Dia 1 - CAD College

Dia 1 - CAD College

Dia 1 - CAD College


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.<br />

Customization<br />

Is The Key To<br />

Successful <strong>CAD</strong> !<br />

By Athier Alwekil<br />

.<br />


ED<strong>CAD</strong>® 1.0 is the first version of costom Dev. Tool tailor-made<br />

for SolarTech International B.V<br />

and the Graduation assignment as part of the<br />

HBO – Trajectory ACE System Manager at the TEC / <strong>CAD</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong> in Nijmegen.<br />

Supervised by Dhr . R. Boeklagen<br />

With thanks and appreciation to<br />

mevr. Gea van den boer from Gemeente Nijkerk<br />

Mevr. Leonie Bergsma from <strong>CAD</strong> <strong>College</strong> in Nijmegen.<br />

And a special thanks to .R. Boeklagen<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 2

. About Me:<br />

I have been studied for almost 3 years at University of Technology department of Computer and<br />

Control Systems.<br />

For personal reasons I had to leave Iraq to Netherland.<br />

Then unfortunately several years ago I couldn’t finish my studying.<br />

During working in different jobs I was keep trying to use innovative methods to complete the<br />

work in the best way.<br />

The question was always about my education level and finally I got the opportunity to achieve<br />

My goals to continue my studies<br />

My studying started with:<br />

Auto <strong>CAD</strong> 2D Gevorderd 11/12/2009<br />

Auto <strong>CAD</strong> Optimalisatie 24/02/2010<br />

Auto <strong>CAD</strong> 2010 Certified Associate 31/05/2010<br />

Auto <strong>CAD</strong> 2010 Certified Professional 14/07/2010<br />

Auto <strong>CAD</strong> & VB.Net Basis 13/10/2010<br />

Auto <strong>CAD</strong> & VB.Net Gevorderd 28/10/2010.<br />

For the last months I was looking for graduation project ,I found this advertise<br />

Ontwerpprogramma<br />

Min. niveau: HBO<br />

Studierichting: Techniek<br />

Opleiding: Vrij studierichting HBO Techniek<br />

Type stage: Afstudeerstage<br />

Duur stage: 3 maanden<br />

Omschrijving:<br />

Als een Energiedak bij ons in opdracht wordt gegeven moet eerst een ontwerp worden<br />

gemaakt.<br />

Dit Gebeurt nu handmatig in AUTO<strong>CAD</strong>.<br />

Een erg tijdrovende bezigheid.<br />

Wij zijn op zoek naar een eigen Oplossing om geautomatiseerd een ontwerp tekunnen<br />

genereren.<br />

rekening houden met afschotlijnen in het dak,dakdoorbrekingen en de gebouwvorm. Het<br />

betreft hier een stage meer betrekking tot een aantal vakgebieden:<br />

-Installatietechniek.<br />

- Bouwkunde.<br />

-IT.<br />

Ideaal is een Installatietechnieker met IT affiniteit. Het betreft hier zeker niet alleen maar<br />

programmeren maar ook opzetten van een berekeningsmodule.<br />

Interesse?Reageer dan nu!<br />

I contacted them Immediately!<br />

By this repot I will clarify more details about the Energiedak® , SolarTech Company and them<br />

Problem and the solution.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010<br />


After the completion of the project the evaluation by the director was<br />

Athier heeft in ruim twee maanden tijd een ontwerp opgeleverd dat meer<br />

dan 100% voldoen aan onze opdracht en verwachtingen die wij hadden.<br />

gaandeweg de besprekingen werd duidelijk dat het probleem<br />

omvangrijker was dan wij in eerste instantie hadden voorzien. enkele<br />

keren liep hij tegen problemen aan waarvan in de praktijk nog geen<br />

oplossing voorhanden was en die hij zelf heeft moeten tackelen. het<br />

project heeft geen echte wijzigingen gekregen in aanpak, echter het is<br />

wel keer op keer uitgebreid en verder verfijnd, niet in de laatste plaats<br />

door athier zelf die meer en meer inzicht verkreeg in de materie en daar<br />

een goed passende oplossing voor wilde opleveren. het uiteindelijke<br />

programma werkt met tabbladen voor de hiervoor omschreven<br />

deelontwerpen, die afzonderlijk van elkaar en in combinatie van elkaar<br />

kunnen worden getoond. daarnaast levert het systeem een uiterst<br />

bruikbare stuklijst op voor de in het ontwerp te gebruiken materialen.<br />

Athier is met vlag en wimpel geslaagd in het leveren in het door<br />

SolarTech gewenste ontwerpprogramma. wij zijn hem zeer erkentelijk<br />

voor zijn inspanningen en zullen er met groot plezier en gemak gebruik<br />

van maken. wij wensen athier toe dat hij met hetzelfde enthousiasme<br />

aan het werk kan, gesteund door de bij SolarTech opgedane ervaring en<br />

kennis. wij bevelen hem dan ook van harte aan bij mogelijke<br />

opdrachtgevers die in de toekomst van zijn diensten gebruik willen<br />

maken.<br />

SolarTech International B.V. Eindhoven, 15 december 2010<br />

A.W.E. Schiebroek<br />

Directeur<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 4

Index<br />

1Introduction<br />

1.1 Auto<strong>CAD</strong> 6<br />

1.2 Autocad.NET 7<br />

1.3 About SolarTech 8<br />

1.4 Waht Is The Energiedak® 9<br />

2 The Problem Statement<br />

2.1 Analysis Of The Problem 13<br />

2.2 The Other Face Of The Problem 14<br />

2.3The Solution 14<br />

3 The Project<br />

3.1 Delineation of The Project 15<br />

3.2 Interface of The Projects 17<br />

4 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0<br />

4.1 What is ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 22<br />

4.2 The Auto<strong>CAD</strong> .dwg File 23<br />

4.3 Auto<strong>CAD</strong> Object Hierarchy 26<br />

4.4 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 Details 27<br />

A - Afschotisolatie Palette 27<br />

The ToolTip 32<br />

B - Collectorleidingen Palette 33<br />

The ComboBoxes 38<br />

C-CollectorPlatenPalette 39<br />

E-PV-Module-Aanv.Reto.Palette 41<br />

The Bottom 43<br />

D- The Berekenen Palette 44<br />

F- The Afdrukken Palette 56<br />

Kader invullen 59<br />

Attachments 60<br />

Afterword 60<br />

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1 Introduction<br />

1.1 AUTO<strong>CAD</strong><br />

AUTO<strong>CAD</strong> is a general design tool in the designer's hands. The Customization<br />

includes modification or conversion of the universal usefulness into a particularized,<br />

customized application, which look after the repetitive and everyday operations<br />

forming them simpler in an automatized mode. The designer may demand average<br />

to high skill to control the <strong>CAD</strong> software.<br />

<strong>CAD</strong> operators take longer time to finish a series of tasks in an un-customized<br />

environment, while those <strong>CAD</strong> operators working in a customized environment will<br />

take comparatively lesser time to finish off the same series of tasks. With an uncustomized<br />

environment, operators are ineffective to take advantage of immediate<br />

menus and commands that they would typically use during the designing process.<br />

<strong>CAD</strong> operators process with a user interface that contributes no additional help to<br />

the characteristics that they normally use in their design.<br />

The software is typically left in its measure set of command, toolbars and menus.<br />

Automation of <strong>CAD</strong> is done essentially to minimize the time consumption and<br />

maximize the productivity.<br />

The Customization includes conversion or modification of the general utility into a<br />

specialized, tailor-made application, which takes care of routine and repetitive<br />

operations making them simpler in an automated manner.<br />

<strong>CAD</strong> Customization which gives you some of benefits likes:<br />

Increases the productivity.<br />

Faster Designs<br />

Accurate designs adhering to standards<br />

Consistent designs<br />

Ease of use, allowing low skilled manpower to handle design load<br />

Minimize errors<br />

Link <strong>CAD</strong> to other applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Access using the latest<br />

technologies<br />

Component Libraries<br />

Integration of Functions<br />

Structuring Requirements<br />

Custom Applications-<strong>CAD</strong><br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 6

1.2 Autocad.net<br />

One of the greatest strengths of Autodesk products is the extensive Application<br />

programming Interface (API), which gives users the ability to customize and<br />

extend the functionality of the software. In the past, some favorite techniques<br />

included using Visual Lisp or VBA to create any needed customizations.<br />

Well, the good and bad news is that this decision has pretty much been made for<br />

us. Microsoft has deprecated VBA, and for several years now, has been pushing<br />

developers to drop VBA in favor of .NET. As a result, VBA will not be available<br />

inside of Auto<strong>CAD</strong> after the 2012 release, so VBA is no longer a good choice. And<br />

Autodesk has decided to concentrate only on the .NET API, so for the last couple<br />

of releases, we have only gotten new API functionality in the .NET API. And as<br />

time goes on, more and more functionality will be available only in the .NET API,<br />

We can use the Visual Studio Express Integrated Development Environment (IDE)<br />

to write our code.<br />

It gives us quite a few advantages :<br />

We have access to the Microsoft .NET framework, which contains tons of useful<br />

functionality. Not only does this framework give us access to all parts of Windows,<br />

it also gives us lots of utility classes, such as Lists, Dictionaries, Hash Sets, string<br />

parsing and formatting, advanced math functions, and more. Much of this stuff had<br />

to be hand-written in VBA and Visual Lisp. So the availability of the Microsoft .NET<br />

frameworks means that we often have to write a lot less custom code in order to<br />

get our custom applications working.<br />

We have full access to Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Framework<br />

(WPF), so we can create much more elaborate user interfaces than we could in<br />

Visual Lisp, or even in VBA.<br />

We have “Intellisense” in our IDEs, which makes it much easier to code. It lets us<br />

easily see what methods, properties, and events are available to any object, while<br />

we’re writing our code, and all we have to do is type the first few letters, and the<br />

rest is auto-typed for us.<br />

Our applications typically run faster. This may not matter for some routines, but<br />

can make a huge difference in other routines.<br />

A .NET application tends to be much more readable than a Lisp application,<br />

especially for large projects.<br />

And “more readable” means “more maintainable” – years later, when that original<br />

programmer is no longer around, and someone else needs to improve a routine or<br />

figure out why it stopped working, it’s much easier for the new programmer to<br />

parse a large .NET application than a large Lisp application.<br />

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.NET applications tend to be somewhat platform-independent, so the vast majority of<br />

the code will work on 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and on any Windows OS, with no<br />

issues.<br />

With attention that Visual Basic for Applications was only designed for 32-bit operating<br />

Systems!<br />

With our observation that LISP not affected and therefore remains available for use in<br />

the applications when we need it<br />

64-bit operating systems Used in most engineering companies, which means we really<br />

need to develop applications running on the new machines, even if we still use the old<br />

version of Autocad which support VBA we will not able to run VBA applications.<br />

It's time to move from 32-bit operating systems to 64-bit operating systems.<br />

It's time to stop Programming with VBA.<br />

It's .NET time.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 8

1.3 About SolarTech.<br />

SolarTech International BV focuses in particular on the development of integrated<br />

Energieda® Solutions, including design, consulting and product development.<br />

SolarTech is a young company, established to the sustainability of the Energiedak®<br />

better market position than from the roofing industry would be possible.<br />

The Energiedak ® was developed by Schiebroek dakbedekkingen Best B.V, a patent on<br />

the system.<br />

SolarTech knowledge portal will be the roofing companies that Energiedak® to process.<br />

A.A.G. Schiebroek<br />

CommercialManager<br />

A.W.E. Schiebroek<br />

General Manager<br />

A.Alwekil<br />

Systemdeveloper<br />

Stagiaire<br />

In the previous period was Mr. Alexanderis in contact with me as well as Mr. André .<br />

I am not informed enough on the pyramid company.<br />

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1.4 What is the Energiedak®<br />

The Energiedak® heats during the day by sunlight and cool at night again.<br />

The top layer of the roof is dark colored and therefore highly absorbent roof covering.<br />

Below is a temperature conductive lines in the solar system that hides the roof.<br />

Through these pipes Flowing a liquid mixture that transports heat to heat a cold storage<br />

system.<br />

Here the heat is Stored until the moment when a short or long-term needs (eg night or in<br />

winter).<br />

The heat can be used in floor heating or to heat water.<br />

Conversely, the Energiedak® also contribute to the cooling of a building cooled by water to<br />

flow through the heating, eg during the night. By nocturnal heat radiation can be delivered<br />

through the Energiedak®.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 10

Energiedak ®-Plus<br />

1 High Absorbent plastic roof covering<br />

2 Energiedak® collector plates with hose<br />

3 Receivers for Insulation U-value<br />

4 Bituminous vapor seal<br />

5 Building Construction, such as concrete or<br />

steel<br />

6 Plastic covering with roof integrated PV<br />

Modules<br />

Technical Data<br />

Pressure: 1.5 to 3.0 bar<br />

Flow: 2.5 to 3.5 l / min<br />

Resistance per section: 43.1 kPa<br />

System Weight: 4.16 Kg / m<br />

Fluid capacity: 0.9 l / m²<br />

Antifreeze: 0.27 l / m²<br />

1400 hours at full capacity 300 Wp<br />

Avg. yield Energiedak® 1.45 GJ / m²<br />

Avg. PV laminate yield: 63 Wp / m²<br />

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Service unit<br />

Bochtplaat collectorplaat collectorpiping PowerFastener<br />

PV modules<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010<br />


2 The Problem Statement<br />

2.1 Analysis Of The Problem<br />

The drawing of the design for Energiedak® is fully manual line by line, and<br />

separately for each project and sometimes use different symbols and different<br />

colors which Indicate some important points in Energiedak®.<br />

Layers are used randomly.<br />

After considerable effort they got acceptable results with the continuation of the<br />

project readable only by the designer.<br />

They plot from the model space directly and they need drawing template for each<br />

project.<br />

Making the required calculations manually and the others are approximation.<br />

The designer does not have sufficient flexibility due to the use of traditional manual<br />

methods.<br />

Some project take time up to 80 hours for designing and drawing!!.<br />

We cannot depend on the DWG to achieve the project 100% ”after visiting to the<br />

workplace I have heard from the workers that the design is not completely<br />

accurate ” .<br />

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As we can see errors like this makes the design<br />

non-untrusted<br />

and the Length of pipe is calculated Manually!!<br />

Is it possible to trust the result with such large Tangled<br />

number of piping?<br />

With attachments :some drawing to clarify the<br />

previous situation.<br />

2.2 The Other Face Of The Problem<br />

We must know that The Energiedak® is performed on the roof by roofers,which<br />

was originally not familiar with such systems, And Since the system of several<br />

layers, it is desirable to those layers separately to show<br />

so there is therefore need for Very clear and precise design which can be seen<br />

how the roof should be made.<br />

Also there are 10 years warrenty, so We can consider the warranty period as one<br />

of the problems because of the absence of a clear and detailed diagrams which<br />

provide quick handling in case of repairing.<br />

2.3The Solution<br />

Program can solve all the problems, and It can be used by the operator even if does not<br />

have good experience with autocad!!, To do<br />

- Determination the required highest point of the roof slope<br />

- Placement Service units and distribution lines<br />

- Installation plan for collector plates<br />

- Installation plan for collector piping<br />

- Installation plan for PV panels<br />

- A list of materials and measurements, etc..<br />

Solar Tech specified its request<br />

No courses<br />

No simple customize<br />

Program meets all the requirements.<br />

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3 The Project<br />

3.1 Delineation of the project<br />

We must take into account when thinking about some of the technical points in the solution<br />

like<br />

Each service unit consist of maximum 8 groups piping "Circuit“.<br />

Maximum length for each group "Circuit" approximately 100m and the total for each unit<br />

approximately 800m .<br />

Which affect on the pumping system , so for the best design the designer has to know the<br />

length for each group from the beginning and he must able to change the design easily<br />

One collector plat can be used for two or more groups .<br />

We have to be able to close some of group in the service unit in case of emergency and<br />

In order to achieve this the design must be identical to the absolute reality in order to<br />

determine the group intended easily and quickly .<br />

Sure things that will be part of the solution are:<br />

Dynamic blocks with attributes.<br />

Custom hatches<br />

Using layers as much it's necessary.<br />

Templates are not part of solution (The main reason for that because we often begin<br />

work from an earlier drawing)<br />

Using Desile ,Script ,Macros , ImageTileMenus, CUIx files, Traditional Pallet, etc …can<br />

not be real useful , The main reason for that because<br />

A- some functionality are missing in autocad<br />

B-We need to make some calculations so we need a few routines<br />

The <strong>CAD</strong> operators must have basic knowledge of AutoCad , therefore they have to take<br />

a specific course on what they need to complete their work in a professional accuracy<br />

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It takes along time to clarify all the attempts what i have been through to resolve<br />

the problem because its complicated and takes along time.<br />

For example part of the project was the dynamic block , in the block editor<br />

environment we cannot array the array action, another action wel! .<br />

And we can apply multiple move action to the one segment but not array action.<br />

Attributes `` let we say is a segment in the dynamic block`` we can apply many<br />

actions like move, visibility to the attribute but not the array action same<br />

things for Xdata.<br />

Data instruction is function in auto cad we can use it to get many information<br />

but not the polyline length in the Block in specific layer just In case that<br />

the dynamic block is created in that specific layer not layer zero<br />

Conclusion :<br />

Data instruction is a powerful function In Auto<strong>CAD</strong> but cannot provide<br />

everything we need from the drawing.<br />

.NET is a powerful development environment I found the solution by using .NET<br />

to build ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 Dev. Tool.<br />

Through the following pages we will see more details.<br />

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3.2 Interface of The Projects<br />

The first question was wat type of Interface I will use<br />

Ribbon<br />

WinForms<br />

Palettes<br />

Ribbon<br />

Ribbon is the latest innovation in user interfaces. It was introduced by Microsoft in Office<br />

2007 and Autodesk followed in Auto<strong>CAD</strong> 2009. The Ribbon is created using the<br />

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) that is part of all Microsoft .NET<br />

Frameworks since 3.0.<br />

Ribbon: hosts all the content and is similar to a Windows Form Tab control<br />

RibbonBar: is similar to a TabPage in a Tab control but it can only contain<br />

RibbonPanels<br />

RibbonPanel: can contain rows (similar to toolbars), subpanels, panel separators,<br />

and controls. A RibbonPanel is intended to organize commands by task as seen<br />

above where all text related commands are in one panel, all draw related in<br />

another, etc.<br />

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It is very complicated to get all the features of ribbon may be for some case of<br />

few new routine we can use

So we can use it to active the command or may be to show WinForms.<br />

Summary<br />

Ribbon do not give enough space for the design of the application and because of the<br />

complexity of the ribbon.<br />

I think it does not help the new developers it is advanced stage<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 19

WinForms<br />

The application consisted of several forms so the final appearance of the application<br />

will be top, left and right sides of the Auto<strong>CAD</strong> drawing area which shrunk the drawing<br />

space….<br />

Shared f As New Form1<br />

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As<br />

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles<br />

Button2.Click<br />

If f Is Nothing Then<br />

f = New Form1<br />

ElseIf f.IsDisposed Then<br />

f = New Form1<br />

End If<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.Sho<br />

wModeless<strong>Dia</strong>log(f)<br />

End Sub<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010<br />


Palettes<br />

We can use .NET usercontrol in the Palettes, and also we can auto hide to maximize the<br />

drawing space as well as contain multiple palettes to allow for organization of commands -<br />

concepts.<br />

It also made the processes easier to orchestrate by providing a work flow where the user<br />

interacts with the various tool<br />

Palettes instead of moving around between different dialog boxes.<br />

Summary<br />

Palettes has several features and its not complex and easy to make.<br />

Friend Shared palet As PaletteSet<br />

Public Sub startpalet()<br />

If palet = Nothing Then<br />

palet = New PaletteSet("ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 DVE.Tool for SolarTech ")<br />

palet.Add("Afschotisolatie", New UserControl1)<br />

palet.Add("Circuits", New UserControl2)<br />

palet.Add(" CollectorPlaten", New UserControl3)<br />

palet.Add("PV-Module-Aanv.Reto. ", New UserControl4)<br />

palet.Add("Berekenen ", New UserControl5)<br />

palet.Add("Afdrukken ", New UserControl6)<br />

End If<br />

palet.Visible = True<br />

End Sub<br />

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4 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0<br />

4.1What is ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0<br />

ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 was the project and the benefit obtained by SolarTech with the using of those<br />

tools which solve them problems are:<br />

1-Save drafting and designing time up to 90 % ‘as a proof I have designed project for<br />

Bredeschool in Ylpendam within two hours which usually takes with the traditional method<br />

about 40 hours.<br />

2-Accurate design adhering to standards by using blocks in component block library, costume<br />

hatches, etc.<br />

3-Easy to use, allowing low skilled cad operator can handle the design<br />

4-structuring work.<br />

5-Improve productivity.<br />

6-And thus increase profits.<br />

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4.2 The Auto<strong>CAD</strong> .dwg File.<br />

We could generalize the contents of that file as “The Document” and “The Database”.<br />

“The Document” contains document-wide properties (such as Dimension Variables), while<br />

the Database is comprised of Tables and Records. The Records reside inside the Tables.<br />

DesignSpace<br />

PropertiesSpace<br />

The Database<br />

DimStyleTable<br />

LineTypeTable<br />

Auto<strong>CAD</strong> .dwg File<br />

Tables Records<br />

The Document<br />

BlockTable ModelSpace<br />

LayerTable<br />

TextTable<br />

Layout(Pap.Spa.)<br />

X(BlockDefinition)<br />

LayerTableRe.<br />

TextStyleTableRe.<br />

DimStyleTableRe.<br />

LineTypeTableRe.<br />

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Practical example<br />

In order to see what of records we have in our drawing lets try this code<br />

_<br />

Public Sub ShowBTRs()<br />

Dim myDwg As Document = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Using myTrans As Transaction = myDwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction<br />

Dim myBT As BlockTable = _<br />

myDwg.Database.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

For Each myBtrID As ObjectId In myBT<br />

Dim myBTR As BlockTableRecord = myBtrID.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

MsgBox(myBTR.Name)<br />

Next<br />

End Using<br />

End Sub<br />

For example we will see<br />

ModelSpace<br />

BlockTableRecord<br />

Layout<br />

BlockTableRecord<br />

LD is a BlockTableRecord for the<br />

Dynamic Blocks and *U37 is a<br />

BlockTableRecord which created<br />

automatically by Autocad after<br />

changing any Block Parameter.<br />

Its begin always with *U and the<br />

numbers after it is randomly each time<br />

we run the Autocad we must take into<br />

account that thing when we work with<br />

Selection Filters .<br />

*D38 Dimension BlockTableRecord in<br />

fact the Dimension in Autocad is kind of<br />

special Dynamic Blocks.<br />

Layout<br />

BlockTableRecord<br />

LD(BlockDefinition)<br />

BlockTableRecord<br />

Dimension<br />

BlockTableRecord<br />

؟؟؟؟؟؟<br />

BlockTableRecord<br />

*To see another TableRecord like LayerTableRecord or TextStyleTableRecord Just change the<br />

code As BlockTable to xxx As LayerTable, or xxx As TextStyleTable .<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 24

Sometime the same object has different Properties between the document and the<br />

database.<br />

An example of the difference between The Document and The Database is Create<br />

block in layer 0 when we insert the block in layer x in the Properties of the block we will<br />

see the layer name of the block is x, but in the database if we check it all the element of<br />

the block is in layer 0 it appears in the document in layer x and in the database not.<br />

Another example when we create block in layer A not in layer 0 and again change the<br />

layer to layer B it will changed in the document but not in the database ,as proof<br />

turnoff layer b …the block which originally created in layer A and moved to B will still<br />

on not off.<br />

Again if we `lock` the layer in the database it well locked well but not the Appearance<br />

of it in the document.<br />

In other words, some Properties not stored in the Database but elsewhere.<br />

Probably my nomination for this thing is not accurate(The document) but it is important<br />

to take it into account, to be used and to pay attention to what can happen from<br />

mistakes sometimes.<br />

Certainly I do not mean the difference between System Variable and Database<br />

Property, but as example, there is System Variable stored in the Drawing , like<br />


This means it is a Database Property and LAYLOCKFADECTL in the Registry<br />

Its not Database Property.<br />

Perhaps I can explain it by another example latter.<br />

Finally I found that development guide Auto<strong>CAD</strong> 2011give more information which can<br />

changing many things, I need a lot of time to read it and understand very well.<br />

.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 25

4.3 Auto<strong>CAD</strong> Object Hierarchy<br />

Most of codes is builde on base of autocad Object Hierarachy .<br />

The following illustration shows the basic relationships between the Application object and<br />

an entity that is in a BlockTableRecord, such as Model space.<br />

There are many more objects in the Auto<strong>CAD</strong> .NET API that are not represented here.<br />

Entity<br />

1<br />

Application<br />

BlockTable<br />

BlockTableR<br />

ecord<br />

Entity<br />

2<br />

Document<br />

Maneger<br />

Entity<br />

…<br />

LayerTable<br />

LayerTableR<br />

ecord<br />

Document<br />

Databae<br />

Tables<br />

TextStyleTa<br />

ble<br />

TextTableR<br />

ecord<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 26

4.5 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 Details<br />

A- Afschotisolatie Palette<br />

I will choose some Buttons and show parts of the code with<br />

some explanation<br />

If RadioButtonRIRV.Checked = True Then<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.Document<br />

Manager.MdiActiveDocument.SendStringToExecute ("-<br />

HATCH" & vbCr & "P RIR12V 1 0 O D L N A S O ", True,<br />

False, False)<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.UpdateSc<br />

reen()<br />

End If<br />

If RadioButtonRIRH.Checked = True Then<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.Document<br />

Manager.MdiActiveDocument.SendStringToExecute ("-<br />

HATCH" & vbCr & "P RIR12H 1 0 O D L N A S O ", True,<br />

False, False)<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.UpdateSc<br />

reen()<br />

RIR12V, RIR12H,etc, are custom hatches to make it<br />

Command: AI_EDITCUSTFILE<br />

Custom File to edit: acadiso.pat<br />

*RIR12V<br />

90,0,0,0,1200<br />

*RIR12H<br />

0,0,0,0,1000<br />

After that I used SendStringToExecute to write macros ! Nice<br />

and easy isnt it<br />

If RadioButtonRIRV.Checked = True Then<br />

PictureBoxRIRV.Visible = True<br />

PictureBoxRIRH.Visible = False<br />

PictureBoxEPSV.Visible = False<br />

PictureBoxEPSH.Visible = False<br />

End If<br />

Sure in the RadioButton event not in the PictureBoxevent<br />

we can also use one PictureBox to show multiple Picture by using<br />

PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources.PictureName<br />

.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 27

SetSystemVariable("osmode", 547)<br />

INSERT.ExternBlok("C:\BLOCKS.dwg", "AFL")<br />

Dim x As String = "AFL"<br />

Dim doc =<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.Document<br />

Manager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim dwg = doc.Database<br />

Using transactie =<br />

dwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Dim acLyrTbl As LayerTable<br />

acLyrTbl = transactie.GetObject(dwg.LayerTableId,<br />

OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If acLyrTbl.Has(x) = False Then<br />

Dim acLyrTblRec As LayerTableRecord = New<br />

LayerTableRecord()<br />

acLyrTblRec.Color =<br />

Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 7)<br />

acLyrTblRec.Name = x<br />

acLyrTbl.UpgradeOpen()<br />

acLyrTbl.Add(acLyrTblRec)<br />

transactie.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acLyrTblRec, True)<br />

End If<br />

If acLyrTbl.Has(x) = True Then<br />

dwg.Clayer = acLyrTbl(x)<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

End If<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

Dim NAME As String = "AFL"<br />

Dim text = "(command ""insert"" ""AFL"" pause 1 1 0) "<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.Document<br />

Manager.MdiActiveDocument.SendStringToExecute(text,<br />

True, False, True)<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.UpdateSc<br />

reen()<br />

It work like this,<br />

In each time the operator ask for x block to tnsert it in the project the<br />

routine will check if the block is already exist if not the routine will<br />

import it from external dwg BLOCK.DWG which contain all the blocks<br />

used in the program this achieved by the Sub exterblok in Module<br />

INSERT<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 28

Dim NAME As String<br />

NAME = "AFL"<br />

Dim text = "(command ""insert"" ""AFL"" pause 1 1 0) "<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActi<br />

veDocument._<br />

SendStringToExecute(text, True, False, True)<br />

I used this method to insert blocks with attributes and field , but it does not work<br />

always well, it depends on the type of field ,field category objects -…field<br />

names…object does not work! After insert the block multiple times jest the last one<br />

will be correct!<br />

field category objects -…field names…NamedObject and BlockPlaceholder work good .<br />

In fact this method to inserting simple blocks not Dynamic blocks with attributes and<br />

field, its not the same as using commando insert manually, I will not use it in the next<br />

project ,it may cause big errors, The solution is to develop the Function InsertBlock in<br />

Module INSERT ‘I used it to insert bolck to a fixed point ‘ wich Is work 100% Except<br />

that the block is not hanging in the mouse cursor .<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 29

dwg.Clayer = acLyrTbl(N)<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

End If<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

Dim x, y As Double<br />

Dim l As Double<br />

l = Me.TextBoxL.Text<br />

Dim a As Double<br />

Dim k As Long<br />

If CheckBoxMax.CheckState =<br />

CheckState.Checked Then<br />

Dim b As Double<br />

b = Me.TextBoxMax.Text<br />

Dim c As Double<br />

c = Me.ComboBox1.Text<br />

If RadioButtonRIRH.Checked = True Then<br />

k = l / 1<br />

INSERT.EerstePunt "Waar wilt u het eerst<br />

nummer?", x1:=x, y1:=y)<br />

a = b + c<br />

For i = 1 To k<br />

a = a - c<br />

INSERT.Tekst ((a & "mm."), x, y, 400, 1.57)<br />

y = y + 1000<br />

Next<br />

End If<br />

If RadioButtonEPSH.Checked = True Then<br />

k = l / 1.2<br />

INSERT.EerstePunt(“Waar wilt u het eerst<br />

nummer?", x1:=x, y1:=y)<br />

a = b + c<br />

For i = 1 To k<br />

a = a - c<br />

INSERT.Tekst ((a & "mm."), x, y, 400, 1.57)<br />

y = y + 1200<br />

Next<br />

This routine Doing some calculations based on some data, and<br />

finally the type in the project by using some functions EerstePunt,<br />

Tekst and Element which is in Tekst functions all in Module INSERT<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 30

Public Function Tekst(ByVal regel As String, ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double,<br />

ByVal h As Double, ByVal r As Double) As ObjectId<br />

Dim objTekst As New DBText<br />

objTekst.SetDatabaseDefaults()<br />

objTekst.Position = New Point3d(x, y, 0)<br />

objTekst.Height = h<br />

objTekst.Rotation = r<br />

objTekst.TextString = regel<br />

objTekst.Color = Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 1)<br />

Using myTrans As Transaction =<br />

ApplicationServices.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction<br />

Dim myTST As TextStyleTable =<br />

ApplicationServices.Database.TextStyleTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

objTekst.TextStyleId = myTST("MYISODAK")<br />

myTrans.Commit()<br />

End Using<br />

Return INSERT.Element(objTekst)<br />

End Function<br />

Was created in an earlier part of the proceedings<br />

Dim<br />

Dim<br />

myTST<br />

myTST<br />

As<br />

As<br />

TextStyleTable<br />

TextStyleTable<br />

=<br />

=<br />

dwg.TextStyleTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

dwg.TextStyleTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

If<br />

If<br />

myTST.Has(S)<br />

myTST.Has(S)<br />

=<br />

=<br />

False<br />

False<br />

Then<br />

Then<br />

Dim<br />

Dim<br />

myTSTR<br />

myTSTR<br />

As<br />

As<br />

DatabaseServices.TextStyleTableRecord<br />

DatabaseServices.TextStyleTableRecord<br />

myTSTR<br />

myTSTR<br />

=<br />

=<br />

New<br />

New<br />

DatabaseServices.TextStyleTableRecord<br />

DatabaseServices.TextStyleTableRecord<br />

myTSTR.Name<br />

myTSTR.Name<br />

=<br />

=<br />

"MYISODAK"<br />

"MYISODAK"<br />

Dim<br />

Dim<br />

myFont<br />

myFont<br />

As<br />

As<br />

New<br />

New<br />

GraphicsInterface.FontDescriptor("ISOCPEUR",<br />

GraphicsInterface.FontDescriptor("ISOCPEUR",<br />

False,<br />

False,<br />

False,<br />

False,<br />

0,<br />

0,<br />

0)<br />

0)<br />

myTSTR.Font<br />

myTSTR.Font<br />

=<br />

=<br />

myFont<br />

myFont<br />

myTST.Add(myTSTR)<br />

myTST.Add(myTSTR)<br />

transactie.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(myTSTR,<br />

transactie.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(myTSTR,<br />

True)<br />

True)<br />

End<br />

End<br />

If<br />

If<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

In fact it was possible to use SetSystemVariable("TEXTSTYLE", MYISODAK) so we can<br />

use Teks Function with more Style or to define it corrctly in the Function `ByVal S As<br />

String` to choice the style.<br />

Sometimes we cannot see the defects until after the completion of work, finally we can<br />

learn from the previous experiences.<br />

Function Element(ByVal entiteit As Entity) As ObjectId<br />

Dim doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim dwg = doc.Database<br />

Dim s As BlockTableRecord<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Using transactie = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Try<br />

s = transactie.GetObject(dwg.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Element = s.AppendEntity(entiteit)<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 31

transactie.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(entiteit, True)<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

Catch ex As Exception<br />

MsgBox("Er ging iets fout: " & vbCrLf & ex.Message)<br />

End Try<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

End Function<br />

The ToolTip<br />

A tooltip is a small pop-up window that labels the unlabeled control being pointed<br />

to, such as unlabeled toolbar controls or command buttons ,which gives the user a<br />

little additional information regarding about the control and hoe to use it.<br />

Because we are going to design a program within a program A tooltip is useful.<br />

Once a ToolTip is added to the Palette (actually its UserControl) it appears at the bottom of<br />

the Palette window, not on the Palette ,it can be used by the other Controls on the same<br />

Palette.<br />

When a ToolTip has been added to the Palette, a new Property shows up in the Form’s<br />

other controls.<br />

Here we can see the property “ToolTip onToolTip1” for the Text Box we had already placed<br />

on the Form.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 32

B- Collectorleidingen Palette<br />

Dim x As String<br />

x = Me.ComboBox1.Text<br />

Dim Lengte As Double = 0<br />

Dim TA As String = "NU"<br />

Me.Label5.Text = Lengte & "M"<br />

Dim Criterium(1) As TypedValue<br />

Criterium(0) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start, "INSERT")<br />

Criterium(1) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.LayerName, x)<br />

Dim ss As New SelectionFilter(Criterium)<br />

Dim Antwoord =<br />

Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.Selec<br />

tAll(ss)<br />

If Antwoord.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then<br />

Dim col = New<br />

ObjectIdCollection(Antwoord.Value.GetObjectIds())<br />

Dim doc =<br />

Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim dwg = doc.Database<br />

Using transactie =<br />

dwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Try<br />

For Each id In col<br />

Dim blokreferentie As BlockReference<br />

blokreferentie = transactie.GetObject(id,<br />

OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Dim AttRefIdColl =<br />

blokreferentie.AttributeCollection<br />

Dim BlokDefinities As BlockTable<br />

BlokDefinities =<br />

transactie.GetObject(dwg.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Dim Blokdefid =<br />

BlokDefinities(blokreferentie.Name)<br />

Dim BlokDefinitie As BlockTableRecord<br />

BlokDefinitie = transactie.GetObject(Blokdefid,<br />

OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

For Each elementId In BlokDefinitie<br />

Dim Element As Entity<br />

Element = transactie.GetObject(elementId,<br />

OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If Element.Visible = True Then<br />

If TypeOf Element Is Polyline Then<br />

Dim PL = CType(Element, Polyline)<br />

If PL.ConstantWidth = 18.9876 Then<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 33

Lengte = Lengte + FormatNumber((PL.Length / 1000), 2)<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

Next id<br />

For Each id In col<br />

Dim blokreferentie As BlockReference<br />

blokreferentie = transactie.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Dim AttRefIdColl = blokreferentie.AttributeCollection<br />

For Each attRefId As ObjectId In AttRefIdColl<br />

Dim AttRef As AttributeReference<br />

AttRef = transactie.GetObject(attRefId, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

If AttRef.Tag.Equals(TA, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) =<br />

True Then<br />

AttRef.TextString = Lengte<br />

Exit For<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

Next id<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

Catch ex As Exception<br />

MsgBox("Er ging iets fout: " & vbCrLf & ex.Message)<br />

End Try<br />

Me.Label5.Text = Lengte & "M"<br />

DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.Regen()<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

End If<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.UpdateScreen()<br />

This code to calculate the total lengths of the pipes<br />

for one "Circuit“.<br />

one "Circuit" can consists of multiple Dynamic<br />

Blocks which have multiple Parameters, actions<br />

and elements.<br />

It’s not possible to do it through the Parameter<br />

value, some pipes lengths are not be account in a<br />

Parameter.<br />

Calculate the Polyline length in a multiple Dynamic<br />

Blocks in a specific layer without exploded and see<br />

the result directly to modify the "Circuit" is the<br />

function of this routine which was missing in the<br />

autocad.<br />

We can use this code to get any information about<br />

the Dynamic Blocks more than befor.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 34

Selection Filters<br />

we can use Selection Filters to limit which objects are selected and added to a selection<br />

set by using a selection filter, a selection filter list can be used to filter selected objects by<br />

properties or type.<br />

For example, we select only Blocks ( the type of block is "INSERT" to know the type<br />

small lisp do it (entget ( entlast)) or objects on a certain layer.<br />

I am not going to clarify deeply all details except one significant point that is the using of<br />

selection filters not easy as its look<br />

As example using 'Criterium(x) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.BlockName, "xxxx")<br />

it’s not work with Dynamic Blocks<br />

because of<br />

More details in page 24<br />

LD(BlockDefinition)<br />

BlockTableRecord<br />

؟؟؟؟؟؟<br />

BlockTableRecord<br />

Another example each element in the Selection set must have the property with or without<br />

same value but must have it.<br />

As example in one Selection set if there is one Polyline doesn’t have GlobalWidth<br />

(ConstantWidth) the code will not work<br />

This error happened when you changing the start width and the end width by the property<br />

windows GlobalWidth will be nothing also not 0 you have to set it manually<br />

and when start width not same the end width there will be no GlobalWidth(ConstantWidth)<br />

Then we should not use the condition (ConstantWidth) in the code of Selection Filters.<br />

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Dim x As String<br />

x = Me.ComboBox1.Text<br />

Dim doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim dwg = doc.Database<br />

Using transactie = dwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Dim acLyrTbl As LayerTable<br />

acLyrTbl=transactie.GetObject(dwg.LayerTableId,<br />

OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If acLyrTbl.Has(x) = False Then<br />

Dim acLyrTblRec As LayerTableRecord = New<br />

LayerTableRecord()<br />

acLyrTblRec.Color =<br />

Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 5)<br />

acLyrTblRec.Name = x<br />

acLyrTbl.UpgradeOpen()<br />

acLyrTbl.Add(acLyrTblRec)<br />

transactie.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acLyrTblRec, True)<br />

End If<br />

If acLyrTbl.Has(x) = True Then<br />

dwg.Clayer = acLyrTbl(x)<br />

If doc.Editor.SelectImplied.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then<br />

Dimcol=<br />

NewObjectIdCollection(doc.Editor.SelectImplied.Value.<br />

GetObjectIds)<br />

WijzigenLaag(col, x)<br />

End If<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

End If<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

Each time the operator choice "Circuit" form the ComboBoxe if its new (no exist) the<br />

routine will create Layer for it and in the end set it current.<br />

The advantage of this method is to have the required number of Layers<br />

(some Projects have 10 Layers "Circuit" and other Projects have 200 Layers "Circuit")<br />

Some time the operator want to copy exist "Circuit" to another place in the roof to be new<br />

"Circuit" with another name (the "Circuit" has the same name of its layer )<br />

As I said previousely they work from earliar drawing which may containe hundreds of<br />

layers and that will make the using of standard layermanager difficult with high risk of error<br />

and this code will do what they need from the standard layermanager with minimal errors<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 36

Sub WijzigenLaag(ByVal objIds As ObjectIdCollection, ByVal Laag As String)<br />

Dim doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Using transactie = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Try<br />

For Each objId In objIds<br />

Dim Element As Entity<br />

Element = transactie.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Element.Layer = Laag<br />

Next<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

Catch ex As Exception<br />

MsgBox("Er ging iets fout: " & vbCrLf & ex.Message)<br />

End Try<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

End Sub<br />

Each object has associated properties describe aspects of the individual object.<br />

Layer like color is properties, this code work on this base<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 37

The ComboBox<br />

ComboBox provide a space where the user can select a single item from a List.<br />

It is compact because it only expands to show more than one item when the user<br />

‘drops it down’.<br />

We can populate a ComboBox at run-time with code or at design-time using the Items<br />

property.<br />

Changing the DropDownStyle to a value of “DropDownList” will force the user to select<br />

something from the list.<br />

By default, users can select from the list or type in a different value.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 38

C- CollectorPlaten Palette<br />

The DynamicBlock in this Pallte is simple and specific to avoid<br />

any design error.<br />

At the begging this block was part of the "Circuit" block "pipe"<br />

block but because one CollectorPlat can be contain pipes of<br />

two or more "Circuits" I made sprit block for it.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 39

The Block<br />

Let us forget the codes and talk about the Block , DynamicBlock or StaticBlock is same<br />

they are block, and block is block like ModelSpace has Table and Block Table Records,<br />

and the (Block) has Block Table Record called BlockDefinitions.<br />

I think that I said nothing new until now, but to apply this concept in practice is what I'm<br />

seeing is very important.<br />

So we can create a powerful Dynamic Block especially with the ability to control the<br />

parameters values with .net.<br />

But ageing block is block like ModelSpace or PaperSpace we can draw, add entity, even<br />

insert block into the BlockDefinition(normally we can create Block in Block but we can not<br />

change the Parameter just ofter explod the Block with .NET we can do that with out<br />

exploded).<br />

The block can has several layers and the nice thing that we can turn of some of the block<br />

layers.<br />

I think understanding the Block is very important for any one wants to develop <strong>CAD</strong><br />

applications<br />

This block has three element ech one is in special layer, after insert the block in the<br />

modelspace if we turn of layer x the element x in the block will be of.<br />

Crating element not in layer 0 can give us let me say new Parameter.<br />

It’s not like the visibility parameter ,we can turn of special part of multiple block in one time<br />

and we can use it as Criterium in the SelectionFilter, it’s have another advantage like what<br />

I have been used in CollectorPlaten Blocks<br />

You can not changing the original layer of the Block (or part of it) if it was not layer 0<br />

To be more accurate, you can not changing the original layer (in the database) of the Block<br />

(or part of it) if it was not layer 0.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 40

E- PV-Module-Aanv.Reto.Palette<br />

Dim doc =Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application. -<br />

Documen Manager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim dwg = doc.Database<br />

Using transactie = dwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Dim S, C As String<br />

Dim A, B As Long<br />

S = "S"<br />

C = "C"<br />

A = 1<br />

B = 1<br />

For A = 1 To 20<br />

For B = 1 To 8<br />

Dim N As String<br />

N = [String].Concat(S, A, C, B)<br />

Dim acLyrTbl As LayerTable<br />

Dim acLyrTblRec As LayerTableRecord<br />

acLyrTbl = -<br />

transactie.GetObject(dwg.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If acLyrTbl.Has(N) = True Then<br />

acLyrTblRec = New LayerTableRecord()<br />

acLyrTblRec.Name = N<br />

acLyrTbl.UpgradeOpen()<br />

acLyrTblRec =<br />

transactie.GetObject(acLyrTbl(N), _<br />

OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

acLyrTblRec.IsOff = True<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

Next<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

This routine has tow (For . . . Next statements) used to repeat a block of code a specific<br />

number of times.<br />

For A represent the number of the service unite ,For B represent the number of the "Circuit" .<br />

That (block of cod)is to turn of the layer.<br />

Finally we can turn of a specific group of layer (could be 160) in one time.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 41

Dim name As String<br />

name = ComboBox1.Text<br />

INSERT.ExternBlok("C:\BLOCKS.dwg", name)<br />

In the beginning of this routine I used the ComboBox items to<br />

Specify the name of the block, which will be effective in the four<br />

buttons, which saves a large area.<br />

More details in page 38<br />

There was a problem with PV-Modul ,Instead they do not have blocks for all kinds of it, the<br />

second must be placed over 100 mm.of the end of the first, etc.<br />

This problem was taking a lot of time, It was resolved very easy, As shown in the following<br />

pictures<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 42

The Bottom<br />

One of the most popular control in Visual Basic is the Button Control ,Appearance<br />

section of the properties window allows us to make changes to the appearance of the<br />

Button. With the help of Background Image properties we can set a background image<br />

to the button.<br />

Certainly we will choose Project resources file in order the (dll ) to work separately but we<br />

must bay attention aboutThe resource name (picture) .<br />

Do not import a resource has same name as another one already exist in the resources file<br />

with different uppercase and lowercase characters, otherwise we will get this error<br />

To avoid this error its better to but all the resources file in one map , so the windows will<br />

handle it to us.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 43

D- The Berekenen Palette<br />

One of the benefit of using block is that we can use the block<br />

information to create reports and a bill of materials.<br />

Usually we used Link Excel, Access, SQL databases with<br />

Autocad, but In this situation me by its not the best choice, the<br />

main resin is that the information list is short.<br />

Another resin why tow files drawing + bill of material, if it can be<br />

one?<br />

In order to do that I made another block (Stuklijst Kader) with list<br />

of attributes and insert it in the PaperSpace.<br />

The advantage of that is keep the project in one file, update the<br />

list directly ,minimize the error, attributes is more static than<br />

Excel cells as example.<br />

Finally the application well no need any update when the<br />

company changing the version of Excel, Access.<br />

I will begin with the rotine which is in the event of<br />

UserControl5_Load (UserControl5 is Berekenen Palette)<br />

Dim Viewport As String = "Viewport"<br />

Dim name As String = "EnergieDakStuklijst"<br />

Part 1<br />

Dim name2 As String = "EnergieDakProject"<br />

INSERT.ExternBlok("C:\BLOCKS.dwg", "KaderA4")<br />

INSERT.ExternBlok("C:\BLOCKS.dwg", "KaderA3")<br />

Dim doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim myDB As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase<br />

Using myTrans As Transaction = myDB.TransactionManager.StartTransaction<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Dim myBlockTable As BlockTable = myDB.BlockTableId.Get-<br />

Object(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

For Each myBTRid As ObjectId In myBlockTable<br />

Dim myBlockTableRecord As BlockTableRecord =<br />

myBTRid.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

If myBlockTableRecord.IsLayout = True Then<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 44

Dim myLayout As Layout =<br />

myBlockTableRecord.LayoutId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

If myBlockTable.Has(name) = True Then<br />

Exit For<br />

End If<br />

Try<br />

myLayout =<br />

LayoutManager.Current.CreateLayout("EnergieDakStuklijst").GetObject(OpenMod<br />

e.ForWrite)<br />

LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout = "EnergieDakStuklijst"<br />

Dim col = New ObjectIdCollection<br />

col.Add(doc.Editor.SelectLast.Value.GetObjectIds(0))<br />

INSERT.Verwijderen(col)<br />

INSERT.InsertBlock(HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase,<br />

BlockTableRecord.PaperSpace, New Point3d(-5, -5, 0), "KaderA4", 1, 1, 1)<br />

Catch ex As Exception<br />

End Try<br />

Exit For<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

PaperSpace has its own constant, BlockTableRecord.PaperSpace , and PaperSpace’s<br />

constant refers to the current PaperSpace Layout.<br />

So, the same Constant will provide different results based on which PaperSpace Layout we<br />

are working in.<br />

And when we creat new Layout its main we are working in it so we can set it current.<br />

The is One way to access the Layouts in a Database by them names is to use the<br />

LayoutDictionary, I use it in the next Palette we will see that later.<br />

Function Verwijderen(ByVal objIds As ObjectIdCollection) As Boolean<br />

Dim doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim dwg = doc.Database<br />

Using transactie = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Try<br />

Dim s As BlockTableRecord<br />

s = transactie.GetObject(dwg.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

For Each objId In objIds<br />

Dim Element As Entity<br />

Element = transactie.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Element.Erase()<br />

Next<br />

transactie.Commit()<br />

Catch ex As Exception<br />

MsgBox("Er ging iets fout: " & vbCrLf & ex.Message)<br />

End Try<br />

End Using<br />

End Function<br />

Part 2<br />

It’s to delete the viewport for EnergieDakStuklijst Layout, which is the last element in the<br />

Layout creation progress .<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 45

Dim acLyrTbl As LayerTable<br />

acLyrTbl = myTrans.GetObject(myDB.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If acLyrTbl.Has(Viewport) = False Then<br />

Dim acLyrTblRec As LayerTableRecord = New LayerTableRecord()<br />

acLyrTblRec.Color = Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 4)<br />

acLyrTblRec.Name = Viewport<br />

acLyrTblRec.IsPlottable = False<br />

acLyrTbl.UpgradeOpen()<br />

acLyrTbl.Add(acLyrTblRec)<br />

myTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acLyrTblRec, True)<br />

End If<br />

If acLyrTbl.Has(Viewport) = True Then<br />

myDB.Clayer = acLyrTbl(Viewport)<br />

End If<br />

For Each myBTRid As ObjectId In myBlockTable<br />

Dim myBlockTableRecord As BlockTableRecord =<br />

myBTRid.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

If myBlockTableRecord.IsLayout = True Then<br />

Dim myLayout As Layout =<br />

myBlockTableRecord.LayoutId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

If myBlockTable.Has(name2) = True Then<br />

LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout = "EnergieDakProject"<br />

Exit For<br />

End If<br />

Try<br />

myLayout = LayoutManager.Current.-<br />

CreateLayout("EnergieDakProject").GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout = "EnergieDakProject"<br />

INSERT.InsertBlock(HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase, -<br />

BlockTableRecord.PaperSpace, New Point3d(0, 0, 0), "KaderA3", 1, 1, 1)<br />

Catch ex As Exception<br />

End Try<br />

Exit For<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

myDB.Clayer = acLyrTbl(0)<br />

myTrans.Commit()<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

Application.SetSystemVariable("tilemode", 1)<br />

Part 3<br />

We chick the BlockTable tow time to create tow Layouts and insert themes<br />

Blocks(KaderA4,KaderA3) during the procedure I create layer Viewport to set the view<br />

port for EnergieDakProject Layout in.<br />

And fainlly set layer 0 which is already in any drawing as current layer and then return<br />

to the ModelSpace.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 46

I use the right method to insert the block (Function InsertBlock) not by<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocu<br />

ment.SendStringToExecute("-i" & vbCr & "KaderA4" & vbCr & "0,0" & vbCr & "1" & vbCr<br />

& "0", True, False, False)<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocu<br />

ment.SendStringToExecute("1 0 1", True, False, False)<br />

Its work good ,but we will not able to edit in place the attribute by double click on it .<br />

We will lock in (Function InsertBlock) in the next page.<br />

The resin why I but this routine in the load event is that in each button in the Berekken<br />

Palette the result we be send directly to,<br />

A-label in the Palette.<br />

B-update Attributes in the Stuklijst Layout.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 47

Public Function InsertBlock(ByVal DatabaseIn As Database, _<br />

ByVal BTRToAddTo As String,ByVal InsPt As Geometry.Point3d, _<br />

ByVal BlockName As String,ByVal XScale As Double,ByVal YScale As Double,_<br />

ByVal ZScale As Double) As DatabaseServices.ObjectId<br />

Using myTrans As Transaction=DatabaseIn.TransactionManager.StartTransaction<br />

Dim myBlockTable As BlockTable= _<br />

DatabaseIn.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If myBlockTable.Has(BlockName) = False Then<br />

Return Nothing<br />

1<br />

End If<br />

If myBlockTable.Has(BTRToAddTo) = False Then<br />

Return Nothing<br />

End If<br />

Dim myBlockDef As BlockTableRecord = _<br />

myBlockTable(BlockName).GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Dim myBlockTableRecord As BlockTableRecord = _<br />

myBlockTable(BTRToAddTo).GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Dim myBlockRef As New BlockReference(InsPt, myBlockDef.Id)<br />

myBlockRef.ScaleFactors = New Geometry.Scale3d(XScale, YScale, ZScale)<br />

myBlockTableRecord.AppendEntity(myBlockRef)<br />

myTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(myBlockRef, True)<br />

Dim myAttColl As DatabaseServices.AttributeCollection = _<br />

myBlockRef.AttributeCollection<br />

For Each myEntID As ObjectId In myBlockDef<br />

Dim myEnt As Entity = myEntID.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If TypeOf myEnt Is DatabaseServices.AttributeDefinition Then<br />

Dim myAttDef As DatabaseServices.AttributeDefinition = myEnt<br />

Dim myAttRef As New DatabaseServices.AttributeReference<br />

myAttRef.SetAttributeFromBlock(myAttDef, myBlockRef.BlockTransform)<br />

myAttColl.AppendAttribute(myAttRef)<br />

myTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(myAttRef, True)<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

myTrans.Commit()<br />

Return myBlockRef.Id<br />

End Using<br />

End Function<br />

1- We are able to specifying the BlockTableRecord which we want to insert the block in the<br />

ModelSpace, PaperSpace, or even another BlockDefinition (see page 40)<br />

2- We loops through each entity in a Block Definition, looking for an AttributeDefinition entity.<br />

If we find an AttributeDefinition, we create a new AttributeReference based on the Definition<br />

and append the AttributeReference to the AttributeCollection of the BlockReference.<br />

But what dose this main, is it Maine that Attribute like akind of Block in Block, I think it’s like<br />

that.<br />

What important to me is BlockReference which is in another word Block name and the<br />

AttributeReference they are not the same and that affect on the SelectionFilter Criterium.<br />

In the next page a practicl exampel.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 48<br />


Dim Criterium(1) As TypedValue<br />

Criterium(0) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start, "INSERT")<br />

'Criterium(1) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.BlockName, "SU")<br />

Dim ss As New SelectionFilter(Criterium)<br />

Dim Antwoord = Application.DocumentManager.-<br />

MdiActiveDocument.Editor.SelectAll(ss)<br />

If Antwoord.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then<br />

Dim col = New ObjectIdCollection(Antwoord.Value.GetObjectIds())<br />

Dim doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim dwg = doc.Database<br />

Using transactie = dwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Try<br />

For Each id In col<br />

Dim blokreferentie As BlockReference<br />

blokreferentie = transactie.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Dim BlokDefinities As BlockTable<br />

BlokDefinities =<br />

transactie.GetObject(dwg.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Dim Blokdefid = BlokDefinities(blokreferentie.Name)<br />

If blokreferentie.Name = "SU" Then<br />

TotaalServicunits = TotaalServicunits + 1<br />

End If<br />

Next id<br />

'GET ATTRE<br />

For Each id In col<br />

Dim blokreferentie As BlockReference<br />

blokreferentie = transactie.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Dim AttRefIdColl = blokreferentie.AttributeCollection<br />

For Each attRefId As ObjectId In AttRefIdColl<br />

Dim AttRef As AttributeReference<br />

AttRef = transactie.GetObject(attRefId, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

If AttRef.Tag.Equals(TA, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) =<br />

True Then<br />

AttRef.TextString = TotaalServicunits & “ Stuk"<br />

Exit For<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

Next id<br />

Its the proof about what I have said in the last page about the BlockReference and the<br />

AttributeReference.<br />

When we add the 'Criterium(1) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.BlockName, "SU") in the<br />

SelectionFilter we will be not able to get the AttributeReference and that make me think that<br />

the Attribute let me say linked to the block .<br />

And the type of Attribute is "INSERT“ it’s a block. Its in the data base separated block in one<br />

tabel with the block which linked with.<br />

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Notice : this is the page nember 50 and some routine in this palette can take several pages so I<br />

shall show parts of each routine.<br />

Berekenen Totaal Circuits Lengte (Paiping) see page 12<br />

Dim TA As String = "TotaalCollectorbuis"<br />

Dim TOTAALOPV As String = "TOTAALOPV"<br />

Dim Lengte As Double = 0<br />

Me.Label1.Text = (Lengte & " M")<br />

Dim Criterium(0) As TypedVal<br />

Criterium(0) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start, "INSERT")<br />

'Criterium(1) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.LayerName, x)<br />

Dim ss As New SelectionFilter(Criterium)<br />

This routine is nearly the same routine of the Berekken button in the Collectorleidingen<br />

Palette With some additions.<br />

Berekenen Totaal Bocht Platen see page 12<br />

Try<br />

For Each id In col<br />

Dim blokreferentie As BlockReference<br />

blokreferentie = transactie.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Dim BlokDefinities As BlockTable<br />

BlokDefinities = transactie.GetObject(dwg.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Dim Blokdefid = BlokDefinities(blokreferentie.Name)<br />

Dim BlokDefinitie As BlockTableRecord<br />

BlokDefinitie = transactie.GetObject(Blokdefid, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

'Block PD<br />

For Each elementId In BlokDefinitie<br />

Dim Element As Entity<br />

Element = transactie.GetObject(elementId, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If Element.Visible = True Then<br />

If TypeOf Element Is Polyline Then<br />

Dim PL = CType(Element, Polyline)<br />

If PL.ConstantWidth = 2.6789 Then<br />

If PL.ColorIndex = 171 Then<br />

TotaalBochtPlaten = TotaalBochtPlaten + 2<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

'Block LD<br />

For Each elementId In BlokDefinitie<br />

Dim Element As Entity<br />

Element = transactie.GetObject(elementId, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If Element.Visible = True Then<br />

If TypeOf Element Is Polyline Then<br />

Dim PL = CType(Element, Polyline)<br />

If PL.ConstantWidth = 3.6789 Then<br />

If PL.ColorIndex = 169 Then<br />

TotaalBochtPlaten = TotaalBochtPlaten + 0.25<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 50

What is this<br />

If Element.Visible = True Then<br />

If TypeOf Element Is Polyline Then<br />

Dim PL = CType(Element, Polyline)<br />

If PL.ConstantWidth = 2.6789 Then<br />

If PL.ColorIndex = 171 Then<br />

TotaalBochtPlaten = TotaalBochtPlaten + 2<br />

It’s a small Polyline with unique ConstantWidth and ColorIndex values for each block to<br />

make some calculation.<br />

It’s like Parameter.<br />

It was the easier way to get the required information, but way not Attribute or Xdata ?<br />

Because we are working with Dynamic Block with (some time ArrayAction), we cannot<br />

Array the Attribute or Xdata.<br />

And way ConstantWidth and ColorIndex properties?<br />

Not all properties work ,as example circle with special radius or Polyline..Length<br />

will not work.<br />

And way that ?<br />

Its take a time to know that and to check all kind of Objects properties.<br />

See page 25<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 51

Berekenen Totaal CollectorPlaten see page 12<br />

'Block PL<br />

For Each elementId In BlokDefinitie<br />

Dim Element As Entity<br />

Element = transactie.GetObject(elementId, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If Element.Visible = True Then<br />

If TypeOf Element Is Polyline Then<br />

Dim PL = CType(Element, Polyline)<br />

If PL.ConstantWidth = 5.6789 Then<br />

If PL.ColorIndex = 58 Then<br />

TotaalSysteemplaten = TotaalSysteemplaten + 1<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

'Block PL21<br />

For Each elementId In BlokDefinitie<br />

Dim Element As Entity<br />

Element = transactie.GetObject(elementId, OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

If Element.Visible = True Then<br />

If TypeOf Element Is Polyline Then<br />

Dim PL = CType(Element, Polyline)<br />

If PL.ConstantWidth = 13 Then<br />

If PL.ColorIndex = 65 Then<br />

TotaalSysteemplaten = TotaalSysteemplaten + 0.0625<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

This number is the result of calculating the block area and compare it with the area of<br />

one complete CollectorPlaten.<br />

Berekenen Totaal Power Fastener see page 12<br />

Berekenen Totaal Aanv.reto.leiding<br />

Berekenen Totaal PV-Platen see page 12<br />

Nothing new in them routines they use same idea with some differences.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 52

The first version of the Aanvoer en retourleiding Block was like<br />

this.<br />

(Part of the Block)<br />

But they need o culculte the length for each diameter, I change it to separated Block and<br />

with this routine we will get what they asked, this part of it.<br />

Dim diktes = New List(Of String)<br />

Dim Lengtes = New List(Of Double)<br />

Dim Criterium(1) As TypedValue<br />

Criterium(0) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start, "INSERT")<br />

Dim ss As New SelectionFilter(Criterium)<br />

Dim Antwoord = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.SelectAll(ss)<br />

If Antwoord.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then<br />

Dim col = New ObjectIdCollection(Antwoord.Value.GetObjectIds())<br />

Dim doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim dwg = doc.Database<br />

Using transactie = dwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Try<br />

For Each id In col<br />

Dim blokreferentie As BlockReference<br />

blokreferentie = transactie.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Dim AttRefIdColl = blokreferentie.AttributeCollection<br />

Dim AttribuutAVanDitBlok = ""<br />

For Each attRefId As ObjectId In AttRefIdColl<br />

Dim AttRef As AttributeReference<br />

AttRef = transactie.GetObject(attRefId, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

If AttRef.Tag.Equals(a, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = True Then<br />

AttribuutAVanDitBlok = AttRef.TextString<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 53

This routine work like this,<br />

in the begining we define tow ArrayList t "List(Of Type)" , we can considerd the Array list as<br />

kind of collections.<br />

Because we do not know the size of the array, so the ArrayList will grow dynamically<br />

And then we define string AttribuutAVanDitBlok which will get the value of dik Attribuute.<br />

Dim KomtVoor = False<br />

For Each dik In diktes<br />

If dik = AttRef.TextString Then KomtVoor = True<br />

Next<br />

If Not KomtVoor Then<br />

diktes.Add(AttRef.TextString)<br />

Lengtes.Add(0)<br />

End If<br />

End If<br />

If AttRef.Tag.Equals(b, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = True Then<br />

For i = 0 To diktes.Count - 1<br />

If AttribuutAVanDitBlok = diktes(i) Then<br />

Lengtes.Item(i) = Lengtes.Item(i) + AttRef.TextString<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

Hier we check first if there is a previous dik in the Array diktes if not we will add the<br />

new value and then we check the dik if it is same we will add the Lengtes to the old<br />

one.<br />

Dim LaatstePlaats = 450<br />

For i = 0 To diktes.Count - 1<br />

Dim c1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label<br />

c1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D<br />

c1.BackColor = Ivory<br />

c1.AutoSize = True<br />

c1.Name = "<strong>Dia</strong>meter" & i<br />

c1.Text = diktes(i) & " " & Lengtes(i)<br />

c1.Left = 25<br />

LaatstePlaats = LaatstePlaats + 30<br />

c1.Top = LaatstePlaats<br />

Me.Controls.Add(c1)<br />

Me.Controls("<strong>Dia</strong>meter" & i).Text = "Dik is " & diktes(i) & "mm" & " Lengte is " & (2 * L<br />

engtes(i)) & "M"<br />

Next<br />

Me.Update()<br />

Next id<br />

The laste part is for create the lable in the Paltte.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 54

For i = 0 To diktes.Count - 1<br />

Dim TA As String = [String].Concat("DIKTE", i)<br />

For Each id In col<br />

Dim blokreferentie As BlockReference<br />

blokreferentie = transactie.GetObject(id,<br />

OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Dim AttRefIdColl = blokreferentie.AttributeCollection<br />

For Each attRefId As ObjectId In AttRefIdColl<br />

Dim AttRef As AttributeReference<br />

AttRef = transactie.GetObject(attRefId,<br />

OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

If AttRef.Tag.Equals(TA,<br />

StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = True Then<br />

AttRef.TextString = "Dik is " & diktes(i) & "mm" & " Lengte<br />

is " & (2 * Lengtes(i)) & "M"<br />

Exit For<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

This for the Attibuutes in the Stuklijst.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 55

F- The Afdrukken Palette<br />

One way to access the Layouts in a Database is to use the<br />

LayoutDictionary.<br />

In this routien,we open the LayoutDictionary get the current<br />

Layout Name (EnergieDakStuklijst), and then we ask the<br />

LayoutDictionary if it has an entry with an EntryName that is the<br />

same as the current<br />

layout’s name , it’s the different between BlockTableRecord<br />

names(*Model_Space, *Paper_Space, *Paper_Space0) and<br />

Layout Names (Model, Layout1, Layout2).<br />

Its work perfectly I use it to switch to Model , EnergieDakStuklijst-<br />

Layout , EnergieDakProject.<br />

Dim doc = Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.Application.<br />

DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim myDB As Database =<br />

HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase<br />

Using myTrans As Transaction =<br />

myDB.TransactionManager.StartTransaction<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Dim myBlockTable As BlockTable =<br />

myDB.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

For Each myBTRid As ObjectId In myBlockTable<br />

Dim myDictionary As DBDictionary =<br />

myDB.LayoutDictionaryId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Dim EnergieDakStuklijst As String =<br />

LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout<br />

If myDictionary.Contains(EnergieDakStuklijst) Then<br />

Try<br />

Dim myLayoutID As ObjectId =<br />

myDictionary(EnergieDakStuklijst)<br />

Dim myLayout As Layout =<br />

myLayoutID.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Dim myBTR As BlockTableRecord =<br />

myLayout.BlockTableRecordId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout =<br />

"EnergieDakStuklijst"<br />

Exit For<br />

Catch ex As Exception<br />

End Try<br />

End If<br />

Next<br />

myTrans.Commit()<br />

DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.Regen()<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 56

Dim acLyrTbl As LayerTable<br />

Dim acLyrTblRec As LayerTableRecord<br />

acLyrTbl =transactie.GetObject(dwg.LayerTableId,<br />

OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Try<br />

If acLyrTbl.Has(Afschotplan) = True Then<br />

acLyrTblRec = New LayerTableRecord()<br />

acLyrTblRec.Name = Afschotplan<br />

acLyrTbl.UpgradeOpen()<br />

acLyrTblRec = transactie.GetObject(acLyrTbl(Afschotplan),<br />

OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

acLyrTblRec.IsOff = False<br />

End If<br />

If acLyrTbl.Has(AFL) = True Then<br />

acLyrTblRec = New LayerTableRecord()<br />

acLyrTblRec.Name = AFL<br />

acLyrTbl.UpgradeOpen()<br />

acLyrTblRec = transactie.GetObject(acLyrTbl(AFL), _<br />

OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

acLyrTblRec.IsOff = False<br />

End If<br />

The function of these Radio Buttons is turn of group of layers, except the first one which I<br />

used it to choice which layout will be print, EnergieDakStuklijst Layout if Checked = True ore<br />

EnergieDakProject Layout if Checked = False.<br />

This routine work like this.<br />

First we look for some Attributes and get them values to use it as part of plot file name, and<br />

then we set the required Layout current and begin the plot progress .<br />

Its along routine I will begin directly with the plot progress.<br />

Dim acDoc As Document = Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.ApplicationServices.<br />

Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument<br />

Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database<br />

Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()<br />

Using doc.LockDocument()<br />

Dim acLayoutMgr As LayoutManager<br />

acLayoutMgr = LayoutManager.Current<br />

Dim acLayout As Layout<br />

acLayout = acTrans.GetObject(acLayoutMgr.GetLayoutId(acLayoutMgr.CurrentLayout), _<br />

OpenMode.ForRead)<br />

Dim acPlInfo As PlotInfo = New PlotInfo()<br />

acPlInfo.Layout = acLayout.ObjectId<br />

Dim acPlSet As PlotSettings = New PlotSettings(acLayout.ModelType)<br />

acPlSet.CopyFrom(acLayout)<br />

Dim acPlSetVdr As PlotSettingsValidator = PlotSettingsValidator.Current<br />

acPlSetVdr.SetPlotType(acPlSet, _<br />

Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.DatabaseServices.PlotType.Layout)<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 57

acPlSetVdr.SetUseStandardScale(acPlSet, True)<br />

acPlSetVdr.SetStdScaleType(acPlSet, StdScaleType.StdScale1To1)<br />

acPlSetVdr.SetPlotOrigin(acPlSet, New Point2d(0, 0))<br />

acPlSetVdr.SetPlotConfigurationName(acPlSet, "Dwg to pdf.pc3", _<br />

"iso_A3_(420.00_x_297.00_mm)")<br />

acPlInfo.OverrideSettings = acPlSet<br />

Dim acPlInfoVdr As PlotInfoValidator = New PlotInfoValidator()<br />

acPlInfoVdr.MediaMatchingPolicy = MatchingPolicy.MatchEnabled<br />

acPlInfoVdr.Validate(acPlInfo)<br />

If PlotFactory.ProcessPlotState = Autodesk.Auto<strong>CAD</strong>.PlottingServices. _<br />

ProcessPlotState.NotPlotting Then<br />

Using acPlEng As PlotEngine = PlotFactory.CreatePublishEngine()<br />

Dim acPlProgDlg As PlotProgress<strong>Dia</strong>log = New PlotProgress<strong>Dia</strong>log(False, 1, True)<br />

Using (acPlProgDlg)<br />

acPlProgDlg.PlotMsgString(PlotMessageIndex.<strong>Dia</strong>logTitle) = "Plot Progress"<br />

acPlProgDlg.PlotMsgString(PlotMessageIndex.CancelJobButtonMessage) = "Cancel Job"<br />

acPlProgDlg.PlotMsgString(PlotMessageIndex.CancelSheetButtonMessage) = "Cancel Sheet"<br />

acPlProgDlg.PlotMsgString(PlotMessageIndex.SheetSetProgressCaption) = "Sheet Set Progress"<br />

acPlProgDlg.PlotMsgString(PlotMessageIndex.SheetProgressCaption) = "Sheet Progress"<br />

acPlProgDlg.LowerPlotProgressRange = 0<br />

acPlProgDlg.UpperPlotProgressRange = 100<br />

acPlProgDlg.PlotProgressPos = 0<br />

acPlProgDlg.OnBeginPlot()<br />

acPlProgDlg.IsVisible = True<br />

acPlEng.BeginPlot(acPlProgDlg, Nothing)<br />

Try<br />

FolderBrowser<strong>Dia</strong>log1.Description = " Kies waar wilt u het bestand bewaren "<br />

If FolderBrowser<strong>Dia</strong>log1.Show<strong>Dia</strong>log = <strong>Dia</strong>logResult.OK Then<br />

selectedFolder = FolderBrowser<strong>Dia</strong>log1.SelectedPath<br />

acPlEng.BeginDocument(acPlInfo, acDoc.Name, Nothing, 1, True, _<br />

selectedFolder & "\" & Dname & " _ " & Lname & "EnergieDakProject")<br />

End If<br />

acPlProgDlg.PlotMsgString(PlotMessageIndex.Status) = "Plotting: " & acDoc.Name & _<br />

" - " & acLayout.LayoutName<br />

acPlProgDlg.OnBeginSheet()<br />

acPlProgDlg.LowerSheetProgressRange = 0<br />

acPlProgDlg.UpperSheetProgressRange = 100<br />

acPlProgDlg.SheetProgressPos = 0<br />

Dim acPlPageInfo As PlotPageInfo = New PlotPageInfo()<br />

acPlEng.BeginPage(acPlPageInfo, acPlInfo, True, Nothing)<br />

acPlEng.BeginGenerateGraphics(Nothing)<br />

acPlEng.EndGenerateGraphics(Nothing)<br />

acPlEng.EndPage(Nothing)<br />

acPlProgDlg.SheetProgressPos = 100<br />

acPlProgDlg.OnEndSheet()<br />

acPlEng.EndDocument(Nothing)<br />

acPlProgDlg.PlotProgressPos = 100<br />

acPlProgDlg.OnEndPlot()<br />

acPlEng.EndPlot(Nothing)<br />

Catch ex As Exception<br />

End Try<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

End If<br />

End Using<br />

End Using<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 58

Kader Invullen<br />

Update en onthoud<br />

I will not talk about update because its work in the same way in the previous routine, just about<br />

remember "onhoud".<br />

The routine will remember nothing what going on is in the event of Form1_Load I but this<br />

routine<br />

For Each id In col<br />

Dim blokreferentie As BlockReference<br />

blokreferentie = transactie.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />

Dim AttRefIdColl = blokreferentie.AttributeCollection<br />

For Each attRefId As ObjectId In AttRefIdColl<br />

Dim AttRef As AttributeReference<br />

AttRef = transactie.GetObject(attRefId, OpenMode.ForWrite)<br />


If AttRef.Tag.Equals(PROJECTNAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = True Then<br />

Dim PNAME As String<br />

PNAME = AttRef.TextString<br />

TextBox1.BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightGray<br />

TextBox1.Text = PNAME<br />

End If<br />

'CLIENT<br />

If AttRef.Tag.Equals(CLIENT, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = True Then<br />

Dim cNAME As String<br />

cNAME = AttRef.TextString<br />

TextBox2.BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightGray<br />

TextBox2.Text = cNAME<br />

And for each TextBox<br />

PrivateSubTextBox1_TextChanged(ByValsender As System.Object,<br />

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged<br />

TextBox1.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Empty<br />

End Sub<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 59

Attachments<br />

The first drawing is an example of situation before which took about 60 hours,<br />

the second designed by ED<strong>CAD</strong> in about 1 hour.<br />

Afterword<br />

This is just an example of Auto<strong>CAD</strong> Customization and there is plenty more to do and to learn,<br />

I wish that I have succeeded in clarifying the project.<br />

it is the end of the report and the beginning to me to find a job in this field and continue the way<br />

with autodesk deeply.<br />

now I am busy in preparing my web site ( autocadsolution.nl ), in future you may find more<br />

projects.<br />

Thank you.<br />

Athier Alwekil.<br />

16/12/2010 ED<strong>CAD</strong>1.0 HBO-Traject 2010 60

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