Management Initiatives for the Medical Industry

Management Initiatives for the Medical Industry

Management Initiatives for the Medical Industry


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Sep 27, 2010<br />

Open Course 2010<br />

<strong>Management</strong> <strong>Initiatives</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Industry</strong><br />

Presented by <strong>the</strong> University of Tokyo Global COE program “Center <strong>for</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> System Innovation (CMSI)” (Course Manager: Pharmaco-Business Innovation)<br />

[Date] October 26, 2010– March 22, 2011<br />

[Time] 18:00 – 21:00<br />

[Location] Tetsumon Memorial Hall (14 th Floor, Faculty of Medicine Experimental Research Building)<br />

Map: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_02_09_e.html<br />

[Target Audience] - Healthcare Professionals from <strong>Medical</strong> Institutes; Academic Society; Healthcare <strong>Industry</strong> including Pharmaceuticals and <strong>Medical</strong> device<br />

companies<br />

- Under- and post- graduate students (including CMSI students)<br />

- O<strong>the</strong>r professionals with a strong interest in contemporary dynamics in <strong>the</strong> medical industry<br />

[No. of Participants] 200<br />

[Course description] This course consists of a series of unique lectures by authoritative leaders from medical institutions, universities, research institutes and<br />

healthcare corporations. Each lecture focuses on recent structural dynamics in medical and healthcare systems.<br />

In June this year, <strong>the</strong> new Japanese government <strong>for</strong>mulated a new growth strategy “Blueprint <strong>for</strong> Revitalizing Japan” to revive <strong>the</strong> Japanese<br />

economy. As part of this strategic intent, medical and healthcare initiatives are expected to be key drivers <strong>for</strong> boosting t economic growth,<br />

because Japan has a “Science & Technology” advantage and "Monozukuri” which are significant foundations <strong>for</strong> developing new life-science<br />

innovation.<br />

To actualize this new growth strategy, we will examine a broad set of issues including policy, corporate management, global strategy, R&D,<br />

and innovation, as well as discussing <strong>the</strong> foundations <strong>for</strong> creating <strong>the</strong> state of <strong>the</strong> art life-science innovation.<br />

[Registration] Please write 1) your name, 2) name of your company (school), 3) telephone number and 4) e-mail address, and send by e-mail to<br />

pbi-seminar@mol.f.u-tokyo.ac.jp.<br />

[Payment <strong>for</strong> Course Registration] 50,000 yen UT Students: Free Students from o<strong>the</strong>r universities: 20,000 yen<br />

[Organization Office]<br />

Pharmaco-Business Innovation, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>the</strong> University of Tokyo<br />

7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 Japan<br />

Professor: Hiromichi Kimura Associate Professor: Sachiko Masuda<br />

Contact: Yoko Takahashi, Naoko Iita, Yuko Mochida<br />

Tel: +81-3-5842-2454 E-mail: pbi-seminar@mol.f.u-tokyo.ac.jp<br />

URL: http://www.f.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~pbi/index.htm<br />


Schedule might be changed on <strong>the</strong> basis of lecturers’ schedule<br />

Date Lecture Title Speaker Affiliation Title<br />

1 Oct.26th (Tue.)<br />

Introduction<br />

New Growth<br />

Strategy<br />

Hiromichi Kimura<br />

Yosuke Kondo<br />

Graduate School of<br />

Pharmaceutical Sciences<br />

The University of Tokyo<br />

Member of <strong>the</strong> House of<br />

Representatives<br />

Professor<br />

The <strong>for</strong>mer Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and <strong>Industry</strong><br />

2 Nov.9th (Tue.)<br />

3 Nov.24th (Wed.)<br />

4 Dec.7th (Tue.)<br />

5 Dec.21st (Tue.)<br />

6 Jan.11th (Tue.)<br />

7 Jan.25th (Tue.)<br />

The Front Lines of<br />

Cancer Treatment<br />

National Security<br />

(Infectious disease)<br />

Global Life Science<br />

Innovation<br />

Strategy <strong>for</strong> new<br />

drug<br />

Challenge <strong>for</strong><br />

Innovative Medicine<br />

Med-term View of<br />

Pharmaceutical<br />

Companies<br />

8 Feb.8th (Tue.) <strong>Medical</strong> Devices<br />

9 Mar.1st (Tue.) Cluster<br />

10 Mar.22nd (Tue.) Innovation<br />

Tetsuichiro Muto<br />

Hiroyasu Esumi<br />

Masato Iwasaki<br />



National Cancer Center<br />

Hospital East<br />

Takeda Pharmaceutical<br />

Company Ltd.<br />

Executive Director, <strong>Medical</strong> Director,<br />

The <strong>for</strong>mer Director<br />

Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President, Strategic Product<br />

Planning Department<br />

Shigeru Omi Jichi <strong>Medical</strong> University Professor, Public Health, Center <strong>for</strong> Community Medicine<br />

Bruce Howard U.S. Embassy in Japan<br />

Unit Chief, Environment, Science, Technology and Health<br />

Unit, Economic Section<br />

Chris Pook British Embassy Tokyo Counsellor, Science & Innovation Section<br />

Hideo Utsumi<br />

Pharmaceutical and <strong>Medical</strong><br />

Devices Agency<br />

Executive Director<br />

Director, Center <strong>for</strong> Product Evaluation<br />

Ichiro Umeda Pfizer Japan Inc. President & Chief Executive Officer<br />

Kentaro Yoshimatsu Eisai Co., Ltd. Senior Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer<br />

Tohru Yasukohchi NOF CORPORATION<br />

Tony Alvarez<br />

Banyu Pharmaceutical<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

Ken Yamazumi Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.<br />

Kazuhisa Yanagisawa Olympus Corporation<br />

David W. Powell<br />

Johnson & Johnson K.K.<br />

<strong>Medical</strong> Company<br />

Takashi Miki City of KOBE<br />

Toshio Kuroki<br />

Gifu Research and<br />

Development Foundation<br />

Nobuhide Kobayashi Kawasaki City Office<br />

Koichi Kitazawa<br />

(TBD)<br />

Japan Science and Technology<br />

Agency<br />

General Manager, DDS Research Laboratory,<br />

DDS Development Division<br />

Representative Director and President<br />

Executive Director of <strong>the</strong> Board<br />

Executive Vice President<br />

Director, Member of <strong>the</strong> Board, Senior Executive Managing<br />

Officer, Group President, Corporate R&D Center<br />

President<br />

Director General, <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> Development Project<br />

Planning and Coordination Bureau, City of KOBE<br />

Chief Director (Robotics Advanced <strong>Medical</strong> Cluster)<br />

Director , Kanagawa Gateway and Coastal Area<br />

Development Office,<br />

General Planning Bureau<br />

President<br />


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