February 2013 - Austrian Club

February 2013 - Austrian Club

February 2013 - Austrian Club


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Editor's Comments<br />

The New Year has truly started now. According to all the "NEWS FLASHES"<br />

flashing around, about Concerts, a special Soccer Event and Ski-Races, the<br />

New Year seems to be becoming an interesting one. Some of these News -<br />

flashes are sometimes sent out at very short notice because we receive<br />

them from the Embassy or Consulate so late. I have a suggestion to make:<br />

When you read the Newsletter or any other message, please have paper<br />

and pen handy and DIARIZE immediately what is of interest to you, that<br />

will save you a lot of time later on looking it up again or phoning around.<br />

I would like to say thank you very much to everybody who contributed<br />

prizes towards the Tombola in Jonkershoek and also to everybody else who<br />

contributed to the smooth running of the event.<br />

The profit of the Tombola for the club was R 2330.-<br />

We have a new Member<br />

NORBERT JETZER came from Jo'burg and retired in Somerset West.<br />

Some of you may have met him already in Betty's Bay or Jonkershoek.<br />

This announcement should have been in the December issue, but at the<br />

end of the year a lot of things are going upside down, sorry. I think,<br />

Norbert will bolster the ever dwindling group of Enziane.<br />

We wish him many happy hours in the A-<strong>Club</strong>.<br />

I would like to reiterate the fact that we again and again find important e-<br />

mails in the junk-mail section. I check up daily.<br />

The Swiss are organizing on the 10. <strong>February</strong> a "Waldfest" in Jonkershoek.<br />

There is a Bring and Braai, there will be Games , Drought Beer, the<br />

Hausmusik will play, etc. etc. etc. I congratulate our Swiss friends on<br />

keeping alive the old tradition from back home. Yes, I will attend.<br />

On the next page you see our President pleading for helpers for the<br />

various <strong>Austrian</strong> stalls at the Community Chest Carnival which is from:<br />

Wednesday 27. <strong>February</strong> to Saturday 2. March<br />

It is not only work, to help at one of the stalls, it is also fun. To put your<br />

name on the roster contact either:<br />

Denise Duitsman 082 457 4973 or denised@mweb.co.za<br />

Beate Pospech 082 551 8049 or beate@autosolsouthafrica.co.za

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