Very Large SVM Training using Core Vector Machines

Very Large SVM Training using Core Vector Machines

Very Large SVM Training using Core Vector Machines


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on <strong>using</strong> (10), (11) and αℓ = 0. Thus, the pattern chosen<br />

in (13) also makes the most progress towards maximizing<br />

the dual objective. This subset selection heuristic has been<br />

commonly used by various decomposition algorithms (e.g.,<br />

(Chang & Lin, 2004; Joachims, 1999; Platt, 1999)).<br />

4.1.4 Finding the MEB<br />

At each iteration of step 4, we find the MEB by <strong>using</strong> the<br />

QP formulation in Section 3.2. As the size |St| of the<br />

core-set is much smaller than m in practice (Section 5),<br />

the computational complexity of each QP sub-problem is<br />

much lower than solving the whole QP. Besides, as only<br />

one core vector is added at each iteration, efficient rank-one<br />

update procedures (Cauwenberghs & Poggio, 2001; Vishwanathan<br />

et al., 2003) can also be used. The cost then becomes<br />

quadratic rather than cubic. In the current implementation<br />

(Section 5), we use SMO. As only one point is<br />

added each time, the new QP is just a slight perturbation of<br />

the original. Hence, by <strong>using</strong> the MEB solution obtained<br />

from the previous iteration as starting point (warm start),<br />

SMO can often converge in a small number of iterations.<br />

4.2 Convergence to (Approximate) Optimality<br />

First, consider ǫ = 0. The proof in (Bădoiu & Clarkson,<br />

2002) does not apply as it requires ǫ > 0. Nevertheless, as<br />

the number of core vectors increases by one at each iteration<br />

and the training set size is finite, so CVM must terminate<br />

in a finite number (say, τ) of iterations, With ǫ = 0,<br />

MEB(Sτ) is an enclosing ball for all the points on termination.<br />

Because Sτ is a subset of the whole training set and<br />

the MEB of a subset cannot be larger than the MEB of the<br />

whole set. Hence, MEB(Sτ) must also be the exact MEB<br />

of the whole (˜ϕ-transformed) training set. In other words,<br />

when ǫ = 0, CVM outputs the exact solution of the kernel<br />

problem.<br />

Now, consider ǫ > 0. Assume that the algorithm terminates<br />

at the τth iteration, then<br />

Rτ ≤ r MEB(S) ≤ (1 + ǫ)Rτ<br />

(14)<br />

by definition. Recall that the optimal primal objective p ∗<br />

of the kernel problem in Section 3.2.1 (or 3.2.2) is equal to<br />

the optimal dual objective d∗ 2 in (7) (or (9)), which in turn<br />

is related to the optimal dual objective d∗ 1 = r2 MEB(S) in (2)<br />

by (6). Together with (14), we can then bound p ∗ as<br />

Hence, max<br />

R 2 τ ≤ p∗ + ˜κ ≤ (1 + ǫ) 2 R 2 τ . (15)<br />

2<br />

Rτ p∗ +˜κ , p∗ +˜κ<br />

R2 <br />

≤ (1 + ǫ)<br />

τ<br />

2 and thus CVM is<br />

an (1 + ǫ) 2 -approximation algorithm. This also holds with<br />

high probability when probabilistic speedup is used.<br />

As mentioned in Section 1, practical <strong>SVM</strong> implementations<br />

also output approximated solutions only. Typically,<br />

a parameter similar to our ǫ is required at termination. For<br />

example, in SMO and <strong>SVM</strong> light (Joachims, 1999), training<br />

stops when the KKT conditions are fulfilled within ǫ.<br />

Experience with these softwares indicate that near-optimal<br />

solutions are often good enough in practical applications.<br />

Moreover, it can also be shown that when the CVM terminates,<br />

all the points satisfy loose KKT conditions as in<br />

SMO and <strong>SVM</strong> light .<br />

4.3 Time and Space Complexities<br />

Existing decomposition algorithms cannot guarantee the<br />

number of iterations and consequently the overall time<br />

complexity (Chang & Lin, 2004). In this Section, we show<br />

how this can be obtained for CVM. In the following, we assume<br />

that a plain QP implementation, which takes O(m 3 )<br />

time and O(m 2 ) space for m patterns, is used for the MEB<br />

sub-problem in Section 4.1.4. Moreover, we assume that<br />

each kernel evaluation takes constant time.<br />

As proved in (Bădoiu & Clarkson, 2002), CVM converges<br />

in at most 2/ǫ iterations. In other words, the total number<br />

of iterations, and consequently the size of the final core-set,<br />

are of τ = O(1/ǫ). In practice, it has often been observed<br />

that the size of the core-set is much smaller than this worstcase<br />

theoretical upper bound (Kumar et al., 2003). This<br />

will also be corroborated by our experiments in Section 5.<br />

Consider first the case where probabilistic speedup is not<br />

used in Section 4.1.2. As only one core vector is added at<br />

each iteration, |St| = t + 2. Initialization takes O(m) time<br />

while distance computations in steps 2 and 3 take O((t +<br />

2) 2 + tm) = O(t2 + tm) time. Finding the MEB in step 4<br />

takes O((t + 2) 3 ) = O(t3 ) time, and the other operations<br />

take constant time. Hence, the tth iteration takes O(tm +<br />

t3 ) time, and the overall time for τ = O(1/ǫ) iterations is<br />

τ<br />

t=1<br />

O(tm + t 3 ) = O(τ 2 m + τ 4 ) = O<br />

which is linear in m for a fixed ǫ.<br />

m<br />

1<br />

+<br />

ǫ2 ǫ4 <br />

,<br />

As for space 5 , since only the core vectors are involved<br />

in the QP, the space complexity for the tth iteration is<br />

O(|St| 2 ). As τ = O(1/ǫ), the space complexity for the<br />

whole procedure is O(1/ǫ 2 ), which is independent of m<br />

for a fixed ǫ.<br />

On the other hand, when probabilistic speedup is used, initialization<br />

only takes O(1) time while distance computations<br />

in steps 2 and 3 take O((t+2) 2 ) = O(t 2 ) time. Time<br />

for the other operations remains the same. Hence, tth iter-<br />

ation takes O(t3 ) time and the whole procedure takes<br />

τ<br />

O(t 3 ) = O(τ 4 <br />

1<br />

) = O<br />

ǫ4 <br />

.<br />

t=1<br />

5 As the patterns may be stored out of core, we ignore the<br />

O(m) space required for storing the m patterns.

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