Ophthalmology Update - Cleveland Clinic
Ophthalmology Update - Cleveland Clinic
Ophthalmology Update - Cleveland Clinic
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<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute | <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Update</strong> Special Edition 2006<br />
Cole Eye Institute<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
<strong>Update</strong> Special<br />
Edition 2006
I n t h I s I s s u e :<br />
02 Investigations<br />
34 Innovation<br />
38 staff<br />
46 education and training<br />
59 Research<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>’s campus includes the Cole Eye Institute, lower left.
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Dear Colleagues<br />
Welcome to an expanded special edition of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Update</strong>. We hope you find<br />
the information on our ongoing clinical and basic science investigations to be interest-<br />
ing and helpful in your everyday practice.<br />
in addition, we have included a special addendum that provides an overview of the<br />
exciting and cutting-edge capabilities and programs that are available here at the cole<br />
eye institute. the sections in it are:<br />
• innovation: What makes us different<br />
• staff: Who we are<br />
• education and training: Our commitment to professional development<br />
• research: Our relentless pursuit of answers<br />
We are very excited about the work that is being done by our clinicians and researchers<br />
and remain committed to forging partnerships between the two groups. We have found<br />
this to expedite the process of turning an idea into the highest quality clinical practice.<br />
this issue also describes our 2006-2007 programs in Ophthalmic education, one of the<br />
largest hospital-based continuing medical education programs in the country, and our<br />
distinguished lecture series, featuring some of the biggest names in eye research. We<br />
hope you will be able to join us at one or more of these events this year.<br />
please do not hesitate to contact us with questions about our events or for more information<br />
on how we can help you as you care for your patients.<br />
hilel lewis, m.d.<br />
Director, Cole Eye Institute<br />
Chairman, Division of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
andrew p. schachat, m.d.<br />
Vice Chair of <strong>Clinic</strong>al Affairs<br />
// c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i Oc . pOh rt g h/ ea yl e m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6 //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
i n t h i s s e c t i O n :<br />
03 retina<br />
13 cornea<br />
22 glaucoma<br />
23 pediatrics<br />
27 Oncology<br />
28 refractive surgery<br />
30 Uveitis<br />
32 Oculoplastics<br />
Investigations<br />
When the lines between research and patient care blur, doors<br />
open and excellence flourishes.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Cole Eye Researchers Aiming to Elucidate<br />
Physiological and Pathological Roles of TIMP3<br />
Identification of the role of vascular endothelial<br />
growth factor (VEGF) in the development<br />
of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) has led<br />
to exciting advances in treatment for exudative<br />
age-related macular degeneration (AMD).<br />
However, understanding of the pathogenesis<br />
and regulation of ocular neovascularization is<br />
still very limited.<br />
at the cole eye institute, Bela anand-apte, m.B.B.s.,<br />
ph.d., has been conducting research aiming to characterize<br />
the physiological role of tissue inhibitor of<br />
metalloproteinase-3 (timp3) and to elucidate the<br />
mechanisms by which it might regulate angiogenesis in<br />
eyes with amd and sorsby’s fundus dystrophy (sFd).<br />
starting off with the basic knowledge that proteolytic<br />
degradation of capillary basement membrane by<br />
matrix metalloproteinases (mmps) is an initiating<br />
event in the development of new blood vessel growth,<br />
dr. anand-apte and colleagues focused their attention<br />
on the timps that inhibit mmp function. their<br />
interest was directed to timp3 because in contrast<br />
to other members of the timp family, timp3 uniquely<br />
binds to extracellular matrix. While these studies<br />
were under way, independent researchers linked<br />
mutations in the timp3 gene to sFd.<br />
“although timp3 is ubiquitous throughout the body,<br />
patients with sFd have only ocular symptoms.<br />
therefore, it made sense that as a bound protein,<br />
timp3 would have a localized effect,” dr. anandapte<br />
explains.<br />
experiments conducted so far in a mouse model of<br />
laser-induced cnv show that timp3 is a potent inhibitor<br />
of angiogenesis. additional studies indicate<br />
that its mechanism appears to involve inhibition<br />
of vegF action by preventing vegF from binding to<br />
its receptors. Ongoing studies are examining what<br />
effect timp3 might have on the progenitor cells that<br />
are known to be involved in the development of cnv<br />
in the mouse model.<br />
the researchers are also aiming to understand the<br />
role of the mutated timp3 in sFd with the hope that<br />
information generated will provide clues to its<br />
participation in amd-related cnv pathogenesis.<br />
preliminary results from functional studies show that<br />
the mutated protein does not inhibit angiogenesis<br />
like the wild-type timp3, reports dr. anand-apte.<br />
experiments are also under way to investigate whether<br />
timp3 could be used therapeutically to prevent cnv.<br />
“Knowing that timp3 inhibits vegF, we are interested<br />
in determining if it has efficacy in regulating<br />
vegF-mediated pathological angiogenesis,” dr.<br />
anand-apte says.<br />
initial studies are being performed with intravitreal<br />
delivery of timp-3, but in the future, other modes of<br />
administration will be examined, including subcutaneous<br />
and scleral injections as well as intravitreal<br />
delivery using a controlled-release system.<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Bela Anand-Apte, M.B.B.S.,<br />
Ph.D., at anandab@ccf.org.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Biomarker Discovery Research Aims to<br />
Develop Tools for Predicting AMD Susceptibility,<br />
Therapeutic Monitoring<br />
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)<br />
continues to be the leading cause of<br />
blindness among older people in Western<br />
countries. Current estimates indicate that<br />
more than 9 million people in the United<br />
States are affected by some form of AMD,<br />
with about one out of every five of those<br />
patients having advanced AMD and being<br />
legally blind.<br />
at the cole eye institute, John W. crabb, ph.d., and<br />
colleagues have been working to identify biomarkers<br />
that could be used to predict who is at risk for<br />
amd prior to the appearance of clinically evident<br />
disease. such biomarkers could also be useful for<br />
monitoring therapeutic efficacy in early intervention<br />
or prophylaxis. they are hoping that measurement of<br />
disease-related peptides in plasma might provide<br />
useful tools for predicting amd susceptibility.<br />
“plasma contains about 5,000 peptides that are<br />
derived as proteolytic degradation products from<br />
tissues throughout the body. We are using mass<br />
spectrometry and peptidomic profiling in my laboratory<br />
to sort through these plasma peptides as an<br />
approach to monitoring the health of the retina,”<br />
dr. crabb explains.<br />
Based on findings from a series of previous studies,<br />
the research for defining amd biomarkers has focused<br />
on oxidative protein modifications known as<br />
carboxyethylpyrrole (cep) adducts. Originally, dr.<br />
crabb and colleagues discovered cep adducts in<br />
drusen and found elevated levels in other ocular tissues<br />
such as Bruch’s membrane from patients with<br />
amd compared with normal controls. they then<br />
found that patients with amd (areds categories 2, 3<br />
and 4) also had higher plasma levels of cep adducts<br />
and cep autoantibodies relative to age-matched normal<br />
subjects.<br />
cep protein adducts are uniquely derived from<br />
oxidative fragmentation of docosahexaenoate-containing<br />
lipids, which are abundant in the retina.<br />
animal studies in rats and mice have shown that<br />
intense light induces cep adducts in retina and that<br />
cep adducts can stimulate new blood vessel growth.<br />
this suggests that cep adducts may play a role in<br />
choroidal neovascularization in advanced amd.<br />
Other collaborative studies have shown that cep<br />
proangiogenic activity can be inhibited with monoclonal<br />
antibody to cep, raising the possibility that<br />
cep antibodies may offer another avenue to amd<br />
therapeutics. several laboratories elsewhere have<br />
recently shown an association between genetic<br />
variants of complement components and susceptibility<br />
to amd, implicating inflammatory processes<br />
in amd pathogenesis. dr. crabb thinks cep adducts<br />
and autoantibodies may play a role in the inflammatory<br />
processes relevant to amd.<br />
“taken together, these findings led us to hypothesize<br />
that the cep adducts serve as a primary catalyst in<br />
amd pathology and are causally involved in drusen<br />
formation, Bruch’s membrane thickening, choroidal<br />
neovascularization and activation of the immune<br />
response,” dr. crabb says.<br />
as a proteomic approach to amd biomarker discovery,<br />
the researchers used anti-cep monoclonal<br />
antibodies attached to magnetic beads to fractionate<br />
plasma for recovery of cep adducted peptides.<br />
the recovered peptides were analyzed by maldi tOF<br />
mass spectrometry followed by bioinformatic<br />
methods to determine which peptides were statistically<br />
significantly different between patients with<br />
amd and controls. these peptides were then grouped<br />
together in patterns or clusters based on the mass<br />
analyses. remarkably, the resulting patterns also<br />
reflected with significant accuracy whether the<br />
plasma was from a patient with amd or a normal<br />
control donor. For example, from 170 plasma<br />
samples, including 90 from amd donors (areds categories<br />
2, 3 and 4) and 80 from unaffected control<br />
donors, correct identification as either amd or normal<br />
was obtained for 94% of the 170 plasma samples<br />
based on the mass analysis.<br />
current work is focused on characterizing the structure<br />
of key peptides in the patterns that distinguish<br />
amd from normal plasma. such sequence information<br />
is expected to provide the identity of (1) peptide<br />
antigens for producing new antibodies that could be<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
useful prognostic tools and (2) the parent protein,<br />
which could lead to new insights into mechanisms of<br />
amd pathology.<br />
immunological measurement of plasma cep adducts<br />
and cep autoantibody titer may also offer a<br />
method for therapeutic monitoring. For example, in<br />
a preclinical study evaluating an experimental drug<br />
that protects rats from retinal light damage, cep<br />
parameters in plasma were measured by elisa and<br />
found to be decreased relative to those in control<br />
animals without drug treatment.<br />
“We believe that a combination of these techniques<br />
may eventually provide methods for early identification<br />
of amd-susceptible individuals and for<br />
monitoring the efficacy of amd therapeutics. however,<br />
clinical validation of these methods requires<br />
more time and research,” dr. crabb concludes.<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information,<br />
contact John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
at crabbj@ccf.org.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Stephanie A. Hagstrom, Ph.D.,<br />
at hagstrs@ccf.org.<br />
Mutational Screening Efforts Empowered<br />
by State-of-the-Art Technology<br />
and Proteomics-Guided Searches<br />
Elucidation of the molecular genetics underlying<br />
inherited diseases holds promise for a<br />
number of important clinical applications<br />
relating to screening, diagnosis, counseling<br />
and treatment. In her research laboratory at<br />
the Cole Eye Institute, geneticist Stephanie<br />
A. Hagstrom, Ph.D., has been focusing on<br />
using a candidate gene approach to screen<br />
for mutations associated with inherited retinal<br />
degenerations, including retinitis pigmentosa,<br />
Leber congenital amaurosis and juvenile and<br />
age-related forms of macular degeneration.<br />
in addition, she has been collaborating with colleague<br />
John W. crabb, ph.d., in performing genomics<br />
studies that are directed by findings in dr.<br />
crabb’s proteomics research to identify biomarkers<br />
for age-related macular degeneration (amd) and<br />
glaucoma.<br />
“Our hope is that the combined efforts of genomics<br />
and proteomics will yield biomarkers that can be<br />
detected in those at risk for these diseases prior to<br />
vision loss,” says dr. hagstrom.<br />
all of the physicians on staff at the cole eye institute<br />
alert the coordinator of the center for genetic eye<br />
diseases if they see a patient with a known inherited<br />
ocular disorder or who has a disease that is thought<br />
may have a genetic component, such as a child with<br />
syndromic congenital malformations including eyerelated<br />
findings. the coordinator tries to recruit<br />
those patients into the genetic screening program,<br />
and after obtaining consent, performs a complete<br />
medical history and blood draw.<br />
in dr. hagstrom’s lab, the dna from the specimens<br />
is submitted to direct sequence analysis using highthroughput,<br />
semi-automated screening to identify<br />
the presence of any differences compared with a<br />
control sample.<br />
“Our lab is equipped with cutting-edge molecular biology<br />
technology that allows us to screen specimens<br />
from hundreds of patients each day and puts us on<br />
par with much larger laboratories in the country,”<br />
she says.<br />
the screening efforts may be focused on particular<br />
candidate genes based on existing reports of genetic<br />
associations. however, dr. hagstrom is also taking a<br />
more targeted approach to the mutation screening<br />
guided by the findings of dr. crabb’s proteomics<br />
research.<br />
For example, based on dr. crabb’s studies characterizing<br />
the proteins in drusen and the findings of<br />
peptidomic profiling of plasma in patients with<br />
amd, mutation screening has been undertaken<br />
focusing on pathways of genes that are involved in<br />
the regulation of oxidative damage and immunemediated<br />
processes that have been implicated in<br />
amd pathogenesis. in addition, proteomics studies<br />
conducted by dr. crabb revealing the presence of<br />
cochlin (cOch) deposits in the trabecular meshwork<br />
of both patients with open-angle glaucoma<br />
and glaucomatous dBa/2J mice have focused mutational<br />
screening on the cOch gene, as well as other<br />
genes, in patients with glaucoma.<br />
those studies are still in progress, but have led to the<br />
identification of several genetic sequence changes in<br />
both patients with amd and glaucoma that are being<br />
studied further to identify their functional consequences<br />
and determine whether they represent<br />
a pathogenic link.<br />
“We believe this joint approach involving our two<br />
laboratories is somewhat unique in the genetic<br />
research field, and we believe it offers a synergy that<br />
will enable the discovery of underlying genetic<br />
causes of these common sight-threatening diseases,”<br />
dr. hagstrom says.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Studies on Redox-Sensitive Retinal Proteins<br />
Aim to Provide Clues for Strategies to Counter<br />
Oxidative Stress<br />
Although the pathophysiology of age-related<br />
macular degeneration (AMD) remains<br />
unclear, available evidence points to a role of<br />
oxidative stress. Consistent with that concept,<br />
results from the Age-Related Eye<br />
Disease Study (AREDS) indicated a positive<br />
effect of antioxidant therapy with high doses<br />
of vitamins and minerals for reducing disease<br />
progression in patients with advanced AMD.<br />
research being conducted by george hoppe, m.d.,<br />
ph.d., and Jonathan sears, m.d., at the cole eye institute<br />
is aiming to gain insight into the endogenous<br />
antioxidant protective mechanisms in the retina with<br />
the hope that information may ultimately be used to<br />
design more effective antioxidant interventions.<br />
“Understanding of the molecular basis for the antioxidant<br />
mechanisms in the retina could allow us<br />
to develop more targeted therapies that could induce<br />
or facilitate their function. in current clinical use,<br />
antioxidant treatment involves administration of<br />
high doses and yields only a modest benefit. We<br />
believe that therapeutic efficiency could be enhanced<br />
by more precise elucidation of the molecular basis<br />
for antioxidant mechanisms,” says dr. hoppe.<br />
his research is focusing on characterizing redoxsensitive<br />
proteins and the changes they undergo in<br />
response to oxidative stress, and in particular determining<br />
proteins that undergo redox-dependent<br />
interactions with glutathione, a ubiquitous peptide<br />
anti-oxidant.<br />
“Oxidative modifications of cysteine residues on proteins<br />
is a potent way of regulating protein function,<br />
and when there is a redox shift toward oxidative<br />
potential, glutathione tends to bond covalently with<br />
the sulfhydryl moieties on proteins and this in turn<br />
results in changes in protein conformation and<br />
activity,” he explains.<br />
so far, drs. hoppe and sears have identified two proteins<br />
that appear to mediate retinal adaptation to a<br />
high oxidative environment. the chaperone heat<br />
shock cognate protein 70 (hsc70) is one of those<br />
FIGURE 1<br />
FIGURE 2<br />
proteins, and their studies show that as a result of<br />
interactions with glutathione during oxidation,<br />
hsc70 increases its chaperone activity and becomes<br />
more protective.<br />
“another interesting finding is that this increase<br />
in hsc70 chaperone activity occurs as an atp-independent<br />
process. that suggests this protein can<br />
adapt to conditions of high oxidative stress where<br />
atp concentration is reduced by forming disulfide<br />
bonds with glutathione,” dr. sears says.<br />
the nuclear transcription factor high mobility group<br />
protein B1 (hmgB1) is a second protein that they<br />
have identified as being redox-sensitive. hmgB1,<br />
which also has dna chaperone-like properties, has<br />
been shown to be modified by glutathione with<br />
resultant changes in its chaperone activity. most<br />
Continued on page 8<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Figure 1: Expression of HmgB1<br />
in the retina is seen in green<br />
and red.<br />
Figure 2: A three-dimensional<br />
model of HmgB1 molecule<br />
interacting with DNA.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
George Hoppe, M.D., Ph.D.,<br />
at hoppeg@ccf.org.<br />
Studies on Redox-Sensitive Retinal Proteins<br />
Continued from page 7<br />
recently, in a rodent study, drs. hoppe and sears<br />
found that the expression of hmgB1 in retinal photoreceptor<br />
cells is under circadian regulation.<br />
“Our studies show that the expression of this protein<br />
peaks during the middle of the day and is lowest at<br />
night, even in animals that are kept in the dark.<br />
hmgB1 is also found in other cells, but its expression<br />
and activity in those cells is constant rather than<br />
cyclical,” dr. hoppe says.<br />
Based on those findings, drs. hoppe and sears are<br />
postulating that hmgB1 is essential for transcription<br />
activity in the photoreceptors during daylight<br />
hours and that it regulates or facilitates expression<br />
of genes that are important for photoreceptor<br />
function during the light phase.<br />
References<br />
chai y-c, hoppe g, and sears Je. reversal of protein<br />
s-glutathiolation by glutaredoxin in the retinal pigment<br />
epithelium. exp eye res 76:155-159, 2003.<br />
hoppe g, chai y-c, and sears Je. endogenous Oxidoreductase<br />
expression is induced by aminoglycosides.<br />
arch Biochem Biophys 414:19-23, 2003.<br />
Other studies with hmgB1 have led to the identification<br />
of the function of each of its three cysteine<br />
residues. two have been found to participate in the<br />
formation of the intermolecular disulfide bridge that<br />
results in altered molecular conformation and the<br />
third is involved in mediating hmgB1 transfer in<br />
and out of the nucleus. Upon obliteration of that<br />
third cysteine, nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of<br />
hmgB1 no longer occurs.<br />
“Understanding of the regulation of transcription in<br />
retinal photoreceptors is of interest as it may suggest<br />
strategies for regenerating photoreceptors that are<br />
being lost as a result of age or disease. Our finding<br />
that the expression of hmgB1 is under circadian<br />
control may suggest new concepts on its function,”<br />
dr. sears says.<br />
epithelium converts heat shock protein 70 to an<br />
active chaperone. exp eye res 78:1085-1092, 2004.<br />
yokoyama t, yamane K, minamoto a, mishima hK,<br />
yamashita h, hoppe g, and sears J. protein expression<br />
patterns of cultured human rpe cells Under<br />
hyperglycaemic condition investigated by proteome<br />
analysis. (in press)<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Diverse Spectrum of New and Investigational<br />
AMD Therapies Target VEGF<br />
Identification of the activity of vascular endothelial<br />
growth factor (VEGF) as a regulator of<br />
angiogenesis and vascular permeability and<br />
evidence of its role in the pathogenesis of<br />
exudative age-related macular degeneration<br />
(AMD) has led to the development of a number<br />
of pharmacologic approaches targeting<br />
VEGF as a new strategy to treat AMD.<br />
in december 2004, pegaptanib sodium (macugen)<br />
became the first anti-vegF agent approved by the<br />
Fda for the treatment of wet amd. an aptamer that<br />
acts to bind and inactivate vegF, pegaptanib sodium<br />
was an exciting new modality because it received<br />
an indication for use in eyes with any subfoveal choroidal<br />
neovascular lesion, regardless of size, location<br />
or composition. research with that compound is<br />
continuing, and an ongoing study is evaluating its<br />
role in combination therapy with verteporfin photodynamic<br />
therapy (pdt).<br />
now, Fda approval of a second anti-vegF agent,<br />
ranibizumab (lucentis), is here. ranibizumab is an<br />
antibody fragment that binds vegF, and in phase iii<br />
trials of patients with exudative amd, it demonstrated<br />
impressive potential to improve vision rather than<br />
simply slowing its progressive loss.<br />
meanwhile, a host of other pharmacologic agents<br />
that act through diverse mechanisms of action to<br />
inhibit the activity of vegF are in various stages<br />
of clinical investigation for the treatment of amdrelated<br />
choroidal neovascularization.<br />
“there has been little to offer in the way of therapeutic<br />
intervention for patients who are losing their sight<br />
from amd, and so it is very exhilarating to see this<br />
proliferation of clinical research focusing on amd<br />
treatment. considering the number of compounds<br />
now in clinical trials, their innovative mechanisms,<br />
their favorable safety profiles even with repeated<br />
treatments and the exciting responses that have been<br />
achieved with ranibizumab, this is certainly a hopeful<br />
and exciting time for patients affected with amd<br />
and the physicians who treat them,” said peter K.<br />
Kaiser, m.d., of cleveland clinic cole eye institute.<br />
in January 2006, dr. Kaiser had the honor of being<br />
the first to present publicly the results from the phase<br />
iii anti-vegF antibody for the treatment of predominantly<br />
classic chOroidal neovascularization<br />
in amd (anchOr) study that demonstrated ranibizumab<br />
had activity for improving vision. after 1 year<br />
in that study, about 95% of patients treated with ranibizumab<br />
0.3 mg or 0.5 mg had stable or improved<br />
vision (lost less than 15 etdrs letters), and similar<br />
results were achieved after 1 year in the phase iii<br />
minimally classic/occult trial of the anti-vegF antibody<br />
ranibizumab in the treatment of neovasuclar<br />
amd (marina) study. in anchOr, patients in the<br />
ranibizumab 0.3 mg and 0.5 mg groups had average<br />
vision gains of 8.5 letters and 11 letters, respectively,<br />
and almost 40% had a clinically significant improvement<br />
in vision (gain of 15 letters or more). controls<br />
in anchOr received pdt. they experienced an<br />
average vision loss and only about 6% had a clinically<br />
significant improvement.<br />
“the benefits achieved in this study using ranibizumab<br />
also occurred regardless of lesion subtype and translate<br />
into important effects on patient function and<br />
quality of life,” dr. Kaiser says.<br />
the cole eye institute is also distinguished as the<br />
site of the first human treatment using a novel antivegF<br />
approach based on synthetic small interfering<br />
rna (sirna) therapeutics. the compound being<br />
studied, sirna-027 (sirna), prevents expression<br />
of vegF receptor-1 (vegFr-1) by silencing the gene<br />
coding for that protein.<br />
“the vegFr-1 is stimulated by both vegF and placental<br />
growth factor (plgF), which may also play a<br />
role in angiogenesis and potentiate the activity of<br />
vegF. By interfering with the action of all agonists<br />
for vegFr-1, sirna-027 may offer a more powerful<br />
treatment modality than those approaches targeting<br />
only vegF,” notes dr. Kaiser.<br />
another sirna (cand5, acuity pharmaceuticals) is<br />
also under investigation at other centers. that agent<br />
blocks the formation of vegF altogether, rather than<br />
acting to inhibit the activity of protein that has<br />
Continued on page 10<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D., at<br />
kaiserp@ccf.org.<br />
Diverse Spectrum of New and Investigational AMD Therapies<br />
Continued from page 9<br />
already been produced, and is showing promise in<br />
initial trials, dr. Kaiser says. the digital Oct reading<br />
center of the cole eye institute serves as the<br />
reading center for the cand5 clinical studies.<br />
cole eye institute is also participating in a phase ii<br />
study of intravitreal vegF trap (regeneron) therapy.<br />
vegF trap is a fusion protein of key domains of<br />
vegFr-1 and vegFr-2 that acts as a receptor decoy<br />
for vegF, “trapping” it with extremely high affinity<br />
to prevent its binding to the endogenous vegF<br />
receptor.<br />
“the mechanism of the vegF trap is somewhat analogous<br />
to ranibizumab, but the vegF trap may have<br />
the benefit of a longer duration of action due to its<br />
higher binding affinity. that potential is being tested<br />
in the ongoing trial,” dr. Kaiser says.<br />
several companies are also developing small-molecule<br />
receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors targeting vegF<br />
receptors as a new approach to the treatment of<br />
exudative amd.<br />
although no formal studies are under way, dr. Kaiser<br />
and colleagues at the cole eye institute are evaluating<br />
their experience with bevacizumab (avastin) as a<br />
last-resort treatment for patients whose exudative<br />
amd is refractory to other interventions. currently<br />
available on the market as an intravenously administered<br />
agent with approval for the treatment of<br />
metastatic colorectal cancer, bevacizumab is being<br />
used in off-label fashion as an intravitreal injection<br />
in the treatment of exudative amd.<br />
0 // O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
CSNB Mouse Models Provide Valuable Tool<br />
for Understanding Disease Pathophysiology,<br />
Developing Therapeutic Approaches<br />
Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB)<br />
is a rare heritable disease that manifests in<br />
various phenotypes, but all forms are characterized<br />
by a profound loss of vision in darkness.<br />
At <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>’s Cole Eye Institute, Neal<br />
S. Peachey, Ph.D., and coworkers have made<br />
significant advances in CSNB research based<br />
on their identification and characterization of<br />
naturally occurring mouse models for two<br />
forms of the human disease.<br />
“as these animals provide accurate models of clinical<br />
csnB, we believe that the anatomical, biochemical and<br />
functional observations made with them will have<br />
direct relevance to humans and that they will provide<br />
a valuable platform for future research aiming to<br />
develop targeted gene therapy,” dr. peachey says.<br />
the first murine model of csnB was discovered serendipitously<br />
in animals being used in an unrelated<br />
research project. results of electroretinography<br />
(erg) studies revealed the mouse had a normal<br />
a-wave but an absent b-wave, and thus it was named<br />
the nob (no b-wave) mouse.<br />
“the erg pattern in this animal is analogous to what<br />
is seen in patients with complete csnB (csnB1) and<br />
it indicates there is normal rod phototransduction<br />
function but a communication defect such that<br />
the photoreceptor cells are failing to activate the<br />
depolarizing bipolar cells,” dr. peachey explains.<br />
Other studies identified that these animals were<br />
affected by the same X-linked inheritance pattern<br />
seen in humans with csnB1, and work conducted in<br />
collaboration with researchers from the University<br />
of louisville led to the determination that they<br />
also had a mutation in the nyx gene encoding for the<br />
protein nyctalopin.<br />
extensive histological studies have also been conducted<br />
using general light and electron microscopy<br />
to evaluate structures from the photoreceptors to<br />
the bipolar cells, but have found no morphological<br />
defects in the retina.<br />
current research is focusing on identifying the<br />
function of nyctalopin in the normal retina and in<br />
developing gene therapy approaches. encouraging<br />
success has been achieved in rescuing the erg<br />
defect in the nob mice by introducing a correct copy<br />
of the nyx gene. those studies involved crossing<br />
nob mice with transgenically engineered mice<br />
expressing and transmitting nyx.<br />
“Our ability to achieve bipolar cell expression of<br />
nyctalopin in offspring of nob mice and rescue their<br />
erg function has huge implications for human<br />
therapy. as we expect that the retina in patients<br />
with csnB1 will be normal and that they too will<br />
have null mutations, they are likely to be very good<br />
candidates for gene therapy. in theory, therefore, if<br />
we can insert a normal copy of the protein into<br />
the retina, we should be able to restore night vision<br />
in these individuals,” dr. peachey says.<br />
he acknowledges that the research in the mouse<br />
model has centered on turning the gene on during<br />
development. Ongoing studies are investigating<br />
whether it can be turned on after birth and at different<br />
stages of life.<br />
the second mouse model of csnB, known as the<br />
nob2 mouse, has abnormal light- and dark-adapted<br />
b-waves on erg and so is similar to patients with<br />
incomplete csnB (csnB2). genetic studies in those<br />
animals identified they had a cns-specific deletion<br />
of the gene encoding for a subunit of the l-type<br />
Continued on page 12<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
ERGs recorded from three<br />
mice in response to a bright<br />
stimulus flash presented in<br />
darkness. Note that the normal<br />
response (black line) includes<br />
a negative-polarity a-wave that<br />
is followed by a positive-polarity<br />
b-wave. In nob1 mice (blue<br />
line), only the a-wave is seen,<br />
indicating that rod photoreceptors<br />
do not transmit information<br />
to bipolar cells, the next neuron<br />
in the visual pathway. In nob2<br />
mice (red line), the b-wave is<br />
reduced in amplitude but is<br />
clearly present, indicating that<br />
rod photoreceptors continue to<br />
transmit information to<br />
bipolar cells.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D., at<br />
peachen@ccf.org.<br />
CSNB Mouse Models Provide Valuable Tool<br />
Continued from page 11<br />
calcium channel that normally regulates release of<br />
glutamate at the photoreceptor terminal.<br />
morphological studies undertaken by dr. peachey<br />
and colleagues found extensive anatomic abnormalities<br />
in the outer synaptic and outer plexiform layers<br />
of the retina, and functional studies showed a<br />
reduced dynamic range of On-center cells without<br />
any defects in the response of OFF-center cells.<br />
Further studies in this model are focusing on<br />
defining the role of the l-type calcium channels in<br />
ribbon synapse formation.<br />
Because csnB is so rare, occurring in an estimated 1<br />
in 500,000 people, and is likely underdiagnosed,<br />
there is a lack of information about anatomic defects<br />
in affected patients. to date, findings have been<br />
published from a single postmortem specimen, but<br />
the relevance of those observations is uncertain as<br />
the patient had an undefined form of csnB and<br />
comorbid glaucoma, notes dr. peachey.<br />
“We are hoping now to use high-resolution Oct in<br />
patients with these two forms of csnB to see if their<br />
anatomical findings correlate with the observations<br />
made in our animal models,” he concludes.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Study Conclusively Links Haze After PRK<br />
to Stromal Surface Irregularity<br />
Despite advances in laser technology, clinically<br />
significant haze still develops in 2% to<br />
4% of eyes undergoing PRK for the correction<br />
of higher levels of myopia. Various<br />
hypotheses have been put forth regarding<br />
the pathogenesis for haze formation, but no<br />
studies have produced definitive evidence to<br />
support any one theory.<br />
now, however, results of a study undertaken by steven<br />
e. Wilson, m.d., and colleagues at the cole eye institute<br />
are providing new understanding about the basic<br />
mechanisms for the development of haze after prK.<br />
in an elegantly designed experiment using a rabbit<br />
model, the researchers demonstrated conclusively<br />
that haze development after prK was related to<br />
levels of stromal surface irregularity and anterior<br />
stromal myofibroblast generation. in addition, they<br />
showed haze formation could be mitigated by<br />
performing phototherapeutic keratectomy (ptK)<br />
smoothing after prK and provided evidence that<br />
defective basement membrane regeneration in eyes<br />
with surface irregularity likely plays a role in the<br />
development of haze.<br />
“it has always been suspected that haze develops after<br />
prK because of the rough stromal surface that<br />
remains after the ablation, and there has been some<br />
indirect evidence to support that concept. the<br />
results of our study demonstrate unequivocally that<br />
it is critical to leave a smooth surface at the end of<br />
any surface ablation procedure, and they also support<br />
the use of ptK-smoothing to achieve that goal.<br />
Based on another study we will be reporting that investigated<br />
the long-term effects of mitomycin-c on<br />
stromal cells, ptK-smoothing is certainly an option<br />
to adjunctive mitomycin-c from a safety standpoint<br />
as a method for minimizing haze when performing<br />
prK for higher corrections,” says dr. Wilson.<br />
the study divided rabbits into eight groups to receive<br />
no treatment, –4.5 d prK, –4.5 d prK with a fine mesh<br />
screen positioned in the path of the laser to create<br />
surface irregularity by blocking 10%, 30% or 50% of<br />
followed by ptK smoothing, –9.0 d prK or –9.0 d prK<br />
with ptK smoothing. haze was graded at the slit lamp<br />
after 4 weeks using a scale of 0 to 4.<br />
consistent with previous studies, the results of those<br />
evaluations showed haze was trace or absent in the<br />
eyes treated with the –4.5 d ablation whereas severe<br />
haze developed after the -9.0 d prK. in the groups<br />
where the –4.5 d prK was performed with the mesh<br />
screen in place for part of the procedure, the amount<br />
of haze present increased proportionally as the<br />
percentage of surface irregularity increased.<br />
the effect of surface irregularity on haze development<br />
was also demonstrated by the findings in eyes that<br />
underwent ptK smoothing. in eyes that had a –4.5 d<br />
ablation with 50% irregularity, use of the ptK smoothing<br />
technique essentially mitigated haze development,<br />
the terminal pulses, –4.5 d prK with 50% irregularity Continued on page 14<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Basement membrane defects and<br />
myofibroblasts in corneas with<br />
irregular surfaces after PRK.<br />
Triple staining of the central<br />
cornea for α-smooth muscle<br />
actin-expressing myofibroblasts<br />
(red) and integrin beta-4 (green),<br />
along with DAPI (blue).<br />
A) Note the more homogeneous<br />
basement membrane regeneration<br />
in a cornea without haze<br />
after –4.5 D PRK.<br />
B) Basement membrane with<br />
obvious disruptions (arrows)<br />
adjacent to an area with more<br />
uniform basement membrane<br />
(arrowheads) Red α-smooth<br />
muscle actin-positive cells can<br />
be noted below the defects in<br />
the basement membrane.<br />
Magnification is 400x.<br />
Reprinted from Experimental Eye<br />
Research; Vol 82; Marcelo V.<br />
Netto, Rajiv R. Mohan, Sunilima<br />
Sinha, Ajay Sharma, William<br />
Dupps, Steven E. Wilson; Stromal<br />
haze, myofibroblasts, and surface<br />
irregularity after PRK; Pages 788<br />
– 797; Copyright 2006, with<br />
permission from Elsevier<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D., at<br />
wilsons4@ccf.org.<br />
Study Conclusively Links Haze After PRK<br />
Continued from page 13<br />
while ptK smoothing after the –9.0 d prK treatment<br />
significantly reduced haze development, but did not<br />
eliminate it.<br />
“the failure of ptK smoothing to prevent haze after<br />
the higher correction indicates that there must be additional<br />
factors besides stromal irregularity that contribute<br />
to haze development,” dr. Wilson notes.<br />
the rabbit study also confirmed that myofibroblast<br />
density was a key factor in producing corneal haze.<br />
Use of alpha-smooth muscle actin staining to identify<br />
myofibroblasts showed the density of those cells<br />
in the anterior stroma corresponded to the severity<br />
of haze.<br />
“the relationship between haze severity and myofibroblast<br />
density makes sense since myofibroblasts<br />
are less transparent than keratocytes and also produce<br />
collagen and other stromal matrix components<br />
that are disorganized compared with components in<br />
normal stroma,” dr. Wilson says.<br />
Using high-power confocal microscopy and immunohistochemical<br />
staining techniques to examine<br />
the corneas in vitro at 4 weeks after prK when the<br />
epithelium had healed, the researchers also identified<br />
residual ultrastructural defects in the basement<br />
membrane in eyes with surface irregularity and<br />
grade 1 or greater haze, along with localization of<br />
the myofibroblasts beneath those breaks in the<br />
basement membrane.<br />
“the finding of imperfect regeneration of the basement<br />
membrane is perhaps the most important finding of<br />
this study because it can be used to explain why higher<br />
prK corrections are associated with more haze. Our<br />
study suggests that phenomenon occurs because the<br />
higher correction produces more surface irregularity<br />
that translates into structural and /or functional basement<br />
membrane anomalies and greater potential for<br />
transforming growth factor-beta, and perhaps other<br />
cytokines, to penetrate into the stroma from the overlying<br />
epithelium to stimulate myofibroblast generation<br />
from stromal fibroblasts,” dr. Wilson says.<br />
the study also provided evidence that late apoptosis<br />
of the myofibroblast cells may be a key mechanism<br />
for the disappearance of post-prK haze over time.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Corneal Biomechanical Clues Studied to Optimize<br />
Results of Intrastromal Ring Segment Surgery<br />
A number of studies demonstrate that insertion<br />
of intrastromal ring segments (Intacs,<br />
Addition Technology) can be a useful procedure<br />
to reduce corneal irregularity, improve<br />
vision and delay or avoid the need for corneal<br />
transplantation in eyes with keratoconus and<br />
other ectatic disorders. However, the mechanisms<br />
mediating the effect of the intrastromal<br />
ring segments on corneal curvature are not<br />
fully understood, and topographic and visual<br />
outcomes can be less predictable than desired.<br />
Therefore, identification of prognostic<br />
factors for determining the treatment response<br />
would be a welcome advance for optimizing<br />
surgical decision-making.<br />
since placement of the ring segments presumably<br />
works via a biomechanical effect, William J. dupps,<br />
Jr, m.d., ph.d., and Bennie h. Jeng, m.d., at cleveland<br />
clinic’s cole eye institute are studying whether there<br />
is any correlation between preoperative corneal biomechanical<br />
properties and surgical outcome. Based<br />
on the hypothesis that stiffness of the cornea may<br />
be an important variable affecting the response to<br />
segment placement, they are using non-invasive<br />
ultrasound elastometry (sonic eye, priavision) to<br />
measure stiffness in various locations across the<br />
cornea in normal donor eyes prior to and after<br />
intacs placement surgery.<br />
“We believe patients with keratoconus represent<br />
a very heterogeneous group both biologically and<br />
biomechanically. as a result, it is difficult to predict<br />
with high confidence the response any given patient<br />
will have topographically to segment insertion,”<br />
says dr. dupps.<br />
“identifying features that predict the flattening<br />
response to intrastromal segments could help<br />
surgeons to select candidates most likely to benefit<br />
from the procedure and also provide a guide for<br />
surgical dosing, which is a function of ring diameter,<br />
channel diameter, segment thickness and channel<br />
depth,” he continues.<br />
the prototype elastometer they are using to investigate<br />
corneal stiffness consists of a handheld probe<br />
with a resonant element and receiver spaced 4.5 mm<br />
apart. it measures the “time-of-flight” in velocity units<br />
(meters per second) for propagation of a low-frequency<br />
ultrasonic stimulus. Wave velocity is a marker for<br />
corneal stiffness because the speed of a sound wave<br />
increases with increasing rigidity of the medium. dr.<br />
dupps and co-investigators at the cole eye institute<br />
have a scientific manuscript in press describing the<br />
technique and illustrating its potential utility in a<br />
variety of clinically important situations.<br />
“this technology is noninvasive and has the advantage<br />
of being able to measure regional and directional<br />
differences in stiffness,” says dr. dupps.<br />
Using a template dr. dupps devised in early studies<br />
with the device, measurements are acquired along 10<br />
corneal vectors, including the horizontal and vertical<br />
vectors at the center of the cornea, radial vectors in<br />
all four peripheral quadrants and circumferential<br />
vectors just anterior to the limbus of the same quadrants.<br />
average velocities were calculated for the central,<br />
radial and circumferential regions and analyzed for<br />
correlations to the surgical curvature change measured<br />
from intraoperative topography maps.<br />
so far, an analysis of one ring segment size has been<br />
performed in a small subset of three human globes<br />
maintained at a physiological iOp of 15 mm hg and<br />
with corneas that were restored to normal thickness<br />
with hyperosmotic solution. measures of corneal<br />
stiffness (surface wave velocity) and corneal curvature<br />
(Keratron scout topography) were obtained<br />
prior to surgery and after placement of two 0.45-mm<br />
segments through a superior incision at 12 o’clock.<br />
Both the incision and channels were created using<br />
the standard intacs surgical kit.<br />
the results showed a correlation between the surgical<br />
change in simulated keratometry values and the preoperative<br />
stiffness in the radial mid-peripheral vectors<br />
such that the flattening effect was greater when preoperative<br />
stiffness was higher. no relationships were<br />
found between central and circumferential<br />
Continued on page 16<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
William J. Dupps, Jr., M.D.,<br />
Ph.D., at duppsw@ccf.org.<br />
Corneal Biomechanical Clues Studied to Optimize Results<br />
Continued from page 15<br />
stiffness measurements and curvature response to<br />
intrastromal segment implantation.<br />
“it is logical that the region of the cornea that was<br />
found to be predictive of response directly straddles<br />
the site of channel insertion. in other words, the<br />
mechanical properties of the tissue closest to the<br />
inserts seem to be most important in predicting<br />
surgical response. these findings are very preliminary;<br />
they are based on a small number of<br />
non-keratoconic donor eyes and account only for<br />
the acute biomechanical changes associated with<br />
surgery. But continued experimentation in this vein<br />
may provide us with predictive information<br />
for planning surgery that we simply didn’t have<br />
before,” dr. dupps says.<br />
as a caveat, dr. dupps also notes that previous research<br />
with the elastometer indicates that posterior<br />
corneal properties may be relatively underrepresented<br />
in the measurements it produces. Furthermore,<br />
clinical measurement of corneal stiffness by this<br />
technique involves additional challenges, including<br />
a tendency toward much lower wave velocities<br />
in the presence of a normal tear film.<br />
“We are actively investigating technique and instrument<br />
modifications to overcome these issues and<br />
are fortunate to have the support of both addition<br />
technology and priavision in this venture,” says<br />
dr. dupps.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Autologous Serum Eyedrops May Offer Effective<br />
Therapy for Patients with Intractable Ocular<br />
Surface Disorders<br />
Treatment of severe ocular surface disorders<br />
remains a challenge, and in some patients,<br />
the disorder is refractory to conventional interventions.<br />
For them, Cole Eye Institute<br />
ophthalmologist Bennie H. Jeng, M.D., has<br />
found that the topical use of autologous<br />
serum is a safe and often highly effective<br />
modality for affording symptomatic relief<br />
and/or promoting ocular surface healing.<br />
relative to tears, autologous serum contains a similar<br />
spectrum of growth factors, vitamins and immunoglobulins<br />
that have positive epitheliotrophic<br />
activity, and the concentrations of some of those<br />
components in autologous serum exceeds that found<br />
in tears. Over the past 2 years, dr. Jeng has used<br />
autologous serum eyedrops to treat approximately<br />
25 patients with a variety of ocular surface conditions<br />
that were intractable to more conventional<br />
therapies. the diagnoses in those patients included<br />
persistent epithelial defects secondary to a variety<br />
of etiologies as well as severe, chronic dry eye, often<br />
associated with chronic graft-versus-host disease.<br />
some patients with recurrent erosion syndrome<br />
are also candidates for treatment with autologous<br />
serum eyedrops.<br />
Follow-up in those cases showed that improvement,<br />
measured as a reduction in symptoms and/or as<br />
epithelial repair, occurred fairly rapidly, within the<br />
first few weeks of treatment, while complete healing<br />
of epithelial defects was observed most of the time<br />
within 4 weeks. Overall, the efficacy rate for autologous<br />
tears has been 80% to 90%, reports dr. Jeng.<br />
“While that still leaves us with a 10% to 20% failure rate,<br />
considering that these are intractable cases of eyes<br />
that have otherwise reached the end of the therapeutic<br />
line, the outcomes achieved with autologous<br />
tears are really quite impressive,” he says.<br />
candidates for this experimental therapy are screened<br />
to exclude people with hepatitis or hiv infection.<br />
eligible patients have their blood drawn at cleveland<br />
clinic. the sample is then spun down, and the sepa-<br />
BEFORE<br />
AFTER<br />
rated serum is shipped to a pharmacy in california for<br />
further processing and purification. the prepared autologous<br />
serum eyedrops are shipped to the patients’<br />
homes packaged in small containers that are kept frozen<br />
until time for use.<br />
in recent years, there has been an increase in reports<br />
in the literature describing autologous serum eyedrops<br />
as a treatment for ocular surface disorders. the<br />
majority of those investigators have used autologous<br />
serum that has been diluted to 20% with the addition<br />
of normal saline. however, dr. Jeng has the pharmacy<br />
prepare a 50% autologous serum formulation for<br />
his patients.<br />
“not only does this provide a higher concentration of<br />
the epitheliotrophic factors, but it is also more viscous,<br />
and that thicker consistency offers an additional<br />
soothing effect when instilled into the eye,” he says.<br />
Continued on page 18<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Figure 1: Eye prior to treatment<br />
with autologus serum.<br />
Figure 2: Same eye after<br />
treatment.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information,<br />
contact Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.,<br />
at jengb@ccf.org.<br />
Autologous Serum Eyedrops May Offer Effective Therapy<br />
Continued from page 17<br />
patients are usually instructed to begin treatment<br />
with instillation every 2 hours, and then the frequency<br />
of administration is titrated to response. Once there is<br />
some onset of effect, dosing is reduced to four times<br />
a day and it can be further reduced as healing occurs.<br />
in patients who were being treated for persistent<br />
epithelial defects, no recurrences have been observed<br />
during follow-up of 6 to 12 months after treatment<br />
discontinuation. patients using the autologous<br />
serum for dry eye relief continue maintenance<br />
therapy indefinitely.<br />
treatment with the autologous serum eyedrops<br />
has had an excellent safety profile. the drops are well<br />
tolerated, and so far there have been no cases<br />
of secondary infectious keratitis or any other<br />
adverse events.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Switching from ECCE to Phacoemulsification in<br />
Triple Procedures Can Yield Refractive Surprises<br />
accurate iOl power prediction for eyes undergoing a<br />
triple procedure with penetrating keratoplasty (pK),<br />
cataract extraction and iOl implantation presents a<br />
challenge because the preoperatively measured biometric<br />
data used for power calculation can be significantly<br />
altered by the surgery. nevertheless, the predictability<br />
of refractive outcomes can be improved if<br />
surgeons analyze their outcomes to determine average<br />
postkeratoplasty keratometry values and personalized<br />
a-constants for use in iOl power calculations.<br />
Following that approach, cole eye institute surgeon<br />
roger h. s. langston, m.d., was able to achieve good<br />
refractive results when performing a triple procedure<br />
with lens removal by extracapsular cataract extraction<br />
(ecce). however, when he switched to phacoemulsification,<br />
he encountered some surprises in<br />
postoperative K values that were associated with a<br />
poor refractive result.<br />
now, dr. langston is further investigating his outcomes<br />
after combined pK/phaco/iOl implantation to<br />
try to identify factors and techniques that could improve<br />
the accuracy of iOl power calculation. however,<br />
his experience provides a cautionary note to<br />
colleagues who may also be switching from ecce to<br />
phacoemulsification.<br />
“surgeons need to be aware that despite its advantages,<br />
changing from ecce to small-incision cataract surgery<br />
can alter the average corneal power after a triple<br />
procedure. therefore, it is important to analyze one’s<br />
outcomes carefully,” says dr. langston.<br />
Weighing the risk of inaccurate iOl power calculation,<br />
he suggests that it may also be worthwhile to consider<br />
consecutive rather than simultaneous surgery, allowing<br />
the cornea to heal after pK before going back to do<br />
the cataract procedure and iOl implantation.<br />
“Of course, the liability of the staged approach is that it<br />
exposes the patient to the risks of a second procedure<br />
and significantly delays visual rehabilitation since<br />
one must wait until after the graft sutures are removed<br />
to assure corneal curvature stability. however, the<br />
pros and cons of both simultaneous and staged surgery<br />
should probably be discussed with patients, who<br />
can then make their own informed decision,”<br />
dr. langston says.<br />
he compared his outcomes of triple procedures<br />
performed with ecce or phacoemulsification in a retrospective<br />
study including eyes that underwent corneal<br />
transplantation for Fuchs’ dystrophy. there were 22 cases<br />
performed with ecce and 16 performed with phacoemulsification.<br />
in the ecce eyes, the postoperative K<br />
value averaged 47 d and ranged from 44.75 to 50.0 d.<br />
mean astigmatism was 5 d with a range from 0 to 12 d.<br />
in the phacoemulsification group, mean astigmatism<br />
was 3.7 d with a range of 0 to 7.5 d. however, in analyzing<br />
the K values, dr. langston found the corneas were<br />
flatter overall (range 39.25 to 48.5 d) and on average<br />
(mean K 45.4 d), and two eyes in particular had a<br />
corneal power much lower than anticipated.<br />
as a result, the refractive predictability was worse in<br />
the eyes that underwent phacoemulsification. While<br />
19 of the 22 eyes (86%) that had the triple procedure<br />
with ecce were within 2 d of their intended se target,<br />
only 9 of the 16 eyes (56%) undergoing phacoemulsification<br />
had an achieved se within that range.<br />
there are a number of factors that can influence the<br />
corneal curvature outcome after a triple procedure. however,<br />
recognizing that iOp affects tissue response during<br />
trephination, dr. langston has hypothesized that his<br />
experience may be explained by increased iOp variability<br />
after phacoemulsification compared with ecce.<br />
“Based on that concept, i started to measure iOp after<br />
completing the phaco procedure and confirmed there<br />
was significant variation,” dr. langston says.<br />
currently, he is applying a honan balloon as he would<br />
in eyes undergoing ecce in an effort to control iOp,<br />
and will be analyzing his outcomes to see if that technique<br />
is beneficial for limiting variation in corneal<br />
curvature outcomes and improving refractive results.<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Postoperative view of eye<br />
after combined PK/phaco/<br />
IOL insertion.<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Roger H.S. Langston, M.D.,<br />
at langstr@ccf.org.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Artificial Cornea Provides Hope for Sight in<br />
Patients with No Alternatives<br />
With advances in device design, surgical<br />
technique and postoperative management,<br />
keratoprosthesis implantation has become a<br />
viable approach for attempting to restore<br />
vision in eyes that are at high risk for corneal<br />
transplantation.<br />
Of the several types of keratoprostheses that are<br />
commercially available, the Boston keratoprosthesis<br />
developed by claes dohlman, m.d., ph.d., professor<br />
emeritus of ophthalmology, harvard medical school,<br />
is the most widely used in the United states. cole eye<br />
institute corneal surgeon victor l. perez, m.d., completed<br />
his fellowship training with dr. dohlman and<br />
has been performing implantation of both the type i<br />
and type ii Boston keratoprostheses at cole for 3<br />
years. to date, he has treated six eyes, and the results<br />
have been encouraging with respect to both safety<br />
and visual rehabilitation.<br />
“as my experience with these procedures increases,<br />
so too has my level of comfort for using this approach<br />
in appropriate candidates. now, the keratoprosthesis<br />
has become an important part of my armamentarium<br />
for trying to provide a clear window for vision in<br />
patients with a history of multiple graft failures,”<br />
dr. perez says.<br />
One of the most satisfying cases undertaken so far<br />
involved a russian radiologist who, while living in<br />
that country, suffered corneal burns in both eyes as<br />
a result of having lye thrown at his face. the patient<br />
developed severe corneal melts and was treated<br />
by a russian ophthalmologist with permanent<br />
tarsorrhaphy.<br />
he presented to dr. perez several years later, after<br />
moving to the United states. an ultrasound study<br />
revealed that the eyes were present in the orbit and<br />
that the retinas were attached. therefore, dr. perez<br />
proceeded to open the tarsorrhaphy in the right eye<br />
for further evaluation, but was unable to find the<br />
anterior segment.<br />
“it was clear to me that the only intervention that<br />
might help this man was to implant the type ii<br />
Boston keratoprosthesis and attempt to provide<br />
a tunnel for vision through the lid,” he says.<br />
due to the excessive scar tissue present, the implantation<br />
surgery was lengthy and challenging. however,<br />
dr. perez was successful in implanting the type ii<br />
keratoprosthesis and placed a glaucoma shunt as<br />
well. he reports that the patient has done well postoperatively<br />
and now has vision of 20/100.<br />
“For the first time, this gentleman has been able to<br />
see his grandchildren who were born after his accident,<br />
and he is able to read again. so far so good as<br />
far as safety is concerned as well, but we are proceeding<br />
with very cautious optimism because these are<br />
such complicated cases,” dr. perez says.<br />
most of the Boston keratoprosthesis procedures performed<br />
by dr. perez involved the type i device. in that<br />
series of eyes, he has not encountered any significant<br />
complications, such as corneal melt, device extrusion<br />
or endophthalmitis. visual outcomes have been<br />
limited by macular potential.<br />
“these patients tend to have multiple ocular abnormalities<br />
that limit their visual potential. at least,<br />
however, the keratoprosthetic surgery provides<br />
an opportunity to restore some functional vision,”<br />
dr. perez says.<br />
since retinal conditions are often present in patients<br />
who come for keratoprosthesis surgery, a team<br />
approach with an experienced retinal surgeon is also<br />
important to optimize outcomes.<br />
“We want to try to offer these patients the best<br />
possible vision, and we are fortunate at the cole eye<br />
institute to have talented retinal surgeons who can<br />
collaborate in these procedures,” dr. perez says.<br />
historically, success with keratoprosthetic surgery<br />
has presented a difficult challenge. Biocompatibility<br />
between the prosthetic device and the corneal tissue<br />
and avoidance of device extrusion and corneal<br />
melts have presented a major obstacle. however,<br />
dr. dohlman made a significant contribution to<br />
addressing those problems with his design of the<br />
two-plate keratoprosthetic device that allows nutrients<br />
from the anterior chamber to interface with the<br />
cornea. recognizing that it was also important to<br />
maintain a moist surface, dr. dohlman introduced<br />
the idea of covering the eye with a bandage contact<br />
0 // O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
lens. that technique has also been important in<br />
reducing postoperative degradation of the cornea and<br />
the prosthesis.<br />
Based on dr. dohlman’s suggested postoperative<br />
management scheme, patients who undergo keratoprosthesis<br />
implantation at cole eye institute are<br />
treated with routine topical antibiotics to prevent<br />
infection.<br />
“this strategy is somewhat controversial, but with its<br />
use, the risk of endophthalmitis has been markedly<br />
diminished,” dr. perez says.<br />
comanagement of glaucoma is another important<br />
consideration in these eyes. many patients have glaucoma<br />
already or are at risk for developing it because<br />
keratoprosthesis implantation changes the anatomy<br />
of the angle. For that reason, an aggressive approach<br />
to iOp control is taken with implantation of glaucoma<br />
devices at the time of the keratoprosthesis procedure<br />
in eyes with advanced existing glaucoma or those<br />
considered to be at high risk.<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information,<br />
contact Victor L. Perez, M.D.,<br />
at perezv@ccf.org.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Edward J. Rockwood, M.D.,<br />
at rockwoe@ccf.org.<br />
Simultaneous Penetrating Keratoplasty/Pars<br />
Plana Vitrectomy/Glaucoma Implant Surgery<br />
Yielding Encouraging Outcomes<br />
Uncontrolled glaucoma is an occasional<br />
comorbid finding in patients with corneal<br />
disease who are candidates for penetrating<br />
keratoplasty. Placement of a glaucoma drainage<br />
implant has become a valuable option<br />
for maintaining IOP in these challenging<br />
cases. However, the presence of a glaucoma<br />
implant tube in the anterior chamber has<br />
also been associated with an increased risk<br />
for graft failure.<br />
at the cole eye institute, glaucoma specialist edward<br />
J. rockwood, m.d., has been collaborating with<br />
corneal transplant surgeon david m. meisler, m.d.,<br />
and vitreoretinal specialists Jonathan e. sears, m.d.,<br />
and peter K. Kaiser, m.d., to perform a simultaneous<br />
procedure combining penetrating keratoplasty, pars<br />
plana vitrectomy and placement of the glaucoma<br />
implant tube through a pars plana sclerotomy. they<br />
have accumulated eight eyes in their combined<br />
procedure series so far with follow-up ranging from<br />
a few months to up to 3 years.<br />
“it is critical to achieve and maintain good iOp<br />
control in eyes undergoing penetrating keratoplasty<br />
because both elevated iOp and any need for additional<br />
glaucoma surgery increase the risk of graft failure.<br />
For some patients, a glaucoma implant has been the<br />
best choice for achieving that goal, and our outcomes<br />
with posterior implant tube placement in this small<br />
series of cases have been very encouraging in terms<br />
of successful iOp control with reduced need for glaucoma<br />
medications and maintenance of graft clarity,”<br />
says dr. rockwood.<br />
in the combined procedure, dr. rockwood first<br />
places the glaucoma implant but without inserting<br />
the tube in the vitreous. then the retina specialist<br />
performs the vitrectomy with scleral depression to<br />
remove as much of the vitreous base as possible in<br />
the planned quadrant of the implant tube insertion,<br />
usually supero-temporal. next, the cornea surgeon<br />
takes over to perform the transplant, and finally<br />
dr. rockwood steps in again to insert the glaucoma<br />
implant tube, place a preserved pericardial graft<br />
over the tube and close the conjunctiva. the<br />
glaucoma implant tube is passed through a 23-gauge<br />
needle tract at a location about 3.5 mm posterior to<br />
the limbus.<br />
“in some patients with significant corneal edema that<br />
precludes good surgical visualization, a keratoprosthesis<br />
will be placed temporarily after insertion<br />
of the glaucoma implant to enable vitrectomy. Once<br />
that portion of the operation is completed, the<br />
cornea surgeon removes the keratoprosthesis and<br />
places the corneal graft tissue,” dr. rockwood says.<br />
since undertaking the triple procedure a few years<br />
ago and based on additional experience with combined<br />
glaucoma implant surgery and pars plana<br />
vitrectomy in other eyes, the surgeons have introduced<br />
a number of modifications to their technique<br />
that have proven useful for minimizing complications<br />
postoperatively, and particularly serious<br />
posterior segment events. For example, in order to<br />
lessen the risk of hypotony and the associated potential<br />
in these vitrectomized eyes for choroidal<br />
effusion and suprachoroidal hemorrhage, dr.<br />
rockwood now uses only a valve-style glaucoma<br />
implant in the combined procedures.<br />
the vitrectomy technique has also been refined to<br />
ensure adequate removal of the vitreous near the<br />
planned site of tube insertion to reduce the risk of<br />
vitreous incarceration and tube obstruction. in addition,<br />
it has been found best to leave the tube long (at<br />
least 3-4 mm) in the vitreous. While too long a tube in<br />
the anterior chamber can cause problems, it has not<br />
been a problem in the vitreous and may reduce<br />
the risk of vitreous obstructing the tube, notes<br />
dr. rockwood.<br />
“By reducing complications, these refinements have<br />
also been important for eliminating the need for further<br />
surgical intervention and its related morbidity,”<br />
he adds.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
NEI-Sponsored Study Evaluating Role of Primary<br />
IOL Implantation in Infants with Unilateral<br />
Congenital Cataract<br />
Primary IOL implantation has become generally<br />
accepted as the standard of care for<br />
achieving visual rehabilitation after cataract<br />
surgery in older children. In infants, however,<br />
although use of primary IOL implantation<br />
has been increasing at some centers, the<br />
procedure remains controversial, particularly<br />
because of the paucity of data on long-term<br />
risks. As such, contact lenses are still<br />
considered the gold standard for visual rehabilitation<br />
after cataract surgery in children<br />
less than 1 year of age.<br />
however, contact lens wear has its own limitations.<br />
according to some available data, when it is used in<br />
infants after removal of a unilateral congenital<br />
cataract, a significant proportion of children<br />
remain legally blind in their aphakic eye as a result<br />
of competition from the sound eye and contact<br />
lens compliance issues.<br />
now, in order to define better the benefits and risks<br />
of primary iOl implantation in infants with unilateral<br />
congenital cataracts, the national eye institute<br />
of the national institutes of health is sponsoring the<br />
infant aphakia treatment study (iats), a multicenter,<br />
randomized clinical trial comparing primary<br />
iOl implantation with contact lens wear. cleveland<br />
clinic’s cole eye institute is one of only 12 sites<br />
nationwide participating in that study. pediatric<br />
ophthalmologist elias i. traboulsi, m.d., is the<br />
principal investigator at cole.<br />
“iOl implantation is doable in these very small eyes,<br />
but technically challenging, and a pilot study found<br />
that secondary surgery was often needed to remove<br />
proliferating lens material. however, by providing<br />
immediate visual rehabilitation with an implant and<br />
eliminating potential problems with contact lens<br />
use, it is hoped primary iOl implantation can<br />
provide better visual outcomes and reduce caregiver<br />
stress. We are looking forward to the results of this<br />
trial that will show us whether there are advantages<br />
that offset the limitations,” dr. traboulsi says.<br />
enrollment in the study began in early 2005 and is<br />
planned to occur over a 4-year period. to be eligible,<br />
infants must be 28 to 210 days of age with a visually<br />
significant, monocular, congenital cataract. the<br />
surgery in all patients involves lensectomy, posterior<br />
capsulotomy and anterior vitrectomy. For children in<br />
the implant group, the iOl will be placed in the<br />
capsular bag and spectacles prescribed to correct<br />
residual refractive error. protocols for patching<br />
and follow-up after surgery are identical for the two<br />
study groups, and all functional assessments and<br />
safety evaluations are being performed by a traveling<br />
vision examiner.<br />
so far, the cole eye institute has been one of the<br />
more active iats sites, enrolling five patients as of<br />
may 2006. recruitment, however, is difficult because<br />
unilateral congenital cataract is a relatively rare<br />
condition, notes dr. traboulsi.<br />
“since these patients are uncommonly encountered,<br />
we are very dependent on referrals to enroll participants<br />
in this trial. We are very grateful to the<br />
physicians who have referred patients to us so far,<br />
and we strongly encourage others to contact us if they<br />
are caring for or aware of a child who might be a<br />
candidate for this study,” he says.<br />
dr. traboulsi has been performing primary iOl implantation<br />
after cataract surgery in infants for several<br />
years. a few years ago at an annual meeting of the association<br />
for research in vision and <strong>Ophthalmology</strong>,<br />
he reviewed that experience in a series of 34 eyes of 23<br />
patients who underwent lens extraction prior to 2<br />
years of age for unilateral or bilateral cataracts. twenty-five<br />
(78%) of the procedures were performed when<br />
the child was younger than 20 weeks. eighteen (56%)<br />
of the eyes received an in-the-bag iOl at the time of<br />
cataract extraction.<br />
“there were no significant intraoperative complications<br />
whether or not an iOl was implanted primarily.<br />
notably, however, there were no cases of glaucoma<br />
among the iOl recipients during follow-up extending<br />
to 4 years, whereas glaucoma developed in three eyes<br />
of two patients who did not have an iOl implanted.<br />
Continued on page 24<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D., at<br />
traboue@ccf.org.<br />
NEI-Sponsored Study Evaluating Role of Primary IOL<br />
Continued from page 23<br />
that latter observation is consistent with previous<br />
studies of infants who have undergone surgery for<br />
congenital cataracts without iOl implantation,” dr.<br />
traboulsi says. however, he notes the findings from<br />
his review must be considered against the limitations<br />
of the study, which was retrospective and<br />
not randomized.<br />
“the safety and benefits of primary iOl implantation<br />
in infants need to be confirmed in the ongoing,<br />
prospective iats study,” dr. traboulsi says.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Case Study: Five-Month-Old Boy Presents with<br />
Incomitant Esotropia<br />
By Evelyn Fu, M.D., and Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
a 5-month-old boy with no significant ocular history<br />
presented to cleveland clinic cole eye institute with<br />
esotropia of the right eye for 1 month. no other visual<br />
symptoms were noted. his medical history revealed<br />
a recent episode of otitis media treated with antibiotic<br />
eardrops. he was born at full term via vaginal<br />
delivery without perinatal complications. review<br />
of systems is significant for episodic nonprojectile<br />
vomiting with increasing frequency that began one<br />
week prior to presentation. Family history is positive<br />
for hypertension and aortic dissection in paternal<br />
great-grandfather and grandfather.<br />
On examination, the boy appears well nourished and<br />
developed. he fixes and follows well with both eyes.<br />
there is a moderate esotropia of the right eye in primary<br />
gaze that increases on right gaze and decreases<br />
on left gaze. the degree of esotropia is equal at<br />
distance and near. there is severe limitation in<br />
abduction of the right eye beyond midline. globe<br />
retraction is not noted in adduction. the pupils are<br />
equal, round and reactive to light without an afferent<br />
defect. slit-lamp examination and dilated ophthalmoscopy<br />
are normal in both eyes. the remaining<br />
medical and neurological examination is normal.<br />
Differential Diagnosis<br />
incomitant esotropia describes an inward deviation<br />
of the eye that varies in different fields of gaze. it results<br />
from a variety of etiologies including sixth-nerve<br />
palsy, type i duane syndrome, divergence insufficiency<br />
and orbital blowout fracture with restriction of the<br />
lateral rectus muscle. patients with type i duane syndrome<br />
have poor abduction with globe retraction in<br />
adduction. divergence insufficiency is characterized<br />
by esotropia that is greater at distance than at near.<br />
Further, the deviation does not change with vertical or<br />
horizontal gaze. Our patient’s symptoms and signs<br />
are most consistent with an isolated sixth-nerve palsy.<br />
Diagnosis<br />
the most common causes of sixth-nerve palsy in<br />
children are trauma and intracranial lesions. 1, 2 in<br />
the absence of trauma, a full neurological evaluation<br />
including neuroimaging is recommended. On head<br />
ct, a 2.6-cm hyperdense mass was noted in the right<br />
middle fossa with remodeling of the adjacent<br />
FIGURE 1<br />
FIGURE 2<br />
sphenoid body and greater wing (Figure 1). cta and<br />
mri demonstrated characteristics of a giant thrombosed<br />
aneurysm of the cavernous internal carotid<br />
artery, without compression of the optic nerve or<br />
chiasm (Figure 2). the diagnosis was a giant intracavernous<br />
carotid artery aneurysm (iccaa).<br />
Discussion<br />
iccaas are extremely rare in the pediatric population.<br />
3, 4 information regarding the natural history,<br />
pathogenesis, radiographic features, treatment and<br />
prognosis are derived from large case series of adult<br />
patients. 5, 6, 7 symptoms from iccaa can be divided<br />
Continued on page 26<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Figure 1: CT image of<br />
a 5-month-old boy with<br />
incomitant esotropia.<br />
Figure 2: MR image of<br />
a 5-month-old boy with<br />
incomitant esotropia.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D. at<br />
traboue@ccf.org.<br />
Case Study: Five-Month-Old Boy Presents with Incomitant Esotropia<br />
Continued from page 25<br />
into two categories: vascular and compressive. vascular<br />
symptoms include subarachnoid hemorrhage, carotid-cavernous<br />
fistula, epistaxis, subdural hematoma<br />
and embolic or ischemic events. compressive symptoms<br />
are caused by pressure of the aneurysm wall on<br />
surrounding structures and depend on the initial<br />
location, size and direction of growth.<br />
Ophthalmically anterior and lateral extensions may<br />
result in superior orbital fissure syndrome and cavernous<br />
sinus syndrome, respectively. hahn et. al.<br />
reported patients often complain of diplopia (89%),<br />
retro-orbital pain (61%), headache (19%), blurred<br />
vision (14%) and photophobia (4%). 8<br />
common presenting signs include partial ophthalmoplegia<br />
(77%), ptosis (51%), decreased visual acuity<br />
(12%), complete ophthalmoplegia (16%), proptosis<br />
(7%) and visual field defects (7%). isolated cranial<br />
nerve palsies most frequently occur in the sixth nerve<br />
(39%) because it is anatomically closest to the artery,<br />
References<br />
1. holmes Jm, mutyala s, maus tl, grill r, hodge<br />
dO, gray dt. pediatric third, fourth, and sixth<br />
nerve palsies: a population-based study. am J<br />
Ophthalmol 1999;127:388-92.<br />
2. Kodsi sr, younge Br. acquired oculomotor,<br />
trochlear, and abducent cranial nerve palsies<br />
in pediatric patients. am J Ophthalmol<br />
1992;114:568-74.<br />
3. allison JW, davis pc, sato y, et al. intracranial<br />
aneurysms in infants and children. pediatr<br />
radiol 1998;28:223-9.<br />
4. huang J, mcgirt mJ, gailloud p, tamargo rJ.<br />
intracranial aneurysms in the pediatric population:<br />
case series and literature review. surg<br />
neurol 2005;63:424-32; discussion 432-3.<br />
5. Barrow dl, alleyne c. natural history of giant<br />
intracranial aneurysms and indications for<br />
intervention. clin neurosurg 1995;42:214-44.<br />
follow by the third nerve (11%). 8 Fourth-nerve palsy<br />
has not been reported. the mechanisms of cranial<br />
nerve palsies are believed to result from direct compression<br />
or acute ischemia secondary to occlusion of<br />
the cavernous sinus arterial branches supplying the<br />
cranial nerves.<br />
spontaneous improvement and complete resolution<br />
are often noted. nguyen et al. reported a case of 60year-old<br />
woman with recurrent episodes of isolated<br />
sixth-nerve palsy as a result of iccaa. 9 mortality of<br />
iccaa is low and spontaneous rupture is rare. surgical<br />
intervention is reserved for complications of<br />
vascular rupture, progressive ophthalmoplegia,<br />
visual loss and radiographic evidence of enlargement<br />
and extension into the subarachnoid space.<br />
Our patient is being followed closely with frequent<br />
neuroimaging. his right eye is being patched 2 hours<br />
per day to avoid amblyopia.<br />
6. linskey me, sekhar ln, hirsch W, Jr., yonas h,<br />
horton Ja. aneurysms of the intracavernous<br />
carotid artery: clinical presentation, radiographic<br />
features, and pathogenesis. neurosurgery<br />
1990;26:71-9.<br />
7. linskey me, sekhar ln, hirsch Wl, Jr., yonas h,<br />
horton Ja. aneurysms of the intracavernous<br />
carotid artery: natural history and indications for<br />
treatment. neurosurgery 1990;26:933-7; discussion<br />
937-8.<br />
8. hahn cd, nicolle da, lownie sp, drake cg. giant<br />
cavernous carotid aneurysms: clinical presentation<br />
in fifty-seven cases. J neuroophthalmol<br />
2000;20:253-8.<br />
9. nguyen dQ, perera l, Kyle g. recurrent isolated<br />
sixth nerve palsy secondary to an intracavernous<br />
carotid artery aneurysm. eye 2006.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Study Investigates Risk Factors<br />
for Choroidal Melanocytic Lesion Growth<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al distinction between a choroidal<br />
nevus and small choroidal melanoma may<br />
be difficult, and patients who are diagnosed<br />
as having a choroidal melanocytic lesion<br />
may become confused as they seek several<br />
opinions and get conflicting information<br />
about diagnosis and management.<br />
the identification of parameters that could improve<br />
the diagnosis and management of choroidal melanocytic<br />
lesions represents a major research interest<br />
of arun d. singh, m.d., director, department of<br />
Ophthalmic Oncology, cole eye institute, cleveland<br />
clinic. in a recently published paper [<strong>Ophthalmology</strong>,<br />
June 2006], dr. singh reported the findings of<br />
a study he undertook to characterize baseline<br />
features of small choroidal melanocytic lesions<br />
that were predictive of growth.<br />
the study had a retrospective observational case<br />
series design and included 240 patients, mean age 62<br />
years, with a presumptive diagnosis of a small choroidal<br />
melanocytic lesion who underwent observational<br />
management. during a mean follow-up of 3.3 years,<br />
tumor growth occurred in 11 (4.6%) patients, and most<br />
of those events occurred within the first 33 months<br />
after initial recognition. Univariate analyses identified<br />
lesion thickness, location in relation to the foveola,<br />
gender and presence of symptoms and orange<br />
pigment as significant predictors of growth risk.<br />
“the ability to differentiate choroidal nevi from small<br />
choroidal melanoma is an important clinical issue.<br />
currently, tumor growth over a short period is used to<br />
make that distinction, and so frequent careful observation<br />
is recommended to document changes in<br />
lesion size. however, better information is needed<br />
about the risk of tumor growth and prognostic factors<br />
for that occurrence. Our study provides some insight<br />
as to features of small choroidal melanocytic lesions<br />
that are associated with a higher risk of growth.<br />
however, a large multicenter, prospective study is<br />
needed to provide definitive answers for improving<br />
risk stratification,” says dr. singh.<br />
the patients included in the study had lesions measuring<br />
between 1.0 and 3.5 mm in height and/or<br />
between 1 and 15 mm in largest basal diameter without<br />
prior growth, chose observation for growth as<br />
their management, and were followed for at least 12<br />
months. tumor growth was defined as increase in<br />
size of 0.3 mm or greater in any dimension based on<br />
comparisons of fundus drawings, fundus photographs<br />
and ultrasound a and B scans.<br />
comparisons of the groups with and without tumor<br />
growth showed the factors associated with the greatest<br />
relative risk (rr) for growth were presence of<br />
orange pigment (rr = 9.6), tumor height ≥2 mm<br />
(rr = 8.2) and juxtapapillary location (
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D., M.S.E.,<br />
at krueger@ccf.org.<br />
Customized Re-treatment Can Provide a Solution<br />
When 20/20 Is Not Good Enough<br />
The development of wavefront-guided custom<br />
corneal ablation has led to significant<br />
improvements in the efficacy and predictability<br />
of laser vision correction surgery.<br />
However, wavefront-guided treatment is<br />
also proving to be a feasible method for<br />
enhancement in select patients who achieve<br />
20/20 uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA)<br />
after LASIK but are unhappy because of<br />
quality-of-vision issues, says Ronald R.<br />
Krueger, M.D., medical director of the<br />
Department of Refractive Surgery at <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>’s Cole Eye Institute.<br />
“Ucva measured on a high-contrast snellen acuity<br />
chart has been the standard measure for assessing<br />
outcomes after refractive surgery, but the advent of<br />
wavefront aberrometry has led us to appreciate that<br />
it is not always an accurate gauge of quality of vision.<br />
Using wavefront devices to measure the optical quality<br />
of the eye, we now understand that 20/20 or even<br />
20/15 Ucva is sometimes not good enough because<br />
patients can be emmetropic and have excellent visual<br />
acuity but still suffer debilitating visual symptoms<br />
as a result of higher-order aberrations induced by<br />
their surgery,” dr. Krueger explains.<br />
“While historically we would avoid treating any eye<br />
that is 20/20, using a wavefront-guided retreatment,<br />
we can sometimes selectively address the higher-order<br />
aberrations underlying a patient’s complaints to<br />
provide those individuals with the quality of vision<br />
they desire,” he continues.<br />
in a study undertaken a few years ago in which more<br />
than 100 postlasiK eyes were evaluated with the<br />
ladarWave aberrometer (alcon), dr. Krueger and<br />
colleagues found statistically significant correlations<br />
between certain higher-order aberrations and<br />
particular visual symptoms. For example, patients<br />
who had high levels of horizontal coma suffered with<br />
double vision while spherical aberration was associated<br />
with complaints of halos, glare and starburst.<br />
subsequently, dr. Krueger has used the customcornea<br />
system (alcon) to perform an “upgrade treatment”<br />
in about 30 eyes that were 20/20 after lasiK but<br />
symptomatic. the primary treatment in most of<br />
those eyes was done with a conventional lasiK<br />
procedure, but there were some cases that had<br />
wavefront-guided ablations, primarily. For the vast<br />
majority of patients, the custom enhancement<br />
procedure has resulted in a very good outcome. the<br />
following is a description of an illustrative case.<br />
a 37-year-old female pharmacist presented to the<br />
cole eye institute with complaints of poor vision in<br />
dim light, with the right eye being worse than the left,<br />
along with bothersome glare and halos when driving<br />
at night. she originally had a spherical error of about<br />
–5.0 d in both eyes and had undergone lasiK 5 years<br />
earlier at another refractive surgery center followed<br />
by a bilateral enhancement about 1 year ago. at<br />
presentation, her right eye was –0.25+0.25 × 88° and<br />
20/20+1 Ucva. her left eye was plano with Ucva<br />
of 20/15–2. a few dry spots were noted on her<br />
cornea, but otherwise her ophthalmic exam was unremarkable<br />
and showed normal pupils and corneal<br />
thickness for postlasiK eyes. corneal topography<br />
revealed slight irregularity and asymmetry in the<br />
previously treated central area (Figure 1a), and<br />
wavefront aberrometry showed higher levels of coma<br />
and spherical aberration that were consistent with<br />
her vision complaints (Figure 1b).<br />
after a thorough discussion of the potential risks of<br />
yet another re-treatment, the patient chose to undergo<br />
the custom upgrade procedure in the right eye. On<br />
the first postoperative day, the eye was 20/20 uncorrected<br />
and the patient was extremely happy with her<br />
vision. aberrometry revealed her refraction was close<br />
to plano and showed significant improvement in the<br />
higher-order aberrations. at day 7 postop, the vision<br />
was –0.25 d by manifest refraction and 20/20. after<br />
dilation, the eye measured +0.50 d and 20/15–1.<br />
coma and spherical aberration had both decreased<br />
by at least 50%. the exam findings at 1 month were<br />
similar, and the patient was still very pleased with<br />
her outcome.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
however, a few months later she returned, complaining<br />
that she was still having difficulty with vision<br />
at night in her left eye. dr. Krueger dissuaded<br />
the patient from having a custom upgrade in that<br />
eye with 20/15 Ucva, but she returned 2 months<br />
later determined to have surgery. still reluctant, dr.<br />
Krueger proceeded to do a preoperative work-up<br />
that revealed abnormally high levels of coma and<br />
spherical aberration. a carefully planned ablation<br />
was performed with a good result. at 1 week and 6<br />
weeks, aberrometry showed a refraction of –0.25 d<br />
with the level of coma reduced by about one-third<br />
and spherical aberration reduced by about 50%.<br />
complaints of starburst and glare at night were<br />
markedly improved, and the patient was very happy<br />
with her vision in both eyes.<br />
WR: +0.38–0.57x09<br />
– Coma=0.76 µm<br />
– Sph Ab=0.78 µm<br />
– Other=0.26 µm<br />
FIGURE 1a<br />
Note of caution<br />
although the outcome in this case and others has<br />
been favorable, dr. Krueger warns that in eyes in<br />
which there is minimal refractive error, the custom<br />
re-treatment needs to be carefully planned to avoid a<br />
spherical overcorrection that can leave the patient<br />
even more unhappy.<br />
“When correcting higher amounts of higher-order<br />
aberrations, it is important to incorporate an offset<br />
into the ablation that will compensate for the<br />
relatively large amount of treatment that is delivered.<br />
Unfortunately, we have seen several patients<br />
treated elsewhere with a custom enhancement<br />
whose vision has been massively overcorrected,”<br />
dr. Krueger says.<br />
FIGURE 1b<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Second Intravitreal Implant Investigated<br />
as Treatment for Uveitis<br />
Corticosteroid treatment has long been a<br />
mainstay of therapy for uveitis, and until recently,<br />
most patients with vision-threatening<br />
posterior, intermediate and panuveitis were<br />
treated with systemic anti-inflammatory<br />
therapy using corticosteroids and/or steroidsparing<br />
immunosuppressive medications.<br />
given the serious systemic side effects associated<br />
with those modalities, the approval of the intravitreal<br />
fluocinolone acetonide implant (retisert, Bausch<br />
& lomb) for the treatment of chronic, noninfectious<br />
posterior uveitis represented a significant advance<br />
because it afforded long-lasting, effective disease<br />
control without extraocular toxicity. nevertheless,<br />
these benefits were not achieved without risks.<br />
“in the premarketing clinical trials, nearly two-thirds<br />
of patients who received the implant required<br />
iOp-lowering treatment, about one-third had to<br />
undergo glaucoma surgery and nearly all phakic<br />
eyes developed cataracts that required removal,”<br />
explains cole eye institute ophthalmologist careen<br />
y. lowder, m.d., ph.d.<br />
now, the cole eye institute is one of the clinical sites<br />
participating in two recently launched multicenter<br />
studies that are evaluating the efficacy and safety of a<br />
dexamethasone posterior segment drug delivery<br />
system (posurdex, allergan) for the treatment of<br />
noninfectious anterior and intermediate uveitis.<br />
dr. lowder and other investigators in those trials are<br />
hopeful that this sustained-release corticosteroid<br />
will also prove effective for reducing inflammation<br />
while offering a better ocular safety profile than the<br />
fluocinolone acetonide implant.<br />
results of a phase ii trial investigating the dexamethasone<br />
posterior segment drug delivery system<br />
for the treatment of cystoid macular edema (cme)<br />
provide evidence of its potential efficacy in the treatment<br />
of uveitis, notes dr. lowder.<br />
that study included 39 patients with cme associated<br />
with uveitis. analyses of vision outcomes showed<br />
that at 2 months after randomization, approximately<br />
60% of patients who received the 350 or 700 µg dexamethasone<br />
implant achieved a 10-letter-or-greater<br />
improvement in best corrected visual acuity (Bcva)<br />
compared with only about 21% of those in the<br />
observation control arm. By 6 months after implantation,<br />
42% of patients in the 350-µg implant group<br />
and 46% of those in the 700-µg group maintained a<br />
10-letter-or-greater improvement from baseline in<br />
Bcva compared with only 21% of patients in the<br />
observation group.<br />
“in contrast to the fluocinolone device that released<br />
corticosteroid for a period of almost 3 years, the bioerodable<br />
dexamethasone implant was formulated<br />
specifically for use in the eye and releases medication<br />
for only about 3 months. We hope that duration<br />
of treatment will be adequate to control the ocular<br />
inflammation but be short enough that it will<br />
be associated with lower risks of glaucoma and<br />
cataractogenesis compared with the longer-lasting<br />
fluocinolone implant,” dr. lowder says.<br />
Both the anterior uveitis and intermediate uveitis<br />
studies are masked, have a planned 26-week duration<br />
and will randomly assign patients equally to<br />
three arms to receive one of two doses of the dexamethasone<br />
posterior segment drug delivery system<br />
(350 µg and 700 µg) or sham treatment with a needleless<br />
applicator system. the primary efficacy<br />
assessment will be performed after 6 weeks in the<br />
anterior uveitis study and after 8 weeks in the intermediate<br />
uveitis study, and will be based on anterior<br />
chamber cells (anterior uveitis) and vitreous<br />
haze (intermediate uveitis) using standardized<br />
grading scales.<br />
0 // O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
each trial will enroll 189 adult patients with a diagnosis<br />
of non-infectious uveitis in at least one eye<br />
based on criteria established in the standardization<br />
of Uveitis nomenclature Working group classification<br />
report. to be eligible, patients with intermediate<br />
uveitis must have vitreous haze of at least +2 and a<br />
snellen equivalent Bcva of 20/40 to 20/200 in the<br />
study eye. patients with anterior uveitis must have<br />
persistent inflammation for more than 3 months<br />
and an anterior chamber cell score of at least +2.<br />
patients taking stable regimens of topical steroids,<br />
topical nsaids, systemic corticosteroids or systemic<br />
immunosuppressants are eligible. patients with<br />
ocular hypertension, glaucoma or a history of an iOpsteroid<br />
response are excluded.<br />
“We look forward to the results of the dexamethasone<br />
posterior segment drug delivery system trials. treatment<br />
of chronic non-infectious posterior and diffuse<br />
uveitis continues to be a challenge because all<br />
currently available treatment modalities have significant<br />
side effects. We need to continue to search<br />
for better options,” dr. lowder concludes.<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.,<br />
at lowderc@ccf.org.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
Figure 1: Preoperative image of<br />
patient with mild upper eyelid<br />
ptosis.<br />
Figure 2: Patient 1 week after<br />
sutureless ptosis surgery using<br />
a fibrin sealant. A review of 53<br />
such procedures performed in<br />
33 patients over a 2-year period<br />
shows it is safe and predictably<br />
effective with reduced morbidity.<br />
Figure 3: Patient several<br />
months after the surgery.<br />
Sutureless Technique Reduces Morbidity,<br />
Hastens Healing for Conjunctival Müllerectomy<br />
Müller’s muscle-conjunctiva resection ptosis<br />
repair is a highly effective technique for treating<br />
mild upper eyelid ptosis. However, sutures<br />
placed for wound closure can cause significant<br />
postoperative discomfort and result<br />
in complications that include keratopathy,<br />
granuloma formation and infection.<br />
For the past several years, oculoplastic surgeon<br />
Julian d. perry, m.d., and colleagues at cleveland<br />
clinic’s cole eye institute have been using fibrin<br />
sealant (tisseel, Baxter ag industries) to perform<br />
sutureless ptosis surgery. their review of outcomes<br />
in a consecutive series of 53 procedures performed<br />
FIGURE 1<br />
FIGURE 2<br />
FIGURE 3<br />
in 33 patients over a 2-year period shows the sutureless<br />
approach is safe, predictably effective and reduces<br />
morbidity by both hastening postoperative<br />
healing and avoiding suture-related complications.<br />
as reported in a recently published paper [Ophthal<br />
plast reconstr surg 2006;22(3):184-7], symmetry<br />
results for the group were excellent and there were<br />
no significant complications attributable to the<br />
fibrin sealant.<br />
“this tissue sealant has been used most widely as<br />
a topical hemostatic agent in general surgery, and<br />
several authors have described its use in various<br />
external ophthalmic or corneal procedures. however,<br />
we believe we are the first to report on sutureless<br />
ptosis surgery using fibrin sealant,” says dr. perry.<br />
“this product is nontoxic to the ocular surface and<br />
mucous membranes, non-irritating to the cornea<br />
because it is soft, and our experience indicates it is<br />
a useful alternative to sutures for improving results<br />
and patient satisfaction with ptosis surgery.”<br />
dr. perry added that the fibrin sealant does have<br />
some limitations to consider.<br />
“it is more costly than suture material, and since it is<br />
derived from human donor sources, patients need to<br />
be informed there is a risk, albeit very low, of disease<br />
transmission,” he explains.<br />
the sutureless ptosis surgery is performed with the<br />
same technique as is used when suture closure is<br />
done, using an approach from the posterior aspect of<br />
the eyelid and an algorithm published by dr. perry<br />
and colleagues in 2002 to determine the amount of<br />
tissue resection.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Briefly, after everting the eyelid, the tissue is grasped<br />
within a putterman ptosis clamp and two locking<br />
0.5 forceps are placed beneath the clamp to maintain<br />
the relationship of the wound edges. then, half<br />
of the tissue in the clamp is excised, cautery is used<br />
to achieve hemostasis, the wound edges are held in<br />
approximation and the tissue glue is placed onto the<br />
dry field. then the same steps are repeated after the<br />
remaining half of the tissue is excised.<br />
the glue sets within several minutes, and the eyelid<br />
retractor is removed after checking wound security.<br />
the site is dressed with antibiotic ointment. total<br />
time for the procedure is about eight minutes per<br />
side, which represents a slight reduction in time<br />
compared with when the procedure is performed<br />
using suture closure.<br />
“average surgical time for the standard procedure is<br />
only about 11 minutes, and so increased efficiency is<br />
not a major advantage of the sutureless procedure,”<br />
notes dr. perry. Without question, however, there is<br />
less bleeding intraoperatively when the fibrin<br />
sealant is used, and as a result, ecchymoses and<br />
swelling are reduced postoperatively and resolve<br />
more quickly.<br />
“When patients return for their postoperative visit<br />
after 1 week, most have minimal bruising and swelling.<br />
there is some evidence that the fibrin sealant<br />
may accelerate healing by promoting fibroblast proliferation<br />
and accumulation of vascular endothelial<br />
growth factor, and it is likely that when a suture is<br />
placed, fluid remains trapped in the eyelid until the<br />
suture is removed,” notes dr. perry.<br />
Occasionally, patients who undergo sutureless ptosis<br />
surgery may experience a brief episode of conjunctival<br />
bleeding 4 to 5 days postoperatively. the event is<br />
painless and its onset appears consistent with the<br />
timing of degradation of the fibrin sealant.<br />
the fibrin sealant is derived in part from a human<br />
plasma donor pool. manufacturing protocols incorporate<br />
rigorous testing and vapor heat viral inactivation,<br />
and to date there are no known reported cases<br />
of viral or prion disease associated with use of the<br />
product since the manufacturer introduced pcr<br />
viral screening methodology. nevertheless, a risk of<br />
infectious disease transmission cannot be excluded.<br />
“this information is provided to patients and they are<br />
given the option of sutureless or standard surgery.<br />
however, because of its various benefits, we consider<br />
use of the fibrin sealant the method of choice in<br />
patients at increased risk for bleeding or suture<br />
morbidity as well as for patients undergoing<br />
cosmetic ptosis repair who would especially appreciate<br />
a faster and more comfortable course of healing,”<br />
dr. perry says.<br />
i n v e s t i g a t i O n s<br />
For more information, contact<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D., at<br />
perryj1@ccf.org.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n n O v a t i O n<br />
Innovation<br />
We push the boundaries at every step of the way, refusing to be saddled<br />
by conventional thinking or limitations.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Who We Are<br />
at the cole eye institute, the lines between research and patient<br />
care blur. the belief that the two are interdependent and synergistic<br />
is the foundation for everything we do. We believe that this<br />
approach enhances diagnosis and advances treatment, to the<br />
benefit of our patients today and tomorrow.<br />
Our program ranks high in the U.S.News & World Report annual<br />
survey, and is consistently the highest rated in Ohio. We have<br />
some of the highest patient volumes in the United states,<br />
handling more than 150,000 patient visits and more than 5,000<br />
surgeries per year. We offer treatment of the full range of vision<br />
disorders and conditions, as well as offering routine eye care for<br />
all ages. Our internationally recognized staff of 26 ophthalmologists<br />
is composed almost entirely of subspecialists, and eight<br />
optometrists round out our comprehensive services.<br />
Our state-of-the-art building demonstrates our dedication to<br />
patients and to the tradition established by the founders of<br />
cleveland clinic – a commitment to world-class care that always<br />
puts the patient first as well as providing further education<br />
for those who serve.<br />
Our facilities are designed for maximum patient comfort, service<br />
and quality. We offer one-stop eye care, with our diagnostic services<br />
suite located just a quick elevator ride away from the clinical<br />
suites, and our state-of-the-art operating rooms also are on premises.<br />
all windows in the patient areas feature special light filters to<br />
minimize the discomfort of patients whose eyes are dilated or<br />
newly treated. Our waiting rooms are designed to be comfortable<br />
and include a special area for children to play while they wait. We<br />
also have a pearle vision on site and offer such amenities as valet<br />
parking and an easy drive-up area for pick-up of postoperative<br />
patients. Our regional eye care program provides services in five<br />
suburban locations throughout the greater cleveland area,<br />
including one ambulatory surgery center.<br />
i n n O v a t i O n<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute is one of the few dedicated, comprehensive state-of-the-art eye institutes in<br />
the world. We are here to serve the needs of patients and referring physicians by providing early, accurate<br />
diagnosis and excellent, effective patient care. We strive daily to make this commitment to innovation a reality.<br />
We are pioneering treatment protocols for complex vision-threatening<br />
disorders, including age-related macular degeneration<br />
and glaucoma, through our clinical trials program. Our aggressive<br />
research program bridges the gap between laboratory and<br />
patient care, and our team of dedicated researchers works in<br />
some of the most well-equipped labs anywhere.<br />
Other unique programs housed at Cole Eye Institute:<br />
The Center for Genetic Eye Diseases: the center for genetic eye<br />
diseases provides clinical diagnostic and therapeutic services<br />
for patients with inherited eye conditions such as corneal and<br />
retinal dystrophies and microphthalmia. patients with inherited<br />
disorders that involve the eye, such as neurofibromatosis,<br />
albinism, neurodegenerative disorders and marfan syndrome,<br />
are referred to the center by physicians from around the country.<br />
a monthly specialty clinic is dedicated to patients with retinal<br />
dystrophies and their families.<br />
A National Eye Donor Program: cole eye institute houses the<br />
Foundation Fighting Blindness’ center for eyes donated by individuals<br />
across the United states for blindness research. the center<br />
shares tissue samples with researchers worldwide. Formally<br />
known as the retinal degeneration pathophysiology Facility, the<br />
collection center accepts eye donations after death from any person<br />
of any age who has normal vision or any degree of vision loss<br />
resulting from a retinal-degenerative disease. cole eye institute<br />
staff prepares a detailed medical report about each donated eye<br />
to help researchers track the effects of eye disease in different<br />
types of people and environments. prior to moving to cleveland<br />
clinic, the center was located in philadelphia.<br />
For more information about our services or to refer a patient,<br />
please call 216.444.2020 or 800.223.2273 ext 42020 or visit<br />
clevelandclinic.org/eye.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
i n n O v a t i O n<br />
Cole Eye Institute<br />
Vision First Program<br />
HElps KIds In ClEvElAnd pUBlIC sCHOOls<br />
The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute reaches out to children in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Municipal School District with<br />
free vision screenings on its Vision Bus.<br />
the bus, operated by the vision First project, began in the 2002-<br />
2003 school year and travels to all elementary schools in the<br />
district to test the vision of kindergarten and first-grade pupils,<br />
as well as pre-kindergarten pupils in schools that offer that program.<br />
the bus, the size of a recreational vehicle, is fully equipped<br />
to perform complete eye examinations.<br />
in the 2004-2005 school year, more than 6,000 children were<br />
screened at 88 elementary schools. about 550 were found to need<br />
glasses and more than 200 had a vision problem that required<br />
further follow-up.<br />
elias i. traboulsi, m.d., head of pediatric ophthalmology at<br />
the cole eye institute, is the medical director for the program.<br />
heather cimino, O.d., and rhonda Wilson, an ophthalmic technician,<br />
staff the bus. they assess the need for glasses as well as depth<br />
perception, ability to use both eyes fully, color perception and<br />
eye muscle strength on each child whose parents return a signed<br />
permission slip. children in whom problems are identified are<br />
given a more comprehensive examination by dr. hasley that<br />
includes dilating their pupils. if glasses or further medical attention<br />
are warranted, the school nurse is given information to mail<br />
home to parents. many families are eligible for no-cost follow-up<br />
care from pediatric ophthalmologists who accept medicaid.<br />
this program is so important because many childhood vision<br />
problems such as amblyopia are treatable if caught early enough,<br />
but can lead to permanent vision loss that hinders a child’s ability<br />
to learn if they are not. also, the earlier students who need glasses<br />
get them, the sooner they can start doing better in school.<br />
In a typical school year,<br />
more than 6,000 children are<br />
screened at 88 elementary schools.<br />
Because the program is designed for such young children,<br />
the bus is equipped with a system that lets the staff use letters,<br />
numbers and even pictures in the exams. video cartoons are<br />
sometimes used also, and plenty of stickers are handed out as<br />
rewards. school nurses play a vital role in making sure the students<br />
bring back their signed permission slips and working with<br />
families to be sure the children get any follow-up care they need.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Refractive Surgery<br />
FREEInG pATIEnTs FROm GlAssEs OR<br />
COnTACT lEnsEs<br />
We utilize the most advanced techniques to offer the complete<br />
range of vision correction options. We recently were among the<br />
first in the nation to get the newest alcon excimer laser, the<br />
ladarvision 6000. We also have added the newest version of the<br />
intralase device, the 60 Khz upgrade. Both lasers now deliver<br />
quicker, more accurate treatments with less irritation and faster<br />
recovery of excellent visual acuity. treatments for myopia, hyperopia<br />
and astigmatism are offered. also, monovision/blended<br />
vision treatments, in which one eye is corrected for near and<br />
the other for mid-range, are a popular choice for many of our<br />
patients over 40.<br />
i n n O v a t i O n<br />
The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute Refractive Center is a national leader in laser vision correction, and our<br />
refractive surgeons are among the most experienced anywhere. The Cole Eye Institute laser vision correction<br />
team is internationally respected for providing world-class eye care and for playing a prominent role in many<br />
major ophthalmic clinical trials.<br />
Our volumes have increased nearly 20 percent since 2002, and<br />
we have achieved that growth by always remembering that<br />
patients have a wide variety of choices available for laser vision<br />
correction today. Our team proudly differentiates itself by consistently<br />
putting patients first and delivering high quality results<br />
and sensitive, thorough care before, during and after each procedure.<br />
patients include many members of the local business,<br />
cultural, law enforcement and athletic communities, and the<br />
highest compliment they pay us is referring a family member<br />
or friend.<br />
every aspect of our refractive unit adheres to the highest<br />
standards set by the cole eye institute for all patients.<br />
Our team proudly differentiates itself by consistently putting patients first.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
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Staff<br />
Our world-renowned experts have extensive experience treating the full<br />
range of ophthalmic disorders with precision and compassion.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Cole Eye Institute Staff<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Chairman, Division of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Director, Cole Eye Institute<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Vitreoretinal surgery for<br />
complicated retinal detachment and trauma, age-related<br />
macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal<br />
photocoagulation, instrument development<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.0430<br />
Bela Anand-Apte, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Research Department<br />
Research Interest: Angiogenesis<br />
Office Phone: 216.445.9739<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Research Department<br />
Research Interests: Age-related macular degeneration,<br />
inherited retinal diseases<br />
Office Phone: 216.445.0425<br />
William J. Dupps, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. *<br />
Cornea and External Disease Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Cornea, cataract and<br />
refractive surgery<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.8396<br />
Marc A. Feldman, M.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Anesthesia<br />
Specialty Interests: Ophthalmic surgery anesthesia,<br />
preoperative assessment, resident education<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.9088<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Cornea and External Disease Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Corneal transplantation,<br />
ocular surface disease, limbal stem cell transplantation,<br />
artificial corneas, eyebanking, cataracts<br />
Office Phone: 216.445.9519<br />
Richard E. Gans, M.D., F.A.C.S.<br />
Comprehensive <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Cataract, glaucoma, diabetes<br />
Office Phone: 216.831.0120<br />
Philip N. Goldberg, M.D.<br />
Comprehensive <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Cataract, glaucoma<br />
Office Phone: 216.831.0120<br />
Froncie A. Gutman, M.D.<br />
Vitreoretinal Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Retinal vascular diseases, laser<br />
therapy, diabetic retinopathy<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.5888<br />
Stephanie A. Hagstrom, Ph.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Research Department<br />
Research Interests: Inherited forms of retinal degeneration,<br />
including macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa<br />
Office Phone: 216.445.4133<br />
Joe G. Hollyfield, Ph.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Research Department<br />
Research Interests: Retinal degeneration, retinal diseases<br />
Office Phone: 216.445.3252<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Vitreoretinal Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Vitreoretinal diseases, agerelated<br />
macular degeneration, retinal detachment, diabetic<br />
retinopathy, endophthalmitis, posterior segment<br />
complications of anterior segment surgery<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.6702<br />
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Gregory S. Kosmorsky, D.O.<br />
Neuro-<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Neuro-ophthalmology, cataract,<br />
refractive surgery<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.2855<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D., M.S.E.<br />
Refractive Surgery Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Refractive surgery, lasers,<br />
refractive corneal pathology, lamellar corneal transplants,<br />
investigational clinical trials<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.8158<br />
Roger H.S. Langston, M.D.<br />
Cornea and External Disease Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Cornea and external disease,<br />
corneal transplantation<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.5898<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Uveitis Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Uveitis, intraocular<br />
inflammatory diseases, pathology<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.3642<br />
Andreas Marcotty, M.D.<br />
Pediatric <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and Strabismus Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Pediatric ophthalmology,<br />
adult strabismus<br />
Office Phone: 216.831.0120<br />
Shari Martyn, M.D.<br />
Comprehensive <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Cataract, glaucoma, diabetes<br />
Office Phone: 216.831.0120<br />
David M. Meisler, M.D.<br />
Cornea and External Disease Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Corneal and external disease,<br />
inflammatory and infectious diseases of the cornea, corneal<br />
transplantation, refractive surgery<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.8102<br />
Michael Millstein, M.D.<br />
Comprehensive <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Cataract, glaucoma, refractive surgery<br />
Office Phone: 216.831.0120<br />
Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Research Department<br />
Research Interests: Visual loss associated with hereditary<br />
retinal degeneration<br />
Office Phone: 216.445.1942<br />
Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
Cornea and External Disease Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Cornea and external<br />
diseases, uveitis, medical and surgical treatment of<br />
autoimmune inflammatory conditions of the cornea and<br />
ocular surface<br />
Office Phone: 216.445.2530<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Aesthetic facial surgery/fat<br />
transplantation and repositioning, acellular human dermal<br />
graft matrix, new bovine hydroxyapatite orbital implant,<br />
thyroid eye disease/rate of strabismus after decompression<br />
surgery for dysthyroid orbitopathy<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.3635<br />
Edward J. Rockwood, M.D.<br />
Glaucoma Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Glaucoma, glaucoma laser<br />
surgery, combined cataract and glaucoma surgery,<br />
glaucoma filtering surgery with antimetabolite therapy,<br />
glaucomatous optic nerve damage, congenital glaucoma<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.1995<br />
0 // O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Allen S. Roth, M.D.<br />
Comprehensive <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Corneal transplantation, refractive<br />
surgery, cataract and implant surgery<br />
Office Phone: 216.831.0120<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D. *<br />
Vitreoretinal Department<br />
Vice Chairman of <strong>Clinic</strong>al Affairs<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Age-related macular<br />
degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, medical retina<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.7963<br />
Jonathan E. Sears, M.D.<br />
Vitreoretinal Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Pediatric and adult<br />
vitreoretinal diseases, pediatric retinal detachment,<br />
inherited vitreoretinal disorders, retinopathy of<br />
prematurity, other acquired proliferative diseases<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.8157<br />
David B. Sholiton, M.D.<br />
Comprehensive <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Department<br />
Specialty Interests: Cataract and implant surgery,<br />
glaucoma, oculoplastics<br />
Office Phone: 216.831.0120<br />
Arun D. Singh, M.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Oncology Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Adult and pediatric ocular<br />
tumors, uveal melanoma, genetics of retinoblastoma,<br />
retinal capillary hemangioma, von Hippel-Lindau disease.<br />
Office Phone: 216.445.9479<br />
Scott D. Smith, M.D., M.P.H.<br />
Glaucoma Department<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Glaucoma, cataract,<br />
prevention of eye disease, international ophthalmology,<br />
congenital glaucoma<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.4821<br />
OpTOmETRIsTs<br />
David Barnhart, O.D.<br />
Anita Chitluri, O.D.*<br />
Heather Cimino, O.D.<br />
nEw sTAFF<br />
* Denotes joined the Cole Eye Institute in 2006<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
Pediatric <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and Strabismus Department<br />
Center for Genetic Eye Diseases<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Ocular diseases of children,<br />
genetic eye diseases, strabismus, retinoblastoma,<br />
congenital cataracts, childhood/congenital glaucoma<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.4363<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Cornea and External Disease and<br />
Refractive Surgery Departments<br />
Specialty/Research Interests: Refractive surgery,<br />
corneal healing<br />
Office Phone: 216.444.5887<br />
Ann Laurenzi, O.D.<br />
Rosemary Perl, O.D.<br />
William Sax, O.D. *<br />
Mindy Toabe, O.D.<br />
Diane Tucker, O.D.<br />
William J. Dupps Jr., M.D., Ph.D.<br />
William J. Dupps Jr., M.D., Ph.D., a refractive surgeon and corneal specialist who also has<br />
a strong interest in ocular biomechanics, has joined the staff of <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>’s Cole<br />
Eye Institute.<br />
Dr. Dupps earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in biomedical engineering at The Ohio<br />
State University in 1995 and 1998, respectively, followed by a medical degree in 2000 from<br />
the same institution. After an internship in transitional medicine at Indiana University, he<br />
completed a residency at the University of Iowa Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and Visual<br />
Sciences in 2004. He is the first fellow to complete a two-year Cornea, External Disease<br />
and Refractive Surgery Fellowship at the Cole Eye Institute, a program designed to<br />
emphasize training of clinician-scientists.<br />
He also completed a fellowship in ocular gene therapy at the National Eye Institute in 1996<br />
and studied under a Medical Scientist Training Program Fellowship as a Presidential Fellow<br />
at The Ohio State University from 1997 to 2000.<br />
In addition to seeing patients in the refractive surgery and cornea clinics, Dr. Dupps,<br />
with the help of a National Institutes of Health career development grant, will conduct<br />
multi-disciplinary research emphasizing application of engineering tools to the diagnosis<br />
and management of biomechanical disorders such as keratoconus and glaucoma. His work<br />
also focuses on developing diagnostic tools for optimizing corneal and refractive surgery.<br />
Nadia K. Waheed, M.D.<br />
Nadia K. Waheed, M.D., a retina specialist, has joined <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye<br />
Institute’s staff.<br />
Dr. Waheed is a graduate of Aga Khan Medical School in Karachi, Pakistan, and earned a<br />
masters degree in public health from the Harvard School of Public Health. She completed<br />
her residency and her fellowship training at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary at<br />
Harvard Medical School.<br />
She will specialize in treating medical and surgical diseases of the retina.<br />
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Leadership Roles<br />
Our physicians are committed to being involved in the ophthalmic world and serve in leadership positions with<br />
numerous journals, organizations and conferences. Here are selected highlights of that service.<br />
Roles in Publishing<br />
American Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Executive Editor<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Archives of Facial plastic surgery<br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Biomed Central (BmC) <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
British Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al Ophthalmic Oncology<br />
Section Editor<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Comprehensive <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Update</strong><br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Contemporary <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Editorial Board Member<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
Cornea<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
David M. Meisler, M.D.<br />
Current Eye Research<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
digital Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Founder and Senior Executive Editor<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
documenta Ophthalmologica<br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
Experimental Eye Research<br />
Executive Editor<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Section Editor<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
Eye<br />
Section Editor<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Eyenet<br />
Editorial Advisory Board Members<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Genome Biology<br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
German Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Graefe’s Archive for <strong>Clinic</strong>al and<br />
Experimental <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
International <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Investigative <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and<br />
visual science<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Journal of Biological Chemistry<br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Journal of Biomedical Optics<br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Journal of Cataract and Refractive surgery<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Journal of neuro-<strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
Gregory S. Kosmorsky, D.O.<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Journal of Refractive surgery<br />
Associate Editor<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Journal of the American medical<br />
Association<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
middle East Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Editorial Board Member<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
molecular & Cellular proteomics<br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
molecular vision<br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Ocular Infection and Immunity<br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Ocular surgery news<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Genetics<br />
Editor-in-Chief<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Ophthalmic plastic and<br />
Reconstructive surgery<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & Imaging<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
David M. Meisler, M.D.<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Editor-in-Chief<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Gregory S. Kosmorsky, D.O.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
pediatric perspectives<br />
Editorial Board Member<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
proceedings of the national Academy<br />
of sciences<br />
Reviewer/Referee<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Retina<br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Retinal physician<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Review of Refractive surgery<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
survey of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Reviewers/Referees<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Roles at Conferences<br />
Alicante Refractiva Internacional<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
American Academy of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Organizer<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Invited Lectures<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
American Association for pediatric<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and strabismus<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
American Osteopathic Boards of<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and Otolaryngology<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
American society of Cataract and<br />
Refractive surgery<br />
Invited Lectures<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
American Uveitis society<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
Continued on page 44<br />
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Argentina Ophthalmological society<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Association for Research in vision<br />
and <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Symposium Organizer<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Program Committee<br />
Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
Moderators<br />
David M. Meisler, M.D<br />
Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
Chinese Retina and vitreous society<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Ophthalmological society<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Michael Millstein, M.D.<br />
European society of Cataract and<br />
Refractive surgeons<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
International Congress of EpilAsIK lAsEK<br />
and Advanced surface Ablation<br />
Planner<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
International Congress of Eye Research<br />
Session Chair<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
International Congress on<br />
wavefront sensing<br />
Organizer<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Israeli Corneal society Annual meeting<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Joint Commission for Allied Health<br />
personnel in <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
pan-American Congress of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Refractive on-line<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Royal Hawaiian Eye meeting<br />
Invited Lectures<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
sociedad panamericana de Enfermedades<br />
Inflamatorias Oculares<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
sociedad puertorriqueña de Oftalmología<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
wilmer Eye Institute Current Concepts<br />
in <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
world <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Congress<br />
Coordinator<br />
David M. Meisler, M.D.<br />
Session Chair<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Plenary Lecturer<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Invited Lecture<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Roles in Professional Societies<br />
American Academy of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Board of Trustees<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Chairperson, Self-Assessment Committee<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Senior Contributor<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Basic and <strong>Clinic</strong>al Science<br />
Course Committee<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Certification Committee<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Distribution Advisory Subcommittee<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Knowledge Base Panel<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Program Director<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
American Board of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Associate Examiners<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
David M. Meisler, M.D.<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Association for Research in vision<br />
and <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Trustee<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Program Chair<br />
Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
Atlanta vA Rehabilitation Center<br />
of Excellence<br />
Board Member<br />
Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Eye Bank<br />
Assistant Medical Director<br />
Allen S. Roth, M.D.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Ophthalmological society<br />
President<br />
Allen S. Roth, M.D.<br />
Education Program Committee<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> sight Center<br />
Advisory Board Member<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> vA medical Center,<br />
Research service<br />
Associate Chief of Staff<br />
Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
Club Jules Gonin<br />
Member<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Gaining A new sight for Unsighted<br />
In China (GAnsU, Inc.)<br />
President, Board of Directors<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Heed Ophthalmic Foundation<br />
Executive Secretary<br />
Froncie A. Gutman, M.D.<br />
International society for Genetic Eye<br />
disease and Retinoblastoma<br />
Secretary/Treasurer<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
International society of Refractive surgery<br />
Education Committee Chair<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Joint Commission on Allied Health<br />
personnel in <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Annual Continuing Education Program<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
molecular pathogenesis of Infectious<br />
and Inflammatory Eye Research<br />
Scientific Advisory Board<br />
Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
panamerican Association of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
President<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
society of Heed Fellows<br />
Trustee<br />
Froncie A. Gutman, M.D.<br />
The diabetes Association of<br />
Greater <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
Chairman<br />
Philip N. Goldberg, M.D.<br />
Recognition<br />
American Academy of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Lans Distinguished Lecturer Award<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Senior Achievement Award<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Senior Honor Award<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
American society for <strong>Clinic</strong>al Investigation<br />
Travel Award<br />
Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
American society of Cataract and<br />
Refractive surgery<br />
Best Paper of Session Award<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Appointment to U.s. physician’s<br />
Advisory Board<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Best doctors in America<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
David M. Meisler, M.D.<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Brazilian Ophthalmological society<br />
Visiting Professor<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Castle Connolly America’s Top doctors<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Browns,<br />
national Football league<br />
Team Ophthalmologist<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Cavaliers,<br />
national Basketball Association<br />
Team Ophthalmologist<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong><br />
Innovator Award<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Gregory S. Kosmorsky, D.O.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> IRB member<br />
Bennie H. Jeng, M.D.<br />
Columbia University College of<br />
physicians & surgeons<br />
Annual Ulrich Ollendorff Lecturer<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Henry Ford Hospital<br />
Visiting Professor<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
International Biographical Centre<br />
Top 100 Health Professionals<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
marquis’ who’s who in medicine<br />
& Healthcare<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
national leadership Award<br />
Recipient<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
singapore Eye Research Institute<br />
Visiting Professor<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
strathmore’s who’s who of professionals<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
steinbach Award<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
The Edward s. Harkness Eye Institute<br />
Ollendorff Lectureship<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
Top Fifty Opinion leaders (by readers<br />
of Cataract & Refractive surgery Today)<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
University of Rochester Eye Institute<br />
50th Annual <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Conference<br />
Snell Memorial Lecturer<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
washington University in st. louis<br />
Visiting Professor<br />
Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //<br />
s t a F F
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Education<br />
Education is crucial to our mission, from residency and fellowship<br />
programs to continuing medical education, because we know it is<br />
the path to the future.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Training the Leaders<br />
of Tomorrow<br />
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
The Cole Eye Institute is committed to offering one of the best residency and fellowship programs in<br />
the United States. These programs are highly competitive and produce superbly trained clinical and<br />
academic ophthalmologists.<br />
Residency Program<br />
the cole eye institute residency training program’s mission<br />
is to prepare participants to become leaders in patient care,<br />
teaching and vision research. the program meets all the requirements<br />
of the american Board of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and the accreditation<br />
council for graduate medical education (acgme).<br />
Four residents are accepted into the program each year.<br />
residents rotate among the institute’s nine departments and<br />
a resident-run clinic at metro-health medical center, while<br />
completing their board requirements. they work under the<br />
direct supervision of the staff during each rotation. the<br />
departments are:<br />
• cornea and external disease<br />
• glaucoma<br />
• neuro-ophthalmology<br />
• Ophthalmic pathology<br />
• Ophthalmic plastic, reconstructive and orbital surgery<br />
• pediatric ophthalmology and adult strabismus<br />
• refractive surgery<br />
• retina and vitreous<br />
• Uveitis, ocular inflammatory disease and immunology<br />
this curriculum provides a balanced exposure to all subspecialty<br />
areas of ophthalmology, ensuring graduates the ability to<br />
perform general ophthalmology with skill, knowledge and confidence.<br />
each resident works in a one-on-one relationship with a<br />
staff physician to provide the best opportunity to study disease<br />
processes and their medical and surgical management. this<br />
arrangement also provides excellent supervision and optimal<br />
continuity of patient care in the outpatient and hospital settings.<br />
residents are also expected to participate in clinical and basic<br />
research activities utilizing the staff's expertise. residents<br />
complete independent clinical research projects that involve reviewing<br />
the literature, developing a hypothesis and designing<br />
and executing the study. research activities are carefully<br />
supervised by an experienced clinical investigator. residents are<br />
expected to submit and present their research at national meetings<br />
and to write several papers for publication based on their<br />
research activities. each June, ophthalmology residents, fellows<br />
and staff participate in the annual research, resident and<br />
alumni meeting, a scientific forum for the presentation of<br />
research projects.<br />
For more information about the cole eye institute residency<br />
training program, contact elias i. traboulsi, m.d., at<br />
216.444.4363.<br />
Fellowship Program<br />
cleveland clinic cole eye institute also offers high-quality<br />
fellowship training opportunities in a variety of subspecialties.<br />
these fellowships train the next generation of academic leaders<br />
in the respective fields by combining an excellent academic<br />
environment with mentorship support in a state-of-the-art eye<br />
care facility.<br />
Our fellowships include a two-year vitreoretinal program<br />
(3 slots), a two-year cornea, external disease and refractive<br />
surgery program (2 slots), a one-year glaucoma fellowship (1 slot)<br />
and a one- or two-year pediatric-ophthalmology fellowship<br />
(1 slot). in 2008, we will be adding a one-year oculoplastic<br />
surgery fellowship (1 slot).<br />
For more information about cole eye institute fellowship<br />
programs, contact Jane sardelle at 216.444.2010.<br />
Continued on page 48<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Training the leaders of tomorrow<br />
Continued from page 47<br />
Our Recent Graduates<br />
here is where our recent residency and fellowship graduates<br />
have gone after completing their cole eye institute training.<br />
Residency Class of 2005<br />
susie chang, m.d.<br />
vitreoretinal Fellow<br />
massachusetts eye and ear infirmary<br />
harvard Univerity<br />
Boston, ma<br />
sai chavala, m.d.<br />
vitreoretinal research Fellow<br />
Weill medical school<br />
cornell University<br />
new york, ny<br />
albert dal canto, m.d., ph.d.<br />
Oculoplastics surgery staff<br />
West virginia University hospitals<br />
morgantown, Wv<br />
alex melamud, m.d., m.a. (chief resident 2005)<br />
vitreoretinal Fellowship<br />
duke University<br />
durham, nc<br />
Residency Class of 2006<br />
pawan Bhatnagar, m.d.<br />
vitreoretinal Fellowship<br />
columbia University<br />
new york, ny<br />
anat galor, m.d. (chief resident 2006)<br />
Uveitis Fellowship<br />
Wilmer institute<br />
Johns hopkins University<br />
Baltimore, md<br />
pankaj gupta, m.d.<br />
cornea Fellowship<br />
massachusetts eye & ear<br />
harvard University<br />
Boston, ma<br />
sunita radhakrishnan, m.d.<br />
glaucoma Fellowship<br />
Wilmer institute<br />
Johns hopkins University<br />
Baltimore, md<br />
Fellows Finishing in 2006<br />
William J. dupps, m.d., ph.d. (was cornea,<br />
external disease & refractive surgery fellow)<br />
staff, cole eye institute<br />
cleveland, Oh<br />
rafael Ufret-vincenty, m.d. (was vitreoretinal fellow)<br />
staff, vitreo-retinal department<br />
University of texas southwestern medical center<br />
dallas, tX<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Continuing Medical<br />
Education<br />
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Physicians are invited to join their colleagues from around the country in attending the following ophthalmic<br />
continuing medical education courses at The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute. All courses will be held<br />
in the James P. Storer Conference Center on the first floor of the Eye Institute, except the Innovations in<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> course in March, which will be held in Los Cabos, Mexico.<br />
For more information, contact Jane Sardelle, program coordinator, at 216.444.2010 or 800.223.2273,<br />
ext. 42010, or sardelj@ccf.org.<br />
Innovations in pediatric <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
and strabismus<br />
Strabismus Surgical Techniques, Instruments and<br />
Outcomes, Vision Screening and Telemedicine in<br />
Pediatric <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Saturday, September 16, 2006<br />
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.<br />
Course directors:<br />
Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
Head, Pediatric <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and<br />
Adult Strabismus Department<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Andreas Marcotty, M.D.<br />
Pediatric <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and<br />
Adult Strabismus Department<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Guest Faculty:<br />
David L. Guyton, M.D.<br />
Chairman, Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Director, Krieger Children’s Eye Center<br />
Krieger Professor of Pediatric <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Wilmer Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital<br />
Baltimore, MD<br />
David G. Hunter, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Ophthalmologist-in-Chief<br />
Children’s Hospital of Boston<br />
Associate Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Harvard Medical School<br />
Children’s Hospital Boston<br />
Boston, MA<br />
M. Edward Wilson, Jr., M.D.<br />
Director, Albert Florens Storm Eye Institute<br />
Chairman, Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
The Medical University of South Carolina<br />
Pierre Gautier Jenkins Endowed Chair<br />
Charleston, SC<br />
description/Objectives: This course will focus on the mechanisms<br />
of amblyopia and eye movement disorders associated with infantile<br />
esotropia as well as on how insights into these mechanisms affect<br />
clinical management of patients with these conditions.<br />
At the end of the symposium, participants should be able to:<br />
1. Identify the cortical mechanisms that underlie amblyopia in<br />
humans.<br />
2. List the types of conditions that lead to amblyopia and differentiate<br />
them from structural causes of reduced vision in infants<br />
and children.<br />
3. Interpret the indications for different modalities of treatment<br />
of amblyopia.<br />
4. Dissect the complex eye movement abnormalities in the infantile<br />
esotropia complex and understand their mechanisms.<br />
5. Review information and decide on the timing of surgery for<br />
infantile esotropia.<br />
Continued on page 50<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Continuing Medical Education<br />
Continued from page 49<br />
Innovations in Inflammatory Ocular Diseases<br />
Saturday, October 14, 2006<br />
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.<br />
Course director:<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Uveitis Department<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Cole Eye Institute Faculty:<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Vitreoretinal Surgery Department<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
Cornea and Uveitis Departments<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Guest Faculty:<br />
Glenn Jaffe, M.D.<br />
Professor, Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Duke University<br />
Durham, NC<br />
Eric Suhler, M.D.<br />
Assistant Professor, Casey Eye Institute<br />
Oregon Health & Science University<br />
Eugene, OR<br />
Howard Tessler, M.D.<br />
Professor, Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary<br />
Chicago, IL<br />
Scott Whitcup, M.D.<br />
Vice President<br />
Allergan<br />
Irvine, CA<br />
description/Objectives: This course will review the latest treatment<br />
modalities in uveitis including the intravitreal delivery systems for<br />
long-acting and short-acting steroids and the various anti-tumor<br />
necrosis factor alpha. We will compare these new treatments to the<br />
currently accepted systemic immunosuppresssion regimens with<br />
steroids and nonsteroidal immunosuppessive therapy. Cole Eye<br />
Institute experience will be discussed.<br />
At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:<br />
1. Describe the use of nonspecific drugs, including immunosuppressive<br />
therapy.<br />
2. Describe current clinical trials in ocular inflammatory diseases.<br />
3. Identify newer therapies for noninfectious posterior<br />
uveitis syndromes.<br />
4. Evaluate and determine which patients will benefit from the<br />
various treatment modalities.<br />
Innovations in Glaucoma<br />
Saturday, December 9, 2006<br />
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.<br />
Course directors:<br />
Scott D. Smith, M.D., M.P.H.<br />
Edward J. Rockwood, M.D.<br />
Glaucoma Department<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Guest Faculty:<br />
George Baerveldt, MBCHB<br />
Chairman and Professor<br />
Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
University of California Irvine Medical Center<br />
Irvine, CA<br />
Reay H. Brown, M.D.<br />
Northside Hospital<br />
Atlanta, GA<br />
description/Objectives: This is an update of diagnostic and surgical<br />
innovations and a new look at old techniques for the management of<br />
glaucoma. There will be didactic lectures, case presentations and<br />
question-and-answer sessions.<br />
At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:<br />
1. Identify the role of optic disc imaging in the management of<br />
ocular hypertension and glaucoma.<br />
2. Review a comparison of ultrasound biomicroscopy and OCT<br />
anterior segment imaging for the diagnosis and management of<br />
narrow angles and angle-closure glaucoma.<br />
3. Discuss surgical variations and why glaucoma surgery can be<br />
difficult to simplify and improve.<br />
4. Evaluate outcomes analyses and how they can lead to improved<br />
surgical outcomes in glaucoma.<br />
5. Identify the possible future role of the Eyepass glaucoma device.<br />
6. Identify the role of cataract extraction in the management of<br />
angle-closure glaucoma.<br />
7. Understand the role of the trabectome in the surgical management<br />
of glaucoma.<br />
8. Identify the latest glaucoma implant innovations.<br />
0 // O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Innovations in <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
los Cabos, mexico<br />
Sunday-Friday, March 25-30, 2007<br />
7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., except first day 1:00-6:00 p.m.<br />
Course director:<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Chairman, Division of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Director, <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Cole Eye Institute Faculty:<br />
William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Cornea, External Disease and<br />
Refractive Surgery Department<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Refractive Surgery Department<br />
David M. Meisler, M.D.<br />
Cornea and External Disease Department<br />
Michael Millstein, M.D.<br />
Comprehensive <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Department<br />
Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
Cornea and External Disease Department<br />
Julian D. Perry, M.D.<br />
Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery Department<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Vice Chairman for <strong>Clinic</strong>al Affairs<br />
Scott D. Smith, M.D., M.P.H.<br />
Glaucoma Department<br />
Nadia K. Waheed, M.D.<br />
Vitreoretinal Department<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Cornea and External Disease and<br />
Refractive Surgery Department<br />
Guest Faculty:<br />
Iqbal K. Ahmed, M.D.<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al Instructor<br />
Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
University of Toronto<br />
Toronto, Canada<br />
Sterling S. Baker, M.D.<br />
Assistant <strong>Clinic</strong>al Professor<br />
University of Oklahoma<br />
Oklahoma City, OK<br />
Perry S. Binder, M.D.<br />
Preceptor<br />
University of California, San Diego<br />
San Diego, CA<br />
Mark S. Blumenkranz, M.D.<br />
Professor and Chairman<br />
Stanford University School of Medicine<br />
Stanford, CA<br />
Robert J. Cionni, M.D.<br />
Cincinnati Eye Institute<br />
Cincinnati, OH<br />
Roger A. Dailey, M.D.<br />
Associate Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Lester T. Jones Chair, Ophthalmic Facial Plastic Surgery<br />
Casey Eye Institute<br />
Portland, OR<br />
Thomas R. Friberg, M.D.<br />
Professor, University of Pittsburgh<br />
Pittsburgh Eye and Ear Institute<br />
Pittsburgh, PA<br />
Stephen D. Klyce, Ph.D.<br />
Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and Cell Biology/Anatomy<br />
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering,<br />
Tulane University<br />
Louisiana State University Eye Center<br />
New Orleans, LA<br />
Stephen S. Lane, M.D.<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
University of Minnesota<br />
Saint Paul, MN<br />
Bradley N. Lemke, M.D.<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al Professor<br />
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine<br />
Lemke Facial Surgery<br />
Madison, WI<br />
Richard J. Mackool, M.D.<br />
Assistant <strong>Clinic</strong>al Professor<br />
New York Medical College<br />
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary<br />
Astoria, NY<br />
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Continued on page 52<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Continuing Medical Education<br />
Continued from page 51<br />
Marguerite B. McDonald, M.D.<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Tulane University School of Medicine<br />
Southern Vision Institute<br />
New Orleans, LA<br />
Peter A. Netland, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Professor and Director of Glaucoma<br />
University of Tennessee<br />
Hamilton Eye Institute<br />
Memphis, TN<br />
Terrence P. O’Brien, M.D.<br />
Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute<br />
University of Miami School of Medicine,<br />
Miami, FL<br />
Richard K. Parrish, M.D.<br />
Professor<br />
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education<br />
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute<br />
University of Miami School of Medicine<br />
Miami, FL<br />
Stephen C. Pflugfelder, M.D.<br />
Professor, Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Baylor College of Medicine<br />
Houston, TX<br />
Yaron S. Rabinowitz, M.D.<br />
Director, <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Research<br />
Cedars Sinai Medical Center<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
UCLA School of Medicine<br />
Los Angeles, CA<br />
description/Objectives: The course will provide a comprehensive<br />
review of new developments in clinical practice and will highlight<br />
state-of-the-art management, problem-solving, case presentations<br />
and evaluation of new innovations, interventions and technologies.<br />
There will be ample time for questions and answers and the course<br />
faculty will be available throughout the course for informal discussion<br />
and consultation.<br />
At the conclusion of the course, participants should be able to:<br />
1. Describe the pathogenesis of various ocular disorders.<br />
2. Evaluate and utilize new diagnostic and surgical techniques.<br />
3. Develop effective management strategies.<br />
Innovations in Refractive surgery & Cornea<br />
Saturday, March 17, 2007<br />
7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.<br />
Course director:<br />
Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Director, Corneal Research<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Cole Eye Institute Faculty:<br />
Ronald R. Krueger, M.D.<br />
Refractive Surgery Department<br />
David M. Meisler, M.D.<br />
Cornea Department<br />
Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
Cornea and Uveitis Departments<br />
Guest Faculty:<br />
Perry S. Binder, M.D.<br />
Associate <strong>Clinic</strong>al Professor<br />
University of California-San Diego<br />
Co-Medical Director<br />
IntraLase Corporation<br />
San Diego, CA<br />
Eric Donnenfeld, M.D.<br />
Founding Partner<br />
Ophthalmic Consultants of Long Island<br />
Associate Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
New York University<br />
New York, NY<br />
David T.C. Lin, M.D.<br />
Medical Director<br />
Pacific-Laser Eye Centre<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al Assistant Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
The University of British Columbia<br />
Vancouver, BC<br />
Yaron S. Rabinowitz, M.D.<br />
Director, <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Research<br />
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
UCLA School of Medicine<br />
Los Angeles, CA<br />
George O. Waring, III, M.D., F.A.C.S., FRCOphth<br />
Private Practice/Multispecialty<br />
Professor, Emory University<br />
Atlanta, GA<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
description/Objectives: This course will highlight important<br />
information related to innovations that are critical to refractive<br />
surgeons, cornea specialists and comprehensive ophthalmologists<br />
regarding refractive surgery procedures, complications in refractive<br />
surgery and corneal diseases, such as chronic dry eye, keratoconus<br />
and corneal transplant rejection.<br />
At the conclusion of the course, participants should be able to:<br />
1. Identify factors predisposing eyes to corneal ectasia following<br />
refractive surgery.<br />
2. Obtain a better understanding of procedures such as corneal<br />
endothelial replacement surgery, femtosecond laser procedures<br />
and the use of multifocal intraocular lenses.<br />
3. Achieve a better understanding of the treatment of complications<br />
of refractive surgery.<br />
6th Retina summit: Innovations in vitreoretinal<br />
diseases and surgery<br />
Thursday and Friday, May 3-4, 2007<br />
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.<br />
Course director:<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Chairman, Division of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Director, <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Cole Eye Institute Faculty:<br />
Bela Anand-Apte, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Research Department<br />
John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Research Department<br />
Joe G. Hollyfield, Ph.D.<br />
Ophthalmic Research Department<br />
Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Vitreoretinal Department<br />
Andrew P. Schachat, M.D.<br />
Vice Chairman for <strong>Clinic</strong>al Affairs<br />
Jonathan E. Sears, M.D.<br />
Vitreoretinal Department<br />
Guest Faculty:<br />
Mark Blumenkranz, M.D.<br />
Stanford University School of Medicine<br />
Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Stanford, CA<br />
Stanley Chang, M.D.<br />
Professor & Chairman<br />
Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Edward Harkness Eye Institute<br />
Columbia University<br />
New York, NY<br />
Eugene de Juan, Jr, M.D.<br />
Assistant <strong>Clinic</strong>al Professor<br />
Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Beckman Vision Center<br />
University of California, San Francisco<br />
San Francisco, CA<br />
Martin Friedlander, M.D.<br />
Professor, Department of Cell Biology<br />
Scripps Research Institute<br />
La Jolla, CA<br />
José Garcia-Arumi, M.D.<br />
Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona<br />
Institut de Microcirurgia Ocular<br />
Barcelona, Spain<br />
Mark S. Humayun, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Retina Institute<br />
Doheny Eye Institute<br />
Los Angeles, CA<br />
Glenn J. Jaffe, M.D.<br />
Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery<br />
Duke University Eye Center<br />
Durham, NC<br />
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Henry J. Kaplan, M.D.<br />
Evans Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Chair, Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and Visual Sciences<br />
Director, Kentucky Lions Eye Center<br />
Louisville, KY<br />
Continued on page 54<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Continuing Medical Education<br />
Continued from page 53<br />
Philip J. Rosenfeld, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Associate Professor<br />
Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute<br />
Miami, FL<br />
Yasuo Tano, M.D.<br />
Professor and Chairman<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> Department<br />
Osaka University Medical School<br />
Suita, Japan<br />
description/Objectives: This 6th Retina Summit is intended to<br />
provide ophthalmologists and vitreoretinal specialists with information<br />
about issues relating to diagnosing and treating patients with<br />
vitreoretinal diseases, utilizing the full spectrum of medical and<br />
surgical therapies currently available. Live surgery and live laser<br />
sessions are part of the summit format. We will examine interesting<br />
case presentations, in which experts will advise on specific<br />
treatments for patients with vitreoretinal diseases. This summit<br />
offers a great opportunity for audience participation.<br />
At the conclusion of the summit, participants should be able to:<br />
1. Discuss the pathophysiology and diagnosis of several<br />
vitreoretinal diseases.<br />
2. Review a variety of new treatments for age-related macular<br />
degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, complicated retinal<br />
detachment and other macular and retinal diseases.<br />
3. Examine new technology, including state-of-the-art and<br />
experimental imaging systems, drug-delivery systems and<br />
new instrumentation.<br />
4. Analyze cost-effective therapeutic protocols.<br />
5. Review publicized findings, ongoing clinical trials and<br />
the assessment of new data and discoveries.<br />
6. Demonstrate live surgical procedures.<br />
7. Examine interesting case presentations.<br />
Annual Research, Residents & Alumni meeting<br />
Thursday and Friday, June 21-22, 2007<br />
5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Thursday);<br />
7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Friday)<br />
Course directors:<br />
Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
Chairman, Division of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Director, <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Careen Y. Lowder, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Director, Uveitis Department<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute<br />
Keynote speaker:<br />
Paul A. Sieving, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Director, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health<br />
Bethesda, MD<br />
description/Objectives: This program provides a scientific forum<br />
to present original, thought-provoking clinical research papers and<br />
basic science research of the Cole Eye Institute residents, fellows,<br />
staff, alumni and invited ophthalmologists. In addition to the<br />
educational aspects of the program and learning about new and<br />
ongoing investigations, this event offers an excellent opportunity<br />
to meet current residents, fellows, new faculty and invited ophthalmologists,<br />
and to make and renew friendships.<br />
At the conclusion of the meeting, participants should be able to:<br />
1. Recognize the most up-to-date concepts and treatments in<br />
research and clinical ophthalmology.<br />
2. Identify current basic science research in age-related macular<br />
degeneration.<br />
3. Review the rationale and status of the most current treatments<br />
for uveitic and diabetic macular edema.<br />
4. Discuss outcomes of complicated glaucoma and cataract surgery.<br />
5. Describe the latest techniques in refractive surgery.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Grand Rounds<br />
cole eye institute hosts grand rounds every monday morning<br />
from 7 to 8 a.m. during the academic year (except holidays and<br />
major meeting times). For the academic year 2006–2007, they<br />
will begin sept. 18, 2006, and run through late June. the meetings<br />
are designed for residents, fellows and staff physicians of<br />
the cole eye institute, as well as other comprehensive and subspecialty<br />
ophthalmologists. We are pleased to offer category 1<br />
continuing education credits for each meeting. evaluations are<br />
offered online following each meeting and attendance certificates<br />
can be printed or saved for your record-keeping purposes.<br />
the grand rounds’ forum consists of two clinical cases<br />
presented by cole eye institute residents, followed by extensive<br />
discussion. cases selected for presentation represent outstanding<br />
teaching examples and are either difficult-to-manage cases,<br />
unusual presentations of common disorders, rare conditions or<br />
cases that highlight state-of-the-art diagnosis or management.<br />
in addition, approximately every six weeks, m&m cases<br />
are presented and discussed by third-year residents with<br />
follow-up discussion.<br />
the meetings are held the James p. storer conference room<br />
on the first floor of the cole eye institute and registration is not<br />
required to attend. park in the patient/visitor lot at e. 102nd<br />
street (facing the front of the cole eye institute), or the patient/<br />
visitors garage at e. 100th street and carnegie avenue. parking<br />
tickets will be validated.<br />
For questions, please call Jane sardelle at 216.444.2010 (sardelj@<br />
ccf.org) or see careen y. lowder, m.d., ph.d., at the meetings.<br />
// O p t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Distinguished<br />
Lecture Series<br />
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
The Cole Eye Institute Distinguished Lecture Series provides a forum for renowned researchers in the visual<br />
sciences to present their latest findings. This series of lectures features advances in many areas of ophthalmic<br />
research presented by noted basic and clinical scientists from throughout the world. Ample opportunity for<br />
questions and answers is provided.<br />
All lectures are held on Thursdays from 7 to 8 a.m. in the James P. Storer Conference Room on the first floor of<br />
The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Cole Eye Institute. Registration is not required. For questions, please call 216.444.5832.<br />
pathogenic mechanisms in Uveoretinitis<br />
September 14, 2006<br />
John V. Forrester, M.D.<br />
Cockburn Professor and Head<br />
Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
University of Aberdeen<br />
Institute of Medical Sciences<br />
Foresthill<br />
Aberdeen, Scotland<br />
Circadian Clocks and neuromodulators in the Retina<br />
October 19, 2006<br />
P. Michael Iuvone, Ph.D.<br />
Professor<br />
Department of Pharmacology<br />
Emory University<br />
Atlanta, GA<br />
making sense of neuronal diversity:<br />
A Bottom-Up view of the Retina<br />
November 16, 2006<br />
Richard H. Masland, Ph.D.<br />
Charles A. Pappas Professor of Neuroscience<br />
Harvard Medical School<br />
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute<br />
Boston, MA<br />
new Advances in syndromic Retinal degeneration<br />
January 18, 2007<br />
Elise Heon, M.D., F.R.C.S.C.<br />
Ophthalmologist-in-Chief<br />
Associate Surgeon-in-Chief for Research<br />
Associate Scientist, Genetics and Genomic Biology<br />
Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children<br />
Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
The University of Toronto<br />
Toronto, Ontario<br />
Using Experimental Genetics to Understand<br />
mechanisms of Glaucoma<br />
February 15, 2007<br />
Simon W. M. John, Ph.D.<br />
Associate Investigator<br />
Howard Hughes Medical Institute<br />
Jackson Laboratory<br />
Bar Harbor, Maine<br />
Continued on page 58<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e d U c a t i O n a n d t r a i n i n g<br />
Distinguished Lecture Series<br />
Continued from page 57<br />
design of a pediatric <strong>Clinic</strong>al Trial for Treatment<br />
of Congenital Blindness<br />
March 15, 2007<br />
Jean Bennett, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Professor<br />
F.M. Kirby Center for Molecular <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Scheie Eye Institute<br />
Institute of Neurological Sciences<br />
University of Pennsylvania<br />
Philadelphia, PA<br />
The Bizarro world of Angiogenesis<br />
April 19, 2007<br />
Jayakrishna Ambati, M.D.<br />
Department of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and Visual Sciences<br />
University of Kentucky<br />
Lexington, KY<br />
Defining a Retinal Stem Cell Niche<br />
May 17, 2007<br />
Pamela Raymond, Ph.D.<br />
Professor<br />
Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology<br />
University of Michigan<br />
Ann Arbor, MI<br />
RnA Tools for Retinal diseases<br />
June 21, 2007<br />
Alfred S. Lewin, Ph.D.<br />
Shaler-Richardson Professor<br />
Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology<br />
University of Florida<br />
Gainesville, FL<br />
pathogenesis of dry Amd:<br />
Role of smoking and RpE Injury<br />
July 19, 2007<br />
Scott W. Cousins, M.D.<br />
Professor of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Duke Center for Macular Disease<br />
Duke University Eye Center<br />
Durham, NC<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Research<br />
We will never stop pursuing answers to the most challenging problems<br />
in ophthalmology.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e s e a r c h<br />
Grants<br />
cleveland clinic cole eye institute had an aggregate annual<br />
grant level of $19,965,008 in 2006*, with $13,305,405 coming<br />
from federal and state sources. cole eye institute and its partners<br />
received $6 million for age-related macular degeneration<br />
(amd) research under Ohio’s Biomedical research and<br />
technology transfer (Brtt) partnership program, which<br />
supports biomedical and biotechnology research leading to<br />
commercialization and long-term improvements to the health of<br />
Ohio’s residents.<br />
*Year-to-date through July 2006.<br />
Title source sponsor Id# principal Investigator<br />
A Multi-Center Study To Map Genes for Fuchs’ Dystrophy Federal NIH EY016482 William J. Dupps, M.D., Ph.D.<br />
Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma Federal NIH EY013516 Scott D. Smith, M.D., M.P.H.<br />
Amblyopia Treatment Study: Pediatric Federal NIH EY011751 Diane Tucker, O.D., F.A.A.O., F.C.O.V.D.<br />
Amblyopia Treatment Study: Pediatric Federal NIH EY011751 Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
Corneal Donor Study Federal NIH EY012358 David M. Meisler, M.D.<br />
Corneal Epithelial Growth Factors and Receptors Federal NIH EY010056 Steven E. Wilson, M.D.<br />
Drusen and AMD: Sub-type Isolation and Characterization Federal NIH EY014240 Joe G. Hollyfield, Ph.D.<br />
Expression and Regulation of Retinal Angiotensin II Federal NIH EY013752 Preenie deS Senanayake, Ph.D.<br />
Infant Aphakia Treatment Study Federal NIH EY013272 Elias I. Traboulsi, M.D.<br />
Inhibition of VEGF Mediated Angiogenesis by TIMP-3 Federal NIH CA106415 Bela Anand-Apte, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.<br />
Mouse Models for Vision Research Federal NIH EY016501 Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
Proteomic Analyses of Human Trabecular Meshwork Federal NIH EY015266 Sanjoy Bhattacharya, Ph.D.<br />
Proteomic Studies of Age Related Macular Degeneration Federal NIH EY014239 John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
Regulation of Corneal Inflammation by Fas Ligand Federal NIH EY014912 Victor L. Perez, M.D.<br />
Role of TIMP-3 in Ocular Neovascularization Federal NIH EY016490 Bela Anand-Apte, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.<br />
Role of TULP1 in Photoreceptor Cells Federal NIH EY016072 Stephanie Hagstrom, Ph.D.<br />
Studies of Visual Cycle Proteins Federal NIH EY006603 John W. Crabb, Ph.D.<br />
The dc-Electroretinogram Federal NIH EY014465 Neal S. Peachey, Ph.D.<br />
The Intravitreal Corticosteroid for Macular Edema Study Federal NIH EY014351 Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Vascular Remodeling and Effects of Angiogenic Inhibition Federal NIH EY017528 Peter K. Kaiser, M.D.<br />
Vision Research Infrastructure Development Grant Federal NIH EY015638 Joe G. Hollyfield, Ph.D.<br />
Research into Age-related Macular Degeneration State State of Ohio BRTT 05-29 Hilel Lewis, M.D.<br />
0 // O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
AMD Initiative for<br />
Prevention and Cure<br />
The Cole Eye Institute AMD Initiative for Prevention<br />
and Cure was established through a grant from the<br />
State of Ohio, corporate sponsors, investors and<br />
leading academic institutions to develop and commercialize<br />
new comprehensive technologies for early<br />
diagnosis, prevention and treatment of age-related<br />
macular degeneration.<br />
r e s e a r c h<br />
• the commercialization of a blood test for amd based on<br />
biomarkers that can track therapeutic efficacy and identify<br />
high-risk patients prior to vision loss.<br />
• the prevention of neovascular amd-related blood vessel<br />
growth and leaking with novel cell-signaling inhibitors.<br />
• identification and analysis of therapeutic agents that prevent<br />
retinal protein oxidative damage and subsequent development<br />
of amd.<br />
• characterization of oxidative changes in the retina associated<br />
with amd that will aid in the identification of drug targets to<br />
prevent this disorder.<br />
• isolation of genetic factors involved in amd and development<br />
of new animal models that will result in more efficient screening,<br />
faster optimization and better efficacy of new therapies<br />
for amd.<br />
• characterization of inflammatory and immunological signals<br />
involved in the progression of disease that may lead to the<br />
development of an amd vaccine.<br />
• investigation of retinal stem cell-mediated vision restoration<br />
in amd.<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e s e a r c h<br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>al Trials<br />
The following studies are currently enrolling. All studies have been approved by the Institutional Review Board.<br />
RETInAl dIsE AsEs<br />
protocol B7A-mC-mBdl Reduction in the Occurrence of<br />
Center-Threatening diabetic macular Edema<br />
Objective: The primary objective of this study is to test the hypothesis<br />
that oral administration of 32 mg per day of Ruboxistaurin for<br />
approximately 36 months will reduce, relative to placebo, the<br />
occurrence of center-threatening diabetic macular edema as assessed<br />
by fundus photography in patients with non-clinically significant<br />
macular edema and nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy at baseline.<br />
Contact: P. Kaiser, M.D., at 216.444.6702 or L. Schaaf, R.N.,<br />
at 216.445.4086<br />
protocol B7A-mC-mBCU The Effect of Ruboxistaurin<br />
on <strong>Clinic</strong>ally Significant Macular Edema in Patients<br />
with diabetes mellitus, as assessed by Optical<br />
Coherence Tomography<br />
Objective: The primary objective of this study is to test the hypothesis<br />
that oral administration of 32 mg per day of ruboxistaurin for 18<br />
months will reduce the baseline to endpoint changes in central<br />
macular thickness, as measured by OCT in patients with CSME.<br />
Contact: P. Kaiser, M.D., at 216.444.6702 or L. Schaaf, R.N.,<br />
at 216.445.4086<br />
The standard Care versus Corticosteroid for Retinal<br />
vein Occlusion study<br />
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of triamcinolone acetonide<br />
injections for treatment of macular edema versus standard treatment.<br />
Patients will have 11 to 13 visits over a period of up to<br />
three years.<br />
Contact: P. Kaiser, M.D., at 216.444.6702 or L. Holody, C.O.A.,<br />
at 216.445.3762<br />
A six-month phase 3, multicenter, masked, Randomized,<br />
sham-Controlled Trial (with six-month Open-label<br />
Extension) to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of 700 μg<br />
and 350 μg Dexamethasone Posterior Segment Drug<br />
delivery system<br />
Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the 700 μg DEX PS<br />
DDS Applicator System and 350 μg DEX PS DDS Applicator System<br />
compared with a Sham DEX PS DDS Applicator System (needle-less<br />
applicator) for six months in patients with macular edema following<br />
branch retinal vein occlusion or central retinal vein occlusion.<br />
The safety of the 700 μg DEX PS DDS Applicator System will<br />
be assessed for an additional 6 months in patients who qualify<br />
for treatment in an open-label safety extension.<br />
Contact: P. Kaiser, M.D., at 216.444.6702 or L. Schaaf, R.N.,<br />
at 216.445.4086<br />
A Randomized Trial Comparing Intravitreal Triamcinolone<br />
Acetonide and laser photocoagulation for diabetic<br />
macular Edema<br />
Objective: To determine whether intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide<br />
injections at doses of 1 mg or 4 mg produce greater benefit, with an<br />
acceptable safety profile, than macular laser photocoagulation in the<br />
treatment of diabetic macular edema.<br />
Contact: P. Kaiser, M.D., at 216.444.6702 or L. Holody, C.O.A.,<br />
at 216.445.3762<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
A 3-Year, phase 3, multicenter, masked, Randomized,<br />
sham-Controlled Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy<br />
of 700 μg and 350 μg Dexamethasone Posterior<br />
segment drug delivery system (dEX ps dds) Applicator<br />
system in the Treatment of patients with diabetic<br />
macular Edema<br />
Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the 700 μg DEX PS<br />
DDS Applicator System and 350 μg DEX PS DDS Applicator System<br />
compared with a Sham DEX PS DDS Applicator System (needle-less<br />
applicator) in patients with diabetic macular edema.<br />
Contact: P. Kaiser, M.D., at 216.444.6702 or L. Schaaf, R.N.,<br />
at 216.445.4086<br />
A phase IIIb, multicenter study To Evaluate the safety<br />
and Tolerability of Ranibizumab in naïve and previously<br />
Treated subjects with Choroidal neovascularization<br />
secondary to Age-Related macular degeneration<br />
Objective: To estimate the incidence of ocular and non-ocular<br />
serious adverse events in subjects treated for 12 months with<br />
0.3 mg or 0.5 mg intravitreal ranibizumab.<br />
Contact: P. Kaiser, M.D., at 216.444.6702 or L. Bartko, R.N.,<br />
at 216.444.7137<br />
Gl AUCOmA<br />
Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma<br />
Objective: Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma (AIG) is a multi-center<br />
bioengineering partnership sponsored by the National Eye Institute<br />
to develop advanced imaging technologies to improve the detection<br />
and management of glaucoma. The advanced imaging technologies<br />
include optical coherence tomography, scanning laser polarimetry<br />
and scanning laser tomography. The technologies will be evaluated<br />
in a longitudinal five-year clinical trial composed of glaucoma<br />
suspects, glaucoma patients and normal subjects.<br />
Contact: S. Smith, M.D., M.P.H., at 216.444.4821<br />
or L. Holody, C.O.A., at 216.445.3762<br />
GEnETICs<br />
studies of the molecular Genetics of Eye diseases<br />
Objective: To map the genes for inherited eye diseases. To screen<br />
candidate genes for mutations in a variety of genetic ocular<br />
disorders, including ocular malformations, congenital cataracts<br />
and retinal dystrophies.<br />
Contact: E. Traboulsi, M.D., at 216.444.4363 or S. Crowe, C.O.T.,<br />
at 216.445.3840<br />
The Genetics of strabismus<br />
r e s e a r c h<br />
Objective: To discover the genes that cause some strabismus<br />
syndromes, including those for accommodative esotropia, congenital<br />
esotropia, congenital ocular fibrosis syndrome, intermittent exotropia,<br />
Brown syndrome and Duane syndrome.<br />
Contact: E. Traboulsi, M.D., at 216.444.4363 or S. Crowe, C.O.T.,<br />
at 216.445.3840<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e s e a r c h<br />
Selected Recent<br />
Publications<br />
pEER-REvIEwEd JOURnAls<br />
Advances in Experimental medicine and Biology<br />
Bonilha VL, Rayborn ME, Bhattacharya SK, Gu X, Crabb JS, Crabb<br />
JW, Hollyfield JG. The retinal pigment epithelium apical microvilli<br />
and retinal function. Advances in Experimental Medicine and<br />
Biology 2006;572:519-524.<br />
Rayborn ME, Sakaguchi H, Shadrach KG, Crabb JW, Hollyfield JG.<br />
Annexins in Bruch’s membrane and drusen. Advances in Experimental<br />
Medicine and Biology 2006;572:75-78.<br />
Wu Z, Bhattacharya SK, Jin Z, Bonilha VL, Liu T, Nawrot M, Teller<br />
D, Saari JC, Crabb JW. CRALBP ligand and protein interactions.<br />
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology<br />
2006;572:477-483.<br />
American Family physician<br />
Melamud A, Palekar R, Singh A. Retinoblastoma. American Family<br />
Physician 2006 Mar 15;73(6):1039-1044.<br />
American Journal of medical Genetics. part A<br />
Hagstrom SA, Pauer GJ, Reid J, Simpson E, Crowe S, Maumenee<br />
IH, Traboulsi EI. SOX2 mutation causes anophthalmia, hearing loss,<br />
and brain anomalies. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A<br />
2005 Sep 6;138A(2):95-98.<br />
Li C, Kosmorsky G, Zhang K, Katz BJ, Ge J, Traboulsi EI. Optic<br />
atrophy and sensorineural hearing loss in a family caused by an<br />
R445H OPA1 mutation. American Journal of Medical Genetics<br />
Part A 2005 Oct 15;138(3):208-211.<br />
American Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Do DV, Nguyen QD, Bressler NM, Schachat AP, Solomon SD,<br />
Melia M, Bressler SB. Hemoglobin A1c awareness among patients<br />
receiving eye care at a tertiary ophthalmic center. American<br />
Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006 May;141(5):951-953.<br />
Netto MV, Dupps W, Jr., Wilson SE. Wavefront-guided ablation:<br />
evidence for efficacy compared to traditional ablation. American<br />
Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006 Feb;141(2):360-368.<br />
Singh RP, Sears JE. Retinal pigment epithelial tears after<br />
pegaptanib injection for exudative age-related macular degeneration.<br />
American Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006 Jul;142(1):160-162.<br />
Bakri SJ, Kaiser PK. Reply. American Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
2005 Nov;140(5):958-959.<br />
Bakri SJ, Kaiser PK. Posterior subtenon triamcinolone acetonide<br />
for refractory diabetic macular edema. American Journal of<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Feb;139(2):290-294.<br />
Chalita MR, Li Y, Smith S, Patil C, Westphal V, Rollins AM, Izatt JA,<br />
Huang D. High-speed optical coherence tomography of laser<br />
iridotomy. American Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005<br />
Dec;140(6):1133-1136.<br />
Kaiser PK. Steroids for branch retinal vein occlusion. American<br />
Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Jun;139(6):1095-1096.<br />
Kaiser PK. Steroids for choroidal neovascularization. American<br />
Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Mar;139(3):533-535.<br />
Liesegang TJ, Schachat AP, Albert DM. The Open Access initiative<br />
in scientific and biomedical publishing: fourth in the series on<br />
editorship. American Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005<br />
Jan;139(1):156-167.<br />
Liesegang TJ, Schachat AP, Albert DM. Maintaining public trust in<br />
medical journals. American Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005<br />
Apr;139(4):707-709.<br />
Lowder CY, Davros WJ, Kaiser PK, Sanislo SR, Kosmorsky GS,<br />
Meziane MA, Rice TW, Meisler DM. Author reply [Risks of computerized<br />
tomography in the evaluation of chronic uveitis]. American<br />
Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 May;139(5):952.<br />
Meisler DM, Perez VL, Proudfit J. A device to facilitate limbal stem<br />
cell procurement from eye bank donor tissue for keratolimbal<br />
allograft procedures. American Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005<br />
Jan;139(1):212-214.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Traboulsi EI. The challenges and surprises of studying the genetics<br />
of age-related macular degeneration. American Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
2005 May;139(5):908-911.<br />
Annals of plastic surgery<br />
Perry JD. Re: surgery without skin resection for eyelid entropion.<br />
Annals of Plastic Surgery 2005 Jan;54(1):114.<br />
Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Leske MC, Wu SY, Hennis A, Nemesure B, Schachat AP,<br />
Hyman L, Yang L. Nine-year incidence of diabetic retinopathy<br />
in the Barbados Eye Studies. Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006<br />
Feb;124(2):250-255.<br />
Ou JI, Moshfeghi DM, Tawansy K, Sears JE. Macular hole in<br />
the shaken baby syndrome. Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006<br />
Jun;124(6):913-915.<br />
Albert DM, Liesegang TJ, Schachat AP. Meeting our ethical<br />
obligations in medical publishing: responsibilities of editors,<br />
authors, and readers of peer-reviewed journals. Archives of<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 May;123(5):684-686.<br />
Apte RS, Dibernardo C, Pearlman JR, Patel S, Schachat AP,<br />
Green WR, Gehlbach P. Retinal metastasis presenting as a retinal<br />
hemorrhage in a patient with adenocarcinoma of the cecum.<br />
Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Jun;123(6):850-853.<br />
Apte RS, Schachat AP, Dibernardo C, Handa JT. Retinal vascular<br />
occlusion with overlying vitreous hemorrhage masquerading as a<br />
tumor. Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Feb;123(2):272-274.<br />
Apte RS, Al-Abdulla NA, Green WR, Schachat AP, DeJong MR,<br />
Dibernardo C, Handa JT. Systemic non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma<br />
encountered as a vanishing choroidal mass. Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
2005 Jan;123(1):105-109.<br />
Bressler NM, Bressler SB, Haynes LA, Hao Y, Kaiser PK, Miller JW,<br />
Naor J, Potter MJ, Pournaras CJ, Reaves A, Rosenfeld PJ, Schmidt-<br />
Erfurth U, Slakter JS, Strong A, Vannier S. Verteporfin therapy for<br />
subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular<br />
degeneration: four-year results of an open-label extension of 2<br />
randomized clinical trials: TAP Report No. 7. Archives of<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Sep;123(9):1283-1285.<br />
Levin LA, Gottlieb JL, Beck RW, Albert DM, Liesegang TJ, Hoyt CS,<br />
Dick A, Bhisitkul R, Schachat AP. Registration of clinical trials.<br />
Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Sep;123(9):1263-1264.<br />
Radhakrishnan S, Goldsmith J, Huang D, Westphal V, Dueker DK,<br />
Rollins AM, Izatt JA, Smith SD. Comparison of optical coherence<br />
tomography and ultrasound biomicroscopy for detection of narrow<br />
anterior chamber angles. Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005<br />
Aug;123(8):1053-1059.<br />
Singh AD, Mudhar HS, Bhola R, Rundle PA, Rennie IG. Sebaceous<br />
adenoma of the eyelid in Muir-Torre syndrome. Archives of<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Apr;123(4):562-565.<br />
Wilson SE, Netto MV. Refractive surgery and cornea: the neverending<br />
spiral of technology. Archives of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005<br />
Feb;123(2):265-266.<br />
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia<br />
Netto MV, Ambrosio R, Jr., Chalita MR, Krueger RR, Wilson SE.<br />
Resposta cicatricial corneana em diferentes modalidades de<br />
cirurgia refrativa [Corneal wound healing response following<br />
different modalities of refractive surgical procedures] [Portuguese].<br />
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia 2005 Jan;68(1):140-149.<br />
Biochemistry<br />
Maeda A, Crabb JW, Palczewski K. Microsomal glutathione<br />
S-transferase 1 in the retinal pigment rpithelium: protection<br />
against oxidative stress and a potential role in aging. Biochemistry<br />
2005 Jan 18;44(2):480-489.<br />
British Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Singh RP, Patel C, Sears JE. Management of subretinal macular<br />
haemorrhage by direct administration of tissue plasminogen<br />
activator. British Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006 Apr;90(4):<br />
429-431.<br />
r e s e a r c h<br />
Chavala SH, Sari A, Lewis H, Pauer GJT, Simpson E, Hagstrom SA,<br />
Traboulsi EI. An Arg311Gln NR2E3 mutation in a family with classic<br />
Goldmann-Favre syndrome. British Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005<br />
Aug;89(8):1065-1066.<br />
Parsons MA, Rennie IG, Rundle PA, Dhingra S, Mudhar H, Singh<br />
AD. Congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium: a clinicopathological<br />
case report. British Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005<br />
Jul;89(7):920-921.<br />
Sabti K, Hajj BA, Hwang JM, Traboulsi EI, Reid J. Congenital third<br />
nerve palsy, moyamoya disease and optic nerve head staphyloma.<br />
British Journal of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Jun;89(6):778-779.<br />
Cancer Research<br />
Datta J, Majumder S, Bai S, Ghoshal K, Kutay H, Smith DS, Crabb<br />
JW, Jacob ST. Physical and functional interaction of DNA methyltransferase<br />
3A with Mbd3 and Brg1 in mouse lymphosarcoma<br />
cells. Cancer Research 2005 Dec 1;65(23):10891-10900.<br />
Continued on page 66<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e s e a r c h<br />
Selected Recent Publications<br />
Continued from page 65<br />
Chemical Research in Toxicology<br />
Gugiu BG, Mesaros CA, Sun M, Gu X, Crabb JW, Salomon RG.<br />
Identification of oxidatively truncated ethanolamine phospholipids<br />
in retina and their generation from polyunsaturated phosphatidylethanolamines.<br />
Chemical Research in Toxicology 2006<br />
Feb;19(2):262-271.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Journal of medicine<br />
Hajj-Ali RA, Lowder C, Mandell BF. Uveitis in the internist’s office:<br />
are a patient’s eye symptoms serious? <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Journal<br />
of Medicine 2005 Apr;72(4):329-339.<br />
Cornea<br />
Netto MV, Mohan RR, Ambrosio R, Jr., Hutcheon AE, Zieske JD,<br />
Wilson SE. Wound healing in the cornea: a review of refractive<br />
surgery complications and new prospects for therapy. Cornea<br />
2005 Jul;24(5):509-522.<br />
Current medical Research & Opinion<br />
Kaiser PK. Verteporfin therapy in combination with triamcinolone:<br />
published studies investigating a potential synergistic effect.<br />
Current Medical Research & Opinion 2005 May;21(5):705-713.<br />
emedicine Journal [electronic resource]<br />
Clark WL, Kaiser PK, Trattler W. Endophthalmitis, postoperative.<br />
eMedicine Journal [electronic resource] 2005 Jun 16.<br />
Parwar B, Tong J, Perry JD. Nasolacrimal system anatomy.<br />
eMedicine Journal [electronic resource] 2005 May 27.<br />
European Journal of Internal medicine<br />
Chavala SH, Kosmorsky GS, Lee MK, Lee MS. Optic neuropathy in<br />
vitamin B(12) deficiency. European Journal of Internal Medicine<br />
2005 Oct;16(6):447-448.<br />
Evidence-Based <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Singh AD. Macular retinoblastoma managed with chemoreduction<br />
analysis of tumor control with or without adjuvant thermotherapy<br />
in 68 tumors. Evidence-Based <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Oct;6(4):<br />
211-212.<br />
Experimental Eye Research<br />
Bonilha VL, Rayborn ME, Shadrach K, Lundwall A, Malm J,<br />
Bhattacharya SK, Crabb JW, Hollyfield JG. Characterization<br />
of semenogelin proteins in the human retina. Experimental Eye<br />
Research 2006 Jul;83(1):120-127.<br />
Bonilha VL, Rayborn ME, Saotome I, McClatchey AI, Hollyfield JG.<br />
Microvilli defects in retinas of ezrin knockout mice. Experimental<br />
Eye Research 2006 Apr;82(4):720-729.<br />
Netto MV, Mohan RR, Sinha S, Sharma A, Dupps W, Wilson SE.<br />
Stromal haze, myofibroblasts, and surface irregularity after PRK.<br />
Experimental Eye Research 2006 May;82(5):788-797.<br />
Senanayake PD, Calabro A, Hu JG, Bonilha VL, Darr A, Bok D,<br />
Hollyfield JG. Glucose utilization by the retinal pigment epithelium:<br />
Evidence for rapid uptake and storage in glycogen, followed by<br />
glycogen utilization. Experimental Eye Research 2006<br />
Aug;83(2):235-246.<br />
Vaughan DK, Peachey NS, Richards MJ, Buchan B, Fliesler SJ.<br />
Light-induced exacerbation of retinal degeneration in a rat model of<br />
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Experimental Eye Research 2006<br />
Mar;82(3):496-504.<br />
Wu J, Marmorstein AD, Peachey NS. Functional abnormalities in<br />
the retinal pigment epithelium of CFTR mutant mice. Experimental<br />
Eye Research 2006 Aug;83(2):424-428.<br />
Xi Q, Pauer GJT, Traboulsi EI, Hagstrom SA. Mutation screen<br />
of the TUB gene in patients with retinitis pigmentosa and Leber<br />
congenital amaurosis. Experimental Eye Research 2006<br />
Sep;83(3):569-573.<br />
Yokoyama T, Yamane K, Minamoto A, Tsukamoto H, Yamashita H,<br />
Izumi S, Hoppe G, Sears JE, Mishima HK. High glucose concentration<br />
induces elevated expression of anti-oxidant and proteolytic<br />
enzymes in cultured human retinal pigment epithelial cells.<br />
Experimental Eye Research 2006 Sep;83(3):602-609.<br />
Bhattacharya SK, Annangudi SP, Salomon RG, Kuchtey RW,<br />
Peachey NS, Crabb JW. Cochlin deposits in the trabecular<br />
meshwork of the glaucomatous DBA/2J mouse. Experimental Eye<br />
Research 2005 May;80(5):741-744.<br />
Hollyfield JG. Announcement from the Editor-in-Chief. Experimental<br />
Eye Research 2005 Apr;80(4):451.<br />
Jeng BH, Shadrach KG, Meisler DM, Hollyfield JG, Connor JT,<br />
Koeck T, Aulak KS, Stuehr DJ. Immunohistochemical detection and<br />
Western blot analysis of nitrated protein in stored human corneal<br />
epithelium. Experimental Eye Research 2005 Apr;80(4):509-514.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Nakata K, Crabb JW, Hollyfield JG. Crystallin distribution in Bruch’s<br />
membrane-choroid complex from AMD and age-matched donor<br />
eyes. Experimental Eye Research 2005 Jun;80(6):821-826.<br />
Ouchi M, West K, Crabb JW, Kinoshita S, Kamei M. Proteomic<br />
analysis of vitreous from diabetic macular edema. Experimental<br />
Eye Research 2005 Aug;81(2):176-182.<br />
Saari JC, Crabb JW. Focus on molecules: Cellular retinaldehydebinding<br />
protein (CRALBP). Experimental Eye Research 2005<br />
Sep;81(3):245-246.<br />
Experimental neurology<br />
Papathanasiou ES, Peachey NS, Goto Y, Neafsey EJ, Castro AJ,<br />
Kartje GL. Visual cortical plasticity following unilateral sensorimotor<br />
cortical lesions in the neonatal rat. Experimental Neurology 2006<br />
May;199(1):122-129.<br />
Expert Opinion on Investigational drugs<br />
Bakri SJ, Kaiser PK. Anecortave acetate. Expert Opinion on<br />
Investigational Drugs 2006 Feb;15(2):163-169.<br />
Eye<br />
Singh AD, Rundle PA, Longstaff S, Jacques R, Rennie IG. Iris<br />
pigment epithelial adenoma: resection and repair. Eye 2006<br />
Mar;20(3):385-386.<br />
Singh AD, Jacques R, Rundle PA, Mudhar HS, Rennie IG. Combined<br />
enucleation and orbitotomy for choroidal melanoma with orbital<br />
extension. Eye 2006 May;20(5):615-617.<br />
Dinakaran S, Singh AD, Rennie IG. Orbital amyloidosis presenting<br />
as ptosis. Eye 2005 Jan;19(1):110-112.<br />
Giles J, Singh AD, Rundle PA, Noe KP, Rennie IG. Retinal astrocytic<br />
hamartoma with exudation. Eye 2005 Jun;19(6):724-725.<br />
Gupta M, Singh AD, Stavrou P, Rundle PA, Rennie IG. Spontaneous<br />
resolution of a choroidal mass. Eye 2005 May;19(5):601-603.<br />
Mansour AM, Bitar F, Traboulsi E, Kassak K, Obeid M, Megarbane<br />
A, Salti H. Reply to Bianca et al [Reply to ocular pathology in<br />
congenital heart disease]. Eye 2005 Dec;19(12):1341.<br />
Mansour AM, Bitar FF, Traboulsi EI, Kassak KM, Obeid MY,<br />
Megarbane A, Salti HI. Ocular pathology in congenital heart<br />
disease. Eye 2005 Jan;19(1):29-34.<br />
r e s e a r c h<br />
Singh AD, Rundle PA, Vardy SJ, Rennie IG. Photodynamic therapy<br />
of choroidal haemangioma associated with sturge-weber syndrome.<br />
Eye 2005 Mar;19(3):365-367.<br />
Singh AD, Talbot JF, Rundle PA, Rennie IG. Choroidal neovascularization<br />
secondary to choroidal osteoma: successful treatment with<br />
photodynamic therapy. Eye 2005 Apr;19(4):482-484.<br />
Singh AD, McCloskey L, Parsons MA, Slater DN. Eccrine hidrocystoma<br />
of the eyelid. Eye 2005 Jan;19(1):77-79.<br />
Eye & Contact lens<br />
Jeng BH, Millstein ME. Reduction of hyperopia and astigmatism<br />
after superficial keratectomy of peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial<br />
corneal degeneration. Eye & Contact Lens 2006 May;32(3):153-156.<br />
FAsEB Journal<br />
Rosenthal R, Bakall B, Kinnick T, Peachey N, Wimmers S, Wadelius<br />
C, Marmorstein A, Strauss O. Expression of bestrophin-1, the<br />
product of the VMD2 gene, modulates voltage-dependent Ca2+<br />
channels in retinal pigment epithelial cells. FASEB Journal 2006<br />
Jan;20(1):178-180.<br />
Kim KS, Ren J, Jiang Y, Ebrahem Q, Tipps R, Cristina K, Xiao YJ,<br />
Qiao J, Taylor KL, Lum H, Anand-Apte B, Xu Y. GPR4 plays a<br />
critical role in endothelial cell function and mediates the effects<br />
of sphingosylphosphorylcholine. FASEB Journal 2005 May;<br />
19(7):819-821.<br />
Human molecular Genetics<br />
Shu X, Fry AM, Tulloch B, Manson FDC, Crabb JW, Khanna H,<br />
Faragher AJ, Lennon A, He S, Trojan P, Giessl A, Wolfrum U,<br />
Vervoort R, Swaroop A, Wright AF. RPGR ORF15 isoform co-localizes<br />
with RPGRIP1 at centrioles and basal bodies and interacts with<br />
nucleophosmin. Human Molecular Genetics 2005 May<br />
1;14(9):1183-1197.<br />
International Journal of pediatric Otorhinolaryngology<br />
Cannady SB, Kahn TA, Traboulsi EI, Koltai PJ. PHACE syndrome:<br />
report of a case with a glioma of the anterior skull base and<br />
ocular malformations. International Journal of Pediatric<br />
Otorhinolaryngology 2006 Mar;70(3):561-564.<br />
Continued on page 68<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e s e a r c h<br />
Selected Recent Publications<br />
Continued from page 67<br />
International Journal of sTd and AIds<br />
Holkar S, Mudhar HS, Jain A, Gupta M, Rogstad KE, Parsons MA,<br />
Singh AD, Rennie IG. Regression of invasive conjunctival squamous<br />
carcinoma in an HIV-positive patient on antiretroviral therapy.<br />
International Journal of STD and AIDS 2005 Dec;16(12):782-783.<br />
International <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s<br />
Bakri SJ, Sculley L, Singh AD. Imaging techniques for uveal<br />
melanoma. International <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s 2006;46(1):1-13.<br />
Foster JA, Proffer PL, Proffer LH, Wulc AE, Perry JD. Modifying<br />
brow position with botulinum toxin. International <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>s 2005 Summer;45(3):123-131.<br />
Investigative <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> & visual science<br />
Bhattacharya SK, Crabb JS, Bonilha VL, Gu X, Takahara H, Crabb<br />
JW. Proteomics implicates peptidyl arginine deiminase 2 and optic<br />
nerve citrullination in glaucoma pathogenesis. Investigative<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> & Visual Science 2006 Jun;47(6):2508-2514.<br />
Bidinost C, Matsumoto M, Chung D, Salem N, Zhang K, Stockton<br />
DW, Khoury A, Megarbane A, Bejjani BA, Traboulsi EI. Heterozygous<br />
and homozygous mutations in PITX3 in a large Lebanese<br />
family with posterior polar cataracts and neurodevelopmental<br />
abnormalities. Investigative <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> & Visual Science<br />
2006 Apr;47(4):1274-1280.<br />
Carlson EC, Drazba J, Yang X, Perez VL. Visualization and characterization<br />
of inflammatory cell recruitment and migration through<br />
the corneal stroma in endotoxin-induced keratitis. Investigative<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> & Visual Science 2006 Jan;47(1):241-248.<br />
Sears JE, Hoppe G. Triamcinolone acetonide destabilizes VEGF<br />
mRNA in Muller cells under continuous cobalt stimulation.<br />
Investigative <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> & Visual Science 2005<br />
Nov;46(11):4336-4341.<br />
Sokal I, Dupps WJ, Grassi MA, Brown J, Jr., Affatigato LM,<br />
Roychowdhury N, Yang L, Filipek S, Palczewski K, Stone EM, Baehr<br />
W. A novel GCAP1 missense mutation (L151F) in a large family<br />
with autosomal dominant cone-rod dystrophy (adCORD). Investigative<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> & Visual Science 2005 Apr;46(4):1124-1132.<br />
Xi Q, Pauer GJT, Marmorstein AD, Crabb JW, Hagstrom SA. Tubbylike<br />
Protein 1 (TULP1) interacts with F-actin in photoreceptor cells.<br />
Investigative <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> & Visual Science 2005<br />
Dec;46(12):4754-4761.<br />
Journal of Biological Chemistry<br />
Bhattacharya SK, Rockwood EJ, Smith SD, Bonilha VL, Crabb JS,<br />
Kuchtey RW, Robertson NG, Peachey NS, Morton CC, Crabb JW.<br />
Proteomics reveal cochlin deposits associated with glaucomatous<br />
trabecular meshwork. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2005 Feb<br />
18;280(7):6080-6084.<br />
Journal of Cataract and Refractive surgery<br />
Melamud A, Chalita MR, Krueger RR, Lee MS. Comatic aberration<br />
as a cause of monocular diplopia. Journal of Cataract and<br />
Refractive Surgery 2006 Mar;32(3):529-532.<br />
Krueger RR, Kuszak J, Lubatschowski H, Myers RI, Ripken T,<br />
Heisterkamp A. First safety study of femtosecond laser photodisruption<br />
in animal lenses: Tissue morphology and cataractogenesis.<br />
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2005 Dec;31(12):<br />
2386-2394.<br />
Journal of General physiology<br />
Marmorstein LY, Wu J, McLaughlin P, Yocom J, Karl MO, Neussert<br />
R, Wimmers S, Stanton JB, Gregg RG, Strauss O, Peachey NS,<br />
Marmorstein AD. The light peak of the electroretinogram is<br />
dependent on voltage-gated calcium channels and antagonized by<br />
bestrophin (best-1). Journal of General Physiology 2006<br />
May;127(5):577-589.<br />
Journal of Glaucoma<br />
Mansberger SL, Johnson CA, Cioffi GA, Choi D, Krishnadas SR,<br />
Srinivasan M, Balamurugan V, Kim U, Smith SD, Wilkins JH, Gritz<br />
DC. Predictive value of frequency doubling technology perimetry for<br />
detecting glaucoma in a developing country. Journal of Glaucoma<br />
2005 Apr;14(2):128-134.<br />
Journal of medical Genetics<br />
Chan WM, Traboulsi EI, Arthur B, Friedman N, Andrews C, Engle<br />
EC. Horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis can result from<br />
compound heterozygous mutations in ROBO3. Journal of Medical<br />
Genetics 2006 Mar;43(3):e11.<br />
Melamud A, Shen GQ, Chung D, Xi Q, Simpson E, Li L, Peachey<br />
NS, Zegarra H, Hagstrom SA, Wang QK, Traboulsi EI. Mapping a<br />
new genetic locus for X linked retinitis pigmentosa to Xq28.<br />
Journal of Medical Genetics 2006 Jun;43(6):e27.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Journal of neuroscience<br />
Bjartmar L, Huberman AD, Ullian EM, Renteria RC, Liu X, Xu W,<br />
Prezioso J, Susman MW, Stellwagen D, Stokes CC, Cho R, Worley P,<br />
Malenka RC, Ball S, Peachey NS, Copenhagen D, Chapman B,<br />
Nakamoto M, Barres BA, Perin MS. Neuronal pentraxins mediate<br />
synaptic refinement in the developing visual system. Journal of<br />
Neuroscience 2006 Jun 7;26(23):6269-6281.<br />
Yi X, Schubert M, Peachey NS, Suzuma K, Burks DJ, Kushner JA,<br />
Suzuma I, Cahill C, Flint CL, Dow MA, Leshan RL, King GL, White<br />
MF. Insulin receptor substrate 2 Is essential for maturation and<br />
survival of photoreceptor cells. Journal of Neuroscience 2005 Feb<br />
2;25(5):1240-1248.<br />
Journal of pediatric <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and strabismus<br />
Simon J, Sood S, Yoon MK, Kaw P, Zobal-Ratner J, Archer S,<br />
Gardiner JA, Hutchinson A, Marcotty A, Noel LP, Olsen TW,<br />
Tawansy K, Wallace D. Vitrectomy for dense vitreous hemorrhage<br />
in infancy. Journal of Pediatric <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> and Strabismus<br />
2005 Jan;42(1):18-22.<br />
Journal of Refractive surgery<br />
Krueger RR. Corneal topography vs ocular wavefront sensing in<br />
the retreatment of highly aberrated post surgical eyes. Journal of<br />
Refractive Surgery 2006 Apr;22(4):328-330.<br />
Netto MV, Mohan RR, Sinha S, Sharma A, Gupta PC, Wilson SE.<br />
Effect of prophylactic and therapeutic mitomycin C on corneal<br />
apoptosis, cellular proliferation, haze, and long-term keratocyte<br />
density in rabbits. Journal of Refractive Surgery 2006<br />
Jun;22(6):562-574.<br />
Applegate RA, Krueger RR, Pesudovs K, Chalita MR. Introduction<br />
to the proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Wavefront<br />
Sensing and Optimized Refractive Corrections. Journal of Refractive<br />
Surgery 2005;21(5):S506-S507.<br />
Dupps WJ, Jr. Biomechanical modeling of corneal ectasia. Journal<br />
of Refractive Surgery 2005 Mar;21(2):186-190.<br />
Krueger RR. Technological improvements with the Alcon LADAR<br />
6000 excimer laser platform. Journal of Refractive Surgery 2005<br />
Nov;21(6):S775-S780.<br />
Krueger RR. Introduction to commercially approved wavefrontguided<br />
customization: third year in review. Journal of Refractive<br />
Surgery 2005 Nov;21(6):S767-S768.<br />
r e s e a r c h<br />
Netto MV, Wilson SE. Indications for excimer laser surface ablation.<br />
Journal of Refractive Surgery 2005 Nov;21(6):734-741.<br />
Netto MV, Ambrosio R, Jr., Shen TT, Wilson SE. Wavefront analysis<br />
in normal refractive surgery candidates. Journal of Refractive<br />
Surgery 2005 Jul;21(4):332-338.<br />
Waheed S, Chalita MR, Xu M, Krueger RR. Flap-induced and laserinduced<br />
ocular aberrations in a two-step LASIK procedure. Journal<br />
of Refractive Surgery 2005 Jul;21(4):346-352.<br />
molecular and Cellular neurosciences<br />
Lee Y, Kameya S, Cox GA, Hsu J, Hicks W, Maddatu TP, Smith RS,<br />
Naggert JK, Peachey NS, Nishina PM. Ocular abnormalities in<br />
Large(myd) and Large(vls) mice, spontaneous models for muscle,<br />
eye, and brain diseases. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences<br />
2005 Oct;30(2):160-172.<br />
Ocular Immunology and Inflammation<br />
Taban M, Dupps WJ, Mandell B, Perez VL. Etanercept (enbrel)associated<br />
inflammatory eye disease: case report and review of<br />
the literature. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 2006<br />
Jun;14(3):145-150.<br />
Ophthalmic Epidemiology<br />
Gritz DC, Srinivasan M, Smith SD, Kim U, Lietman TM, Wilkins JH,<br />
Priyadharshini B, Aravind S, Prajna NV, Smolin G, Thulasiraj RD,<br />
Selvaraj S, Whitcher JP. Antioxidants in prevention of cataracts in<br />
South India: methodology and baseline data. Ophthalmic Epidemiology<br />
2006 Apr;13(2):97-107.<br />
Ophthalmic Genetics<br />
Bonilha VL, Hollyfield JG, Grover S, Fishman GA. Abnormal<br />
distribution of red/green cone opsins in a patient with an autosomal<br />
dominant cone dystrophy. Ophthalmic Genetics 2005 Jun;26(2):<br />
69-76.<br />
Pauer GJT, Xi Q, Zhang K, Traboulsi EI, Hagstrom SA. Mutation<br />
screen of the membrane-type frizzled-related protein (MFRP) gene<br />
in patients with inherited retinal degenerations. Ophthalmic<br />
Genetics 2005 Dec;26(4):157-161.<br />
Continued on page 70<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e s e a r c h<br />
Selected Recent Publications<br />
Continued from page 69<br />
Ophthalmic plastic and Reconstructive surgery<br />
Foster JA, Holck DE, Perry JD, Wulc AE, Burns JA, Cahill KV,<br />
Morgenstern KE. Fibrin sealant for Muller muscle-conjunctiva<br />
resection ptosis repair. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive<br />
Surgery 2006 May;22(3):184-187.<br />
Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & Imaging<br />
Moshfeghi DM, Kaiser PK, Bakri SJ, Kaiser RS, Maturi RK, Sears<br />
JE, Scott IU, Belmont J, Beer PM, Quiroz-Mercado H, Mieler WF.<br />
Presumed sterile endophthalmitis following intravitreal triamcinolone<br />
acetonide injection. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging 2005<br />
Jan;36(1):24-29.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Ambrosio R, Jr., Netto MV, Wilson SE. Surgery in patients with<br />
Fuchs’. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006 Mar;113(3):503.<br />
Dal Canto A, Perry JD. Author reply [Posterior sub–Tenon’s capsule<br />
triamcinolone]. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006 Mar;113(3):504-505.<br />
Leske MC, Wu SY, Hennis A, Nemesure B, Yang L, Hyman L,<br />
Schachat AP. Nine-year incidence of age-related macular degeneration<br />
in the Barbados Eye Studies. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006<br />
Jan;113(1):29-35.<br />
Singh AD, Bena JF, Mokashi AA, Jacques R, Rundle PA, Rennie IG.<br />
Growth of small tumors. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006 Jun;113(6):<br />
1061-1064.<br />
Singh AD, Mokashi AA, Bena JF, Jacques R, Rundle PA, Rennie IG.<br />
Small choroidal melanocytic lesions: features predictive of growth.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006 Jun;113(6):1032-1039.<br />
Dal Canto AJ, Downs-Kelly E, Perry JD. Ptosis and orbital fat<br />
prolapse after posterior sub-Tenon’s capsule triamcinolone<br />
injection. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Jun;112(6):1092-1097.<br />
Estafanous MFG, Lowder CY, Kaiser PK. Patterns of macular edema<br />
in uveitis patients. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Feb;112(2):360-361.<br />
Leske MC, Wu SY, Hennis A, Hyman L, Nemesure B, Yang L,<br />
Schachat AP. Hyperglycemia, blood pressure, and the 9-year<br />
incidence of diabetic retinopathy: the Barbados Eye Studies.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 May;112(5):799-805.<br />
Liesegang TJ, Schachat AP, Albert DA. Pharmaceutical companies<br />
and ophthalmic research. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Mar;112(3):<br />
363-365.<br />
Schachat AP. New treatments for age-related macular degeneration.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005 Apr;112(4):531-532.<br />
Singh AD, Kalyani P, Topham A. Estimating the risk of malignant<br />
transformation of a choroidal nevus. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2005<br />
Oct;112(10):1784-1789.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of north America<br />
Cox CA, Krueger RR. Monovision with laser vision correction.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 2006 Mar;19(1):71-75.<br />
Honavar SG, Singh AD. Management of advanced retinoblastoma.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 2005 Mar;18(1):65-73.<br />
Journee-de Korver HG, Midena E, Singh AD. Infrared thermotherapy:<br />
from laboratory to clinic. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North<br />
America 2005 Mar;18(1):99-110.<br />
Kuchtey RW, Lowder CY, Smith SD. Glaucoma in patients with<br />
ocular inflammatory disease. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North<br />
America 2005 Sep;18(3):421-430.<br />
Radhakrishnan S, Huang D, Smith SD. Optical coherence tomography<br />
imaging of the anterior chamber angle. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s<br />
of North America 2005 Sep;18(3):375-381.<br />
Singh AD, Borden EC. Metastatic uveal melanoma. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 2005 Mar;18(1):143-150.<br />
Singh AD, Lewis H, Schachat AP. Primary lymphoma of the central<br />
nervous system. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 2005<br />
Mar;18(1):199-207.<br />
Singh AD, Bergman L, Seregard S. Uveal melanoma: epidemiologic<br />
aspects. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 2005<br />
Mar;18(1):75-84.<br />
Singh AD, Kivela T. The collaborative ocular melanoma study.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 2005 Mar;18(1):129-142.<br />
Singh AD, Rundle PA, Rennie I. Retinal vascular tumors. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 2005 Mar;18(1):167-176.<br />
Singh AD, Damato B, Howard P, Harbour JW. Uveal melanoma:<br />
genetic aspects. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 2005<br />
Mar;18(1):85-97.<br />
Singh AD, Kaiser PK, Sears JE. Choroidal hemangioma. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
<strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 2005 Mar;18(1):151-161.<br />
Singh AD. Ophthalmic oncology. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2005<br />
(<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 18(1):1-213.)<br />
0 // O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Singh AD. Ophthalmic oncology – preface. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s<br />
of North America 2005 Mar;18(1):xiii.<br />
Smith SD. Glaucoma. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America<br />
2005 Sep;18(3):ix.<br />
Traboulsi EI. Ocular manifestations of familial adenomatous<br />
polyposis (gardner syndrome). <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North<br />
America 2005 Mar;18(1):163-166.<br />
proceedings of the national Academy of sciences of the<br />
United states of America<br />
Jacobson SG, Aleman TS, Cideciyan AV, Sumaroka A, Schwartz SB,<br />
Windsor EAM, Traboulsi EI, Heon E, Pittler SJ, Milam AH, Maguire<br />
AM, Palczewski K, Stone EM, Bennett J. Identifying photoreceptors<br />
in blind eyes caused by RPE65 mutations: Prerequisite for human<br />
gene therapy success. Proceedings of the National Academy of<br />
Sciences of the United States of America 2005 Apr<br />
26;102(17):6177-6182.<br />
Sundin OH, Leppert GS, Silva ED, Yang JM, Dharmaraj S, Maumenee<br />
IH, Santos LC, Parsa CF, Traboulsi EI, Broman KW, Dibernardo<br />
C, Sunness JS, Toy J, Weinberg EM. Extreme hyperopia is the result<br />
of null mutations in MFRP, which encodes a Frizzled-related<br />
protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the<br />
United States of America 2005 Jul 5;102(27):9553-9558.<br />
progress in Retinal and Eye Research<br />
Mohan RR, Sharma A, Netto MV, Sinha S, Wilson SE. Gene therapy<br />
in the cornea. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2005<br />
Sep;24(5):537-559.<br />
Retina<br />
Bakri SJ, Sears JE, Singh AD. Transient closure of a retinal capillary<br />
hemangioma with verteporfin photodynamic therapy. Retina 2005<br />
Dec;25(8):1103-1104.<br />
Goldstein M, Loewenstein A, Barak A, Pollack A, Bukelman A, Katz<br />
H, Springer A, Schachat AP, Bressler NM, Bressler SB, Cooney<br />
MJ, Alster Y, Rafaeli O, Malach R. Results of a multicenter clinical<br />
trial to evaluate the preferential hyperacuity perimeter for detection<br />
of age-related macular degeneration. Retina 2005<br />
Apr;25(3):296-303.<br />
Singerman LJ, Brucker AJ, Jampol LM, Lim JI, Rosenfeld P,<br />
Schachat AP, Spaide RF. Neovascular age-related macular degeneration:<br />
roundtable. Retina 2005 Oct;25(7 Suppl):S1-S22.<br />
surgical neurology<br />
r e s e a r c h<br />
Lee JH, Tobias S, Kwon JT, Sade B, Kosmorsky G. Wilbrand’s knee:<br />
does it exist? Surgical Neurology 2006 Jul;66(1):11-17.<br />
survey of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong><br />
Saavedra E, Singh AD, Sears JE, Ratliff NB. Plexiform pigmented<br />
schwannoma of the uvea. Survey of <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> 2006<br />
Mar;51(2):162-168.<br />
Transactions of the American Ophthalmological society<br />
Traboulsi EI, Chung D, Koors JM, Bronwyn Bateman J, Raab EL,<br />
Edward Wilson M, Spaeth GL. Polychromasia capsulare (multicolored<br />
capsule): Report of three families. Transactions of the American<br />
Ophthalmological Society 2005;103:93-97.<br />
visual neuroscience<br />
Chang B, Heckenlively JR, Bayley PR, Brecha NC, Davisson MT,<br />
Hawes NL, Hirano AA, Hurd RE, Ikeda A, Johnson BA, McCall MA,<br />
Morgans CW, Nusinowitz S, Peachey NS, Rice DS, Vessey KA,<br />
Gregg RG. The nob2 mouse, a null mutation in Cacna1f: anatomical<br />
and functional abnormalities in the outer retina and their consequences<br />
on ganglion cell visual responses. Visual Neuroscience<br />
2006 Jan;23(1):11-24.<br />
Bhattacharya SK, Peachey NS, Crabb JW. Cochlin and glaucoma:<br />
A mini-review. Visual Neuroscience 2005 Sep;22(5):605-613.<br />
Sharma S, Ball SL, Peachey NS. Pharmacological studies of the<br />
mouse cone electroretinogram. Visual Neuroscience 2005<br />
Sep;22(5):631-636.<br />
Chalita MR, Krueger RR. Refractive surgery. In: Agarwal A, ed.<br />
Handbook of ophthalmology. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, 2006.<br />
Chapter 21. p. 617-640.<br />
Krueger RR, Yeh PC, Azar DT. Wavefront analysis, principles, and<br />
LASEK application. In: Azar DT, Camellin M, Yee RW, eds. LASEK,<br />
PRK, and excimer laser stromal surface ablation. New York: Marcel<br />
Dekker, 2005. Chapter 20. p. 205-223.(Refractive Surgery).<br />
Bakri SJ, Kaiser PK. Diabetic retinopathy. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK,<br />
Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby<br />
Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 21. p. 233-240.<br />
Continued on page 72<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
e s e a r c h<br />
Selected Recent Publications<br />
Continued from page 71<br />
Chavala SH, Traboulsi EI. Hereditary/congenital vitreoretinal<br />
disorders. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds.<br />
Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 53.<br />
p. 456-460.<br />
Galor A, Perez VL, Kaiser PK. Ocular histoplasmosis. In: Huang D,<br />
Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging.<br />
Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 40. p. 359-365.<br />
Kosobucki BR, Lowder CY, Freeman WR. Cytomegalovirus retinitis.<br />
In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal<br />
imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 48.<br />
p. 413-417.<br />
Lowder CY. Sarcoidosis. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY,<br />
Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier,<br />
2006. Chapter 33. p. 310-313.<br />
Melamud A, Kaiser PK. Hypertensive retinopathy. In: Huang D,<br />
Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging.<br />
Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 28. p. 283-288.<br />
Melamud A, Traboulsi EI, Sears J. Coats’ disease. In: Huang D,<br />
Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia:<br />
Mosby Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 25. p. 267-270.<br />
Melamud A, Wang Q, Traboulsi EI. Retinitis pigmentosa and allied<br />
disorders. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds.<br />
Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 54.<br />
p. 461-467.<br />
Sears J. Retinopathy of prematurity. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder<br />
CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier,<br />
2006. Chapter 26. p. 271-275.<br />
Singh AD. Tuberous sclerosis complex. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK,<br />
Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby<br />
Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 61. p. 509-512.<br />
Singh AD. Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium<br />
and other pigmented lesions. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY,<br />
Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier,<br />
2006. Chapter 63. p. 519-523.<br />
Singh AD, Traboulsi EI. Cavernous hemangioma of the retina. In:<br />
Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging.<br />
Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 58. p. 496-498.<br />
Singh AD, Kaiser PK. Choroidal hemangioma. In: Huang D, Kaiser<br />
PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia:<br />
Mosby Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 60. p. 505-508.<br />
Singh AD. Melanocytoma of the optic disc. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK,<br />
Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby<br />
Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 69. p. 556-558.<br />
Traboulsi EI. Macular dystrophies. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder<br />
CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier,<br />
2006. Chapter 17. p. 198-205.<br />
Traboulsi EI. Optic pits. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY,<br />
Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier,<br />
2006. Chapter 67. p. 545-547.<br />
Traboulsi EI. Other optic nerve malformations. In: Huang D, Kaiser<br />
PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia:<br />
Mosby Elsevier, 2006. Chapter 72. p. 591-595.<br />
Ufret-Vincenty RL, Lerner LE, Kaiser PK. Non-neovascular agerelated<br />
macular degeneration. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY,<br />
Traboulsi EI, eds. Retinal imaging. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier,<br />
2006. Chapter 11. p. 145-151.<br />
Jeng BH, Lowder CY, Holland GN, Meisler DM. Corneal and external<br />
ocular infections in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).<br />
In: Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ, eds. Cornea. 2nd ed. St.<br />
Louis; London: Elsevier Mosby, 2005. Volume 1. Chapter 72.<br />
p. 869-877.<br />
Jeng BH, Oxford KW, Abbott RL. Infections after penetrating<br />
keratoplasty. In: Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ, eds. Cornea.<br />
2nd ed. St. Louis; London: Elsevier Mosby, 2005. Volume 2.<br />
Chapter 129. p. 1551-1563.<br />
Baylin EB, Traboulsi EI. Skeletal and connective tissue disorders.<br />
In: Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ, eds. Cornea. 2nd ed.<br />
St. Louis; London: Elsevier Mosby, 2005. Volume 1. Chapter 65.<br />
p. 777-796.<br />
Chern KC, Meisler DM. Less common viral corneal infections. In:<br />
Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ, eds. Cornea. 2nd ed. St.<br />
Louis; London: Elsevier Mosby, 2005. Volume 1. Chapter 85.<br />
p. 1093-1100.<br />
// O p h t h a l m O l O g y U p d a t e s p e c i a l e d i t i O n 2 0 0 6
Netto MV, Ambrosio R, Jr., Wilson SE. LASIK for hyperopia. In:<br />
Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ, eds. Cornea. 2nd ed. St.<br />
Louis; London: Elsevier Mosby, 2005. Volume 2. Chapter 160.<br />
p. 1967-1974.<br />
Traboulsi EI. Pediatric ophthalmology. In: McMillan JA, ed. Oski’s<br />
pediatrics : principles & practice. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott<br />
Williams & Wilkins, 2006. Chapter 128. p. 801-827.<br />
Lewis H, Schachat AP, Singh A. Non-Hodgkin’s (“Reticulum cell”)<br />
lymphoma. In: Ryan SJ, ed. Retina. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier<br />
Mosby, 2006. Volume 1. Chapter 50. p. 867-872.<br />
Traboulsi EI. <strong>Ophthalmology</strong> overview. In: Sabella C, Cunningham<br />
RJ, III, eds. The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> intensive review of pediatrics.<br />
2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.<br />
Chapter 62. p. 543-549.<br />
Bhattacharya SK, West KA, Gu X, Crabb JS, Renganathan K, Wu Z,<br />
Sun J, Crabb JW. Fractionation of retina for proteomic analyses.<br />
In: Smejkal GB, Lazarev A, eds. Separation methods in proteomics.<br />
Boca Raton: CRC Taylor & Francis, 2006. Chapter 10. p. 157-185.<br />
Bhattacharya SK, Crabb JS, Annangudi SP, West KA, Gu X, Sun J,<br />
Bonilha VL, Smejkal GB, Shadrach K, Hollyfield JG, Crabb JW.<br />
Optic nerve fractionation for proteomics. In: Smejkal GB, Lazarev A,<br />
eds. Separation methods in proteomics. Boca Raton: CRC Taylor &<br />
Francis, 2006. Chapter 9. p. 135-155.<br />
Moshfeghi DM, Lowder CY, Perez VL. Ocular manifestations of<br />
systemic disease. In: Stoller JK, Michota FA, Jr., Mandell BF, eds.<br />
The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> intensive review of internal medicine. 4th ed.<br />
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. Chapter 5.<br />
p. 55-69.<br />
BOOKs<br />
Azar DT, Camellin M, Yee RW, Ang RT, Jain S, Kato K, Lee JB,<br />
Krueger RR. LASEK, PRK, and excimer laser stromal surface<br />
ablation. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2005. 339 p.<br />
(Refractive Surgery).<br />
Friedman NJ, Kaiser PK, Trattler WB. Review of ophthalmology.<br />
Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, 2005. 390 p.<br />
Hollyfield JG, Anderson RE, LaVail MM. Retinal degenerative<br />
diseases. New York: Springer, 2006. 557 p. (Advances in<br />
Experimental Medicine and Biology ; v.572).<br />
Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI. Retinal imaging.<br />
Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2006. 614 p.<br />
r e s e a r c h<br />
Schachat AP, editor. Ryan’s Retina. Volume I: Tumors of the Retina,<br />
Choroid, and Vitreous. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier, 1989. [2nd<br />
Edition, 1994], [3rd Edition, 2000], [4th Edition, 2006].<br />
Schachat AP, Murphy RP, Patz A, editors. Ryan’s Retina. Volume II:<br />
Medical Retina. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier, 1989. [2nd Edition,<br />
1994], [3rd Edition, 2000], [4th Edition, 2006].<br />
Traboulsi EI. A compendium of inherited disorders and the eye.<br />
New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. 234 p.<br />
sERIAl (BOOK, mOnOGR ApH)<br />
Singh AD. Ophthalmic oncology. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2005<br />
(<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>s of North America 18(1):1-213.)<br />
c O l e e y e i n s t i t U t e c l e v e l a n d c l i n i c . O r g / e y e //
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Update</strong> // Special Edition 2006<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Update</strong>, a publication of The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong><br />
Cole Eye Institute, provides information for ophthalmologists<br />
about state-of-the-art diagnostic and management techniques<br />
and current research.<br />
The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Foundation is an independent, not-forprofit,<br />
multispecialty academic medical center. It is dedicated<br />
to providing quality specialized care and includes an outpatient<br />
clinic, a hospital with more than 1,000 available beds, an education<br />
division and a research Institute.<br />
<strong>Ophthalmology</strong> <strong>Update</strong> is written for physicians and should be<br />
relied upon for medical education purposes only. It does not<br />
provide a complete overview of the topics covered and should<br />
not replace the independent judgment of a physician about the<br />
appropriateness or risks of a procedure for a given patient.<br />
Physicians who wish to share this information with patients<br />
need to make them aware of any risks or potential complications<br />
associated with any procedures.<br />
© The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Foundation 2006<br />
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