June 21 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers - University of Iowa

June 21 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers - University of Iowa

June 21 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers - University of Iowa


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MOtItly fair tUlIa)' and probllbly<br />

1\lundo)'; COlltillued Warm<br />


Eetabliebr. 1868<br />


FuW1ded IIHII<br />

T wenly-fifth Year<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> Stars Capture<br />

Easy A.A.V. Victory<br />

<strong><strong>Iowa</strong>n</strong>s Get 96 Points;<br />

Drake Second with<br />

14. Ames Third<br />

Power Plant Head<br />

Remember. Youth<br />

Competing beneath a cloudless<br />

sky and against a slight southwest<br />

wind, bronzed a.thletes pa\'tlclJ)at~lOg<br />

In tho mld-westol'll A. A. U. h'ack<br />

and tleld meet succeeded In break­<br />

Ing five IIlld-western records <strong>of</strong> the<br />

assocIation, and establshed<br />

new marks In even ts never<br />

appearing on the program.<br />

Roberts, star dash<br />

man for <strong>Iowa</strong>. was<br />

Itlgh point winner<br />

wIth fourteen poInts.<br />

C. R. 13rooklns and<br />

Paul Jones, both<br />

competing tor tho<br />

last time on <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

field under Unlversl­<br />

Iy colors tied tor second place w:th<br />

tcn poInts.<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> UniversIty com petltors leel<br />

the field with a total <strong>of</strong> 96 poInts,<br />

Drake was seconel wIth 14, Ames<br />

James E. Davidson, now pre.l·<br />

third w~: h 13 , dent <strong>of</strong> the National ElectrIc Light<br />

Parsons fourth wIth assoolaUon, began h:~ carecl' in<br />

2. and (h'o Omaha Y.<br />

lhe pOwer business lIS oiL wlp~r<br />

M. C. A. fifth with a and coai heavcr In a smali plant<br />

lone tally. Un· In Port Huron, Mich. lie now Is<br />

attachcCl runners bead ot the Nebraslc.a PQ)ver Co.,<br />

pllcd up a total <strong>of</strong><br />

23 markera.<br />

Brookins<br />

nrooldlls Bre,,1uI Record<br />

Cbarles Brookins. runnIng hIs<br />

last race before a home crowd , began<br />

tho meet hy breakIng tho mid·<br />

western mark In the century wIth<br />

t\ time <strong>of</strong> 0 8-10 seconds. 11. R­<br />

Phelps, h~s team ma~e, also don ­<br />

ning hIs spikes [01' the last lime on<br />

1011'11 Field, wlls unablo to lollow<br />

up with another victory Cor Old<br />

Oold In the second event, being<br />

beaten by Raymor.d Congol' <strong>of</strong><br />

Ames, when he established a new<br />

A. A. U, record In tho one mile I'un<br />

In 4:27.<br />

Alf!lftlber .f Tbe<br />

Orrlola'<br />

A noel.ted rrtl •• <strong>Iowa</strong> City. <strong>Iowa</strong>. Sunday, <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong>. 1925<br />

St.d ••' N ...._o. Ualn ....,. .t Ja ...<br />

Number 18<br />

Convict Attacks<br />

Bernard Grant in<br />

Cook County Jail<br />

Condemned Murderer<br />

Likely Will Die<br />

<strong>of</strong> Stabbing<br />

Vacation Home<br />

Draws Coolidge<br />

Family T ueeday<br />

(D,. TJoe " ....,I.teG Po ...)<br />

'VASHINGTON. <strong>June</strong> 20.-fJllIZ·<br />

ling summer weather greeted Pree·<br />

Iden t and Mrs. Coolidge today as<br />

they prepa red tor departu re Tuesday<br />

for Swam pscott, l\1a88., where<br />

tlley will spend the next two<br />

months.<br />

t:~:!th:~e Bryan Charges Fraud in<br />

co~~:ts~Y ::~: Nebraska Road Building<br />

Doriot. Caned .,<br />

c-.<br />

All<br />

Shepherd Defense' • P II R d<br />

to Explain La F olleUe Will Jarutor Weakens ege onnlvance<br />

Lie With Parents cn,. Th. A ... elal.d rr ...) In ayro ecor<br />

<strong>The</strong> presIdential<br />

(B,.. <strong>The</strong> A.aoel.ted Pre ••)<br />

(R,. Th. A'f!lOf't.ted Pre ..,<br />

CHICAGO, <strong>June</strong> 20.- Walter<br />

yacht, Maynower, PAInS, <strong>June</strong> 20.- Military dIswelg~d<br />

I8.nchor patches trom the lIforoccan front<br />

CHICAGO. .<strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong>).-T Itllmony<br />

Krauser, charged wIth the murder<br />

<strong>of</strong> It pollcema n. today Btabbed and<br />

late In the day have been 8elzed In one at the tlrst<br />

<strong>of</strong> two wltneMes called by the defenSe<br />

In tbe \Vllliam Darling Shep·<br />

posslbiy tatally wounded Bernard<br />

wltlr the /lrst de- raids <strong>of</strong> the cleanup ot commun, Body Rests Under<br />

Former Governor Files'<br />

Gr9 nt. untler sentence ot death<br />

tachment CrOm Ists In France.<br />

Dome at Capitol; herd murder trial dlvorted Suit for Recovery:<br />

for the 88me murder, while the two<br />

the White HouBe <strong>The</strong> communIsts' depuly, DorIot,<br />

with Bucb BUCCS! by the prosecution<br />

that the defene. forced a Sat,<br />

Funeral Monday<br />

<strong>of</strong> $84.155.38<br />

were receiving vlBltors In the county<br />

Jail,<br />

summer retreat. dIscovered. hlUl been summoned to<br />

bound for the In who ~e apartment the J)Ilpera were<br />

CRy Tho A ..""I"ted Po ...) urday atternoon 8et!slon In an ef- (n<br />

,.<br />

Til<br />

•<br />

A<br />

..0.".1<br />

I tIP<br />

r •••<br />

)<br />

Krauser toid warden Westbrook<br />

Carrying two an exam!nlng magistrate. HIs frionds MADISON , Wis., <strong>June</strong> 20.-Rob. tort to regain 1000t ground.<br />

LINCOLN. NEB .• <strong>June</strong> 20 .-At·<br />

Grant had threatened to kill hIm.<br />

cook.!, domutlc are protesting that his parliamen' ert lor. La Follette Is back again W,alter Smltb. formerly janitor torney General Spillman todaY<br />

<strong>The</strong> stabbing was done with a<br />

servants, and I he tary Immunity has been vIolated_ with hI. oWn people to receIve a laJlt at the Natlonai Unlvcrslty at Sci- Btarted out to determIne the extribute<br />

tonight before he comes to ence. conducted by Charles C. Fal- tent ot the charges and counter­<br />

pockct knlro whIch Krauser BIlid ~-.""._"';"~::.J White House<br />

MaD)' Ralo J\flllle<br />

he had tound. Calvin Coolidge dogs, Paul Pry<br />

his tlnal r&slIng place beneath the man, tcstlfled upon direct examln- cbarges at "corruption and connl·<br />

Beth Krauser and Orant were and Rob Roy. the <strong>The</strong>le dispatches wcre among a<br />

elmS' ot Forest Hili cemetery lljI!slde atlon that no live germs ever were vance" which has been fired by<br />

convicted ot the kllUng <strong>of</strong> pOlice- vessel wlll proceed to ""arblehea.d,<br />

_L<br />

number deaUng With the Moroccan<br />

hIs Parente.<br />

about the 80hool; but upon cr088 Former. Governor Charles \V. Bryan.<br />

Mass wh-e It'd expected to 1101'-<br />

man Souders In an attempted hold- " .. operations and were exchanged be·<br />

,~<br />

HI. body now<br />

examInation admitted he had seen democl'at, and George E. J ohn80n,<br />

I M ~. tween French <strong>of</strong>ficers along the<br />

up two years ago. I've on .... y. repOses In the<br />

racks tull at tost tubes and tbat tormer secretary at the fJlate d';'<br />

line, <strong>The</strong>y were tound In a search<br />

Both were condemned to be Mr. Coolldgo had a busy day but governor's t·ecep.<br />

tor 11011 he knew they might have partment <strong>of</strong> public work. under ths<br />

<strong>of</strong> rooms rented by Doriot's tII.ter·<br />

hanged. <strong>The</strong> supreme court grant- the evening tound his desk ciear lion room at the<br />

contained germ. beIng propagated. former republican adminIstration<br />

In -law, aleo occupIed by him,<br />

ed KrauseI' a new trIal on hl8 rep' and a.lready to leave, Only a few 8 tat e capitol<br />

He WIIS followed by Dr. Freder- at Governor Samu I McKelvie.<br />

This was one ot many searches<br />

resenlation that Grant fIred the appoIntments I8.re pendIng and the where It WIlS takshot.<br />

presl d ent has<br />

Ick O. Tonney. dlroctor <strong>of</strong> the la- , In tho dletrlct court hocre Mr.<br />

•<br />

Lew Ques<br />

tl<br />

ons<br />

de, <strong>of</strong> homes and 01f1cc8- <strong>of</strong> commuen<br />

Immed<br />

I<br />

ately<br />

bora torY <strong>of</strong> tlte ChIcago Ilealth Stillman flied two cIvil Bults de.<br />

nl8t8 throughout the country_ Nu·<br />

mandlng ImmedIate diSpOsal. merous arrest8 wel'e made, mOBt or /tfter It. arrlw.1<br />

department. mandlng return to the ~tate at<br />

KDI Editor or Paper With an ot!lce Bet tor hl3 U98 hero fmm WBBh·<br />

$84, 155.38 , whIch he cialm. to<br />

• them on charges at dIstributing or<br />

KELSO, Wash., <strong>June</strong> 20.-Thom· at Lynn. Mass., Mr. Coolidge will<br />

Ington this atter-<br />

rt'prMcnt ex cess money I>ald rpad<br />

POtlllng seditious circulars.<br />

as Dcvery. 56, edItor ot the Cowlltl< carryon there 8uch bU81ness a.s<br />

noon.<br />

contractors through falsification at<br />

Valley News. a weekly publication arIses durIng the Bummer.<br />

To Oll8t AllIltators<br />

Tomorrow It Chinese Situation I·ecord. a nil corrupt conn ~ vance by<br />

<strong>of</strong> KelSO, was shot to death last<br />

111;. DorIot, \Vho hM otten been will be removed to<br />

Johnson and E . II. Mor,·ey. chlet<br />

night.<br />

Soon atter the departure <strong>of</strong> the mentioned as the man marked by the rotunda. be,<br />

family trom the WhIte House work-<br />

Becomes Calmer<br />

at rooda bur('o.u under Johnson.<br />

)lOICO'l\o' to command the l'evt>lu- neath the mammoth dome at the<br />

!\la)' Brlrw Other ults<br />

men will stal" exterf!ive renoVILlion<br />

and Mrs. Cool:dge Is busily<br />

MI'. Stillman IIItld toollY'S sult!l'<br />

lional"Y torces on the "predicted stale house to lie In 8tate fr-om noon<br />

nIght," and Deputy Marty, the until twl~h-l while ~rowds w,bo Foreigners Blamed for were merely prelim I nary suits to<br />

engaged In arranging Buch dlrec, "Black I!eas MuUneer," are BPoken knew and loved hIm gaze upon his<br />

other~<br />

tlons for this, oal wllI be nec_ary. ot as those whose parJllI.menlary countenance tor the last time. Trouble; Robbers<br />

carrying other crIminal<br />

chargOll. lie would not clarity thl8<br />

<strong>The</strong> pres~dentlal party wlli leave immunity Premier Palnlev8 will Till the hours at serv!.cea Monday, Take $5000 statement turthel·. He said to

Page 2<br />

~ lInilU <strong><strong>Iowa</strong>n</strong><br />



Published every morning exCel)t Monday the entire<br />

year by Stud e n~ Publlcntlons Incorporntod at 12&-130<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> Avenue, lown. Jty, <strong>Iowa</strong>.<br />

Entered as second class matter at the post oWce at<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> City, <strong>Iowa</strong> .<br />

Subscription rates : by carrIer $5 . 00 for 12 month.<br />

by mo.lI $3 .00 ror 12 months. Single caples 5 ccntH .<br />


trhe Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to<br />

uee the re·publlcatlon or all n ws dIspatches crcd lted to<br />

it or otherwise credited In this paper, and also tbe<br />

local news published herein.<br />


Charles H. Weller, Chairman; Ewen Mac Ewen;<br />

Raymond B. Kittredge; Rbss G. Walker; Richard H .<br />

Atherton; Richard Romey; Charles .IL McConnell ;<br />

Katherille Y. "lacy; Marshall C .. Watson .<br />

TELEPHONES l Editorial Rooms 2829<br />

1 Business OWce 290, 291<br />

Loren D. UptOll ..... ... . ................. ..... General Manager<br />


Philip Adler ................................................................. E(lItor'<br />

'Hazel Samuelson ...........•......................... Associate FAltor.<br />

Velma Critz ....................................................... News FAltor<br />

Maurice Collin" ............................ Caml)U~, Sports J,;dltor<br />

Katherine Macy .................... Asslslant Campus gdltJor<br />

'Don Wilkins ................................ City, l' ~ legraph J

__ 00<br />

-­ fOI' thoae<br />

ent wil l be<br />

e nalural<br />

Is IlIllOng<br />

~ 1, 1925<br />

lie A Illerl.<br />

they will<br />

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w ith<br />

vately<br />

n. In<br />

7!C . ••<br />

1.00.<br />

nnis<br />

reatest<br />

ions ...<br />

free <strong>of</strong><br />

llroad<br />

ith our<br />

e at the<br />

\ephone<br />

etyou.<br />

~ummer.<br />

00 will<br />

ate\."<br />

t<br />

~ ,<br />

ake '<br />

Mgr.<br />

''±:<br />

~iY. <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 1925<br />

Dundee and O'Dowd<br />

'Box in Davenport<br />

Thursday Evening<br />

tabllshes Mld·Western A. A. U.<br />

mllrk tor e vent on stra ightaway).<br />

220 yard low·hurdles- (s t raight·<br />

away) Brookins (Ia.), th'st; L . P h elps<br />

(Ia.), second; Boice (la.) third.<br />

Jillke Dundee·Tlm O'Dowd lJu.t,ue IlwIlY.)<br />

Five milo run-Marchi (fa), tlrst;<br />

~@re next Thursday night, accord·<br />

Bendel' (Ia), second; Lamb (Omaha<br />

ltig to American I,eglon ottlclals,<br />

Y. M C. A), thh·d. Time: 30:09 6·10.<br />

uhdor whose a usp!ccs the big flstlc<br />

aIlOIV Is being pl'Omoted. <strong>The</strong>, ring (Eslabllshes new Mld·Wes tel'n A. A.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong><strong>Iowa</strong>n</strong>. <strong>Iowa</strong> City, <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong>y're Smiling···and the Laugh's on Cincinnati<br />

Four <strong>University</strong><br />

Students Have<br />

Double Wedding<br />

dall carried the ring. <strong>The</strong> brlde's<br />

escort was ber brother C1eU War· Sigma.<br />

Page 3<br />

He was a member <strong>of</strong> Beta OO-mm/!,<br />

honorary commerce frat·<br />

riner. emlty; Alpha Kappa. PSi. protes'<br />

1\11'. Bray was accomldlnled by slonal comm .... ~e t raternlty; and<br />

Mr. E lzy Bross <strong>of</strong> carthage. III. the Order at Artus. 'l'hls year he<br />

' DAVENPOnT, Ta., JUI10 20.-Flve Time: :23 4·10. (Establishes Mid·<br />

A douUle wedding <strong>of</strong> In 1 rcat to J\Ir. DI'ld enstine'8 best man WIl8 has assisted In tho college <strong>of</strong> com.<br />

t~ou8and people owlll w!tnelJll the Western A. A. U. mark for strnight·<br />

U niversity circles took placo Sal' Robert Badger <strong>of</strong> Murray. Ia. Ush· merce doing graduate work.<br />

urday evening In the Christia n ers were: Otto LaIng <strong>of</strong> CorydOn. Miss Bridenstine graduated thla<br />

church In I owa City at 7:45 0'. Ia., George Hess <strong>of</strong> Oharles City. aprll1ll', and WII.8 a member ot Pbl<br />

Rienzi Jennings and Harvey K in· Om Clncl fans Is helping a bit. oon. Edith Young, coualn <strong>of</strong> the<br />

llI'ark . :81 made by Rathbun, Ames, Moines.) If you want to I,a \'e 0 lively ot<br />

22). a ny big league ball club will I'cad <strong>of</strong> another Phllly victory they < ~ ~ . Urlde, was flowel' girl and Vernon<br />

1" H a mmer throw- Willia ms (Ia), tel' noon In ,CIncinnati just walk up S h I be K th<br />

I h f lo 0 a ll desl,·o tor str"\vbe,'ry to one o. the thll.ty.tlll"d dngreo , c ump wns I'<br />

440 yard tlrst., Hancock (Ia). second', Randy reven t e presence a two or throe nil' arcr. Of enne<br />

dash~Sorenson (Ia),<br />

S ~ , ~<br />

Bridenstine, a bl'othel' MIss<br />

ft.rat; White (unattached), socond; (111.), third. Distance 124 it. 4 1·4 mell who ha ve beon cast adrltt as (]c tlcacles. For Bcven <strong>of</strong> the mOIl fans and remark <strong>of</strong>fhand, just like Brlenstlno. was bel' escort.<br />

MaMhl IIa), third. Time, 51 sec· In . excess Or unnecessary baggago by playing speaking rolcs In the that:<br />

climb <strong>of</strong> tho Phils were set adrift<br />

Miss 'Varrlner's maId or hono,'<br />

and..<br />

Hop, step and jumP--Jones (Ia). somo other major league t eam.<br />

"Those Phlls are 8ure playing was Sarah Morton and hoI' brides:<br />

· 440 low hurdles-Guhel. tlrs t, run· filt'st; Robel·ta (Ia), second; Myers <strong>The</strong> Brooklyn Dodgers. fo r In . by the Rcd b08ses. great ball . How are tho Reds get· maids were Mahrce Warriner and<br />

Just seven. Count 'em. tlng a long."<br />

n!ng alQne. Time: 57 "econds. (Es· (unattached)). third. Dista nce 45<br />

stance, have Jack Fournier. call ed Louis Fonseca.<br />

Emily Casady. Marjorie Miller was<br />

I&bUshes Mld·Westerll A. A. U. ft. 11 3·4 In.<br />

done by the cardinals, Milton Jimmy Ring.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n walk, clon't<br />

tho flower girl and Dorothy Ann Kon·<br />

m.rk for event.)<br />

Javelin throw:"'Rlce (In.), flrat: Stock. Horace l'ord, J oe Oeschge,' Wallie .. I\immldc.<br />

nearest el'l t.<br />

220 yard dash- Roberts (III.), first; Marscha ll (Ia), second; MilicI' (UII. and even Burleigh Grlmea.<br />

CIa" cllce Mitchell.<br />

Fry (Drake), second; Wise (Par· attach ed ). third. DIstance 173.41<br />

'<strong>The</strong> Cubs ·have young Clarke GcorS',e - Sun18.<br />

Announcement<br />

sons), third. Time 22: tlal. (Es' ft.<br />

Pltlongel', Grlmth, Barney Frlegau George lIin.rper.<br />

and a couplo <strong>of</strong> olhers.<br />

John Co uch.<br />

T"youLs for the Unlvcl'slty<br />

<strong>The</strong> Boston Red Sox, under Louis Fonscca just about makes<br />

thea.tre Ilroductlol1!t <strong>of</strong> "<strong>The</strong> G0080<br />

Hal'ry F"a zce's regime, was a the Phil Infieli! and ho Is batting<br />

Hangs High" and "Twelfth Night"<br />

will be h eld Monday at 4 p. m. and<br />

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<br />

....<br />

.;-<br />

t<br />

Again We Say -<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re is nothing like a Limeade from one<br />

<strong>of</strong> our fountains to quench your thirst."<br />



i<br />

++++++++++++++++f++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~<br />

WANT ADS<br />

.<br />

RATEI!I<br />

• One o~ two days, 10 cent.<br />

, per line eaoh d,y. Three to<br />

flv, day.. 7 cents p e~ line<br />

eaob day. Six days or longer.<br />

i centl per line each da,.<br />

Count five word. to eaoh<br />

lin.. Every word In each ad·<br />

.ftI'ttament mu.t be counted.<br />

B ... to 8 •• 4 'Yo.i Wa.t A4<br />

· MaJI your ad with expllolt<br />

lD.tructlon. and a oheck or<br />

. mon·ey order to covor the In·<br />

lertlona dMln4.<br />





.Shrubbery, aoddlne. l1'adlne. all<br />

tfDd. or teamwork. 1'. 1'. Prybll. lIld<br />

I'ttl~trleJt. Phoa. 1311'11. Red<br />

I ....<br />

<strong>Daily</strong> <strong><strong>Iowa</strong>n</strong> Want Ada<br />

Pay<br />

Call 2-90 or 291<br />

Ads in at 5 :00 P. M. Will be<br />

Published the Following<br />

Morning.<br />

Minimum Charge <strong>of</strong> 80 Cents<br />

For Each Ad.<br />

WANTED<br />


know that Doug Mor gan i:lllow8<br />

will be In Jowa Olty all next week.<br />

atarling Sunday night, <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong>. Remember<br />

Ladles Free Sunday ul1cl<br />

1II0nday night. Gel your trce Uckets<br />

from dlslllay adve,'Uscment In thlM<br />

I""uo <strong>of</strong> the <strong><strong>Iowa</strong>n</strong>.<br />


I<br />

)llayer·sala d made up <strong>of</strong> 1I1e dis· In the dlmcult B..'1.crlficc )losltlon In<br />

cards <strong>of</strong> the Yankees and half a tho batting order. George Hat·llor.<br />

dozen othcr cl ubs.<br />

Is batting In the c lca.nup poslUol\<br />

Tho Doslon Braves, until Davey and playing a grcat gamo In<br />

llanero!t started to rcb~lId the cen ter.<br />

team with youngsters, was an old KlmOllck Is playln:; a b"llI lant<br />

man's homo.<br />

game a t third.<br />

But. right now the Philadelphia <strong>The</strong> vetel'an ex·Glant,<br />

Nationals take the I)rlzo uS the B urns, has heen playing<br />

champion castoCf tcam <strong>of</strong> the bIg outflold and butting well.<br />

I<br />

that h e could gain no headway.<br />

George<br />

In tho<br />

leagues. Art Fletcher Is plunging Jimmy Ring Is olle <strong>of</strong> lrletcher's<br />

along at a dizzy IJaCe - at least. pitching aces. Clare nco Mitchell<br />

dizzy for Philadelphia - wllh a Is a nother valu ablo member <strong>of</strong><br />

No Inquest ,<br />

1n Drowning<br />

C(]onUllued from Page Ono)<br />

In th .. watel·.<br />

Franklin watched ,Putnam strug·<br />

gle against the current t or three a'·<br />

tour minutes th!nklng It strange<br />

He was merely holding his own<br />

against the current.<br />

Shouts for H ell)<br />

Suddenly he ~h o u ted !'!everal<br />

times tor h elp a nd went down. Scv·<br />

eml students hCllfrd lhe cries and<br />

ran to the bank where l"ranl

Will Bury Pioneer<br />

Here in Afternoon<br />

rrtldw~st bl'aneh, who told <strong>of</strong> the<br />

\vOl'k dUlle and phll1l1eu. tor the ex·<br />

sel'vlce men 0 nd disabled veterans.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mponlng at the Red ('1'088 to<br />

the mell In service, Iln(l Its work<br />

dUl'l ng the JopaneRe qnrlhquake,<br />

was outllned briefly by Flranl< F,<br />

MileR, Editor at the <strong>Iowa</strong>. Legion·<br />

nalt'e, Dr. F, L, 'VIII larn. , regional<br />

~-- --....... ,.<br />

Church Services<br />

Sf. Pat\I's Lutheran <strong>University</strong><br />

ChUl·,'h<br />

Robt. Luca~, Lifelong<br />

Commercial Club Hooma<br />

Resident, Dies<br />

JUlius A. Fl'ledl'lch, rostol'<br />

Friday<br />

mnnager <strong>of</strong> the U. S. Veteran's bur. 10:30 a, m,-Wol'shlp, text, TJuke<br />

enu, Des Moines, "palco <strong>of</strong> the work 10·24, Subject <strong>of</strong> sermon, "Come;<br />

<strong>The</strong> tuneral <strong>of</strong> Robert Lucns, done through his <strong>of</strong>Clces In coring For All Things Aro Now Ready."<br />

625 Kirkwood avenue, a pioneer tOr mOl'O than 3,000 men In <strong>Iowa</strong> Visitors arc always ~10St cordial'<br />

resldpnt <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> City, who died Ilt hospitals ani! more than 30,000 men Iy welcome.<br />

his hOme Friday morning at 8:30 throughout tho countl'Y. Clement<br />

o'clock, will be held this aftornoon F Mullen, stote adjutant <strong>of</strong> Dis·<br />

PIi'8~ Bnpt.ist Chllrch<br />

at the home nt 2:30. Death came nbled Am€l'lcnn Veterans ot the CIJ'nton anti B u.-Jlngton Sts.<br />

after a briet Illness at pneumonia, ' VW-Id wnr, and Jlalson ottlcer or Rev. E lbert J. Smith, Minister<br />

nggravated by a stroke at paraly. the Veterans' but'cau, extended a<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dail~<br />

2:30 p. m. Sunday school.<br />

3 :ob p. m,<br />

tlon.<br />

<strong><strong>Iowa</strong>n</strong>', <strong>Iowa</strong> 'City, Mwi<br />

Louis I. Dublin, stalisUCan ot lhe<br />

Metropolitan Lite I1)stlrll"ee com·<br />

puny. Hr. Dubllti llolnted ollt thot<br />

at I.nst 00,000 perBons have passeu<br />

through the tullel'culll!!ls sanntOria<br />

ot lhe Unted Sblles In the last len<br />

Vespera nn(] BcnNlIc· Ye'drs, <strong>of</strong> whom close to 000,000 are<br />

stili allve and showlr.g the benefits<br />

St. Pall'lcles (Jllureh<br />

Ve.·y Hev, 'V, P. Shannahan,<br />

Pastor<br />

R'ev. O. A. Volz, Assistant<br />

G:30 n, m, First Mass.<br />

8:ob 3. m. Ch lldren's Mass.<br />

9:00 a, m, Student's Mass.<br />

10:00 a. m, 11Igh Mass.<br />

9:30 a. m,-ChUl'ch Dible school. sf. Wenres!nus Chllrrh<br />

sis several years ago.<br />

greeting from his organization. <strong>University</strong> class at the Baptist Rev, A. L. Pnnoch, ['astor<br />

Mr, Lucas, who was n son <strong>of</strong><br />

Sludent oonter. Summer atudents 7 :30 a, m, Low lIIllss,<br />

I;!OrCllnlly Invited. <strong>The</strong> pastor Is<br />

Col. E. W, Lucas. civil W:lr vet·<br />

,<br />

9:30 a. m. High Mass.<br />

Thilrty~Five Boys<br />

I eader or th Is group.<br />

2:00 p. m. BenedIction.<br />

e~an, nephow <strong>of</strong> Oovol'llor Samu1!1<br />

J. Kirkwood's wife, and a gran(J· Leave for Camp 10;45 a, m,-Mprnlng Worship. A Catechism In slruction tor chilli·<br />

olin ot <strong>Iowa</strong>'s first territorial gov· at State Quarry rose service, with special music, ron Saturday nt 9 a. m.<br />

!,oetI'Y, ' addr~Bs, and appropl'lato '<br />

efnor, Robert Lucas, was born and ,<br />

floral decorations will talce th First EngJish LuthCl'an Chlll·~h .<br />

reared In lowa City, Ho was grad· 'I'hls morning thlrty·flve boy pl aCe at ,'pgular mOl'ning Bel'vlce, C. n, Shm'clt. D. D., Pastor<br />

uiitetl tram the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong>, t I "n.v 0 I ac1QUftrters to be<br />

BeOU 1'l ., 10 • ]0:45 a. m.-JunIOl' congregation 9:30 n. m. Sunday school. Mrs.<br />

t ~om the coll ege <strong>of</strong> law, In 1870 and I the tllrc! 'veel <strong>of</strong> con n life<br />

g n 1, ( " 1" moets at this hour, 1>,[. H, 'rayler, Supt. Primal'}'<br />

l /,ok post·graduate wOrlc at the t Canl1} "V"st "t the all st"te '<br />

a , ,. n, " ." G:OO p. m.-Luncheon and social school, Mrs. Fred Jones.<br />

U niversity until 1878. Ills career (IUany, <strong>The</strong> el1l'ollment has In· hour <strong>of</strong> B,Y.P,U, 10:45 a, m, :Mornlng wo.'ship<br />

b gan with thl! I)ract(ee <strong>of</strong> law In ('reased w;th each Ilerlod. according 7:00 p, m.-B.Y.P.U. service. wilh sermon by pastor. Suhject <strong>of</strong><br />

lO'va City "'Ith II I,· Ilrother, E. J(. t S alIt Executive'" G Stolvell<br />

at re(Juced mortality In their res·<br />

I clive communltles.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> conclusion to be dl'awn,<br />

'Integrity EnHances<br />

. I ,<br />

Worth <strong>of</strong> Htutmns<br />

Fritz to be New<br />

Sfudent Advisor<br />

Will Take Up Work<br />

at Congregational<br />

Church in Fall<br />

Lht-refore," saId Dr, Dublin, "Is that Ralph A, Fritz, a World war vet·<br />

there al'e G,OOO Ie;;s deaths a yea.' cmn, will come to Iow:l City next<br />

rrom l uberclll OGls In this gl'oup Of rail to work wllh COll/lrc/latlonul<br />

pallents Who have ha(] treatment stuilents or the u niversity and to<br />

In sanatoria than If no sanatorium<br />

act as assistant to the pastor, ftC·<br />

bClls we ... e avallablc. <strong>The</strong> ehances<br />

cordlng to an a",~ollncement by the<br />

<strong>of</strong> longer life tor patlenta w ho have<br />

Rev. II'a J , Houston ' to(ia y, Mr.<br />

been to tuberculosis sanatoria and<br />

Fritz, wIlD hns bet'n visiting wllh<br />

received prOpel' treatment are can· trlends In the city tor tho past tew<br />

sldcl'lIbly gl'eater than tor thoSe (lays, will leavo tonight ior J larva,'(]<br />

who do not reeeivo such treatment."<br />

unlvel'Rity to tnke SUll1nler work.<br />

Mr. Fritz recelv~d htq diploma<br />

(.'om the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> lowll. while<br />

In the <strong>of</strong>/lcel'" tl'U 'nlng "amp nt<br />

'art snelling In 1017. Ho Wo.s Colllmlssloned<br />

R('cond lIeute-narlt anti<br />

sUII IatCl' hecome n captatn. For<br />

some timo he n nd his company wel'e<br />

itT ry to dlj Something<br />

In active service on the rr(nlt lln('s<br />

Worth Doing" Says In France. I'n 19 20 he rec Ivet1 11 13<br />

mn)ster <strong>of</strong> nl·ts d",gl'ec (rom tlho<br />

Head <strong>of</strong> Carroll<br />

Unlvcrslty <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong>.<br />

, >Y " 0 C' " .. • 8:00 p. m.-Unlon evenin g SOl" sermon, "<strong>The</strong> Pal'able ot the<br />

Lucas. LOler he moved to Ncb· anel even a g l'eater enrollment Is vice In Baptist Ch urch, Hev. Ed Greal SUPller, 01' 'Vby Some Peo· (IJ,V Th. A •• Ofl .. t . d Pr ...) M,,, l~rlt« taught In Culol'ndo fo.·<br />

I'Bska, and founded the town <strong>of</strong> exnectM the foul·th ~vee lc, which ward Gough, Methodist atudenl pi e's nellglous Enthusiasm Dies >CEDAR nAPJDS, Ta., <strong>June</strong> 20. - two y~a l 's, In 'Wyoming for on(l<br />

dOrdon, which 8tand.~ on thB site begins a week from today, pastor, w II I prenc h .<br />

DOlvn ," <strong>The</strong>re 13 no man In Amercn. worth yeal', al1 a,'S Mrs. Lucas: one Last week's and this week's verslty studcnts nre Invited to join 10:4" a. m. Lesson sermon. Sub. "<strong>The</strong> greatest tactor In all so· evo" hnd. For five year. he waR a<br />

Mughter, Mrs. Kermit Christen' camps close and open l'especUvely the Bible class. which meets at ten ject, "Til the Universe Including clal worth Is man and the greatest po weI' In all ils Rtudent act:vities,<br />

I;en; a 80n, Edward William ' Lu as; at thl'eo o'clock this afternoon. 'fhla o'clocle In the Church studY. Man Evolved by Atomic Force?" element <strong>of</strong> huma n worth Is mind. We count oUI'>leIVeR fortun[lte In<br />

a" s tepson, Charles Lucas; and a is also th6 time sot for vls:Ung 10~45 a. n1,-Mornlng wOrE.lhlp. 7:50 P. -m., \Ve

Sunday, <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong>, 1925<br />


Established in 1903<br />

STAFF<br />

Grace Partridge Smith, '91.. .............................. Ed1tor·ln·Chief<br />

Loren D. Upton ............... _<br />

.............................. Business Manager<br />

Velma C. Critz, '26 .................................................... Contributor<br />

l.eslie G. Moeller, '25 ................................................ Contributor<br />


Officers<br />

F. F. Faville, '91 r..., Des Moines, President<br />

Joseph J. Clark, '73 L., Mason City, Vice-President<br />

Paul A. Korab, '93 L., <strong>Iowa</strong> City, Treasurer<br />

Forest C. Ensign, '97 L., <strong>Iowa</strong> City, Acting Secretary<br />

Grace P. Smith, '91, <strong>Iowa</strong> City, Assistant to'Secretaty<br />

Executive Committee<br />

Frederick F. FavilJe, '91 Lo, Des Moines, Chairman<br />

Joseph J. McConnell, '16, '80 M. A., '15 LL.D., Ainsworth<br />

Charles M. Dutcher, '94 L., <strong>Iowa</strong> City<br />

Robert J. Bannister, '01, '03 L., Des Moines<br />

Carl F. Kuehnle, '81, '82 L., Denison<br />

Publication Committee<br />

Charles H. Weller, Chairman<br />

Grace P. Smith<br />

Forest C. Ensign<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong><strong>Iowa</strong>n</strong>, <strong>Iowa</strong> City, IoWl<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Alumnus Section<br />

Sixty--Fifth Commencement<br />

D URING the period <strong>June</strong> 5 to<br />

9 just past, the <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> passed her sixthfifth<br />

commehcement.<br />

It was II seastlrt<br />

<strong>of</strong> ideal weather ,conditielns fot<br />

carrying out the out·<strong>of</strong>·door<br />

programs which have added both<br />

to the beauty and comfort <strong>of</strong><br />

previous occasions.<br />

More thoh<br />

one impression is carried aWl1y<br />

by the visitor, but rbrernost'<br />

among these fl eeting eXperiel1ees<br />

is the beauty <strong>of</strong> the comlnence.<br />

ment setting, the dignity ulid<br />

color <strong>of</strong> the academic procession,'<br />

and the masses <strong>of</strong> becatfIJed aljd<br />

begowned candidates felr di!'gr1)El'l.<br />

Through it all run the little<br />

thrills <strong>of</strong> coming back to Alma<br />

Mater and the touch <strong>of</strong> familial'<br />

hands.<br />

By <strong>The</strong> Editor<br />

iors who lay aside their caps and<br />

gowns.<br />

<strong>The</strong> demands <strong>of</strong> mature<br />

life become a veritnble Mou:'t<br />

Sinai. ... Weaklings will fail,<br />

moral cowards will be put into<br />

the discard ... It is no<br />

child's<br />

play to live a relll life and do<br />

real work these days.<br />

"We arc living through one oC<br />

the great senrching crises <strong>of</strong> hu·<br />

ing. Shakespeares' Midsummer brook, and H. C. Shull, or the<br />

Night's Dream was repeated in Board <strong>of</strong> Education.<br />

the out-door theatre on the West<br />

With Dr. George Edwin Mac·<br />

Side, to the g'l'eat interest<br />

and Lean as toastmaster, the follow·<br />

pleasure <strong>of</strong> returning alumni ing after·dinner program was<br />

who, as they noted the settings carried out:<br />

and progress 91 th4 play conIess·<br />

"<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong>; As I Sec It,"<br />

ed thnt "there Jiadn't been any Gordon Loch.<br />

thing Ilke this ilT the old days." "<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong>: How It<br />

Culmination <strong>of</strong> the week was Grows," Harvey Ingham.<br />

Page 5'<br />

nopkin~, Fostoria, Ohio; Chester E. Murphy, L. L. Bowie, E. E.<br />

D. Kern, Chicago, III.; Carl P. Krider, G. W. Yavorsky.<br />

Knox, Stuart; George T. Lyon, 1905 L.<br />

Dubuque; Han. M, L. McKinley, Although a large number <strong>of</strong><br />

Chicago, Ill.; Edgar Russell letters from classmates widel,.<br />

Smith, Fairfield; Craig T. scattered throughout the Ubited<br />

Wright, Des Moines.<br />

States indicated a goodly retum<br />

1900 to the reunion <strong>of</strong> Class 1905, Col-<br />

At a six o'clock dinner at the lege <strong>of</strong> Law, only a few welle<br />

Red Ball Inn, Class 1900, College present. Two classmates to be<br />

<strong>of</strong> Liberal Arts, elected J. E. 'exact were present at the breaK­<br />

Remley, <strong>of</strong> Anamosn, president, fast which was held at 8:30 A.<br />

and A. P. Speers, Centerville, M. at Youde's Inn. Guests augsecratary.<br />

Members and visitors men ted the group and those prepresent<br />

were as follows; A. P. sent were as follows; C. F.<br />

Speers and Mrs. Speers, Center· Dickson and Mrs. Dickson, Dor­<br />

I'ille; Dr. G. F. Harkness, Dav. othy Dickson, Velma Dickson,<br />

enport; Chas. Larrabee and Mrs. Montezuma; Nyle W. Jones, and<br />

Larrabee (Winston C. Osborn), Mrs. Jones, <strong>Iowa</strong> City; E. A.<br />

Fort Dodge; B. J. Lambert and Wilcox, Samuel Haycs and Mrs.<br />

Mrs. Lambel·t, <strong>Iowa</strong> CiLy; Helen Hayes, <strong>Iowa</strong> City.<br />

1910 L.<br />

Vol. XXII <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> openirig event <strong>of</strong> COlTltn~rl·<br />

cement days was the recitl.l by<br />

No. 34 the faculty <strong>of</strong> the School <strong>of</strong> Mu·<br />

Charles R. Brown<br />

reached on Tuesday when the<br />

long procession <strong>of</strong> ealldtdates fo!'<br />

degrees with fflculty, <strong>of</strong>ficials,<br />

and alumni were seated on the<br />

campus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> addreas <strong>of</strong> the day<br />

was given by Dr. William Oxley<br />

Thompson, PI'esident <strong>of</strong> Ohio<br />

State <strong>University</strong>. Dr. Thomp·<br />

son's subject was "Looking Our·<br />

selves in the Fnce."<br />

He stressed<br />

moral purpose and attitude <strong>of</strong><br />

mind, advising his<br />

hearers<br />

equip themselves to interpret<br />

world.<br />

M. Eddy, <strong>Iowa</strong> City; J. R. Row·<br />

urd. Des Moines; Mrs. Myra<br />

Bloom Sheuerman, D~s<br />

Moines;<br />

D. F. Swisher, Waterloo; Hugh<br />

H. Shepard and Mrs. Shepard,<br />

Mason City; Mrs. P. A. Rayburn,<br />

Waterloo; J. E. Remley and Mrs.<br />

Remley, Anamosa; Arthur C.<br />

Cole, Watetloo; T. M. Simonton,<br />

Oskaloosa; Frank A. Stromsten,<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> City; Frank WeIlR,<br />

Pres·<br />

ton; R. D. Echlin and Mrs. Ech·<br />

lin (Margaret J. Safley), Mar·<br />

garet Echlin, and James SaIley<br />

Class 1910, College <strong>of</strong> Law,<br />

lunched together at the Red Ball<br />

Inn at 12 :30 on Monday,<br />

with<br />

lIf. P. Cahill, <strong>of</strong> Cedar Rapids as<br />

toastmaster.<br />

Talks were riven<br />

by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor E. A. Wilcox, Judge<br />

Otto, Dr. Allen, Mrs, Imogene<br />

Benson EnThry, Walter R.<br />

Dye!',<br />

Owen Elliott, Judge lIerrick, AI ..<br />

Ian J. Kane. C. F. Lubergel',<br />

class secretary read many inter.<br />

esting letters from absent (IlaSI-<br />

As the Year E:nds<br />

In 'the columns that follow, we<br />

hope to give those who were un·<br />

able to return to the cam pus for<br />

commencement a resume <strong>of</strong> the<br />

events <strong>of</strong> this period. Necessarily<br />

the account must be much abbreviated<br />

to fit our space.<br />

It becomes increasingly<br />

interesting<br />

en~h year for an alum·<br />

nus to return and note the development<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Commencement from many<br />

who<br />

visit the <strong>University</strong> at this period<br />

indicate that they regard the<br />

. experiences <strong>of</strong> these :Cew days<br />

well worth while. Statistics <strong>of</strong> attendance<br />

at commencement from<br />

year to year show that the number<br />

<strong>of</strong> graduates, former stu·<br />

dents, and friends returning for<br />

these festivities grows continually.<br />

It is hoped that alumni will<br />

plan early for corning back next<br />

year and especially that the sec·<br />

retaries <strong>of</strong> reunion classes<br />

will<br />

begin the campaigns for 1926<br />

reunion s well in advance.<br />

Summer Session<br />

side <strong>of</strong> the sun porch up over the<br />

steps to the deck over sun porch.<br />

A placque beside the steps will<br />

name the donors and the date <strong>of</strong><br />

the gift.<br />

F'uture clnsss will find<br />

plenty <strong>of</strong> range for class memorials<br />

in furnishing the Ibwa Memorial<br />

Union.<br />

Our Last Number<br />

sic which has come to bE' one <strong>of</strong><br />

the interesting events <strong>of</strong> this man history. For cerlturies other<br />

closing week <strong>of</strong> the year.<br />

men will turn back and study the<br />

Oh Saturday, <strong>June</strong> 6, golf events <strong>of</strong> the past ten years ...<br />

games were Ilcheduled between Now thnt a certain measured<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> and Chicago.<br />

Tl1e matches victory IHls been won by physical<br />

werc plnyed under a blozing sun force there comes the harder<br />

both in the morning slbgles and tnsk <strong>of</strong> wi nning the vi dory <strong>of</strong><br />

in the afternoon doub1es. <strong>The</strong> the spirit.<br />

powerful Chicago golf t~am add· Staff and Circle breakfast,<br />

ed the <strong>Iowa</strong> quartet to their opening event <strong>of</strong> Alumni Day,<br />

Followihg the address<br />

President<br />

Jessup corlfer'red 1,174<br />

de·<br />

gr es. Arnong these fifteen reo<br />

cived the degree <strong>of</strong> doctor <strong>of</strong> philosophy.<br />

Many interesting details<br />

aUach to this part <strong>of</strong> the program<br />

and to names <strong>of</strong> the can·<br />

didates for degrees. Chief in the<br />

lime light, althougll ih BtlrlingtOll,<br />

Clifford Lideen,<br />

compelled<br />

earlier to give up his studies on<br />

account <strong>of</strong> illness with a few<br />

semesler hours short <strong>of</strong> gradua·<br />

tion, was presented as candidate<br />

for the degree <strong>of</strong> bachelor <strong>of</strong> arts<br />

and the degree was conferred by<br />

President Jessup.<br />

Mr. Lideen,<br />

listening in, is the first <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

graduate in the history<br />

<strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>The</strong> year's issues seem to end string <strong>of</strong> victims wllen they Monday, <strong>June</strong> 8, brought out<br />

logically with the commencement swamped the Hawkeyes 20 to<br />

3 twenty.one members. among them<br />

number.<br />

It was planned to issue in the final dual match <strong>of</strong> the more than a dozen alumni <strong>of</strong> the<br />

this number a week earlier but season. group. After the <strong>University</strong><br />

on account <strong>of</strong> difficulties ill reo <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> Band, or,o <strong>of</strong>. Band Concert on the campus<br />

ceiving reports and because <strong>of</strong> tHe tral:litional accompanill1ent~ mllny visitors were interested in<br />

the fact that commencement ex-<br />

to commencement gave ita Srat the Senior Class Wrnngle when<br />

tended so far ihto the week, the concert on Satur()ay evening on the audience was addressed by<br />

issue was pushed ahead. As yet Old Capitol Oval. Similar t'Of1' Robert T. Swaine, '05, pNmincnt<br />

I h b d f h tt f N Y k C 't Univel'sity to receive a degree<br />

no pans ave cen ma e or t C certs were given on Sulillay cwn. n orney 0 ew or' I y.<br />

coming year but subscribers will ing, on Monday morning llnd <strong>The</strong>re followed dlll'lng the morn- oval' th radio. Mr. Lidcon WIl S<br />

b . f d I l t t ill . e t' g d senl'or confined to his bed but must<br />

e In orme n.er as 0 prospec s· Monday evening. .Large crowds g varIOus melD s an<br />

f 92 26 tt it ' ll avc been thrilled by the lip·<br />

or 1 6- . took advantage <strong>of</strong> this Oppol'1I1ni- aC vIes.<br />

pia use <strong>of</strong> the audience ns Presi·<br />

Alumni transact<br />

Annual Business<br />

<strong>The</strong> annunl bu sincss<br />

meeting<br />

and luncheon <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Association was held at<br />

Youde's Inn on Monday, <strong>June</strong> 8,<br />

ty to enjoy lhe open and the PrIncIpal in the program <strong>of</strong> dent Jessup conferred the rights<br />

good ' programs <strong>of</strong>fered by the Monday afternoon was the Jun~<br />

and privileges <strong>of</strong> the degree upon<br />

Band. Saturday evening foHow- Fete presented by the Depart·<br />

ing the Band Concert various ment <strong>of</strong> Physical Education for him.<br />

groups enjoyed informal parfies. Women under the direction <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> Luncheon fol·<br />

Sunday's baccalaureate atldrE!ss Miss Else Bockstruck. <strong>The</strong> dan- lowing Commencement exercises<br />

was given by Rev. Charles R; ces were carried out from origi. was held in the Women's Gym-<br />

'85 1\1 A d 1 I k d f nasium nt noon. Four hundred<br />

Brown, '83, .., now ean na c ass wor an a eature,<br />

Following close on commence·<br />

t I the Summer at noon. About one hundred<br />

Ulen<br />

(nys comes<br />

Session. Already its students alumni and friends gathered to<br />

are eagerly at work making best enjoy a social hour at lunch, folu<br />

~c<br />

<strong>of</strong> the two summer tel'll1S to lowed by the annual session for<br />

bOost them on their ways to de- the business transactions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>of</strong> Yale Divinity School and "Odysseus in the Land <strong>of</strong> the alumni, faculty, visitors, and<br />

well.known writer, thinker, and Phaeacians," was given. This friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> partici·<br />

speaker. Dr. Brown took as his delightful interlude to the regu. pated in this annual closing<br />

theme "<strong>The</strong> Challenge <strong>of</strong> a New lar program was very much en· event. Reunion classes were seat·<br />

grees or to aid them in the Val"<br />

Association.<br />

ious Jines <strong>of</strong> endeavor which they<br />

After the menu, Chief Justice<br />

hive undertaken. Many teachers, F. F. Faville, '9IL., <strong>of</strong> Das<br />

superintendents, principals, coaches, Moines, president <strong>of</strong> the Associaand<br />

others, are engrdlsed tion called the group to order<br />

in nn effort to make them. and the minutes <strong>of</strong> last year's<br />

selves ready for more competent meeting were read by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />

service in the year ahead.<br />

F. C. Ensign, acting secretary <strong>of</strong><br />

Outgoing trains had scarcely the Association. Following the<br />

Day." Ilis text was EllOdus joyed by those who witnessed It<br />

xxxiv, 2; "And be ready in the- and \Vus remllrked for its arti.l·<br />

morning and come up in the tic presentation. Following tho<br />

morning to Mount · Sinai,<br />

and Fete President and Mrs. J eSi!llJ)<br />

present thyself there to me in were "at home" to visitors in Old<br />

the top <strong>of</strong> the mount." He point- Capitol. Clnss reunion dinnel s<br />

ed out to the graduates t.hat "it is scheduled for Monday evening<br />

no accident that we caIJ the last reviewed are in another column.<br />

cd in Rpccinl sections and at the<br />

speakel:'s table were seated Governor<br />

F. O. Lowden, former<br />

Presi dent Georgo E. MacLean,<br />

President and Mrs. Walter A.<br />

J essl1p, President William O.<br />

Thompson and his daughter, Mrs.<br />

day in college 'commencement.''' Reviving a cl1stom which is<br />

'It is intended that henceforth but which has been dropped for Hahdall, Harvey Ingham, Gordon<br />

business <strong>of</strong> a more serious nature a yenr or two, n Commencement Locke, Judge J. J, Clark, and<br />

is to be undertaken by the sen· Piay was given on Monday even· George T. Baker, Parker K. IIol-<br />

William O. Thorn(lSon<br />

"<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong>: Forty Years<br />

Ago," Frank O. Lowden.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong>: As<br />

It Will<br />

Be," President W. A. Jessup.<br />

In conclu sion Judge J. J.<br />

Clarke Was called upon to<br />

prc·<br />

sent the silver loving eu p oCCered<br />

by the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Assoc·<br />

iation to the class returning the<br />

Inrgest percentage <strong>of</strong><br />

graduates<br />

to commencement. It was won by<br />

lhe Closs <strong>of</strong> 1876, College <strong>of</strong> Lib·<br />

el'nl Arts which returned five out<br />

<strong>of</strong> eleven Iivil1g gradUates. Other<br />

classes recelvlng honorable<br />

mention:<br />

Class <strong>of</strong> 1880, College<br />

<strong>of</strong> Liberal Arts, w110 returned<br />

nine out <strong>of</strong> twenty-four; .Class<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1886, College <strong>of</strong> Liberal Arts,<br />

who returned ten out <strong>of</strong> thirty;<br />

Class 1900 which returned twenlY'<br />

foul' out <strong>of</strong> ninety·~even<br />

living.<br />

Clnss 1905 M. which returned<br />

eighteen out <strong>of</strong> fifty·seven.<br />

Registrations at Jlendqunrters<br />

during commencement totaled<br />

1,<strong>21</strong>8. Long·distance records were<br />

made by C. II. Burton, '89, '05L.,<br />

Whitcsblli'g, Ky.; Gena Gl'oe<br />

Hickox, '10, Spl'ingCield,<br />

Mass.;<br />

Mrs. Je8sie Correll McKenna,<br />

'10M., . Los Angeles, Cal.; and<br />

others who came half way ncross<br />

the continent or 1:arther to see<br />

the Old Gold campllS and famil·<br />

iar faces once more.<br />

Echlln, Cedar FItJl~;<br />

E. E. Bly· mates.<br />

the, River~ide; John B. Hoskins, From 3 ;00 P. M. to 11 ;00 P.<br />

Fenton, Mich.; Adelaide Lasheck M. the reunion continued with a<br />

Burge, <strong>Iowa</strong> City; Agne~<br />

I. Sa!· buffet supper at the Linder cot.<br />

le~',<br />

Cedar Rapids; Jane E. Slav. tage, north <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> City, where<br />

ata, Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Harriet lIongs and stories were inter-<br />

Clearman Cameron, <strong>Iowa</strong> City. spersed with legal discuseione<br />

1905 and ante· Volsteadian lore.<br />

AR planned, the class held their Judge Charles Herrick, <strong>of</strong><br />

reunion dinner at the home<br />

<strong>of</strong> Craig, Colorado, was awarded the<br />

Mr. and lIfrs. Henry G. Walker, long·distance prize; Porter P.<br />

Manville Heights, with the fol. Black the prize tor tho fint<br />

twins; John C. Shipley for the<br />

lowing members and visilors pre·<br />

sent: Robert T. SWaine, New largest head and Frank Messer<br />

York City; Mrs. Clarence L. Ves- Cor the greatest gain in avoirdupois.<br />

<strong>The</strong> class adjournod<br />

tal. (Pearl A. Gordon), Park<br />

Ridge, Ill.; Mrs. W,<br />

Anderson to meet again in 1930 ThosepresE'nt<br />

were: Pr<strong>of</strong>essor E. A. Wil­<br />

(Ethel Nichols), West<br />

Liberty;<br />

P. E. McClcllUhan and Mrs. Mc. cox, Judge Ralph Otto, Dr. D. F.<br />

CI h I Cit<br />

H It A Fitzpatrick, Dr. Dundy Allen,<br />

ena nn, owa y; ",rs. . . I C't W It R D<br />

Norman (Susan Kerstetter), owa IY; a cr .. yer,<br />

A . M W J E J' h (M Boone; John C. lItggms, Daven-<br />

~~ ' 1'8. • • ng IS ary I port; Elmore Edmondson, Brigh-<br />

WIllIams), Hartford, Conn ,; J. t "f . P C h'll C d<br />

d Z d .. ,{ " d on; 1\ aurlce . a I, e ar<br />

Van er ee an "r8 .• an er R 'd M I B<br />

Z I C· 1\" J G apl s; rs. mogene enson<br />

ce, owa Ity; ,rs. . . Emery, Cedar Rapids; James G.<br />

Brauch (E. Beth Achcnbnch), lark, Waterloo; Frank F. Mes­<br />

Lakefield, Minn.; E. S. Rosc and ser, <strong>Iowa</strong> City; Judge Chas. lter­<br />

Mrs. Rose (Edna Boerner), <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

City; Mrs. Sarah Paino H<strong>of</strong>f·<br />

rick, Craig, Colo.; John C. Ship.<br />

ley, Mason City; Allan J. Kane,<br />

man, <strong>Iowa</strong> City; Mr. and Mrs. II. Dubuque; William S. Johnston,<br />

W. Brackney (Etta Williams), Estherville; PortOI1 P. Blnck,<br />

Herbed Brackney, Jr., Marian West Liberty; Owen Elliott, Ced·<br />

Brackney, Sioux City; Mrs. R. G.<br />

ar Repids; C. F1'Gd Luberger,<br />

Price (Nellie Cha~e), Martha Cedar Rapids.<br />

Lou Price, Moorhead, Minn.; n.<br />

G. Walker and Mrs. Walker 1910<br />

(Signy Veblen), Gertrude Walk.<br />

Eight members <strong>of</strong> the Liberal<br />

discharged their loads <strong>of</strong> students approval <strong>of</strong> the minutes, various<br />

free from the year <strong>of</strong> labor than reports were presented as fol·<br />

incoming ones brought nn influx lows:<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Ensign, /lecre<strong>of</strong><br />

Bummer students to fill their tary's report; Mr. Loren Upton,<br />

places. <strong>The</strong> Summer Session, now business manager <strong>of</strong> the Alumill.<br />

its twenty.fifth year began nus, financial report; Mrs. Grace<br />

with an attendance <strong>of</strong> 100.<br />

For P. Smith, editor <strong>of</strong> the Alumnus,<br />

tbis summer an enrollment <strong>of</strong> editor's report; Mrs. Frank<br />

3,600 is anticipated. If this pre. Stromsten. Lakeside Laboratory<br />

diction comes true the attendance report; Mr. John M. Grimm,<br />

for the summer terms will about Memorial Union rcpol·t;<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>es·<br />

equal the entire annual roster <strong>of</strong> sor Ensign, treasurer's report for<br />

Class Reunions <strong>of</strong> 1925<br />

er, Eloi se Walker, <strong>Iowa</strong> City; Arts Class <strong>of</strong> 1910 planned n<br />

Arthur Wright and Mrs. Wright, last.minute reunion at the<br />

Red<br />

Arthula Wright, Mary<br />

Wright, Ball Inn where they met fllr a<br />

and .Jeanette Wright, C dar FalJs; 6 ;00 o'clock dinner Monday, <strong>June</strong><br />

H. J. Brackney and Ml·s. Brack. 8. <strong>The</strong> class president, CUerord<br />

ney (May Soesbe), Helen May Powell, <strong>of</strong> Red Oak, had beon<br />

Brackney, Sheldon; W. E. Spence unable to promote a reunion<br />

on<br />

and Mrs. Spence (Mary E. account <strong>of</strong> illness in his .family.<br />

door), <strong>Iowa</strong> City; Mrs. J. n. Li st <strong>of</strong> those present unavailable.<br />

the <strong>University</strong> in 1916.17 (in- Mr. P. A. Korab.<br />

eluding the Summer Session) a At this point in the order <strong>of</strong><br />

date only eight years ago.<br />

business the nominating commit·<br />

M ONDI\. Y, Jbne 8, foulld 11> nndoah; Edwin Vol Craven, Sent· land, III.; W. S. Withrow, II. A.<br />

large I1Uhlher <strong>of</strong> tIle 6'yeni' tie; (who also sent a congratula· Geseka, Mt. Pleasant; William<br />

classes on tlle cnmpus for the tory telegram) , anrl from Ursula Millen, Earlville: John G. Myerly,<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> att'endi!lg their reo Miittison Rogers, <strong>of</strong> Ta~oma, and W. O. Finkbl\te, and Clinton L.<br />

unions upon which much time and IIoiner II. Seerley, Cedar<br />

Falls. Nourse, Des Moihes.<br />

energy have been expended since <strong>The</strong> two latter though not strict· ] 885<br />

the first <strong>of</strong> the year.<br />

It Was a Iy '<strong>of</strong> the class <strong>of</strong> '76 received Mrs. Coultor entertained the class<br />

plc.nsure and ihs pil'ation even diplomas in Didactics in that at a 9 o'clock breakfast at her<br />

for a non·particlpant to see th~<br />

year.<br />

]891 K.M.C. Lees (Mile Crane), Robert Lees, 1915<br />

<strong>The</strong> members <strong>of</strong> the old Keok. Des Moines; C. J. Dickson and <strong>The</strong> tenth reunion <strong>of</strong> the Clnss<br />

uk Medicnl Col\egc, Cln~~ <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Dickson (Lura Moling), 01: 1915, College <strong>of</strong> Liberal Arts<br />

1891, held their reunion on the Velma Dickson, and Dorolhy was held at Youde's Inn, Mon­<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> campus on <strong>June</strong> 8. A class Dickson, Montezuma; Dr.<br />

Mary day, <strong>June</strong> 8, at 9:00 A. M. Elevmeeting<br />

nt 10:00 A. M. in the K. Heard, <strong>Iowa</strong> City; Mrs. Chas. en members <strong>of</strong> the class were<br />

Hall <strong>of</strong> Liberal ArLs resulted in Swaine, Council Bluffs. present and about an equal<br />

t he following elections; J. 11:1. 1905 M. number <strong>of</strong> visitors. Telegrams<br />

Auld, Chicago, president; J. W. <strong>The</strong> twentieth anniversary <strong>of</strong> and letters <strong>of</strong> greeting from a<br />

Programs Available<br />

tee, appointed earlier in the ses·<br />

sion, brought in their recommen·<br />

dations for the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Association for the ensuing year<br />

-1926·26. Officers elected were:<br />

handshakings and cdJ'dial meet· 1.fonday evening, the Clnss held<br />

ings <strong>of</strong> those lorig<br />

absent from an informnl reception to friends<br />

Alma Mnter. Fifteeh dl!{~nt at the Welch home. Those presclasses<br />

were meeting about <strong>Iowa</strong> ent at the l'cunion were Judge<br />

City nt the breakfnst and dinner W. D. Tisdale, Ottumwa; J oseph<br />

hours on Monday. Brief reports W. Meyers, Brighton; Walter H.<br />

are submitted by class secretaries Robertson, Orlando, Florida;<br />

as follows:<br />

Robert L. Parrish and Mrs. Pat'·<br />

residence. <strong>The</strong> afterno<strong>of</strong>t was Herrick, Ottuntwa, vice·president; the Class '05, Coll ege <strong>of</strong> Medi. score <strong>of</strong> class mates were read<br />

spent in renewing old acquaint· H. C. Young, Bloomfield, secre· cine was celebrated in a fitting and each member present told<br />

ances and a'ttertding val'iOU8 ex·<br />

On account <strong>of</strong> the heavy<br />

de.<br />

mand for commencement programs,<br />

the edition printed<br />

was<br />

exhausted long before the<br />

exercises<br />

were concluded.<br />

Many sen·<br />

iors and alumni were unable to<br />

carry these souvenirs home to<br />

their relatives and friends.<br />

To<br />

supply this deficiency a second<br />

edition is now avuilable and pro·<br />

grnms may be had on request.<br />

Stamps to cover mailing expense<br />

should accompany orders. Please<br />

address<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> As·<br />

sociation, 203 Journalism Building<br />

and your order will be givcn<br />

prompt attention.<br />

Judge J. J. Clarke, '73L., Mason<br />

City, president; Benjamin Swish·<br />

er, '99, 'OOL., Waterloo, vi!ce.<br />

president; O. A. Byington, '80,<br />

]875<br />

'81L., '89M.A., <strong>Iowa</strong> City, treas·<br />

Ciass <strong>of</strong> 1875 celeb'rated their<br />

ul'er; Han. C. M. Dutcher, '94L., 1'''' h'<br />

f<br />

: lthet un!llV'el'sary 0 grlldu11-<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> City, member l<strong>of</strong> the execution<br />

on Monday, <strong>June</strong> 8 with a<br />

tive committee, to succeed<br />

himbreakfast<br />

at 9 ;00 A. M., at the<br />

self; Frank Meher, '10L., <strong>Iowa</strong> home <strong>of</strong> MI'. and Mrs. Willard J.<br />

City, alumni member <strong>of</strong> tho athletic<br />

board to succeed himself; F. Welch, 630 East Washington<br />

Street, <strong>Iowa</strong> City.<br />

Of the origi­<br />

M. Pownall, '11, '13 M.A., <strong>of</strong> nal thirty.three members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Des Moines, member <strong>of</strong> the Lakeclass,<br />

eleven survive and five<br />

side Laboratory committce to were present at the reunion. This<br />

succeed himself.<br />

return gave tbo Class the silvel'<br />

After being introduced as loving cup .awarded every year<br />

president·elect <strong>of</strong> the Association by the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> As~oc.<br />

Judge Clark pnld a tribute to the intion to the class returning t"~<br />

<strong>University</strong> and expressed his largest percentage <strong>of</strong> Jiving grail·<br />

With the Memorial Union's willingness to serve. A number uates to commencement, t~e<br />

Furnishing Our<br />

Home<br />

first unit nearing completion,<br />

it <strong>of</strong> distingulslied sonl! <strong>of</strong> Illwa at· award being made at the Comis<br />

but natural that some thought tended the mectlhg among them llIencemcnt Luncheon.<br />

8~oUld be given to accessories Hon . P. O. [)owden, '85, who Judg'c W. D. Tisdale, <strong>of</strong> Ottoat<br />

will make it more Qivable grcetud his friends briefly as the the cia's<br />

tumwo, presided at ,<br />

and those which will be marks <strong>of</strong> sessloh closed. bl'ertkfast, reading letters fr01ll<br />

\Jeauty and practicality alike. A absent 'members and calling for<br />

~ntcr <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> activities, a C. S, O"Brl"en I'Cmml6CCnces. Amusement wes<br />

home for the stUdent's social con· • aft'orded .,y readl~t the prOlrra'rl<br />

tacts, and extra·curricular reo Dr. C. S. O'Brien, df the Willis <strong>of</strong> the gt-aduating exercitlefl 01:<br />

tary-trcaSlll'er.<br />

manner by eighteen !IllmbClrs <strong>of</strong> something <strong>of</strong> what he had, been<br />

ercises on the campUs.<br />

In the<br />

Following the busi ness meeting an original enrollment <strong>of</strong> sixty- doing since 1915. Members and<br />

overting members <strong>of</strong> the class a visit Was made at Oakdale two. A few wives were iterspers· visitors present follow: Cathe.r·<br />

were guests <strong>of</strong> Frnnk O. Lowden Sanitarium and<br />

the Childt'en's ed to lend grace to the occasion. ine Mullin, Etta Metzger, E. IT.<br />

und Charles L. Powell at a 7 H 't I At 6 30 P M h Death has accounted for fl've <strong>of</strong> Bashe, John T. Prederick and<br />

o'clock dinner at the Jefferson OSpl a . : ", t ere·<br />

union banquet was held at the absentees, Joseph F. Etz- ]',frs. Frederick, Mr.. Verll W.<br />

Hotel. Numerous interesting let· You(I(]'s Inn. <strong>The</strong> class has ar. bach, Waltar H. Fox, Albart R Bales (Mabel Stewart), <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

rish, Des Moines; Willard J. ters \vere read from members un.. ~ ~<br />

Welch and Mrs Welch (Jennie 0,<br />

ranged to return in full force in ltichey, Charles H. Stelling, and City; Chase W. Hoadley, 1j:dge·<br />

Loizeaux '03), <strong>Iowa</strong> City. able to be present. <strong>The</strong> secre- 1926 for their ::J6th reunion. Claude L. Vaughn. Letters <strong>of</strong> re- wood Arsenal, Maryland; Norvin<br />

tary repot·ted that out <strong>of</strong> the class, Flowers and sympathy were sent gret in being unable to<br />

attend E. Smit)! and Mrs. Smith (Helen<br />

1880 numbering . 36 at gradUation, 6. to Dr. C. E. Ruth, 01: Des Moines, were read fl'om Matt B. Weir, Heberling), Des Mllines; W. W.<br />

Out <strong>of</strong> a class originally num· ",e:'o deceased. Those present who was in the hospital and un- William C. Wolverton, Charles Townsend, /Lake aIty; Howan!<br />

bering 45, eight <strong>of</strong> the 24 living werc as follows: Frank O. Low· able to attend the reunion. Those 'w. Ellyson, and Kutt Jaanicke. T. Holt, Coon Rapids; Bmma<br />

members attended the forty·fifth dell, Oregon, III.; Chas. L. Pow- t 0 F k F 11 Edw d E K'd d B B Blythe, Waterloo; William T.<br />

anniversary <strong>of</strong> graduation on II Ch' III L C BI d' presen were: r. ran 'U er ar. Tl or an . ,<br />

e, Icago, .; . E' I an lllB g , and Mrs. Fuller, Keokuk; Dr. E. Sells bad been appointed as the Goodwin and Mrs. Goedwln<br />

<strong>June</strong> 8. <strong>The</strong> class was enterLain- Moline, Ill.; Mrs. mer . A. Nash, Peterson; Dr. A. H. committee on arrangements and (Gertrude Rate), <strong>Iowa</strong> City.<br />

ed at a six o'clock dinner on Coulter (Etta Hunter), <strong>Iowa</strong> Foster a'nd sister, Eric, 111.; Dr. had prepared a delightful eight. 1915 L.<br />

Monday evening by Judge and City; Mrs. J. W. Eells (Esther H. W. Cunfield and Mrs. Can. course dinner in one <strong>of</strong> the priv- Reunion postponed until the;<br />

Mrs. O. A. Byington at their Smalley), Muscatine; C. Grant field, Baxter; Dr. J. M. Auld, ate dining rooms at the Jeffer- Bar Association meeting in Du.<br />

home on the West Side. On Marqua~dt and. Mrs. Marquardt, Chicago, Ill.; Dr. J. C. Boice, son Hotel, <strong>Iowa</strong> City, <strong>June</strong> 8, buque on <strong>June</strong> 18 and 19.<br />

Tuesday morning another memo Des Momes;. VIctor G. Coe and Washington; Dr. O. W. McGrew, 1925, at 1 ;00 P. M. 1920<br />

bel' <strong>of</strong> the class, Lyle F. Sutton, Mrs. Coe, Cltnton; George Schlat- Columbus Junction; Dr. C. H. Class President J. D. Hexom, After five years away from<br />

<strong>of</strong> Clinton, entertained the group ter, Bollevue; Roger S. Galer, Kinnaman and Mrs. Kinnaman, (minus the celebrated Van Dyke) Alma Mater the youngest re.<br />

at brelllt!ast lit the Jeffl!l'!on Ho· ~fount Pleasant; D. D. Donman. Topeka, Kilns.; Dr. N. Thompson; presided, assisted by Secretary union class breakfasted toaether<br />

tel. <strong>The</strong> following morning at. 1890 L. Jesup; Dr. C. E. Donahue and Mary K. Heard. <strong>The</strong> ti~e was at the Red Ball Inn. Conversanine<br />

o'clock, the class assembled<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the class held their Mrs. Donnhue and guests, East all too short but many exhiliart- tion and reminiscences filled the<br />

around their class boulder 01'\ the class meeting at 10 ;30 A. M. at Moline, III.; Dr. Earl Cooper, ing experiences were rccnlled. breakfast bour and followed it.<br />

campus for a class picture. <strong>The</strong> tho Hotel Je1:ferson where <strong>of</strong>fie· Augusta, In.; Dr. O. A. Kabrlck, Not the least enjoyable incident Those who took advantage <strong>of</strong> re.<br />

following members attended the ill'S were elec~d liS follows: J. M. Grandview; Dr. H. C. Young and Was a brief talk by former pres- turning to Old GlIld campu.:<br />

reunion: 'Rev. Alfred Kelly, Grimm, Cedar Rapids, president; Mrs. Young, Bloomfield; Dr. C. ident, G. E . MacLean. Mrs. Leonard Racker (Elinore<br />

Chicag~, III.; Oliver P. Myers, Chester F. Stephenson, Chicago, R. RusselI and Mrs. Russell, Keo- Plans were discussed relative Rone), Waverly; Ida R. Scbwind,<br />

N'ewt'on; Harvey Inl;'lIa111, Des secretary. A dinner WIIS enjoyed sauqua; Dr. E. R. Newland and to the 1930 reunion and especial Dubuque; Bernice S. Riddle; 00-<br />

MoiTlelf; Lyle F. Sutton, Clinton. at the Jefferson Hotel at 6:-80 P. son, DrakeviIle; Dr. P. E. Hains, efforts are to be directed in put· buque; Mrs. <strong>The</strong>odore<br />

Beekman<br />

BYl'on Mattison, Rockwell City; M. on Montiay. Those prescnt at Keokuk; Dr. J. C. Moore, Eldon; ting over, in even greater style, (Mary Kramer)' Charles Cit¥;<br />

Mrs. Hattie (Dennis) Hoberling, the reunion were; Truman Ste· Dr. W. W. Potter, :fi{uscatine; lind the twenty.fifth anniversary, at Helen B. Hull, Maquoketa; Sadie<br />

Tiffin; Charles C. Shrader, <strong>Iowa</strong> vens, Hamburg; A. HoWngs· Dr. J. L. Young, Muscatine which time the invitations will be E. Clap~er, Spencer; J. Ill.<br />

City; O. A. Byington, <strong>Iowa</strong> City.' worth, KeOKuk; Chester F. Step-<br />

extended to the entire family <strong>of</strong> Hickerson, Meriden, Conn.; Flor·<br />

1880 L. henson, Chicago, II .. ; James H, ]895 L. each alumnus <strong>of</strong> the class <strong>of</strong> ence Volkmer, Burlington; Blod-<br />

Seven members <strong>of</strong> the Class <strong>of</strong> Rothrock, Colorado Springs, Col.: Classmates who enjoyed t~e Medicine, 1905. Those present wen M. Williams, Fort Madison;<br />

1880, College <strong>of</strong> Law, wer~ pres- Chas. E. Chrisman, Ortonville, reunion dinner <strong>of</strong> Class 1895, were: J. D. Hexom, M. K. Gladys M. Dulgar, Muscatine;<br />

ent at the forty·fifth reu~ion <strong>of</strong> Minn,; S. A. Hays, Winterset: College <strong>of</strong> Law at the Red Ball Heard, B. B. Sells, P. Me. H<strong>of</strong>f· Mrs. Rufus V. Morse (M.riam<br />

During the War, he. served in the class. No business was trans· C. E. Reynolds, Carroll; F. G. Inn werc; W. IT. Bremner, Min. man, C. M. Ericsson, S. G. Brueckner), Maywood, Ill.; Phll­<br />

France with the Eleventh Mar- acted, the time being given up to Or'elup, Ottumwa; J. A. Hendor· Hands, F. Bailey, H. D. Fallows, ip Franzen, Selma: Mrs. John<br />

Illes 8S It~UMlllllt 'eo"''MtI'IItie'r <strong>of</strong> tile u-SUal and UnusUal romin!s-' sOn, Jefferson; C. A. Robbins, neapolis, lonnn.; Charles II. Bur- H. A. Householder, R. W. Allen,' 'Wcil% ('Mftllriil '1'11for), .tllda,<br />

the United 'States aval Hoapit- eencl!8. Those present were: Winterset; J. M. Grimm, Cedal' ton, Whilcsbul'g, Ky.; Burtolla I~. L. Griffin, B. A. Bowers, H. T. Paul, .FIONIIee Strub, a-,-".<br />

fuge, those who have contributed E~e<br />

Hospital staff, Philadelphia, the Class <strong>of</strong> 1876-elght Welltit.<br />

80 ardently to its c<strong>of</strong>fers - the Penn., hos been appointed to ty orations. Only Judge Tisdale<br />

lItudllnts - arc now interesting succeed Dr. W. F. Boiler, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> nnd R. L. Parrish remain C'f<br />

them.elves in adding here and CIty, who has recllntly resigned those on the progllalh. Uteera<br />

there to both interior and exter- to devote his time to private I'were read from J. J. Seerley,<br />

iOr little details not absolutely practice. Burlington; Chauefl); A. Lovelace,<br />

~sential, but decidedly pleasant. <strong>The</strong> new incumbent to the Denver; Rev. C. S. Hanle)" ~1I.<br />

'Wte Class <strong>of</strong> 1925 has left oak chair <strong>of</strong> opthulmalogy Dr.<br />

Window IIcats in the Union as its O'Brien, is well knowll for his<br />

~morial. Another gift annoul1c· research work. He grnduated<br />

eel is from t.he las8 <strong>of</strong> 1923, from the Unl~r8lty <strong>of</strong> IndlRn",<br />

co)'llisting <strong>of</strong> a ffirht <strong>of</strong><br />

stonD in 1913 'and has been In service<br />

atePIt rllnnlnlJ hom the louth' at Johns 'Hopkins UniverSity. III <strong>of</strong> the Philippine IlIIands. 'Frederick Denkmnan, RoCk Ils- Rapids; C. E. PIckett, Wllterloo N. Hendricks, Ricevlllc; Fred M. J. 'Bruckney, J, R. Thompson, F, ' Blat~ner, <strong>Iowa</strong> CIt"

Official Student Newspaper.<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

Telephones { E4l1tortal 28!9<br />

Bualn_ 2,.. 281<br />

~. IInilJJ' 1to_W_tt_W ____<br />

----~--:.---'----------·-----:J;-ow-a-:C:it-y. <strong>Iowa</strong>. Sunday. <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong>. 1925<br />

---"----"--_<br />

Published Every Mornins.<br />

Except MondilY by<br />

Student Publications<br />

Incorporated<br />

.. =======~==================~-=---~----.:..-----~-~~<br />

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u. S.<br />

Def<br />

.. <strong>The</strong> Coldest Drinks<br />

in Town<br />

Whiting Pharmacy<br />

19 South Dubuque<br />



"Of Course"<br />

Stop at our dairy store-A variety <strong>of</strong> flavors<br />

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Oakland Bakery<br />

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