• WP1 – Analysis of Arlanda operations (report in January 2003)<br />

• WP2 – Identification and selection of common improvements (completed in<br />

December 2003)<br />

• WP3 – Implementation phase (started spring 2004)<br />

• WP4 – Trials and evaluation (has been running in parallel with WP3 and<br />

resulted in a proposed KPI tool)<br />

Partners involved<br />

• <strong>Airport</strong> – LFV Data, Stand allocation unit<br />

• Ground handling 4<br />

• De-icing agents 2<br />

• Airline operators 2<br />

• ANSP 2

4<br />

Brief Project History<br />

Project setup –<br />

SG, stakeholders organized in taskforce. Project plan with<br />

four phases established.<br />

Findings –<br />

Both Arrival and Departure process needs to be improved.<br />

Especially the accuracy of ELDT and the De-icing process.<br />

Main objectives and goals –<br />

Provide a common CDM information platform to all<br />

partners & increase punctuality within the E2E process.

5<br />

WP3 STEPS<br />

STEP STEP 1: 1: Improving Improving the the Arrival Arrival process process<br />

Improve the ETA / RETA accuracy and make it available to all actors<br />

Calculate and create EIBT field in the CDM system<br />

Have the CTOT available in the CDM system<br />

Improve the % of flights with full identification information (IATA and ICAO code, and<br />

registration number)<br />

Implement the TOBT procedure<br />

Implement variable taxi-time<br />

Implement ETOT<br />

Implement DPI-FUM<br />

STEP STEP 2: 2: Improving Improving the the Departure Departure Process Process<br />

STEP STEP 3: 3: Improving Improving De-Icing De-Icing Operations Operations<br />

Implement collaborative de-icing procedure based on estimate and status information such as<br />

the “ready for de-icing time”, “start de-icing”, and “end de-icing”<br />

STEP STEP 4: 4: Improving Improving Runway Runway and and Important Important Information<br />

Information<br />

Implement a “runway configuration” screen and an “important information” screen in the CDM<br />

system<br />

STEP STEP 5: 5: Data Data Quality Quality and and Monitoring Monitoring<br />

Monitoring of KPI's before and after implementation of each previous step<br />

Brief Project History

6<br />

Radar data<br />

Flightplan data<br />

Operator inputs<br />

TWR & ATCC<br />

Downlinked a/c FMS data<br />

ANS System (arrival process)<br />

GIPS modules<br />

SAFIR clients<br />

Input/Output)<br />

CIES<br />

SAFIR<br />

TMS-stand allocation<br />

End Users<br />

Informationflow<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> Systems<br />

DARSA –<br />

measure KPI: s<br />

NDS<br />

NDS clients<br />


7<br />

•Output from CIES is based on Radar data, Flight plans and Operators<br />

input in both Arlanda TWR & ATCC <strong>Stockholm</strong>.<br />

•Main supplier of Arrival data (ETA/RETA) to SAFIR<br />

•CIES calculates Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) for inbound flights<br />

with the precision of +-2 min and creates a stable picture of the<br />

inbound flow approximately 30 min before Actual Time of Arrival (ATA)<br />

CIES tool

8<br />


9<br />

Do’s and Don'ts of <strong>Airport</strong> Implementation<br />

What advice can you give other airports intending to implement <strong>Airport</strong> CDM?<br />

Project management<br />

• Create a task force group with all partners<br />

• Make official agreements on participation<br />

• Important to maintain momentum<br />

• Sign commitment contracts between all stakeholders<br />

Publicity – distribute information to all personnel to be involved at the airport<br />

Expert view – University of Lund has for a Doctor's dissertation made an<br />

investigation of the project and will follow up in a couple of years.<br />

After implementation<br />

• Appoint a CDM General who …<br />

• … will lead a User Forum group<br />

• … and evaluate and follow up KPI's<br />

• … and implement improvements of the process

10<br />

How do you measure successes<br />

Benefits & Next Steps<br />

• KPI data is fed into a specific software measuring application<br />

Do you have indication of cost versus benefits of implementing CDM<br />


How to maintain commitment from the partners<br />

• Needs maintained momentum & official agreements<br />

Present actions<br />

• Platform and network structures are implemented – now testing<br />

Next Steps:<br />

1. Realization of the improvements in the arrival process<br />

2. Continued work on departure process<br />

3. Update CFMU with DPIs and/or TTOT<br />

4. Implement a DMAN tool

11<br />

One key Statement<br />

CDM provides predictable and accurate times to enhance:<br />

The turnaround process<br />

Gate allocation<br />

Adherence to CTOT and update CFMU with DPIs<br />

which leads to<br />

Smooth Airline and <strong>Airport</strong> operations

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