IABP Therapie - Die Basics

IABP Therapie - Die Basics

IABP Therapie - Die Basics


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Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Curriculum Medizinische Intensivtherapie<br />

<strong>IABP</strong> <strong>Therapie</strong> - <strong>Die</strong> <strong>Basics</strong><br />

Robert M. Radke<br />

Medizinische Klinik C<br />

Universitätsklinikum Münster

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Themen<br />

• Grundprinzip der <strong>IABP</strong><br />

• Indikationen, Kontraindikationen<br />

• Einführung in das Gerät<br />

• Katheteranlage und optimale<br />

Kreislaufunterstützung<br />

• Komplikationen<br />

• Evidenz

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

<strong>IABP</strong> System<br />

<strong>IABP</strong>-Katheter<br />


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Katheterposition und Funktion

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Physiologischer Herzzyklus<br />

Vorhofsystole<br />

Aortendruck<br />

Druck in der<br />

linken Kammer<br />

Druck im<br />

linken Vorhof<br />

zentraler Venendruck<br />

(ZVD)<br />

Volumen des<br />

linken Ventrikels<br />

1mV<br />

120<br />

mmHg<br />

0<br />

2<br />

mmHg<br />

0<br />

120<br />

ml<br />

40<br />

0<br />

a<br />

IVc I IIa IIb III IVa IVb<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Q<br />

R<br />

S<br />

Kammersystole Kammerdiastole<br />

c<br />

enddiastolisches<br />

Volumen<br />

(EDV)<br />

x<br />

T<br />

Inzisur<br />

v<br />

Schlagvolumen<br />

(SV)<br />

EKG<br />

Restvolumen (ESV)<br />

y<br />

P<br />

IVc<br />

Q<br />

a<br />


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Myokardiale Sauerstoffversorgung<br />

Angebot<br />

•Koronaranatomie<br />

•Diastolischer Druck<br />

•Diastolendauer<br />

•O2 Transport<br />

(Hb, PaO2)<br />

Verbrauch<br />

•Herzfrequenz<br />

•Afterload<br />

•Preload<br />


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Myokardiale Sauerstoffversorgung<br />

DPTI / TTI = Angebot / Nachfrage

EKG<br />

<strong>IABP</strong> - Prinzip<br />

Aortendruck<br />

<strong>IABP</strong><br />

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

nicht<br />

assistierte Systole<br />

nicht assistierter<br />

enddiastolischer Druck<br />

diastolische<br />

nicht<br />

Augmentation<br />

assistierte Systole<br />

assistierte<br />

Systole<br />

assistierter<br />

enddiastolischer Druck

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

<strong>IABP</strong> - Prinzip

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

<strong>IABP</strong> - Physiologische Effekte<br />

Aortaler<br />

Druck<br />

Kardiale<br />

Last<br />

! Systolisch ! Nachlast<br />

" Diastolisch ! Vorlast<br />

Blutfluss LV Drücke LV<br />

" Koronarer<br />

Blutfluss<br />

" Cardiac<br />

Output<br />

" Renaler<br />

Blutfluss<br />

! Systolisch ! Volumen<br />

! Enddiastolisch<br />

! Arbeit<br />

! Wandspannung<br />

Maccioli GA et al. 1988

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Indikationen - Kardiologie<br />

• Hypotension oder Low Output nach<br />

akutem Myokardinfarkt<br />

(AHA : I, B ESC: I, B)<br />

• Infarkt-VSD, Papillarmuskelabriss<br />

• Polymorphe VTs nach MI<br />

• Patienten vor operativer Notfall<br />

Myokardrevaskularisation<br />

(AHA : IIa, B)<br />

• Supportiv bei Thrombolyse<br />

• ggf. Überbrückung zur Transplantation<br />

bei Herzinsuffizienz

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Indikationen - Anästhesiologie<br />

• Notfall-Myokardrevaskularisationen<br />

• Prophylaktischer Einsatz bei<br />

Hochrisikopatienten mit reduzierter<br />

linksventrikulärer Pumpfunktion<br />

• Low Output beim Weaning von der<br />


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Indikationen - Zukunft?<br />

• Septischer Schock mit schlechter<br />

Pumpfunktion und gutem peripheren<br />

Wiederstand?<br />

Solomon SB, Critical Care Medicine, 2009

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Kontraindikationen<br />

• Schwere Aorteninsuffizienz<br />

• Aortenaneurysma<br />

• Gefäßprothese der A. femoralis<br />

• schwerste pAVK

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Anlage des <strong>IABP</strong> Katheters<br />

• Anlage Schleuse im Seldingerverfahren<br />

• Vorschieben des Führungsdrahtes unter<br />

Sicht bis zum Erreichen des Aortenbogens

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Anlage des <strong>IABP</strong> Katheters<br />

• <strong>IABP</strong> Katheterspitze kurz unterhalb des<br />

Bogens positionieren. Sollte am unteren<br />

Rand des Aortenknopfes sein.<br />

• Fixieren. Bein gestreckt lassen.<br />

• Röntgenthoraxkontrolle. Alternativ im OP<br />

per TEE.<br />

• Vollheparinisierung.<br />

• Keine Pausen über 30 min!

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Unsere <strong>IABP</strong>s (Datascope CS100)<br />

• Automatische Analyse der<br />

optimalen Triggerquelle<br />

und Ableitung<br />

• Automatisches Timing<br />

• Druckmonitoring über das<br />


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Anschlüsse<br />

• Helium Anschluss<br />

• EKG Buchse<br />

• Druck Buchse

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Überblick Display

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Überblick Bedienfeld

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

<strong>Therapie</strong> Starten - I<br />

• Alles konnektieren<br />

• <strong>IABP</strong> Einschalten: „Mains On“ und „<strong>IABP</strong><br />

On“<br />

• Heliumflasche aufdrehen, Druck<br />

kontrollieren<br />

• Transducer nullen: 3W-Hahn auf Luft<br />

drehen. „Zero Pressure“ für 2 Sekunden<br />

drücken. 3W-Hahn zurückdrehen.

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

<strong>Therapie</strong> Starten II<br />

• Operation Mode „Auto“ einstellen.<br />

• 1:2 Modus Einstellen.<br />

• „Start“ drücken. (Füllung und Pumpen beginnt)<br />

• Kontrolle der Druckkurven und Finetuning des<br />

Entlüftungstiming (Inflationstiming im Auto<br />

Modus nicht beeinflussbar)<br />

• 1:1 Modus auswählen<br />

• Setzten des Augmentationsalarms auf ca.<br />

10mmHg unter der Augmentierten astolischen<br />


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Aspekte des Automatik Modus<br />

• Trigger wird automatisch ausgesucht. Wenn<br />

EKG, dann automatisch die beste Ableitung.<br />

• Timing wird automatisch eingestellt,<br />

Deflation veränderbar<br />

• Timing wird an HF und Rhythmus angepasst

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

!"#$%&%'(#()%*+##,-,-.,##/0/1#23##24(+#5<br />

Optimierung der Druckkurven - Idealbild<br />

Beurteilung in 1:2 Modus<br />

Scharfes A = One V complete sicher nach dem<br />

cardiac cycle<br />

Klappenschluss (A)<br />

B = Unassisted aortic<br />

end diastolic pressure<br />

Diastolische C = Unassisted Augmentation, die<br />

systolic pressure<br />

idelaerweise über der<br />

D = Diastolic<br />

normalen augmentation Systole liegt (D)<br />

E = Reduced aortic<br />

end diastolic pressure<br />

Verminderter enddiastolischer<br />

F = Reduced<br />

Druck (max. systolic pressure um 10mmHg) (E)<br />

Verminderung des darauf<br />

folgenden systolischen Drucks<br />

(F)<br />

Anstieg der MAP<br />

P<br />

Q<br />

B<br />

R<br />

S<br />

T<br />

Correct <strong>IABP</strong> Timing<br />

C<br />

A<br />

D<br />

E<br />


Unassisted<br />

systole<br />

Zu frühe Inflation<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Incorrect <strong>IABP</strong> Timing<br />

Assisted Aortic End<br />

Diastolic Pressure<br />

Effekte:<br />

Diastolic<br />

Augmentation<br />

Assisted Systole<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Inflation vor dem<br />

Aortenklappenschluss<br />

Verschmelzung von<br />

diastolischer Augmentation<br />

und Systole<br />

Verfrühter Aortenklappenschluss. Ggf. Anstieg von LVEDP.<br />

Anstieg des Afterloads, Erhöhter O2 Bedarf

Zu späte Inflation<br />


tion of the IAB markedly after<br />

re of the aortic valve.<br />

form Characteristics:<br />

• Inflation<br />

deutlich nach<br />

lation of IAB after the dicrotic notch.<br />

sence of sharp V.<br />

iologic Effects:<br />

der Inzisur<br />

b-optimal coronary artery perfusion.<br />

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

• Kein scharfes<br />

V!<br />

Effekt:<br />

Dicrotic Notch<br />

Diastolic Augmentation<br />

Assisted Aortic End<br />

Diastolic Pressure<br />

• Sub-optimale Koronarperfusion<br />

Assisted Systole

eform Characteristics:<br />

Zu späte Deflation<br />


sisted aortic end diastolic pressure<br />

ay be equal to the unassisted<br />

rtic end diastolic pressure.<br />

• Assistierter<br />

enddiastolischer Druck<br />

ate of rise of assisted systole<br />

prolonged.<br />

nicht tiefer als normal<br />

iastolic augmentation may appear<br />

idened.<br />

• Druckanstieg der<br />

assistierten Systole,<br />

siologic Effects:<br />

terload reduction is essentially<br />

sent<br />

flacher als normal.<br />

creased MV02 consumption due to<br />

e left ventricle ejecting against a<br />

eater resistance and a prolonged<br />

ovolumetric contraction phase<br />

• Diastolische<br />

Augmentation<br />

B may impede<br />

verbreitert.<br />

left ventricular<br />

ection and increase the afterload<br />

Effekt:<br />

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Unassisted Systole<br />

Widened<br />

Appearance<br />

Prolonged Rate<br />

of rise of Assisted<br />

Systole<br />

Assisted Aortic End<br />

Diastolic Pressure<br />

• LV pumpt z.T. gegen geschlossenen Ballon. Erhöhte<br />

Nachlast und O2 Bedarf.

Zu frühe Deflation<br />

Diastolic<br />

Augmentation<br />

Assisted Aortic End<br />

Diastolic Pressure Unassisted Aortic<br />

End Diastolic Pressure<br />

Effekt:<br />

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Incorrect <strong>IABP</strong> Timing<br />

Assisted Systole<br />

• Sub-optimale Koronarperfusion und<br />

Nachlastminderung<br />

• Deflation führt zu sehr<br />

scharfem Abfall des<br />

diastolischen Drucks<br />

• Suboptimale<br />

diastolische<br />

Augmentation<br />

• Assistierte systolischer<br />

Druck zu hoch.

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Keine supersystolische Diastole - Andere<br />

Gründe<br />

• Patient<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

• Katheter<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Tachykardie. Zu wenig Zeit zum Aufblasen.<br />

Hypovolämie. Zu geringes Schlagvolumen.<br />

Hypotonie. Diastole unter 40mmHg<br />

Ballon noch in der Schleuse?<br />

Katheter abgeknickt?<br />

Falsche Katheter Größe?<br />

Falsche Katheterlage<br />

Helium Leck

<strong>IABP</strong> - <strong>Die</strong> Risiken<br />

Komplikation Inzidenz (%)<br />

Beinischämie 5-18<br />

Schwerwiegende vaskuläre Komplikation 1-4<br />

Mesenteriale Ischämie 1<br />

Fehlplatzierung 1-5<br />

Ballonleck 1-5<br />


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Überwachung der <strong>Therapie</strong><br />

• Antikoagulation sicherstellen.<br />

• Klinische Untersuchung (Extremität<br />

durchblutet? Pulse? Farbe? Blutung?)<br />

• Röntgen Thorax zur Lagekontrolle<br />

• CK-Kontrolle (Ischämie der Extremität?)<br />

• Überwachung von Urinausscheidung und<br />


Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Weaning<br />

• Keine Richtlinien für die <strong>Therapie</strong>-Dauer.<br />

• Abhängig von Klinik. Typisch 3-5 Tage.<br />

• Weaning durch stufenweises reduzieren in<br />

Abhängigkeit vom Katecholaminbedarf über<br />

Stunden oder Tage.

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Leitlinien - <strong>IABP</strong> und STEMI<br />

• Kardiogener Schock, nicht unmittelbar<br />

ansprechend auf Volumen und<br />

Pharmakotherapie (AHA : I, B ESC: I, B)<br />

• Low Output (AHA: I, B ESC IIa, B)<br />

• Evidenz?

<strong>IABP</strong> bei high-risk STEMI<br />

ized clinical trials of <strong>IABP</strong> therapy in STEMI. All meta-analyses show effect estimates for the individual trials,<br />

and for the overall analysis. The size of each square is proportional to the weight of the individual trial. (A)<br />

lity. (B) The mean differences in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). (C and D) The risk differences in<br />

P, intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.<br />

difference for three trials that<br />

. Overall, <strong>IABP</strong> support in the<br />

d with a change in LVEF at<br />

95% CI, 22.2 to 2.0%; P ¼<br />

absolute numbers of stroke<br />

, together with the respective<br />

ial. Overall, the use of <strong>IABP</strong><br />

stroke rate of 2% (95% CI,<br />

leeding rate of 6% (95% CI,<br />

ype of reperfusion therapy<br />

the comprehensive analyses.<br />

neity across the seven trials.<br />

ewed distributions, suggesting<br />

.<br />

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

K.D. Sjauw et al.<br />

464<br />

Meta-analysis of cohort studies of<br />

intra-aortic balloon pump therapy in<br />

STEMI patients with cardiogenic shock<br />

Nine cohort studies of <strong>IABP</strong> therapy in STEMI patients with cardiogenic<br />

shock included a total of 10 529 patients. 20 – 29 Table 4 shows<br />

the study characteristics. Patients in the <strong>IABP</strong> group were younger<br />

(66 vs. 73 years) and more often male (63 vs. 53%). Figure 3A<br />

shows the absolute numbers of deaths in each treatment group,<br />

with the absolute risk difference for each cohort study. The thrombolysis<br />

studies showed adjunctive <strong>IABP</strong> therapy to be associated<br />

with an absolute decrease in 30 day mortality of 18% (95% CI,<br />

16–20%; P , 0.0001). Contrariwise, the primary PCI studies<br />

showed <strong>IABP</strong> therapy to be associated with an absolute increase<br />

464<br />

Figure 2 Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials of <strong>IABP</strong> therapy in STEMI. All meta-analyses show effect estimates for the individual trials,<br />

for each type of reperfusion therapy and for the overall analysis. The size of each square is proportional to the weight of the individual trial. (A)<br />

The risk differences in 30 day mortality. (B) The mean differences in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). (C and D) The risk differences in<br />

stroke and major bleeding rate. <strong>IABP</strong>, intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.<br />

each treatment group, with the mean difference for three trials that<br />

reported on left ventricular function. Overall, <strong>IABP</strong> support in the<br />

setting of STEMI was not associated with a change in LVEF at<br />

follow up (mean difference 20.1%; 95% CI, 22.2 to 2.0%; P ¼<br />

0.93). Figure 2C and D shows the absolute numbers of stroke<br />

and bleeding in each treatment group, together with the respective<br />

absolute risk differences for each trial. Overall, the use of <strong>IABP</strong><br />

was associated with an increased stroke rate of 2% (95% CI,<br />

0–4%; P ¼ 0.03) and an increased bleeding rate of 6% (95% CI,<br />

1–11%; P ¼ 0.02). Analyses by type of reperfusion therapy<br />

yielded similar results to those of the comprehensive analyses.<br />

There was no evidence of heterogeneity across the seven trials.<br />

None of the funnel plots showed skewed distributions, suggesting<br />

that no publication bias was involved.<br />

each treatment group, with the mean difference for three trials that<br />

reported on left ventricular function. Overall, <strong>IABP</strong> support in the<br />

setting of STEMI was not associated with a change in LVEF at<br />

follow up (mean difference 20.1%; 95% CI, 22.2 to 2.0%; P ¼<br />

0.93). Figure 2C and D shows the absolute numbers of stroke<br />

and bleeding in each treatment group, together with the respective<br />

absolute risk differences for each trial. Overall, the use of <strong>IABP</strong><br />

was associated with an increased stroke rate of 2% (95% CI,<br />

0–4%; P ¼ 0.03) and an increased bleeding rate of 6% (95% CI,<br />

1–11%; P ¼ 0.02). Analyses by type of reperfusion therapy<br />

yielded similar results to those of the comprehensive analyses.<br />

Meta-analysis of cohort studies of<br />

intra-aortic balloon pump therapy in<br />

STEMI patients with cardiogenic shock<br />

Nine cohort studies of <strong>IABP</strong> therapy in STEMI patients with cardiogenic<br />

shock included a total of 10 529 patients. 20 – 29 Table 4 shows<br />

the study characteristics. Patients in the <strong>IABP</strong> group were younger<br />

(66 vs. 73 years) and more often male (63 vs. 53%). Figure 3A<br />

shows the absolute numbers of deaths in each treatment group,<br />

with the absolute risk difference for each cohort study. The thrombolysis<br />

studies showed adjunctive <strong>IABP</strong> therapy to be associated<br />

with an absolute decrease in 30 day mortality of 18% (95% CI,<br />

16–20%; P , 0.0001). Contrariwise, the primary PCI studies<br />

showed <strong>IABP</strong> therapy to be associated with an absolute increase<br />

K.D. Sjauw et al.<br />

Figure 2 Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials of <strong>IABP</strong> therapy in STEMI. All meta-analyses show effect estimates for the individual trials,<br />

for each type of reperfusion therapy and for the overall analysis. The size of each square is proportional to the weight of the individual trial. (A)<br />

The risk differences in 30 day mortality. (B) The mean differences in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). (C and D) The risk differences in<br />

stroke and major bleeding rate. <strong>IABP</strong>, intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.<br />

Meta-analysis of cohort studies of<br />

intra-aortic balloon pump therapy in<br />

STEMI patients with cardiogenic shock<br />

Sjauw, EHJ 2009<br />

Nine cohort studies of <strong>IABP</strong> therapy in STEMI patients with cardiogenic<br />

shock included a total of 10 529 patients. 20 – 29 Table 4 shows<br />

the study characteristics. Patients in the <strong>IABP</strong> group were younger<br />

(66 vs. 73 years) and more often male (63 vs. 53%). Figure 3A<br />

shows the absolute numbers of deaths in each treatment group,<br />

with the absolute risk difference for each cohort study. The thrombolysis<br />

studies showed adjunctive <strong>IABP</strong> therapy to be associated

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

466<br />

STEMI mit Kardiogenem Schock<br />

Keine randomisierten Studien!<br />

the hypothesis that IA<br />

therapy in STEMI pat<br />

coronary perfusion. 32<br />

explanations for the o<br />

in this setting. First, th<br />

years younger and th<br />

known from the curre<br />

by 49–60% for every<br />

a lower clinical risk pr<br />

of cardiogenic shock<br />

co-treatment with c<br />

more frequent in pa<br />

patients who did no<br />

clearly showed that r<br />

in cardiogenic shock p<br />

SHOCK trial in the em<br />

vative medical treatme<br />

tive risk 3.4), whereas<br />

groups. In comparison<br />

thrombolysis studies f<br />

<strong>IABP</strong> group were 39 a<br />

in the thrombolysis stu<br />

sidered too ill to bene<br />

Sjauw, EHJ 2009

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Vielen Dank

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009<br />

Wenn nichts mehr hilft...<br />


hythm changes.<br />

• With sustained unpredictable rhythms, R-wave deflation is automatically selected.<br />

Semi-Automatik Modus<br />

The message “Auto R-Wave Deflate” will be displayed.<br />

The system will return to predictive timing once the rhythm becomes<br />

predictable.<br />

SEMI AUTO Operation Mode<br />

• Operator selects the most appropriate trigger source.<br />

• Operator establishes initial timing and thereafter, software algorithms<br />

automatically track changes in patient heart rate or rhythm and adjusts<br />

timing accordingly.<br />

• Changing the trigger source will cause the pump to go to Standby. Pumping will<br />

resume when the START key is pressed.<br />

• Leads I, II, III, AVR, AVL, AVF, V or External ECG source can be selected.<br />

• With sustained unpredictable rhythms and a valid ECG Trigger, R-wave<br />

deflation is automatically selected. The message “Auto R-Wave Deflate” will be<br />

displayed. The system will return to predictive timing once the rhythm becomes<br />

predictable.<br />

• Loss of trigger causes an alarm and pumping will stop.<br />

Manual Operation Mode<br />

• Trigger source and timing of IAB inflation and deflation is determined by<br />

the operator.<br />

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

esume when the START key is pressed.<br />

• Leads I, II, III, AVR, AVL, AVF, V or External ECG source can be selected.<br />

Manueller Modus<br />

• With sustained unpredictable rhythms and a valid ECG Trigger, R-wave<br />

deflation is automatically selected. The message “Auto R-Wave Deflate” will be<br />

displayed. The system will return to predictive timing once the rhythm becomes<br />

predictable.<br />

• Loss of trigger causes an alarm and pumping will stop.<br />

Manual Operation Mode<br />

• Trigger source and timing of IAB inflation and deflation is determined by<br />

the operator.<br />

• Changing the trigger source will cause the pump to go to Standby. Pumping will<br />

resume when the START key is pressed.<br />

• Leads I, II, III, AVR, AVL, AVF, V or External ECG source can be selected.<br />

• Timing must be readjusted by the operator if heart rate or rhythm changes.<br />

• Loss of trigger causes an alarm and pumping will stop.<br />

• Manual timing is typically used for pediatric <strong>IABP</strong> patients.<br />

WARNING: The CS100 must be in Semi-Auto Operational mode whenever no aortic pulse is<br />

present, and IAB assist is desired. For example, whenever circulatory bypass or a laminar flow,<br />

left ventricular assist device is in use.<br />

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

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