plastic surgery - Duegemelle
plastic surgery - Duegemelle
plastic surgery - Duegemelle
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writiNg<br />
<strong>plastic</strong> <strong>surgery</strong>:<br />
cut, sNip aND tuck<br />
traNslate<br />
Translate the following sentences from English to Swedish.<br />
1. Many people are obsessed with their physical appearance.<br />
2. Which part of your body are you happiest with?<br />
3. Cosmetic <strong>surgery</strong> does not necessarily bring happiness.<br />
4. Plastic <strong>surgery</strong> can cause a lot of pain and lead to serious complications.<br />
5. Skin transplants are sometimes used for severe burns.<br />
Translate the following sentences from Swedish to English.<br />
1. Vi blir alla äldre och rynkigare.<br />
2. Det finns bättre saker att lägga pengar på än plastikkirurgi.<br />
3. Plastikkirurger tjänar massor av pengar.<br />
4. En del människor åker utomlands för att genomgå plastikoperationer.<br />
5. Min näsa är väldigt stor, så jag skulle vilja göra den mindre.<br />
14<br />
write seNteNces<br />
Write ten sentences in English. Each sentence should contain<br />
at least one of the words in the box of useful words and phrases<br />
below.<br />
letter to the eDitor<br />
Write a “letter to the editor” (insändare) to an imaginary newspaper.<br />
You want to share your views on the subject of <strong>plastic</strong> <strong>surgery</strong>.<br />
Tips!<br />
Read “Useful tips on how to write a letter” on page 23 and “Useful<br />
tips on how to write an argumentative text” on page xx.<br />
Useful words and phrases<br />
abnormal onormal<br />
aesthetic estetisk<br />
birthmark födelsemärke<br />
break the bank ruinera (någon)<br />
bruise blåmärke<br />
burn brännskada<br />
conclusion slutsats<br />
defect defekt<br />
disease sjukdom<br />
health insurance sjukvårdsförsäkring<br />
important issue viktig fråga/viktigt ämne<br />
in my view enligt mig<br />
in the media i media<br />
laser laser<br />
marketing marknadsföring<br />
mental health psykisk hälsa<br />
obsession besatthet<br />
pain smärta<br />
recently på sistone<br />
scar ärr<br />
self-conscious självmedeten, besvärad<br />
self-image självbild<br />
shape form<br />
share my views dela mina åsikter<br />
snip klippa av<br />
swelling svullnad<br />
to finish off avslutningsvis<br />
to the editor till redaktören (insändare)<br />
transplant transplantation<br />
treatment behandling<br />
tuck vika, stoppa under<br />
wound sår<br />