Application Security - An Inside Story - TCS

Application Security - An Inside Story - TCS

Application Security - An Inside Story - TCS


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Introduction<br />

Introducing application security is a great responsibility. Let me try.<br />

For the uninitiated this is about doing ‘everything’ to reduce the chances of the application from being<br />

breached. The ‘everything’ then of course fans out to various kinds of security assessments, reactive at<br />

large though. It takes time for the application owners to realize that a major portion of the effort can be<br />

reduced through proactive measures. The realization does not dawn easily and in most cases seen as<br />

unnecessary expenditure in dealing with something which has not happened yet!<br />

Those who are aware of the hustle and bustle of application security, will always come with their own<br />

opinion of how it should be done, they will force a tool and a certain kind of report customized to their<br />

requirement and if that’s not all, will also require a certification or warranty that the application has been<br />

secured and thereby breach-proof!<br />

However from a security group’s perspective it is probably neither. I’ll come back to my favorite ‘building a<br />

house’ analogy. To secure a house which has been in existence for about 2-3 years and where the ecosystem<br />

around it is constantly changing, it is not a one-day job. You have to analyze and visualize the<br />

possible threats and then see what can be done. You have to invite pseudo robbers (i.e. ethical burglars-)<br />

and see what they have to tell you about how easy or difficult it was to break into your house. (Ah! The<br />

black-box mode) or invite another set of experts to look at the inside of your house, look at potential<br />

articles inside which could provoke a burglary. (Ah! The white box mode)<br />

Securing an application is a continuous activity and is not confined to any pre-defined set of activities, at<br />

best you are thwarting a set of rookies from attacking your application, you are never far off from being<br />

attacked by a pro who might have a specific agenda or otherwise! There is not anything full-proof so far<br />

and probably, there will never be but a current application security assessment will at least ensure that<br />

you have taken care of some of the most fundamental loopholes in your application. Looking at high<br />

application breaches in the last 5 years and the type of attacks exercised, it is worth the effort to ensure<br />

that applications go through this fundamental scanning (Ah! The black box mode again!)<br />

Who Needs it and When?<br />

Great! Finally we have arrived at the age old consumer-provider story. Let us find out who needs<br />

application security and who is providing it? Or who should provide it?<br />

There are a lot of stakeholders to an application.<br />

n<br />

n<br />

n<br />

n<br />

n<br />

Owner/Sponsor<br />

Developer<br />

Data Modeler<br />

Database administrator<br />

Server administrator<br />


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