plastic surgery - Duegemelle

plastic surgery - Duegemelle

plastic surgery - Duegemelle


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it is not right or healthy to be so vain. I wish my breasts weren’t so saggy, but I can live with it. If<br />

you get your nose done you will only find something else to worry about. Plastic <strong>surgery</strong> won’t<br />

help you feel better about yourself or your life.<br />

Martina: I am happy with myself. Apart from my nose, of course. And a feeling of getting old. It<br />

really isn’t such a big deal. Lots of people have cosmetic <strong>surgery</strong> these days. It’s no more dramatic<br />

than changing your hairstyle.<br />

Zoe: But what if you don’t like your new nose? Or if the operation goes wrong? I have heard some<br />

real horror stories. A bit more risky than a trip to the hairdressers!<br />

Martina: You are talking about twenty or thirty years ago. It’s all very professional now. I will have<br />

a long chat with the surgeon before the operation. A consultation. So I will have a good idea of<br />

what I will look like afterwards. I think it’s strange that you have such strong feelings against this.<br />

Why shouldn’t I do what I want with my body?<br />

Zoe: You are free to do as you please, of course. I just think people would be much happier if they<br />

learned to accept themselves as they are. People that are comfortable about themselves look more<br />

attractive.<br />

Martina: That is exactly why I want a nose job. It will make me happier and more confident. Do<br />

you know what I think, Zoe? I think you are a little bit jealous. You look fine, but you would like<br />

to look a bit better. I think you are too scared to do anything because of what people would say or<br />

think. So you pretend cosmetic <strong>surgery</strong> is wrong in some way.<br />

Zoe: Now you are being silly. We should talk about something else. How are things at work? Oh,<br />

but before you answer, is it all right if I take one of those brochures for the clinic? I just want<br />

something to read on the bus…<br />

Useful tips on how to write a letter<br />

There are many different types of letters and many different ways of writing them. Here are a<br />

few tips on how to write letters in English:<br />

Addresses<br />

The sender’s name and contact details should usually be included and can be placed in the top<br />

right corner of the letter. In formal letters, the receiver’s name and contact details are often<br />

placed on the left.<br />

Date<br />

The date can be placed in the top left corner, above the receiver’s contact details, or on the right,<br />

below the sender’s contact details. There are a few different ways of writing dates in English:<br />

24-12-2013<br />

24th December 2013<br />

December 24th, 2013 (American English)<br />

12-24-2013 (American English)<br />

Greeting<br />

The most common way of starting a letter is “Dear …”. This is used for both informal and<br />

formal letters: “Dear Anne”, “Dear Mr Jones”. “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam” is used if you do not<br />

know the name of the person you are writing to. “Dear editor” is a common way of starting a<br />

letter to a newspaper or magazine. “Hi” can be used in informal letters. Sometimes a letter is<br />

not aimed at anyone in particular, for example a letter of recommendation written by a former<br />

employer or teacher. In those cases it is common to start with “To whom it may concern”. In<br />

English you always put a comma after the greeting phrase, never an exclamation mark.<br />

Ending<br />

There are different ways of ending a letter, depending on who you are writing to and what type<br />

of letter it is:<br />

“Love” is often used in informal letters between friends and family.<br />

“xxx” is sometimes added to mark kisses.<br />

“Cheers” and “All the best” are sometimes used in informal letters.<br />

“Regards” and “Best regards” are half-formal endings that can be used in many types of letters.<br />

“Yours faithfully” is used in formal letters when you do not know the name of the receiver.<br />

“Yours sincerely” is used in formal letters when you know the name of the receiver.

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