language - Fryske Akademy

language - Fryske Akademy

language - Fryske Akademy


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46<br />

Awgrymiadau a chyngor:<br />

• Er mwyn galluogi plant i gael blas ar air a cheisio'i ddeall y tro cyntaf, gallwch<br />

ddweud y gair cyn i chi ddangos y llun. Er mwyn galluogi plant i glywed geiriau<br />

cynifer o weithiau â phosibl, gallwch ailadrodd y gair a gynrychiolir gan y llun<br />

wrth i chi ei ddangos i bob plentyn.<br />

• Er mwyn gwneud bannod ramadegol y gair yn<br />

gliriach, gallwch oedi rhwng y fannod a'r gair wrth i<br />

chi enwi llun. Drwy wneud hynny, mae'r plant yn deall<br />

fod banodau gan eiriau ac y gallent fod yn wahanol<br />

ar gyfer geiriau gwahanol. "Y...car" "Yr...awyren".<br />

• Gellir hefyd ddefnyddio cardiau lluniau fel adnoddau<br />

ar gyfer caneuon, cerddi a hwiangerddi. Lluniwch<br />

gardiau lluniau sy'n dangos caneuon a hwiangerddi a<br />

rhowch hwy mewn un neu fwy o fagiau. Gallwch<br />

ysgrifennu'r hwiangerdd a geiriau'r gân ar gefn y<br />

cardiau. Gosodwch y bagiau mewn mannau yn y<br />

lleoliad, fel bod y plant yn gallu eu defnyddio yn<br />

ystod y dydd. Gofynnwch i'r plant ddewis cerdyn o'r<br />

bag, ac yna canwch neu adroddwch yr hwiangerddi gyda'r plant.<br />

• Gall cardiau lluniau helpu plant i ailadrodd straeon tylwyth teg. Gallwch hefyd<br />

greu eich stori eich hun drwy ddosbarthu cardiau lluniau i'r plant ac yna gofyn<br />

iddynt adrodd stori gan ddefnyddio'r lluniau.<br />

Suggestions and tips:<br />

• To allow children to “taste” a word and try to understand it first, you can say it<br />

before you show the picture. To allow children to hear words as many times as<br />

possible, you can repeat the word that the picture represents while you show it<br />

to each child.<br />

• To make the use of a word’s grammatical article clearer,<br />

you can make a brief pause between the article and the<br />

word when you name a picture. That way, the children<br />

understand that words have articles and that they may be<br />

different for different words. “A … car” “An …aeroplane”.<br />

• Picture cards can also be used as resources for songs,<br />

poems and nursery rhymes. Make up some picture cards<br />

that depict songs and nursery rhymes and put them in one<br />

or more bags. You can write the nursery rhyme and song<br />

lyrics on the reverse of the cards. Hang up the bags in the<br />

setting, so the children can use them during the day. Have<br />

the children pick a card from the bag, then sing or recite<br />

the nursery rhymes together with the children.<br />

• Picture cards can help children to re-tell fairy tales. You can also make up your<br />

own story by distributing picture cards to the children and asking them to tell a<br />

story using the pictures.

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