Police Keep Order at Town Planning Board Meeting - Albert Wisner ...
Police Keep Order at Town Planning Board Meeting - Albert Wisner ...
Police Keep Order at Town Planning Board Meeting - Albert Wisner ...
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<strong>Town</strong> of Warwick<br />
Village of Warwick<br />
Warwick Valley Central School District<br />
Village of Florida<br />
Florida Union Free School District<br />
<strong>Albert</strong> <strong>Wisner</strong> Public Library<br />
Warwick Fire District<br />
Florida Fire District<br />
Pine Island Fire District<br />
The Warwick Little League<br />
Village Vindic<strong>at</strong>ed Over Truck Leasing<br />
By K<strong>at</strong>ie Bisaro<br />
At the Village of Warwick <strong>Board</strong> meeting on Tues., Jan.<br />
17, Village Attorney Michael Meth wanted to put to rest,<br />
once and for all, the issue of the lease of five Ford trucks by<br />
the Department of Public Works (DPW) for Village use.<br />
The controversy stemmed from the fact th<strong>at</strong> the Village<br />
leased the trucks without first going through the bid<br />
process. Furthermore, as the trucks were leased from<br />
Gordon Ford in Rockland County where Village Trustee,<br />
George McManus, is employed, several accus<strong>at</strong>ions of<br />
impropriety were leveled <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Board</strong> for their actions in<br />
this m<strong>at</strong>ter.<br />
Trustee McManus’s role in the lease issue was found to<br />
be ethically sound as he is not a salesman for Gordon Ford<br />
and did not benefit financially from the lease transaction.<br />
The issue th<strong>at</strong> remained was the fact th<strong>at</strong> the Village did<br />
not go through the bid process when leasing the trucks. As<br />
it turns out, the <strong>Board</strong> was not legally bound to put the<br />
leases out for bid.<br />
At the Village <strong>Board</strong> meeting, Meth described to those<br />
present the exhaustive research and analysis he had conducted<br />
in an effort to resolve this issue. He reviewed the<br />
lease agreements, spoke with legal counsel for both Ford<br />
Motor Company and Ford Motor Credit, read case law and<br />
st<strong>at</strong>utes pertaining to municipal leases and was in contact<br />
with the New York St<strong>at</strong>e Controller’s office and the New<br />
York Conference of Mayors (NYCOM).<br />
Meth reported th<strong>at</strong> there is a master lease agreement<br />
between the Village and Ford Motor Credit as well as five<br />
individual lease agreements for each truck and addendums<br />
to those leases. These leases were all executed by the Village<br />
and Ford. He explained, “Under General Municipal Law,<br />
Section 103, which is generically known as the ‘St<strong>at</strong>e Bid<br />
Requirements,’ there is no bid requirement for leases. There<br />
is a pile seven inches thick of Attorney General Opinions<br />
st<strong>at</strong>ing th<strong>at</strong> leases are not subject to the Bid Law.”<br />
According to Meth the leases were written on official<br />
municipal lease agreements with all language th<strong>at</strong> is<br />
required by municipal leases. All forms required by municipalities<br />
in these situ<strong>at</strong>ions were duly filed. The Village is<br />
responsible for the quarterly payments and the trucks are<br />
limited to Village use, their alter<strong>at</strong>ion is restricted and the<br />
trucks must be kept in a certain condition. At the end of<br />
the 48-month term of the lease the trucks must either be<br />
Entered As Second Class M<strong>at</strong>ter<br />
Warwick, N.Y. 10990<br />
Public<strong>at</strong>ion No.666800<br />
returned to Ford or the Village will have the option <strong>at</strong> th<strong>at</strong><br />
time to buy out the lease and purchase the trucks. If, <strong>at</strong> the<br />
end of the lease term, the Village decides to purchase the<br />
trucks the <strong>Board</strong> will then have to go through the bid<br />
process.<br />
Meth went on to explain the nuance of lease agreements<br />
with respect to the Village’s intent <strong>at</strong> the time they<br />
entered into the lease. The Attorney General’s office, in<br />
reviewing these types of cases, considers the ‘useful life of<br />
the product’ as a major factor. In other words, is the useful<br />
life of the product equivalent to the term of the payments?<br />
If so, then the lease would merely be a disguised payment<br />
plan and thus subject to the bid law. In the Village’s case, <strong>at</strong><br />
the end of the lease agreement, the DPW trucks will have<br />
value far beyond wh<strong>at</strong> they would have <strong>at</strong> the end of their<br />
useful life, making the Village’s intent to lease, r<strong>at</strong>her than<br />
disguise a purchase, clear.<br />
According to Meth’s review of the leases, the amendment<br />
file to the leases discusses the Village’s tax benefits.<br />
The Internal Revenue Service Section 325 (b) specifically<br />
<strong>Police</strong> <strong>Keep</strong> <strong>Order</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />
By Scott Webber<br />
Two Warwick <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Police</strong> came to the standingroom-only<br />
<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong> meeting last Wednesday<br />
night Jan. 18 as a group of about 50 residents “adamantly<br />
opposed” a proposed Animal Hospital off Route 17A.<br />
Not since the zoning wars of 2001 was there such outbursts<br />
of opposition as residents struggled to control the<br />
meeting to fight against the applic<strong>at</strong>ion of Warren<br />
McFarland for a special use permit for an 8,000 square foot<br />
Village Animal Hospital with the intersection of Ball Road.<br />
Chairman Ben Astorino reminded the crowd th<strong>at</strong> he<br />
ran the meeting as the opposition lamented their coming<br />
to Warwick to live in the midst of wh<strong>at</strong> they called a commercial<br />
structure in their residential area. The property is<br />
zoned suburban residential low density (SL).<br />
Astorino and other <strong>Board</strong> members tried to explain<br />
th<strong>at</strong> the SL zone allows Animal Hospitals and th<strong>at</strong> only the<br />
<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Board</strong> can rewrite zoning laws. The job of the<br />
<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong> is to see th<strong>at</strong> the construction is done in<br />
accordance with the code.<br />
McFarland’s testimony was th<strong>at</strong> the oper<strong>at</strong>ion will be<br />
inside the building, in soundproof quarters, and th<strong>at</strong> the<br />
lighting will all be directed toward the building and not<br />
away from it. The place will be landscaped.<br />
At one point one outspoken protester told Astorino to<br />
“be quiet.” At another point he shouted from the audience,<br />
“We’re being railroaded.”<br />
After an hour-long wrangling public hearing, the<br />
<strong>Board</strong> decided to adjourn the hearing to the March 1 <strong>Town</strong><br />
<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong> meeting.<br />
Another group was there to question the applic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
of Kenneth Luft, for preliminary approval of a proposed<br />
22-lot plus two affordable homes in a cluster subdivision,<br />
on 80 acres on the north side of Newport Bridge Road <strong>at</strong><br />
the intersection with Blooms Corner Road. This too was<br />
adjourned to March 1 to allow more environmental studies<br />
to be done.<br />
This group was quieter and did not indulge in shouting<br />
<strong>at</strong> the <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. <strong>Town</strong> Planner Ted Fink pointed<br />
out th<strong>at</strong> no endangered species have been found on the<br />
site.<br />
Residents like Liz and Jeff Fisher, who live <strong>at</strong> 26<br />
Newport Bridge Road, raised questions about w<strong>at</strong>er supply,<br />
noting th<strong>at</strong> wells in the area have been dry <strong>at</strong> times. <strong>Town</strong><br />
Engineer Zenon C. Wojcik of Tectonics said th<strong>at</strong> the w<strong>at</strong>er<br />
problems should be addressed to the Orange County<br />
Department of Health.<br />
st<strong>at</strong>es th<strong>at</strong> these leases will be tre<strong>at</strong>ed for tax purposes to<br />
the Village as leases. The leases will be tax exempt because<br />
the trucks are leased to a municipality and there is also a<br />
limit to the amount of money the Village could pay for a<br />
year. These facts, according to Meth, are another indic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
th<strong>at</strong> the agreements are in fact leases and not a purchase.<br />
The Village was looking for a tax write-off with these leases<br />
and filed the separ<strong>at</strong>e form th<strong>at</strong> was required to do so for<br />
each individual truck.<br />
Meth conceded th<strong>at</strong> he is not a judge or arbiter but has<br />
nevertheless spoken to every involved party, reviewed all<br />
pertinent documents, case law and st<strong>at</strong>utes, leaving no rock<br />
unturned in an effort to resolve this issue. Meth concluded,<br />
from his analysis, th<strong>at</strong> the combin<strong>at</strong>ion of the useful life of<br />
the product, the intention of the <strong>Board</strong> <strong>at</strong> the time of the<br />
lease, the restrictive language of the contract itself and the<br />
d<strong>at</strong>e-specific 48-month term of the contract <strong>at</strong> which time<br />
the trucks must be returned, all indic<strong>at</strong>ions are th<strong>at</strong> these<br />
are vehicle leases and therefore not subject to General<br />
Municipal Law 103.<br />
The Village, in his opinion, was well within its rights as<br />
a <strong>Board</strong> and within the confines of the law when it entered<br />
into a lease agreement for the trucks. Moreover, the benefits<br />
of leasing are evident: the down payment was not exorbitant<br />
and the interest r<strong>at</strong>e was good because the Village is<br />
a municipality.<br />
Trustee William Iur<strong>at</strong>o questioned the feasibility of<br />
putting out for bid, <strong>at</strong> the end of the lease term, for used,<br />
four-year-old trucks. Meth explained th<strong>at</strong> parameters<br />
would have to be set and bids would be taken for trucks<br />
from the same year, with the comparable mileage, etc.<br />
Mayor Michael Newhard thanked the Village <strong>at</strong>torney<br />
for his time and energy in his efforts to resolve this issue.<br />
Newhard commended him for his thoroughness and for<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ing the <strong>Board</strong> on this m<strong>at</strong>ter.<br />
Resident Eileen P<strong>at</strong>terson also commended Meth on<br />
his efforts but pointed out th<strong>at</strong> originally, before the <strong>Board</strong><br />
agreed to lease the trucks, it was said th<strong>at</strong> the <strong>Board</strong> didn’t<br />
have to go out to bid because the lease was m<strong>at</strong>ching the<br />
price on the bid list. She continued th<strong>at</strong>, in this case, “it<br />
turned out okay, but I think it was a good educ<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
exercise for the <strong>Board</strong> to go through to understand th<strong>at</strong> in<br />
the future the <strong>Board</strong> needs to understand the bid laws,” and<br />
th<strong>at</strong> essentially, it was a lucky break. Newhard agreed th<strong>at</strong> it<br />
was a difficult lesson.<br />
A third m<strong>at</strong>ter on Wednesday night was the applic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
of the Kings Quartet Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion, known better as the<br />
Mid-St<strong>at</strong>e Lumber Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion, who asked to have its special<br />
use permit, first granted in 1992 and then amended in<br />
2000, to allow trucks to use the Kings Highway facility<br />
beginning <strong>at</strong> 3:30 a.m. The permit now allows business to<br />
start <strong>at</strong> 5 a.m.<br />
<strong>Board</strong> members Brian Fisher and Carl Singer called it<br />
“an unreasonable request” because of the very early hour.<br />
Residents have opposed the lumber applic<strong>at</strong>ion in the past<br />
on grounds of noise and truck traffic.<br />
<strong>Town</strong> Engineer Wojcik reported th<strong>at</strong> sound tests<br />
showed th<strong>at</strong> the only big noise from trucks was from the air<br />
breaks which were found to be in excess of <strong>Town</strong> noise limits<br />
by one decibel. Seizing on this, the applicant’s <strong>at</strong>torney,<br />
Alan Lipman, said all they were asking was to “enlarge” the<br />
existing permit to make it legal, adding th<strong>at</strong> the <strong>Town</strong> noise<br />
code does not apply to vehicles, only to business oper<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
Lipman called Mid-St<strong>at</strong>e Lumber a “major business<br />
concern, paying major taxes” th<strong>at</strong> has not woken people<br />
up, adding, the business needs this. It was finally agreed to<br />
carry the m<strong>at</strong>ter over to the Feb. 6 <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong><br />
Workshop Session.<br />
Lipman is frequently before the <strong>Board</strong>, most of the<br />
time arguing why developers can build inspite of the code.<br />
When a reporter noting the contradiction of having him<br />
represent the opposition to builders, suggested he represent<br />
the Animal Hospital opponents, Lipman, who in the<br />
past has represented such clients as ShopRite on Rte. 94,<br />
said they would not pay his fees.
<strong>Town</strong> Seeks Public Input About<br />
Commercial Developing on Rte. 94<br />
Special <strong>Planning</strong> Session on January 26<br />
By Scott Webber<br />
The Warwick <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Board</strong> will conduct a planning<br />
session tomorrow, Thurs., Jan. 26 <strong>at</strong> 6:30 p.m. <strong>at</strong> <strong>Town</strong><br />
Hall, to hear public views on developing Route 94 for<br />
commercial purposes.<br />
Supervisor Michael Sweeton told the public <strong>at</strong> last<br />
Thursday night’s, Jan. 19, <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Board</strong> meeting th<strong>at</strong> the<br />
scoping session will focus on things like how shall the<br />
highway be developed, will it become a four-lane highway<br />
or will marginal access roads be instituted to siphon<br />
off much local traffic?<br />
He said the open meeting for public opinion will be<br />
the start of an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) th<strong>at</strong><br />
will be drawn up on developing the st<strong>at</strong>e highway south<br />
of the Village of Warwick.<br />
Already there are traffic pile-ups <strong>at</strong> major road<br />
intersections of the highway down to ShopRite. Also to<br />
be considered are possible zoning code changes.<br />
During a privilege of the floor time, Bellvale resident<br />
Phyllis Briller talked about Wednesday night’s <strong>Town</strong><br />
<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong> session where <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Police</strong> had to be<br />
summoned, as residents along Route 17A and Ball Road<br />
boldly confronted the <strong>Board</strong> demanding th<strong>at</strong> they deny<br />
the Warren McFarland applic<strong>at</strong>ion, for an 8,000 square<br />
foot Animal Hospital on three acres in the SL (suburban<br />
residential low density) zone where the zoning code<br />
allows them.<br />
"I was embarrassed for the <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong>, I was<br />
embarrassed for Mr. McFarland and embarrassed for the<br />
couple who came to Warwick on Wednesday to sign a<br />
contract to buy a house in th<strong>at</strong> area only to back down<br />
January 10<br />
A 20- year-old male from Warwick was arrested and<br />
charged with Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd following<br />
an incident on Galloway Rd. He was released to reappear<br />
in Village Court.<br />
A 17-year-old male from Warwick was arrested and<br />
charged with Assault 2nd, Menacing 2nd, and Reckless<br />
Endangerment 2nd following an incident on Darin Rd. He<br />
was released to reappear in <strong>Town</strong> Court.<br />
Craig Curry, 45, of Greenwood Lake was arrested and<br />
charged with Criminal Mischief 2nd, Criminal Possession<br />
of a Weapon 4th, Menacing 2nd, and Reckless<br />
Endangerment 2nd following an incident on Williams<br />
Drive. He was arraigned by Judge Coleman and released<br />
on $500 bail.<br />
M<strong>at</strong>thew B<strong>at</strong>es, 26, of Warwick was arrested and<br />
charged with Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd follow-<br />
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LEO KAYTES FORD in WARWICK 1-845-986-1131<br />
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on it th<strong>at</strong> same day," said Briller.<br />
Briller who has been <strong>at</strong>tending all <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong><br />
meetings for the past several years as part of the Save Old<br />
Bellvale group th<strong>at</strong> has been fighting development of 96<br />
homes in the Route 17A and Pumpkin Hill Road area,<br />
called on the <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Board</strong> to amend the zoning code to<br />
require developers to notify all adjoining property owners<br />
about wh<strong>at</strong> they are doing when the subdivision<br />
applic<strong>at</strong>ion is filed r<strong>at</strong>her than five days before a public<br />
hearing.<br />
Supervisor Sweeton agreed with Briller on the conduct<br />
of those opposing the Animal Hospital, adding th<strong>at</strong><br />
the m<strong>at</strong>ter will be included in some other zoning code<br />
changes being contempl<strong>at</strong>ed. Briller noted th<strong>at</strong> they<br />
complained they had only a day or two warning about<br />
the hearing.<br />
In other business Thursday night, the <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Board</strong><br />
passed an ordinance requiring all outdoor furnaces and<br />
boilers to be <strong>at</strong> least 150 feet from the property line and<br />
any smoke stacks should be <strong>at</strong> least four feet above a<br />
roof.<br />
It was reported th<strong>at</strong> Columbia Gas Pipeline will<br />
install a 30-inch pipe across Warwick, starting in 2007,<br />
all of which is under federal government jurisdiction.<br />
Councilman Floyd DeAngelo reported th<strong>at</strong> the<br />
police received over 36,000 calls in 2005 and responded<br />
to over 16,000 by disp<strong>at</strong>ching a policeman.<br />
County Legisl<strong>at</strong>or Michael Pillmeier, a one-time<br />
Warwick <strong>Town</strong> Councilman, spoke in his newly elected<br />
capacity as Republican majority leader and told of plans<br />
next year for a $40 million 9-11 center in Goshen. He<br />
lives in Florida.<br />
Warwick <strong>Police</strong> Blotter<br />
ing an incident on St<strong>at</strong>e Hwy 17A. He was released on $80<br />
bail to reappear in Village Court.<br />
January 12<br />
Richard D. McDonough, 42, of Middletown, NY was<br />
arrested and charged with Criminal Possession of Stolen<br />
Property 5th following an incident on Quaker Creek Lane.<br />
He was released to reappear in <strong>Town</strong> Court.<br />
Kerri Pritchard, 21, of Greenwood Lake was arrested<br />
and charged with Driving While Ability Impaired by<br />
Alcohol and Leaving the Scene of an MVA th<strong>at</strong> occurred on<br />
Lakes Rd. She was released to reappear in <strong>Town</strong> Court.<br />
A 19-year-old male from Warwick was arrested and<br />
charged with Unlawful Possession of Marijuana following<br />
an incident on County Hwy 1. He was released to reappear<br />
in <strong>Town</strong> Court.<br />
January 13<br />
Joseph Squillante, 41, of Greenwood Lake was arrested<br />
and charged with Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd<br />
following an incident on Galloway Rd. He was released on<br />
$100 bail to reappear in Village Court.<br />
Daniel Hargis, 28, of Warwick was arrested and<br />
charged with Criminal Possession of a Weapon 4th and<br />
Menacing 2nd following an incident on Spring St. He was<br />
released to reappear in Village Court.<br />
Felix Fernandez, 34, of Florida was arrested on a<br />
Warrant charging Petit Larceny. He was arraigned by Judge<br />
Coleman and remanded to the Orange County Jail in lieu<br />
of $100 bail.<br />
January 14<br />
Andrea R. Bailey, 23, of Montague, NJ was arrested<br />
and charged with Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd<br />
following an incident on West St. She was released on $50<br />
bail to reappear in Village Court.<br />
January 16<br />
Vincent Rudinski, 51, of Pine Island, NY was arrested<br />
and charged with Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd<br />
following an incident on County Hwy 1. He was released<br />
to reappear in <strong>Town</strong> Court.<br />
CORNER<br />
By Michael P. Sweeton<br />
Warwick <strong>Town</strong> Supervisor<br />
www.townofwarwick.org<br />
Tune to Cablevision Municipal Channel 21 or<br />
log on to www.townofwarwick.org for <strong>Town</strong> inform<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
The Columbia Gas company has informed<br />
the <strong>Town</strong> th<strong>at</strong> the Federally approved Millennium<br />
pipeline project is sl<strong>at</strong>ed to begin in 2007. The<br />
Federal Energy Regul<strong>at</strong>ory Commission (FERC) is<br />
preparing a Supplemental Environmental Impact<br />
St<strong>at</strong>ement (SEIS) for a slight vari<strong>at</strong>ion of the<br />
approved plan in the Pine Island area near Merritt’s<br />
Island. A copy is on display <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Albert</strong> <strong>Wisner</strong><br />
Library and here <strong>at</strong> <strong>Town</strong> Hall. Public comments<br />
can be submitted to Magalie R. Salas, Secretary,<br />
Federal Energy Regul<strong>at</strong>ory Commission, 888 First<br />
St., N.E., Room 1A, Washington, D.C. 20426, Attn.<br />
Gas Branch 2. Please reference Phase I Project<br />
CP98-150-006 and 007. Comments must reach<br />
Washington by Feb. 10. It is strongly urged th<strong>at</strong><br />
you file on line by following the instructions <strong>at</strong><br />
www.ferc.gov.<br />
A scoping session to solicit input for the<br />
prepar<strong>at</strong>ion of a generic environmental impact of<br />
the Rte. 94 business district will be held on Thurs.,<br />
Jan. 26 <strong>at</strong> 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Warwick <strong>Town</strong><br />
Hall.<br />
The next regular meeting of the <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Board</strong><br />
will be held on Thurs., Feb. 9 <strong>at</strong> 7:30 p.m. in the<br />
Warwick <strong>Town</strong> Hall, 132 Kings Highway.<br />
An 18-ear-old male from Warwick was arrested and<br />
charged with Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd following<br />
an incident on South St. Ext. He was released to reappear<br />
in Village Court.<br />
January 18<br />
Thomas Chuvala, 31, of Warwick was arrested and<br />
charged with Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd following<br />
an incident South St. He was released to reappear in<br />
Village Court.<br />
A 17-year-old male from Warwick was arrested and<br />
charged with Unlawful Possession of a Weapon on School<br />
Grounds following an incident on Sanfordville Rd. He was<br />
released to reappear in <strong>Town</strong> Court.<br />
January 19<br />
A 20-year-old male from Cornwall, NY was arrested<br />
and charged with Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd<br />
following an incident Lakes Rd. He was released on $50<br />
bail to reappear in <strong>Town</strong> Court.<br />
Daniel J. Fleming, 40, of Greenwood Lake was arrested<br />
and charged with Resisting Arrest, Driving While<br />
Intoxic<strong>at</strong>ed, and Disorderly Conduct following an incident<br />
on Maple Ave. He was arraigned by Hon. Farina and<br />
remanded to the Orange County Jail in lieu of $500 bail.<br />
January 20<br />
James K. Brush, 47, of Florida was arrested and<br />
charged with Issuing a Bad Check and Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd following an incident on St<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Hwy 94. He was arraigned by Hon. Barlet and remanded to<br />
the Orange County Jail in lieu of $1,200 bail.<br />
January 21<br />
Nicholas Fr<strong>at</strong>angelo, 22, of Harriman, NY was arrested<br />
and charged with Unlawful Possession of Marijuana following<br />
an incident on Maple Ave. He was released to reappear<br />
in Village Court.<br />
Peter Mami, 27, of Chester, NY was arrested and<br />
charged with Aggrav<strong>at</strong>ed Unlicensed Oper<strong>at</strong>ion 3rd following<br />
an incident on Maple Ave. He was released to reappear<br />
in Village Court.
Village Selects CAMO as Sewer<br />
St<strong>at</strong>ion Oper<strong>at</strong>or & Decides to<br />
Revisit Division St. Sidewalk Project<br />
By K<strong>at</strong>ie Bisaro<br />
At the Village of Warwick <strong>Board</strong> meeting on Tues., Jan.<br />
17, several items of interest were on the agenda:<br />
Public Hearing Regarding Consultant’s Fee Schedule<br />
Following the Call to <strong>Order</strong>, Pledge of Allegiance<br />
and Roll Call, there was a Public Hearing to consider<br />
amending the Fee Schedule of the Village code to require<br />
applicants before any <strong>Board</strong> to pay for consultant’s time.<br />
There were no public comments and the Hearing was<br />
closed. L<strong>at</strong>er in the meeting, a motion was made and seconded<br />
regarding this m<strong>at</strong>ter and passed by a unanimous vote.<br />
Village Sewer Service Contract<br />
Village Engineer, Michael Murphy, presented the<br />
results of the bidding for oper<strong>at</strong>ion of the Village sewer st<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
and his recommend<strong>at</strong>ion for awarding a contract. The<br />
Village received four bids for the contract. All bidding<br />
firms met the minimum requirements and qualific<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
and are licensed to do the specified work.<br />
One bid was 30% lower than the other three and was<br />
investig<strong>at</strong>ed as to the reasons why. Upon review, this firm<br />
was found to be an undesirable candid<strong>at</strong>e based on unfavorable<br />
recommend<strong>at</strong>ions, including polluted wells, and<br />
the conclusion th<strong>at</strong> the work could not be done s<strong>at</strong>isfactorily<br />
for the price quoted.<br />
The remaining three bids were very close in price, had<br />
good reput<strong>at</strong>ions and business practices and were good<br />
candid<strong>at</strong>es. CAMO Pollution Control, Inc., of Wappingers<br />
Falls, NY, has oper<strong>at</strong>ed the Village’s sewer st<strong>at</strong>ion for the<br />
past 16 years. CAMO’s bid was 2% higher than another<br />
company’s bid and 15% lower than the third. A discussion<br />
ensued regarding whether the <strong>Board</strong> must go with the<br />
"lowest" bid. Village Attorney, Michael Meth, commented<br />
th<strong>at</strong> the standard is "lowest responsible bidder" and determin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
of "responsible bidder" is <strong>at</strong> the discretion of the<br />
<strong>Board</strong>.<br />
Murphy’s recommend<strong>at</strong>ion was to retain CAMO for<br />
another three-year contract period. He felt th<strong>at</strong> retaining<br />
the same firm was advantageous for the Village in terms of<br />
maintaining continuity and a consistent level of service. A<br />
motion was made to award the Village’s sewer service contract<br />
to CAMO Pollution Control, Inc. in accordance with<br />
the Village Engineer’s recommend<strong>at</strong>ion. The motion was<br />
seconded and unanimously approved.<br />
Sidewalk Rehabilit<strong>at</strong>ion Projects<br />
The Village Engineer also reported on the progress of<br />
the sidewalk rehabilit<strong>at</strong>ion projects th<strong>at</strong> are taking place<br />
throughout the Village. The Factory St. and Van Buren St.<br />
sidewalks are complete. The Howe St. project will be completed<br />
in the spring as the we<strong>at</strong>her gets warmer. The third<br />
phase of the project is Division St.<br />
Murphy explained the timing issue regarding the<br />
Division St. phase of the sidewalk project. The project is<br />
being funded by a HUD grant through the Orange County<br />
Office of Community Development whose fiscal year ends<br />
on Oct. 31. They would like the work completed before<br />
th<strong>at</strong> d<strong>at</strong>e for their bookkeeping purposes. With th<strong>at</strong> in<br />
mind, Murphy outlined a time-line for the project, including<br />
surveys, plans, specific<strong>at</strong>ions, bids, and final construction.<br />
His suggested time-line began in February with the<br />
preliminary phases, continue with construction during the<br />
summer and completion in August before school buses roll<br />
in September.<br />
Mayor Newhard pointed out th<strong>at</strong> the Village’s new fis-<br />
cal year does not begin until June and the Division St. project<br />
is not budgeted for the current fiscal year. After a brief<br />
<strong>Board</strong> discussion, including comments th<strong>at</strong> the Village<br />
should not pre-spend money th<strong>at</strong> is not yet budgeted, it<br />
was decided th<strong>at</strong> the <strong>Board</strong> will revisit the issue during the<br />
budgetary process. Murphy felt th<strong>at</strong> there would still be<br />
ample time to finish the project before the October 31st<br />
deadline.<br />
Regarding the Howe St. phase of the sidewalk rehabilit<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
project, a motion was made and seconded to<br />
approve payment applic<strong>at</strong>ion #2 to Post & Lintel in the<br />
amount of $65,614.05. The motion carried by a vote of 3-<br />
1; Trustee Pascal voted against the motion.<br />
Inter-municipal Agreement for <strong>Police</strong> Service<br />
In response to a letter from <strong>Town</strong> of Warwick<br />
Supervisor, Michael Sweeton, the <strong>Board</strong> discussed the<br />
adoption of the Inter-municipal Agreement for <strong>Police</strong><br />
Service as negoti<strong>at</strong>ed by the <strong>Town</strong> and Village. Under the<br />
new agreement, the Village will receive an increase in service<br />
to two police p<strong>at</strong>rols per shift, including the overnight<br />
hours. Furthermore the costs will now be shared between<br />
the Village and the <strong>Town</strong>.<br />
Village Attorney, Michael Meth, pointed out th<strong>at</strong> the<br />
way the agreement is written, the Village can revisit it <strong>at</strong><br />
any time. The agreement would commence on January 1,<br />
2006 and end on December 31, 2006. The agreement shall:<br />
"autom<strong>at</strong>ically renew on an annual basis unless termin<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
by an affirm<strong>at</strong>ive vote by either municipal board by Oct. 1,<br />
2006; termin<strong>at</strong>ion to take effect on Dec. 31. Notific<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
intent to termin<strong>at</strong>e must be received by the other party of<br />
this agreement by no l<strong>at</strong>er than Oct. 15." There is a further<br />
provision for the agreement to be reviewed periodically<br />
during the year.<br />
Trustee Metzger commented th<strong>at</strong> the agreement<br />
reflects a gre<strong>at</strong> deal of work by both parties, the Village and<br />
<strong>Town</strong>, and addresses the needs of the Village. He reiter<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
th<strong>at</strong> the agreement can be reviewed periodically throughout<br />
the year and discussions can continue. He felt the<br />
<strong>Board</strong> should adopt the agreement.<br />
Mayor Newhard addressed the issue th<strong>at</strong> was a sticking<br />
point of the agreement. The Village would like a joint<br />
<strong>Police</strong> Commission set up to establish and address communic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
and chain-of-command issues. The <strong>Town</strong> is<br />
resistant to the Commission and feels th<strong>at</strong> a joint<br />
Committee could be established instead. There are budgetary<br />
and time constraints in establishing a Commission th<strong>at</strong><br />
would not be the case with forming a Committee.<br />
According to Newhard, the <strong>Town</strong> feels th<strong>at</strong> a Committee<br />
will serve the purpose of keeping the lines of communic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
open and providing the Village with input into the<br />
<strong>Police</strong> Department th<strong>at</strong> the Village and <strong>Town</strong> will now share.<br />
Trustee McManus called <strong>at</strong>tention to the fact th<strong>at</strong> the<br />
agreement gives the Village some control, cuts costs and<br />
increases the p<strong>at</strong>rols, giving more protection in the Village<br />
during the overnight hours.<br />
A motion was made and seconded "authorizing the<br />
Mayor to execute the Inter-municipal Agreement between<br />
the <strong>Town</strong> of Warwick and Village of Warwick Inter-municipal<br />
police services d<strong>at</strong>ed January 17, 2006 and effective<br />
until December 31, 2006 pursuant to the contract." The<br />
motion carried by a unanimous vote.<br />
Applefest<br />
The <strong>Board</strong> voted to grant permission to the Chamber<br />
of Commerce and Warwick Valley Community Center to<br />
hold their annual Applefest on Sun., Oct. 1, 2006.<br />
Black History Month <strong>at</strong> Warwick Library<br />
The <strong>Albert</strong> <strong>Wisner</strong> Public Library will commemor<strong>at</strong>e<br />
February as Black History month with a poetry reading of<br />
“Remember the Bridge: Poems of the People” on Thurs.,<br />
Feb. 8 <strong>at</strong> 7 p.m.<br />
“Remember the Bridge” is a collection of poems written<br />
by Carole Boston We<strong>at</strong>herford. As the author she sees<br />
it, "The bridge is men and women,/famous and<br />
unknown,/leaving p<strong>at</strong>hs of memories,/ timeless stepping<br />
stones." Her subjects are sometimes anonymous (an<br />
African woman sold into slavery, a farmer, a basket weaver,<br />
a cowboy), and sometimes prominent (Harriet Tubman,<br />
Jesse Owens, Martin Luther King Jr.).<br />
The program will offer those <strong>at</strong>tending an opportuni-<br />
ty to join in reading a poem from the collection. Following<br />
the reading, refreshments will be served. This program is<br />
open to adults and young people in grades six and up. To<br />
register, call the library <strong>at</strong> 986-1047.<br />
During the month of February the Library will also<br />
fe<strong>at</strong>ure displays of music and liter<strong>at</strong>ure highlighting<br />
African American artists and the African American history.<br />
All of the m<strong>at</strong>erials are available for borrowing. All residents<br />
of the Warwick Valley Central School District are eligible<br />
for library cards <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Albert</strong> <strong>Wisner</strong> Public Library.<br />
All th<strong>at</strong> is needed to get a card <strong>at</strong> the Library is proof of residency<br />
in Warwick. Applicants should bring their driver’s<br />
license or a utility bill as proof of residency.<br />
From<br />
The Mayor’s Office<br />
By Mayor Michael Newhard<br />
Village of Warwick<br />
www.villageofwarwick.org<br />
Congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ions to Supervisor Sweeton and the<br />
<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Board</strong> for securing $400,000 in Federal Funds<br />
for Trail Improvements. This is gre<strong>at</strong> news on the<br />
heels of the Village’s feasibility study on the<br />
Wawayanda Walkway.<br />
The Village is looking for a Village resident to<br />
serve on the <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. Please address all<br />
inquiries to the Mayor’s Officer, Attention: Michael<br />
Newhard, Box 369, Warwick, NY 10990.<br />
The Village has recently received $75,000 for<br />
sidewalks, curbing and drainage on Factory and<br />
Division Street from the Office of Community<br />
Development.<br />
The Village <strong>Board</strong> will be having a joint Work<br />
Session with the Village <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong> to begin the<br />
review and determin<strong>at</strong>ion of a new zoning code.<br />
The next Village <strong>Board</strong> meeting will be Mon.,<br />
Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m. <strong>at</strong> Village Hall.<br />
Chess Class for<br />
Adults Scheduled<br />
Learn one of the world's oldest most popular games<br />
from local chess teacher, Ed Dubin. During the month of<br />
February the <strong>Albert</strong> <strong>Wisner</strong> Public Library will host a series<br />
of classes for adults scheduled for Feb. 2, 9, 16 and 23 <strong>at</strong> 7<br />
p.m. If you want to learn to play chess or learn to play a bit<br />
better be sure to sign up.<br />
This workshop is designed to teach the beginning student<br />
the basic rules, moves and str<strong>at</strong>egies, and to enable<br />
intermedi<strong>at</strong>e and advanced players to reach higher levels.<br />
In addition participants will gain a sense of the history<br />
of the game. Chess lessons are a wonderful way to develop<br />
your mind and provide a productive activity th<strong>at</strong> can be<br />
enjoyed throughout life.<br />
Chess classes for adults are open to all adult residents<br />
of the Warwick Valley School District. Registr<strong>at</strong>ion is<br />
required as class size is limited. To register call the Library<br />
<strong>at</strong> 986-1047 or stop by the Reference Desk <strong>at</strong> the Library.<br />
Village <strong>Planning</strong><br />
<strong>Board</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> Set<br />
A special <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong> meeting for Liberty Green<br />
will be held Feb. 2 <strong>at</strong> 7 p.m.<br />
Village Elections Inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
•Feb. 7 - First day to file an independent<br />
nomin<strong>at</strong>ing petition.<br />
•Feb. 14 - Last day to file an independent<br />
nomin<strong>at</strong>ing petition<br />
•Mar.11 - Voter registr<strong>at</strong>ion day, noon to 5 p.m.<br />
•Mar.21 - General Village Election <strong>at</strong> Goodwill<br />
Hood & Ladder Company on Church Street Extension, 6<br />
a.m. - 9 p.m.<br />
<strong>at</strong> The Eclectic Eye<br />
gifts<br />
asian antiques<br />
odds & ends<br />
furnitures<br />
& more...<br />
18 Railroad Ave.Warwick,<br />
NY 10990<br />
845-986-5520<br />
Publisher<br />
Min Jae Hong<br />
Editor-in-Chief<br />
Jennifer O’Connor<br />
Managing Editor<br />
Marion Moraski<br />
Art Director<br />
Nancy Bree Garrett<br />
Advertising<br />
Lon Tytell<br />
Publisher’s Assistant<br />
James Jordan<br />
Editorial Assistant<br />
Evelyn Lord<br />
Reporters<br />
Scott Webber<br />
K<strong>at</strong>ie Bisaro<br />
Colleen McAvey<br />
Nancy Owen<br />
Lisa Rice<br />
Press<br />
Dave DeWitt<br />
Evelyn Card<br />
President<br />
Eugene Wright<br />
The Warwick Valley Disp<strong>at</strong>ch has been your<br />
hometown newspaper since 1885 and is the only<br />
newspaper printed in the <strong>Town</strong> of Warwick.<br />
The Disp<strong>at</strong>ch is the official paper for the <strong>Town</strong> of<br />
Warwick; Villages of Warwick and Florida; the<br />
Warwick Valley Central School District; the<br />
Florida Union Free School District; Warwick, Pine<br />
Island and Florida Fire District and the <strong>Albert</strong><br />
<strong>Wisner</strong> Public Library.<br />
Visit our website: www.wvdisp<strong>at</strong>ch.com.<br />
Disp<strong>at</strong>ch Newspaper Available Online<br />
You can use the internet to read a free electronic<br />
version of The Warwick Valley Disp<strong>at</strong>ch. Visit<br />
www.warwickinfo.net, and click on the Warwick<br />
Valley Disp<strong>at</strong>ch link. You will be taken to a preview<br />
page of the current weekly edition, available<br />
for download in Adobe PDF form<strong>at</strong>.<br />
Letters to the Editor<br />
We welcome Letters to the Editor. All letters<br />
should be approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 400 words or less due<br />
to space limit<strong>at</strong>ions. For verific<strong>at</strong>ion purposes,<br />
letters must be signed with full name and telephone<br />
number. Anonymous or unsigned letters<br />
will not be published.<br />
Letters may also be edited for length. Send letters<br />
to the Warwick Valley Disp<strong>at</strong>ch, P.O. Box<br />
594, Warwick, N.Y. 10990, or fax to 987-1180 or<br />
e-mail: editor@wvdisp<strong>at</strong>ch.com.<br />
Have A Good Story?<br />
Do you know of a good news story or need coverage<br />
of an event? To make a request call<br />
986-2216, e-mail news@wvdisp<strong>at</strong>ch.com or fax<br />
your request to 987-1180.<br />
Obituaries<br />
The Warwick Valley Disp<strong>at</strong>ch reports the de<strong>at</strong>h<br />
of current and former residents of the <strong>Town</strong> of<br />
Warwick as a community service. We do not<br />
charge a fee for obituary listings. For more<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion contact the office <strong>at</strong> 986-2216.<br />
Classified Ads<br />
The r<strong>at</strong>es are $12 minimum charge per insertion<br />
for up to 12 lines. The deadline is noon on<br />
Monday. Copy for the advertisement and check<br />
should be mailed to: The Warwick Valley<br />
Disp<strong>at</strong>ch, P.O. Box 594, Warwick, N.Y. 10990. To<br />
place an ad, call 986-2216.<br />
Advertising<br />
The Disp<strong>at</strong>ch has the best r<strong>at</strong>es in <strong>Town</strong> for display<br />
ads. To inquire about display advertising,<br />
call 986-2216 or e-mail ads@wvdisp<strong>at</strong>ch.com.<br />
Deadlines are noon on Friday.<br />
Subscriptions<br />
Subscription r<strong>at</strong>es for Orange County residents<br />
are $24 per year. For those residing outside<br />
Orange County, the r<strong>at</strong>e is $26 per year. College<br />
students and those serving in the military<br />
receive a special r<strong>at</strong>e of $18 per year. To subscribe<br />
to the Disp<strong>at</strong>ch, call 986-2216 or mail a<br />
check to The Warwick Valley Disp<strong>at</strong>ch, P.O. Box<br />
594, Warwick, N.Y. 10990.<br />
Publishing Inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
The Warwick Valley Disp<strong>at</strong>ch (USP # 666800),<br />
loc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> 2 Oakland Ave., Warwick, N.Y., is<br />
published weekly on Wednesday.<br />
George F. Ketchum founded the Warwick Valley<br />
Disp<strong>at</strong>ch in 1885. The Disp<strong>at</strong>ch has been published<br />
and edited by Mr. Ketchum and Miss<br />
Florence L. Ketchum; by Eugene and Betty Jane<br />
Wright; and <strong>at</strong> the present by E. F. Wright and<br />
Min Jae Hong.<br />
Second-class postage is paid <strong>at</strong> Warwick, N.Y.<br />
Postmaster: send address changes to The<br />
Warwick Valley Disp<strong>at</strong>ch, P.O. Box 594,<br />
Letters to the Editor<br />
Guidelines for Effective Letters<br />
Everyone has a right to express an honest opinion, but we<br />
would like to remind readers of a few simple rules for writing<br />
effective letters.<br />
Less is more! The shorter your letter the more likely it is to be<br />
read. Civility is more persuasive than invectiveness. Th<strong>at</strong> is, honey<br />
c<strong>at</strong>ches more flies than vinegar.<br />
When you read a letter th<strong>at</strong> angers you or th<strong>at</strong> you disagree<br />
with, we warmly encourage you to write a response following the<br />
guidelines suggested above. Our pages are always open to lively<br />
deb<strong>at</strong>e, but play fair.<br />
Editor,<br />
Legality Is One Thing & Ethics<br />
Is Another<br />
Did you see the village meeting when the mayor’s <strong>at</strong>torney<br />
<strong>at</strong>tempted to "clear" the mayor and a trustee of any legal problems<br />
brought on because the mayor signed those no-bid truck leases?<br />
The mayor should have thought this through three years ago.<br />
The mayor’s lawyer concerned himself with the legal problems<br />
not the ethical ones. My understanding is th<strong>at</strong> the mayor, even<br />
though he said he would write the ethics board for a determin<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
has not! It seems to me th<strong>at</strong> this agreement was wrong, but<br />
then l<strong>at</strong>er, and only when this scandalous activity was exposed, the<br />
mayor’s <strong>at</strong>torney was tasked, <strong>at</strong> taxpayer’s expense, to see if it was<br />
illegal.<br />
At best, this is sloppy and it jeopardizes government’s credibility.<br />
But sounds more like the Jack Abramoff scandal, I will<br />
scr<strong>at</strong>ch yours you scr<strong>at</strong>ch mine, or you vote my way and I’ll lease<br />
some trucks from your company, wink, wink nod, nod!<br />
Village elections are coming, and there is time for those who<br />
want to be mayor to get the 100 sign<strong>at</strong>ures needed to be on the<br />
ballot. You have until the second week of February to collect them.<br />
The job is part time (4 hours a day), pays $36,000 per year plus<br />
healthcare, and a thoughtful leader could do it in less time.<br />
Call the village clerk, 986-2031, she will fill you in on the<br />
details, and others will help you win.<br />
To the Concerned Residents of<br />
Ball Road<br />
Editor,<br />
My name is Dr. John Ludmerer. I am the veterinarian who is<br />
petitioning to build the Village Animal Hospital on the corner of<br />
17A and Ball Road.<br />
My family owns Masker Orchards and I have spent my entire<br />
life, 36 years, on Ball Road.<br />
At the last <strong>Town</strong> of Warwick <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> there<br />
were many legitim<strong>at</strong>e concerns brought to my <strong>at</strong>tention about<br />
Village Animal Hospital. I am writing this letter to help clarify<br />
wh<strong>at</strong> my animal hospital would be and would not be.<br />
Village Animal Hospital would NOT be:<br />
1) An animal shelter.<br />
2) A boarding kennel.<br />
3) A 24 hour emergency clinic.<br />
Village Animal Hospital would NOT have:<br />
1) A crem<strong>at</strong>orium.<br />
2) Outdoor kennels.<br />
3) Large animal capability.<br />
Village Animal Hospital WOULD have:<br />
1) Normal business hours during the week (7p.m. closing<br />
<strong>at</strong> the l<strong>at</strong>est), 9a.m. to 12 p.m. S<strong>at</strong>urdays, and closed Sundays.<br />
2) Altered S<strong>at</strong>urday morning hours during the apple season<br />
to help prevent more traffic woes.<br />
3) About 4 to 12 cars of traffic produced in an hour on Ball<br />
Road during normal business hours once the hospital becomes<br />
well established.<br />
4) <strong>Board</strong>ing for ongoing medical/ surgical cases only.<br />
5) Animal wards within the building to prevent any noise<br />
pollution from being produced.<br />
Village Animal Hospital WOULD be:<br />
1) A beautiful building with wood and stone construction<br />
resembling an old farmhouse.<br />
2) Buried into the hillside to minimize the size of the visible<br />
building. Almost half the building will be below ground<br />
including the animal ward areas.<br />
Needless to say, misinform<strong>at</strong>ion and gr<strong>at</strong>uitous insult will not<br />
survive the editor’s pen.<br />
All letters should be approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 400 words or less due to<br />
space limit<strong>at</strong>ions. Letters must be signed with full name and contain<br />
a telephone number for verific<strong>at</strong>ion purposes. Anonymous or<br />
unsigned letters will not be published.<br />
Letters may be edited for length and style. The deadline for<br />
sending letters is 12 noon on Mondays. Letters may be mailed to<br />
the Warwick Valley Disp<strong>at</strong>ch,P.O. Box 594, Warwick, NY 10990, or<br />
faxed to 987-1180. Letters may also be emailed to:<br />
editor@wvdisp<strong>at</strong>ch.com<br />
3) A beautiful wooded lot with minimal clearing of trees<br />
because I love trees.<br />
4) A lot with no fences so the deer can continue to run<br />
through the property.<br />
I did hear all your concerns <strong>at</strong> the last meeting. Having grown<br />
up on Masker Orchards I know Ball Road. I have seen the changes<br />
th<strong>at</strong> have occurred, good and bad. I would never do anything to<br />
the area th<strong>at</strong> I felt would not benefit the surrounding community.<br />
I hope this letter helps clarify some of the concerns about<br />
wh<strong>at</strong> Village Animal Hospital would be all about. At the next<br />
meeting on Mar.1, I will bring more detailed blue prints so everyone<br />
can see wh<strong>at</strong> the inside as well as the outside of the building<br />
would look like. I hope this too will help with your concerns.<br />
I apologize for any undo stress th<strong>at</strong> I may have cre<strong>at</strong>ed.<br />
On a side note: To the couple I spoke to after the meeting - I<br />
spoke to my f<strong>at</strong>her about the early morning pruning <strong>at</strong> the farm<br />
and he will speak to my uncle.<br />
Mourns Passing of Colleague<br />
Editor,<br />
I join my Republican colleagues in mourning the loss of Ralph<br />
Russo who played a vital role in our community throughout his<br />
life. Ralph was a gre<strong>at</strong> and p<strong>at</strong>riotic American who deeply cared<br />
about making a positive difference.<br />
Ralph fought for his country in World War II and l<strong>at</strong>er was a<br />
gre<strong>at</strong> advoc<strong>at</strong>e for veterans. He also served the Hudson Valley and<br />
his country with distinction as the longtime advisor to<br />
Congressman Benjamin Gilman. Ralph really understood wh<strong>at</strong> it<br />
truly means to be a public servant.<br />
My condolences go out to Ralph’s family and many friends. I<br />
hope they take some comfort in knowing he left a remarkable legacy<br />
and th<strong>at</strong> he helped make Orange County a stronger and better<br />
place.<br />
$400 Reb<strong>at</strong>e On School Tax<br />
Editor,<br />
On Jan. 20, 2006, Governor P<strong>at</strong>aki announced a plan called<br />
“STAR-Plus” to be included in his 2006-07 Executive Budget. This<br />
plan could provide each homeowner in the Warwick School<br />
District with a $400 school tax reb<strong>at</strong>e as well as increasing the current<br />
Star school tax exemption for seniors by about 13.5%. I said<br />
“could” because it is contingent on our District <strong>Board</strong> of<br />
Educ<strong>at</strong>ion adopting a 2006-07 budget th<strong>at</strong> would “limit school<br />
spending increases to the lesser of 4% or 120 percent of the<br />
increase in the Consumer Price Index”.<br />
For Warwick School taxpayers to receive the benefit of this<br />
plan, the 2006-07 Budget can not exceed the “cap” of $71,428,030<br />
plus some exceptions th<strong>at</strong> are allowed. With these exceptions<br />
added to the “cap,” I estim<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> the final budget would be<br />
(roughly) $72,850,788 for Warwick School taxpayers to qualify for<br />
the $400 reb<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> would be mailed from Albany, directly to<br />
homeowners in October 2006.<br />
A budget <strong>at</strong> this level would give the District an increase of<br />
$4,169,989 over this year’s budget. The <strong>Board</strong> of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion should<br />
realize th<strong>at</strong>, with a $400 bonus <strong>at</strong> stake, the risk of another embarrassing<br />
rejection <strong>at</strong> the polls is not only possible but very probable.<br />
Should taxpayers be presented with a higher budget and reject it,<br />
the mand<strong>at</strong>ed maximum under “Austerity Budget” rules would be<br />
substantially the same! Why risk it?<br />
While this “STAR-Plus” program does absolutely nothing to<br />
address the long term social injustice of ins<strong>at</strong>iable demand for tax<br />
increase from property owners each year, it does indic<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> St<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Legisl<strong>at</strong>ors acknowledge th<strong>at</strong> local school board spending is out of<br />
control and this spending can not be sustained by the yearly<br />
continued on page 5
Editor,<br />
Point & Click with a<br />
Consequence<br />
Downtowns, Main Streets and business districts in<br />
places just like Warwick are fading n<strong>at</strong>ionally due in-part<br />
to the impact of online shopping. According to Comscore<br />
Networks, a global inform<strong>at</strong>ion provider and consumer<br />
consultancy, online non-travel spending during the 2005<br />
holiday season (11/01-12/31/05) totaled $19.6 billion.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Letters Warwick Taxpayers<br />
continued from page 4<br />
Respond To Survey<br />
increasing of school taxes th<strong>at</strong> far exceed the r<strong>at</strong>e of infl<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
and the increase in the Consumer Price Index. I firmly<br />
believe th<strong>at</strong> each citizen (not just property owners) has a<br />
civic responsibility to provide funding of the public school<br />
system. It just makes more sense to tax income than to<br />
push low income families and retirees from their home<br />
because of excessive school taxes on their property.<br />
The St<strong>at</strong>e of New York is ultim<strong>at</strong>ely responsible for our<br />
public school system and, sooner or l<strong>at</strong>er, they will have to<br />
address the issue of a more equitable method of financing<br />
them. I suggest a good start would be to define exactly<br />
wh<strong>at</strong> programs are mand<strong>at</strong>ory for taxpayers to fund. The<br />
local School boards tend to support the out of proportion<br />
expansion of “enhancement” programs th<strong>at</strong> far exceed<br />
wh<strong>at</strong> can be reasonably expected of a public school system<br />
and contributes to significantly higher taxes. I believe th<strong>at</strong><br />
the St<strong>at</strong>e should finance the schools out of St<strong>at</strong>e income tax<br />
revenues where every taxpayer contributes to funding educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
but only as mand<strong>at</strong>ed by law. Should our school system<br />
continue on the same financial trend as it has over the<br />
last ten years, we will find our schools in a similar position<br />
as General Motors!<br />
If you have any ideas to share email: WAFULLER-<br />
TON@optonline.net.<br />
Th<strong>at</strong> expenditure represents a 25% increase during the corresponding<br />
period in 2004.<br />
Expressed in different terms and transl<strong>at</strong>ed for<br />
Warwick, as a result of increased online shopping during<br />
the 2005 holiday season there were <strong>at</strong> least seven UPS<br />
trucks servicing the <strong>Town</strong> of Warwick with primarily residential<br />
deliveries. Add to the equ<strong>at</strong>ion the increased volume<br />
handled by Federal Express, U.S. Post Office and other<br />
carriers during this period and a n<strong>at</strong>ional phenomenon<br />
becomes a very local reality.<br />
Without deb<strong>at</strong>e, there is a time and place for online<br />
shopping: no local altern<strong>at</strong>ives, unavailability of specific<br />
merchandise, significant price differences, etc. However,<br />
there is a critical point when too many people direct too<br />
much spending online th<strong>at</strong> tangible and irreversible consequences<br />
manifest themselves.<br />
The benefits of conscious decisions to support local<br />
businesses far outweigh the perceived savings of e-commerce<br />
and include: recircul<strong>at</strong>ion of money within the local<br />
economy, availability of jobs <strong>at</strong> fair wages, retention of<br />
hometown integrity and identity, preserv<strong>at</strong>ion of local<br />
character, diversity of choices, environmental sustainability<br />
and community well-being.<br />
So, before you are too quick to "point and click," keep<br />
in mind the power of individual spending decisions and<br />
the role each of us shoulders in the vitality of the place we<br />
call home, Warwick.<br />
Warwick Independent Business Alliance<br />
Do you have a local news story you<br />
would like to report?<br />
Contact The Disp<strong>at</strong>ch editorial offices<br />
<strong>at</strong> 986-2216,<br />
or email: editor@wvdisp<strong>at</strong>ch.com<br />
Stem<br />
Cells<br />
Fulfill your body’s requirements<br />
for maintaining optimal health.<br />
You’ve probably heard about<br />
stem cells in the news recently. A<br />
lot of wh<strong>at</strong> you’ve heard is controversial,<br />
but one thing is clear –<br />
stem cells are a n<strong>at</strong>ural and essential<br />
part of the process to maintain<br />
and support optimal organ and tissue<br />
function.<br />
Stem cells can be thought of as<br />
“master cells” and are found in<br />
adult tissue. Adult stem cells are<br />
most abundantly found in bone<br />
marrow and are released into your<br />
bloodstream to travel throughout<br />
Ninety-three percent of those responding to the 16th<br />
annual Warwick Taxpayers Associ<strong>at</strong>ion survey believe th<strong>at</strong><br />
the funding of abortions is not a proper function of government<br />
for which taxpayers should be required to pay – a<br />
one percentage point increase over the previous year’s<br />
response. Eighty-five percent of those responding also<br />
believed th<strong>at</strong> the 2001-2002 federal tax cuts should be<br />
made permanent – up one percentage point from the previous<br />
year.<br />
The purpose of the survey, according to founderchairman<br />
Edward P. Scharfenberger, is to solicit and dissemin<strong>at</strong>e<br />
taxpayer concerns to public officials, news broadcasters,<br />
and policy makers. The complete survey results are:<br />
1. Should the 2001-2002 federal tax cuts be repealed or<br />
made permanent? Repealed-7%; made permanent-85%;<br />
not sure-8%.<br />
2. Should the federal de<strong>at</strong>h taxes be repealed or retained?<br />
Repealed-68%; retained-21%; not sure-11%.<br />
3. Should employees be able to put a portion of their<br />
Social Security payments into priv<strong>at</strong>e investment accounts?<br />
Yes-75%; no-11%; not sure-14%.<br />
4. Is funding for abortions a proper function of government<br />
for which taxpayers should be required to pay? Yes -<br />
7%; no- 93%; not sure-0%.<br />
5. If Congress decides to change the tax code, which<br />
change would you prefer? fair tax n<strong>at</strong>ional sales tax-36%; fl<strong>at</strong><br />
r<strong>at</strong>e income tax-64%.<br />
6. Which of the following views on st<strong>at</strong>e educ<strong>at</strong>ion policy<br />
best describes your own views?<br />
a. All K-12 students should be required to <strong>at</strong>tend public<br />
schools as mand<strong>at</strong>ed by the st<strong>at</strong>e constitution. -7%.<br />
b. The legisl<strong>at</strong>ure should provide funding for all students,<br />
be they enrolled in public, priv<strong>at</strong>e, or home-based<br />
schools. -28.<br />
c. Taxpayers who pay K-12 tuitions and/or book bills<br />
should be allowed credits for educ<strong>at</strong>ional expenses as<br />
against school property taxes or income taxes. -78%.<br />
d. Educ<strong>at</strong>ing children is a parental responsibility and<br />
not a collective responsibility for which others must pay. -<br />
32%.<br />
your body to be used where they<br />
are most needed.<br />
As you age, the number and<br />
quality of stem cells th<strong>at</strong> circul<strong>at</strong>e<br />
in your body gradually decrease,<br />
leaving your body more susceptible<br />
to injury and other age-rel<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
challenges. There has been a recent<br />
breakthrough in the discovery of a<br />
n<strong>at</strong>ural botanical extract th<strong>at</strong> supports<br />
wellness by helping your<br />
body maintain healthy stem cell<br />
physiology, enhancing stem cell<br />
production by 20-30%<br />
Years of medical research have proven the product not only<br />
miraculous but it causes no adverse side effects.<br />
Call anytime to hear a recorded message (about eight minutes<br />
long) <strong>at</strong> (620) 294-2905. Once you understand the value of the<br />
product go to:<br />
www.genewr.stemtechhealth.com<br />
or call 845-783-9387
Orange County Legisl<strong>at</strong>or<br />
Sworn-in <strong>at</strong> High School<br />
Students from Warwick Valley High School’s<br />
Government classes recently witnessed the swearingin<br />
of Noel C. Spencer as Orange County Legisl<strong>at</strong>or of<br />
the 8th District. Warwick <strong>Town</strong><br />
Clerk, Marjorie Quackenbush,<br />
conducted the ceremony <strong>at</strong> the<br />
high school with the assistance<br />
of Susan Bahren, Mayor of<br />
Chester, holding the Bible.<br />
Mr. Spencer was born and<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ed in Kingston Jamaica.<br />
When he migr<strong>at</strong>ed to the<br />
United St<strong>at</strong>e he continued his<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ion earning Bachelor’s in<br />
Business Administr<strong>at</strong>ion from<br />
Pace University and an MBA in<br />
Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Finance from St.<br />
John’s University. While <strong>at</strong> Pace<br />
Mr. Spencer was heavily<br />
involved in <strong>at</strong>hletics and<br />
extracurricular activities.<br />
He has worked in a variety<br />
of capacities within the<br />
Financial Services and Banking<br />
Industries, often in leadership<br />
roles. His professional successes<br />
led him to the founding of<br />
Spence Financial Services, a company th<strong>at</strong> provides<br />
professional advice and planning to businesses in the<br />
Orange/Ulster area. As a result of his accomplishments<br />
Mr. Spencer has been awarded numerous<br />
Noel C. Spencer<br />
awards for professional achievement.<br />
In 1998 Mr. Spencer began his political life when<br />
he became the only Orange County Democr<strong>at</strong> to win<br />
an elected se<strong>at</strong> in the county legisl<strong>at</strong>ure.<br />
He is proud of his<br />
achievement of being the first<br />
African American of Jamaican<br />
descent to be elected to the <strong>Town</strong><br />
Council of Chester, NY. He has<br />
followed this up by being the<br />
first black to campaign and win<br />
election in the St<strong>at</strong>e Assembly in<br />
the history of the Mid-Hudson<br />
area.<br />
Mr. Spencer is also quite<br />
involved in Orange County professional<br />
and community organiz<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
To name a very few of<br />
his commitments, he has served<br />
as a Director of Arden Hill<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion, Chairman of the<br />
Professional Advisors of the<br />
Community Found<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
Orange County, the President of<br />
the Downtown Chester Historic<br />
Community Associ<strong>at</strong>ion, and he<br />
is a long time Chester Kiwanis<br />
Club member.<br />
Mr. Spencer lives in Chester with his wife, Dr.<br />
P<strong>at</strong>ricia Miller, and his two children, Pillipa and<br />
Leighton.<br />
Kelly Introduces Bill to Help Ease<br />
Property/School Tax Burden on<br />
Hudson Valley Residents<br />
U.S. Congresswoman Sue Kelly announced in Orange<br />
County recently th<strong>at</strong> she has introduced legisl<strong>at</strong>ion in<br />
Congress to help give middle-class Hudson Valley residents<br />
some additional federal tax relief for the local property and<br />
school taxes they pay each year.<br />
Kelly's legisl<strong>at</strong>ion, the “Homeowners Tax Relief Act,”<br />
would cre<strong>at</strong>e a new federal income tax deduction for local<br />
residents who pay r<strong>at</strong>es th<strong>at</strong> are higher than the n<strong>at</strong>ional<br />
average for property and school taxes. Kelly's legisl<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
would enable residents to deduct the amount they pay in<br />
excess of the n<strong>at</strong>ional average, which would lower the federal<br />
tax bill of most homeowners in the Hudson Valley.<br />
"A new federal tax deduction for property and school<br />
taxes will bring some relief to local residents who are finding<br />
their tax r<strong>at</strong>es increasing faster than their salaries,"<br />
Kelly said. "The more th<strong>at</strong> people are overtaxed, the more<br />
difficult it is for them to pay their other bills and support<br />
the local economy. We need to develop ways to help people<br />
keep more of their income in New York r<strong>at</strong>her than sending<br />
it to Washington in taxes."<br />
Kelly's bill would cre<strong>at</strong>e an additional deduction on<br />
federal income tax returns for local residents who itemize<br />
their deductions and use the st<strong>at</strong>e-and-local income tax<br />
deduction on Schedule A. They would be able to use both<br />
deductions. The bill cre<strong>at</strong>es first-of-its-kind property tax<br />
relief on federal income tax returns for local residents who<br />
use the standard deduction. Taxpayers th<strong>at</strong> use the standard<br />
deduction currently cannot deduct any property or<br />
school taxes on their federal returns. The IRS estim<strong>at</strong>es th<strong>at</strong><br />
2 out of every 3 taxpayers use the standard deduction.<br />
Kelly began drafting her legisl<strong>at</strong>ion after the bipartisan<br />
Presidential Tax Reform Panel recommended in<br />
November to elimin<strong>at</strong>e the st<strong>at</strong>e and local income tax<br />
deduction and the mortgage interest deduction as part of<br />
tax reforms to simplify the federal tax code. Kelly immedi<strong>at</strong>ely<br />
opposed the elimin<strong>at</strong>ion of these federal income tax<br />
deductions, saying it would amount to a significant federal<br />
tax increase on middle-class homeowners in the Hudson<br />
Valley.<br />
Kelly again called on President Bush to come out in<br />
opposition of the panel's proposals to elimin<strong>at</strong>e the two<br />
homeowners' deductions. "The federal government should<br />
be looking for ways to provide more, not less, tax relief for<br />
New York residents," she said. "The President should reject<br />
the idea of elimin<strong>at</strong>ing either of these critical deductions,<br />
and members of Congress in both parties should support<br />
the “Homeowners Tax Relief Act” as a way to provide some<br />
additional federal tax relief to local taxpayers."<br />
The federal tax savings for a Hudson Valley family<br />
under Kelly's bill varies by size of household, property<br />
value, and school district. But, for example, in general<br />
terms:<br />
• The n<strong>at</strong>ional average of property taxes paid by a family<br />
of four with an income of $70,000 is $4,100.<br />
• The average Hudson Valley family of four with an<br />
income of $70,000 pays $7,769 in property taxes.<br />
• Under Kelly's “Homeowners Tax Relief Act,” Hudson<br />
Valley families would be able to deduct the difference on<br />
their federal income tax returns, in this case approxim<strong>at</strong>ely<br />
$3,669.<br />
A Part time Monk is<br />
one who pursues the blissful enjoyment of<br />
getting off the fast track –<br />
if only for a moment, an hour, a day, a year, a lifetime,<br />
in order to achieve an appreci<strong>at</strong>ion for<br />
even the simplest of pleasures.<br />
“<br />
Village of<br />
Florida<br />
By Mayor Jim<br />
Pawliczek<br />
This article is my way of communic<strong>at</strong>ing with<br />
you, the residents of the Village of Florida, on a regular<br />
basis. Any opinions expressed are solely my own.<br />
Jerry Gass, President of the Florida Little<br />
League, wants to announce th<strong>at</strong> plans for the 2006<br />
baseball season are in progress. The Little League<br />
program not only encourages our children to<br />
become <strong>at</strong>hletically involved, it also teaches them a<br />
sense of good sportsmanship and community<br />
involvement. This program is constantly growing as<br />
are the needs for maintenance of the Little League<br />
complex. The Little League field is owned by the<br />
Florida Lions Club but all maintenance and upkeep<br />
is handled by the Little League themselves. They<br />
receive no taxpayer money. Jerry Gass and his committee<br />
have plans for major improvements to<br />
upgrade the field and facilities but they can’t do it<br />
alone. To accomplish their goals they will need your<br />
help. Don<strong>at</strong>ions of any amount will be appreci<strong>at</strong>ed.<br />
The address is Florida Little League, P.O. Box 695,<br />
Florida, NY 10921. A don<strong>at</strong>ion to the Little League<br />
is an investment in the future of the youth in our<br />
community.<br />
Warwick Chamber<br />
Sponsors Direct<br />
Networking<br />
On Tues., Feb. 14, the Warwick Valley Chamber of<br />
Commerce will host a power networking business luncheon<br />
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. <strong>at</strong> The Village Grille, 117<br />
S. Main Street in Florida. This event is sponsored by Myles<br />
Financial Services. This power networking lunch is the<br />
second of a monthly series of structured networking activities,<br />
which will also include a speed-networking breakfast<br />
on Mar.14 <strong>at</strong> The Village Grille.<br />
"The purpose of the networking events," says Linda<br />
Glohs, Executive Director of the Warwick Valley Chamber<br />
of Commerce, "is to provide a business venue where professionals<br />
– be they consultants, realtors, mortgage<br />
bankers, photographers – can reach all <strong>at</strong>tendees directly<br />
with their inform<strong>at</strong>ion."<br />
The cost of the lunch event is $15 for Chamber members<br />
and $20 for non-Chamber members. Advance reserv<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
are required by Feb 10. Registr<strong>at</strong>ions after February<br />
10 or <strong>at</strong> door are $25. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion about the<br />
networking events contact the Chamber office <strong>at</strong> (845)<br />
986-2720, or email <strong>at</strong> info@warwickcc.org.<br />
Screen Printing • Sportswear<br />
Sporting Goods • Embroidery<br />
Trophies • Promotional Items<br />
Mon-Fri 10:30AM - 5:00 PM<br />
S<strong>at</strong> 10:30AM - 3:00 PM<br />
314 Rt. 94 South • Warwick, NY 10990<br />
Phone: 845.987.8223 • Fax: 845.987.8224<br />
www.valleypromotions.com<br />
95 North Main Street, Florida • 651-4657<br />
Full Service Florist & Cemetary Lites<br />
Greeting Cards<br />
Western Union • ATM<br />
Lotto - full service • Copies • Fax<br />
Cigarettes - N.Y.S. Minimum
Do you have a local news story you would like to report?<br />
Contact The Disp<strong>at</strong>ch editorial offices <strong>at</strong><br />
986-2216, or<br />
email: editor@wvdisp<strong>at</strong>ch.com<br />
From a Gold Album to The Copper Bottom<br />
You may know Mark Scott as the former wild and<br />
charism<strong>at</strong>ic drummer/frontman for the intern<strong>at</strong>ionally<br />
renowned rock band “Trixter.” But did you know he<br />
bought The Copper Bottom Restaurant in Florida, NY?<br />
Mark has sold well over a million albums worldwide,<br />
he’s had three number one videos on MTV, four “Top 20”<br />
AOR radio hits as well as a “Top 40” Album on the<br />
Billboard Charts and a Gold Album in America. But wh<strong>at</strong><br />
does this guy know about the restaurant industry?<br />
“People ask me this all the time!” exclaims Mark.<br />
“While being a part of a successful musical group can have<br />
its rewards, it also offers the opportunity for an individual<br />
to be exposed to working alongside major record label<br />
executives. Th<strong>at</strong>’s where I learned about global marketing<br />
and revenue gener<strong>at</strong>ion.”<br />
After Trixter’s music fell out of favor in the mid-90’s,<br />
Mark took this knowledge and put it to use regionally for a<br />
P<strong>at</strong>aki Unveils $1.1 Billion Job-<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>ing Tax Cut Package For<br />
Businesses<br />
By Governor George P<strong>at</strong>aki<br />
Whether it’s cutting taxes by billions<br />
of dollars, cre<strong>at</strong>ing new Empire Zones, or<br />
reforming Workers’ Comp-- we know th<strong>at</strong><br />
lowering the cost of doing business in New<br />
York is the best way to cre<strong>at</strong>e new jobs and<br />
expand the economy. To ensure th<strong>at</strong> our<br />
economy continues to experience unprecedented<br />
growth, I have included a new $1.1<br />
billion job-cre<strong>at</strong>ing tax cut package for<br />
businesses in the 2006-07 Executive<br />
Budget.<br />
The Budget continues the $15 billion<br />
in annual tax cuts instituted since 1995 and<br />
adds a new chapter to th<strong>at</strong> program. New<br />
York has led the n<strong>at</strong>ion in cutting taxes,<br />
including 81 cuts to 19 different St<strong>at</strong>e taxes<br />
which has pumped more than $140 billion<br />
back into New York’s economy and led to<br />
the cre<strong>at</strong>ion of over 620,000 new priv<strong>at</strong>esector<br />
jobs. This tax cut package builds<br />
upon the progress th<strong>at</strong> we’ve made over the<br />
past 11 years to cre<strong>at</strong>e an environment th<strong>at</strong><br />
encourages businesses to thrive and grow.<br />
This $1.1 billion pro-job, tax-reduction<br />
package would:<br />
Abolish Altern<strong>at</strong>ive Minimum Tax<br />
(AMT) Which Hurts Manufacturers<br />
• Since 1995 we’ve worked to reduce<br />
this r<strong>at</strong>e from 5% to 2.5%, now we will<br />
elimin<strong>at</strong>e this inequity in our tax code.<br />
• Savings for businesses: $330 million<br />
annually when fully effective (2008)<br />
Cut the Business Income Tax R<strong>at</strong>e by<br />
10%<br />
• Cut the corpor<strong>at</strong>e franchise tax r<strong>at</strong>e<br />
on net income for companies from 7.5% to<br />
6.75%.<br />
• Savings for businesses: $110 million<br />
annually when fully effective (2009).<br />
Increased Sales Tax Vendor Credit by<br />
43%<br />
• Increase the credit given to businesses<br />
th<strong>at</strong> collect the sales tax on behalf of<br />
St<strong>at</strong>e and local governments by almost half<br />
(from 3.5% of collections to 5% of collections).<br />
• Save for businesses: $69 million<br />
annually when fully effective (2008).<br />
Encouraging New Capital<br />
Investments in New York:<br />
• Allow businesses to immedi<strong>at</strong>ely<br />
number of family entertainment centers in the metro area.<br />
He found th<strong>at</strong> his techniques proved fruitful not only for<br />
himself, but more so for the owners of the facilities th<strong>at</strong><br />
employed him.<br />
Mark’s successful track record caught the <strong>at</strong>tention of<br />
a recruiter for the Dave & Buster’s Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion. Th<strong>at</strong>’s<br />
when things really went into high gear. Innov<strong>at</strong>ors in<br />
restaurant and entertainment, Dave & Busters’ oper<strong>at</strong>es 46<br />
large venues, high-volume restaurant/entertainment complexes<br />
throughout the United St<strong>at</strong>es th<strong>at</strong> offer a food and<br />
fun-filled experience to adults and families.<br />
D & B’s impressive selection of high-quality food and<br />
beverage items, combined with an extensive array of interactive<br />
entertainment <strong>at</strong>tractions and amusements made<br />
Mark’s mouth w<strong>at</strong>er. When Dave and Buster’s offered<br />
Mark the opportunity to be Director of Sales for their<br />
Palisades Center loc<strong>at</strong>ion, he jumped <strong>at</strong> it – and so did the<br />
“expense” any new capital investment they<br />
make in New York, such as new plants,<br />
facilities and equipment.<br />
• Savings for businesses: $560 million<br />
annually when fully effective (2008)<br />
Elimin<strong>at</strong>e the Tax on S-Corpor<strong>at</strong>ions:<br />
• Elimin<strong>at</strong>e the corpor<strong>at</strong>e tax assessed<br />
on the more 150,000 S-Corp businesses in<br />
New York – most of which are small businesses.<br />
• Savings for businesses: $40 million<br />
annually when fully effective (2006)<br />
Acceler<strong>at</strong>e the Naming of Nine New<br />
Empire Zones<br />
• Include legisl<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> would acceler<strong>at</strong>e<br />
the current Empire Zone design<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
process to ensure th<strong>at</strong> every county currently<br />
without an Empire Zone has one by<br />
the end of the year.<br />
• Counties includes: Delaware, Greene,<br />
Hamilton, Putnam, Rockland, Schoharie,<br />
Tompkins, Y<strong>at</strong>es and Wyoming Counties<br />
• Savings for businesses: $66 million<br />
annually<br />
Offer New Low-Interest Loans<br />
for Small Businesses:<br />
• Increase the St<strong>at</strong>e’s Excelsior Linked-<br />
Deposit Program by $60 million – to a total<br />
of $410 million.<br />
• This program allows banks, credit<br />
unions and the New York Business<br />
Development Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion to make lowinterest<br />
loans to small businesses th<strong>at</strong> are<br />
looking to expand and cre<strong>at</strong>e jobs.<br />
Workers’ Compens<strong>at</strong>ion Reform:<br />
• The budget includes a comprehensive<br />
plan th<strong>at</strong> would reform and improve<br />
New York’s Workers’ Compens<strong>at</strong>ion system<br />
by reducing costs for businesses by more<br />
than 15%, while increasing benefits for<br />
injured workers by 25%.<br />
• These new reforms would build on<br />
the success of the historic workers’ compens<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
reforms I fought to achieve in<br />
1996, which have already reduced costs by<br />
25 percent on average.<br />
The 2006 budget will continue this<br />
tradition of prudent fiscal policy we established<br />
over the past 11 years. It will provide<br />
tax cuts to ensure th<strong>at</strong> businesses in New<br />
York can remain competitive in the global<br />
marketplace, cre<strong>at</strong>e opportunity and continue<br />
to expand and make the entire St<strong>at</strong>e<br />
of New York a better place to invest and<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>e jobs.<br />
sales!<br />
In just over a year, Mark became one of the top ten<br />
sales people in the company. Everything was going gre<strong>at</strong><br />
until he saw he next sales quota. “To be<strong>at</strong> those marks, I<br />
would have to work my tail off and I would never be<br />
home,” Mark confesses. “I might as well own my own business<br />
and do it for myself.” And th<strong>at</strong>’s just wh<strong>at</strong> he did.<br />
Mark purchased The Copper Bottom last November and<br />
has been happy ever since.<br />
Today, Mark lives in Warwick with his wife, Susan, and<br />
three children. “Life is very different these days,” Mark<br />
admits. “But I must tell you, I never thought th<strong>at</strong> working<br />
over sixty-five hours a week could be this fun!” The<br />
Copper Bottom offers award-winning food just five miles<br />
from Warwick and was just recently named one of the Top<br />
Ten Restaurants in the Hudson Valley by the “Times Herald<br />
Record.” For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 651-5700.<br />
Safety First:<br />
‘Ice’ Your Cell Phone!<br />
By Assemblywoman Rabbitt<br />
The idea origin<strong>at</strong>ed with a London<br />
paramedic who wanted to make it easier<br />
for emergency personnel to contact rel<strong>at</strong>ives<br />
of accident victims who were unable<br />
to communic<strong>at</strong>e with their rescuers. The<br />
innov<strong>at</strong>ion, known as “ICE” for “In Case of<br />
Emergency,” is sweeping cell phone users<br />
around the globe.<br />
ICE is an easy way to include one or<br />
more emergency contacts in your cell<br />
phone’s built-in address book. Cell phone<br />
users cre<strong>at</strong>e entries, such as “ICE – Mom”<br />
for children and “ICE – Son/Daughter” for<br />
parents. Individuals can enter as many<br />
emergency contacts as needed so someone<br />
is sure to be reached in times of distress.<br />
In turn, emergency workers responding<br />
to accident or disaster scenes can use<br />
victims’ cell phones to quickly dial design<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
family members and friends to alert<br />
them to problems. According to the<br />
Centers for Disease Control and<br />
Prevention, more than 900,000 hospital<br />
emergency room p<strong>at</strong>ients during 2003<br />
were unable to provide hospital personnel<br />
with inform<strong>at</strong>ion about friends or families<br />
to contact because they were incapacit<strong>at</strong>ed.<br />
Everyone can easily prevent becoming<br />
a st<strong>at</strong>istic by using this new, free, safe and<br />
easy plan. British paramedic Bob Brotchie<br />
said he cre<strong>at</strong>ed the system to provide inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
for emergency responders who initially<br />
tre<strong>at</strong> victims <strong>at</strong> accident scenes. He<br />
took note while carrying out his duties th<strong>at</strong><br />
most people didn’t carry emergency contact<br />
or next-of-kin details, but th<strong>at</strong> many of<br />
the victims he tre<strong>at</strong>ed carried cell phones.<br />
Paramedics and other first responders<br />
throughout the United St<strong>at</strong>es are becoming<br />
increasingly aware of the system. R<strong>at</strong>her<br />
than browse through all of the names and<br />
numbers in an individual’s cell phone, they<br />
can simply press the “4” button to go to the<br />
letter “I” in the address book and find individuals<br />
with the ICE design<strong>at</strong>ion before<br />
their names.<br />
ICE also provides personal privacy for<br />
cell phone owners because emergency personnel<br />
and strangers who are trying to help<br />
the victims won’t be looking <strong>at</strong> names and<br />
numbers posted throughout the directory<br />
th<strong>at</strong> the injured individual may not want<br />
contacted. I urge all cell phone users to use<br />
this gre<strong>at</strong> service, and all emergency<br />
responders to remember th<strong>at</strong> it may be<br />
available when answering calls.<br />
Who knows, a little ICE may save your<br />
life some day.
You Can Brighten Colors for Harness Racing Museum<br />
The Carol Fleming Messenger Fund for the Care &<br />
Conserv<strong>at</strong>ion of Drivers’ Colors continues to grow and<br />
garner interest from Harness Racing Museum members,<br />
drivers’ families, friends and funding agencies. Between<br />
individual contributions and fundraising efforts, the Fund<br />
total now stands <strong>at</strong> over $13,000. This includes a $2,500<br />
grant received from the Upst<strong>at</strong>e History Alliance to survey<br />
the collection.<br />
The cost of conserving these precious reminders of<br />
harness racing’s glory days is high, however museum officials<br />
recognize th<strong>at</strong> by adhering to accepted museum conserv<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
standards the integrity of the museum and the<br />
objects will be upheld. Expert textile conserv<strong>at</strong>or Gwen<br />
Spicer will begin the survey during January. She will also<br />
provide the conserv<strong>at</strong>ion cleaning and repair of jackets<br />
worn by Walter Cox (1929), “Doc” Parshall (1940) and<br />
Fred Egan (circa 1930). All jackets undergoing tre<strong>at</strong>ment<br />
will be scheduled for exhibition as soon as they have been<br />
stabilized and are worthy of present<strong>at</strong>ion. For many it will<br />
be the first time on display in more than twenty-five years.<br />
Some adoptive parents have found a connection to<br />
and an admir<strong>at</strong>ion for the history of their chosen projects.<br />
In recent weeks, 1997 Hambletonian Stake winning driver<br />
Mal Burroughs has adopted the colors of Harrison Hoyt,<br />
the first am<strong>at</strong>eur driver to win the famous trotting race<br />
(Mal is only the second to do so). Harrison’s colors (1948)<br />
are in critical need of <strong>at</strong>tention, with much of the fabric in<br />
the process of disintegr<strong>at</strong>ion. Also coming to the aid of<br />
Mr. Hoyt’s memory is Glen Wise, who will ensure th<strong>at</strong><br />
Harrison’s driving cap will be conserved for the enjoyment<br />
of fans for many years to come.<br />
The museum continues to solicit project sponsors to<br />
fund the conserv<strong>at</strong>ion of those driving colors currently<br />
awaiting adoption, either in their entirety or in part. Jackets<br />
and caps needing support are those worn by Henry<br />
Thomas of Joliet, IL. A star of the Grand Circuit, he went-<br />
to Hanover Shoe Farms, for whom he won two<br />
Hambletonians. The colors of Alonzo McDonald of<br />
Malone, NY, are among the oldest in need of <strong>at</strong>tention.<br />
“Lon,” was another top star on the Grand Circuit during<br />
Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr.,<br />
Malcolm X & the American Conscience<br />
On Thurs., Feb. 2 (snow d<strong>at</strong>e: Feb. 16) <strong>at</strong> 7:15 p.m<br />
Vincent F. A. Golphin will deliver a lecture in Harriman<br />
Hall 111 Film The<strong>at</strong>re entitled “The Writings of Martin<br />
Luther King and Malcolm X and the American<br />
Conscience.” This Lyceum event is the fourth in a series<br />
celebr<strong>at</strong>ing Black History and Heritage.<br />
Vincent F. A. Golphin is a Professor of Cre<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
Writing/Liter<strong>at</strong>ure/Cultural Studies <strong>at</strong> Rochester Institute<br />
of Technology, an author, and an award-winning writer<br />
and journalist. The lecture highlights the key moral arguments<br />
in the books, speeches, and writings of the Rev. Dr.<br />
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. The present<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
shows how life and learning influenced their views, and<br />
moves toward and assessment of how each man’s work<br />
affected the n<strong>at</strong>ion’s moral conscience.<br />
Vincent F. A. Golphin is an insightful observer of<br />
social and political developments throughout the United<br />
St<strong>at</strong>es and the world. For more than 25 years, his articles,<br />
poems, essays and stories have appeared in a wide range of<br />
public<strong>at</strong>ions th<strong>at</strong> include n<strong>at</strong>ional magazines. Some of the<br />
books he has written includes - “Take Two, They’re Small,”<br />
“African-American Children’s Anthology,” and “Like A Dry<br />
Land.”<br />
The lecture is free and open to the public in universally<br />
accessible Harriman Hall which is loc<strong>at</strong>ed on the campus<br />
of Orange County Community College <strong>at</strong> the corner of<br />
A Trip to Ireland<br />
Orange County Community College's Department of<br />
English and Foreign Languages is sponsoring its second<br />
annual trip to Ireland this spring from May 16 to May 24,<br />
2006. The trip, which is open to all members of the community,<br />
may be taken for one college credit, and includes<br />
round-trip flights from JFK Airport to Shannon Airport,<br />
full breakfasts, guided transport by luxury motor coach for<br />
eight days, tea and scones <strong>at</strong> a traditional Irish farmhouse,<br />
a medieval banquet <strong>at</strong> an Irish castle, guided tours of<br />
Dublin, a performance <strong>at</strong> the Abbey The<strong>at</strong>er and more.<br />
The cost is between $2,299 and $2,599 per person sharing<br />
twin rooms, and includes all airline departure taxes. Single<br />
rooms and travel insurance are available. For additional<br />
r<strong>at</strong>es, and all other questions, please call Dr. K<strong>at</strong>hy Malia <strong>at</strong><br />
(845) 341-4005 or e-mail kmalia@sunyorange.edu.<br />
Wawayanda and East Conkling Avenues in Middletown.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call Cultural Affairs <strong>at</strong> (845) 341-<br />
4891 or email: cultural@sunyorange.edu.<br />
Vincent F. A. Golphin<br />
Rehearsal Begins<br />
for Spring Concert<br />
The Community Choral Society will begin rehearsals<br />
for its Spring Concert on Tues., Jan. 31. Rehearsals are held<br />
each Tuesday evening from 8 to 9:30 p.m. <strong>at</strong> St. Thomas<br />
Episcopal Church on Rte. 94 in Vernon, NJ.<br />
New members are welcome and rehearsals are open to<br />
any singers who want to get a feel for the chorus before<br />
joining. New members are encouraged to sit in as early as<br />
possible in order to effectively particip<strong>at</strong>e. A formal “Open<br />
House” to welcome new members will be announced within<br />
the next two weeks.<br />
The music selections for this season will include<br />
Mozart’s Requiem and other classical selections along with<br />
popular music.<br />
The Community Choral Society is led by conductor<br />
David Crone of Warwick and accompanied by Eleanore<br />
O’Mara of Vernon.<br />
For additional inform<strong>at</strong>ion call 973-764-3427.<br />
Many jackets such as this one, worn by Walter<br />
Cox (inset), are in need of repair <strong>at</strong> the Harness<br />
Racing Museum in Goshen.<br />
the 1920s; there are the 1930s colors of<br />
wealthy pharmacist and top am<strong>at</strong>eur driver,<br />
John Dodge of Groton, CT. He helped<br />
build the Harlem River Speedway.<br />
For those wishing to adopt a driver’s<br />
colors or cap the process is<br />
straightforward. A call to the<br />
museum’s Department of<br />
Historic Collections, <strong>at</strong> 845-294-<br />
6330 will activ<strong>at</strong>e the work.<br />
Collections’ Manager Rebecca<br />
Howard will secure an estim<strong>at</strong>e of<br />
the tre<strong>at</strong>ment cost, together with an<br />
outline of the tre<strong>at</strong>ment plan. Any<br />
or all of the cost of conserv<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
may be don<strong>at</strong>ed to the museum by<br />
an individual or a group of friends<br />
and family.<br />
Once funding is in place, the<br />
conserv<strong>at</strong>or will be contracted to provide<br />
tre<strong>at</strong>ment. The adoptive parties<br />
will be advised <strong>at</strong> the completion of the<br />
project and will receive before and after<br />
photographs made by the conserv<strong>at</strong>or.<br />
Finally, when the colors are displayed, the sponsors will<br />
receive photographs of the exhibit and will be acknowledged<br />
on all exhibit labels. The Harness Racing Museum<br />
& Hall of Fame is a sport’s intern<strong>at</strong>ional museum, loc<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
<strong>at</strong> 240 Main Street in Goshen.<br />
Civil Rights Movement<br />
Documentary<br />
”My Soul Is A Witness,” a documentary drama about<br />
the key people and events of the Civil Rights Movement<br />
will be presented on S<strong>at</strong>., Feb. 4 <strong>at</strong> 8 p.m. in Orange Hall<br />
The<strong>at</strong>er. The the<strong>at</strong>re troupe presenting the play is the<br />
JENA Company which took this moving drama on a coastto-coast<br />
n<strong>at</strong>ional tour during 2005.<br />
Five talented, vers<strong>at</strong>ile New York City actors playing 20<br />
parts bring to life Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa<br />
Parks, John F. Kennedy, Elizabeth Eckford of the “Little<br />
Rock Nine,” Mamie Till Mobley (Emmett Till’s mother) –<br />
to name a few of the well-known and lesser known figures<br />
in the 1960's Civil Rights Movement. The actors speak the<br />
words of the characters and sing the relevant gospel music<br />
th<strong>at</strong> galvanized the African-American community then,<br />
and now cre<strong>at</strong>es immedi<strong>at</strong>e connection to the audience.<br />
Admission is $10 adults; $8 senior citizens and alumni;<br />
$4 non-SUNY Orange students and children; group<br />
r<strong>at</strong>es. Tickets may be purchased Mon. – Thurs., 9 a.m. -<br />
7:30 p.m. and Fri. 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. <strong>at</strong> the Student Life<br />
Counter in the College Commons which is loc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the<br />
corner of South Street and East Conkling Avenue. For<br />
more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call (845)341- 4891.<br />
Art from Africa<br />
The 100th Anniversary Committee of Union AME<br />
Church, Warwick, along with Freddie Barber, Fine Arts<br />
Dealer and Gallery Owner is sponsoring an “Art From<br />
Africa” show on S<strong>at</strong>., Feb. 25, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. <strong>at</strong> the Senior<br />
Citizen Center, <strong>Town</strong> Hall, 132 Kings Highway, in Warwick.<br />
The show will fe<strong>at</strong>ure selected African Crafts, Framed<br />
Works Of Art, African American Art Originals,<br />
Lithographs and Prints, Jewelry, Drums, and much more.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion on this fundraising event, call 986-<br />
2277 or 986-3649.
Indian Himalaya Photography Exhibit <strong>at</strong> the<br />
Lycian Centre Galleries<br />
John Jordan’s hauntingly beautiful photographs of the<br />
people and landscapes of the Indian Himalayan region<br />
provide a stunning visual represent<strong>at</strong>ion of the rich culture<br />
of this remote area. These photographs can currently be<br />
seen <strong>at</strong> the Lycian Centre for the Performing Arts Gallery in<br />
Sugar Loaf, Tuesday through S<strong>at</strong>urday from 11a.m. to 4<br />
p.m.<br />
These photographs were taken in the Himachal<br />
Pradesh st<strong>at</strong>e (northern India) during Mr. Jordan’s travels<br />
to this remote Himalayan region in July 2001. From viewing<br />
the images, one gets a feel for the terrain and people in<br />
these mostly Buddhist communities. Without running<br />
w<strong>at</strong>er and electricity for three weeks, Mr. Jordan camped<br />
and traveled in vehicles <strong>at</strong> 10 or 15 mph through the<br />
rugged mountainous landscape. This exhibit contains both<br />
black and white and color portfolios assembled from these<br />
journeys.<br />
Mr. Jordan has taught photography <strong>at</strong> West Milford<br />
High School in West Milford, NJ for almost 30 years. His<br />
work has appeared in books, magazines and periodicals<br />
and has been shown in galleries and museums. Mr. Jordan<br />
is also a past recipient of the Geraldine R. Dodge<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion artist/educ<strong>at</strong>or grant and he has written articles<br />
for Ilford Photo’s Photo Instructor magazine, which is<br />
intern<strong>at</strong>ionally published. His website can be visited <strong>at</strong><br />
www.photojordan.com.<br />
In discussing his exhibit, Mr. Jordan comments,<br />
“Photography is many things to many people- close<br />
inspection of anything will reveal something worthy of<br />
capture to a sharp eye and enlightened soul. Traveling<br />
throughout the world has provided me an opportunity to<br />
experience nuances of many cultures. In the process, I have<br />
become a more liter<strong>at</strong>e and sensitive person with a truer<br />
understanding of our new global society. One which will be<br />
ever changing and shrinking in size as the ability to communic<strong>at</strong>e<br />
becomes more readily available and sophistic<strong>at</strong>ed.<br />
It is my hope th<strong>at</strong> my images will serve in a positive<br />
manner allowing each culture to maintain wh<strong>at</strong> makes it<br />
unique and permit all to recognize each other”.<br />
There will be a reception to mark the appearance of<br />
this wonderfully unique exhibit <strong>at</strong> the Lycian Centre on<br />
S<strong>at</strong>., Feb. 11 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The exhibit will be available<br />
for public viewing until Feb. 25.<br />
Mudtower<br />
Artist to Talk About<br />
Making a Living <strong>at</strong> Art<br />
Ale<strong>at</strong>hia<br />
Brown considers<br />
her artworks<br />
to be her<br />
“Visual Voice.”<br />
With th<strong>at</strong><br />
theme in mind<br />
she will present<br />
a Master Class<br />
for students<br />
and the general<br />
public<br />
<strong>at</strong> 7:15<br />
p.m. on Mon.,<br />
Feb. 6, in<br />
Ale<strong>at</strong>hia Brown<br />
Orange Hall<br />
Gallery. This<br />
Lyceum event is the fourth in a series celebr<strong>at</strong>ing Black<br />
History and Heritage.<br />
Ale<strong>at</strong>hia explains th<strong>at</strong> her art documents community<br />
and cultural history. During the Master Class, she will<br />
rel<strong>at</strong>e her journey as an African-American artist in the art<br />
world - demonstr<strong>at</strong>ing technique, detailing influences in<br />
her life, and describing wh<strong>at</strong> brings her inspir<strong>at</strong>ion. In<br />
addition, she will talk about making a living <strong>at</strong> art, give<br />
ideas on the present<strong>at</strong>ion of one’s works in exhibit and in<br />
the portfolio, and comment on balancing the practical end<br />
of art and with the cre<strong>at</strong>ive.<br />
Ale<strong>at</strong>hia, who resides in the Bronx, is an engaging<br />
speaker as she discusses her struggles, challenges, and<br />
rewarding experiences. She is one of the four artists whose<br />
works are on display through Feb. 26 in Orange Hall<br />
Gallery in the show “Artworks by Contemporary African-<br />
American artists Toph, Ale<strong>at</strong>hia Brown, Tracey Moore,<br />
Maxwell Kofi Donkor - paintings, drawings, sculptures.”<br />
The Master Class is free and open to the public and no<br />
reserv<strong>at</strong>ions are necessary. Orange Hall is a universally<br />
accessible building which is on the campus of Orange<br />
County Community College <strong>at</strong> the corner of Wawayanda<br />
and Grandview Avenues in Middletown.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call (845) 341-4891.<br />
You know you should quit.<br />
But how is the hard part.<br />
Have you tried to quit without success?<br />
Are you embarrassed about your smoking?<br />
Has your doctor told you to quit?<br />
Do you have health problems rel<strong>at</strong>ed to smoking?<br />
Make quitting easier by calling St. Anthony Community Hospital’s<br />
Eight Week Support Program:<br />
Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, March 2, 8, 15 & 22, 7-8pm<br />
Fee for Eight Week Program: $200. Space limited.<br />
Greenbrier Room, Mount Alverno Center, 20 Grand St, Warwick, NY<br />
Priv<strong>at</strong>e 1-1/2 hour interview for Program eligibility.<br />
Appointment necessary for interview.<br />
Call 845-258-8199<br />
Bon Secours Charity Health System<br />
15 Maple Avenue, Warwick, NY • www.StAnthonyCommunityHosp.org<br />
Bon Secours Charity Health System serves: Rockland, Orange, and Sullivan Counties in NY, Northern Bergen,<br />
Sussex and Passaic Counties in NJ and Pike County in PA and includes: Bon Secours Community Hospital Good Samaritan Hospital<br />
Good Samaritan Home Care Mount Alverno Center Adult Home Schervier Pavilion Nursing & Rehab Center St. Anthony Community Hospital
Jennifer O’Connor<br />
January 22, 1936<br />
• "Chained to the Steering Wheel for 100 Hours" read<br />
the front page headline. Next Tuesday is the day of days<br />
for stunt fans in Warwick for on th<strong>at</strong> day, Don Morse, 26,<br />
weighing 206 pounds and 6 ft. tall, will demonstr<strong>at</strong>e a test<br />
of endurance <strong>at</strong> the steering wheel of a Chevrolet. This is<br />
Warwick’s first stint <strong>at</strong> the endurance driver as Mr. Morse<br />
will <strong>at</strong>tempt 100 continuous hours, driving, shackled to<br />
the steering wheel. The car will travel thru Warwick and<br />
neighboring villages and will end <strong>at</strong> the Lazear Store. The<br />
Chevrolet will be serviced while it rides the highway.<br />
• Warwick <strong>Town</strong>ship, like all of Orange County, was<br />
blanketed in a blinding snow storm which raged all day<br />
Sunday, drifting as it fell. The average fall was 16 inches<br />
but snow drifts along highways was often waist high.<br />
• Frank Faliski of Florida received a leg injury while<br />
he was helping his brother, Ted, push his auto in the snow.<br />
He slipped and one wheel ran over the upper part of one<br />
leg. There were no broken bones, but the leg is very sore.<br />
• Walter S. Seely, Supervisor for the <strong>Town</strong> of Warwick,<br />
was oper<strong>at</strong>ed on for appendicitis <strong>at</strong> the Warwick Hospital.<br />
He is coming along nicely. Harry L. Stanley is "pinch hitting"<br />
for Mr. Seely while he is recovering.<br />
• John Joseph Gaines, MD writes in "The Family<br />
Doctor" column: When we were young almost all wives<br />
were mothers. Now, I wonder sometimes, if mothers are<br />
becoming the exception r<strong>at</strong>her than the rule – and why. I<br />
notice certain writers and quack propagandists condemning<br />
the medical profession for wh<strong>at</strong> is termed the high<br />
mortality-r<strong>at</strong>e for American mothers. Civiliz<strong>at</strong>ion has<br />
stepped in. Th<strong>at</strong>’s the trouble. Future mothers are now<br />
wearing jay-bird heels, scanty clothing, and living on<br />
"p<strong>at</strong>ented" food! …and almost bare ankles in the wintertime!<br />
The only way to correct this is, to live right.<br />
Free Music Every S<strong>at</strong>urday & Sunday<br />
Bistro Style Cafe<br />
Bakery and Wine Tasting<br />
114 Little York Road, Warwick, NY<br />
tel. (845) 258-4858 • fax (845) 258-6055 • wvwinery.com<br />
Debt Relief Agent<br />
Elder Law<br />
Wills & Trusts<br />
Real Est<strong>at</strong>e<br />
No Charge For Consult<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Admitted in New York & New Jersey<br />
651-2500<br />
62 N. Main Street<br />
Florida, N.Y.<br />
• Mr. & Mrs. Fred Houston of Bellvale entertained <strong>at</strong><br />
a community social <strong>at</strong> their home. After playing cards<br />
and games, several "true" stories were told by Edgar<br />
Houston, Frank Kane (Bellvale’s first commuter), Harry<br />
C. Bradner, Harry Giveans and Ray Philips. Coffee and<br />
crullers were served and then an hour of music was<br />
enjoyed with the following playing: Mrs. Edgar Giveans<br />
and Mrs. Frank Thomas, piano; Edgar Giveans, saxophone;<br />
and Fred Houston, drums.<br />
January 23, 1946<br />
• The Chamber of Commerce of Florida and the<br />
Orange County Health Associ<strong>at</strong>ion will conduct a Mass<br />
Chest X-ray survey in Florida for residents over the age of<br />
fifteen.<br />
• Fifty people were in <strong>at</strong>tendance <strong>at</strong> the PTA Card<br />
Party <strong>at</strong> the Central School Auditorium with seven tables<br />
in play. Pinochle awards went to Mrs. Stella Malek, Mrs.<br />
Frances Bierstine, Mrs. Helen B. Yungman, Mrs. Stella<br />
Wiecek and Mrs. Josephine Lempka.<br />
• Mr. Charles Kennybrook, employed by Joe Hunt of<br />
Edenville, had the misfortune to break some bones above<br />
the ankle while unloading logs <strong>at</strong> N. J. Zinc Co. yards in<br />
Franklin, NJ. He is under the care of Dr. Freisinger.<br />
• A farewell party was given <strong>at</strong> Mezey Farms for<br />
Milton Lord who leaves for the Navy tomorrow.<br />
• All kinds of winter and summer clothes are badly<br />
needed in Europe and the Philippines. Everyone is asked<br />
to go through their wardrobes and to give everything they<br />
possibly can.<br />
• Lt. (jg) John S. T<strong>at</strong>e served on the USS Wildc<strong>at</strong> <strong>at</strong><br />
Manila in the Philippines. The Wildc<strong>at</strong> is the only fresh<br />
w<strong>at</strong>er distilling ship in Manila Bay and it serves hundreds<br />
of small crafts in the harbor th<strong>at</strong> do not have the equipment<br />
necessary to make their own w<strong>at</strong>er.<br />
• Lieut. Lawrence Stage, Jr. is one of the lucky enlisted<br />
men of the U. S. Army studying <strong>at</strong> the "elegant" university<br />
<strong>at</strong> Biarritz, loc<strong>at</strong>ed on the Bay of Biscay. Formerly<br />
famous for its spa, villas, casinos, and palaces which<br />
Napoleon III, Queen Victoria and Edward VII once<br />
enjoyed, it is now one of a chain of universities set up by<br />
the Army to keep idle soldiers busy and to improve their<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
• Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Masker and son and Mr. & Mrs.<br />
Gary Cooper and family have moved into apartments in<br />
W. E. Masker’s building, formerly the Amity Hotel.<br />
• A classified ad in "The Disp<strong>at</strong>ch" read: LOST – Long<br />
3-fingered gauntlet mitten, brown le<strong>at</strong>her, fleece lined,<br />
somewhere in Warwick. Finder return to "Disp<strong>at</strong>ch"<br />
office.<br />
January 26, 1966<br />
• The present Post Office <strong>at</strong> 58 Main St. in Warwick<br />
will soon close and the new office <strong>at</strong> 108 Main St. will be<br />
opened on Jan. 31. The completion of this new facility<br />
was long awaited by area residents.<br />
• The season’s first snowfall wasn’t a big one in light<br />
of past history, but eight inches of wet snow coming suddenly<br />
this weekend after two luxurious months of open<br />
we<strong>at</strong>her, seemed like an awful lot.<br />
• A 1957 Chevrolet car went down the bank by the<br />
railroad crossing in Sugar Loaf. Also, a new Mustang th<strong>at</strong><br />
blocked the road between the Railroad and "The Knolls"<br />
caused much traffic th<strong>at</strong> had to reverse and go back to<br />
King’s Highway.<br />
• Thursday’s School Lunch Menu is: Hamburger and<br />
Roll, C<strong>at</strong>sup, Buttered Parslied Pot<strong>at</strong>oes, Buttered Wax<br />
Beans, Milk, and a Cream Puff.<br />
• The Amity Presbyterian Church is conducting a<br />
paper and scrap metal drive. Money realized from these<br />
collections will help finance a new Christian educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
building <strong>at</strong> Amity.<br />
• Jackie Rader had his tonsils removed last week and<br />
it was his second such oper<strong>at</strong>ion. He is still having some<br />
difficulties swallowing.<br />
• Gilvnan’s store in Warwick advertised insul<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
boots for $3.99 and Roblee Shoes for men starting <strong>at</strong> $9.98<br />
and up.<br />
• Mrs. Isham Martin of Colonial Ave. was a luncheon<br />
24-Hour<br />
Customer Service<br />
guest <strong>at</strong> the home of Dr. & Mrs. John D. Be<strong>at</strong>tie, Jr. on<br />
Forester Ave. Jeff Martin, son of Mr. & Mrs. Isham<br />
Martin, enjoyed the company of his friend, Chris<br />
Emmerich of Sleepy Valley Rd., after school.<br />
• A classified ad read: Help Wanted (Female) – Be a<br />
SATIN DOLL <strong>at</strong> the new Sterling Hotel and Motor Lodge.<br />
Attractive girls wanted to work in Crystal Room.<br />
• Cornwall shocks Warwick and defe<strong>at</strong>s the Varsity<br />
Basketball Team, 82-65. George Rudy and Art<br />
Quackenbush were blocked from the backboards, which<br />
gave Cornwall the edge.<br />
January 21, 1981<br />
• Quick and efficient action by the Warwick Fire<br />
Department saved the former Fred P. Wright farmhouse<br />
on Bowen Rd., which is occupied by the James Mikulski<br />
family. An overhe<strong>at</strong>ed chimney started a fire in a beam.<br />
The Fire Department tore through the living room wall to<br />
reach the fire and set up a kind of "old time bucket<br />
brigade" from the kitchen with pots and pans to get w<strong>at</strong>er<br />
quickly into the smoldering area.<br />
• It’s been a tough winter on w<strong>at</strong>er lines and West<br />
Street was the scene of a king-sized problem for the<br />
Department of Public Works. The crew worked through<br />
the night to repair a broken valve caused by the freezing of<br />
a six-inch sprinkler line leading to the Wheeler Floor<br />
Covering Store.<br />
• The Warwick <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Board</strong> unanimously approved a<br />
resolution to impose a mor<strong>at</strong>orium for six months on<br />
explor<strong>at</strong>ory drilling and mining in the Mountain<br />
Residence Districts of Warwick. Existing mining oper<strong>at</strong>ions,<br />
such as gravel banks, are exempted.<br />
• Raymond Shuback, a 14-year member of the Pulaski<br />
Fire Company, was named Fireman of the Year for 1980<br />
for service above and beyond the call of duty.<br />
• The <strong>Town</strong> of Warwick, in cooper<strong>at</strong>ion with<br />
Greenwood Lake, will sponsor "Afternoons of Ice Sk<strong>at</strong>ing"<br />
<strong>at</strong> Greenwood Lake. Along with free sk<strong>at</strong>ing, children’s ice<br />
sk<strong>at</strong>ing races will be held. The area for sk<strong>at</strong>ing is loc<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
off W<strong>at</strong>erstone Rd, across from the Grace Lutheran<br />
Church.<br />
• Celebr<strong>at</strong>ing birthdays are: Michael Beigel, Betty<br />
Petrucelli, Tracy Koar, Daniel Kelley, Sean Thomas<br />
Hedderich, and Lisa and Julie Lynne Ranieri.<br />
• The Warwick Varsity Girls Basketball team turned in<br />
two strong performances as they downed Tuxedo, 53-19,<br />
and Cornwall, 48-23. Leading scorers for both games<br />
were Sharon Scherman, Becky Hagerdon, and Beverly<br />
Hagerdon.<br />
• In a time of 27.87, Bob Krahulik of Warwick Valley<br />
High School’s Ski Team, was the overall winner in the<br />
Orange County League Southern Division competition.<br />
January 26, 1994<br />
• The Village Department of Public Works employees<br />
received a resounding vote of thanks <strong>at</strong> the Warwick<br />
Village’s <strong>Board</strong> meeting for their dedic<strong>at</strong>ion and the many<br />
long hours they worked to keep streets open after snow<br />
storms hit the area.<br />
• In session Monday night, the Warwick Village <strong>Board</strong><br />
authorized Mayor Frank Lacalamita to sign a contract of<br />
sale between the Village and Sunbelt Realty Co. wherein<br />
the Village would sell a parcel of land on Gordon Terrace<br />
for $40,000 to the realty company.<br />
• Michael Franzese, an eighth grade student, won St.<br />
Stephen’s School N<strong>at</strong>ional Geography Bee.<br />
• Jason E. Cosky, a 1993 gradu<strong>at</strong>e of S. S. Seward<br />
Institute, was selected as the winner of a $1,000<br />
Scholarship Award from ZIRCAR. Jason <strong>at</strong>tends the<br />
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.<br />
• Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cahill of Sugar Loaf have<br />
announced the birth of their first child, Sara Marie, <strong>at</strong> St.<br />
Anthony Community Hospital. The baby was born by<br />
Lamaze method and weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and<br />
measured 20 inches long.<br />
• Kings Elementary second-grader Lisa Van Tieghem<br />
took first place in the Warwick Valley Gardeners "Smokey<br />
the Bear" poster contest with her boldly colored entry<br />
entitled "Big Fires Start Little."
Girl Scout Troop 582 from Warwick went to Merle Norman <strong>at</strong> the Mall to earn their<br />
"Looking Your Best Badge." This was accomplished with the generosity and don<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
from Merle Norman and their wonderful staff th<strong>at</strong> have knowledge and professionalism<br />
regarding skin care. Not pictured are Troop Leaders: Robin Lopez<br />
and Debra Carmody.<br />
Accepting Nomin<strong>at</strong>ions for<br />
‘Teacher of the Year’ Award<br />
On-Line Entry Forms Available<br />
Nomin<strong>at</strong>ions for the New York<br />
2005-06 "Teacher of the Year" award are<br />
being accepted through March 1. The<br />
announcement came from the award<br />
sponsor, Teachers’ Insurance Plan, a<br />
car insurance program exclusively for<br />
members of the educ<strong>at</strong>ional community.The<br />
award will include $1,000 to the<br />
winning teacher and a $500 grant to<br />
th<strong>at</strong> teacher’s school. The st<strong>at</strong>e winner<br />
will also be eligible for the N<strong>at</strong>ional<br />
Award th<strong>at</strong> includes a special recognition<br />
and a $2,500 travel certific<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
Teachers, students and parents can<br />
Krahulik Elected as<br />
New Warwick<br />
Chamber President<br />
The Directors of the<br />
Warwick Valley Chamber of<br />
Commerce have elected<br />
Robert E. Krahulik to serve<br />
as the new <strong>Board</strong> President<br />
for 2006. Mr.<br />
Krahulik is a<br />
partner in the<br />
law firm of<br />
Bonacic,<br />
LoBiondo &<br />
Krahulik, LLP.<br />
A ssisting<br />
Mr. Krahulik in<br />
the leadership<br />
of the Chamber<br />
are Vice<br />
Presidents,<br />
Pamela Arace<br />
(Arace & Co.<br />
Consulting LLC)<br />
and Joanne Graney<br />
(Greetings & Salut<strong>at</strong>ions);<br />
Treasurer, Jeff Alario<br />
(Borgmeier & Alario); and<br />
Secretary, Rosemary<br />
Cooper, (Director of <strong>Albert</strong><br />
<strong>Wisner</strong> Library). Linda<br />
Glohs is Executive Director.<br />
T h e<br />
Warwick<br />
Valley<br />
Chamber<br />
enters 2006<br />
with strong<br />
membership<br />
growth, a<br />
renewed<br />
Program of<br />
Work, and<br />
increased<br />
benefits for<br />
members.<br />
For more<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
about Chamber programs,<br />
call the Chamber office <strong>at</strong><br />
986-2720.<br />
Robert E. Krahulik<br />
nomin<strong>at</strong>e any of the st<strong>at</strong>e’s more than<br />
225,000 accredited teachers.<br />
Nomin<strong>at</strong>ion forms are available online<br />
<strong>at</strong> www.teachers.com/toty. To nomin<strong>at</strong>e<br />
an educ<strong>at</strong>or, or yourself, explain in 250<br />
words or less why this teacher should be<br />
the Teacher of the Year. Nominees will<br />
be judged on their ability to motiv<strong>at</strong>e<br />
students, their special talents, and their<br />
contribution to their school, students<br />
or educ<strong>at</strong>ional community. Winners<br />
will be announced <strong>at</strong> the end of the<br />
school year.<br />
Sara C. Werling, of Seely &<br />
Durland, has earned the design<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)<br />
following her successful<br />
completion of an<br />
insurance educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
program sponsored<br />
by the Society of<br />
Certified Insurance<br />
Counselors.<br />
The Society of<br />
Certified Insurance<br />
Counselors, headquartered<br />
in Austin,<br />
TX, is a n<strong>at</strong>ional notfor-profitorganiz<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
dedic<strong>at</strong>ed to professional<br />
insurance<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ion. "The CIC<br />
design<strong>at</strong>ion and other<br />
continuing educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
certific<strong>at</strong>ions are wh<strong>at</strong> set independent<br />
agents, like Seely & Durland, apart<br />
from the price-driven, 1-800 or inter-<br />
Dana DeGro<strong>at</strong> of Seely & Durland has<br />
received her insurance agent’s license. As<br />
the office receptionist <strong>at</strong> Seely & Durland,<br />
Dana plays a very important role in welcoming<br />
and directing clients and prospects<br />
to the various agents in the company who<br />
can help meet their insurance needs.<br />
"Dana’s hard work to earn her insurance<br />
agent’s license demonstr<strong>at</strong>es the top<br />
priority we place on ongoing educ<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong><br />
Seely & Durland to ensure th<strong>at</strong> all of our<br />
employees are educ<strong>at</strong>ed, licensed and upto-d<strong>at</strong>e<br />
on the ever-changing insurance<br />
industry," said Stuart Durland.<br />
Benvengo, Lehmann, & Parrillo on<br />
Quinnipiac Dean’s List<br />
Warwick residents Christine Benvengo, Jessica<br />
Lehmann, and M<strong>at</strong>thew Parrillo were named to the<br />
Quinnipiac University Dean’s List for the fall 2005 semester.<br />
Quinnipiac is a priv<strong>at</strong>e, co-educ<strong>at</strong>ional, non-sectarian<br />
institution loc<strong>at</strong>ed 90 minutes north of New York City and<br />
two hours from Boston.<br />
Mielcarek Gradu<strong>at</strong>es from University<br />
of Vermont<br />
Jason Mielcarek of Chester, a gradu<strong>at</strong>e of Warwick<br />
Valley High School Class of 2001, received a Bachelor of<br />
Science degree in Recre<strong>at</strong>ion Management with a Minor in<br />
Geography from the University of Vermont in December,<br />
2005.<br />
Renov<strong>at</strong>ions • Remodeling •<br />
Additions • Kitchens • B<strong>at</strong>hs<br />
There’s Nothing We Don’t Do<br />
Werling Receives Certified<br />
Insurance Counselor Design<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Sara C. Werling<br />
net insurance companies," st<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
Stuart Durland.<br />
He added, "Individuals who hold<br />
the CIC design<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
have demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
their professional<br />
competence through<br />
a combin<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
experience, formal<br />
training and a series<br />
of comprehensive<br />
written examin<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
focusing on all major<br />
fields of insurance,<br />
insurance management<br />
and agency<br />
oper<strong>at</strong>ions. This<br />
means th<strong>at</strong> when<br />
clients call Seely &<br />
Durland, they can be<br />
sure th<strong>at</strong> they are<br />
working with licensed and educ<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
insurance professionals, not telemarketers."<br />
Dana E. DeGro<strong>at</strong> Receives<br />
Insurance Agent’s License<br />
Dana DeGro<strong>at</strong><br />
Eugene A. Tomosivitch, D.D.S<br />
Leonard G. Episcopio, D.D.S<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Cosmetic Dentistry: Bonding, Veneers,<br />
Esthetic Fillings, Bleaching<br />
Restor<strong>at</strong>ion of Dental Implants<br />
Full Line of Esthetic Partial Dentures with<br />
No Visible Clasps<br />
Services Include Root Canals,Crowns,<br />
Bridges<br />
Nitrous Oxide Sed<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Emergencies & New P<strong>at</strong>ients Welcome<br />
Most Insurance Plans Accepted<br />
31 Oakland Avenue, Warwick, NY<br />
From Orange County to Israel…<br />
with Love!<br />
"Thanks to the generosity of the Jewish Women’s<br />
Circle of Chabad of Orange County, and Rabbi<br />
Pesach and Chana Burston, children from 30 Israeli<br />
families, ravaged by terror, received teddy bears, toys<br />
and beautifully wrapped gifts for Chanukah," said<br />
Rabbi Menachem Kutner, director of Chabad’s Terror<br />
Rep. Kelly Seeks Larger College Tuition Tax<br />
Deduction for Warwick Students/Parents<br />
With tax issues expected to be a major part of the<br />
policy agenda in Congress this year, U.S.<br />
Congresswoman Sue Kelly said she will continue<br />
pushing legisl<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> would enable college students<br />
or parents to deduct all of their out-of-pocket college<br />
tuition expenses and lower their federal income tax<br />
bills.<br />
Kelly said th<strong>at</strong> families in Warwick need to be<br />
able to keep more of their own income to afford<br />
tuition costs th<strong>at</strong> are rising <strong>at</strong> an average r<strong>at</strong>e of eight<br />
percent per year (about twice the r<strong>at</strong>e of infl<strong>at</strong>ion).<br />
The cost of a college educ<strong>at</strong>ion doubles every nine<br />
years. Kelly introduced the "More Money for College<br />
Act" in Congress last year to help give Warwick families<br />
more money to put toward a college educ<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
"This new federal income tax deduction would be<br />
the most effective and absolute way to provide college<br />
tuition relief directly to families and individuals.<br />
Wh<strong>at</strong> you pay is wh<strong>at</strong> you deduct," Kelly said. "The<br />
‘More Money for College Act’ provides Orange<br />
County families with more money to afford college<br />
r<strong>at</strong>her than making them send it to Washington in<br />
taxes."<br />
Morahan Demands th<strong>at</strong> NYS Schools<br />
Train Staff to Detect Teen Depression<br />
Alarmed by US Mental Health Services<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ion report which reveals th<strong>at</strong> one in ten<br />
American teenagers experience major depression,<br />
with fewer than half receiving tre<strong>at</strong>ment, New York<br />
St<strong>at</strong>e Sen<strong>at</strong>or Thomas Morahan wants mand<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
training for school administr<strong>at</strong>ors, teachers to recognize<br />
symptoms of depression.<br />
St<strong>at</strong>e Sen<strong>at</strong>or Morahan, Chairman of the Sen<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Committee on Mental Health and Developmental<br />
Disabilities, said th<strong>at</strong> he was very alarmed by results<br />
Victims Project, in a letter recently sent to Chabad.<br />
On Tues., Dec. 13, over 30 women from throughout<br />
the County g<strong>at</strong>hered for a "Pre-Chanukah<br />
Women’s Celebr<strong>at</strong>ion" with Chabad’s Jewish<br />
Women’s Circle. Participant’s hand-made decor<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
and adorable clothing for fluffy teddy bears. Each<br />
bear was packaged with dreidels (spinning<br />
tops) chocol<strong>at</strong>e Chanukah coins and personal<br />
cards. Beautifully wrapped in cellophane<br />
and ribbons, the gifts were sent to<br />
Israel to be distributed to children who are<br />
victims of terror. Included in the packaging<br />
were photos of the event to be shown to<br />
the recipients so the children could see the<br />
care th<strong>at</strong> went into their packages!<br />
During Chanukah, Rabbi Menachem<br />
Kutner, personally distributed the gifts to<br />
the children. The happy recipients included<br />
nine year-old Eden Zilberman, whose<br />
45-year-old f<strong>at</strong>her, Pinchas, was among 10<br />
Israelis murdered in the double suicide<br />
<strong>at</strong>tack <strong>at</strong> the Port of Ashdod. Another<br />
recipient is eight-year-old Bracha Steinberg<br />
of Hadera. Bracha’s mother, Avigayil, was<br />
wounded in the suicide <strong>at</strong>tack in Hadera’s<br />
open market on Oct. 26, 2005, which killed<br />
six persons and seriously wounded many.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion about Chabad’s<br />
Terror Victims Project, please visit<br />
www.ChabadIsrael.com. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
about the Jewish Women’s Circle<br />
please call Chana <strong>at</strong> 782-2770 or write<br />
JWC@chabadOrange.com or visit<br />
www.ChabadOrange.com.<br />
Bracha Steinberg, 8-years-old, is all<br />
smiles after receiving this teddy bear.<br />
<strong>Keep</strong>ing Up-to-D<strong>at</strong>e With Our Represent<strong>at</strong>ives<br />
from a recent n<strong>at</strong>ional survey conducted by the federal<br />
government, which indic<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> 9.0 percent of<br />
adolescents aged 12 to 17 (an estim<strong>at</strong>ed 2.2 million<br />
adolescents) experienced one major depressive<br />
episode in 2004. According to the study, less than half<br />
(40.3 percent) of young people in the n<strong>at</strong>ion received<br />
tre<strong>at</strong>ment for depression.<br />
Almost 23,000 young people in the United St<strong>at</strong>es<br />
aged 12 to 17 were surveyed through face-to-face<br />
interviews. The Sen<strong>at</strong>or indic<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> the findings<br />
demonstr<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> the st<strong>at</strong>e’s public educ<strong>at</strong>ion agencies<br />
need to be more involved; th<strong>at</strong> they were "overlooking<br />
this growing problem." He indic<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> in the<br />
current session of the legisl<strong>at</strong>ure, he will be urging<br />
th<strong>at</strong> educ<strong>at</strong>ors ‘step up to the pl<strong>at</strong>e’ by learning how to<br />
identify the symptoms of depression in their students.<br />
Rabbitt On Megan’s Law Victory<br />
"I am thrilled the Assembly has reached a bipartisan<br />
agreement on extending a Megan’s Law provision<br />
th<strong>at</strong> will protect women and children from dangerous<br />
sex offenders," said Assemblywoman Annie<br />
Rabbitt. "This agreement will ensure th<strong>at</strong> hundreds –<br />
possibly thousands – of sexual pred<strong>at</strong>ors will not be<br />
dropped from the st<strong>at</strong>e’s Sex Offender Registry and be<br />
allowed to roam freely. This is a major victory for<br />
our families and for all New Yorkers."<br />
Assemblywoman Rabbitt said th<strong>at</strong> if the<br />
Legisl<strong>at</strong>ure had not acted, 168 Level 1 and 2 sex<br />
offenders would have been dropped from the Megan’s<br />
Law registry on January 21, and over 3,500 by the end<br />
of the year. This legisl<strong>at</strong>ion keeps Level 3 offenders,<br />
those who committed the most serious crimes, on the<br />
registry for life. In addition, Level 2 sex offenders will<br />
now be required to register for 30 years, after which<br />
they may petition a judge to be removed from the registry.<br />
Level 1 offenders will have to register for 20 years.<br />
Susan Bulger of Warwick, NY a homemaker and 23<br />
year resident of the area, entered into rest on Tues.,<br />
Jan.17th, 2006 <strong>at</strong> home. She was 88 years old.<br />
The daughter of the l<strong>at</strong>e George & Anna Podmajersky<br />
Kubecka, she was born on Oct. 3, 1917 in Manh<strong>at</strong>tan, NY.<br />
She was a member of the Good Shepherd Lutheran<br />
Church, Warwick NY.<br />
She married Walter Bulger on Aug. 28, 1945. He predeceased<br />
her on November 27th 1990.<br />
Survivors include: Daughter – Kristine Klim & husband<br />
James, Warwick, NY. Three grandchildren – Jessica<br />
Klim of Warwick, NY, Michael Klim of Miami, FL, Melissa<br />
Klim of Rochester, NY. and several dear cousins.<br />
She was predeceased by her sister, Kristine Kubecka &<br />
grandson, Jimmy Klim.<br />
Visit<strong>at</strong>ion was Thurs., Jan. 19 <strong>at</strong> T.S. Purta Funeral<br />
Home, 22 Glenmere Avenue, Florida, NY 10921.<br />
Funeral Services were Fri., Jan. 20 <strong>at</strong> Good Shepherd<br />
Lutheran Church, 95 Kings Highway, Warwick, NY 10990.<br />
The Reverend Kenneth Susskraut offici<strong>at</strong>ed.<br />
Interment was in Warwick Cemetery.<br />
Memorial contributions may be made to Good<br />
Shepherd Lutheran Church, PO Box 218, Warwick, NY<br />
10990 or to the Warwick Valley Humane Society, PO Box<br />
61, Warwick, NY 10990.<br />
Ann L<strong>at</strong>hrop Finlayson, 80, of Warwick, passed away<br />
on S<strong>at</strong>urday, January 14, 2006 <strong>at</strong> Valley View, Goshen.<br />
Born on March 25, 1925 in New York City, she was the<br />
daughter of the l<strong>at</strong>e Frank and Anna Niecy Finlayson.<br />
Ann gradu<strong>at</strong>ed from the Medill School of Journalism<br />
<strong>at</strong> Northwestern University and was always active in publishing,<br />
editing and writing books and magazine articles in<br />
a wide range of topics. She was a meticulous researcher and<br />
collector of books. Her second love was for animals. She<br />
was actively involved in rescuing abandoned c<strong>at</strong>s and dogs.<br />
She is survived by her niece Mary Ellen M<strong>at</strong>thews and<br />
several other nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by<br />
her sister Mary and Brothers Jude and John.<br />
Visit<strong>at</strong>ion was S<strong>at</strong>., Jan. 21 <strong>at</strong> the Lazear-Smith and<br />
Vander Pla<strong>at</strong> Memorial Home, Warwick.<br />
A Funeral Mass was celebr<strong>at</strong>ed on S<strong>at</strong>urday <strong>at</strong> St.<br />
Stephen R.C. Church in Warwick.<br />
Alice Ruth Rough, affection<strong>at</strong>ely known as "Bunny" by<br />
family and friends, of Warwick entered into eternal life on<br />
S<strong>at</strong>., Jan. 21, 2006 <strong>at</strong> home surrounded by her family and<br />
loved ones. She was 49.<br />
The daughter of the l<strong>at</strong>e Edward Tiner and Dorothy La<br />
Valley Tiner, she was born Nov. 3, 1956 in Suffern, NY.<br />
A loving and devoted mother, Mrs. Rough was a<br />
parishioner of St. Stephen R.C. Church, Warwick, where<br />
she was a religious educ<strong>at</strong>or for many years. She worked in<br />
the Warwick school system.<br />
Survivors include her husband, M<strong>at</strong>hew, of Warwick;<br />
two children, M<strong>at</strong>hew and Jennifer, <strong>at</strong> home; her mother,<br />
Dorothy Tiner; two sisters, Carol Benincasa and her husband,<br />
Richard of Montgomery, Margie Shavitz and her<br />
husband, Stan of Melbourne, FL; an aunt, Margaret<br />
Sheridan of Melbourne, FL; and many nieces, nephews and<br />
cousins.<br />
Visit<strong>at</strong>ion was Tues., Jan. 24 <strong>at</strong> Lazear-Smith & Vander<br />
Pla<strong>at</strong> Memorial Home, Warwick.<br />
A Mass of Christian Burial was held today, Wed, Jan.<br />
25 <strong>at</strong> St. Stephen R.C. Church. Crem<strong>at</strong>ion will be priv<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
Memorial don<strong>at</strong>ions may be made to Brian Ahearn<br />
Children’s Fund, P.O. Box 550, Warwick, NY 10990<br />
www.aboutbacf.org or Hospice of Orange & Sullivan<br />
Counties, Inc., 800 Stony Brook Court, Newburgh, NY 12550.<br />
The Future Of Food<br />
If you e<strong>at</strong> food, you need to see this documentary by<br />
Deborah Koons Garcia, "The Future of Food," which offers<br />
an in-depth investig<strong>at</strong>ion into the disturbing truth behind<br />
the unlabeled, p<strong>at</strong>ented, genetically engineered foods th<strong>at</strong><br />
have quietly filled grocery store shelves for the past decade.<br />
The film will be followed by group discussion, including<br />
comments by Keith Stewart, an organic farmer and regular<br />
contributor to "The Valley Table." Stewart’s book, "It’s a<br />
Long Road to a Tom<strong>at</strong>o: Tales of an Organic Farmer Who<br />
Quit the Big City for the (Not so) Simple Life," published by<br />
Marlowe & Co./Avalon Publishing Group, will be available Apr. 18.<br />
This special film screening, hosted by Learning for Self<br />
Reliance: A Learning Community for Local-Global<br />
Sustainability and assisted by the Warwick Film Group will<br />
be on Fri., Feb. 10 <strong>at</strong> 7 p.m. <strong>at</strong> the Warwick Valley<br />
Community Center, 11 Hamilton Avenue in Warwick. For<br />
more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 987-2321.
Warwick Football Announces 2006 Captains<br />
Wildc<strong>at</strong>s Begin Winter Work-Outs<br />
By Gregory Sirico<br />
The Warwick Football program announces the selection<br />
of the 2006 football captains. The players were selected<br />
by their teamm<strong>at</strong>es and carry on the responsibility of<br />
driving the direction of the football team<br />
through the 2006 season, which officially<br />
began two weeks ago with the winter workout<br />
program.<br />
The team selected senior<br />
quarterback/defensive back, Chris<br />
Meinhardt, who split time in the secondary<br />
his junior season and senior, John Sala, who<br />
was a starter <strong>at</strong> linebacker for a defense th<strong>at</strong><br />
posted four shut-outs in 2005. P<strong>at</strong> Sweeney<br />
will serve as captain; Sweeney started on the<br />
defensive line and will be the anchor of a<br />
tough group of young men competing for<br />
time on the lines. M<strong>at</strong>t Stranski will round<br />
out the 2006 captains, Stranski was the<br />
Wildc<strong>at</strong>s’ leading tackler in 2006 and a part<br />
of the one – two rushing combin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
(Derek Hrinya) th<strong>at</strong> combined for almost<br />
2000 yards on the ground in 2005.<br />
Successful programs thrive on strong leadership, built<br />
on the found<strong>at</strong>ion of seniors and direction from the captains.<br />
The 2006 team has definitely selected young men<br />
who possess all of the characteristics to drive the engine,<br />
"Tradition Never Gradu<strong>at</strong>es."<br />
Warwick Football Announces their 2006 Captains (from left) - Chris<br />
Meinhardt, P<strong>at</strong> Sweeney, M<strong>at</strong>t Stranski and John Sala.<br />
Marrione Leaps to Triple Jump Record<br />
By Richard Furst<br />
Freshman Jenna Marrione turned wh<strong>at</strong> seemed to be a<br />
neg<strong>at</strong>ive situ<strong>at</strong>ion into a positive one and took advantage<br />
of a final jump to leap 33’ 9” in the triple jump. She broke<br />
a 17-year-old record. In an odd miscommunic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Marrione thought th<strong>at</strong> she was given a foul on wh<strong>at</strong> she<br />
thought was her final jump.<br />
Upset, Marrione returned to the team area without an<br />
explan<strong>at</strong>ion from the officials. When questioned the officials<br />
st<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> indeed, Marrione had not fouled on wh<strong>at</strong><br />
they claimed as her second jump of 33’ 2.5” and, in fact, she<br />
had been interfered with on her first jump and was awarded<br />
another <strong>at</strong>tempt.<br />
When Marrione found out th<strong>at</strong> she had another<br />
<strong>at</strong>tempt, she got up and said, “I’m going to break th<strong>at</strong><br />
school record right now.” Within two minutes Marrione<br />
was speeding down the runway and with a synchronized<br />
hop, step and jump, she sailed 33’ 9”, to break the school<br />
record of 33’ 6.5”, set in 1989 by April Capek.<br />
The jump is the best in Section IX this season.<br />
Marrione has qualified for competition <strong>at</strong> the Eastern<br />
St<strong>at</strong>es meet to be held <strong>at</strong> the Armory on Feb. 28. There, the<br />
best in the east will be on the scene with five girls already<br />
over 36’. It will be a gre<strong>at</strong> experience. Other gre<strong>at</strong> performances<br />
occurred in almost every event.<br />
Freshman, Megan Chester clocked 9:32.0 in the 1500m<br />
walk and finished very strong. Senior, Anna Marie Arias<br />
posted a 9.6 in the 55m hurdles while Sophomore, Clair<br />
Petit ran fast, three times running the 55m in 7.6, the 300m<br />
in 42.9 and anchoring the SMR in 62.5<br />
Senior, Aislinn Ryan was busy winning the 1000m in<br />
3:02.6 and leading off the SMR in 2:20.1 for the 800m leg.<br />
Freshman Kristin Jados won the unseeded 600m in 1:47.1<br />
and ran 28.7 for 200m minutes l<strong>at</strong>er in the SMR. Eighth<br />
grader, Lillian Greibesland placed fifth in the 1500m in<br />
5:09.0, while Kaitlyn Hurley was right there in 5:09.3.<br />
Freshman, Taylor Payne jumped 4’ 8” to place third in<br />
the high jump. The SMR team of Ryan, K<strong>at</strong>elin Blaine,<br />
Jados and Pettit, won in 4:19.6, while the B team of Tori<br />
Pennings (2:26.5), Alicia Bourne (29.9), Soibhan Brady<br />
(29.4) and Amy Connors (63.6), placed second in 4:29.7.<br />
Next up for the team will be the Section IX<br />
Championship meet on Feb. 3. Before the Championship,<br />
Aislinn Ryan will be running in the Boston Invit<strong>at</strong>ional<br />
Mile on Jan. 29 and the Millrose Mile, also on Feb. 3.<br />
The stream running through Stanley Deming Park ran over its banks Wednesday after warm rain and<br />
melting snow caused flooding.<br />
Serving Warwick Since 1985<br />
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Panco Oil Co. has been a family tradition since 1907,<br />
supplying Warwick’s energy needs for almost thirty years.<br />
With four loc<strong>at</strong>ions in Orange County, we’re always nearby<br />
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At Panco your comfort is our business.<br />
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M,T,F 10-4 Wed 10-12 Thurs 10-6 S<strong>at</strong> 10-3 Sun. Closed<br />
I BET YOU<br />
DIDN’T<br />
KNOW<br />
Brought to You By Eric Nilsestuen<br />
Do you want to become a gre<strong>at</strong> kicker, maybe even kick<br />
or punt in the NFL? You’ll improve your chances if you talk<br />
to the man in the wheelchair afflicted with cerebral palsy. His<br />
name is Doug Blevins, and he’s been incapacit<strong>at</strong>ed since he<br />
was a young boy. But amazingly, Blevins is the best football<br />
kicking coach in the world. Among his students are Pro Bowl<br />
place kickers Adam Vin<strong>at</strong>ieri and David Akers, punters Josh<br />
Miller and Chris Hansen, and many others. In all, Blevins has<br />
helped nine kickers and punters make it to the NFL and<br />
worked with 13 others already in the league.<br />
The hockey powers th<strong>at</strong> be have changed the NHL<br />
game, and apparently it’s working. Get this: During the<br />
entire 2003-04 season, only two games were played in which<br />
both teams scored <strong>at</strong> least six goals. Under the new rules, it<br />
happened in two games on the very same night of the opening<br />
weekend of the 2005-06 campaign. As a result, the fans<br />
are returning. The league reported the best <strong>at</strong>tendance for<br />
November in its 88-year history, averaging almost 17,000 fans<br />
per game, a capacity of more than 91 percent.<br />
Here’s one way to make it into the record books by using<br />
your head – juggle a soccer ball with it. Th<strong>at</strong>’s wh<strong>at</strong> former<br />
Cuban soccer player Erich Hernandez did in October of<br />
2005, totaling 146 “headers” in 30 seconds to break the mark<br />
of 141 established in 2003 by American Freddie Adoboe. But<br />
a new record was nothing special for Hernandez, because he<br />
already held the mark for most head juggles in one minute,<br />
an incredible 319. Th<strong>at</strong>’s better than five per second.<br />
I bet you didn’t know...th<strong>at</strong> being an independent agent<br />
means we can get the best coverage and best price from a<br />
number of top Insurance companies...Stop in or call and see<br />
for yourself.<br />
John W. Sanford & Son, Inc.<br />
68 Main St • Warwick • 986-2211
Notice of Form<strong>at</strong>ion of VINCENT OF<br />
WARWICK, LLC, a domestic Limited<br />
Liability Company (LLC). Articles of<br />
Organiz<strong>at</strong>ion filed with Secretary of St<strong>at</strong>e of<br />
NY on 12/5/05. New York office loc<strong>at</strong>ion:<br />
ORANGE COUNTY; the Secretary of St<strong>at</strong>e<br />
is design<strong>at</strong>ed as agent upon whom process<br />
against the LLC may be served. The<br />
Secretary of St<strong>at</strong>e shall mail a copy of any<br />
process against the LLC served upon<br />
him/her to the LLC, c/o Bonacic, LoBiondo<br />
& Krahulik, LLP, 90 Crystal Run Road, Suite<br />
104, Middletown, New York 10941.<br />
Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or<br />
activity.<br />
12-21-t6<br />
Notice of Form<strong>at</strong>ion of Open House<br />
Staging & Decor<strong>at</strong>ing, LLC. Arts of Org.<br />
filed with Secy. of St<strong>at</strong>e on N.Y. (SSNY) on<br />
12/6/05. Office loc<strong>at</strong>ion: Orange County.<br />
SSNY designed as agent of LLC upon whom<br />
process against it may be served. SSNY shall<br />
mail copy of process to: 5 Eden Hill Rd.,<br />
Florida, NY 10921. Purpose: any lawful<br />
activity.<br />
1-4-t6<br />
BELLA 35 REALTY, LLC. Articles of<br />
Organiz<strong>at</strong>ion were filed with the Secretary<br />
of St<strong>at</strong>e of New York (SSNY) on 04/22/04.<br />
Office loc<strong>at</strong>ion: Orange County. SSNY has<br />
been design<strong>at</strong>ed as agent of the LLC upon<br />
whom process against it may be served.<br />
SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the<br />
LLC, 70 Clinton Street, Montgomery, New<br />
York 12549. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.<br />
1-11-t6<br />
PUBLIC.<br />
JANUARY 19, 2006<br />
FEBRUARY 16, 2006<br />
MARCH 16, 2006<br />
APRIL 20, 2006<br />
MAY 18, 2006<br />
JUNE 15, 2006<br />
JULY 20, 2006<br />
AUGUST 17, 2006<br />
SEPTEMBER 7, 2006 (BUDGET<br />
MEETING)<br />
SEPTEMBER 21, 2006<br />
OCTOBER 19, 2006<br />
NOVEMBER 16, 2006<br />
DECEMBER 21, 2006<br />
1-18-t2<br />
Notice of Complete Applic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
D<strong>at</strong>e: 1/12/2006<br />
ATLANTA, GA 30303-1808<br />
Facility: GEORGIA PACIFIC –<br />
WARWICK, NY 10990<br />
Applic<strong>at</strong>ion ID: 3-3354-00138/00010<br />
Permit(s) Applied for: 1 – Article 19<br />
Air Title V Facility<br />
Project is loc<strong>at</strong>ed: in WARWICK in<br />
Project Description:<br />
The Department has prepared a Draft<br />
Permit pursuant to Article 19 (Air Pollution<br />
Control) of the NYS Environmental<br />
Conserv<strong>at</strong>ion Law (ECL) and Title V Permit<br />
Renewal for the applicant’s facility.<br />
Georgia Pacific – Warwick Facility is a<br />
packaging printing facility. Oper<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
include flexographic printing of polyethylene<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erials. Emissions of vol<strong>at</strong>ile organic<br />
compounds (VOC) from the facility are<br />
above major source thresholds, as defined<br />
by the federal Clean Air Act, and therefore a<br />
Title V permit is required.<br />
The facility consists of three printing<br />
presses, a parts washer and a pl<strong>at</strong>e making<br />
oper<strong>at</strong>ion. A regener<strong>at</strong>ive thermal oxidizer<br />
is utilized to reduce VOC emissions and<br />
meet VOC control requirements. A regener<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
thermal oxidizer is utilized to reduce<br />
VOC emissions and meet VOC control<br />
requirements. The printing process is subject<br />
to Part 234 and the parts washing is<br />
subject to Part 226. The facility is also subject<br />
to 40CFR 64 Compliance Assurance<br />
Monitoring (CAM) Rule.<br />
By acceptance of this permit, the permittee<br />
agrees th<strong>at</strong> the permit is contingent<br />
upon strict compliance with the ECL, all<br />
applicable regul<strong>at</strong>ions, the General<br />
Conditions specified and any Special<br />
Conditions included as part of this permit.<br />
In accordance with 6NYCRR Parts<br />
621.5(d)(9) and 201-6.4(c), the<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>or of the United St<strong>at</strong>es<br />
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)<br />
has the authority to bar issuance of any Title<br />
V Facility Permit if it is determined not to<br />
be in compliance with applicable requirements<br />
of the Clean Air Act or 6NYCRR Part<br />
201.<br />
Persons wishing to inspect the subject<br />
Title V files, including the applic<strong>at</strong>ion with<br />
all relevant supporting m<strong>at</strong>erials, the draft<br />
permit, and all other m<strong>at</strong>erials available to<br />
the DEC (the "permitting authority") th<strong>at</strong><br />
are relevant to this permitting decision<br />
should contact the DEC represent<strong>at</strong>ive listed<br />
below. It is recommended th<strong>at</strong> an<br />
appointment be made to confirm the availability<br />
of the subject files. The DEC will<br />
endeavor to make the files available within<br />
two (2) business days of contact, during<br />
normal business hours (8:30 a.m. through<br />
4:45 p.m.), unless the requestor wishes to<br />
inspect the files <strong>at</strong> a l<strong>at</strong>er d<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
DEC will evalu<strong>at</strong>e the applic<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
the comments received on it to determine<br />
whether to hold a public hearing. A public<br />
hearing may be legisl<strong>at</strong>ive or adjudic<strong>at</strong>ory. A<br />
legisl<strong>at</strong>ive public hearing is a proceeding<br />
which provides an additional opportunity<br />
for public comment. DEC’s determin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
to hold a legisl<strong>at</strong>ive public hearing will be<br />
based on whether a significant degree of<br />
public interest exists. If a legisl<strong>at</strong>ive public<br />
hearing is to be held, a Notice of Hearing<br />
will be published which will include the<br />
time and place of the hearing and submitting<br />
comments. The applicant and all persons<br />
who have filed comments on the permit<br />
will be notified by mail of the public<br />
hearing. Comments and requests for a legisl<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
public hearing should be in writing<br />
and addressed to the Department represent<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
listed below.<br />
An adjudic<strong>at</strong>ory public hearing is a<br />
trial type proceeding, which provides the<br />
opportunity for adjudic<strong>at</strong>ion on the basis of<br />
evidence, including direct testimony and<br />
cross examin<strong>at</strong>ion. An adjudic<strong>at</strong>ory hearing<br />
is held only if substantive and significant<br />
issues rel<strong>at</strong>ing to any findings or determin<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
the Department is required to make<br />
pursuant to the Environmental<br />
Conserv<strong>at</strong>ion Law exist. A copy of the<br />
Department’s permit hearing procedures is<br />
available upon request or on the<br />
Department web site <strong>at</strong>:<br />
http//www.dec.st<strong>at</strong>e.ny.us/website/ohms/gu<br />
dph 1.htm.<br />
Availability of Applic<strong>at</strong>ion Documents:<br />
Filed applic<strong>at</strong>ion documents, and<br />
Department draft permits where applicable,<br />
are available for inspection under the provisions<br />
of the Freedom of Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Law<br />
during normal business hours <strong>at</strong> the<br />
address of the contact person<br />
St<strong>at</strong>e Environmental Quality Review<br />
(SEQR) Determin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Project is not subject to SEQR because<br />
it is a Type II action.<br />
SEQR Lead Agency: None Design<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
St<strong>at</strong>e Historic Preserv<strong>at</strong>ion Act (SHPA)<br />
Determin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
The proposed activity is not subject to<br />
review in accordance with SHPA. The permit<br />
type is exempt or the activity is being<br />
reviewed in accordance with federal historic<br />
Call 986-2216<br />
preserv<strong>at</strong>ion regul<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
Availability For Public Comment<br />
Comments on this project must be<br />
submitted in writing to the Contact<br />
Person no l<strong>at</strong>er than 02/17/2006<br />
Contact Person<br />
NYSDEC<br />
NEW PALTZ, NY 12561-1696<br />
(845) 256-3048<br />
1-25-t1<br />
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE th<strong>at</strong> the<br />
<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Board</strong> of the <strong>Town</strong> of Warwick<br />
will hold a Public Hearing on February 1,<br />
2006 <strong>at</strong> 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as<br />
Help Wanted<br />
Love to Bake?<br />
needed.10:30 – 3:30.<br />
Perfect for moms with kids<br />
in school. Gre<strong>at</strong> personality<br />
a must! Please leave a<br />
message <strong>at</strong> 845-477-3790.<br />
1-18-t1p<br />
Call 986-2216 • Deadline 12 Noon Fridays<br />
Rental<br />
3-Bedroom Home,<br />
Country Setting, Large<br />
Play Area, Warwick<br />
Schools. $1100/mth plus<br />
utilities. Ref. & Sec.<br />
Required. 845-651-7648.<br />
1/25/t2<br />
2 story well maintained with all hardwood flooring,<br />
enclosed sun porch, rocking chair front<br />
porch, walk-up <strong>at</strong>tic and fenced in backyard.<br />
$284,500.<br />
the m<strong>at</strong>ter can be heard, <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Town</strong> Hall,<br />
132 Kings Highway, Warwick, New York, on<br />
the applic<strong>at</strong>ion of Emily Austin-Galterio for<br />
the applic<strong>at</strong>ion for final approval of a proposed<br />
6-lot subdivision, entitled, "Fairview<br />
Heights Subdivision", loc<strong>at</strong>ed on tax parcel<br />
S 43 B 1 L 68; parcel loc<strong>at</strong>ed along the north<br />
side of Pine Island Turnpike, 250’ west of<br />
Shadow Drive, in the SL zone, of the <strong>Town</strong><br />
of Warwick, County of Orange, St<strong>at</strong>e of<br />
New York.<br />
All interested parties will be given an<br />
opportunity to speak.<br />
BOARD<br />
Benjamin Astorino, Chairman<br />
1-25-t1<br />
Rental<br />
8500 sq. ft. Steel Framed<br />
Storage Bldg., 18 ft. Ceiling<br />
Clearance, Large Parking<br />
Area. $4/sqft. Ref. & Sec.<br />
Required. 845-651-7648.<br />
1/25/t2<br />
Wanted<br />
– Need auto parts? Call<br />
Specht’s 986-1052. Reg. dlr.<br />
7092957.<br />
12-4-tfn<br />
Disp<strong>at</strong>ch Classifieds<br />
$12 for 12 lines and<br />
65¢ each<br />
additional line<br />
Orange County Civil Service<br />
Opportunities<br />
On S<strong>at</strong>., Mar. 18, Civil Service Examin<strong>at</strong>ions are scheduled for the following<br />
titles:<br />
61010 Assistant to the Building Inspector – OC<br />
68531 Conserv<strong>at</strong>ion District Technician – OC<br />
61212 Disp<strong>at</strong>cher – OC<br />
62591 Public Safety Disp<strong>at</strong>cher – OC<br />
61566 Storekeeper (Infirmary) – OC<br />
Applic<strong>at</strong>ion must be received no l<strong>at</strong>er than Feb. 8, 2006. For applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
and further inform<strong>at</strong>ion send a legal size, stamped, self-addressed envelope to:<br />
Orange County Department of Personnel, County Government Center, Goshen,<br />
NY 10924. Exam inform<strong>at</strong>ion is also available <strong>at</strong>:<br />
www.orangecountygov.com/civilservice.<br />
Do you have a local news story or event you would like to report?<br />
Contact The Disp<strong>at</strong>ch editorial offices <strong>at</strong> 986-2216,<br />
or email: editor@wvdisp<strong>at</strong>ch.com<br />
Village Realty<br />
of Orange County<br />
62 N. Main Street,<br />
Florida, NY 10991<br />
845-651-4466,<br />
Fax: 845-651-4536<br />
E-mail:<br />
villreal@warwick.net<br />
Website:<br />
Afternoon Concert Series – Steve<br />
Vecchiotti, Acoustic Americana, on S<strong>at</strong>.,<br />
Jan. 28, 2 - 5 p.m. <strong>at</strong> the Warwick Valley<br />
Winery, 114 Little York Rd. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
call 258-4858.<br />
Salsa & Merengue Classes – on S<strong>at</strong>.,<br />
Jan. 28, 7 – 8 p.m., and Dance Party to follow<br />
<strong>at</strong> the Warwick Valley Community<br />
Center. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 987-1770.<br />
Uncorked & Unplugged Music Series<br />
– "Free Range," a classic rock band <strong>at</strong> the<br />
Warwick Valley Winery, 114 Little York Rd.<br />
on S<strong>at</strong>., Jan. 28, 8 p.m. Cost: $10 with a<br />
reserv<strong>at</strong>ion or $13 <strong>at</strong> the door. For reserv<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
call, 258-4858.<br />
Afternoon Concert Series – Tim<br />
O’Donnahue, on Sun., Jan. 29, 2 - 5 p.m. <strong>at</strong><br />
the Warwick Valley Winery, 114 Little York<br />
Rd. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 258-4858.<br />
Blood Drive – <strong>at</strong> St. Stephen’s Church,<br />
75 Sanfordville Rd. in Warwick, on Sun.,<br />
Jan. 29, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
call 294-3362.<br />
Winter Classics Storytelling – "New<br />
World Grab Bag" <strong>at</strong> the Florida Library for<br />
grades K – 5 on Tues., Jan. 31, 4 p.m. No<br />
registr<strong>at</strong>ion required. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
call, 651-7659.<br />
Blood Drive – every donor will receive<br />
a free T-shirt & free admission to Mountain<br />
Creek W<strong>at</strong>erpark (with purchase of one<br />
ticket) on Fri., Feb. 3, <strong>at</strong> Pine Bush High<br />
School. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 294-<br />
3362.<br />
Drum Circle – Open to all drummers<br />
& dancers of any skill level on S<strong>at</strong>., Feb. 4, 7<br />
– 10 p.m. <strong>at</strong> Subtle Energies Holistic Health<br />
Center, 1136 Kings Hwy. #4. For more<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 469-7162.<br />
Tired of Being Tired? – Learn how you<br />
can increase your energy & stamina by e<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
foods th<strong>at</strong> support the transform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
of energy within your body on S<strong>at</strong>., Feb. 4,<br />
2 – 4 p.m. Cost: $20. Register through<br />
BOCES <strong>at</strong> 781-6791 & press 2 for registr<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
To submit your Local Brief,email us <strong>at</strong> editor@wvdisp<strong>at</strong>ch.com<br />
Souper Bowl – homemade turkey vegetable<br />
with rice soup & beef chili with beans<br />
sale on S<strong>at</strong>., Feb. 4, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., sponsored<br />
by the Chester Presbyterian Church<br />
Youth Group to raise money for PC USA<br />
Feed the Hungry Program. Cost: $5 per<br />
quart. Bring your own containers if possible.<br />
All orders must be placed by Feb. 2. To<br />
order, call 469-4877.<br />
Die Fledermaus – performed by<br />
Moscow’s Helikon Opera Company <strong>at</strong> the<br />
Lycian Centre in Sugar Loaf on Sun., Feb. 5<br />
<strong>at</strong> 3 p.m. Tickets: $42 (adults) & $31.50 (18<br />
& younger). For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call<br />
469-2287.<br />
Pro Dairy/Winter Dairy Management<br />
– Venture from the Feeding System to the<br />
soil and back as <strong>at</strong>tendees <strong>at</strong> Cornell<br />
Cooper<strong>at</strong>ive Extension in Middletown on<br />
Feb. 6, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Enhancing dairy<br />
profitability and achieving balance between<br />
crops & cows. FSA Borrower Training<br />
Credits & CCA & PAS credits available to<br />
<strong>at</strong>tendees. For inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 344-1234.<br />
Winter Classics Storytelling –<br />
"Animal Grab Bag" <strong>at</strong> the Florida Library<br />
for grades K – 5 on Tues., Feb. 7, 4 p.m. No<br />
registr<strong>at</strong>ion required. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
call, 651-7659.<br />
"The Future of Food" – a documentary<br />
by Deborah Koons Garcia offering indepth<br />
investig<strong>at</strong>ion of the disturbing truth<br />
behind unlabeled, p<strong>at</strong>ented, & genetically<br />
engineered foods in grocery stores. Fri.,<br />
Feb. 10, 7 p.m., <strong>at</strong> the Warwick Valley<br />
Community Center, 11 Hamilton Ave. For<br />
more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 987-2321.<br />
Pasta Dinner Night – hosted by St.<br />
Stephen's School and Parish in Warwick on<br />
S<strong>at</strong>., Feb. 11 in the O'Connor Hall. There<br />
will be three se<strong>at</strong>ings: 4:30 p.m. early bird,<br />
$8 (10 and over) and $4 (3 – 9); 6 and 7:30<br />
p.m. se<strong>at</strong>ings, $10 (10 and over), $5 (3 – 9).<br />
Menu: Manicotti, Pasta Primavera, Penne a<br />
la Vodka, Spaghetti Marinara, Me<strong>at</strong>balls<br />
and Italian Sausage, Italian Bread and more.<br />
Reserve in advance <strong>at</strong> 987-7235. Take out<br />
available. All proceeds to benefit St.<br />
Stephen's Parish.<br />
Snow Sculpture Competition - participants<br />
have 72 hours to cre<strong>at</strong>e a snow sculpture<br />
masterpiece <strong>at</strong> Breezy Point Inn, 620<br />
Jersey Ave. /Rte. 210 in Greenwood Lake.<br />
Limit of 3 -4 person teams. Event begins on<br />
Thurs., Feb. 9. People Choice Judging on<br />
Sun., Feb. 12. For details, call 477-8100.<br />
Annual Winter Carnival - <strong>at</strong> Breezy<br />
Point Inn, 620 Jersey Ave./Rte. 210 in<br />
Greenwood Lake, on Fri., Feb. 17, S<strong>at</strong>., Feb.<br />
18, & Sun., Feb. 19. Old fashioned sleigh<br />
rides, ice carving, ice sk<strong>at</strong>ing, outdoor BBQ,<br />
auction & more. Free admission, parking &<br />
shuttle bus. Call 477-8100.<br />
Reiki G<strong>at</strong>hering – open to all Reiki<br />
Practitioners, regardless of where you<br />
trained on Mon., Feb. 20, 7 – 9 p.m. Contact<br />
Subtle Energies Holistic Health Center,<br />
1136 Kings Hwy. #4 <strong>at</strong> 469-7162 to be on<br />
their call list for this relaxing event.<br />
Lenten Revival Evening Preaching<br />
Series – on Wed. Mar. 1, 7 p.m., presented<br />
by the Union A.M.E. Church – every<br />
Wednesday through Lent. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
call Sis. Lena Logan <strong>at</strong> 986-3649.<br />
Lenten Revival Evening Preaching<br />
Series – on Wed. Mar. 8, 7 p.m., presented<br />
by the Union A.M.E. Church – every<br />
Wednesday through Lent. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
call Sis. Lena Logan <strong>at</strong> 986-3649.<br />
Lenten Revival Evening Preaching<br />
Series – on Wed. Mar. 15, 7 p.m., presented<br />
by the Union A.M.E. Church – every<br />
Wednesday through Lent. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
call Sis. Lena Logan <strong>at</strong> 986-3649.<br />
Rhythm of the Dance – performed by<br />
the N<strong>at</strong>ional Dance Company <strong>at</strong> the Lycian<br />
Centre in Sugar Loaf on Thurs., Mar. 16, 8<br />
p.m. Tickets: $37 (adults) & $25 (18 &<br />
younger). For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 469-<br />
2287.<br />
countrychevy.com<br />
Rt. 94 Warwick<br />
Lenten Revival Evening Preaching<br />
Series – on Wed. Mar. 22, 7 p.m., presented<br />
by the Union A.M.E. Church – every<br />
Wednesday through Lent. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
call Sis. Lena Logan <strong>at</strong> 986-3649.<br />
FRIDAY, MARCH 24<br />
Beauty and the Beast – performed by<br />
Signstage The<strong>at</strong>re <strong>at</strong> the Lycian Centre in<br />
Sugar Loaf on Fri., Mar. 24, 9:45 a.m. &<br />
11:45 a.m. Tickets: $15 (adults) & $12 (18<br />
& younger). For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call<br />
469-2287.<br />
MONDAY, MARCH 27<br />
The Supper <strong>at</strong> Emmaus – play reading<br />
<strong>at</strong> the Lycian Centre Pavilion in Sugar Loaf,<br />
7:30 p.m. on Mon., Mar. 27. Tickets: $20.<br />
Wine & Cheese reception included. For<br />
more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 469-2287.<br />
Lenten Revival Evening Preaching<br />
Series – on Wed. Mar. 29, 7 p.m., presented<br />
by the Union A.M.E. Church – every<br />
Wednesday through Lent. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
call Sis. Lena Logan <strong>at</strong> 986-3649.<br />
Lenten Revival Evening Preaching<br />
Series – on Wed. Apr. 5, 7 p.m., presented<br />
by the Union A.M.E. Church – every<br />
Wednesday through Lent. For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
call Sis. Lena Logan <strong>at</strong> 986-3649.<br />
Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake – performed<br />
by the Moscow Festival Ballet <strong>at</strong> the Lycian<br />
Centre in Sugar Loaf, 8 p.m. Tickets: $42<br />
(adults) & $31.50 (18 & younger). For<br />
more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 469-2287.<br />
SUNDAY, APRIL 23<br />
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes – musical<br />
on Sun., Apr. 23, 3 p.m., <strong>at</strong> the Lycian<br />
Centre in Sugar Loaf. Tickets: $45 (adults)<br />
& $33.75 (18 & younger). For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
call 469-2287.<br />
MONDAY, APRIL 24<br />
Play Reading – of "I’m Peggy<br />
Guggenheim and You’re Not" <strong>at</strong> the Lycian<br />
Centre Pavilion in Sugar Loaf, 7:30 p.m.<br />
Tickets: $20 & include wine & cheese reception.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion, call 469-2287.<br />
WE “ CLICK ”<br />
WITH OUR<br />
16<br />
The idea was to ask people to contribute costume<br />
jewelry th<strong>at</strong> they no longer used but which could turn<br />
into "M<strong>at</strong>ure gifts for m<strong>at</strong>ure ladies." Moshe<br />
Schwartzberg, his wife, Doris, and daughters Sarah<br />
Priest and Amy Fotino <strong>at</strong> Forever Jewelers are no<br />
strangers to community service, especially during the<br />
Holiday season. In the past, when they could take<br />
some time away from their busy schedule, they were<br />
instrumental in spearheading community Holiday<br />
events. Those included the placement of Santa’s Sleigh<br />
in Warwick’s Railroad Green and wh<strong>at</strong> has now<br />
become an annual tradition; the Menorah lighting on<br />
the first night of Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of<br />
Lights.<br />
Earlier this fall, Sarah Priest advertised th<strong>at</strong><br />
Forever Jewelers was looking for "beautiful baubles<br />
and beads." Priest asked members of the community<br />
to don<strong>at</strong>e "old treasures" of their costume jewelry.<br />
Experts <strong>at</strong> the jewelry store, she offered, would then<br />
clean, box and wrap the don<strong>at</strong>ions and deliver them to<br />
the residents of Schervier Pavilion, a skilled nursing<br />
facility on the Warwick Healthcare Campus th<strong>at</strong> it<br />
shares with Mount Alverno Center and St. Anthony<br />
Community Hospital.<br />
"The response was overwhelming," said Priest.<br />
"And we were thrilled to be able to hand out these gifts<br />
to the smiling residents and to bring even more cheer<br />
to their holiday season." On Dec. 22, Doris<br />
Schwartzberg, her daughters, Sarah Priest and Amy<br />
Fotino, with her children, Nicholas, 6, and Joey, 3,<br />
arrived <strong>at</strong> Schervier Pavilion with their arms filled<br />
with gifts. "But these are not our gifts," insisted Priest,<br />
"They are gifts from the people who responded to our<br />
request."<br />
It was perfect timing. Residents, along with families<br />
and staff had just g<strong>at</strong>hered for the Schervier<br />
Pavilion Annual Holiday party and everyone was<br />
enjoying refreshments, a visit from Santa and live<br />
musical entertainment. Schwartzberg, her daughters<br />
SAVE<br />
ON GAS<br />
A giant breakthrough<br />
solution to the high cost of gasoline!<br />
Endorsed by Johnny Ruthford, 3 time<br />
winner of the Indy 500.<br />
Documented and proven Results.<br />
• Up to 35% increase in gas mileage (miles per gallon).<br />
• Increases Horsepower & Performance.<br />
• Up to 80% reduction in Emission of Pollutants through Exhaust.<br />
• Up to 20% boost in power for Diesel Engines.<br />
• Extends the life of your engine.<br />
• For every $1.00 you spend on Enviro-Max Plus,SAVE up to $3.00 in Fuel Savings.<br />
• Additionally, SAVE on future engine repairs and/or tune-ups by reducing engine<br />
wear and tear by 50% or more.<br />
Enviro-Max Plus will not harm your engine or void any warranties.<br />
• Tremendous Home Based Business Opportunity available now.<br />
As a c<strong>at</strong>alyst, Enviro-Max Plus allows 100% of your fuel to burn <strong>at</strong> a lower<br />
temper<strong>at</strong>ure, thereby elimin<strong>at</strong>ing carbon buildup and increasing gas mileage.<br />
Maximum results are achieved in all types of vehicles: Cars, trucks, diesels, bo<strong>at</strong>s,<br />
motorcycles, farm equipment, lawn maintenance equipment and gener<strong>at</strong>ors.<br />
Enviro-Max Plus turns regular fuel into Super Fuel! By using Enviro-Max Plus in<br />
regular gas instead of high-test, you will save about 25 cents per gallon and still<br />
increase MPG.<br />
All products purchased from the company carry a 90-day money back guarantee.<br />
<strong>Order</strong> Online: www.fewright.myextreme research.com<br />
Or call: 845-783-9387.<br />
Local Business Plays ‘Santa’ to Schervier Pavilion Residents<br />
and grandchildren, joined Santa in handing out the<br />
jewelry gifts to all the residents.<br />
"We are gr<strong>at</strong>eful to the people <strong>at</strong> Forever Jewelers<br />
and those who contributed their jewelry," said Leah<br />
Cerkvenik, executive vice president/administr<strong>at</strong>or of<br />
Warwick Health Care Campus. "These gifts will bring<br />
much happiness to the residents of Schervier Pavilion.<br />
It’s a wonderful demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion of the generosity of<br />
local businesses and residents th<strong>at</strong> has been instrumental<br />
in helping us in our mission to provide the best<br />
possible health care for our community. We thank you<br />
all."<br />
Amy Fotino (front, from left) with her sons, Nicholas, 6, and Joey, 3, and Sarah Priest; (center from left) Sr.<br />
Marguerette, Eileen Schappell, Brady Greer, Dorothy Keefe and Dorothy Mabie; and (standing rear, from left) Kari<br />
Call, Director of Recre<strong>at</strong>ional Services <strong>at</strong> Schervier Pavilion, and Doris Schwartzberg, co-owner of Forever Jewelers.<br />
You’ll Never See<br />
Th<strong>at</strong> Again…<br />
By Scott Webber<br />
While riding through Vernon, NJ in<br />
Feb. 2002, I saw this<br />
gasoline sign. I had<br />
to stop and get my<br />
camera out. "You’ll<br />
never see th<strong>at</strong><br />
again," I told<br />
myself. Would th<strong>at</strong> I<br />
had gotten my camera<br />
out years earlier<br />
when several gasoline<br />
st<strong>at</strong>ions along<br />
the highway where I<br />
was living were having<br />
a price war.<br />
During the day<br />
the prices dropped<br />
hour by hour from<br />
the starting 36 cents<br />
a gallon (th<strong>at</strong> was in<br />
1966) and by afternoon<br />
they had<br />
dropped to 20 cents<br />
a gallon. The trick<br />
was knowing how<br />
long to wait before<br />
filling up. I could<br />
fill my Volkswagen<br />
Be<strong>at</strong>tle for $2 back<br />
then. When I drove<br />
to Alaska in the<br />
summer of 1953, I<br />
thought I had seen<br />
the ultim<strong>at</strong>e cost; it<br />
was 70 cents a gallon<br />
on the Alaska Highway from Dawson<br />
Creek, Mile 0, to Anchorage, some 1500<br />
miles l<strong>at</strong>er.<br />
Many people spent the time reading<br />
in the car on the gas lines of 1973 as they<br />
w<strong>at</strong>ched in horror<br />
as the pump prices<br />
were changed,<br />
passing 50 cents to<br />
79 cents a gallon.<br />
Because I worked<br />
for the post office<br />
the local st<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
had specified<br />
hours on certain<br />
days when we<br />
could take turns<br />
leaving work and<br />
filling our cars up.<br />
The pumps were<br />
only open several<br />
times a week to the<br />
public. People<br />
slept in their<br />
campers waiting<br />
on line along<br />
Route 202 all night<br />
for the 6 a.m.<br />
opening, to get<br />
maybe three gallons.<br />
Those sure<br />
were the days. We<br />
got so anxious th<strong>at</strong><br />
we were willing to<br />
pay almost anything<br />
to get some<br />
gas to keep us<br />
going. It’s how<br />
they got the gas prices up and we were<br />
willing to pay for it.