plastic surgery - Duegemelle
plastic surgery - Duegemelle
plastic surgery - Duegemelle
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eaDiNg<br />
Multiple choice<br />
Choose the correct answers.<br />
1. Cosmetic <strong>plastic</strong> <strong>surgery</strong> is the term used for<br />
a) <strong>surgery</strong> to heal severe wounds.<br />
b) <strong>surgery</strong> performed on the face.<br />
c) <strong>surgery</strong> that aims to improve the appearance of the patient.<br />
d) <strong>surgery</strong> that only works for a short time.<br />
2. Which of the following was the most important in <strong>plastic</strong> <strong>surgery</strong> becoming<br />
an accepted part of medical science?<br />
a) World War One and World War Two<br />
b) Hollywood<br />
c) The freed slaves of ancient Rome<br />
d) Heinrich von Pfolspeundt<br />
3. Who coined the phrase <strong>plastic</strong> <strong>surgery</strong>?<br />
a) Carl von Graefe<br />
b) Walter Yeo<br />
c) Heinrich von Pfolspeundt<br />
d) Charles Miller<br />
4. Plastic <strong>surgery</strong> was popular with which group in ancient Rome?<br />
a) farmers<br />
b) politicians<br />
c) freed slaves<br />
d) gladiators<br />
5. What is the medical term for tummy tuck?<br />
a) eyelid <strong>surgery</strong><br />
b) rhinoplasty<br />
c) liposuction<br />
d) abdominoplasty<br />
6. When was the first book about cosmetic <strong>plastic</strong> <strong>surgery</strong> published?<br />
a) 1818<br />
b) 1460<br />
c) 1907<br />
d) 800 BC<br />
7. What example is given in the text about a surgical procedure that could be<br />
seen as both cosmetic and reconstructive?<br />
a) rebuilding of the mouth<br />
b) breast enlargement<br />
c) abdominoplasty<br />
d) liposuction<br />
8. Cosmetic <strong>surgery</strong> in Sweden is...<br />
a) cheaper than in the USA.<br />
b) of a lower standard than in the USA.<br />
c) more expensive than in the USA.<br />
d) less socially acceptable than in the USA.<br />
9. Why is cosmetic <strong>surgery</strong> so popular in China?<br />
a) People have more money in Asia.<br />
b) It is relatively cheap.<br />
c) There are more <strong>plastic</strong> surgeons in Asia.<br />
d) Many women want to look more Western.<br />
10. Which substance made a greater variety of surgical procedures possible?<br />
a) wood<br />
b) asbestos<br />
c) silicone<br />
d) aluminium<br />
BetweeN the liNes<br />
Discuss with a partner. Give reasons for your answers!<br />
1. Why do you think cosmetic <strong>plastic</strong> <strong>surgery</strong> is less accepted than<br />
reconstructive <strong>plastic</strong> <strong>surgery</strong>?<br />
2. Why do you think women were the main target for surgeons after the world<br />
wars?<br />
3. Why do you think USA is the country where cosmetic <strong>surgery</strong> is most<br />
common?<br />
4. Why do you think Asians want to look more Western?<br />
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