The Lenten Campaign - Fastenopfer
The Lenten Campaign - Fastenopfer
The Lenten Campaign - Fastenopfer
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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lenten</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong><br />
Mineral extraction: profits for some, suffering for others<br />
<strong>The</strong> Matterhorn is a small piece of Africa in<br />
the heart of the Alps. <strong>The</strong> African continental<br />
plate gives birth to one of the most<br />
beautiful landscapes of our country.<br />
This continent turns up in the most unexpected<br />
places: our mobile phones and<br />
computers, for example. Some of the metals<br />
used to make them were mined in the<br />
African subsoil. Often with associated<br />
violence : expulsions, intolerable working<br />
conditions, wars, hunger…<br />
<strong>The</strong> wealth of countries with rich mineral<br />
deposits is plundered: the State grants the<br />
concessions for raw material extraction<br />
to international companies, who enjoy<br />
significant privileges and violate the<br />
rights of local populations. <strong>The</strong> people who<br />
used to live with these treasures in their<br />
soil become landless or workers without<br />
rights: instead of benefiting from this<br />
wealth, they are either displaced or work for<br />
a starvation wage on which they cannot<br />
live. <strong>The</strong>ir right to food is violated, not<br />
to mention their right to live with dignity.<br />
It is this injustice that the 2011<br />
ecumenical campaign denounces.<br />
Alongside the local populations of the<br />
Congo, as well as in South Africa and<br />
other countries, the Swiss Catholic <strong>Lenten</strong><br />
Fund and Bread for All are committed to<br />
English<br />
2011<br />
SMS MANGER 9<br />
TO 3636<br />
increasing justice, by supporting the local<br />
communities affected by the activities of<br />
the multinationals in their battle to defend<br />
their rights and by requesting the federal<br />
authorities to monitor the work of the<br />
Swiss companies involved in African mining<br />
activities.<br />
<strong>The</strong> campaign advocates that the exploitation<br />
of deposits should not lead to violations<br />
of human rights, in particular that it should<br />
protect the right to food of the populations<br />
concerned. <strong>The</strong> exploitation of mineral<br />
resources must be carried out above all for<br />
the benefit of the people living in the countries<br />
of the South.
Introduction to the theme<br />
<strong>The</strong> right to food and mineral<br />
exploitation in the Democratic<br />
Republic of Congo<br />
It has become a commonplace that: “the<br />
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is<br />
a geological scandal involving more than<br />
1100 different mineral substances”. Although<br />
these minerals are highly prized on international<br />
markets, they do not generally<br />
provide any benefit for the Congolese.<br />
<strong>The</strong> DRC possesses one third of the<br />
world’s known reserves of cobalt, 10% of<br />
its copper reserves and 80% of its coltan<br />
reserves. It is one of the world's major<br />
suppliers of diamonds. And yet “its”<br />
mineral wealth does not bring the DRC<br />
much in return: it ranks among one of<br />
the poorest countries.<br />
<strong>The</strong> impact of mineral extraction<br />
on food security<br />
<strong>The</strong> Congolese do not seem to realise that<br />
their agricultural and natural resources<br />
would bring them equal benefits. <strong>The</strong><br />
chance to earn a small sum of money in the<br />
mines has a negative impact on education<br />
and on agriculture. One of the first consequences<br />
is a reduction in the supply of<br />
food products. Price rises logically result<br />
from this, as well as food insecurity. If noone<br />
cultivates the land, how can sustained<br />
access to food be possible?<br />
<strong>The</strong> State has obligations with regard to the<br />
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right to food of its citizens. Agricultural<br />
activities have been abandoned because<br />
the land was sold either by agreement or by<br />
force to the mining companies. Losing access<br />
to the means to produce their food, men and<br />
women are driven to work in the mines.<br />
<strong>The</strong> ones who gain from the mineral exploitation<br />
are the mining companies themselves,<br />
who generally export the raw materials. <strong>The</strong><br />
Congolese State profits from this through<br />
the various taxes it collects from the companies.<br />
But as corruption has become “a<br />
way of life”, the tax revenue is insignificant<br />
and the mining sector’s contribution to<br />
the national budget is purely symbolic. <strong>The</strong><br />
Congolese population hardly benefits from<br />
the mineral exploitation.<br />
<strong>The</strong> theological, social<br />
and ethical perspective<br />
<strong>The</strong> dignity of Congolese men and women<br />
must be restored by helping them to go<br />
from a less to a more human condition.<br />
Without the ethical reference, without the<br />
moral values of those engaged in the mining<br />
sector, no social, economic, environmental<br />
or cultural well-being can be guaranteed.<br />
From the theological perspective, “Man<br />
is truly human only if he is the master of his<br />
own actions and the judge of their worth,<br />
only if he is the architect of his own<br />
progress. He must act according to his<br />
God-given nature, freely accepting its<br />
potentials and its claims upon him” (Populorum<br />
Progressio, 34). Progress must<br />
not be understood as the growth of the mining<br />
sector, although this is an important<br />
activity, often the only source of income for<br />
the poor. “<strong>The</strong> Glory of God is Man fully<br />
alive” (St. Irenaeus of Lyon), that is, able<br />
to live with dignity.<br />
In the Bible, several words are used to<br />
define the mandate given to Man by God.<br />
He gave Man, who is the summit of his<br />
intrinsically “good” creation (cf. Gen. 1.31),<br />
the obligation to “take care of it” responsibly<br />
(cf. Gen. 2.15).<br />
My view is inspired by the Church’s vision<br />
of a person created in the image of God and<br />
of a society where love, justice, peace and<br />
solidarity reign. It is borne along by the<br />
notion of the “integral human development”<br />
of all, according to the phrase used<br />
by Pope Paul VI in Populorum Progressio.<br />
This implies that the exploitation of our<br />
natural resources should be methodical,<br />
monitored, transparent and carried out for<br />
the benefit of the people.<br />
Extracts from the introductory text by<br />
Ferdinand Muhigirwa Rusembuka, Director<br />
of the Catholic Institute CEPAS (Study<br />
Centre for Social Action) in Kinshasa,<br />
DRC.<br />
Photo: © Patricio Frei, Action de Carême
Take action<br />
“160,000 Roses for the Right to Food”<br />
<strong>The</strong> traditional “rose day” will be held on<br />
2 nd April 2011. Each rose purchased helps<br />
to support a cooperation development<br />
project by the Swiss Catholic <strong>Lenten</strong> Fund<br />
and Bread for All in the Democratic Republic<br />
of Congo. Since 2005, this action has<br />
led to the collection of some 4.8 million<br />
Swiss francs for underprivileged populations<br />
in Africa, Asia and Latin America.<br />
Shared Bread, a joint action with your<br />
local baker<br />
From 9 th March to 24 th April 2011, Swiss<br />
bakers are joining the campaign for the<br />
fourth year running by proposing “Shared<br />
Bread” during Lent. For each “Shared<br />
Bread” sold, 50 centimes go towards the<br />
projects of the Swiss Catholic <strong>Lenten</strong><br />
Fund and Bread for All.<br />
Does the baker in your area or parish<br />
take part?<br />
If not, talk to them about this action and<br />
invite them to participate!<br />
You can explain this action with the help of<br />
the leaflet “Shared Bread” which contains<br />
a reply coupon enabling your baker to<br />
subscribe to the action and to order the<br />
required material.<br />
For more information: 021 617 88 81 or<br /><br />
Petition for improved multinational<br />
social responsibility<br />
For the 2011 ecumenical campaign, Bread<br />
for All and the Swiss Catholic <strong>Lenten</strong><br />
Fund wish to increase the Swiss people’s<br />
awareness of the human rights abuses<br />
committed by Swiss mining companies.<br />
<strong>The</strong> charities will also invite you to lobby<br />
the Federal Council for the adoption of a<br />
clear and coherent policy in this domain.<br />
Sign and get others to sign the campaign<br />
petition!<br />
by signing it directly on the website<br /><br />
by downloading the petition form on the<br />
site or ordering<br />
it by telephone from our offices.<br />
<strong>The</strong> petition in brief<br />
Bread for All and the Swiss Catholic <strong>Lenten</strong><br />
Fund are asking the Federal Council to<br />
commit itself to drawing up a clear, coherent<br />
and transparent policy concerning international<br />
companies and human rights. As<br />
regards the mining industries, this policy<br />
must notably guarantee:<br />
increased financial transparency: transnational<br />
companies, especially petrol<br />
or mining ones, must openly publish,<br />
by country, the payments made to the<br />
governments of the countries whose<br />
deposits they exploit.<br />
increased judicial transparency: the<br />
Federal Council must identify the possibility<br />
of introducing a due diligence into<br />
Swiss law to oblige multinationals whose<br />
headquarters are in Switzerland to take the<br />
necessary measures to prevent violations<br />
of human rights by their subsidiaries.<br />
Make a donation by SMS<br />
Support the local populations affected by<br />
mineral and petrol extraction activities in<br />
their battle to defend their rights!<br />
Send “MANGER” followed by the sum<br />
that you wish to donate to 3636.<br />
For example: to make a donation of 10<br />
Swiss francs, send “MANGER 10” to 3636.<br />
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© Miles Guidetti: Fernando Pereira/ Le Cygne Blanc
Support a project in the Democratic Republic of Congo<br />
Creating village associations<br />
in rural areas<br />
In the province of Bas-Congo, the villagers<br />
of Tsumba Tkituti have joined together to<br />
form the association “Uplabo” meaning<br />
“Union of Planters”. This is one of the<br />
118 organisations set up by the Centre for<br />
the Promotion and Education of Base<br />
Communities (CEPECO), which has been a<br />
partner for over ten years with the Swiss<br />
Catholic <strong>Lenten</strong> Fund in the Democratic<br />
Republic of Congo. <strong>The</strong> CEPECO supports<br />
each association in its battle for food security<br />
and the strengthening of subsistence<br />
agriculture.<br />
With the support of the CEPECO, these<br />
associations also create savings banks. In<br />
addition, the CEPECO assists the communities<br />
in the defence of their rights in<br />
terms of the environment, access to natural<br />
resources and local government.<br />
<strong>Lenten</strong> Fund Project no. 130219<br />
CCP 10-15955-7<br />
Pain pour le prochain<br />
Av. du Grammont 9<br />
1007 Lausanne<br />
Tél. 021 614 77 17<br /><br /><br />
Brot für Alle<br />
Monbijoustrasse 29, Postfach 5621,<br />
3001 Bern<br />
Tel. 031 380 65 65,<br /><br /><br />
A Centre for Street Children<br />
More than 80,000 children live on the<br />
streets in the Democratic Republic of<br />
Congo. Since the collapse of the Kolwezi<br />
copper mine, the economic and social<br />
crisis has inexorably spread. Many children<br />
are neglected, have run away from home<br />
or are driven out by their parents. Roaming<br />
gangs of street children feed on rubbish<br />
and stolen food and have to find a new<br />
place to sleep each night. To meet the most<br />
urgent needs, numerous organizations<br />
provide free meals for the children. This<br />
is the case of “Kipedano”, women of the<br />
Evangelical Church of North Katanga,<br />
who receive support from Connexio – a<br />
partner of Bread for All. Three times a<br />
week, they cook for about 300 children<br />
and teenagers. <strong>The</strong>y also provide a safe<br />
place, a haven from the harsh reality of<br />
life on the street, where the young can<br />
play and learn as children once again.<br />
Bread for All Project no. 197.5101<br />
CCP 10-26487-1<br />
Action de Carême<br />
Av. du Grammont 7<br />
1007 Lausanne<br />
Tél. 021 617 88 81<br /><br /><br />
<strong>The</strong> Swiss Catholic <strong>Lenten</strong><br />
Fund (<strong>Fastenopfer</strong>-Action de<br />
Carême-Sacrificio Quaresimale)<br />
<strong>The</strong> Swiss Catholic <strong>Lenten</strong> Fund is a<br />
Catholic charity in Switzerland. It provides<br />
financial support for over 350<br />
projects in Africa, Latin America, Asia<br />
and Switzerland. Other objectives of the<br />
Swiss Catholic <strong>Lenten</strong> Fund are to raise<br />
the Swiss population’s awareness of the<br />
problems of maldevelopment and to intervene<br />
in the public debate on various<br />
development-related questions.<br />
Bread for All<br />
(Brot Für Alle – Pain pour<br />
le prochain – Pane per Tutti)<br />
Bread for All is the development service<br />
of the Protestant Churches in Switzerland.<br />
It supports some 350 development<br />
programmes and projects in 60 countries.<br />
Through its information and awareness<br />
campaigns in Switzerland on North-South<br />
questions and its development policy activities,<br />
Bread for All is committed to fairer<br />
international socio-economic structures.<br />
<strong>Fastenopfer</strong><br />
Alpenquai 4<br />
6002 Luzern<br />
11512<br />
Tel. 041 227 59 59<br />
N°<br /><br /> Article