Part 1 - Information Management
Part 1 - Information Management
Part 1 - Information Management
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Transformation: Corporate Development and IT<br />
<strong>Part</strong> 1<br />
Corporate Development – Introduction and Motivation<br />
Thomas Gutzwiller<br />
July 28, 2009
Contact<br />
• Office GW<strong>Part</strong>ner:<br />
Thomas Gutzwiller, <strong>Part</strong>ner<br />
GW<strong>Part</strong>ner AG – Gutzwiller Wachsmann <strong>Part</strong>ner<br />
Rehweidstrasse 4, CH-9010 St. Gallen<br />
Tel. 071 / 250 14 60<br />
Mail<br />
Web<br />
• Office Executive School University of St. Gallen:<br />
Thomas Gutzwiller, Director<br />
Executive School of <strong>Management</strong>, Technology and Law (ES-HSG)<br />
Executive Education Campus University of St. Gallen,<br />
Holzstrasse 15, CH-9010 St. Gallen<br />
Tel. 071 / 224 75 03<br />
Mail<br />
Web<br />
| Thomas Gutzwiller - Transformation<br />
| <strong>Part</strong> 1<br />
Abstract of the Lecture<br />
The lecture treats the main challenges of business transformation and<br />
the alignment of corporate development and IT activities.<br />
It presents a holistic approach to business transformation projects by<br />
introducing an integrated model dealing with three main design areas<br />
“strategy”, “processes” and “information systems” and applying this<br />
model to various case studies.<br />
| Thomas Gutzwiller - Transformation<br />
| <strong>Part</strong> 1<br />
Content of the Lecture<br />
The globalization of the world leads to an increasingly faster pace in<br />
business transformation. Enterprises have to adapt faster and even<br />
faster to the environmental changes in a global economy to remain<br />
competitive and to make sure they stay in business.<br />
In today’s information age this does not only mean to adapt business<br />
strategy and business processes but also to adapt information<br />
systems to the new circumstances. The fast adaptation trough large<br />
scale corporate transformation projects that change strategy, business<br />
processes and information systems is critical to ensure<br />
competitiveness for tomorrow.<br />
The introduction of new business processes and information systems<br />
typically takes years in very complex large scale projects. Many<br />
projects fail because of insufficient alignment between decision<br />
makers in business and IT. Unclear understanding of the overall project<br />
scope, undefined roles and responsibilities, unclear project processes,<br />
quality problems and resistance to change are some typical problems<br />
found in such projects.<br />
| Thomas Gutzwiller - Transformation<br />
| <strong>Part</strong> 1<br />
Structure of the Lecture<br />
The lecture is subdivided into following modules:<br />
• Corporate development – introduction and motivation (<strong>Part</strong> 1),<br />
• Parallelization of corporate development and complexity reduction<br />
(<strong>Part</strong> 2),<br />
• Planning process and project portfolio management in corporate<br />
development (<strong>Part</strong> 3),<br />
• <strong>Management</strong> of large scale projects – integration of strategy,<br />
processes and information systems development (<strong>Part</strong> 4),<br />
• Quality management in large scale projects (<strong>Part</strong> 5),<br />
• Project management in large scale projects (<strong>Part</strong> 6),<br />
• Change management within large scale projects (<strong>Part</strong> 7).<br />
The lecture is accompanied by five case studies that are used to<br />
exemplify the contents of the lecture by applying the concepts to real<br />
situations in corporate life.<br />
| Thomas Gutzwiller - Transformation<br />
| <strong>Part</strong> 1<br />
Goals of the Lecture<br />
The goal of the lecture is to understand the main challenges of<br />
corporate transformation and to demonstrate the application of a<br />
holistic project procedure model for corporate transformation projects<br />
with special emphasis on the alignment of business and IT.<br />
The course participant should understand and be able to explain<br />
• the main reasons for corporate transformation,<br />
• the relevant management processes to manage corporate<br />
transformation,<br />
• the interdependencies between strategy, processes and information<br />
systems, especially how this three levels interrelate,<br />
• the critical success factors for the successful accomplishment of large<br />
scale corporate transformation projects,<br />
• the main instruments of project, quality and change management and<br />
• the different types of resulting IT projects.<br />
| Thomas Gutzwiller - Transformation<br />
| <strong>Part</strong> 1<br />
Case Studies<br />
• Western Federal Banks (in <strong>Part</strong> 1)<br />
• Entertainment Equipment Distribution D/A/CH (in <strong>Part</strong> 2)<br />
• German World Airlines (in <strong>Part</strong> 2)<br />
• Rotor Gourmet (in <strong>Part</strong> 3)<br />
• Bank Lione (in <strong>Part</strong> 4)<br />
| Thomas Gutzwiller - Transformation<br />
| <strong>Part</strong> 1<br />
Literature (optional)<br />
• "Corporate Transformation and Restructuring. A Strategic Approach",<br />
Abbas F. Alkhafaji, 2001<br />
• "Project <strong>Management</strong>, A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling<br />
and Controlling", 2003<br />
• " Corporate Development", Siegwart, H., Mahari, J. (Hrsg.), 1999<br />
• "Leading Corporate Transformation", Robert H. Miles, 1997<br />
• "Corporate Comeback", Robert H. Miles (Gil Amelio), 1996,<br />
• "The Ten Keys to Successful Change <strong>Management</strong>", John Pendlebury,<br />
Benoit Grouard, Francis Meston, 1998.<br />
• "Projektmanagement ", Jenny, B., 2003<br />
| Thomas Gutzwiller - Transformation<br />
| <strong>Part</strong> 1<br />