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NAME<br />

Dr. Peter Probst<br />

Department of Art History & Department of Anthropology<br />

<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

11 Talbot Avenue; Medford, MA 02155<br />

Phone: 617 627 2939 (office)<br />

617 480 4820 (home)<br />

Fax: 617 627 3890<br />

e-mail: peter.probst@tufts.edu<br />


Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Anthropology, 2001. <strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth, Germany<br />

Ph.D. in Anthropology, 1990. Free <strong>University</strong> Berlin, Germany<br />

M.Phil. in Anthropology, 1984. <strong>University</strong> of Cambridge, England<br />

M.A. in Anthropology, 1983. Free <strong>University</strong> Berlin, Germany<br />


2012 – present Full Professor, Chair, Department of Art History, <strong>Tufts</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

2011 – present Full Professor, Department of Art History, Adjunct Professor,<br />

Department of Anthropology, <strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2005 – 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Art History, Adjunct Associate<br />

Professor, Department of Anthropology, <strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong>

2<br />

1999 – 2004 Associate Professor, Iwalewa-Haus, Center for African Art,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth<br />

2000 – 2001 Visiting Professor, Frobenius Institute, Johann Wolfgang von<br />

Goe<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Frankfurt a.M.<br />

1993 – 1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Free <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Berlin<br />

1994 – 1998 Research Associate, Institute of Social Research, Chancellor<br />

College, <strong>University</strong> of Malawi, Zomba<br />

1991 – 1993 Assistant Curator, Museum of Ethnology, Berlin (MSPK)<br />

1985 – 1987 Research Associate, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific<br />

Research (MESRES), Yaoundé, Cameroon<br />


2012 2012 Nigerian Studies book award for “Osogbo and <strong>the</strong> Art of<br />

Heritage”<br />

2011 – 2013 <strong>Tufts</strong> Collaborates Award “Media Aes<strong>the</strong>tics”, Principal Investigator<br />

2010 <strong>Tufts</strong> Humanities Center, Faculty Fellowship<br />

2010 <strong>Tufts</strong> Tisch College, Faculty Fellowship<br />

2010 <strong>Tufts</strong> Faculty Research Grant (“The Canaletto View. Heritage Trouble<br />

in Dresden”)<br />

2009 CELT Faculty Fellow, <strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2008 Senior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Cultural Studies, (IFK), Vienna,<br />

Austria<br />

2007 Professorship (W2), <strong>University</strong> of Frankfurt a.M, offered but declined<br />

2006 – 2007 Research Grant / FRAC (“The Art of Heritage in Nigeria”), <strong>Tufts</strong><br />


3<br />

2003 Conference Grant (“Local Vitality and <strong>the</strong> Globalization of <strong>the</strong> Local”)<br />

African Studies Center, <strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth & German Research<br />

Council (DFG)<br />

2002 – 2005 Research Grant (“Kunstwelten in Interaktion”), German Research<br />

Council (DFG)<br />

2002 Conference Grant (“A Passion for Difference”), African Studies<br />

Center, <strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth & German Research Council (DFG)<br />

2000 – 2002 Research Grant (“Imagination, Äs<strong>the</strong>tische Praxis und Globale<br />

Kunstwelt in Afrika”), German Research Council (DFG)<br />

2000 Colloquium Grant (“Negotiating Modernity in Africa”), Johann<br />

Wolfgang Goe<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Frankfurt<br />

1999 Conference Grant (“Media, Mediality and Imagination.<br />

Interdisciplinary Perspectives”), <strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth, Institute of<br />

African Studies<br />

1998 Lecture Series (“African Modernities”), Thyssen Stiftung<br />

1996 – 1998 Post-Doctoral Scholarship / Habilitation (“Nyau Maskenbünde in<br />

Zentralmalawi”), German Research Council (DFG)<br />

1987 – 1990 Doctoral Scholarship (“Text im Kontext: Schriftlichkeit im Grasland<br />

von Kamerun), German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung)<br />

1984 – 1986 Scholarship and Travel Grant, German Academic Exchange Program<br />

(DAAD)<br />

1984 Travel Grant, Girton College, Cambridge, England<br />


Books<br />

Monographs<br />

2011 Osogbo and <strong>the</strong> Art of Heritage. Monuments, Deities, and Money.<br />

Bloomington: Indiana <strong>University</strong> Press

4<br />

2005 Kalumbas Fest. Lokalität, Geschichte und Rituelle Praxis. Berlin: Lit<br />

1992 Schrift, Staat und Symbolisches Kapital bei den Wimbum im Grasland von<br />

Kamerun. Berlin: Lit<br />

Edited Volumes<br />

2012 Iconoclash in <strong>the</strong> Age of Heritage. African Arts, Vol. 45, No. 3<br />

2008 Visual Publics, Critical Interventions. Journal of African Art History and Visual<br />

Culture. Vol 1, No. 2<br />

Co-Edited Volumes<br />

2009 Hybrid Heritage. Special Issue of African Arts, Vol. 42, No. 4 (co-edited with<br />

Ferdinand de Jong)<br />

2004 Between Resistance and Expansion. Münster / Berlin / Rochester: Lit &<br />

Transaction Publishers (co-edited with Gerd Spittler)<br />

2002 African Modernities. Entangled Meanings, Current Debate. Oxford / New York:<br />

James Currey (co-edited with Jan Georg Deutsch and Heike Schmidt)<br />

Brochures<br />

1992 Der Dekorierte Körper. Dimensionen der Tätowierung in der Südsee<br />

Berlin: SMPK<br />

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals<br />

In print Bedürfnis zur Beachtung: Ikonoklasmus, afrikanisches Kulturerbe und<br />

Bildökonomie. Paideuma. Vol. 59<br />

In print (World)Heritage and <strong>the</strong> Values of Exchange. A Nigerian Case Study. History<br />

Compass. Vol. 11<br />

In print Determining Value and <strong>the</strong> Politics of Presence. African Arts, Vol. 46/2<br />

2012 Iconoclash in <strong>the</strong> Age of Heritage. African Arts, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 10-13<br />

2011 Revisiting Osogbo – Religion, Media, and Control in a Nigerian Heritage<br />

Site. Critical Interventions. Journal of African Art History and Visual Culture, Vol.<br />

7, 65-83<br />

2010 Roundtable Contemporary African Art History and <strong>the</strong> Scholarship. NKA. Journal<br />

of Contemporary African Art. No. 24, pp. 80-151

2010 Troubled Waters. On Ownership and O<strong>the</strong>rness. African Arts, Vol. 43/2, pp. 7-9<br />

2009a Yoruba Heritage as Project, Reau<strong>the</strong>nticating <strong>the</strong> Osun Grove in Osogbo,<br />

Nigeria. African Arts, Vol. 42/4, pp. 24-37<br />

2009b Modernism against Modernity. A Tribute to Susanne Wenger. Critical<br />

Interventions, Journal of African Art History and Visual Culture, No.3/4, 245-255<br />

2009c Mixed Media. Journal of Material Religion, Vol. 5/2, pp 229-230<br />

2008 A Matter of Mimicry: Visual Publics. Critical Interventions, Journal of African Art<br />

History and Visual Culture, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 2-7<br />

2007 An African Journey. Cultural Heritage and <strong>the</strong> Popularity of Primitivism. RES,<br />

Journal of Anthropology and Comparative Aes<strong>the</strong>tics, Vol. 52, pp. 153-161<br />

2006 Weltkulturerbe als Exportschlager. Lettre International, No. 74, pp. 124-125<br />

2005 Between and Betwixt. African Studies in Germany. Africa Spectrum, Vol. 30, No.<br />

3, pp. 403-427<br />

2004 Keeping <strong>the</strong> Goddess Alive: Performing Culture and Remembering <strong>the</strong> Past in<br />

Osogbo, Nigeria. Social Analysis, Vol. 48, pp. 32-54<br />

2002a Expansion and Enclosure. Ritual Landscapes and <strong>the</strong> Politics of Space in<br />

Central Malawi. Journal of Sou<strong>the</strong>rn African Studies Vol. 28, pp. 178-196<br />

2002b Kalumbas Tänzer und Malandas Zorn. Polyzentrische Öffentlichkeit und die<br />

Kraft des Performativen in Zentralmalawi. Paideuma. Vol. 48, pp. 135-143<br />

2000 Picture Dance. Reflections on Nyau Image and Experience. Iwalewa Forum,<br />

Vol. 3/1, pp. 17-32<br />

1999 Mchape 95 or <strong>the</strong> Sudden Fame of Billy Goodson Chisupe: On Healing, Social<br />

Memory and <strong>the</strong> Enigma of <strong>the</strong> Public Sphere in Post-Banda-Malawi. Africa, Vol.<br />

69/1, pp. 108-137<br />

1998 Auf der Suche nach dem Publikum. Prolegomena zu einer Anthropologie der<br />

Öffentlichkeit im Subsaharischen Afrika. Paragrana. Vol. 7, pp. 291-305<br />

1997 Danser le Sida: Nyau Performances et Chewa Culture Populaire dans le Centre<br />

du Malawi. In: A. Ricard & M. Agier (eds.) Les Arts de la Rue dans les Sociétés<br />

du Sud, Autrepart (Cahiers des Sciences Humaines, Nouvelle Série); Vol. 1/1,<br />

pp. 91-112<br />

1996a Arbeit am Körper. Anthropos, Vol. 91/1, pp. 225-229<br />

1996b Malinowskis Pendelschlag. Historische Anthropologie, Vol 4/1, pp. 471-475<br />

1994 Omais Erben: Polynesische Variationen über die Äs<strong>the</strong>tik des Lokalen im<br />

Globalen. Historische Anthropologie, Vol. 2/1, pp. 87-106<br />

1993 Über das ethnologische Interesse am Traum. Anmerkungen zu einer verlorenen<br />

Neugier. Anthropos, Vol. 88/1, pp. 153-162<br />

1992 Die Macht der Schrift. Zum ethnologischen Diskurs über eine populäre<br />

Denkfigur. Anthropos, Vol. 87, pp. 167-179<br />


6<br />

1991 Comment on Crane’s "Composing Culture".Current Anthropology, Vol. 32, pp.<br />

307-308<br />

1990b Schrift, Schriftlichkeit, Verschriftlichung. Ergebnisse und Perspektiven eines<br />

ethnologischen Forschungsfeldes. Kodikas/Code, Vol. 13, pp. 21-39<br />

1990a Patterns of Control. On Medicine, Politics and Social Change among <strong>the</strong><br />

Wimbum, Cameroon Grassfields. Anthropos, Vol. 85, pp. 447-454<br />

1989 The Letter and <strong>the</strong> Spirit. Literacy and Religious Authority in <strong>the</strong> History of <strong>the</strong><br />

Aladura Movement in Western Nigeria. Africa, 59/4, pp. 477-495<br />

1988 Beobachtung und Methode. Johann Stanislaus Kubary als Reisender und<br />

Ethnograph im Spiegel seiner Briefe an Adolph Bastian. Baessler Archiv, Vol.<br />

31, pp. 23-56<br />

Chapters in Edited Volumes<br />

fc The Gifts of <strong>the</strong> Goddess. World Heritage and <strong>the</strong> Values of Exchange in<br />

Nigeria: In: Christoph Brumann & David Berliner (eds.) World Heritage from <strong>the</strong><br />

Ground. New York: Routledge<br />

in print Remixing Heritage. How <strong>the</strong> Grove of a Nigerian River Deity became a<br />

UNESCO World Heritage Site. In: Thomas Gensheimer & Celeste Guichard<br />

(eds.) World Heritage and National Registers in Perspective. <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Ottawa Press<br />

in print From Iconoclasm to Heritage. The Osogbo Art School and <strong>the</strong> Dynamics of<br />

Modernism in Nigeria, In Monica Visona & Gitti Salami (eds.)<br />

A Companion to Modern African Art. A Reader. Malden, MA: Wiley & Blackwel<br />

in print Afrikanische Moderne im Zeichen der Dekolonisierung: Anyanwu von Ben<br />

Enwonwu. In: Martin Schulz & Kirstin Marek (eds.), Kanon<br />

Kunstgeschichte. München C.H. Beck<br />

2010 Die Stimmung von Osogbo. Kulturerbe als Politik von Präsenz. In:<br />

Doro<strong>the</strong>a Schulz & Jochen Seebode (Hg.) Spiegel und Prisma. Festschrift für<br />

Ute Luig. Berlin: Argument Verlag, pp. 252-266<br />

2008 The Modernity of Heritage. In: Vincent Houben & Mona Schrempf<br />

(eds.) Figurations of Modernity. Global and Local Representations in<br />

Comparative Perspectives. Frankfurt: Campus, pp. 155-178<br />

2007a Picturing <strong>the</strong> Past. Heritage, Photography, and <strong>the</strong> Politics of Appearance in<br />

a Yoruba Town. In: M. Rowlands & F. de Jong (eds.). Reclaiming Heritage.<br />

Alternative Imaginaries of Memory. Oxford: Berg, pp. 99-125<br />

2007b Betwixt and Between. African Studies in Germany. In: Paul Zeleza (ed.). The<br />

Study of Africa. Vol. II, Dakar & Michigan: Codesria & <strong>University</strong> of Michigan<br />

Press, pp. 157-297

2005 Medien, Grenzen, Öffentlichkeit. Für ein relationales Verständnis des<br />

Lokalen. In: R. Loimeier et al. (eds.) Globalisierung und Lokales Handeln.<br />

Münster: Lit Verlag, pp. 175-208<br />

2004a From an Anthropology of Astonishment to a Critique of Anthropology's<br />

Common Sense (toge<strong>the</strong>r with Gerd Spittler). In: P. Probst & G. Spittler (eds.),<br />

Between Resistance and Expansion. Explorations of Local Vitality in Africa.<br />

Münster, Rochester: Lit & Transaction Publishers, pp. 1-24<br />

2004b Vital Politics. History and Heritage in Osogbo, Nigeria. In: P. Probst & G.<br />

Spittler (ed.), Between Resistance and Expansion. Explorations of Local<br />

Vitality in Africa. Münster, Rochester: Lit & Transaction Publishers, pp. 279-<br />

298<br />

2002 Entangled Meanings, Cherished Visions. In: G. Deutsch, P. Probst & H.<br />

Schmidt (eds.). African Modernities. Entangled Meanings and Current<br />

Debate. Oxford/New York: J. Currey & Heinemann, pp. 1-17<br />

2001a Traumwerk, Bildwerk, Kunstwerk: Visualität und äs<strong>the</strong>tische Praxis in<br />

Osogbo, Nigeria. In: B. Schnepel (Hrsg.) 100 Jahre Traumforschung:<br />

Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Köln: Köppe Verlag, pp. 178-197<br />

2001b Bild als Weltbild. Zentrale Verschiebungen in einem marginalen Thema. In: H.<br />

Behrend (Hrsg.) Geist, Bild, Narr. Zu einer Ethnologie der Konversionen.<br />

Festschrift für Fritz Kramer. Berlin: Philo, pp. 207-223.<br />

1999a Körperbild und Körperkultur. In: G. Koch et. al. (Hrsg.) Ohne Körper Geht<br />

Nichts. Ein Theorie-Praxis Hand Buch für Theater und Pädagogik. Berlin &<br />

Mielow: Schibri, pp.90-102<br />

1999b Von der Somatischen Wende zum Äs<strong>the</strong>tischen Aufbruch: Neues von der<br />

Körperfront. In: G. Koch et al. (Hrsg.) Ohne Körper geht Nichts. Berlin &<br />

Mielow: Schibri, pp. 51-61<br />

1998 Imagination und Repräsentation: Variationen indigener Ethnographie in<br />

Malawi. In: H. Behrend & T. Geider (Hrsg.) Afrikaner Schreiben Zurück. Köln:<br />

R. Köppe, pp. 81-103<br />

1993 The Letter and <strong>the</strong> Spirit. In: B. Street (ed.) Cross-Cultural Approaches to<br />

Literacy. Cambridge; Cambridge <strong>University</strong> Press, pp. 198-220<br />

1988 Medicine as a Political Category. The Case of <strong>the</strong> Wimbum in <strong>the</strong> Cameroon<br />

Grassfields. In: P. Nkwi (ed.) Ethnomedical Systems in Sub-Sahara Africa.<br />

Leiden: African Studies Center, 219-231<br />

1987 Randbemerkungen und empirische Notizen zum Thema Verschriftlichung. In:<br />

J. Friedrichs (Hrsg.) Technik und Sozialer Wandel, Beiträge zum 23.<br />

Deutschen Soziologentag. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 33-37<br />

1984 Herrschaft und Fremdherrschaft. In: F. Kramer et al. Bikini oder die<br />

Bombardierung der Engel. Frankfurt a.M: Syndikat, pp. 29-45<br />


8<br />

Chapters in Catalogues<br />

2012 Lagos – Oshodi. Inspecting an Urban Icon. In: Kerstin Pinter et al. (eds.)<br />

Afropolis. Köln: Walter König (English translation from 2010 catalogue)_<br />

2010 Lagos-Oshodi. Zur Inspektion einer Urbanen Ikone. In: Kerstin Pinter et al.<br />

(eds.) Afropolis. Köln: Walter König, 138-143<br />

2004 Schrecken und Staunen. Nyau Masken der Chewa im Kontext der Konjunktur<br />

des Okkulten und der Medialisierung des Schreckens. In: Tobias Wendl<br />

(ed.) Africa Screams. Das Böse in Kino, Kunst und Kult. Wuppertal:<br />

Peter Hammer, pp. 115-125<br />

2003 Differenz und Schaulust. Zur Sexualisierung des Sehens bei Twins Seven<br />

Seven, Rotimi Fani Kayodé und Yinka Shonibare. In: K. Schaefer (ed.)<br />

Sexualität und Tod. Afrikanische Kunst und AIDS . Köln: Kunst Verlag, pp.<br />

26-38<br />

2002 Osogbo oder das Wunder der Wandlung. In: Tobias Wendl (ed.) Afrikanische<br />

Reklamekunst. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer, pp. 83-93<br />

1995 Die Moral von Mchape: Erinnerung, Kult und Krise in Malawi. In: H.<br />

Wilderotter. (Hrsg.) Das Große Sterben. Seuchen machen Geschichte. Berlin:<br />

Jovis, pp. 234-249<br />

1993 Im Zeichen der Körper: Tradition und Politik im gegenwärtigen Polynesien. In:<br />

M. Schindlbeck (Hrsg.) Von Kokos zu Plastik. Kulturen der Südsee im<br />

Wandel. Berlin: SMPK, pp. 49-66<br />

Encyclopedia Entries<br />

2005 Zeitgenössische Kunst in Afrika. In: Brockhaus. Kunst der Welt. Mannheim:<br />

VBI. pp. 542-559<br />

2001a Krankheit und Heilung. In: E. Maabe (ed.) Afrikalexikon, Stuttgart:: Kröner<br />

Verlag, pp. 617-619.<br />

2001b Traum. In: E. Maabe (ed.) Afrikalexikon, Stuttgart: Kröner Verlag, p. 647.<br />

2001c Siegfried Nadel. Foundations of Social Anthropology. In: C. Feest & K.H. Kohl<br />

(ed.) Hauptwerke der Ethnologie, Stuttgart: Kröner, p. 337-341<br />

2000 Mischung und Moderne. In: B. Streck (Hrsg.) Wörterbuch der Ethnologie.<br />

Wuppertal: Peter Hammer, pp. 156-160<br />


2010 Sidney Kasfir, African Art and <strong>the</strong> Colonial Encounter. Bloomington<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Indiana Press. Journal of African History, Vol. 51/1, pp. 104-105<br />

2008 Arnd Schneider & Chris Wright (eds.) Contemporary Art and Anthropology.<br />

London/New York: Berg. Anthropos Vol. 103, pp. 287-288<br />

2007 African Comics. An Exhibition at <strong>the</strong> Studio Museum in Harlem. African Arts,<br />

Vol. 40, pp. 88-89<br />

2005 K.H. Kohl. 2003. Die Macht der Dinge. Geschichte und Theorie Sakraler<br />

Objekte. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Vol. 71, pp. 291-293<br />

2004a F. Ginsburg, L. Abu Lughod, & Larkin, B.(eds.) 2002. Media Worlds.<br />

Anthropos, Vol. 98,pp. 342-342<br />

2004b S.M. Low, & D. Lawrence-Zuniga (eds.) 2003. Anthropology of Space and<br />

Place: Locating Culture. Anthropos Vol. 98, pp. 356-357<br />

2002 M. Felix and M. Jordan. 1997. Mask Characters of <strong>the</strong> Upper Zambezi.<br />

Anthropos, Vol. 97, pp. 574-575<br />

2001 J. & J. Comaroff (eds.) 1999. Civil Society and <strong>the</strong> Political Imagination of<br />

Africa, Anthropos, Vol.96, pp. 457-458<br />

2000a J. Fabian. 1998. Moments of Freedom. Anthropology and Popular Culture.<br />

Anthropos Vol. 95, pp. 257-258<br />

2000b Z.S. Stro<strong>the</strong>r 1998. Inventing <strong>the</strong> Mask. Agency and History in <strong>the</strong> Art of <strong>the</strong><br />

Central Pende. Anthropos, Vol. 95, 645-646<br />

1999 J. Weintraub &. K. Kumar (eds).1997 Public and Private. Anthropos, Vol. 94,<br />

pp. 640-641<br />

1998a L. Birch de Aguilar.1996. Inscribing <strong>the</strong> Mask. Interpretation of Nyau Masks<br />

and Ritual Performance among <strong>the</strong> Chewa in Central Malawi. Anthropos, Vol.<br />

93, pp. 233-235<br />

1998 D. Parkin, L. Caplan & H. Fisher (eds.) 1996. The Politics of Cultural<br />

Performance. Anthropos, Vol. 93, pp. 267-268<br />

1994a B. Turner 1992. Regulating Bodies. Anthropos, Vol. 89/2, p. 631<br />

1994b M. Lock and S. Lindenbaum (eds.) 1993. Knowledge, Power and Practice. In:<br />

Anthropos, Vol. 89/2, p 632<br />

1993a D.B. Gewertz and F.K. Errington. 1992. Twisted Histories and Altered<br />

Contexts: Representing <strong>the</strong> Chambri in a World System. Zeitschrift für<br />

Ethnologie, Vol.118, pp. 129-130<br />

1993b M.C. Jedrei & R. Shaw. 1992. Dreaming, Religion and Society in Africa.<br />

Anthropos, Vol. 88/2 , pp. 291-293<br />

1993c. Kunst und Körper. Tatauierung in der Südsee. Museums Journal, Vol. 7/1, pp.<br />

31-34<br />

1992 R. Dillon 199O. Ranking and Resistance: A precolonial Cameroonian Polity in<br />

Regional practice. Africa, Vol. 88, p. 195 (review)<br />


10<br />

1991a M.W. Delancey. 1989. Cameroon - Dependence and Independence In: Africa,<br />

Vol. 61 /2, p. 312<br />

1991b P. Geschiere and P. Konings (eds.) 1989. On <strong>the</strong> Political Economy of<br />

Cameroon. Historical Perspectives. Africa, Vol. 61/2, p. 194<br />

1989a A. Henn. 1988. Reisen in Vergangene Gegenwart. Geschichte und<br />

Geschichtlichkeit der Nichteuropäer im Denken des 19. Jahrhunderts.<br />

Mundus, Vol. 25/2, pp. 116-117<br />

1989b C. Marx. 1988. Völker ohne Schrift und Geschichte. Zur Historischen<br />

Erfassung des vorkolonialen Schwarzafrikas in der deutschen Forschung des<br />

19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. Mundus. Vol. 25/3, pp. 202-203<br />

1989c C. Geary. 1988. Images from Bamum. German Colonial Photography at <strong>the</strong><br />

Court of King Nyoja, Cameroon, Westafrica, 1902-1915. Tribus, Vol. 38, pp.<br />

174-175<br />

Working Papers, Interviews, Reports, etc.<br />

2003a Interview with Michael Lambek, NAB Newsletter of African Studies at<br />

Bayreuth <strong>University</strong>, Vol. 2/2, pp. 6-9.<br />

2003b Interview with Ulf Hannerz. NAB Newsletter of African Studies at Bayreuth<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Vol. 2/1, pp. 6-9.<br />

2002a Interview with Frederick Cooper. NAB Newsletter of African Studies at<br />

Bayreuth <strong>University</strong>, Vol. 1/2, pp. 6-9.<br />

2002b Interview with Jean and John Comaroff. NAB Newsletter of African Studies at<br />

Bayreuth <strong>University</strong>, Vol. 1/1, pp. 4-7.<br />

1998 Afrikanische Moderne(n) – Bericht über eine Veranstaltungsreihe an der<br />

Humboldt-Universität", Humboldt-Spektrum, Bd. 5/4, pp. 24-29<br />

1995 Moral Discourses and Ritual Authority in Central Malawi. Sozialanthropologische<br />

Arbeitspapiere, Nr. 66, Berlin: Das Arabische Buch , pp. 1-16<br />

1993 Kunst und Körper. Tatauierung in der Südsee. Museums Journal SMPK, Vol.<br />

7/1, pp. 31-34<br />

1991 Schrift, Kultur, Schriftkultur. Ergebnisse und Perspektiven eines ethnologischen<br />

Forschungsfeldes. Sozialanthropologische Arbeitspapiere, Nr. 35, Berlin: Das<br />

Arabische Buch , pp. 1-15<br />

1987 The Letter and The Spirit. Literacy and Religious Authority in <strong>the</strong> History of <strong>the</strong><br />

Aladura Movement. Sozialanthropologische Arbeitspapiere, Nr. 4, Berlin: Das<br />

Arabische Buch , pp. 1-18

11<br />

Exhibitions<br />

2006 Cross-Currents in Recent Video Installation: Water as a Metaphor for Identity<br />

(co-curated with Pamella Alara and Amy Schlegel), travelled to Harn Museum.<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainesville<br />

2003 Spuren des Heiligen. Fotografische Pigmentdrucke von Lukas Werth<br />

Iwalewa Haus, <strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth<br />

2000. Fabulous Beasts. Masked Portraits of Douglas Curran. Iwalewa Haus, <strong>University</strong><br />

of Bayreuth<br />

1993 Von Kokos zu Plastik. Kulturen der Südsee im Wandel. (co-curated with Mattias<br />

Schindlbeck), Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz (SMKP)<br />

1992 Der Dekorierte Körper: Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz (SMKP)<br />

Book Publications in Progress<br />

The Gift of Heritage. Historical Preservation and <strong>the</strong> Values of Exchange<br />

From Einstein to Enwezor. The Making of African Art History<br />

Invited Lectures<br />

7/2012 Bedürfnis zur Beachtung: Ikonoklasmus, afrikanisches Kulturerbe und<br />

Bildökonomie (annual Frobenius lecture). Frobenius Institute, Johann<br />

Wolfgang Goe<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Frankfurt<br />

7/2012 Book Presentation, Osogbo and <strong>the</strong> Art of Heritage. Iwalewa Haus, <strong>University</strong><br />

of Bayreuth<br />

3/2012 From Einstein to Enwezor. Why and How to Write a History of African Art<br />

History. Boston <strong>University</strong>, Department of <strong>the</strong> History of Art and Architecture.<br />

3/2012 From Einstein to Enwezor. Why and How to Write a History of African Art<br />

History. <strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Department of Art History. Department Seminar.<br />

7/2011 Kultur als Erbe. Vom Sozialen Faktum zur Globalen Bewegung. Institut für<br />

Ethnologie und Afrikawissenschaften, <strong>University</strong> of Mainz, Germany<br />

6/2011 Das Bild als Gabe. Überlegungen zur Theorie des Kulturerbes. Institut für<br />

Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie, <strong>University</strong> of Vienna<br />

6-2011 Aura and Effect. Introduction to Conference on <strong>the</strong> Media of Religion. Institute<br />

für Cultural Studies, IFK, Vienna<br />

6/2011 Susanne Wenger und der Osun Hain in Nigeria. Völkerkundemuseum,<br />


4/2011 Divine Distance. Media-Theoretical Reflections on Art and Religion. <strong>Tufts</strong><br />

Humanities Center<br />

3/2011 Kultur als Erbe. Vom Sozialen Faktum zur Globalen Bewegung. Institut für<br />

Kulturwissenschaften, Universität Bremen, Germany<br />

11/2010 World Heritage in <strong>the</strong> Parliament of Things. With Professor Latour on a Visit<br />

to Dresden, Wea<strong>the</strong>rhead Centre, Harvard <strong>University</strong><br />

11/2008 Das Dilemma des Zeitgenössischen. Oder Was Heißt Afrikanische<br />

Kunstgeschichte Heute? Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Freie Universität Berlin<br />

11/2008 Revisiting Osogbo. Images, Media and <strong>the</strong> Art of Mediation. Columbia<br />

Seminar on African, American and Oceanic Arts, Columbia <strong>University</strong>, NY<br />

6/2008 Osogbo oder die drei Weisen von Präsenz. Institut für Kulturwissenschaftliche<br />

Forschung, Vienna, Austria<br />

5/2008 Im Zeichen des Körpers. Überlegungungen zum Studium des Kulturerbes<br />

als Normative Ordnung. Frobenius Institut, Johann Wolfgang von Goe<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>, Frankfurt, Germany<br />

12/2007 Expansion als Interaktion. Globale Kunstwelten Heute. Kunstuniversität Linz<br />

10/2006 Against Religion. Imagination, Style and <strong>the</strong> Politics of Appearance, Walter<br />

Rodney Seminar Series, Boston <strong>University</strong><br />

5/2006 Heritage as Presence. St Cross Africa Lecture, Oxford <strong>University</strong><br />

1/2006 Contested Presence: Memory and Monument in Osogbo, Nigeria,<br />

Northwestern <strong>University</strong>, Monday Night Lecture, African Studies Seminar<br />

2/2004 The Day Jacob Lawrence Left Osogbo. An Untold Tale in <strong>the</strong> History of<br />

Modern African Art. Lecture Series “African Modernity:” Linden Museum<br />

Stuttgart<br />

10/2003 In Search of <strong>the</strong> Public Sphere. Department of Anthropology, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Basel<br />

11/2002 Learning from Debord in Osogbo. Art, Anarchy and Arrest in Nigeria.<br />

Rautenstrauch Joest Museum in Cologne<br />

4/2001 From World Picture to Picture World: A Note on <strong>the</strong> Prehistory of <strong>the</strong> Iconic<br />

Turn. Johann Wolfgang von Goe<strong>the</strong> Universität, Frankfurt, Germany<br />

7/2001 Imagination, Aes<strong>the</strong>tic Practice and <strong>the</strong> Global Art World. A Research Project.<br />

Department of Anthropology. Free <strong>University</strong> Berlin.<br />

11/2000 Dancing AIDS. Morality, Politics and Performance in Malawi. <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Leipzig<br />

4/2000 Picture Dance. Reflections on Nyau Image and Experience Opening of <strong>the</strong><br />

Exhibition “Fabulous Beasts. Masked Portraits of Douglas Curran.” Iwalewa-<br />

Haus, <strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth<br />

3/1999 Mischung und Moderne. <strong>University</strong> Seminar, Institute for African Studies,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth.<br />


13<br />

10/1994 Omais Erben: Polynesische Variationen über die Äs<strong>the</strong>tik des Lokalen im<br />

Globalen. Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin. SMPK.<br />

3/1993 Letter and <strong>the</strong> Spirit. Literacy and Religious Authority in <strong>the</strong> History of <strong>the</strong><br />

Aladura Movement in Western Nigeria. <strong>University</strong> Lecture Series. Free<br />

<strong>University</strong> Berlin<br />

Conferences / Papers (Symposia, Colloquia)<br />

7/2012 New Media for Old Deities: Creating and Disputing Icons in a Nigerian World<br />

Heritage Site. CIHA conference on “The Challenge of <strong>the</strong> Object.”<br />

Nuremberg, Germany<br />

7/2012 New Media for Old Deities: Creating and Disputing Icons in a Nigerian World<br />

Heritage Site. International Conference on “Patrimony, Memory, and Identity<br />

in West Africa.” <strong>University</strong> of Ibadan, Nigeria<br />

6/2011 Aura and Effect. The Media of Religion. Conference organized for <strong>the</strong><br />

Institute of Cultural Studies, Vienna, Austria<br />

5/2011 The Politics of Presence. On Heritage, Media, and Religion. International<br />

conference on “Materiality, Memory, and Cultural Heritage.” Technical<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Istanbul, Turkey,<br />

4/2011 Atlas versus <strong>the</strong> Cherry Tree: Museum, <strong>the</strong> Nation, and <strong>the</strong> World. Panel<br />

Discussion, Wea<strong>the</strong>rhead Center, Harvard <strong>University</strong><br />

3/2011 Iconoclash in <strong>the</strong> Age of Heritage. Arts Council of <strong>the</strong> African Studies<br />

Association Conference, UCLA<br />

11/2010 Strategies and Tactics – Again: Revisiting De Certeau in <strong>the</strong> Study of African<br />

Visual Culture. ASA Conference, San Francisco<br />

10/2010 Contemporary and Contemporaneity. Remarks on <strong>the</strong> Politics of Time.<br />

Workshop on “Disputing <strong>the</strong> Global. Art History’s Future Symposium.“ <strong>Tufts</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

5/2010 Expanding <strong>the</strong> Empire of <strong>the</strong> Goddess. Religious Tourism and Processes of<br />

Retraditionalization in Nigeria. International Conference on “Tourism and<br />

Word Heritage,” <strong>University</strong> of Lawal, Quebec,<br />

4/2010 World Heritage in a Parliament of Things. With Bruno Latour on a Visit to<br />

Dresden. Wea<strong>the</strong>rhead Center, Harvard <strong>University</strong><br />

11/2009 Heritage as an Image Machine. Examples from Fieldwork in Africa. African<br />

Studies Association Conference, Panel: The Heritage Industry<br />

2/2009 Modernism Against Modernity. How The Grove of a Nigerian River Deity<br />

became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sixth Savannah Symposium: World<br />

Heritage and National Registers in Perspective. Savannah College of Art and<br />


3/2009 The Value of Art – An African Perspective. Symposium on “The Value of Art.<br />

The Place of Art in <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> Today,” <strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

4/2007 Picturing <strong>the</strong> Past. Photography, Memory and <strong>the</strong> Politics of Appearance in<br />

Nigeria. Triannual ACASA Conference, <strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainesville<br />

1/2007 Cultural Heritage and <strong>the</strong> Popularity of Primitivism. Panel. “Time Loops. The<br />

Revival of Primitivism”. College Arts Association, New York.<br />

11/2006 Entangled Presence. The Art, Economics and Poetics of Heritage. ASA<br />

Annual Conference, San Francisco<br />

5/2006 Money, Media, and Memory: Heritage Politics in Nigeria. International<br />

Conference on “Religion and Media”. <strong>University</strong> of Amsterdam<br />

4/2006 Contested Presence. Memory and Media in Nigeria. International<br />

Conference on “Sites of Memory in Africa,” Harvard <strong>University</strong><br />

4/2006 Producing Presence. The Art of Heritage in Osogbo, Nigeria. Lectures<br />

Series on “Yoruba Art, History and Politics.” Organized by Art History and<br />

African Studies Emory <strong>University</strong><br />

4/2006 Heritage Epidemics. On Media, Memory, and Modernity in Osogbo, Nigeria.<br />

Conference on “Configurations of Modernity,” Berlin, Humboldt <strong>University</strong><br />

6/2005 Murmurs of Memory. Public Art and National Culture in Osogbo, Nigeria,<br />

, Panel: “Memory and <strong>the</strong> Public Sphere.” AEGIS Conference, London<br />

6/2005 What Does Aes<strong>the</strong>tic Practice Mean? Panel: “Aes<strong>the</strong>tic Practice in Africa.”<br />

AEGIS Conference, London<br />

4/2005 Confronting <strong>the</strong> Gaze. Seeing Sex in Times of AIDS. International<br />

Conference, “AIDS and <strong>the</strong> Moral Order,” Berlin.<br />

2/2005 Picturing Osun. From History to Heritage in Osogbo, Nigeria. Panel:<br />

“Revisiting <strong>the</strong> Canon. African Art History Today.” College Arts<br />

Association, Atlanta,<br />

11/2004 The Semantics of The New. International Conference: “Questioning <strong>the</strong><br />

New.” <strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth, Germany<br />

10/2004 African Angst. Colloquium in Honour of Ute Luig, Free <strong>University</strong> of Berlin<br />

6/2004 The Culture of Ritual. International Conference on “Ritual and Culture.”<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Cologne<br />

11/2003 Visual Spheres, Public Spheres, Visual Publics? Institute of Visual Studies,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Linz<br />

11/2002 Godly Monuments. Memory and Monument in Osogbo, Nigeria.<br />

International Conference. The Audience of Images. Visual Publics in Africa<br />

and Beyond, <strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth<br />

9/2002 Godly Monuments. Memory, Media and Money in Osogbo, Nigeria. Panel:<br />

Museums and Heritage, ASA Conference in Manchester,<br />

7/2002 Osogbo Revisited. International Conference: A Passion of Images: Ulli Beier<br />


and his Contribution to Yoruba Studies. Iwalewa-Haus. <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Bayreuth<br />

5/2002. Vital Politics. From History to Heritage in Osogbo, Nigeria. Conference. “The<br />

Vitality of <strong>the</strong> Local and <strong>the</strong> Localization of <strong>the</strong> Global.” <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Bayreuth<br />

9/2001 Dreamwork, Imagework, Artwork. The Case of Osogbo, Nigeria.<br />

International Colloquium, 100 Years Sigmund Freud’s Traumdeutung. Bad<br />

Homburg<br />

8/2000 Expansion and Enclosure. Ritual Landscape and <strong>the</strong> Management of<br />

Locality in <strong>the</strong> Lilongwe District. International Conference. Historical Research<br />

on Malawi. Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi<br />

4/2000 Picture Dance. Reflections on Nyau Image and Experience Opening of <strong>the</strong><br />

Exhibition “Fabulous Beasts. Masked Portraits of Douglas Curran.” Iwalewa-<br />

Haus, <strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth<br />

9/1999 Ritual, Raum und Erinnerung. Organisation of Panel and Introductory Paper<br />

Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV).<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Heidelberg<br />

10/1998 Imagination und Repräsentation. Variationen indigener Ethnographie in<br />

Malawi. Conference: Afrikaner Schreiben Zurück. <strong>University</strong> of Cologne<br />

6/1998 Auf der Suche nach dem Publikum. Prolegomena zu einer Anthropologie der<br />

Öffentlichkeit im Subsaharischen Afrika. Ringvorlesung Kulturen des<br />

Performativen. Free <strong>University</strong> Berlin<br />

11/1997 Die Moderne und das Böse. Symposium Afrika und die Moderne, Haus der<br />

Kulturen der Welt, Berlin<br />

9/1998 Afrikanische Modernen, Institute for African Studies, Humboldt <strong>University</strong><br />

Berlin<br />

7/1998 The Modernity of Masking Traditions in Central Malawi. Department of Fine<br />

and Performing Arts, Chancellor College, <strong>University</strong> of Zomba<br />

4/1996 Malinowski’s Pendelschlag. Die Ausstellung Afrika: Die Kunst eines<br />

Kontinents im Berliner Gropius Bau. Institute for African Studies, Humboldt<br />

<strong>University</strong> Berlin<br />

9/1995 Die Moral von Mchape. On Healing, Social Memory and <strong>the</strong> Enigma of <strong>the</strong><br />

Public Sphere in Post-Banda-Malawi Annual Conference, Association of<br />

German Anthropology. Vienna, Austria<br />

3/1993 Letter and <strong>the</strong> Spirit. Literacy and Religious Authority in <strong>the</strong> History of <strong>the</strong><br />

Aladura Movement in Western Nigeria. <strong>University</strong> Lecture Series. Free<br />

<strong>University</strong> Berlin<br />


16<br />

10/1992 Über das Ethnologische Interesse am Traum. Anmerkungen zu einer<br />

verlorenen Neugier. Annual Conference of <strong>the</strong> German Anthropological<br />

Association. Ludwig Maximilians <strong>University</strong> of Munich<br />

4/1992 Kunst und Körper. Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin. SMPK<br />

4/1992 Der Dekorierte Körper. Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin. SMPK<br />

5/1991 Prophet Harris <strong>the</strong> Weberian Concept of Disenchantment. Afrikanistentag,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Mainz<br />

6/1988 Medicine as a Political Category. The Case of <strong>the</strong> Wimbum in <strong>the</strong> Cameroon<br />

Grassfields. Conference “Ethnomedical Systems in Sub-Sahara Africa.”<br />

African Studies Center, Leiden, Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands<br />

9/1987 Literacy and <strong>the</strong> Great Divide. A Pragmatic Reconceptualization. Annual<br />

Conference of German Association of Sociology<br />

12/1985 All <strong>the</strong> President’s Men. Local Politics and Social Change in Northwest-<br />

Cameroon. Department of Anthropology. Bern, Switzerland.<br />

10/1985 Who are <strong>the</strong> Tikar? Department of History. <strong>University</strong> of Yaounde, Cameroon<br />


2010 Dresden, Germany<br />

2000 – present: Osogbo, Nigeria<br />

1993 – 1999 Lilongwe, Malawi<br />

1984 – 1986 Ndu, Cameroon<br />

1981 Yap, Micronesia<br />


<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

o Admissions Committee<br />

o Experimental College<br />

o Curriculum Committee (board member)<br />

o Acting Director of Architectural Studies<br />

o International Relations (Core Faculty)<br />

o Foreign Programs Committee (chair)<br />

o <strong>Tufts</strong> in Ghana Advisory Board<br />

o Faculty Research Awards Committee<br />

o Interdisciplinary Doctorate Program<br />

o <strong>University</strong> Art Collection Committee

17<br />

o Global Curriculum Committee<br />

o Departmental Search Committee<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Bayreuth<br />

o Steering Committee of <strong>the</strong> Humanities Collaborative Research Centre Local Agency<br />

in Africa<br />

o Research Group Project Leader (with Tobias Wendl): Art Worlds in Interaction<br />

o Research Group Project Leader (with Till Förster): Imagination, Aes<strong>the</strong>tic Practice<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Global Artworld<br />

o Graduate Examination Committee<br />

o Culture & Society in Africa, BA Program Committee<br />

o <strong>University</strong> Library Committee<br />

Free <strong>University</strong> of Berlin<br />

o Planning Committee for <strong>the</strong> Establishment of <strong>the</strong> Humanities Collaborative Research<br />

Center Kulturen des Performativen and <strong>the</strong> Graduate School Körper Inszenierungen<br />

o Graduate Examination Committee<br />

o Publications Committee<br />

o Department Library Committee<br />

o Inter-<strong>University</strong> Africa Research Committee<br />

o Department Search Committee<br />

o Member of <strong>the</strong> Inter-<strong>University</strong> Research Project on Postcolonial Moralities in Africa<br />

(<strong>University</strong> of Manchester & Free <strong>University</strong> of Berlin 1993 –2000)<br />

o Organization and Supervision of Student Field Research in Malawi<br />


Memberships<br />

Arts Council of <strong>the</strong> African Studies Association (ACASA)<br />

African Studies Association (ASA)<br />

College Arts Association (CAA)<br />

European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)<br />

American Anthropological Association (AAA)<br />

Editorial Advisory Board

18<br />

Critical Interventions. Journal of African Art History and Visual Culture (Aachron<br />

Publishing)<br />

Art in Translation (Getty Foundation)<br />

Journal of African History (Cambridge <strong>University</strong> Press)<br />

Evaluation Work<br />

Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung<br />

German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)<br />

German Research Foundation (DFG)<br />

<strong>University</strong> Presses in <strong>the</strong> U.S.<br />

Ph.D Committee Work & Tenure/Promotion Cases<br />

Harvard <strong>University</strong><br />

Princeton <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> of California, Santa Barbara<br />

Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria<br />

Universität Bayreuth, Germany<br />

Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa<br />


German (native language), English, French, Italian, Chichewa, Yoruba

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