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XI. Woorkshop<br />

of Physsical<br />

Chemists and a Electrochemmists´11<br />

A<br />

C<br />

Fig. 3: Transveersal<br />

sectio ons of petiole<br />

(A) an nd lamina (B – D): ggeneral<br />

ana atomy (A), ,<br />

magnnification<br />

xx100<br />

and x2 200 (B, C), aand<br />

detailed<br />

structure lamina (D) ), magnification<br />

x200. .<br />

Acriddine<br />

orangge<br />

staining using FITCC<br />

(A, C) an nd DAPI fi ilters (B, DD).<br />

Descript tion A: a –<br />

epideermis,<br />

b – cuticle, c – hypoderrmis,<br />

d – ground g tissu ue - parencchyma,<br />

e – sclerifiedd<br />

interrfascicular<br />

pparenchym<br />

ma, f – scleri rified protop phloem, g – metaphlooem,<br />

h – me etaxylem, i<br />

– prootoxylem,<br />

j – central cavity – iintercellula<br />

ar space; B: a – cuticlle,<br />

b – epid dermis, c –<br />

palissade<br />

parencchyma,<br />

d – epidermiss,<br />

e – inter rcellular spa aces of spoongy<br />

parenchyma,<br />

f –<br />

sponngy<br />

parenchhyma<br />

cells; C: a – guarrd<br />

cells, b – spongy pa arenchyma cells, c – ep pidermis, d<br />

– coollateral<br />

vaascular<br />

bun ndle, e – pparenchym<br />

ma cells sur rrounding vascular bundle, b f –<br />

epideermis<br />

withh<br />

cuticle, g – palisadde<br />

parench hyma; D. a – palisadde<br />

parench hyma, b –<br />

epideermis,<br />

c – collateral vascular bbundle,<br />

d – parenchy yma cells surroundin ng vascularr<br />

bunddle,<br />

e – sppongy<br />

pare enchyma, f – epider rmis, g – intercellullar<br />

spaces of spongyy<br />

parennchyma,<br />

h – mechanical<br />

tissue – collenchym ma, I - epid dermis.<br />


Work deemonstrated<br />

d anatomyy<br />

roots, ste ems and le eaves of ppharmaceut<br />

tically andd<br />

toxiccologically<br />

important plant Aconnitum<br />

nape ellus L. em. Skalický (RRanunculac<br />

aceae) usingg<br />

methhods<br />

of lighht<br />

and fluo orescence mmicroscopy<br />

y. Work sho ows not onnly<br />

to the anatomicall<br />

strucctures<br />

of inndividual<br />

plant<br />

organss,<br />

but also to the possibility<br />

of uusage<br />

of flu uorescencee<br />

micrroscopy<br />

in tthese<br />

types of studies.<br />


MENT<br />

The workk<br />

has been n supporteed<br />

by REM MEDTECH GA ČR 5522/10/P61<br />

18 a FRVŠŠ<br />

25066/F4/2011/VVFU<br />

- 29 -<br />

B<br />

D<br />


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