The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory - National Library of ...
The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory - National Library of ... The Post-Office annual Glasgow directory - National Library of ...
- Page 2: \^ \ ** * > ' I '^ 'f^^^-ltU *ie' f
- Page 5 and 6: THE POST-OFFICE GLASGOW L Dim F©r
- Page 7 and 8: Calendar, . CONTENTS.
- Page 9 and 10: NAMES TOO LATE FOR INSERTION. Adams
- Page 11 and 12: JULY, 1842. Sun. 3 10 17 24 31 Mon-
- Page 13 and 14: Stamp Duties. And where premium for
- Page 17 and 18: Buccleuch Street, Garnethill. Bucha
- Page 19 and 20: 11 Street Directory. Dale Street, M
- Page 21 and 22: 13 Havannah Street, from High stree
- Page 23 and 24: 15 Street Directory. Marshall's Cou
- Page 25 and 26: 17 Street Directory. Robertson's Pl
- Page 27 and 28: 19 Thrushgrove, corner of Milton st
- Page 31 and 32: AITCHISON ALEXANDER. 23 Aitcbison,
- Page 33 and 34: 25 Allan, Alexander, of William All
- Page 35 and 36: ANDERSON. 27 Anderson, Gabriel, gro
- Page 37 and 38: ANGUS—ASTJLUM. Angus, Dr. William
- Page 39 and 40: BAIN—BAIRD. Bain, William, cashie
- Page 41 and 42: BANNATYNES—BAKU. Banuatynes & Kir
- Page 43 and 44: BAKTON—BELIi. 35 Bai'toD, John, o
- Page 45 and 46: BENTLET—BLACK. 37 Bentley, Willia
- Page 47 and 48: BLAIKIE—BLOUNT. Blaikie, John, gu
- Page 49 and 50: BORLAND BOYD. 41 Borland, F. of Bor
- Page 51 and 52: BUIDGETON—BROOICMAN. Bridgeton Un
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GLASGOW:<br />
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Calendar, .<br />
Contents.<br />
Malls, Foreign, . . .103<br />
Merchants' House, . 4<br />
Messengers-at- Arms for Scotland,<br />
. . . ,139<br />
Mechanics' Institution, <strong>Glasgow</strong>, 12<br />
Do. Calton, &c. 14<br />
Do. Cowcaddens, 13<br />
Medical School, Portland street, 14<br />
Ministers<strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> & Suburbs, 20<br />
Money Orders, . . 89<br />
Municipal Polling Places, 84<br />
Newspapers, . . . 125<br />
Newspaper <strong>Office</strong>s, . . 33<br />
Parliamentary Polling Places, 84<br />
Police, <strong>Glasgow</strong>, ... 7<br />
Do. Gorbals, . . 9<br />
Do. Anderston, . . 9<br />
Do. Calton, ... 9<br />
Do. Clyde, ... 10<br />
Porters' Rates, . . .40<br />
Porters' Rates at Broomielaw, 43<br />
<strong>Post</strong>age Rates, (Foreign) 105<br />
<strong>Post</strong>age Rates, (Inland) . 87<br />
<strong>Post</strong>age, Rates <strong>of</strong> French, 113<br />
<strong>Post</strong>ages, India, . . Ill<br />
Page<br />
<strong>Post</strong> Towns, Scotch, . 89<br />
Do. English, . . 96<br />
Do. Irish, . . 102<br />
Do. French, . .115<br />
Public <strong>Office</strong>s, . . 29<br />
Railways, . . . .44<br />
Receiving Houses, . . 86<br />
Registration <strong>of</strong> Letters, . 88<br />
River Bailie Court, . 10-26<br />
River and Harbour Dues, . 57<br />
Royal Lunatic Asylum, . 15<br />
Sheriff Court, ... 24<br />
Sheriff Small Debt Court, 26<br />
Ship Letters, . . . 108<br />
Sittings <strong>of</strong> Court <strong>of</strong> Session, 84<br />
Stage Coaches, . . .80<br />
Stamps, Instructions for using, 87<br />
Steam- Boats on the Clyde, . 51<br />
Tide Table, . . . 141<br />
Traders on the Clyde, . . 52<br />
Traders on the Forth & Clyde<br />
Canal, ... 47<br />
Trades' House, ... 4<br />
University, ... 10<br />
Weighing Machines, . . 84
Adams, John, musician, 50 High street<br />
Aitken, Thomas, spirit dealer, Clyde street, Port-Dundas<br />
Alexander, William, joiner and blockmaker, 11 Dale street, house 78<br />
West street, Tradeston<br />
Anderson, Robert, merchant, 63 St. Vincent street<br />
Archer, Charles, cabinetmaker and joiner, 101 Holme street<br />
Baird, James, coal agent, 56 Broomielaw<br />
Balbirnie, William, silk dyer, 164j Sauchiehall street<br />
Bath Hotel, c<strong>of</strong>fee house and furnished lodgings, 15 Bath street and 124<<br />
West Nile street<br />
Begbie, Thomas S. <strong>of</strong> Begbie, Wiseman &^ Co. house 72 Buccleucli street<br />
Begbie, Wiseman & Co. commission merchants, 75 Nile street<br />
Blackwood, William, jun. cabinet and picture frame maker, 84 Renfield<br />
street, and 117 West Nile street<br />
Black & Salmon, architects, 15 West George street<br />
Buchanan, T. D. western apothecaries' hall, 275 Argyll street<br />
Butler, William, engineer, agent for C. W. Williams's patent argand<br />
furnaces, 77 Charlotte street<br />
Carson, Robert, beadle <strong>of</strong> St, Andrew's Episcopal chapel, 45 Bi'oad<br />
street. Mile-end<br />
Church, William, & Co. manufacturers, 12 Royal Exchange square<br />
Dalziel, David, stationer and general commission agent, 32 Nelson st.<br />
Tradeston<br />
Dalziel, John, stationer, 62 Hutcheson street<br />
Douglas, John, at J. 8f G. Burns's, house 14 Bedford street<br />
Duff, Robert, 22 Warwick street, Laurieston<br />
Dundee, Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy Wholesale and Export Warehouse<br />
for Linens, &c. 118 Broomielaw. W. Westwater agent ,<br />
Dunlop, R. agent, Antigua court. Nelson street<br />
Grant, Allan, plasterer, 42 Maitland street<br />
Grant, Rev. J. R. 5 Maxwelton place<br />
Hall & Crawford, calico-printers, 102 Virginia place<br />
Henderson, James, coach builder, 75 Argyll street<br />
Hendry, Patrick, contractor, 32 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Hodges, George, at E. Steven §• Co.\, 42 Miller street<br />
Hogg, William, fruiterer, 7 Wilson street<br />
Hogg, W. C. warper, 62 Hutcheson street
Names too late for Insertion.<br />
Hunter, George F. treasurer to the Wellington cricket club, 20 Hill<br />
place, Stirling's road<br />
Hunter, J. H. coach builder, 20 Hill place, Stirling's road<br />
Johnstone, James, tailor, 3G Rose street, Hutchesontown<br />
Kerr, Drs. J. & W. 40 Cambridge street<br />
Kinnear, David, hat manufacturer, 110 Argyll street<br />
Kirkwood, Andrew, merchant, 13 Union st. house 61 West Regent st.<br />
Love & Keith, Misses, dressmakers, 170 Trongate<br />
Lyon, George, <strong>of</strong> Lyon, Lawson 8f Co, bouse Mountainblue<br />
Lyon, Lavcson & Co. engineers aud millwrights, Camlachie<br />
MacAra, George, pavement merchant, Delftfield lane, ho. 202 Holme st.<br />
M'Chlery, William, agent, 15 Clyde terrace<br />
M'Donald, James, turkey i"ed dyer and calico printer, Parkholm print-<br />
fields. Orders left at G. M'Leod & Co.'s, 85 Argyll street<br />
M'Lean, A. W. 15 Bath street<br />
M'Lean & Roy, caleudrers and packers, 82 Virginia street<br />
Maclean, Wm. & Co. calendrers and packers, 71 and 83 Virginia street<br />
M'Leod, D. & Co. renovators, 72 George street<br />
M'Leod, William, painter, 4
JULY, 1842.<br />
Sun. 3 10 17 24 31<br />
Mon- 4, 11 18 25<br />
Tues. 5 12 19 26<br />
Wed. 6 13 20 27<br />
Thur. 7 14 21 28<br />
Frid. 1 8 15 22 29<br />
Sat. 2 9 16 23 30<br />
AUGUST.<br />
Sun. 7 14 21 28<br />
Mon. 1 8 15 22 29<br />
Tues. 2 9 16 23 30<br />
Wed. 3 10 17 24 31<br />
Thur. 4 11 18 25<br />
Frid. 5 12 19 26<br />
Sat. 6 13 20 27<br />
Sun. 4 11 18 25<br />
Mon. 5 12 19 26<br />
Tues. 6 13 20 27<br />
Wed. 7 14 21 28<br />
Thur. 1 8 15 22 29<br />
Frid. 2 9 16 23 30<br />
Sat. 3 10 17 24<br />
OCTOBER.<br />
Sun. 2 9 16 23 30<br />
Mon. 3 10 17 24 31<br />
Tues, 4 11 18 25<br />
Wed. 5 12 19 26<br />
Thur. 6 13 20 27<br />
Frid. 7 14 21 28<br />
Sat. 1 8 15 22 29<br />
Sun. 6 13 20 27<br />
Mon. 7 14 21 28<br />
Tues. 1 8 15 22 29<br />
Wed. 2 9 16 23 30<br />
Thur. 3 10 17 24<br />
Frid. 4 11 18 25<br />
Sat. 5 12 19 26<br />
Sun. 4 11 18 25<br />
Mon. 5 12 19 26<br />
Tues. 6 13 20 27<br />
Wed. 7 14 21 28<br />
Thur. I 8 15 22 29<br />
Frid. 2 9 16 23 30<br />
Sat. 3 10 17 24 31<br />
JANUARY, 1843.<br />
Sun. I 8 15 22 29<br />
Mon. 2 9 16 23 30<br />
Tues. 3 10 17 24 31<br />
Wed. 4 11 18 25<br />
Thur. 5 12 19 26<br />
Frid. 6 13 20 27<br />
Sat. 7 14 21 28<br />
Sun. 5 12 19 26<br />
Mon. 6 13 20 27<br />
Tues. 7 14 21 28<br />
Wed. 1 8 15 22<br />
Thur. 2 9 16 23<br />
Frid. 3 10 17 24<br />
Sat. 4 11 18 25<br />
MARCH.<br />
Sun. 5 12 19 26<br />
Mon. 6 13 20 27<br />
Tues. 7 14 21 28<br />
Wed. 1 8 15 22 29<br />
Thur. 2 9 16 23 30<br />
Frid. 3 10 17 24 31<br />
Sat. 4 11 18 25
Bills, Promissory Notes, S^<br />
On demand or after date.<br />
For £2, and not above £5 :<br />
Stamp Duties.<br />
And where premium for such insurance, actually paid or contracted<br />
for, shall exceed the rate <strong>of</strong> 15s. per cent, and shall not exceed the rate<br />
<strong>of</strong> 30s. per cent, on the sum insured.<br />
If the sum insured shall not exceed £100—2s. 6d.<br />
And if the sum insured shall exceed £100, then for every ^100, or<br />
any fractional part there<strong>of</strong>—2s. 6d.<br />
And where the premium for such insurance, actually paid or contracted<br />
for, shall exceed the rate <strong>of</strong> 30s. per cent, on the sum insured.<br />
If the sum shall not exceed ;£100—5s.<br />
And if the sum shall exceed
Stamp Duties.<br />
Appraisements.<br />
For any sum not above ^£50<br />
Exceeding £50, and not above £100<br />
100 . . 200<br />
200 . . 300<br />
500 .<br />
Considerat<br />
Duty.<br />
£0 10<br />
1<br />
1 10<br />
2<br />
3<br />
6<br />
9<br />
12<br />
23<br />
33<br />
43<br />
55<br />
65<br />
75<br />
85<br />
93<br />
no<br />
130<br />
170<br />
240<br />
350<br />
430<br />
530<br />
650<br />
800<br />
1000<br />
Xiease <strong>of</strong> any lands, at a yearly<br />
rent, where no sum <strong>of</strong> money, by<br />
way <strong>of</strong> fine<br />
paid :<br />
or grassum, has been<br />
Where the yearly rent shall<br />
not amount to £20, £1<br />
And where the same shall<br />
amount to £20, and<br />
to £100,<br />
not<br />
Amtg. to £100, not to £200<br />
— 200 . 400<br />
— 400 . 600<br />
— 600 . 800<br />
_ 800 . 1000<br />
2s. 6d.<br />
3s. Od.<br />
10s. Od.<br />
13s. Od,<br />
20s. Od.
OP<br />
Abercromby Place, W. George st.<br />
Abercromby Street, Calton.<br />
Abbotsford Place, south <strong>of</strong> Portland<br />
Street, Laurieston.<br />
Academy Court, 65, Crown street.<br />
Academy Court, 20, Candleriggs.<br />
Adam's Court, 193, Argyll street.<br />
Adam's Court, 36, Rose st. south.<br />
Adam's Court Lane, from Argyll<br />
street to Ifoward street.<br />
Adelaide Place, west end <strong>of</strong> Bath st.<br />
Adelphi Street, Bridgeton, south<br />
end <strong>of</strong> Reid street.<br />
Adelphi Street, Hutchesontown,<br />
fronting the river.<br />
Adelphi Place, i, Adelphi street.<br />
Aitchison's Court, 113, Main st.<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Aird's Lane, between Bridgegate<br />
and Goosedubbs.<br />
Agnew Place, Hill st. Garnethill.<br />
Albany Place, Saucbiehall road,<br />
west end.<br />
Albert Place, Milton street and<br />
Maitland street.<br />
Albert Place, Kingston.<br />
Albert Place, Hill st. Garnethill.<br />
Albert Place, Buccleuch street.<br />
Albert Terrace, Renfrew street.<br />
Albion Buildings, 116, George st.<br />
Albion Court, 23, South Albion st.<br />
Albion Court, 41, North Albion<br />
street, and 141, George street.<br />
Albion Street, (South) from Bell<br />
street to Canon street.<br />
Albion Street, (North) from Canon<br />
street to George street.<br />
Albyn Street, Albyn Iron-works.<br />
Allan Place, Douglas st. Blythswood<br />
Holme.<br />
Alston Street, from Argyll street<br />
to Gordon street.<br />
America Court, 241, Adelphi street.<br />
Anderston, west end <strong>of</strong> Argyll st.<br />
Anderston Quay, from M' Alpine<br />
street to Lancefield.<br />
Anderson's Court, 101, Main st.<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Anderson Court, 60, Tureen street.<br />
Annfield Place, east end <strong>of</strong> Duke st.<br />
Ann Place, north side Parliamentary<br />
road.<br />
Ann Street, Main st. Bridgeton.<br />
Ann Street, from Jamaica street to<br />
Oswald street.<br />
Ann Street, from Cowcaddens to<br />
Port-Dundas.<br />
Annuity Court, 52, York street.<br />
Antigua Place, Nelson street.<br />
Apsley Place, head <strong>of</strong> Warwick st.<br />
Apsley Place, Great Western road.<br />
Argyll Arcade, 100, Argyll street,<br />
and 32, Buchanan street.<br />
Argyll Buildings, corner <strong>of</strong> M'Alpine<br />
street.<br />
Argyll Court, 90, Argyll street.<br />
Argyll Place, 315, Argyll street.<br />
Argyll Street, from Stockwell and<br />
Glassford street to Anderston.<br />
Ark Close, 46, St. Enoch wynd.
Street Directory.<br />
.<br />
Ark Lane, Duke street, north side.<br />
Armour Street, from Barrack st.<br />
to Hill street.<br />
Athole Place, west end <strong>of</strong> Bath st.<br />
Ayton Court, 62, Old venel.<br />
Ayton Place, 52, Old venel.<br />
Back Wynd, 109, Trongate, to<br />
Bridgegate.<br />
Bain's Court, Port-Dundas.<br />
Bain's Court, 4(6, Clyde street,<br />
Anderston.<br />
Bain's Place, 151, West Nile st.<br />
Balmanno Place, from George st.<br />
to Shuttle street.<br />
Balmanno Street, from George st.<br />
to Rotterirow.<br />
Barber's Close, 97, Saltmarket st.<br />
Barony Glebe, Tovvrihead.<br />
Barony Place, east end <strong>of</strong> Stirling's<br />
road.<br />
Barrack Street, from Gallowgate to<br />
Duke street.<br />
Barracks, Cavalry, head <strong>of</strong> Eglinton<br />
street.<br />
Barracks, Infantry, 330, Gallow-<br />
gate.<br />
Bath Lane, (East) Bath street to<br />
Cathcart street.<br />
Bath Street, from Buchanan street<br />
to Douglas street.<br />
Bath Street Lane, from West Nile<br />
street to Blythswood square.<br />
Bazar, 72, Candlerigg street.<br />
Beaver Court, 45, King street,<br />
Tradeston<br />
Bedford Street, from Surrey street<br />
to Eglinton street.<br />
Bedford Place, Renfrew street, Gar-<br />
nethill.<br />
Beef Markets, 81, King street, and<br />
06, Bell street.<br />
Bellgrove Place, from Gallowgate<br />
to Duke street.<br />
Bell's Court, 24, Rose street, south.<br />
Bell's Place, 15, Love loan.<br />
Bell Street, from Candlerigg street<br />
to High street.<br />
Bell Street, Bridgeton.<br />
Bell Street, Calton.<br />
Bennie's Court, 285, Argyll street.<br />
Bennie's Court, 170, Main strget,<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Bilsland's Open, 56, Kirk street,<br />
Calton.<br />
Binnie's Place, Monteith row, east<br />
end.<br />
Bishop Street, from Main street,<br />
Anderston, to Greenhill street.<br />
Bishop Street, Port- Dundas.<br />
Bishop Place, no. end <strong>of</strong> Bishop st.<br />
Black Boy Close, 35, Gallowgate.<br />
Blackfriar Street, High street, east<br />
side.<br />
Blair's Court, 23, Jamaica street.<br />
Blair Street, Tobago st. Calton.<br />
Blenheim Place, Campbell st. west.<br />
Bluevale, from Whitevale to Dry-<br />
gate toll.<br />
Blyth's Court, 17, Virginia street.<br />
Blythswood Holme, from Wellington<br />
street to Anderston.<br />
Blythswood Place, St. Vincent st.<br />
Blythswood Square, west end <strong>of</strong><br />
George street, west.<br />
Boarhead Close, 66, High street.<br />
Bothwell Street, from Greenhill st.<br />
to North street.<br />
Brandon Place, West George st.<br />
Bridgegate, from Stockwell to Saltmarket<br />
street.<br />
Bridge Street, from <strong>Glasgow</strong> bridge<br />
to Eglinton street.<br />
Broad Close, 167, High street.<br />
Broad Street, Mile-end, from Orr<br />
street, eastwards.<br />
Brook Street, North and South,<br />
Mile-end.<br />
Broomward, M'Kechnie st. Calton.<br />
Broomielaw,west <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong>bridge.<br />
Brownfield, from Brown street to<br />
M'Alpine street, Anderston.<br />
Brown Street, from Argyll street<br />
to Broomielaw.<br />
Brown Street, Bridgeton, from<br />
Muslin St. to Dalmarnock road.<br />
Brown Street, from Corn street to<br />
Dobbie's loan.<br />
Brougham Place, head <strong>of</strong> North<br />
Hope street.<br />
Brunswick Court, 120, Brunswick<br />
street, and 109, Candlerigg st.<br />
Brunswick Lane, from Brunswick<br />
street to Melville place.<br />
Brunswick Street and Place, from<br />
Trongate to Ingram street.
Buccleuch Street, Garnethill.<br />
Buchan Street, Gorbals, from Clyde<br />
terrace to Malta street.<br />
Buchanan Buildings, Cowcaddens.<br />
Buchanan Court, 95, Candlerigg st.<br />
Buchanan Court and Buildings,<br />
105, Stockwell street.<br />
Buchanan Court, 75, Argyll street.<br />
Buchanan Court, east side <strong>of</strong> Eglinton<br />
street.<br />
Buchanan Court, 44, Trongate.<br />
Buchanan Lane, Bell st. Calton.<br />
Buchanan Place, 74, Buchanan st.<br />
Buchanan Street, from Argyll st.<br />
to Port-Dundas toll.<br />
Buns Wynd, from High street to<br />
Shuttle street.<br />
Burnside Street, <strong>of</strong>f Garscube road.<br />
Burnside Lane, from Duke street<br />
to New venel.<br />
Burnside Place, Garscube road.<br />
Burrell's Lane, from Duke street<br />
to High street.<br />
Burton's Court, 272, George street.<br />
Cadogan Street, from Wellington<br />
street to Pitt street.<br />
Caledonian Buildings, 228, Broom-<br />
ielaw.<br />
Callender's Close, 70, Stockwell st.<br />
Calton Entry, from Gallowgate to<br />
New street, Calton.<br />
Caltonmouth, from Gallowgate to<br />
King street, Calton.<br />
Cambridge Lane, from Cambridge<br />
street to Cowcaddens street.<br />
Cambridge Street, from Sauchieball<br />
street to Woodside street.<br />
Cameron's Court, 119, Main street,<br />
Anderston.<br />
Cameron's Place, <strong>of</strong>f North street.<br />
Camlachie, east end <strong>of</strong> Gallowgate.<br />
Campbell's Court, 40, Candlerigg st.<br />
Campbell Street, (West) Argyll<br />
street to Saucbiehall street.<br />
Campbellfield, 706, Gallowgate.<br />
Campbell Street, from Gallowgate<br />
to Graeme street.<br />
Candlerigg Street, from Trongate<br />
to Ingram street.<br />
Candlerigg Court, 63, Candlerigg st.<br />
Canning Place, Stirling's road, north<br />
side.<br />
Street Directory.<br />
Canning Street, formerly Barrowfield<br />
road, from Great Hamilton<br />
street to Bridgeton.<br />
Canon Street, from North street,<br />
Anderston, to School wynd.<br />
Canon Street, from Ingram street<br />
to Shuttle street.<br />
Carlton place, Laurieston, from<br />
Nicholson street to New Bridge<br />
street.<br />
Carlton Court, 13, New Bridge st.<br />
Carrick Street, from Argyll street<br />
to Broomielaw.<br />
Carswell's Court, 26, George st.<br />
Castlemilk Place, south <strong>of</strong> Hospital<br />
street.<br />
Castle Street, from Kirk street to<br />
St. Rollox.<br />
Castlepen's Closes, 136 and 148,<br />
High street.<br />
Cathcart Street, from Buchanan<br />
street to Saucbiehall street.<br />
Catherine Street, Tobago st. Calton.<br />
Catherine Street, Anderston, from<br />
Cranston street to Stobcross st.<br />
Cattle Market, Graham square,<br />
south side <strong>of</strong> Duke street.<br />
Cavendish Street, Laurieston, from<br />
Surrey place to Eglinton street.<br />
Centre Street, from Clyde place to<br />
Cook street.<br />
Chalmers's Street, Claythorn street.<br />
Chapel Close, 85, Main street,<br />
Gorbals.<br />
Charity Court, 65, Bridgegate.<br />
Charlotte Lane, from Charlotte st.<br />
to St. Andrew's lane.<br />
Charlotte Street, from Gallowgate<br />
to Green street.<br />
Charles Street, from Orr street<br />
eastward.<br />
Charlie's Close, 105, Canning st.<br />
Cheapside Street, Stobcross street<br />
to Anderston quay.<br />
City Hall, 80, Candlerigg street.<br />
Clarendon Place, Great Western<br />
road.<br />
Claremont, west end <strong>of</strong> Woodside<br />
terrace.<br />
Claremont Street, from Royal crescent<br />
to Claremont.<br />
Claremont Place, from 44 to 54,<br />
Great Clyde sti-eet.
Street Directory. 10<br />
Clarence Street, Morrison street,<br />
Tradeston.<br />
Clarence Place, Sauchiehall street.<br />
Clark's Buildings, 167, Main st.<br />
Gorbals.<br />
Clark's Court, 109, Bridgegate.<br />
Clark's Court, 12, Puddock row.<br />
Clark's Court, 14, Main st. Calton.<br />
Clarkson's Court, 16, Kirk street,<br />
Calton.<br />
Cleland's Court, 2.39, Argyll street.<br />
Claybrae, Burnside lane.<br />
Claythorn Street, from Gallowgate<br />
to King street, Calton.<br />
Cleland Testimonial, corner <strong>of</strong> Buchanan<br />
street and Cathcart street.<br />
Cleland Street, from Grecnside^st.<br />
to Crown street.<br />
Clydebank, south end <strong>of</strong> Finnieston.<br />
Clyde Buildings and Place, Tradeston,<br />
fronting the Harbour from<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> bridge to West street.<br />
Clyde Street, (Great) from Jamaica<br />
street to Stockwell street.<br />
Clyde Street, (East) from Hutche-<br />
sons' bridge to Stockwell bridge.<br />
Clyde Street, (North) from Main<br />
street to Stobcross st. Anderston.<br />
Clyde Street, Port-Duridas.<br />
Clyde Street, from Stobcioss street<br />
to Anderston quay.<br />
Clyde Street, Calton, from Canning<br />
street to Abercromby street.<br />
Clyde Terrace, from the Old bridge<br />
to Carlton place.<br />
Clyde Terrace Court, 13, Clyde<br />
terrace.<br />
Coach Work Close, 82, George st.<br />
Coburg Court, 51, Cochran street.<br />
Coburg Place, by St. Rollox.<br />
Coburg Street, (South) from Nor-<br />
folk street to Bedford street.<br />
Coburg Street, from Oxford street<br />
to Norfolk street.<br />
Cochran Street, from Montrose st.<br />
to George square.<br />
Cogan's Court, 54, Main street,<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Columbia Place, Woodside street.<br />
College Church Open, High street,<br />
east side.<br />
College, Old and New Court, High<br />
street, east side.<br />
College Street, High street, opposite<br />
the College.<br />
College Street, west, from M' Alpine<br />
street to Brown street.<br />
Commerce Street, Tradeston.<br />
Commercial Court, 1 14, Candleriggs.<br />
Commercial Court, 106, Gallowgate.<br />
Commercial Road, from Adelphi<br />
street to Govanhaugh.<br />
Cook Street, from Eglinton street<br />
to Dale street, Tradeston.<br />
Cordiners' Court, 47, Stockwell st.<br />
Corn Street, from Port-Dundas to<br />
Burnside.<br />
Coronation Buildings, from South<br />
Coburg street to Eglinton street.<br />
Coulter's Lane, from Abercromby<br />
street to Little street.<br />
Coulter's Square, 5, Marlborough<br />
street and 33, Little street.<br />
Craig's Close, 71, Stockwell street.<br />
Craig's Court, 11, Canning street.<br />
Craig's Court, 95, Argyll street.<br />
Cranston Court, Cranston street.<br />
Cranston Hill, west end <strong>of</strong> Ander-<br />
ston.<br />
Cranston Street, west end <strong>of</strong> Main<br />
street, Anderston.<br />
Craignestock, east end <strong>of</strong> Great<br />
Hamilton street.<br />
Crawford Place, 131, Rottenrow.<br />
Crescent Place, foot <strong>of</strong> Woodside<br />
crescent.<br />
Crown Court, 33, Virginia street.<br />
Crown Street, from Adelphi street<br />
to Rutherglen loan.<br />
Crown Street, Upper, from Rutherglen<br />
loan southward.<br />
Croy Place, from Turner's court to<br />
Maxwell street.<br />
Crum's Close, G'S, Gallowgate.<br />
Cumberland Court, 168, Gallow-<br />
gate.<br />
Cumberland Place, Eglinton street<br />
to Abbotsford place.<br />
Cumberland Street, (South) from<br />
Canning street to Greenhead.<br />
Cumberland Street, (North) from<br />
Canning streettoCathorine street,<br />
Calton.<br />
Cumberland Street, Laurieston.<br />
Currie's Close, 50, High Street.<br />
Cutler's Close, 88, Gallowgate.
11 Street Directory.<br />
Dale Street, Main street, Bridgeton. [<br />
street to Howard street.<br />
Debbie's Loan, from Castle street<br />
to Burnside, Port-Dundas.<br />
Douglas Court, 192, Argyll street.<br />
Douglas Street, (North) Blythswood<br />
square.<br />
Douglas Street, from Argyll street<br />
to Sauchiehall street.<br />
Dovehill, Great and Little, from<br />
Gallowgate to Graeme street.<br />
Drury Street, from West Nile st.<br />
to Ren field street.<br />
Drygate, from High street to Ladywell<br />
street.<br />
Duke street, from High street to<br />
Whitevale.<br />
Duncan's Close, 125, High street.<br />
Duncan Street, Canning street.<br />
Duncan Street, from Marlborough<br />
street to Abercromby street.<br />
Dunchattan Buildings, east <strong>of</strong> Ark<br />
lane, Duke street.<br />
Dundas Place, Port-Dundas road,<br />
east side.<br />
Dundas Street, Morrison street,<br />
Kingston.<br />
Dundas Street, from West George<br />
street to Buchanan street<br />
Dundas Vale, Garscube road.<br />
Dunlop Street, from Argyll street<br />
to Jackson street.<br />
Durham Court, 47, King street.<br />
Eagle Lane, 53, Maxwell street.<br />
Eddleston Place, Weaver street.<br />
Dale Street, from Clj'de buildings; Edwin Place. Gorbals toll.<br />
southward.<br />
Eglititon Place, 157, Eglinton st.<br />
Dalhousie Street, Garnetliill. Egliiiton Street, from Bridge street<br />
Dallas Court, 229, Argyll street. to Goibals toll.<br />
Dalmarnock Road, Bridgeton. Eldon Place, Kingston place, Trades-<br />
Deacon's Close, 22, Caltoninouth. ton.<br />
Deanside Lane, from 74, George Elmbank Crescent, from Elmbank<br />
street to Rottenrow.<br />
place to Kent road.<br />
Dean street, Balmanno street. Elmbank Place, from St. Vincent<br />
Delftfield Lane, from Argyll street street to Elmbank crescent.<br />
to Broomielaw.<br />
Ewing Place, corner <strong>of</strong> York street.<br />
Dempster Street, west side <strong>of</strong> North Exchange Square, Royal, west side<br />
Frederick street.<br />
<strong>of</strong> Queen street.<br />
Dinning's Court, 47, Dale street, Exchange Court, 85, Queen street.<br />
Tradeston.<br />
Dixon Street, from Great Clyde<br />
Exchange Court,<br />
Queen street.<br />
(South) 77,<br />
Exchange Court, (North) St. Vincent<br />
place, and 22, Royal Exchange<br />
square.<br />
Factory Court, 84, Main street,<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Ferguson Street, from Cowcaddens<br />
sti'eet to Cambridge street.<br />
Fiddler's Close, 75, High street.<br />
Fife Place, West George street.<br />
Finnieston, west end <strong>of</strong> Stobcross<br />
street, Andcrston.<br />
Fish Market, 108, King street.<br />
Fleming's Place, Cowcaddens.<br />
Fk'craiiig Street, Glenpark.<br />
Fox Street, from Dixon street to<br />
Maxwell street.<br />
Francis Close, IG, Broomielaw.<br />
Franklin Stieet, Bridgeton.<br />
Frazer's Court, 9, Reid st. Bridge-<br />
ton.<br />
Frederick Lane, from North Fre-<br />
derick St. to North Hanover st.<br />
Frederick Street, (North) from<br />
George square to Love loan.<br />
Frederick Street, (South) from<br />
Itigram street to George square.<br />
French Horn Close, 88, Trongate.<br />
French Street, foot <strong>of</strong> Main street,<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Fulton's Close, 80, Trongate.<br />
Gallowgate, from the Cross to Camlachie<br />
bridge.<br />
Easttield Row, Head <strong>of</strong> North st. Galloway's Court, 10, George st.<br />
Anderston. Galloway's Court, | 37, Glassford st.
Street Directory. 12<br />
Garden Street, from Weaver street<br />
to Taylor street.<br />
Garnetdale, south <strong>of</strong> Woodside St.<br />
Garnethill, north side <strong>of</strong> Sauchie-<br />
hall street.<br />
Garnethill Street, from Hill street<br />
to Buccleuch street.<br />
Garnet Place, Hill st. Garnethill.<br />
Garscube Place, head <strong>of</strong> Buchanan<br />
street.<br />
Garscube Road, from Cowcaddens<br />
street to Round toll.<br />
Garthland Street, from Hutcheson<br />
street to Glassford street.<br />
George Court, 33, Crown street.<br />
George Street, from Duke street to<br />
George square.<br />
George Street, (West) from George<br />
square to Blythswood square.<br />
George Street, iMile-end, Calton.<br />
George Square, west end <strong>of</strong> George<br />
street and Cochran street.<br />
Gibson's Court, 46, Saltmarket, and<br />
12 and 10, Prince's street.<br />
Gibson's Lane, 151, Cowcaddens.<br />
Gibson Street, south side <strong>of</strong> Gallowgate,<br />
near Barracks.<br />
Gillies's Coui't, 200, Broomielaw.<br />
Gilmour Place, London street and<br />
St. Andretv's lane.<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Bridge, south end <strong>of</strong><br />
Jamaica street.<br />
Glassford Street, fi'om Argyll street<br />
to Ingram street.<br />
Glebe Street, from Castle street to<br />
Garnkirk Railway depot.<br />
Gloucester Street, Kingston, Trades-<br />
ton.<br />
Glenpark, Duke-street road, east <strong>of</strong><br />
Greenvale.<br />
Goosedubbs Street, from Stocbwell<br />
street to foot <strong>of</strong> Old wynd.<br />
Gorbals, south end <strong>of</strong> Old bridge.<br />
Gordon Lane, 9, Gordon street.<br />
Gordon Street, from Buchanan st.<br />
to Hope street.<br />
Govanhaugb, south-east side <strong>of</strong><br />
Hutchesontown.<br />
Govan Street, Hutchesontown, from<br />
south end <strong>of</strong> St. Niniaa street to<br />
Commercial road.<br />
Graham's Buildings, 62, George st.<br />
Graham's Court, 117, Candleriggs.<br />
Graham's Square, 445, Gallowgate.<br />
Grahamston, from Urn'on street to<br />
Alston St. north side Argyll st.<br />
Graeme Street, from Old venel to<br />
Barrack wall.<br />
Graham Street, Dalmarnock road.<br />
Gray's Court, 34, Dale street,<br />
Tradeston.<br />
Great Western Road, <strong>of</strong>f St.<br />
George's road.<br />
Grcenhead, south side <strong>of</strong> Canning st.<br />
Greenhill Place, St. Vincent street,<br />
from Pitt street to India street.<br />
Greenhill Street, from St. Vincent<br />
street to Bishop street.<br />
Greenlaw Place, Paisley road.<br />
Green Street, Calton, from Canning<br />
street to Tureen street.<br />
Green Street, Low, from foot <strong>of</strong><br />
Saltmarket to east end <strong>of</strong> London<br />
street.<br />
Green Street, Main st. Bridgeton.<br />
Green Street Lane, west side <strong>of</strong><br />
Green street, Bridgeton.<br />
Greenside Street, from Hospital st.<br />
to Main street, Gorbals.<br />
Greenvale, from Bluevale to Glenpark.<br />
Greenvale Place, S. Woodside road.<br />
Greenvale Street, from East Rose<br />
street to Thomson's lane, east.<br />
Greyfriars' Wynd, 147, High street.<br />
Grove Street, from Garscube road<br />
to Columbia place.<br />
Guildry Court, 137, Bridgegate,<br />
and 25, East Clyde street.<br />
Hamilton Court, 51, Stockwell st.<br />
Hamilton Court, 100, Canning st.<br />
Hamilton Court, 84, Main street,<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Hamilton Street, (Little)from High<br />
John St. to North Frederick st.<br />
Hamilton Street, (Great)from South<br />
St. Mungo's street to Canning st.<br />
Hanover Street, (North) from<br />
George Square to Love loan.<br />
Hanover Street, (South) from<br />
Ingram street to George square.<br />
Hartfield Place, Parliamentaryroad,<br />
Townhead.<br />
Hartfield Street, Parliamentaryroad,<br />
13<br />
Havannah Street, from High street<br />
to Burnside lane.<br />
High Street, from the Cross to Kirk<br />
street.<br />
Hill's Court, 30, Rose st. Hutcbe-<br />
soiitown.<br />
Hill Place, 20, Stirling's road.<br />
Hill Street, from Duke street to<br />
Gallowgate.<br />
Hill Street, Garnethill, from Cambridge<br />
street to St. George's road.<br />
Hill Street, from Stobcross street to<br />
Main street, Anderston.<br />
Hill Square, 79, Stobcross street.<br />
Holme Place, 278, Argyll street.<br />
Holme Street, from Wellington st.<br />
to Pitt street.<br />
Holland Place, west end <strong>of</strong> St. Vincent<br />
street.<br />
Hope Place, Woodside street.<br />
Hope Place, Parliamentary road,<br />
Townhead.<br />
Hope Street, from Argyll street to<br />
Saucbiehall street.<br />
Hope Street, from Main sti-eet,<br />
Anderston, to Stobcross street.<br />
Hopetoun Place, from Rottenrow<br />
to Stirling's road,<br />
Horn's Court, 3, St. Enoch square.<br />
Horn's Court, 24, Queen street.<br />
Hospital Street, from Adelphi st.<br />
to Greenside street.<br />
Howard Street, from Jamaica street<br />
to Maxwell street.<br />
Howard Street, from Dale street to<br />
Savoy street.<br />
Hozier's Street, head <strong>of</strong> Muslin st.<br />
Hunter Street, near Barracks, Gallowgate.<br />
Huntingdon Place, Railroad, Townhead.<br />
Hutchesons' Bridge, south end <strong>of</strong><br />
Saltmarket street.<br />
Hutcheson Street, from Trongate to<br />
Ingram street.<br />
Hutchesontown, so. end <strong>of</strong> Hutche-<br />
sons' bridge.<br />
Hydepark Buildings, head <strong>of</strong> Hydepark<br />
street.<br />
Hydepark Place, foot <strong>of</strong> Hydepark<br />
street, Anderston quay.<br />
Hydepark Street, from Stobcross<br />
street to Anderston quay.<br />
Street Directory.<br />
India Street, from St. Vincent st.<br />
to Elmbank crescent.<br />
India Street, from Somerset place<br />
to Claremont.<br />
Ingram Buildings, 131, Ingram st.<br />
Ingram Court, (East) 21, Ingram<br />
street.<br />
Ingram Court, (West) 163, Ingram<br />
street, and 100, Queen street.<br />
Ingram Place, 111, Ingram street.<br />
Ingram Street, from Candlerigg st.<br />
to Queen street.<br />
Inkle Factory Lane, from Shuttle<br />
street to North Albion street.<br />
Jackson Street from Stockwell st. to<br />
Dunlop street.<br />
Jaffray's Close, 14, Goosedubbs st.<br />
Jail Square, foot <strong>of</strong> Saltmarket st.<br />
Jamaica Street, from Argyll street<br />
to <strong>Glasgow</strong> bridge.<br />
James's Court, 18, Rose street,<br />
Hutchesontown.<br />
James Street, Greenhead,Bridgeton.<br />
James Street, (East) East Rose st.<br />
James Street, from Stevenson street<br />
to Millroad street.<br />
Jamieson's Court, 113, King street.<br />
Jamieson's Lane, 72, Main street,<br />
Anderston.<br />
Jane Street, <strong>of</strong>f Blythswood square.<br />
Johnston's Place, Barony Glebe,<br />
(east end) Stirling's road.<br />
John's Court, 39, Crown street.<br />
John Street, (High) from George<br />
street to Stirling's road.<br />
John Street, (Low) from Ingram<br />
street to George street.<br />
John Street, Main st. Bridgeton.<br />
John Street, (East) east end <strong>of</strong><br />
Gallowgate.<br />
John Street Lane, John street,<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Kelvin Street, south <strong>of</strong> North<br />
Woodside road.<br />
Kenmure Place, Glebe street, Parliamentary<br />
road.<br />
Kensington Place, Saucbiehall st.<br />
Kent Road, from Saucbiehall street<br />
to North street.<br />
Kent Street, from Gallowgate to<br />
Great Hamilton street.<br />
Street Directory. U<br />
Kent Place, <strong>of</strong>f Kent road.<br />
Keir Place, Glebe street, Parliamentary<br />
road.<br />
Kerr Street, from I,ittle street to<br />
Mi 11 road street.<br />
Kingston Place, Tradeston.<br />
King's Arms Close, 66, Trongate.<br />
King Street, from Trongate to<br />
Bridgegate.<br />
King Street, Calton, from Caltonmouth<br />
to Green street.<br />
King Street, Mile-end.<br />
King Street, Tradeston, from Bridge<br />
street westward.<br />
Kirk Close, 39, Main st. Anderston.<br />
Kirk Street, from Castle street to<br />
High street.<br />
Kirk Street, from Main street to<br />
Green street, Calton.<br />
Kirk Street, from Main street to<br />
Biichan street, Gorbals.<br />
Kirkwood's Court, 125, Main st.<br />
Anderston.<br />
Ladywell Street, foot <strong>of</strong> Drygate.<br />
Laigh Kirk Close, from 59, Tron-<br />
gate to Prince's street.<br />
Laucefield, west end <strong>of</strong> Stobcross st.<br />
Lancefield Place, Lancefield, west<br />
end <strong>of</strong> Anderston quay.<br />
Lancefield Street, from Stobcross<br />
to foot <strong>of</strong> Hydepark.<br />
Landressy Street, so. <strong>of</strong> Canning st.<br />
Laurieston, south side <strong>of</strong> the river,<br />
between Portugal st. & Bridge st.<br />
Law's Buildings, 112 and 126,<br />
Bridgegate.<br />
Lawmoor Place, Govanhaugh,<br />
Hutchesontown.<br />
Lawson's Court, 125, Trongate.<br />
Leitch's Court, 157, Trongate.<br />
Leopard Close, 80, High street.<br />
Lilly Place, Pollokshaws road.<br />
Little Street, Calton.<br />
Liverpool Court, 249, Argyll st.<br />
London Lane, from London street<br />
to St. Andrew's street.<br />
London Street, from the Cross to<br />
Monteith row.<br />
Love Loan, from Rottenrow to<br />
Dundas street.<br />
Low Green Street, from St. Andrew's<br />
square to Green street.<br />
Lyceum Court, 72, Nelson street.<br />
Lyon Street, from Garscube road<br />
to North Woodside road.<br />
Mack's Close, 125. Saltmarket st,<br />
M'Adam's Lane, from Garscube<br />
road to North Woodside road.<br />
M'Alpiri's Close, 27, Stockwell st.<br />
M'Alpiiie Street, from Argyll st.<br />
to Broomielaw.<br />
M'Arthur's Buildings, Anderston<br />
quay.<br />
M'Come's Brae, Burnside lane,<br />
opposite Havannah street.<br />
M'Farlane Street, from Gallowgate<br />
to Graeme street.<br />
M' Gill's Close, 87, Stockwell st.<br />
M'Kechnie Street, Clyde street,<br />
Calton.<br />
M'Nicol's Court, 209, High street.<br />
M'Symon Place, West Campbell<br />
sti'eet and Holme sti'eet.<br />
Madeira Buildings, Argyll street,<br />
coi'ner <strong>of</strong> Oswald street.<br />
Madeira Court, 263, Argyll street.<br />
Main Street, Bridgetnn, from Canning<br />
street to Rutherglen bridge.<br />
Main Street, Calton, fiom Well st.<br />
to King street.<br />
Main Street, Gorbals, from the Old<br />
biidge to Gorbals toll.<br />
Main Street, Anderston, from<br />
Argyll street to Sandyford.<br />
Mains' Street, from Argyll street<br />
to Sauchiehall street.<br />
Maitland Street, from Cowcaddens<br />
to Port- Dundas.<br />
Malta Street, fiom Main street to<br />
Norfolk street.<br />
Manhattan Buildings, 30, South<br />
Hanover street.<br />
Margaret Street, (South) <strong>of</strong>f Eglinton<br />
street.<br />
Margaret Street, from Little Ham-<br />
ilton street to Love loan.<br />
Mai'ket Street, from Bridgegate to<br />
Jail.<br />
Market Street, (East) from Millroad<br />
street to Gallowgate.<br />
Marlborough Street, from Little<br />
street to East Rose street.<br />
Marshall's Close, 81 and 147,<br />
15 Street Directory.<br />
Marshall's Court, 5 and 9, South<br />
Hanover street.<br />
Marshall Street, opposite the Bar-<br />
racks.<br />
Mason Street, from Castle street to<br />
Weaver street.<br />
Maxwell Stieet, south from Argyll<br />
street to Great Clyde street.<br />
Maxwelton Place, Paisley road.<br />
Mechanics' Buildings, Millroad st.<br />
Melviile Lane, 4.3, Gordon street.<br />
Melville Place, 132. Trongate.<br />
Melville Street, from Wallace street<br />
to St James's street.<br />
Merchant Lane, from Bridgegate<br />
to East Clyde street.<br />
Methven Place, corner <strong>of</strong> Maitland<br />
street and Milton street.<br />
Middleton Place, Garngad road, by<br />
St. Itollox.<br />
Mile-End, east <strong>of</strong> Canning street.<br />
Miller's Place, from King street to<br />
Saltmarket street<br />
Miller Street, from Argyll street to<br />
Ingram street.<br />
Miller Street, East Bluevale.<br />
Milltield, Rose st. Hutchesontown.<br />
Millroad Street, Tureen st. Calton.<br />
Milton Place, St. Vincent street,<br />
from Douglas street to Pitt street.<br />
Milton Street, from Covvcaddens to<br />
Dobbie's loan.<br />
Mitchell Lane, 81, Buchanan street<br />
to Mitchell street.<br />
Mitchell Street, from Argyll street<br />
to Gordon street.<br />
Moncrieff Street, from Kirk street<br />
to Malta street.<br />
Monkland Street, from Castle street<br />
to Parliamentary road.<br />
Montagu Place, Bath street.<br />
Montrose Street, from Ingram st.<br />
to Stirling's road.<br />
Moodie's Court, 31, Argyll street.<br />
Monteith Rove, east <strong>of</strong> London st.<br />
Monteith Lane, back <strong>of</strong> Monteith<br />
rovF.<br />
Moore Place, West George street.<br />
Moore Street, Gallovvgate.<br />
Morrison's Court, 108, Argyll st.<br />
Morris Place, Monteith row.<br />
Morrison Street, Nelson street,<br />
Tradeston,<br />
Muir's Buildings, Melville street.<br />
Muirhead Street, Hutchesontown,<br />
from Adelphi street to Rutherglen<br />
loan.<br />
Munro's Court, 6.3, Stock well st.<br />
Murray Place, Woodside street.<br />
Muslin Street, Main street. Bridge-<br />
ton.<br />
Mutton Market, 86, King street.<br />
Napier's Close, 77 and 85, Saltmarket<br />
street.<br />
Nassau Court, 51, Main street,<br />
Anderston.<br />
Nelson Street, from Trongate to<br />
Stirling square.<br />
Nelson Street, from Bridge street<br />
to Morrison street, Tradeston.<br />
New London Road, from Canning<br />
street eastward.<br />
New Street, Calton, from Russell<br />
street to Calton cross.<br />
New Venel, from High street to<br />
Burnside lane.<br />
New Wynd, from 119, Trongate to<br />
Bridgegate.<br />
Newton Place, Sauchiehall street,<br />
from Woodside crescent, west.<br />
Nicholson Street, Carlton place.<br />
Nile Street, (East) at the Gallovv-<br />
gate bridge, north side.<br />
Nile Street, (West) from Gordon<br />
street to Cowcaddens toll.<br />
Normal Place. Garscube road.<br />
Norfolk Court, 32, Norfolk street.<br />
Norfolk Lane, from Norfolk street<br />
to Bedford street.<br />
Norfolk Street, Laurieston, from<br />
Bridge Street to Portugal street.<br />
North Street, Anderston, from Main<br />
street to Richard street.<br />
North Row, head <strong>of</strong> Bishop street.<br />
North Woodside Road, from Garscube<br />
road to St. George's road.<br />
Oakfield Place, North Douglas st.<br />
Blythswood square.<br />
Old Coach Close, 151, Gallowgate.<br />
Old <strong>Post</strong>-Olfice Court, 114, Tron-<br />
gate.<br />
Old Swan Close, 181, Trongate.<br />
Old Wynd, from 15-3, Trongate to<br />
Street Directory. 16<br />
Old Vend, from High street to<br />
Graeme street.<br />
Orr Street, Mile-end, Calton.<br />
Oswald's Building, New London<br />
road.<br />
Oswald Court, 71, Maxwell street.<br />
Oswald Street, from Argyll street<br />
to Broomielaw quay.<br />
Oswald Street, from Dalmarnock<br />
road to London road (New.)<br />
Oxford Street, Laurieston, from<br />
Bridge street to Nicholson street.<br />
Parker's Court, 82, Kina; st. Calton.<br />
Parkhouse Lane, from Duke street<br />
to Ladywell.<br />
Park Lane, Mile-end, Calton.<br />
Park Place, west end <strong>of</strong> Bridgegate.<br />
Park Place, Paisley road.<br />
Parliamentary Road, ( New) from<br />
Buchanan street to Castle street.<br />
Parson Green, Parson street.<br />
Parson Street, from Villafield place<br />
to Castle street.<br />
Paterson Street, from Tarbet street<br />
to Rottenrow.<br />
Paterson Street, Morrison street.<br />
Peel Street, Mile-end.<br />
Peel Terrace, Hill st. Garnethill.<br />
Peter's Buildings, 8 and 13, Anderston<br />
quay.<br />
Peter's Buildings, 67, West Nile<br />
street.<br />
Phoenix Place, Garscube road.<br />
Phoeni.K Square, end <strong>of</strong> Burnside st.<br />
Pettigrew Street, (South) from<br />
Havannah street to Duke street.<br />
Piccadilly Street, Anderston, from<br />
Stobcross St. to Anderston quay.<br />
Pipehouse Close, 93, High street.<br />
Pitt Street, from Argyll street to<br />
St. Vincent street.<br />
Pitt Street, Nelson st. Ti'adoston.<br />
Pollock Court, 5, Thistle street.<br />
Pollock Street, <strong>of</strong>f Paisley road.<br />
Port-Dundas, Canal New Basin.<br />
Port- Eglinton, Paisley Canal Basin.<br />
Portland Place, corner <strong>of</strong> Rottenrow<br />
and Hopetoun place.<br />
Portland Street, (South) end <strong>of</strong><br />
NewWooden Bridge, Laurieston.<br />
Portland Street, from George street<br />
to Rottenrow.<br />
Portugal Street, from Norfolk st.<br />
to Surrey street, Laurieston,<br />
Pratt's Court, 109, Argyll street,<br />
and 9, Maxwell street.<br />
Prince's Street, from Saltmarket st.<br />
to King street.<br />
Prince <strong>of</strong> Wales Buildings, from<br />
34 to 56, Buchanan street.<br />
Provan Court, 40, N. Frederick st.<br />
Provan Place, head <strong>of</strong> North Mon-<br />
trose street.<br />
Provanside, 127, Stirling's road.<br />
Puddock Row, from Portugal st.<br />
to Main street, Goibals.<br />
Pultney Street, from Dobbie's loan<br />
to Cut <strong>of</strong> Junction canal.<br />
Queen's Arcade, Renfrew street,<br />
north side.<br />
Queen's Court, 62, Queen street.<br />
Queen Street, from Argyll street to<br />
George square.<br />
Queen Street, (North) north-west<br />
side <strong>of</strong> George square.<br />
Randolf Terrace, Hill street, Gar-<br />
nethill.<br />
Reform Court, 50, Commerce st.<br />
Regent PI. east end <strong>of</strong> Blackfriarst.<br />
Regent Place, West Campbell st.<br />
Regent Street, from Nile street to<br />
Blythswood square.<br />
Regent Terrace, Stiiling's road.<br />
Reid's Court, 56, Trongate.<br />
lleid Street, Bridgeton.<br />
Renfield Lane, from Renfield street<br />
to Hope street.<br />
Renfield Street, from Union street<br />
to Cowcaddens road.<br />
Renfrew Court, 18, Renfrew street.<br />
Renfrew Lane, from West Nile st.<br />
to Hope street.<br />
Renfrew Street, from Buchanan<br />
street to St. George's road.<br />
Richmond Street, from Montrose<br />
street to Portland street.<br />
Richard Street, fjom Greenhill st.<br />
to North street.<br />
Risk Street, Great Hamilton street.<br />
Ritchie's Lane, 19, Clyde street,<br />
Calton.<br />
Robertson's Court, 179, Argyll st.<br />
Robertson's Lane, Robertson street.
17 Street Directory.<br />
Robertson's Place, corner <strong>of</strong> Shuttle<br />
street and Buns wynd.<br />
Robertson Street, from Argyll st.<br />
to Broomielaw.<br />
Rope Work Entry, 108, Stockwell.<br />
Rope Work Lane, from Jackson st.<br />
to Great Clyde street.<br />
Rose Place, Rose street, Garnethill.<br />
Rose Place, Hill street, West.<br />
Rose Street, from Adelphi street to<br />
Rutherglen loan.<br />
Rose Street, (East) from Abercrombyst.<br />
to James st. Mile end.<br />
Rose Street, Garnetliill,from Sauchiehall<br />
street to Cowcaddens.<br />
Rottenrow, from Drygate to High<br />
John street.<br />
Royal Crescent, west end <strong>of</strong> Sauch-<br />
iehall street.<br />
Royal Bank Place, from Buchanan<br />
street to Royal Exchange square.<br />
Rumford Street, Main st. Bridgeton.<br />
Russell Street, Kent street, east side.<br />
Russell Street, (West) north end <strong>of</strong><br />
Hope street.<br />
Rutherford Lane, from Renfield<br />
street to Hope street.<br />
Rutherglen Loan, from Main street<br />
to Little Govan.<br />
Rutland Crescent, Govan road.<br />
Salisbury Street, from Cumberland<br />
street to Pollokshaws road.<br />
Saltmarket Street, from Cross to<br />
Hutchesons' bridge.<br />
Sandyford, west end <strong>of</strong> Anderston.<br />
Sandyford Place, Sauchiehall road,<br />
from Kent road west.<br />
Saracen's Lane, 207, Gallowgate,<br />
opposite to St. Mungo's lane.<br />
Sauchiehall Street, from West Nile<br />
street to Botanic garden.<br />
Sauchiehall Lane, from Renfield<br />
street to Douglas street.<br />
Savoy Street, Bridgeton.<br />
Sawmillfield Place, Garscube road,<br />
from Dobbie's loan to Fossil toll.<br />
Scotland Street, <strong>of</strong>f West street,<br />
Tradeston.<br />
Scott's Court, 77, Main street, An-<br />
derston.<br />
Scott's Street, from Sauchiehall st.<br />
to Buccleuch street.<br />
B<br />
Scott's Court, 349, Gallowgate.<br />
Scotia Street, Columbia place.<br />
School Wynd, 129, Main street,<br />
Anderston.<br />
Shamrock Street, from east end <strong>of</strong><br />
New City road to St. George's<br />
road.<br />
Sharp's Lane, 80, Main street, An-<br />
derston.<br />
Shaw's Court, 30, John street,<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Short's Court, 162, Main street,<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Simpson's Court, 3, Franklin street.<br />
SmithfieldBuildingSjfoot <strong>of</strong> Oswald<br />
street.<br />
St. Andrew's Open, from Gallow-<br />
gate to St. Andrew's square.<br />
St. Andrew's Lane, from St. An-<br />
drew's open to Charlotte lane.<br />
St. Andrew's Square, principalentry<br />
from Saltmarket street.<br />
St. Andrew's Street, from Saltmarket<br />
St. to St. Andrew's square.<br />
St. Ann Street, from Duke street<br />
to the Merchants' quarry.<br />
St. David's Court, 16, Canon street.<br />
St. Enoch Lane, 143, Argyll st.<br />
St. Enoch Square, south side <strong>of</strong><br />
Argyll St. opposite Buchanan st.<br />
St. Enoch Wynd, south side <strong>of</strong><br />
Argyll street to Howard street.<br />
St. George's Court, 94, W. Nile st.<br />
St. George's Place, west side <strong>of</strong><br />
Buchanan street.<br />
St. George's Road, from Sauchiehall<br />
street to North Woodside road.<br />
St. James's Road, from Taylor st.<br />
to Parliamentary road.<br />
St. James's Street, from Melville<br />
street to Kingston place.<br />
St. Margaret's Place, from Bridge-<br />
gate to Jail square.<br />
St. Mary's Lane, from West Nile<br />
street to Renfield street.<br />
St. Mungo's Street, (South) from<br />
Gallowgate to Green entry.<br />
St. Mungo Street, from Stirling's<br />
road to Parson street.<br />
St. Nicholas Place, from Kirk street<br />
to Weaver street.<br />
St. Ninian Street, Adelphi street.<br />
St. Rollox, Townhead.<br />
Street Directory. 18<br />
St. Vincent Place, from George sq.<br />
to Buchanan street.<br />
St. Vincent Street, (West) from<br />
Buclianan street, westward, to<br />
Particlt road.<br />
Shuttle Street, from Canon street<br />
to George street.<br />
Shuttle Street Lane, top <strong>of</strong> Shuttle<br />
street.<br />
Sidney Court, 62, Argyll street.<br />
Sidney Street, east end <strong>of</strong> Gallow-<br />
gate, north side.<br />
Sinclair's Court, 363, Gallowgate.<br />
Sister Street, Orr street, Calton.<br />
Smeal's Buildings, 64', Govanhaugh.<br />
Smith's Court, 62, Brunswick st.<br />
and 53, Candlerigg street.<br />
Smith's Court, 62, Jamaica street.<br />
Smith's Ct. 40, Dalmarnock road.<br />
Smith's PI. 118, Dalmarnock road.<br />
Sommerville Place, Monteith row.<br />
Spoutmouth, from Gallowgate to<br />
Old venel.<br />
Spreull's Court, 26, Glassford street<br />
and 182, Trongate.<br />
Springfield Court, from Queen st.<br />
to Buchanan street.<br />
Spring-grove Crescent, south side<br />
<strong>of</strong> Great Western road.<br />
Spring Place, opposite I^awmoorpl.<br />
Stafford Stieet, from Pultney street<br />
eastwards.<br />
Stanhope Street, from Dobbie'sloan<br />
to Parson street.<br />
Stanley Place, corner <strong>of</strong> Eglinton<br />
and .Alargaret streets.<br />
Steel Street, from Saltmarket street<br />
to Low Green street.<br />
Stepney Court, 137, London street.<br />
Stepney Place, corner <strong>of</strong> London<br />
and Charlotte streets.<br />
Stevenson Street, from Kirk street<br />
to Clyde street, Calton.<br />
Stewart's Court, 45, Candlerigg st.<br />
Stewart Street, from Ann street to<br />
Stirling street, Port-Uundas.<br />
Stirling's Road, from High John<br />
street to Townhead toll.<br />
Stirlin;^ Sq west end <strong>of</strong> Stirling st.<br />
Stirling Street, from High street to<br />
Stilling square.<br />
Stirling Street, (South) from Bed-<br />
ford stieet to Margaret street.<br />
Stirling Street, from Cowcaddens<br />
street to Dobbie's loan.<br />
Stobcross Street, from Washington<br />
street to Finnieston.<br />
Stockwell Court, 39, Stockwell st.<br />
Stockwell Place, Stockwell street,<br />
west side.<br />
Stockwell Street, from Trongate to<br />
Stockwell bridge.<br />
Stormont Street, east side <strong>of</strong> Max-<br />
well street.<br />
Stourbridge Court, 210, Argyll st.<br />
Struthers' Court, 43, Dalmarnock<br />
road.<br />
Struthers' Street, Calton.<br />
Suffolk Street, from South Saint<br />
Mungo street to Kent street.<br />
Sugar-house Closes, 132 and 138,<br />
Gallowgate.<br />
Summer Street, Mile-end.<br />
Summerset Place, Sauchiehall st.<br />
from India street to Claremontst.<br />
Sun Close, 19, Saltmarket street.<br />
Surrey Place, west <strong>of</strong> Gorbals toll,<br />
Pollokshaws road.<br />
Surrey Street, from Portugal street<br />
to Edwin place.<br />
Sussex Place, 9, Adelphi street.<br />
Swan Close, 112, Main st. Gorbals.<br />
Sweep's Close, 72, High street.<br />
Sweet's Court, 109, Great Hamilton<br />
street.<br />
Tanwork Close, 89, Gallowgate.<br />
Tarbet Street, Balmanno street.<br />
Taylor Street, from Rottenrow to<br />
Parson street.<br />
Tennent Street, from Castl.e street<br />
to Glebe street.<br />
Thistle Street, from Adelphi street<br />
to Cleland street.<br />
Thistle Street, from Sauchiehall<br />
street to Hill street, Garnethill.<br />
Thomas Street, east end <strong>of</strong> Duke<br />
street, Bluevale.<br />
Thomson's Court, 138, Main street,<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Thomson's Lane, Marlborough st.<br />
Calton.<br />
Thomson's Lane, Green street to<br />
Risk street.<br />
Thomson's Square, 60, Main street,<br />
19<br />
Thrushgrove, corner <strong>of</strong> Milton st.<br />
and Cowcaddens.<br />
Tobago Street, Calton, Canning st.<br />
Tontine Buildings, from 12 to 34-,<br />
Trongate<br />
Tontine Close, 34?, Trongate.<br />
Torwood I^lace, Buccieuch street,<br />
Gariiethiil.<br />
Tradeston, at the south end <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> bridge.<br />
Trafalgar Street, Main st. Bridge-<br />
ton.<br />
Trafalgar Place, 120, Broomielaw.<br />
Trongate, from the Cross to Stockwell<br />
and Glassford street.<br />
Tureen Street, from Gallowgate to<br />
King street, Calton.<br />
Turner's Court, 87, Argyll street<br />
Turner's Court, 26, l3almarnock<br />
road.<br />
Tylefield Street, from Gallowgate<br />
to Soho Place.<br />
Union Court, 172, Argyll street.<br />
Union Place, North st. Anderston.<br />
Union Street, from Argyll street to<br />
Gordon street.<br />
Union Street and Union Lane, Cal-<br />
ton.<br />
Ure Place, Montrose street.<br />
Victoria Court, 19, Gallowgate.<br />
Victoria Place, Upper Crown street.<br />
Victoria Place, West Regent street.<br />
Victoria Place, Buccleuch street.<br />
Villafield, north end <strong>of</strong> Taylor st.<br />
Villafield Place, head <strong>of</strong> Taylor<br />
street,<br />
Virginia Buildings, 43, Virginia<br />
street.<br />
Virginia Court, 71, Virginia street.<br />
Virginia Place, head <strong>of</strong> Virginia<br />
street.<br />
Virginia Street, from Argyll street<br />
to Ingram street.<br />
Waddell's Court, 4S, Stockwell st.<br />
Wallace Court, Bell st. south side.<br />
Wallace Court, Maitland street.<br />
Wallace Street, Eglinton street.<br />
Warroch Street, from Stobcross st,<br />
to Anderson quay.<br />
Wardrop's Court, 38, Queen street,<br />
Street Directory.<br />
Warwick Street, from Norfolk st.<br />
to Bedford street.<br />
Washington Street, from Main st.<br />
Anderslon to Anderston quay.<br />
Water Street, Port-Dundas.<br />
Waterloo Buildings, <strong>of</strong>f Dundas st.<br />
Kingston.<br />
Waterloo Close, 91, Stockwell st.<br />
Waterloo Street, from Hope street<br />
to Pitt street.<br />
Waterloo Street, from Greenvalest.<br />
eastwards.<br />
Waterport Buildings, from 10 to 18,<br />
Great Clyde street.<br />
Watson's Court, 194, Gallowgate.<br />
Weaver Street, from Rottenrow to<br />
Stirling's road.<br />
Weilfield, west end <strong>of</strong> North street,<br />
Anderston.<br />
Wellpark, Finnieston.<br />
Wellpark, St. Ann's street.<br />
Well Street, Main street to Great<br />
Hamilton street.<br />
Wellington Arcade, from Sauchie-<br />
hall street to Renfrew street.<br />
Wellington Court, 43, Argyll st.<br />
Wellington Place, east end <strong>of</strong><br />
Adelphi street.<br />
Wellington Place, (North) Sauchie-<br />
hall street.<br />
Wellington Street, from Argyll st.<br />
to Sauchiehall street.<br />
Wellington Street, from Wellington<br />
place to Lawmoor place.<br />
West Street, from Clyde buildings<br />
southwards, Tradeston.<br />
West Street, <strong>of</strong>f Canning street.<br />
Whitevale, from Gallowgate to<br />
Duke street.<br />
William Street, Greenhead, south<br />
<strong>of</strong> Canning street.<br />
William Street, Broad street, Mile-<br />
end.<br />
William Street, Cowcaddens.<br />
Williamson's Place, 34, John st.<br />
Bridgeton.<br />
Willowbank, Sauchiehall street.<br />
Wilson Street, from Candlerigg st.<br />
to Virginia street.<br />
Wilson's Close, 139, Saltmarket.<br />
Wilson's Court, 57, Argyll street.<br />
Wilson's Court, 8, Broomielaw.<br />
Windsor Place, Sauchiehall street.
Street Directory.<br />
Wood's Buildings, 53, Duke street.<br />
Wood Lane, 338, Gallowgate.<br />
Wood Lane, 30, Broomielavv.<br />
Woodside Crescent, west end <strong>of</strong><br />
Saucbiehall street, north side.<br />
Woodside Place, Woodside crescent.<br />
Woodside Terrace, north end <strong>of</strong><br />
Woodside crescent.<br />
World's End, Finnieston.<br />
20<br />
Wright Street, from Duke street to<br />
Ladywell street.<br />
York Street, from Argyll street to<br />
Broomielaw.<br />
York Street, Little Govan.<br />
York Lane, 24, York street.<br />
York Place, 339, Argyll street.<br />
Young's Buildings, 292, Argyll st.
ABERCROMBY, Alexander, & Co. merchRnts, 45 Candlerigg street<br />
Abercromby, Alexander, <strong>of</strong>Alex. Abercromhij ^ Co. house 1 Albany place<br />
Abercromby, John, <strong>of</strong> Alexander Abercromby ^ Co. house 45 Union street<br />
Abercromby, John, spirit dealer. Water street, Port-Dundas<br />
Aberdeen Bank. Royal Bank, agents<br />
Aberdeen Fire and Life Assuhance <strong>Office</strong>, 69 St. Vincent street,<br />
William G. Smith, agent for <strong>Glasgow</strong>. (See Advertisement.)<br />
Aberdeen Marine Insurance Co. Royal Exchange buildings<br />
ABRAHAM, A. & Co. optical, mathematical and philosphical instrument<br />
makers, 82 Queen stieet<br />
ADAIR, Peter, grocer and spirit dealer, 44 Stevenson street, Calton<br />
ADAMS, Dr. A.M. 58 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
Adams, James, surgeon, 58 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
Adams, James, 4 St, James's street, East Kingston<br />
ADAM, Alexander, surgeon, 26 George street<br />
Adam, Archibald M. <strong>of</strong> Cunninyham, Adam Sf Co. 13 Virginia street<br />
Adam, Brothers & Co. merchants, 9 St. George's place<br />
Adam, Henry, brick maker and builder, 73 Egiinton street<br />
Adam, James, <strong>of</strong> John Walker §• Co. house 246 Argyll street<br />
Adam, J. B. tavern keeper, 9 Dundas street<br />
Adam, J. G. & Walker, prit)teis& manufacturers, 12 St. Vincent place,<br />
works Denovan, near Denny, and Brook street, Mile-end<br />
Adam, J. G. <strong>of</strong> J. G. Adam Sf Walker, ho. Denovan house, near Denny<br />
Adam, John, builder, brick, tile and pottery works, roman cement, char-<br />
coal, coal dust, and British gum manufacturer and general grinder,<br />
Gallowmuir, 206 Duke, house do.<br />
Adam, John, spirit dealer, SO Orr street, Calton<br />
Adam, John, <strong>of</strong> William Adam §• Son, house Milnbank<br />
Adam, John William, <strong>of</strong> Adam, Brothers Sc Co. house 1 Royal crescent<br />
Adam, John, <strong>of</strong> Lamb Sf Adam, house 58 Buccleuch street<br />
Adam, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf W. Adam Sf Co. ho. Parkplace cottage, Paisley rd.<br />
Adam, J. & W. & Co. warehousemen, 174 Argyll st. and 6 Union st.<br />
Adam, Jos. japanner and clock-dial manufacturer, 28 St. Enoch wynd<br />
Adam, Joseph, temperance c<strong>of</strong>fee house, &c. 35 Gallowgate<br />
Adam, Mathevv, teacher <strong>of</strong> mathematics, &c. 40 St. Andrew square
22 ABAM—AlTCHISON.<br />
Adam, Robert P. <strong>of</strong> Adam, Brothers § Co. ho. Tour Lodge, Ayrshire<br />
Adam, Robert, surgeon, 47 Stevenson street, Calton<br />
Adam, William, & Son, bleachers, Milnbank. Letters left at M'Millan<br />
& Marshall's, 71 Bell street<br />
Adam, William, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf W. Adam Sf Co. house 69 Union street<br />
Adam, William, cutler, 88 Gallowgate<br />
Adam & Wright, manufacturers <strong>of</strong> umbrellas and small wares, hosiers<br />
and glovers, Old <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>of</strong>fice court, 114) Trongate<br />
Adam, Mrs. furnishing shop, 34 George street<br />
Adam, Mrs. George, flesher, 67 Stobcross street<br />
Adam, Mrs. John, baker, 44 Main street, Anderstoa<br />
Adam, Mrs. lodgings, 108 Green street, Calton<br />
Adam, Miss, dressmaker, 4 Wellington street<br />
Adam, Miss, staymaker, 21 College street<br />
Adam, Misses E. & M. milliners, 54 Buchanan street<br />
Adam, Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 37 North Frederick street<br />
ADAMSON, Alexander, victualler and spirit dealer, 32 Broomiehur<br />
Adamson & Logan, manufacturers, 14 Montrose street<br />
Adamson, F. <strong>of</strong> Adamson § Logan, house 53 West George street<br />
Adamson, W. & J. tinplate workers, Rose court, Hutchesontowii<br />
AuEi.PHi BREWEBr, GovaD street, Hutchesontown<br />
Adelphi Dye work, Rose street, Hutchesontown<br />
Adelphi Foundry, Commercial road, Hutchesontown<br />
A DIE, Andrew, Eddlestone place, Stirling's road<br />
Adie, William, spirit dealer, 29 Dobbie's loan<br />
Addie & Miller, coalmasters, <strong>of</strong>fice 33 Buchanan street<br />
Addie, Miller Si Rankin, ironmasters, <strong>of</strong>fice .33 Buchanan street<br />
ADDISON, James, flesher, 16 George street<br />
AENGELA, D. Sc Co. German clock manufacturers, 115 High street<br />
Affidavit <strong>Office</strong> for England and the Court <strong>of</strong> Chancery in Ireland,<br />
James Drew, writer, 15 Buchanan street<br />
A FLECK, J. pawnbroker, 139 Salttnarket street, house 19 Crown st.<br />
AGNEW, John, surgeon, 49 King street, Tradeston, house 1 do.<br />
Agnew, Peter, tailor, 46 Jamaica street<br />
Agnew, William, agent and umbrella maker, 74 Stevenson street<br />
Agnew, Mrs. eatinghouse, 6 Sauchiehall street<br />
Agkicul^ubal Museum, entry from 33 Queen street<br />
AIKMAN, Alex, clerk, Clydesdale bank, house 260 West George st.<br />
Aikman, George, at A. G. Kidston § Co.^s, 13 Dixon street<br />
Aikman, John, Royal bank, house 120 Renfrew street<br />
Aikman, Peter & Thomson, 87 Buchanan street<br />
Aikman, Peter, <strong>of</strong> P. ^ T. Aikman, house 260 West George street<br />
Aikman, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Rodger, Aikman §• Co. house 260 West George st.<br />
Aikman, Thomson, <strong>of</strong> P. ^ T. Aikman, house 15 Renfrew street<br />
Aikman, William, <strong>of</strong> Clydesdale Banking Co. ho. 260 West George st.<br />
AINSLIE, David, candlemaker, 89 Gallowgate<br />
Ainslie, John, auctioneer and appraiser, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 36<br />
East Clyde street<br />
Ainslie, William, & Son, candlemakers, 47 Main street, Gorbals<br />
AIRD, James, agent, head <strong>of</strong> Surrey street<br />
Aird, William, saddler, 15 Royal Exchange square<br />
AIRTH, James, musician, 25 New wynd<br />
AITCHISON, Alexander, shoemaker, 101 Graeme street
Aitcbison, John, merchant, 52 Renfield street<br />
Aitchison, William, writer and town clerk <strong>of</strong> Anderston, 37 Glassford st.<br />
Altchison, Mrs. J. M. Port-Dundas inn, Port-Diindas<br />
Aitchison, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 29 Hutcheson street<br />
AITKEN, Alexander VV. 102 Bath street<br />
Aitken & Allan, iron foutiders, Kelvin foundry, near <strong>Glasgow</strong><br />
Aitken, Alex, at Donaldson, Dougall 8f Co.'s, house 28 Cochran street<br />
Aitken, D. T. teacher, 6 Rottenrow, house i do.<br />
Aitken, A. C. Royal Bank, house 3 St.Vincent place<br />
Aitken, Edward, tea merchant and general grocer, 441 Argyll street<br />
Aitken, Edward, house factor, Robertson's land, Greenhead<br />
Aitken, Hugh, & Co. dyers, 709 Gallowgate<br />
Aitken, H. wine and spirit merchant, 33 Wilson street<br />
Aitken, J. H. St. John's academy, 40 M'Farlane street, house above<br />
Aitken, James, superintendent <strong>of</strong> weighing machines, ho. 66 High st.<br />
Aitken, James, watchmaker, 64 Broomielaw, house 80 do.<br />
Aitken, James, oj Murdoch, Aitken Sf Co. house .37 Monteith row<br />
Aiiken, James & John, woollen drapers, 14 Gallowgate<br />
Aitken, James, manager, Peel-street factory<br />
Aitken, John, & Co- grain merchants, 133 West Nile street<br />
Aitken, Dr. John, 342 Argyll street<br />
Aitken, John, spirit dealer, 396 Gallowgate<br />
Aitken, John, spirit dealer, 21 Anderston quay, house above<br />
Aitken, John, dairyman, 51 North Frederick street<br />
Aiken, John, wine, spirit and tea merchant, 96 and 216 High st. and<br />
134 King street, tea warehouse, 136 King st. ho. 65 Charlotte st.<br />
Aitken, John, cowfeeder, 125 West Nile street<br />
Aitken, Mark, builder, 60 Buccleuch street, Garnethill<br />
Aitken, P. jeweller, 96 Argyll st. and 48 Arcade, ho. 90 Argyll court<br />
Aitken, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Buchanan § Aitken, house 109 Douglas street<br />
Aitken, Robert, baker and spirit dealer, 80 Jamaica street<br />
Aitken, Robert, wine and spirit merchant, 9 and 11 Nile st. Gallowgate<br />
Aitken, Robert, grocer, 340 Gallowgate<br />
Aitken, Thomas, wine and spirit dealer, 81 King street, Tradeston<br />
Aitken, Thomas, spirit dealer, 22 Ann street, Port-Dundas<br />
Aitken, William, silk mercer, 4 Glassford street<br />
Aitken, William, candlemaker, 4 and 6 Gibson street<br />
Aitken, William, manufacturer, SB Queen street, house 9 Oakfield place<br />
Aitken, William, victualler, 28 Rose street, Hutchesontown<br />
Aitken, William, victualler, 7 St. Niuian street<br />
Aitken, William, agent and paint manufacturer, 27 Wilson street<br />
Aitken, William B. tailor and clothier, 183 Cowcaddens street<br />
Aitken, Mrs. John, Perth, Aberdeen, &c. carrier, 17 Virginia street<br />
Aitken, Mrs. Robert, 102 Bath street<br />
ALBISTON, John, at C. Todd Sf Higginbotham's, 12 Exchange square<br />
Albion Ropework, Kelvinhaugh, W. & J. Dodds<br />
Albyn Iron-Wokks, Albyn street, Hutchesontown<br />
ALCORN, James, plasterer, 14 West Milton street, Cowcaddens<br />
ALDERSON, William, at John Black §• Co.'s, ho. ,30 Cumberland st.<br />
ALEXANDER, Alexander, grocer, 152 Sauchiehall street<br />
Alexander, Alexander, & Co. Irish linen & muslin shop, 31 Glassford st.<br />
Alexander, A. & Co. coopers and commission agents, 92 King street,<br />
24 ALEXANDEH.<br />
Alexander, Andvr. <strong>of</strong> James Alexander 8f Son, lio. 38 West Campbell st.<br />
Alexamler, Claude, 32 St. Vincent place, house 260 Buchanan street<br />
Alexander, Edward, <strong>of</strong> Corbelt, Alexander Sf Co. ho. 30 Itichmoud st.<br />
Alexander, James, <strong>of</strong> Bogle, Alexander Sf Co. 21 llenfield street<br />
Alexander, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 18 Little street, Calton<br />
Alexander, James, jun. wine and spirit merchant and rectifier, 43 Queen<br />
street, house 130 Albert place, Garnethill<br />
Alexander, James, surgeon-dentist, 60 Gordon street<br />
Alexander, James, currier and leather merchant, 65 Bridgegatc, and 56<br />
New street, Calton, house 114. Castlemilk place<br />
Alexander, James, at John B. Graifs, 129 Ingram street<br />
Alexander, James, <strong>of</strong> R. F. Sf J. Alexander, house 38 W. George street<br />
Alexander, James, at Jas. Watso?i''s, 1 So. Frederick st. ho. 47 Bath st.<br />
Alexander, James, at James Hamiitun's, 128 West Nile street<br />
Alexander, James, & Son, wrights, 98 Holme street<br />
Alexander, James, bootmaker, 40 Bedford street<br />
Alexander, James, victualler, 249 George street<br />
Alexander, J. at Glen §• Macindoe's, 14 Gordon street<br />
Alexander, John Henry, manager <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre Royal, 32 Dunlop street<br />
Alexander, John, publisher <strong>of</strong> Courier, house 22 Abbotsford place<br />
Alexander, John, distiller. Loch, Cadder Parish. Letters left at J.<br />
Carss & Co.'s, 31 Argyll street<br />
Alexander, John, reedmaker, Buchanan court, 44 Trongate<br />
Alexander, John, builder, Maitland street, Cowcaddens<br />
Alexander, John, flesher, 53 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Alexander, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Carss Sf Co. bookbinders, 31 Argyll street<br />
Alexander, Joseph, confectioner, 49 Arcade, house 120 Buchanan stieet<br />
Alexander, Matthew, 10 Woodside crescent. Letters left at Corbett,<br />
Alexander & Co.'s, 7 Montrose street<br />
Alexander, R. F. & J. spinning and thread works, Duke street and<br />
Burnside lane, counting-house Duke-street factory<br />
Alexander, Robert Fulton, house 38 West George street<br />
Alexander, Robert, tailor and clothier, 26 Hutcheson street<br />
Alexander, Robert, merchant, 32 St. Vincent place, ho. 27 Newton pi.<br />
Alexander, Robert, agent for James Haig & Son, distillers, Sunbury,<br />
house 3 William street, Greenhead<br />
Alexander, Thomas, lithographer and engraver, 179 Argyll street<br />
Alexander & Thomson, commission agents, 4 South Hanover street<br />
Alexander, Walter, manufacturer, 132 Queen street<br />
Alexander, Walter, at R. Eccles ^ Co.'s, ho. 9 Apsley pi. Laurieston<br />
Alexander, William, victualler, 95 High street<br />
Alexander, William, jeweller, watch and clock maker, 28 Arcade, house<br />
12 Charlotte street<br />
Alexander, William, Aberdeen tavern, 3 Carrick street<br />
Alexander, William, hairdresser, 46 High street<br />
Alexander, William, broker, 359 Gallowgate<br />
Alexander, Mrs. Thomas, grocer and spirit dealer, 33 Shuttle street<br />
Alexander, Mrs. 316 St. Vincent street<br />
Alexander, Mrs. 47 Bath street<br />
Alexander, Mrs. shoe and furnishing shop, 56 Stevenson street<br />
Alexander, Margaret, fruiterer, 75 George street<br />
Alexander, Miss, <strong>of</strong> Ballochmyle, 44 George square<br />
ALLAN, Alexander, wine and spirit dealer, 15 Norfolk st. ho. 13 do.
25<br />
Allan, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> William Allan §• Sons, house 6 Windsor place<br />
Allan, Alexander, piano-forte maker, 72 Norfolk street<br />
Allan, Archibald, provision merchant, 219 Gallowgate<br />
Allan, David, <strong>of</strong> Allan §• Ferguson, house 110 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Allan, David, waterpro<strong>of</strong> cloth manufact. St. RoUox, ho. 58 Buccleuch st.<br />
Allan & Downie, spirit dealers, 16 Bridgegate<br />
Allan & Ferguson, lithographers and engravers, 57 Argyll street<br />
Allan, Geo. B. <strong>of</strong> T. §• G. B. Allan, ho. 6 Apsley pi. G. Western road<br />
Allan, James, beadle, Chalmers's church, house 4< Claythorn street<br />
Allan, James, & Co. grain merchants, 42 Dunlop street<br />
Allan, James, <strong>of</strong> James Allan Sc Co. house 2 Carlton place<br />
Allan, James, tailor, 89 Gallowgate<br />
Allan, James, provision merchant, 81 Gallowgate<br />
Allan, James, ironmonger, 125 Argyll st. workshop 9 Stormont street,<br />
house 6 Croy place<br />
Allan, James, teacher <strong>of</strong> English history and geography, 9 St. George's<br />
place, house 63 Abbotsford place<br />
Allan, James, spirit dealer. 111 London street<br />
Allan, James, sen. general ironmonger, tinsmith, blacksmith and brassfounder,<br />
120 Argyll st. works 7 Mitchell st. ho. 40 Abbotsford place<br />
Allan, James, saddler, 14 Duke street<br />
Allan, James, merchant, 87 Union street, house 152 West Hill street<br />
Allan, John, sheriif <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable 57 Stockwell street<br />
Allan, John, & Co. manufacturers, 14 Garthland street<br />
Allan, John, <strong>of</strong>John Allan Sf Co. house 184 Buchanan street<br />
Allan, John, writer, 120 Buchanan street, house 107 West Regent street<br />
Allan, John, jun. turpentine distiller and oil merchant, 16 Turner's<br />
court, works East Milton street, Port-Dundas, ho. 40 Buccleuch st.<br />
Allan, John, silk dyer, 56 Cowcaddens street<br />
Allan & Laurie, drysalters, 48 Buchanan street<br />
Allan & Mann, common and fire brick and tile makers, Port-Eglintou<br />
Allan, Mathew, victualler, 133 Gallowgate<br />
Allan, Moody & M'Clure, writers, 120 Buchanan street<br />
Allan, Nejl, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 16 Bridgegate<br />
Allan, Robert, & Sons, piano-forte manufacturers, 109 Eglinton street<br />
Allan, Robert, brushmaker, 7 Prince's street<br />
Allan, Robert, wine and spirit dealer, 17 Great Hamilton street<br />
Allan & Russell, Spittal colliery <strong>of</strong>fice, 33 Union street<br />
Allan, Thomas, grocer and spirit dealer, 44 Crown street<br />
Allan, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Allan §• Laurie, 48 Buchanan street<br />
Allan, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> T. Sf G. B. Allan,ho. 6 Apsley pi. G. Western road<br />
Allan, Thomas, and George B. accountants and factors, 20 Mains street<br />
Allan, Thomas, wright work, 16 Mains street, Anderston walk<br />
Allan, William, & Sons, ham curers and purveyors <strong>of</strong> preserved provisions,<br />
72 Candlerigg street<br />
Allan, William, jun. <strong>of</strong> William Allan ^ Sons, house 294 St. Vincent st.<br />
Allan. William, baker, 103 Bridgegate<br />
Allan, William, draper and clothier, 55 Trongate<br />
Allan, William, brushmaker, 132 Gallowgate<br />
Allan, Mrs. John, 7 Queen street<br />
Allan, Mrs. William, general furnishings, 103 George street<br />
Allan, Miss, Newhall, Greenhead<br />
Allan, Misses, lodgings, 168 Gallowgate<br />
Allan, Miss, 33 North Hanover street<br />
Allan, Miss, 280 St. Vincent street<br />
Alliance Fire and Life Assurance Company, Mein & Johnston, 29<br />
St. Vincent place, and John M'Vey, 95 Hiitcheson street, agents<br />
ALISON, Alex, <strong>of</strong> Alison, Merry and Cunninghame, ho. 328 Sauchiehall<br />
street<br />
Allison, Andrew, silk dyer and renovator, 326 Argyll street<br />
Alison, Archibald, Sheriff <strong>of</strong> Lanarkshire, 60 Stockwell street, residence<br />
Possil house<br />
Alison, Hamilton & Co. merchants, 2 North court, Royal exchange<br />
Allison, John, glass and china warehouse, 107 Argyll street, and cut<br />
glass manufactory. Turner's court<br />
Alison, Merry & Cunninghame, ironmasters, <strong>of</strong>fice 106 St. Vincent st.<br />
Alison, Mrs. spirit dealer, 27 Great Hamilton street<br />
ALMOND, Rev. George, minister <strong>of</strong> St. Mary's Episcopal chape!,<br />
Rentield street, house 191 Renfrew street<br />
A LSTON, G. mercht. <strong>of</strong> Campbell, River.t Sf Co. ho. 1 18 St. Vincent st.<br />
Alston, Henry, <strong>of</strong> M'Kean Sf Alston, house 101 North Douglas street<br />
Alston, James, poulterer, 39 Prince's street<br />
Alston, James, 103 John street<br />
Alston, John, & Son, gingham, pullicate and muslin manufacturers, 53<br />
Glassfoi'd street<br />
Alston, John, <strong>of</strong> John Alston S^ Son, house Rosemount, Garngadbill<br />
Alston, R. D. insurance broker, 126 Queen street<br />
Alston, Robert Findlay, merchant, 1.3 West Regent street<br />
Alston, T. Scott, <strong>of</strong> John Alston Sf Son, house 13 Elmbank crescent<br />
Alston, William C. <strong>of</strong> John Alston Sc Son, house 177 West Regent st.<br />
Alston, Mrs. Arthur, victualler and spirit dealer, 417 Gallowgatc<br />
Alston, Mrs. William, poulterer, 16 West Nile street<br />
AMBROSE, William, writer, 135 Buchanan street<br />
American Royal Mail Steam Packet <strong>Office</strong>, 9 Buchanan street<br />
ANDERSON, Alex, writer, 20 Brunswick pi. ho. 10 G. Hamilton st.<br />
Anderson, A. beadle and coal agent, Wellington street<br />
Anderson, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf A. Anderson, house 4 Provanside<br />
Anderson, Alexander, letter-carrier, P.O. house 27 St. Andrew's street<br />
Anderson, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 25 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Anderson, Alex, house and smithy coal merchant, 45 Dundas street.<br />
Orders left at 213 George st. 1 17 Argyll st. and ] 77 Main st. Gorbals<br />
Anderson, Alexander, civil engineer and contractor, 38 York street<br />
Anderson, Alexander, spirit dealer, 648 Gallowgate<br />
Anderson, A. D. MD. 159 St. Vincent street<br />
Anderson, A. accountant, 126 Renfrew street<br />
Anderson, Andrew, MD. 4 Woodside terrace<br />
Anderson & Co. Manchester and <strong>Glasgow</strong> warehouse, 137 Trongate<br />
Anderson, C. & H. furnishing shop, 235 Gallowgate<br />
Anderson, C. at 36 Miller street<br />
Anderson, Duncan, teacher, Deaf and Dumb Institution, Barony glebe<br />
Anderson, David and John, pullicate and gingham manufacturers, SO<br />
South Hanover street<br />
Anderson, David, <strong>of</strong> D. 8f J. Anderson, house .3 Scott street<br />
Anderson, David, furnishing shop, 139 West Nile street<br />
Anderson, David, victualler, 407 Gallowgate<br />
Anderson, E. at John Mains, 24 St. Andrew's street
ANDERSON. 27<br />
Anderson, Gabriel, grocer and victualler, 12 Kirk street, Townhead<br />
Anderson, George, <strong>of</strong> George Anderson §• Co. house Hill street<br />
Anderson, George, & Co. Hill street, mills, white lead & cement manu-<br />
factory, Hydepark street<br />
Anderson & Haldane, corn factors, 190 Trongate<br />
Anderson, Hans, chimney sweeper and soot merchant, 201 High street<br />
Anderson, H. L. painter and paper hanger, 19 Renfield street<br />
Anderson, James, tinsmith and gasfitter, 281 High street<br />
Anderson, Jas. A. manager, <strong>Glasgow</strong> Union bank, ho. 4Woodside terrace<br />
Anderson, James Oswald, merchant, 58 Cambridge street<br />
Anderson, J. & P. candle manufacturers, 88 Stockwell street<br />
Anderson, James, jun. baker, 151 High street, house 1 Greyfriars wynd<br />
Anderson, J. B. wigmaker, hair cutter and perfumer, 121 and 123<br />
Ingram street, house 29 South Portland street<br />
Anderson, James, & Co. calendrers and packers, 30 So. Hanover street<br />
Anderson, J. & A. gingham & pullicate manufacturers. Hi Candlerigg st.<br />
Anderson, James, oj J. Sf A. Anderson, house 5 Provanside<br />
Anderson, James, spirit dealer, 667 Gallowgate<br />
Anderson, Jomes, <strong>of</strong> Anderson S^ Muir , house 12 South Wellington place<br />
Anderson, James, bookseller and stationer, 15 Canon street<br />
Anderson, James, victualler, 1 Stanhope street<br />
Anderson & Jarvis, shoe furnishers and leather cutters, 70 Prince's st.<br />
Anderson, J. & J. glass and china merchants, 35 Candlerigg street<br />
Anderson, John, <strong>of</strong> Anderson § Haldane, house 1 ^'ork place<br />
Anderson, John, jun. 4 Adelphi place<br />
Anderson, John, & Co. merchants, 22 Renfield street<br />
Anderson, John, <strong>of</strong> John Anderson Sf Co. house 188 West Regent street<br />
Anderson, John, victualler, 40 Stockwell street<br />
Anderson, John, <strong>of</strong> David Sf John Anderson, ho. 189 Hill st. Garnethill<br />
Anderson, John, <strong>of</strong> Anderson Sf Co. house 48 London street<br />
Anderson, John, commercial agent. Letters left at 97 Argyll street<br />
Anderson, John, purser, R.N. 32 John street, Grcenhead<br />
Anderson, John, vrarehouseman, 4 Clyde terrace, house 2 do.<br />
Anderson, John, writer. Council chambers, house 192 Argyll street<br />
Anderson, John, <strong>of</strong> M-Leod, Ferguson § Co. 62 Queen street<br />
Anderson, Rev. Jonathan R. 27 Abbotsford place<br />
Anderson, Matthew, sen. baker, 65 King st. ho. 14 So. Wellington pi.<br />
Anderson, Matthew, jun. baker, 34 King street<br />
Anderson, Mathew, tinsmith, 15 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Anderson & Muir, manufacturers, 16 Montrose street<br />
Anderson, Ninian, spirit dealer, 85 King street, Tradeston<br />
Anderson, Peter, slater, 134 Broomielaw<br />
Anderson, Robert, at R. Dalglish, Falconer §• Co.'s, ho. 24 Jamaica st.<br />
Anderson, Robert & James, bootmakers, 53, John street<br />
Anderson, Robert, writer, 68 Glassford street<br />
Anderson, Robert, baker, 45 Trongate, house 56 do.<br />
Anderson, Robert, commission agent, 32 John street, Greenhead<br />
Anderson, Robert, hairdresser, 7 East Nile street<br />
Anderson Sc Smith, merchants, 21 Renfield street<br />
Anderson & Son, clothiers, 33 Buchanan street, ho. 40 Great Clyde st.<br />
Anderson, Thos. cabinetmaker, upholsterer and manufacturer <strong>of</strong> painted<br />
and stained furniture, 57 Ingram st. manufactory 151 Stirling's road<br />
Anderson, Thomas, wine merchant, 77 Stockwell street, house 140 do.
Anderson, Thomas, wine and spirit dealer, 230 High street<br />
Anderson, W. G. merchant, 48 Buchanan street, house Merryflats<br />
Anderson, William, & Co. slate merchants and slaters, 7 Park place,<br />
yard 67 Great Clyde street<br />
Anderson, William, upholsterer, 13 Argyll street<br />
Anderson, William, accountant and house factor, 62 Hutcheson street,<br />
house 100 George street<br />
Anderson, William, victualler, 432 Gallowgate<br />
Anderson, William, provision merchant, 133 Campbell street, veest<br />
Anderson, Rev. William, John st. Relief church, ho. 80 S. Portland st.<br />
Anderson, William, <strong>of</strong> Kerrs §• Anderson, house Springhill place<br />
Anderson, William, & Co. reedmakers, 55 Bell street<br />
Anderson, William, merchant, 24 Newton place<br />
Anderson, William, veterinary surgeon, 32 Gi-eat Clyde street<br />
Anderson, William, founder. Canal Basin Foundry, Port-Dundas<br />
Anderson, Mrs. James, 32 John street, Greenhead<br />
Anderson, Mrs. James, baker, 240 High street, house 2 Duke street<br />
Anderson, Mrs. James, wright, Delftfield lane<br />
Anderson, Mrs. Abercorn tavern, 4 Dunlop street<br />
Anderson, Mrs. John, Swan tavern, 181 Trongate<br />
Anderson, Mrs. 5 Victoria place, West Regent street<br />
Anderson, Mrs. spirit dealer, 61 King street, Tradeston<br />
Anderson, Mrs. cowfeeder, 159 Cowcaddens street<br />
Anderson, Mrs. J. G. Stanhope street<br />
Anderson, IMrs. William, spirit dealer, 114 King street<br />
Anderson, Miss, lodgings, 118 George street<br />
Anderson, Misses, dressmakers, 1.36 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Anderson, Misses, strawhat and dressmakers, 104 Sauchiehall street<br />
Anderson, Miss Janet, grocer, 287 High street<br />
Andersoniak Universitv, 204 George street<br />
Anueiiston Police <strong>Office</strong>, 6 Warroch street, Anderston<br />
Anderston Pottery Works, Lancefield street<br />
Anderston Bottle Work, Lancefield street<br />
Anderston Foundry Co. machine makers and founders, Cheapside street<br />
Anderston Ropework, 20 Stobcross street<br />
ANDREW, A. merchant, 96 Virginia place<br />
Andrew, Hugh, grocer, 17 Commercial road, Hutchesontown<br />
Andrew, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 57 Main street, Bridgetoa<br />
Andrew, John, public washing house. Green, <strong>Glasgow</strong><br />
Andrew, Robert, victualler and spirit dealer, 207 Gallowgate<br />
Andrew, William, jun. accountant, 109 Great Hamilton street<br />
ANGELO, D. & Co. German clock makers, 115 High street<br />
ANGUS & Hardie, English academy, 144 West Regent street<br />
Angus, John, house, sign and ornamental painter, pa])er hanger and<br />
colourman, 17 and 19 Maxwell street, house 52 Howard street<br />
Angus, John, victualler, 153 Gallowgate<br />
Angus, James, baker, 8 North street, Anderston<br />
Angus, James, upholsterer, 60 Stockwell st. ho. Clayslaps, near Partick<br />
Angus, Robert, c<strong>of</strong>feehouse and lodgings, 3 Antigua place<br />
Angus, R. & J. upholsterers, &c. 9 South Portland street<br />
Angus, Peter, coifeehouse keeper and soiree contractor, and beadle <strong>of</strong><br />
Hutchesontown church, 38 Trongate<br />
Angus, Ritchie, <strong>of</strong> Ewing, Angus ^ Co. house 121 Clarence place
Angus, Dr. William, 108 North Douglas street<br />
Angus, Mrs. James, grocer, 100 Rottenrow<br />
Angus, Mrs. John, spirit dealer, 10 Jackson street<br />
Angus, Miss, lodgings, 49 Renfield street<br />
Annfield School, 537 Gallowgate<br />
Annuity Society, Thomas Brown, secretary, 4(9 Virgioia street<br />
Annuity Hall, Pratt's court, 109 Argyll street<br />
ANTHONY & Coubrough, at McGregor &f Pollock's, 82 Miller street<br />
Anti-corn Law Chambers, 24- Queen street, D. Murray, secretary<br />
A RBUCKLE, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Muirend, Cathcart. Letters left at 48 Arcade<br />
Arbuckle, William, corkcutter, 64 Prince's street<br />
ARCHIBALD, Henry, hat manufacturer, 109 Trongate<br />
Argus Life Assqrance Co. Thomas Brown, 49 Virginia street, agent<br />
Argus Newspaper <strong>Office</strong>, 23 Queen street<br />
Argyll Hotel, 132 Argyll street, R. A. Murdoch<br />
ARMOUR, James, <strong>of</strong> Muir Sf Armour, house Violetgrove<br />
Armour, Robert, Violetgrove, North Woodside road<br />
Armour, Robert, a/ James Donaldson §• Co. house 3 Canning place<br />
Armour, Mrs. James, broker, 53 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
ARMSTRONG, James, combmaker, 35 Trongate<br />
ARNOTT, Geoige, oil broker and commission agent, 43 Queen street,<br />
house 5 Greenlaw place, Paisley road<br />
Arnot, Peter, & Co. maltsters and hop merchants, 5 Buchan street,<br />
Gorbals<br />
Arnot, Thomas, decorative painter and paper hanger, 62 St. Vincent st.<br />
house 122 Sauchiehall street<br />
Arnot, Rev. William, <strong>of</strong> St. Peter's, 138 Hope street<br />
Arnot, Mrs. William, remnant warehouse, 19 Wilson street<br />
ARROTT, Isaac, fish and provision curer and merchant, 22 Ann st.<br />
ARROL, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> Tower ^ Arrol, house 13 Abbotsford place<br />
ARTHUR, Alex, draper & hosier, 4 Trongate, ho. 102 Blackfriar st.<br />
Arthur, Alex, <strong>of</strong> A. S^ J. Arthur, house 3 Sauchiehall street<br />
Arthur A. & J. merchants, 98 Fife place<br />
Arthur, D. F. <strong>of</strong> Arthur Sf Matheson, house 15 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Arthur, James, tobacconist, 6 Gallowgate<br />
Arthur, John, working jeweller, 43 Argyll street<br />
Arthur, Jolin, mason and oven builder, 238 High street<br />
Arthur & Matheson, clothiers, 11 Royal Exchange square<br />
Arthur, Thomas, 132 St. Vincent street<br />
Arthur, William, at Muir, Brown §• Co.'s, house 63 John street<br />
Arthur, William, & Co. gingham, pullicate and woollen shawl manu-<br />
facturers, 19 Cochran street<br />
Arthur, William, <strong>of</strong> William Arthur Sf Co. house Villalield place<br />
Arthur, William, tea gardens, 128 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Arthur, Mrs. John, 297 Argyll street<br />
Arthur, Mrs. milliner, 23 Bruhswick place<br />
Arthur, Miss Jane, millinery and furnishing shop, 122 High street<br />
ASHER, Mrs. P. furrier, 3 King street<br />
Assembly Rooms, 110 Ingram street<br />
Asylum Life Assurance <strong>Office</strong>, Robert Findlay, Virginia buildings,<br />
agent<br />
Asylum for the Blind, Castle street, Townhead. Matthew Semple,<br />
superintendent; Miss Lamond, matron ; William Findlay, teacher<br />
2 c<br />
30 ASrLCM—BAIN.<br />
Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, Barony Glebe. Seen on Wednesdays<br />
at 2 p. M. Duncan Anderson, teacher<br />
Asylum for the Houseless, St. Enoch wynd<br />
Asylum for Lunatics, Parliamentary road<br />
Asylum for Indigent Old Men, 85 Rottenrow. Alexander Cameron,<br />
superintendent; Mrs. Cameron, matron<br />
ATKINSON, Thomas, flesher, 1 Beef market, ho. 2 St. Andrew'ssq.<br />
Atkinson, W. D. merchant, 2 St. Andrew's square<br />
Atlas Fire and Life Assurance Company <strong>of</strong> London, William<br />
Carrick & Son, Virginia buildings, agents<br />
Atlas Works, East Milton street<br />
AUCHIE, James, merchant, 7 Holland place<br />
AUCHIN VOLE, John, shawl and zebra manufacturer, 4 Montrose st.<br />
house 30 Monteith row<br />
AUCHTERLONIE, Thomas, at James Black Sf Co.'s, house 22<br />
Abbotsford place<br />
AUCOTT,, corset warehouse, 159 Gallowgate<br />
Auction Mart, Sidney court, 62 x'irgyll street<br />
AULD, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> Robert Watson Sf Son, ho. 16 Cumberland place<br />
Auld & Buchanan, calico-printers, 80 Buchanan street<br />
Auld, Hugh, sen. ironmonger, 1.30 Gallowgate and 8 London sti'eet,<br />
house 30 Charlotte street<br />
Auld, Thomas, baker, 130 Queen street<br />
Auld, William, mustard manufacture!', snuff miller and general grinder<br />
46 Sidney street<br />
Auld, William, <strong>of</strong> MacEwan §• Auld, house 2 Woodside crescent<br />
AUSTIN, J. baker and flour merchant, 62 Main street, house I John<br />
street, Bridgeton<br />
Austin & M' Asian, nursery and seedsmen, 168 Trongate, nurseries<br />
Coplawhill, PoUokshaws road<br />
Ayr Railway Station, Bridge street, J. F. Smith, secretary<br />
AYTON, John, tobacconist, 113 High street<br />
B<br />
BAILEY, James, spirit dealer, 1 Main street, Caiton<br />
BAIN, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> Bell Sf Bain, house 28 Abbotsford place<br />
Baine& Co. clothiers, outfitters, and shirt merchants, 52 Jamaica street<br />
Bain, David & Thomas, joiners, trunk and packing-box makers, 2.3 S.<br />
Frederick st. & fancy paper-box makers & paper stainers, 255 George St.<br />
Bain, George, agent, 48 Nelson st. house Bain's court, Port-Dundas<br />
Bain, George, victualler, 6 Little Dovehill<br />
Bain, Hugh, bakei' and spirit dealer, 103 Cowcaddens street<br />
Bain, James, at William Baird Sf Co.'s, house 263 Argyll street<br />
Bain, James, merchant, 48 Rentield street<br />
Bain, James, baker, 121 Argyll street<br />
Bain, John, wholesale provision merchant, 17 & 19 Stockwell place<br />
Bain, John, <strong>of</strong> Morriston, Cambuslang, house 1.38 Bath street<br />
Bain, John, outfitter and general clothier, 100 Broomielaw<br />
Bain, John, <strong>of</strong> Turnhull, Maxwell Sf Co. house 23 Renfrew street<br />
Bain, Morrison & Co. shawl & zebra dress manufacturers, 69 Ingram st.<br />
Bain, Robert, house factor, Main street, Caiton, house 46 Whitevale<br />
Bain, Robert, reedraaker, 7 Broad close, 167 High street<br />
Bain, Thomas, grocer, 69 Commercial road
Bain, William, cashier, City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> bank, house 58 Renfield street<br />
Bain, William, wine and spirit merchant, 57 Argyll St. house 315 do,<br />
BAYNE, Alexander, & Co. paper and rag merchants, 19 Bell street<br />
Bayne, James, pattern drawer and print cutter, 220 Broomielaw<br />
Bayne, James, teacher <strong>of</strong> music, 16 Canon street<br />
Bayne, Menzies & Co. painters, 98 George street<br />
Bayne, Thomas, commisson merchant, 33 Ingram street<br />
Bayne, William, merchant, at John Bartholomew Sf Co.'s<br />
BAIRD, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> William Baird §• Co. house 24 St. Mungo st.<br />
Baird, Alexander, boot and shoe maker, 13 Crown street<br />
Baird, Andrew, spirit dealer, 133 Renfield street<br />
Baird & Brown, timber merchants, Port-Dundas—call at 7 Miller st.<br />
Baird, Charles R. q/" C. §• R. Baird, house 15 Cambridge street<br />
Baird, Charles 8s Robert, writers, 13 Gordon street<br />
Baird, Charles, at John Neil Sf Co.'s 27 Queen street<br />
Baird, David, <strong>of</strong> William Baird ^ Co. house 197 Albert terrace<br />
Baird, David, brickmaker, 181 Eglinton street<br />
Baird, David, baker, 1 Richard street<br />
Baird, Frank, <strong>of</strong> H. Baird ^ Co. house 176 St. George's road<br />
Baird, George, tobacconist, 7 Miller street, house 16 Abbotsford place<br />
Baird, Hugh, & Co. brewers to Her Majesty, Great Canal brewery<br />
Baird, Hugh, & Co. 26 Gordon street<br />
Baird, Hugh, <strong>of</strong> H. Baird 8f Co. house 15 Clarendon place<br />
Baird, James, baker, 21 Norfolk street<br />
Baird, James, broker, 8 Miller's place<br />
Baird, John, commission merchant and agent for William Younger &<br />
Co. brewers, Edinburgh, 83 Union street, house 359 Argyll street<br />
Baird, John, <strong>of</strong> Robertson S^ Baird, 85 Union street<br />
Baird, John, architect, 51 St.Vincent st. house 23 St. Enoch square<br />
Baird, John, victualler and spirit dealer, 36 Ladywell street<br />
Baird, John, <strong>of</strong> Lochwood and High Cross, Madeira court<br />
Baird, John R. 20 St. Enoch square, house 92 Sauchiehall street<br />
Baird, John, spirit dealer, 209 George street<br />
Baird, John, spirit dealer, 226 Gallowgate<br />
Baird, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Wm. Baird Sf Co. house 212 St. Vincent street<br />
Baird, Robert, Bellfield, Canal basin<br />
Baird, Robert, jun. <strong>of</strong> C. Sf R. Baird, ho. Greenvale pi. Woodland's rd.<br />
Baird, Robert, commission agent, 67 Bell street<br />
Baird, Robert, jun. procurator fiscal for Anderston, 13 Gordon street<br />
Baird, Steven, haircutter, 51 New street, Calton<br />
Baird, Thomas, spirit dealer, 82 Havannah street<br />
Baird, Thomas, & Co. turkey-red and fancy dyers, 32 Ingram street,<br />
works Greenbank, Pollokshaws<br />
Baird, William, baker, 30 Little street<br />
Baird, William, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 19 Canon street<br />
Baird, William, boot, shoe & clog warehouse, 10 Saltmarket st. ho. 31 do.<br />
Baird, William, & Co. coal & iron masters, <strong>of</strong>fice Madeira ct. Argyll st.<br />
Baird, William, writer. Sheriff's chambers, house 33 Abbotsford place<br />
Baird, William, grain merchant, 46 Jamaica st. ho. James st. Greenhead<br />
Baird, William, <strong>of</strong>D. §• A. Denny §• Co. ho. 105 North Douglas street<br />
Baird, Mrs. 1 1 9 Woodside street<br />
Baird, Misses J. & M. silk dyers, 137 Argyll street<br />
Baird, Janet, strawhat maker, 76 St. George's place<br />
BALBIRNIE, C. silk dyer, 36 Oxford street<br />
Balbirnie, George, dyer, 26 Stockwell street, house 48 do.<br />
Balbirnie, James, plumber and lead merchant, 30 Renfield St. ho. above<br />
Balbirnie, Robert M. dyer, 14-6 Stockwell street<br />
BALD, Adam, <strong>of</strong> Peter Bald ^ Son, ho. 152 Renfrew st.Garnethill<br />
Bald, Peter, & Son, drysalters, Melville place, 132 Trongate<br />
Bald, Robert, tinsmith and gas fitter and furnishing ironmonger, 174<br />
Trongate, workshop 26 Glassford street<br />
Bald, William, engineer <strong>of</strong> the river Clyde and port <strong>of</strong> the City <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong>, <strong>of</strong>fice 16 Robertson street<br />
BALDERSTON, Alexander, 46 Oxford street<br />
Balderston, William, tobacconist, 32 High street<br />
Balderston, Mrs. James, baker, 85 High street<br />
Balerno Paper Warehouse, 81 and 83 Glassford street<br />
BALFOUR, Alexander, at Sheriff-clerk's <strong>of</strong>fice, ho. 16 Saucbiehall st.<br />
Balfour, John, Commercial inn, 44 Trongate<br />
Balfour, John Hutton, MD. regius pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> botany, 11 W. Regent st.<br />
Balfour & M 'Galium, smiths & founders, 52 New wynd, ho. above work<br />
Balfour, William, commission and linen and woollen merchant, 24 Queen<br />
street, house 3 Queen's crescent<br />
Balfour, William, <strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ship bank<br />
Balfour, Mrs. grocer and spirit dealer, 29 Centre street, Tradeston<br />
BALLANTINE, John, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 3 Fi'anklin street<br />
Ballantyne, John, wine and spirit merchant, 222 High street<br />
Ballantyne, John, dairyman, 7 Low Green street<br />
Ballantine, John, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>of</strong>fice, house 194 Gallowgate<br />
Ballantyne, Robert, violinmaker, 36 Brunswick place<br />
Ballantyne, Thomas, tailor and clothier, 95 Argyll street<br />
Ballantyne, William, spirit dealer, 172 Saltmarket street<br />
B ALL A R DIE, J. <strong>of</strong> M' Murray &^ Ballardie, house 28 Jamaica street<br />
Ballendalloch Co. at James Finlay §• Co.'s<br />
BALLING ALL, Andrew, writer, 30 South Hanover street<br />
Ballochnie Railway Co.'s <strong>Office</strong>, 36 Miller st. James Mitchell sec.<br />
BALNEVES, Henry, 24 York street<br />
BANCKS, C. J. ironmonger and ship chandler, &c. 132 Broomielaw<br />
Bankhead CoLLiE.iy <strong>Office</strong>, 93 Glassford st. R. H. Simpson, coalmaster<br />
BANKIER, John, at C. Tennent Sf Co.'s, St. Rollox<br />
Bankier, Wm. at John JDennistoun Sf Co.s, ho. at Bridgeton cotton works<br />
Bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, 66 Ingram street. Charles Campbell, manager,<br />
W. J. Duncan, sub-manager<br />
BANNATYNE, Alexander, grain merchant, 45 Queen street<br />
Bannatyne, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> Bannatynes Sf Kirkwood, house 11 Woodside<br />
terrace<br />
Bannatyne, Charles H. commercial teacher, St. John's Parish school,<br />
M'Farlane street<br />
Bannatyne, Dugald J. <strong>of</strong> Ba7inatynes §• Kirkwood, residence Eastbank,<br />
near Westferry<br />
Bannatyne, Dugald, jun. <strong>of</strong> Perston, Bannatyne, Moir Sf Co. house 4<br />
Crescent place<br />
Bannatyne, D. & N. agent for the North Britisli Fire and Life Insurance<br />
Co. 1 Royal Bank place<br />
Bannatyne, John, merchant, 73 St. Vincent st. house 221 Brandon pi.
Banuatynes & Kirkwood, writers, 16 Gordon street<br />
Bannatyne, Ninian, fish curer and provision merchant, 60 Jamaica st.<br />
house Newton lodge, Sandyford<br />
Bannatyne, Robert, librarian and bookseller, 73 Canning street, Calton<br />
Bannatyne, William, grocer and spirit dealer, H Main st. Bridgeton<br />
Bannatyne, Mrs. James, grocer, 88 W. George st. house 10 Dundas st.<br />
Bannatyne, Mrs. 322 St. Vincent street<br />
Bannatyne, Mrs. John, 4 Crescent place<br />
BANNERMAN, Carrick, tobacco pipe manufacturer, 37 Gallowgate<br />
Bannerman, David, 184 West Nile street<br />
Bannerman, James, <strong>of</strong> J. Bannerman § Sons, house 100 Brunswick st.<br />
Bannerman, John, & Sons, wrights and timber merchants, 29 Jackson<br />
street, trunk and packing-box shop, 53 Candlerigg street<br />
Bannerman, John, <strong>of</strong> John Bannerman Sf Sons, house Villafield place<br />
Bannerman, Jenner & Co. manufacturers, 23 Cochran street<br />
Bannerman, WUVtam, <strong>of</strong> Bannerman, Jenner Sf Co. ho. 2 Kensington pi,<br />
BARCLAY, Robert, & Co. ship carpenters. Slip docks, foot <strong>of</strong> the<br />
harbour, north side, boat yard and smithy, 36 M'Alpine street<br />
Barclay, Robert, ship builder, house Stobcross<br />
Barclay, Robert, grocer, 39 George street, Mile-end<br />
Barclay and Skirving, auctioneers and valuators, 67 Buchanan street<br />
Barclay, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Barclay Sf Skirving, house 57 York street<br />
Barclay, Thomas, messenger at arms, &c. 27 Stockwell street<br />
Barclay, Thomas, auctioneer and house factor, 27 Stockwell street<br />
Barclay, Thomas, Constitutional oiBce, house 13 Clyde terrace<br />
Barclay, Thomas, pattern designing, muslin and lace jirinting establishment,<br />
107 Buchanan street<br />
Barclay, William, clothier, 16 Queen street, house 11 Pitt street<br />
BARKER, George, boot and shoe maker, 2 Arcade<br />
BARLAS, George, jun. 3 Union street<br />
Barlas, James, 180 Hope street<br />
Barlas, William, tea merchant and commission agent, 3 Union street,<br />
house Paterson street, Kingston<br />
Barlas, Misses, teachers, 118 George street<br />
BARLEY, Samuel C. 3 North Exchange court, ho. 57 Abbotsford pL<br />
BARNES, James, bookseller, newspaper agent, &c. 39 High street<br />
BARNET, James, at John Orr Ewing Sf Co.'s, ho. 37 Buccleuch st.<br />
BARNHILL, James, & Co, tanners, 63 Spoutmouth & 90 Old venel<br />
Barnhill, James, <strong>of</strong> James Barnhill ^ Co. house 12 Ure place<br />
Barnhill Mrs. 363 St. Vincent street<br />
BARRON, Alexander, baker, 4< Warwick street<br />
Barron, William, victualler, 35 Bedford street<br />
Barony Parish Session Clerk's OiSce, 5 Drury st. David M'Brayne,<br />
clerk, house Barony glebe<br />
Barony Parish Poor Rates <strong>Office</strong> and Bridewell Assessment (exclusive<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> Police,) 5 Drury street. W. Robertson, collector<br />
B A RR, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 27 Tobago street, Calton<br />
Barr, Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer, 29 Kirk street, Townhead<br />
Barr, Archibald, power-loom calico and shirting manufacturer, works<br />
Bothwell street, Anderston, house 3 Richard street<br />
Barr & Buchanan, tea merchants and grocers, 150 and 152 High street<br />
Barr, David, at James Finlay §• Co.'s, house 16 South Portland street<br />
Barr 8s Frasei-, potato merchants, 3 Centre street<br />
"34 BARR—BARTON.<br />
BaiT, G. Ss J. merchants, 48 Gordon street<br />
Barr, G. <strong>of</strong> Barr §• Yule, house West Kingston<br />
Barr, James, vintner and stabler, 1 Great Hamilton street<br />
Barr, James & John, victuallers, 14)2 Stobcross street<br />
Barr, James, spirit dealer, 23 Puddock row<br />
Barr, James, <strong>of</strong> G. ^ J. Barr, house West Kingston<br />
Barr, John, cowfeeder, St. James's road<br />
Barr, John, dyer, 45 Sidney street<br />
Barr, John, tinsmith and gasfitter, 27 Saltmarket street<br />
Barr, John, merchant, 42 St. Andrew's square<br />
Barr, John, lithographer and engraver, 148 Trongate<br />
Barr, John, spirit dealer, 84 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Barr, John, boilermaker, 48 Piccadilly st. ho. 58 Clyde st. Anderston<br />
Barr, P. shuttle cord maker, ropes, twines, &c. head <strong>of</strong> lAIain st. Gorbals<br />
Barr, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Barr, Walt Sf Co. house 42 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Barr, Robert, brickmaker and builder, 6 Sidney st. works College park<br />
Barr & Stewart, writers, 68 St. Vincent street<br />
Barr, Samuel, piano-forte seller and tuner, 137 Argyll street<br />
Barr, Thomas, tinplate worker, 65 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Barr, Thomas, provision dealer, 233 Argyll street<br />
Barr, W. & J. & Co. wine merchants, 5 Gordon street<br />
Barr, Walter, <strong>of</strong> W. Sf J. Barr § Co. house West Kingston<br />
Barr, Watt & Co. merchants, 45 Jamaica street<br />
Barr, William, teacher, St. George's Sessional and Seaman's Friend<br />
Society School, 9 Brown street, house 44 Carrick street<br />
Barr, William, furnisher & oil & colour merchant, 77 Main st. Gorbals<br />
Barr, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 1 King street, Mile-end<br />
Barr, William, & Co. china warehouse, 22 Candlerigg st. house 20 do.<br />
Barr, W. muslin manufacturer, 100 Queen st. house 99 S. Portland st.<br />
Barr & Yule, commission merchants, ship and insurance brokers, 48<br />
Gordon street<br />
Barr, Mrs. James, victualler, 86 Dalmarnock road<br />
Barr, Mrs. di-uggist, 67 Main street, Anderston<br />
Barr, Mrs. William, 42 St. Andrew's square<br />
Barr, Miss, teacher <strong>of</strong> white seam, 277 Gallowgate<br />
BARRIE, Andrew, warper, 10 Stirling square<br />
Barrie, David, hairdresser, 44 Miller's place<br />
Barry, David, tinsmith, &c. 4 Robertson street<br />
Barrie, John, grocer and spirit dealer, Bluevale<br />
Barrie, Robert, hairdresser, 26 Shuttle street<br />
Barrie, Thomas, fiesher and spirit dealer, 120 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
BARTHOLOMEW, A. & Son, sewed muslin manufact. 69 Ingram st.<br />
Bartholomew, Ale.v. <strong>of</strong> A. Bartholomew Sf Son, ho. 312 St.Vincent st.<br />
Bartholomew, John, <strong>of</strong> Alex. Bartholomew Sf Son, house 312 St.<br />
Vincent street<br />
Bartholomew, John, & Co. merchants, 78 Ingram street<br />
Bartholomew, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Bartholomew Sf Co. house 11 Abercromby pi.<br />
Bartholomew, Robert, <strong>of</strong> J. Bartholomew &f Co. house 16 Brandon pi.<br />
Bartholomew, Thomas. Letters to be left at John Bartholomew & Co.'s,<br />
78 Ingram street<br />
BARTICHERLI, Louis, stucco and stucco figure manuf. 55 High st.<br />
BARTON, Ben. writer, 48 Clyde buildings<br />
Barton, Ben. perfumer, 47 St.Vincent st. house 82 West Nile street
BAKTON—BELIi. 35<br />
Bai'toD, John, <strong>of</strong> Kelly 8f Co. house Apsley place, Laurieston<br />
BATES, Rev. Stewart, D. D. 26 West Campbell street<br />
BATHGATE, David, spirit dealer, 106 Dalmarnock road<br />
Bathing Establishment, 21 and 23 Hutcheson street, J. Lindsay<br />
BATTY, Wm. <strong>of</strong> Campbell Sc Battij, house Greenlaw pi. Paisley road<br />
BAXTER, A. G. Ss J. saddlers and harness makers, 88 Union street<br />
Baxter, Gilbert, plumher and gasfitter, 48 Stockwell street and 22<br />
Jackson street, house 78 Stockwell street<br />
Baxter, Isaac, & Son, Italian warehouse, 137 Buchanan street, and 127<br />
West Campbell street<br />
Baxter, Isaac, <strong>of</strong> Isaac Baxter §• Son, house Rinsdale<br />
Baxter, Walter, <strong>of</strong> Isaac Baxter §* Son, house 142 Montrose street<br />
BEATIE, Rev. A. O. MD. house 163 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Beattie, James, cotton and woollen waste dealer, 31 St. Andrew's street<br />
Beattie, John, at John Black's, 135 Ingram street, ho. 27 Renfrew st.<br />
BEATON, J. commission agt. 1 1 Miller st. ho. 3 William st. Greenhead<br />
BECK, Dr. H. & Co. patent medicine proprietors, 32 Dunlop street<br />
BEECH, John, engraver, 13 Argyll street<br />
Beef Market, 83 King street<br />
BEFUS, M. importer <strong>of</strong> leeches, 76 John street<br />
BEGG, Alexander, draper, 18 High street, house 11 Monteith row<br />
Begg, James A. bookseller and stationer, .35 Argyll arcade<br />
Begg, James, tobacconist, wine and spirit merchant, 38 Hutcheson st.<br />
Begg, James, wright, 9 New street, Calton<br />
Begg, John, bootmaker, 143 George street<br />
Beggs, Thomas, clock and watch maker, 145 Trongate<br />
Beggs, Mrs. lodgings, 74 Argyll street<br />
BIGGS, Alex, manager, at Thomas Hoivey Sf Co.'s, ho. 36 Montrose st.<br />
BEHRENS, S. L. & Co. merchants, 3 Buchanan court, Candlerigg st.<br />
BEITH, A. <strong>of</strong> Cowan, Beilh Sf Co. house 68 West Regent street<br />
Beith, James, <strong>of</strong> Moses M'Culloch Sf Co. 168 Gallowgate<br />
Beith, James, umbrella maker, 65 Candlerigg street<br />
Beith, William, teacher <strong>of</strong> drawing and painting, 57 North Hanover<br />
street, house 2 Stanhope street<br />
BELCH, John, wine and spirit merchant, 10 and 48 Stobcross street,<br />
Anderston, house 3 Washington street<br />
Belfast Steam Packet <strong>Office</strong>, 9 Buchanan street<br />
Belfast Steam Packet <strong>Office</strong>, 15 Jamaica street<br />
BELL, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> Bell Sf Ewing, house Upper Crown street<br />
Bell, Andrew, tea and spirit dealer, 55 King street, Tradeston<br />
Bell, Andrew, temperance c<strong>of</strong>feehouse and lodgings, 66 Trongate<br />
Bel), Andrew, teacher, Bridgeton Parish school, house Moore street<br />
Bell & Bain, printers and stereotype founders, 15 St. Enoch square<br />
Bell, Daniel, bootmaker, 50 Queen street<br />
Bell, Daniel, <strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ship bank<br />
Bell, David, & Co. merchants, 16 Canon street<br />
Bell, David, <strong>of</strong> David Bell Sf Co. house 363 St. Vincent street<br />
Bell, David, merchant, 41 Clyde buildings<br />
Bell & Ewing, manufacturers, 3.3 George square<br />
Bell, George, <strong>of</strong> James Machie Sf Co. house Burnside, Long Govan<br />
Bell, George, wright, 15 Commercial road<br />
Bell, Henry Glassford, advocate, sheriff-substitute and commissary<br />
depute <strong>of</strong> Lanarkshire, 60 Stockwell st. house St. George's road
36 BELL—BENTLET.<br />
Bell, Isaac, compass maker, Delftfield lane<br />
Bell, J. & F. tobacco and snuff manufacturers, 49 Candlerigg street<br />
Bell, James, baker, 134 South Portland street<br />
Bell, James, <strong>of</strong> Bell ^ Bain, house 31 Norfolk street<br />
Bell, James, shoemaker, 81 George street<br />
Bell, James, glass merchant, 3 Howard street, house above<br />
Bell, James, cartvvright, Monkland street<br />
Bell, J. & M. P. & Co. earthenware m.anufacturers, Stafford street<br />
Bell, John, & Son, <strong>Glasgow</strong> field<br />
Bell, John, <strong>of</strong> J. ^ M. P. Bell Sf Co. house 24.5 St. Vincent street<br />
Bell, John, merchant, 245 St. Vincent street<br />
Boll, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 57 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Bell, John, flesher & provision mercht. 178 Argyll st. ho. 10 Jamaica st.<br />
Bell, Matthew P. <strong>of</strong> J. c^ 31. P. Bell § Co. house 245 St. Vincent st.<br />
Bell, Richard, <strong>of</strong> Brown §• Bell, house 3 Abbotsford place<br />
Bell, Robert, sub-cashier, Royal bank, house 10 St. George's road<br />
Bell, Robert, & Co. warehousemen and silk mercers, 127 Argyll st.<br />
Bell, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Robert Bell Sf Co. house 127 Argyll street<br />
Bell, Robert, spirit dealer, 69 King street, Calton<br />
Bell, William, flesher, 176 Argyll street, house 10 Jamaica street<br />
Bell, William, strawhat warehouse, 142 Saucbiehall street<br />
Bell, William, lodgings, IDS Broomielaw<br />
Bell, William, spirit dealer, 7 West street<br />
Bell, Mrs. commercial lodgings, 25 George square<br />
Bell, Mrs. James, victualler. Castle street<br />
Bell Street Market, 66 Bell street<br />
BENNETT & Browne, insurance brokers, 126 Queen street<br />
Bennett, J. B. at M. Bogle if Co-'s, house 199 Hope street<br />
Bennet & Smith, plumbers and lead merchants, 138 and 140 Stockwell<br />
street, house 15 Waterport buildings, Great Clyde street<br />
Bennet, William, merchant, 27 Virginia street, house 115 Hope st.<br />
Bennett, Mrs. William, 138 West George street<br />
Bennett, Mrs. Robert, 223 St. Vincent street<br />
BINNIE, David, builder, Dobbie's loan, Port-Dundas<br />
Bennie, David, jun. builder, 34 Monteith row<br />
Bennie, Gabriel, povtioner, 166 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Binnie, George, 71 South Portland street<br />
Binnie, George, measurei', 11 Union street<br />
Bennie, James, <strong>of</strong> Newton, Bennie §- Co. house 90 West street<br />
Bennie, James, beadle <strong>of</strong> St. James's church, house 48 Great Hamilton<br />
street<br />
Bennie, John, 8 South Portland street<br />
Binnie, John, wright and builder, works 33 Eglintoa street, house 38<br />
Abbotsford place<br />
Bennie, John, boot and shoe warehouse, 57 Trongate<br />
Bennie, Thomas, warehouseman, 99 Trongate, house 58 Taylor street<br />
Bennie, Thomas, builder, 34 Monteith row<br />
Bennie, Thomas, wine and spirit dealer, 3 Croy place<br />
Binnie, William, wright and builder, 7 Norfolk lane, house 2 do.<br />
Binnie, William, 20 Hope street, house Oakfield place, Blythswood sq.<br />
Bennie, Mrs. Ann, grocer and spirit dealer, 8 Saracen's lane<br />
BENSON, Duncan, German clock maker, 38 Glassford street<br />
BENTLEY, John, <strong>of</strong> Wm. Bentley §• Son, house Woodside
Bentley, William, & Son, cotton brokers & commission agents, 81 Brunswick<br />
street<br />
Bentley, William, <strong>of</strong> William Bentley § Son, house Woodside<br />
Bentley, Mrs. William, jun, India street<br />
BENTON, John D. at H. M- Donald's, 9 Shuttle street<br />
BERRY, Thomas, at W. ^- J. Mutter's, 38 Dunlop street<br />
Berry, Mrs. Jane, eating-house, 105 Saltmarket street<br />
BERTRAM, David, <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> excise. Gallon distillery<br />
BETHUNE, John, smith, 9 Cook street, Tradeston<br />
BEVERIDGE, John P. accountant, agent for the Scottish (Widows'<br />
Fund) Life Assurance Society, 30 Royal Exchange square, house 2<br />
Douglas street, Blythswood sq. (See Advertisement in Appendix.)<br />
BICKERS, Mrs. J. grocer. Forth street, Pon-Dundas<br />
Bn.LET Master's <strong>Office</strong>, 15 Charlotte lane. Thos. Sweet, billet master<br />
BILSLAND, Alexander, japanner, College open, High street<br />
Bilsland, William, bookseller, 183 High street<br />
BINNING, George, spirit dealer, 4 Prince's street<br />
BIRD, George, commercial traveller, 3 Paterson street, Kingston<br />
BIRKMYRE, Henry, <strong>of</strong> John Birkmyre ^ Co. 21 Ingram street<br />
Birkmyre, John, & Co. manufacturers, 21 Ingram street<br />
BiBMiNGHAisi Battehy Co. M. M. Pattisou, Monteith rooms, agent<br />
BIRRELL, Alexander, & Son, leather merchants, 51 Prince's street<br />
Birrell, Alexander, at J. G. Adam §" Walker's<br />
Birrell, David, spitit dealer, 62 Stockwell street<br />
BISHOP, J. B. Western bank, house Columbia place<br />
Bishop, Richard, cyder mcrcliant, 72 Broomielaw quay<br />
Bishop, Thomas, ironmonger, ship chandler and flag maker, 1 Clyde<br />
place, house .36 Commerce street<br />
BISKET, Robert, wine and spirit dealer, 31 Clyde place, Tradeston<br />
BISSET, Alexander, cabinetmaker & upholsterer, 100 Saucbiehall st.<br />
Bisset, Roderick, beadle, house 18 Buchan street<br />
Bisset, Robert, chemist and druggist, 423 Argyll street<br />
Bisset, Thomas, seed merchant, 2 St. Andrew's sq. ho. 33 St. Andrew's st.<br />
Bisset, William, & Co. commission merchants, &c. 65 Jamaica street<br />
Bisset, Wm. & James, <strong>Glasgow</strong> general emigration <strong>of</strong>fice, 65 Jamaica st.<br />
Bisset, Miss H. milliner, 58 Queen street<br />
BI SSL AND, James, at J. C. Douglas's, 81 St. George's place, house<br />
190 Hope street<br />
BLACK, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Black §• Lorimer, house 93 South Portland st.<br />
Black, Alexander, grocer, 121 Rottenrow<br />
Black, Archibald, warehouseman, 113 Candlerigg street<br />
Black, A. & R. merchants, 20 Miller street<br />
Black, Archibald, tailor and clothier, 103 Canning street, Caltoa<br />
Black Bull Coach <strong>Office</strong>, 10 Argyll street<br />
Black Bull Inn, 12 Argyll street<br />
Black, David, commission agent, 4 Abbotsford place<br />
Black, David, woollen draper, 28 Gallowgate, house I Morris place<br />
Black, Duncan, reedmaker, 24 High street<br />
Black, George, surgeon, 246 Gallowgate, house 4 M'Farlane street<br />
Black, George, & Co. manufacturers, 3 Royal Exchange square<br />
Black, Henry, chimney sweeper, 70 Stockwell street<br />
Black, James, <strong>of</strong> James Black 8f Co. house 5 Blythswood square<br />
Black, James, & Son, bakers and flour merchants, 81 Kirk st. Calton
B8 BLACK—BrAIKlB.<br />
Black, James, at J. §• W. Campbell^ Co.'s, house 4 Abbotsford place<br />
Black, James, jun'. <strong>of</strong> John Black Sf Co. house 12 Montagu place<br />
Black, James, & Co. manufac. & calico-printers, 23 R. Exchange sq.<br />
Black, James, oj John Slack Sf Co. house 17 Blythswood square<br />
Black, J. & J. gingham and pullicate manufacturers, 30 S. Hanover st.<br />
Black, James, <strong>of</strong> J. §• J. Black, house 17 Monteith row<br />
Black, James S. <strong>of</strong> John Black Sf Co house 17 Blythswood square<br />
Black, James, jun. baker, 36 Bedford street<br />
Black, James, butter and cheese store, 71 Candlerigg street<br />
Black, James, beer, ale, and porter dealer, 56 Gordon street<br />
Black, James, hosier, 74 Cowcaddens street<br />
Black, James, spirit dealer, 14-4 Broomielaw<br />
Black, James, tailor, 33 Trongate<br />
Black, James, commission merchant, 72 Virginia street<br />
Black, John, & Co. calico-printers, 1 Royal bank place<br />
Black, John, & Co. rope and sail makers, 222 Broomielaw<br />
Black, John, grocer, 135 Ingram street, house Crawford place<br />
Black, John W. surgeon, 286 Gallowgate, Caltonmouth<br />
Black, John, merchant, agent for British Fire Insurance <strong>of</strong>fice and<br />
Westminster Life Insurance <strong>of</strong>fice, 14 Gordon street, house Woodside<br />
Black, John, surgeon, 5.3 Charlotte street<br />
Black, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf J- Black, house 38 York street<br />
Black, John, at James Donaldson, jun. ^ Co.'s, house 40 Warwick street<br />
Black, John, Western bank<br />
Black & Lorimer, accountants and house factors, 62 Queen street<br />
Black, Malcolm, & Co. leather merchants, 381 Argyll street<br />
Black, Patrick, spirit dealer, 40 and 42 Bridgegate<br />
Black, Patrick, funeral undertaker, 156 Saltmarket street<br />
Black, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Slack Sf Wingate, house Royal crescent<br />
Black & Salmon, architects, 1.3 West George street<br />
Black, Rev. William, D. D. Barony, Villafield house, Stirling's road<br />
Black, William, spirit dealer, 22 Kirk street, Calton<br />
Black, William, 94 West Regent street<br />
Black, William, commission merchant, 106 or 110 St.Vincent street<br />
Black, William, baker, 27 Eglinton street<br />
Black, William, spirit dealer, 1 Orr street<br />
Black & Wingate, manufacturers and printers, 9 Royal Exchange sq.<br />
Black, Mrs. G. lodgings 238 George street<br />
Black, Mrs. lodgings, 81 Renfrew street<br />
Black, Mrs. Charles, 1 India street, Sauchiehall street<br />
Black, Mrs. 296 St.Vincent street<br />
Black, Miss Jane, tobacconist, 162 Argyll street<br />
BLACKBURN, David, <strong>of</strong> Blackhnrn §- Whyte, house 93 Bath street<br />
Blackburn & Whyte, manufacturers. 37 Ingram street<br />
Blackburn, Mrs. eating-house and spirit dealer, 17 Commerce street<br />
BLACKHALL & Scott, comb and brush warehouse, 63 Arcade<br />
BLACKIE, Alexander, tailor, 106 Renfield street<br />
Blackie & Son, publishers and booksellers, .38 Queen street<br />
Blackie, John, sen. <strong>of</strong> Blackie §• Son. house 1 Richmond street<br />
Blackie, John, jun. <strong>of</strong> Blackie §- Son, house 1 Richmond street<br />
Blackie, W. G. & Co. printers and stereotype founders, Villafield<br />
Blackie, W. G. Ph.D. <strong>of</strong> W. G. Blackie h: Co. house 1 Richmond St.<br />
BLAIKIE, James, & Co. drapers, 3 Candlerigg street
Blaikie, John, gunraaker and smith, 38 Stockwell street<br />
BLACKLEY, James, superiuteudent and house factor^ Fraser's land,<br />
Cowcaddens toll<br />
BLACKSTOCK, James, brush, basket and toy shop, 12 Candleriggst.<br />
BLACKWELL, Samuel, leather merchant, 24.4 Gallowgate<br />
BLACKWOOD, George, keeper <strong>of</strong> Lyceum rooms, ho. 72 Nelson st.<br />
Blackwood, James, merchant, 101 Hospital street<br />
Blackwood, William, at James Finlay §* Co.'s, 172 Buchanan street<br />
Blackwood, Wm. cotton yarn mercht. 86 Ingram st. ho. 27 Abbotsford pi.<br />
Blackwood, William, at William ColUns's, 7 South Frederick street<br />
Blackwood, William, joiner and cabinetmaker, 66 Nelson st. Tradeston<br />
Blackwood, William, & Co. warehousemen, Commercial court, ll-l<br />
Candlerigg street<br />
Blackwood, Wm. <strong>of</strong> William. Blackwood Sf Co. ho. 175 Buchanan street<br />
Blackwood, William, bill-poster, 35 Gallowgate<br />
Blackwood, Mrs. James, 7 Park place, Stockwell street<br />
BLAIKLEY, J. L. tobacconist & tallow chandler, 82 Highst. ho. 66 do.<br />
BLAIR, Adam, <strong>of</strong> Blair ^ Robinson, house 10 Mitchell street<br />
Blair, Alexander, tailor and clothier, 10 Jamaica street<br />
Blair, Campbell, grocer, 92 High street and 3 Stobcross street<br />
Blair, David, bookbinder, 77 Brunswick street<br />
Blair, D. chaplain, Royal infirmary<br />
Blair, E. & Co. (Old Exchange Loan Co ) pawnbrokers, 4.3 Trongate<br />
Blair Sc Hamilton, sewed muslin manufacturers, 19 South Hanover st.<br />
Blair, Horatius, writer, 108 Argyll street, house Rutland crescent<br />
Blair, James, spirit dealer, 17 Stobcross street, Aaderston<br />
Blair, John, smallware merchant, 120 Trongate, and 91 Argyll street,<br />
house 41 Howard street<br />
Blair, John, eating-house, 72 Canning street, Calton<br />
Blair, John, turner, 20 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Blair, .John, furnishing shop, 55 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Blair, John, jun. hatter and cap manufacturer, 67 Trongate<br />
Blair, John, spirit dealer, Duke street, opposite Cattle market<br />
Blair & Robinson, iron founders, 49 Mitchell street<br />
Blair, Robert, King William tavern, 1 19 Gallowgate<br />
Blair, Robert, bootmaker, 8 Dundas street<br />
Blair, Robert, grocer and spirit dealer, Finnieaton<br />
Blair, W. D. wine merchant, 108 Argyll st. ho. Greenbank, Govan rd.<br />
Blair, W. D. clerk to the commissioners <strong>of</strong> assessed taxes for the city,<br />
62 Arcade<br />
Blair, William, <strong>of</strong> Blair ^ Hamilton, house 1 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Blair, William, <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> excise, 21 William street, Calton<br />
Blair, William, grocer and fruiterer, 150 Trongate<br />
Blair, Mrs. Archibald, 193 Argyll street<br />
Blair, Mrs. J. victualler, 9 Norfolk street<br />
Blair, Mrs. 189 Buchanan street<br />
Blair, Miss, boys' dress maker, 62 Buchanan street<br />
BLAND, Robert, & Co. drapers, 8 High street, house 10 College st.<br />
BLANE, John, spirit dealer, 42 John street<br />
BLANEY, Charles, spirit dealer. New venel<br />
Blantvbe Yarn Warehouse, 1 1 George square<br />
BLEAYMIRE, Wm. at Thos. Sheils §• Co.'s, ho. 128 Wellington st.<br />
BLOUNT, Robert, <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> excise, 68 Crown street<br />
BLYTH, George, boot and shoe maker, 368 Gallowgate<br />
Blyth, H, M. sub-collector, Gas <strong>of</strong>fice, house 13 Croy place<br />
Blyth, John, bird stuffer, &c. 97 Nelson street<br />
Blyth, J. S. <strong>of</strong> Lelhem, Blyth §• Lethem, house 12 Albany place<br />
Blyth, Thomas, bootmaker, 60 Argyll st. ho. 138 South Portland st.<br />
BOAG, George, <strong>of</strong> Thomas JBoag Sf Co. bouse 278 Sauchiehall street<br />
Boag, John, surgeon, 57 Union street, consulting rooms 55 do.<br />
Boag, John, & Co. bootmakers, 271 George street<br />
Boag, Robert, teacher, Bridgeton public school, Main street<br />
Boag, Thomas, & Co. merchants and commission agents, 276 George st.<br />
Boag, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Thomas Boag Sf Co. house Garnetbank<br />
Boag, William, Boarhead tavern, Ki Marshall street<br />
Boag, Mrs. A. 278 Garnetbank, Sauchiehall street<br />
BODSTEIN, J. S. <strong>of</strong> M. H. Schwahe Sf Gohert, ho. 80 Buccleuch st.<br />
BOGGIE, Andrew, & Co. brushmakers, 55 Candlerigg street<br />
BOGLE, Alexander, & Co. merchants, 21 Renfield street<br />
Bogle, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> Gilmourhill, <strong>of</strong> Robert Bogle § Co.<br />
Bogle, A. victualler and spirit dealer, 6 James street, Bridgeton<br />
Bogle & Co. auctioneers and appraisers, 26 Wilson street<br />
Bogle, Douglas & Co. merchants, 64' Buchanan street<br />
Bogle, Forrester & Co. clothiers, 76 St. Vincent street<br />
Bogle, Geoi'ge, <strong>of</strong> Rosemount, <strong>of</strong> Robert Bogle §• Co.<br />
Bogle, Gilbert K. 23 Elmbank crescent<br />
Bogle, Hugh, 22 Elmbank crescent<br />
Bogle, J. & W. drapers, milliners, &c. 56 and 58 Oxford street<br />
Bogle, James, writer, 40 Candlerigg street, house 26 College street<br />
Bogle, James, <strong>of</strong> Campbell, Bogle Sf Douglas, house 198 Bath street<br />
Bogle, John, <strong>of</strong> Bogle, Alexander, Sf Co. house 19 Woodside crescent<br />
Bogle, Michael, agent for Imperial Fire and Life <strong>Office</strong>, and clerk to<br />
Commissioners <strong>of</strong> assessed taxes for Lower Ward <strong>of</strong> Lanarkshire, 88<br />
St. Vincent street, house 22 Elmbank crescent<br />
Bogle, Michael, & Co. painters, &c. and agents for Edinburgh stained<br />
glass, 88 St. Vincent street<br />
Bogle, Peter, <strong>of</strong> P. Bogle !f Co. house 20 Monteith row<br />
Bogle, Peter, & Co. cotton-spinners, 122 Ingram st. works Main street,<br />
Bridgeton<br />
Bogle, Robert, & Co. merchants, 1 Victoria place. West Regent street<br />
Bogle, William, broker and general agent for <strong>National</strong> Loan Fund Life<br />
Assurance Society, 26 Wilson street, house Partick<br />
Bogle, William, writer, 62 Hutcheson street, house 29 Rottenrow<br />
Bogle, Mrs. Archibald, 22 Elmbank crescent<br />
Bogle, Mrs. James, 119 St. Vincent street<br />
Bogle, Mrs. William, 21 Blythswood square<br />
BOLTON, A. M. teacher <strong>of</strong> dancing. Baronial hall, ho. 10 Clyde terrace<br />
Bolton, George, provision merchant, 182 West Nile street<br />
Bolton, William, teacher <strong>of</strong> dancing. Assembly rooms, Ingram street<br />
BONAR, David, spirit dealer, 4 Eglinton street<br />
Bonar, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 8 North Clyde street, Anderston<br />
BoNNTBRiDGE Saw MiLL Yaki), A. & G. Patcrson, Railway depot,<br />
Townhead<br />
BOOKLASS, George, carver, 249 Argyll street<br />
Booklass, James, plasteier, 50 Commerce street, Tradeston<br />
BORLAND, Brown & Co. merchants, 107 Buchanan street
BORLAND BOYD. 41<br />
Borland, F. <strong>of</strong> Borland, Broivn Sf Co. house 51 West Regent street<br />
Borland, Francis, 51 West Regent street, or 53 Virginia street<br />
Borland, Robert, spirit dealer, J 99 High street<br />
Borland & Somtnerviile, fire hrick and grinding work, Market st. Gallowg.<br />
BORRENSTEIN & Neilson, publishers and bookbinders, 45 Candlerigg<br />
street<br />
BORROWS, Jeremiah, baker, 169 Gallowgate and 29 Saltmarket st.<br />
BORTHWICK, Alexander, house 62 Charlotte street<br />
Boston and Halifax Royal Mail Steam- Packet Ofl&ce, 9 Buchanan st.<br />
BOST, A. 53 Virginia street<br />
BOSTON, Thomas, seal engraver, 190 Trongate<br />
BOW, A. & T. brick and tile makers and builders, works at Shields,<br />
West street, Tradeston<br />
Bow, A. <strong>of</strong> A. Sf T. Bow, house 7i Crown street, Hutchesontown<br />
Bow, W. currier and leather mercht. 66 High st. ho. 12 Monteith row<br />
BOWDEN, M. J. teller, <strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ship bank<br />
Bowden, Mrs. Robert, 122 Wellington street<br />
BOWER, Oliver, hardware and stationery mercht. 70 Kirk st. Calton<br />
BOWES, Rohert, wright, 43 Castle street<br />
BOWIE, David, brushmaker, 71 Gallowgate and 161 Buchanan street<br />
Bowie, Francis, victualler, 19^ Norfolk street<br />
Bowie, James, & Co. commission merchants, 116 Ingrain street<br />
Bowie, James, <strong>of</strong> James Bowie §• Co. ho. I Bedford place, Garnethill<br />
Bowie, James, & Co. coal agents, 1 Stobcross street, Anderston<br />
Bowie, William, <strong>of</strong> James Bowie §• Co. house Abbotsford place<br />
BOWMAN, Alex, smith & bell- hanger, 22 Shuttle st. ho. 26 College st.<br />
Bowman, Andrew, pattern designer, 44 South Portland street<br />
Bowman, W. & J. piano-forte makers, 105 John street<br />
Bowman, Miss E. lodgings, 119 George street<br />
BOWSTEAD, Thomas, grocer and spirit dealer, 54 Barrack street<br />
BOYD, Adam, <strong>of</strong> David Boyd §• Co. house Cleland testimonial<br />
Boyd, Alexander, Calton town crier, 45 Stevenson street<br />
Boyd, Archd. M. <strong>of</strong> William Boyd 8f Son, house 1 York place<br />
Boyd, Charles, & Son, soap and candle manufacturers, oil merchants, &c.<br />
20 Hutcheson street, works Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Boyd, Charles, <strong>of</strong> C. Boyd Sf Son, house 357 Argyll street<br />
Boyd, David, & Co. wholesale stationers, 1 19 Ingram street<br />
Boyd, Henry, whipmaker, &c. 39 Prince's street, ho. 66 Hospital st.<br />
Boyd & Horn, victuallers, 61 Stevenson street<br />
Boyd, James, cotton yarn merchant & agent, 29 Ingram street, house 9<br />
Oxford street<br />
Boyd, James, hakcr, 191 Argyll street<br />
Boyd, James, spirit merchant, 46 Miller's place<br />
Boyd, James, grocer and post-<strong>of</strong>Ece receiving house, 19 New Bridge st.<br />
Boyd, James, <strong>of</strong> C. Boyd Sf Son, house 357 Argyll street<br />
Boyd, John, <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> excise, 97 Centre street<br />
Boyd, John, huilder, 39 Dalhousie street<br />
Boyd, John, spirit dealer, 81 Canning street, Calton<br />
Boyd, John, hairdresser, 64 Stockwell street<br />
Boyd, John, writer, 129 Ingram street, house 6 Apsley place<br />
Boyd & Lawson, commission merchants and ship and insurance brokers,<br />
65 Jamaica street<br />
Boyd, M'Nab Sc Co. calico printers, 145 Ingram street<br />
42 BDXD<br />
—<br />
Boyd, Robert, spirit merchant, 381 Gallowgate<br />
Boyd, W. & Son, cabinet wareho. 14 Buchanan st. works 86 Renfrew st.<br />
Boyd, William, <strong>of</strong> William Boyd §• Son, house 1 York place<br />
Boyd, William, spirit dealer, 4) Clyde place<br />
Boyd, William, <strong>of</strong>Boyd S^ Lawson, house 117 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Boyd's mercantile academy, 14
Bridgeton Union Victualling Society, 132 Main st. Bridgeton, R. Lang<br />
Bridgeton Baking Society, 63 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Bridgeton Old Victualling and Baking Society, 66 Main st. Bridgeton<br />
Bridgeton Operative Viclunlling Society, 106 Main st. A. Fyfe, purchaser<br />
Bridgeton Victualling Society, 109 Main street, Jolin Frame, purchaser<br />
BRITISH American West India and General Shipping Association,<br />
3 Exchange place, T. G. Buchanan, secretary<br />
British Commercial Insurance Co. Hamilton, Brothers & Co. 240<br />
Broomielaw quay, and James Steven, 29 Hutchesou street, agents<br />
British Fire Insurance <strong>Office</strong>, H Gordon street, John Black, agent<br />
British Iron Foundry, 598 Gallowgate<br />
British Linen Company Bank, corner <strong>of</strong> Queen street and Ingram street,<br />
David Goodsir, agent<br />
British Plate Glass Co. Buchanan, Gray & Co. agents, o7 Buchanan st.<br />
British Woollen Mart, 67 Argyll street<br />
BROADFOOT, Alex, <strong>of</strong> Harvey, Brand Sf Co. bouse 85 Bath street<br />
Broadfoot, Robert, victualler, 344) Gallowgate<br />
Broadfoot, Mrs. spirit dealer, 32 Shuttle street<br />
Broadfoot, Miss, 150 Hill street, Garnethitl<br />
BROAD LEY, John, <strong>of</strong> Robert Dolglish §• Co. ho. 31 Abbotsford place<br />
Broadley, William, at Robert Dalylish ^ Co.'s, Queen street<br />
B ROC AS, William, teacher <strong>of</strong> music, 105 Stockwell street<br />
BROCK, Henry, manager <strong>of</strong> the Clydesdale bank, house Cessnockbank<br />
Brock, James, <strong>of</strong> Walter Brock ^ Co. house 82 George street<br />
Brock, J. & J. tobacconists, 78 Bridgegate<br />
Brock, John, tobacco and snutT manufacturer, 135 Bridgegate<br />
Brock, John, fruiterer, 122 Stockwell street<br />
Brock, Robert, tavernkeeper, 56 Trongate<br />
Brock, Walter, & Co. merchants, 69 Queen street<br />
Brock, Walter, heddlemaker, 27 Weaver street<br />
Brock, William, victualler, 296 High street, house 298 do.<br />
Brock, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 312 Argyll street<br />
Brock, William, fruiterer, 61 Ingram street<br />
Brock, Mrs. c<strong>of</strong>fee house and commercial lodgings, 1 Antigua place<br />
BROCKET, Andrew, joiner, house and ship wright, 24 York street<br />
Brocket, William, bird and animal stufFer, 39 Portugal street<br />
BRODIE, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Brodie, M'Leod Sf Co. house 86 Bath street<br />
Brodie, Archibald, carver and gilder, 60 Buchanan street<br />
Brodie, D. & Co. brassfounders, 28 Old wynd<br />
Brodie, Hugh, <strong>of</strong> Muirs, Connell Sf Co. house 33 Abbotsford place<br />
Brodie, James, weaving manager, at R. Thomson Sf Sons' works, house<br />
102 Castlemilk place<br />
Brodie, John, merchant. Letters left at A. & J. Nisbet's, 100 Trongate<br />
Brodie, M'Leod & Co. clothiers, 65 Buchanan street<br />
Brodie, Rev. Robert, 10 Monteith row<br />
Brodie, Robert, carter, 88 High John street<br />
Brodie, \Vm. & Co. manufacturers and merchants, 15 & 19 Cochran st.<br />
Brodie, William, <strong>of</strong> William Brodie Sf Co. house 21 Abbotsford place<br />
Brodie, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 198 Cowcaddens street<br />
Brodie, Mrs. C. milliner and dressmaker, 96 M'Alpine street<br />
Brodie, Miss, matron. Royal infirmary<br />
BROOKE, J. bootmaker, from London, 126 Ingram street<br />
BROOKMAN, G. & Son, printers & stereotype founders, 5 Union st.
^44 BROOKS BROWN.<br />
BROOKS, Robert, spirit dealer, 7 Old venal<br />
Brooks, William & James, baltic timber merchants, 68 St. Vincent street<br />
Brooks, William, <strong>of</strong> William Sf James Brooks, Swedish and Norwegian<br />
vice-consul, house 12 Woodside crescent<br />
BiiooMiELAW Foundry Co. Delftficld lane<br />
Broomielaw Rope and Sail Manufactory, 150 Broomielaw<br />
BROOM, Alexander, builder, 122 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Broom, Ale.xander, draper and silk mercer, 146 Tronjrate<br />
Broom, James, & Co. worsted and shawl warehouse, 16.3 Ingram street<br />
Broom, James, <strong>of</strong> James Broom §• Co. house 113 St. Vincent street<br />
Broom, William, mason and builder, 134 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
BROWN, Alexander, architect, 87 Argyll street<br />
Brown, Alexander, & Co. 35 Queen street, weaving works Commercial<br />
road, Hutchesontown, and spinning and weaving woi'ks. South Sawmillfield,<br />
Port-Dundas<br />
Brown, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Alex. Brown §* Co. house 46 West George street<br />
Brown, Alexander, at William Wardlnw Sf Co.'s, house 34 Brougham pi.<br />
Brown, Alexander, porter. Royal bank, house Royal bank place<br />
Brown, Alexander, teacher <strong>of</strong> languages, 2 Havannah street<br />
Brown, Alexander, & Co. watch and clock makers, 3 Union street<br />
Brown, Andrew, spirit, porter and ale cellars, 34 George square<br />
Brown, Andrew, supervisor <strong>of</strong> excise, 4 Great Hamilton street<br />
Brown, Archibald, baker, 1 1 Anderston quay<br />
Brown, Archibald, James Watt tavern, 19 George square<br />
Brown, Archibald, baker, 336 Argyll street<br />
Brown, Archibald, & Co. silk gauze manufacturers, 102 Virginia place<br />
Brown, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> Archd. Broivn Sf Co. house 103 West Regent st.<br />
Brown, Archibald, MD. 34 King street, house 104 George street<br />
Brown, Archibald F. commission merchant, 8 Stockwell place<br />
Brown, A. portrait painter, 90 Carrick street<br />
Brown, A. & J. painters and paper-hangers, 94 Carrick street<br />
Brown, A. M. & Co. ship brokers, 16 St. Enoch square<br />
Brown, A. M. <strong>of</strong> A. M. Brown §• Co. house 70 Oxford street<br />
Brown & Bell, ship brokers and commission merchts. 107 Buchanan st.<br />
Brown, Bernard, blockmaker, 10 Oswald street<br />
Brown, Caddell, spirit dealer, 31 Kirk street, Townhead<br />
Brown & Carrick, architects, 144 Queen street<br />
Brown & Co. general grocers, 8 Kirk street, Townhead<br />
Brown, Colin, at Dennistoun, McGregor ^ Co 's, 73 West Nile street<br />
Brown, Cornelius, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf C. Brown, house 143 W. Campbell street<br />
Brown, C. Wilsone, <strong>of</strong> William Brown §• Co. 24 Stockwell street<br />
Brown, David, shoemaker, 14 Broad street, Mile-end<br />
Brown, David, & Co. merchants, 1 1 Miller street<br />
Brown, David, writer, 38 High street<br />
Brown, David, hatter, 64 Trongate<br />
Brown, Duncan, & Co. drysalters, 43 Argyll street<br />
Brown, Duncan, <strong>of</strong> Duncan Brown Sf Co. house 12 Nicbolson street<br />
Brown & Downs, wholesale grocers, importers <strong>of</strong> fruits, butter, &c.<br />
Commercial court, 106 Gallowgate<br />
Brown, D. St R. successors to J. & R. Hunter, brewers, 23 Montrose st.<br />
Brown, Edward, <strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ship bank<br />
Brown, Edward, <strong>of</strong> Baird ^ Brown, house at the works, Port-Dundas<br />
Brown, George, at Alexander Johnston ^ Co.'s, 8 Royal Exchange rooms
45<br />
Brown, George, at C. Tennent §• Co.''s, house St. Rollux<br />
Brown, George, <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> excise, 29 Normal place<br />
Brown, G. E. <strong>of</strong> Johnston §• Broivn, house 191 Renfrew street<br />
Brown & Gibb, ham curers and provision merchants, 19 Wilson street<br />
Brown, Henry, <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 40 Warwick street<br />
Brown, Hugh, jun. & Co. ship and insurance brokers and general<br />
commission agents, 71 Queen street<br />
Brown, Hugh, jun. <strong>of</strong> Hugh Brown, jun. 8j Co. house 17 Newton place<br />
Brown, Hugh, & Co. muslin manufacturers, 102 Virginia place<br />
Brown, Hugh, <strong>of</strong> Hugh Brown §• Co. house 9 Abercromby place<br />
Brown, H. cabinetmaker & upholsterer, 93 Stockwell & 61 Candleriggs<br />
Brown, James, surgeon, 72 Stockwell street, house 113 Douglas street<br />
Brown, James & Cornelius, (late C. Brown & Sons,) sewed inuilin<br />
manufacturers, 47 Cochran street<br />
Brown, James, <strong>of</strong> J. § C. Brown, house 145 W^est Campbell street<br />
Brown, James, spirit dealer, 37 South Coburg street<br />
Brown, James, ilesher, 17 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Brown, James, <strong>of</strong> Broivn §• Scott, house 21 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
Brown, James, tailor and furnisher, 30 Bedford street<br />
Brown, James K. 160 Bedford place<br />
Brown, James, MD. pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> midwifeiy, Andersonian university,<br />
house 176 West George street<br />
Brown, James, <strong>of</strong> William Brown §• Co. 24 Stockwell street<br />
Brown, James & Thomas, & Co. wholesale tea dealers, grocers and fi'uit<br />
merchants, 124 Argyll street<br />
Brown, James, house Broonihill nursery<br />
Brown, James, <strong>of</strong> James &f Thomas Brown ^ Co. ho. 45 Abbotsford pi.<br />
Brown, James C. bookseller and stationer, 218 Argyll street<br />
Brown, James, 112 Hope street<br />
Brown, James, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf J. Brown, house 139 Drygate<br />
Brown, James, beadle <strong>of</strong> Martyrs' church, ho. Kenmurepl. Glebe street<br />
Bi'own, James, merchant, 52 Virginia street<br />
Brown, James, council <strong>of</strong>ficer, 14 Renfrew street<br />
Brown, James, box and trunk maker, cabinetmaker, &c. 7 Canon street,<br />
and wood merchant, 86 Mitchell st. house 35 North Albion street<br />
Brown, James, house factor, 57 Buchanan street<br />
Browne, James, <strong>of</strong> Bennet §• Browne, house 183 W^est George street<br />
Browne, James, jun. <strong>of</strong> Bennet Sf Browne, 126 Queen street<br />
Brown, James, 258 High street<br />
Brown, James, janitor, Royal infirmary<br />
Brown, James, architect, house 58 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
Brown, J. & A. shuttlemakers, 195 Gallowgate<br />
Brown, John, millwright and machinemaker. Union place, Anderston,<br />
house 31 North street<br />
Brown, J. & J. dyers, 137 Drygate<br />
Brown, John, cotton broker, general agent & bonded warehouse keeper,<br />
31 Argyll street, house above<br />
Brown, John, <strong>of</strong> William Brown Sf Soil, house 9 Normal place<br />
Brown, John, bootmaker, 62 Maxwell street<br />
Brown, John, surgeon, 110 and 112 Trongate, house 93 London street<br />
Brown, John, jun. <strong>of</strong> Sharp Sf Co. house St. Mungo street<br />
Brown, John, tobacco and snufF manufacturer, 44 Saltmarket street<br />
Brown, John, wright and house factor, 41 Charlotte street
46<br />
Brown, John, painter and paper-hanger, 19 Norfolk street<br />
Brown, John, joiner and packing-box maker, 18 Little Hamilton street<br />
Brown, John, confectioner, 93 Great Hamilton street<br />
Brown, John Grier, 40 Great Clyde street<br />
Brown, John, fruiterer, 20 Glassford street<br />
Brown, John, eating-house. Glebe street<br />
Brown, Joseph, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf J. Broiun, house 17 Whitevale<br />
Brown, J. & R. druggists, 110 and 112 Trongate<br />
Brown & M'Farlane, drapers, 259 Buchanan street and 17 Eglinton st.<br />
Brown, M. &: J. nursery and seedsmen, 171 Trongate, nursery at Gamkirk<br />
Railway depot, Townhead, Keppoch-hill road<br />
Brown, Mathew, <strong>of</strong> Strang, Brown §• Co. house 37 Saucliiehall street<br />
Brown, Moses, house Broomhill nursery<br />
Brown, Neil, writer, 26 Hutcheson street, house 35 do.<br />
Brown, Niven, pastry baker, Gi Gallowgate<br />
Brown, Peter, & Son, merchants, 67 Virginia street<br />
Brown, P. M'T. <strong>of</strong> Borland, Brown Sf Co. and Brmon §- Bell, ho. 180<br />
West Regent street<br />
Brown, Robert, baker and spirit dealer, 62 High street<br />
Brown, Robert M. copperplate-printer, lithographer, &
BROWN BRYCE. 47.<br />
Brown, William, spirit dealer, 6 Turner's court, 87 Argyll street<br />
Brown, William, & Co. provision merchants, 121 Gallowgate<br />
Brown, William, 194 West Nile street<br />
Brown, Mrs. E. baker, 88 High street<br />
Brown, Blrs. John, broker, 22 Miller's place<br />
Brown, Mrs. J. furnisliing shop, 2.3 Adelphi street<br />
Brown, Mrs. P. flcslier, 18 West Nile street, house 3 West Regent st.<br />
Brown, Mrs. 197 Renfrew street<br />
Brown, Mrs. furnishing shop, 6 Eglinton street<br />
Brown, Miss Ann, toy and furnishing shop, 250 Gallowgate<br />
Brown, Miss, 202 St. Geoi-ge's road<br />
BROWNING, Andrew, baker, 207 High street<br />
Browning, James, saddler, 35 Stockwell street<br />
Browning, Matthew, grain weigher, 22 York street<br />
Browning, Mrs. William, baker, 187 Gallowgate<br />
Browning, ]Miss Margaret, baker, 22 Great Hamilton street<br />
BROWNLIE, Alexander, baker, 16 Portugal street<br />
Brownlie, Archibald, timber and slate merchant, Port-Dundas<br />
Brownlie, A. <strong>of</strong> Brownlie Sf CoUey, house 153 Eglinton street<br />
Brownlie & Colley, bootmakers, 20 Reiifield street<br />
Brownlie, James, spirit dealer, 82 Stevenson street<br />
Brownlie, James, irianager, J. & C. M. Graham's cotton works, Calton,<br />
house Broomward street<br />
Brownlie, John, victualler, 64 Stevenson street<br />
Brownlie, John, flesher, 8 Norfolk street<br />
Brownlie, John, boot and shoe maker, 257 Buchanan street<br />
Brownlie, John, Old Tontine tavern, 72 Stobcross street<br />
Brownlie, Thomas, baker, 48 Bridge street<br />
Brownlie, Thomas, builder, 5 Cumberland place<br />
BRUCE, Adam, fishmonger, 154 High street<br />
Bruce, Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer, 29 Clyde street, Calton<br />
Bruce, Andrew, grocer, S5 Marlborough street<br />
Bruce, Henry, at John Fyje § Co.'s, house Clyde street, Port-Dundas<br />
Bruce, James, <strong>of</strong> Heslop, Jenkins Sf Bruce, house 64 Lawmoor place<br />
Bruce, Peter, paper & rag merchant, 6 Shuttle st. & 172 Broomielaw<br />
Bruce, Robert, grocer and fruiterer, 231 Buchanan street<br />
Bruce, Robert, rag merchant, house 21 College street<br />
Bruce, Robert, packsheet merchant, 13 Little Hamilton street<br />
Bruce, Mrs. Jolin, spirit dealer, 65 Green street, Calton<br />
Bruce, Misses, dressmakers, 65 Renfield street<br />
Bruce, Miss, 7.3 Eglinton street<br />
BRUFF, John, brushmaker, 62 Main street, Gorbals<br />
BRUNTON, Charles, bricklayer and oven builder, 458 Argyll street<br />
BRYCE, Alex, wine & spirit merchant, 42 St. Andrew's st. ho. 40 do.<br />
Bryce, I), bookseller & stationer, 101 Buchanan street, house 198 do.<br />
Bryce, James, smith & fariier, 92 King st. Tradeston, ho. 25 Centre st.<br />
Bryce, James, spirit dealer, 12 West Milton street<br />
Bryce, .John, architect, 189 Buchanan street<br />
Bryce, John, hardware merchant, Cowcaddens street<br />
Bryce, J. D. <strong>of</strong> JJennision, Bryce § Co. house 105 North Douglas st.<br />
Bryce, Peter, victualler, Bryce's land, Port-Dundas<br />
Bryce, Thomas, wine and spirit dealer, 68g^ Eglinton street<br />
Bryce, William, beadle, house 6 West Tarbert street
Bryce, William, <strong>of</strong> Irvine ^ Bryce, house 75 Bath street<br />
Bryce, William, spirit dealer, Clyde street, Port-Dundas<br />
Bryce, Miss, embroiderer. Holme place, 278 Argyll street<br />
BRYDEN, John, & Sons, bell-hangers & window blind manufacturers,<br />
17 Exchange place<br />
Bryden, Robert, <strong>of</strong>John Bryden §• Sons, house 59 Renfield street<br />
BRYDON, William, coach builder, 32 Great Clyde St. ho. 38 Dunlopst.<br />
BRYDSON, William, accountant, 15 Eglinton street<br />
BRYSON, Charles, jeweller & watchmaker, 72 Argyll street, house 26<br />
South Portland street<br />
Bryson, James, victualler a!id spirit dealer, 1S6 Cowcaddens street<br />
Bryson, John G. chandler, 2-t Eglinton street<br />
Bryson, John, <strong>of</strong> William Bryson §• Co. house 16 Bridge street<br />
Bryson & Miller, merchants and cotton brokers, 55 Wilson street<br />
Bryson, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Bryson §• Miller, house Kingston cottage<br />
Bryson, Robert, wine and spirit dealer, 41 Sal tmarket street<br />
Bryson, William, & Co. zebra and shawl manufacturers, 145 Queen st.<br />
Bryson, William, <strong>of</strong> William Bryson Sf Co. house 54 Oxford street<br />
BUCH AN, Alex, <strong>of</strong> Biichan If Stewart, house Chapel, Cambuslang<br />
Buchan, J. & R. & Co. corn brokers, 46 Jamaica street<br />
Buchan, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf R. Buchan Sf Co. ho. Morton cottage, Parkhead<br />
Buchan, John, & Co. brassfounders and gasfitters, 356 Argyll street<br />
Buchan, John, <strong>of</strong> John Buchan Sf Co. house 93 Cadogan street<br />
Buchan, INIorrison, painter and paper-hanger, 43 Gordon street<br />
Buchan, Peter, late printer and publisher, .30 Renfrew street<br />
Buchan, Peter, at Mein Sf Johnston's, house 24 Garscube road<br />
Buchan & Stewart, spinning & thread works, 2 Howard st. Bridgeton<br />
Buchan, William, agent, 13 East Nile street<br />
BUCHANAN, Alexander, draper, 301 Argyll street<br />
Buchanan, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Auld Sf Buchanan, house 28 Abbotsford place<br />
Buchanan, Alexander, funei-al undertaker, 124 High street, house do.<br />
Buchanan, Alex, sewed muslin manufacturer, 62 Queen st. ho. Slatefield<br />
Buchanan, Allan, <strong>of</strong> George Buchanan Sf Sons, house 7 Woodside place<br />
Buchanan, Dr. Andrew, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> the institutes <strong>of</strong> medicine. Univer-<br />
sity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong>, house 13 Moore place<br />
Buchanan, Andrew, manufacturer <strong>of</strong> flexible gas tubes, 14 Bell street<br />
Buchanan, Andrew, at Drunipeller Coal Co.'s, 89 St. Vincent street<br />
Buchanan, Andrew, tobacconist, &c. 352 High street<br />
Buchanan, Archibald, painter and paper-hanger, 25 Kent street<br />
Buchanan & Cairns, ham curers, 16 and 18 Wilson street<br />
Buchanan & Co. merchants, 157 Buchanan street<br />
Buchanan, Cunningham, flesher, 5 Stirling st. house 8 East Clyde st.<br />
Buchanan, David, optician, 93 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Buchanan & Drysdale, joiners and cabinetmakers, 37 Adelphi street,<br />
Hutchesontown<br />
Buchanan, Dr. George, 154 Sauchiehall street<br />
Buchanan, George & John, & Co. merchants, 20 St. Vincent place<br />
Buchanan, George, & Sons, bleachers and calendrers, 95 Candlerigg st.<br />
Buchanan, George, <strong>of</strong> Nimmo Sf Buchanan, house 7 Woodside place<br />
Buchanan, G. F. landscape painter and teacher <strong>of</strong> drawing & painting,<br />
45 Queen street<br />
Buchanan, Hamilton & Co. merchants, 29 St.Vincent place<br />
Buchanan, Herbert, merchant, 24 West Nile st. ho. 241 W. George st.
BUCHANAN. 49<br />
Buchanan, Hugh, spirit dealer, 59 Garngad road<br />
Buchanan, Isaac, <strong>of</strong> Peter Buchanan Sf Co. ho. H< Woodside crescent<br />
Buchanan, Isaac, medical hall, 41 New Bridge street<br />
Buchanan, James, consular agent, 57 Buchanan street<br />
Buchanan, James, <strong>of</strong> Dowanhill, at Dennistoun, Buchanan &f Co.'s, 20<br />
St. Vincent place<br />
Buchanan, James, edge-tool maker, 79 Stockwell street<br />
Buchanan, James, Eastlield. Letters left at 42 Dunlop street<br />
Buchanan, James, victualler, 264 Gallowgate<br />
Buchanan, James, at James Ewing ^ Co.'s, ho. 7 Apsley pi. Laurieston<br />
Buchanan, James, <strong>of</strong> James Finlay Sf Co. 172 Buchanan street<br />
Buchanan, James, 16 Centre street, Tradeston<br />
Buchanan, James, patent heddle warehouse, 58 Mitchell street<br />
Buchanan, John & James, manufacturers, 106 Hutcheson street<br />
Buchanan, John, & Co. coach builders, 64 Union street<br />
Buchanan, John, <strong>of</strong> Buchanan § Co. 157 Buchanan street, house 6<br />
Wellington place, Sauchiehall street<br />
Buchanan, John, secretary. Western bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, ho. 12 Miller st.<br />
Buchanan, John, <strong>of</strong> John Buchanan § Co. house 8 Royal crescent<br />
Buchanan, John, <strong>of</strong> Geo. § John Buchanan §• Co. house Partick hill<br />
Buchanan, John, smith, 4 Cathcart street<br />
Buchanan, John, & Co. wrights, packing-box makers, &c. 42 Ingram st.<br />
and 3Q John street<br />
Buchanan, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Buchanan §• Co. wrights, house Coplawhill<br />
Buchanan, John, & Co. wine and spirit merchants, 15 Prince's street<br />
Buchanan, John, wine and spirit merchant, 295 High street<br />
Buchanan, J. & J. wine and spirit merchants, 63 Stockwell street<br />
Buchanan, John, sen. <strong>of</strong>J. &f J. Buchanan, ho. Ill West St. Vincent st.<br />
Buchanan, John, builder, 9 Normal place, Garscube road<br />
Buchanan, John, Gorbals town <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 13 Oxford lane<br />
Buchanan, John, jun. <strong>of</strong>J. § J. Buchanan, ho. 194 West St. Vincent st.<br />
Buchanan, John, wine and spirit dealer, 58 Stevenson street<br />
Buchanan, John, black borderer & funeral letter manufact. 24 Wilson st.<br />
Buchanan, John, pattern drawer and print cutter, 24 Wilson street<br />
Buchanan, John, coiFee house, 3 Clyde place<br />
Buchanan, John, victualler, 131 Bridgegate<br />
Buchanan, John, wine and spirit merchant, 26 Stobcross st. Anderston<br />
Buchanan, John, victualler, 5 North Woodside road<br />
Buchanan, Joseph, confectioner, 1 65 Ingram street<br />
Buchanan, Moses, miller and burr millstone builder, 43 Washington st.<br />
Buchanan, Dr. M. S. 2 Windsor place, Sauchiehall street<br />
Buchanan, Peter, & Co, merchants, 24 St. Vincent place<br />
Buchanan, Peter, <strong>of</strong> Peter Buchanan S^ Co. house 14 Woodside crescent<br />
Buchanan, Peter, victualler, 163 High st. and spirit dealer, 5 Broad close<br />
Buchanan, Robert, victualler, 73 Argyll street<br />
Buchanan, Rev. Robert, <strong>of</strong> the Tron Church, house 2 Richmond street<br />
Buchanan, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Buchanan, Rowand Sf Co. ho. 25 Blythswood sq.<br />
Buchanan, Rowand & Co. grain and commission merchts. 33Virginia st.<br />
Buchanan, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Buchanan, Wilson Sf Co. house Wellshot<br />
Buchanan, Thomas, merchant, <strong>of</strong> Buchanan, Watson Sf Co. ho. Cowlairs<br />
Buchanan, T. G. & R, Aitken, accountants and stockbrokers, 3<br />
Exchange place<br />
Buchanan, T. G. <strong>of</strong> Buchanan Sf Aitken, house 1 South Frederick street<br />
50 B UCHANAN—BURN.<br />
Bucfaanan, Thomas, thatched house tavern, 33 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Buchanan, Walter, surgeon, 94 Main street, Gorbals, house 88 do.<br />
Buchauan, Walter, at Buchanan, Hamilton Sf Co.'s, ho. 212 W.George st.<br />
Buchanan, Walter, grocer, 1 1 Rottenrow<br />
Buchanan, Watson & Co. merchants, 20 St. Vincent place<br />
Buchanan, W. M. teacher, 107 George street<br />
Buchanan, Wm. & Co. house painters and paper-hangers, 17 Gordon st.<br />
Buchanan, William, miniature and watch glass maker, 3 New wynd<br />
Buchanan, William, <strong>of</strong> Geo. Buchanan Sf Sons, house 7 Brandon place<br />
Buchanan, William, <strong>of</strong> J. S( J. Buchanan, house 111 West St. Vincent st.<br />
Buchanan, William, victualler, 165 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Buchanan, William, superintendent <strong>of</strong> Tontine coifee rooms, Exchange<br />
buildings, Trongate, house Garnethill<br />
Buchanan, W. & Co. silk and calico printers, 33 Virginia street, works<br />
Blackland mill, near Paisley<br />
Buchanan, William, grocer and victualler, 20 West Nile street<br />
Buchanan, William, & Co. woollen and linen drapers, 7 Gallowgate<br />
Buchanan, William, wine merchant, 62 Argyll street, house 10 Duke st.<br />
Buchanan, Wilson & Co. brokers & commission merchants, 42 Dunlop st.<br />
Buchanan, Mrs. William, elephant tavern, 29 Gallowgate<br />
Buchanan, Mrs. grocer and spirit dealer, 15 Catherine street, Anderstois<br />
Buchanan, Mrs. Robert, 94 W^est Nile street<br />
Buchanan, Mrs. lodgings, 128 Union street<br />
Buchanan, Miss Agnes, grocer, 136 Rottenrow<br />
Buchanan, Miss, 87 West Regent street<br />
Buchanan, Misses, 14 Newton place<br />
Buchanan, Miss M. strawhat maker, 6 South Portland street<br />
BUCKINGHAM, John, spirit dealer, 30 College street<br />
Bucks Head Hotel, 61 Argyll street<br />
BuDHiLL and Gartcloss Coal <strong>Office</strong>, 62 Hutcheson street<br />
BULL, Edward, <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> excise, Mile-end distillery<br />
BULLOCH, James, tobacconist, 68 Argyll street, house 256 do.<br />
Bulloch, James, spirit dealer, 88 Kirk street, Calton<br />
BUNTEN, Jas. timber merchant, Oswald st. ho. Holmhead, CathcarS<br />
Bunten, Robert, iron merchant, 26 St. Enoch square, house 33 Abbots-<br />
ford place<br />
Bunten, William, 37 Oswald street<br />
BUNTING, David, <strong>of</strong> W. Buchanan ^Co. painters, bo. 246 Argyll st.<br />
BUNTINE, Robert, collector and clerk <strong>of</strong> the Merchants' house, 35<br />
Miller street, house 16 Abbotsford place<br />
BURGESS, Archibald, glazier, 36 King street, Tradeston<br />
Burgess, Colin, teacher, 10 Warwick street, Laurieston<br />
Burges, David, brass and bell founder, Portugal street, Gorbals<br />
Burgess, James, <strong>of</strong> Railton §• Burgess, house 36 Well street<br />
Burgess, William, clothier, 31 Queen street, house 44 Hutcheson street<br />
Burgh Sasine <strong>Office</strong>, Council chambers, Andrew Cunninghame<br />
BURLEY & Dow, joiners and blockmakers, 18 Dale street, Tradeston<br />
Burley, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Burley §• Dow, house 50 King street, Tradeston<br />
BURN, James, & Co. hat manufacturers, 114 Trongate<br />
Burn, Peter, & Co. auctioneers and appraisers, 132 Trongate<br />
Burn, Peter, <strong>of</strong> Peter Burn §• Co. house 31 Nicholson street<br />
Burn, William, loan company and pawnbroking <strong>of</strong>fice, 24 High street,<br />
house 31 Nicholson street
BURNET, James, flesher, 193 Cowcaddens street<br />
Burnet, John, writer, 2 Montrose street, house Northbank, Garngadhill<br />
Burnet, J. & T. hairdressers, 119 Saltmarket street<br />
BURNLEY, W. F. merchant, <strong>of</strong> Robert Eccles Sj- Co. and W. Sf J.<br />
Eccles S^ Co. house 3 Adelaide place<br />
BURNS, Allan, surgeon, 59 St. Vincent street<br />
Burns, Dr. physician, 59 St.Vincent street<br />
Burns & Fisher, tailors, 99 Trongate<br />
Burns, George, <strong>of</strong> James §• George Burns, house 243 Brandon place<br />
Burns, Islay, surveyor <strong>of</strong> H. M. customs, house 14 Elmbank crescent<br />
Burns, James & George, merchants, 9 Buchanan street<br />
Burns, James, <strong>of</strong> James §• George Burns, house 224 W. St.Vincent st.<br />
Burns, John, victualler, 104 Old wynd<br />
Burns, John, hosiery and furnishing shop, 393 Gallowgate<br />
Burns, John, victualler and spirit dealer, 136 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Burns, John, spirit dealer, 2 Kirk street, Calton<br />
Burns, John, fruiterer, 125 Ingram street<br />
Burns, John, fruiterer, 3 Wellington arcade, house 11 East Bath lane<br />
Burns, John, cowfeeder, 476 Gallowgate<br />
Burns, Joseph, broker, 13 Rutherglen loan<br />
Burns, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Ferguson § Burns, house 64 Buccleuch street<br />
Burns, Robert, bookseller, wholesale & retail stationer, 35 Hutcheson St.<br />
Burns, Robert, broker, 331 Gallowgate<br />
Burns, Thomas, architect, Church Building Society's <strong>of</strong>fice, 66 Miller<br />
street, house 70 Renfrew street<br />
Burns, William, at Mack Sf Thomson's, house 43 Union street<br />
Burns, William, spirit dealer, 44 Rose street, Hutchesontown<br />
Burns, Mrs. millinery and dressmaking establishment, 50 Renfield street<br />
Burns, Mrs. Hamilton arms tavern, 76 Gallowgate<br />
BURNSIDE, Allan, manufacturer, 81 Nelson street, house 181 Eglinton<br />
street<br />
Bumside, John, boot and shoe maker, 128 Trongate, house 92 Eglinton<br />
street<br />
Burnside, John, fringe and trimming manufacturer, 108 Argyll street,<br />
and 16 Buchanan street<br />
Burnside, Robert, poulterer, 166 Argyll street<br />
BURR, Alexander, commission merchant and agent, 14 Gordon street,<br />
house 58 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
BUR RETT, Robert, smith and chain maker, 149 Renfield street<br />
BURT, William, tailor and clothier, 48 Gallowgate<br />
BURTON, A. <strong>of</strong> Burton Sf Henderson, house 38 Buchan street<br />
Burton So Henderson, smiths, 2 Norfolk street<br />
Burton, James W. <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> excise, 92 M'Alpine street<br />
Burton & Thomson, grocers, 30 Queen street, house 6 Croy place<br />
Burton, Mrs. lodgings, 193 Argyll street<br />
Busby Company, 52 Virginia street<br />
BUSBY, Edward S. 74 Brunswick street<br />
BUTT, George, spirit dealer, 194 St. George's road<br />
BUTTERS, Benjamin, grocer and spirit dealer, 59 Thistle street,<br />
Hutchesontown<br />
BYERS, Rev. J. teacher, Highland Society School, 69 Montrose street,<br />
house 30 North Albion street<br />
Byers, John, at Isaac Baxter Sf Son's, house 29 South Portland street<br />
.<br />
C<br />
CABBELL, George, 4 Albany place<br />
Cabbell, John, <strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ship bank, house Muirbank<br />
Cabbell, Mrs. 4 Albany place<br />
CADDELL, William, clothier, 39 Queen st. ho. West cottage, Govan<br />
CADENHEAD'S, Mrs. lodgings, Adam's court, 193 Argyll street<br />
CADWELL, James, grocer, 9 Marlborough street<br />
CAIE, Thomas, secretary to the city mission, 96 Cambridge street<br />
CAIRD, John, plasterer, Weyms's place<br />
Caird, William, plasterer, Weyms's place<br />
CAIRNS, G. & J. merchants and corn factors, 192 Argyll street<br />
Cairns, George, <strong>of</strong> G. ^ J. Cairns, house Douglas court<br />
Cairns, James, Sc Son, tailors and clothiers, 39 London street<br />
Cairns, James, <strong>of</strong> James Cairns 8f Son, house 2 Morris place<br />
Cairns, John, <strong>of</strong> James Cairns Sf Son, house 98 Great Hamilton street<br />
Cairns, John, & Co. wine merchants, 65 Jamaica street<br />
Cairns, John, merchant, 192 Argyll street<br />
Cairns, John, <strong>of</strong> Alexander Tennant §• Co. 67 Wilson street<br />
Cairns, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 48 Great Hamilton street<br />
Cairns, Walter, paper-ruler and bookbinder, 35 Stockwell street<br />
C ALDER and WiLSONTOwN Iron-works, <strong>of</strong>fice 37 Glassford street<br />
CALDER, James B. coal agent, at Colin Dunlop Sf Co.'s, house I<br />
Victoria place, West Regent street<br />
Calder, John, jun, 18 Glassford street, house 38 North Frederick street<br />
Calder, John, <strong>of</strong> Lang ^ Calder, 41 Miller street<br />
Calder, Miss R. English and French staymaker, 1 Victoria place. West<br />
Regent street<br />
CALDERHEAD, Mrs. John, grocer & spirit dealer, 49 Bishop street<br />
CALDWELL, George, baker, 38 Eglinton street<br />
Caldwell, Henry, grocer, 99 Hospital street<br />
Caldwell, James, at P. Sf A. Miller's<br />
Caldwell, James, baker, 215 High street<br />
Caldwell, James, spirit dealer, 24 Drygate lane<br />
Caldwell, John, 8 Bedford street<br />
Caldwell, Thomas, baker, 36 1 Argyll street<br />
Caldwell, William, portioner and house factor, 5 Malta street<br />
Caldwell, W. joiner, cabinetmaker, upholsterer & undertaker, L36 Hope st.<br />
Caledonian Foundry, West street, Tradeston<br />
Caledonian Insurance Co. Agents, Gilbert Kennedy, 10 Renfield lane;<br />
James Drew, 15 Buchanan st. ; Wm. Ferguson, chamberlain's <strong>of</strong>fice j<br />
John M'Intosh,65 St. Vincent st. ; and And. Harvie, 153 Queen st.<br />
Caledonian Pottery, Canal basin, Townhead<br />
Caledonian Rope Work, Stobcross street<br />
CALL AM, Charles, <strong>of</strong> C. §- D. Callam, house 10 Salisbury street<br />
Callam, C. & D. merchants, 87 Union street<br />
Galium, James, manufacturer <strong>of</strong> tuscan and straw bonnets, artificial<br />
flowers, and dealer in plait, to the Queen, 28 Argyll street<br />
Galium, Mrs. tuscan and strawhat maker, 68 Cowcaddens street<br />
C ALLEN, John, sailmaker, 108 Broomielaw<br />
CALLANDER, Adam, baker, Maitland street<br />
Callender, J. R. St Brothers, hide and leather factors, and general commission<br />
merchants, 14 Stirling square<br />
Callender, J. R, <strong>of</strong> J. JR. Callender Sf Brothers, house 29 Hospital street
Callendar, Thomas, vintner, 160 Stockwell street<br />
Callendai', William, teller, Royal bank, ho. Coustonholm, Pollokshaws<br />
Calton and Bridgeton Bread Society, 18 Tobago street, Calton<br />
Calton and Bridgeton Provident Bank. Open every Saturday night,<br />
from 7 till 9, in the Calton Burgh Court hall<br />
Calton Mortcloth and Mortsafe <strong>Office</strong>, 6 Ritchie's lane, Clyde St. Calton<br />
Calton Police <strong>Office</strong>, 33 Stevenson street, Calton<br />
Calton Public <strong>Library</strong>, 7 James's street<br />
CAMERON, Alexander, tailor, 78 Garscube road<br />
Cameron, Alex. Covvcaddens brewery, 147 Renfield st. ho.28Garscubepl.<br />
Cameron, Alexander, 85 Rottenrow<br />
Cameron, Alexander, at William Renison's, 20 Buchanan street<br />
Cameron, Alexander, grocer, 121 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Cameron, Allan, & Co. cabinet & upholstery warehouse, 40 Miller's pi.<br />
Cameron, Angus, grocer and spirit dealer. 111 Rottenrow<br />
Cameron, Archibald, ropemaker, 594 Gallowgate, house 415 do.<br />
Cameron, Archibald, hardware and smallware merchant, 36 Trongate<br />
Cameron & Caldwell, merchants, 22 St. Enoch square<br />
Cameron & Co. hardware merchants, 7 Trongate<br />
Cameron, Campbell, pawnbroker, 6 East Nile street<br />
Cameron, Charles, spirit dealer, 16 Hospital street<br />
Cameron, Rev. Daniel, minister <strong>of</strong> Bridgegate parish, ho. 70 Charlotte st.<br />
Cameron, Daniel, <strong>of</strong> M'Leish Sf Cameron, house 2 Clyde terrace<br />
Cameron, Daniel, tailor, 6 Saltmarket street and 17 Trongate<br />
Cameron, Daniel, superintendent <strong>of</strong> police clerk, ho. 21 N. Portland st.<br />
Cameron, Donald, victualler, 2 New street, Calton<br />
Cameron, Donald, wine and spirit dealer, 54 George street<br />
Cameron, Donald, spirit dealer, 32 Norfolk street<br />
Cameron, Dugald, baker, 139 George street<br />
Cameron, Duncan, spirit dealer, 27 Drygate<br />
Cameron, Duncan, puttymaker, 77 Saltmarket street<br />
Cameron, Duncan, spirit dealer, 44 Stockwell street<br />
Cameron, D. A. surgeon-dentist, 76 George square, north side<br />
Cameron, Hugh, spirit dealer, 14 Hospital street<br />
Cameron, Hugh, boot and shoe maker, 402 Argyll street<br />
Cameron, J. (late J. Jackson &Co.) rectifier St spirit mercht. 22 VV. Nilest.<br />
Cameron, James, printer and stationer, 43 Trongate<br />
Cameron, James, fish merchant, 61 Saltmarket street<br />
Cameron, James, <strong>of</strong> Foreman Sf Cameron, 16 Queen street<br />
Cameron, J. H. A. 10 South Wellington place<br />
Cameron, John, Bowling-green tavern and lodgings, 44 Trongate<br />
Cameron, John, boot and shoe maker, 13 Adelphi st. Hutchesontown<br />
Cameron, John, victualler, 50 King street, house 2 Clyde terrace<br />
Cameron, John, spirit dealer, 55 Back wynd<br />
Cameron, John, portioner, 213 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Cameron, John, & Co. agents and pawnbrokers, 44 Trongate<br />
Cameron, John, spirit dealer, 89 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Cameron, John, painter and paper hanger, 68 Robertson street<br />
Cameron, J. Sc P. Dundee, Perth, Kirkcaldy and Cupar Fife carriers.<br />
Railway station, Queen street<br />
Cameron, Lewis, provision and spirit merchant, and keeper <strong>of</strong> the post<strong>of</strong>fice<br />
receiving-house, Port-Dundas<br />
Cameron, Martin, teacher <strong>of</strong> writing, arithmetic, &c. 40 Brunswick pi.<br />
E 2
54 CAMERON—CAMPBEl,!,.<br />
Cameron, Peter, & Co. bleachers, 33 Graeme street, house 31 do.<br />
Cameron, Robert, melting pot manufacturer, 29 James street. Mile-end<br />
Cameron, Thomas, & Co. agents for Londonderry, Port- Rush & Sligo<br />
steamers, 7 Anderston quay<br />
Cameron, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Thomas Cameron Sf Co. house 189 St. Vincent st.<br />
Cameron, Thomas, druggist, 45 Norfolk street, Laurieston<br />
Cameron, William, <strong>of</strong> Cameron Sf Caldwell, house 39 Charlotte street<br />
Cameron, William, pawnbroker, 49 Prince's st. house 35 Warwick st.<br />
Cameron, William, spiiit dealer, 140 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Cameron, Mrs. John, grocer and spirit dealer, 46 Maxwell street<br />
Cameron, Mrs. teacher <strong>of</strong> drawing, &c. 98 West Nile street<br />
Cameron, Misses, & Hardie, milliners and dressmakers, 177 Hope st.<br />
Cameron, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 115 Fife pi. West George st.<br />
CAMPBELL, Adam, <strong>of</strong> D. Sf E. Campbell, house 2 Duke street<br />
Campbell, Alex, spirit dealer, 30 Stockwell street, and 13 St. Etioch lane<br />
Campbell, Alexander, writer, and clerk to the Presbytery <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong>,<br />
3 Antigua place, house 153 Hill street, Garnethiil<br />
Campbell, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Bedlay, 40 George square<br />
Campbell, Alexander, teller, <strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ship bank<br />
Campbell, Alexander, spirit dealer, 13 Stockwell street<br />
Campbell, Alexander, manufacturer, 51 Brunswick place<br />
Campbell, Andrew, merchant, 119 Brunswick st. ho. 24 Monteith row<br />
Campbell, A. letter-carrier, P.O. house 73 Hutcheson street<br />
Campbell, Archibald, spirit dealer, 20 King street and 13 Back wynd<br />
Campbell, Archibald, ship broker, 19 Coburg street. Letters and orders<br />
left at 91 Jamaica street<br />
Campbell, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> Blythswood, 81 St. George's place<br />
Campbell, Archibald, lithographer and engraver, 21 Argyll street<br />
Campbell, Archd. West <strong>of</strong> Scotland Gunpowder Co. 3 St. George's pi.<br />
Campbell, Archibald, victualler, Port-Dundas<br />
Campbell, A. D. merchant, 35 Union street<br />
Campbell & Batty, commission merchants, 2 N. court. Royal Exchange<br />
Campbell, Bogle & Douglas, merchants, 64 Buchanan street<br />
Campbell, B. accountant, 157 West Nile street<br />
Campbell & Co. warehousemen, 44 Buchanan street<br />
Campbell & Co. hat manufacturers, 73 Trongate<br />
Campbell & Christie, ironfounders, millwrights, machinemakers and<br />
boilermakers, British iron foundry, 598 Gallowgate<br />
Campbell, Colin, flour dealer, 85 Candlerigg street<br />
Campbell, Colin, jeweller and artist, 46 Arcade<br />
Campbell, C. <strong>of</strong> Colgrain, <strong>of</strong> J. Campbell, sen. §• Co. 99 St.Vincent st.<br />
Campbell, Colin, jun. John Campbell, sen. 8f Co.'s, 99 St.Vincent st.<br />
Campbell, Charles, <strong>of</strong> Campbell, Harvey ^ Co. house 1 1 Oaktield place<br />
Campbell, Charles, manager, Bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, 68 Ingram street<br />
Campbell, C. wright & house factor, 23 Greyfriars' wynd, ho. 148 High st.<br />
Campbell, Charles, tailor and clothier, 17 Clyde terrace<br />
Campbell, Charles, at M'Farlane §• Co.'s, house 36 Sauchiehall street<br />
Campbell St Cruden, commission agents, 127 Brunswick street<br />
Campbell, David, at Hope, Gibh Sf Bruce's, house 19 Croy place<br />
Campbell, Daniel, merchant, .3 Antigua place<br />
Campbell, Daniel, spirit dealer, 89 Stockwell street<br />
Campbell, Daniel, wine merchant, 64 High street<br />
Campbell, Daniel, sen. cartwright, Cowcaddens street
Campbell, D. Sc R. ironmongers, 4) Duke street<br />
Campbell, Donald, accountant, 19 Coburg street<br />
Campbell, Donald, & Co. 65 St. Vincent street<br />
Campbell, Donald, chemist & druggist, 136 Argyll st. ho. 60 Oswald st.<br />
Campbell, Dugald, <strong>of</strong> Campbell ^ M'Dougall, house 41 Howard street<br />
Campbell, Dugald, grocer, 9 Well street, Calton<br />
Campbell, Duncan, stationer & account book manufac. 143 Buchanan st.<br />
Campbell, Duncan, <strong>of</strong> D. Sf J. Campbell, house 46 Commerce street<br />
Campbell, Duncan, lath-splitter, 13 Oswald st. house 108 Argyll street<br />
Campbell, Duncan, spirit dealer, 6 Greenhill street<br />
Campbell, Duncan, chemist & druggist, 136 Argyll st. ho. 60 Oswald st.<br />
Campbell, Duncan, victualler, 107 Stockwell street<br />
Campbell, D. &. J. cart and hurley makers, 20 Howard street<br />
, Campbell & Frame, provision merchls. & general agents, 18 Howard st.<br />
Campbell, George, ironfounder, 16 Monteith row<br />
Campbell, Harvey & Co. silk manufacturers, 113 Brunswick street<br />
Campbell, Henry, spirit dealer, 94 Main street, Anderston<br />
Campbell & Howie, woollen drapers, 54 Gallowgate, & 2 St. Andrew's la.<br />
Campbell, Hugh, spirit dealer, 39 Jamaica street<br />
Campbell, Hugh, agent, 8 Union street, Calton<br />
Campbell, J. & W. & Co. warehousemen & manufac. 34 Candlerigg st.<br />
Campbell, James, <strong>of</strong> John Campbell, sen. 5f Co. ho. 218 St. Vincent st.<br />
Campbell, James, surgeon, 6 Struthers street<br />
Campbell, James, baker, 37 Bedford street<br />
Campbell, James, slater, 2 Bishop street, Anderston<br />
Campbell, J. &. P. booksellers, stationers & publishers, 24 Glassford st.<br />
Campbell, John, jun. & Co. slaters, 2 North Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Campbell, Sir James, Lord Provost <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong>, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf W. Campbell<br />
Sj" Co. residence Jordanhill, and 129 Bath street<br />
Campbell, James, <strong>of</strong> Campbell Sf Batty, ho. Stanley pi. 107 Eglinton st.<br />
Campbell, John Gordon, merchant, 119 Brunswick street, silk factory<br />
John street, Bridgeton<br />
Campbell, John, <strong>of</strong> Campbell ^ Christie, house 16 James street, Calton<br />
Campbell, John, sen. & Co. merchants, 99 St. Vincent sti'eet<br />
Campbell, John, canteen, infantry barracks<br />
Campbell, John, tailor and clothier, 1 1 Stockwell street<br />
Campbell, John, jun. coal agent, 2 North Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Campbell, John, at Govan Collier;/ Sf Iron Works <strong>of</strong>fice, 37 Glassford st.<br />
Campbell, John, <strong>of</strong> D. § J. Campbell, house 46 Commerce street<br />
Campbell, Rev. John M'Leod, <strong>of</strong> E. Regent pi. chapel, ho. 34 Taylor st.<br />
Campbell, J. ship & insurance broker, 33 Buchanan St. ho. 305St. Vincent St.<br />
Campbell, John, boot and shoe maker, 100 Union street<br />
Campbell, John, surgeon, R. N. 44 Kent street<br />
Campbell, John, sheriif <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 261 Buchanan street<br />
Campbell, John, & Co. woollen & worsted yarn agents, 74 Buchanan st,<br />
Campbell, John, commission agent, 20 King street<br />
Campbell, John, at J. Sf W. Campbell Sf Co.'s, house IS Ure place<br />
Campbell, John, bootmaker, 155 Ingram street<br />
Campbell, John, warehouseman, 181 Trongate, ho. 37 Abbotsford pi.<br />
Campbell, John, tobacco qualifier and spirit dealer, 102 Broomielaw<br />
Campbell, John, at Thomas Shiels §• Co.'s, house Barrowtield distillery<br />
Campbell, John, at W. M'Ewan, Sons Sf Co.'s, 14 Oswald street<br />
Campbell, John, at Sheriff-clerk's <strong>of</strong>fice, house Kingston<br />
Campbell, John, spirit dealer, 214 Broomielaw<br />
Campbell, Joseph, broker, 167 Cowcaddens street<br />
Campbell, Lorn, spirit dealer, 395 Argyll street<br />
Campbell, M.N.<strong>of</strong> Balliraore, q/'J. Campbell, sen. 8f Co. 99 St. Vincent st.<br />
Campbell, Mungo, <strong>of</strong> John Campbell, sen. Sj- Co. house 12 Moore place<br />
Campbell, Mungo, jun. <strong>of</strong> John Campbell, sen. Sf Co. ho, 17 Renfield st.<br />
Campbell & M'Dougall, drysalters, 8 Croy place<br />
Campbell, P. coal agent for the Govan colliery, ho. 69 Dale st. Tradeaton<br />
Campbell, Rivers & Co. merchants, 92 St. Vincent street<br />
Campbell, Robert, cooper, 38 Stockwell street<br />
Campbellj Robert, wine and spirit dealer, 42 New City road<br />
Campbell, Samuel, spirit dealer, 47 Centre street<br />
Campbell, S. H. writer, 60 Ingram street, house 68 do.<br />
Campbell & Tennents, writers, 40 George square<br />
Campbell, Thomas, cowfeeder, 6 Dale street, Bridgeton<br />
Campbell, Thomas, oj John Campbell, sen. Sf Co. 99 St. Vincent street<br />
Campbell, William, bookseller, bookbinder, &c. 24 Renfield street<br />
Campbell, William, bookseller, librarian and news agent, 324 Argyll st.<br />
Campbell, William, <strong>of</strong> TuUichewan Castle, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf W. Campbell Sf Co.<br />
house 200 Bath street<br />
Campbell, William, bank tavern, 46 Jamaica street<br />
Campbell, William, tailor and clothier, 1 Argyll arcade<br />
Campbell, William, gunmaker and cutler, 53 Nelson street<br />
Campbell, William, turner, 229 Argyll street<br />
Campbell, William, cartwright, 26 Hill street, Gallowgate<br />
Campbell, William, spirit dealer, 110 Stirling's road<br />
Campbell, William, coal agent, 38 Campbell street, west<br />
Campbell, William, spirit dealer, 44 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Campbell, Mrs. boarding & day school for young ladies, 33 S. Portland st.<br />
Campbell, Mrs. Isabella, spirit dealer, 58 Broomielaw<br />
Campbell, Mrs. James, register <strong>of</strong>fice for servants, 74 St. George's place<br />
Campbell, Mrs. John, baker, 21 Maxwell street<br />
Campbell, Mrs. Joseph, furniture warehouse, 54 London street<br />
Campbell, Mrs. James, 305 St. Vincent street<br />
Campbell, Mrs. M. lodgings, 128 Union street<br />
Campbell, Miss, lodgings, 44 West Regent street<br />
Campbell, Miss E. dressmaker, 98 West Nile Street<br />
Campbell, Miss, 19 Elmbauk place<br />
Campbell, Miss J. victualling house, 70 Norfolk street<br />
Campbell, Miss M. strawhat maker, 71 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Campbeltown Distilleries' Duty-free Warehouse, 57 Argyll street. W.<br />
Bain, agent<br />
Campbeltown Steam- Packet Co. 22 Anderston quay, John M'Michael<br />
Canada Land Company, 51 Miller street, Gilkison & Brown, agents<br />
Canal Basin Foundry Co. engineers and founders, Port-Dundas<br />
Canal Company's <strong>Office</strong>, Port-Dundas, Thos. Johnston, superintendent<br />
CANNAN, Thomson, Rroyal bank, house 97 Douglas street<br />
CANSH, Maxwell, wine and spirit merchant, 69 Bell street<br />
CANVAN, Mrs. spirit dealer, Mitchell lane, Mitchell street<br />
CAPPO, Joseph, barometer, thermometer, &c. maker, 87 Saltmarket st.<br />
Carfin Colliery <strong>Office</strong>, Monkland canal basin and 28 Miller street,<br />
John M'Laren, agent<br />
CARFRAE, David, preserver <strong>of</strong> birds & quadrupeds, &c. 64 Nelson st.
CARLIN, John, at Archibald Greenshield's, house 19 Clelland street<br />
Carlin, Mrs. Mary, spirit dealer, 10 Marlborough street<br />
CARLAW, William, turner, 79 Stockwell street<br />
CARLILE, James, comb and spoon maker, 41 Trongate<br />
CARMICHAEL, D. at Pollock, Gilmour §• Co.'s, ho. 23 Carlton pi.<br />
Carmichael, Daniel, grocer, 117 Argyll street<br />
Carmichael, Duncan, tailor and clothier, 313 Argyll street<br />
Carmichael, James, builder, 3 Russell street, west, house Sandyford<br />
Carmichael, James, spirit dealer, 3o King street<br />
Carmichael, John, <strong>of</strong> M'Innes §• Carmichael, house 60 Maxwell street<br />
Carmichael, Neil, <strong>Glasgow</strong> live cattle market<br />
Carmichael, W. S. MD. surgeon and accoucheur, 90 S. Portland street<br />
Carmichael, Misses, teachers <strong>of</strong> French, music and drawing, 90 South<br />
Portland street<br />
Carmichael, Miss Mary, confectioner, 126 High street<br />
CARNACHAN, J. S. chemist Ss druggist, 140 Argyll street, house<br />
Kingston place<br />
C ARNIE, Charles, <strong>of</strong> Thomas Shields §• Co. ho. 4 Abercromby place<br />
Carnie, James, spirit dealer, 83 New wynd<br />
Cairnie, John, & Co. distillers, Barrowfield<br />
Cairney, William, window glazier and glass stainer, 83 Candlerigg street,<br />
and 46 Bath street<br />
CARR, E. L. <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 102 South Portland street<br />
Carr, John, Bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, house 13 Hill street<br />
CARRALL & Pollock, cork manufacturers, 119 West Nile street<br />
CARRICK, Andw. wood merchant, Dobbie's loan, ho. 13 Renfrew st.<br />
Carrick, D. M. <strong>of</strong> William Carrick Sf Son, house 143 W. Campbell st.<br />
Carrick, Hatcheson & Co. Letters left at J. Allan's, 120 Buchanan st.<br />
Carrick, James, merchant. Letters left at J. Allan's, 120 Buchanan st.<br />
Carrick, J. A. & R. Letters left at J. Allan's, 120 Buchanan street<br />
Carrick, .Tames, weaving utensil maker, 13 Kirk street, Townhead<br />
Carrick, James, victualler, 47 Saltmarket street<br />
Carrick, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 24 Corn street, Port-Dundas<br />
Carrick, John, tea and wine merchant, 120 Sauchiehall street, and spirit<br />
merchant, 300 Buchanan street, and grocer and provision merchant,<br />
301 Buchanan street, house 12 Russell street<br />
Carrick, John, <strong>of</strong> Broivn §• Carrick, house 28 North Hanover street<br />
Carrick, Robert, teacher, 30 Barrack street<br />
Carrick, William, & Son, agents for Atlas Fire and Life Assurance Co.<br />
and Family Endowment Society, Virginia buildings<br />
Carrick, William, accountant, Virginia buildings, house 143 West<br />
Campbell street<br />
Carrick, William, Royal hotel, 66 George square<br />
Carrick, Mrs. John, coal agent and furnishing shop, 43 Maxwell street<br />
Carrick, Miss, 255 George street<br />
Carrick, Miss, 55 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
Carro Chemical Company, manufacturers <strong>of</strong> paste and liquid blacking,<br />
polishing paste, writing ink, &c. 13 Maxwell street<br />
Carron Company, 123 Buchanan st. Thos. Dawson, acting partner<br />
Carron Company's Shipping <strong>Office</strong>, Port-Dundas<br />
CARRUTHERS, James, & Co. victuallers, 102 High street<br />
CARSLAW & Henderson, manufacturers, 79 Bell street<br />
Carslaw, William, oj" Carslaw Sf Henderson, house 22 Warwick street
CARSON, David, <strong>of</strong> Carson, Lepper Sf Co. 79 Jamaica street<br />
Carson, Lepper & Co. corn and provision agents, 79 Jamaica street<br />
Carson, Samuel, general grocer, 254^ Argyll street<br />
Cx\RSS, Andrew, tailor and clothier, 170 Trongate<br />
Carss, John, & Co. bookhinders, Moodie's court, 31 Argyll street<br />
Carss, John, <strong>of</strong> John Carss Sf Co. house Glenhead, Cadder parish<br />
CARSVVELL, Alex. G. <strong>of</strong> Galbraith Sf Carswell, ho. 10 Canning place<br />
Carswell, Allan, sen. builder, 98 Queen street, house Provanside<br />
Carswell & Guliiland, wrights, 25 North Albion street<br />
Carswell, James, builder, 26 George street, house 10 Canning place<br />
Carswell, William, sen. builder. North Provanside<br />
Carswell, William, jun. Ss Co. wrights and builders, 26 George street<br />
Carswell, William, jun. <strong>of</strong> William Carswell, jun. Sf Co. ho. Canning pi.<br />
Carswell, William, baker and flour merchant, 137 Gallowgate<br />
CARTON, John P. poulterer, 123 West George street<br />
CASSILS, Charles, writer, 37 Virginia street, house Kelvinbank<br />
Cassils, David, spirit dealer, 36 High street<br />
Cassils, James, surgeon, 24 Sauchiehall street, house 98 Renfield street<br />
Cassils, James, stamper, P.O. house II Hope street<br />
Cassils, John, wine and spirit merchant, 66 Saltmarket street<br />
Cassils, John, superintendent and distributor <strong>of</strong> poor's rates for Govan<br />
parish annexation, 4 Norfolk court, Laurieston<br />
Cassels & Malcolm, gingham & pullicate manufacturers, 4 Montrose St.<br />
Cassils, M. spirit dealer, 27 Ropework lane<br />
Cassils, Peter, grain merchant, 34 Well street<br />
Cassils, R. hat manufacturer, 103 Trongate, and 86 & 88 Argyll street,<br />
. house Harmony house, Govan<br />
Cassils, Mrs. 105 South Portland street<br />
CASSITY, B. tailor, 23 Trongate<br />
Castle Steam Packet Company's <strong>Office</strong>, 25 Anderston quay. John<br />
M'Arthur, manager<br />
CATHCART & Wardlaw, writers and agents for the North <strong>of</strong> Scotland<br />
Fire and Life Assurance Company, and for the Western Annuity<br />
Company, 62 Buchanan street<br />
Cathcart, William, <strong>of</strong> Cathcart §• Wardlaw, house 98 South Portland st.<br />
Catholic Orphan Institution, 20 Marshall's lane, Gallowgate. A.<br />
Haughy, superintendent<br />
Catholic School, Covvcaddens. Henry Ronahar, teacher<br />
Catholic School, Portugal street. Charles M'Carthey, teacher<br />
Catrine Company, at James Finlay ^ Co.'s<br />
CATTERN'S Commercial Lodgings, 72 Wilson street<br />
Cattle Market, Graham's square and east end <strong>of</strong> Duke street<br />
CAUGHIE, David, infant teacher, Normal seminary, Dundasvale<br />
CAW, Neil & Samuel, merchants, 2 Abercromby place<br />
Caw, Neil, <strong>of</strong> N. Sf S, Caw, house 2 Abercromby place<br />
Cess and Tax <strong>Office</strong> for the City, and Counties <strong>of</strong> Lanark and Dumbarton,<br />
66 Miller street. T. P. Sharp, collector<br />
Cess <strong>Office</strong> for the City, 66 Miller street<br />
CHADWICK, John, & Sons, flannel manufacturers and merchants,<br />
173 Trongate j<br />
Chad wick, Thomas, jun. house 38 Renfield street<br />
CHALMERS, Alexander, hairdresser, 128 Gallowgate<br />
Chalmers, Alexander, baker, 108 Hope street
Chalmers, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 44 Dale street, Tradeston<br />
Chalmers, George, brassfounder, 57 Gallowgate<br />
Chalmers, Hugh, slater, 480 Gallowgate<br />
Chalmers, James, haircutter, Wellington court, 43 Argyll street<br />
Chalmers, John, baker, 92 West Nile street, house 90 do.<br />
Chalmers, John, tailor, 258 High street<br />
Chalmers, John, painter, 4 MiJlroad street, Calton<br />
Chalmers, John, hairdresser, 113 Bridgegate<br />
Chalmers, John, ilesher, 11 Govan street<br />
Chalmers, John, butter and egg merchant, 15 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Chalmers, Thomas, & Co. warehousemen, 161 Trongate<br />
Chalmers, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Thomas Chalmers §• Co, house Govandale<br />
Chalmers, Thomas, surgeon, 120 High street<br />
Chalmers, William, spirit dealer, 114 Dalmarnock road<br />
Chalmers, Mrs. green grocer, 5 Wellington arcade<br />
CHAMBERLAIN, Mrs. teacher, Normal seminary<br />
Chambelain's <strong>Office</strong>, Council chambers. John Strang, chamberlain<br />
CHAPMAN, Charles, hatters' arms, 27 King street<br />
Chapman, David, at Thomson Sf M' Connell's, house 4 Woodside place<br />
Chapman, Francis, watchmaker, 55 Brunswick street<br />
Chapman, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Hilliard ^ Chapman, house 40 Cavendish street<br />
CHARLES, George Drummond, Royal bank, ho. 71 Dalhousie street<br />
Charles, John, 3 Abbotsford place<br />
Charles, John, jun. & Co. bookbinders, 63 Caudlerigg street<br />
Charles, Robert, commission merchant, 53 Virginia street<br />
Charles, William, warehouseman, 6 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Charles, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 1 Oxford street<br />
CHARTERIS, John S. writer, 24 Gordon street<br />
CHATTO, Miss, 201 Buchanan street<br />
Chess Club, Wellington arcade, 122 Sauchieball street<br />
Chartist Circular <strong>Office</strong>, 22 Prince's street<br />
Cheadle Copper and Brass Co. 40 John street<br />
CHICK, Mrs. R. T. spirit cellar, 25 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
CHI S HOLM, Daniel, carver, gilder, printseller, and plate glass warehouse,<br />
62 Ingram street, house 96 Regent terrace<br />
Chisholm, George, <strong>of</strong> William Chisholm 8f Sons, house 29 Richmond st.<br />
Chisholm, John, cooperage and wholesale stave yard, corner <strong>of</strong> Cook and<br />
Centre streets, house 105 Eglinton street<br />
Chisholm, John, mercantile and classical academy, 1 Hill St. Anderston<br />
Chisholm, William, & Sons, manufacturers, 70 Brunswick street<br />
Chisholm, William, sen. <strong>of</strong> William Chisholm §• Sons, house 29 Richmond<br />
street<br />
Chisholm, William, jun. <strong>of</strong> William Chisholm §• Sons, house 29 Richmond<br />
street<br />
Chisholm, William, & Co. coopers, wholesale stave and hoop merchants,<br />
Dale street, Tradeston<br />
Chisholm, William, <strong>of</strong> William Chisholm Sf Co. house 27 Kingston place<br />
Chisholm, Miss H. ladies' London boot and shoe warehouse, 94 Queen<br />
street, house 1 South Frederick street<br />
Christian Miscellany <strong>Office</strong>, 19 Glassford street<br />
CHRISTY, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> Christy, M'Isaac Sf Co. ho. 199 Renfrew st.<br />
Christie, George, writer, 78 Stockwell street<br />
Christie, James, <strong>of</strong> William Dixon Sf Co. 37 Glassford street
Christie, James, accountant, agent for Globe Insurance Co. 37 Glassford<br />
street, house 1 Woodside terrace<br />
Christie, James, at George Anderson 8f Cc's, Hill-street mills<br />
Christie, John, mason, 2 Russell street, west<br />
Christie, John, wright, Craignestock<br />
Christie, John, funeral undertaker, 97 Great Hamilton street, and beadle<br />
to Dr. Kidston, house 34< East Campbell street<br />
Christie, John, surgeon and druggist, 106 Canning street, Calton<br />
Christie, J. C. at Wm. Shand Sf Co.'s, house 9 Jane street<br />
Christy, M'Isaac & Co. soap and candle manufacturers, 38 Ingram st.<br />
works Port- Dundas road<br />
Christie, Peter, spirit dealer, 23 Buns wynd<br />
Christie, William, clothier, 363 Argyll street<br />
Christie, William, & Co. muslin manufacturers, 103 Hutcheson street<br />
Christie, William, surgeon, 87 Saltmarket street<br />
Ciiristie, William, beamer, 14 Abercromby street<br />
Christie, W. & J. commission agents, 90 Union street<br />
Christie, W. W. <strong>of</strong> Campbell Sf Christie, house Greenvale house, East<br />
Rose street<br />
Christie, Mrs. John, manufacturer <strong>of</strong> umbrellas, fringes, &c. 22 Arcade<br />
Christie, Mrs. William, druggist, 98 Canning street, Calton<br />
Christie, Misses, silk dyers, 21 Clyde street, Calton<br />
Chronicle Newspaper <strong>Office</strong>, 75 Argyll street<br />
CHRYSTAL, James Hood, spirit dealer, 234 Gallowgate<br />
Chrystal, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, 401 Argyll street<br />
Chrystal & Waddell, commission merchants, 13 Montrose street<br />
Chrystal, Mrs. 13 Richmond street<br />
Chdrch Building Society <strong>Office</strong>, 66 Miller street<br />
Church <strong>of</strong> England Fire and Life Assurance Institution. Robert Baird,'<br />
jun. 1.3 Gordon street, agent<br />
CHURCH, James, <strong>of</strong> Wm. Church&f Co. house 9 Woodside terrace<br />
Church, William, & Co. manufacturers. So. Exchange court, 77 Queen st.<br />
Church, William, <strong>of</strong> William Church §• Co. house 9 Woodside terrace<br />
CiTT <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> Annuity Endowment Association, 107 Buchanan st.<br />
Muirhead & Pollock, agents<br />
City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> Bank, 38 Virginia street. Henry Paul, manager<br />
City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> Life Assurance & Reversionary Company's <strong>of</strong>fice, 40 St.<br />
Vincent place. William Dalglish, manager. (See Advertisement in<br />
Appendix.)<br />
City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> Steam- Packet Co. 15 Jamaica street<br />
City Poor Rates' <strong>Office</strong>, 52 Virginia street. John Miller, collector<br />
CLAPPERTON, John, & Co. thread manufacturers. Orders, &c.<br />
left at William Clapperton & Co.'s, 58 Miller street<br />
Clapperton, Thomas, warehouseman, 7 Queen st. ho. 180 St. George's rd.<br />
Clapperton, William, & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 58 Miller street<br />
Clapperton, William, <strong>of</strong> William Clapperton Sf Co. ho. 16 Cumberland pi.<br />
CLARK, Adam, tailor and clothier, 20 Gallowgate<br />
Clark, Alex, cabinetmaker, upholsterer and house factor, 44 Renfield st.<br />
Clark, Alexander, victualler and spirit dealer, 490 Gallowgate<br />
Clark, Alex, coal agent, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 28 Saltmarket st.<br />
Clark, Allan, cotton yarn merchant, 120 Brunswick st. ho. 156George st,<br />
Clark, Allan, jun. <strong>of</strong> Clark Sf Drummond, house 156 George street<br />
Clark, A. & L. ironmongers and blacksmiths, 50 Union street
Clark, Archibald, at Sheriff" clerk's <strong>of</strong>fice, house 51 Duke street<br />
Clarke & Bell, architects, 135 Buchanan street<br />
Clarke, Cree & Co. 1.35 Buchanan street<br />
Clark, David, linen warehouseman and commission agent, 109 Candlerig^<br />
street<br />
Clark & Drummond, cotton yarn & goods merchants, 78 Queen street<br />
Clarke, Edward, & Co. merchants, 135 Buchanan street<br />
Clarke, Edward, <strong>of</strong> Edward Clarke Sf Co. house 237 West George street<br />
Clark, Francis, 80 South Portland street<br />
Clark, Frederick, 1 Columbia place<br />
Clark, George, Black Bull inn and hotel, 12 Argyll street<br />
Clark, George, dairyman, 5 Deanside lane<br />
Clark, George, funeral undertaker, 13 Abercromby street, Calton<br />
Clark, George, porter. Western bank, house 8 Miller street<br />
Clark, Henry, surgeon, 14 George street. Mile-end<br />
Clark, James, Crossbill. Letters left at R. Clark's, 39 Miller street<br />
Clark, James, mill furnisher and power-loom cloth manufacturer, 53<br />
Wilson street, house Victoria place. West Regent street<br />
Clark, James, & Co. clothiers, 186 Trongate<br />
Clark, James, at James Finlay §• Co.'s, 172 Buchanan street<br />
Clark, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 3 Landressy street<br />
Clark, James, painter and paper-hanger, 241 Argyll street<br />
Clark, James, merchant, 37 Monteith row<br />
Clark, James, pocket-book and jewel-case maker, 109 Argyll<br />
Clark, Jamcis, smith, 1 72 Argyll street<br />
street<br />
Clark, John, Argus newspaper <strong>of</strong>fice, 25 Queen st. house 156 Goorge St.<br />
Clark, John, jun. & Co. thread manufacturers, machinemakers and<br />
turners, George street. Mile-end<br />
Clark, John, writer, 39 Miller street<br />
Clark, John, jun. <strong>of</strong> John Clark, jun. §• Co. house 7 Broad st. Mile-end<br />
Clark, John, pawnbroker, 97 Brown street<br />
Clark, J. & W. steam-loom factory. East Woodside. Letters left with<br />
Wm. Mather & Co. 77 Glassford street<br />
Clark & M'AIister, founders and engineers, Barrhead<br />
Clark, Peter W. & Ogilvie, commission merchants, 8 John street<br />
Clark, P. W. <strong>of</strong> P. W. Clark ^ Ogilvie, ho. 21 Clarendon pi. New City rd.<br />
Clark, Peter, 80 South Portland street<br />
Clark, Robert, saddler, 11 Arcade<br />
Clark, Robert B. 80 South Portland street<br />
Clark, Robert, writer, 39 Miller street, house Crossbill<br />
Clarke, Samuel, surgeon, 235 High street, house 168 George street<br />
Clark, Thomas, commercial traveller, 18 Norfolk street<br />
Clark, Walter, agent, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 19^ Orr street<br />
Clark, W. E. C. surgeon, 63 High John street<br />
Clai'k, Wm. cotton yarn merchant, 120 Brunswick st. ho. 156 George st.<br />
Clark, William, brazier & tin-plate worker, 44 John st. ho. 273Geoi'ge st,<br />
Clark, Mrs. stay and bandage maker, 10 New Bridge street<br />
Clark, Mrs. John, coal agent, 16 Adelphi street<br />
Clark, Mrs. Thomas, 8.3 South Portland street<br />
Clark, Mrs. Qi5 Bath street<br />
Clark, Miss, dressmaker, 108 Fife place<br />
CLEGHORN, Mrs. midwife and ladies' nurse, 3 Burrell's lane<br />
Cleghorn, Mrs, & Misses, seminary for young ladies, 67 West Nile st.<br />
CLELAND, Alexander Stewart, 148 West Nile street<br />
ClelanH. Charles, 4-3 Bridge street<br />
Cleland Colliery Wharf, Monkland canal basin, <strong>of</strong>fice 3.3 Buchanan at.<br />
Cleland, Dr. Geori^e, 47 Bridge street, house 70 Oxford street<br />
Cleland, Ham. tide surveyor <strong>of</strong> customs, house 101 King st. Tradeston<br />
Cleiand, Henry Wilson, MI). Cleland testimonial<br />
Cleland, James, 4-6 Cambridge street<br />
Cleiand, Robert, & Co. wine merchants and grocers, 265 Argyll street<br />
Cleland, Mrs. 51 Renfield street<br />
CLIME, Robert, civil engineer and land-surveyor, 36 Arcade, house<br />
10] High street. Paisley<br />
CLEUGH, William, accountant and house factor, agent for County<br />
Fire and Provident Life <strong>Office</strong>s, 49 Miller street, house Muirhouse<br />
CLOUGH, Robert, <strong>of</strong> J. §• M. P. Bell Sf Co. house Garscube place<br />
CLOUSTON, Peter, nf Bennett if Browne, house 4 St. George's road<br />
CLOW, E. & A. wine "and spirit' dealers, 97 Gallowgate, and 72 Old<br />
wynd, house 8 Charlotte street<br />
Clow, Henry, tailor and clothier, ISHutcheson street<br />
Clow, Henry, wine and spirit dealer, 18 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Clow, Misses, dressmakers, 151 West Nile street<br />
CLUB, William, spirit dealer, 11 Douglas street<br />
CLUNIE, R. A. merchant, 30 Hope street, house 4 Somerset place<br />
CLYDE, Andrew, letter-carrier, P.O. house S Steel street<br />
Clyde, William, inspector <strong>of</strong> letter- carriers, <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>of</strong>fice, house 20 Kent st.<br />
Cr.vnEBANK Victualling Society. James Mackie, manager<br />
Clyde Brewery, Commercial road, Hutchesontown<br />
Clyde Bottle Work Co. St. Rollox<br />
Clyde Grain Mills, Commercial road, Hntchesontown<br />
Clyde Hotel, Mrs. Towers, 13 Anderston quay<br />
Clyde Iron- Works, <strong>of</strong>fice 36 St. Vincent place<br />
Clyde Marine Insurance Co. 147 Queen street. Alex. Gray, manager<br />
Clyde New Shipping Co. 122 Broomielaw. Thomas Gibb, manager<br />
Clyde Police <strong>Office</strong>, 16 Robertson street<br />
Clyde Rope Work, Anderston quay<br />
Clyde Shipping Company, 4 York street and 126 Broomielaw, James<br />
Steele, manager, house 14 York street<br />
Clyde Trustees' Chambers, 16 Robertson street<br />
CLYDESDALE Bank, 13 Queen street. Henry Brock, manager<br />
Clydesdale, Miss, corset and millinery shop, 84 Gallowgate<br />
COATS, Archibald, surgeon, 8 Jamaica street<br />
Coats, Dr. John, 225 Argyll street, house 70 Robertson street<br />
Coats, James, brassfounder, 15 Muirhead street, Gorbals<br />
Coats, John, 4- College street<br />
Coats, Thomas, sen. & Co. muslin manufacturers, 59 Hutcheson street<br />
Coats, Walter, hosier and glover, 10 Trongate<br />
COCHRAN, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> A. §• R. Cochran, house Barony place<br />
Cochran, Archibald, & Co. plumbers and gasfitters, 7 Centre street<br />
Cochran, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> Archibald Cochran Sf Co. ho. 54 Commerce st.<br />
Cochran, A. & R. flint glass manufacturers, Tenant street<br />
Cochran 8s Co. cotton yarn meichants and power-loom cloth manufac-<br />
turers, 27 South Frederick street<br />
Cochran & Co. wine and spirit merchants, 49 Stockwell street<br />
Cochrane, Hugh, <strong>of</strong> A. ^ J. M'Keand, bo. S. Greenbank, Langside rd.
Cochran, James, <strong>of</strong> Cochran Sf Co. 27 South Frederick street<br />
Cochran, John, iriason and builder, 146 Sauchiehall street<br />
Cochran, John, spirit dealer, .39 Piccadilly street<br />
Cochran, Malcolm, beadle <strong>of</strong> Brid^egate church, ho. 48 N. Portland st.<br />
Cociiran, Mathevv, teacher, Trou Parish school, 71 Prince's street, house<br />
102 Crown street<br />
Cociiran, Robert, <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>of</strong>fice, house 61 Duke street<br />
Cochran, Robert, <strong>of</strong> A. §• R. Cochran, house 9 Hopetuun place<br />
Cochrane, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Grieve §' Cochrane, house 9 8outh Apsley place<br />
Cochran, VV. calendrer & packer, 8.3 Caudlerigg st. ho. 73 tlutcheson st.<br />
Cochran, William, victualler, 402 Gallovvgate<br />
Cochrau, William, & Co. calendrers and packers, 82 Miller street<br />
Cochran, William, victualler, 52 Green street, Calton<br />
Cochran, Miss, lodgings, 43 Bath street<br />
COCK BURN, John, victualler, 26 Stevenson street<br />
Cockburn, Campbell & Co. wine merchants, 89 St. Vincent street<br />
Cockburn, John, grocer, 8 Dempster street<br />
COCKER, James, & Son, cutlers and gunmakers, 31 Arcade, agents<br />
to Joseph Rodgers & Sons, cutlers to her Majesty<br />
COCK FIELD, John, bootmaker, 3 Miller street<br />
Cockfield, Joseph, bootmaker, 184 Gallowgate<br />
COCKE Y, William, agent for the P'alkirk Iron Co. 118 Argyll street<br />
COGAN, Hugh, <strong>of</strong> J. Bartholomew if Co. house 248 Brandon place<br />
Cogan, John & Robert, merchants, 12 Montrose street<br />
Cogan, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf JR. Cogan, house 248 West George street<br />
Cogan, Robert, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf R- Coyan, house 8 Brandon place<br />
COGHILL, Alexander, silversmith, 17 Jackson street, and pipe manufacturer,<br />
4 Ropevvork lane, house 24 do.<br />
Coghill & Co. china, earthenware and glass warehouse, 61 Buchanan st.<br />
COHEN, S. P. <strong>of</strong> A. Abraham Sf Co. house 11 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
COLEMAN, Samuel, 365 St. Vincent street<br />
COLL, Henry, jeweller and hardware merchant, 31 Trongate<br />
COLLED GE, William, writer, 38 and 40 Dunlop street<br />
COLLETT, Thomson & Co. mousseline de laine and Orleans printers<br />
and manufacturers, 8 John street<br />
COLLIE, A. at J. § W. CampUU Sf Co.'s, house 3 Cathcart street<br />
Collie, James, architect, 45 Queen street, house 152 Randolph terrace<br />
Colley, M. <strong>of</strong> Brownlie Sf Colley, house 79 South Portland street<br />
COLLIER, John, <strong>of</strong> BroomieLaw Foundry, house 28 Brown street<br />
COLLINS, Edward, papermaker, 48 Virginia street<br />
Collins, William, bookseller and stationer, 7 South Frederick street,<br />
house 1 13 North Montrose street<br />
Collins, William, & Co. printers, 111 North Montrose street<br />
Collins, W. M. worsted, yarn and carpet merchant, 62 Queen street<br />
COLQUHOUN, Francis, bill-poster, 32 New street, Calton<br />
Colquhoun, Dr. Hugh, 177 West Regent street<br />
Colquhoun, Hugh, wine and spirit merchant, 286 Buchanan street<br />
Colquhoun, James, & Co. lead merchants and plumbers, 26 and 28 St.<br />
Enoch wynd, house 39 Maxwell street<br />
Colquhoun, John, victualler, 53 Burnside<br />
Colquhoun, John, victualler and spirit dealer, 1 Clyde street, Calton<br />
Colquhoun, John, poulterer, 90 W. George st. house 36 Garscube place<br />
Colquhoun, Peter, commission merchant, 106 Brunswick street
Colquhoun, Thos. cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 167 Buchanan street<br />
Colquhoun, "William, lapidary and watch glass maker, 32 Argyll street<br />
Colquhoun, William, spirit dealer, 7 North street, Anderston<br />
CoLTNEss Iron Co. 77 Glassford street<br />
COLVILLE, Hugh, spirit merchant, 23 Bridge st. ho. 49 Oxford St.<br />
Colville, Robert, bookbinder, 95 Argyll street<br />
COMBS, James, rag merchant, 54 Stockvrell street<br />
Commercial Bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, 66 Virginia street. John Wyld, agent<br />
Commercial Hotel, 9 Glassford street, William Forrester<br />
Commercial Life Insurance Co. head <strong>of</strong>fice 40 George square (east side,)<br />
William Hunter, manager. (See Advertisement in Appendix.)<br />
Commercial Reading Room, 52 Ingram street, shut on Sabbath<br />
CoMMissART Clerk's <strong>Office</strong>, .37 Virginia street. C. D. Donald, clerk<br />
COMRIE, Alexander, 69 Bath street<br />
Comrie, F S. Western bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, house 69 Bath street<br />
Comrie, George, Royal hotel, I George square<br />
CONI-EY, Edward, carpet & girth shoe manufacturer, 106 Saltmarket st.<br />
CONLISK, Peter, spirit dealer, 10 Rutherglen loan<br />
CON NELL, Alexander, baker, 5 Charles street, Calton<br />
Connell, Andrew, fi'uiterer, 1 West George street<br />
Connell, Arthur, <strong>of</strong> Connell, Sim §• Co. house 7 Jane street<br />
Connel, Hugh, spirit dealer, 55 Kirk street, Calton<br />
Connell, James, master <strong>of</strong> the commercial and mathematical department.<br />
High school, house 82 Buccleuch street<br />
Connel, James, flesher, 9 Beef market, King street<br />
Connell, James, surgeon, Tontine buildings, house 9 Stirling street<br />
Connall, John, flesher, 9 Wellington arcade, house 36 Sauchiehall street<br />
Connali, John, at Henry Monteith Sf Co.'s, II George square<br />
Connal, John, & Co. brewers, 40 Burnside lane, Duke street<br />
Connal, John, baker and spirit dealer, 6 Stevenson street, Calton<br />
Connal, John, victualler, 56 King street, Calton<br />
Connal, M. at W. Connal's, Virginia buildings, house 46 Albert place.<br />
Hill street<br />
Connal, Peter, stamper, P.O. house 66 Trongate<br />
Connell, Robert, teacher <strong>of</strong> English grammar, composition, reading &c.<br />
120 and 126 West Campbell street<br />
Connell, Sim & Co. commission merchants, &c. 96 Queen street<br />
Connall, William, broker, Virginia buildings, house 220 St. Vincent st.<br />
Connall, W. <strong>of</strong> Wallace §• Connall, house 31 Robertson street<br />
Connell, Mrs. Thomas, eating-house, 26 Bell street<br />
Connell, Mrs. tuscan and straw hat warehouse, millinery, &c. 53 St.<br />
Vincent street, house New City road<br />
Conservative Operative Reading-room and C<strong>of</strong>fee-house, 124 Trongate.<br />
J. M'Lean<br />
Constitutional Newspaper Company's <strong>Office</strong>, 21 Argyll street<br />
Consuls and Vice-Consuls :—<br />
Belgian Consul, J. F. Zoller, Springfield court, 69 Queen street<br />
Brazilian Vice-Consul, Robert Gray, 57 Buchanan street<br />
Danish Vice-Consul, Archibald Alison, 2 North court<br />
French Consular Agency, James Buchanan, 57 Buchanan street<br />
Mexican Vice-Consul, William Malcolm, 22 Royal Exchange square<br />
New Grenada Vice-Consul, Malcolm M'Leod, 91 Buchanan street
CONSULS—couuaouGu. 65<br />
Portuguese & Ottoman Vice-Consul, John Mitchell, jun. 18 E.Clyde st.<br />
Prussian Vice-Consul, Robert Sanderson, 167 Argyll street<br />
Russian Vice-Consul, Nicol Handyside,16 Gordon street<br />
Spanish Vice-Consul, Robert Wardrop, 62 Buchanan street<br />
Sweden and Norway Vice-Consul, Wm. Brooks, 68 St. Vincent street<br />
United States <strong>of</strong> America Consul, Alex. Thomson, 91 Buchanan street<br />
CONWAY, Patrick, clothier, 14
Coubi'ough, John, cominission merchant, 40 Candlerigg street<br />
COULSON & Gilmor, merchants, 34 Cochran street<br />
Coulson, George, <strong>of</strong> Coulson Sf Gilmor, house 74 Abbotsford place<br />
COULTER, John, grocer aud spirit dealer, 1G4 Main st. Bridgeton<br />
Coulter, John, brick builder and tile maker, Tylefield street<br />
Coulter, John, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer, Ann place, Parliamentary road<br />
Coulter, Samuel, house and sign painter &c. 34 Hope street<br />
Coulter, William, tailor and clothier, 45 John street<br />
County Fire <strong>Office</strong>. William Cleugh, 49 Miller street, agent<br />
COUPEES, Mrs. strawhat warehouse, 24 Brunswick place, house<br />
114 Trongate<br />
COUPE R, Alexander, <strong>of</strong>Couper, Maitland Sf Co. house 193Athole place,<br />
Bath street<br />
Couper, Archibald, lieutenant <strong>of</strong> police, house 12 South St. Mungo st.<br />
Couper & Co. pawnbrokers, 43 High street<br />
Couper, Jas. insurance broker, Royal Exchange, ho. .32 West George st.<br />
Couper, James, <strong>of</strong> Murray Sf Couper, house 45 Garngadhill<br />
Couper, J. 1 15 Mains st. Parcels left at Jas. Couper's, Royal exchange<br />
Couper, Dr. John, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> materia medica in the university, house<br />
133 Moore place<br />
Couper, John, baker, 115 Trongate<br />
Couper, Maitlarid & Co. cotton-spinners and manufacturers, 35 Virginia<br />
street, works St. Rollox<br />
Couper & Rhodes, china and earthenware dealers, 14 Bridgegate<br />
Couper, Robert, tobacconist, 183 Trongate<br />
Couper, Thomas, & Co. grocers and spirit dealers, Finnieston<br />
Couper, Thomas, brushmaker, 129 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Cooper, Walker & Co. cotton-spinners, Broad street. Mile-end, <strong>of</strong>fice<br />
51 Brunswick street<br />
Couper & White, writers, 13 St. Vincent place<br />
Couper, William, surgeon, 32 West George street<br />
Couper, William, <strong>of</strong> Couper Sf White, house 19.3 Athole place, Bath st.<br />
Couper, Mrs. confectioner, 8 Bridge street<br />
CoDRiER Newspaper Oifice. 75 Argyll street<br />
COUSIN, Peter, coal agent, hosier, glover and draper, 319 Argyll st.<br />
COUSLAND, Archibald, wire-worker and wire-cloth manufacturer,<br />
.3 New wynd, Trongate. (See Advertisement in Appendix.)<br />
COUTTS, James, tailor, 22 Gallowgate<br />
COVENTRY, Charles, spirit de.aler, 77 Garscube road<br />
COVERLY, Robert, broker, 166 Garscube road<br />
Coverly, William, glass and china merchant and glass cutter, 83 and<br />
85 Stockwell street, house 87 Stockwell street<br />
COWAN, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Alex. Smyth 8f Co. house 1 Montagu place<br />
Cowan, Alex, <strong>of</strong> Coivan Sf Co. 51 St. Vincent street, house Violetgrove,<br />
North Woodside road<br />
Cowan, Alex. jun. <strong>of</strong> Cowan Sf Co. 51 St. Vincent street, house 108<br />
Castlemilk place<br />
Cowan, Andrew, 62 Bath street<br />
Cowan, Beith & Co. muslin manufacturers. Commercial court, 114<br />
Candlerigg street<br />
Cowan & Co. nurserymen, florists and seedsmen, 37 Argyll street, nurseries<br />
Clydehaugh, Paisley road<br />
Cowan & Co. commission mercbants and agents, 51 St. Vincent street
Cowan, David, grocer, Finnieston<br />
Cowan, H. & Co. furniture dealers, 21 Great Clyde street<br />
Cowan, James, Sun Fire and Life Insurance <strong>of</strong>fice, bouse 9 Adelphi<br />
street, Hutchesontown<br />
Cowan, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 13 Dalmarnock road<br />
Cowan, James, tailor and clothier, 41 Glassford street<br />
Cowan, James, leatiier warehouse, 38 Kirk street, Calton<br />
Cowan, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 23 Grseme street<br />
Cowan, John M. & Co. manufacturers, 8 John street<br />
Cowan, John, <strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ship bank, house 92 South Portland street<br />
Cowan, Joseph, spirit dealer, 4 Abercromby street<br />
Cowan, Muir & Crawford, merchants, 77 Brunswick street<br />
Cowan, R. merchant and corn factor, 18 Union street, ho. 109 Hope st.<br />
Cowan, Rev. William, 23 Dixon street<br />
Cowan, Walter, spirit dealer, 2 Marlborough street<br />
Cowan, William, <strong>of</strong> Cowan Sj" Co. 51 St. Vincent st. house Ilillhead<br />
Cowan, William, brassfounder and gasfitter, 73 Maxwell street, house<br />
Crossmylo<strong>of</strong><br />
Cowan, William, wright, 40 Gordon street, house 70 Cowcaddens street<br />
Cowan, Mrs. 18 Albany place<br />
Cowan, Mrs. Alexander, 189 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
COWIE, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 124 Garscube road<br />
COX, Joseph, shoemaker, 38 Canon street<br />
CRAIG, Alexander, Tradeston mills, house 18 Carlton place, west,<br />
meal and flour warehouses, 132 High st. 247 Gallowgate, 212 Argyll<br />
street, 32 Adelphi street, and 4 Stobcross street, Anderston<br />
Craig, Alexander, currier and leather merchant, London lane<br />
Craig, Archibald, plumber, 3 St. Andrew's lane<br />
Craigs Brothers, wholesale and retail woollen drapers and hatters, 163<br />
Trongate<br />
Craig, George, turner, 98 Union street<br />
Craig, Hugh, & Co. artificial flower makers, 21 College street<br />
Craig, James, letter-carrier, P.O. house 113 Greeme street<br />
Craig, James, wine merchant, 9 Miller street, house 1 Carlton place<br />
Craig, James, bootmaker and leather merchant, 40 Queen street, house<br />
66 South Portland street<br />
Craig, James, victualler, 8 Duke street<br />
Craig, James, Broomward cottage, Calton<br />
Craig, James, a/ C. Sf D. Gray, house Apsley place, Laarieston<br />
Craig, James, victualler, 79 King street, Tradeston<br />
Craig, John, merchant, 86 Miller street, house 131 West Regent street<br />
Craig, John, horse repository and posting establishment, 121 London<br />
street, house 41 Charlotte street<br />
Craig, John, geologist and mining engineer, 7 Villafield place<br />
Craig, John, wholesale and retail grocer, 34 Stockwell street<br />
Craig, John, spirit dealer, 8 Greenhill street, Anderston<br />
Craig, John, general grocer, .33 North street<br />
Craig, John, teacher <strong>of</strong> English and Geography, 3 St. Enoch square<br />
Craig, John, boot and shoe maker, 9 Arcade<br />
Craig, John, victualler, 260 Gallowgate<br />
Craig, John, flesher, 164 Argyll street<br />
Craig, Joseph, brush and bellows shop, &c. 49 High street<br />
Craig, Peter, ironmonger and ship chandler, 30 Jamaica street<br />
Craig, Peter, japanner and clock-dial maker, 20 Jackson street<br />
Craig, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Craigs Brothers, house 2 South Apsley place<br />
Craig, Robert, builder, 101 Hospital street<br />
Craig, Robert, merchant, 4 Montagu place<br />
Craig & Rose, oil merchants and drysalters, 63 Candlerigg street<br />
Craig, Thomas, baker, 99 King street, Tradeston<br />
Craig, Thomas, coach builder, 8-1 Renfield street<br />
Craig, Thomas, paper-ruler, Sidney court, 62 Argyll street<br />
Craig, Thomas, Forth and Clyde Canal Track-boat <strong>of</strong>iBce, 16 Buchanan<br />
street, and Port-Dundas<br />
Craig, Walter, spirit dealer, 20 Ropework lane<br />
Craig, William, 2 Monteith row<br />
Craig, William, & Co. machinemakers, engineers & founders, Govan st.<br />
Craig, William, <strong>of</strong> Wni. Craig 8f Co. house 24 Carlton place<br />
Craig, William, joiner and cabinetmaker, 7 East Campbell street<br />
Craig, William, surgeon, 238 High street, house 78 George street<br />
Craig, William, at Couper Sf White's, 13 St. Vincent place<br />
Craig, Mrs. confectioner, 81 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Craig, Mrs. painter and paper-hanger, 6 St. Vincent place<br />
Craig, Mrs. William, 28 Canning place<br />
Craig, Sliss, 116 West Regent street<br />
Craigend Colliery <strong>Office</strong>, 65 Jamaica street, D. M'Intyre agent<br />
CRAIGHEAD, J. gardener, Rosehill, Pollokshaws road<br />
Craighead, James, at George Christie's, 78 Stockwell street<br />
Craighead, Peter, gardener, 3 Surrey lane<br />
CRAILSHEIM, A. <strong>of</strong> Crailsheim Sf Herman, house II Victoria place<br />
Crailsheim & Herman, commission merchants, 9.3 Glassford street<br />
CRAWFORD, Adam, bookseller, pocket-book maker and bookbinder, j.<br />
27 King street, house 20 Candlerigg street<br />
Crawford, Alexander, spirit and hay merchant, 247 High street<br />
Crawford, Alexander, tea merchant, 172 Argyll street<br />
Crawford, Andrew, warper, 70 Brunswick street<br />
Crawford, Archibald, & Co. grocers, 44 Broomielaw<br />
Crawford, A. H. <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 59 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Crawford, David, die, stamp and seal engraver, 22 Argyll street<br />
Crawford, Dr. D. 59 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Crawford, Duncan, spirit dealer, 6 Norfolk street<br />
Crawfurd, George, writer, 33 West George street<br />
Crawford, George, sen. spirit dealer, 3 Wallace street<br />
Crawford, George, cabinetmaker and funeral undertaker, 385 Argyll st.<br />
Crawford, Hugh, spirit dealer, 87 Kirk street. Gallon<br />
Crawford, James, surgeon, 76 Garscube road<br />
Crawford, James, saddler, 263 Buchanan street, house 288 do.<br />
Crawford, James, spirit dealer and ship agent, Port-Dundas<br />
Crawford, James, spirit merchant, 13 Carrick street<br />
Crawford, James, house factor, 80 West street<br />
Crawford, John and Ebenezer, Eagle Iron Foundry, Port-Dundas.<br />
Letters left at Duncan Stewart's, 184 Trongate<br />
Crawford, John, <strong>of</strong> Tiueedie §• Crawford, house 57 Abbotsford place<br />
Crawford, John, <strong>of</strong> Alexander Milne Sf Co. house 288 Buchanan street<br />
Crawford, John, <strong>of</strong> Cowan, Muir Sf Crawford<br />
Crawford, John, victualler, stabler and wine and spirit merchant, 321<br />
Argyll street, house above
Crawford, John, MD, 111 Bath street<br />
Crawford, John, painter and colourman, 18 Stevenson street<br />
Crawford, John S. teacher <strong>of</strong> dancing, 54) St. George's place<br />
Crawford, John, green grocer, 2 East Campbell street<br />
Crawford, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 96 Dalmarnock road<br />
Crawford, John, spirit dealer, 10 St. Andrew's lane<br />
Crawford, J. & W. joiners, Castlemilk place, Hutchesontown<br />
Crawford, P. spirit dealer, 2 Oxford street<br />
Crawford, Robert, joiner and cabinetmaker, 101 John street<br />
Crawford, Robert, architect, 97 Union street<br />
Crawford, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Ure, Crawford Sf Easton, house 31 Scott street<br />
Crawford, Thomas, mill manager, 23 Orr street<br />
Crawford, VV. G. dean <strong>of</strong> guild <strong>of</strong>ficer, 120 South Albion street<br />
Crawford, William, seedsman and florist, 3 Arcade<br />
Crawford, William, <strong>of</strong> J. ^ W. Crawford, house 42 Cavendish street<br />
Crawford, William, tailor and clothier, 72 Eglintou street<br />
Crawford, William, at J. §• A. Dennistoun's, house 10 Apsley place<br />
Crawford, Mrs. Waverley tavern, 18 Saltmarket street<br />
Crawford, Mrs. John, grocer and spirit dealer, 14-6 Eglinton street<br />
Crawford, Mrs. 175 St. Vincent street<br />
Crawford, Miss, lodgings, 26 North Portland street<br />
Crawford, Miss, 147 West Regent street<br />
CREE, Alex. &• Wm. upholsterers and cabinetmakers, 77 Buchanan st.<br />
Cree, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> A. ^ W. Cree, house 74 Crown street<br />
Cree, John, Ss Son, ship and insurance brokers, 17 Royal Exchange sq.<br />
Cree, John, <strong>of</strong> John Cree ^ Son, house 22 St. George's road<br />
Cree, John, watchmaker, 47 Stockwell street<br />
Cree, John, jun. stationer, 3 Royal bank place, house 26 CumberLind<br />
street, Laurieston<br />
Cree, Robert, manufacturer, 46 John street, house 74 Crown street<br />
Cree, Thomas, manufacturer, 46 John street, house Surrey place<br />
Cree, Thomas, jun. <strong>of</strong> John Cree § Son, 17 Royal Exchange square<br />
CRICHTON, Alexander, hairdresser, 40 Havannah street<br />
Crichton, David, merchant, 24 Wilson street, house 73 Hutcheson street<br />
CrJchton, George, <strong>of</strong> Crichton, Uiquhart §• Fairley, house 87 Union st.<br />
Crichton, E. boot and shoe shop, 1 1 Trongate<br />
Crichton, John, manufacturer <strong>of</strong> iron gas tubes, beam-maker and gasfitter,<br />
26 London street, works London lane<br />
Crichton, Robert, spirit dealer, 31 St. Ninian street<br />
Crichton, Urquhart Sc Fairley, merchants, 55 Glassford street<br />
Crichton, William, agent for London, Leith, Edinburgh and <strong>Glasgow</strong><br />
Shipping Co. 17 Virginia street, house 69 Sauchiehall street<br />
Chrichton, William, commission agent, 278 Argyll street<br />
Crichton, Mrs. spirit dealer, 110 Main street, Anderston<br />
Chrichton, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 52 West Nile street<br />
CROCKET, James, tailor and clothier, 6 Candlerigg street<br />
Ci'ocket, John, at Kilgour Sf Galbraith's, 12 Exchange square<br />
CROIL, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> William Croil Sf Son, house 9 Montagu place<br />
Croii, William, & Son, merchants, 112 Fife place. West George street<br />
Croil, William, <strong>of</strong> William Croil Sf Son, house 9 Montagu place<br />
Croils <strong>of</strong> Middleton. Letters left at James Donaldson, jun. & Co.'s, .33<br />
Buchanan street<br />
CROLL, D. at James Finlay Sf Co.'s, house 3 Ure place
Croll, James, Perth arms tavern, 20 King street, Tradeston<br />
Croll, John, smith, 3 Gi'eyfriars wynd<br />
CROLLY, William, brace and worsted shoe manufacturer, 93 High st.<br />
CROMBIE, John, old baking and provision store, 28 Cheapside street<br />
CROOKS, John, surgeon-dentist, 13 Dixon street<br />
CROOM, John, muslin warehouse, 90 Bell street, ho. 49 Montrose st.<br />
Croom, Mrs. William, 49 Montrose street<br />
C ROSE IE, D. weaving utensil dealer, ho. 21 Abercromby street<br />
Crosbie, James, flesher, 18 Stobcross street<br />
Crosbie, James, boot and shoe maker, 25 Govan street<br />
Crosbie, Robert, at Anderston Bottle Work, house Lancefield place<br />
CROSS, Alexander, & Sons, seed merchants, 17 Gallowgate, and Tontine<br />
back buildings<br />
Cross, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Alexander Cross §• Sons, house 13 Monteith row<br />
Cross, Alexander, manufacturer, 127 Brunswick street<br />
Cross, David, <strong>of</strong> Alexander Cross ^ Sons, house 13 Monteith row<br />
Cross, David, grocer and spirit dealer, 23 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Cross, Ebenezer, turner, 32 Duke street<br />
Cross, Robert, commission agent, 157 Trongate, house 11 Monteith row<br />
Cross, Robert, turner, 8 Buchan street, Gorbals<br />
Cross, William, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf A. Dennistoun, house 3 Woodside crescent<br />
Cross, William, <strong>of</strong> Alexander Cross Sf Sons, house 13 Monteith row-<br />
Cross, Mrs. James, grocer and spirit dealer, 71 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Cross, Mrs. J. shoe shop, 141 Trongate, house 11 Stockwell place<br />
Crowhill Quarry. Orders left at 3 Russell street, west<br />
CRUDEN, G. linen draper & hosier, 185 Gallowg. ho. 22 Monteith row<br />
Cruden, James, writer, 38 Queen street<br />
CRUIKSHANKS, Alexander A. wine, spirit & malt liquor merchant,<br />
84 West Nile street, cellars St. George's court, 94 Nile street and 175<br />
Buchanan street<br />
Cruickshank, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Long Sf Cruickshank, house Govan<br />
Cruikshank, Robert, & Co. builders, 138 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Cruikshank, Mrs. spirit dealer, 63 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Cruikshank, Mrs. Charles, 82 West Nile street<br />
CRUM, Humphry E. <strong>of</strong> J. §• W. Crum S( Co. house 134 W^est Bath st.<br />
Crum, James, & Co. tea merchants, .39 Glassford street<br />
Crum, James, cotton-spinner, 51 Cochran street<br />
Crum, John, 51 Cochran street<br />
Ci-um, J. & W. & Co. calico-printers and bleachers, 51 Cochran street,<br />
works Thornliebank<br />
Crum, Walter, 51 Cochran street<br />
CUDDIE, John, spirit dealer, 306 Gallowgate<br />
CuLCREUGH Spinning Company. George Smith Si Sons, 34 London st.<br />
CULL EN, James, turner and shuttlemaker, 8 John street, Bridgeton<br />
CuUen, Mathew, grocer, 16 Marlborough street<br />
CuUen, T. W. writer, 129 Ingram street ><br />
Cullen, W. surgeon, 287 Gallowgate, house above<br />
Cullen, Misses, strawhat makers, 169 Great Hamilton street<br />
Cumberland Foundrj', 168 Gallowgate<br />
GUMMING, Andrew, at Thomas Lawrie §• Co.'s, ho. 4 Cathcart st.<br />
Cumming, Archibald, pawnbroker, 90 High street<br />
Gumming, G. D. clerk, Clydesdale bank<br />
Cumming, George T. pattern-designer, 3 James's street, Greenhead
Cummitig, Peter, wholesale Scotch woollen and linen warehouse, 21<br />
Glassford street, house 31 North Hanover street<br />
Cumming, Robert, victualler, 127 High street<br />
Gumming, W. & 11. grocers, 16 Stevenson street<br />
Cumming, William, tea and sugar warehouse, 1 1 1 High street<br />
Cumming, William, at John Bartholomew §• Cc's, ho. 33 Mouteith row<br />
Cumming, Mrs. lodgings. 29 College street<br />
Cumming, Mrs. John, 175 Buchanan street<br />
Cumming, Miss, 97 West Regent street<br />
CUNLIFF, Richard S. <strong>of</strong> Randolph, Elliot §- Co. ho. Rutland crescent<br />
CUNNINGHAM, Adam, & Co. commission merchts. 13 Virginia st.<br />
Cunningham, Alexander, flesher, 73 George street<br />
Cuuninghame, Andrew, Sasine <strong>of</strong>fice, Council chambers, ho. G8 Bath st.<br />
Cunningham, Archibald, grocer, 205 High street<br />
Cunningham, Charles, agent for the <strong>National</strong> bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, 1.3 Vir-<br />
ginia street, house 15 do.<br />
Cunningham, Charles, beadle <strong>of</strong> St. David's, house 88 John street<br />
Cunuinghame, David, surgeon, 23 Canning street, Caltou<br />
Cunningham, Felix, bill-poster, 28 Marlborough street<br />
Cunningham, George, <strong>of</strong> Cunningham §' Nicolson, ho. 12 Newton place<br />
Cunningham, George G. <strong>of</strong> A. Fullarton Sf Co. house 72 Bath street<br />
Cunningham, James, tartan manufacturer, 51 Brunswick place<br />
Cunningham, John, c<strong>of</strong>fee roaster, 16 Gibson street ho. 173 Gallowgate<br />
Cunningham, .John, flesher, 64i Main street, Gorbals<br />
Cunningham & Nicolson, writers, and agents for the Friendly Insurance<br />
Company against Fire, 20 Buchanan street<br />
Cunningham, Robert, contractor, Parson street<br />
Cunningham, Samuel, provision merchant, 17 Saltmarket street<br />
Cunningham, Dr. Tlios. & Son, surgeons and druggists, 1 Norfolk st.<br />
Cunningham, William, 7 Greenhead<br />
Cunningham, William, writer, 37 Glassford street<br />
Cunningham, Mrs. M. strawbat maker, 50 New City road<br />
Cunningham, Miss, strawhat and dressmaker, 112 Sauchiehall street<br />
CURLE, Robert, auctioneer, appraiser and general agent, 62 Argyll<br />
street, house above<br />
CURR, Michael, victualler, 223 High street<br />
CURRIE, Alexander, jun. baker, 354 High street, house 350 do.<br />
Currie, Alexander, planemaker, 79 Hope street<br />
Currie, Duncan, spirit dealer, 17 Union street<br />
Currie, James, victualler, 10 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Currie, John, & Co. bakers, 68 Commerce street<br />
Currie, John, corn merchant, 16 Union street, house 123 West Nile st.<br />
Currie, Rev. Peter, Stockwell church, house 28 Abbotsford place<br />
Currie, R. J. at Thos. Murray's, 8 Argyll street, house 104) South Portland<br />
sti'eet<br />
Currie, Robert, calendrer and packer, 67 West George street and 157<br />
Buchanan street<br />
Currie, Robert, spirit dealer, 76 Bridgegate<br />
Currie, Walter, bookseller and news agent, 39 Nelson street<br />
Currie, William, & Son, cartwrights, 12 Pitt street, house 3 do.<br />
Currie, Mrs. James, grocer and spirit dealer, 28 Dale st. Bridgeton<br />
Currie, Mrs. M. 101 South Portland street<br />
CURTIS, Mrs. Richard, 137 London street
CusTOM-HousE, 69 Great Clyde street. D. V. M'Murdo, collector<br />
CUTHBERT, John, turner, turning lathe and edge-tool maker, 168<br />
Argyll street, works 112 Renfield street<br />
Cuthbert, James, teacher, St. Paul's bell school, Greyfriars' wynd<br />
Cuthbert, Robert, clerk, British Linen Co.'s bank<br />
Cuthbert, William, victualler, 12 Duke street<br />
CUTHBERTSON, Allan, accountant, 110 Fife pi. ho. 9 Newton pi.<br />
Cuthbertson, Donald, accountant, 110 Fife place, ho. 188 St. Vincent st.<br />
Cuthbertson, Hugh, & Co. grocers and spirit dealers, Drygate loll<br />
Cuthbertson, John, merchant, house Crosspark, by Patrick<br />
Cuthbertson, John, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 50 & 52 Oxford street,<br />
workshop Stanley place, house Waterloo place<br />
Cuthbertson, John, teacher, Balfour's school, 24 North Portland street<br />
Cuthbertson, Thomas, 23 Blythswood square<br />
Cuthbertson & Tweedie, iron merchants and ironmongers, Morrison's<br />
court, 108 Argyll street<br />
Cuthbertson, William, <strong>of</strong> Cuthbertson §• Tweedie, house 5 Moore place<br />
Cuthbertson, William G. at Wm.Gilmour ^ Co.'s, ho. 15 Newton pi,<br />
Cuthbertson, Mrs. James, 15 Newton place<br />
Cuthbertson, Mrs. J. B. furnishing shop, 168 West Regent street<br />
CUTHELL, Mrs. victualler, 30 King street, Tradeston<br />
D<br />
D ACRES, William George, Finuieston Store Co. Finnieston<br />
DAILY, Thomas, grocer and cowfeeder, 143 Main street, Gorbals<br />
DAI RON, James, plasterer, Gordon street<br />
DALE, Ambrose, & Co. glass and china warehouse, 31 Buchanan st.<br />
Dale, James, <strong>of</strong> Dale Sf Lockhart, house 5 Somerset place<br />
Dale & Lockhart, wine merchants, 90 Miller street<br />
Dale, Mrs. James, 5 Somerset place, Sauchiehall street<br />
Dale, Miss, treasurer for <strong>Glasgow</strong> Female Society, 5 Somerset place<br />
DALGLISH, A. S. o/i?. Dalglish, Falconer ^ Co. ho. 164 Bedford pi.<br />
Dalglish, George, Sc Co. merchants, 109 Fife place<br />
Dalglish, George, <strong>of</strong> George Dalglish §• Co. house 133 Bath street<br />
Dalglish, James, <strong>of</strong> J. &f J- Dalglish, house 103 St.Vincent street<br />
Dalglish, James, jun. 74 Buchanan street<br />
Dalglish, James & John, manufacturers, 74 Buchanan street<br />
Dalglish, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf J. Dalglish, house 119 Hope street<br />
Dalglish, John, flasher, 369 Argyll street<br />
Dalglish, R. Falconer & Co. calico-printers. North Exchange court<br />
Dalglish, R. & Co. muslin manufacturers, Springfield court. Queen st.<br />
Dalglish, Robert, <strong>of</strong> R. Dalglish, Falconer §' Co. house 164 Bedford pi.<br />
Dalglish, William, at City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> Life Assurance and Reversionary<br />
Co.'s <strong>of</strong>fice, 40 St.Vincent place<br />
DALLAS & Cameron, coach builders, Delftfield lane<br />
Dallas & Lothien, manufacturers, 17 Cochran street<br />
Dallas, Peter, & Co. merchants, 17 Cochran street<br />
Dallas, Peter, <strong>of</strong> Peter Dallas §- Co. house 119 Hope street<br />
DALRYMPLE, G. W. <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 107 Stanley place<br />
DALMUIR Paper Warehouse, 48 Virginia street<br />
Dalmuir Soda Company. Charles Tennent & Co. 49 Cochran street<br />
Dalsholm Paper Warehouse, 82 Glassford street<br />
DALTON, Robert, spirit merchant, Glebe street
DALZIEL, Alexander, builder, 22 Charlotte street<br />
Dalzell, James, agent for the Underwriters <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong>, at Bermett ^<br />
Browne's, house 9 Elmbank place<br />
Dalziel, John, yarn merchant, 62 Queen street, house 82 West street<br />
Dalziel, Mrs. eating-house, 62 Gallowgate<br />
DANIEL, Joseph, glass and china mender, 5 New wynd<br />
DARGE, John, smith, grate and fender maker, and manufacturer <strong>of</strong><br />
composition and block tin gas pipes, 25 Brown street<br />
DA RLE Y, George M. <strong>of</strong> Chronicle <strong>of</strong>fice, house 'dZ Warwick street<br />
DARLING, George, & Co. hat and cap manufacts. 46 Buchanan st.<br />
Darling, William, ironmonger. 111 Trongate<br />
DARSIE, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 13 George street<br />
DAUBUZ, L. C. & W. block and grain tin warehouse, 15 John street,<br />
John Strathern, agent<br />
DAVIE, James, house-factor, Finnieston<br />
Davie, James, 85 Son, sewed muslin manufacturers, 71 Virginia street<br />
Davie, W. town clerk, oiBce Council chambers, ho. 27 Blythswood sq.<br />
Davie, William, jun. <strong>of</strong> John J. Muir Sf Co. ho. 27 Blythswood square<br />
Davie, William, spirit dealer, 103 Stobcross street, Anderston<br />
DAVIS Ss Co. general merchants, 74 Maxwell st. ho. 136 New City rd.<br />
Davis, D. wholesale jeweller and merchant, 109 Argyll street<br />
Davis, John, clothier, 56 Queen street, house Renfrew street<br />
Davis, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 58 Hospital street<br />
Davis, T. B. blacking manufacturer and agent, 22 East Clyde street<br />
DAVIDSON, Alexander, ordained measurer, 9 Gordon street<br />
Davidson, Allan, grocer and spirit dealer, 98 Garscube road<br />
Davidson, A. C. at Walkinshaw, Skinner ^ Co.'s, house 24 Adelphi st<br />
Davidson, Donald, at Mack §• Thomson's, 12 Royal Exchange square<br />
Davidson, James, jun. flesher, 18 Govan street<br />
Davidson, James, 22 South Frederick street, residence Ruchill<br />
Davidson, James, shoe manufacturer, 7 Cleland street<br />
Davidson, James, & Co. candle manufacturers, 17 King street<br />
Davidson, James, ladies' shoe warehouse, 106 Hope street<br />
Davidson, James, jun. <strong>of</strong> W. Sj" J. Davidson Sf Co. house 56 Bath st.<br />
Davidson, John, & Co. cotton dealers & mill furnishers, 99 Hutcbcson st.<br />
Davidson, John, clock and watch maker, 21 Oxford street<br />
Davidson, John, shipping agent, 58 Buchanan street, house 16 Bath st.<br />
Davidson, John, boat builder and ship carpenter, Delftfield lane<br />
Davidson, John, coal master, Monkland Canal basin, Townhead<br />
Davidson, Robert, coal merchant, Monkland Canal basin, ho. 40 Glebe st.<br />
Davidson, Thomas, teacher, 109 John street<br />
Davidson, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> M'Leod, Davidson ^ Co. house 64 Charlotte st.<br />
Davidson, W. & J. & Co. muslin manufacturers, 22 S. Frederick st.<br />
Davidson, Dr. William, 71 West Nile street<br />
Davidson, W. M. MD. 69 Hutcheson street<br />
Davidson, William James, <strong>of</strong> W. Sf J. Davidson S^ Co. house Ruchill<br />
Davidson, William, boot and shoe maker, 43 Adelphi street<br />
Davidson, Wm. <strong>of</strong> Hill, Davidson, Hill §* Clark, ho. 1 Woodside terrace<br />
Davidson, William, <strong>of</strong> Watson, Davidson §• Co. ho, 42 Buccleuch street<br />
Davidson, William, clockmaker, 3 Brunswick court<br />
Davidson, Mrs. Robert, grocer and spirit dealer, 54 Reid st. Bridgeton<br />
Davidson, Mrs. milliner and dressmaker, 152 Cowcaddens street<br />
Davidson, Misses, teachers, M'Farlane school, Surrey street<br />
G<br />
74 DAWSOK DEWAR.<br />
DAWSON, A. & J. distillers, St. Magdalene, <strong>of</strong>fice 142 Trongate<br />
Dawson, Alex, <strong>of</strong> Dawson § Dunlop, house' 120 West Regent street<br />
Dawson 8e Dunlop, merchants, 38 Brunswick street<br />
Dawson, Janaes, <strong>of</strong> J. Dawson Sf Co. house 167 High street<br />
Dawson, James, & Co. general brassfoundersand gasfiiters, Ayton court<br />
Dawson, James, Greyfriars' church <strong>of</strong>ficer, 23 Inkle Factory lane<br />
Dawson, John, wine and spirit merchant, 8.3 Renfrew street<br />
Dawson, John, smith, 19 Sauchieball street<br />
Dawson & M'Nicol, linen and shirt merchants, India and Australian<br />
outfitters, 30 Buchanan street<br />
Dawson, Patrick, <strong>of</strong> J. Mitchell Sf Co. house 301 St. Vincent street<br />
Dawson, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Carron Co. 131 Buchanan street<br />
Deaf and Dumb Institution, Barony glebe, Duncan Anderson, teacher.<br />
Seen on Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock<br />
DEAKIN, Ralph, china and stoneware merchant, 170 Cowcaddens st.<br />
DEAN, Thomas, watch and clock maker, 23 New Bridge street<br />
Dean <strong>of</strong> Guild <strong>Office</strong>r, W. G. Crawfojd, 120 South Albion street<br />
DEANS, Effingham, spirit dealer, 80 Trongate<br />
Deanston Co. at James Finlay §• Co.'s<br />
DECHMENT, James, spirit dealer, 37 Candlerigg street<br />
DEMPSTER, John, flesher, 32 King street, house 42 do.<br />
Dempster, Wm. smith and bell-hanger, .37 Buns wynd, ho. 48 George st.<br />
Dempster, Mrs. William, milliner and strawhat maker, 48 George strecs<br />
DENHOLM & Dick, commission merchants, 21 South Hanover street<br />
Denholm, William, <strong>of</strong> Denholm ^ Dick, house Greenhill, Rutherglen<br />
Denholm, James, spirit dealer, 49 Orr street<br />
DENNY, A. <strong>of</strong> D. ^ A. Denmj §• Co. house 137 West Regent street<br />
Denny, D. Sc A. merchants, 34 Union street<br />
Denny, James, sen. house factor, 56 Bridge street<br />
Denny, J. O. Letters left at John Allan's, 120 Buchanan street<br />
Denny, William, & Co. general grocers, 43 King street, Tradeston<br />
DENNISTOUN, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> J. §• A. Demisioun, house Golfhill<br />
Dennistoun, Bryce & Co. merchants, 112 Fife Place, West George sU<br />
Dennistoun, Buchanan & Co. merchants, 20 St. Vincent place<br />
Dennistoun, J. R. <strong>of</strong> Dennistoun, M'Gregor ^ Co.<br />
Dennistoun, James & Alexander, merchants, 38 George square<br />
Dennistoun, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf A. Dennistoun, M. P. for the City. Address<br />
iu London, 32 Grosvenor place<br />
Dennistoun, John,& Co. cotton-spinners, .38 George sq. works Bridgeton<br />
Dennistoun, M'Gregor & Co. merchants, 75 West Nile street<br />
Dennistoun, William, cf Dennistoun, Bryce Sf Co. ho. 7 Woodside place<br />
DENOVAN, Alexander, accountant, 73 St. Vincent street, house<br />
Freeland house, <strong>of</strong>f 239 High street<br />
DENTH, A. shamoy and white leather manufacturer, 99 Gallowgate<br />
DEVLIN & Co. jewellers, 61 Trongate, house 53 Nelson street<br />
Devlin, John, clothier, &c. 12 Main st. Anderston, and 18 Gallowgate<br />
Devonshire Cider and Herefordshire Perry Stores, 53 Hope street<br />
DEW, George, searcher. Customs<br />
DEWAR, A. rail way arms tavern & commercial lodgings, 16 Clyde place<br />
Dewar, D. M. teller. Western bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, Miller street<br />
Dewar, Charles, bookseller and stationer, 181 High street<br />
Dewar, John, <strong>Glasgow</strong> tavern, 179 Argyll street<br />
Dewar & Orr, waiehousemen, 6 Candlerigg street
Dewar, William, <strong>of</strong> Dewar Sf Orr, house 12 Monteith row<br />
DIBBLE, Thomas, & Co. engravers to calico printers, Charlotte lane<br />
Dibble, Thomas, engraver, 64 Lawmoor place<br />
DICK, Alexander, writer, 153 Queen st. house 90 West Campbell st.<br />
Dick, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Tayler Sf Dick, house 70 Bath street<br />
Dick, Alexander, jun. vpriter, 100 Brunswick street<br />
Dick, Alexander, grocer, Drygate toll<br />
Dick, A. land-surveying chain and safety-lamp maker, Buchanan build-<br />
ings, 105 Stockwell street. (For prices <strong>of</strong> chains see Advertisement. )<br />
Dick, Allan, beadle <strong>of</strong> Barony church, house Villafield place<br />
Dick, David, tobacconist, 7 Orr street, Calton<br />
Dick, D. tobacconist, 3 London street<br />
Dick, D. hardware and toy warehouse, 3 Saltmarket street<br />
Dick, George, lime & stone merchant, Port-Dundas, ho. St. George's road<br />
Dick, G. C. & Co. manufacturers, 13 Montrose street<br />
Dick, G. C. <strong>of</strong> G. C. Lick ^ Co. house 6 Kingston place<br />
Dick, Henry, grocer and spirit dealer, 142 Eglinton street<br />
Dick, James, builder, 184 West Renfrew street, Garnethill<br />
Dick, James, type-founder, 4 Balmanno street<br />
Dick, James, spirit dealer, G3 King street<br />
Dick, John, tailor and clothier, 163 Trongate<br />
Dick, John, surgeon and apothecary, 2 London street, house 41 do.<br />
Dick, John, <strong>of</strong> Denholm §• Dick, house 26 Blythswood square<br />
Dick, John, spirit dealer, 142 Dalmarnock road<br />
Dick, Matthew, & Co. soap and candle manufacturers, 73 and 75 Glass-<br />
ford street, works Port-Dundas road, house 167 West Regent street<br />
Dick, Peter, jun. baker, 170 Argyll street<br />
Dick, Walter, M. D. 238 George street<br />
Dick, W.spirit dealer, 88 Candlerigg st. & cheese dealer, 99 do. ho 1 17 do.<br />
Dick, William, mason and stone engraver, house 12 Govan street<br />
Dick, William, ironmonger, 96 Jamaica street<br />
Dick, William, <strong>of</strong> John Walker Sf Co. house 49 Bath street<br />
Dick, Mrs. B. grocer, 61 Crown street<br />
Dick, Mrs. George, 49 Bath street<br />
Dick, Mrs. William, spirit dealer, 50 Green street, Calton<br />
Dick, Mrs. Dr. 90 Campbell street, west<br />
Dick, Mrs. spirit dealer, 3 Caltonmouth<br />
Dick, Mrs. seminary for young ladies, 26 Blythswood square<br />
DICKIE, Hugh, letter-carrier, P. O. house 17 High street<br />
Dickie, James, poulterer, 1 Wellington arcade<br />
Dickie, Robert, at Alex. Taylor's, 135 George street<br />
Dickie, William, skinner, 66 High street<br />
DICKSON, Alexander, cowfeeder, 30 Spoutmouth ,<br />
Dickson, Archibald, spirit dealer, 3.3 Reufield street<br />
Dickson, G. J. clerk. City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> bank, ho. 56 Hill st. Garnethill<br />
Dickson, James, crow tavern, 25 and 33 George square<br />
Dickson, James, bonding warehouse, 31 York street, <strong>of</strong>fice 65 Jamaica<br />
street, house 23 Portland street<br />
Dickson, .James, currier and shoe merchant, 19 Trongate, 9 Main street,<br />
Anderston, and currying shop 36 St. Andrew's street<br />
Dickson, James, surgeon, 133 Bridgegate<br />
Dickson, James, broker, 30 Piccadilly street<br />
Dickson, John, victualler, 63 Saltmarket street
Dickson, John, victualling house, 66 Bridgegate<br />
Dickson, Robert, fish merchant, 26 King street, & 4 Wellington arcade<br />
Dickson, Russell & Co. coach builders, 21 Wellington street<br />
Dickson, Thomas, at James Dunlop § Sons'<br />
Dickson, William N. at Oswald, Stevenson § Co.'s, house 144) Hill st.<br />
Dickson, Mrs. James, spirit dealer and bottler, 23 Struthers street<br />
Dickson, Miss, strawhat maker, 20 Nelson street<br />
Dilettanti Rooms, 51 Buchanan street<br />
DINGWALL, Alexander, boot and shoe maker, 4 Crown street<br />
Dingwall, Alexander, spirit dealer, 23 llutherglen loan<br />
Dingwall, John, letter-carrier, P.O. house Sidney court<br />
Dingwall, John, & Co. cotton & cotton-waste dealers, 39 Ropework lane<br />
DINWIDDIE, Mrs. 166 Stirling's road<br />
District Pay- Master's <strong>Office</strong>,79 N. Frederick st. open from 10 to 4 o'clock<br />
DIVINE, James, earthenware and crystal shop, 84 Garscube road<br />
DIXON, Peter W. merchant, <strong>of</strong>Finnieston Spinning Co. house 363 St.<br />
Vincent street<br />
Dixon, Peter, dairyman, 8 East Market street<br />
Dixon, William, & Co. Calder & Wilsontown Iron <strong>of</strong>fice, 37 Glassford st.<br />
Dixon, William, 37 Glassford street<br />
Dixon, Mrs. Adam, Finnieston house, Finnieston<br />
DOBBIE, Alexander, watch and clock maker, 20 Clyde place<br />
Dobbie, Thomas, watch and clock maker, 51 Adelphi street<br />
Dobie, W. H. merchant, 48 Buchanan street, house 5 Crescent place<br />
Dobie, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 52 Duke street<br />
DODD, Andrew, optical, mathematical, &c. instrument maker, 36<br />
Glassford street<br />
Dodd, P. &Co. provision merchts. 31 Hutcheson st. & 14 St. Enoch wynd<br />
Dodd, William, <strong>of</strong> Peter Dodd Sf Co. house 42 Great Clyde street<br />
Dodd, William, cooper, 80 Main street, Anderston, ho. Warroch street<br />
Dodds, John, commission agent, 57 Buchanan street<br />
Dodds, W. & J. cordage and twine manufacturers, Kelvinhaugh, warehouse<br />
84 and 86 Stockwell street, house Eastvale<br />
DODS, Benjamin William, wine merchant, 67 Buchanan street<br />
Dods, Joseph, <strong>of</strong> Joseph Dods §• Co. house 49 Bath street<br />
Dods, Joseph, & Co. plumbers and lead merchants, 13 Gordon street<br />
Dods, Lieutenant- Colonel, 7 Elmbank place<br />
DOIG, James, porter, Clydesdale bank, house Spreull's court<br />
DOLBY, Richard, club master. Union club, 176 St. Vincent street<br />
DON, James, beadle <strong>of</strong> St. Paul's, house 23 Drygate lane<br />
DONAGHY, Hugh, china & earthenware merchant, 46 East Clyde st.<br />
DONALD, Alexander, landscape painter, 42 Maitland street<br />
Donald, Andrew, bookseller and bookbinder, 50 Adelphi street<br />
Donald, Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer. Glebe street<br />
Donald, Charles, rag merchant, 88 Union street, house 137 Argyll st.<br />
Donald, Colin Dunlop, writer and commissary clerk, 37 Virginia strevi,<br />
house SO St. Enoch square<br />
Donald, C. D. jun. writer, 37 Virginia street<br />
Donald, James, surgeon, 47 Kirk street, Calton<br />
Donald, James, letter-carrier, P. O. house 55 Montrose (Street<br />
Donald, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 72 Cook street<br />
Donald, James, cooper, 322 Argyll street<br />
Donald, James, spirit dealer, 46 Saltmarket street
Donuld, John, cabinetmaker and beadle <strong>of</strong> St. Matthew's church, 31<br />
North street<br />
Donald, Matthew, joiner, 13 Dale street, Bridgeton<br />
Donald, Thomas, writer, 37 Virginia street<br />
Donald, Miss, furnishing shop, 166 West Regent street<br />
DONALDSON, Alexander, tailor, 84 John street<br />
Donaldson, Alexinder, surgeon, 121 High street, house 21 Graeme St.<br />
Donaldson, Alexander, saddler, 68 Queen street, house 1 Coburg street<br />
Donaldson, Alexander, jun. Royal bank, house 2 Edwin place<br />
Donaldson, Andrew, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> painting to the Andersonian university,<br />
house Cornwall place<br />
Donaldson, David, provision merchant, 70 Argyll street<br />
Donaldson, Dougall & Co. warehousemen, 45 Candlerigg street<br />
Donaldson, George, lime merchant, 9 Oswald street, ho. 33 George sq.<br />
Donaldson, George, writer. Letters left with William Ambrose, 135<br />
Buchanan street<br />
Donaldson, James, & Co. cotton brokers, 25 South Hanover street<br />
Donaldson, James, & Sons, slaters, 37 North Frederick street<br />
Donaldson, James, <strong>of</strong> James Donaldson 8f Sons, ho. 3.3 George square<br />
Donaldson, James, <strong>of</strong> James Donaldson §• Co. house Thornwood<br />
Donaldson, James & John, slate merchants, 9 Oswald street<br />
Donaldson, James, jun. & Co. riierchants, 33 Buchanan street<br />
Donaldson, James, jun. <strong>of</strong>James Dnnaldson, jun. 8f Co. house Middleton<br />
Donaldson, James, <strong>of</strong> Donaldson, Dougall 8f Co. house 100 George st.<br />
Donaldson, James, surveyor <strong>of</strong> poor rates, prisons, court-houses, and<br />
house <strong>of</strong> refuge, <strong>of</strong>fice 1 Antigua pi. Nelson st. house 39 Belgrove pi.<br />
Donaldson, John, watch and clock manufacturer, and dealer in watch<br />
and clock tools, 50 Glassford street, house 4 Hope street, Anderston<br />
Donaldson, John, baker, 55 Jamaica street<br />
Donaldson, John, <strong>of</strong> James Donaldson ^ Sons, house 89 John street<br />
Donaldson, Peter, portionei', 25 Tobago street<br />
Donaldson, Robert, printer, 48 Howard street, house 36 do.<br />
Donaldson, Robert, <strong>of</strong> James Donaldson Sf Sons, house 81 John street<br />
Donaldson, Thomas, tobacconist, 124 Gallowgate<br />
Donaldson, William, covsfeeder, 107 John street<br />
DONNELLY, J. wine & spirit dealer & hat manufacturer, 88 Trongate<br />
Donnelly, Roger, spirit dealer, 12 John street lane, Bridgeton<br />
D'ORSEY, Alexander J. D. master <strong>of</strong> the English department, High<br />
school, house Meadowbank, Patrick<br />
DOUCHARDY, Edward, clothier and tailor, 31 Kirk street, Calton<br />
DOUGALL, Andrew, post-<strong>of</strong>fice receiving house, 227 Gallowgate, ho.<br />
13 East Campbell street<br />
Dougall, Andrew, baker and spirit dealer, Glenpark<br />
Dougall, James, house factor and spirit dealer, 93 Kirk street, Calton<br />
Dougall, James D. fishing tackle manufacturer & gunmaker, 52 Arcade,<br />
house 282 Buchanan street<br />
Dougall, John, beadle <strong>of</strong> London-road church, house 1 West st. Calton<br />
Dougall, John, tin-plate worker and gasfitter, 19 South Portland street<br />
Dougal, Patrick, 45 Union street<br />
Dougall, Patrick, jun. <strong>of</strong> Donaldson, Dougall 8f Co. house 45 Union st.<br />
Dougall, Robt. furnishing shop Sc bandbox maker, 77 Main st. Bridgeton<br />
Dougall, Robert, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 70 Buchanan street,<br />
house 128 Union street<br />
Dougall, Walter, victualler, 52 King street<br />
DOUGLASS, Abraham, smith, lt9 West Nile street<br />
Douglas, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> J. T. ^ A. Douglas^ Co. 85 St. Vincent street<br />
Douglas, Ai'chibald, slater, 95 Argyll street<br />
Douglas, Charles, surgeon, 113 and 113 King street<br />
Douglas, Edward, 85 New wynd<br />
Douglas, George, lead merchant, 118 Argyll st. ho. 10 Brandon place<br />
Douglas, George, reedmaker, 85 Candlerigg street, ho. 50 Blackfriar st.<br />
Douglas 85 Holmes, writers, 73 Hutcheson street<br />
Douglas, Hugh, surgeon, 150 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Douglas, J. T. & A. & Co. West India merchants, 85 St. Vincent street<br />
Douglas, James, <strong>of</strong> J. T. §• A. Douglas ^ Co. house 234 St. Vincent st.<br />
Douglas, James, slater, 181 Trougate<br />
Douglas, James, Douglas arms tavern, 35 Gallowgate, and iron turner,<br />
dealer in metal borings, &c. 35 do.<br />
Douglas, James, measurer, 90 Argyll street, house Barnhill<br />
Douglas, James, surgeon, 35 North Frederick street, and lecturer on<br />
anatomy, 16 North Portland street<br />
Douglas, James, working jeweller and watchmaker, 65 Gallowgate<br />
Douglas, James, MD. surgeon, 113 King street<br />
Douglas, J. C. apothecary, Eye infirmary, 14 College street<br />
Douglas, John C. <strong>of</strong> Douglas § Ranken, house 194 Athole place<br />
Douglas, John, writer. Clerk <strong>of</strong> the Peace for Lanarkshire, <strong>of</strong>fice 73<br />
Hutcheson street, house 39 Bath street<br />
Douglas, John, measurer, 90 Argyll street, house Barnhill<br />
Douglas, John, at J. §• G. Burns's, house 29 South Portland street<br />
Douglas, L. commission agent, 1.S2 South Portland street<br />
Douglas & M'Intosh, carriers, 47 Stockwell street<br />
Douglas & Ranken, writers, 81 St. George's place<br />
Douglas, Robert, cork manufacturer, 64 Maxwell street<br />
Douglas, Thomas D. & Co. merchants and insurance brokers, Royal<br />
exchange<br />
Douglas, Thomas D. <strong>of</strong> Thomas D. Douglas S^ Co. ho. 1 Blythswood pL<br />
Douglas, W. silk dyer, 22 Kent street and 280 High street, works 21<br />
Great Dovehill<br />
Douglas, William, & Co. merchants, 74 Buchanan street<br />
Douglas, William, <strong>of</strong> William Douglas Sf Co. ho. Elmfoot, Little Govaa<br />
Douglas, Mrs. 150 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Douglas, Mrs. D. tavern keeper, 224 Broomielaw<br />
Douglas, Mrs. lodgings, 40 Union street<br />
DOUIE & Morrison, wine merchants, 65 St.Vincent street<br />
Douie, Robert, late <strong>of</strong> Grammar school, 5 Nicholson street<br />
DOVE, Daniel, basketmaker, 4 Charlotte lane<br />
Dove, Ebenezer, draper, 127 Trongate<br />
Dove, Hector, merchant, 53 Hope street<br />
Dove, John, commission merchant, 53 Hope street<br />
DOW, Alexander, spirit dealer, 73 and 75 Bridgegate<br />
Dow, Alexander, spirit merchant, 67 London st. house 76 Gallowgate<br />
Dow, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Burley Sf Dow, house 21 West street, Tradeston<br />
Dow, Alexander, wine and spirit merchant, 218 High street<br />
Dow, Andrew, writer, 10 India street<br />
Dow, Andrew, watch and plate brush manufacturer, 74 Argyll street<br />
Dow & Ai'uot, lithographers and engravers, 43 Argyll street
Dow, Charles & Henry, tea dealers and grocers, 231 High street, and<br />
wine and spirit merchants, 2 George street<br />
Dow, H. & A. wine and spirit merchants, 96 Gallowgate<br />
Dow, James, victualler and spirit dealer, 33 Struthers street<br />
Dow, John, watch and plate brush manufacturer, 132 Trongate<br />
Dow, Samuel, wine and spirit dealer, 79 and 81 Saltmarket street, hunse<br />
16 South St. Mungo street<br />
DOWIE, George, Dundee sacking, canvas and sacking warehouse, l^<br />
Candlerigg street, house 26 College street<br />
Dowie, John, ropemaker, 161 Duke street<br />
DOWN IE, Alexander & John, merchants, 48 Queen street<br />
Downie, Alex, <strong>of</strong> A. §• J. Downie, residence Crossbasket, Blantyris<br />
Downie, David, silver plate chest maker, 66 Rutherglen loan, Gorbals<br />
Downie, D. spirit dealer, 113 Saltmarket street<br />
Downie, John, <strong>of</strong> A. Sf J. Downie, house 33 Elmbank crescent<br />
Downie, John, eating-house, 138 Cowcaddens street<br />
Downie, John, <strong>of</strong> John M'Nair Sf Co. ho. 6 Mains at. BIythswood s
Drummond, Thomas, fancy heddlemaker, 28 Nelson street<br />
Diummond, William, manufacturer, 22 Warwick street<br />
Drummond, Mrs. 114- West Nile street<br />
Drummond, Mrs. 147 West Regent street<br />
Drumpeller Coal Company, 89 St. Vincent street<br />
DRURY, William, surgeon, Lunatic asylum, Garngadbill. Letters left<br />
at 8 Argyll street<br />
DRYDEN, John, <strong>of</strong> Dryden, Lamb §- Co. house Balgraybank<br />
Dryden, Lamb & Co. commission merchants and corn factors, 13<br />
John street<br />
DRYNAN, James, <strong>of</strong> W. §• J. Drynan, house Roseland terrace<br />
Drinnan, John, & Sou, victuallers, 54 and 36 Stobcross street<br />
Drynan, W. & J. silk mercers, 95 Trongate<br />
Drynan, W. <strong>of</strong> W. ^ J. Dryrian, house Queen's crescent<br />
Drynan, Mrs. spirit dealer, \5 Carrick street<br />
DRYSDALE, Alexander, grocer, 87 Gallon-gate<br />
Drysdale, & Co. seedsmen, nurserymen and florists, seed warehouse S3<br />
Queen street, nurseries Cr<strong>of</strong>tbank, Balgray<br />
Drysdale, James, <strong>of</strong> Drysdale §• Co. house 217 Buchanan street<br />
Drysdale, James, agent, 33 Virginia street, house 36 York street<br />
Drysdale, John, set), agent, 53 Green street, Calton<br />
Drysdale, John, haircutter, 29j Adelphi street<br />
Drysdale, John, tailor and clothier, 10 Hope street<br />
Dublin, Cork and Bristol Steam Packet <strong>Office</strong>, 101 Union street<br />
Dublin Steam Packet <strong>Office</strong>, 43 Buchanan street<br />
DUDGEON, A. spirit dealer, 3 Castle street<br />
Dudgeon, Thomas, house, &c. painter, 280 George street<br />
Dudgeon, Mrs. George, spirit dealer, 19 Catherine street, Anderston<br />
DUDLEY, J. V. at D, C. Bait's, house 132 South Portland street<br />
DUFF, Alexander, poulterer. 111 West George street<br />
Duff, Charles, silk, cotton and woollen dyer, 66 West Nile street, house<br />
52 Sauchiehall street<br />
Duff, Uunoau, glassblower, 39 New wynd<br />
Duff, Henry, Trades' house school. Trades' hall, lodgings 62 George st.<br />
Duff, Hugh, warper, 77 Brunswick street<br />
Duft', Thomas, spindle maker, 64 Duke street, house 35 do.<br />
Duff, \Villiam, at Oswald, Stevenson Sf Co.'s, house 3 Tarbert street<br />
Duff, William, wine and spirit dealer, 12 Stockwell street<br />
Duff, Misses, teachers, 29 Abbotsfoid place<br />
DUKE, Rodger, 2 North Ure place<br />
DUMB RECK, Thomas, collector <strong>of</strong> excise, house 30 West Regent st.<br />
Dumbreck, Mrs. John, spirit dealer, 50 New wynd<br />
DUNBAR, Stewart, grocer and spirit dealer, Urygate toll<br />
Dunbar, Thomas, & Co. London hat warehou-se, 77 Jamaica street<br />
DUNCAN, A. & J. & Co. calico-printers, 10 St. Vincent street<br />
Duncan, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Duncan Sf Laing, house 154 George street<br />
Duncan, Alexander, baker, 125 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Duncan, Alexander, baker, 276 Argyll street<br />
Duncan, Alexander, & Sons, quill merchants, 190 Trongate, <strong>Glasgow</strong>,<br />
and 18 St. Andrew's street, Edinburgh<br />
Duncan, A. Sc Sons, papermakers, 190 Trongate, and Herbertshire<br />
mill, Denny<br />
Duncan, Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer, Maitland street
Duncan, Andrew J. <strong>of</strong> Duncan §• Hutchison, house 19 Clarendon place<br />
Duncan, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> A. ^ J. Duncan, house 41 St. George's road<br />
Duncan, Archibald, baker, 6 Cranston street<br />
Duncan, A. & C. curriers and leather merchants, 71 Brldgegate<br />
Duncan, D. F. <strong>of</strong> W. Sf D. Duncan, house 26 Turner's court<br />
Duncan, George, <strong>of</strong> Port-Dundas Pottery Co. house Cleland testimonial<br />
Duncan, George, & Co. warehousemen, 52 Glassford street<br />
Duncan & Hutchison, accountants, agents for the Scottish Provident<br />
Life Assurance Institution, Ml Buchanan street<br />
Duncan, Henry B. <strong>of</strong> Thomas D. Douglas Sf Co, ho. Randolph terrace<br />
Duncan, James, lieutenant <strong>of</strong> police, house 15 North St. Mungo street<br />
Duncan, James, tinsmith, 98 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Duncan, James L. at Muir, Brown Sf Co.'s, 28 Royal Exchange square<br />
Duncan, J. L. shipmaster, 49 Clyde buildings<br />
Duncan, John, jun. merchant, 47 North Hanover street<br />
Duncan, John, hardware merchant, 14 Saltmarket street, and 8 Arcade<br />
Duncan, John, baker, 180 Argyll street<br />
Duncan, John, job warehouse, 28 Brunswick place<br />
Duncan & Laing, (late Duncan & Murray,) Italian warehouse, rusk and<br />
biscuit manufacturers, 106 and 108 Buchanan street<br />
Duncan, Mathew, spirit dealer, 24 Cheapside street, Anderston<br />
Duncan, Richard, (late cashier, Thistle bank,) 54 Buccleuch street<br />
Duncan, Thomas, spirit dealer, 435 Gallowgate<br />
Duncan, Rev. Walter, 119 Montrose street<br />
Duncan, William, provision curer, 80 Candlerigg st. house 10 College st.<br />
Duncan, W. confectioner, 51 London street, c<strong>of</strong>fee roaster, 57 Gallowgate<br />
Duncan, W. L. <strong>of</strong> A. Duncan §• Sons, house India street<br />
Duncan, W. Si D. engravers,copperplate&lithographic printers, 43 Arcad*<br />
Duncan, W. J. Bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, house Melrose st. Great Western road<br />
Duncan, Mrs. G. lodgings, 100 George street<br />
DUNCANSON, Archibald, beadle to the Rev. Walter Duncan, house<br />
adjoining the church, Parliamentary road<br />
Duncanson, John, flesher, 5 Mutton market, and 61 St. George's place<br />
Duncanson, Robert, tailor and clothier, 16 Queen street<br />
Duncanson, Mrs. Alexander, baker, 61 Glassford street<br />
DUN DAS, Robert, letter-carrier, P.O. house 21 StockweU place<br />
Dundee Shipping <strong>Office</strong>, 101 Union street<br />
DoNDTVAN Iron Works, <strong>of</strong>fice 36 St. Vincent place<br />
DUNLOP, Andrew, victualler, 25 Stevenson street<br />
Dnnlop, Andrew, victualler and grocer, 43 North Frederick street<br />
Dunlop & Bridges, merchants and commission agents, 135 Buchanan st.<br />
Dunlop, Charles, <strong>of</strong> James Dunlop §• Sons, house Carlibar, Barrhead<br />
Dunlop, Colin, & Co. 36 St.Vincent place<br />
Dunlop, Colin R. 36 St.Vincent place, house Clyde Iron-works<br />
Dunlop, David, Ayrshire tavern, 44 Trongate<br />
Dunlop, D. <strong>of</strong>M'Laurin Sf Lunlop, ho. 23 Cumberland pi. Laurleston<br />
Dunlop's FuUarton and Hamilton Farm coal shipping box, shed No. 14
IXunlop, James, & Sons, cotton-spinners and power-loom cloth manufac-<br />
turers, 86 Miller street and 91 Virginia street<br />
Dunlop, James, wine & spirit dealer, 28 Dunlop st. ho. 16 Nicholson st.<br />
Dunlop, James, <strong>of</strong> Dunlop §• Bridges, house 18 Elrabank crescent<br />
Dunlop, James, 36 St. Vincent place, house Clyde Iron- works<br />
Dunlop, James, ham curer and provision merchant, 47 and 49 Brunswick<br />
place, house Longcr<strong>of</strong>t cottage, Renfrew<br />
Dunlop, John, writer, 73 Hutcheson street<br />
Dunlop, John, wine and spirit merchant, 269 Gallowgate<br />
Dunlop, John, <strong>of</strong> Dawsun S^ Dunlop, house 120 West Regent street<br />
Dunlop, Rowand & Co. merchants, 6.3 St. Vincent street<br />
Dunlop, William, spirit dealer and grocer, 84 Renfrew street<br />
Dunlop, William, cowfeeder, 38 Muslin street, Bridgeton<br />
Dunlop, Wilson & Co. iron merchants, 36 St. Vincent place<br />
Dunlop, Mrs. 3 College street<br />
Dunlop, Mrs. Alexander, spirit dealer, 51 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Dunlop, Miss, 4 St. George's road<br />
Dunlop, Miss, 11 Turner's court<br />
DUNN, Alexander, dairyman, 125 High street<br />
Dunn, Andrevv, wine and spirit merchant, 224 High street<br />
Dunn, David, fish & provision mercht. 15lTrongate, ho 12Monteith row<br />
Dunn, George, victualler, 81 Argyll street<br />
Dunn, James, spirit dealer, 21 Wilson street<br />
Dunn, James, St Co. sewed muslin manufacturers, 12 So. Hanover st.<br />
Dunn, James, <strong>of</strong> James Dunn §• Co. house Greenhill house, near Paisley<br />
Dunn, James, baker, S3 Govan street<br />
Dunn, James, spirit dealer, 3 Adeiphi street<br />
Dunn, James, accountant, 9 Stirling street<br />
Dunn, John, teacher, Wellpark school, house 338 High street<br />
Dunn, John, sen. grocer, 34 West College street<br />
Dunn, John, house and land agent, 62 Robertson street, house Hallows,<br />
Eastwood<br />
Dunn, John, furnishing shop, 50 Carrick street<br />
Dunn, Peter, spirit dealer, 35 Bell street<br />
Dunn, S. & T. letter-press printers, 181 Trongate<br />
Dunn, Thos. timber merchant, Rockvilla, near Port-Dundas. Letters<br />
left at 68 Bucclench street<br />
Dunn, William, counting house and cotton yarn warehouse, 62 George<br />
square, machine works 110 High John st. house 42 St. Vincent place<br />
Dunn, William, tailor and clothier, 40 Candlerigg street<br />
Dunn, Mrs. staymaker, 6 Nelson street<br />
DUNSMORE, James, Sir Walter Scott tavern, 28 Saltmarkct street,<br />
DuNTEiiLiE Weaving Co. Letters left at John Smith & Co.'s, 19 South<br />
Hanover street<br />
DUPAIN, J. C. spirit dealer, 161 Saltmarket street<br />
DUTHIE, Alexander, plasterer, 68 North Hanover street<br />
DYER & Co. tea and c<strong>of</strong>fee desilers, 99 Trongate<br />
DYKES, John, wright, 12 Canning street, Greenhead<br />
Dykes, John, house- factor, 155 Saltmarket street, house 4 Steel street<br />
Dykes, John, victualling house, 82 Gallowgate<br />
Dykes, Robert, 2 Woodside terrace<br />
Dykes, Mrs. Thomas, 2 Woodside terrace<br />
DYMOCK, Mrs. Dr, 58 North Hanover street
E<br />
EADIE & Alexander, coal masters, Monkland canal basin<br />
Edie, Charles, Sheriff-clerk's <strong>of</strong>fice, house 40 Eglinton street<br />
Eadie, James, at J, §• J. Wright's, Virginia buildings<br />
Eadie, James, manager, Globe foundry, house 3 Richard street<br />
Eadie, Rev. John, 43 Cambridge street<br />
Eadie, Robert, wine and spirit merchant, aerated water manufacturer and<br />
ginger beer brewer, 130 Saltmarket street, house 4 Adelphi street<br />
Eadie, William, 32 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
Eadie, William, wright and portioner, 116 Sauchiehall street<br />
Eadie, Mrs. John, grocer, 3 Puddock row<br />
Eagle Foundry, Port-Dundas<br />
Eagle Inn and Hotel, 59 Maxwell street, James Frazer<br />
Eaglesham Cotton Yarn Warehouse, 15 Cochran street<br />
E A RL, J. waiter, beadle <strong>of</strong> St. Stephen's church, house 50 Renfrew lane<br />
EARSTON & Fruckelton, grain and provision commission merchants,<br />
4 St. Enoch square<br />
EASDON, George, wright and glazier, 11 Stormont street, house do.<br />
EASON, Rev. William, 36 WhitevaJe<br />
Eastfield, Colliery <strong>Office</strong>, 3 Antigua place. Nelson street<br />
East India Association. A. Wardrop, honorary secretary, 157 Buchanan<br />
street<br />
EASTON, George, at Macleroy, Hamilton § Co.'s, ho. 126 Renfrew st.<br />
Easton, James & John, skinners, 20 Greenside street, Gorbais<br />
Easton, Dr. J. A. 29 College street<br />
Easton, Robert, cabinetmaker 79 Stockwell st. house .32 Dunlop street<br />
Easton, Samuel, qfUre, Crawford^ Easton, house 17-3 George street<br />
Easton, William, <strong>of</strong> Goodwin § Easton, 69 Queen street<br />
Easton, William, surgeon, 10 Green street, Calton<br />
Easton, Wiliam, & Co. commission merchants, 197 Buchanan street<br />
Easton, William, <strong>of</strong> William Easton ^ Co. bouse 197 Buchanan street<br />
EATON, Andrew, portioner, 42 Muslin street, Bridgeton<br />
Eatun, David, china and stoneware merchant, 7 Kent street<br />
EBBELS, Henry, chief clerk, <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>of</strong>fice, house 73 High John street<br />
ECCLES, Robert, & Co. merchants, 85 St. Vincent street<br />
Eccles, Robert, merchant, <strong>of</strong> Robert Eccles § Co. 85 St. Vincent street<br />
Eccles, William, merchant, <strong>of</strong> Robert Eccles §• Co. and W. ^ J. Eccles<br />
Sf Co. house 1 Moore place<br />
Eccles, William & James, & Co. merchants, 85 St. Vincent street<br />
Eccles, William, jun. merchant, <strong>of</strong> Robert Eccles §• Co. and W. Sf.<br />
Eccles §• Co. house 33 St. Vincent place<br />
Economic Life Assurance Society <strong>Office</strong>, 68 St. Vincent street. A. W.<br />
Stewart, agent<br />
ECROYD, William, worsted spinner and worsted heddle yarn manufacturer.<br />
A. Graham 8f Co. agents, 109 Brunswick street<br />
EDGAR & Fraser, clothiers, 145 Argyll .street<br />
Edgar, James, <strong>of</strong> Edgar ^Eraser, house 18 Norfolk street<br />
Edgar, William, boot and shoe maker, 94 Renfield street<br />
Edinburgh & <strong>Glasgow</strong> Railway Depot, North Queen street. H. G.<br />
Wright, secretary<br />
Edinburgh Life Assurance Co. 76 Stl Vincent street. William Logie,<br />
agent. (See Advertisement.)<br />
Edinburgh Ropery and Sail-cloth Co. 76 Jamaica street, sail-l<strong>of</strong>t do.
EDINGTON, Alex. G. <strong>of</strong> Thomas Edington Sf Sons, ho. Phoeaixhouse<br />
EdiDgton, Geo. B. Phoenix Iron-works, house 3 Clarendon place<br />
Edington, James, merchant, 72 St. George's place, ho. 77 West Nile st.<br />
Edington, Thomas, & Sons, engineers, iron-founders and merchants,<br />
Phcenix Iron-works<br />
Edington, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Thomas Edington Sf Sons, house 72 Buccleuch st.<br />
Edington, Mrs. 3 Clarendon place<br />
EDMISTON, Archd. timber merchant Sc builder, 110 & 112 Crownst.<br />
Edmiston, James, baker, 158 Argyll street<br />
Edmiston, John, at John Stenkouse Sf Co.'s, house Cleland street<br />
Edmiston, Robt. at Pollock, Gilmour §• Co.'s, ho. 112 Upper Crown st.<br />
EDMOND, Joseph, eating-house, 191 Gallowgate<br />
EDMONDSTON, John, ironmonger, 103 Argyll street<br />
Edocational Society Secretary's Room, Normal seminary, DundasvaJe<br />
EDWARDS, Rev. John, 37 Monteith row<br />
Edwards, John, at Mitchell, Henderson Sf MitehelVs, 36 Miller street<br />
Edwards, Mrs. James, broker, 27 Miller's place<br />
Edwards, Misses, strawhat and dressmakers, 2 Hospital street<br />
EGLIN, David, <strong>of</strong> V/m. Eglin Sj Son, ho. 50 Great Hamilton street<br />
EgHn, William, & Sou, curriers & leather merchants, 18 Main street,<br />
Calton, and 190 Argyll street<br />
Eglin, William, <strong>of</strong> Wm. Eglin Sf Son, house 327 Argyll street<br />
EGLINTON, Gavin, general grocer, 79 High street<br />
Eglinton, Robert, Sc Co. East India agents, Virginia buildings<br />
Eglinton, Thomas, spirit dealer, 27 East Clyde street<br />
ELBORN, Samuel, china, glass and earthenware merchant, 167 Saltmarket<br />
street, rag store 17 Steel street, house 5 Steel street<br />
ELDER, David, manager, Vulcan foundry, Washington street<br />
Elder & Docherty, engravers to calico printers, 17 Nelson street<br />
Elder, Donald, sub-collector. Gas-<strong>of</strong>fice, house 38 Virginia street<br />
Elder, George, spirit dealer, 336 Gallowgate<br />
ELLIOT, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> Elliot, Brothers Sf Co.<br />
Elliot, Brothers & Co. commission merchants, Springfield ct. Queen st.<br />
Elliot, James, <strong>of</strong>Elliot, Brothers § Co.<br />
Elliott, William, Burns's tavern, 114 Trongate<br />
ELLIS, James, <strong>of</strong> Walrond, Ellis §• Co. house 7 Montagu place<br />
Ellis, John, <strong>of</strong> John Ellis §• Co, house 102 Bath street<br />
Ellis, John, & Co. manufacturers, 93 Virginia place<br />
Ellis, J. Kennedy & Co. merchants, 127 Brunswick street<br />
Ellis, John, <strong>of</strong> J. Ellis, Kennedy Sf Co. house Buccleuch street<br />
Ellis, Septimus, 102 Bath street<br />
ELSWORTH & Tomlinson, sawmakers and cutlers, 213 Argyll street<br />
EMMERSON, John, 33 Abbotsford place<br />
Emmerson, Mrs. teacher <strong>of</strong> drawing, 33 Abbotsford place<br />
ENTWISLE, William, chemical warehouse, .32 Turner's court<br />
ERSKINE, Andrew, & Co. ship agents and commission merchants,<br />
51 Oswald street<br />
Erskine, John, machinemaker, at William Dunn's, 110 High John street<br />
Erskine, John, spirit dealer, 55 South Portland street<br />
Erskine, Thomas, tobacconist, 403 Argyll street<br />
EuBOPEAN Life Insurance Co. <strong>of</strong> London, Patrick Neilson, agent, 69<br />
Glassford street<br />
EVANS, Mrs. bolt manufacturer, Piccadilly st. ho. 27 Cheapslde street
EWART, James, & Co. commission merchants, 5 Drury street<br />
Ewart, James, <strong>of</strong> James Ewart ^ Co. house 10 Clarendon place<br />
EWING, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Swing, Angus §• Co. ho. 32 Elmbank crescent<br />
Ewing, Alexander, mei-chant, 32 St. Andrew's square<br />
Ewing, Angus & Co. Madeira court, Argyll street<br />
Ewing, Ferrie & Co. merchants, 32 St.Vincent place<br />
Ewing, James, pattern-designer, 84 Great Hamilton street<br />
Ewing, James Lindsay, merchant, 32 St. Andrew's square<br />
Ewing, James, & Co. merchants, 36 George square<br />
Ewing, Jas. <strong>of</strong>Jas. Ewing Sf Co. residence Levenside, Dumbartonshire<br />
Ewiug, James, at Finlay §" Neilsoris, 120 South Albion street<br />
Ewing, John, merchant, 32 St. Andrew's square<br />
Ewing, John, manager, Greenhead brewery<br />
Ewing, John, sen. flesher. Bell-street market, house 116 George street<br />
Ewing, John, jun. flesher, 51 Bell street<br />
Ewing, John, victualler, 103 Union street<br />
Ewing, John, surveyor <strong>of</strong> buildings for the Phcenix Fire Insurance Co.<br />
25 Queen street, house 40 South Wellington street<br />
Ewing, John Orr, & Co. turkey-red dyers and calico-printers, 32 St.<br />
Vincent place<br />
Ewing, Joseph, <strong>of</strong> Hendry Sj" Ewing, house 95 Crown street<br />
Ewing, Patrick, <strong>of</strong> Ewing, Paul 8f Co. house 331 Renfrew street<br />
Ewing, Paul 8s Co. gingham and pullicate man ufacts. 125 Buchanan st.<br />
Ewing, Peter, calendrer & packer, 8 John st. ho. 7 Parkpl. Stockwell st.<br />
Ewing, Peter, baker, 204 Buchanan street<br />
Ewing, R. & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 49 Eglinton street<br />
Ewing, Smith St Aird, East India agents, 51 St.Vincent street<br />
Ewing, Thomas W. at Peter Buchanan ^ Co.'s, 24 St.Vincent place<br />
Ewing, Walter, <strong>of</strong> Ewing §• Wingate, house Govan road<br />
Ewing, William, & Co. manufacturers. North Albion court<br />
Ewing, W. Leckie, <strong>of</strong> Stirling, Gordon 8f Co. house 1 Athole place<br />
Euing, Wm. insurance broker. Royal Exchange, ho. 115 St.Vincent st.<br />
Ewing, William, pawnbroker, 9 Old wynd, house 14 Moore street<br />
Ewing 8s Wingate, clothiers, 79 Buchanan street<br />
Ewing, Mrs. grocer, 65 Main street, Anderston<br />
Excise <strong>Office</strong>, 45 Dunlop street. Thomas Dumbreck, collector<br />
Excise Journal <strong>Office</strong>, 9 Nicholson street<br />
Extractor's <strong>Office</strong>, Council chambers<br />
Ete Infirm art, 14 College street. George Stark, house steward<br />
F<br />
Faculty <strong>of</strong> Physicians and Surgeons' Hall, 17 St. Enoch square<br />
FAIRBAIRN, Robert, clubmaster western club, 147 Buchanan street<br />
Fairbairn, Thomas, teacher <strong>of</strong> drawing and painting, 7 Exchange place<br />
Fairbairn, Mrs. George, victualling-house, 90 Eroomielaw<br />
FAIRLEY, Edward, accountant, Royal bank, ho, 94 Buchanan street<br />
Fairlie, James, grocer, 31 Spoutmouth, Gallowgate<br />
Fairlie, James, tailor and clothier, 5 Union street<br />
Fairley, John, <strong>of</strong> Crichton, Urquhart 8f Fairley, house 27 Union street<br />
Fairley, Mrs. 16 Sauchiehall street<br />
Fairley, Mrs. R. 98 Union street<br />
FALCONER, Patrick, coal mercht. Delftfield lane, ho. 445 Argyll st.<br />
Falconer, Robert, bookseller, 29 Miller's place<br />
Falconer, Robert, hosiery and glove warehouse, 132 Argyll st. and 116<br />
Trongate, silk and worsted shop i Buchanan st. ho. 29 Kingston pi.<br />
Falconer, Samuel, baker, 158 High street<br />
Falconer, William, merchant, 30 Montrose street<br />
Falconer, W. & A. hosiers and glovers, 30 Argyll street, corner <strong>of</strong> Miller<br />
street, and 3 High street, house 3 Hope street, Anderston<br />
Falconer, Mrs. Patrick, Jane street<br />
Falkirk Ale Stores. John Dove, agent, 33 Hope street<br />
Falkirk Iron Co. William Cockey, agent, 118 Argyll street<br />
Familt Endowment Society. W^illiam Carrick & Son, Virginia buildings,<br />
and Marshall & Hill, 60 Ingram street, agents<br />
FARIE, G. S. <strong>of</strong> Johnston §• Farie, house 30 Monteith I'ow<br />
Farie, James, <strong>of</strong> Farie Sf Nelson, house 37 Oswald street<br />
Farie & Nelson, bookbinders, 37 Argyll street<br />
Farie, Robert, 23 Monteith row<br />
Farie, Robert, spirit dealer, 4 Stirling street<br />
Faume & Rosebank Coal <strong>Office</strong>, 10 Robertson street<br />
Farmers' and General Insurance Institution. David Tainsh, agent,<br />
33 Ingram street<br />
FARMS, John, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 112 High street<br />
FARQUHAR, George P. fish & provision merchant, 151 Gallowgate<br />
Farquhar, John, & Co. millwrights, engineers, machinemakers and<br />
founders. Atlas foundry, Market street, Gallowgate<br />
Farquhar, John, <strong>of</strong> John Farquhar Sf Co. house 5 Claythorn street<br />
FARQUH ARSON, Alexander, saddler, 478 Gallowgate<br />
Farquharson, John, herbalist, 4 Stanley place<br />
FAULDS, Robert, jun. cartwright. Parson street<br />
Faulds, R. coal merchant, Monkland Canal basin, house Barony place<br />
FENDER, John, tartan shawl &trouser stuff manuf. 120 Brunswick st.<br />
FERAN, Daniel, clothier, 118 Saltmarket street<br />
FERGUS, Ralph, buckram & muslin manufacturer, 9 S, Hanover st.<br />
Fergus, Thomas, fruiterer, 188 Argyll street<br />
Fergus, Mrs. J. chandler, 39 Main street, Gorbals<br />
FERGUSON, Alexander, Sun tavern, 131 Trongate<br />
Ferguson, Alexander, & Co. J. Sf A. Fraser, 20 Buchanan street<br />
Ferguson, Archibald, grocers, 82 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Ferguson, A. clothier and outfitter, 193 Broomielaw, house above<br />
Ferguson, Allan, 119 Murray place, Woodside road<br />
Ferguson, Archibald, plumber, 20 New wynd, house 73 Hutcheson st.<br />
Ferguson & Burns, soap and candle manufacturers, oil merchants, &c.<br />
37 Hutcheson street, 242 High street, and 86 King street, Tradeston,<br />
works Old wynd<br />
Ferguson & Co. cotton-spinners and power-loom cloth manufacturers,<br />
120 Brunswick street, works Mile-end and Hill street<br />
Ferguson, Daniel, paper-box maker, 68 Glassford street<br />
Ferguson, David, <strong>of</strong> Forrester, Ferguson Sf Co. house 3 Jane street<br />
Ferguson, David, <strong>of</strong> Ferguson, Monteith §• Co. ho. 7 BIythswood square<br />
Ferguson, George, Rose tavern, 109 Argyll street<br />
Ferguson, Hugh, at Sheppard ^ Co.'s, 37 Buchanan street<br />
Ferguson, James, teacher, Christ's Church school, house 8 William<br />
street, Greenhead<br />
Ferguson, James, cattle dealer, Dunchattan buildings, Duke street<br />
Ferguson, James, & Co. wine merchants and grocers, 93 Buchanan st.
Ferguson, James, <strong>of</strong> James Ferguson §• Co. house 40 Abbotsford place<br />
Ferguson, James, wine and s\nx\t merchant, 41 Jamaica street and 7<br />
Ann street, house 54? Jamaica street<br />
Ferguson, James, agent for J. & P. Cameron, Railway station. Queen st.<br />
Ferguson, James, <strong>of</strong> Kenmundy, 2 York place<br />
Ferguson, J. bootmaker, 42 Bridge street<br />
Ferguson, J. manufacturer, 95 Hutcheson st. house 52 N. Taylor st.<br />
Ferguson, John, <strong>of</strong> Ferguson Sf Burns, house 52 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
Ferguson, John, writer, agent for the Sun Fire & Life Insurance <strong>of</strong>fice,<br />
17 Gordon street, house 6 Montagu place, Bath street<br />
Ferguson, John, marble and fancy paper maker, 39 Hutcheson street,<br />
house 24 Taylor street<br />
Ferguson, John, cowfeeder, 57 Gallowgate<br />
Ferguson, John, at Johnston 8f Farie's<br />
Ferguson, John, brush, bellows, haircloth and curled hair manufacturer,<br />
29 Gallowgate, house 29 College street<br />
Ferguson, John, spirit dealer, 134 West Campbell street<br />
Ferguson, J. & R. tin-plate workers, brassfounders, pewterers, blacksmiths,<br />
beam makers, syringe and stomach pump makers, 69 Stockwell<br />
street, house above<br />
Ferguson, John, grocer, 3 Stevenson street, house 14 George st. Mile-end<br />
Ferguson, John, livery stables, 40 Regent lane<br />
Ferguson, John, <strong>of</strong> M'Leod, Ferguson Sf Co. 62 Queen street<br />
Ferguson, John, flesher, 4 Main street, Anderston<br />
Ferguson, Lewis, tailor St clothier, 122 Argyll st. ho. Larkvale, by Partick<br />
Ferguson, M. paper warehouse, 14 King street<br />
Ferguson, Monteith & Co. merchants, 15 Hutcheson street<br />
Ferguson, Peter, fire brick and tile works, Heathfield, store Railway<br />
depot. Orders left at J. Ferguson's, 17 Gordon street<br />
Ferguson, Peter, inspector. Gas <strong>of</strong>fice, house 27 Weaver street<br />
Ferguson, Peter, jun. at Archd. Ferguson's. 20 New wynd, ho. Surrey pi.<br />
Ferguson, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Henry Monteith Sf Co. house 2 Newton place<br />
Ferguson, Robert, spirit dealer, 10 Maxwell street<br />
Ferguson, Robert, painter and paper-hanger, 52 New City road<br />
Ferguson, S. at Dunlop, Rowand Sf Co.'s, 6.3 St. Vincent street<br />
Ferguson, Thos. writer, 81 St. George's place, house St. George's road<br />
Ferguson, Thomas G. commission agent, 109 Fife place, house 64 West<br />
Regent street<br />
Ferguson & Watson, silk merchants and throwsters, 11 John street,<br />
factory Stirling's road<br />
Ferguson, William, accountant. Chamberlain's <strong>of</strong>fice. Agent for Caledonian<br />
Life and Fire Insurance Co. house 122 South Portland street<br />
Ferguson, Walter, secretary. Gas <strong>of</strong>fice, house 1 17 West Regent street<br />
Ferguson, Walter, jun. commission agent, 46 Renfield street, house 117<br />
West Regent street<br />
Ferguson, William, spirit merchant, 40 Candlerigg street<br />
Ferguson, William, <strong>of</strong> Allan §• Ferguson, house 21 Abbotsford place<br />
Ferguson, William, smith, 10 Corn street, Port-Dundas<br />
Ferguson, William, commission merchant, 108 Stockwell street<br />
Ferguson, Mrs. C. pie and porter house, 30 Gallowgate<br />
Ferguson, Mrs. silk dyer, 33 John street<br />
Ferguson, Mrs. milliner, 60 Nelson street<br />
Ferguson, Mrs. William, 16 Monteitb vow
FERNIE, George, tobacconist, 96 Glassford street<br />
FERRIE, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Blaiitummoch, 8 Abercromby place<br />
Ferrie, Dr. Wm. consulting rooms 18 Renfield st. ho. 8 Abercromby pi.<br />
FERRIER, Hugh, at J. Sf R. Cogan's, house 64. Buccleuch street<br />
FIELD, Alex, <strong>of</strong> A. Turnbull Sf Co. ho. 23 Newton pi. Sauchiehall rd.<br />
Field, Henry, tin-plate worker and bath manufacturer, 65 Argyll street,<br />
works 12 Dunlop street, house 240 Renfrew street, Garuethill<br />
FIMISTER, William, mason, 3 Robertson lane<br />
FIN GLAND, Thomas, wine, spirit and tea merchant, 54 Prince's st.<br />
house 49 Charlotte street<br />
FINLAY, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> Finlay §• Taylor, house Cleland testimonial<br />
Finlay, G. grocer and wine merchant, 17 W. Nile st. ho. Kinning pi.<br />
Finlay, Hunter, <strong>of</strong> R. G. Finlay ^ Brothers, house Villafield<br />
Findlay, James, <strong>of</strong> J. §• J. Findlay, 78 Miller street<br />
Finlay, James, <strong>of</strong> Firday §• Neilson, house 10 Canning place<br />
Finlay, James, & Co. merchants, 172 Buchanan street<br />
Finlay, James, <strong>of</strong> James Finlay Sj" Co. 172 Buchanan street<br />
Findlay, John, wright, Great Russell street, house Queen's arcade<br />
Finlay, J carver, gilder and printseller, 49 Buchanan street, house 99<br />
Maxwell street<br />
Findlay, J. & J. cotton-spinners, 78 Miller street<br />
Finlay, John, <strong>of</strong> R. G. Finlay §• Brothers, ho. Millerston, Hogganfield<br />
Findlay, John, jun. sewed muslin manufacturer, 93 Hutcheson street,<br />
house 167 Egllnton street<br />
Findlay, John, victualler, 46 Candlerigg street, house 40 do.<br />
Findlay, John, writer, <strong>of</strong> Knox Sf Findlay, house Easterhill<br />
Findlay, John, M D. 43 Sauchiehall street<br />
Finlay, John, <strong>of</strong> John Firday Sf Co. house 5 Ure place<br />
Finlay, John, <strong>of</strong> John M'Intyre Sf Co. house Rosemount cottage<br />
Finlay, John Robert, commission merchant, house 77 Montrose street<br />
Finlay, John, furnishing ironmonger, smith and brassfounder, 1.39<br />
Buchanan street, works 52 Old wynd, house 73 Hutcheson street<br />
Finlay, John, & Co. jewellers, 104 Trongate<br />
Finlay, John, mason, Clelaud testimonial, 241 Buchanan street<br />
Findlay, Joseph, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf J. Findlay, 78 Miller street<br />
Findlay, Joseph, jun. <strong>of</strong> Wm. Clapperton ^ Co. 58 Miller street<br />
Findlaj', M'Cleave & Co. manufacturers, 12 Stirling square<br />
P'inlay & Neilson, packing box and tin case makers, 120 So. Albion st.<br />
Finlay, Peter, veterinary forge, 40 Hope street<br />
Findlay, P. & H. B. Macfarlane, merchants, 20 St. Enoch square<br />
Finlay, R. G. & Brothers, gingham and pullicate manufacturers, 30<br />
Montrose street<br />
Finlay, R. G. <strong>of</strong> R. G. Finlay ^ Brothers, house 9 Hopetoun place<br />
Findlay, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Easterhill, manager, <strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ship bank<br />
Findlay, Robert, spirit dealer, 109 Candlerigg sti-eet<br />
Findlay, Robert, jun. <strong>of</strong> Findlay, Wilson Sf Co. house Easterhill<br />
Finlay & Taylor, shawl manufacturers, 53 Buchanan street<br />
Finlay, Walter, smith and bell-hanger, 293 Buchanan street<br />
Finlay, William, teacher, Asylum for the blind, Castle street<br />
Findlay, William R. at J. §• W. Campbell ^ Co.'s, house 6 Ure place<br />
Findlay, Wilson & Co. brokers, Virginia buildings<br />
Findlay, Mrs. grocer, .31 Cheapside street<br />
Findlay, Miss, staymaker, 24 Buchanan street
FINLAYSON, Alexander, hosiery, furnishings, &c. 11 Richard street<br />
Finlayson, Alexander, cotton waste dealer, 6 Charlotte lane<br />
Fiulayson, Archibald, boot and shoe maker, 7 Jackson street<br />
Finlayson, F. & Co. manufacturers, 9 Cochran street<br />
Finlayson, Francis, <strong>of</strong> F. Finlayson 8f Co. house 12 Warwick street<br />
Finlayson, James, house factor, 50 Nelson street<br />
Finlayson, James, writer, 8 Gordon St. ho. Hillside house, near Partick<br />
Finlayson, James, thread manufacturer, 130 Rottenrow<br />
Finlayson, John, <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 148 West Nile street<br />
Finlayson, Joseph, tailor and clothifir, 6 Candlerigg street<br />
Finlayson & Moncrieff, agents for the Scottish Union Insurance Co. 8<br />
Gordon street<br />
Finlayson, M. provision store, 137 New venel<br />
Finlayson, R. & Co. sewed muslin warehouse, 27 Wilson street<br />
Finlayson, R. saddler, 53 Canning street, Calton<br />
Finlayson, Thomas, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer, 78 Stockwell street<br />
Finlayson, William, surgeon, 4 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Finlayson, Mrs. lodgings, 141 George street<br />
Finlayson, Miss J. milliner, 50 Nelson street<br />
Finlayson, Elizabeth, tobacconist, 2 Main street Bridgeton<br />
FINNIE, James, at James Ferguson's. 7 Ann street<br />
Finnie, James, manager, at A. Sf A. McGregor's, 28 So. St. Mungost.<br />
Finnie, Robert, wright, woodj'ard 47 Cambridge st. ho. 13 Buccleuch st.<br />
FiNNiESTON Spinning Co. cotton-spinners, Finnieston mills. Call at Clark<br />
& Drummond's, 78 Queen .street<br />
Fire Insurance Co. <strong>of</strong> Scotland, George Ord, 96 Virginia place, agent<br />
Fish Market, 108 King street<br />
FISHER, Alexander, surgeon, 274 George st. ho. 213 Buchanan st.<br />
Fisher, A. & Co. commission agents and lace manufact. 9 Exchange sq.<br />
Fisher, John, architect, 135 Buchanan street<br />
Fisher, John, writer, 45 Abbotsford place<br />
Fisher, John, pawnbroker, 12 Prince's street, house 170 Saltmarket st.<br />
Fisher, Peter, oil and colourman, 57 High street<br />
Fisher, Robert, tailor and clothier, 8 Turner's court<br />
Fisher, Robert, smith and bell-hanger, 6 Frederick lane, house 12 do.<br />
Fisher, Robert, oil and colour dealer, 32 George street, ho. 22 Taylor st.<br />
Fisher, William, strawhat manufacturer, 76 Buchanan street, house 7<br />
Park place<br />
Fisher, William, pocket-book maker, 5 King street<br />
Fisher, Mrs. Daniel, grocer and spirit dealer, 2 Tarbet street<br />
Fisher, Miss C. green grocer, 100 Cambridge street<br />
FISKEN, James, silk mercer, 63 Trongate, house Sauchiehall street<br />
Fisken, Peter, White Hart inn, 98 Candlerigg street<br />
Fisken, William, commission merchant and ship agent, Port-Dundas,<br />
house Halley's land house, Campsie<br />
FITCH, A. cabinet and chair maker, 18 Milton street<br />
Fitch, Mrs. milliner and dressmaker, 116 Sauchiehall street<br />
FLECK, Alexander, writer, 33 Virginia st. house 21 Richmond street<br />
Fleck, Hugh, spirit dealer, 17 Wallace court, Bell street<br />
FLECKFIELD, Robert, stationer, 119 Candlerigg street<br />
FLEMING, A. H. jun. draper, 21 Trongate, house 49 Kent street<br />
Fleming, Andrew, victualler and salt merchant, 80 Stockweil street<br />
Fleming, Bowman, <strong>of</strong> Fleming. Walson &^ Nairn, ho. 70 S. Portland st.<br />
H 2 '<br />
Fleming, Colonel, inspecting field <strong>of</strong>lficer, <strong>of</strong>fice 164 Hope street, bouse<br />
7 Woodside crescent<br />
Fleming & Hope, commission merchants, 26 South Hanover street<br />
Fleming, Hugh, <strong>of</strong> Fleming ^ Hope, house 93 Regent street<br />
Fleming, James, baker, Fleming place, Cowcaddens street<br />
Fleming, James, & Co. victuallers, 9 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Fleming, James, <strong>of</strong> W. §• J. Fleming Sf Co. house VVhitevale<br />
Fleming, John & William, writers, 2 Royal Exchange court<br />
Fleming, Dr. J. G. consulting rooms 23Cochrau st. ho. 121 W. Regent st.<br />
Fleming, John, & Co. merchants, 26 Gordon street<br />
Fleming, John, <strong>of</strong> John Fleming ^ Co. house Clairmont<br />
Fleming, John Park, writer, 62 Miller street, house 234 George street<br />
Fleming, John, writer, <strong>of</strong>J. ^ W. Fleming, house 1 1 Bath street<br />
Fleming, John, <strong>of</strong> W. ^ J. Fleming Sf Co. house Whitevale<br />
Fleming, John, gingham and pullicate manufacturer, 14i Garthland st.<br />
Fleming, John, furnishing shop, 81 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Fleming, Joseph, surgeon, 37 Main street, Anderston<br />
Fleming, Matthew, <strong>of</strong> Sawmillfield, ho. 3 Moore pi. 142 W. George st.<br />
Fleming, Peter, provision and spirit merchant, 143 Drygate<br />
Fleming, P. & R. ironmongers and iron merchants, 29 Argyll street,<br />
and 18 Stockwell street<br />
Fleming, Robert, <strong>of</strong> P. 8f R. Fleming, bouse Wallacegrove, Paisley road<br />
Fleeming, Robert, merchant, 16 Bath sti-eet<br />
Fleeming, R. D. agent and commission merchant, 73 Hutcheson street,<br />
house Garnetbank, 246 Sauchiehall street<br />
Fleming, Watson & Nairn, turkey-red dyers, 66 Brunswick street<br />
Fleming, W. & J. & Co. linen and bagging warehouse, 4 Stirling square<br />
Fleming, William, <strong>of</strong> Paul Sf Fleming, house 121 West Regent street<br />
Fleming, William, writer, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf W. Fleming, house 1 1 Bath street<br />
Fleming, William, provision merchant, 23 Maxwell street<br />
Fleming, William, pawnbroker, 23 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Fleming, William, spirit dealer, 424 Gallowgate<br />
Fleming, William, spirit dealer, 37 High street<br />
Fleming, William, carter and spirit dealer, 34 St, Ninian street<br />
Fleming, Mrs. grocer and spirit dealer, 43 Main street, Calton<br />
Fleming, Mrs. 39 Abbotsford place<br />
Fleming, Mrs. eating-house, 42 Bell street<br />
Fleming, Miss M. milliner, 77 Renfrew street<br />
FLEmInGTON, J. <strong>of</strong> Flemington, Matheson Sf Co. ho. 182 Trongate<br />
Flemington, Matheson & Co. strawhat and plait manufacturers, and<br />
wholesale general warehousemen, 173 Trongate<br />
Flemington, William, Sandyford toll<br />
Fleshers' School, 30 Miller's place, Duncan Stalker, teacher<br />
FLETCHER, Alexander, & Co. flax spinners and manufacturers <strong>of</strong><br />
linen thread, 85 Garngad road, St. Rollox<br />
Fletcher, Alexander, <strong>of</strong>John Todd Sf Co. house 6 Blythswood square<br />
Fletcher, Duncan, <strong>of</strong>John ToddSf Co. ho. Mrs. Shields's, 3IUnion street<br />
Fletcher, James, wood merchant, Craignestock<br />
Fletcher, John, & Co. hat manufacturers, 22 and 24 Blackfriar street<br />
Fletcher, John, <strong>of</strong> John Fletcher Sf Co. house 230 High street<br />
Fletcher, Michael, cotton waste store, 23 Brown st. house 12 Wood lane<br />
Fletcher, Mrs. Duncan, spirit dealer, 65 Garscube road<br />
Fletcher, Mrs. spirit dealer, 21 Dempster street
FLETT, James A. wholesale warehouseman, 239 George street<br />
FLINT, John, writing master, 4 N. Wellington place, house 15 Hill<br />
street, Garnetbill<br />
FLOCKHART, John, coal agent, 20 College street<br />
Flockhart, Mrs. mangier, 20 College street<br />
FOOTE, Robert, architect. Letters left at 110 Fife place, or by post<br />
Peel, Busby<br />
FORBES, Alexander, general grocer, 23 King street, house Surrey pi.<br />
Forbes, Alexander, victualler, 37 Malta street<br />
Forbes, Alexander, MD. 85 South Portland street<br />
Forbes, Arthur, town clerk, Council chambers, house 37 Bath street<br />
Forbes, Charles, <strong>Glasgow</strong> Union bank, house Greenfield<br />
Forbes, Dugald, writer, 24i Gordon street, house 95 Douglas street<br />
Forbes, Duncan L. teacher, Normal seminary, house Villalield<br />
Forbes, Duncan, hairdresser, 1 Union street<br />
Forbes, D. at Moncrieffs Sf Paierson's, 1 Royal Exchange court<br />
Forbes, Finlay, poulterer, 82 St. George's place<br />
Forbes, Rev. John, DD. 100 West Regent street<br />
Forbes, John, brushmaker and house-factor, 416 Argyll street<br />
Forbes, Peter, spirit dealer, 1 Puddock row<br />
Forbes & Reddie, writers, 24 Gordon street<br />
Forbes, Robert, at Cuthbertson §• Tweedie's, bouse 29 South Portland st.<br />
Forbes, William, manager, at i!. Gibson §• Co.'s, house 51 Gallowgate<br />
Forbes, Mrs. John, 11 George street<br />
Forbes, Mrs. green grocer, 27 Clyde terrace<br />
FOREMAN & Cameron, mining engineers & surveyors, 16 Queen st.<br />
FORGIE, Peter, flesher, 11 Eglinton street<br />
FORLONG, Wm.<strong>of</strong>Erins. Letters left at W. Heugh's, 110 W.Nile st.<br />
Forlong, Mrs. 130 Bath street<br />
FORMAN, A. M. surgeon, 1 Kirk street, Townbead<br />
FORREST, Alexander, tailor and grocer, 67 Crown street<br />
Forrest, David, secretary Clyde Marine Insurance Co. 147 Queen sti'eet,<br />
house Hopehill, North Woodside road<br />
Forrest, E. millwright, Soho place<br />
Forrest, George, brewer, 81 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Forrest, James, millwright, 2 Hope street, Anderston<br />
Forrest, James, miller. Town's mill<br />
Forrest, John, wholesale and retail grocer, 2 & 60 Stobcross st. Anderston<br />
Forrest, John, St Son, joiners & cabinetmakers, 55 & 68 Sauchiebatl street<br />
Forrest, Robert, tailor, 18 Struthers street<br />
Forrest, William, tailor, 40 Kirk street, Calton<br />
Forrest, William, grocer and victualler, 90 Kirk street, Calton<br />
Forrest, Mrs. John, tin-plate worker, 89 Gallowgate<br />
Forrest, Mrs. William, furnishing shop, 8 Stockvvell street<br />
FORRESTER, Alexander, & Son, fancy bread and biscuit bakers,<br />
158 & 160 West Regent street<br />
Forrester, Alex. sen. <strong>of</strong> Alex. Forrester Sf Son, house 147 W. Regent st.<br />
Forrestei", Ferguson & Co. wholesale silk warehouse, 31 Argyll street<br />
Forrester, George, & Son, plasterers, 18 Russell street, east<br />
Forrester, John, surgeon, 314 High street<br />
Forrester, John, fancy bread and biscuit baker, 7 Gordon st. ho, 17 do,<br />
Forrester, John, <strong>of</strong> Bogle, Forrester § Co. house 37 Glassford street<br />
Forrester, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Forrester, Ferguson ^ Co. house 103 Bath street
Forrester, Robert, baker and spirit dealer, 21 Orr street, Calton<br />
Forrester, Samuel, 1 Albert place, Dundas street, Kingston. Letters<br />
left at Mr. Tolmie's, 97 Ai-gyll street<br />
Forrester, W. wine & spirit merch. 22 Mitchell st. ho. 7 N.Wellington pi.<br />
Forrester, Williann, commercial hotel, 9 Glassford street<br />
Forrester, Mrs. James, lodgings, 132 Stock well street<br />
FORSTER, Captain, district pay-master, ho. 3 Victoria pi. Regent st.<br />
FORSYTH, C. joiner & cabinetmaker, 1 Warwick st. ho. 37 Adelphi st.<br />
Forsyth, David, wine and spirit merchant, 75 Argyll street<br />
Forsyth, John, victualler, 282 High street<br />
Forsyth, Peter, superintendent <strong>of</strong> buildings, 28 Eglinton street<br />
Forsyth, Robert, slater, 66 Trongate<br />
Forsyth, Wm. wine and spirit cellars, 46 George sq. ho. 273 George st.<br />
Forsyth, Wm. wright and builder, 30 Cumberland street, Laurieston<br />
Forsyth, Mrs. pie and porter house, 164 High street<br />
Forsyth, Miss, 73 John street<br />
Forth and Clyde Canal Co.'s <strong>Office</strong>, Port-Dundas, and Mein's General<br />
Coach OiBce, 78 Trongate<br />
Forth Marine Insurance Co. Royal Exchange, H. B. Duncan, agent<br />
FOSTER, George, & Co. tinsmiths, &c. 114 Broomielaw<br />
Foster, Isaiah, & Co. clockmakers, 182 Argyll street<br />
Foster, M. A. bootmaker to H. R. H. Prince Albert, 4 St. Vincent<br />
place, house 59 Renfrew street<br />
FOTHERINGH AM, Alex, cabinet and upholstery warehouse, 86<br />
Wellington street, and timber merchant, 13 Waterloo st. ho. 21 do.<br />
Fotberiiigham, Mrs. Robert, grocer, 40 Brown street<br />
Fotheringham, Mrs. lodgings, 18 Richmond street<br />
FOUBISTER, J. W. <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 32 Oxford street<br />
FOUCART, Francis, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> fencing and gymnastics, 106 West<br />
Nile street, house 5 St. Vincent place<br />
FOULDS, Archibald, <strong>of</strong>B. ^ A. Foulds, house Barony place<br />
Foulds, John, <strong>of</strong> Laurie Sf Foulds, house 23 Warwick street<br />
Foulds, John C. accountant, factor and share broker, agent for the<br />
Caledonian Fire and Life Insurance Co. 58 St. Vincent street, house<br />
9 Clarendon place<br />
Foulds, Robert & Archibald, merchants, 1 1 South Frederick street<br />
FOWLER, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> Cowan §• Co. house Clydehaugh, Paisley road<br />
Fowler, Rev. J. C. minister <strong>of</strong> St. Luke's, house 13 Monteith row<br />
FRAME, Alexander, victualler, Dobbie's loan<br />
Frame, Colin, bookbinder, 83 Queen street<br />
Frame, John, 59 Hutcheson street, house 93 South Portland street<br />
Frame, John, spirit dealer, 17 Crown street<br />
Frame, Robert, & Son, timber merchants, 14 M'Farlane street<br />
Frame, Robert, merchant, 14 M'Farlane street, house 30 Graeme street<br />
Frame, Robert, jun. commission merchant, 48 Buchanan street<br />
Frame, Thomas, merchant, 48 Buchanan st. ho. 140 Hillst. Garnetbill<br />
Frame, W. & H. M. Locher printfield, Kilbarchan. Letters left at<br />
Robert Burns's, stationer, 55 Hutcheson street<br />
Frame, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 123 Rottenrow<br />
FRANCE, Henry, plumber, 4 Garngad road<br />
FRASER, Alexander, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, 73 King street,<br />
house 1 Coburg street, Laurieston<br />
Fraser, Archibald, wine and spirit merchant, 66 Crown st. ho. 102 do.
FKASEK—rnEw. 93<br />
Fraser, Charles, tavern-keeper, 6 St. Enoch wynd<br />
Fraser, Charles, spirit dealer, 6 Spoutmouth<br />
Fraser, Daniel, pie and porter house, 149 Trongate<br />
Fraser, Daniel, paper and rag dealer, 13 Canon street<br />
Fraser, David, mason and superintendent <strong>of</strong> buildings, 125 Renfield st.<br />
Fraser, David, grocer, 83 New venel<br />
Fraser, George, & Co. boot tree and last makers, 27 Stockwell street<br />
Fraser & Green, chemists, druggists, and manufacturers <strong>of</strong> serated waters,<br />
113 Buchanan street<br />
Fraser, J. & A. commission agents, and tar and butter merchants, 20<br />
Buchanan street<br />
Fraser, James, Eagle inn and hotel, 39 Maxwell street<br />
Fraser, James, <strong>of</strong> Fraser, Sinclair §• Co. house 1 New Bridge street<br />
Fraser, James, smith and farrier, 229 Argyll street<br />
Fraser, James, at James V\hyte^ Sons', house 41 Adelphi street<br />
Fraser, James, tailor and clothier, 226 Argyll street<br />
Fraser, James, bookbinder, pattern book and card maker, 94 Miller st.<br />
Fraser, J. P. clerk, City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> bank, house 1 Bridge street<br />
Fraser, James, chemist and druggist, 112 Broomielaw<br />
Fraser, John, clothier, 88 Glassford street<br />
Fraser, John, bookseller and stationer, 32 Queen street<br />
Fraser, John, blacksmith, 8 Surrey lane, house 10 Salisbury street<br />
Fraser, John, muslin manufacturer, 126 Queen st. ho. 213 Buchanan st.<br />
Fraser, John, & Co. pawnbrokers, 4 St. Andrew's square<br />
Fraser, John, hairdresser, 36 King street, Tradeston<br />
Fraser, J. curled hair and hair-cloth manufac. 70 Stockwell st. ho. 65 do.<br />
Fraser & Morison, sewed muslin warehouse, 133 Queen street<br />
Fraser, Peter, lace merchant, 353 Argyll street<br />
Fraser, Peter, at D. Marshall § Co.'s, house 82 London street<br />
Fraser, Sinclair & Co. clothiers, 25 Exchange square<br />
Fraser, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Edgar §• Fraser, house 101 Upper Crown street"<br />
Fraser, Thomas, girth manufacturer, 3 Canning street, Calton<br />
Fraser, Thomas, teacher, 43 Montrose street<br />
Fraser, William, <strong>of</strong> Fraser Sf Morison, 153 Queen street<br />
Fraser, W. wine & spirit merchant, 29 Norfolk st. ho. 29 Eglinton St.<br />
Fraser, William, teacher. Normal seminary, Dundasvale<br />
Fraser, Mrs. James, furnishing shop, 1.35 High street<br />
Fraser, Mrs. N. B. <strong>of</strong> Fraser Sf Green, house 46 Buccleuch street<br />
Fraser, Miss, teacher, St. Enoch school <strong>of</strong> industry, 93 Argyll street<br />
FREELAND, George S. <strong>of</strong> John Freeland Sf Co. 36 Wilson street<br />
Freeland, John, & Co. cotton-spinners, 36 Wilson street<br />
Freeland, John, writer, 1 1 West Nile street, house .304 St. Vincent street<br />
Freeland, Robert, merchant, 98 Fife place. West George street, house<br />
Gryife Castle, by Johnstone<br />
FRENCH, Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, 417 Argyll street<br />
French, Robert, wholesale hardware merchant, 86 Trongate<br />
French, William, at Muirkirk Iron Co.'s, 36 St. Vincent place<br />
FREW, Archibald, & Co. coal masters. Railway depot, Townhead.<br />
Orders left at R. Scott's, 119 High street<br />
Frew, Forest, at Frew Sf Hopper's, 16 Canon street<br />
Frew & Hopper, warehousemen, 16 Canon street<br />
Frew, John, <strong>of</strong> Frew Sf Hopper, house 113 North Montrose street<br />
Frew, John & Alexander, smithy coal and coke merchants, Port-Duudas
94 FREW FYFE.<br />
Frew, Thomas, wine and spirit dealer and grocer, 30 and 52 Bell street<br />
Friendly BreJid Association, 229 Argyll street. W. Ingleton, manager<br />
Friendly Insurance Co. against Fire. Cunningham & Nicolson, 20<br />
Buchanan street, and A. S. Ogle, 1 South Frederick street, agents<br />
FRIAR, William, ham curer & provision merchant, 79 Great Clyde st.<br />
FRUCKELTON, Jas. W. <strong>of</strong> Earston §• Fruckellon, ho. 46 Oxtbrd st.<br />
Fruit Market for Scotch Fruit, 11 Kent st. Mrs. Alex. Wilson, keeper<br />
FRYER, Thomas F. engraver to calico-printers, 40 John street, house<br />
148 Randolph terrace, Garnethill<br />
FULLARTON, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Fullarton ^ Welsh, house 61 Dale street<br />
FuUarton, Archd. & Co. puhlishers and booksellers, 110 Brunswick st.<br />
Fullarton & Co. printers, stereotype founders and copperplate printers,<br />
ViUafield<br />
Fullarton & Hamilton, Farme coal <strong>of</strong>fice, 36 St. Vincent street<br />
Fullarton, John A. <strong>of</strong> A. Fullarton §• Co. house 8 Newton place<br />
Fullarton & Welsh, joiners and builders, 48 Dale street, Tradestoa<br />
FULTON, Alexander, dog and ferret merchant. Gentlemen's dogs<br />
kept and rats cleared away, house 14 Charlotte lane<br />
Fulton, Andrew, pattern- drawer and print-cutter, 27 Wilson street<br />
Fulton, Archibald, manager for Paisley canal <strong>of</strong>fice, Port-Eglinton, ho.<br />
131 Eglinton street<br />
Fulton, Buchanan & Co. Lochwinnoch. Letters left at H. Buchanan's,<br />
24 West Nile street<br />
Fulton, H. & W. ham curers and provision merchants, 91 Candlerigg st.<br />
Fulton, Hugh, victualler, 89 High street<br />
Fulton, Hugh, builder, 16 Adelphi street<br />
Fulton, James, tea and spirit dealer, Fisher's land, Port-Dundas road<br />
Fulton, James, victualler, 40 Broomielaw<br />
Fulton, John, provision and spirit merchant, 91 and 93 Argyll street,<br />
house Rose place, Garnethill<br />
Fulton, John, victualler, 137 Trongate, house 148 do.<br />
Fulton, John, <strong>of</strong> Fulton ^ Neilson, house 112 Wellington street<br />
Fulton & Neilson, Lancefield forge, 14 Lancefield street, manufacturers<br />
and finishers <strong>of</strong> scrap iron goods<br />
Fulton, Robert, provision merchant, 47 Trongate, house 46 Miller's pi.<br />
Fulton, Samuel, baker, 19 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Fulton, William, currier and leather merchant, 110 Bridgegate<br />
Fulton, William, victualler, 81 Eglinton street<br />
FUR NESS, Nicholas, tavern, 83 Trongate<br />
FYFE, Alex. & Co. shawl manufacturers, 17 Royal Exchange square<br />
Fyfe, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Alexander Ft/fe §• Co. house 32 Buccleuch street<br />
Fyfe, Archibald, Operative society, 106 Main street, Biidgeton<br />
Fyfe, Archibald, baker, 30 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Fyfe, George, tin-plate worker, 114 Bridgegate<br />
Fyfe, Henry, & Co. manufacturers, Queen court, 62 Queen street<br />
Fyfe, Henry, <strong>of</strong> H. Fyfe §• Co. house Regent terrace, Stirling's road<br />
Fyfe, Hugh, victualler, 2 Caltonmouth<br />
Fyfe, James, stone merchant, Port Dundas<br />
Fyfe, John, & Co. merchants, 63 Miller street<br />
Fyfe, John, <strong>of</strong> John Fyfe §• Co. residence Dalmarnock house<br />
Fyfe, P. jun. portrait painter, &c. 233 George street<br />
Fyfe, R. & W. painters and ship chandlers, flag and compass makers,<br />
132 Broomielaw
TYFE GALLETTr. 95<br />
Fyfe, W. H. <strong>of</strong> R. Sf W. Fyfe, house UO Broomielaw<br />
Fyfe, William, tailor and clothier, 1 1 Norfolk street<br />
Fyfe, Mrs. lodgings, 50 North Albion street<br />
G<br />
GALAHER, P. H. 5 Tonnage box, South side, Broomielaw<br />
GALBRAITH, Alexander, flesher, 41 Norfolk street<br />
Galbra th, A. <strong>of</strong> Johnston, Galbraith §• Co. ho. 163 St. George's road<br />
Galbra th, Archibald, q/ Galbraith §• Carswell, house 11 Greenlaw place<br />
Galbra th, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> Alexander Johnston Sf Co. house .3 Jane street<br />
Galbra th & Carswell, ship and insurance brokers, 48 Buchanan street<br />
Galbrai th, Daniel, porter, Clydesdale bank<br />
Galbra: th, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 60 Rottenrow<br />
Galbra th, James, Ayrshire inn and carriers' quarters, 66 New wynd<br />
Galbrai th, James, <strong>of</strong> Kilgoiir §• Galbraith, house 9 Dundas st. Kingston<br />
Galbra th, John, jun. merchant, 198 West George street<br />
Galbra th, John, gunmaker, 7 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Galbra th, Robert, letter-carrier, P.O. house 76 Hospital street<br />
Galbra th, Robert, brazier, tin-plate worker, &c. 118 King street<br />
Galbra th, Robert, cloth merchant, .39 Trongate, ho. 41 Charlotte street<br />
Galbra th, William F. measurer, 124 South Portland street<br />
Galbra th, William, marble cutter, 350 Argyll st. ho. 38 W. Campbell st.<br />
Galbra th, William, & Co. warehousemen, 49 South Albion street<br />
Galbra th, William, at Charles Tennent Sf Co.'s, St. Rollox<br />
Galbra: th 85 Nisbet, Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 27 Renfrew st.<br />
GALE, William, civil engineer and architect, 153 Queen street, house<br />
34 Abbotsford place<br />
GALL, John, spirit dealer, 79 Gallowgate and 71 Havannah street<br />
Gall, William, Black Bull inn, Main street, Gorbals<br />
Gall, William, & Son, shuttle and shuttle-mounting makers, 11 Well st.<br />
Gall, William, baker, 103 Eglinton street<br />
GALLAGHER, James, pawnbroker, 8 East Clyde st. house above<br />
GALLOWAY, Alexander, & Son, warehousemen, 25 Candlerigg st.<br />
Galloway, Alex. sen. <strong>of</strong> A. Galloway §• Son, ho. 17 St. Andrew's sq.<br />
Galloway, A. & W. merchants, 72 George square<br />
Galloway, Andrew, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 107 Hope street<br />
Galloway, Andrew, furniture warehouse, 171 Gallowgate<br />
Galloway, George, 48 George square<br />
Galloway, James, at J. Sf W. Campbell Sf Co.'s, ho. 105 So. Portland st.<br />
Gallaway, John & James, merchants, 55 Alston street, house 1 Jane st.<br />
Galloway, John, <strong>of</strong> Murray Sf Galloway, writers, house 55 Renfrew street<br />
Galloway, John, builder, 10 George street<br />
Galloway, John, at J. §• W. Fleming's, 2 Royal Exchange court<br />
Galloway & M'Millan, merchants, 72 George square<br />
Galloway, Ninian, at Peter Whyte's, 20 Buchanan street<br />
Galloway, Thomas, <strong>of</strong>A. Gallmvay Sf Son, 25 Candlerigg street<br />
Galloway, William, baker, 341 Argyll street<br />
Galloway, Mrs. James, 67 South Portland street<br />
Galloway, Mrs. lodgings, 55 Renfrew street<br />
G A LLI E, G. bookseller & stationer, 99 Buchanan st. ho. 1 1 Sauchiehall st.<br />
Gallic, J. house-factor, &c. 20 Hill place, Stirling's road<br />
GALLETTl, Antoni, optician, looking-glass manufacturer and carver<br />
and gilder, 24 & 25 Arcade, house 7 Park place, Stockwell street
96 GALT GAS.<br />
GALT & Kerr, silk mercers, woollen and linen drapers, 195 Trongate<br />
Gait, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Gait §• Kerr, house 6 Canning place<br />
GARDEN, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> H. Monteith Sj- Co. 11 George square<br />
GARDINER, Alexandei-, house-factor, 30 Kelvin street<br />
Gairdner, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf A. Gairdner, house 176 Sauchiehall street<br />
Gairdner, Archibald, cabinetmaker, 108 & 1 10 Saltmarket street<br />
Gardners & Co. optical and mathematical instrument makers, 21 Buchanan<br />
street<br />
Gardner, David, beadle, Erskine church, house 6 Oxford lane<br />
Gardner, George, grocer, 14i Rumford street<br />
Gardiner & Gray, silk mercers and linen drapers, 180 Trongate<br />
Gardner, Joseph, tailor and clothier, 29 Hutcheson street<br />
Gairdner, J. & A. commission agents, 43 Turner's court<br />
Gairdner, James, <strong>of</strong> J. §• A. Gairdner, house 2 St. George's road<br />
Gardner, James, perfumer, 41 Queen street<br />
Gardner, John, beadle. College church, house 17 George street<br />
Gardner, John, cabinetmaker, 42 King street<br />
Gardner, John, MD. 67 George street, house 6.3 do.<br />
Gardner, John, ropemaker, 204 Duke street<br />
Gardner, John, cork manufacturer, 42 East Clyde street<br />
Gardner, John, tavern keeper, 56 Trongate<br />
Gardiner, John, & Co. curriers and leather merchants, 13 Wood lane,<br />
Broomielaw<br />
Gardiner, Robert, damask and linen manufacturer, 29 Dean street<br />
Gardiner, R. cotton waste and mill furnishing dealer, 95 Glassford St.<br />
Gardiner, Robert, hay dealer, 386 Argyll street<br />
Gardiner, Robert, upholsterer, 13 Centre street<br />
Gardiner, Thomas, bricklayer and furnace builder, 104 Centre street<br />
Gairdner, T. W. organ builder, piano-forte maker and turner, music and<br />
musical instrument warehouse, 95 Mitchell street<br />
Gardner, William, civil engineer, 15 St. Andrew's square<br />
Gardner, William, ropemaker, 204 Duke street<br />
Gardner, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 13 St. Vincent street<br />
Gardner, Miss E. dressmaker and milliner, 114 West Nile street<br />
Gaknkirk Coal Co. and Fire Brick Work <strong>Office</strong>, at Railway depot,<br />
Townhead. Orders and letters left at Thomas Murray's, 8 Argyll st.<br />
Garnkirk and <strong>Glasgow</strong> Railway <strong>Office</strong> and Depot, St. Rollox, Townhead—<br />
Railway Coach <strong>Office</strong>, 1 Brunswick place, Trongate<br />
G ARROW, John, saddler, Barony glebe<br />
GARROWAY & Hope, manufacturing chemists, 33 Brunswick street,<br />
works Duncan street, Calton<br />
Garroway, John, manufacturer, 90 Bell street<br />
Garroway, John, at James Dunlop § Sons'<br />
Garroway, Robert, surgeon, 72 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Garroway, William, baker and spirit dealer, 46 Stevenson street<br />
Gartcloss and Budhill Coal <strong>Office</strong>, 62 Hutcheson street<br />
GARTLY, James, teacher <strong>of</strong> english and geography, 63 John street<br />
Gartly, James B. clerk, Clydesdale bank<br />
Gartsherrie Iron and Coal <strong>Office</strong>, Madeira court, Argyll street<br />
GASCOYNE, John, wine and spirit dealer, 55 King street<br />
GASS, William, tailor and clothier, 67 Trongate<br />
Gas Light Works, Kirk street, Townhead. J. B. Neilson, manager,<br />
houae 31 Weaver street
GAS GIBB. 9T<br />
Gas Light Company's <strong>Office</strong>, 42 Virginia street. Walter Ferguson,<br />
secretary, house 117 West Regent street<br />
GATHEllAL, George, jua. fringe, girth and brace web manufacturer,<br />
74< Buchanan street<br />
Gatheral, James, spirit dealer, 40 Rose street, Hutchesontovvn<br />
Gatheral, J. W. manufac. <strong>of</strong> girth web braces, fringes, &c. 93 Virginia st.<br />
GAUL, Geo. Gorbals grain mills 85 Port-Eglinton inn, 154 Eglinton st.<br />
GEBBIE, James, boot and shoe maker, 32 Saltmarket street<br />
Gebbie, John, grocer and victualler, 319 Argyll street<br />
GEDDES, James, <strong>of</strong> John Geddes § Sons, house Govanbank<br />
Geddes, John, 20 St. Mungo street<br />
Geddes, John, & Sons, dyers and carpet manufacturers, 14 Gordon street,<br />
works Govanbank, Little Govan<br />
Geddes, John, sen. <strong>of</strong> J. Geddes § Sons, ho. Govanbank, Little Govan<br />
Geddes, John, jun. <strong>of</strong> John Geddes § Sons, house Govanbank<br />
Geddes, John, jun. glass merchant, 62 Argyll st. house St. Andrew's sq.<br />
Geddes, William, <strong>of</strong> John Geddes §• Sons, house Govanbank<br />
Geddes, William, <strong>of</strong> Bothwellbank, Bothwell, place <strong>of</strong> call 69 Argyll st.<br />
Geddes, Mrs. John, 7 Sommerville place<br />
GEMMELL, Alexander, surveyor, 101 Hospital street<br />
Gemmell, Alexander, bakei-, 139 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Gemmell, Alexander, general dealer, 118 Bridgegate<br />
Gemmill, Andrew, writer, 38 Queen street, house 5 Carlton place<br />
Gemmell, Brothers & Co. merchants, 34 St. Vincent street<br />
Gemmell, George, at J. §• W. Campbell^ Co.'s, house 21 Eglinton st.<br />
Gemmell, James, coal master. Barony place<br />
Gemmill, John, warper, 96 Virginia place<br />
Gemmell, John, grocer and spirit dealer, Finnieston<br />
Gemmell, Robert, baker, 63 Bridgegate<br />
Gemmell, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Gemmell Sf Seaton, house 47 Adelphi street<br />
Gemmell & Seaton, cabinet and upholstery warehouse, 21 S.Portland st.<br />
Gemmell & Small, spirit dealers, 8 New wynd<br />
Gemmell, William, <strong>of</strong> Gemmell, Brothers Sf Co. house 8 Woodside terrace<br />
Gemmell, William, baker, 113 Candlerigg street, and 288 High street<br />
Gemmell, William, tinsmith, 74 Canning street, Calton<br />
General Maritime Assurance Co. <strong>of</strong> London, Brown & Bell, agents,<br />
107 Buchanan street<br />
GENTLE, James, letter-carrier, P.O. house 21 Stockwell place<br />
Gentle, James S. baker, 272 George street<br />
Gentle, John, cooper, 11 Robertson street, house 9 Wains street<br />
Gentle, William, at Peter M'Senzie's, house 229 High street<br />
GENTLEMAN, William, flesher, 26 Clyde terrace<br />
George Inn and Hotel, 26 George square, Robert M'Naughton<br />
GEORGE, John, victualling-house, 119 Bridgegate<br />
GEORGESON, Daniel, spirit dealer, 86 Bridgegate<br />
GERLETTI, Charles, looking-glass manufacturer, 10 Candlerigg st.<br />
GIBB, Andrew, druggist, 142 Garscube road<br />
Gibb, Elias, <strong>of</strong> Hope, Gibb §• Bruce, house 10 Woodside terrace<br />
Gibb, James, boot and shoe maker, 31 Albert place, Maitland street<br />
Gibb, James, <strong>of</strong> C. Tennent Sf Co. house 47 Cochran street<br />
Gibb, F. spirit dealer, 100 Green street, Calton<br />
Gibb, James, 73 West Nile street<br />
Gibb, James, road contractor, Liddell's land, Bluevale<br />
98 GIBB—GIBSON.<br />
Gibb, James, 101 Stirling's road<br />
Gibb, James, provision merchant, 76 and 78 Bath street<br />
Gibb, John James, merchant, 226 St, Vincent street<br />
Gibb, John, shoemaker, 19 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Gibb, John, baker, 369 Gallowgate<br />
Gibb, John, spirit dealer, 150 Castle street<br />
Gibb, Robert, tailor, 132 Stockwell street<br />
Gibb, Thomas, manager, New Clyde Shipping Co. 122 Broomielaw,<br />
hoQse 28 Brown street<br />
Gibb, William, spirit dealer, Lancefield place<br />
Gibb, W. R, MD. 80 St. Vincent street<br />
Gibb, William, at C. Tennent §• Co.'s, 49 Cochran street<br />
Gibb, Mrs. spirit dealer, 10 Struthers street<br />
Gibb, Mrs. Gabriel, baker, 273 Gallowgate<br />
Gibb, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 120 Renfrew street<br />
GIBSON, Alexander, cowfeeder, 177 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Gibson, Charles, at Ferguson if Co.'s, 120 Brunswick street<br />
Gibson, Charles, 52 West Nile street<br />
Gibson, David, MD. <strong>of</strong> J. Sf D. Gibson, house 60 Bath street<br />
Gibson, Edward, & Co, pawnbrokers, 4.3 Gallowgate<br />
Gibson, George, at George K. Young Sf Co.'s, 163 Ingram street<br />
Gibson, George, 42 Scott street<br />
Gibson, Rev, James, <strong>of</strong> Kingston church, house 2 Kingston place<br />
Gibson, James, teacher, 136 West Nile street<br />
Gibson, James, <strong>of</strong> Billhead, at Robert Watt's, 79 Argyll street<br />
Gibson, James, writer, 1 1 Virginia street, house 26 Abbotsford place<br />
Gibson, John, <strong>of</strong> Gibson Sf Muirs, ho. 1 Melrose st. Great Western road<br />
Gibson, John D. portrait painter, 52 West Nile street<br />
Gibson, John & David, surgeons, 72 Wilson street<br />
Gibson, John, <strong>of</strong> J. §• D. Gibson, house 76 Wilson street<br />
Gibson, J, & G, & Co, raerchts. at Smith Sf Anderson's, 19 S, Hanover st.<br />
Gibson, John, hatter and hosier, 67 Jamaica street, house 65 do.<br />
Gibson, John, wine & spirit mercht, 14.3 Argyll st, ho. 36 Commerce st.<br />
Gibson, John, <strong>of</strong> Gibson, Service ^ Co. house 17 Buccleuch street<br />
Gibson, John, at D. Cook §' Co.'s, house 7 Eglinton street<br />
Gibson, John, watch and clock maker, 37 Dundas street<br />
Gibson, John H. chemist and druggist, 85 Main street, Anderston<br />
Gibson, Joseph, & Co. tin-plate workers, packing cases & mill machinery<br />
makers, 46 Ingram street<br />
Gibson, Dr. Matthew H. 10 Adelphi street, house 3 Govanhaugh<br />
Gibson, Mathew, cotton yarn twister, 68 Duke street<br />
Gibson & Macnee, sewed muslin manufacturers, 5 Moutrose street<br />
Gibson & Muirs, silk spinners and silk manufacturers, factory Sawmillfield,<br />
Port-Dundas<br />
Gibson, Peter, grocer, 95 Drygate<br />
('ibson, Robert, twister, 13 Washington street<br />
Gibson, Service 85 Co, sewed muslin manufacturers. 111 Ingram street<br />
Gibsou, T, victualler, 14 Stobcross st, Anderston, & 2Mainst. Gorbals<br />
«nbson, Thomas B. S. mercht. <strong>of</strong> William Gibson §• Co. 45 W, Nile st.<br />
Gibson, William, power and hand loom shuttle and shuttle-mounting<br />
maker and turner, 18 East Campbell street, house Reddrie cottage<br />
Gibson, William, & Co. merchants, 45 West Nile street<br />
Gibson, William, <strong>of</strong> Wm. Gibson Sf Co. ho, 206 Adelaide pi, Bath st.
Gibson, William, flesher, 250 George street, ho. 13 Little Hamilton st.<br />
Gibson, William, <strong>of</strong> Gibson Sf Macnee, house 69 Union street<br />
Gibson, William, spirit merchant, 6 Clj'de place<br />
Gibson, William, messenger and housekeeper. Custom-house<br />
Gibson, Mrs. James, 27 Abbotsford place<br />
Gibson, Mrs. James, grocer, 63 Cowcaddens street<br />
GIFFEN, Alex, <strong>of</strong> Giffen, Maclean §• Co. house 122 Wellington street<br />
GifFen, Maclean & Co. cotton-spinners, 109 Brunswick street<br />
GIFFORD, Thomas, tailor, 13 Oxford street<br />
GILBERT, Alexander G. at H. Monieith §• Co.'s, 11 George square<br />
Gilbert, Robert, Greenock and Falls <strong>of</strong> Clyde tavern, noddies, &c. let<br />
on hire, 238 Broomielaw<br />
Gilbert, William, wright and glazier, 168 Gallowgate<br />
Gilbert, Mrs. 40 Buccleuch street<br />
GILCHRIST, Alex, wine and spirit merchant, 1 Stevenson st. Caltou<br />
Gilchrist, Archibald, spirit dealer, 22 Centre street, Tradeston<br />
Gilchrist, Daniel, & Co. calico-printers, 19 South Hanover street<br />
Gilchrist, Daniel, at J, Wingate §" Son's, house 29 Kent street<br />
Gilchrist, G. & W. silk, cotton & piece goods dyers, works 44 Bishop st.<br />
Gilchrist, Gavin, <strong>of</strong> G. § JF. Gilchrist, house 40 Bishop st. Anderston<br />
Gilchrist, John, chamber-keeper, house Council chambers<br />
Gilchrist, John, merchant, 73 St. Vincent street, ho. 11 Elmbank place<br />
Gilchrist, Robert, ship painter, 8 Brown street, house .34 York street<br />
Gilchrist, Thomas, 9 Old wynd<br />
Gilchrist, W. S. hosier, glover, &c. 38 Buchanan street<br />
Gilchrist, Rev. William, governor house <strong>of</strong> refuge, Duke street<br />
Gilchrist, William, & Son, grocers and victuallers, 65 Carrick street<br />
Gilchrist, William, flesher, 43 Jamaica street, house above<br />
Gilchrist, William, jun. victualler, 429 Argyll street<br />
Gilchrist, William, spirit dealer, 11 Clyde terrace<br />
Gilchrist, William, printer, 99 Trongate<br />
Gilchrist, Miss, teacher <strong>of</strong> drawing, 49 Renfield street<br />
GILFILLAN, George, messenger, 68 Glassford street<br />
Gilfillan, Michael, writer, 78 Stockvvell street<br />
GilfiUan, Robert, furnishing shop, 130 Sawmillfield place<br />
Gilfillan, William, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 43 High street<br />
Giltillan, William, painter and paper-hanger, 40 Union street<br />
Gilfillan, Mrs. silk stocking engrafter, 43 High street<br />
Gilfillan, Miss, 8 Montagu place, or 164 West Bath street<br />
G ILK I SON, Alexander G. ship and insurance broker and general<br />
commission agent, 51 Miller street, house Peel terrace<br />
Gilkison, David, umbrellamaker, 14 Crown street<br />
Gilkison, John, & Co. ship and insurance brokers, St. Vincent place<br />
Gilkison, John, <strong>of</strong> John Gilkison Sf Co. ho. 185 Hill street, Garnetliil!<br />
Gilkison, John, merchant, 32 St. Vincent place, weaving works Cook<br />
street, Tradeston, and Bothwell street, Anderston<br />
Gilkison, Robert, jun. <strong>of</strong> John Gilkison Ef Co. house 144 Queen street<br />
GILL, David, at William IJunn's, 62 George square<br />
GILLESPIE, Campbell, beadle <strong>of</strong> Nile-st. church, ho. 12 Drury st.<br />
Gillespie, Daniel, carter and coal agent, Lochore's land, Glebe street<br />
Gillespie, George, merchant, 3 Royal Exchange court, house 51 West<br />
Regent street<br />
Gillespie, George, at M'Dougall, Kay § Co.'s, 12 Exchange square
Gillespie, John, beadle <strong>of</strong> St. Luke's church, house 32 Well street<br />
Gillespie, John, spirit dealer, 249 High street<br />
Gillespie, William, general ironmonger, 13 Union street<br />
Gillespie, Miss Mary, strawhat maker, 1 13 West Nile street<br />
GILL HAM, C. & J. hat manufacturers, 104 Argyll street and 58<br />
Trongate, factory Oldham<br />
GILLIES, David, baker and spirit dealer, 33 Main street, Anderston<br />
Gillies, David, surgeon-dentist, 193 Argyll street<br />
Gillies, Duncan, gardener, 10 Green market, house Overnewton<br />
Gillies, James, wright, Drygate toll<br />
Gillies, Peter, smith and chain manufacturer, 39 Carrick street<br />
GILLON, Alexander, grain weigher and store keeper, Corn st. Port-<br />
Dundas, house Johnston's land, Port-Dundas road<br />
GILLMORE, Col. barrack master, 53 Abbotsford place<br />
GILMOUR, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 76 Canon sti-eet<br />
Gilmour, Allan, <strong>of</strong> Pollock, Gilmour ^ Co. house 180 St Vincent street<br />
Gilmour, Allan, flesher, 127 and 129 Fife place, house 81 Wilson street<br />
Gilmour, Andrew, wigmaker, perfumer, &c. 1 I Brunswick place<br />
Gilmour, Andrew, wine and spirit merchant, 82 Broomielaw<br />
Gilmour, D. & P. bakers and flour dealers, 157 Gallowgate<br />
Gilmour, James, cotton yarn merchant, 32 Ingram street, house 1<br />
Hopetoun place, Stirling's road<br />
Gilmer, James, at A. Whitelaiu s, house 8 Crown street<br />
Gilmour, John, <strong>of</strong> W. Gilmour § Co. house Provanside, Stirling's road<br />
Gilmour, John, victualler, 28 Portugal street<br />
Gilmour, John, Old Exchange tavern, 25 Trongate<br />
Gilmour 8s Kerr, cotton-spinners and power-loom cloth manufacturers,<br />
Virginia buildings, works St. liollox<br />
Gilmour, Matthew, <strong>of</strong> Gilmour Sf Kerr, house 71 Stirling street<br />
Gilmour, Matthew, umbrella and parasol manufacturer, 51 Arcade<br />
Gilmour, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Wm. Church §• Co. house 160 Buchanan street<br />
Gilmour, Robert, wine and spirit dealer, 134 Union street<br />
Gilmour, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Gilmour Sf Waters, house 12 South Portland street<br />
Gilmour, Robert, furnishing shop, 34 Garscube place<br />
Gilmour, Thomas, spirit dealer, 66 Stevenson street<br />
Gilmour & Waters, timber merchants, London street<br />
Gilmour, William, Sc Co. woollen merchants and manufacturers, 9 London<br />
street and 2 Gallowgate<br />
Gilmour, Wm. <strong>of</strong> William Gilmour Sf Co. ho. Oatlands, Little Govan<br />
Gilmour, William, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable for the shires <strong>of</strong> Lanark,<br />
Renfrew and Dumbarton, house 2 William street, Calton<br />
Gilmour, W. timber merchant, 94 Maxwell street, ho. Maryland, Govan<br />
Gilmour, William, writer and notary public, 17 Brunswick place<br />
Gilmour, William, baker, 31 Hospital street<br />
Gilmour, William, jun. <strong>of</strong> Willam Gilmour §• Co.<br />
Gilmour, Mrs. A. silk dyer, 6 Croy place<br />
Gilmour, Mrs. David, flesher, 29 Bedford street, house 28 do.<br />
Gilmour, Miss, India street<br />
Gilmour, Miss, babj' linen, &c. establishment, 17 Arcade, house II<br />
Dundas street<br />
GITTENS, Edward, tailor and clothier, 8 Bishop stieet, Anderston<br />
GLAD WIN & Miller, silk, cotton and worsted dyers, Kingtield dye<br />
work, Calton<br />
GLASGOW. 101<br />
GLASGOW, Alexander, & Co. merchants, SO South Hanover street<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong>, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Alex. Glaagow Sf Co. house 11 Elythsvvood sq.<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> & Ayrshire Co. 'a Goods <strong>Office</strong>, I4i Clyde place<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong>, John, <strong>of</strong> Alexander <strong>Glasgow</strong> ^ Co. house "201 St. Vincent st.<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Annuity Society, Thomas Brown, secretary, 49 Virginia street<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Apothecaries' Co. 32 & 3i Virginia street, & 95 St. Vincent st.<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Assay <strong>Office</strong>, 9 Melville place. John Faterson, master<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Card Manufactory, 13 Great Clyde street<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Chain Cable and Anchor Manufactory, and General .Smith<br />
Work, Archibald M'Vioar, 17 Robertson street, and Hydepark<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Chemical Company, 37 Glassford street<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Cloth Hall, 163 Trongate<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> and Edinburgh Canal Shipping Company, 167 Argyll street.<br />
Sanderson & Co. managers<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Education Society's Normal Seminary, Dundasvale<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Equitable Loan <strong>Office</strong>, 62 King street, B. M'Connall<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Equitable Loan Company, Pratt's court, 109 Argyll street, and<br />
9 Maxwell street. Hugh Morrison, manager. (See Advertisement<br />
in Appendix.)<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Gas Light Co.'s <strong>Office</strong>, 42 Virginia street, works Kirk street,<br />
Townhead, and W^est street, Tradeston<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Highland Society's Schools, 69 Montrose street<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Iron and Brass Wire Co. 24 Turner's court<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Joint Stock Banking Company, 101 Miller street. John<br />
Robertson, manager. (See Advertisement.)<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Letter Foundry, Macbrayne & Stirling, typefounders. Parliamentary<br />
road, opposite Royal lunatic asylum<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> and Liverpool Royal Steam Packet Company, 16 St. Enoch<br />
square. Mathew Langlauds, manager<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Lying-in-Hospital and Dispensary, 49 St. Andrew's square<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Marine Insurance Co. 12 St. Vincent place. James Pollock,<br />
manager<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Mercantile and Shipping List <strong>Office</strong>, 97 Union street. Wm.<br />
Martin, manager<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> New Apothecaries' Co. 57 and 59 Glassford street. William<br />
Greig, manager<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong>, Paisley and Greenock Railway Goods <strong>Office</strong>, Morrison's court<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong>, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway depot. Bridge street,<br />
J. FaivfuU Smith, secretary<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Phrenological Society's Hall, 104 Brunswick street, museum<br />
open from 1 1 till 2 daily, except Saturday. Kev. D. G. Goyder, curator<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Pottery, Stafford street<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Provident Bank, 86 Miller street. Archd. Lawson, cashier<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Public <strong>Library</strong>, 151 George street—open from 2 p.m. till 4-30<br />
p.m. and from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Saturday evenings excepted<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Ropework, 108 Stockwell street<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Royal Infirmary, Castle street, <strong>of</strong>fice 144 Queen street. Robert<br />
Lamond, secretary<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Royal Lunatic Asylum, entry <strong>of</strong>f Parliamentary road<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Saw Mills. Baird & Brown, Port-Dundas<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Ship Owners' Society, .3 Exchange pi. T. G. Buchanan, sec!,<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ship Bank, 12 Ingram street, and 31 Trongate. Robes-c<br />
Findlay, manager, and James Watson, cashier ^\0N4i<br />
I 2 ^^ , %
102 GLASGOW—GOOLC,<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Union Banking Company, 24 Virginia street. James Andrew<br />
Anderson, manager. Brancii <strong>of</strong>fice, 15 Trongate<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Waterpro<strong>of</strong> Cloth Co. 33 Virginia street<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Water Co.'s <strong>Office</strong>, 23 Miller street. Works at Dalmarnock<br />
<strong>Glasgow</strong> Yearly Society, <strong>of</strong>fice 6 Main street, Gorbals<br />
GLASS, Alexander, tailor, 6 Croy place<br />
Glass, James, english and mei'cantile teacher, 3 Gibson street<br />
Glass, M. & D. aerated water manufacturers, 88 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Glass, William, boot & shoemaker, 3 Buchanan st. bo. 9 Abbotsford pi.<br />
Glass, William, spirit dealer, 42 Gallowgate<br />
Glass, Mrs. John, midwife, 97 Saltmarket street<br />
GLASSFORD, Alexander, baker, 55 Gallowgate<br />
Glassford & Co. silk and calico printers, 12 Royal Exchange square<br />
Glassford & French, boot and shoe makers, 26t Stevenson street<br />
Glassford, J. B. <strong>of</strong> Glassford 8f Co. ho. Campvale cottage, Crossmylo<strong>of</strong><br />
Glassford, James, house-factor, 28 Stevenson street, Calton<br />
Glassford, Mat. <strong>of</strong> Young, Glassford Sf Co. house Cessnockpark,Govan rd.<br />
Glassford, William, accountant, 51 North Hanover street<br />
GLEN, Allan, wright, 63 North Frederick street<br />
Glen, Archibald, at James Dunhp §* Sons', ho. 152 Hillst. Garnethill<br />
Glen, A. B. at John Nixon ^ Son's, 15 Smith's court<br />
Glen, James, victualler, 77 George street<br />
Glen, John, at J. Sf R. Macfarlane's, house 52 Taylor street<br />
Glen, J. P. surgeon, .30 St. Andrew's street, house 10 George street<br />
Glen & M'Indoe, printfield warehouse, 14 Gordon street<br />
Glen, Peter, general grocer and victualler, 52 King street, Tradeston<br />
Glen, Walter, surgeon, 200 Buchanan street<br />
Glen, Mrs. Alexander, old boot tavern, 78 Saltmarket street<br />
Glen, Mrs. George, 99 Bath street<br />
Glenboig Fire Brick Work Store, Garnkirk and <strong>Glasgow</strong> Railway<br />
Depot, Townhead. Orders left at A. & J. Nisbet's, 100 & 102 Trongate<br />
GLENDINNING, John, wright, 19 Spoutmouth, house 5 Russell st.<br />
Glendinning, J. general grocer & provision mercht. 105& 107 W. George st.<br />
Gr.oBE Insurance Co. Fire, Life and Annuities. S. M. Penney, 16 St.<br />
Vincent place, and James Christie, 37 Glassford street, agents<br />
GLOVER, William, editor <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Glasgow</strong> Constitutional, house 115<br />
Mains street, Blythswood square<br />
GOLDENBERG, Adolphus G. teacher, 136 West Campbell street<br />
GOLDIE, John, ironfounder, .33 Malta street, house 11 Portugal st.<br />
GOOD, George, leather and shoe furnishing warehouse, 17 College st.<br />
house 233 High street<br />
GOODSIR, David, agent, British Linen Co. bank, house corner <strong>of</strong><br />
Queen street and Ingram street<br />
Goodsir, Joseph, clerk, British Linen Co. bank, house 49 Norfolk street<br />
GOODWIN & Easton, commission merchants, 69 Queen street<br />
Goodwin, John, <strong>of</strong> Goodwin Sf Easton, house 102 South Portland street<br />
Goodwin, John, <strong>of</strong> Sclanders §" Goodwin, house 51 North Hanover st.<br />
Goodwin, Patrick, fishmonger, 61 Bell street<br />
Goodwin, Robert, house-factor, 40 George street<br />
Goodwin, Robert, writer, 17 Brunswick place, house 152 Rottenrow<br />
Goodwin, Robert, 45 Abbotsford place<br />
Goodwin, Thomas, baker, 228 High street<br />
GOOLD, John, grocer, 16 Clyde street, Calton
103<br />
Goold, Robert, spirit dealer, 23 High street<br />
Goold, Robert, cork manufacturer, 29 High street<br />
Goold, Robert, hosier, 19 High street<br />
Goold, Thomas, blacksmith, Drygate toll<br />
Gould, T. & Co. lace and sewed muslin manufacturers, 102 Maxwell st.<br />
Gould, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Thomas Gould Sf Co. house 44 Claremont place<br />
Goold, William, wholesale and retail grocer, 91 High street<br />
Goldsmiths' Hall, 9 Melville place. John Paterson, master<br />
GOPPY, R. & Co. merchants, 79 Glassford street<br />
GORBALS Brass Foundry, top <strong>of</strong> Portugal street, Gorbals<br />
Gorbals Burying Ground. W. Howatt, superintendent, ho. 6 Hospital st.<br />
Gorbals Foundry Company, 206 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Gorbals Church and Parish <strong>Library</strong>, Heritors' hall<br />
Gorbals, Heritors <strong>of</strong>, Collector's <strong>of</strong>fice, 51 Adelphi street, Gorbals<br />
Gorbals Youths' School, Greenside street. William Young, teacher<br />
Gorbals Mort-cloth <strong>Office</strong>, Murdoch's land, Puddock row. J. Reid, keeper<br />
Gorbals Police <strong>Office</strong>, 47 South Portland street<br />
Gorbals Public Dispensary. Andrew Walker, apothecary, 5 Thistle st.<br />
Gorbals Savings' Bank, 23 Nicholson street. Open every Saturday<br />
night from 7 till 9 o'clock<br />
Gorbals Sessional School, 1 1 Norfolk court. Andrew Greig, teacher<br />
Gorbals Session Clerk's <strong>Office</strong>, 31 Adelphi street. J. Coats, clerk<br />
Gorbals Yearly Society <strong>Office</strong>, 6 Main street, Gorbals<br />
GORDON, F. W. teacher, 4 North Wellington place<br />
Gordon, George, confectioner, 25 Hutcheson street<br />
Gordon, George, pullicate and gingham manufacturer, 22 Exchange sq.<br />
house 35 Charlotte street<br />
Gordon, George, jun. at Peter Mcintosh's, house 12 Govan street<br />
Gordon, H. writer, 51 St. Vincent st. ho. Craigmaddie, Baldernock parish<br />
Gordon, James, at Alex. Brown § Co.'s, house 127 Murray place<br />
Gordon, John, <strong>of</strong> Patrick Henderson §• Co. 74 Prince's street<br />
Gordon, J. W. at Sheriff-clerk's <strong>of</strong>fice, house 93 South Portland street<br />
Gordon, John, <strong>of</strong> Landells, Gordon §• Co. house 87 South Portland st.<br />
Gordon, John & James, oil and colour merchants, 200 George street,<br />
and turkey-red dyers, 8 John street<br />
Gordon, John, <strong>of</strong> J. §• J. Gordon, house 9 Clarendon place<br />
Gordon, John, brassfounder and gasfitter, 79 Stockwell street<br />
Gordon, Lewis, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> civil engineering. University<br />
Gordon & M'Kay, grocers and victuallers, 59 Dalmarnock road<br />
Gordon, Smith & Co. tea merchants, 10 King street<br />
Gordon, Thomas, writer, 24 Miller st. house Mrs. J. Gordon's, Dukest.<br />
Gordon, Thomas, at Cameron §• Caldwell's, house 81 Lawmoor place<br />
Gordon, Thomas, baker, 38 Hospital street<br />
Gordon, Rev. William, 34 Great Clyde street<br />
Gordon, William, tinsmith, 37 Main street, Anderston<br />
Gordon, William, slater, 141 New venel<br />
Gordon, W. A. teacher <strong>of</strong> english, 8 Sauchiehall street<br />
Gordon, Mrs. 3 Bath street<br />
Gordon, Mrs. James, S3 Duke street<br />
Gordon, Mrs. Major, 9.3 South Portland street<br />
Gordon, Mrs. William, 8 Sauchiehall street<br />
GORMAN, Daniel, surgeon, 144 Bridgegate, house 161 Stockwell st.<br />
GOURLAY, Charles, <strong>of</strong> Robert Goutlay Sf Co. house 64 Oxford street
Gourlay, George, rag merchant, 141 Stockwell street<br />
Gourlie, George, baker, 39 Kent street<br />
Gouvlie, George, rag merchant, 178 Gallowgate<br />
Gourlay, George, slater, 8 William at. Greenhead, slate yard 46 Green st.<br />
Gourlay, Henry, & Co. merchants and commission agents, 1 1 Union st.<br />
Gourlay, Henry, <strong>of</strong> Henry Gourlay Sf Co. house 108 So. Portland street<br />
Gourlay, James, paper and rag warehouse, 3 Little Dovehill, house 1 do.<br />
Gourlay, James, accountant, 24 Queen street, house 64 Oxford street<br />
Gourlay, John B. <strong>of</strong> Robert Gourlay Sf Co. house 54 Oxford street<br />
Gourlay, John. & Co. distillers, Port-Dundas<br />
Gourlay, M. B. <strong>of</strong> John Gourlay § Co- ho. at the works, Port-Dundas<br />
Gourlay, Robert, & Co. tartan, &c. shawl manufacturers, Suri'ey street,<br />
factory, Gorbals<br />
Gourlay, Robert, <strong>of</strong> .Robert Gourlay Sf Co. house 61 Oxford street<br />
Gourlay, Wm, at Johnston, Galbraith Sf Co.'s, house 108 S. Portland st.<br />
Gourlie, William, & Son, merchants, 8 South Frederick street, house<br />
82 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Gourlie, William, jun. <strong>of</strong> JF. Gourlie 8f Son, 8 South Frederick street<br />
GO VAN Colliery <strong>Office</strong>, 37 Glassford street<br />
Govan Iron Works <strong>Office</strong>, 37 Glassford street<br />
Govan, James, grocer, 46 Main street, Anderston<br />
Govan, James, Hutchesontown tavern, 4 Govan street<br />
Govan, James, builder, 25 Dundas street<br />
Govan, John, at John M'Call §• Co.'s, house 24 Robertson street<br />
Govan Parish Road Money <strong>Office</strong>, 24 St. Enoch sq. D. Dreghorn, col.<br />
Govan Parish Poor Rate <strong>Office</strong>, 24 St. Enoch sq. D, Dreghorn, col.<br />
Govan & Slater, smiths, 22 Dale street, Tradeston<br />
Govan, Thomas, spirit dealer, 60 Hutcheson street<br />
Govan, William, <strong>of</strong> William Govan §• Son, house 45 Abbotsford place<br />
Govan, William, & Son, manufacturers, 57 Buchanan street<br />
Govan, William, jun. <strong>of</strong> William Govan ^ Son, house 51 Abbotsford pi.<br />
GOW, Andrew, & Co. merchants and di'ysaltcrs, 35 Miller street<br />
Gow, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> Andrew Gow Sf Co. house 37 Eglinton street<br />
Gow, George, <strong>of</strong> Alexander Innerarity § Co. house Hillhead<br />
Gow, James, victualler, 69 Main street, Anderston<br />
Gow, L. 34 South Portland street<br />
Gow, Robert, merchant, 17 Abbotsford place. Letters left at R. Stiven's,<br />
137 Ingram street<br />
Go-iv, Robert, jun. 17 Abbotsford place<br />
Gow, Robert, spirit dealer, 10 Great Dovehill<br />
Gow, Walter, auctioneer, <strong>of</strong> Peter Burn ^ Co. 132 Trongate<br />
Gow, V/illiam, teller, Royal bank, house 126 South Portland street<br />
GOWANS, Henry, <strong>of</strong> Muir,Gowans §• Co. house 36 Nelson street<br />
Gowans, J. innkeeper and stabler, 38 Ingram street<br />
Gowans, Mrs. tuscan & strawhat manufacturer & milliner, 34 Nelson st.<br />
GOWDIE, D. & Co. gingham & pullicate manufact. 30 S. Hanover st.<br />
Gowdie, David, <strong>of</strong> David Gowdie § Co. house 44 South Portland street<br />
Gowdie, David, jun. tea dealer and coal agent, 68 Glassford street, house<br />
108 South Portland street<br />
Gowdie, John, surgeon, 38 South Portland street, house 44 do.<br />
GOWER, Henrjf, & Co. patent grease manufacturers, 31 Little Dovehill,<br />
house Cr<strong>of</strong>tbank, Springburn<br />
GOWLAND, Brothers, spice merchts. & commission agents, 63 Queen st.
Gowland, John, <strong>of</strong> Gowland, Brothers, house 58 Renfield street<br />
Gowland, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Goivlnmi, Brothers, house 58 Renfield street<br />
GOYDER, Rev. David George, 112 Castlemilk place<br />
GRAHAM, Adam, <strong>of</strong> W. Sf A. Graham, house Meadowside, Partick<br />
Graham, Alexander, Islay distillery store and bonding warehouse, 82<br />
Maxwell street, house 5 Milton place, West St. Vincent street<br />
Graham, Alexander, baker, I'lS Gallowgate<br />
Graham, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> W. Graham Sj- Co. house 202 Adelaide place<br />
Grahame, Alexander, writer, 105 St. Vincent street<br />
Grahame, Alexander & Robert, writers, 105 St. Vincent street<br />
Graham, Alexander, teetotal c<strong>of</strong>feehouse, 32 Argyll street<br />
Graham, Archibald, & Co. manufacturers <strong>of</strong> gold thread and plate, gold<br />
and silver laces, for exportation, sewing and tambouring coloured<br />
worsteds, 109 Brunswick street<br />
Graham, Archibald, cnal agent, 20 Union street<br />
Gi-aham, Charles M. <strong>of</strong> J. Sf C. M. Graham, house 232 St. Vincent st.<br />
Graham, David, tea and wine merchant, &c. 8 Stockwell place<br />
Graham, Dugald, agent, 43 Buchanan street<br />
Graham, Duncan, flesher, 18 Main street, Anderston<br />
Graham, G. R. D. merchant, 93 Glassford st. ho. l"! St. George's road<br />
Graham, James, <strong>of</strong> Ballewan, manufacturer, 18 Brunswick lane, house<br />
Cloverbank, Garngadhill<br />
Graeme, James, writer, 52 Charlotte street<br />
Graham, J. & C. M. cotton works, Sister street, Calton. Letters, &c.<br />
left at William Sleigh's, 81 Wilson street<br />
Graham, James M. <strong>of</strong> J. SfC. M. Graham, house 232 St. Vincent street<br />
Graham, James, sen. Hornbank, Govan<br />
Graham, James, wright and builder, 181 George street, house 111 do.<br />
Graham, James, 12 Parson street, Villafield<br />
Graham, John, printer, 181 Trongate, house 40 North Frederick street<br />
Graham, John, <strong>of</strong> Graham Sf M'Dougalls, ho. Rose cottage, near Partick<br />
Graham, John, accountant and house-factor, agent for the North British<br />
Fire and Life Insurance Co. 193 Argyll st. ho. 12 S.Wellington st.<br />
Graham, John, beadle <strong>of</strong> St. John's church, 46 Grseme street<br />
Graham, John, baker, 7 Clyde terrace<br />
Graeme, John, surgeon. 111 High street, house 29 Hutcheson street<br />
Graham, Rev. John, 11 Ure place<br />
Graham, J. & W, auctioneers and appraisers, 90 Argyll street<br />
Graham, John, victualler and dairyman, 90 Castle street<br />
Graham, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 139 Main street, Anderston<br />
Graham's Lodgings, 20 Union street<br />
Graham & M'Dougalls, manufacturers, 115 Ingram street<br />
Graham, M'Kenzie & Co. merchants, 76 St. Vincent street<br />
Graham, Rev. Matthew, 11 North Albion street<br />
Graham, Miller, spirit dealer, 200 Argyll street<br />
Graham, Capt. Peter, Lochgoil steamer, house 70 Robertson street<br />
Graham, Robert, & Co. wood merchants, 81 Maxwell street<br />
Graham, Robert, & Co. pullicate manufacturers, 52 Glassford street<br />
Graham, Robert, <strong>of</strong> William Graham Sf Co- house 92 West Bath street<br />
Graham, Robert, & Co. spirit dealers, 23 Anderston quay<br />
Graham, Robert, hosier, 117 Saltmarket street<br />
Graham, Robert, at William Collins Sf Co.'s, printers, 111 Montrose st.<br />
Graham, Robert, cooper, 55 Carrick street
106 GRAHAM—GRANT.<br />
'<br />
Graham, Robert, worsted, silk and jobbiug dyer, 39 John street, works<br />
Inkle Factory lane<br />
Graham, S. upholsterer & cabinetmaker, 18 Renfield st. ho. 25 Coburerst.<br />
Graham, Thomas, W. S. registrar <strong>of</strong> Sasines for Renfrewshire, 45 VVest<br />
Nile street, house Villafield<br />
Graham, Thomas, D. <strong>of</strong>Thos. D. Douglas^ Co. ho. 1 Blythswood pi.<br />
Graham, Thomas, & Co. merchants, at W. Croil Sf Son's, 112 Fife place<br />
Grahame, Walter, & Co. merchants, 13 Exchange place<br />
Grahame, Walter, <strong>of</strong> Walter Grahame Sf Co. house 156 George street<br />
Graham, William, & Co. merchants, 70 Miller street<br />
Graham, William & Robert, & Co. merchants, 70 Miller street<br />
Graham, William, & Co. wholesale grocers and tea dealers, Melville pi.<br />
Graham, William, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf W. Graham, house 240 Argyll street<br />
Graham, William, <strong>of</strong> W. Sf A. Graham, house 4 Newton place<br />
Graham, William, jun. <strong>of</strong> William Graham Sf Co. house Jordanhill<br />
Graham, William, <strong>of</strong> Graham, M'Kenzie §• Co. house Lambhill<br />
Graham, William, woollen draper, 8 Gallowgate<br />
Graham, William & Adam, writers, 42 George square<br />
Graham, Lieut. William, 239 Buchanan street<br />
Graham, Wm. Leckie, <strong>of</strong> Walrond, Ellis §• Co. 18 South Frederick st.<br />
Graham, William, 2 Monteith row<br />
Graham, Mrs. James, .3 Abercromby place<br />
Graham, Mrs. John, Graham's buildings, 62 George street<br />
Graham, Mrs. John, 156 George street<br />
Graham, Mrs. John, lodgings, 94 West Nile street<br />
Graham, Mrs. 49 Trongate<br />
Graham, Mrs. J. furnishing shop, 63 Crown street<br />
Graham, Mrs. liesher. Bell-street market, house 67 Bell street<br />
Graham, Mrs. & Miss Fleming, seminary for young ladies, Garnetbank,<br />
246 Sauchiehall street<br />
'<br />
Graham, Mrs. Robert, victualler, 300 Argyll street<br />
Graham, Miss, stay warehouse, 24 Nelson street<br />
Graham, Miss, 44 North Frederick street<br />
Graham, Misses, milliners, 255 George street<br />
GRANDISTON, James, machiuemaker, Govan st. ho. 2 Edwin place<br />
GRANGE, Thomas, bootmaker, 15 Exchange place<br />
GRANGER, Andrew, contractor, 118 Union street<br />
Granger, James, baker, 96 Renfield street<br />
Granger, John, baker, 86 Garscube road<br />
Granger, Robert, paper hanging, upholstery and cabinet warehouse, 9<br />
St. Vincent street, house 339 Argyll street<br />
Granger, Robert, spirit dealer, 92 Dalmarnock road<br />
Granger, Robert, spirit dealer, 6 Weaver street, beamer, 27 do.<br />
Granger, Robert, cartwright, 29 King street, Tradeston<br />
Granger, T. file mill, Townhead. Letters left at 30 Castle st. till called for<br />
GRANT, Alexander, vintner and stabler, 411 Gallowgate<br />
Grant, Andrew, merchant, at J. Sf G. Burns's, house Barony glebe<br />
Grant, Archibald, flesher, 231 Gallowgate, house 91 Grseme street<br />
Grant, Archibald, painter 81 Stockwell street<br />
Grant, Charles, Ss Co. cotton, worsted and woollen agents and commis-<br />
sion merchants, 34 Wilson street<br />
Grant, Chas. <strong>of</strong> Charles Grant Sf Co. ho. Clydebank, near Rutherglen<br />
Grant & Co. cotton yarn merchants, .34 Wilson street
107<br />
Grant, Daniel, tailor & clothier, 193 Argyll street, house 1 Oxford street<br />
Grant, Duncan, <strong>of</strong> Grant §• Co. and Charles Grant §• Co. house Clydebank,<br />
near Rutherglen<br />
Grant, G. A. & Co. hosiery and hosiery-yarn warehouse, 88 Trongate<br />
Grant, George, & Son, manufacturers by power, 5 Graham square<br />
Grant, George, jun. <strong>of</strong> George Grant Sf Son, house 21 Whitevale<br />
Grant, George, yr. <strong>of</strong> George Grant § Son, 5 Graham square<br />
Grant, George, at Bennett ^ Browne's, house 10 Coburg street<br />
Grant, James, builder, 17 Douglas street<br />
Grant, James, builder, Smith's land. Upper Finnieston<br />
Grant, James, <strong>of</strong> John Grant Sf Co. house 3 Gloucester street, Tradeston<br />
Grant, James, 29 Paterson street, Kingston<br />
Grant, John, tailor, 17 Trongate<br />
Grant, John, jun. watch and clock maker, 23 Main street, Anderston<br />
Grant, Captain John, 39 Maxwell street<br />
Grant, John, watchmaker, 1 Bishop street<br />
Grant, Thomas, wine and spirit dealer, 81 Candlerigg street<br />
Grant, William, wine, spirit and tea merchant, 330 Argyll street<br />
Grant, Rev. William, 22 Monteith row<br />
Grant, Mrs. Hector, 3 Maxwelton place<br />
Grant, Mrs. J. artificial flower maker, 1.3 Argyll street<br />
GRAY, Alexander, manager, Clyde Marine Insurance Co. 147 Queen<br />
street, house 213 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Gray, Alexander, writer, 84 Wilson st. ho. 38 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
Gray, Alexander, <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> excise, 1 Bothwell street<br />
Gray, Andrew, baker, 15 South Portland street<br />
Gray, Andw. mathematical teacher, 77 Brunswick st. ho. 82 George st.<br />
Gray, Rev. Andrew, <strong>of</strong> Crossbill, Lanarkshire. Letters left at Wm.<br />
Arthur & Co.'s, 19 Cochran street<br />
Gray, Archibald, flesher, 10 Wellington arcade, ho, 81 Renfrew street<br />
Gray, Archibald, flesher, 3 Richard street<br />
Gray, Charles & David, distillers, 4 Muirhead street<br />
Gray, Charles, <strong>of</strong> Charles §• David Gray, house 12 Carlton place<br />
Gray, Daniel K. at Montgomerie ^ Fleming's, house Garnetdale<br />
Gray, David, & Son, clothiers, 4 Dunlop street<br />
Gray, George, engraver and stamp cutter, 124 Trongate<br />
Gray, Henry, gold beater, 4 Stockwell place, house 10 Stockwell street<br />
Gray, Hugh, general smith, claymill maker, Sec. 24 Struthers street<br />
Gray, James, victualler and spirit dealer, 663 Gallowgate<br />
Gray, James & John, proprietors North British Advertiser, 98 Miller st.<br />
Gray, James, & Co. ironfounders, engineers and machinemakers, 23<br />
Washington street<br />
Gray, John, confectioner, 153 Trongate, house 16 South Portland street<br />
Gray, James, cabinetmaker, 2 Hill street, Gallowgate<br />
Gray, James, Inverness and Clydesdale tavern, 218 Broomielaw<br />
Gray, James, spirit dealer, 68 New Dalmarnock road<br />
Gray, John Boyle, writer, 129 Ingram street, house 185 St. Vincent st.<br />
Gray, John, tobacconist, 3 Argyll street, house 3 South Margaret street<br />
Gray, John, jun. 67 Eglinton street<br />
Gray, John, manufacturer, house 102 Bath street<br />
Gray, John, saddler, 1 1 Blackfriar street<br />
Gray, John, <strong>of</strong> J. ^ W. Gray ^ Co. house 95 Hutcheson street<br />
Gray, John, writer, 20 Candlerigg street
108 GRAY—GREER.<br />
Gray, John, grocer and victualler, 34 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Gray, John & Wm. & Co. shawl and silk warehouse, &c. 176 Trongate<br />
Gray's Local Advertiser, 98 Miller street<br />
Gray, Peter, saddler, 72 Garscube road<br />
Gi'ay, Richard, & Co. merchants, 30 Gordon street<br />
Gray, Richard, <strong>of</strong> Richard Gray ^' Co. house Cumberland street. Woodland's<br />
road<br />
Gray, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Robert Gray § Co. house 70 Buccleuch street<br />
Gray, Robert, at Peter Dodd § Co.'s, house 25 East Clyde street<br />
Gray, R. & Co. coal merchants, <strong>of</strong>fice 62 Broomielaw<br />
Gray, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Gray Sf Son, house 78 Crown street<br />
Gray, Robt. & Son, goldsmiths, jewellers & watchmakers, 78 Argyll st.<br />
Gray, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Glenorchard. Letters left at W. P. Paton's, Virginia<br />
buildings<br />
Gray, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Gardiner Sf Gray, house 107 Crown street<br />
Gray, Robert, & Co. commission merchants, 37 Buchanan street<br />
Gray & Son, engravers and lithographers, Tron steeple, 67 Trongate<br />
Gray, Thomas, surgeon, 127 Gallowgate, house 1 Monteith row<br />
Gray, Thomas, tavern-keeper, 44 Trongate<br />
Gray, Thomas, tinware merchant, 47 Jamaica st. house 4 Nicholson st.<br />
(Jray, Walter, & Co. merchants, 3 North court. Royal exchange<br />
Gray, Walter, <strong>of</strong> Walter Gray Sf Co. house 14 Abercromby place<br />
Gray, William, <strong>of</strong> Robert Gray Sf So7i, house 34 Claremont place<br />
Gray, William, <strong>of</strong> Wighton, Gray Sf Co. house 19 Elmbank crescent<br />
Gray, William, & Co. commission agents, 88 St. Vincent street<br />
Gray, William, wright, Jamieson's lane, Anderston<br />
Gray, William, spirit dealer, 113 King street<br />
Gray, William, egg dealer, 41 Stevenson street, Calton<br />
Gray, William, smith, 99 Gallowgate<br />
Gray, Mrs, James, 14 Abercromby place<br />
Gray, Mrs. John, lodgings, 77 West Nile street<br />
Gray, Mrs. lodgings, 29 North Portland street<br />
Gray, Misses M. & J. grocers, 40 Marlborough street<br />
Gray, Misses, 103 Douglas street<br />
Gray, Miss J. milliner and dressmaker, 27 Kent street<br />
Gray, Miss E. dressmaker, 98 West Nile street<br />
Gray, Miss, tobacco shop, 374 Gallowgate<br />
GREEN, George, <strong>of</strong> Fraser §• Green, house 102 Bath street<br />
Green, Henry, clothier and tailor, 20 Saltmarket street<br />
Green, John, tailor and clothier, 76 Saltmarket street<br />
Green Market, 46 Back wynd and New wynd<br />
GREEN HILL, John, spirit dealer, 17 Clyde place, Tradeston<br />
Greenhill, Mrs. 48 Buccleuch street<br />
GREEN LEES, Matthew, commission merchant, <strong>of</strong> M.^R. Greenlees,<br />
2 Melville place, house 4 Bath street<br />
Greenlees, M. & R. merchants, 2 Melville place<br />
GREENSHIELDS, Archibald, clothier, 87 Queen street, house 43<br />
Abbotsford place<br />
Gkeenock Bank, 64 Buchanan street. John Robson, agent<br />
Greenock Railway Station, Bridge street<br />
GREER, A. & Co. provision merchants, 18 Caltonmouth<br />
Greer, James, MD. pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Hygeanism, 62 Nelson street, and 102<br />
South Portland street
GREER—GUNN. 109<br />
Greer, James, jun. at North British Advertiser <strong>of</strong>fice, 98 Miller street<br />
GREIG, Andrew, teacher, Gorbals Sessional school, 11 Norfolk court,<br />
bouse 125 High street<br />
Greig, David, accountant, Garnkirk Railway <strong>of</strong>fice, & 50 Gordon street<br />
Greig, James, confectioner, 29 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Greig, John, linen yarn spinner and thread manufacturer, Bobbie's loan<br />
Greig, Robert, wright, 20 Greyfriars' wynd, house 44 Taylor street<br />
Greig, William, manager, <strong>Glasgow</strong> New Apothecaries' Company, house<br />
55 Glassford street<br />
Greig, William, grocer, 179 Gallowgate<br />
Greig, William, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 157 Eglinton street<br />
GRIBBEN, Henry, surgeon and accoucher, 115 Saltmarket street<br />
GRIERSON, J. house factor, &c. Gorbals foundry, ho. 31 Paterson st.<br />
Grierson, James, tailor, 3 Govan street, Hutchesontown<br />
Grierson & Murray, goldsmiths and jewellers, 3i Buchanan street<br />
Grierson, William, at William Craig §• Co.'s, house 78 Abbotsford place<br />
Grierson, William, lodgings, 50 North Albion street<br />
Grierson, W. warden <strong>of</strong> Bridgeton churchyard, ho. 15 Green st. Bridgeton<br />
Grierson, Mrs. 2 Crescent place<br />
GRIEVE, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Grieve §• Cochrane, house 5 Morris place<br />
Grieve, Archibald, wright and builder, 5 Balmanno street, ho. Ure place<br />
Grieve & Cochrane, snuff and tobacco manufacturers, 41 High street<br />
Grieve, Robert & Thomas, wholesale tea merchants, 71 Wilson street<br />
Grieve, Robert, jun. 71 Wilson street<br />
Grieve, Mrs. crape and feather dresser, 303 Argyll street<br />
GRIFFIN, Charles, <strong>of</strong> R. Griffin 8( Co. house Provanside<br />
Griffin, John Joseph, <strong>of</strong> Richard Griffin Sf Co. house Provan place<br />
Griffin, Richard, & Co. publishers, wholesale booksellers and stationers,<br />
and manufacturers <strong>of</strong> chemical apparatus, 24 Canon street<br />
Griffin, Mrs. Richard, Provanside, Stirling's road<br />
GRIFFITH, Peter, shoemaker, 25 Canon street<br />
G RIMS HAW, Ambrose, star hotel, 80 George square<br />
GRINDLAY, George, confectioner, 232 High street<br />
GROCOTT, Mrs. dealer in furnishings, 13 Wellington arcade<br />
GROSSET, William, pastry baker, 168 High street<br />
GROVES, John, grocer and victualler, 205 Cowcaddens streert<br />
Guardian Fire and Life Assurance <strong>Office</strong>, 19 Cochran street. William<br />
Perry, agent<br />
GUILD, Alexander, Calton distillery<br />
Guild, George, Calton distillery<br />
Guild, James, & Sons, distillers, Calton distillery<br />
Guild, James, jun. distiller, Camlachie distillery<br />
Guild, John, Scotch woollen warehouseman and general commission<br />
agent, 109 and 117 Candlerigg street<br />
Guild, William, & Co. merchants, 7 Exchange place<br />
Guild, William, <strong>of</strong> W. Guild §• Co. 7 Exchange place<br />
GULL AN, John G. C M. teacher <strong>of</strong> english & geography, 48 George<br />
square, house Burndyke, Govan<br />
GUMPRECHT, Julius, 28 St. George's road<br />
GUNN, J. G. clerk, British Linen Co. bank, house 42 Bedford street<br />
Gunn, William, bagpipe maker, 48 Gallowgate<br />
Gunn, William, jun. house 15 Buchanan street<br />
Gunn, W. 8s D. & Co. turners and shuttlemakers, 4 Orr street<br />
GUNION, William, <strong>of</strong> Jaffrey Sf Gunion, house 85 Candlerigg street<br />
GUTHRIE, David, victualler, 77&241 High street, & 75 Gallowgate<br />
Guthrie, Kinloch & Co. calico-printers, 4-3 Buchanan street<br />
Guthrie, William, at Montgomerie ^ Fleming's, 62 Miller street<br />
H<br />
HAD DEN, Alexander, bookseller and stationer, 18H High street<br />
Hadden & Murphy, pawnbrokers, 2 Tobago street<br />
Haddin, Mrs. 2 Binnie place, Monteith row<br />
HADDOW, Mrs. Robert, apothecary, 17 Stevenson street<br />
Haddow, Mrs. spirit dealer, 20 Cheapside street<br />
HADFIELD,G. ironmonger, cuttler& edge-tool maker,&c. 4-7 Argyll st.<br />
HAGGART, Mrs. lodgings, 40 Weaver street<br />
HAIG, J. & Sons, distillers, Sunbury. Robert Alexander, agent, ho.<br />
3 William street, Gi'eeiihead<br />
Haig, William, city fiscal. Council chambers, <strong>Glasgow</strong><br />
Haig, William, fringe manufacturer and general furnisher, 38 Argyll<br />
street, and 13 Exchange place<br />
HAIR, James, general grocer, 66 Taylor street<br />
H ALDA NE, Henry, <strong>of</strong> Anderson ^ Haldane, house 154. Hope street<br />
Halden, James, engraver, 42 Argyll street<br />
HALKET & Gillan, tailors and clothiers, 332 Argyll street<br />
Halket, Henry, spirit dealer, 164 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Halifax and Boston Steam Packet <strong>Office</strong>, 9 Buchanan street<br />
HALL, John, brazier and tin-plate worker, 171 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Hall, John, grocer, 21 Tureen street<br />
Hall, John, draper, 28 Main street, Anderston<br />
Hall, Richard, writer, 1 Royal Exchange court, house Canning place<br />
Hall, Robert, & Son, St. RoUox ropework, Townhead<br />
Hall, William, surgeon, 56 Gordon street<br />
Hall, William, letter-carrier, P.O. house 21 Stockwell place<br />
Hall, William, & Co. Letters left at 7 Garthland street<br />
Hall, Misses J. & M. strawhat makers and milliners, 29 Arcade<br />
Hall, Miss, 12 Maxwell street<br />
H ALLEY, Thomas, coal weigher, house 169 Great Hamilton street<br />
Hally, William, spirit dealer, 25 Canning street, Calton<br />
HALLIDA Y, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 5 St. Vincent place<br />
HAMILTON, Alexander, spirit dealer, 91 Main street, Anderston<br />
Harpilton, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, Foster's land, Eglintonst. -<br />
Hamilton, A. & P. & Co. tobacconists, 28 and 45 Stockwell street<br />
Hamilton, Alexander, confectioner, 80 Stevenson street<br />
Hamilton, Andw. tailor & clothier, 13 Hutcheson st. ho. 50 Renfield st.<br />
Hamilton, Andrew, victualler, 132 Burnside, Garscube road<br />
Hamilton, A. manufacturer, 16 Brunswick lane, ho. 22 Abbotsford pi.<br />
Hamilton, Andrew, 231 St. Vincent street<br />
Hamilton, Andrew F. at Pollock, Gilmour Sf Co's, 19 Union street<br />
Hamilton, Andrew, victualler and spirit dealer, 24 Thistle street<br />
Hamilton, Archibald, victualler, 26 Main street, Anderston<br />
Hamilton, Archibald, manager <strong>of</strong> the North British Insurance Co. 8<br />
Royal Exchange square, house 320 St. Vincent street<br />
Hamilton, Brother & Co. merchants, ship and insurance brokers and<br />
agents for the British Commercial Insurance Co. 210 Broomielawquay<br />
Hamilton, Charles, <strong>of</strong> Hamilton Sf Sym, house 4 Holland place<br />
HAMILTON. Ill<br />
Hamilton, David & James, architects, 235 Buchanan street<br />
Hamilton, D. draper and hosier, 39 New Bridge street<br />
Hamilton, Duncan, 68 Buccleuch street<br />
Hamilton, Dundas, Western Bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, ho. 5 Apsley pi. G.W. R,<br />
Hamilton pARMEand FuUarton Coal OfBce, 36 St. Vincent place<br />
Hamilton, Gavin, grocer and spirit dealer, 23 Kirk street, Townhead<br />
Hamilton, George, grocer and spirit dealer, 22 Cook street<br />
Hamilton, George, tobacconist, 203 High street<br />
Hamilton, George, <strong>of</strong> Alison, Hamilton Sf Co. ho. 181 St. Vincent street<br />
Hamilton, H. & Co. agents, .38 St. Andrew's square<br />
Hamilton & Jack, manufacturers, 4.3 Montrose street<br />
Hamilton, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 19 Reid street, Bridgeton<br />
Hamilton, James, jun. <strong>of</strong> J- Sf J. Hamilton, house 5 Richmond street<br />
Hamilton, James, victualler, 21 1 High street<br />
Hamilton, James, victualler, 95 Saltmarket street<br />
Hamilton, James, at J. Sf W. Graham's, 90 Argyll street<br />
Hamilton, James, baker, 8 St. Andrew's open<br />
Hamilton, James, <strong>of</strong> A. ^ P. Hamilton §• Co. house 181 St. Vincent st.<br />
Hamilton, J. & J. writers, 57 Miller street<br />
Hamilton, James, sen. & Co. merchants. Letters left at 73 Robertson st.<br />
Hamilton, James, sen. <strong>of</strong> J. ^ J, Hamilton, house 6 South Hanover st.<br />
Hamilton, James, manufacturer, 101 Brunswick street<br />
Hamilton, James, accountant. Western bank, ho. 253 Hill st. Garnethill<br />
Hamilton, James D. <strong>of</strong> J. ^ J. Hamilton, house 6 South Hanover st.<br />
Hamilton, James, chemist and druggist, 128 West Nile st. ho. 123 do.<br />
Hamilton, John, shuttlemaker, 10 Gibson street, house 248 Gallowgate<br />
Hamilton, 5o\in, at Andw. Liddell Sf Co 's, house 9 Dundas st. Kingston<br />
Hamilton, John George, 157 St. Vincent street<br />
Hamilton, John, <strong>of</strong> A. Sf P. Hamilton Sf Co. house 11 Brandon place<br />
Hamilton, John, gardener, 215 Argyll street<br />
Hamilton, John, timber merchant, 11 Clyde buildings<br />
Hamilton, John, & Sons, tobacco and snuff manufacturers, 29 King st.<br />
Hamilton, John, victualler, 26 Kent street<br />
Hamilton, John, grocer, 129 Gallowgate<br />
Hamilton, John, victualler, 163 Bridgegate<br />
Hamilton, John, grocer and victualler, 31 Bedford street<br />
Hamilton, J. L. <strong>of</strong>D. Wardrop ,^ Co.<br />
Hamilton, Joseph, baker, 110 Dalmarnock road<br />
Hamilton, Joseph, victualler, 27 New street, Calton<br />
Hamilton, Matthew, & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 85 Candlerigg street<br />
Hamilton, Peter, <strong>of</strong> W. Sf J. Davidson Sf Co. house 1 15 Montrose street<br />
Hamilton, Richard W. <strong>of</strong> Blair § Hamilton, house 39 Warwick street<br />
Hamilton, Robert, auctioneer and appraiser, 13 St. Andrew's square<br />
Hamilton, Robert, die, stamp and seal cutter. 111 Trongate<br />
Hamilton, Robert, flesher, 166 Gallowgate<br />
Hamilton, Samuel, grocer and spirit dealer, 58 Canning street, Calton<br />
Hamilton & Sym, vfine merchants, and agents for the Scottish Union<br />
Insurance Company, 32 Royal Exchange square<br />
Hamilton, Thomas, victualler and baker, 95 London st. & 91 Gallowgate<br />
Hamilton, W. printer, stationer & librarian, 139 Renfield st. ho. 137 do.<br />
Hamilton, William, <strong>of</strong> Robert Bogle Sf Co. house Northpark<br />
Hamilton, William, <strong>of</strong> Buchanan, Hamilton Sf Co. ho. 261 St. Vincent st.<br />
Hamilton, William, victualler, 21 Kent street
Hamilton, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 32 Bishop street, Anderston<br />
Hamilton, William, oj Hamilton ^ Jack, house 12 Ure place, Montrose st.<br />
Hamilton, Mrs. Thomas, pastry baker and spirit dealer, 487 Gallowgate<br />
Hamilton, Miss Agnes, grocer, 127 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Hamilton, Rliss, 9 Woodside crescent<br />
Hamilton, MisSj 25 George square<br />
Hamilton, Misses E. & M. milliners and strawhat makers, 60 Bell st.<br />
H AMNETT, William, manufacturing chemist, 86 Duke street<br />
HANDLEY, John, trunk and portmanteau maker, 10 Queen street<br />
H ANN AY, Alexander, bread and pastry baker, 126 Cowcaddens street<br />
Hannay, Alex. John, MD. pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> physic, Andersonian university,<br />
house 145 St. Vincent street<br />
Hannay, A. <strong>of</strong> Kelly ^ Co. house Edwin place<br />
Hannah, A. coal agent, 35 Dundas street<br />
Hannah, Bright, surgeon and occulist, Hope place, St. llollox<br />
Hannah, Henry, <strong>of</strong> Paterson §• Hannah, house 47 Gordon street<br />
Hanna, John, & Co. 98 West George street<br />
Hanna, John, <strong>of</strong> John Hanna Sf Co. house 70 Bath street<br />
Hannah, Matthew, victualler and dairyman, 78 Canning street, Calton<br />
Hannah, Robert, boot and shoe maker, 67 Garscube road<br />
Hannah, Thomas, victualler and spii'it dealer, 45 Gordon street<br />
Hannah, William, baker, 232 Argyll street<br />
Hannah, William, weavers' <strong>of</strong>fice, 20 Green street, Calton<br />
Hannah, IMrs. grocer and spirit dealer, 127 Main street, Anderston<br />
Hannah, Mrs. W. staymaker, 35 Nelson street<br />
HANNAN, James, <strong>of</strong> H. Monteith §• Co. house 12 Elmbank crescent<br />
HANDYSIDE, N. & R. merchants, ship and insurance brokers, and<br />
agents for the <strong>National</strong> Provident Institution, 16 Gordon street<br />
Handyside, N. <strong>of</strong> N. ^ R. Handyside, house 50 Claremont place<br />
HARBoua Master's <strong>Office</strong>, 16 Robertson street<br />
HARDIE, Alexander, builder, 4 Greenhill street<br />
Hardie, David, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer, 39 Stockwell street<br />
Hardie, Henry, grocer and spirit dealer, 66 Renfrew street<br />
Hardie, James, victualler, 5 Normal place<br />
Hardie, John, boot and shoe maker, 3 London street<br />
Hardie, John, house-factor, 158 Gallowgate<br />
Hardy, John, surgeon, 60 Crown street<br />
Hardy, Robert Burns, teacher <strong>of</strong> elocution, 280 George street<br />
Hardie, Starke & Co. silk and calico printers, Springfield, by Barrhead.<br />
Letters left at 80 Glassford street<br />
Hardie, William, 148 High street<br />
Hardie, William, teacher <strong>of</strong> english, 144 West Regent street<br />
Hardie, William, <strong>of</strong> Robert Taylor, jun. § Co. house 104 George street<br />
Hardie, Mrs. lodgiqgs, 58 Renfield street<br />
HARE, Alexander, & Co. pawnbrokers, 10 Stirling street<br />
HARGREAVES, John, carrier, 124 Brunswick street<br />
HARKINS, Robert, & Co. job warehouse, 14 Brunswick place<br />
HARLEY, Andrew, fishinonger, 65 West George street, and 1.35<br />
Campbell street, west, house 57 Oswald street<br />
Harley, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> D. Harley ^ Co. house Paterson street, Kingston<br />
Harley, David, & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 22 John street<br />
Harley, David, <strong>of</strong> D. Harley § Co. house 357 St. Vincent street<br />
Harley, James, boot and shoe maker, 16 Adelphi street, Hutchesontown
HARLET HARVET. 113<br />
Harley, James, & Co. wholesale warehousemen, 1 25 Trongate<br />
Harley, James, <strong>of</strong> J. Harley § Co. house Greenbank place, Partick<br />
Harley, William, starcher, 68 Rose street, Hutchesontown<br />
Harley, William, tailor, ^•^< Trongate<br />
Harley, Mrs. lodgings, 4i35 Argyll street<br />
Harley, Mrs. midwife and ladies' sick nurse, 368 Gallowgate<br />
Harley, Misses, boarding school, 2 Newton place<br />
HAROLD, B. flesher, 253 High street<br />
HARPER, Andrew, victualler, 290 Gallowgate<br />
Harper, Andrew, victualler, 121 Saltmarket street<br />
Harper, Andrew, baker, 39 Adelphi street, house 91 Graeme street<br />
Harper & Co. gi'ain and flour merchants, 16 Buchanan street<br />
Harper, John, victualler, 74 High street, house 36 Blackfriar street<br />
Harper, R. victualler, 106 Main street, Gorbals, house 167 do.<br />
Harper & Sod, agents for the United Kingdom Life Assurance Co. 16<br />
Buchanan street<br />
Harper, S. C. merchant and ship broker, 303 St. Vincent street<br />
Harper, Samuel, merchant, 303 St. Vincent street<br />
Harper, Miss, 94) West Regent street<br />
HARRIS, James, smith and machine maker, Gray's close, Castle street<br />
HARRISON, Mrs. lodgings, 63 John street<br />
HART, Hugh, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong> Apothecaries' Co. ho. 15 Hill St. Garnethill<br />
Hart, James, <strong>of</strong> Robert Hart S^ Co. house 54 West Regent street<br />
Hart, James, clothier, 126 Saltmarket street<br />
Hart, John, agent, house 82 London street<br />
Hart, John, at W. Dunns, 62 George square, house 145 Wellington st.<br />
Hart, J. & R. Edgefauld house, at Robert WatVs, 79 Argyll street<br />
Hart, Robert, & Co. sewed muslin manufacturers, 23 So. Frederick st.<br />
Hart, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Robert Hart (§r Co. house 16 St. George's road<br />
Hart, William, Sheriffs-chambers, 60 Stockwell st. house 9 Mains st,<br />
HARTLEY, A. M, teacher <strong>of</strong> elocution, 3 St, George's place, house<br />
243 Buchanan street<br />
HARVEY, Rev. Alexander, 38 Whitevale<br />
Harvey, Alexander, dyer, works Govanhaugh, ho. 2 S. Wellington pi,<br />
Harvie, Alexander, Anderston grain mills, house 3 Washington street<br />
Harvie, Andrew, accountant and agent for the Caledonian Fire and<br />
Life Insurance Co. 153 Queen street, house 63 John street<br />
Harvey, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> Harvey, Brandy Co. house 205 Bath street<br />
Harvey, Brand & Co. silk and shawl merchants, 45 Cochran street, and<br />
silk mills, Biaukhall, Paisley<br />
Harvie, Charles D. grocer, 24 Norfolk street, Lauriestoa<br />
Harvie, G. E. at Andrew Harvie's, 153 Queen street<br />
Harvey, George, agent, 150 Eglinton street<br />
Harvey, Hugh, & Son, joiners. Parliamentary rd. ho. 282 Buchanan st.<br />
Harvey, J. E. wine and spirit merchant, 229 Buchanan street, and 2<br />
Bath street, house 47 Sauchiehall street<br />
Harvey, James S. portrait painter, 47 Renfrew street<br />
Harvey, James, <strong>of</strong> Campbell, Harvey Sf Co. house John street, Bridgeton<br />
Harvey, James, surgeon, 41 Cowcaddens street, ho. 60 Brougham place<br />
Harvie, James, wine and spirit merchant, 21 and 23 Candlerigg street<br />
Harvie, Jas. town, sheriff and river bailie <strong>of</strong>ficer, 170 Saltmarket street<br />
Harvey, John, <strong>of</strong> Hugh Harvey Sf Son, house 139 West Nile street<br />
Harvey, John, 21 Gloucester street<br />
Harvie, John, late <strong>of</strong> the horse repository, ho. Wyndybank, Port-EglintoD<br />
Harvie, John, writer, 13 John street<br />
Hervey, John, <strong>of</strong> Herveys, Wilson §- Co. house 124? North Douglas street<br />
Harvey, John & William, & Co. distillers, Yoker, 76 Maxtrell street<br />
Harvey, Dr. John, consulting roonas, 405 Argyll st. bo. iS Cadogan st.<br />
Harvey, John, at D. ^ A. Denny's, 34 Union street<br />
Harveys, M'Farlane & Co. distillers, Dundashill, <strong>of</strong>Sce in town, 76<br />
Maxwell street<br />
Harvie & M' Gavin, Anderston grain mills, 20 Washington street<br />
Harvey, Robert, distiller, Fort-Dundas, house Pinkston<br />
Harvie, 11. mahogany mercht. cabinetmaker & upholsterer, 48 Stockwell<br />
Harvey, Robert, tavern keeper, 6 Saltmarket street<br />
Harvey, William, <strong>of</strong> J. ^ W. Harvey §• Co. Yoker<br />
Herveys, Wilson & Co. wholesale silk warehousemen, 191 Trongate<br />
Hervey, Mrs. John, 124 Douglas street<br />
Hervey, Mrs. R. 87 Montrose street<br />
HASTIE, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> R. Haslie Sf Co. house 141 Clarence place<br />
Hastie, Robert, & Co. merchants, 60 Ingram street<br />
Hastie, Wm. painter and paper-hanger, 31 Hutcheson street, ho. 49 do.<br />
Hastie, William, victualler, 178 and 180 West Nile street<br />
Hastie, William, grocer, 42 Canon street<br />
Hastie, William, sen. pattern lasher, 32 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
HASTINGS, Alex, corn merchant, 38 Union st. ho. 237 Brandon pi.<br />
HATFIELD, George, Vereville, Finnnieston<br />
HAT RICK, James, tiesher, 134 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Hatrick, John, surgeon, 148 and 371 Gallowgate, house 1 Sidney street<br />
Hatrick, Peter, herbalist, 14 East Hill street<br />
HAUGHY, Arthur, superintendent, Catholic orphan institution, 22<br />
Marshall street<br />
HAY, Alexander, architect, 10 North Coburg street<br />
Hay, Andrew, warden <strong>of</strong> Calton burying ground, 6 Ritchie's lane, Caltoa<br />
Hay, Charles, <strong>of</strong> James Hay, sen. Sf Son, 13 Wellington street<br />
Hay, James, <strong>of</strong> W. Hay Sf Co. house 13 Buccleuch street<br />
Hay, James, sen. & Son, masons and smoke doctors, 13 Wellington st.<br />
Hay, James, builder, 71 Commerce street, Tradeston<br />
Hay, Mathew, spirit dealer, 32 Crown street<br />
Hay, Merricks & Co. Roslin gunpowder mills. John Smith, agent,<br />
85 St. Vincent street<br />
Hay & Rennie, masons and smoke doctors, 47 Dundas street<br />
Hay, Robert, wine and spirit merchant, 38 Buchanan street, house 15<br />
Clarendon place<br />
Hay, Robert, surgeon, 11 Great Clyde street<br />
Hay, Thomas, vintner and stabler, 131 Gallowgate<br />
Hay, T. aerated water manufacturer, 44 Trongate, ho. 18 Warwick st.<br />
Hay, William, & Co. wine and spirit merchants, 38 Queen street<br />
Hay, William, <strong>of</strong> William Hay §• Co. house 4 India street<br />
Hay, Mrs. Robert, lodgings, 1 1 George street<br />
Hay, Miss Jane, strawhat maker, 278 High street<br />
HEALY, Joseph, ladies' shoemaker, from George street, Edinburgh,<br />
138 Queen street<br />
HECTOR, John, bootmaker, 284 Argyll street<br />
HEDDEliWICK, James, & Son, printers to the Queen, 22 St. Enoch<br />
square, house 23 Carlton place
Hedderwick, John, & Co. Dundee warehouse, 16 Stirling street, house<br />
23 Nicholson street<br />
Hedderwick, John W. Adelphi brewery, Govan Street, Hutchesontown<br />
Hedderwick & Rowan, shipbuilders, Laucefield, foot <strong>of</strong> Broomielaw,<br />
and Kelvinhaugh slip dock<br />
Hedderwick, Robert, <strong>of</strong> James Hedderwick S^ Son, 22 St. Enoch square<br />
HEADRICK, A. F. wholesale and retail grocer, 130 High street<br />
HEGARTY, James, victualler, 37 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
HEGGIE, George, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 23 Ingram street,<br />
workshops 19 Stirling's road, house above workshops<br />
Heggie, James, bookseller, 13 Saltmarket street<br />
Heggie, James Bryce, & Co. brassfounders, Delftfield lane<br />
Heggie, J. B. <strong>of</strong> J. B. Heggie §• Co. house 42 York street<br />
HEITON, Thomas, wright, 37 Oswald street<br />
HENDERSON, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Mitchell, Henderson ^Mitchell, house<br />
Somerset place, Sauchiehall street<br />
Henderson, A. R. accountant, 52 Glassford st. ho. 66 S. Portland st.<br />
Henderson, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> R. 8f J. Henderson, house Regent terrace<br />
Henderson, Archibald, sen. millwright and engineer, Port-Dundas road<br />
Henderson & Co. spirit dealers, 9 Clyde place<br />
Henderson, Duncan, grocer and spirit dealer, Parliamentary road<br />
Henderson, Francis, general grocer, 59 Ingram street, ho. 284! High st.<br />
Henderson, George, commercial tavern, 51 Broomielaw<br />
Henderson, George, <strong>of</strong> Patrick Henderson Sf Co. house 32 Richmond st.<br />
Henderson, G. & Co. Letters left at Reid & Deniiistouu's, 94 Miller st.<br />
Henderson, Hector, merchant, 24 Warwick street. Letters left at G.<br />
& S. M'Lennan's, 109 Virginia street<br />
Henderson, Henry, general grocer, J 17 West George street<br />
Henderson, Henry, spirit dealer, 4 Croy place<br />
Henderson, Hugh, house-agent and factor, 304 Gallowgate<br />
Henderson, Hugh, commission merchant, 59 King street<br />
Henderson, Rev. Dr. James, <strong>of</strong> St. Enoch's, house 29 Bath street<br />
Henderson, Captain James, 53 Ewing place<br />
Henderson, James, ship agent. Forth street, Port-Dundas<br />
Henderson, Jas. yarn merchant, 120 Brunswick st. ho. 223 Gallowgate<br />
Henderson, James, agent, sheriff <strong>of</strong>lScer and constable for the shires <strong>of</strong><br />
Lanark and Renfrew, 4 Steel street<br />
Henderson, James, <strong>of</strong> Thomas Henderson Sf Co- house 7 Eglinton street<br />
Henderson, James, spirit dealer, 41 John street<br />
Henderson, J. <strong>of</strong> Burton Sf Henderson, house 18 Warwick street<br />
Henderson, John, spirit dealer, 62 Old wynd<br />
Henderson, Mitchell & Co. warehousemen, 52 Argyll street<br />
Henderson, John C. <strong>of</strong> Henderson, Mitchell Sf Co. house Mountflorida<br />
Henderson, John, slater, 2 Havannah street<br />
Henderson, John, <strong>of</strong> Carslaw Sf Henderson, house 90 Regent terrace<br />
Henderson, J. collector <strong>of</strong> Gorbals police assessment, house Crossmylo<strong>of</strong><br />
Henderson, John, merchant, 40 York street<br />
Henderson, M. G. at Garnkirk §• <strong>Glasgow</strong> Railway <strong>of</strong>fice<br />
Henderson, Michael, cabinetmaker, 9 Union place, North street, house<br />
58 Main street, Anderston<br />
Henderson, Patrick, & Co. cork manufacturers, 74 Prince's street<br />
Henderson, Patrick, & Co. merchants, 22 Ingram street<br />
Henderson, Patrick, <strong>of</strong> Patrick Henderson §• Co. house 22 Charlotte st.
Henderson, Peter B. <strong>of</strong> Sanderson §• Co, house Port-Dundas<br />
Henderson, R. & J. merchants and drysalters, 4 South Frederick street,<br />
shop 31 High street, house 15 Blythswood square i<br />
Henderson, Robert, at John Shaw §• Co.''s, 69 Ingram street<br />
Henderson, Robert, at St. Rollox Foundry, house 47 Glebe street<br />
Henderson, Thomas, & Co. clothiers and hatters, 15 Hutcheson street<br />
Henderson, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Thomas Henderson §• Co. house 7 Eglinton st.<br />
Henderson, W. & H. & Co. watch glass manufacturers and glass dealers,<br />
Melville place<br />
Henderson, Wm. & Sons, soap & candle manufacturers & oil merchants,<br />
works 88 & 90 New wynd, shop 74 Bridgegate, ho. 18 Monteith row<br />
Henderson, "William, lath-splitter, 1 1 Oswald street, ho. 48 Bedford st.<br />
Henderson, Mrs. Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Press, 8 Queen's crescent. Letters left<br />
at Mack & Thomson's, 12 Exchange square<br />
Henderson, Mrs. midwife and sick nurse, 2 Milton street<br />
HENDRY, David, wine and spirit dealer, 143 Bridgegate<br />
Hendry & Ewing, manufacturers, 74 Glassford street<br />
Henry, E. <strong>of</strong> Henry, Primrose §• Co.- house 142 George street<br />
Hendry, Goldie & Co. warehousemen, 27 Ingram street<br />
Hendry & Fletcher, wood merchants, Craignestock<br />
Hendry, James, mason and oven builder, 12 Low Green street, bouse-<br />
8 Steel street<br />
Hendry, James, <strong>of</strong> Hendry, Goldie §• Co. house 49 Montrose street<br />
Hendry, James, grocer, 309 Argyll street<br />
Hendry, James, jun. mason and oven builder, 87 Maxwell street<br />
Hendry, John, <strong>of</strong> Hendry ^ Ewing, house 23 Warwick street<br />
Hendrie, John, horse repository, Madeira court, 251 Argyll street<br />
Hendry, John, measurer, G5 Jamaica street<br />
Hendry, John, victualler, 42 Eglinton street<br />
Hendry, John, at G. L. Walker §• Co-'s<br />
Hendry, Patrick, <strong>of</strong> Ward §• Hendry, 32 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
Henry, Primrose & Co. manufacturers, 2 North court, Royal exchange'<br />
Hendry, Robert, & Co. ropemakers, 8 Pitt street, Anderston walk<br />
Hendry, William, spirit dealer, 117 Murray place<br />
Hendry, W. & W. grocers and spirit dealers, 38 St. Ninian street<br />
Hendry, Mrs. A. Britannia tavern, 80 Trongate<br />
HEPBURN, Alexander, spirit dealer, 47 King street<br />
Hepburn, Robert, bootmaker, 56 George street<br />
Hepburn, William, painter and paper-hanger, 11 Oxford street<br />
Hepburn, Mrs. at Mr. Reid's, 67 Oswald street<br />
Herald Newspaper <strong>Office</strong>, 182 Trongate<br />
HERBERTSON, James, joiner and cabinetmaker, 37 Bedford street<br />
Herbertson, John, architect, 86 St. George's place, house 4 Bath street<br />
Herbertson, Thomas H. collector <strong>of</strong> canal dues, Port-Dundas<br />
Hercules Fire Insui-ance Co. Patrick Neilson, 69 Glassford street, and<br />
C. R. Baird, 13 Gordon street, agents<br />
HERMAN, S. <strong>of</strong> Crailsheim Sf Herman, house West Regent street<br />
HERON, David, nautical and ship chandlery warehouse, ironmonger,<br />
oil and colourman, and nautical instrument maker, 212 Broomielaw,<br />
house 2 Carrick street<br />
HERRIOT, James, scale, beam and weighing machine maker, 16<br />
Campbell street, east<br />
Hemot, John, wine and spirit dealer, 27 Jamaica street, house 29 do.
HETHERINGTON, R. & M. file-cutters, 32 Thistle street, Hutcheson<br />
town<br />
Hetberington, Robert, <strong>of</strong> R. Sf M. Hetherington, house 18 Thistle street,<br />
Hutchesontown<br />
Hetherington, Thomas, manager, at Henry Houldsworth §• Sons' cotton<br />
works, house 5 Catherine street, Anderston<br />
HEUGH, Rev, Dr. 126 Montrose street<br />
Heugh, Walter, grocer, 110 West Nile street<br />
HEWITT, J. & Co. warehousemen, 62 Hutcheson street<br />
HEWITSON, John, saddler, Keir place<br />
HEYS, Rev. Robert, Wesleyan minister, 106 South Portland street<br />
HICKS, John, bookseller, stationer and account book nrianufacturer,<br />
122 Queen street, house 26 Dundas street<br />
HIGGINBOTHAM, Samuel, <strong>of</strong> Charles Todd ^ Higginbotham, house<br />
Springfield house<br />
HIGGINS, Mrs. Andrew, tuscan and straw hat maker, 174 High St.<br />
Higgins, Miss Agnes, silk dyer, 7 Campbell street, east<br />
Highland Society Schools, 69 Montrose street<br />
Highland Steam- Packet OlBce, 15 Jamaica street<br />
Highland Steam- Packet Olfice, 9 Buchanan street<br />
HILL, Archibald, baker, 81 Renfrew street<br />
Hill, Davidson, Hill & Clark, writers, 1 South Frederick street<br />
Hill, George, spirit cellar and eating-house, 4-5i Argyll street<br />
Hill, James H. <strong>of</strong> Hill, Davidson, Hill ^ Clark, house 23 Elmbank pi.<br />
Hill, John M. writer, <strong>of</strong> Marshall §• Hill, house 45 Union street<br />
Hill, John, spirit dealer, 364 Gallovvgste<br />
Hill, Laurence, <strong>of</strong> Hill, Davidson, Hill ^ Clark, ho. 25 Elmbank place<br />
Hill, Laurence, jun. 25 Elmbank place<br />
Hill, Ninian, grocer, 167 Gallowgate<br />
Hill, Peter, superintendent. Town's hospital, house 39 Norfolk street<br />
Hill, Peter, tobacconist, 413 Argyll street<br />
Hill, Robert, at N. Tvieedie's, house 43 Union street<br />
Hill, Thomas, registrar <strong>of</strong> sasines for regality <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glasgow</strong>, 45 West Nile<br />
street, house Langside cottage<br />
Hill; Thomas, baker, 9 Washington street<br />
Hill, William, victualler and spirit dealer, 20 Marlborough street<br />
Hill, William, supervisor <strong>of</strong> excise, house 32 Corn street, Port-Dundas<br />
Hill, Mrs. Dr. Henry, 48 Buccleuch street<br />
Hill, Mrs. lodgings, 63 George street<br />
Hill, M#s. 43 »nion street<br />
HILLAS, James, spirit dealer, 46 Saltmarket street<br />
HILLIARD & Chapman, cutlers and surgical instrument makers to<br />
Her Majesty, &c. 36 Buchanan st. (See Advertisement in Appendix.)<br />
Hilliard, H. <strong>of</strong> Hilliard Sf Chapman, house Kinning place<br />
Hilliard, W. B. cutler, bandagemaker, &c. 84 Buchanan street, house<br />
36 Sauchiehall street<br />
HILPERT, Andrew, teacher <strong>of</strong> music, 31 Stirling square<br />
HINSHAW, John, & Co. merchants, 24 Gordon street<br />
Hinshaw, John, <strong>of</strong> John Hinshaw &f Co. house 193 Athole place<br />
Hinshaw, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Jo)in Hinshaio §• Co. house 193 Athole place<br />
Hinshaw, Thomas, Carron Co.'s wharf, Port-Dundas<br />
Hinshaw, William, & Co. manufacturers, 9 George square, south side<br />
HINSHELWOOD, Mfs. 42 Albert place, GarnethiU
118 HISI.OP HOPKIN.<br />
HISLOP, George, smith and macbinemaker, 33 St. Enoch lane<br />
Heslop, Henry, <strong>of</strong> Heslop, Jenkins Sf Bruce, house 6 Salisbury street<br />
Heslop, Jenkins 85 Bruce, engravers to calico-printers, Meuse lane<br />
Hislop, Robert, master <strong>of</strong> juvenile dep. Normal seminary, Dundasvale<br />
Hyslop, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 4-8 George square<br />
HITCHEN, Rev. Isaac, MA. 15 Elmbank place<br />
HODGE, John, flesher, 15 George street<br />
Hodge, Robert, victualler, 3 Oxford street<br />
Hodge, Thomas, grain iveigher, 18 Brown street<br />
Hodge, W. B. writer, 135 Buchanan street, house Dumbarton road<br />
Hodge, Mrs. furnishing shop and register <strong>of</strong>fice, 57 Hutcheson street<br />
Hodge, Mrs. eating-house, 197 Gallowgate<br />
Hodge, Misses, dress and strawhat makers, 223 Gallowgate<br />
HODGHTON, Thomas, wright, 18 Milton street<br />
HODGSON, Thomas, at Bennett §• Browne s, 126 Queen street<br />
HOEY, Henry, & Son, grocers and victuallers, 170 Cowcaddens street<br />
HOFFMEISTER, C. W. comptroller <strong>of</strong> customs, ho. 44 W. Regentst,<br />
HOGG, Alexander, smith and farrier, 165 Holme street<br />
Hogg, Andrew, slater, Jamieson's lane, 72 Main street, Anderston<br />
Hogg, Arthur, plaiiemaker, 6 North Albion street<br />
Hogg, John, tin-plate worker and c<strong>of</strong>fin-plate man ufact. 14 Spoutmouth<br />
Hogg, John, victualler, 224 Gallowgate<br />
Hogg, William, clothier and outfitter, 70 Broomielaw, house 72 do.<br />
Hogg, Mrs. midwife and keeper, 92 South Portland street<br />
HOGG AN, John, <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 41 London street<br />
HOLIDAY, John, & Co. millwrights, machinemakers and engineers,<br />
48 Bishop street, Anderston<br />
Holiday, John, <strong>of</strong> John Holiday § Co. house 9 Pitt street<br />
Jas. commission agiMit for worsted & silk yarn, 40 Miller st.<br />
Holmes, John, grocer and spirit dealer, Finnieston<br />
Holmes, John, at Peter MlntoslCs, 26 Goosedubbs<br />
Holmes, R. R. writer, depute-clerk <strong>of</strong> the peace for Lanarkshire, <strong>of</strong>fice<br />
73 Hutcheson street<br />
Holmes, William, general decorator in wood, 179 Argyll street<br />
HOLT, T. & G. pawnbrokers, 201 High street<br />
HONEYMAN, David, cowfeeder and spirit dealer, Bluevale<br />
Honeyman, John, &e Co. corn factors, 43 Dunlop street<br />
Honeyman, John, <strong>of</strong> John Honeyman §• Co. house 21 Carlton place<br />
HOOD, J. & G. manufacturers, 24 Miller street<br />
Hood, John, spirit dealer, 1 Gloucester street<br />
Hood, John, & Son, commission merchants, 74 Buchanan street, house<br />
82 Upper Kingston<br />
Hood, Robert, & Co. coopers, stave St hoop merchants, 191 Buchanan st.<br />
Hood, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Robert Hood ^ Co. house 95 Candlerigg street<br />
HOOME, Archibald, <strong>of</strong> G. M' Leod §- Co. house 7 Nicholson street<br />
Hoome, George, merchant, 37 Glassford street, house 33 Nicholson st.<br />
Hoome, William, druggist, 60 High street, house 4 Nicholson street<br />
HOPE, David, <strong>of</strong> Fleming Sf Hope, ho. 5 Wellington pi. Sauchiehall st.<br />
Hope, Gibb & Bruce, wine merchants, 57 Buchanan street<br />
Hope, John D. agent for the Scottish (Widows Fund) Life Assurance<br />
Society, 30 Royal Exchange sq. (See Advertisement in Appendix.)<br />
Hope, John D. <strong>of</strong> Hope, Gibb ^ Bruce, house 8 Blythswood square<br />
HOPKIN, Robert, librarian and bookseller, 35 East Clyde street<br />
HOPKIRK, Walter, spirit dealer, 4- Renfield street<br />
HORN, Alexander, victualler and spirit dealer, 300 High street<br />
Horn, David, sheriff <strong>of</strong>Bcer and constable, 62 Bridgegate<br />
Horn, James, spirit dealer, 136 Broomielavv<br />
Horn, John, hosier and furnishing shop, 34 High st. ho. 2 Stirling st.<br />
Home, John, coal merchant, 62 Hutcheson st. house 98 Regent terrace<br />
Horn, Miss E. milliner and dressmaker, 186 West Nile street<br />
Horn, Miss E. stay and corset warehouse, 8 Bell street<br />
HORSBURGH, Jame.s at Robert Barclay Sf Co.'s<br />
HOSIE, John, ropework <strong>of</strong>fice, 23 Stockwell street<br />
HOSSACK, George, shoemaker, 9 Bishop street, Anderston<br />
Hossack, John, & Co. ale merchants, 9 Jamaica street, 27 Oxford<br />
street, and 67 Saltmarket street, export vaults, 55 Alston street<br />
Hossack, Mrs. 49 Renfield street<br />
HOTSON, John, <strong>of</strong> Macdowall ^ Hotson, house 14 St. George's road<br />
HOUI^DSWORTH, Henry, & Sons, cotton-spinners, Cheapside street<br />
Houldsworth, Henry, <strong>of</strong> H. Houldsworth ^ Sons, residence Coltness<br />
Houldsworth, John, <strong>of</strong> H. Houldsworth §• Sons, house Cranstonhill<br />
Houldsworth, William, <strong>of</strong>H. Houldsworth Sf Sons, house Belvidere<br />
HOUSTON, A. M'D. surveyor <strong>of</strong> Police and Statute Labour, and<br />
joint surveyor <strong>of</strong> Poor Rate& Prisons Assessments, <strong>of</strong>fice 2 Police lane<br />
Houston, Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer, .32 Rumford st. Bridgeton<br />
Houston, Daniel, woollen and linen draper, 41 Candlerigg street<br />
Houston, David, grocer and spirit dealer, 113 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Houston, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 19 West Campbell street<br />
Houstoun, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 4.3 Cheapside street<br />
Houston, John G. writer and procurator fiscal for the Barony <strong>of</strong> Gorbals,<br />
11 Union street, house Upper Kingston<br />
Houstoun, John, stripe, check and power-loom manuf. 20 Candlerigg st.<br />
Houston, John, lappet-wheel maker, 45 John street<br />
Houston, Peter, builder. Paisley road<br />
Houstoun, Robert, shoe shop, 34< Prince's street<br />
Houstoun, William, shawl and zebra-dress manufacturer, 163 Ingram<br />
street, and 100 Queen street, house 163 Eglinton street<br />
Houston, William, butter and meal merchant, &c. 72 Great Hamilton<br />
street, house above<br />
Houston, William, general commission merchant, 101 Hutcheson street,<br />
house 28 Warwick street, Laurieston<br />
Houston, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 33.3 Gallowgate<br />
Houston, Mrs. stay and corset maker, 143 Gallowgate<br />
Houstoun, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 310 Argyll street<br />
Houstoun, Miss, Springbank retreat. Letters, &c. to the care <strong>of</strong> Mr.<br />
John Gray, 3 Argyll street<br />
HOUTEN, H. L. Van Den, teacher <strong>of</strong> drawing and painting, High<br />
school, house 58 Renfield street<br />
HOWATT, Henry R. surgeon, 158 Mainst. Gorbals, ho. 6 Hospital st.<br />
Howatt, James, measurer, 4 Argyll street, house 47 Stockwell street<br />
Howatt, John, commercial academy, 86 St. George's place<br />
Howatt, William, cooper, 61 Canning street, Calton<br />
Howatt, William, superintendent, Gorbals burying ground, house 6<br />
Hospital street<br />
HOWATSON, Thomas, sen. & Co. manufacturers, 59 Hutcheson st.<br />
Howatson, W, <strong>of</strong> W. 31' Gown Sf Co. house 26 North Portland street
120 HOWIE HUNTER.<br />
HOWIE, James, writer, 66 Miller street, house Kinning place<br />
Howie, James, <strong>of</strong> Campbell^ Howie, house 6 St. Andrew's square<br />
Howie, William, & Co. cabinetmakers, &c. 107 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Howey, Thomas, & Co. carriers, Canal shipping <strong>of</strong>fices, Port-Duudas,<br />
and 38 Montrose street. A. Biggs, manager<br />
HUBBARD, Richard, poulterer and green grocer, 149 West Regent st.<br />
HUGGINS, William B. & Co. commission merchants, Gordon street<br />
Huggins, W. B. <strong>of</strong> W. B. Huggins §• Co. house 13 Montagu place<br />
HUGHES, George, writing master and accountant, 1 So. Portland st.<br />
Hughes, James, victualler and spirit dealer, 67 Kingfield row, Calton<br />
Hughes, Mrs. Edward, button manufacturer, 53 Crown st. ho. 4:3 do.<br />
HULSBERG, George, sugar refiner, 10 Oswald street<br />
HUME, Alexander, superintendent <strong>of</strong> streets, <strong>of</strong>fice Police chambers,<br />
open from 11 to 12 o'clock, house 1 Monteith row-<br />
Hume, Stevenson, <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 94 West Nile street<br />
Hume, Mrs. furnishing shop, 386 Gallowgate<br />
Humane Society House, Public green, opposite Monteith row. James<br />
Geddes, keeper<br />
HUNT, John, tinsmith, 316 Gallowgate<br />
HUNTER, Andrew, civil engineer, Bothwell street, house 29 North st.<br />
Hunter, Archibald, & Sons, clothiers, 24 St. Vincent pi. ho. 48George sq.<br />
Hunter, A. G. Ss Co. hatters and forage cap manufacturers to the Queen<br />
and Prince Albert, 32 Buchanan street,<br />
Hunter, A. G. <strong>of</strong> A, G. Hunter Sf Co. house Crossbank, Great Western<br />
road<br />
Hunter, Duncan, jun. & Co. merchants, 17 Virginia street<br />
Hunter, Duncan, <strong>of</strong> Duncan Hunter, jun. § Co. house 97 Eglinton street<br />
Hunter, D. C. <strong>of</strong> Macaulay § Hunter, house Renfrew<br />
Hunter, George, & Co. merchants, 21 Renfield street<br />
Hunter, Hugh, Clydesdale arms inn, 15 East Nile street<br />
Hunter, James, dairyman, 40 Duke street<br />
Hunter, John, grain and flour merchant, 16 St. Enoch square, house<br />
Cessnock cottage, Govan road<br />
Hunter, John, & Co. spirit dealers, 69 High street<br />
Hunter, John, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 8 Sauchiehall street<br />
Hunter, Malcolm, & Co. general agents and provision curers, 120 Brunswick<br />
street<br />
Hunter, Moses, Sc Co. general timber merchants, 19 M'Farlane street<br />
Hunter & Rankin, blind coal <strong>of</strong>fice, 5 Oswald street<br />
Hunter, Robert, & Son, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, 410 Argyll st.<br />
Hunter, Thomas, innkeeper, Blackfriars' inn, 41 Blackfriar street<br />
Hunter, Wm. & Geo. insurance brokers, 21 Renfield st. ho. 186 Bath st.<br />
Hunter, William, wood merchant, 116 Stockwell street<br />
Hunter, William, baker, 45 Garscube road<br />
Hunter, William, flesher, 70 Bell street, house 41 North Albion street<br />
Hunter, William, manager. Commercial Life Insurance Co. 40 George<br />
square, house 4 Annfield place, Duke street<br />
Hunter, Rev. William, <strong>of</strong> St. Thomas's, house 59 Bellgrove place<br />
Hunter, William, surgeon, 249 Gallowgate<br />
Hunter, William, victualler, 28 Muslin street, Bridgeton<br />
Hunter, Mrs. David, victualler and spirit dealer, 62 Dalmarnock road<br />
Hunter, Mrs. 101 Kensington place, Sauchiehall street<br />
Hunter, Miss, 19 Buccleuch street
HuNTERiAN Museum, behind the College<br />
HuRLET and Campsie Alum Co. 77 Union street<br />
HURLEY, George, hat and cap manufacturer, 185 Trongate<br />
HUSBAND, Robert, teacher <strong>of</strong> stenography, 123Drygate<br />
HUSSEY, William, & Son, cotton-spiuners, 26 Ingram street, works<br />
Dale street, Bridgeton<br />
Hussey, William, sen. <strong>of</strong> William Hussey Sf Son, house 6 Moore place<br />
Hussey, William, jun, <strong>of</strong> William Hussey Sf Son, house Greenlodge<br />
HUTCHESON, Charles, & Co. merchants, 50 Gordon street<br />
Hutcheson, Charles, <strong>of</strong> Charles Ilutcheson Sf Co. house 3 Carlton place<br />
Hutcheson, D. at J. § G. Barns's, house 103 North Douglas street<br />
Hutcheson, Geoige, writer, 48 Buchanan street<br />
Hutchison, Geo. <strong>of</strong> Hutchison Sf Milne, ho. Westercomraon, Port-Dundas<br />
Hutchison, George, victualler, 37 Kirk sti'eet, Calton<br />
Hutchison, George, <strong>of</strong> J. Sf G. Hutchison, ho. 15 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Hutchison, George, <strong>of</strong> James M'FarlaneSf Co. house 9 M'Farlane street<br />
Hutchison, Graham, <strong>of</strong> James Hutchison Sf Co. house 16 Blythswood sq.<br />
HuTCHEsoNs' Hospital, 56 Ingram street. John Leadbetter, preceptor<br />
Hutchison, James, & Co. manufacturers, 79 Hutcheson street<br />
Hutchison, James, <strong>of</strong> James Hutchison §" Co. house 14.9 St. Vincent st.<br />
Hutchison, James, bookbinder, 4-6 Saltmarket street<br />
Hutchison, James, jun. & Co. manufacturers <strong>of</strong> fringes, tassels, um-<br />
brellas, &c. 34 Hutcheson street, house 20 Oxford street<br />
Hutchison, James, printer, 83 Mitchell street<br />
Hutchison, J. & G. cotton yarn merchants and commission agents, 12<br />
South Hanover street<br />
Hutchison, J. A. portrait painter, at Alex. Tylor's, 68 St. Vincent street<br />
Hutchison, James, <strong>of</strong> J. ^ G. Hutchison, house 64 Buccleuch street<br />
Hutchison, James, singeing house, 84 John street<br />
Hutchison, John, spirit dealer. Parliamentary road, Townhead<br />
Hutcheson, John, merchant, 8 Villatield place<br />
Hutchison, John, <strong>of</strong> Duncan §• Hutchison, 141 Buchanan street<br />
Hutchison, Joseph, comb manufacturer, jeweller, hardware merchant,<br />
and importer <strong>of</strong> foreign goods, wholesale, 25 St. Andrew's street<br />
Hutchison & Milne, general commission merchants, 4.3 Montrose street<br />
Hutchison, Robert, at J. Hutchison Sf Co.'s, 79 Hutcheson street<br />
Hutchison, Robert, at Thomas Boag ^ Co.'s, house 5 Abbotsford place<br />
Hutchison, Robert, auctioneer, 62 Argyll street<br />
Hutchesons' School, 119 Crown street. John M'Ar]}', teacher<br />
Hutchison, Thomas, Perth Baking Co. 78 Union street<br />
Hutchison, Thomas, baker, 25 King street, Tradeston<br />
Hutcheson, William, MD. physician, Royal lunatic asylum<br />
Hutcheson, William, & Co. timber merchants, Port-Dundas road<br />
Hutcheson, William, <strong>of</strong> Wm. Hutcheson Sf Co. house 44 New City rd.<br />
Hutcheson, Misses, teachers, 5 Abbotsford place<br />
HUTCHINS, Thomas, surgeon-dentist, 158 St. Vincent street<br />
HUTTON, Alexander, tailor and clothier, 17 Trongate<br />
Hutton, Andrew, draper and agent, 3 Norfolk street<br />
Hutton & Baird, merchants, 1 Ingram street<br />
Hutton, James M. & Co. mill furnishers, 43 High street<br />
Hutton, Joseph, <strong>of</strong> M'Symon 8f Hutton, house 48 O.xford street<br />
Hutton, Thomas, tinsmith and gasfitter, 40 Clyde buildings<br />
Hutton W. & G. general grocers, 42 High street, house Tureen street<br />
122 HUTTON—IRVINE.<br />
Ilutton, William, commission agent, 11 George street<br />
Ilutton, William, victualler, 148 Burnside, Garscube road<br />
Hutton, Mrs. Robert, 48 Oxford street<br />
HyDEPARK Rope Work, Anderston quay, <strong>of</strong>Bce 41 and 43 Stockwell st.<br />
John Stewart & Co.<br />
I<br />
Imperial Fire and Life <strong>Office</strong>, 88 St. Vincent st. Michael Bogle, agent<br />
IMRIE, Andrew, shoemaker, 121 Main street, Anderston<br />
INGLETON, George, brush and basket warehouse, 49 St. Vincent st.<br />
house 137 West Nile street<br />
Ingleton, William, Friendly bread association, 229 Argyll street<br />
INGLIS, Alexander, 2 Morris place<br />
Inglis, Andrew, hatmaker, 14 Buchanan street<br />
Inglis, Anthony, smith, machinemaker, &c. 76 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Inglis, Charles, commission merchant, 72 Virginia st. house 60 Bath st.<br />
Ingles, D. H. calico-printers, 28 Cochran street<br />
Ingles, George, at Mills Sf Co.'s, 9-3 Glassford street<br />
Inglis, James, writer, house 12.3 West Nile street<br />
Inglis, Malcolm, merchant, 199 Albert terrace, Renfrew street<br />
Inglis, Peter, <strong>Glasgow</strong> teetotal c<strong>of</strong>fee-house, 109 Trongate<br />
Inglis, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Inglis Sf Wakefield, house 86 Bath street<br />
Inglis, Thomas, MD. 178 George street<br />
Inglis, Thomas, spirit dealer, 233 Mid Woodside road<br />
Inglis, Thomas, furnishing shop, 15 Cheapside street, Anderston<br />
Inglis, Thomas, grocer, 20 Adelphi street, and 649 Gallowgate<br />
Inglis & Wakefield, manufacturers and printers, 96 Virginia place<br />
Inglis, William, spirit dealer, 6 Stockwell street<br />
Inglis, W. & R. booksellers, stationers, librarians, &c. 203 Gallowgate<br />
Inglis, Mrs. E. D. silk, cotton and woollen dyer, 11 South Portland st.<br />
Inglis & Campbell, Misses, milliners, 23 Queen street<br />
Inglis & Gibb, Misses, boarding school, 7 Queen street<br />
INGRAM, Charles, tobacconist, 1.3 Nelson street, house 79 Trongate<br />
Ingram, Charles & James, gun and lock smiths, 93 Union street<br />
Ingram, John, spirit dealer, 183 Eglinton street<br />
Ingram, Lewis, spirit dealer, 53 Green street, Calton<br />
INNERARITY, Alexander, & Co. merchants, 68 St. Vincent street<br />
Innerarity, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Alex. Innerarity ^ Co. house 3 Eldon place<br />
INNES, Alexander, victualler, 72 Gallowgate<br />
Innes, George, & Co. jewellers and watchmakers, 38 Argyll street<br />
Innes, George, <strong>of</strong> George Innes §• Co. house 66 South Portland street<br />
Innes, John, pattern-drawer and print-cutter, 24 Wilson street<br />
iNsrECTiNG Field- <strong>Office</strong>r's <strong>Office</strong>, 164 Hope street<br />
Insurance Co. <strong>of</strong> Scotland. George Ord, 96 Virginia place, and John<br />
Wylde, 66 Virginia street, agents<br />
Inverness Steam-Packet <strong>Office</strong>, 9 Buchanan street<br />
IRVINE & Bryce, manufacturing chemists, Port-Dundas<br />
Irvine, Christopher, & Son, blacksmiths, Monkland street<br />
Irvine, James, umbrellamaker. Bridge street<br />
Irvine, John, sen. 190 Hope street, Brougham place<br />
Irvine, John, jun. oj" Irvine §• Bryce, house 34 Brougham place<br />
Irvine, Maxwell, London c<strong>of</strong>fee-house, 22 Roj'al E.xchange square, house<br />
144 Queen street
IRVIN JEFFREY. 123<br />
Irvin, Samuel, <strong>of</strong> W. §• S. Irvin, house 10 Royal crescent<br />
Irvin, William & Samuel, merchants, 83 Buchanan street<br />
Irvin, William, <strong>of</strong> W. Sj" S. Irvin, house 1 Somerset place<br />
IsLAY Distilleries Store and Bonding Warehouse, 82 Maxwell street.<br />
Alexander Graham, agent<br />
IZETT, Andrew, blue bell tavern, 79 Trongate<br />
J<br />
JACK, Alexander, victualler, 33 Reid street, Bridgeton<br />
Jack, Allan, writer, 31 Brunswick place<br />
Jack, Andrew, spirit dealer, 261 Argyll street<br />
Jack & Buchanan, joiners, packing-bos makers, &c. 12 Greyfriars' wynd<br />
Jack, David, portioner, 23 George street. Mile-end<br />
Jack, James, grocer, 109 Stock well street<br />
Jack, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 18 Oxford street<br />
Jack, John, broker, 285 High street<br />
Jack, Paterson & Co. upholstery and cabinet warehouse, 167 Trongate,<br />
works 161 Hope street<br />
Jack, Peter, coal agent, 183 Castle street<br />
Jack, Robert, commission agent and mill furnisher, 76 Virginia street<br />
Jack, Thomas, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer and constable, 2 Little street, Calton<br />
Jack, Thomas, <strong>of</strong> Hamilton ^ Jack, ho. 12 Ure place, Montrose street<br />
Jack, Thomas, victualler and spirit dealer, 137 and 141 High street<br />
Jack, William, victualler, Cowcaddens street<br />
Jack, Mrs. 19 Blythsvvood square<br />
Jack, Mrs. Peter, general furnishing shop, 159 High street<br />
JACKSON, A. surgeon, 11 Main street, Anderston, ho. 6 Douglas st.<br />
Jackson, Andrew, & Sou, grain merchants, 22 Union street, house Kelvinside<br />
cottage, Hillhead<br />
Jackson, Hugh, sheriff <strong>of</strong>ficer, 192 Main street, Gorbals<br />
Jackson, James, brazier, smith, &c. 48 Renfield street<br />
Jackson, John, M D. surgeon, lecturer on medical jurisprudence, 23<br />
Maxwell street, bouse 56 do.<br />
Jackson, Robert, wholesale and retail stationer, &c. 5 St. Enoch square<br />
Jackson, Robert, victualler, 121 West Nile street<br />
Jackson, Stephen, grocer, leather cutter, &c. 42 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
Jackson, Mrs. William, baker, 48 Norfolk street<br />
JEFFREY, Alexander, letter-carrier, P.O. house 45 Taylor street<br />
Jeffrey, Alexander, mason, 39 Reid street, Bridgeton<br />
Jaffrey, Andrew, <strong>of</strong>Jaffrey Sf Gunion, house 85 Candlerigg street<br />
Jaffrey, David, at <strong>Glasgow</strong> Marine Insurance Co.'s, 12 St. Vincent place<br />
Jeffrey, Rev. George, <strong>of</strong> London-road church, house 22 Monteith row<br />
Jaffrey & Gunion, cheese and butter merchants, 87 Candlerigg street<br />
Jeffrey, George, agent, 109 Great Hamilton street<br />
Jaffrey, Hugh, writer. Letters left at Jaffrey Ss Mackay's, 11 Vir-<br />
ginia street<br />
Jeffray, James, jun. M D. College<br />
Jeffrey, James, warper, 90 Candlerigg street<br />
Jeffrey, John, teacher <strong>of</strong> english and geography, 21 Cochran street<br />
Jeffrey, John, wine and spirit merchant, 196 Argyll street, and 89 and<br />
91 Union street, house 16 Hope street<br />
Jeffray, John, writer, 60 Ingram street, house College<br />
Jeffrey, John, janitor, Normal seminary, house do.
Jeffrey, J. &. J. umbreHa manufacturers, 15 Arcade<br />
Jeffrey, J. & J. boot and shoe makers, 210 Ars^yll street<br />
Jaffrey & Mackay, accountants and house- factors, 11 Virginia street<br />
Jeffrey, Michael, tailor and clothier, 70 Saltmarket street<br />
Jeffrey, M. at John Ferguson's, 17 Gordon street<br />
Jeffrey, Robert, jun. & Co. wine and spirit cellars, Ho Trongate, and<br />
76 King street, house 78 Stockwell street<br />
Jeffrey, Robert, cotton and linen manufacturer, 37 St. Andrew's street,<br />
house Wyndford, by Maryhill<br />
Jaffray, Wm. jun. accountant, law agent and notary public, 63 John st.<br />
Jaffray, William, goldsmith and watchmaker, .329 Argyll street<br />
Jaffrey, William, & Son, tailors, 7 Argyll street<br />
Jaffray, Mrs. D. 119 Geoi-ge street<br />
Jaffray, Mrs. Joseph, Kinninghouse, Paisley road<br />
Jaffray, Mrs. Robert, Burnbank, Townmill road<br />
Jeffrey, Miss, brush, toy and basket shop, 216 Argyll street<br />
JAMIE, William, hoiser& glover, 113 Trongate, house 1 Nelson street,<br />
Tradeston<br />
JAMES, George, <strong>of</strong> Wilson, James §* Km/, house 43 Buccleuch street<br />
James, Mrs. 8 Wellington place, Sauchiehall street<br />
JAMESON, Robert, writer, 19 S. Hanover st. ho. 180 W. Regent st.<br />
JAMIESON, Geo, <strong>of</strong>Jamieson, How ^ C. ho. 186 St. Vincent street<br />
Jamieson, George, <strong>of</strong> Jamieson. ^ Thomson, house 44 Norfolk street<br />
Jamieson, G. B. at Dennistoun, Buchanan ^ Co.'s, ho. 45 Robertson st.<br />
Jamieson, How & Co merchants, 106 Fife place<br />
Jamieson, James, <strong>of</strong>M-Bean, Jamieson §" Co. ho. 199 West Bath street<br />
Jamieson, Jas. mercht. <strong>of</strong> John Fyfe if Co. residence Dalmarnock house<br />
Jamieson, James, & Co. merchants, 112 Fife place, West George street<br />
Jamieson, Dr. James, 2 Duke street<br />
Jamieson, .John, <strong>of</strong> Paterson. Jamieson Sf Co. house 247 Brandon place<br />
Jamieson, .J. P. & Co. pullicate & gingham manuf. 3 R. Exchange sq.<br />
Jamieson, J. P. <strong>of</strong> J. P. Jamieson Sf Co. house 68 West Regent street<br />
Jamieson, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 26 Balmanno street<br />
Jamieson, John, dyer, 10 Campbell street<br />
Jamieson, Joseph, oil merchant, and refiner and improver <strong>of</strong> oil, 82<br />
Clyde street, Anderston, house Melbouine place<br />
Jamieson, M'Crackan & Co. merchants, 106 Fife place<br />
Jamieson, Robert, at William Easton Sf Co.'s, 197 Buchanan street<br />
Jamieson & Thomson, smalhvare merchants and button factors, 62<br />
Queen street<br />
Jamieson, William, & Co. merchants, 112 Fife place. West George st.<br />
Jamieson, William, oj" William Jamieson Sf Co. ho. 15 Elmbank crescent<br />
Jamieson, William, wright, trunk and packing box maker, .33 George<br />
square, house IS South Portland street<br />
Jamieson, William, cotton-waste dealer, 9 London lane<br />
Jamieson, William, <strong>of</strong> William M'Laren, Son Sf Co. 63 Candlerigg st.<br />
Jamieson, W. M. commission merchant, 29 Ann st. ho. 230 Argyll st.<br />
Jamieson, Mrs. staymaker, 121 West George street<br />
Jamieson, Mrs. .30 Charlotte street<br />
JARDINE, David, carver and gilder, 46 Gordon street<br />
Jardine, J. B. <strong>of</strong> Pasley, Jardine Sf Co. house Hallside, Cambuslang<br />
Jardine, James, at Lamond Sf Monteith's, 144 Queen street<br />
Jardine, John, victualler and spirit dealer, 41 Orr street
Javdine, William, sen. tailor and clothier, 96 Saltmarket street<br />
Jardine, William, jun. merchant tailor, 1 London street<br />
Jardine, Mrs. James, grocer, 15 Charlotte street<br />
JAR. VIS, Alexander, tailor, 15 Caiidlerigg street<br />
JARVEY, Andrew, measurer <strong>of</strong> timber and dry goods, 152 Broomie-<br />
la.w, house 72 M'AIpine street<br />
Jarvie, R. & J. Anderston ropework, 20 Stobcross street<br />
Jarvie, Robt. merchant, 1 9 Carlton pi. Letters left at 73 Robertson st.<br />
Jarvie, Robert, <strong>of</strong> R. Sf J. Jarvie, house Sandyford<br />
Jarvie, William, & Co. commission merchants, 73 Robertson street<br />
JEAN DIN, F. french basket warehouse, 120 South Albion street<br />
JEN KIN E, James, coal merchant, Castle street<br />
Jenkins, James, flesher, 16 Green street, Calton<br />
JENKINS, John, <strong>of</strong> Heslop, Jenkins Sf Bruce, house 64. Lawmoor place<br />
Jenkins, John, grocei', 63 Canning street, Calton<br />
Jenkins, William, victualler, 11 Orr street, Calton<br />
JOKEL, Henry, flesher and German sausage maker, 13 Cathcart street<br />
Jockel, Christian, German sausage maker, 103 Stockwell street<br />
JOHNSTON, Alexander, & Co. merchants, 8 Royal Exchange rooms<br />
Johnston, Alexander, M. P. for Kilmarnock District <strong>of</strong> Burghs, <strong>of</strong><br />
Alexander Johnston ^ Co. house Shieldhall, by Govan<br />
Johnston, Alexander, & Co. strawhat manufacturers, 122 Trongate<br />
Johnston, Andrew, <strong>of</strong> Walrond, Ellis §• Co. house 3 Montagu place<br />
Johnston, Archibald, surgeon, 195 Covvcaddens st. ho. 22 Buccleuch st.<br />
Johnston, Archibald, victualler, 37 King street<br />
Johnston, Archibald, tailor, 129 Cowcaddens street<br />
Johnston, Archibald, foreman sail-maker to Edinburgh Sail cloth Co.<br />
house 54 Commerce street<br />
Johnston, Archibald, house and sign painter, 17 Cathcart street<br />
Johnston & Brown, wine and spirit merchants, 116 Ingram street<br />
Johnston, Charles, bootmaker, 267 George street<br />
Johnston, James, painter and paper-hanger, 59 Hutcheson street, and 17<br />
London street<br />
Johnston, Charles, plasterer, 115 Montrose street<br />
Johston, Charles D. shipping agent for Cartin colliery, <strong>of</strong>fice 16 South<br />
side Broomielaw<br />
Johnston, David, merchant, 1 1 Montagu place<br />
Johnston, David, jun. & Co. sewed muslin manufacturers, 36 Ingram st.<br />
Johnston, David, <strong>of</strong> Johnston Sf Brown, house 43 Cambridge street<br />
Johnstone, D. jun. <strong>of</strong> R. P. M'Bean Sf Johnstone, house 11 MontagapL<br />
Johnston, D. furnishing shop, 342 High street<br />
Johnston, Ebenezer, R.N. 198 Buchanan street<br />
Johnston & Farie, cotton yarn merchants, 62 Wilson street<br />
Johnston, Ferguson & Bell, wholesale hosiery and smallware merchants,<br />
20 Candlerigg street<br />
Johnston, Francis, boot and shoe maker, 12 Green street, Calton<br />
Johnston, Frederick, Western Bank <strong>of</strong> Scotland, 10 Miller street<br />
Johnston, Galbraith Sc Co. power-loom cloth manufacturers and cottonspinners,<br />
8 Royal Exchange rooms, works Oakbank, near Springbank<br />
Johnston, George, baker, 36 Crown street, Hutchesontown<br />
Johnston, George, desk and dressing-case manufacturer, &c. 41 Arcade,<br />
bouse 137 Argyll street<br />
Johnston, G. at R, Jackson's, house 32 Great Clyde street<br />
Johnston, George, tailor and clotliier, 39 Cowcaddens street<br />
JohDston, James, brewer, 23 Stirling street, and spirit dealer, 25 do.<br />
Johnston, James, jun. currier, Burnside lane, Duke street<br />
Johnston, J. L. <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 103 South Portland street<br />
Johnston, John, letter-carrier, P.O. house 73 Hutcheson street<br />
Johnston, John, zebra manufacturer & house-factor, 3 R. Exchange ct.<br />
Johnston, John, resident engineer, Edinburgh & <strong>Glasgow</strong> Railway, ho.<br />
head <strong>of</strong> Buchanan street<br />
Johnston, John, harinoiiio tavern, 94) High street<br />
Johnston, Michael, boot and shoe maker, 99 Nelson street<br />
Johnston, Michael, wine and spirit merchant, 260 Buchanan street<br />
Johnston, Peter, smith and bell-hanger, 17 Govan st. ho i5 Crown st.<br />
Johnson, Richard, & Brother, wire and metal warehouse, 13 John street.<br />
John Strathern, agent<br />
Johnston, Robert, brickraaker atsd builder, ho. 2 William st. Greenhead<br />
Johnston, Robert, baker, 3 Clyde stre !t, Calton<br />
Johnston, Robert, spirit dealer, .3.3 Broad street, Mile-end<br />
Johnston, Samuel, bookseller and stationer, 67 Norfolk street<br />
Johnston, Thomas, & Son, grain merchants, 12 Caltonmouth<br />
Johnston, Thomas, superintendent <strong>of</strong> the affairs <strong>of</strong> the Forth and Clyde<br />
Canal Navigation, Canal house, Port-Dundas<br />
Johnston, Thomas, vintner, 3 Laigh Kirk close<br />
Johnston, Thos. &, Co. writing-ink makers and stationers, 137 George st.<br />
Johnston, Thomas, & Sou, grocers and provision merchants, 134i JMain<br />
street, Goibals<br />
Johnston, Thomas, clolhier, 35 London street<br />
Johnston, Thomas, tobacconist and chandler, 217 High street<br />
Johnston, Thomas C. 93 George street<br />
Johnston, Thomas, boot and shoe manufacturer, 40 Gallowgate<br />
Johnston, William, harbour-master, <strong>of</strong>fice and house 16 Robertson street<br />
Johnston, William, flesher, II Great Hamilton street<br />
Johnston, W. <strong>of</strong> Johnston, Ferguson § Sell, house Wemyss place<br />
Johnston, William, general grocer, 83 Argyll street, house 19 Croy place<br />
Jolinston, William, <strong>of</strong> Customs, house 3 East Russell street<br />
Johnston, W. teacher, St. Peter's p. school, Oswald st. ho. 315 Argyll st.<br />
Johnston, William, tailor and clothier, 112 Trongate, house 123 do.<br />
Johnston, W^illiam, <strong>of</strong> Mein § Johnston, 29 St. Vincent place<br />
Johnston, William, engineer and manager, <strong>Glasgow</strong> and Ayr Railway,<br />
Bridge street<br />
Johnston, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 76 Canning street, Calton<br />
Johnston, Mrs. A. tavern, 3 King street<br />
Johnston, Mrs. George, 92 llenfield street<br />
Johnston, Mrs. confectioner, 13 King street, Calton<br />
Johnston, Mrs. John, lodgings, 41 Clyde buildings<br />
Johnston, Mrs. mangier, 11 St. Andrew's square<br />
Johnston, Mrs. Robert, spirit dealer, 14 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Johnston, Mrs. crystal and china shop, 31 Main street, Anderston<br />
Johnston, Miss, lodgings, 52 Renfield street<br />
JOLLY, Mrs. lodgings, 297 Argyll street<br />
JONES, Rice, <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Physicians and Surgeons, hall 17<br />
St. Enoch square<br />
Jones, William, land-surveyor, Huntingdondale<br />
Jones, John, grocer, 38 John street
127<br />
Jones, Mrs. John, bleacher, Cloberfield, <strong>of</strong>fice 76 Bell street<br />
Journal Excise <strong>Office</strong>, 9 Nicholson street<br />
Journal Newspaper <strong>Office</strong>, 75 Argyll street<br />
Justice <strong>of</strong> Peace Clerk's <strong>Office</strong> for Lanarkshire, 73 Hutcheson street.<br />
John Douglas, clerk. R. R. Holmes, depute-clerk<br />
Justice <strong>of</strong> Peace Clerk's <strong>Office</strong> for Renfrewshire, 68 St.Vincent street.<br />
Archibald Young, clerk<br />
K<br />
KAINE, Charles, provision merchant, 62 Clyde street, Anderston<br />
KAMES Gunpowder Co. Buchanan, Wilson & Co. agents, 42 Dunlopst.<br />
KAY, Alexander, insurance broker, 126 Queen street<br />
Kay, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Wilson, James Sj" Kay, house 32 Rose st. Garnethill<br />
Kay, Daniel, grocer, 4-09 Gallowgate<br />
Kay, Jairies, at John Mitchell §• Co.^s, house 7 Greenhill street<br />
Kaye, J. tea merchant & grocer, 229 Gallowgate, ho. 10 East Russell st.<br />
Kay, John, wine and spirit merchant, .^0 Main street, Anderston<br />
Kaye, Robert, tea merchant & general grocer, 94- Trongate, ho. Millbrae<br />
Kaye, Robert, at J. Sf W. Campbell's, house 105 South Portland street<br />
Kay, Thomas, carver & gilder, 44 Howard street, workshop 40 Fox st.<br />
Kay, William, collector, gas <strong>of</strong>fice, house 38 Virginia street<br />
KEAN, George, slater, 89 Gallowgate<br />
KELLAR, Alexander, merchant, house 18 Monteith row<br />
KEIR, John, beadle to the Rev. Dr. Heugh, 19 Blackfriar street<br />
Keir, Mrs. lodgings, 96 Cambridge street<br />
KEITH, John, bookseller and auctioneer, 5 Hutcheson street, house<br />
7 Sommerville place<br />
Keith, M. teacher <strong>of</strong> music and piano-forte tuner, 62 Argyll street<br />
KELLY, Andrew, 152 Rotteurow<br />
Kelly & Co. cotton brokers, and agents for York and London Assurance<br />
Co. 52 Virginia street<br />
128 KENNEDT—KERR.<br />
Kennedy, David, clothier, 193 Argyll street<br />
Kennedy, Denis, catholic bookseller, printer, publisher, bookbinder and<br />
stationer, Waterport buildings, 16 and 17 Great Cij'de street<br />
Kennedy, Donald, boot -and shoe maker, 131 New City road<br />
Kennedy, G. stationer and account book manufacturer, 89 Argyll street<br />
Kennedy, Gilbert, collector for county <strong>of</strong> Lanark, and agent for Caledonian<br />
Insurance Co. 10 Renfield lane, house 15 Renfield street<br />
Kennedy, Dr. 38 Stockwell street<br />
Kennedy, Hugh, <strong>of</strong> J. Ellis, Kennedy ^ Co. house 9 Hopetoun place<br />
Kennedy, Hugh, wine and spirit dealer, Hydepark place<br />
Kennedy, James, stationer, 115 Ingram st. house 3 Abbotsford place<br />
Kennedy, James, beadle <strong>of</strong> Duke-st. Gaelic church, house 10 Duke st.<br />
Kennedy, John, corkcutter, 166 Trongate<br />
Kennedy, J. <strong>of</strong> Thomas Kennedy §• Co. L. Govan, ho 20 Wellington st.<br />
Kennedy, P. M. <strong>of</strong> the Old Drutj Co. 59 Tvougate, ho. 79 Abbotsford pi.<br />
Kennedy, Robt. wine & spirit mercht. 59 Stockwell st. ho. 73 W. Nilest.<br />
Kennedy, Robert, 198 Buchanan street<br />
Kennedy & Son, clothiers, 7 Royal Exchange square, house 194) Main st.<br />
Kennedy, Thomas, & Co. silk and calico printers. Little Govan. Orders<br />
and letters left at 115 Ingram street<br />
Kennedy, Thomas, tailor, 255 George street<br />
Kennedy, Thomas, 1 Clarendon place. Letters left at James Smith's,<br />
writer, Queen sti'eet<br />
Kennedy, Thomas, at W. B. Huggins Sf Co.'s<br />
Kennedy, Mrs. 20 Union street<br />
Kennedy, Janet, hosier, 28 George street .<br />
KERR, Adam, grain dealer, 22 Warwick street<br />
Kerr, Alexander, ship owner, 108 Argyll street<br />
Kerrs & Anderson, accountants, 11 Miller street<br />
Kerr, Archibald, writer, share broker and agent for the Minerva Life<br />
Assurance Co. 18 Glassford street, house 44 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Kerr & Co. ironmongers, ship chandlers and zinc agents, 48 Broomielaw<br />
Ker, Doering & Co. 39 West Nile street<br />
Kerr, H. writer and auditor <strong>of</strong> sheriff court, 13 John street, house 109<br />
Argyll street<br />
Kerr, Henry, <strong>of</strong> Kerrs Sf Anderson, house 1 1 Woodside place<br />
Kerr, J. boot and shoe maker, 82 Buchanan street, ho. 273 George st.<br />
Kerr, James, engraver, copper and lithographic printer, &c. 59 Trongate,<br />
house 21 Eglinton street<br />
Kerr, James, yr. <strong>of</strong> Kerr §• Co. agent for London Fire and Life Assurance<br />
Corporation, 48 Broomielaw, house Kingston<br />
Kerr, James, spirit dealer, 46 Itutherglen loan<br />
Kerr, James, painter, paper-hanger and glazier, 30 Clyde place<br />
Kerr, James M. <strong>of</strong> Macgeorge §• Kerr, house 44 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Kerr, John, jun. manufacturer, 14 Garthland street<br />
Ker, John, manufacturer, 127 Brunswick street<br />
Kerr, John, jun. writer, 114 Trongate<br />
Kerr, John, victualler, 129 George street<br />
Kerr, John, writer, 7 South Hanover street, ho. 123 St. Vincent street<br />
Kerr, Joseph, provision store, 221 George street<br />
Kerr, Lorraine M. <strong>of</strong> Cockburn, Campbell § Co. house 125 Bath street<br />
Kerr, Malcolm, wholesale stationer, 89 Queen st. bo. 2 S. Portland st.<br />
Kerr, Neilson & Co. engineers, millwrights & founders, Hydeparkfoundry
KERR KING. 129<br />
Kerr, Robert, jun. <strong>of</strong> Gilmour Sj" Kerr, house Cessnock<br />
Kerr, Robert, commission merchant, 107 Hope st. ho. I Abercronaby pi.<br />
Kerr, R. Malcolm, at J. Kerr's, 7 S. Hanover st. ho. 123 St. Vincent St.<br />
Ker, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Ker, Doering §• Co. house Clydeside cottage<br />
Kerr, Stewart, <strong>of</strong> Kerr, Neilson ^ Co. house 11 Woodside place<br />
Kerr, Thomas, victualler, 201 Gallowgate<br />
Kerr, William, at Paterson, Jamieson §' Co.'s, house 130 Plope street<br />
Kerr, William, grocer and spirit dealer, 25 Muslin street, Eridgeton<br />
Kerr, William, clothier, 52 Saltmarket street<br />
Kerr, William, wright and builder, 61 Dobbie's loan, Villafield, house<br />
200 Stirling's road. Orders left at 201 Gallowgate<br />
Kerr, Mrs. James, lodgings, 3 College street<br />
KESTLER, Henry, & Co. clockmakers, 9 Hope street<br />
KETTLE, R. cotton yarn merchant, 76 Virginia st. ho. 4 Crescent pi.<br />
KEVAN & Buttle, general warehousemen, clothiers and outfitters, 163<br />
Argyll street<br />
Kevan, Charles, Lochinvar tavern, 68 Saltmarket street<br />
Kevan, Peter, letter-carrier, P. O. house 9 Warwick street<br />
KEYDEN, James, <strong>of</strong> Strang, Yuille §' Keyden, house 16 Newton place<br />
KIIULL, Edward, printer to the University, stereotype founder and<br />
steam- press printer, Dunlop street, house 49 do.<br />
KIBBLE, James, & Co. metal warehouse, 24 Turner's court<br />
Kibble, James, <strong>of</strong> J. Kibble Sf Co. house Park place, Paisley road<br />
Kibble, James, jun. <strong>of</strong> J. Kibble §• Co. house 36 Abbotsford place<br />
KIDD, William, tinsmith, 60 Gallowgate, house 40 St. Andrew's square<br />
Kidd, Mrs. John, 4 Carlton court<br />
KIDSTON, A. G. & Co. iron and metal merchants, 13 Dixon street<br />
Kidston, A. G. <strong>of</strong> A. G. Kidsion §• Co. house Newton, Cambuslang<br />
Kidston, Charles, <strong>of</strong> JVilliam Kidston §' Sons, 1 9 Queen street<br />
Kidston, Richard, <strong>of</strong> William Kidston Sf Sons, 19 Queen street<br />
Kidston, Richard, jun. <strong>of</strong> William Kidston ^ Sons, 19 Queen street<br />
Kidston & Co. earthenware and porcelain manufacturers, Anderston<br />
and Verreville works<br />
Kidston, Robert Alexander, Verreville<br />
Kidston, William, & Sons, merchants, 19 Queen street<br />
Kidston, William, <strong>of</strong> William Kidston §• Sons, 19 Queen street<br />
Kidston, William, jun. <strong>of</strong> A. G. Kidston §• Co. 13 Dixon street<br />
Kidston, W. & J. B. writers, 60 Ingram street, house 47 Belgrove pi.<br />
Kidston, Rev. Dr. William, 47 Bellgrove place<br />
KILGOUR, Adam, <strong>of</strong> Kilgour Sf Galbraith, house 6 Clarendon place<br />
Kilgour, Allan, victualler, 99 John street<br />
Kilgour & Galbraith, ship and insurance brokers, 12 R. Exchange sq,<br />
KiLMARKocK Railway Station, Bridge street<br />
KILPATRICK, John, fiesher, 339 Argyll street, house 396 do.<br />
Kilpatrick, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 19 Portugal street<br />
Kilpatrick, Mrs. William, flesher, 103 Fife place, ho. 16 Sauchiehall st.<br />
Kilpatrick, Mrs. vintner, 83 Candlerigg street<br />
KINCAID, George, tobacconist, 6 Trongate<br />
Kincaid, John, commission agent, 59 Queen street, ho. 31 Abbotsford pi.<br />
Kincaid, Thomas, merchant, 59 Queen street, house 31 Abbotsford pi.<br />
King's Arms Inn and Hotel, 66 Trongate<br />
KING, Alexander, 40 Old wynd<br />
King, Alexander, surgeon, 33 North Hanover street
King, Rev. Andrew, 43 Rose street, Garnethill<br />
King^, Andrew, spirit dealer, 7 Spoutnaouth<br />
Kiiiif, Campbell, at Ullliam Falconer's, 30 Montrose street, house Hollybank,<br />
near Partick<br />
King, C. A. <strong>of</strong> Woodnuick, house St. Mungo street<br />
King, Charles, at Archibald Liddell Sf Co.'s, house 132 S. Portland st.<br />
King, Rev. D. LL. D. i, Windsor place, Sauuhiehall street<br />
King, David, hardware merchant, 36 Main street, Anderston<br />
King, D. & Co. vinegar manufacturers, Camlachie. Letters left at T.<br />
Inglis's, grocer, 649 Gallowgate<br />
King, George, M D. 80 Bath street<br />
King, James, inspector <strong>of</strong> scavenging, house 50 Graeme street<br />
King, John, cooper, 9 High street<br />
King, John, <strong>of</strong> George M'Intosh §• Co, house Levernholme, Barrhead<br />
King, John, & Son, power-loom cloth manufacturers, 110 Caudlerigg<br />
street, works Ayton place. Old venel<br />
King, John, victualler, 382 Gallowgate<br />
King, Matthew, victualler. 111 Cowcaddens street, ho. 2 W. Milton st.<br />
King, M. engraver and printer, 139 Trongate<br />
Kifig, Richard, grocer and spirit dealer, 62 Main street, Anderston<br />
King, Thomas, grocer and spirit dealer, 1.3.3 Great Hamilton street<br />
King, William, cooper, 25 and 27 High street<br />
King, William, grocer, 362 Gallowgate<br />
King, William, o/ J. King 8f Son, house Blochairn, Garngad road<br />
King, William, victualler, 73 Nelson street, Tradeston<br />
KINLOCH, John, spirit merchant, 73 Nelson street<br />
KINNEAR, Conrad, wholesale and retail German clock manufacturer,<br />
22 Glassford street<br />
Kinnear, John G. & Co. commission agents, 17 St. Vincent street<br />
Kinnear, John G. <strong>of</strong> Watson Sf M' William and John G. Kinnear l^ Co.<br />
house 137 Clarence place<br />
Kinnear, Joseph, & Co. German clock makers, 52 Maxwell street<br />
KINNIBURGH, James, coal agent, 10 Kirk street, Townhead<br />
Kinniburgh, Mrs. R.G. matron, Deaf& Dumb institution. Barony glebe<br />
KIPPEN, George, vi'riter, 86 St. George's place, house 2 Brandon place<br />
Kippen, James Hill, & Co. letter-press printers, 75 Argyll street<br />
Kippen, James Hill, <strong>of</strong> James Hill Kippen § Co. house 2 Brandon place<br />
Kippen, William, <strong>of</strong> Busbie, house 202 West George street<br />
KIRK, James, surgeon, 405 Gallowgate<br />
Kirk, Thomas, smith and machinemaker, head <strong>of</strong> Sidney street<br />
Kirk, William, tea and c<strong>of</strong>fee dealer, 24 Candlerigg street<br />
KIRKHAM, James, hoisery and furnishings, 71 Norfolk street<br />
KIRKALDIE, Thomas, starcher and house-factor, 52 Rose st. house<br />
2 Monteith row<br />
KIRKLAND, A. M'Kenzie, 6 Queen's crescent, or 53 Virginia street<br />
Kirkland, James, <strong>of</strong> White §" Kirkland, house 5 Charlotte street<br />
Kirkland, John, & Son, merchants, 53 Virginia street<br />
Kirkland, John, victualler and spirit dealer, 681 Gallowgate<br />
Kirkland, Peter, letter-carrier, P.O. house 124 Trongate<br />
Kirkland, William Scott, 14 Queen's crescent<br />
Kirkland, W. F. writer, 32 George square, house 57 York street<br />
KIRKPATRICK, Robert, tailor and clothier, 15 Hutcheson street,<br />
house 7 Sommerville place
KIRKWOOD, Alexander, house-factor, 9 Gordon street<br />
Kirkwood, Anderson, <strong>of</strong>Bannatynes §• Kirhwood, ho. 168 St. George's rd.<br />
Kirkwood, Charles, fish merchant, 30 Kent st. ho. 12 S. St. Mungo st.<br />
Kirkwood, James & Co. hoot and shoe makers, 101 Stockwell street<br />
Kirkwood, James, boot and shoe maker, 98 Union street<br />
Kirkwood, John, house- factoi', 31 Virginia street, house 125 Main street,<br />
Anderston<br />
Kirkwood, Robert, house-factor, ¥) Miller street, house 3 Bath street<br />
Kirkwood, Robert, commission agent, 40 Warwick street, place <strong>of</strong> call<br />
42 Hutcheson street<br />
Kirkwood, Mrs. 113 Rottenrow<br />
Kirkwood, Mrs. John, 396 Argyll street<br />
KIRSOP, Thomas, hat manufacturer, 93 High street<br />
KNIGHT, Alexander, tailor, 44 Trongate<br />
Knight, George, Ayrshire Railway station, Bridge street, ho. 11 Greenlaw<br />
place<br />
Knight, Mrs John, furnishing shop, 11 King street<br />
KNOTT, Tavernor, historical and portait painter, 13 Abbotsford place<br />
Knott, Miss, teacher <strong>of</strong> music, 1.3 Abbotsford place<br />
KNOX, Adam, at H. Slair's, Morrison's court, house Surrey place<br />
Knox, Adam, spirit dealer, 100 Stockwell street<br />
Knox, Andrew L. at R. Knox's, 10 St. Vincent place<br />
Knox, Andrew, spirit dealer, 37 George street. Mile-end<br />
Knox & Findlay, writers, 2 Royal Exchange court, Queen street<br />
Knox, Henry, <strong>of</strong> Cochran Sf Co. house -308 Greenhill place<br />
Knox, Henry, merchant, 9 Cochran street, house 1 Elmbank place<br />
Knox, J. beadle, <strong>of</strong> the Bridgeton parish church, ho. 33 Dalmarnock road<br />
Knox, John, manufacturer <strong>of</strong> tartan netted shawls, &c. 5 Moncrieff st.<br />
house 17 Nicholson street<br />
Knox, M. N. clerk, Clydesdale bank<br />
Knox, Robert, writer, <strong>of</strong> Knox §• Findlay, house 14 India street<br />
Knox, Robert, grocer and spirit dealer, Glenpark<br />
Knox, Robert, shawl and zebra-dress manufacturer, 10 St. Vincent place,<br />
house Kelvingrove<br />
Knox, Thomas, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 48 Bath street<br />
Knox, Mrs. 52 Buccleuch street<br />
KOCH, Mrs. 105 Kensington place, Sauchiehall street<br />
KUSZELL, Francis, teacher <strong>of</strong> music, 41 Brunswick place<br />
KYLE, John, baker, 116 Main street, Bridgeton<br />
Kyle, Thomas, land-surveyor, 40 St. Vincent place, house 189 Buchanan<br />
street<br />
Kyle, William, 42 Garscube place<br />
Kyle, William, 18 North street<br />
Kyle, William, hairdresser and perfumer, 68 George street<br />
L<br />
LACHLAN, Rev. Robert, teacher. Highland Society's school, 69 Montrose<br />
street, house 80 West street<br />
Lachlan, William, grocer, 92 Rottenrow<br />
LADE, D. & Co. wine and spirit merchants, Jackson street<br />
Lade, D. <strong>of</strong>D. Lade ^ Co. house Provan place<br />
Lade, James, at Edward Clarke §• Co.'s, 135 Buchanan street<br />
LAIDLAW, James, at James Gourloy's, 24 Queen street
Laidlaw, Robert, & Sons, brassfounders, lamp makers, &c. 116 Argyll<br />
street, and Symon square, Edinburgh<br />
Laidlaw, Wm. <strong>of</strong> R. Laidlaw §• Sons, house 88 South Portland street<br />
LAING, Alexander, teacher, Greyfriars' school<br />
Laing, David, veterinary surgeon, 76 Union street, house 20 do.<br />
Laing, George, earthenware and rag merchant, 7 Washington street<br />
Laiiig, James, flesher, 291 High street<br />
Laing, James, <strong>of</strong> R. Sf J. Laing, house Govan road<br />
LaiTig, John, <strong>of</strong> Duncan Sf Laing, house 137 Stirling's road<br />
Laing, R. & J. drysalters and commission merchants, 96 Virginia place<br />
Laing, Robert, Garngadhill. Letters left at 70 Miller street<br />
Laing, Thomas, spirit dealer, 16 Caltonmouth<br />
Liiing, William, currier atid leather merchant, 23 St. Andrew's street<br />
Laing-, Mrs. flesher, 262 George street<br />
LAIRD, Alex. & Sons, steam-packet and shipping agents, lOlUnion st.<br />
Laird, Alexander, <strong>of</strong> Alex. Laird § Sons, house 21 Elmbank crescent<br />
Laird, Alex. A. <strong>of</strong> Alex. Laird §• Sons, house 21 Elmbank crescent<br />
Laird, David, & Son, 98 Hutcheson street<br />
Laird, James, brazier & tinsmith, 62 & 64- Crown st. ho. 4j Adelphi place<br />
Laird, John, biockmaker, Delftfield lane, house i2 Brown street<br />
Laird & Kemp, cotton yarn agents, 98 Hutcheson street<br />
LAMB & Adam, commission merchants, 58 St. Vincent street<br />
Lamb, Alex, wine and spirit dealer, 22 and 2t Main street, Anderstoa<br />
Lamb, Hans, spirit dealer, 53 Bell street<br />
Lamb, James, & Son, wrights, Stirling street, Cowcaddens, jobbing sliop<br />
206 Buchanan street<br />
Lamb, James, sen. <strong>of</strong> James Lamb Sf Son, house 3 Sauchiehall street<br />
Lamb, James, jun. <strong>of</strong> James Lamb § Son, house 3 Cleland testimonial<br />
Lamb, John, <strong>of</strong> Lamb §• Adam, house 75 Hill street, Garnethill<br />
Lamb, John, <strong>of</strong> More Sf Lamb, house 71 Dalhousie buildings<br />
Lamb, John R. <strong>of</strong> Dryden, Lamb § Co. house Balgraybank<br />
Lamb, Robert, baker, 20 George street<br />
Lamb, Robert, tavern, 53 Candlerigg street<br />
Lamb, Mrs. James, 119 Montrose street<br />
Lamb, Misses, general furnishing shop, 167 Ingram street<br />
LAMBIE, Peter, <strong>of</strong> James Dunn Sc Co. house 112 Rottenrow<br />
LAMONT & Co. chemists, 37 Main street, Caltoa<br />
Lamont, Dugald, tailor, 318 Argyll street<br />
Lamont, James, <strong>of</strong> M'Kean § Lamont, house Madeira buildings<br />
Lamont, John, agent for Woodhall colliery, <strong>of</strong>fices Monkland Canal basia<br />
and 33 Buchanan street, house 44 North Taylor street<br />
I^amont, John, at C. Tenncnt Sf Co.'s, St. Rollox<br />
Lamont, John, writer, 20 Buchanan street, house 22 Richmond street<br />
Lamont, John, merchant, 39 West Nile street<br />
Lamond & Monteith, writers, 144f Queen street<br />
Lamont, Nathaniel, spirit dealer. 111 Carrick street<br />
Lamond, Robert, <strong>of</strong> Lamond Sf Monteith, house 18 India street<br />
Lamond, Robert, ship agent, box No. 2 South side <strong>of</strong> the river, house<br />
34 Abbotsford place<br />
Lamont, Robert, at Mr. Langland's, 16 St. Enoch sq. ho. 249 Argyll st.<br />
Lamond, William, 249 Argyll street<br />
Lamond, Miss, matron. Asylum for the blifid, Castle street<br />
Lanark Cotton Yarn Warehouse, 105 Miller street
LANCASTER, G. Clyde bank, Finnieston<br />
Lancefield Forge, Lancefield street<br />
Lancefield Spinning Company, 70 Miller street<br />
Lanb and Assessed Tax <strong>Office</strong>, 66 Miller street<br />
LANDELLS, And. <strong>of</strong> Landells, Gordon Sf Co. ho. 56 G. Hamilton st.<br />
Landells, Gordon & Co. linen and woollen drapers, 118 Trongate<br />
LANG, Alexander, spirit dealer, 43 Kirk street, Calton<br />
Lang, Archibald G. <strong>of</strong> Wigton, Gray §• Co. ho. 20 Elmbank crescent<br />
Lang & Calder, commission merchants, 41 Miller street<br />
Lang, Charles, rag merchant, 24 Caltonmouth<br />
Lang, D. & J. L. writers, 37 Virginia street<br />
Lang, David, writer, 37 Virginia street, house 43 North Hanover st.<br />
Lang, Dr. 92 West George street<br />
Lang, George, victualler and spirit dealer, 286 Argyll street<br />
Lang, G. calico-printer, Bonhill, at A. Smyth ^ Co.'s, 29 W. George st.<br />
Lang, G. H, <strong>of</strong> Lang § Penney, house 73 West Regent street<br />
Lang, Hugh, spirit dealer, 128 Broomielaw<br />
Lang, James L. writer, 37 Virginia street, house 43 N. Hanover street<br />
Lang, James, victualler and spirit dealer, 1 Marlborough street<br />
Lang, James, tow-spinner, 69 Mitchell street, house 81 do.<br />
Lang, James, hat manufacturer, 123 T