January 2013 - Sabbar Shrine Temple

January 2013 - Sabbar Shrine Temple

January 2013 - Sabbar Shrine Temple


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<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>rs’<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> Topics<br />

Volume 45 / Issue 1 Tucson and Southern Arizona<br />

<strong>January</strong>, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Welcome Ill. Sir Jeff Horton<br />

and First Lady Pam!

As I write this many thoughts<br />

have come to me. My first<br />

thought is to thank Ill. Sir. Roger<br />

Thomas for all the time and effort<br />

he put in to making <strong>Sabbar</strong> a<br />

better <strong>Shrine</strong>. The Red Fez<br />

Lounge looks great with new<br />

paint and the addition of the<br />

booths. The big room looks great<br />

with the white walls with black<br />

drapes. Wow! What a difference<br />

a year makes. I also want the<br />

thank Noble Jim Burke for all the<br />

improvements he has made to the<br />

Recorder’s Office, he has been<br />

selfless in his efforts to improve<br />

our <strong>Shrine</strong> Center.<br />

We have a new Divan this year<br />

with the addition of four who<br />

were not there in <strong>January</strong> of<br />

2012. Ill. Sir. Larry Bowers will<br />

be a great help as Chief Rabban<br />

and his experience as a Past<br />

Potentate will be invaluable. We<br />

have a new Assistant Rabban<br />

Page 2<br />

Ponderings of the Potentate Ill. Sir Jeff Horton<br />

Ill. Sir Jeff Horton<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Potentate <strong>2013</strong><br />

with Allan Morgan stepping in,<br />

I believe he will be of great<br />

service to <strong>Sabbar</strong>. Abe<br />

Rodriguez brings a lot of<br />

experience with activities at the<br />

Eagles and VFW having<br />

presided over both groups. Abe<br />

also knows how to run a kitchen<br />

and do rentals. I think we are<br />

fortunate to have him as High<br />

Priest and Prophet. Finally, Rod<br />

Wagoner is our new Oriental<br />

Guide. As a new <strong>Shrine</strong>r he has<br />

taken on a huge task with the<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> Topics and the website.<br />

Welcome all to the <strong>2013</strong> Divan.<br />

I also want to note that three of<br />

the five progressive Divan<br />

members belong to Marion<br />

McDaniel Lodge. For this<br />

reason I am changing the Unit<br />

Head meetings to the last<br />

Monday of each month so that<br />

we can attend our Stated<br />

Meeting.<br />

Those who know me are aware<br />

of my love of Freemasonry<br />

which is the foundation upon<br />

which I approach any<br />

undertaking. My theme this year<br />

is the “Masonic <strong>Shrine</strong>r.” The<br />

ideals of Masonry will always be<br />

my guide as your Potentate.<br />

This year’s pin and bola reflect<br />

my feelings signifying the Light<br />

of Freemasonry shining on the<br />

<strong>Shrine</strong> resulting in the support<br />

for our <strong>Shrine</strong> Hospitals for<br />

Children. A new necktie will be<br />

available which the Officers will<br />

wear; it is a tone on tone<br />

Scimitar of burgundy.<br />

There are many events planned<br />

for this year. February brings us<br />

the Sweetheart Dance and the<br />

Rodeo Dance. A gun safety<br />

class on March 2 nd and a dog<br />

show on March 30 th . We’re also<br />

planning a 5 day cruise in July.<br />

I will be inviting all in the<br />

Masonic family to our events so<br />

that they can experience the fun<br />

we have here at <strong>Sabbar</strong>.<br />

We still need help with Bingo.<br />

Larry Bowers and Gary Miller<br />

have done a great job keeping<br />

bingo going, but we need more<br />

people to step up and help.<br />

These are two Past Potentates<br />

who continue to Support <strong>Sabbar</strong>.<br />

So what’s your excuse for not<br />

working Bingo? It’s really not<br />

hard work but does take some of<br />

your time. If we could get more<br />

workers then we would all not<br />

have to be there for every bingo<br />

session. We are lucky to have so<br />

many faithful Bingo players who<br />

really want to support us and<br />

even win a little money while<br />

there.<br />

Once again, thank you for the<br />

trust you have given me as your<br />

Potentate for <strong>2013</strong>. It is a great<br />

honor and I am humbled by all<br />

the support I have received.<br />

Let’s have fun this year … and if<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> is a better <strong>Shrine</strong> when<br />

the year is done, then I will feel<br />

that we will have succeeded.<br />

Yours in Faith<br />

Jeff Horton<br />

Potentate<br />


From the First Lady First Lady Pam Horton<br />

Lady Pam Horton<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> First Lady <strong>2013</strong><br />

V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />

This Month in the Topics . . .<br />

Ponderings of the Potentate / First Lady 2 / 3<br />

Chief Rabban / Motorcycle / Coming Events / Ed 4 / 5<br />

<strong>2013</strong> Appointed Divan, Staff, Committees Lists 6 / 7<br />

Asst. Rabban / News/ <strong>2013</strong> Appointed (cont) 8<br />

High Priest / Berkle’s Bits / Director’s Staff 9<br />

“Doc” Halsey / Guard Raffle / Huachuca Club 10 / 11<br />

Potentate’s Reception Flyer / Birthdays 12 / 13<br />

<strong>2013</strong> Units & Clubs Lists 14 / 15<br />

Ads / Sweetheart Dance Flyer 16 / 17<br />

Message from the Imperial Potentate 18 / 19<br />

I am excited to begin this year as the First Lady of <strong>Sabbar</strong>. Jeff and I<br />

have many ideas as to how to make <strong>Sabbar</strong> a fun place for <strong>Shrine</strong>rs and<br />

their families. I have two pins this year, one is to support <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />

Hospitals and the other will be my ladies pin. I hope the ladies of<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> will support me this year as we try our best make some more<br />

improvements at <strong>Sabbar</strong>. My project for this year is to replace the<br />

carpet in the lobby to make our <strong>Shrine</strong> more presentable to all who<br />

enter for the first time.<br />

We will have a fun “Dog Show” on March 30 with many events for<br />

you and your pooch to enter. I look forward to meeting all the ladies so<br />

that we can show the guys how to have some real fun at the <strong>Shrine</strong>. If<br />

you have some ideas of your own please let me know, my cell phone is<br />

(520) 400-1209 or you can call our house phone at (520) 731-8333.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Pam Horton<br />

First Lady—<strong>2013</strong><br />

The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />

is virtually endless. You can include<br />

stories that focus on current technologies<br />

or innovations in your field.<br />

You may also want to note business or<br />

economic trends, or make predictions for<br />

your customers or clients.<br />

The background areas in the First Lady’s pins are actually cut outs. -Editor<br />

If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />

you might comment upon new proce-<br />

Oriental Guide / D&B, Band Dinner 20 / 21<br />

Photos—Car Show 22 / 23<br />

Photos—<strong>Temple</strong> Guard / White Christmas Parties 24 / 25<br />

Onions Flyer / “Other Side” / Ads 26 / 27<br />

Blue Lodges / <strong>Sabbar</strong> Calendar 28 / 29<br />

Thank You Note / Next Month / Black Camel / Ads 30 / 31<br />

Rodeo Dance Flyer / Membership Petition 32 /33<br />

Friends of the Topics / Contacts / Coupons 34 / 35<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> Ticker Various<br />

Page 3

Ruminations of the Chief Rabban Larry Bowers, PP<br />

Larry Bowers, PP<br />

Chief Rabban <strong>2013</strong><br />

Happy New Year, I hope everyone had a great holiday season.<br />

Elections are over and a new year is about to begin. I am looking<br />

forward to working with the new Divan. Illustrious Sir Jeff has a<br />

busy and productive year planned. We are members of the greatest<br />

philanthropy in the world and I hope you will come down and join us<br />

having fun with a purpose.<br />

Installation of the new officers is <strong>January</strong> 7th. Join us and let’s kick<br />

off the New Year with a big turnout at the meeting. I would<br />

encourage all of you to bring a Noble that hasn’t been to a meeting<br />

for a while.<br />

Let’s try to increase the number of active Nobles.<br />

Yours in Faith,<br />

Larry Bowers,<br />

Chief Rabban<br />

Motorcycle Raffle Sales Strong<br />

Motorcycle tickets are selling well! Bill Burkel, Fred Lohman, Roger “DOK”<br />

Beide, Tom Rowley, Jim Walker, Abe Rodriquez, Howard Keefer, Jeff Horton<br />

and other volunteers have made appearances at the 4th Avenue Street Fair, Phoenix<br />

Gun Show, Tucson Community Center<br />

and other venues. With the Gem Show<br />

and Rodeo coming, they will be needing<br />

your help! Don’t stop now … talk it up<br />

in your Blue Lodge meetings and the<br />

Community! Drawing will be<br />

April 7, <strong>2013</strong> at the <strong>Sabbar</strong><br />

Poker Run.<br />


1 $10<br />

3 $20<br />

7 $40<br />

10 $50<br />

SPECIALS FOR $100, $250,<br />

$500, $1000<br />


V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

Coming Events From Your Editor<br />

Meetings:<br />

Jan 7—Stated Meeting<br />

Jan 8—Director’s Staff<br />

Jan 28—Unit Heads<br />

Parades:<br />

Feb 23—Arizona City<br />

Official Visits:<br />

Jan 13—Supreme Queen—Daughters of the Nile<br />

Feb 16—Green Valley<br />

Upcoming Events:<br />

Jan 9—Blue Lodge Visit: Tucson #4<br />

Jan 19—East-West <strong>Shrine</strong> Game (Lounge)<br />

Feb 2—Potentate’s Reception—1:00 PM<br />

Feb 8—Sweetheart Dance—7:00 PM<br />

Feb 23—Rodeo Dance - 5:00 PM<br />

Mar 2—Gun Safety Class (Info Coming)<br />

This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />

A new year and some new ideas for the Topics …<br />

partly the result of suggestions and partly some<br />

independent research into different <strong>Shrine</strong><br />

publications to see what would make you want to<br />

pick the Topics up and read it. We’re still working<br />

on that formula, so bear with us and make sure to let<br />

us know your likes, dislikes and ideas.<br />

This month’s Topics is full of listings: Staff, Units,<br />

Clubs and Schedules. The goal is to keep up with<br />

changes that happen through the year. For this to<br />

work, your Unit or Club will need to get changes to<br />

the Topics. We’ll then publish the update in the next<br />

issue.<br />

There’s also a new calendar format that, hopefully,<br />

will be easier to read and even hang on your fridge.<br />

We always need articles and photography. Let us<br />

know what’s happening with your group and if<br />

you’re willing and able to lend a hand.<br />

The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />

is virtually endless. You can include<br />

stories that focus on current technologies<br />

or innovations in your field.<br />

Hope you enjoy this month’s issue!<br />

Yours in Faith, Rod Wagoner, Editor<br />

. . . <strong>Temple</strong> Ticker . . . . Brought to you by <strong>Sabbar</strong>Com . . . . . .<br />

You may also want to note business or<br />

economic trends, or make predictions for<br />

your customers or clients.<br />

<strong>2013</strong> Parades and Official Visits<br />

If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />

you might comment upon new proce-<br />









Page 5

<strong>2013</strong> Appointments<br />

APPOINTED DIVAN Malcolm “Mac” McCumber (Jerri) (H) 577-8227<br />

1st Ceremonial Master Marvin Hoffman, PP (Ruth) (H) 296-5282<br />

Joe Talvy (Pina) (C) 940-3939 Jim Jones (H) 344-8615<br />

2nd Ceremonial Master Elliot Koeppen (Mildred) (H) 662-4965<br />

Fred Lohman (Lynndell) (H) 743-8650 Jim Lieber (Fran) (H) 721-3662<br />

Director Fred Lohman (Lynndell) (H) 743-8650<br />

John Tilley (Julia) (H) 296-1928 Shawn Lowery (Nicole) (C) 981-6694<br />

Director Emeritus Don Moyer (Jeanie) (C) 820-0676<br />

Bill Burkel (Marcy) (H) 747-2058 Bob Williams (Janet) (H) 647-3084<br />


Richard Miller (Kay) (H) 579-9678 Advertising<br />

Chaplain Rod Wagoner (Annette) (C) 979-1803<br />

David Haynes (Alice) (C) 490-6036 Van Elrod (Sherry) (H) 744-2974<br />

Captain of the Guard Bi-Lingual Committee<br />

Elliot Koeppen (Mildred) (H) 662-4965 Roger Thomas, PP (Nancy) (H) 885-8497<br />

Outer Guard Abe Rodriguez (Mica) (H) 404-4286<br />

Bob Gannon (Karen) (H) 205-1877 Bingo Committee<br />

Chief of Staff Gary Miller, PP (Judy) (H) 289-9720<br />

Delmar “Smitty” Smith (Judy) (H) 296-9631 Larry Bowers, PP (Susan) (C) 678-9796<br />

Deputy Aides Steve Wood—Emeritus (C) 301-1066<br />

Roger Berryman N/A Black Camel<br />

Lew “Shorty” Ivy (Mary) (C) 850-3082 David Haynes (Alice) (C) 490-6036<br />

Rob Lewis (C) 247-1692 Jim Sebastian, PP, PGM (Norma) (H) 881-1001<br />

Richard Miller (Kay) (H) 579-9678 Blue Lodge Visitation<br />

Tim “T-Bone” Bolen (C) 808-0831 Randy Jager (Lynn) (C) 405-6098<br />


Bob Gannon (Karen) (H) 205-1877 Gary Miller, PP (Judy) (H) 298-9720<br />


Jim Wolfe, PP (Mayno) (H) 744-1699 Membership<br />

Elliot Koeppen (Mildred) (H) 662-4965 Randy Jager (Lynn) (C) 405-6098<br />

Chief Recorder’s Aide Onion Chairman<br />

Bill Burkle (Marcy) (H) 747-2058 Keith Kransy (Marilee) (H) 747-9611<br />

Donor Relations Parade Marshall<br />

Van Elrod (Sherry) (H) 744-2974 Richard Miller (Kay) (H) 579-9678<br />

Don Vingino (H) 247-8047 Parliamentarian<br />

Event / Unit Coordinator Sidney J. LeLuan III (Debbie) (W) 325-1122<br />

Bill Burkle (Marcy) (H) 747-2058 Lew “Shorty” Ivy (Mary) (C) 850-3082<br />

Fall Festival (Corn Fest.) Promotions Advisor & Marketing<br />

Richard Miller (Kay) (H) 579-9678 Van Elrod (Sherry) (H) 744-2974<br />

Housing & Transportation Protocol<br />

Van Elrod (Sherry) (H) 744-2974 Marvin Hoffman, PP (Ruth) (H) 296-5282<br />

Insurance Advisor Provost Marshall<br />

Leroy Engdahl, PP (Kathy) (H) 749-2023 Sam Stephenson (Beth) (H) 207-0779<br />

Investment Committee Rentals<br />

V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />

The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />

is virtually endless. You can include<br />

stories that focus on current technologies<br />

or innovations in your field.<br />

Rex Lee (Carole) (H) 979-9758 Delmar “Smitty” Smith (Judy) (H) 296-9631<br />

Landscape / Grounds Marcy Grover (H) 885-1205<br />

Harmon Harrison, PP (Mary) (H) 297-6002 Ritual Director<br />

You may also want to note business or<br />

economic trends, or make predictions for<br />

your customers or clients.<br />

Legal Advisor Gary Miller, PP (Judy) (H) 298-9720<br />

If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />

you might comment upon new proce-<br />

Royal Bouschor (Gwen) (W) 624-6638 Samsar<br />

Lounge Manager Bill Burkle (Marcy) (H) 747-2058<br />

Nicole Lowery (Shawn) (C) 907-7957 <strong>Temple</strong> Maintenance<br />

Master of Ceremonies Fred Lohman (Lynndell) (H) 743-8650<br />

John Tilley (Julia) (H) 296-1928 Kurt Jackman (Carlene) N/A<br />

Medical Staff<br />

Roy Gettle (Maryannette) (H) 975-4996<br />

Harmon Harrison, PP (Mary) (H) 297-6002<br />

Greg Gerhart (Vicky) (H) 751-4301<br />

Page 7

Assertions of the Assistant Rabban Allan Morgan<br />

Noble Allan Morgan<br />

Assistant Rabban <strong>2013</strong><br />

I would like to thank those of you who voted for me, and look forward to<br />

serving the nobility with our new potentate, Rabban, and the other officers of<br />

the Divan.<br />

As I stated at the meeting, I hope I can live up to your expectations as a<br />

person, a Mason, and a <strong>Shrine</strong>r.<br />

I have been the President of the Drum & Bugle Corp for the last five years,<br />

and have seen our D & B membership decline for a variety of reasons, and I<br />

am not unaware that other units are suffering from a decline in participation<br />

as well. My goal is to support the plans of the new Potentate and Rabban and<br />

work towards making the <strong>Shrine</strong> a place where former members will feel<br />

welcome enough to want to participate, and also making it an entity that<br />

entices new members.<br />

I look forward to serving you and hope to prove worthy of your trust and<br />

support.<br />

Thank You again for your support,<br />

Allen P. Morgan<br />

Asst. Rabban<br />

. . . . Stated Meeting on FIRST MONDAY, Jan 7th, JAN ONLY . . . .<br />

<strong>2013</strong> Appointments (cont)<br />

Hospital<br />

Van Elrod (Sherry) (H) 744-2974<br />

Bruce Rick (Evelyn) (H) 408-1700<br />

L.A. Hospital Board<br />

Van Elrod (Sherry) (H) 744-2974<br />

Bruce Rick (Evelyn) (H) 408-1700<br />

Rex Lee (Carole) (H) 979-9758<br />

<strong>Shrine</strong> Hospitals for Children, Colorado , Emeritus Mbrs<br />

Marvin Hoffman, PP (Ruth) (H) 296-5282<br />

Jerrell Hudson, PP N/A<br />

H. Michael Oexman, PP N/A<br />

White Elephant Check<br />

Roger Thomas, PP holding a check from Country<br />

Fair White Elephant, Inc. in Green Valley for<br />

$39,000 for <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospitals. Roger and Ill. Sir<br />

Jeff Horton picked the check up after December’s<br />

Stated Meeting<br />


Visions of the High Priest and Prophet Abe Rodriguez<br />

Noble Abe Rodriguez<br />

High Priest and Prophet <strong>2013</strong><br />

Gun Safety Class—MW Michael Manning, SGW will be instructing a gun safety course<br />

at <strong>Sabbar</strong> on Saturday, March 2nd. The cost will be $50. Upon successful completion of the<br />

course, participants will be eligible for an Arizona Concealed Weapons Permit.<br />

Noble Bill Burkel<br />

Chief Recorder’s<br />

Aide <strong>2013</strong><br />

V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

Burkle’s Bits<br />

First, I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday. As the new<br />

year starts, I want you to know that I will keep my word as I<br />

promised when I accepted my Elected Office and am anxious to work<br />

with everyone to make this a good year for our <strong>Shrine</strong>. I look<br />

forward to seeing all of you at our coming events.<br />

I have a lot of ideas for this coming year and know that if we all work<br />

together, we can make it a good and fun year. If you need to get hold<br />

of me for help, or if you have any ideas, feel free to call me at<br />

(520) 404-4286 or send eMail to: alrodrguez19492000@yahoo.com<br />

Yours in faith,<br />

Abe<br />

High Priest and Prophet<br />

This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />

The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />

is virtually endless. You can include<br />

stories that focus on current technologies<br />

or innovations in your field.<br />

Here we go again a brand new<br />

year. To the new divan—<br />

Congratulations! Now is the<br />

time for all of us to pull together<br />

to make <strong>2013</strong> a good<br />

year.<br />

Things we can do is to attend<br />

meetings and <strong>Sabbar</strong> functions.<br />

Also, tell your friends<br />

that we have a hall to rent, bingo,<br />

and other activities.<br />

Here's hoping every noble and<br />

their ladies have a very good year!<br />

Our First parade is in Arizona City on February 23 rd .<br />

Watch for details in the Topics.<br />

Talk to you soon,<br />

Bill<br />

You may also want to note business or<br />

economic trends, or make predictions for<br />

your customers or clients.<br />

If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />

you might comment upon new proce-<br />

Director’s Staff<br />

The Director Staff meeting is the 1 st Tuesday of the<br />

month. However, because of installation we will<br />

meet on the 2 nd Tuesday, <strong>January</strong> 8 th . Details on<br />

the meeting and the meal will take place by the<br />

phone communication.<br />

Come to the meeting and find out what we have<br />

planned for <strong>2013</strong>. Congratulations to all of our<br />

new officers for the Director Staff. Happy New<br />

Year!<br />

Harold Walton, President<br />

“To get what you've never had, you<br />

must do what you've never done.”<br />

- Thomas Jefferson<br />

Page 9

Strong Brotherhood - Divided Union Halsey “Doc” Miller<br />

Confederate Brigadier General Louis<br />

"Lo" Armistead was a graduate (1839) of<br />

West Point who served in the Union<br />

Army in the Mexican War prior to the<br />

Civil War. The conflict erupted while<br />

Armistead was stationed in San Francisco,<br />

at which time he unhappily parted<br />

from his officer friends and their wives<br />

and left to join the confederacy. First as<br />

a major and then a Brigadier General<br />

(April 1862). He took part in several<br />

battles and was mortally wounded during<br />

Pickett's charge at Gettysburg. Two days<br />

later he died.<br />

As he lay dying among the guns of<br />

Cushing's Battery (Union) he asked for<br />

his close friend, General Winfield Scott<br />

Hancock, and was informed the General<br />

was also wounded and could not be<br />

moved. However, General Hancock's<br />

aide Captain Henry H. Bingham was sent<br />

to him, and the two Masons comforted<br />

each other. Brotherhood triumphed over<br />

enmity.<br />

Similar occurrences were not rare during<br />

the conflict. Two days after the City of<br />

Vicksburg was conquered, Masons on<br />

both sides held a joint lodge meeting.<br />

Furthermore Masons from both sides<br />

took part in the burial of the Captain of<br />

The Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial at Gettysburg was crafted by Ron Tunison.<br />

It shows the mortally-wounded Confederate Brigadier Gen­eral Lewis Addison<br />

Armistead being comforted by Union Captain Henry H. Bingham. Both men were<br />

Masons_<br />

one of the Union ironclads that had besieged and helped capture the City. Other stories tell of plantation<br />

owners showing Masonic rings and regalia to Union troops, who then did not loot or burn their property.<br />

Such courteous actions probably were not then and certainly are not uniform today. I need only think some<br />

comments I've heard from visitors to my house, upon seeing the uniform of a Captain of Confederate<br />

Artillery were less than positive. I had relatives on both sides, Rob Finn, Pvt., Pennsylvania Infantry, and<br />

Capt. Elisha Halsey, Halsey's Battery of the Charleston (S.C.) Artillery.<br />

I do believe that we, as Masons, can honor the war dead as well as former foes.<br />

Ed. Note : If you’d like to know more, visit these websites or do a Web search on “Masons Civil War” -<br />

http://www.angelfire.com/me/reenact/masons.html<br />

http://www.dennistoun.org/education/ed2005.11.html<br />

http://www.civilwarinteractive.com/ArticleMasonsintheCW.htm<br />


V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

. . Huacuhuca <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />

I want to congratulate Ill Sir Jeff and his Divan on their election to office for the year <strong>2013</strong>. Also thank you<br />

Sir Roger for all your support to the Huachuca <strong>Shrine</strong> Club in 2012,<br />

The club had its elections at the November meeting with 28 members and guest in attendance. The normal<br />

business was conducted and elections were held. The following nobles were elected to office for the year<br />

<strong>2013</strong>. President Tom Jones; Vice President/ Secretary Eric Navarro. Noble Andy Anderson will be Vice<br />

President Pro tem, when Eric leaves Arizona. Noble Chuck Fortner was elected to Treasurer.<br />

Our December meeting was a joint dinner with Cochise High Twelve 703. It was held at the Huachuca<br />

VFW and a grand time was had by all in attendance. Our club meetings are normally held on the third<br />

Saturday of the month at 5:30PM. The <strong>January</strong> 19, <strong>2013</strong> will be our first meeting of the year. The location<br />

will be announced at a later time.<br />

From all of us at the Huachuca <strong>Shrine</strong> Club, “Let’s make <strong>2013</strong> a great year for <strong>Sabbar</strong>!”<br />

Sincerely and fraternally,<br />

Tom Jones, President<br />

. Unit Head Meeting moved to LAST MONDAY of the month @ 7:00 PM . . .<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> Guard Winner<br />

This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />

Randy Jager is the winner of the 2012 <strong>Temple</strong><br />

Guard Gun Raffle. He was presented with the 44<br />

Magnum “Mares Leg” and other prizes at the December<br />

2012 Stated Meeting.<br />

Congratulations, Randy!<br />

The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />

is virtually endless. You can include<br />

stories that focus on current technologies<br />

or innovations in your field.<br />

You may also want to note business or<br />

economic trends, or make predictions for<br />

your customers or clients.<br />

If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />

you might comment upon new proce-<br />

Page 11


Name<br />

NG DANNY FOON 12/1<br />

JOHN BROCKMAN 12/2<br />


ALFRED WALZ 12/2<br />

FRED CATES 12/3<br />


JAMES MARTIN 12/3<br />

VICTOR MUTH 12/3<br />

ALVIN SUTTON 12/3<br />

DAVID ALLARD 12/5<br />

WLLIAM KUCZEK 12/5<br />

FRED LOHMAN 12/5<br />


CLINTON WELCH 12/6<br />



REX H LEE 12/9<br />

LARRY PARTON, SR 12/9<br />

CHRIS SAMPLE 12/9<br />

Name<br />

ARTHUR DIXON 1/1<br />

JAMES PALK 1/1<br />






ROBERT LEWIS 1/3<br />


GLEN BUTLER 1/4<br />

GERALD CROY 1/4<br />



SAUL CHAIDEZ 1/6<br />


V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

Name<br />

December Birthdays<br />

VICTOR HESS 12/10<br />

ROBERT HOOPER 12/10<br />


JOHN WALDRON 12/11<br />

DAVID KAISER 12/12<br />

PHILLIP RHEA 12/12<br />


PAUL REASH 12/13<br />

DONALD STARK 12/13<br />

MARTIN JUBLET 12/14<br />

JEFF YORK 12/14<br />

STEVEN MCGHEE 12/15<br />


GREGORY DAVIS 12/16<br />


STEVEN WILSON 12/16<br />


TIM MCCUTCHEON 12/18<br />

Name<br />

FRED LINEBERRY 12/19<br />

E.T. MARTIN 12/19<br />

JAMES MCCOWN 12/19<br />

STEVEN MILLER 12/19<br />

ROBERT NAGORE 12/19<br />


ARTHUR SIMPSON 12/19<br />

SIR JAMES WOLFE 12/19<br />

HOWARD BUEHLER 12/20<br />

NOEL DAVIS 12/20<br />

BARRY HIRSCH 12/20<br />

GARY GOODEN 12/21<br />

CHARLES ALDER 12/22<br />

DAVE HARDY 12/22<br />

jAMES GARNER 12/23<br />



SIR SENECA ERMAN 12/24<br />

NICHOLAS BALICH This story 12/19 can fit 100-150 DOUGLAS words. PRALL 12/24<br />

The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />

is virtually endless. You can include<br />

stories that focus on current technologies<br />

or innovations in your field.<br />

<strong>January</strong> Birthdays<br />

Name<br />

You may also want<br />

Name<br />

to note business or<br />

economic trends, or make predictions for<br />

MORRIS ELROD your customers 1/7 or ROBERT clients. VOLSTEADT 1/11<br />

WILLIAM HUNLEY, If the JR newsletter 1/7 is WILLIAM distributed FUERST internally, 1/12<br />

KURT JACKMAN you might comment 1/7 ROBERT upon new HILL proce- 1/12<br />


GERALD INNIS 1/8<br />

JOHN WEEKS 1/8<br />

JACK WRIGHT 1/8<br />

ARTHUR OLSON 1/9<br />


LEWIS IVY 1/10<br />






JAMES GADSBEY 1/13<br />



DONALD WADE 1/15<br />


GENE BULL 1/16<br />

CARL CHANDLER 1/16<br />


DENNIS FARRIS 1/17<br />

ROBERT WEBBER 1/18<br />

JAMES CLARK 1/20<br />

JAMES HARNETT 1/21<br />

Name<br />

J.P. SHELTON 12/24<br />

GARY T GIBSON 12/25<br />

MICHAEL JONES 12/25<br />

CARL WELCH 12/26<br />

RICHARD CLICK 12/28<br />

JOHN TREXEL 12/28<br />


RICHARD HALL 12/29<br />

LOREN BEATTY 12/30<br />



JAMES RICHARD, JR 12/30<br />

BRUCE RICK 12/30<br />

ENRIQUE TADEO 12/30<br />

KEIGH KRASNY 12/31<br />


Name<br />

LESLIE ERDMAN 1/22<br />

FLOYD ROBBS 1/22<br />

DALE VERTZ 1/22<br />

JAMES HILL 1/23<br />


WILLIAM DRAKE 1/27<br />

RONALD WELLER 1/27<br />

MILLARD WNTER 1/27<br />



ELBERT BROWN, JR 1/30<br />

DAVID SANTOR, SR 1/31<br />

Page 13

Band 4th Mon<br />

Pres — John Prokop (Sharlot) (H) 529-2807<br />

VP — Roy Gettle (Maryannete) (C) 975-4996<br />

S/T — Jim Hand (Sandy) (H) 622-3665<br />

Blue Angels 2nd Sat<br />

Pres — Wm H. Goeking (Alice) (H) 577-0979<br />

VP — Tim Alpin (Betty) (H) 881-8262<br />

Sec — Abe Rodriguez (Mica) (H) 404-4286<br />

Cabiri 2nd Wed<br />

Pres — Jim Wolfe, PP (Mayno) (H) 744-1699<br />

VP — Marv Hoffman, PP (Ruth) (H) 296-5282<br />

S/T — George Steiner, PP (Alice) (H) 293-3754<br />

Clowns 1st Thu<br />

Pres — Richard “Noisy” Emden (H) 405-8615<br />

1VP — William “P-We” Tilghman III (H) 444-9372<br />

2VP — Chris “Skadoooooo” Sample (H) 722-3483<br />

Sec — Gary “Hansum” Harczak (Judy) (H) 546-9661<br />

Tres — Lew “Shorty” Ivy (Mary) (H) 790-1428<br />

Prod — Gerald “Dusty” Innis (Garee) (H) 883-5670<br />

Jewl — David “Tedee” Allard (Ines) (H) 722-9398<br />

Director’s Staff 1st Tue<br />

Pres — Harold Walton (Norma) (H) 885-3087<br />

VP — Don Moyer (Jeanie) (C) 820-0676<br />

S/T — Keith Krasny (Marilee) (W) 747-9611<br />

Drum & Bugle Corps 2nd/4th Tue<br />

Pres — Allen Morgan (Angie) (H) 661-2242<br />

VP — Jim Hand (Sandy) (H) 622-3665<br />

S/T — Jim Wolfe, PP (Mayno) (H) 744-1699<br />

<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Sabbar</strong> Units<br />

Legion of Honor @ Stat Meet<br />

CMDR — Jim Lieber (Fran) (H) 721-0662<br />

Sec — Ken Byrum (Ann) (H) 754-2986<br />

Motor Patrol Yearly<br />

Pres — Don Stark (Lora) (H) 623-3471<br />

S/T — Chuck Fraley (Verna) (H) 296-1342<br />

Motorcycles 1st Fri<br />

Pres — Roger “DOK” Biede (Carla) (H) 240-5179<br />

VP — Peter Gray (Mairi) (H) 888-3726<br />

Sec — Tom Rowley (Loretta) (H) 850-5056<br />

Tres — Dick Reeves (Ann) (H) 888-4996<br />

Oriental Band 1st Fri<br />

Pres — Dave Hobbs (Shirley) (H) 742-0954<br />

VP — Stanley B. Johnson (Ellie) (H) 399-1386<br />

Sec — Lloyd H. Glasbrook (Marcella) (H) 749-4986<br />

Tres — Harom G. Harrison, PP (Nary) (H) 297-6002<br />

Roadrunners<br />

Pres — Chanse Bruns (Dawn) (H) (520) 384-0384<br />

VP — Jerry Sunderland (Debbie) (H) (520) 384-4427<br />

S/T — Steven Lee (Pamela) (H) (520) 384-0058<br />

Shieks 3rd Mon<br />

Pres — Michael Bravin (Sunny) (H) 777-3716<br />

VP — Randy Jager (Lynn) (H) 790-3009<br />

Sec — Eric Slocum (H) 722-4418<br />

Unit and Club listings based on information<br />

received at time of printing. Please send updates to<br />

editor@sabbarshriners.org. Updates received by cutoff<br />

date will be published in next issue of the Topics.<br />

- Editor<br />


<strong>Temple</strong> Guard Bfr Stat Meet<br />

Pres — Elliot Koeppen (Mildred) (H) 622-4565<br />

VP — Robert L. Shrager (Susan) (H) 296-0709<br />

Sec — Herb Croft (Lucrectia) (H) 577-3357<br />

Tres — Steve Balogh (Julie) (H) 818-1046<br />

Camper Club Bfr Stat Meet<br />

Pres — Dick Click (H) 762-5214<br />

VP — Brent Johnson (Gail) (H) 886-5932<br />

S/T—Leroy Engdahl, PP (Kathy) (H) 749-2023<br />

Cochise <strong>Shrine</strong> Club 3rd Thu<br />

Pres — John Foster (Jaque)<br />

VP — Steve Grose (Marina)<br />

S/T — Win Miller (Thelma)<br />

V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

.<br />

<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> Clubs<br />

(H) (520) 220-8585<br />

(H) (480) 329-4505<br />

(H) (520) 364-7053<br />

Green Valley <strong>Shrine</strong> Club 2nd Sat<br />

Pres — Jim Gibson (Colleen)<br />

VP/T — Harold Lindamood (Betty)<br />

Sec — Jackie DeHart<br />

Jan-Mar/Oct-Dec<br />

(H) (520) 399-2546<br />

(H) (520) 393-7158<br />

(H) (520) 207-0957<br />

Huachuca <strong>Shrine</strong> Club 3rd Sat<br />

Pres — Tom Jones<br />

VP/Sec — Eric Navarro (Lela)<br />

Tres — Chuck Fortner (Emma)<br />

VP (ProTem) - Andy Anderson<br />

(H) (520) 378-6399<br />

(H) (520) 456-1692<br />

(H) (520) 458-3421<br />

N/A<br />

Van Divan 3rd Thu<br />

Pres—Ray Phillips (Norma) (H) 398-4548<br />

VP — Malcolm McCumber (Geraldine) (H 577-8227<br />

S/T — Gary Miller P.P. (Judy) (H 298-9720<br />

Mt Graham <strong>Shrine</strong> Club 2nd Wed<br />

Pres — Dolan Campbell<br />

VP — Fred Cates (Mazialee)<br />

S/T — Robert Howell (Mary Kay)<br />

(H) (928) 428-3666<br />

(H) (928) 428-7298<br />

(H) (520) 548-5942<br />

Northwest <strong>Shrine</strong> Club Last Wed<br />

Pres — Ron Wayne (Janice)<br />

VP — John Vogel (Rita)<br />

S/T — Bart Long<br />

(C) (520) 203-1088<br />

(C) (520) 906-9555<br />

(C) (520) 203-1790<br />

Santa Cruz <strong>Shrine</strong> Club 2nd Sat<br />

Pres — Ken Lilley<br />

VP — Paul Showalter<br />

S/T — Bill Piper (Posy)<br />

(H) (520) 281-8528<br />

(H) (520) 604-1600<br />

(H) (520) 394-2919<br />

Southeastern <strong>Shrine</strong> Club 1st Fri<br />

Pres — Jerry Sunderland (Debbie)<br />

1VP — Gary Bowen (Shari)<br />

2VP — Chanse Bruns (Dawn)<br />

S/T — Steven Lee (Pamela)<br />

(H) (520) 384-4427<br />

(H) (520) 384-4354<br />

(H) (520) 384-0384<br />

(H) (520) 384-0058<br />

. . Keep the nobility informed. . Send to editor@sabbarshriners.org .<br />

Page 15

ICA - Industrial Chemical of Arizona<br />

“Specialists in Janitorial Supplies”<br />

Owner: Noble Don Wine<br />

Manufacturers of:<br />

100S All Purpose Cleaner<br />

Jason<br />

Page 16 T E M PLE TOPI CS<br />

&<br />

IT WORKS<br />

“The Ultimate Hard Water Remover”<br />

Sahuaro<br />

High Twelve #523<br />

5302 E. Pima Street<br />

Tucson, AZ 85712<br />

520-327-6331<br />

Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30-5:00<br />

www.ica-cleaningsupplies.com<br />

Meets Every Thursday 8:00 AM at<br />

Village Inn 6251 N. Oracle Rd.

V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />

The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />

is virtually endless. You can include<br />

stories that focus on current technologies<br />

or innovations in your field.<br />

You may also want to note business or<br />

economic trends, or make predictions for<br />

your customers or clients.<br />

If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />

you might comment upon new proce-<br />

Page 17

A Message From the Imperial Potentate<br />

Dear Fellow Nobles,<br />

It's hard to believe it's already December, with the holidays fast approaching!<br />

We had another busy month.<br />

Following the fall Joint Boards Meeting in Tampa in November, PIP<br />

Gene Bracewell, who is also chairman of donor development, and I<br />

traveled to the Houston hospital for the presentation of a One Million<br />

Dollar Plaque to Southwest Airlines Inc. The plaque recognizes the<br />

company for assisting our patient transportation efforts by providing<br />

about 2,700 round-trip tickets to our patients and parents/guardians.<br />

The plaque is displayed on the hospital's donor wall.<br />

Several VIPs from Southwest's Dallas headquarters, as well as<br />

members of the Houston media were on hand were on hand for the<br />

presentation, and received a tour of the facilities and lunch. It was a<br />

very inspiring day for everyone<br />

Then we headed north for a three-night stay in Montreal, Canada, hosted<br />

by KARNAK <strong>Temple</strong>. Our first stop was City Hall, where we met the<br />

acting Mayor and signed the GOLD book. This was followed by a tour of the our <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospital in Montreal<br />

the next day, along with a visit to the construction site of the future Medical Center complex, which will include<br />

a new <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospital. Our current hospital in Canada is the oldest in Canada At the start of the construction<br />

site visit, Jan and I, Janet and Imperial Sir Wayne Lachut and Dianne and Illustrious Sir Harry Brisson all had to<br />

put on steel-toed boots, hard hats and orange safety vests.<br />

This was quite an experience. We were climbing up and down six flights of wooden stairs, and looking at<br />

pipes, steel beams and a lot of concrete walls. What an amazing medical center this will be when finished!<br />

<strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospitals for Children will break ground for construction in March of <strong>2013</strong>, with completion of the<br />

project expected in the spring of 2015.<br />

Later, Karnak Potentate Harry Brisson and his Lady Dianne hosted a party at the temple for us, which was<br />

attended by more than 150 Nobles and Ladies. The town crier announced our arrival, and the drum and<br />

bugle corps performed as special escorts took us to our seats.<br />

Saturday was the Montreal Santa parade. Imperial Sir Wayne and I rode on the Karnak train (made from<br />

a school bus chassis). An estimated crowd of 700,000 (WOW!) watched the Christmas parade. The parade<br />

route was lined with children! It was quite an amazing sight!<br />

On Sunday we flew from Montreal to London, Ontario, Canada, to visit MOCHA <strong>Temple</strong> and tour the<br />

Ontario Children's Hospital, where we watched a demonstration of telemedicine. The telemedicine<br />

equipment is funded by Mocha <strong>Temple</strong>.<br />

Mocha <strong>Shrine</strong>rs purchased a three-story brick house built in 1892 to use as their <strong>Temple</strong>. They added banquet<br />

facilities to the rear of the property and kept the house basically intact. The woodwork is beautiful.<br />

There are coffered ceilings in many rooms, built-in bookcases and fireplaces in each room. A wrap-around<br />

porch has been enclosed to add seating to the dinning room which is open to the public five days per week.<br />

They've done a magnificent job with the building.<br />

Illustrious Sir Dave Fickling and Lady Patricia hosted a banquet Monday night attended by more than 120<br />

Nobles and ladies. Many checks from the clubs, units, and Mocha temple were presented to us for Lady<br />


Jan's Program, which benefits the hospitals' research program.<br />

Our singing patient ambassador, Jeremy Gabriel, and his mother were special guests at the banquet.<br />

Jeremy sang a couple of songs for us and everyone crowded around him at the end of the evening activities,<br />

wanting to get to know him and congratulate him on his many accomplishments.<br />

Next, we traveled back to Charlotte to attend the 8<br />

For a complete listing of all<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Events please see the<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Calendar on page 21<br />

Monday July<br />

3 - 7 - Imperial<br />

Denver<br />

Colorado<br />

Saturday<br />

July 9 - Boxing<br />

th Annual Oasis All-Star Classic football game, featuring<br />

players from the North and South Carolina private high schools. Attending the game along with us were<br />

Imperial Sirs Chris Smith, Wayne Lachut, Jim Smith and Imperial Chaplain John Stanley, along with their<br />

Ladies Ethel, Janet, Alice and Rose. North Carolina won the game and the series is tied 4-4!<br />

Next on our busy agenda was a trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico to visit AL RAI'E SALEH <strong>Temple</strong> to finalize<br />

plans for our spring trip in support of the clinic that will be presented by our Philadelphia and Springfield<br />

hospitals. Illustrious Sir Rafeal and his Lady Margarita hosted a dinner for us, along with the <strong>Temple</strong> Divan<br />

and Past Potentate J.J. Mulinelli in celebration of the temple's achieving GOLD status in membership. We<br />

also toured the P. R. V.A. hospital to view where hundreds of children will be examined on April 20, <strong>2013</strong>,<br />

by the Philadelphia and Springfield hospital staff and doctors.<br />

From Puerto Rico we traveled to Melbourne, Fla., for the AZAN <strong>Temple</strong>'s 31st Abate/AZAN Toy Run and<br />

a visit to the Kennedy Space Center. We were hosted by PP Leo Cornelison and Lady Shirley as well as the<br />

Potentate Robert Headley and Lady Lora. On Friday evening, the North Brevard <strong>Shrine</strong> Club roasted both<br />

the temple Potentate and me. A FUN time was had by all the Nobles and Ladies of the various clubs. On<br />

Sunday Lady Jan and I led more than 10,000 bikers who were carrying toys to benefit <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospitals for<br />

Children, as well as other nonprofit organizations.<br />

Following the toy run to benefit the children, we were off to New York City to attend the second annual<br />

"Broadway Loves <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospitals for Children" Concert benefiting the Philadelphia Hospital. It was<br />

held at the beautiful Grand Lodge of New York on December 3.<br />

Also, we want to remind you that it's fraternity dues-paying time — please don't let it slip your mind during this<br />

extra-busy season of the year. Your fraternity — and equally importantly — your philanthropy,<br />

<strong>Shrine</strong>rs Hospitals for Children, depend on your support. Thank you for taking care of this — and for all you do<br />

for out two great organizations.<br />

Our next message will contain information on <strong>Shrine</strong>rs International Headquarters' Service<br />

Awards event, the Boston hospital Christmas Party, Springfield hospital visit and Rose Bowl<br />

Parade/Rose Bowl game.<br />

Lady Jan and I wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Season and a very prosperous <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

Yours in the Faith,<br />

Alan W. "AL" Madsen<br />

Imperial Potentate<br />

Family Fun, Fellowship and Brotherly Love<br />

V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

Page 19

Path of the Oriental Guide Rod Wagoner<br />

Noble Rod Wagoner<br />

Oriental Guide <strong>2013</strong><br />

“Pro-Tem” or not, thank you to those who voted for me in the December<br />

election. Originally, I’d not intended to run, being a brand-new Noble.<br />

But I’ve had success in stepping into positions that were open and where<br />

no one was available, even if the learning curve was steep. What an<br />

opportunity! A colleague, who often takes on (and gets handed) multiple,<br />

challenging tasks….all at the same time, mind you … always says, “Well,<br />

Giddyup!” Just so you know the background when you hear me say that<br />

phrase ….<br />

As mentioned last month, expect to see the formation of a new Unit this<br />

month that will be concerned with Communications and IT infrastructure<br />

at <strong>Sabbar</strong>, which I’d like to call SABBARCOM. The unit’s charges are<br />

likely to be: Infrastructure (computers, wifi, telephone system),<br />

Communications (Topics, email-blasts, website, social media, mailings)<br />

and Advertising (flyers, promotional pieces, on-line store). This new unit<br />

will help the Divan manage, coordinate, document and train in these areas.<br />

The bottom line: make it work, make it easy, share the knowledge.<br />

A new year with a new Divan and there are lots of ideas being offered up<br />

on how to make <strong>Sabbar</strong> better and more vibrant in the coming year. This is where YOU, come in. I’ve<br />

heard many ideas while talking with people in the Lounge after meetings. I’ve made note of some, but<br />

there are many more out there. Even if you did it before and it didn’t work, that doesn’t mean it was a bad<br />

idea. How do you think we could get our name back out into the community and raise our visibility? What<br />

would help us raise money more effectively? Expect the Divan to ask for these ideas, but also to ask for<br />

YOUR help in making them happen.<br />

And, expect the Topics to report on those ideas. Please share them openly for the good of <strong>Sabbar</strong>, not just<br />

this month, but in upcoming months as well.<br />

Regarding the Year of the Masonic <strong>Shrine</strong>r—Let’s not forget to participate in our other Masonic<br />

organizations. Like many of you, I am also a member of York and Scottish Rites and other Masonic<br />

groups. Our entire Masonic family needs <strong>Sabbar</strong>’s support, just as we need theirs. The Topics will publish<br />

and email blast (as possible) notices of these groups’ activities. Please attend meetings, participate, mentor<br />

a new Brother ... do your best to help, as they are part of our Tucson Masonic Family.<br />

We also have Masters and Wardens. I’ve not yet been either a Master or a Warden, but the group is open to<br />

all Master Masons and I AM an active seeker of more light. This is a real chance to share resources,<br />

experience and knowledge … and find out where to get more of each. From my own experience, I’ve<br />

recently been asked to help mentor a new Entered Apprentice while his coach is on a work assignment.<br />

When I tried to find another EA Degree to take him to, I took quite a bit of time searching because there is<br />

no central website or listing available. Imagine how just that service would help coaches. This is a small<br />

example of what can be done. So, whether or not you are an officer in your Blue Lodge, I ask that you and<br />

your officers participate in SAMWA (Southern Arizona Masters and Wardens Association).<br />

<strong>2013</strong> looks like a good year. Well, Giddyup!<br />

Yours in faith, Rod<br />


V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

Drum & Bugle Corps and Band Christmas<br />

The Nobles of the Drum & Bugle Corps and Band celebrated the coming of Christmas this year with a<br />

dinner held in the Dining Room of the <strong>Temple</strong>.<br />

Members of both units were treated to dinner of Baked Lemon Chicken, mixed vegetables, red potatoes,<br />

salad and rolls. There was a large assortment of appetizers and, of course, some delicious deserts to top off<br />

the evening. The meal was provided by Creative Catering and everyone said the food was very good.<br />

Entertainment for the evening was provided by accordionist and keyboard player, Roxanna Baker. After<br />

dinner, everyone participated in a Christmas Carol sing along and rousing chorus of voices emanated from<br />

the room. The Christmas spirit was evident in the nicely decorated room and the women and men in their<br />

holiday finery.<br />

After presentation of a few “Thank You” gifts, the evening was ended with coffee, tea, and some good<br />

fellowship.<br />

My thanks go out to John & Sharlot Prokop, who took on the task of setting up the dinner and to all those<br />

who participated in setting up and cleaning up the room.<br />

Allen P. Morgan, Drum & Bugle Corps 2012 President<br />

Here a few pictures of the participants:<br />

For a complete listing of all<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Events please see the<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Calendar on page 21<br />

Monday July<br />

3 - 7 - Imperial<br />

Denver<br />

Colorado<br />

Saturday<br />

July 9 - Boxing<br />

Page 21


V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

For a complete listing of all<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Events please see the<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Calendar on page 21<br />

Monday July<br />

3 - 7 - Imperial<br />

Denver<br />

Colorado<br />

Saturday<br />

July 9 - Boxing<br />

2012 CAR SHOW<br />

Page 23

2012<br />

<strong>Temple</strong><br />

Guard<br />

Christmas<br />

Dinner<br />


2012 White Christmas Dinner & Dance<br />

V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

For a complete listing of all<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Events please see the<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Calendar on page 21<br />

Monday July<br />

3 - 7 - Imperial<br />

Denver<br />

Colorado<br />

Saturday<br />

July 9 - Boxing<br />

Page 25

!<br />


From the Other Side<br />

- Roger Thomas, PP<br />

Fellow Nobles,<br />

Having the honor of serving as Potentate was a<br />

fond experience that will not be forgotten. Truly<br />

nice folks mingle at <strong>Sabbar</strong>. And for a fun, tonguein-cheek<br />

look at the year — <strong>January</strong> 1, <strong>2013</strong>; it was<br />

like getting the wonderful results of a great dose of<br />

mental Ex-lax. The burden of “Potentate-ship” was<br />

lifted and the resultant spirit of liberty that began<br />

floating in the air was heady, to say the least. Now,<br />

the time has come to join you on “our” side of the<br />

lectern and enjoy a renewed freedom of speech that<br />

we should all cherish. It’s time to come forth with<br />

humor, some truth and expressing ourselves in the<br />

American way.<br />

Malvolio said in Twelfth Night, “Be not afraid of<br />

greatness: some are born great, some achieve<br />

greatness and some have greatness thrust upon<br />

them.” I can now look upon my Past Potentate<br />

counterparts across the country and understand<br />

how some might believe they have become the sum<br />

of those three “some's.” Remember, you can always<br />

tell a Past Potentate .,. you just can’t tell him<br />

much.<br />

Someone said that after this annual incident, a book<br />

might be in order. Ok, so the title might be, The<br />

Invention: On How to Make Up An Answer, On the<br />

Spur of the Moment, to Any Question Anyone May<br />

Ask, and How to Become Quasi Authoritative With<br />

Your Eyes Closed and Your Fingers Crossed.<br />

Once again, back to reality. The pleasure of<br />

working with and for you, at this station in 2012,<br />

consisted of moments which Nancy and I will<br />

reminisce on, with visions that will honestly last<br />

throughout our lives.<br />

Yours in Faith,<br />

Roger Thomas, PP<br />

V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

All Proceeds go to <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>rs Building Fund. NOT TAX DEDUCTABLE<br />

Page 27

Page 28<br />

SOAZ Blue Lodge Stated Meetings<br />

Organization Address Stated Meeting Website<br />

Tucson #4 3900 N Country Club, Tucson 1st Wed http://tucsonlodge4.homestead.com/index.html<br />

King Solomon #5 4th & Freemont, Tombstone 1st Mon http://www.benson-arizona.com/kingsolomon5/<br />

Willcox #10 114 W. Manley, Wilcox 2nd Thu http://www.benson-arizona.com/willcox10/<br />

Nogales #11 1620 N Royal Rd, Nogales 2nd Wed N/A<br />

Perfect Ashlar #12 89 W. Main St, Bisbee 1st Thu http://www.benson-arizona.com/perfectashlar12/<br />

Chandler-Thunderbird<br />

#15<br />

88 W Erie St, Chandler 2nd Tue http://www.chandlermasons.org/<br />

Safford #16 1421 S. 2nd Ave, Safford 1st Tue http://www.benson-arizona.com/safford16/<br />

Mt Moriah #19 931 G Ave, Douglas 2nd Tue http://www.benson-arizona.com/mountmoriah19/<br />

Pinal #30 1140 E Florence Blvd, Casa Grande 1st Thu http://www.pinallodge30.com/<br />

Epes Randolph #32 3959 E Mable St, Tucson 2nd Wed 7:30 PM http://www.epesrandolphlodge32.org/<br />

Ajo #36 241 La Mina Ave, Ajo 3rd Tue N/A<br />

Adobe #41 160 S. Scott Ave, Tucson 1st Tue 6:30 PM http://www.adobelodge41.com/<br />

Eloy #46 714 N Main St, Eloy 3rd Thu N/A<br />

Aaron #49 160 S. Scott Ave, Tucson 1st Wed http://www/aaronlodge49.net<br />

Oasis #52 450 N. Pantano Rd, Tucson 2nd Tue 7:30 PM http://www.oasis52.org<br />

Huachuca #53 219 S. Garden Ave, Sierra Vista 1st Wed http://www.huachuca53.org/<br />

San Pedro #55 Foothill & Arledon, Benson 4th Mon http://www.sanpedro55.com/<br />

Marion McDaniel #56 3959 E Mable St, Tucson 1st Mon 7:30 PM http://benson-arizona.com/marionmcdaniel56/<br />

Builders #60 450 N. Pantano Rd, Tucson 2nd Wed http://www.builderslodge60.org<br />

Jerusalem Daylight #66 3959 E Mable St, Tucson 2nd Sat 10 AM http://www.jerusalemdaylightlodge.org/<br />

Green Valley #71 17990 S La Canada, Green Valley 3rd Tue http://gv71.com<br />

Nelson C. Bledsoe #74 4830 S. 6th Ave, Tucson 2nd Tue http://www.nelsoncbledsoe74.com<br />

Camp Stone #77<br />

Caiman Tundra & Calle Segued,<br />

Huachuca City<br />

2nd Sat 9:30 AM http://www.benson-arizona.com/campstone77/<br />

Anahuac #81 160 S. Scott Ave, Tucson 3rd Mon http://www.anahuac81.org/<br />

All Stated Meetings begin @ 7:00 pm unless otherwise indicated. Dinner, if served, will generally begin 1 hour earlier.<br />

Please check with the organization or on their website for other events and times.<br />

If your Masonic organization is having an event, submit the information to the Topics. There is no charge for Masonic<br />

postings. Send information to editor@sabbarshriners.org, Note: space is limited, so inclusions will be on a first come<br />

first served basis.<br />

. . Chapter Degrees . . Jan 26 . . Sierra Vista York Rite Bodies . .<br />


V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

~ <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>rs ~ <strong>January</strong> <strong>2013</strong> ~<br />

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat<br />

6<br />

12:45p BINGO<br />

13<br />

OV NILE<br />


QUEEN<br />

12:45p BINGO<br />

20 Inauguration Day<br />

12:45p BINGO<br />

27<br />

12:45p BINGO<br />

7<br />

3:30p TEMPLE<br />

GUARD<br />

5:30p DINNER<br />

6p LEGION OF<br />

HONOR<br />

7p STATED<br />


14<br />

21 Martin Luther King<br />

7p SHEIKS<br />

28<br />

5:30p BAND<br />

7p UNIT HEAD<br />


1 New Year's Day<br />

8<br />

7p DRUM &<br />

BUGLE<br />

7p DIRECTOR'S<br />

STAFF<br />

15<br />

22<br />

7p DRUM &<br />

BUGLE<br />

29<br />

2<br />

6:45p BINGO<br />

9<br />

4p CABIRI<br />

6p BLV<br />

TUCSON #4<br />

6:45p BINGO<br />

16<br />

For a complete listing of all<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Events please see the<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Calendar on page 17<br />

Monday<br />

Jan 10 th<br />

. . . http://www.sabbarshriners.org for latest calendar info. . . . .<br />

3<br />

7p CLOWNS<br />

10<br />

17<br />

6:30p VAN DI-<br />

VAN<br />

Monday<br />

Jan 3 rd<br />

23<br />

24 Stated<br />

11:30a<br />

Meeting<br />


6p NW <strong>Shrine</strong><br />

Club<br />

30<br />

31<br />

4<br />

7p<br />


11<br />

12p ORIENTAL<br />

BAND<br />

18<br />

25<br />

12p ORIENTAL<br />

BAND<br />

7p MASTERS &<br />


5<br />

12<br />

10a BLUE<br />

ANGELS<br />

19<br />



26<br />

Notes:<br />

BLV – Blue Lodge Visit<br />

OV – Official Visit<br />

Page 29

Thank You!<br />

Fellow Nobles and Ladies,<br />

We want to express our sincere thanks for your<br />

concern and good wishes following Ruth’s,<br />

recent surgery. She is recovering at home and we<br />

will keep everyone up to date on her progress.<br />

Your kind thoughts are most appreciated.<br />

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and<br />

Prosperous New Year,<br />

Marvin and Ruth Hoffman<br />

Next Month . . .<br />

* The Saga of Zeke Cooper, The Beginning—<br />

Nobel Ray Adkins’ novel about life in Territorial<br />

Arizona. The first book of a trilogy that will be<br />

serialized. Part of the proceeds from book sales to<br />

go to <strong>Sabbar</strong>.<br />

* You should check this out— New feature on our<br />

advertisers and other businesses / attractions of<br />

interest to Nobles and their families.<br />

* SOAZ Freemasonry—Upcoming Masonic<br />

Events that you may enjoy<br />

* Remember When You Were The New Guy—<br />

Thought-provoking article on helping out new<br />

Nobles and Brothers.<br />

Are you receiving your issue of Dream Partner<br />

e-News? If not you can signup at<br />

http://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org<br />

Black Camel<br />

Will be updated in Feb. Topics<br />

F E B T o p I c s<br />

D e a d l I n e<br />

J a n 1 8!<br />


V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> Rentals<br />

Do you have that special event that you need a<br />

venue for? We here at <strong>Sabbar</strong> probably have just<br />

what you're looking for. We have room rentals<br />

for events from just a handful of guests all the<br />

way up to 400 people. From small Birthday<br />

Parties to large Weddings and Trade Shows, we<br />

have what you need.<br />

Our pricing is very reasonable: from $100 for a<br />

room for about 30 people to $1275 for a room<br />

that holds 400 people. Setup, tables, chairs and<br />

tablecloths are all provided.<br />

Just remember, we are here to make your event<br />

the best it can be. If you have any questions<br />

please contact the <strong>Sabbar</strong> Rental Coordinator at<br />

(520) 624-2509 X114.<br />

Ad Rates<br />

One Issue 1 year<br />

Full Page: $200 $2160<br />

Half Page: $100 $1080<br />

Quarter Page: $ 50 $ 648<br />

Business Card: $ 25 $ 270<br />

A 1 Year Contract Receives a 10% Discount!<br />

Contact: Rod Wagoner—520-979-1803 (Cell)<br />

editor@sabbarshriners.org (email)<br />

Advertising and donations allow us to produce a<br />

quality publication for your enjoyment,<br />

community awareness and the advancement of<br />

YOUR <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>!<br />

Page 31


V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

Page 33

Friends of the Topics<br />

Name Month Year Name Month Year<br />

Don Vingino JAN <strong>2013</strong> Al & Marian Tripp JUN 2014<br />

Martin & Sandra Easthouse FEB <strong>2013</strong> Art Faust AUG 2014<br />

Jim & Rita Boaz FEB <strong>2013</strong> Marv Gast SEP 2014<br />

Jim McCowan FEB <strong>2013</strong> Elliott and Mildred Koeppen OCT 2014<br />

Dick & Vickie Bernier MAR <strong>2013</strong> Salvatore Picerno, PP NOV 2014<br />

Earl Saylor MAR <strong>2013</strong> Floyd Sedlmayr NOV 2014<br />

Harriet Abrahamson MAR <strong>2013</strong> John Trexel NOV 2014<br />

E. David & Shirley Hobbs MAR <strong>2013</strong> Chuck “Chuckles” Maddalozzo DEC 2014<br />

Jim Moline MAR <strong>2013</strong> Harris & Virginia Burrow JAN 2015<br />

Carolyn Schuler MAR <strong>2013</strong> Sid & Iva Spurgeon MAY 2015<br />

George & Alice Steiner MAR <strong>2013</strong> Roy & Jane Taylor MAY 2015<br />

Robert West, PP APR <strong>2013</strong> Carl & Mary Lou Cartlon AUG 2015<br />

Ken & Ann Byrum JUN <strong>2013</strong> Bill & Peggy Schildmacher AUG 2015<br />

Roland & Michalene Carlson JUN <strong>2013</strong> Nicholas A. Chizewsky SEP 2015<br />

Rich & Ellie Hall JUN <strong>2013</strong> Lou Metz NOV 2015<br />

Bob & Mary King JUN <strong>2013</strong> Mitch. Tonia. Ben. Deb. Sammy Kagen JAN 2016<br />

Harmon & Mary Harrison JUN <strong>2013</strong> Peter & Mairi Gray MAR 2016<br />

Katy Willins AUG <strong>2013</strong> Raymond & Joyce Poulsen FEB 2017<br />

James & Roberta Miller OCT <strong>2013</strong> Steve J. & Bernadine Foges JUN 2018<br />

Bill and Posy Piper OCT <strong>2013</strong><br />

Jim & Jill Thomas OCT <strong>2013</strong><br />

Juanita Toennes NOV <strong>2013</strong><br />

Les & Di Skates DEC <strong>2013</strong><br />

Jeff & Pam Horton JAN 2014<br />

Andrew Suite FEB 2014<br />

Vern Cottrell MAR 2014<br />

Chuck & Joy Mabee APR 2014<br />

Margaret & Woody Wood APR 2014<br />

Friend of the Almoner’s Fund<br />

Enclosed is my check for: $____________<br />

Name:_________________________________<br />

Address:_______________________________<br />

City, ST, ZIP:___________________________<br />

Please make check payable to:<br />

“<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> Almoner’s Fund”<br />

Mail this coupon with your check to: <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong><br />

450 S. Tucson Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716<br />

Friend of the <strong>Temple</strong> Topics<br />

Enclosed is my check for: $____________<br />

Name:_________________________________<br />

Address:_______________________________<br />

City, ST, ZIP:___________________________<br />

Please make check payable to:<br />

“<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> <strong>Temple</strong> Topics”<br />

Mail this coupon with your check to: <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong><br />

450 S. Tucson Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716<br />


HOSPITAL COMMITTEE—624-2509 Ext. 122 Hospital@<strong>Sabbar</strong><strong>Shrine</strong>rs.org<br />

This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />

Van Elrod (Sherry) 744-2974 ............................................ Chairman / Governor to LA Hospital<br />

The subject matter that appears in news-<br />

Bill Kershaw (Martha)…………………………………………… ................................................................ Chairman Emeritus<br />

letters is virtually endless. You can in-<br />

Bruce Rick (Evelyn) 408-1700………… ................ .…..Asst Chairman / Governor to L.A. Hospital<br />

clude stories that focus on current tech-<br />

Richard Miller (Sharon) 546-7050 .............................................................................. Asst Chairman<br />

nologies or innovations in your field.<br />

Rex Lee (Carole) 979-9758…..……. ..............………………………..……..Governor to L.A. Hospital<br />

You may also want to note business or<br />


economic trends, or make predictions for<br />

Rod Wagoner (Annette) 979-1803 - editor@sabbarshriners.org….. ..... ………....Editor / Webmaster<br />

[Vacant] ……………………………………………………………………….. your ............... customers …………….………………………………..…..Graphics<br />

or clients.<br />

Elliott Koeppen (Mildred) 471-0450……………….…………......... If the newsletter is ………………………...…………..Photography<br />

distributed internally,<br />

All Committee Chairman, Unit & Club Heads (or Representatives)…….….. you might comment ..................................................... upon new proce- Writers<br />

V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 1<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />

www.<strong>Sabbar</strong><strong>Shrine</strong>rs.org<br />

ELECTED DIVAN—(520) 624-2509<br />

Jeff Horton (Pam) x 118 - pote@sabbarshriners.org …..… ....................... Illustrious Potentate<br />

Larry Bowers, PP (Susan) x 124 - cr@sabbarshriners.org…...………….…………………... ..... Chief Rabban<br />

Allan Morgan (Judy) x 125 - as@sabbarshriners.org…………..… ...................... Assistant Rabban<br />

Abe Rodriguez (Mica) x 126 - hpp@sabbarshriners.org……..… .................... High Priest & Prophet<br />

Rod Wagoner (Annette) x 127 - og@sabbarshriners.org…….…..………. ........................ Oriental Guide<br />

Steve Wood x 113 - treasurer@sabbarshriners.org ……………………..…….... ...... Treasurer<br />

Van Elrod (Sherry) x 115 - recorder@sabbarshriners.org ..……..... …..………………...…..Recorder<br />


Pam Horton (Jeff) 624-2509 x 118 - firstlady@sabbarshriners.org<br />


Rod Wagoner (Annette) 979-1803……...……………………....... …………….………………….…..Ad Chairman<br />

Gary Miller, PP (Judy) 289-9720..……………………..…………………… ..... ……………………….……….Bingo<br />

David Haynes (Alice) 490-6036…….………………………… ....... ..……………....Chaplain / Black Camel<br />

Delmar “Smitty” Smith (Judy) 577-8227………………………...…..... ………………………..…………....Chief of Staff<br />

John Tilley (Julia) 296-1928……….………… ..... ……………...…………...…………...…………....Director<br />

Bill Burkle (Marcy) 747-2058..……..……… ……..………..….……….Events / Unit Head Coordinator<br />

Van Elrod (Sherry) 744-2974..……………. .......... ………………………..….Housing / Transportation<br />

Nicole Lowery (Shawn) 907-7957..……………..… ....... ……………………………….……….Lounge Manager<br />

Van Elrod (Sherry) 744-2974..……… ...................... Marketing / Promotions / Donor Relations<br />

John Tilley (Julia) 296-1928...….…… ..................................................... Master of Ceremonies<br />

Randy Jager (Lynn) 405-6098………...…… ......................... Blue Lodge Visitation / Membership<br />

Keith Kransy (Marilee) 747-9611..……………… ..................................................... Onion Promotions<br />

Delmar “Smitty” Smith (Judy) 577-8227..…………...…… ................................................................... Rentals<br />

Fred Lohman (Lynndell) 743-8650 .................................................................... <strong>Temple</strong> Maintenance<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />

450 S. Tucson Blvd.<br />

Tucson, AZ 85716<br />

Business Office<br />

(520)624-2509<br />

(520)798-3800 Fax<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> Topics is published<br />

monthly to inform our Nobles and<br />

Ladies of events and news<br />

happening at <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong><br />

Center and our extended<br />

Masonic family.<br />

This publication is directed<br />

towards the interests of <strong>Sabbar</strong><br />

<strong>Shrine</strong> Center Nobility, <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />

International, Masonic Fraternity<br />

and affiliated orders. The<br />

opinions and statements<br />

expressed herein do not<br />

necessarily reflect the policies of<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> Center nor of the<br />

Imperial Council of the <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />

International.<br />

Reporters and Photographers are<br />

appointed representatives of<br />

each club or unit. All Nobles are<br />

invited to submit articles and<br />

photos for publication. These<br />

articles will be used at the<br />

discretion of <strong>Temple</strong> Topics Staff<br />

and with space permitting.<br />

Due dates for articles and<br />

pictures will be published each<br />

month.. Submissions should be<br />

sent vial email to:<br />

editor@sabbarshriners.org<br />

Page 35

S A B B A R S H R I N E R S<br />

Visit us at<br />

www.sabbarshriners.org<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> Topics<br />

Online!<br />

Sign up for<br />

Topics and<br />

<strong>Sabbar</strong><br />

Announcements<br />

Online and save<br />

us postage!<br />


450 S. TUCSON BLVD.<br />

TUCSON, AZ 85716<br />



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. . . . FEB Topics submission deadline JAN 18 . . . .<br />

Diplomate of the<br />

Academy of Clinical<br />

Sleep Disorders<br />


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