May 2011 - Wildlife Travel

May 2011 - Wildlife Travel

May 2011 - Wildlife Travel


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Danube Delta, species list and trip report, 12 th to 21 st <strong>May</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Mooring up on a bank in the most beautiful spot next to a woodland and was to be our home for<br />

the next two nights. A late afternoon walk again provided a myriad of wildlife experiences, the<br />

plant people finding more treasures while Cosmin and his net brought a number of insects to<br />

show us. Will provided the bird highlight when he spied a long-eared owl not too far away and I<br />

think most people saw it then before it flew away, if not then on subsequent walks. The adult was<br />

a bit flighty but then a very visible youngster was seen, who obviously thought he was invisible<br />

but allowed us all see it so well from a safe distance. This experience provided both Val and<br />

Gordon with their 'best' bird moment. A wryneck also called and provided views for just a couple<br />

of us while a pair of redstarts starting to nestbuild was a delight to watch.<br />

The isolated location should have provided a peaceful nights sleep, lulled by the soothing chorus<br />

of frogs and lapping water, but the local hounds had other thoughts and decided that they<br />

wanted to add their incessant barking to the night sympathy.....that and Cosmin's snoring!<br />

18 th <strong>May</strong><br />

Up early on the top deck help helped vanquish the night time trials as golden orioles, garden<br />

warbler, thrush nightingale and common nightingale were the star performers in the early<br />

morning chorus and it was this feature of the holiday that will remain with Sallie for a long time.<br />

The eight hours following was spent on boats of diminishing size as we headed down the Dranov<br />

channel to the coast again, necessitated by the low levels of water the Delta is experiencing this<br />

year. Nevertheless it was great experience, the number of birds flying off was fantastic. This<br />

drifting along in small boats with the birds and scenery is the lasting memory of the trip for Sylvia<br />

and also provided her with the best bird when the glossy ibises flew off in front of us, their<br />

purple sheen glistening in the sun. It was in this bit also that David and Greta their favourite bird<br />

as well as we drifted slowly underneath a stunning pair of red-footed falcons,Greta particularly<br />

liking the female.<br />

After 2½ hours we eventually arrived at the destination at Dranov on the Black Sea Coast and we<br />

went in search for the target bird. A white stork's nest provided a nice distraction but after only a<br />

few hundred yards we arrived at the habitat. I expected a long frustrating wait but no, the<br />

paddyfield warbler popped up quite close and performed really well for us, so much that<br />

Graham nominated it as his favourite bird. So, eight hours, four boats and a severely delayed<br />

lunch all for a little brown job that looks like many other little brown jobs; you're all hardened<br />

birders now! It was an interesting beach there but a few of us had trouble with other warblers<br />

and couldn't quite bring themselves to clinch the identification of an olive tree warbler, but we<br />

did settle on common and lesser whitethroat and a marsh warbler.<br />

The journey back was again a feast of birds and the front boat was treated to many golden<br />

orioles flitting back and forth. However the star was a golden jackal sitting on the edge of a<br />

marshy area which I think everyone saw well, as they did a couple of European pond terrapins<br />

basking on the side and some saw a grass snake swim across the water as well.<br />

Back on board and after a hearty lunch people did their own thing, some went back to look for<br />

the owl and redstarts, Will to some sketching and others to spend time on their own. The dogs<br />

were under the impression we enjoyed the previous nights concert so obliged with a repeat<br />

performance, bringing out another side of Gordon's character which hadn't previously surfaced!<br />

14<br />


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