to download our puppy care leaflet - Pets at Home
to download our puppy care leaflet - Pets at Home
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Congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ions!<br />
If you’re reading this, then chances are<br />
you’ve just welcomed a new bundle of<br />
fun in<strong>to</strong> y<strong>our</strong> home. We know there’s a<br />
lot <strong>to</strong> learn with any new pet so we’ve<br />
put <strong>to</strong>gether this handy guide <strong>to</strong> give you<br />
some advice on everything y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong><br />
might need for a happy, healthy start.<br />
This is just a small selection of wh<strong>at</strong> we<br />
have <strong>to</strong> offer for you and y<strong>our</strong> new<br />
<strong>puppy</strong>. To see <strong>our</strong> complete range, pop<br />
in<strong>to</strong> y<strong>our</strong> local <strong>Pets</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Home</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re and<br />
<strong>our</strong> expert team members will be on<br />
hand <strong>to</strong> give you help and advice. If you<br />
would like <strong>to</strong> shop from the comfort of<br />
y<strong>our</strong> home why not visit <strong>our</strong> website,<br />
pets<strong>at</strong><br />
Settling in<br />
Settling y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> in<strong>to</strong> his new home will be much easier<br />
for both you and y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> if you prepare in advance.<br />
Here are a few basic essentials th<strong>at</strong> will make y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong><br />
feel <strong>at</strong> ease in their new home.<br />
An indoor cr<strong>at</strong>e or <strong>puppy</strong> pen is a gre<strong>at</strong> way <strong>to</strong> help<br />
y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> feel safe and secure in their new<br />
environment. Y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> may have been kept in a cr<strong>at</strong>e<br />
before you brought him home, so it might feel familiar.<br />
When choosing a cr<strong>at</strong>e it’s important <strong>to</strong> consider how big y<strong>our</strong><br />
<strong>puppy</strong> will be when he’s fully grown. Always place y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong>’s<br />
bed or cr<strong>at</strong>e somewhere away from draughts with some privacy.<br />
If y<strong>our</strong> new <strong>puppy</strong> is anxious about their new<br />
home, you may want <strong>to</strong> try a n<strong>at</strong>ural calming<br />
remedy such as Serene-UM drops. These help<br />
<strong>to</strong> relieve any stress y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> may feel when<br />
settling in<strong>to</strong> a new home. These drops are only<br />
suitable for puppies over 6 weeks old.<br />
Our micropillows are a gre<strong>at</strong> way <strong>to</strong> keep y<strong>our</strong><br />
<strong>puppy</strong> warm during the winter months, simply<br />
pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds<br />
and y<strong>our</strong> new arrival will be snug for h<strong>our</strong>s.<br />
Puppies are n<strong>at</strong>urally inquisitive and love <strong>to</strong> explore. Dog<br />
safety g<strong>at</strong>es are a gre<strong>at</strong> way <strong>to</strong> introduce them in<strong>to</strong> y<strong>our</strong><br />
home slowly and safely, especially if you have other pets.<br />
They also love <strong>to</strong> chew and pick things up with their mouths so<br />
make sure th<strong>at</strong> you move anything valuable or dangerous out<br />
of their reach.<br />
Diet<br />
Y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong>’s first few meals <strong>at</strong> home are very important. To<br />
ensure they do not get an upset s<strong>to</strong>mach it is best <strong>to</strong> find out<br />
wh<strong>at</strong> y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> was being fed and continue <strong>to</strong> feed them on<br />
the same food for a day or two. If they’ve not been e<strong>at</strong>ing an<br />
Advanced Nutrition brand, then we recommend you change<br />
their diet. This will need <strong>to</strong> be done gradually over a few days,<br />
mixing equal amounts of old and new food in<strong>to</strong> their bowl.<br />
A <strong>puppy</strong>’s nutritional needs vary<br />
significantly from th<strong>at</strong> of an adult dog<br />
and they require a unique and balanced<br />
diet <strong>to</strong> help them grow in<strong>to</strong> healthy<br />
adults. <strong>Pets</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Home</strong> Puppy Complete<br />
has been specially formul<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>to</strong> meet<br />
the unique nutritional needs <strong>at</strong> this<br />
critical stage of y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong>’s<br />
development. We have <strong>care</strong>fully<br />
blended protein and fibre in an easy <strong>to</strong><br />
digest formula. This ensures y<strong>our</strong><br />
<strong>puppy</strong> has all the essential nutrients<br />
for growth and stamina, for the very<br />
best start in life.<br />
We only use quality ingredients <strong>to</strong> help keep y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> in the<br />
best possible condition. Every meal contains a high me<strong>at</strong><br />
content which is s<strong>our</strong>ced from UK farms. It is also non GM<br />
and contains no added col<strong>our</strong>ants, flav<strong>our</strong>ings or<br />
preserv<strong>at</strong>ives.<br />
It’s vital th<strong>at</strong> y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> always has access <strong>to</strong> a<br />
clean, fresh supply of w<strong>at</strong>er. You may want <strong>to</strong><br />
tre<strong>at</strong> him <strong>to</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> milk every now and again. Our<br />
<strong>puppy</strong> milk is enriched with Omega 3 and infused<br />
with vitamins and minerals.<br />
When you wash his bowls, only use w<strong>at</strong>er as<br />
washing up liquid can harm his delic<strong>at</strong>e s<strong>to</strong>mach.<br />
It’s also advisable <strong>to</strong> wash them separ<strong>at</strong>ely from<br />
y<strong>our</strong> own. For more advice on wh<strong>at</strong> <strong>to</strong> feed y<strong>our</strong><br />
<strong>puppy</strong>, ask a member of <strong>our</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re team, they will<br />
be more than happy <strong>to</strong> help.<br />
Training and behavi<strong>our</strong><br />
Training is an important part of y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong>’s development. It<br />
is most effective if you praise and reward y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong><br />
immedi<strong>at</strong>ely after they have responded <strong>to</strong> a command. You<br />
can reward him with a nutritionally balanced tre<strong>at</strong>, some of<br />
y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong>’s usual food or a <strong>to</strong>y. Even just praising y<strong>our</strong> dog<br />
can be effective. Training is most successful when y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong><br />
is between 12 and 18 weeks old as this is when they form<br />
most of their habits.<br />
If you are rewarding y<strong>our</strong><br />
<strong>puppy</strong> with tre<strong>at</strong>s then it is<br />
important th<strong>at</strong> they are<br />
healthy. Our <strong>Pets</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Home</strong><br />
<strong>puppy</strong> tre<strong>at</strong>s are gre<strong>at</strong> for<br />
y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong>’s digestion and<br />
some even have added<br />
calcium <strong>to</strong> help their teeth<br />
and bones grow stronger.<br />
Toilet training<br />
When <strong>to</strong>ilet training, it is vital th<strong>at</strong> you give y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> regular<br />
<strong>to</strong>ilet breaks, key times are morning, night and after meals.<br />
Accidents will happen, so don’t be <strong>to</strong>o hard on y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong>.<br />
If you see them going <strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>ilet indoors<br />
then a firm ‘no’ and a trip <strong>to</strong> their outdoor<br />
<strong>to</strong>ilet area will suffice. If you’re <strong>to</strong>o <strong>to</strong>ugh<br />
then y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> will become afraid <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong><br />
the <strong>to</strong>ilet in front of you and this could lead<br />
<strong>to</strong> more accidents. Our stain and od<strong>our</strong><br />
remover will not only remove all pet stains,<br />
but it removes the scent of pet urine<br />
ensuring y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> doesn’t foul in the<br />
same place twice.<br />
If you are training y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> <strong>to</strong> go<br />
outside, it’s best <strong>to</strong> select an area in y<strong>our</strong><br />
garden th<strong>at</strong> you want <strong>to</strong> become y<strong>our</strong><br />
<strong>puppy</strong>’s <strong>to</strong>ilet area. You can help them <strong>to</strong><br />
distinguish this area by using a Pee Post.<br />
If you take y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> <strong>to</strong> this post<br />
whenever he needs the <strong>to</strong>ilet, he will soon<br />
associ<strong>at</strong>e the post with the <strong>to</strong>ilet.<br />
When you’re out and about it’s y<strong>our</strong><br />
responsibility <strong>to</strong> clean up after y<strong>our</strong> pup.<br />
Poop bags are a quick and convenient<br />
way <strong>to</strong> help you clean up after y<strong>our</strong><br />
pup. Don’t forget <strong>to</strong> clean y<strong>our</strong> hands<br />
afterwards with <strong>our</strong> handy foam hand<br />
wash which requires no w<strong>at</strong>er and is<br />
proven <strong>to</strong> kill germs.<br />
For indoor training try using <strong>puppy</strong> pads,<br />
as they release a scent which will <strong>at</strong>tract<br />
y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> <strong>to</strong> wherever it is placed. This<br />
will enc<strong>our</strong>age him <strong>to</strong> relieve himself on<br />
the super-absorbant pad and not y<strong>our</strong><br />
floor. It’s important <strong>to</strong> place the pads<br />
away from where he e<strong>at</strong>s and sleeps.<br />
Playtime<br />
Now th<strong>at</strong> you have got all the basics it’s time <strong>to</strong> start<br />
having fun with y<strong>our</strong> new <strong>puppy</strong>. It is very important th<strong>at</strong><br />
y<strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> socialises with other dogs from an early age. To<br />
avoid them being s<strong>care</strong>d when they are older the more they<br />
see, hear and do in the first few weeks the better. Ask a<br />
member of <strong>our</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re team about <strong>our</strong> <strong>puppy</strong> events. Help<br />
strengthen the bond between you and y<strong>our</strong> new <strong>puppy</strong> with<br />
lots of playtime every day. We have a wide range of <strong>to</strong>ys<br />
designed specifically for puppies for you <strong>to</strong> choose from.