Eble JN, Sauter G., Epstein JI, Sesterhenn IA - iarc

Eble JN, Sauter G., Epstein JI, Sesterhenn IA - iarc

Eble JN, Sauter G., Epstein JI, Sesterhenn IA - iarc


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A<br />

Fig. 4.69 Androgen insensitivity syndrome. A Sertoli - Leydig cell hamartomas in androgen insensitivity<br />

syndrome (AIS). B Sertoli cell hamartoma in center and nodular Leydig cell proliferation.<br />

masses can be multiple and bilateral<br />

and, as the name implies, are characterized<br />

by large areas of calcification which<br />

are readily seen by ultrasound {410,873}.<br />

Calcifications will app`ear as brightly<br />

echogenic foci, which block the transmission<br />

of sound (posterior acoustic<br />

Fig. 4.70 Sertoli cell tumour. Longitudinal ultrasound<br />

image of the testis shows a small well<br />

defined mass (arrow). It is slightly heterogeneous<br />

with small cysts (anechoic areas) within it.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

shadowing). This diagnosis is strongly<br />

suggested when calcified testicular<br />

masses are identified in the pediatric<br />

age group.<br />

Macroscopy<br />

Most tumours present as spherical or<br />

Fig. 4.71 Sertoli cell tumour of the testis.<br />

Fig. 4.72 A Large cell calcified Sertoli cell tumour shows bilateral, brightly echogenic masses with posterior<br />

acoustic shadowing (arrow). B Sertoli cell tumour. Large cell calcified Sertoli cell tumour. This case was<br />

malignant; note focus of yellow necrosis.<br />

B<br />

lobulated, well circumscribed masses,<br />

varying in size from 1 cm to more than 20<br />

cm in diameter. The average size of<br />

tumours recorded in the largest series of<br />

60 cases is 3.5 cm {2894}. On cross section<br />

the tumours appear tan-yellow or<br />

greyish white. Foci of haemorrhage may<br />

be seen. Necrosis is typically not evident.<br />

Sertoli cell tumours NOS are always unilateral.<br />

Tumours in patients with Peutz-<br />

Jeghers syndrome may be bilateral,<br />

and some large cell calcifying Sertoli<br />

cell tumours on record were also bilateral<br />

{1391}.<br />

Histopathology<br />

Tumour cells have oval, round, or elongated<br />

nuclei, and the nucleoli are not<br />

overtly prominent. Nuclear grooves and<br />

inclusions are usually not seen. The cytoplasm<br />

may be pale eosinophilic or clear<br />

and vacuolated due to lipids. In some<br />

instances the cytoplasm of tumour cells<br />

is prominently eosinophilic. Overall the<br />

cells appear bland and uniform. Mild<br />

nuclear pleomorphism and atypia is<br />

found in a minority of cases. Mitoses are<br />

uncommon and most cases contain<br />

fewer than 5 mitoses per ten high power<br />

fields. An increased number of mitotic<br />

figures (>5 per HPF) may be found in<br />

about 15% of cases, but in itself this finding<br />

should not be considered to be a<br />

sign of malignancy.<br />

The tumour cells are typically arranged<br />

into tubules surrounded by a basement<br />

membrane. These tubules may be solid<br />

or hollow with a central lumen.<br />

Furthermore, tumour cells may form retiform<br />

and tubular-glandular structures.<br />

Some tumours consist predominantly of<br />

solid sheets and nodules, but even in<br />

such neoplasms, well developed or<br />

abortive tubules are usually also present.<br />

The stroma between the tubules, cords<br />

and cell nests is fibrotic and moderately<br />

cellular to acellular and hyalinized. The<br />

hyalinized stroma contains often dilated<br />

blood vessels and may be markedly<br />

oedematous. Inflammatory cells are typically<br />

absent. Minor calcifications can be<br />

found in about 10% of cases, but occasional<br />

tumours may show more prominent<br />

deposits.<br />

Immunoprofile<br />

Sertoli cell tumours NOS stain with antibodies<br />

to vimentin (90%) and cytokeratins<br />

(80%) and to a variable extent with<br />

antibodies to inhibin (40%), and S100<br />

Sex cord / gonadal stromal tumours 253

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