SAARP Bulletin - latest copy: April 2013

SAARP Bulletin - latest copy: April 2013

SAARP Bulletin - latest copy: April 2013


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<strong>Bulletin</strong><br />

Publication for Seniors<br />


<strong>SAARP</strong> wins top award<br />

Budget <strong>2013</strong> - how does it<br />

affect your pocket<br />

Nuwe aanbiedinge deur SAVA<br />

Eat better, live longer<br />

<strong>April</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />

Adding life to your years




Following our successful launch in July 2009 we have saved <strong>SAARP</strong> members thousands of rands in premiums.<br />


The lowest premiums, widest cover, least exclusions, unsurpassed service.<br />


In the event of a Home, Roadside or Medical emergency, a 24-hour call centre provides the necessary assistance to<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong>-SURE clients.<br />

For an obligation free comparative quotation contact your <strong>SAARP</strong>-SURE consultant.<br />


Tel: 021 415 1858 l Fax: 021 415 4687 l Cell: 082 789 5061 l Email: freeburyc@aforbes.co.za<br />



An Authorised Financial Services Provider. Licence Number 30414. * Terms & Conditions Apply.<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> Head Office<br />

Postal Address<br />

P.O. Box 13222<br />

N1 City 7463<br />

Physical Address<br />

125 Vasco Boulevard<br />

Goodwood<br />

Contact<br />

Tel: 021 592 1279 / Fax: 021 592 1284<br />

Email: saarp@iafrica.com<br />

Website: www.saarp.net<br />

Bank account particulars for <strong>Bulletin</strong><br />

subscriptions<br />

ABSA Bank, Cape Town, Universal Code 632005<br />

Cheque Account Number 405 745 1765<br />

Images Stock.XCHANGE, Dreamstime<br />

Publishers DPI Media<br />

Printing Paarl Media Pty (Ltd)<br />

Team<br />

Social Services Director<br />

Ray Hattingh<br />

Editor Philip Bateman<br />

Proof-reader Julie Hattingh<br />

Translator Hans Linde<br />

Contributors Desi Doran<br />

Paul Rosenbrock<br />

Ray Hattingh<br />

Philip Bateman<br />

Caroline Bateman<br />

John Benwell<br />

Bruce Bayer<br />

Prof. JP van Niekerk<br />

Design and Lay-out<br />

Aardvark Creations<br />

Cell: 082 650 3414<br />

mel@aardvarkc.co.za<br />

Advertising mel@aardvarkc.co.za<br />

Cell: 082 650 3414

Contents / Inhoud<br />

Boodskap van die Uitvoerende Direkteur 2<br />

The CEO’s note 3<br />

NEWS / NUUS<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> wins top award 4<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> news 4<br />

Snippets from around the world 6<br />


Budget <strong>2013</strong> - how it affects your pocket 7<br />

Begrafnispolisse - navraag en verduideliking 9<br />

Nuwe aanbiedinge deur SAVA ! 11<br />

What to do if an elderly relative can no<br />

longer handle his or her affairs 12<br />

Why it’s sensible to value your car correctly 14<br />


<strong>Bulletin</strong> to move into the 21st century 16<br />

Enjoy 3 000 top international radio stations<br />

- in your home - free! 18<br />

Waarom jy jou ID-nommers op jou dokumente<br />

moet nagaan as jy ouer as 25 is 20<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 1<br />

7<br />

4 30<br />


Keep your brain agile - at any age! 22<br />

Discovering the world of hearing aids 24<br />

Eat better, live longer 28<br />

Grow a herb garden in your kitchen 30<br />

Buyer beware: snake oil still flourishes 32<br />


Klein wonderwerke: gebruike vir<br />

alledaagse dinge 34<br />

Claim your <strong>SAARP</strong> benefits 36<br />

Profile: Paul Rosenbrock 38<br />

You’re never too old ... 39<br />

Enjoy a vibrant social life with <strong>SAARP</strong>’s<br />

Social Clubs 40<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> Social Club information 42<br />

Travel Club 44<br />

Holiday Club 46<br />


Puzzles (Word Search & Sudoku) 47<br />

Solutions / Oplossings 48<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong>, its suppliers, publisher, printer and contributors do not have any intention to provide specific medical or other advice but rather<br />

may provide readers with information in terms of its rights under the Constitution of South Africa. Information provided here is not a<br />

substitute for professional advice of any nature, more particularly medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment, neither is it designed to<br />

promote or endorse any medical practice or treatment, programme or product. It is placed on record that <strong>SAARP</strong> does not endorse or recommend<br />

any product advertised or mentioned in the editorial content of the <strong>Bulletin</strong> or website or the like. Additionally and similarly,<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> does not offer professional advice in any area, including, but not limited to, law and finance. In all cases, should readers require<br />

advice or treatment or the like, they should consult a properly accredited and qualified specialist in the field.

Boodskap van die Uitvoerende<br />

Direkteur<br />

Gedurende die afgelope aantal maande is ons oorstroom met aansoeke vir<br />

lidmaatskap. Dit is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die gebruik van ons webwerf. Dit<br />

sê vir ons twee dinge: dat mense die webwerf lees en daarop reageer, en dat die<br />

voordele wat ons aanbied, vir voornemende lede aantreklik is.<br />

Ons verwelkom nuwe lede in ons kring, maar ons wil nie hê dat hulle kontak<br />

met ons moet eindig nadat hulle hulle lidkaarte en die <strong>Bulletin</strong> ontvang het nie.<br />

Ons wil hê dat die lede ons dienste moet gebruik, wat goedkoper korttermynversekering,<br />

wonderlike vakansies, ander versekeringsplanne en bykomende<br />

dienste soos die verskaffing van gratis testamente insluit.<br />

SAVA is ’n organisasie wat ’n hele reeks van dienste aan mense oor 50 verskaf, selfs al is hulle nie pensioentrekkers<br />

nie.Ons krag om beter voordele vir ons lede te beding is van ’n hoë lidmaattal afhanklik.<br />

Daarom moedig ons lede aan om soveel as moontlik gebruik te maak van wat ons aanbied en om vriende<br />

aan te moedig om lede te word. Al ons dienste is daarop gemik om vir jou geld te bespaar. In hierdie moeilike<br />

finansiële omstandighede is dit presies wat mense in ons ouderdomsgroep regtig nodig het. Word<br />

daarom ’n ambassadeur vir SAVA en bring ons en ons dienste onder jou vriende se aandag.<br />

Ek het onlangs ’n interessante brief van ’n lid gekry wat sy SAVA-lidkaart gebruik het om per trein deur<br />

Europa te reis. Hy het dit getoon waar hy ook al gegaan het en dienste en reise teen ’n groot korting – en<br />

soms selfs gratis – gekry. As ons regering maar net met soveel deernis na die belange van die senior burgers<br />

in ons land wou omsien en vir hulle die een of ander vorm van beloning wou gee vir die lange jare van<br />

diens wat hulle gelewer het en belasting wat hulle betaal het! As ander regerings die seniors kan beloon,<br />

waarom nie ons s’n ook nie?<br />

Ek kry herhaaldelik die vraag waarom ons nie ’n mediese skema teen kompeterende pryse vir ons lede<br />

kan daarstel nie. Al ons lede voel die knyp en het probleme om mediese dekking teen billike pryse te kry.<br />

Die probleem is dat ons meer siektetoestande ontwikkel soos ons ouer word. Daarom is ons ’n swaarder<br />

las vir mediese skemas as die jonger, gesonder lede. As gevolg hiervan is mediese skemas geneig om hulle<br />

tariewe te verhoog as hulle ’n groter aantal ouer lede het om sodoende die bykomende koste te dra. Dit is<br />

dus duidelik waarom hulle huiwerig is om ons as ’n groep in te neem. Die Wet op Mediese Skemas laat<br />

nie skemas toe om op grond van ras, ouderdom, gesondheid of geslag te diskrimineer nie. Daarom kan<br />

hulle ons nie weier as ons as indiwidue toetree nie. Hulle kan egter weier om ons as ’n groep te aanvaar.<br />

Daarom sal ons voortgaan om alternatiewe vorms van mediese dekking te ondersoek wat ons lede finansieel<br />

sal help.<br />

Ek het onlangs ’n interessante gesprek gehad met die aktuarisse van die pensioenfonds waarby ek betrokke<br />

is. Hulle weet te vertel dat lewensverwagting in die verlede gemiddeld ongeveer 75 was, maar dat<br />

hierdie syfer geleidelik styg. Hulle fonds het 54 mense oor die ouderdom van 100 en 12 oor 105 jaar.<br />

Hulle het bygevoeg dat mense teen die einde van die eeu die ouderdom van 125 sou kon bereik. Hierdie<br />

toename in lewensverwagting beteken dat daar ’n groter las op pensioenfondse sal lê omdat mense vir<br />

veel langer voordeel trek as wat aanvanklik verwag is. Hierdie toestand skep ook vir ons ’n uitdaging.<br />

Dit beteken dat die mark vir ons dienste geleidelik toeneem. Dit sou wonderlik wees as ons ons ledetal<br />

oor die volgende tien jaar kon verdubbel. Jy kan help deur jou vriende van ons te vertel en hulle aan te<br />

moedig om as lede aan te sluit.<br />

John Benwell<br />

2<br />


The CEO’s note<br />

Over the last few months we have been inundated with applications for membership<br />

of <strong>SAARP</strong>. These have emanated mainly from traffic on our website. This<br />

is telling us two things: that people are reading and responding to the website,<br />

and that the benefits we are providing are attractive to prospective members.<br />

We welcome new members into our fold but we don’t want communication to<br />

stop after they’ve received their membership cards and the <strong>Bulletin</strong>. We want<br />

members to use our services, which include cheaper short-term insurance, wonderful<br />

holidays, other insurance plans and our subsidiary services such as the<br />

provision of free wills.<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> is an organisation providing a whole range of services to people over the<br />

age of 50, even if they aren’t pensioners. Our power to negotiate better deals for<br />

our members relies on a high membership base and so we would like to encourage you to make use of<br />

what we have to offer as much as possible and also to encourage your friends to become members. All our<br />

services are aimed at saving you money which, in these trying financial times, is just what everyone in our<br />

age group really needs. So, become a <strong>SAARP</strong> ambassador and sell us and our services to all your friends.<br />

I had an interesting letter the other day from a member who used our <strong>SAARP</strong> membership card to tour<br />

Europe by train. He produced it wherever he went and received heavily discounted - and sometimes free<br />

- services and travel. If only our government would look so favourably on the elderly in our country, and<br />

provide them with some form of reward for the services they have rendered by being taxpayers for so<br />

many years. If other governments reward the elderly, why not ours?<br />

I am repeatedly asked why we cannot negotiate a medical scheme at competitive rates for our members.<br />

All our members are feeling the pinch and have difficulty finding medical cover at a reasonable cost.<br />

The problem is that as we grow old, we experience more ailments, and we are therefore a heavier burden<br />

on medical schemes than the younger, healthier members. Due to this, medical schemes tend to increase<br />

their rates if they have a high number of elderly members, in order to cover these costs. So one can see<br />

how they are reluctant to take us as a group.<br />

The Medical Schemes Act does not allow schemes to discriminate based on race, age, health or gender so<br />

they cannot stop us from joining individually. They can, however, refuse to accept us a group. So we will<br />

continue to seek alternative forms of medical insurance which will assist members financially.<br />

I recently had an interesting discussion with the actuaries of a pension fund with which I am involved.<br />

They told me that in the past, life expectancy was, on average, approximately 75 years, but that this figure<br />

is steadily rising. Their fund has 54 people over the age of 100 and 12 over 105 years.<br />

They added that by the end of this century people could reach the age of 125 years. This increase in life<br />

expectancy means that there will be a greater demand on pension funds, insurance and medical schemes<br />

as members remain beneficiaries for many more years than originally anticipated.<br />

This situation also creates a challenge for us, as it means that the market for our services is steadily growing.<br />

It would be wonderful to double our membership numbers over the next ten years. You can help by<br />

telling your friends about us and encouraging them to join.<br />

John Benwell<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 3

<strong>SAARP</strong> wins TOP AWARD<br />

In February this year ‘GG’ Grobler, our Marketing<br />

Officer, received this handsome trophy<br />

awarded to <strong>SAARP</strong> as ‘Consumer Body<br />

of the Year’ by the South African Consumer<br />

Union in Pretoria.<br />

The award is given annually to the body<br />

whom they regard as having done the most<br />

for looking after the interests of the South<br />

African consumer. Says CEO John Benwell,<br />

“We are thrilled and honoured to have been<br />

recognised in this way and this award will<br />

act as a further incentive for us to continue<br />

and expand our efforts.”<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> Executive directors with the trophy<br />

awarded for being the ‘Consumer Body of the<br />

Year’. From left: Ray Hattingh, John Benwell<br />

(CEO) and Paul Rosenbrock.<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> NEWS<br />

New members<br />

Last year we increased our membership by 5 180.<br />

More than half – 2 778 - joined via our website<br />

www.saarp.net Twenty-three per cent of these<br />

took advantage of our discounted insurance offers<br />

and other financial services. The average age was<br />

just over 63 years, and nearly two-thirds provided<br />

e-mail addresses. This is important to us as the<br />

cost of postage has become prohibitive, and it is<br />

far cheaper, faster and more convenient to update<br />

our members via e-mail. We encourage potential<br />

members to give us their e-mail addresses.<br />

4<br />

Hellopeter.com - plaudits<br />

Hellopeter.com is an internet ‘platforum’ where<br />

the public can openly complain or provide<br />

compliments about services they receive from<br />

companies or institutions.<br />

It is gratifying to note that there are five posts<br />

on hellopeter.com all praising the excellent<br />

service given by <strong>SAARP</strong> and our linked insurance<br />

company, Auto & General. For more information<br />

on this ‘plaforum’ you can search for<br />

www.hellopeter.com.<br />


Insurance savings<br />

Did you know that the price of commodities has<br />

increased dramatically over the last ten years – by<br />

up to 239%? One of <strong>SAARP</strong>’s ‘pillars’ is to bring<br />

you quality short-term insurance at a reduced<br />

cost. In fact, we have been able to save some<br />

members up to R900 per month on their premiums.<br />

The Hellopeter item bears testimony to this.<br />

Members often tell us that they are loyal to their<br />

brokers with whom they’ve dealt for years. If you<br />

are prepared – and have the spare cash - to pay<br />

R10 800 per annum for ‘loyalty’ then so be it.<br />

(Ask yourself, would your broker pay you that for<br />

‘loyalty’?)<br />

Not surprisingly, we’ve received plenty of ‘thank<br />

you’ letters from satisfied members. Here’s just<br />

one, “I would also like to add my heartfelt thanks<br />

to <strong>SAARP</strong> for organising my insurance. Like for<br />

like I have made a saving of R780 per month. For<br />

us pensioners that is a fortune. Thank you very<br />

much. Frank Clark.”<br />

If you would like to save on insurance, please<br />

give us a call on 021 592 1279, and Renske<br />

or Beverley, our insurance brokers, will get<br />

you highly competitive quotes.<br />

NEWSLETTER – Member interest<br />

Nearly 30% of addressees open the newsletter<br />

which is well above industry norms but way below<br />

our expectations. Why, if you are a member of<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong>, would you not want to read our communications?<br />

We wonder how many of these emails go into<br />

junk mail without people realising it. Set up<br />

news@saarp.co.za as ‘always allow’ in your<br />

address book to prevent this happening.<br />

Some ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) are also<br />

a problem, notably iBurst. <strong>SAARP</strong> now sends<br />

newsletters to all iBurst members from a personal<br />

computer as this seems to circumvent iBurst’s<br />

‘nanny’ software. How would you feel if the Post<br />

Office decides which mail you should receive and<br />

which they can simply throw away?<br />

If you don’t receive our monthly newsletter<br />

yet, follow this link and complete your details:http://www.saarp.net/eng_newslettersignup.php<br />

NEW BENEFIT – <strong>SAARP</strong> wills, without any<br />

drafting costs<br />

Many members have expressed the wish that we<br />

assist them with the drawing up of wills and create<br />

a system through which <strong>SAARP</strong> is nominated<br />

as a co-executor of our members’ wills.<br />

We have negotiated a special deal for members<br />

that will enable you to save money on the costs<br />

of executing a will. Depending upon the size and<br />

complexity of your estate, the discount could vary<br />

from 20% to 50% off the maximum legislated fees<br />

that are normally charged. In effect, you’ll be able<br />

to bequeath more, because any savings of this<br />

nature translate into more assets being available<br />

for heirs. <strong>SAARP</strong> will then do all it can to ensure<br />

that those left behind get the most advantageous<br />

financial deal it is possible for us to negotiate.<br />

Help us place your estate details in the hands of<br />

suitably qualified attorneys who will draft your<br />

will at no cost, and execute your will at favourably<br />

discounted rates, with <strong>SAARP</strong> looking over<br />

their shoulder.<br />

Request a Will Request Details Form to be<br />

sent to you. This form may be obtained by<br />

contacting Paul Rosenbrock at: paul@saarp.<br />

co.za. If you don’t have e-mail access, fax<br />

Paul at 021 592 1284 or phone 021 592<br />

1279.<br />

b-SMART saves members a fortune<br />

Through <strong>SAARP</strong>, members have access to a<br />

b-Smart card. It’s really paying dividends. The<br />

year runs from 1 July to 30 June in the following<br />

year. The <strong>latest</strong> bonus declaration was a massive<br />

4.3% which means that a member spending<br />

R42 000 on conventional items eligible for the<br />

claim, would have received a bonus of R1 806.<br />

It’s one of the cleanest loyalty schemes around<br />

and has relatively few exceptions. (Pharmaceutical<br />

spending and petrol are not claimable, for<br />

instance.) The fees are low – and include a minor<br />

surcharge, transaction fees and annual card insurance<br />

of a mere R5.70, so you really score.<br />

Start saving today! Why not? To apply for<br />

your <strong>SAARP</strong>/b-SMART card, call Cape Consumers<br />

on 021 409 7600 or sms “<strong>SAARP</strong>”, followed<br />

by your area [e.g. <strong>SAARP</strong> Goodwood or<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> Oudtshoorn], 32005. (SMS costs R1).<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 5

SnIPPETS from around the world<br />

Strike a blow for age discrimination<br />

Sick and tired of being told that you’ve passed<br />

your sell-by date? Tired of callow youngsters<br />

being edged into your job – when they lack experience<br />

and are 20 years younger? Now there’s<br />

evidence to prove that older people are better<br />

employees. Researchers at the University of<br />

Mannheim in Germany studied production workers<br />

on the Mercedes Benz assembly line. They<br />

found that younger, and often better-educated<br />

employees, were less productive, possibly because<br />

they got bored more easily. Researchers believe<br />

that where physical strength is less important,<br />

older workers show considerable superiority. The<br />

report stated that older workers had greater experience,<br />

were better team-workers, and were more<br />

flexible when things went wrong.<br />

The Cape Argus. <strong>April</strong> 19, 2011.<br />

Cell phone for older people<br />

Age UK, a British-based organisation for the<br />

elderly, has launched a no-frills cellphone called<br />

‘My Phone’ designed to make calling easier for<br />

those older people frustrated with excess gadgetry.<br />

The phone is the size of a credit card and can<br />

hold up to eight numbers which can be inserted<br />

by the manufacturer. It has buttons labeled ‘answer’<br />

and ‘on/off’ and has a battery life of about<br />

five days. It is also offered in 11 different colours<br />

– making is easier to find, for people with poor<br />

eyesight, than the plain black version.<br />

IOL. November 7, 2012.<br />

Older drivers cause fewer accidents<br />

Forget the mumblings about old dodderers behind<br />

the wheel – researchers at the Transport<br />

Research Laboratory in the UK have recently<br />

completed a study in which they found older<br />

drivers to be far more responsible and a marvellous<br />

example to younger drivers with their cavalier<br />

attitudes. Drivers from the age of 17 through<br />

to over-75s were put through a stiff driving test<br />

to check reactions. Despite the popular perception<br />

that older drivers are slower, researchers<br />

found that the older drivers were just as quick<br />

to react when a vehicle suddenly appeared in a<br />

6<br />

side road. The researchers found that experience<br />

outweighed any possible slowness or caution. In<br />

the UK the over-60s account for nine percent of<br />

drivers but only six percent of casualties. People<br />

under 30 accounted for 20 per cent of drivers but<br />

35 per cent of casualties. Say no more!<br />

IOL. November 30, 2012.<br />

Pensioner refunded for bad deal<br />

Congratulations to the Ombudsman for Financial<br />

Advisory and Intermediary Services for ordering<br />

that a pensioner be refunded R815 000 after she<br />

had been advised to invest in a property syndication<br />

run by Sharemax Investments. The pensioner<br />

had not been paid any income for more than two<br />

years and had effectively lost her capital, the ombudsman<br />

stated. He found that the adviser was<br />

negligent because he had not applied his mind as<br />

to how much risk the pensioner should take. Advice<br />

has to be appropriate under the circumstances<br />

– and older people are particularly vulnerable<br />

as they don’t have an opportunity to catch up<br />

again if an investment turns sour. Pensioners<br />

beware – be ultra-cautious about switching from<br />

a well-known branded investment into a high risk<br />

one with a potentially higher return as it may not<br />

be what it purports to be.<br />

IOL. December 21, 2012<br />

Chinese introduce strict law about visiting<br />

elderly relatives<br />

Chinese authorities have passed a new law stating<br />

that relatives should pay regular visits to<br />

their ageing family members. The Chinese have<br />

always encouraged respect for the elderly and this<br />

principle is enshrined in the new amendments to<br />

the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the<br />

Elderly legislation. Employers have to grant leave<br />

to staff in order to enable them to fulfill their obligations.<br />

One can understand their concern. By<br />

<strong>2013</strong> China will house a population of some 200<br />

million citizens over 60 due to improved living<br />

standards. Officials estimate that by 2050, 30% of<br />

Chinese will be 60 years or over, against a worldwide<br />

average of 20%.<br />

IOL. December 29. 2012.<br />


BUDGET <strong>2013</strong> – how does<br />

it affect your pocket<br />

by John Benwell<br />

On 27 February the Finance<br />

Minister presented his annual<br />

National Budget Speech. It<br />

was basically well received by<br />

all concerned and addressed<br />

the position of South Africa in<br />

this uncertain global economy<br />

environment.<br />

He highlighted the fact that<br />

the economy had grown more<br />

slowly than in 2012, with an<br />

expected growth of 2.7% in<br />

<strong>2013</strong>, rising to 3.8% in 2015.<br />

Government is committed to<br />

large scale infrastructure investment<br />

to the tune of R827<br />

billion over the next three<br />

years. It is also ready to implement<br />

the National Development<br />

Plan (NDP ) which will<br />

provide reforms to improve<br />

education, increasing urbanisation means for housing, schools, clinics, municipal services, public transport<br />

and commercial development.<br />

National Treasury was also busy engaging with business leaders to get private sector investment in the<br />

economy.<br />

Social grants were increased, with child support grants moving from R280 per month to R290 per<br />

month, with a further increase to R300 per month in October. Old age/disability grants increase from<br />

R1 200 to R1 260 per month, with a further additional grant of R20 to persons over the age of 75 years.<br />

The secondary and tertiary rebates will be phased out by 2016 and all persons older than 65 will be<br />

entitled to old age grants from then. The Means Test will be abolished from then.<br />

Individual contributions to all retirement funds and employer contributions which constitute a fringe<br />

benefit will be tax deductible up to a limit of 27.5% of the greater of remuneration or taxable income.<br />

The tax deduction will be capped at R350 000.<br />

Savings and investments will have interest exemption increasing from R28 000 to R23 800 for tax payers<br />

under 65 years of age, and from R33 000 to R34 500 for 65 years and older.<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 7

INDIVIDUaL taX<br />

Personal tax (natural persons)<br />

RebateS<br />

8<br />

New <strong>2013</strong>/2014 tax year<br />

Taxable Income (R's) Rates of Tax<br />

0 -­‐ 165 600 18 % of each R 1<br />

165 601 -­‐ 258 750 R 29 808 + 25% of the amount above R 165 600<br />

258 751 -­‐ 358 110 R 53 096 + 30% of the amount above R 258 750<br />

358 111 -­‐ 500 940 R 82 904 + 35% of the amount above R 358 110<br />

500 941 -­‐ 638 600 R 132 894 + 38% of the amount above R 500 940<br />

638 601 and above R 185 205 + 40% of the amount above R 638 600<br />

The primary rebate will be increased to R12 080 per year (currently R11 440)<br />

The secondary rebate which applies to individuals aged 65 and older will be increased to R6 750 per<br />

year (currently R6 390)<br />

The third rebate which applies to individuals aged 75 and older will be increased to R2 250 per year<br />

(currently R2 130)<br />

The threshold below which individuals are not liable for personal income tax will be increased as follows:<br />

• For persons younger than 65, will be increased from R63 556 to R67 111;<br />

• For persons between the ages of 65 and 74, it will be increased from R99 056 to R104 611; and<br />

• For persons 75 years and older, it will be increased from R110 889 to R117 111.<br />


Tax credits will increase from R230 to R242 for the first two beneficiaries and from R154 to R162 for<br />

each additional beneficiary.<br />

tRUStS<br />

Old 2012/<strong>2013</strong> tax year<br />

Taxable Income (R's) Rates of Tax<br />

0 -­‐ 160 000 18 % of each R 1<br />

160 001 -­‐ 250 000 R 28 000 + 25% of the amount above R 160 000<br />

250 001 -­‐ 346 000 R 51 300 + 30% of the amount above R 250 000<br />

346 001 -­‐ 484 000 R 80 100 + 35% of the amount above R 346 000<br />

484 001 -­‐ 617 000 R 128 400 + 38% of the amount above R 484 000<br />

617 001 and above R 178 940 + 40% of the amount above R 617 000<br />

The taxation of trusts will also come under review to control abuse with modification of the tax treatment<br />

including that of employment share schemes and disability or income protection policies.<br />


OtHeR MatteRS<br />

• Increases on excise duties for alcoholic beverages vary between 5.7 and 10% .<br />

• Increases on excise duties for tobacco products vary between 5.8 and 10%.<br />

• The general fuel levy increases by 22.5% for both petrol and diesel, and the road accident fund levy<br />

increases by 8 cents per litre from 3 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

• Carbon tax will be introduced from 1 January 2015 and the electricity levy will be phased out when<br />

this is introduced.<br />

• Vehicle carbon emission tax will be increased from 1 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

• Levies on use of plastic bags and incandescent light bulbs will increase on 1 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

• A biofuels production incentive will be introduced to support biofuel production in SA.<br />


The minister said the budget is set in a time when there is limited room for expansion yet there are significant<br />

opportunities for change. The budget involves a balancing act between recovery and consolidation,<br />

economic power and social solidarity, infrastructure and human development and between encouraging<br />

enterprise and regulating markets.<br />


navraag en verduideliking<br />

Ons het die volgende navraag ontvang: Ek is bekommerd<br />

oor die werking van begrafnispolisse soos dit deur sommige<br />

maatskappye aangebied word. Ek het in Januarie 1992 ’n polis<br />

by X uitgeneem. Ek het pas twintig jaar voltooi en my berekenings<br />

dui aan dat ek 44% meer inbetaal het as wat my gesin by my afsterwe<br />

sal uitkry! Is dit in orde? As ek met meer jare geseën word, dan betaal ek geld in<br />

wat normaalweg gebruik moet word om my voordele te verbeter. Dit sou voordelig kon wees as mens<br />

die invloed van inflasie oor die jare in gedagte hou. Toe ek navraag doen, is aan my gesê dat die polis<br />

nooit volbetaald word nie, dat daar nie ’n vermeerdering van die bedrag is wat uitbetaal sal word nie en<br />

dat dit my vrystaan om die polis te kanselleer, hoewel ek dan alles sal verloor wat ek inbetaal het.<br />

John Benwell antwoord soos volg: Dit is moeilik om volledig te antwoord sonder om volledige besonderhede<br />

oor die polis te hê. Jy moet egter in gedagte hou dat ’n begrafnispolis ’n versekeringspolis is en<br />

die beginsel van alle versekeringspolisse is van toepassing. Jy betaal in ’n poel in waaruit alle eise gedek<br />

word. Jy kan dalk eers na baie jare eis, of jy kan na ’n korter tydperk eis. Dit is die basiese beginsel vir<br />

versekering soos dit byvoorbeeld ook vir jou motor geld. Jy betaal totdat jy ’n eis het, maar totdat jy eis<br />

is jy ten volle gedek. Jy betaal vir die gerustheid dat jy vir ’n moontlike gebeurtenis ten volle gedek is.<br />

Die persoon wat vir baie jare betaal, subsidieer die persoon wat na ’n jaar ’n eis instel. Sommige begrafnispolisse<br />

word as volbetaald beskou as die hooflid te sterwe kom, terwyl dekking voortgesit word vir die<br />

ander gesinslede sonder dat verdere inbetalings gemaak word. Dit hang alles af van die betrokke polis<br />

waarvoor ’n lid ingegaan het. Hoe jonger jy die polis uitneem, hoe laer is die premies gewoonlik. Dit is<br />

alles wettig en aanvaarbaar. As jy ophou om in te betaal, hou die dekking ook op. Daar is gewoonlik nie<br />

’n volbetaal-opsie nie.<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 9

10<br />

1203<strong>2013</strong>/1<br />


NUwE aanbiedinge<br />

deur SAVA!<br />

Dis ’n voorreg om u te kan inlig dat ons<br />

twee nuwe versekeringsprodukte aan ons<br />

lede kan bied:<br />


Dit verskaf dekking met ongeluk, dood of<br />

ongeskiktheid ten bedrae van R100 000 aan<br />

alle persone tot op die ouderdom van 80<br />

jaar indien beserings a.g.v. ’n ongeluk opgedoen<br />

word. Die polis sluit R10 000 begrafnisversekering<br />

in en hospitaaldekking van<br />

R2 000 per dag vir ’n periode van twee weke<br />


R65 PER MAAND.<br />


As ’n lid van ’n mediese skema verwag mens gewoonlik<br />

dat jou kostes ten volle gedek sal wees<br />

indien u ooit gehospitaliseer moet word.<br />

Ongelukkig is dit alles behalwe die waarheid,<br />

want mediese skemas se voordele word gewoonlik<br />

beperk tot Mediese Skema Tariewe (MST)<br />

wat van skema tot skema varieër.<br />

Heelparty mediese praktisyns vra baie meer<br />

as die MST tariewe. In werklikheid vra heelparty<br />

tot soveel as vier maal hierdie tariewe. Dit<br />

veroorsaak natuurlik ’n gaping of tekort wat<br />

deur u verskuldig is aan die mediese praktisyn<br />

wat u in die hospitaal behandel het.<br />

MEER!<br />

As lid sal u persoonlik moet instaan vir die verskil<br />

wat soms ’n aardige bedrag kan wees.<br />

Ons nuwe ADMED skema maak dit vir u<br />

moontlik om uself teen sulke gebeurlikhede te<br />

beskerm.<br />

Die polis verskaf ook verskeie addisionele<br />

ongeluksvoordele.<br />

Bydraes word bepaal op grond van elke aansoeker<br />

se persoonlike omstandighede soos op<br />

die aansoekvorm weergegee word.<br />

Vir meer inligting skakel ons kantoor by<br />

tel. 021 592 1279.<br />

Sien bl 36 - 37 vir ons ander voordele om ’n SAVA-lid<br />

te wees. Maak gebruik daarvan!<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 11

WhAT To Do if an elderly<br />

relative can no longer handle<br />

his or her<br />

affairs<br />

by Philip Bateman<br />

When an elderly relative becomes incapable<br />

of handling their financial and other affairs,<br />

you may have to assume the role of curator<br />

bonis. It’s a drastic move as they lose their<br />

right to deal with their own financial affairs<br />

but it’s very necessary to ensure their protection.<br />

Q. What are the criteria for this?<br />

A. The dominant principle is that if the person is unable to appreciate the nature and legal consequences<br />

of a particular act or transaction as a result of a mental illness, the act or transaction will<br />

be void.<br />

Q. Does the person who is to be put under curatorship have to understand the legal<br />

proceedings?<br />

A. No. It often happens that they are not able to do so. In this case, a so-called ‘curator ad litem’<br />

will first be appointed to represent that person at an inquiry into his or her condition. Once the<br />

curator bonis is appointed, they will – obviously subject to a court order – be able to supplement,<br />

or even completely fulfil, the mentally ill person’s lack of capacity. In this position the curator bonis<br />

will be able to take care of property, run a household, handle bank accounts and make investment<br />

decisions, for instance.<br />

Q. My father is senile – how do I go about becoming his curator bonis?<br />

A. It’s best to start with a legal advisor who will be able to complete the necessary forms, call in the<br />

necessary expert witnesses, place the matter before the court and so on. Your medical practitioner<br />

could also assist. The court will require a Notice of Motion which should, as far as is possible,<br />

be supported by an affidavit by a person well known to the patient, affidavits from two medical<br />

practitioners, one of whom must be an ‘alienist’ that is, a psychiatrist, more ideally, who has been<br />

accepted by the courts as being competent to carry out this process.<br />

And, obviously, the report will provide details of the nature, possible duration and reasons as to<br />

why the patient is unable to manage his own affairs or his person.<br />

12<br />


saarp@iafrica.com 13

WHY IT’S SEnSIBlE TO vAluE<br />


by John Benwell<br />

Whether you need to take<br />

out insurance or trade in<br />

your car, knowledge of its<br />

value will help you make the<br />

right decisions<br />

When you insure or sell a<br />

motor vehicle, the value of<br />

the vehicle is determined by<br />

the values listed in the Auto<br />

Dealers’ Guide.<br />

This guide, which is regularly<br />

updated, is the ‘bible’<br />

on which insurance companies<br />

and motor dealers rely<br />

when dealing with clients.<br />

It shows the value of every<br />

vehicle for each model and year. It also has the<br />

trade-in value and the value for resale - these<br />

are also adjusted in line with condition of the<br />

vehicle, mileage covered and fitted extras.<br />

This information sometimes causes problems<br />

for more elderly citizens, who may have very old<br />

car models in excellent condition, but which<br />

are reflected in the guide with a very low value.<br />

In the event of an accident, it is this book value<br />

which is considered when a decision is made<br />

whether or not to repair the vehicle. Often in<br />

the case of older vehicles the insurer rather<br />

pays out the book value to the client, which<br />

obviously causes discontent as it is not possible<br />

to replace the vehicle with the small payment<br />

received.<br />

Members should regularly update the values<br />

of their vehicles on their insurance policies. It<br />

makes no sense to pay insurance on what you<br />

think your car is worth when the guide shows<br />

that it is much more than the actual book value.<br />

With older vehicles at some stage it is better<br />

to rather take out a policy that covers the other<br />

14<br />

vehicles in an accident but not your own (extended<br />

third party). Some time ago we had a<br />

member with an old Renault who had a major<br />

accident with a Porsche - thankfully she had<br />

extended third party insurance that covered the<br />

cost of repairing the Porsche.<br />

It is said that, after your house, the cars we<br />

drive are the biggest investment that we make.<br />

It is therefore essential that this investment is<br />

fully insured but at the lowest rate possible.<br />

That is why we have our special insurance policies<br />

for members.<br />

Here are some questions and answers to help<br />

you value your car correctly and take out the<br />

right insurance policy.<br />

Q: What are my options in taking out car<br />

insurance?<br />

A. You can choose from three progressively<br />

cheaper options – comprehensive, balance of<br />

third party fire and theft and, the lowest of all,<br />

third party only car insurance.<br />



Comprehensive car insurance covers your car<br />

for more than just third party claims if you are<br />

involved in an accident with another car. It will<br />

also cover you for damages you accidentally<br />

caused to your own car. It’s very wide-ranging<br />

and will cover towing and storage of your vehicle<br />

- provided that you use the Auto & General<br />

towline to tow your car; accidental damage;<br />

theft and hijacking; accidental death or injuries<br />

of third parties; damage to third party property<br />

and accessories.<br />

Added to this is a range of further benefits such<br />

as entertainment assist (gives you access to<br />

information regarding all major entertainment<br />

events, hotel accommodation bookings, restaurants<br />

and bookings, and general travel arrangements)<br />

medical assist, road assist, trauma<br />

assist, home assist and legal assistance.<br />

tHIRD PaRty, FIRe & tHeFt CaR<br />

INSURaNCe<br />

This covers your car for accidental damage<br />

caused to a third party and covers you against<br />

theft and fire damage caused to your vehicle.<br />

Bear in mind, though, that any damages that<br />

you cause to your car – or which is the fault of<br />

another driver - will not be covered.<br />

You will receive cover for towing and storage of<br />

your vehicle - provided that you use the Auto<br />

& General towline to tow your car, accidental<br />

damage, theft and hijacking, accidental death<br />

or injuries of third parties, damage to third<br />

party property and accessories, as well as the<br />

various ‘assist’ benefits mentioned above.<br />

tHIRD PaRty ONLy CaR INSURaNCe<br />

This is the cheapest option of all and covers<br />

damages that you have caused to other vehicles<br />

or their property. Bear in mind, though, that<br />

your vehicle will not be covered against theft,<br />

loss or damages caused by an accident. As<br />

such, this is a money-saver if your car is very<br />

old and of little value.<br />

With this option you’ll be covered for accidental<br />

third party property damage as well as death or<br />

injury on privately-owned motor cars.<br />

Q. Where can I find out the trade-in or<br />

value?<br />

A. You could phone a dealer, of course, or<br />

you could simply go online and search using<br />

the terms ‘book values’ and ‘motor vehicles’<br />

or similar. One useful page of this kind is<br />

http://book-value.co.za/ as they provide a full<br />

online calculator which enables you to value<br />

your car according to make, model, mileage,<br />

age - and even condition.<br />

Q. Have you any tips for ensuring I receive<br />

the best trade-in value?<br />

A. Yes. Produce your vehicle’s log book, showing<br />

that it has been regularly serviced. Repair<br />

any minor dings and steam clean the interior.<br />

Replace visible damaged items - for instance<br />

a cracked visor - but don’t ‘invest’ in repairing<br />

invisible items like shock absorbers and so on.<br />

Trade it in before your odometer turns the next<br />

ten thousand kilometer increment (59 000 is<br />

better than 60 000 etc.) Do your homework –<br />

not only establish the Auto Dealers Guide value<br />

but you can also check online at Auto Trader to<br />

see the retail price of your vehicle. Accept that<br />

you will be offered – at most – the Auto Dealers<br />

Guide value, as the dealer has to make a profit.<br />

Q. What about selling my vehicle privately?<br />

A. This is an option, of course, and it could<br />

help you achieve the retail price, but this is<br />

a huge effort. There is a mound of paperwork<br />

involved and you may not want to expose yourself<br />

to risks, including receiving a dud cheque,<br />

or even being hijacked by gangsters posing as<br />

buyers. One attractive option that takes away<br />

a lot of the pain is to use the Automobile Association’s<br />

AA Autobay which provides the South<br />

African public with a safe, secure way to buy<br />

and sell vehicles privately. It offers a host of<br />

features, from viewing the available vehicles for<br />

sale to the offering of vehicle financing, insurance,<br />

warranties and other products and services.<br />

As a <strong>SAARP</strong> member, you may be able to save<br />

substantially on your motor vehicle insurance by<br />

taking our <strong>SAARP</strong>’s special member insurance,<br />

underwritten by Auto & General. For further<br />

information contact Renske at 021 592 1279 or<br />

renske@saarp.co.za<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 15

BULLETIN to move into<br />

the 21st century<br />

by Desi Doran<br />

Soon you’ll be able to read the <strong>SAARP</strong> magazine<br />

on your computer or iPad, enabling you to store<br />

it easily and access it any time<br />

There’s a common perception that older people<br />

have somehow been left behind in the digital<br />

age. Far from it! Research has shown that<br />

older people are embracing the new technology<br />

and enjoying the easy access that the digital<br />

age provides. For example, they now have the<br />

ability to enlarge type to make reading easier<br />

and the privilege of being able to see and speak<br />

to their children in distant countries through<br />

Skype, which is free!<br />

In line with this trend, <strong>SAARP</strong> has made the<br />

decision to move the <strong>SAARP</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> from a<br />

printed version to a digital format within the<br />

next year or so.<br />

Worldwide trends<br />

The story of the <strong>Bulletin</strong> is no different from<br />

that of many other print-based publications.<br />

The <strong>Bulletin</strong> was started in 1982 and a few<br />

years ago reached a peak circulation of 85 000.<br />

It has now dwindled to just 7 000 and, like<br />

many other printed publications, the <strong>Bulletin</strong><br />

will disappear in print format. The same fate<br />

has befallen several print publications, including<br />

South African magazines Cleo, Top Billing,<br />

Shape, SA Garden/Tuin, NewsNow, Scoop and<br />

Sports Illustrated.<br />

Meanwhile, in late 2012, Amazon.co.uk announced<br />

that sales of its Kindle ebooks had<br />

outstripped its sales of printed books for the<br />

first time. Just two years after introducing<br />

the Kindle, Amazon customers were now buy-<br />

16<br />

ing more ebooks than all hardcovers and paperbacks<br />

combined. According to unaudited<br />

figures released by the company, for every<br />

100 hardback and paperback books sold on<br />

Amazon.com, customers downloaded 114<br />

e-books (figures exclude free ebooks). E-book<br />

sales figures have increased since then.<br />

Moving ahead<br />

We are currently researching the best format,<br />

means of production and delivery for a digital<br />

<strong>Bulletin</strong>, and once we have done that, we will<br />

be able to provide members with details and<br />

costs. For those of you who already enjoy your<br />

commercial magazines on your computer, laptop<br />

or tablet, you will have an idea of what we<br />

have in mind. In a recent survey amongst our<br />

newsletter readers, we asked whether pdf or<br />

html newsletters were prefered. The response<br />

was overwhelmingly in favour of html, a clear<br />

indication that our readers enjoy a more ‘responsive’<br />

digital format.<br />

Until the <strong>Bulletin</strong> changes format, those who<br />

have subscribed to the printed <strong>Bulletin</strong> will still<br />

continue to receive their <strong>copy</strong>.<br />

Benefits of digital ‘readers’<br />

Research has shown a number of benefits digital<br />

e-readers have over printed books, for senior<br />

citizens. E-readers (such as the Kindle, Nook<br />

or Sony reader) are, contrary to popular belief,<br />

easier on the eyes than traditional books. The<br />

contrast between the text and background is<br />

good; the weight of an e-reader is far lighter<br />

than a book; and one is able to enhance the<br />

size of the font to suit one’s needs.<br />


The storage space on an e-reader is also good<br />

- an average e-reader can store hundreds of<br />

books, yet is smaller and lighter than a single<br />

book. For travelling, this means, for example,<br />

that you don’t have to carry 10 bulky books<br />

on holiday with you. You simply load up your<br />

e-reader with your choice of holiday reading<br />

material, slip it into your hand luggage, and off<br />

you go.<br />

Battery life is good, too. Your e-reader will last<br />

many a novel before needing a recharge.<br />

Digital reading options<br />

Digital documents can be read on a variety of<br />

hardware options: desktop computer, laptop<br />

computer, tablet or e-reader.<br />

‘Tablets’ generally mean products such as<br />

the Apple iPad, the Samsung Galaxy, and the<br />

Google Nexus. There is a variety of tablets<br />

to choose from, and these generally come in<br />

10-inch or 7-inch models.<br />

‘E-readers’ generally mean products such as<br />

the Kindle (and its numerous variations), or the<br />

Nook, produced by Barnes & Noble.<br />

You can read magazines and books on both<br />

tablets and e-readers, but e-readers are – generally<br />

speaking - better for text-heavy items<br />

such as novels, and are said to be easier on<br />

the eyes as they are not back-lit. Tablets are<br />

– again, generally speaking – better for items<br />

such as magazines, which contain images and<br />

text.<br />

Tablets are more flexible, and can be used for<br />

surfing the internet, sending and receiving<br />

e-mails, and even for working on Word or Excel<br />

documents. The differences between tablets<br />

and e-readers are rapidly being blurred as each<br />

new product is released. If you set out to buy<br />

one of these, do as much research as possible<br />

and choose the product that best suits your<br />

needs.<br />

Costs<br />

An e-reader will cost anywhere between R800<br />

and R2 000. Once you have the reader, a newly<br />

released novel by a well-known author will cost<br />

around US $17 (R155), while older novels and<br />

books can cost as little as a couple of dollars,<br />

or nothing at all. In fact, many of the classics<br />

are available for free download.<br />

A tablet can cost anywhere between R1 500<br />

and R10 000, but tablets are also available<br />

with an MTN, Cell C or Vodacom contract (from<br />

around R360 per month), which gives you 3G<br />

internet connectivity.<br />

Making the leap<br />

Many senior citizens have not embraced technology<br />

for fear that they will not be able to<br />

master it. Don’t be afraid! Like many other<br />

obstacles, this one only looks large from a distance.<br />

Of course you may be confused at first –<br />

anybody could be – but very soon you will have<br />

mastered your computer, e-reader or tablet,<br />

and you too can start to enjoy incredible access<br />

to books and magazines covering every possible<br />

interest you may have!<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 17

Enjoy 3 000 top international radio<br />

stations – in your home - free!<br />

by Philip Bateman<br />

Did you know that there’s a feast of radio for<br />

you to choose from, online?<br />

Feel like some Mozart from Austria? Health<br />

news from China? Australia cricket? Or maybe,<br />

the BBC news?<br />

All this – and more – is available to you right<br />

now through Internet radio. By simply logging<br />

into your computer, you have access to at least<br />

3 000 top radio stations across the world. And<br />

the beauty is that reception is perfect, as it’s<br />

digitally streamed.<br />

It’s important to realise what came before this,<br />

to appreciate the brilliance of this digital breakthrough.<br />

Remember the old days of shortwave radio?<br />

This was formerly the only way you could<br />

receive international programmes. Specialised<br />

receivers were expensive, costing up to<br />

R2 000 or more, but they were cracking good.<br />

In fact one of the best – the Barlow Wadley –<br />

was invented by a South African scientist and<br />

was adopted by a major Japanese radio manufacturer.<br />

You needed a sizeable wire aerial – preferably<br />

strung up as high as possible – and this provided<br />

the best volume. You were also armed<br />

with a list of frequencies for your favourite<br />

programmes and would have to change these,<br />

sometimes hourly, to catch the best reception<br />

for the station and the locale. One of the snags<br />

was that reception depended on a freak of nature<br />

called ‘skip’ so it wasn’t always possible to<br />

hear anything but hissing, or as the writer, H<br />

V Morton put it, the sound of dwarves quarreling<br />

in a tin mine. And at times, all you got was<br />

silence. Rather too often, actually.<br />

All major stations broadcast on shortwave but<br />

the signal was bounced off the rather unreli-<br />

18<br />

able ionosphere and that was the reason for<br />

the frequent absence of signals. You certainly<br />

couldn’t bank on following a weekly series of<br />

talks for instance.<br />

Now all this has been supplemented (not replaced,<br />

note) by digital radio and you have full<br />

access to perfect reception, 24 hours a day.<br />

There are several ways of receiving Internet<br />

radio signals.<br />

1. tHROUGH INteRNet<br />

We’ll assume you have wi-fi as it’s practically<br />

standard nowadays.<br />

Simply go to Google and search using the terms<br />

‘Internet radio.’ You could also use the search<br />

terms ‘web radio’, ‘net radio’ and ‘streaming<br />

radio,’ Up will come a rich harvest of portals<br />

which you can use to access stations of your<br />

choice. For example: http://www.radioguide.<br />

fm/.<br />

This portal lists at least 60 countries and these<br />

in turn offer numerous radio stations. Click on<br />

the country’s flag and you will be able to choose<br />

programmes offered by that country. Yes, even<br />

South Africa is listed! The number is staggering.<br />

England, for instance, displays no fewer<br />

than 112 stations. Then you simply click on the<br />

station’s icon and – lo and behold – it will play.<br />

Of course you’ll need to have a sound card in<br />

your computer (who hasn’t?) and it’s desirable<br />

to attach a good set of speakers or a sound system<br />

so that you can enjoy superb hi-fi reception.<br />

You can also sort stations via a variety of<br />

genres - from Classical to Oldies, Latino to<br />

News, from Soul to Disco, from Country to<br />

Christian.<br />


You name it – it’s there.<br />

Today, Internet radio is fast and immediate<br />

– as simple as searching for a<br />

news item on Google. You’ll love it.<br />

2. VIa a DeVICe<br />

Any device that can go online will<br />

provide you with the same service,<br />

although size does play a role. For instance,<br />

sound on a Blackberry cannot<br />

compare with that of a self-standing<br />

computer with additional speakers. So<br />

you can listen via an iPad, cell phone,<br />

laptop and more.<br />

And, of course, as a DSTV subscriber,<br />

you can you use your TV to listen to a<br />

variety of radio programmes.<br />

3. VIa aN INteRNet RaDIO<br />

You’ll probably have noticed that devices<br />

are increasingly overlapping in function.<br />

Computers can act as telephones, iPads<br />

can become cameras and so on.<br />

In this struggle for supremacy a new creature<br />

has emerged - the Internet radio. These are<br />

devices that look and act like traditional radios<br />

but are in fact, largely dedicated to receiving<br />

Internet radio signals. The only thing is that<br />

you can’t tune in like a normal radio as they<br />

are actually computers dressed up to look like<br />

radios.<br />

The Pure One Flow asks you to log into their<br />

website and register your radio. Having done<br />

so, you can then access thousands of possible<br />

stations. You simply click through the menu<br />

(you can sort by genre) and the device will<br />

remember the ones of your choice so that you<br />

can call them up at a touch of the button. This<br />

particular radio, which is widely available in<br />

the UK, cannot receive standard radio signals<br />

but offers superb tone and instant access to<br />

Internet stations. It is either plugged in to the<br />

mains or can become a portable with its optional<br />

extra rechargable battery. The UK price<br />

is about £100. (R1 400).<br />

wi-fi radios like these enable you to pick up thousands<br />

of international stations with perfect digital reception.<br />

while they look like radios, they are, in fact, computers in<br />

disguise.<br />

Another model – now available in South Africa<br />

- is the Roberts Stream 205. Looking a<br />

bit old-fashioned, it is deceptively hi-tech. It<br />

conceals an extremely versatile Internet radio<br />

providing access to thousands of international<br />

programmes and up to 15 pre-set stations for<br />

instant access.<br />

Unlike the Pure One Flow it takes standard<br />

batteries so is as portable as an Internet radio<br />

could ever be (remember, you have to be in a<br />

wi-fi zone to receive signals).<br />

An added advantage is that it also houses a<br />

standard FM radio and is also equipped to pick<br />

up direct digital radio signals – perfect when<br />

digital radio is introduced into South Africa. By<br />

using its Listen Again feature you can listen to<br />

previously broadcast material from the BBC.<br />

The digital world moves fast and the Internet<br />

radio concept is a remarkable breakthrough,<br />

dooming the handsome and costly shortwave<br />

radios of yesterday into collectors’ pieces – but<br />

providing you with access to thousands of superb<br />

radio programmes.<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 19

Waarom jy jou ID-nOmmERS op jou<br />

dokumente moet nagaan as jy ouer as 25 is<br />

deur Ray Hattingh<br />

Die verandering van alle Suid-Afrikaanse IDnommers<br />

in die jare 80 kan meebring dat jou<br />

dokumente soos versekeringspolisse “verkeerde”<br />

ID-nommers op hulle het<br />

Jy dink waarskynlik dat al jou sake in orde is.<br />

Jou testament is opgestel en geteken en al die<br />

volmagte toegeken.<br />

Om die waarheid te sê: jy is waarskynlik oortuig<br />

dat daar nêrens iets skort nie. Veral nie<br />

met daardie versekeringspolisse wat jy 25 jaar<br />

gelede uitgeneem het nie.<br />

Dink weer. Het jy geweet dat alle Suid-Afrikaanse<br />

ID-nommers in die jare 80 verander is<br />

– en dat jy dokumente mag hê wat iewers in ’n<br />

bank of elders bewaar word wat die “verkeerde”<br />

ID-nommer op hulle het.<br />

Die rede daarvoor is dat nommers tot in daardie<br />

stadium ’n rasseklassifikasie gehad het wat<br />

jou in een van agt rasgegronde kategorieë geplaas<br />

het. Met die aantog van demokrasie is dit<br />

in daardie stadium verwyder en as gevolg daarvan<br />

het almal ’n nuwe ID-nommer ontvang.<br />

Mens vertrou dat niemand sal argumenteer dat<br />

die twee verskillende nommers aan twee verskillende<br />

persone behoort nie, maar dit is beter<br />

om aan die veilige kant te wees en seker te<br />

maak dat al jou dokumente die korrekte huidige<br />

nommer bevat.<br />

’n Kaapse eksekuteur stel dit so: “Dit is baie<br />

beter om alles in orde te kry terwyl jy nog lewe,<br />

omdat jy nie daar sal wees om enige onreëlmatigheid<br />

te verduidelik nie. Dit kan moontlik die<br />

afhandeling van jou boedel vertraag. Jy moet<br />

in elk geval alle dokumente hersien wat jy jare<br />

gelede opgestel het, omdat hulle ’n magdom<br />

foute kan bevat, sommige waarvan deur die<br />

verloop van tyd alleen veroorsaak is.”<br />

20<br />

Wat jy op jou versekeringspolisse moet<br />

nagaan:<br />

• Die ID-nommer<br />

• Die spelwyse van die name<br />

• Die begunstigde<br />

ID-NOMMeR: Na 1987 is alle bestaande IDnommers<br />

heruitgereik met nuwe syfers in die<br />

laaste twee velde. Dit beteken dat jou polisdokument<br />

003 in die laaste syfers mag hê<br />

terwyl jou huidige nommer op 083 eindig. Die<br />

versekeringsmaatskappy sal bewys wil hê dat<br />

dit een en dieselfde persoon is.<br />

NaMe: As jou polisdokument jou naam weergee<br />

as Johann Jacob Lemmer en jou ID-dokument<br />

gee dit weer as Johan Jacob Lemmer, sal<br />

die versekeringsmaatskappy bewys wil ontvang<br />

dat dit een en dieselfde persoon is.<br />

beGUNStIGDe: Uit die aard van die saak sal<br />

jy moet seker maak dat besonderhede oor die<br />

begunstigde korrek en op datum is. Menige<br />

huidige vroue het al byvoorbeeld skade gely<br />

omdat die begunstigde nooit van die eerste<br />

vrou af verander is nie. Wat het gebeur as die<br />

benoemde begunstigde voor die polishouer<br />

oorlede is? Of getroud is en ’n naamsverandering<br />

ondergaan het?<br />

Verskille tussen die inligting op die polisdokument<br />

en die oorledene se ID-boek kan lang<br />

vertragings in uitbetaling van voordele veroorsaak.<br />

(My laaste drie syfers het van 003 na 083<br />

verander.)<br />

As jou polis as sekering gesedeer is, en die<br />

skuld is intussen afbetaal, maak seker dat die<br />

sessie gekanselleer is en die polisdokument aan<br />

jou terugbesorg is. Banke verloor gereeld hier-<br />


die dokumente en jy sal ’n duplikaat van die<br />

versekeraar moet aanvra. (Ek moes dit doen.)<br />

HOe OM beSONDeRHeDe VaN DIe beGUN-<br />

StIGDe te WySIG<br />

• Gaan al jou polisse na en maak seker dat<br />

daar in werklikheid ’n begunstigde by elkeen<br />

geregistreer is.<br />

• Sommige polishouers het gereël dat sekere<br />

van hulle polisse direk in hulle boedel inbetaal<br />

moet word. Dit skep fondse vir die<br />

betaling van “laaste uitgawes” wat betaal<br />

moet word, insluitend die eksekuteur se<br />

vergoeding.<br />

• Dit word ook aanbeveel dat ’n begunstigde<br />

vir die boedel aangewys word.<br />

• Bel jou versekeringsmaatskappy se inbelsentrum<br />

en versoek dat ’n verandering of<br />

korreksie aangebring word of dat ’n beguns-<br />

tigde geregistreer word (hou jou polisnommer<br />

en ID-besonderhede byderhand) of lê<br />

besoek af by een van die takkantore van die<br />

maatskappy.<br />

• Sommige maatskappye sal besonderhede<br />

oor die telefoon verander. Ander sal die<br />

voltooiing van ’n nuwe begunstigde-vorm<br />

vereis.<br />

• As ’n nuwe vorm vereis word, vra dat hulle<br />

dit vir voltooiing aanstuur.<br />

’N PaaR INteReSSaNte WebWeRWe<br />

1. Suid-Afrikaanse ID-nommers in die apartheid-era:<br />

http://africanhistory.about.com/<br />

library/bl/blIdentityNumber.htm<br />

2. Hoe om die geldigheid van Suid-Afrikaanse<br />

ID-nommers vas te stel: http://geekswithblogs.<br />

net/willemf/archive/2005/10/30/58561.aspx<br />

• Syfer 11 dui burgerskap aan. 0 verwys na ’n Suid-Afrikaanse burger. 1 verwys na ’n<br />

nie-SA-burger met permanente verblyfreg.<br />

• Syfer 12 is tans 8 of 9. Tot 1987 was dit ’n rasaanduider. Na 1987 is alle bestaande<br />

nommers heruitgereik met nuwe syfers in die laaste twee velde.<br />

• Syfer 13 is ’n kontrolesyfer.<br />

Jou Suid-Afrikaanse<br />

ID-nommer verduidelik<br />

• Syfers 1-6 verteenwoordig jou geboortedatum.<br />

• Syfers 7-10 is ’n volgnommer geregistreer met<br />

dieselfde geboortedatum (waar vroulikes die volgnommers<br />

in die reeks 0000 tot 4999 ontvang en<br />

manlikes van 5000 tot 9999).<br />

As ons die ID-nommer 8001015009087 as voorbeeld gebruik, lees dit soos volg:<br />

Die ID-nommer dui ’n manlike persoon aan wat op 1 Januarie 1980 gebore is. Hy was die<br />

tiende manlike persoon wat op daardie dag geregistreer is. (Die eerste manlike persoon wat<br />

op daardie dag geregistreer is, sou die nommer 5000 ontvang het.)<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 21

Keep your brain agile –<br />

at any age!<br />

by Philip Bateman<br />

You can do a great deal to stave off declining<br />

brain function<br />

• At 93, Joe Levy, a former Johannesburg attorney,<br />

jogs each day and is an enthusiastic<br />

member of his bowling club. He also lectures<br />

regularly.<br />

• Mary Hobhouse, an 89-year-old retired Durban<br />

teacher, runs a busy nursery school, is an<br />

avid reader and helps out at her church.<br />

• 86-year-old Capetonian, Russel Fourie, who<br />

worked in the accounts department of a motor<br />

company before retiring at 65, goes to gym<br />

daily and attends the University of the Third<br />

Age regularly.<br />

All of these active senior citizens have discovered<br />

that mental and physical activity is the key to<br />

keeping their brain active. Researchers have confirmed<br />

that vital people like this live healthier and<br />

more fulfilling lives – and live longer.<br />

Here are some tips to keep your brain cells<br />

pumping:<br />

exercise your body<br />

Whether we like it or not, exercise is the key to<br />

keeping your brain active. Exercise forestalls<br />

mental decline and may even reverse some of the<br />

effects of ageing.<br />

Numerous animal studies have shown that aerobic<br />

exercise improves capillary development in<br />

the brain, resulting in better nutrition and oxygenation.<br />

It certainly helps prevent heart disease,<br />

diabetes, obesity and other ailments that increase<br />

the risk of brain decline.<br />

Dr Mark McDaniel, Professor of Psychology at<br />

Washington University in St Louis, suggests a<br />

combination of aerobics and weight training.<br />

22<br />

exercise your brain<br />

“There’s no point in eating correctly and exercising<br />

if you don’t use your brain as well,” advises a<br />

Cape Town physician. “Research has shown that<br />

your brain starts a natural slowing down process<br />

when you are about 30, but that you can reverse<br />

much of this through using your brain correctly.”<br />

You can find online training programmes that can<br />

help you do this. Some even show regular graphs<br />

that demonstrate improvement in, for instance,<br />

speed and accuracy. Nintendo has a game called<br />

Brain Age: Train your Brain in Minutes a Day<br />

which has sold more than two million copies in<br />

Japan alone.<br />

You have nothing to lose by taking on activities<br />

that stimulate neurons. You have hundreds of<br />

choices including chess, bridge, jigsaws, learning<br />

new languages, taking courses, to name just<br />

a few. Most of these can be done online, enabling<br />

you to interact with others at all times, day and<br />

night.<br />

If you don’t have a computer, there are also other<br />

ways to exercise your brain the ‘old-fashioned’<br />


(but equally good) way. Books of crossword puzzles,<br />

Sudoku, mental arithmetic and other puzzles<br />

are available at most bookshops and are a<br />

marvellous way to keep the grey matter in shape!<br />

Get enough sleep<br />

While some recent studies have shown that older<br />

people might need marginally less sleep, many<br />

are sleep-deprived. The truth is that while you<br />

might think you can get by with less, you may be<br />

depriving your brain of the healing and regeneration<br />

that takes place during sleep.<br />

Researchers have shown that sleep reduces<br />

oxidative stress, restores energy and promotes<br />

the growth of neurons. An added bonus is that<br />

sufficient sleep sparks creativity: it appears that<br />

the brain tackles complex problems at night and<br />

may even provide you with a ready-made solution<br />

when you wake.<br />

eat properly<br />

Over the years doctors have echoed the value of a<br />

balanced diet and now, more than ever before, we<br />

recognise the benefits of this.<br />

Eat food rich in antioxidants as these neutralise<br />

dreaded free radicals. Pick food high in these<br />

including colourful fruits and vegetables as well<br />

as certain beans, nuts, berries, spices and whole<br />

grains. Here are some of the key foodstuffs used<br />

in these studies: blueberry, strawberry, spinach,<br />

boysenberry, cranberry, black currant, pomegranate,<br />

dried plum, grapes and Vitamin E.<br />

Make sure your weight is within normal limits. If<br />

you have a weight problem, then see a dietician or<br />

adopt a weight reducing programme such as the<br />

Atkins Diet.<br />

Reduce stress<br />

Research has shown that stress can have a detrimental<br />

effect on brain integrity. “Stress upsets<br />

activities such as memory and learning,” says a<br />

Cape Town psychologist, which reduces performance.<br />

All this can be measured through psychometric<br />

tests.”<br />

A part of the brain called the hippocampus, which<br />

is responsible for memory formation, is affected<br />

the most.<br />

All this can be minimised through exercise (which<br />

relieves stress) as well as meditation, yoga or<br />

relaxing into a pastime that really involves you,<br />

such as painting.<br />

Laugh a lot<br />

We know that happiness is good for the general<br />

well-being, which includes brain functioning. But<br />

laughter stimulates the parts of the brain that<br />

produce dopamine – the ‘feel good’ chemical. We<br />

know that you function better intellectually when<br />

you’re feeling relaxed and happy so there’s a<br />

pretty good chance that humour is good for your<br />

brain. Researchers are still investigating this but<br />

a study of university students at the University of<br />

New Mexico showed that those with higher intelligence<br />

had a superior sense of humour.<br />

Recognise the power of wisdom<br />

Against the popular notion that we lose brain<br />

power as we get older, certain aspects of intelligence<br />

actually increase as we age – for instance,<br />

vocabulary. This factor is so pronounced that<br />

intelligence tests actually mark down older people<br />

in certain areas. On the other hand certain skills<br />

do deteriorate – such as the speed of processing<br />

maths problems – but this can be improved<br />

through practice. Accept that age has given you a<br />

superior ability to synthesise and integrate information,<br />

as well as a vast databank of facts to<br />

draw on, so you will be able to work out solutions<br />

far faster that your younger counterparts. We also<br />

know that merely thinking that you have mental<br />

ability increases brain performance.<br />

“We can do an enormous amount to keep stimulating<br />

our brains, no matter how old we get,”<br />

says a 68-year-old Cape Town businessman who<br />

regularly wins international cognitive championships.<br />

“It’s just a matter of keeping your brain<br />

cells stimulated.”<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 23

Discovering the world of<br />

HEaRING aIDs<br />

by Bruce Bayer<br />

A <strong>SAARP</strong> member shares his experiences on<br />

buying hearing aids – and provides some firsthand<br />

tips<br />

Loss of hearing is a common ageing problem.<br />

My hearing deteriorated to the point where I<br />

needed some kind of aid. Hearing loss is said to<br />

be harder to cope with than loss of eyesight.<br />

Not being able to hear makes life really uncomfortable<br />

and cuts one off from society most terribly.<br />

It’s very tough on the person involved and<br />

also on family members and friends as they<br />

struggle to communicate – tougher, I would<br />

say, than if it were the eyesight that had gone.<br />

When I started exploring the field of hearing<br />

aids, it seemed to me that it was something<br />

like the landscape gardening industry. Anyone<br />

could become a provider of hearing aids. A sort<br />

of get-rich quick industry where all you needed<br />

was an audiogram (a measuring device to establish<br />

the degree of hearing loss in each ear)<br />

and - hey presto – we have a business! Choose<br />

an instrument for inside or outside the ear,<br />

pay a lot of money and your hearing troubles<br />

are over! How naïeve I was at the outset of my<br />

investigation!<br />

People should be advised that there are two<br />

kinds of hearing aid advisor. One is the audiometrist<br />

who is technically trained to provide<br />

and service hearing aids, and the academically<br />

trained and qualified audiologist who can treat<br />

hearing loss and deficiency. Choosing where to<br />

go and the right one is not so simple – there are<br />

many different types, as I’ve said!<br />

My experience was not very good. My feelings<br />

about the first audiometrist I went to was that<br />

it was a seedy operation focused on benefitting<br />

the supplier rather than the customer. Eventually<br />

I went to an audiologist. This was an<br />

24<br />

impressive experience and I acquired two hearing<br />

aids (in-the-ear devices) that served fairly<br />

well for several years and I assumed any of the<br />

problems I experienced were normal.<br />

My hearing improvement was not all that great<br />

but there seemed to be no way that the audiologist<br />

could detect any problem unless I explained<br />

it in detail. Even now I cannot articulate<br />

the discomfort and hearing difficulties I<br />

experienced. Then I lost one of the two devices.<br />

When I replaced it, I found that my existing<br />

system was now out of date, and I was given<br />

one new model.<br />

I accepted all the warnings about changed<br />

technology, ageing of the one device I still had<br />

etc, but it was the new device that I found quite<br />

useless. It did have added technology of extra<br />

functions (switches for use of telephone and for<br />

conversational hearing in crowded places) but<br />

even standard hearing was unsatisfactory and<br />

for two more years I just relied on my single old<br />

instrument.<br />

Eventually that gave problems and it was sent<br />

away for repair. Meantime what happened to<br />

the second, newer one?<br />

The problem was that I was not consulting<br />

only one audiologist, but each time I visited the<br />

practice, I found myself seeing another recruit<br />

to the practice – sometimes inexperienced<br />

people, more anxious to meet the requirements<br />

of the owner, it seemed, than to solve my problems.<br />

The most difficult part of all is one’s inability to<br />

articulate what you hear and what your needs<br />

are when you are ignorant about the technology,<br />

what aids are available, what add-on gadgetry<br />

they have, and how affordable they are.<br />

So all I got out of this process was increasing<br />


Hearing Aids from:<br />

Special Offer<br />

Resound | Interton | Sonic<br />

Value for Money<br />

Battery club<br />

Free Hearing Screening Tests<br />

National Network<br />

Trade in your existing Hearing Aids<br />

For more information and to book an appointment please phone:<br />

Toll Free: 0800 200 100<br />

PO Box 599, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, South Africa, 0043<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 25

frustration and distrust of all levels of the audiology<br />

profession, despite their best efforts.<br />

Eventually, when it became so bad that my wife<br />

could not work out if I was wearing my aid (the<br />

original one) or not, I went to another audiologist<br />

- this time he turned out to be a true professional<br />

- though with great misgivings did I<br />

enter that door, due to my past experience.<br />

It was the best thing I ever did. This is because<br />

I asked specifically if I could expect experience<br />

and knowledge.<br />

What a surprise to find someone who could<br />

confidently and credibly explain just what the<br />

new technology was all about, and consider<br />

ways to meet my needs. The new technology<br />

enables the audiologist to monitor what a<br />

hearing aid needs to deliver across the seven<br />

frequency bands for which each ear is tested.<br />

On delivery of the aids, a follow-up is scheduled<br />

where a test is done to check if that delivery is<br />

OK and that you are satisfied with it. No promise<br />

is made that you will re-gain 100% of your<br />

normal hearing, obviously, because your body<br />

is ageing, and outside help in the form of an aid<br />

can only do so much.<br />

26<br />

BRUCE BAyER, who describes himself as a ‘retired<br />

idealist’, lives with his wife on a smallholding in Kuils<br />

River in the Cape.<br />

His hobby is his interest in plants and he has a<br />

passion for exploring what they tell him about ‘where<br />

science should really be taking us – if we truly practised<br />

it.’<br />

He asserts that old people are ‘a vast source of wisdom<br />

and experience and should be recognised as<br />

such’ and his motto is: ‘what you can do tomorrow, do<br />

today, and what you can do today do NOW.’<br />

Here are my tips for people wishing to buy<br />

hearing aids:<br />

• Ensure that the person you see is experienced<br />

and competent.<br />

• Be aware that it’s not necessary to have all<br />

the various switches and modes on offer as<br />

this can double the price and not add anything<br />

to the end result.<br />

• Check that the technology to test your hearing<br />

aids is up to date and also available<br />

after fitting.<br />

• Be sure what the guarantee is and any<br />

follow-up treatment or consultations that<br />

should be offered.<br />

• Be aware that there are ‘in the ear’ and ‘behind<br />

the ear’ devices. Their price is about<br />

the same except that with ‘behind the ear’<br />

ones you get a free trial whereas ‘in the ear’<br />

devices are a once-off and no trial is available<br />

as the moulds are made to fit the individual’s<br />

ear canal.<br />

Follow this advice and you will stand a good<br />

chance of acquiring a device that can improve<br />

your lifestyle and not break the budget.<br />


QuatroFlora<br />


Gastro-intestinal problems affect all of us at some time or<br />

another. Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and the like are often<br />

caused by over-indulgence or eating something that doesn’t<br />

agree with us, and quickly clear up of their own accord.<br />

Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these<br />

can however become chronic – and that can be caused by<br />

a bacterial imbalance in the intestines.<br />

A normal healthy gastro-intestinal tract contains approximately<br />

1.5kg bacteria and other micro-organisms. Factors<br />

such as disease, increasing age, treatment with some<br />

medications, and colon cleansing for colonos<strong>copy</strong> or certain<br />

radiological procedures to detect polyps, greatly reduce this<br />

number of micro-flora.<br />

Some groups of bacteria can cause acute or chronic<br />

illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and<br />

nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead<br />

to a number of unpleasant conditions such as diarrhea,<br />

constipation, bloating, IBS, allergies, poor digestion and<br />

poor nutrient absorption. In laboratory investigations,<br />

some strains of of LAB (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have<br />

demonstrated anti-mutagenic effects thought to be due<br />

to their ability to bind with heterocyclic amines, which are<br />

carcinogenic substances formed in burnt red meat.<br />

Beta Pharmaceutical 041 - 378 1189<br />

The two most important groups of friendly intestinal flora,<br />

or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small<br />

intestine, and Bifidobacteria – found mainly in the colon.<br />

Probiotics are live micro-organisms which, when consumed<br />

in adequate amounts, have strong health benefits.<br />

❖ Beneficial bacteria in the gut are known to:<br />

• Prevent and stop diarrhea or constipation<br />

• Aid digestion and break down toxins<br />

• Produce vitamins B12 and K<br />

• Stimulate the immune system<br />

QuatroFlora capsules contain the following strains of probiotic<br />

bacteria for improving gastro-intestinal health and well-being:<br />

Bifidobacterium, BB-12 ® , Lactobacillus acidophilus, LA-5 ® ,<br />

Lactobacillus bulgaricus, LBY-27, Streptococcus thermophilus, STY-31<br />

This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.<br />

Clinical documentation available on request.<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 27

Eat better, live longer<br />

by Philip Bateman<br />

Choose carefully what to eat – and avoid – and<br />

you’ll add healthy years to your life<br />

People are living longer. In the last half century<br />

average life expectancy in the western world<br />

has extended from 70 to 80 years. Researchers<br />

expect it to rise to 90 in the next 50 years.<br />

The reason includes better medical care and an<br />

awareness of lifestyle factors that affect health,<br />

including diet.<br />

“By becoming aware of how eating habits determine<br />

your health, you can add years to your<br />

life,” says a Cape Town physician, Dr Albert<br />

Richterson. “Nothing’s guaranteed, of course,<br />

but you give yourself a far better shot at not<br />

only living longer but also enjoying an improved<br />

quality of life. Diet plays a large role in achieving<br />

this.”<br />

Here are some of the key dietary tips that can<br />

help you achieve this.<br />

Eat less<br />

While studies on humans are still in progress,<br />

researchers have shown that mice, rats and<br />

monkeys can double their life span when their<br />

food intake is reduced by a third. Researchers<br />

believe that this puts less strain on the metabolic<br />

system, with fewer damaging free radicals<br />

being produced.<br />

Look out for potassium-rich foods<br />

Bananas provide as much as 4.7 grams of<br />

potassium – exceeding the recommended daily<br />

dose and more than enough to help lower blood<br />

pressure. Eat dried fruits and drink fruit juice<br />

as they are high in potassium, which helps<br />

counteract the damage caused by salt, lowers<br />

blood pressure and the consequent risk<br />

of strokes and heart problems. Incidentally,<br />

it’s best to keep fruit out of the fridge as this<br />

28<br />

intensifies its healthy properties through allowing<br />

it to ripen fully.<br />

Eat onions<br />

Onions have been described as one of Nature’s<br />

best-kept secrets. They are believed to lower<br />

the risk of colo-rectal, ovarian and laryngeal<br />

cancer. They contain high levels of quercetin,<br />

an antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation<br />

as well as sulphur compounds which boost immunity.<br />

Protect your eyes<br />

Make sure you have a regular intake of lutein<br />

and zeaxanthin which can be found in grapes,<br />

broccoli, spinach and kiwi fruit.<br />

Floss your teeth daily<br />

It’s not only eating the right foods that helps<br />

combat ageing, but certain personal hygiene<br />

habits help as well. For instance, daily flossing<br />

can actually increase longevity, says Dr Michael<br />

Roizen, a top US anti-ageing researcher.<br />

Claiming that small food particles constantly<br />

stuck between teeth can take as many as six<br />

years off your age, he goes on to explain that<br />

bacteria that cause tooth decay can set off arterial<br />

inflammation which is a precursor of heart<br />

disease. Research indicates that flossing may<br />

also help against diabetes and dementia.<br />

Prefer bacon to sausages<br />

One way of extending your life is to cut your<br />

intake of saturated fat which can increase<br />

your risk of heart disease and dementia. Lean<br />

trimmed bacon is preferable to sausages.<br />

Choose red items<br />

Red peppers are desirable as they are packed<br />

with Vitamin C – more than in oranges, in fact.<br />


Tomatoes contain lots of lycopene, a powerful<br />

antioxidant. Cooking enhances the strength.<br />

Red grapes, too, are valuable as they contain<br />

resveratrol, believed to protect you from cancer<br />

and heart disease.<br />

Eat prunes<br />

Natural health fundis often punt the virtues of<br />

blueberries, blackberries and pomegranates because<br />

of their high antioxidant content. But did<br />

you know that the common prune tops the list,<br />

so is undoubtedly a key ‘super food’ – as well as<br />

being among the cheapest?<br />

Drink the right stuff<br />

Harvard researchers suspect that tea helps<br />

blood vessels relax. Tea does indeed reduce the<br />

impact of stress hormones, and may even increase<br />

survival rate after heart attacks by more<br />

than 20%.<br />

Milk is rich in vitamin D which has anti-inflammatory<br />

properties. This can help treat and prevent<br />

rheumatoid arthritis which results from an<br />

inflammatory response.<br />

It’s almost a cliché that a glass of (red) wine at<br />

night is good for you. But avoid drinking more<br />

than that as this will increase your chances<br />

of developing mouth, throat, oesophageal,<br />

breast and bowel cancer. A single glass will<br />

provide you with optimum amount of flavonoids<br />

and resveratrol – substances which could<br />

lessen your risk of contracting certain cancers<br />

and stave off neurological diseases such as<br />

Alzheimer’s.<br />

Eat foodstuffs that boost cardiac<br />

functioning<br />

Ensure you obtain sufficient nutrients to ward<br />

off heart disease. These should include omega-3<br />

fatty acids and vegetable oils, soluble fibre<br />

(which is high in oats, peas and beans), Vitamin<br />

B12 and potassium, found in root vegetables<br />

and bananas.<br />

Concludes Dr Richterson, “The simplest way of<br />

making sure you are eating properly to optimise<br />

your chances of living longer is to maintain a<br />

balanced diet – at the same time, concentrating<br />

on key, proven foods we have identified here.”<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 29

Grow a hERB GARDEN in<br />

your kitchen<br />

by Caroline Bateman<br />

No matter where you live, you can enjoy the<br />

health benefits of fresh herbs all year round<br />

“Here’s flowers for you; Hot lavender,<br />

mints, savoury, marjoram…” Shakespeare<br />

Who better to listen to on the subject of<br />

herbs than Jamie Oliver, who says, “Herbs<br />

are the cornerstone of all genius cooking<br />

– it’s all about herbs. And if you use them<br />

on a regular basis you will be a healthier<br />

person.” Herbs can transform an average<br />

dish into something sublime. “You will<br />

notice loads more flavours, sensations and<br />

dynamism in your cooking,” continues Jamie,<br />

and certainly to watch his TV cooking<br />

programmes (you can also catch his You-<br />

Tube clips), what he does with herbs is most<br />

enticing.<br />

What is so delightful, and what Jamie points<br />

out too, is that you can grow your own herbs,<br />

whether you have a garden patch, or live in a<br />

block of flats and use the windowsill. All they<br />

need is care, several hours of sunlight and<br />

regular watering.<br />

The so-called ‘soft’ herbs are basil, tarragon,<br />

chervil, parsley – these are fragile and need to<br />

be re-started each year. The woody, hardier<br />

ones such as bay, saffron and rosemary will<br />

keep going all year round (they may die back<br />

a little but one can take cuttings from them<br />

to re-plant). Chives and parsley have low sun<br />

requirements and are easy to grow. Oregano,<br />

rosemary and thyme are relatively easy to grow<br />

too, though these need abundant light, as they<br />

grow naturally in sunny, Mediterranean climes.<br />

It is far easier and less time-consuming to grow<br />

herbs from plants rather than seeds. Use a pot<br />

or container at least six inches or larger, and<br />

with drainage holes. The larger the pot, the<br />

30<br />

more space for roots to grow - a big plant yields<br />

a larger harvest! Use a fast-draining potting<br />

mix as garden soil will compact in containers<br />

and smother the roots. A liquid fertiliser every<br />

four weeks will ensure good growth.<br />

Which herb for which dish?<br />

basil - Delicious in pasta sauces (the basis for<br />

pesto), salads, soups or with meat poultry and<br />

fish.<br />

Chives - These have a mild, oniony flavour.<br />

Chop and add to salads, egg and cheese dishes,<br />

mashed potato and sauces.<br />

Coriander - Very good flavour in curries and<br />

Thai dishes. The dried seeds crushed are also<br />

used in curries or dusted over meat.<br />

Mint - A must-have herb ideal for garnishing<br />

puddings or to float in ice-cold drinks. Mint<br />

sauce is excellent with lamb, and mint leaves<br />

chopped add a fresh kick to salads, too.<br />


Parsley - Can be used in most dishes – salads,<br />

soups, stews and omelettes. Also as a fresh<br />

garnish with meat, fish and poultry dishes.<br />

Sage - Excellent as an ingredient in stuffing,<br />

for poultry. Also used with pork, lamb and in<br />

cheese dishes and omelettes.<br />

thyme - Also used in stuffing, this herb is<br />

good with all meat dishes, soups, stews and<br />

goes well with potato dishes. Tea can be made<br />

by pouring boiling water over some thyme,<br />

rosemary and mint.<br />

A couple of Jamie<br />

Oliver’s dishes using<br />

herbs…<br />

• For a marvellous dish of roasted vegetables, lay out cut<br />

peppers, onion, butternut, leeks, courgettes, aubergine<br />

and tomatoes on a roasting pan. Sprinkle some garlic<br />

cloves over everything, together with salt and freshly<br />

ground pepper. Then decorate generously with sprigs of<br />

rosemary and thyme. Drizzle all over with olive oil. Roast<br />

in the oven on high until well done and even slightly charred.<br />

Lavender -Makes a delicious flavour for icecream!<br />

Traditionally used in potpourris or in<br />

sachets to keep laundry smelling fresh. Decorate<br />

your puddings with a sprig of it, too!<br />

Rosemary - Tasty with meat dishes (especially<br />

lamb), fish, sauces and wonderful with potato.<br />

Rocket - With its peppery flavour, rocket is<br />

ideal with pizza, pasta and in salads. The more<br />

you pick the more it will grow (as with basil).<br />

• For delicious roast potatoes, peel potatoes and cut to good-sized pieces. Par boil on stove<br />

for about ten minutes, then drain in colander and allow to dry a little. Shake the colander<br />

to chuff up the potatoes, which will help with crisping later. Place in a roasting pan with olive<br />

oil and a little butter. Season the potatoes well with salt and pepper and baste with oil,<br />

then roast for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and squash each potato with a masher –<br />

the more surface area in contact with the fat the crisper they will eventually become. Now<br />

in a small bowl mix together some olive oil, a bunch of fresh rosemary (OR thyme and bay<br />

leaves), a bulb of garlic, broken into cloves and a splash of red wine vinegar. Mix up well<br />

and add to potatoes, then replace in oven to roast for a further 40-45 minutes. Drain on<br />

paper towel.<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 31

BUyER BEWARE: snake oil<br />

still flourishes<br />

by Professor JP van Niekerk, Dean Emeritus,<br />

Faculty of Medicine, University of Cape Town<br />

Snake oil remedies<br />

Nowadays the term ‘snake oil’ is associated with<br />

dubious products often peddled by unscrupulous<br />

marketers, with excessive and false claims about<br />

the benefits of their wares. The word originates<br />

from the late 19th century when Chinese workers<br />

on the American railways used oil from the<br />

Chinese water snake to relieve painful muscles,<br />

joints etc.<br />

It did not take long for salesmen to concoct their<br />

own mixtures of cure-all remedies that they promoted<br />

with dramatic demonstrations in travelling<br />

medical shows. Snake oil equivalents and their<br />

sales people continue to flourish and a gullible<br />

public continues to fall for their unbelievable<br />

claims.<br />

Some big swindles<br />

Laetrile is the name of a product derived from<br />

apricot kernels that has been promoted as effective<br />

in curing cancers since the 1950s. However,<br />

investigations by the US National Institutes of<br />

Health gave the warning: “Patients exposed to<br />

this agent should be instructed about the danger<br />

of cyanide poisoning, and their blood cyanide<br />

levels should be carefully monitored. Amygdalin<br />

(Laetrile) is a toxic drug that is not effective as a<br />

cancer treatment”. It was banned in the US but<br />

desperate sufferers then poured over the borders<br />

to Mexico to receive treatment. It is still readily<br />

available via several websites that also list it as<br />

Vitamin B17 (it is not a vitamin).This has been<br />

described as one of the most successful and money-spinning<br />

cancer quack promotions in medical<br />

history.<br />

the Virodene affair is one of the darkest episodes<br />

in South Africa’s health history. The then<br />

President Thabo Mbeki was an AIDS denialist<br />

and medical treatment was withheld from a large<br />

number of sufferers in South Africa. However,<br />

32<br />

he and his cabinet enthusiastically endorsed a<br />

presentation of an illegally tested claimed cure<br />

for AIDS called Virodene. The Medicines Control<br />

Council (MCC) that regulates what drugs may be<br />

used in the country refused permission for human<br />

experimentation of the product as it was a<br />

poison (toxic solvent) with no proven benefit.<br />

This led to the head of the MCC, Prof Peter Folb,<br />

being fired from his post, for political reasons.<br />

Patients kept calling for Virodene to be made<br />

available as treatment, despite it being demonstratively<br />

harmful, and the ANC was incensed at<br />

being thwarted on medical and scientific grounds.<br />

Another dark cloud descended when the then<br />

Minister of Health, Manto Tshabala-Msimang<br />

pronounced that HIV AIDS could be managed by<br />

dollops of beetroot, garlic, olive oil and the African<br />

potato. This made South Africa the laughing stock<br />

of the world and provided material for a frenzy of<br />

cartoons in the newspapers. She also supported<br />

the activities of Matthias Rath, who claimed that<br />

his programme of vitamins could cure AIDS (and<br />

also diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer).<br />

A subsequent Cape High Court judgement put<br />

an end to this, firmly establishing the duty of the<br />

state to enforce the scientific governance of medicines.<br />

These gross cases illustrate the power of beliefs<br />

on humankind. We are programmed to look for<br />

patterns and solutions to life’s problems and<br />

readily fall prey to unscrupulous claims that we<br />


desperately would like to believe. We are programmed<br />

to believe - or as a friend put it ‘mense<br />

wil verneuk word’ (people want to be conned).<br />

Preying on our desires: flim-flam is alive and<br />

well<br />

For most of us life is hard and ordinary day-today<br />

living is demanding. Generally we all want<br />

to live longer, healthier and happier lives. And<br />

comparisons with others who seem to have these<br />

desirable characteristics in abundance invite<br />

envy with our apparently lesser lot in life. The<br />

advertisers are fully aware of this and are paid<br />

handsomely to promote products that are said<br />

to enhance our lives. Products and programmes<br />

have been developed and promoted to meet all<br />

our desires and lull us into the belief that we can<br />

buy ourselves into better lives.<br />

It is no accident that the beauty industry is one<br />

of the largest in the world, after the worldwide oil<br />

industry. Beauty depicted in magazines, television<br />

and the movies, and at public entertainments<br />

where celebrities abound, creates the powerful<br />

desire to emulate what we see. One of the leaders<br />

of the cosmetic industry when challenged<br />

about the beauty-enhancing and age-reducing<br />

claims that were made for his products conceded<br />

that there was no evidence for this but famously<br />

stated that he was ‘selling dreams’.<br />

Another multi-billion dollar enterprise is the food<br />

supplement industry that claims to improve our<br />

health and add years to our lives.<br />

Most people on the planet hardly look like models<br />

and obesity is one of the main problems. Thus the<br />

massive industry of diet books and all the weight<br />

loss devices and slimming ‘medicines’ that promise<br />

to rid the customer of kilograms without his<br />

having to try.<br />

Even young and very healthy athletes wish to do<br />

better. The recent case of the fallen cycling idol,<br />

Lance Armstrong, who confessed to drug doping<br />

and was stripped of his honours and sponsorships,<br />

is but the tip of the iceberg of a huge<br />

worldwide sporting drug-enhancement scandal.<br />

Clues on how to spot nonsense<br />

beware excessive claims<br />

Products that claim to cure complaints such as<br />

high blood pressure, diabetes, dry skin or enhance<br />

sexual performance are likely to be bogus.<br />

Pseudo-scientific language hides ignorance<br />

Beware peddled products that claim to ‘enhance<br />

the body’s immune system’ or are strong ‘anti-oxidants’<br />

or claim other pseudo-scientific statements<br />

– their producers usually have no clue themselves<br />

what it all means but hope to impress our similar<br />

ignorance.<br />

‘Natural’ does not necessarily mean good<br />

Claims that a product is ‘natural’ and therefore<br />

must be good is nonsense - arsenic is natural<br />

and so is snake poison but neither is good for us.<br />

Many ‘natural products’ have unknown substances<br />

and concentrations that may be detrimental<br />

to people’s health. A common problem at our<br />

hospitals is the admission of desperately ill babies<br />

as a result of treatment with unknown traditional<br />

remedies.<br />

Personalities do not equal proof<br />

Advertisers know that having prominent sports<br />

personalities endorse a product enhances its appeal<br />

for many people. But personal endorsement<br />

is a far cry from proof of benefit. Far more important<br />

is proof from properly supervised scientific<br />

trials.<br />

More expensive does not necessarily mean<br />

better<br />

Fancy packaging, higher prices and outrageous<br />

claims of benefits manage to con us that<br />

this therefore must be better than the standard<br />

product. This is dramatically illustrated in the<br />

cosmetics industry where, for example, expensive<br />

skin creams are most likely no better that the offthe-shelf<br />

products at the local supermarket.<br />

Finally<br />

Huge health enhancing benefits to the world’s<br />

population have resulted from general measures<br />

such as improved food supplies, clean drinking<br />

water (including chlorination to remove bugs and<br />

fluoridation to prevent dental caries), clean and<br />

uncrowded living spaces, and vaccination against<br />

common infectious diseases. At an individual<br />

level, most of us need to add more exercise to our<br />

daily routines. Unless there are good specific indications<br />

for medicines, we would do well to take<br />

fewer rather than more (our society is generally<br />

over-medicated). So-called beauty and healthenhancing<br />

products are mostly a waste of money<br />

and are more likely to be harmful than helpful.<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 33

Klein wonderwerke:<br />

gebruike vir alledaagse dinge<br />

deur Caroline Bateman<br />

Ons loop ons dikwels vas met ’n ding in of om<br />

die huis. Dit kan iets klein of onbenullig wees,<br />

maar dit word ’n reuse probleem as jy nie weet<br />

hoe om dit te hanteer of reg te stel sonder om<br />

winkels toe te hardloop en die gewone selfdoenoplossing<br />

ten duurste te gaan koop nie.<br />

Hier is ’n paar prettige maniere om dinge wat jy<br />

reeds het op vreemde en ongewone maniere te<br />

gebruik. Algaande leer jy “’n boer maak ’n plan”<br />

met die minste gesukkel en uitgawe!<br />

Hier is gebruike vir gewone middels wat jy<br />

in jou huis het:<br />

• Het jy ’n aaklige kneusplek? ’n Bietjie asyn<br />

kan die blouheid verminder. Gebruik dit ook<br />

in jou borrelbad om gis-infeksies te verminder<br />

(appel-asyn ruik minder skerp).<br />

• Om blase in jou nuwe stylvolle skoene te<br />

voorkom, smeer ’n bietjie Vaseline aan die<br />

moontlike probleem-areas voordat jy die<br />

skoene aantrek.<br />

• Listerine-mondspoel is ’n kragtige ontsmetmiddel<br />

en nuttig om aan ’n pynlike blaas<br />

te smeer wat oopgegaan het, of om sny- of<br />

skaafplekke te behandel.<br />

• As jy die kleur van naellak wil beoordeel,<br />

plak kleefband oor jou vinger en verf die<br />

naellak daaroor om te kyk of dit jou pas.<br />

• ’n Hare-ontkruller is ’n nuttige stuk gereedskap<br />

om tussen die knope van ’n hemp of<br />

rok te stryk, of enige klein of onhanteerbare<br />

kledingstuk wat jy wil stryk.<br />

• ’n Klein bietjie hande- of lyfroom op jou<br />

hande sal balhorige hare tem as jy jou<br />

hande oor jou hare vryf.<br />

• As jy nog nie gereed is om gimnasium toe<br />

te gaan nie en jou middel het uitgesit, is ’n<br />

noodprosedure soms nodig! Ryg ’n rekkie<br />

34<br />

deur die knoopsgat van jou broek of romp<br />

en haak die ander kant om die knoop vas.<br />

(Onthou om ’n top te dra wat bo-oor hang!)<br />

Hier is ’n paar nuttige gebruike vir<br />

Alka-Seltzer:<br />

• Alka-Seltzer is nie net goed vir maagprobleme<br />

nie! Dit maak ook wonderbaarlik<br />

skoon. As ’n houer se nek te nou is om dit<br />

behoorlik skoon te maak, vul dit halfpad<br />

met water en gooi twee tablette in. Wag tot<br />

die bruising ophou en spoel uit. Die aanpaksel<br />

sal stilweg verdwyn. Dit werk ook vir<br />

kookware van glas.<br />

• Soek jy ’n veilige toiletskoonmaker sonder<br />

chemikalieë? Alka-Seltzer bevat sitroensuur<br />

en is baie doeltreffend. Gooi twee in die bak<br />

en wag 20 minute. Maak dan skoon met ’n<br />

borsel.<br />

• Lyk jou juweliersware vaal? Gooi dit in ’n<br />

bak met bruisende Alka-Seltzer vir twee<br />

minute. Dan sal dit opnuut weer skitter.<br />

• Maak ’n verstopte drein oop deur twee<br />

tablette daarin te gooi gevolg deur ’n koppie<br />

asyn. Wag ’n paar minute en gooi dan warm<br />

water daarin af om dit oop te maak. Dit is<br />

ook ’n goeie manier om slegte reuke in kombuisdreine<br />

te bestry.<br />

• Behandel insekbyte deur twee tablette in<br />

’n halwe glas water te gooi en die oplossing<br />

met watte aan die bytplekke te smeer. Pasop:<br />

moenie dit doen as jy vir asperien allergies<br />

is nie. Alka-Seltzer bevat asperien.<br />

Gebruik aluminiumfoelie so:<br />

• Aluminiumfoelie het baie gebruike. Hou<br />

broodrolletjies en brood vir jou uitstappie of<br />


ete warm deur die gebak in ’n servet toe te<br />

draai en foelie daaronder – en selfs daarbo –<br />

te plaas. Dit sal die hitte binne hou.<br />

• Hier is goeie raad as julle op pad is na ’n<br />

hotel toe maar laat gaan aankom. Maak ’n<br />

paar kaastoebroodjies voordat jy vertrek<br />

en draai hulle in foelie toe. As julle daar<br />

aankom, hoef jy net die hotel se strykyster<br />

te neem en die toebroodjies daarmee te<br />

stryk. Groot pret: ’n geroosterde happie vir<br />

die laataand!<br />

• Is aangeslaande silwer vir jou ’n probleem?<br />

Wel, foelie kan jou help. Voer ’n pan met foelie<br />

uit, vul dit met water en gooi twee teelepels<br />

sout daarin. Plaas die aangeslaande<br />

silwerware daarin en laat dit staan vir twee<br />

minute. Spoel dit dan en droog dit af. Die<br />

aluminium tree as katalisator op in ’n molekulêre<br />

reaksie wat ioon-uitruiling genoem<br />

word. Jy kan silwerware wat pas skoongemaak<br />

is, op ’n laag foelie bêre om die aan-<br />

slaan te verhoed. Vir silwerware wat lank<br />

vry van aanslaan moet bly, draai dit in<br />

kleefplastiek toe, druk soveel lug as moontlik<br />

uit en draai dit dan in foelie toe.<br />

(Waarskuwing: Daar is bevind dat dit nie wys is om<br />

jou oorskietvleis in foelie toe te maak nie, veral nie<br />

as dit in tamatiesous is of bedek is met sous wat<br />

baie suur of sout bevat nie. Hierdie kos oksideer die<br />

aluminium en kan dit met verloop van tyd in werklikheid<br />

deurvreet. Dit kan van die aluminium in die<br />

kos laat beland wat die smaak kan aantas en ’n<br />

gesondheidsrisiko kan inhou. Draai dit liewers eers<br />

in kleefplastiek of waspapier toe en dan in foelie.)<br />

So kan jy tandestokkies benut:<br />

• Om te keer dat ’n pot oorkook, plaas ’n<br />

tandestokkie tussen die pot en die deksel.<br />

Dit laat genoeg stoom ontsnap sodat die pot<br />

nie oorkook nie. Dit werk ook vir ’n kasserol-gereg<br />

in die oond.<br />

• Maak aartappels vinniger in die mikrogolf<br />

gaar deur vier tandestokkies aan een kant<br />

van elke aartappel in te druk en dit op<br />

hierdie vier “pote” te laat staan. Op hierdie<br />

manier sal die mikrogolwe al die dele van<br />

die aartappels tegelyk bereik en dit gouer<br />

gaar laat word.<br />

st George’s anglican Cathedral<br />

• As jy kos met naeltjies of knoffel marineer of<br />

kook en die naeltjies of knoffel wil verwyder<br />

voordat jy dit bedien, maak hulle makliker<br />

om raak te sien deur vooraf ’n tandestokkie<br />

deur elkeen te steek sodat hulle makliker<br />

verwyder kan word.<br />

Wenke wat met tandepasta te doen het (nie<br />

die gel-soort nie):<br />

• Dit behandel skaafplekke op leerskoene.<br />

Druk bietjie op die skaafplekke uit en vryf<br />

dit met ’n sagte lap en vee dit dan met ’n<br />

klam lap af.<br />

• Maak ’n klavier se klawers met tandepasta<br />

en ’n tandeborsel skoon. Vee dan met ’n<br />

klam lap af.<br />

• Maak die onderkant van jou strykyster met<br />

’n bietjie tandepasta skoon as die yster koel<br />

is. Vryf dit met ’n lap en spoel af.<br />

• Dit maak die bakke in die badkamer en die<br />

kombuis se chroomwerk doeltreffend skoon.<br />

• Maak die onwelkome puisie tot niet. Druk<br />

pasta saans op die puisie uit en dit sal die<br />

volgende oggend uitgedroog wees.<br />

• Slegte kosreuke kan van jou hande verwyder<br />

word deur jou hande met tandepasta te<br />

was.<br />

Nog twee nuttige wenke:<br />

• Gebruik orige knope om pare oorringe<br />

bymekaar en veilig te hou.<br />

• Vir gekoekte skoenveters, garingdraad of<br />

halskettings, vryf ’n bietjie mielieblom in die<br />

knope in. Dit gee ’n beter greep en beheer.<br />

bRUIKbaRe bRONNe<br />

1. ’n A-Z van ongelooflike gebruike vir alledaagse<br />

dinge. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007/may/07/ethicalliving.lifeandhealth<br />

2. Buitengewone gebruike vir alledaagse items.<br />

http://www.chicagotribune.com/classified/<br />

realestate/chi-100418-super-products-pic-<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 35

Claim your saaRP benefits<br />

At <strong>SAARP</strong> we continually seek out new opportunities<br />

and benefits so that members get<br />

the most out of their membership. Here are just<br />

some of our current benefits. Make sure you<br />

use them as you could save a great deal!<br />

INSURaNCe<br />

• <strong>SAARP</strong> SHORT TERM INSURANCE POLI-<br />

CIES. Members have saved up to R10 000 a<br />

year on their <strong>SAARP</strong> policies. Contact Renske<br />

or Beverly at <strong>SAARP</strong> 021 592 1279 or<br />

renske@saarp.co.za beverley@saarp.co.za<br />

• <strong>SAARP</strong> FAMILY PROTECTION PLAN. Funeral<br />

insurance at reduced rates. Contact us<br />

at <strong>SAARP</strong> 021 592 1279 info@saarp.co.za<br />



to 5% annual cash back bonus when<br />

using your <strong>SAARP</strong>/b-Smart card at<br />

more than 5 600 suppliers nationwide.<br />

The bonus calculated on purchases made<br />

between 16 June and 15 June of the following<br />

year is payable in November, just in<br />

time for your Christmas purchases. Contact<br />

us at <strong>SAARP</strong>: 021 592 1279 info@saarp.<br />

co.za or Cape Consumers/b-Smart at: 021<br />

409 7600 capecon@capeconsumers.co.za<br />

or SMS “<strong>SAARP</strong>” followed by your area [e.g.<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> Goodwood or <strong>SAARP</strong> Oudtshoorn] to<br />

32005 and a b-Smart consultant will contact<br />

you.<br />

HOLIDayS aND tRaVeL<br />

• <strong>SAARP</strong> HOLIDAY CLUB. Get discounted<br />

off-peak holidays at amazing prices that can<br />

save thousands. Contact Renske at <strong>SAARP</strong><br />

at 021 592 1279 or renske@saarp.co.za<br />

• CAR HIR - AVIS. This company offers<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> special rates. Book at any AVIS office<br />

by phoning 0861 021 111 and quote the<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> Discount number J871801 to qualify<br />

for the lower rates.<br />

36<br />

• CAR HIRE - FIRST CAR. Click on the First<br />

Car Logo on www.saarp.co.za and follow<br />

the instructions. Otherwise contact them<br />

on 0861 178 227 and quote their referral<br />

account number of SAA004R and their rate<br />

code of **<strong>SAARP</strong>H. [** = asterisk, asterisk]<br />

• CAR HIRE - HOLIDAY AUTOS. Contact<br />

0860 100 565. IMPORTANT: Quote your<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> membership number.<br />

HeaLtH<br />

• SPECSAVERS. Their revised <strong>2013</strong> offer<br />

is valid until December <strong>2013</strong>. In order to<br />

qualify for this offer, all members need to<br />

display their <strong>SAARP</strong> membership cards up<br />

front. This offer applies to cash and Credit<br />

card purchases only, not applicable to Medical<br />

Insurance claims.<br />

What does this OFFeR entail?<br />

• Single Vision Package Deal: R646<br />

• Bifocal Package Deal: R985<br />

• Multifocal Package Deal: R1 505<br />

It will consist of the following benefits:<br />

• One consultation, Vision Fields and Intra<br />

Ocular Pressure<br />

• One pair of Aquity clear prescription<br />

lenses<br />

• A grey sticker frame - should a member<br />

not want a grey sticker or free frame, the<br />

member must pay the value of the frame<br />

opted for in full.<br />

• All <strong>SAARP</strong> members qualify for the normal<br />

2.5% My Own Loyalty similar to all<br />

other SpecSavers customers.<br />

In the event of a member not requiring spectacles a<br />

consultation fee of R365 will apply.<br />

(Note: it is important to note that this offer is<br />

available to <strong>SAARP</strong> members who pay for the<br />

service in cash and does not apply to members<br />


who want the payment to be made by their<br />

medical schemes. This offer excludes all other<br />

offers.)<br />

• HEARING AIDS Get discounts on these from<br />

Impact Hearing. Phone 012 348 9350<br />


• FREE WILL SERVICE through Warwick<br />

Trust & Administrative Services (PTY) Ltd<br />

Tel: 0800 50 50 50.<br />

• <strong>SAARP</strong> WILLS without drafting costs. Many<br />

members have expressed the wish that we<br />

speed up the establishment of the relationship<br />

of trust whereby <strong>SAARP</strong> is nominated<br />

as a co-executor of our members’ wills. As<br />

a result we have negotiated a special deal<br />

for members that will enable us to ensure<br />

savings on the costs of executing a will.<br />

Depending upon the size and complexity of<br />

your estate, the discount could vary from<br />

20% to 50% off the maximum legislated fees<br />

that are normally charged. You may request<br />

that a Will Request Details form to be sent<br />

to you by contacting Paul Rosenbrock at<br />

paul@saarp.co.za or if you don’t have e-mail<br />

access, by fax to Paul at 021 592 1284 or by<br />

telephone at 021 592 1279.<br />

SaaRP aND GeNeRaL beNeFItS<br />

• <strong>SAARP</strong> SENIOR CITIZEN MEMBERSHIP<br />

CARD. This is used all over South Africa,<br />

and the world, to obtain agerelated<br />

discounts. It also offers<br />

you a variety of discounts<br />

through Mahalas. Ask us for<br />

details or go to the Mahalas<br />

website www.mahalas.co.za and<br />

follow the instructions.<br />


is published in <strong>April</strong> and October.<br />

To secure your <strong>copy</strong><br />

please donate R30 to <strong>SAARP</strong> to<br />

cover postage costs. You may<br />

pay this direct to our bank<br />

account. Account name: SAA-<br />

RP. Bank: ABSA Cape Town.<br />

Account No: 4057451765.<br />

ABSA universal code for electronic<br />

banking: 632005.<br />

In the reference section of the deposit slip,<br />

or the similar section on electronic payments,<br />

please quote your initials, surname<br />

and <strong>SAARP</strong> membership number as this is<br />

your ID Number. We require proof of payment.<br />

You may fax, e-mail or mail it to any<br />

of these: fax: 021 592 1284 or e-mail: info@<br />

saarp.co.za or address it to: P O Box 13222,<br />

N1 City, 7463.<br />


have your e-mail address we will send you a<br />

free monthly e-newsletter.<br />

SOCIaL beNeFItS<br />

• <strong>SAARP</strong> SOCIAL CLUBS. Thousands of our<br />

members enjoy the camaraderie and outings<br />

offered by these clubs. Contact us for details<br />

or go to our website www.saarp.co.za to<br />

find a club in your area.<br />


• When contacting service providers<br />

directly, be sure to tell them that you<br />

are a <strong>SAARP</strong> member, in order to qualify<br />

for the benefits.<br />

• If you want to sign up as a member<br />

or want to change your contact<br />

details contact Anne at <strong>SAARP</strong> on<br />

tel: 021 592 1279.<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 37

PROFILE: Discovering<br />

Paul Rosenbrock<br />

This enterprising saaRP director is a man of many<br />

dimensions<br />

I grew up on a smallholding in Honeydew,<br />

Johannesburg, and it was wonderful. My Mom<br />

and Dad didn’t have money, but they were<br />

seriously morally straight people who taught<br />

us that money is one of the last priorities in<br />

life – usually the very last in terms of true and<br />

enduring human values.<br />

I learnt that the Lord is all that counts in the<br />

final analysis – the rest is packed into the bag<br />

that remains here when you leave life.<br />

In the face of stiff opposition in the previous<br />

century, I won my wife’s hand and got married<br />

in 1968. The wedding took place in Carletonville.<br />

It was symbolic in the sense that she had<br />

been the first baby born in Carletonville when it<br />

was still a brand new little mining town.<br />

We have two sons. Johann is a BCom LLB and<br />

currently lives in Canada working at developing<br />

a master franchise and a franchise operation<br />

in movement education for kiddies called Monkeynastix.<br />

Paul is National Sales Manager for<br />

Paarlmedia.<br />

My own career spanned several professions. I<br />

was in real estate in the early 1970s, President<br />

of the Pinetown Chamber of Commerce and<br />

also in municipal politics - eventually Mayor<br />

of Queensburgh, Natal from 1978 – 1980.<br />

Then I was involved in life assurance for some<br />

20 years – from 1975 – 1995. Through this,<br />

I became Regional Manager for Sanlam in<br />

Pinetown building the business into a regional<br />

one in which I had about 40 representatives on<br />

the road and another 15 or so administrative<br />

support staff and then Marketing Manager for<br />

Sanlam Group Schemes,<br />

I transferred to SANLAM Head Office in 1991<br />

38<br />

and went on early retirement in 1995 at my<br />

own request because I could see changes approaching<br />

due to the country’s political shift.<br />

I then built and operated Bell Rosen Guesthouse<br />

in Welgemoed between 1995 and 2005.<br />

It had 15 bedrooms and two conference centres<br />

plus a facility we called The Lord’s Lounge – a<br />

Gospel coffee lounge.<br />

Part of the reason for this was that I wanted to<br />

create a family business. My younger son had<br />

studied Travel and Tourism at the Cape Technikon<br />

and was taught to look at an ‘own’ enterprise<br />

as a way of using his skills. I wasn’t ready<br />

to sit back yet and this was a way to be able to<br />

build a family enterprise in a sector of the<br />


economy that was under-developed at that<br />

time. It also allowed us to build a business<br />

based on Christian principles.<br />

From 2002, I was a non-executive director of<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> and an executive director from the end<br />

of 2005.<br />

I have dreams for <strong>SAARP</strong> which include a<br />

kibbutz-style retirement village, an ‘Eezy Retirement’<br />

plan, an expansion of Old Gold – job<br />

opportunities for seniors and even a franchise<br />

system.<br />

I enjoy computers, travel, video editing and<br />

good wine (especially red) with good friends.<br />

I’m also keen on genealogy – family history –<br />

and have visited the original family home in<br />

Germany and made contact with family members.<br />

Above all, I’m a fairly rabid Christian. It’s quite<br />

a long story and I’ve had a few mind-blowing<br />

experiences. Let’s just say it guides every part<br />

of my life and I try to be an active Christian.<br />

Membership of a church doesn’t make you a<br />

Christian any more than Sports Club membership<br />

makes me a sportsman.<br />

I write poetry (metaphysical mainly) and other<br />

philosophical things, especially about God’s<br />

role in our lives. I’m still apprenticed to learning<br />

to trust Him fully in everything.<br />

We – my wife and I – live in a retirement village<br />

called Othello. Yes, and I still love my wife! I<br />

hope to slowly ease into retirement one day in a<br />

long process (about six of seven years.)<br />

Finally, I’m planning for an extremely long and<br />

pleasant eternity with my family one day!<br />

you are nEvER TOO OlD ..<br />

by Philip Bateman<br />

When Nelson Mandela, one of South Africa’s most famous sons,<br />

stepped out of prison, he was already 71 years old. He went on to<br />

become South Africa’s first democratically elected president and a<br />

Nobel prizewinner.<br />

Throughout history some of the world’s greatest achievers have<br />

been late bloomers. Politicians are renowned for ignoring age<br />

prejudice. Golda Meir was 70 when she became the fourth prime<br />

minister of Israel, emerging from retirement to do so. The average<br />

age of presidents of the USA is nearly 55 years. Back home, former<br />

President De Klerk, at 77 is actively involved in his foundation to<br />

protect the Constitution, and Desmond Tutu, at 81, is an active<br />

and outspoken champion for human rights.<br />

The commercial world is packed with older winners. The founder<br />

of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Harlan David Sanders (better known<br />

as Colonel Sanders) was 65 when he started his business. His idea<br />

of selling chicken dinners to clients at his service station grew into<br />

an international franchise.<br />

Amazingly, there has even been an Olympic champion who was 72 years old! Oscar Swahn won<br />

his first and second Olympic gold medals at 60 in the deer shooting event (no deer were actually<br />

shot). In 1920 he won his final award, winning the silver medal at the age of 72.<br />

As Mark Twain said, “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 39

Enjoy a vibrant social life with<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong>’s Social Clubs<br />

How many members know that the association<br />

offers wonderful club opportunities across the<br />

the country?<br />

Would you enjoy fascinating talks by experts<br />

in their field? Or outings with like-minded<br />

people - including stay-overs in game reserves?<br />

Luncheons? Golf?<br />

All this – and more – is yours through <strong>SAARP</strong><br />

Social Clubs – a network of clubs designed to<br />

allow you to get more out of life.<br />

Says Ray Hattingh, the <strong>SAARP</strong> Director responsible<br />

for clubs, “We are social creatures and<br />

usually find that ‘a pleasure shared is a pleasure<br />

squared.’ We are living longer and staying<br />

healthy due to better medical facilities and<br />

knowledge of the benefits of diet and exercise.<br />

Social interaction is vital in maintaining that<br />

health.”<br />

The social clubs meet this need through<br />

monthly meetings, entertainment, lunches and<br />

outings. In addition, pastimes such as bingo,<br />

scrabble and bridge form part of their activities.<br />

“Regular interaction between the clubs allows<br />

new ideas and experiences to be shared and<br />

this is facilitated through regional meetings<br />

which are held at least once a year in each area<br />

except in the Western Cape where there are<br />

four meetings per year.”<br />

Membership of a club is open to any person<br />

over the age of 50. A low annual membership<br />

fee is levied to pay for the running of the club.<br />

The main groupings of clubs are in the Western<br />

Cape, the Southern Cape, the Eastern Cape<br />

and Kwa-Zulu Natal.<br />

These are some excerpts from recent club minutes<br />

in the Western Cape, showing the wide<br />

range of stimulating activities and achievements:<br />

40<br />

Groote Schuur:<br />

• Subsidised Christmas lunch at the Mowbray<br />

Golf Club, with lucky draws.<br />

• Slide presentation by John Britz on tours he<br />

has led to the Grand Canyon and Nepal.<br />

Fish Hoek<br />

• Christmas Lunch at Clovelly Country Club.<br />

• Membership now at 855.<br />

• Outing to Evita se Peron in Darling for<br />

lunch and a show.<br />

• Speaker from Kalk Bay Shark Centre.<br />

Clarewyn<br />

• Talk by Louis Hartley on family history.<br />

• A talk on the Cape Mountains by Tony Heher.<br />

• Line dancing with Elfie Tomlinson and her<br />

ladies.<br />

Hermanus<br />

• Christmas function at La Vierge Estate with<br />

130 members in attendance.<br />

• Informal picnic braai at Fisherhaven Yacht<br />

Club.<br />

• Three-day/two-night trip to Montagu and<br />

environs.<br />


Panorama<br />

• Slide show on Intaka Island.<br />

• Bus trip to Babylonstoren and Fairview in<br />

Franschhoek.<br />

• Christmas lunch at Schoongezicht Restaurant<br />

in Brackenfell.<br />

Pinelands<br />

• Eight-day tour to the Kruger National Park<br />

(26 May – 5 June.)<br />

• A successful move to the Pinelands Bowling<br />

Club, which has been very accommodating;<br />

and a Christmas lunch at the same venue.<br />

• Outing to ostrich farm in Blouberg.<br />

Milnerton<br />

• Theatre and ballet outings including to Coppelia,<br />

Night and Day, Nutcracker Suite and<br />

Dirty Dancing.<br />

• Games mornings.<br />

• Talk by David Davidson on South Africa’s<br />

stand at the Chelsea Flower show.<br />

Tygervalley<br />

• A musical evening entitled “Musical Interlude”<br />

by members Mary and Rosemary.<br />

• Braai at Voortrekker Hall<br />

HOLIDaY FLaTs available at half the price!<br />

Holiday accomodation available: overlooking the Hermanus Golf Club, also in Somerset West,<br />

Plettenberg Bay and in Port Alfred!<br />

Fully furnished, microwave, tv & DSTV. Linen and bath towels provided.<br />

Current ‘Pensioners special’ available at an AMAZING 50% discount from 1 May - November <strong>2013</strong><br />

(excluding September <strong>2013</strong> in Hermanus). Prices from R272.5O per day (4 sleeper flat).<br />

Contact sandra Davies 028 313 0312 for more details on prices.<br />

Members of Pinelands social<br />

Club on a two-week tour in<br />

sept 2012, seen here at mouth<br />

of one of the tunnels on the<br />

Hexpas Ecotrek.<br />

This provided a stimulating<br />

and unique railway experience<br />

on the old railway<br />

route between De Doorns and<br />

Matroosberg across the Hex<br />

River Pass.<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 41

saaRP social Club information<br />

Whether you live in Bloemfontein, Hermanus, Margate or Gauteng, you can find a <strong>SAARP</strong> social club.<br />

“We really want to encourage this and it’s amazing how well this idea has caught on,” says Ray Hattingh,<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong>’s Director of Social Clubs. Ray has a personal (and passionate) commitment to making clubs<br />

work, and regularly travels across South Africa to meet members and start new clubs.<br />

Clubs have regular meetings - typically one a month - as well as arranging outings and other events.<br />

‘We’re constantly looking to set up new clubs as there is so much enthusiasm for this,” adds Ray. “So<br />

if you’re interested in having something in your area, let us know and we’ll set it up for you – with your<br />

assistance, we hope!”<br />

<strong>SAARP</strong> has a Public Relations Officer in Gauteng who will do a free presentation on <strong>SAARP</strong> to your<br />

complex, church group, village or club. Phone GG or Bets: 082 377 0939 or e-mail: gg@saarp.co.za<br />

42<br />

CLUB<br />



Bellville Johnny Hing 021 919 1671 jonaghing@telkomsa.net<br />

Clarewyn Erica Faure 021 761 7855 efaure@cybersmart.co.za<br />

Constantia Riny Veraar 021 799 7253 r.veraar@vodamail.co.za<br />

Fish Hoek Brenda Murrell 021 782 2719 bgmurrell@telkomsa.net<br />

Groote Schuur Victoria Paterson 021 681 2821 patvic21@gmail.com<br />

Helderberg Chris Marshall 021 855 2218 seal0@absamail.co.za<br />

Hermanus Ingrid Green 028 316 2390 ingridgreen@hermanus.co.za<br />

Milnerton Joy Miles (Acting) 021 972 1638 jm15365@gmail.com<br />

Muizenberg Beryl Thorpe 021 788 7886<br />

Napier Monique Bentall<br />

(Acting)<br />

028 423 3370 Moniquebentall49@gmail.com<br />

Panorama Richard Anders 083 280 2676 annieanders@gmail.com<br />

Pinelands Merle Byworth 021 434 1230 mbyworth@telkomsa.net<br />

Silvermine Enid Stephens 021 789 1065 asoule@netactive.co.za<br />

x2065<br />


Jeffrey’s Bay Louis Opperman 042 296 0193 arpjbay@lantic.net<br />

PE East Brian Waxham 041 581 3267 briaels@telkomsa.net<br />

PE West Lynne Crothall 041 365 4671 zs2mm@telkomsa.net<br />


Bloemfontein Judy Mitchell 051 522 7535 charlesjudy.mitchell@gmail.com<br />


Alexandra Henk Barmentloo 039 978 3561<br />

Amanzimtoti Maureen Proctor 031 903 4182 em.maureen@gmailcom<br />

Hillcrest Gloria Humble 031 765 4762 wayneh@ninianh.co.za<br />

Margate Lucas Barnard 039 312 6348 lucasbarnard@lantic.net<br />

Pietermaritzburg Roy MacBean 033 346 2449 angus.r@vodamail.co.za<br />

Pinetown Brian Humphrey 031 709 1959 brianh@telkomsa.net<br />

Umhlanga John Young 031 572 4421 young@absamail.co.za<br />


George Pam Hodgson 044 884 0351 mwpamhod@mweb.co.za<br />

Sedgefield Ros Macmillan 044 343 1877 ramacmillan@hotmail.co.uk<br />


North Rand Jeff Hollingdale asdic@mweb.co.za<br />

Temba S Llale 012 717 3103 /<br />

084 671 1080<br />


7885<br />

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saarp@iafrica.com 43

44<br />

ACCOmmODATIOn:<br />

FeatUReD tOURS<br />

COnTACT Xl mIllEnnIum TRAvEl:<br />

Johannesburg: Melinda Letchman on tel: 011 453 1401 or e-mail: melinda@millenniumtravel.co.za<br />

Best Of Kenya – 7-day safari<br />

• Combination of Safari lodges and a luxury tented camps.<br />

This tour showcases the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kenya, the arid but beautiful northern Samburu district, the<br />

world famous Masai Mara National Reserve, Lake Nakuru, home to over one million flamingos, and an overview of<br />

the lakes and volcanoes of the Great Rift Valley.<br />

ITInERARY:<br />

Cape Town: Letitia Muller on tel: 021 590 7900 or e-mail: letitiam@milllenniumtravel.co.za<br />

Day 1, Friday - The slopes of Mount Kenya: After being collected from your Nairobi hotel (or the airport), you will<br />

be driven across the plains of Mount Kenya and up into the foothills and forests of the second highest mountain in<br />

Africa. Arriving in time for lunch at the Serena Mountain Lodge, you are free to spend the afternoon watching the<br />

game around the water hole, taking a forest walk or visiting the photo-hide. One of the world’s highest National<br />

Parks, Mount Kenya is an extinct volcano some three and a half million years old. Straddling the equator, the<br />

mountain offers a unique mosaic of forest, moorland, rock and ice and is crowned by the glittering twin peaks of<br />

Batian (5,199 m) and Nelion (5,188 m).<br />

Day 2, saturday - North to samburu: After breakfast, drive north to ‘Born Free’ country where Joy and George<br />

Adamson raised Elsa the lion cub in the wild and beautiful Shaba National Reserve. Arrive in time for lunch at the<br />

luxurious Sarova Shaba Game Lodge. Spend the afternoon discovering the unique wildlife of the reserve, which is<br />

famous for its elephants and lions.<br />

Day 3, sunday - On safari in shaba: Spend all day on safari (breakfast and lunch at the lodge) in the reserve,<br />

which offers sanctuary to large herds of elephants, healthy numbers of lions, leopards, cheetahs, plentiful plains<br />

game, reticulated giraffes, rare Beisa oryx, kudus and gerenuks.<br />

Day 4, Monday - To Lake Nakuru: After breakfast drive to Lake Nakuru, the most famous of the Great Rift Valley<br />

lakes and home to a shifting population of over one million flamingos. Arrive in time for lunch at the Sarova Lion<br />

Hill Game Lodge. Spend the afternoon on safari in Kenya’s first and largest rhino sanctuary.<br />

Day 5, Tuesday - To the Masai Mara: After breakfast, drive to the world-famous Masai Mara National Reserve,<br />

backdrop to ‘the greatest wildlife spectacle on earth’, the annual migration of over one million wildebeest. Arrive in<br />

time for lunch at the Sarova Mara Game Camp, a luxury tented camp, before spending the afternoon on safari in<br />

Kenya’s most popular reserve.<br />

Day 6, wednesday - On safari in the Mara: Spend the whole day on safari in Africa’s richest wildlife viewing<br />

arena. Historically teeming with wildlife, the Mara hosts Kenya’s largest lion prides and elephant herds. Spend the<br />

evening in camp where Masai dance performances are offered nightly.<br />

Day 7, Thursday - Up the Rift Valley to Nairobi: After breakfast drive back down the Great Rift Valley to Nairobi.<br />

PRICE:<br />

• US$ 2250 per person sharing. Single supplement on request.<br />

• Price includes: 6 nights’ accommodation, all transfers, all meals, all game drives. Price excludes: Flights,<br />

insurance.<br />

• No visas required for South African passport holders.<br />

TRAvEl DATES:<br />

• August and September <strong>2013</strong>. Tour departs every Friday and returns every Thursday.<br />


Prague, vienna & Budapest - 10 days<br />

Day 1, arrive Prague, Friday: You will be transferred to your hotel. Dinner with folklore in a local restaurant<br />

Day 2, in Prague, saturday: Morning tour of the old part of the city to view the Old Town Square, the famous<br />

Astronomical Clock, the Jewish Quarter, St. Nicholas Church, Charles Bridge and more. The rest of the day is at<br />

leisure. Tonight, enjoy an opera performance.<br />

Day 3, in Prague, sunday: Today, cross the Vltava River to visit the Royal Castle of Hradcany and St. Vitus<br />

Cathedral. Your afternoon and evening are at leisure.<br />

Day 4, to Vienna, Monday: Travel by motor coach to Vienna, the “City of Waltz”. The rest of the day is free.<br />

Dinner tonight will be in a typical local Heurigen restaurant.<br />

Day 5, in Vienna, Tuesday: On your morning sightseeing tour, visit the Hofburg Palace, once the seat of the Austro-Hungarian<br />

Empire, and view the Belvedere Palace, Prater amusement park, the UN buildings, St. Stephen’s<br />

Cathedral and other vivid reminders of the city’s imperial history. After a free afternoon, enjoy an evening concert<br />

of Strauss’ and Mozart’s music.<br />

Day 6, in Vienna, wednesday: Take a guided visit to the Kunsthistorische Museum in the morning. The rest of the<br />

day is at leisure.<br />

Day 7, to Budapest, Thursday: Today, journey takes you eastbound by motor coach to Budapest, often called<br />

“Paris of the East”. The afternoon is free for independent activities or optional excursions.<br />

Day 8, in Budapest, Friday: Situated on the opposite banks of the Danube River, the former cities of Buda and<br />

Pest are linked by a series of graceful bridges. Your morning sightseeing tour includes views of the decorative<br />

Parliament building, seat of the National Assembly; Vaci Utca, a pedestrian street lined with shops and restaurants;<br />

Heroes’ Square with the Millennium Memorial, 118 foot high Corinthian column dedicated to the Roman Catholic<br />

Church, and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The rest of the day is at leisure.<br />

Day 9, in Budapest, saturday: Sightseeing tour this morning focuses on the Castle Hill area, the 13th century<br />

Matthias Church, Fisherman’s Bastion and Royal Palace. Afternoon is free for last minute shopping or independent<br />

exploration. Tonight, enjoy dinner with entertainment in a typical Czardas restaurant.<br />

Day 10, Depart Budapest, sunday: After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your departure flight.<br />

PRICE: Per person in twin: US$ 1,890. Single room supplement: $ 795. Price includes:<br />

• 9 nights in first class hotels, rooms with private facilities, service charges and hotel taxes<br />

• Breakfast daily. Dinner with folklore in Prague, entertainment in Grinzing suburb of Vienna<br />

• Farewell dinner with entertainment in typical czardas restaurant in Budapest<br />

• Opera performance in Prague, Strauss & Mozart Concert in Vienna<br />

• Inter-city travel by modern motor coach<br />

• Arrival and departure transfers, Professional English speaking tour director and Luggage handling<br />

• Headsets will be provided for included sightseeing tours, so you can easily hear your guide’s commentary<br />

• Price Excludes: Flights, visas, insurance tipping and meals that are not stipulated.<br />


• Prague: Royal Castle of Hradcany, St. Vitus Cathedral<br />

• Vienna: Hofburg Palace, Kunsthistorische Museum<br />

• Budapest: Fisherman’s Bastion, Coronation Church<br />

TOuR DEPARTuRES <strong>2013</strong>: 10 May, 19-May, 07 Jun, 16 Jun, 05 Jul, 14 Jul, 02 Aug, 11 Aug<br />

(Sept & Oct on request).<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 45

46<br />

Holiday Club<br />

Did you know that you can obtain holiday accommodation at a fraction of its normal<br />

price through <strong>SAARP</strong>? And that the accommodation is in glorious places throughout<br />

southern Africa? That’s just one of the many benefits you enjoy as a member.<br />





ROYAL ATLANTIC 21-25 OCT 1 BEDR R1 600<br />



SUNSHINE BEACH 19-23 AUG 2 BEDR R1 000<br />

FORMOSA BAY 9-13 SEPT 1 BEDR R1 000<br />

PLACID WATERS 9-13 SEPT 1 BEDR R1 000<br />


SUNTIDE MARGATE 18-22 NOV 1 BEDR R1 400<br />

DURBAN SPA 25-29 NOV 1 BEDR R1 200<br />

PEBBLE BEACH 18-22 NOV 1 BEDR R1 400<br />



DOLPHIN VIEW 25-29 NOV 1 BEDR R1 400<br />


DRAKENSBERG SUN 11-15 NOV 1 BEDR R1 800<br />



RIVIERA ON VAAL 21-25 OCT 1 BEDR R1 800<br />


SUDWALA LODGE 9-13 SEP 1 BEDR R1 000<br />

FALCON GLEN 9-13 SEP 1 BEDR R1 000<br />



MOUNT AMANZI 26-30 AUG 1 BEDR R1 000<br />

MAGALIESPARK 26-30 AUG 1 BEDR R1 000<br />



Any cancellations MUST be made at least 10 WEEKS prior to check in date. Please note that the prices<br />

include 14% VAT. For more information and bookings contact RENSKE on tel: 021 592 1279.<br />


C H M O C R R A P N D N P M P A<br />

Just for Fun!<br />

I N F L U E N Z A N R F Q J L J V<br />

B K C Z G Q R T R E E L Q N T D K<br />

H P I F L O T S I P T Z D K N D R<br />

W R L N G R H H D X E J K D U G T<br />

www.WordSearchMaker.com<br />

H M E N M E N T N M M K L F O R R<br />

J T G H T A N D L M I M Q B M A M<br />

F Q N Y E M N I E J R T Y J A N Q<br />

H Q A C Z U F M V E E R Z R R D R<br />

T D O E T Z O F T I P M L Q A F B<br />

C H M O C R R A P N D N P M P A N<br />

N B R V A N G G A L N D B R P T D<br />

H M I B G I A L S H O I K R T H J<br />

B T L C V M K D S N T V T Y P E B<br />

T E Z A Y M N W I I R G E H G R B<br />

N R N Y Z C R K O O E T U L F V P<br />

L T K T J Z L N N H V F W R T H R<br />

M F D L R G D E L H Y A V N K F P<br />

www.WordSearchMaker.com<br />

Angelic<br />

Avoidance<br />

Bicycle<br />

Divine<br />

Flute<br />

Grandfather<br />

Influenza<br />

SUDokU<br />

Love<br />

Memorable<br />

Navigate<br />

Ocean<br />

Paramount<br />

Passion<br />

Perimeter<br />

Pistol<br />

Rotund<br />

Tree<br />

T D O E T Z O F T I P M L Q A F<br />

N B R V A N G G A L N D B R P T<br />

H M I B G I A L S H O I K R T H<br />

B T L C V M K D S N T V T Y P E<br />

T E Z A Y M N W I I R G E H G R<br />

N R N Y Z C R K O O E T U L F V<br />

L T K T J Z L N N H V F W R T H<br />

M F D L R G D E L H Y A V N K F<br />

WoRD<br />

SEARCh<br />

Ambition<br />

Angelic<br />

Avoidance<br />

Bicycle<br />

Divine<br />

Flute<br />

Grandfather<br />

Influenza<br />

Love<br />

Memorable<br />

Navigate<br />

Ocean<br />

Paramount<br />

Passion<br />

Perimeter<br />

Pistol<br />

Rotund<br />

Tree<br />

saarp@iafrica.com 47<br />

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Solutions / oplossings<br />

48<br />

October 2012<br />

BULLETIN 3<br />

Philip Bateman<br />

Word hunt puzzle for <strong>SAARP</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> 3<br />

e l s y m p h o n y l<br />

r g v i o l i n r h y<br />

u e n t h w g a y p n<br />

s c n i o e t r s a x<br />

s i e e s i a a u r c<br />

e r u t l u c i r g a<br />

r t n i r c o s i o b<br />

p g m b w w y h o e b<br />

r t e k c i r c e g a<br />

a f c a c t u s i b g<br />

t e n n o s g u u b e<br />

You are proudly South<br />

African when you call:<br />

• a bathing suit a “kossie”<br />

• a traffic light a “robot”<br />

• an elevator a “lift”<br />

• a car trunk a “boot”<br />

• a pickup truck a “bakkie”<br />

• a barbeque a “braai”<br />

VIVa!<br />

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LYNX<br />







TWO<br />

CACTUS<br />



WIT<br />

INTO<br />

VIOLIN<br />

RAT<br />

SONNET<br />

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Enjoy your freedom<br />

with our special<br />

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Conditions<br />

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to the Avis Standard Terms and Conditions. Payment must be made with an Avis honoured charge card such as Diners, Mastercard, Visa or American Express.<br />

Avis offers Point 2 Point, a transfer service<br />

that takes people from point A to B, any day<br />

of the week and at all hours of the day.<br />

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Avis Breakdown and Emergency, will<br />

assists anytime of the day or night if<br />

you need help, 0800 001 669.<br />

Visit www.avis.co.za or call 0861 021 111<br />

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Optional GPS units are available on request<br />

ensuring you always stay on route to your<br />


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