943 Osceola Street, Gastonia, NC 28054 - Gaston County Schools

943 Osceola Street, Gastonia, NC 28054 - Gaston County Schools

943 Osceola Street, Gastonia, NC 28054 - Gaston County Schools


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Kevin Collier, Chairman<br />

David A. Phillips, Vice-Chairman<br />

Ruth Angel Kenny Lutz,<br />

Jr.<br />

Annette Carter Kemp A.<br />

Michael<br />

Jennifer P. Davis May G. Robinson<br />

<strong>943</strong> <strong>Osceola</strong> <strong>Street</strong>, <strong><strong>Gaston</strong>ia</strong>, <strong>NC</strong> <strong>28054</strong><br />

Monday, May 15, 2006<br />

7:00 p.m.<br />

AGENDA<br />

Page(s)<br />

I. Call to Order<br />

II. Invocation<br />

III. Pledge of Allegiance<br />

IV. Agenda Adoption - Action - ........................................................................... 2-4<br />

V. Good News - Information - ............................................................................ 6-13<br />

VI. Public Expression - Information- ................................................................ 15-16<br />

VII. Approval/Correction of Minutes - Action (5 Min.) ........................................... 18<br />

A. April 3, 2006 ............................................................................................ 19-26<br />

B. April 10, 2006 .......................................................................................... 27-32<br />

C. April 24, 2006........................................................................................... 33-39<br />

VIII. Ensure optimum student achievement by applying best educational and<br />

operational practices throughout the school system.<br />

A. Driver Education – Information (15 Min.) ..................................................... 41<br />

B. Appointment to the <strong>Gaston</strong> College Board of Trustees – Info. (5 Min.) .... 42-45<br />

C. Positive Behavior Support – Information (10 Min.) ........................................ 46<br />

D. Compass Learning – Information (10 Min.) ................................................... 47<br />

IX. Ensure optimum student achievement by applying best educational and<br />

operational practices throughout the school system.<br />

A. Approval to Issue 2006-2007 Purchase Orders – Action (5 Min.) ................. 50<br />

B. Interim Budget – 2006-2007 – Action (5 Min.) ......................................... 50-51<br />

C. Cash Management Plan – Action (5 Min.) ............................................... 52-58<br />

X. Consent Agenda - Action - (5 min.) ................................................................ 60<br />

(Consent item as follows will be adopted with a single motion, second vote, unless a<br />

request for removal from the Consent Agenda is heard from a Board Member.)<br />

A. Recommended Personnel ....................................................................... 49-53<br />

B. Budget Amendments and Budget Transfers ........................................... 54-63<br />

XI. Superintendent’s Comments<br />

XII. Closed Session – Personnel – N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(6)

XIII. Adjournment

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