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.4 4 ~ • "".. _ __." a_'<br />
Don't toss your yellow<br />
By Donna Walker<br />
Staff Writer<br />
Remember the yellow ribbons that<br />
popped up around the community to support<br />
the Umted States troops m Operation<br />
Dp~ert Storm? Well, the <strong>Grosse</strong> PointE><br />
Wdr Memonalls askmg residents to do-<br />
Ildte their nbbons to the <strong>Grosse</strong> POintes'<br />
Fourth of July parade.<br />
"It's not that we want residents to take<br />
down thell' nbbons, it's if they're doing It<br />
any\\ ay," said Suzy Berschback<br />
Memonal<br />
"We've noticed that a lot of people are<br />
takmg down their ribbons. For example,<br />
of the War<br />
Three Mile Drive was filled with ribbons<br />
but they're not there any more. It got ba~k<br />
ribbons; recycle them for Fourth of July parade<br />
to us that residents just threw them away,<br />
and we thought that was a shame."<br />
Donated yellow nbbons wl1l be used to<br />
make floats for the parade, which IS bemg<br />
bIlled as "Salute Amenca: A Tribute to<br />
Operation Desert Storm."<br />
Sponsored by all five of the Pomtes, Harper<br />
Woods and the War Memorial, the pa.<br />
rade Will stal'! at 9'30 a.m July 4 on Lakeshore<br />
at Morass and end at the War<br />
MemorIal.<br />
Drop-boxes for the yellow ribbons are located<br />
in all SIXcity halls<br />
Volunteers are also needed to help build<br />
floats, march m the parade, or make contnbutlOns<br />
to sponsor a band<br />
, ~.. - -- - ~ -- -<br />
President George Bush has designated<br />
July 4 as a national day to honor the men<br />
and women who served m Operation De.<br />
sert Storm.<br />
Fifty-nine <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>rs served in Operation<br />
Desert Storm.<br />
As of May 10, 23 of them had returned<br />
to their home bases, according to the War<br />
Memorial.<br />
Those who have returned home are: All'<br />
Force personnel Norman J. Arends, John<br />
F. Kujat, Becky Roberts, Christopher J.<br />
Ross, David Woodrow; Army personnel<br />
Anthony J. Esperti, William DenIer, Jason<br />
Fontella, John Hielscher, Gerald Lee, Jason<br />
E. Power, Karen Robertson; Marine<br />
personnel Matthew Armstrong, Robert<br />
Marsh, Joseph Vadio; National Guard personnel,<br />
Ahta S. Irwin; Navy personnel,<br />
Em Fordon, Sarah J. Hondrum, Michael<br />
Krieg, Myron G. Sherer, John Stickford,<br />
Kelly Rae Smith, Ward Szerlag.<br />
In addition to the Independence Day parade,<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods will host its traditional<br />
fireworks display on June 30, and<br />
the War Memorial will host a free concert<br />
by the U.S. Air Force Band of the Midwest<br />
on Monday, July 1.<br />
For more information about any of these<br />
events, call the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> War Memonal<br />
at 881-7511, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.,<br />
Monday through Saturday.<br />
. -. -:---- --- ...- ....~. /:~<br />
A Community <strong>News</strong>paper<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Vol. 52, No. 20<br />
54 pages<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, Michigan<br />
Since 1940<br />
50~<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
Sights of spring<br />
...... ~........~-<br />
Now is one of tbe most beautiful times of the year In the Point.. as<br />
the spring foliage and flowers come out. Left is a gorgeous yellow-<br />
flowered hedge In the Farma:~Rlght la a plnk-buclclecl tree at the Unitarian<br />
Church In Grosae <strong>Pointe</strong> City.<br />
New service ensures that even minor youth crimes are punished<br />
By John Minms<br />
for truants or park trespassers, of property and skateboarding<br />
ASSistant Editor<br />
for example Often, these mmor on the street<br />
Sklppmg school, breakmg offenses went unpumshed<br />
"We don't want the word to<br />
cUlfew, smokmg CIgarettes - The Youth ASSIstance Pro go out that you can get away<br />
these are all mmor offenses gram, however, now offers a \\lth mmor offenses." said Sgt<br />
that would normally warrant a five-week Status Offenders Ser James SmIth. Gl'Osse Pomte<br />
..lap on the Wrist, but not m vice for youths under the age of Park's youth officer<br />
the Pomtes anri HaqJeI Woods 17 and as young as 7.<br />
Youth ASSIstance Program<br />
Smce 1986, the SIXcommumties<br />
and pohce offiCials have people who are guJlty of an of pose of the two youth offenders<br />
Status offenders are young dIrector C Sartor saId the pur.<br />
helped sponsor the Youth ASSIStance<br />
Program tor youthful of-<br />
status as JuvenIles FOl exam-<br />
mlc offenders face SWIft and<br />
feuse primarily because of thell programG TGto pnsure that Juve<br />
fendel s, such as mmors in pos ple, CIgarette smokmg, tl uancy SUI e consequences for then ac<br />
sessIOn of alcohol or other and cmfew VIOlatIOns "re sta. tlOns She saId eight youths<br />
dl ugs The program IS now op tus offenses<br />
from the five Pomtes and Hal'<br />
erated by the Children's Home Of course, non.status offenses pel Woods have been l'efelTed<br />
of DetrOit<br />
can be treated through the ne", to the 2.month-old Status Of<br />
But the mtenslve 15.week offenders servIce. such as tres fenders SerVIce<br />
pi ogram was VIewed as overkIll passmg, malicIOUS destructIOn When vouths are pIcked up<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong>r of Interest Inside<br />
Henry de Segur Lauve<br />
City pools,<br />
courts ready 2A<br />
Furms, Woods<br />
By John Minnis<br />
Lauve, 72, who has hved With<br />
consider budgets ....4A<br />
ASSistant Edrtor<br />
hiS WIfe, Mary, m <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
After more than half a cen Pomte Woods smce the 1950s Cities, states chase<br />
tury In the automotive busl Actually, the car IS called the fewer tax dollars ...6A<br />
ness, Henry de Segur Lauve SlIver Volt Twelve prototypes Dodge Viper<br />
still gets a charge out of deSIgn. of the car have been bUllt by to set pace 15A<br />
mg cars<br />
Lauve and partners through Fun Run Sunday 16A<br />
HIS current endeavor IS producmg<br />
an electl'lc car<br />
School considers<br />
their ElectriC Auto Corp based<br />
m Troy<br />
"We modestly call It the best What make Lauve's electriC budget, tax 18A<br />
electriC car In the \\orld ..
2A<br />
Correctwns Will be printed<br />
on thIS page every week. If<br />
there IS an error of fact In<br />
any story, call the newsroom<br />
at882~294.<br />
•<br />
In the May 9 .ory about<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> City's new p-<br />
Uce C3r, Stc-,c Class should<br />
have been Identified as a<br />
mecharuc with the East Detroit<br />
police department.<br />
All items for the Features<br />
section must be in by<br />
Thursday, May 23, at 3<br />
p.m.<br />
All items for the Sports<br />
and EntertaInment sections<br />
must be m by 10 a.m. Friday,<br />
May 24.<br />
All items for the <strong>News</strong><br />
section, including letters to<br />
the editor, must be in by 5<br />
p.m. Friday, May 24.<br />
If you have any questions,<br />
can the news department<br />
at 882-0294.<br />
Qr~<br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
Get your flowers<br />
Jim Kedicb, left, chairman of tbe <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods Beautification Commission's 16th<br />
annual Flower Sale, and Eric Steiner, a member of tbe commission, have been tending to<br />
some of the flowers that will !:Ie on sale May 17 and 18 on tbe lawn In front of Groue<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Woods City Hall. Hours are 2 to 7 p.m. FJ:day and 8 a.m. to noon Saturday. Profits<br />
from the sale will fund special beautification projects in tbe Woods.<br />
Corrections<br />
Memorial Day<br />
news deadlines<br />
The <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
offices wIll be closed Memorial<br />
Day, Monday, May 27.<br />
Therefore. deadlines for<br />
'news items for the May 30<br />
issue are earlier<br />
Point~ <strong>News</strong><br />
(USPS 210-4(J())<br />
Published ewr) Thllr~dil\<br />
By Antel'bo Publishers<br />
96 kerchpval Avenue<br />
Crosse <strong>Pointe</strong>. MI 48236<br />
PHONE: 882-6900<br />
r",,"'''on In prror<br />
1\',lof,tK .11k ... mlN' Iw ~I\('n In tln'>l'<br />
kw (OfT(''( I'oll In tt-.: toll \.\ l~ Ii.,"-J(<br />
\'V! ...."Im
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
Historical society selects four sites for honors<br />
The <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Historical<br />
4A<br />
The Woods<br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
Under the Headlee Amend.<br />
ment, the city C(l.uncil has the<br />
authority to raiae the total tax<br />
rate to up to ll9.0932 mills<br />
without a vote eX the people, as<br />
long as a public ~ bearing is<br />
held.<br />
If the city did JnOt raise the<br />
millage after the 'f'ruth in Toation<br />
roll back, it would have<br />
to cut approximatoly $128,000<br />
out of the budget, and "that<br />
would not be tiacatJy responsible,"<br />
said Woods Mayor Robert<br />
Novitke.<br />
Maison said that the average<br />
1991.92 SEV for W'oods h0meowners<br />
is $71,579.<br />
Before the Truth An Taxation<br />
rollback, the average homeowner<br />
would have paid ~.30<br />
in city taxes for 1991.92<br />
(.0117395 :l $71,579). After the<br />
rollback, he would have paid<br />
$788.63 (.0110176 J. $71,579).<br />
With the rollback an,d proposed<br />
millage increase, thle resident<br />
will pay $806.98.<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> WtlOds' p~<br />
poed 1991-92 city budget is<br />
$18,742,500, compared to<br />
$18,892,220 for 1990-91.<br />
Included in the proposed<br />
budget are: $8,164,000 for the<br />
general fund; $3,832,300 for the<br />
special revenue fundj<br />
$1,665,950 for the cktbt fund;<br />
$203,500 for the capitul project<br />
fund; $390,250 for the enter.<br />
prise fund; and $926,500 for the<br />
motor vehicle fund.<br />
The 1990-91 b~:et was<br />
$18,892,220, and ineluded<br />
$7,949,000 for the general fuDd.<br />
____<br />
The~ general fund<br />
1 ~<br />
is used to<br />
L<br />
~ .U& l5"'UGlCU lSUYC£UIlM:IU..,<br />
public safety, public worD aDd<br />
parks and recreation uxpendi.<br />
tures. Also included in t.he pneral<br />
fund is contingeDcy money<br />
for emergencies.<br />
Novitke called it cell very<br />
modest, responsible, proposed<br />
budget."<br />
He said it was especially so<br />
considering the Wood!! lost<br />
IIlOl"e than $85,000 thi8 )'ear in<br />
state revenue sharing funds<br />
due to a population decroaae eX<br />
1,711 people, according toO the<br />
A 1990 U.S. CeDSWt. <<br />
.. •<br />
Accot'dinB the census • the<br />
Woods bad 17,175 residents in<br />
1990, compared to 18,806 in<br />
1980.<br />
The more ezpensive iteJus in<br />
the propoeed budget are plUblic<br />
safety ($3,74.2,400), the ~raterl<br />
sewer fund ($3,368,800), public<br />
works ($1,681,800), the local<br />
street fund ($1,506,150) and<br />
solid wastesldisposallrecyding<br />
($1,233,500). On the other end<br />
of the spectrum are special<br />
training for public safety mfi.<br />
cers ($8,300) and drug enfOI'Cement<br />
($1,050).<br />
Novitke said plqxl8ed budget<br />
increaseb were kept at or below<br />
5.4 percent, the rate of inflation.<br />
Through careful budgeting<br />
and luck, Novitke said, the<br />
Woods will have approximately<br />
$600,000 left<br />
1990-91 budget<br />
over from the<br />
to apply to the<br />
upcoming budget.<br />
The Farms<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms' p~<br />
posed budget of $8,070,600 for<br />
1991.92 is $379,600 more than<br />
the 1990-91 final budget.<br />
Highlights include<br />
$I,926,1}75 for police llervice<br />
(down from $1,931,800 in 1990-<br />
91), $1,843,590 for public works<br />
(up from $1,834,400 in 1990-<br />
91), $686,100 for general gov.<br />
ernment (up from $647,810 in<br />
1990-91) and $390,924 for sewage<br />
(down from $421,000 in<br />
1990-91).<br />
The Farms should have an<br />
estimated $840,000 leftovpr<br />
from its 1990-91 budget to apply<br />
toward the 1991-92 budget,<br />
due to careful budgeting and<br />
emergencies that were planned<br />
for but didn't happen, said<br />
John Lamerato, Farms controller.<br />
Like the Woods, the Farma<br />
has lost state sharing revenue<br />
dollars - about $9,000 - due<br />
to its declining population.<br />
According to the U.S. CeIlSUlil<br />
Bureau, the Farms had 10,092<br />
residents in 1990, compared to<br />
• REDUCE HEAt"<br />
10,551 in 1980.<br />
Farms CIty Clerk Richard G.<br />
Solak said the city anticipated<br />
the 1088 jn state sharing revenue<br />
dollare last year and budge<br />
eted accordingly.<br />
For 1990-91, the Farms total<br />
SEV was approximately $430<br />
ml1lion, compared to an esti.<br />
mated $468.4 million in 1991.<br />
92<br />
A homeowner who had a<br />
SEV of $100,000 in 1990-91 received<br />
a SEV of approximately<br />
$109,000 for 1991.92, according<br />
to Lamerato. Residential assessments<br />
rose by 9 percent<br />
licrOSS the board for 1991.92, he<br />
sald.<br />
In 1990-91, the Farms levied<br />
a total of 10.75 mills. Under<br />
the Truth in Taxation law, the<br />
Farms has to lower its tax rate<br />
to 9.92 mills for 1991.92. How.<br />
ever, to maintain the present<br />
I~vel of city Ilervices, the city<br />
council is considering levying<br />
an extra .43 mills. That would<br />
bring the total tax rate up to<br />
10.35 mills, resulting in a 4.9<br />
percent increase in city taxes<br />
for residential property owners,<br />
Lamerato said.<br />
Under the Headlee Amendment,<br />
the Farma can raise the<br />
tax rate up to 14.788 mills<br />
without a vote of the people, as<br />
long as a public hearing is<br />
held.<br />
lo'or 1990-91, a Farms homeowner<br />
with an SEV of $100,000<br />
paid $1,075 in city taxes<br />
eo. S HAMIlTON<br />
SAGINAW "1148602<br />
PHONf (517) 792 093
Cities, states<br />
fight to meet<br />
public's needs<br />
From New York City to the <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
<strong>Pointe</strong>s, from Maine to Michigan,<br />
the nation's cities and states are<br />
seekmg ways to finance social services as<br />
well as cultural and other public programs<br />
threatened by scarce tax dollars.<br />
Michigan's fiscal crisis is unparalleled<br />
m the years since the Great Depression.<br />
Almost everyone admits the state government<br />
has to tighten its belt but few approve<br />
of the economies proposed by Gov.<br />
John Engler for the state of Michigan.<br />
Detroit, like other aging metropolitan<br />
centers, is facing a rough summer with<br />
cutbacks in services, including those<br />
provided by its police department, at a<br />
tIme of heavy unemployment and hIgh<br />
major crime rates.<br />
In fact, the state appears to be bashing<br />
Detroit again by axing aid to its cultural<br />
programs and cutting back welfare and<br />
other programs that benefit Detroit's poor<br />
and unfortunate.<br />
GOP state Sen. Vern Ehlers, Grand<br />
Rapids, in effect confirmed the bashing<br />
when he said while "there is no intention<br />
to decimate Detroit or the symphony or<br />
the DIA, the outstate perspective is that<br />
they've had it pretty soft for a number of<br />
years," adding that "Detroit has been getting<br />
special treatment."<br />
Yet the senator, like the governor, forgets<br />
that the state assumed the major<br />
support for Detroit's cultural jewels after<br />
the city had lost its ability to do so. GOP<br />
Gov. William Milliken, who backed state<br />
aid to Detroit, argued that Detroit's cultural<br />
jewels were state assets and thus<br />
state responsibilities.<br />
However, recent news headlines in the<br />
Detroit dailies show that the cutbacks,<br />
real and proposed, have bashed more<br />
than Detroit: "Engler plans deeper cuts<br />
for arts in '92," "Engler would shift<br />
health care costs," "State cuts create water<br />
crisis for welfare recipients," "Prepaid<br />
welfare rent to end soon" and "Board<br />
ends welfare for 95,000."<br />
But there is little or no agreement in<br />
Lansing or elsewhere on ways to avoid<br />
such cuts. A mfijority of respondents to<br />
• •<br />
pinion<br />
one public opinion poll did favor a small<br />
tax increase and seme reductions in services<br />
as an alternative to Engler's budgetbalancing<br />
efforts that rested chiefly on<br />
proposed cutbacks in services.<br />
But instead of offering an alternative to<br />
the governor's program, the Democrats<br />
are claiming credit for the 1992 tax assessment<br />
freeze and avoiding tax hike<br />
plans as if they were the plague.<br />
One of the latest of many political disputes<br />
between the parties to head toward<br />
the courts arises from the governor's action<br />
in using the little known State Administrative<br />
Board, which he and his<br />
GOP colleagues control, to end state benefits<br />
for 95,000 able-bodied recipients of<br />
General Assistance allotments.<br />
Democratic House Speaker Lewis Dadak<br />
challenged the action in court on the<br />
grounds it was a "blatant and unprecedented"<br />
attempt "to usurp legislative authority."<br />
The governor said the board action will<br />
enable the state to shift funds to continue<br />
aid to about 20,000 families and disabled<br />
GA recipients; restore earlier cuts in state<br />
subsidies for famdies with foster children<br />
and for adoptive parents of special.needs<br />
children, and avoid deeper cuts in Aid to<br />
Families with Dependent Children and<br />
Medicaid.<br />
Much of the current trouble began in<br />
the early 19808 when the federal govern.<br />
ment began to trim its support for the cities<br />
and states. Since then, the states<br />
have declined in economic health and the<br />
cities have further deteriorated so that<br />
they've had to cut back on what once was<br />
regarded as essential service.<br />
Detroit, which already has cut its ser-<br />
Vices and personnel sharply, is still faced<br />
with declining federal and state aid, a<br />
shrinking tax base and a oontinuing<br />
heavy burden of social programs.<br />
Yet Detroit now employs only 200 employees<br />
per 10,000 population ana spends<br />
$748 in per capita city funds to pay city<br />
expenses. In contrast, the average per<br />
capita spending for city expenses in the<br />
average American city of more than<br />
300,000 was $972.<br />
But where can Detroit cut further without<br />
opening the door to additional crime<br />
and population loss? With new cutbacks<br />
in the hours of the state highway patrol<br />
and in social service programs, the state<br />
now faces the same fundamental question.<br />
It's obvious the expected economic<br />
revival can't come too soon.<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Vol. 52~No. 20~May 16, 1991, Page 6A<br />
Roben G. Edgar<br />
Pubhsher<br />
Roben B. Edgar<br />
Founder and Pubhsher<br />
(1940-1979)<br />
These<br />
phones<br />
are made<br />
for walking<br />
The bell no longer tolls for<br />
me. Or for anyone else In my<br />
house, for that matter.<br />
The clear, sharp ringmg has<br />
been replaced lJy a muted war.<br />
ble. And after one week, we<br />
still don't recogmze the signal<br />
that someone is trying to reach<br />
out and tow:h us.<br />
We decided to replace not<br />
one, but two, rotary dial telephones<br />
with sleek, space age<br />
push button wonders with<br />
brains. Well, a memory, anyway.<br />
And one of these new<br />
smart phones comes without an<br />
umbilical cord.<br />
I dutifully read the manual<br />
from front to back, filled up the<br />
memory with nine numbers of<br />
my closest and dearest and<br />
then dId something I never do<br />
_ dIaled a friend for no reason<br />
at all.<br />
I had to test the new toy. I<br />
sat talking for a few minutes<br />
near Its battery-
SA<br />
Parmenter<br />
From page 7A<br />
When I user! to pal k p\ el "<br />
day In tl1l' municIpal lot III the<br />
Fal Ill'. I .11\\.1\" locked tll,1hIII :'\othlllg \loll>taken,<br />
but 1 had to pol, to get the Jock<br />
1('pall ed<br />
And the repdll bill \\ al><br />
hIghel thall the value of those<br />
tape~<br />
I Ie pdrhed my cal 011 the<br />
..tleeb of Deu'olt and Wa"hmg<br />
ton and Behze CIty and ne\el<br />
had a break III Once \\ e nus<br />
pl.lced our ColiIn a Dellmt al.<br />
II'I and "earched on foot fOI d<br />
half hour III the middle of the<br />
lllght<br />
1';0 plOblem<br />
Pdl J.. .'1 a <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />
ChUl eh lot and what happens?<br />
Guess chw'chgoers are "pen<br />
.h eaSt tal gets _. nail e t\'pe"<br />
IIho don't take precautIOn"<br />
(,uess that stereot\ pe 1
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Poin ter ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:<br />
From page 1<br />
"An eight-hour charge wouid<br />
have been an extended lunch,"<br />
he said.<br />
He hopes to make money to<br />
build cars by first selling the<br />
quick-charging batteries and<br />
power stations. While the batteries<br />
can be charged overnight<br />
using a home's 220,volt outlet,<br />
a special power station lB<br />
needed for the 45.minute fast<br />
charge.<br />
The batteries and power sta<br />
tions could be purchased for<br />
golf carts, lift trucks and any.<br />
where battery. powered electriC<br />
motors are used. In the Baha<br />
mas, where Lauve mtends to<br />
build a car plant, there are<br />
plans to produce converted golf<br />
carts as passenger vehIcles<br />
"These could be used all over<br />
the Caribbean," Lauve saId<br />
Already, 24 power statIOns<br />
have been sold m CalIforma,<br />
Pbct.o by John M1ruus<br />
Automotl .. deslpu B.ary Lau .. of Gr~ PolDte Woods<br />
shows em illustration of his electr1c car, the SU....r Volt. which<br />
he holHtS to market soon.<br />
where a certaIn percentage of<br />
cal"hmust be electrIC powered<br />
Because of such governmental<br />
mandates for electrIC cars,<br />
Lauve beheves there WIll be a<br />
market for the company that<br />
COmes out WIth more conven.<br />
Ient battenes, and he thInks<br />
hIS Silver Volt IS Just what's<br />
needed.<br />
And battery.powered cars<br />
don't mean motorists will have<br />
to go Without optIOns. Lauve's<br />
cars have all' condltionmg and<br />
are fully loaded WIth power<br />
everythmg. He hopes to market<br />
the flve.passenger car for<br />
$30,000<br />
Lauve got hIS automotIve de-<br />
SIgn experIence under the tutelage<br />
of General Motors' legendary<br />
deSIgner, Harley Earl In<br />
fact, Earl IS one of two deSIgn.<br />
ers bemg honored at thIS year's<br />
Eyes on the Classics festlVltles<br />
June 29 and 30<br />
The fourth annual car show<br />
WIll be Sunday, June 30, at the<br />
Edst>1 & Eleanor Ford House,<br />
and Lauve has been asked to<br />
sa} a few words about Earl.<br />
Last year, two of Lauve's car<br />
de,>II,'l1s - the 1948 Buick<br />
Roadmaster and the 1972 CItroen<br />
SM - took top awards at<br />
the Eyes of the ClassICS.<br />
Lauve worked for GM for<br />
about 18 years, from 1939 to<br />
1957 He held the positions of<br />
chIef deSIgner fo. BUIck; chIef<br />
deSIgner for all GM InterIOrs,<br />
pamts and materIals, and staff<br />
a&Istant In charge of automotive<br />
deSIgn for all GM car dlVl.<br />
slOns<br />
After leaVIng the Umted<br />
States' No. 1 carmaker, Lauve<br />
became a consultant deSIgner<br />
WIth CItroen-Maseratl, where<br />
he spent as many years as he<br />
had WIth GM He became affihated<br />
WIth the European automaker<br />
after he was asked by<br />
the French consul general to be<br />
an mterpreter when the head<br />
of the car company VISIted the<br />
Coachlight Chimney sweep Co.<br />
Professional Chimney Cleaning<br />
Animal Removal. DNR Uc. # B8171<br />
Animal Proof Chimney caps Installed<br />
FUIIVInSured NO Mess<br />
Michigan Lt' II 5154<br />
Certified Master ~weep # 280<br />
SBS-373:S<br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
United States.<br />
Lauve earned his bachelor of<br />
arts degree in France at the<br />
UniversIty of Paris. He studied<br />
deSIgn at the Kunstgewerbschule,<br />
VIenna, and art at the<br />
RIJksmuseum, Amsterdam.<br />
He wanted to be a portraIt<br />
paInter and even did a self.por.<br />
traIt at the age of 17, but he<br />
qUIckly learned that gettIng<br />
started in the business was<br />
nearly impossible.<br />
"It's a vicious circle," he<br />
said. "You have to pamt some.<br />
one prominent to be noticed,<br />
but you can't paint someone<br />
promment unless you've<br />
pamted other prominent pPOpie."<br />
He has painted a general and<br />
an actress, he said, and do-as<br />
get portraIt work from time to<br />
tIme. He was comrmssioned by<br />
a Virginia bank to make portraIts<br />
of famous Virginians<br />
fl'Om history, such as George<br />
Washington, Thomas Jefferson,<br />
886-7670<br />
OR<br />
885-5511<br />
9A<br />
James Madison and James<br />
Monroe.<br />
He has also painted JlCenery<br />
from around the world during<br />
travels with his wife, Mary.<br />
They fIrst met while students<br />
In Paris, and he moved to New<br />
York when they decided to be<br />
married.<br />
After answering a New York<br />
Ttmes ad for a bilingual designer<br />
at Geneml Motors, the<br />
Lauves moved to Michigan and<br />
soon bought their <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Woods home, where they still<br />
live.<br />
"I'm from New York," Mary<br />
Lauve said, "and I think it's<br />
beautiful here. For a New York<br />
CIty girl, this is country."<br />
While Henry Lauve c:ontinues<br />
to look forward to the challenges<br />
of the automotive future<br />
and his electric cars, he realizes<br />
he's seen the best of times for<br />
the American automakers.<br />
"They tell me those were thr.<br />
good old days," he said.<br />
Family Law Specialists<br />
Dtvorc" - Child Cw.tody - VISllaboo<br />
Chtld Support - Probate- Estal~ P!an!o<br />
Free Initial Consultation<br />
10A<br />
Baby Animal<br />
Day planned<br />
The GlO"-.,ePomte War 1'1cm<br />
ollal \\111 Oetomc d bdrnymd<br />
fOl a d:l\ on Sundd). 1'1.1\ 19.<br />
fl om 11 d m 2 p m<br />
Childl 111 of all ,Igl'" ,II C en<br />
cOluagcd to louth. pd ,md ob<br />
&'1 \e b.thy ,1II1111ab IIhe Chlt'kl>,<br />
duckl'. hltit'n ....puppw ....rabblh-,<br />
geeM'. "heep gOdts dud a tUI<br />
kl'y Thelt' 1\ III also be two<br />
Unll1dtllre POUIl'l>and a donkey<br />
DUllllg the aftel noon, nmB<br />
filIlll> fe,ltllll11g f,Hunte<br />
book ,11ll111dJ.,<br />
TT JO 18<br />
StOl)'<br />
\\ 111be sho\\ n III<br />
till' duditolillm Hot dogs, po<br />
t,lto dHp". Ice CI edm and bevel"<br />
.1gl'" \I.1l be available for pur<br />
lh, ....c Tlckeb all' $3 fO!<br />
d1l1dlen ages 1 and up (!nfdnts<br />
flt,t'l, $1 50 fOJ adults and $10<br />
I'm the entll'C faml!)<br />
For mort.' mformallon call<br />
8817511<br />
Senior men to<br />
discover California<br />
The Se11101 Men's Club of<br />
GIOSse Pomte \\ III present<br />
..Dlscovelmg the Cahforlllas,"<br />
a 35mm slide program by BIll<br />
LO!enz on Fllday. May 17, at 8<br />
pm m the audItOrium of Parcells<br />
Middle School at Mack<br />
and Vernier<br />
Thf' program IS a scemc kaleidoscope<br />
of the many Cahfor<br />
mas and \\ III 10clude the<br />
1I\10ther Lode Country, the<br />
'Wme Country, the Redwood<br />
Country, the Desert Country,<br />
Ithe MISSIOn Country and the<br />
Mountain ReglOn.<br />
The Cities of San FranCISCo,<br />
San Diego, Mendocino, Eureka,<br />
Palm SprIngs, San Simeon and<br />
San Juan Capistrano Will be<br />
featured<br />
Also 10cluded IS a tour of<br />
Mount Shasta, Lassen Volcamc<br />
NatIOnal Park, Yosemite and<br />
SequOIa national parks and<br />
Death Valley<br />
The program IS oPf'n to the<br />
public AdmiSSIOn is $1 and 10-<br />
eludes refreshments served after<br />
the show<br />
Events<br />
.......... 1\ .....<br />
•<br />
~ .~. 'ilI'''J11rIl''''~~'h''nll'rft",'nzll<br />
Air Conditioner<br />
Tour Corktown<br />
The fifth annual Historic Corktown Home Tour will be<br />
held Sunday. May 19. from 12:30 to 5::JOp.m. There are<br />
eight sU.. including the former CIa .. Boobtore. a Colonial<br />
Revival built in 1893. above. Tickets are $1 the day<br />
of the tour. For more information. call the Corktown CUIzens<br />
District Council at 962-5660.<br />
Recital to honor Ford<br />
The Center for Creative<br />
StudIes-Institute of Music and<br />
Dance will dedicate Its annual<br />
Student Showcase Recital to<br />
the memory of Trustee Freder-<br />
Ick C. Ford Jr. The performance<br />
lS Sunday, May 19, at 3<br />
p.m at the school, located in<br />
Detroit's Cultural Center.<br />
Ford, a <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> resIdent,<br />
became a member of the<br />
board in the 19605, when the<br />
school was known as the Detroit<br />
Music Settlement School.<br />
He continued his affiliation<br />
with the institution until his<br />
death m April.<br />
Ford played an actIve role as<br />
a trustee of the institution. He<br />
was chamnan of the institute's<br />
board at the time of Its formal<br />
merger with CCS-College of<br />
Art and Design in January<br />
1989. At the time of his death,<br />
Ford was vi~hair of the Cen-<br />
• Quality Construction<br />
• Durable<br />
• Quiet Performance<br />
• Lower Energy Cost<br />
• Installed From<br />
$1295°0<br />
ter for Creative Studies Board<br />
of Trustees.<br />
The recital will feature outstandmg<br />
music students from<br />
throughout the institute who<br />
were selected by audition to<br />
perform in thlS end-of.year<br />
event It lS open to the public,<br />
and<br />
tary<br />
admission is complimen-<br />
Church to present<br />
children's musical<br />
ChrIst the Kmg Lutheran<br />
Church Will present a child.<br />
ren's musical, "Sam," the story<br />
of the Good Sa man tan, on Sunday,<br />
May 19, at 2:30 p.m.<br />
The church IS located at<br />
20338 Mack Ave., <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
Pomte Woods<br />
For more 1OformatIon, call<br />
the church office at 884-5090.<br />
High Efficiency Gas Furnace<br />
• Up To 97% Efficiency<br />
• AIC Prepped<br />
• No Chimney Required<br />
• Installed From<br />
$1995° 0<br />
Call Today For a Free In-Home Estimate<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods • 886.5060<br />
Utica • 254-1060<br />
Royal Oak • 542.3850<br />
Nursing home<br />
events planned<br />
NatIOnal Nursmg Home<br />
Week IS May 12-18 and ~t<br />
John-Bon Secours Commumty,<br />
a nurs10g care faclhty, began<br />
celebrating May 14 With a<br />
number of special events open<br />
to the pubhc<br />
The events continue today,<br />
May 16, when reSIdents compete<br />
against the reSidents of St<br />
Joseph'b Home for the Aged<br />
and Bon Secours NurSing Care<br />
Center 10 the annual Semor<br />
OlympiCS<br />
On Saturday, May 18, the<br />
festiVIties come to an end with<br />
a Country-Western party from<br />
24 p m The dance group, The<br />
Cloggers, Will be Joined by<br />
Country musIc band, Jamboree<br />
Jones<br />
St John Bon Secours Senior<br />
Commumty IS located at 18300<br />
E. Warren, one block west (If<br />
Mack m Detroit. For further informatIOn,<br />
call Frank Guns or<br />
Susan Rose at 343-8000.<br />
Cinema League<br />
Joseph P Mes'38na, past president<br />
of the Cinema League<br />
and professional photographer,<br />
will present a 35mm slide show<br />
on Toronto following the 36th<br />
annual banquet of the <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
Pomte Cmema League.<br />
Toronto's architecture, in.<br />
cluding Nathan Phillips square,<br />
the old CIty Hall, the four level<br />
Eaton Center shoppmg mall,<br />
Onlano Place, the Ginesphere<br />
theater, the waterfront, the<br />
Tower and the new Skydome,<br />
will be explored.<br />
Tickets for the banquet and<br />
show are $15; for the presentation<br />
only, $4.<br />
For more information, call<br />
881.7511.<br />
Antique show<br />
A spring antique show and<br />
sale will be held at Universal<br />
Mall in Warren, located on DequirJ.~>ltt'12<br />
MRe.ifrom"'I'hursday,<br />
~ r~,'W ~'Untbl.t."'M~1<br />
26.<br />
Deb and John Russell of<br />
Groese <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms and Ed<br />
and Margaret Berry of the<br />
Woods WIll display items .<br />
Show hours are 10 a.m. to 9<br />
p.m. Thursday through Sunday<br />
and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.<br />
Admission is free.<br />
Old accessories and furniture<br />
will be displayed by dealers<br />
from the metro Detroit area.<br />
Tea leaf ironstone, DepresslOnera<br />
collectibles, 20th century<br />
Miclugan postcards and furniture<br />
are some of the items that<br />
will be for sale.<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
%<br />
Guaranteed<br />
• for 1 Year<br />
Backed by the 5th oldest insurance company<br />
in the country. A + Best, AAA,<br />
Standard & Poors and Moodys.<br />
Helen Hart, CFP/ Craig snyder, CFP<br />
•<br />
~lcaGroup<br />
354.1300<br />
At competitive prices<br />
City of
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
South spring concert at Orchestra<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte South High<br />
School's Instrumental MusIc<br />
Depaltment will present ItS<br />
annual Spnng Concert at Or<br />
chestra HalI on Saturday, May<br />
18, at 8 pm.<br />
The Symphony Orchestra<br />
will open the program with the<br />
"Sleep1Og Beauty Waltz," by<br />
Tschalkowsky, "Ovelture to<br />
LucIO Sllla" by Mozart, and<br />
ROSSIni'S "Barbel' of Seville<br />
Overture"<br />
Followmg the 01 chestra, the<br />
SymphOniC Band Will perform<br />
"The Smfomans' March" by<br />
Williams, "Ye Banks and<br />
Braes O'Bonme Doon" by<br />
Gramger and "Die Fledermaus<br />
Overture" by Strauss<br />
The featured composItion of<br />
the evening, "Armenian<br />
Dances" by Alfred Reed, w1I1be<br />
performed by the Symphonic<br />
Band and Orchestra Strmgs<br />
Tickets Will be available at<br />
the door Prices are $8 for<br />
adults and $4 for semor citIZens<br />
and students<br />
For further mformation, call<br />
Ralph Mlller, Instrumental tou-<br />
SICdirector, at 343-2388.<br />
ket .:'ancles There Will be try participated and more than<br />
psychiCS, hot dogs and coneys 10,000 people attended. All<br />
served by <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Theatl<br />
e, popcorn from the Denby and the 50.cent admISSion<br />
profits come from exhIbitor fees<br />
KiwaniS, soft dnnk" and Ice charge. Children under 12 are<br />
cream<br />
admItted free.<br />
The sale, sponsored by the Spaces 9 feet by 18 feet are<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Village ASSOCiatIOn,<br />
raises money to help With 886-7474 for more information.<br />
st1l1 available for rental. Call<br />
the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Santa Claus Fee for two days is $70; $90<br />
Parade held the day after With electricity<br />
ThankSgiVing every year<br />
The Lakeshore Barbershop<br />
Last year, more than 125 ex Chorus, under the direction of<br />
hlbltors from all over the coun. Carl Undge, Will perform m<br />
the parkmg structure at 11<br />
a.m. Monday.<br />
Hours of the sale both days<br />
are from 10 a.m to 5 P m.<br />
,<br />
Hall<br />
Greatest Garage Sale is Memorial Day weekend<br />
The Village m <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />
will host one of the area's larg.<br />
est garage sales for the mnth<br />
year In a rowan Sunday, May<br />
26, and Monday, May 27<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomt~'s Greatest Ga<br />
I'age Sale will agam be held 10<br />
the parkmg structure behind<br />
Jacobson's<br />
Items for sale Will mclude<br />
the contents of garages and<br />
basements, antiques, arts and<br />
crafts, collectibles and flea mar-<br />
Take a teddy bear to the zoo<br />
Teddy beW'S of all sizes will look-ahke, most colorful and<br />
take center stage at the Detroit best handlcraftoo. Other activI-<br />
Zoo, Saturday, May 18, for the ties mclude puppet shows, a<br />
annual Teddy Bear RalIy. magic show and a readIng of<br />
Children 2 through 12 who bear stories.<br />
bring thelr teddy bears and are The Detroit Zoo is open daily<br />
accompanied by an adult will from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admisbe<br />
admitiOO free. sion is $5.75 for ages 13 and<br />
SpecIalists at the Teddy Bear older; $3.50 for semor CItizens;<br />
Clinic wIll mend damaged $2 50 for children 2 to 12; and<br />
limbs and l'eplace missing eyes, children under 2 are admitted<br />
ears and stuffing.<br />
free.<br />
MlSS Honey Queen of Michi. Parking and train rides are<br />
gan will make a spedal appear- mcluded in the adrmsslOn pnce<br />
ance and is scheduled to award Special rates are available for<br />
prizes to winners of the teddy groups of 25 or more who make<br />
bear contests. Categones to be a reservation. For information,<br />
judged are: best dressed, best call 399-7001.<br />
Libraries to host zoo guests<br />
Animals from the Detroit Zoo<br />
WIll visit the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Public libraries to launch the<br />
"Read on the Wild SIde" summer<br />
reading program.<br />
Osborne plans 30th The animals will visit the fol-<br />
Osborn High School, classes lowing days: Tuesday, May 28,<br />
of 1961, 1962 and 1963, plan a at 4 p.m. at the Park branch,<br />
30-year reunion. 15430 Kercheval; Wednesday,<br />
For more informfltion, wnte May 29, at 4 p.m. at the Woods<br />
Osborne Reumon Committee, branch, 20600 Mack; and<br />
P.O. Box 2086, S244, Birming- Thursday, May 30, at Central<br />
ham, Mich 48009 . .. bbral'f, 10 Kercheval.<br />
Walking tour<br />
Trace the development of the<br />
skyscraper as well as Detroit's<br />
growth from the mid.l9th century<br />
through the 20th century<br />
during a walking tour of down.<br />
town Detroit, Tuesday, May 21,<br />
at 10 a.m<br />
University of Windsor Professor<br />
Michael Farrell wil~ guide<br />
the tour of unusual landhUuks,<br />
like the magnificent art deco<br />
Guardian Bwlding. A light<br />
lunch at the Savoyard Club is<br />
also included in the tour.<br />
Price of the tour is $.22 for<br />
Detroit Historical Society memhers<br />
and $25 for non.members.<br />
This Detroit Historical Department<br />
program will depart by<br />
bus from the Detroit Historical<br />
Museum's parking lot on<br />
Kirby.<br />
The Detroit Historical Musewn<br />
is located at 5401 Wood.<br />
ward 84; Kirby and is a Detroit<br />
Histoncal Department institution.<br />
For more infonnatioD, call<br />
Lori Naples at 833-1419.<br />
IN...RODUCBS TN.<br />
• The capability to diagnose and rectify engine faults In cars<br />
• Lesschance of the customer coming back with the same<br />
problem<br />
• Measures torque of the car<br />
• Glvescorrect speedometer reading<br />
• Simulates road test witt-,out taking the car out of the garage<br />
• Front wheel or rear wheel drive cars<br />
omR ~~ m~~<br />
Domestic & Import Car Experts<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Auto Works<br />
822.3003<br />
)<br />
I)<br />
t<br />
Events<br />
• Headlamp-on<br />
Reminder<br />
• Rear Window<br />
Defogger<br />
• Air Conditioning<br />
• Remote Control<br />
Mirror<br />
• AM/FM Stereo<br />
w/Seek/Scan<br />
• Power Front Disc<br />
Brakes<br />
• Door Pull Handles<br />
• Soft-Ray Tinted<br />
Windows<br />
• Body Side Moldings<br />
• Pulse Wiper<br />
• Bumper Moldings<br />
• 2.5 Uter Tech-IV<br />
Engine<br />
• Power Rack &<br />
Pinion Steering<br />
• Automatic Front<br />
Safety Belts<br />
• MacPherson<br />
Front<br />
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PHONE (517) 7920934<br />
1 (800) 968 3456
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<strong>News</strong><br />
May 16. 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Young artists transform Village store windows<br />
The Village, on Kercheval<br />
between Cadieux and Neff, became<br />
an open air art gallery<br />
Saturday as 200 youngsters between<br />
5 and 12 pamted store<br />
wmdows<br />
The theme this year, "I Love<br />
America," evoked yellow ribbons,<br />
the flag and national<br />
symbols lIke the Statue of LIberty,<br />
Mount Rushmore, the<br />
Washmgton Monument and the<br />
Liberty Bell.<br />
ArtISts Ruth Whipple and<br />
Sister Matsu Judged the results<br />
and awarded 49 prizes.<br />
The Grand Theme prize went<br />
to fIfth grader Laura Cassin for<br />
her portrayal of the Statue of<br />
Liberty set within a stars and<br />
stripes background.<br />
Other honors went to:<br />
Kindergarten - fmrt, Mary.<br />
Kate Shme; second, Brendan<br />
Butler; third, NathanIel Berke;<br />
and honorable mentIOns to<br />
M.G Weber, Marcie Todhunter,<br />
Leigh JankieWiCZ, Jenmfer Passage,<br />
Nicole Jaatoul and Justin<br />
Rock.<br />
First grade - fU'St, Bridget<br />
Scallen; second, Erin Burke;<br />
third, Raechel Szymanski; and<br />
honorable mentions to Eliza.<br />
beth Shipman, Jacquelyn vandenBerg,<br />
Rob Weber, Clara Ignieh<br />
and Erin Ginger.<br />
Second grade - fmrt, Chris<br />
Hartemayer; second, Casey<br />
McFeely; third, Hans Gehrke;<br />
and honorable mentions to<br />
Dana Etheridge, Alexa Ducsay,<br />
Sarah Schultz, Julie Alvin and<br />
Jonathon Hobstetter.<br />
Third grade - first, Dusty<br />
French; second, Suzanne Piech;<br />
third, Ryan Cordier; and honor.<br />
able mentions to Natalie<br />
Brewer, Andrea Elich, Annie<br />
Garvey and Julie Berschback.<br />
Fourth grade - first, Jeanine<br />
Varga; second, Molly Bour.<br />
beau; third, Christina Fiedler;<br />
and honorable mentions to<br />
Maggie McGrath, Amy Baumanis,<br />
Peter Haarz and Moira<br />
Speer ....<br />
Fifth grade - first, Tim<br />
Jenkins; second, David Ve1ik;<br />
third, Mike Garza; and honorable<br />
mentions to Patrick Howe,<br />
Gigi Serra, Sara Vollmer, Melissa<br />
Wilde, Anna Rose Shaheen<br />
and Holly DoIss.<br />
Damman's underwrote the<br />
paint and brush kits, Jacobson's<br />
donated bags, Notre<br />
Dame Pharmacy gave tongue<br />
depressers to stir pamt, and the<br />
Village Toy Co., J.P.'s Hallmark<br />
and Danielle's provided<br />
everything else except the<br />
Grand Theme prize - a day at<br />
the Capitol in Lansing donated<br />
by state Rep. CurtIS Hertel.<br />
Above. Jennifer Passage shows her father. Mi.<br />
chael. the finer points of window painting.<br />
Below. Julie Radzwion of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods<br />
concentrates on her art.<br />
At the right. Ancira Tusa-Ozbum of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
City points out a detail to a passerby.<br />
Photos by Rosh Sillars<br />
\<br />
=<br />
I<br />
May 16. 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
to a colorful picture gallery of patriotism, pride<br />
13A<br />
Above. Sara Vollmer of Groue Point. Shor .. dQplayi h.r<br />
patriotic: work.<br />
Below. Matt Patrick SpaiD. both of tb. FanDI.<br />
add a comic: touch to window.<br />
Abo••• TotDmy Pierce. lD tbe foreground. aDd his brother, DoDDy, c:riUque a comer of their work.<br />
Below. 'ebDifer Raguse of GrOllM Point. Park tremaforms her window into a tbJng of c:olor.<br />
f<br />
I<br />
I<br />
BirthCare at Bon Secours.<br />
It's a chtld's game, but it's also good advice.<br />
Bon Secours was the first hospital in the Detroit area to offer single-room maternity care.<br />
This alternative to tradiuonal childbinh allows the mother-to-be to stay in the same<br />
warm, comfortable room throughout her delivery. We call it BinhCare, and when we flfSt<br />
introduced it, other hospitals were stilI wheeling their laboring mothers from one room<br />
to another.<br />
We thought tt was a good tdea to design a delivery around the mother, not a delivery<br />
around the hospital That's why BlrthCare has become so popular. And that's why a lot<br />
of women have chosen Bon Secours as thetr hospital Maybe you should, too<br />
For more information about BirthCare, a tour of the unit, or referrals to qualified obstetricians<br />
who can answer questions about your pregnancy, call 779.i911<br />
Nobody does k better. Nobody's done k longer,<br />
=============;sJ<br />
468 CadIeux Road, <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, MIchIgan 48230 I'!..<br />
"KICoeTEC e."t.<br />
804 5 HAMIL TON<br />
PHONE (517) 792 09:H<br />
, (800) 968 3456
14A<br />
Automotive<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong> I<br />
I<br />
J<br />
Carroll Shelby will drive the Dodge Viper prototype pace car at this year', Indianapolis<br />
500. See Richard Wright's column. page ISA.<br />
1991 TERCEl.<br />
$6,049*<br />
Slk. #6377<br />
22L EFJ, cloth bucket, pwr RK & pin sleenng, WW<br />
Oef, AM.FM seek & scan Sl, R&M spl rnlr, styled stI<br />
wheels, halogen lights plus morel SIk 116071<br />
LEAS.<br />
FOR ONLY<br />
$1699~o:t:<br />
byGWAC<br />
1991<br />
CAMRY<br />
$8 595*<br />
, Slk. '8191<br />
.Plus doc fee, factory Installed options, dest , tax, tille, prates<br />
Offer Expires 5/22J91<br />
''/ love ~vhatyou dofor me:'<br />
~TOYOTA<br />
Auto, au eond , cpu conI, cc Wipers, cloth buckets, r.w.<br />
def, pwr sl , pwr bks , lined glass, and much more<br />
Stlt 11328<br />
4-wheel dr, pwr st , AM-FM seek & scan sl , reel. cloth<br />
high back bucket seats, dual mirrors and much more'<br />
S1k.I12403<br />
.(,f ... '" JlL£A85 FOR,()NLy<br />
$2267m~=h*<br />
Getting a new car doesn't<br />
mean you have to't~eup<br />
your cash. 1<br />
4-spd overdnve, 4 3 V-S, Tahoe trim, air cond , pwr wmd<br />
& locks, alum whls. AM.FM cass., dp tint, cru cont , bit,<br />
plus morel SIk.12412 .<br />
.. Closed end non-lNllntenance lease 10148 rnon1hs WIth "IlIl'0'lIed lnCil ~ hlIS opaen to pyrcllase voIIcIe II lease end 60 00lI mile Iimol WIth Be per mile over<br />
60 000 miles _IS responsiOle 101exeess wear III'ld lear 5ecuily depcsit ~ to S350 plus I sl rnonI1 P8\'!MIlI. IIC8nse nl1llle lees reqL.Wed to get llllal_ 01<br />
peymenI nUllpIy x 48 S
ay 16, 1991<br />
Automotive<br />
roue <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
odge Viper prototype to pace 75th Indy 500<br />
Ever Slllce Ray Harroun won ,..... --,<br />
first Indianapohs 500 in 'em .: .""'~ .:a..<br />
11, the Memonal Day race • '<<br />
been motorsports' answer<br />
the World Series, the Kenky<br />
Derby, the Army-Navy<br />
e and that Johnny-OIW8QCD:l,,*<br />
~ High/On<br />
..,.. The Moneg ••• NOW<br />
8.t<br />
NISS.N<br />
••• TRUCK<br />
511< #60509<br />
5-speed, power brakes, 2 4 liter, brake load sen.<br />
sor, cloth Intenor<br />
:'-:~~:SE'1&&8&<br />
-er DOWN<br />
MONTH<br />
............. '1 ....... ..,. '11$"" IIC~ $86pWtlflldllli!lllfapriftlNl'lll<br />
1I_q,.,.1I_1:IJOaJll f.... ...,....."d 'I
<strong>News</strong><br />
16A<br />
Cottage Fun Run, Walk is on Sunday<br />
Health, fitness and safety are<br />
the focus of the llt~ annual<br />
Cottage HospItal Fun Run &<br />
Walk and FItness Fest on Sunday,<br />
May 19.<br />
The 5-kllometer (3 I-mile)<br />
race IS expected to attract more<br />
than 500 partIcIpants of all<br />
ages who run or walk just for<br />
fun, or to WIn one of the more<br />
than 125 medals. There w111<br />
also be health and fitness<br />
screenmgs and mformatlOn,<br />
food, and fun for all.<br />
The Fun Run & Walk IS<br />
hosted by <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>'s Ken<br />
and Jane Meade, and is spon.<br />
sored by the MeadelLexus<br />
Group_ AIl entries receIVed for<br />
the e"ent wIll benefit emer.<br />
gency services at Cottage Hospital<br />
The Fun Run & Walk and<br />
Harper is recruiting<br />
City of ~oo.hs<br />
FItness Fest are produced by<br />
Cottage Hospital and Henry<br />
Ford Health System employees,<br />
volunteers and their famihes,<br />
along with CHAMP, the Cot.<br />
tage HospItal AthletIC Medicme<br />
Program.<br />
The event WIll center on a<br />
white tent on the parking lot of<br />
Cottage Hospital, 159 Kercheval<br />
in the Farms Free parking<br />
is available in the Cottage<br />
parking deck on Muir Road<br />
Enter MUIr from Kercheval on<br />
race day, smce the street will<br />
be blocked from the other directIon.<br />
ActivitIes begin at 11 a.m.<br />
and contmue through the<br />
awards ceremony at approxl'<br />
mately 2 p.m.<br />
Chlldren and adults will<br />
have fun partiCIpating in this<br />
family-oriented, community<br />
event Preschoolers can learn<br />
lessons m traffic and home<br />
safety and good citIzenshIp by<br />
tourmg <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte's "Safety<br />
Town" - co-sponsored by the<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Public Schools<br />
and the public safety depart.<br />
ments of the five Pomtes and<br />
Harper Woods Along WIth running<br />
or walkmg, chIldren can<br />
have their faces pamted by<br />
clowns and join the adults in<br />
enjOyIng free turkey or beef hot<br />
dogs, popcorn and beverages.<br />
Blood pressure screemngs<br />
will be avaJlable for $3, and<br />
those who would like to know<br />
their ratIo of body fat to lean<br />
muscle and water may opt for a<br />
body composItIon analysis for<br />
$3. The fee for the combined<br />
tests 18 $5.<br />
Fun Run & Walk entry<br />
forms have been mailed to last<br />
year's partiCIpants and to those<br />
mquirmg by telephone. Early<br />
registratIOn for runners and<br />
walkers ($8 fee) closes Wednes.<br />
day, May 15. After that, entries<br />
wl1l be taken only on race day<br />
from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. In<br />
the white tent. The late regIstration<br />
fee 18 $10.<br />
G.PN.: 5/9/91 & 5/16/91<br />
Forms are avaIlable by call.<br />
mg Cottage community services<br />
at 884-1177 and leavmg your<br />
name and aeldress, or by stop.<br />
pmg at the Cottage Hospital m-<br />
formatIOn desk anytIme. Entry<br />
forms also may be picked up at<br />
Runnmg World, 20641 Mack,<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POInte Woods<br />
T-shu1s are guaranteed to<br />
the first 450 people who regis.<br />
ter All racers receive a certificate<br />
of participation Olymplcstyle<br />
medals Will be awarded to<br />
runners In male and female<br />
categories m five-year age divisIOns<br />
from 14 years and under<br />
to 60 and over. Pm-ribboned<br />
medals WIll be gIven to the first<br />
50 walkers who cross the finish<br />
hne.<br />
The Fun Run & Walk offi-<br />
CIally begIns at 1 p.m. on Ridge<br />
Road, near MuU' Road In<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms, and trav.<br />
els a little over three nules<br />
through the Farms and CIty.<br />
Everyone IS encouraged to<br />
come early and warm-up with<br />
exercIse experts from Vital 0ptIOns<br />
Inc., from 12:15 to 12.45<br />
pm<br />
Village of ~rnS5.e Joint.e ~40r.e5 Michigan<br />
Michigan<br />
Notice of Absent Voter Ballot<br />
for the<br />
Annual Village Election<br />
to be held on<br />
TUESDAY, MAY 21,1991<br />
To the Qualified EleclOrsof the Village of <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Shores:<br />
QualIfied registered electors of the Village of <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Shores.<br />
counties of Wayne and Macomb, Michigan, confmed 10 home or hospItal<br />
by Jllness or disability, or are 60 years of age or more, or plan 10 be<br />
absent from lhe community on the noted eledction day, mil" apply for<br />
Absent Voter Ballots through Saturday, May 18, 1991 al2:CXJ p.m.<br />
Applicatlo~ must be made prior to Saturday, May 18lh atlhe Village<br />
Admimstration Offices. 795 Lake Shore Road (second floor), <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Shores, Monday lhrough Fnday between the hours of 8:30 a.m<br />
and 5:00 p.m.<br />
1. No down payments' 5.:The customer can drive a more<br />
2. Monthly p~yments,are lower < , ~ ;expensive car for less IllPney.<br />
.3.Sales tax can beamortized 6. Thereis no risk at trade-in<br />
A. The custOl)lers ~-:
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
C.'eanup 11 ..<br />
I<br />
From page 1<br />
who have the choice of the<br />
work force or spendmg time m<br />
Jail<br />
The leadmg recrUiters for the<br />
work force in the Pomtes are<br />
,J udges Frank and Rumora.<br />
"They're really super," work<br />
force director Patricia Kukula<br />
18A<br />
Discussion<br />
c:.<br />
Professional Member of<br />
United States<br />
Gymnastics Federation<br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
continues<br />
roofing projects and the In.<br />
structional Materials Center.<br />
Staff development would<br />
see a ~r cut - a sug.<br />
gested $100,000 - but some<br />
members of the board are<br />
uncomfortable cutting a program<br />
they feel is so benefi.<br />
cial.<br />
Community education,<br />
food services and the latch<br />
key program would either<br />
have to increase their fees or<br />
cut back on expenditures to<br />
become more self-sufficient.<br />
But even thOl!e suggestions<br />
met mixed reaction<br />
from board members.<br />
The board will meet again<br />
at 7 p.m. May 20, and again<br />
on June 3 and 10. A budget<br />
must be adopted by June 30.<br />
-Ronald J. Bernas<br />
Moon, VanDusen and Freeman,<br />
will examine the strengths and<br />
weaknesses of the library's CW'o<br />
rent system as well as<br />
strengths and weaknesses of<br />
other alternatIves.<br />
The library is currently part<br />
of the school system and is governed<br />
by the board of aducation.<br />
It is supported by B ilepa.<br />
rately voted millage earmarked<br />
solely for library use.<br />
In addition to Moon, memo<br />
bers of the committee are<br />
Philip Abbott, William Bald.<br />
win, James Fausone, Ann<br />
Hickey, Jack Liang, Kay Mc-<br />
City of<br />
- for<br />
C.J1<br />
-<br />
-<br />
882-&090<br />
-<br />
-•<br />
Donald, William Montgomery,<br />
Ann Musial, Pat Sortwell, Donald<br />
Sweeny and Nancy Wig.<br />
gers.<br />
Serving as ex-officio members<br />
are Carol Evans, Charles Han.<br />
son, Diana Howbert, Vita-Anne<br />
Mirkovitch and Tom Whall.<br />
As part of the library gover.<br />
nance study, the committee will<br />
exanune district library law,<br />
[mances, personnel, assets, public<br />
and school libraries, costs<br />
and other relevant matters.<br />
The committee is expected to<br />
report its findings to the board<br />
on or before April 1, 1992.<br />
~r(tsse J.llint.e~ arms Michigan<br />
The City of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms will receive sealed bids to furnish<br />
a total of 6 vehicles untii 11:00 A.M., Wednesday, June 12, 1991, at<br />
which time all bids recei ..ed will be publicly opened. read aloud, and be<br />
available for inspecron.<br />
BID #1 will be for three (3) full size, standard producbon, rear<br />
wheel drive vehicles. as specified.<br />
BID #2 will be for one (1) large size, standard production, front<br />
wheel drive vehicle, as specified.<br />
BID #3 WIll be for one (1) subcompact vehicle, as specified.<br />
BID #4 will be for one (I) four wheel drive pick-up uuek, as<br />
specified.<br />
The bids received will be forwarded to the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms Cny<br />
Council for consideration at its meeting to be held MONDA 1'; JUNE<br />
17,1991, AT 7:30 P.M. The City Council, however, reserves the right<br />
to accept or reject any bid fonn in whole or part, in the best interest of<br />
the City.<br />
Richard G. Solak<br />
City Clerk-ASSLCity Manager<br />
90 Kerby Road<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Farms, MI 48236<br />
(313) 885-6600<br />
(Bid Forms and specificatIons may be obtained at the Public Safety<br />
Department during normal busmess hours.)<br />
G.P.N.: 05/16,91<br />
~.. Under the direction oflluy Dabe coaches<br />
~ ~ :1rlDa Kortcbacll (SoViet defector. training<br />
(2 with the Bolsol Ballet. highest status<br />
~~ recognized in the U.S.S.R),AIl4re1<br />
q Toroalan (Soviet defector, medalist in the<br />
Calgary OlympiCS), Pete Roberts (Big Ten<br />
gymnastic champion) JelUllfer Dube<br />
(M.S.U. '91 most valuable player in<br />
gymnastics) Dawa llaeey (previous u s g.f<br />
competitor and senior at W S.U. phys. ed<br />
major) Tom ClOi (previous gymnastIC<br />
competitor from Notre Dame)<br />
3516 Cadieux (near Mack & Cadieux)<br />
For Infonnation Call Mary Dube<br />
882-4960<br />
CLUB<br />
I~-~------------,<br />
Mouthwaterlng & fully cooked Includes YOUlr chOice of rolls and I<br />
I cole slaw. pOlato or macaroni salad. J<br />
I MIX & Match $ 95 I<br />
GH.D<br />
L~~U~!i_~!:!'!_~~,j;ll.;2,J<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
School board nears completing budget with larger tax bite<br />
By Ronald J. Bernas and the cafeteria programs and down considerably Fenton said - special education and build. and the board can change lation which may .allow for<br />
Staff Wnter $1 4 mllhon IS debt reduction Due to the shaky 'economy the ing and silA.!improvements. that," Fenton said. "They don't sharing of industrl~l taxes<br />
The GrOlS5ePOinte Board of Last year' .. budget was $57 mil. district earned $850,000 i~ in. "Overall the schools are get. set that until September." s~~wide, the bill which would<br />
Educatlon IS nearing comple. lion. terf'st, $250,000 less than the ting more money than last By law, the board must adopt hmlt SEV Increases each year<br />
tion of its 1991.92 school The bl'dgct bemg d\scussed $1 1 mllhon orlgmally pre. year, and the central budget is a budget by June 30, but there to 5 percent or t~e ra~ of mfl:<br />
budget. Although there are stlll represents ~ 6.6 percent in. dieted. at last year's level," Fenton are still several thmgs hanging tlon, whichever IS less, the n~<br />
many Issues to be decided be. crease over last year's budget, That money would have been said. In the air, Fenton says, that Headlee Am~ndment; and t e<br />
fore a budget IS approved, it is but taxpayers may ff'C1 a 10 used to boost the school's fund Big ticket Items In the may alter any budget the board schools-of-eholce debate.<br />
going to be a tight one, accord. percent harder sqU(.>eze on their eqmty, or reserve funds. CW'o budget are: adopts. "There's a lot of unknow,ns<br />
ing to Chns Fenton, assistant wallets. rently the board has $1.7 mll • $720,000 for Instituting a Among Issues the board .IS and we're not sure how<br />
supermtendent for business af. hon m reserve. Sometimes, m. seven.perJ
Students<br />
Safety Club<br />
Defer - Sarah Ayres<br />
Ferry - RobbIe LanglOIS<br />
Kerby - Amy Grant<br />
MaIre - Elizabeth Hempstead<br />
Mason - Ursula Timar<br />
Monteith - Anne Marie<br />
Youngblood, Ryan Stevenson<br />
Poupard - Bradley Colhnson<br />
Richard - Brad Cenko, Steven<br />
Hartman<br />
Trombly - Paul Tocco<br />
Service Club<br />
Defer - Jacquehne IannUCCI<br />
Ferry - Andrea Veryser<br />
Kerby - Brian Perry<br />
MaIre - Amanda Watkins<br />
Mason - Brian Addy<br />
Monteith - Deanna Novltke,<br />
Nelhe Shm<br />
Poupard - Jennifer Cataldo<br />
Richard - Christa Kreger<br />
Trombly - NIcole Potenga<br />
of the month<br />
Julia Rouls<br />
Poupard -<br />
RIchard -<br />
Trombly -<br />
Schools<br />
- fur<br />
Jeffrey Salassa<br />
C.II<br />
Mary Nicolaou<br />
Lisa DeVries<br />
-<br />
881-&090<br />
19A<br />
-<br />
-<br />
of lditori ..1Photo~<br />
Beverly Hall Burns<br />
HCommitted to our Children"<br />
VOTE JUNE 10<br />
Paid for by Ihe Beverly Hall Bums for Sd100l 8o.Inl Campalgn~,<br />
Doug Busbey, TrellS , 276 MerflW8lllNr. G.P FiIflIll4ll236<br />
Arts fest<br />
The 13th annual Crosse <strong>Pointe</strong> North Festival of the Arts will be May 20-23 at the Gr0888<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Performing Arts CeDter. 7rJ1 VerDIer. Graue <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods. The festival will feature<br />
North's regional scholastic art award winDers. Many of the drawiDgs, paintings. photographs.<br />
c:rafts and computer graphics works w1ll be for sale.<br />
The Monday through Thursday festival will also have fashioD displays, computer graphics<br />
demonstrations, a Grosae PoiDte North Concert Choir performance on Wednesday eve_<br />
Ding and a dance performance on Thursday, May 23. The art work will be on display during<br />
the day from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. cmd 7:30 to 9 p.m. Student artists above are, from l.ft.<br />
CaroI.l:cmg. Juli. Ciaramitar, Amy Camaghi and JustiD Frahm.<br />
Student Spotlight<br />
Gillian Masland<br />
Each week in thzs rolumn, we<br />
Will focus on the work of a stucknt.<br />
It can be a poem, a drawing,<br />
a short story, a picture of a<br />
SCientific experiment or a woodworking<br />
project, a book review.<br />
Gillian Masland, a second<br />
grader at Mwre School, has<br />
written a poem called "I Caught<br />
A Wild Dingo." The 7-112year<br />
old is the daughter of Anne and<br />
Bob Masland of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Clty. ,.,~,,~<br />
I Caught a Wild<br />
Dingo<br />
I caught a wild dingo,<br />
He ran upon the Nile<br />
He ran until he could run r.'l<br />
more<br />
And grabbed it by the tall<br />
The tail belonged to a crocodile<br />
A crocodile that lIved m the<br />
Nile<br />
Whl:!'. ~'lc croc:t,dJ.le sunk<br />
The dingo howled with spunk<br />
And started chasing a little<br />
chipmunk<br />
This chipmUlik climbed the old<br />
gumtree<br />
And warned the koala while<br />
the dingo scratched a flea<br />
A nearby wallaby h&d some<br />
. fun<br />
:Catching some rays on a rock<br />
; in the sun<br />
: -A curious wombat took a peek<br />
•And got chewed up in the croc's<br />
, front teeth.<br />
. :Now I had a camera<br />
1Ig,~<br />
GLASS<br />
Insurance<br />
Deductible<br />
IN WRmNG 100%<br />
(313) 7 7 8 • 5 1 61<br />
18254 E. 9 MILE ROAD<br />
East Detroit<br />
expIres<br />
5-31-91<br />
..<br />
I made a dJsaster<br />
I took a pIcture<br />
And the dingo ran faster<br />
I asked a red kangaroo what to<br />
do<br />
He said I had to cook him wombat<br />
stew.<br />
I found a fat little wombat and<br />
cooked him up.<br />
And the kangaroo brought me<br />
the dingo pup.<br />
"He's a father of a family," the<br />
'~said, ... ~.<br />
"but'I think he would'be better<br />
off dead."<br />
He sharpened up his nails like<br />
he never had before<br />
And sure enough opened up the<br />
dingo's cage door.<br />
But the kangaroo's nails had<br />
dulled from the mud<br />
The dingo ran out and the cage<br />
WI_<br />
Gillian Maslcmd<br />
door closed WIth a thud.<br />
So when you go to "Down Under"<br />
Look under the sunset sky<br />
And you will see me nding my<br />
dingo<br />
while the kookaburras fly.<br />
AmJmON DMlOPERS.<br />
• Lake St. Clair waterfront property<br />
• 2.5 acre site<br />
• 165 feet on East Jefferson<br />
• 800 feet in depth, shoreline<br />
recessed into property<br />
• Zone-multiple residence<br />
8,500 sq. ft. minimum lot size<br />
• Two houses on property<br />
One 4,000 square foot Colonial<br />
One 2,000 square foot Colonial<br />
C.F. MEIER CO.<br />
Phone (313) 821.9191<br />
$25 00 OFF # 1 in Customer Satisfaction<br />
May Be Used<br />
Towards<br />
Library/AV<br />
Defer - Erin Bannon, Molly<br />
Clark<br />
Ferry - Speros Dlonysopoulos<br />
Kerby - Sarah Sudnick<br />
Maire - Katie MacKool<br />
Mason - Richmond Inger<br />
MonteIth - Stephame Berg,<br />
Spring concert<br />
Enjoy the sweet sounds of<br />
the UniversIty LIggett School<br />
middle school bands, chOIrs and<br />
strings at a spring concert,<br />
scheduled for Sunday, May 19,<br />
at 2 p.m. in the school auditorium,<br />
850 Briarcliff DrIve in<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods.<br />
Performmg classIcal and pop<br />
music that day will be the<br />
SIxth grade (Junior varsIty)<br />
bdnd and choir, the seventhand<br />
eighth-grade (varsity) band<br />
and choir and the middle school<br />
string group.<br />
The middle school varsity<br />
band recently returned from a<br />
tour of local schools and shopping<br />
malls; the choirs have<br />
done well in district and regional<br />
voice competitions this<br />
year<br />
There is no admIssion<br />
charge; the public is welcome.<br />
For more information, call the<br />
middle school at 886-4220.<br />
~<br />
~<br />
KIT C HEN S. 0 A T H S +W I N DO W S<br />
2b510 Ho'per A.eoue • 5, Cia, $ha'., M
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20A<br />
The most common health<br />
problem in the U.S.<br />
isn't cancer, it isn't AIDS, and it isn't drugs ...<br />
it's hearing loss.<br />
Of the millions who have experienced hearing loss, many<br />
have been helped by the technology of hearing aids.<br />
I ,<br />
a You can receIve a FREE, no-obl.Jgauon hearing<br />
evaluation and consullauon. Call today to set up<br />
your appoinunent.<br />
o During Better Heanng and Speech Month (May),<br />
bnng in tins ad to receive $100 ofTyour heanng aid<br />
purchase.<br />
HUGH A. DAVIS ~<br />
Member - Nabonal \1-\IC \ ,<br />
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A snund S~bofl<br />
Society of DISpensing. I "" ,""".<br />
Audiology (t~~!<br />
Member - Nabonal \.".:" •<br />
Heanng AId Society.<br />
(<br />
'<br />
~...<br />
State LJcense # 0054 - -<br />
19637 Mack Avenue, <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
•<br />
881.2102<br />
Celebrating our 30th year<br />
&: TRIM, FAMILY ROOMS .••<br />
Seniors<br />
Greater longevity means profound changes for society<br />
~~RS<br />
i<br />
l'<br />
t<br />
GAT:~ALL<br />
1111.111••<br />
B<br />
QUOllfL<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Now that older is younger, thors Greg Kearsley and Mary sidered to be open to younger It big as entrepreneurs. What it<br />
those who reach 65 have a Furlong write: ''Teaching sen- groups takes some getting used takes ISconfidence, enthusIasm<br />
whole new set of options to con-<br />
Prl' me TI'm e<br />
iors to be computer literate was to. But it happens. Hardly a and dedicatIOn<br />
sider. not significantly different than day goes by that a newspaper You may not be one of the<br />
Not long ago, age 65 and re- teaching any other age group or magazine doesn't tell of the PepsI generation, but your in.<br />
tirement were synonymous. about computers." achievements of older persons duction into the Gerltol group<br />
One day you were an active They found that older adults distinguishing themselves m has been postponed.<br />
and valued member of an or. were more interested in learn. competitive sports or making<br />
ganizatlOn. Twenty.four hours mg programming, word procesalater<br />
and a day older, you were<br />
mg and budgeting. Their inter.<br />
out the door. Never mind that est m educational aspects of<br />
you didn't feel any different 8 M . Tr' computers fits with the na.<br />
physIcally or mentally. You y arlan aloor tlonal trend. Not long ago 90<br />
A<br />
Swords' Daggers' Medals' Guns' Uniforms •<br />
& Flags' Helmets. Hats' Flight Jacl
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
those who have received blood<br />
transfusions, health care personnel<br />
who may be exposed to<br />
Infected blood or blood prod.<br />
ucts, abusers of intravenous<br />
drugs, sexual partners of m.<br />
fected persons, hemophihacs<br />
and those undergoing kidney<br />
dIalysLS.<br />
For more information. call<br />
the American Liver Foundation<br />
at 1-800.223-0179.<br />
No wheels<br />
At 8 a.m. May 3, a man at a<br />
home on Woodland Shore Drive<br />
In the Shores found his 1990<br />
Ford Mustang sitting on cement<br />
blocks and all four tIreS<br />
missing.<br />
He had parked the car in the<br />
driveway at 1 a.m.<br />
ViUage or Qirnss.e Jnint.e ~ Michigan<br />
The Council of the Village of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Shores will hold a public<br />
hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 1991 in the Council<br />
Chambers of the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Shores Municipal Building, 795<br />
Lakeshore Road. The Council will hear comments and discuss a pro_<br />
posed addItional 1991 Villageoperating mLllagerate.<br />
In 1990 the Village levied 12.89 mills ($12.89 per $1.000 State<br />
Equalized Valuation) for its operating expenses. Because of an estimat.<br />
ed mcrease 10 the State Equahzed Va1uab5~g JXOPqly wiIbio<br />
We Vill e, Stare La'!, Act WiJ,WdK'j' the base uIl, _.<br />
1991 VM~ge Operaung taxes be ~llCed II.48 millS ($1 per<br />
$1,000SEV). This is 1.41 mills lower than the 1990 operating rate.<br />
In order to fund the Village's proposed 1991/92 budget and maintain<br />
essential services. and to make environmental improvements to its<br />
underground gasoline storage tanks, the Village finds it necessary to<br />
llICrease its operating levy for fiJcal year 1991/92 by .99 nulls ($.99 per<br />
$1.000SEV) above the 1990 base tax rate (11.48). This will provide an<br />
esUmated8.62% mcrease in Village operating tax revenues and would<br />
result in a 1991 operating tax rate of 12.47 mills ($12.47 per $1,000<br />
SEV). Under its Charter and State law, the Village has complete author-<br />
Ity to establish the number of mills to be levied within its fully authorized<br />
millage rate.<br />
Public comments on the proposed increase, oral or wriuen. are welcome.<br />
G.P.N.:05/16191<br />
James T. Wright<br />
Village Clerk.<br />
Summary<br />
of the Minutes<br />
City or ~rn55.e Jnint.e JIf arms Michigan<br />
May 6, 1991<br />
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.<br />
Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joseph L. Fromm, Councilmen Emil D.<br />
Berg, John E. Danaher, John M. Crowley, Harry T. Echlin, Gail Kaess<br />
and Gregg L. Berendt.<br />
Those Absent Were: None.<br />
Also Present: Messrs., William Burgess, Counsel, David DIRita,<br />
Counsel, Andrew Bremer, Jr., City Manager, Richard G. So.lak, CilY<br />
Clerk, John M. Larnerato, City Controller, John A. DeFoe. Dll'ector of<br />
Pubbc Service and Robert K. Felber, Director of Public Safety.<br />
Mayor Fromm presided at the Meeting.<br />
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 22, 1991, were<br />
approved as submitted.<br />
The Mmutes of the Closed Session held on Apnl 22, 1991, were<br />
approvedas submitted.<br />
The Council, acUng as a Zomng Board of Appeals, approved the<br />
Minutes of the Public Hearing held on April 22, 1991; and further.<br />
granted the appeal of Mr. James Spica, 310 Moran, to co~truct a<br />
second story addition ov~ an e~ting one story room, whIch ISalso to<br />
The Council approved the low bid of Wolvenne Truck, in the amount<br />
of $61,190.00 for the purchase of one new tandem cab and ChassIS with<br />
a 18 cy rubbish packer mounted for the Deparunent of Public Works.<br />
The Council scheduled a Public Hearmg for the purpose of discussing<br />
the Beacon Hill SubdiVIsionSpecial Assessment District, for Monday,<br />
May 20. 1991 317:30p.m.<br />
Upon proper mOUon made, supported and earned,<br />
adJowned at 9:45 p.m.<br />
Joseph<br />
Mayor<br />
G.P.N.: 05/16/91<br />
:....,~-<br />
;~<br />
L. Fromm<br />
Richard<br />
Entirely Evan-Jones<br />
..<br />
my chent I support<br />
\;1ICHIGA \J<br />
DefGN<br />
CeNeR<br />
Troy MIChigan<br />
G. Sol:!k<br />
City Clerk.<br />
I listen and I keep my agenda quiet So when I go Into a prOjeCt.<br />
it's not about me Irs a collaborotton Irs the chenfs concepts<br />
and my concepts. what emerges ISa self-expreSSIonof my chent<br />
ThOfs the Ideal<br />
Probably the man quality that I can bmg to a projeCt IStaking<br />
core of my chents. The seMce and the commitment to the prOjeCt<br />
emanate from that core Irs beng there. WIth the panter on a<br />
touch up. on delIVery Irs ojl of that attention and developing a<br />
relo1ionstllp of trust. which ISfundamental for a project to even<br />
get off the ground Irs on Integral port of a successful design<br />
I con create a woo out of what a client says to me Secondly.<br />
I have a source of matenals not avaloble to the chent What I<br />
bmg to the party ISmy avallabilrty. matenols. artlSts.workrooms.<br />
tradespeople and sources I come WIth baggage<br />
The MlchlQOn DesIgn Center ISwonderful tor me I'm there a lot<br />
and It's great to be able to take a chent there My clients can<br />
see the S9IVlC8that the showrooms prOVIde<br />
the designers. If I osI< the showroom to<br />
please communICate to the factory the<br />
Importance of havrlg the upholstefY<br />
tOlIorOO 11"1 a partICular way. they share<br />
my coocem. and that is what ISImportant<br />
to me n representng<br />
the people that support me<br />
the Meeting<br />
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$1 00 OFF<br />
Jackson a Perkins<br />
I ~S<br />
i:':'~<br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
Proposed City budget up 6.5 percent; taxes up 7.9 percent<br />
Sv John ~ the year before. pay $1,296 in city taxes for the omy and a population loss of wrote in the budget message, "In the long run," he said,<br />
AsS.~ EdiIor '. The proposed city tax rate for 1991-92 fiscal year. 220 residents, aa:ording to the "the proposed city budget con- "it'll prove to be conaervative.<br />
\'/bile the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte. City the coming year is 12.96 mills, Last year, assuming the av- 1990 census. tinues a quality level of muruci- Other than recycling and capi-<br />
1991-92 ~ ~t 18 up which is a reduction from the erage asliB "",mt increase of • A 40 percent increase in pal 8emce and adds a new pro- tal Improvements, it maintainll<br />
6 5 ~rcent m >:ear be- current rate fL 13.36 mills. 10.8 percent in the city, the worker's compensation insur- gam for curbside recychng." services.<br />
fore, revenue will carry However, the state Truth in same homeowner'll SEV was ance premiums and an increase Except for the 2 percent in- "I don't think our residents<br />
a larger~. Taxation law requires that the $90,243 and he would have in health insurance premiums crease for improvements at want any services cut."<br />
Aooordin&' to the propoeed tax rate be rolled back to 11.94 paid $1,206 in city taxes. of 11 percent to 14 percent. City Hall, Treasurer Dennis The city council will consider<br />
budget preeented at a public milIa to account for the 10.8 According to the Headlee • A 28 percent ($65,180) in. Foran called the budget conser. the budget for fmal adoption<br />
.hearing ~y. the~~nses percent increase in state equal- Amendment, the city can levy crease in refuse dJspoeal costs, vative. Monday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m.<br />
:Ilnd revenues .01' lLa\;IU year ized valuation or assessments a maximum fL 15.77 milIa, includIng a 10 percent increase<br />
. beginning July 1 are expected to city residential property ~ which has been whittled down in landfill ash-disposal charges<br />
: 10 be $4.49 million, up llpring. since 1978 from the charter-ap- and a $38,000 underestimate in<br />
:$272,445 from the 1990-91 The 12.96 mills, if approved, proved 23 mills, which includes disposal costs from this year.<br />
' budget. would mean t.axpayers would 3 milIa for rubbish collection. • A proposed $7.per-quarter<br />
: City property-tax revenue is pay $12.96 in city taxes per Of the 7.9 peroont property charge for weekly curbside reo<br />
expected to total ~.1 million in $1,000 of SEV. The owner fL a tax increase, 2 percent is desig. cycling to begin in July. The<br />
: 1991-92, an lOerease of home with a $100,000 SEV nated for capital improvementll recycling fee will be collected<br />
~$221,475, 01' 7.9 percent, from ($200,000 market value) would at City Hall. According to City with the water bill.<br />
Free hepatitis test offered<br />
Henry Ford Hospital is par.<br />
tlclpating in the National Hepatlt18<br />
Awareness Campaign by<br />
offering free blood testing for<br />
hepatitis C from 9 a.m. until 5<br />
p.m. on May 21 and 28 at the<br />
New Center Pavilion, 2921 W.<br />
Grand Blvd., Detroit. No appomtment<br />
is necessary.<br />
Hepatitis C is a viral infec.<br />
tion of the liver and affects<br />
•more than 170,000 American<br />
•each year. Some patients with<br />
: acute hepatitis C have no<br />
• symptoms, whereas .~er ex-<br />
•perience fever, vonntmg, ab-<br />
•dominal pain, and changes in<br />
: stool and/or urine color.<br />
• Hepatitis C virus is spread<br />
: through blood, blood products<br />
• and body fluids. People at hight<br />
est risk. of infection include<br />
Manager Thomas Kressbach's • $10,000 for hiring or shar.<br />
budget message, additional 109 an 8B8istant assessor or as.<br />
space is needed for city officell, sessmg consultant.<br />
the public safety department • More contributions to the<br />
and the municipal court. Also, fight against Detroit City Airmore<br />
off-street parking at City port expansion. The City ex.<br />
Hall is needed. pectll to spend a total of<br />
Other budget highlights in- $25,000 battling the expansion.<br />
elude: • A $20,000 decline in inter.<br />
• A 1088 of $28,700. or 6.5 est earned on invested funds<br />
peroont, in state revenue shar- due to lower rates.<br />
ing funds due to a weak econ- "All presented," Kressbach<br />
~~_~::~I_<br />
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PHONE (517) 792 09~<br />
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22A<br />
Business<br />
Candler buys yarns, canvases<br />
and patterns from all over the<br />
world, as well as from local art.<br />
ISts. She even makes some of<br />
the knitting patterns herself<br />
"I want to offer lots of<br />
choices 10 knItt10g yarns and<br />
knitting canvases and want in.<br />
put from customers," Candler<br />
said "I want to hsten to what<br />
they want add then buy accord.<br />
1Ogly"<br />
Born m Detroit and raIsed In<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Farms, Candler,<br />
47, saId she learned how to<br />
kmt from her mother, VIrginIa<br />
McKInnon, when she was 4<br />
years old,<br />
"I can't remember what I<br />
made," Candler saId "All I<br />
remember is sittmg on a stool<br />
10 the kitchen, knitting."<br />
She stayed with the hobby<br />
through her high school years<br />
at Sacred Heart Academy (now<br />
the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Academy),<br />
By Ronald J. Bernas<br />
The Michigan Cancer Foundation board of<br />
trustees announced that Dr. Vainutia Vaitkev.<br />
icius, noted cancer speciahst, has been appointed<br />
to 8U~ ~'" M~l ,iL",ijrennan lIS<br />
the institution's president on July 1. Vaitkevicius<br />
is a professor of medicine in the hematology-oncology<br />
division of Wayne State University's<br />
department of internal medicine. He<br />
formerly served as chair of that department,<br /> South HIgh School m<br />
Gmsse Po1Ote Farms, has a<br />
new name and owner<br />
Recently purchased by Jean<br />
Candlel of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Fdl ms, It reopened as "The<br />
Wool & The Floss" on AprIl 22<br />
Tlw name IS a takeoff on the<br />
(;,'01 gt>ElIot novel, "The MIll<br />
on t he Floss," Candler saId.<br />
'1 wanted a name that would<br />
de.,cllbe exactly what we offer,"<br />
.,he p\.plamed.<br />
A hdven for needlecrafter&,<br />
1he "tore carries a large variety<br />
of \ am:>, threads, canvases and<br />
pdttern., for kmtt1Og, weavlOg<br />
,md needlepoint proJects.<br />
Non needlecrafters are wel.<br />
corne to order custom. made<br />
pi ouuct&, such as sweaters, and<br />
1.lke crdlts classes at the shop.<br />
Sixteen hundred square feet ill .e, The Wool. The FIe.<br />
carries a large yartety 01 yCll'Dll, c:aDYaltMS cmd other Items for<br />
needlecraft projects, only some of wh1c:h are Ihowa here.<br />
Business People<br />
Vaitkevicius<br />
Bat at Human Services recently appointed Nanci Ballantyne to<br />
the positIOn of dlrector of development anJ marketing. Ballantyne<br />
\\ III be responsible for all fundraising, public relations and mar.<br />
keullg fOl Barat, an agency offenng prevention and treatment servlce~<br />
to dbused and neglected children and their families. BaHant\<br />
lie W I" formerly the co-founder of Arts and Scraps, a Detroit<br />
non plolil orgamzation which recycles discards 1oto low cost art<br />
mdtendb for communIty arts and crafts programs. She lives in<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
= G. Thomas Taylor<br />
ServIces were held May 10 at<br />
bt Paul Church In <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
pomte Farms for G Thomas<br />
Taylor, 78, recently of Macomb<br />
Township. He died May 6,<br />
1991, at Bon Secours HospItal<br />
10 <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>.<br />
Born In DetrOit, Mr. TaYlor<br />
was a longtime resident of<br />
GIOsse Pomte and worked In<br />
the automotIve Industry.<br />
He started hIS career In 1935<br />
at Mack.GratlOt Chevrolet as a<br />
salesman, and later became<br />
used car manager. After servo<br />
109 In the U.S Coast Guard<br />
during World War II, he was<br />
named general manager of<br />
Woody Pontiac In Hamtramck<br />
10 August 1946<br />
In 1949, he purchased a De.<br />
Soto.Plymouth dealership In<br />
Ferndale from Jim Robbins and<br />
named the dealership Tom Tay.<br />
lor DeSoto-Plymouth Inc.<br />
He later purchased a Hudson<br />
Motor Car dealership on East<br />
Jefferson in Detroit, a Pontiac<br />
dealership<br />
in Buffalo, N.Y., and<br />
Aileen Nord Kurtz<br />
A memorial service was held<br />
May 11 at Christ Church in<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Farms for Aileen<br />
Nord Kurtz, 74, of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
POinte Park. She dIed May 9,<br />
1991, after an elght.month hat.<br />
tie With cancer.<br />
another Pontiac dealership on JUleeD Nord Kurtz<br />
Michigan Avenue in Detroit.<br />
The last dealershIp he owned Mrs. Kurtz was born on Sept.<br />
was Tom Taylor Buick located 6, 1916, in St. Paul, Minn. She<br />
on Gratiot near Houston.Whit. was married to Kenneth W.<br />
tier in Detroit. Mr. Taylor reo Kurtz on Sept. 3, 1938, in St.<br />
tired from the automobile busi. Paul. The couple lived in St.<br />
ness In 1970. Paul and C10cinnati before<br />
During hIS automotive career moving to <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park<br />
he was a member of the Na. in 1955.<br />
tlOnal Automobile Dealers As. Mrs. Kurtz was an aVId sup.<br />
soclation, the MIchigan Auto- porter of the Detroit Institute<br />
mobl1e Dealers Association and of Arts, where she was a gal.<br />
the Detroit Automobile Dealers lery aide, a member of the<br />
Association. Founders Society and served on<br />
During the time he owned several committees.<br />
the Buick dealership, he was She also was affiliated with<br />
elected president of the Greater the Detroit Zoological Society,<br />
Detroit Buick Dealers Associa. the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Sail Club,<br />
tlon. the Crescent Sail Yacht Club<br />
An 'lvid boater, he was a life and the Fine Arts Society of<br />
member of the Detroit Yacht Detroit.<br />
Club, where he was a past pres. She is survived by her hus.<br />
Ident of the DYC Pelicans and band, Kenneth; sons, Kenneth<br />
• one of its original members. Nord Kurtz of Miami Fla., Jef-<br />
• He is survived by his wife, frey St. Clair Kurtz of Detroit,<br />
: Shirley J.;, Christopher Karl Kurtz of Ann<br />
• Sandra Peacock Taylor; four Arbor; four grandchildren; sis.<br />
: grandchildren and a great- ter, Lavone Leonard of Hunts.<br />
: granddaughter. He was pre. ville, Texas; brother, Vernon<br />
• ceded in death by his son, Wil. Nord of St. Paul.<br />
Ham G. Taylor. Memorial contributions may<br />
Arrangements were made by be made to the All Saints Fund<br />
the Chas Verheyden funeral at. Christ Church, 61 G~<br />
, home in <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park. Pomte Blvd., <strong>Grosse</strong> Po1Ote<br />
Entombment was in .»euet" ~ Mich. 48236"<br />
, Olivet. cemete1! .in Detroit. Terry Weber Turner<br />
Memonal contnbutlons may be<br />
made to the Michigan Humane Services will be held at 10<br />
Society a.m. Friday, May 17, at St.<br />
Richard E. Distel Paul's C!1tholic Church in<br />
ServIces were held May 10 at <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Farms for Terry<br />
St Clare of Montefalco Church Weber Turner, 51, of Dearborn.<br />
In <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park for RIch. She died May 11, 1991, in Eng.<br />
ard E. Distel. A resident of land.<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Park for 50 Mrs. Turner grew up in<br />
years, he dIed May 7, 1991, at <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, and graduated<br />
Bon Secours Nurs10g Center in from St. Ambrose Cathohc<br />
St. Clair Shores, at the age of High School in <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
87 Park and St. Mary's College in<br />
Mr. Distel was born in Stutt- South Bend, Ind.<br />
gart, Germany, and came to At the ti!'1e of her death, she<br />
the United States as a young had bee? In England for two<br />
man. He founded the Distel years WIth her husband, who<br />
Tool and Machiut: Co. in War. :es there on a thn:c year asren<br />
in 1938 and retired four slgnment for Ford Motor Co.<br />
years ago. ' He is the company's director of<br />
He was one of the founders of design of European operations.<br />
St John Hospital in Detroit, St. Mrs. Turner is. survived by<br />
Joseph's Home for the Aged her husband, DaVId C. Turner<br />
. and St. Clare of Montefal~ Jr.; daughter, Kathryn Turner<br />
Church in <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park.<br />
He was also a charter member<br />
of the Tooling Manufacturen.<br />
Insurance Group and a member<br />
of the Detroit ToolIng AssocIation.<br />
He loved to travel.<br />
Mr. Distel is survived by hIS<br />
son, RIchard H. DIstel of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Farms; six grandchil.<br />
dren; one great-grandchild;<br />
and a sISter, Liesl Eberhardt of<br />
Ruit, Germany. He was preceded<br />
in death by his wife,<br />
Rose.<br />
Arrangements were made by<br />
the Chas Verheyden funeral<br />
home in <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park<br />
Bunal was In Mount Ohvet<br />
cemetery in Detroit. Memorial<br />
contributions may be made to<br />
the MIchIgan Arthntis<br />
Founda.<br />
tlon, 27308 Southfield Road,<br />
Lathrup Village, Mich. 48076<br />
Gertrude Blumenstock<br />
ServIceS were held May 10 at<br />
the A.H. Peters funeral home<br />
In <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Woods for<br />
Gertrude Blumenstock, 86, of<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Shores. She dIed<br />
of pneumoma on May 7, 1991,<br />
at Bon Secours HospItal In<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />
Born m Detroit, MISS Blu.<br />
menstock worked at DetroIt<br />
EdIson for 40 years She retired<br />
as an executIve c;ecretary In<br />
1971 She was a member of the<br />
Wmdsor Figure Skatmg Club<br />
She IS SUrviVed by her<br />
nephew, Dr Arthur C Blumen<br />
stock<br />
Bunal was In Gethsemane<br />
cemetery In Detroit<br />
- -,<br />
of Dearborn; sons, ChrIS Turner<br />
and Wilham Turner, both of<br />
Dearborn, David Turner of Cm<br />
cinnatl, Steven Turner of Los<br />
Angeles; and brothers, DICk<br />
Weber of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, DaVId<br />
Weber of South Bend and<br />
Harry and Mark Weber, both of<br />
Detroit.<br />
Interment will be held Satur.<br />
day, May 18, at the St Paul<br />
ColumbarJUm in <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />
Farms Memonal contnbutlOns<br />
may be made to the Marie<br />
Curle FoundatIOn in London,<br />
England<br />
Virginia L. (Lipka)<br />
Brykalski<br />
ServIceS were held May 15 at<br />
Transfiguration ChW'ch in De.<br />
troit for Vlrgima L. (Lipka)<br />
Brykalski, 59, of Warren, formerly<br />
of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods.<br />
She died May 12, 1991.<br />
Born in Detroit, Mrs. Brykalski<br />
attended St. Ladislaus High<br />
School in Hamtramck and the<br />
Catholic University in Washington,<br />
D.C. She worked 88 a<br />
nW'8e at Ford Hospital in Detroit,<br />
St. Joseph Hospital in<br />
San Diego, the Detroit Public<br />
Health Department and the<br />
Chrysler Corp.<br />
She was a member of Orchard<br />
Lake Ladies Auxiliary<br />
Chapter 20, the PolIsh Wom.<br />
en's Alliance 481, the Polish<br />
Activities League, and the Macomb<br />
County Women's Dental<br />
Awuliary.<br />
Mrs. Brykalski was also ac.<br />
tive WIth the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Hockey Association and enjoyed<br />
playing softball with her child.<br />
ren.<br />
She is SurvIVed by her husband,<br />
Dr. Julius Brykalski;<br />
daughters, Linda Trese, Valerie<br />
Brykalski; sons, Joseph, Robert,<br />
Michael; sisters, Irene Stach,<br />
Helen McCraven; and brother,<br />
Stanley Lipka.<br />
Arrangements were made by<br />
the Wysocki funeral home in<br />
WOOTen. Burial was in Holy<br />
Cross cemetery in DetroIt.<br />
Memorial contributions<br />
-.<br />
may be<br />
made to the Michigan Cancer<br />
Foundation.<br />
Walter Ragen Frizzell<br />
A memorial service will be<br />
held at 2 p.m. May 18 at<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> United Church<br />
in <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Farms for<br />
Walter Ragen Fnzzell, 84, for.<br />
merly of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Shores.<br />
He died May 10, 1991, at<br />
Henry Ford Continuing Care<br />
Belmont Center in Harper<br />
Woods, follOWInga long illness<br />
An attorney, Mr. Frizzell<br />
served as counsel to the Inter.<br />
state Commerce Commssion<br />
from 1938 to 1943, the Office of<br />
Defense in 1943, and as corporate<br />
counsel to General Motors<br />
Corp. from 1943 to 1972.<br />
His papers documenting cor.<br />
porate history, as it relates to<br />
the transportation industry, are<br />
indexed for research and study<br />
at General Motors instItute m<br />
their collection of IndustrIal<br />
<strong>History</strong>.<br />
Mr. Fri1:lell also served as<br />
treasurer of <strong>Grosse</strong> Po1Ote<br />
Shores<br />
1984.<br />
L£:J:.o<br />
Building Co.<br />
• Family Rooms • Kitchens<br />
• Bedrooms • Dormers<br />
• Decks<br />
882-3222<br />
from May 1970 to May<br />
He IS surVIved by hiS WIfe,<br />
Grace, daughters, Elleanor<br />
Howe and Mary O'Rourke, foW'<br />
grandchildren and a great.<br />
granddaughter<br />
Arrangements were made by<br />
the Chas Verheyden funeral<br />
home m <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Park.<br />
Burial will be In Cedar Hill<br />
cemetery In Washmgton, DC<br />
MemOrial contnbutlOns may<br />
be made to Alzheimer's Re<br />
search<br />
Barbara 1. Belanger<br />
Services were held May 7 at<br />
Our Lady Star of the Sea<br />
Church m <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Woods<br />
for Barbara J Belanger, 62, of<br />
Gl'Osse POinte Woods She dIed<br />
May 3, 1991, at St John Hospl'<br />
tal In DetrOIt, of respiratory<br />
failure and lung cancer<br />
Born In DetrOIt, Mrs Belanger<br />
was preSIdent of John A<br />
Belanger ASSOCiates Inc, man.<br />
ufacturers' representatives In<br />
the food mdustry, and worked<br />
In the bUSIness until the time<br />
of her death<br />
She enjoyed travelmg and<br />
gardening.<br />
Mrs Belanger is survived by<br />
her daughters, Linda Stephen'l,<br />
Martha Hage; sons, Jeffrey,<br />
DaVid, Peter, Paul; 11 grandchildren;<br />
SIster, Ruth Beach;<br />
and brother, Howard Snyder<br />
She was preceded In death by<br />
her husband, John A. Belanger,<br />
m 1981<br />
Arrangements were made by<br />
the A H. Peters funeral home<br />
in <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Woods BurIal<br />
was In Mount Olivet cemetery<br />
In DetrOIt MemOrial contributIOns<br />
may be made to the<br />
American Heart Association or<br />
the Michigan Cancer Foundation<br />
Bertha M. (Juers)<br />
Pettke<br />
Services were held May 9 at<br />
the Chas Verheyden funeral<br />
home In <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park for<br />
Bertha M. (Juers) Pettke. A resident<br />
of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park<br />
since 1952, she died May 6,<br />
1991, at Bon Secours Hospital<br />
in <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, at the age of<br />
86.<br />
Mrs Pettke was }.:Jrn in New<br />
York City on June 6, 1904, and<br />
moved to the Detroit area WIth<br />
her famlly as a girl She began
24A<br />
Forest Lawn Cemetery and<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
~<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
11851 VAN DYKE AVE.<br />
(South of McNichols)<br />
Phone: 921.6960<br />
Crematory Celebrates 99 years i~<br />
of Community Service<br />
Pictured above: Our grounds maintenance staff, members of United Steel<br />
Workers Union <strong>Local</strong> No. 13702. Bob Schroeder, grounds superintendent is<br />
third from the left.<br />
...;.'- --<br />
-<br />
(<br />
1 ..<br />
Tobe trusted with the care of a<br />
loved one is an honor which<br />
demands that we, the guardians<br />
of time and keepers of your loved<br />
ones' final resting place, strive for<br />
excellence in all areas of service<br />
to our families. From our trained<br />
and professional counselors, to<br />
our caring and understanding<br />
office staff and grounds' workers<br />
we promise to help meet the<br />
requirements of those who put<br />
their trust in us. We realize that<br />
the loss of a loved one is often a<br />
confusing and emotional time<br />
and we pledge to help meet your<br />
needs with the most compassion<br />
and support to ensure your peace<br />
of mind. We understand that<br />
these and other areas of service to<br />
our families are essential as we<br />
continue in our heritage as the<br />
guardians of time.<br />
...<br />
One of our private family mausoleums.<br />
o<br />
Karpus, Scott & Company, p'C., certified<br />
public accountants, certifies<br />
that the Perpetual Care Fund of<br />
Forest Lawn Cemetery Co. is fully<br />
ItJnded, according to the Laws of the<br />
State of Michigan. The assets of the<br />
Perpetual Care Fund are held at<br />
Manufacturers National Bank. The<br />
fair market value of the assets of the<br />
fund are $2,011,731.00.<br />
,. ~ ~<br />
--_ 1<br />
_____ ' r I; Pt,<br />
---_<br />
t<br />
--<br />
f<br />
The granite feature on the Russian Orthodox section.<br />
General Manager, Richard Eichberger and Staff in front of stained glass cre~<br />
mati on niches designed by Paul Pickel, in our Resurrection Mausoleum<br />
Governor John Engler, with Bob Chapel.<br />
Deckers President of Vietman<br />
Veterans of America, Chapter 154 in<br />
Mt. Clemens and William R.<br />
Eldridge, President of Forest Lawn<br />
Cemetery.<br />
Pat Boone, National Easter Seals chairman with 1991<br />
Poster Child Bridgett Houlihan and William R.<br />
Eldridge, president of Forest Lawn Cemetery.<br />
Burial property, mausoleum<br />
crypts, cremation niches,<br />
cremation urns, crematory,<br />
bronze memorials, granite<br />
memorials and monuments,<br />
holiday vesper light program,<br />
summer petunia nower beds,<br />
fresh cut flower bouquets and<br />
winter grave blankets. Committal<br />
services available in our<br />
Resu"ection Chapel or at the<br />
gravesite. We are a non-sectarian<br />
cemetery serving all faiths.<br />
Governor and Mrs. Blanchard, pictured with Jeremy Dawson, 1:)90 Michigan<br />
Poster Cild for Easter Seals. Mr. John Cocciolone Executive Director Easter<br />
Seals, Mr. & Mrs. William Eldridge. Our volunteers helped to raise more than<br />
$28,000.00 in 1990 for the Easter Seal Society with a Vegas night, food booth<br />
at Metro Boat Show and a dinner dance. This year our volunteers have already<br />
raised $12,000.00 towards our new goal.<br />
...,<br />
•<br />
May 16,1991<br />
Gros~ <strong>Pointe</strong> N~ws<br />
Features<br />
Section<br />
28<br />
Kristen Mattes and Michael<br />
Wickham<br />
Mattes-<br />
Wickham<br />
Mr and Mrs Donald A<br />
Mattes of <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Woods<br />
have announced the engage.<br />
ment of their daughter, KrISten<br />
Mattes, to Michael Wickham,<br />
.son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph<br />
:Wlckham of Plymouth. A Janu-<br />
'ary weddmg is planned.<br />
: Mattes IS a graduate of<br />
:<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte North High<br />
:School, 8t John Hospital<br />
'School of RadlOlogy and the In.<br />
'surance Institute at Michigan<br />
.State University. She is an accountmg<br />
manager with Eastern<br />
Michigan Agencies Inc.<br />
Wickham IS a graduate of<br />
the Umversity of Detroit. He is<br />
employed by Stryker Corp.<br />
Weddings<br />
Long-West<br />
Susan Carol Long, daughter<br />
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F,<br />
Long Jr. of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park,<br />
married Kirk Terrill West, son<br />
of Mr. and Mrs. Reece A. West<br />
of Wichita Falls, Texas, on<br />
March 30, 1991, at Park City<br />
Commumty Church in Park<br />
City, Utah.<br />
The Rev. Bill McCreary offi.<br />
ciated at the 6 p.m, ceremony.<br />
which was followed. by a rece~<br />
tJon at AmlCl Ristorante.<br />
The bnde wore a champagnecolored<br />
gown which featured a<br />
;beaded bodice and a taffeta<br />
'Skirt and train. She carried a<br />
-bouquet of ivory roses.<br />
: Cynthia L. Hicks of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
Engagements<br />
Laudicina-<br />
Driscoll<br />
Mr and MIs Peter E Laudl<br />
cma of WalTen have dnnOllnu.d<br />
the engagement of then dcHlgh<br />
tel', Shal'On Ann LalldlClI1d. to<br />
Robelt Lane Driscoll, .,on of<br />
Mdr) Ellon DII'lColl of GIO.,.,('<br />
Pomte Pal k dnd the l,ltl' W.1l<br />
ren E DnhColl An ()( to!Jl'l<br />
\\'eddlllg II:>planned<br />
La lidIc1I1a 6'1ddudted fl om<br />
thl' Fl'ancl..,l,ll1 UI'IVel..,lt\ of<br />
Steubem .lIe In 1986 SIll'<br />
\\ orks at Bon Secourl:>Ho..,plt,d<br />
DI'lscoll IS a b'1'ddudtl' 01<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte South HIgh<br />
School He attended MdLOmb<br />
Commumty College ,llld '-l'1 \ ed<br />
In the Umted State~ Alm\<br />
flOm 1979.82 He \101 b dt .1.1<br />
cobson's m <strong>Grosse</strong> POIlltl'<br />
Robert Lane Driscoll and<br />
Sharon Ann Laudicina<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Terrill West<br />
~Prideof the <strong>Pointe</strong>s<br />
: John Franzem. an Oakland<br />
:Umversity computer science<br />
~naJor from <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
:Shores, spent the winter term<br />
~s a co-op student WIth mM.<br />
• •<br />
.<br />
: Burt Thomas Weyhing IV,<br />
="on of Dr and<br />
.ThulIldb Weyhing<br />
Mrs. Burt<br />
m, recently<br />
~ortrayed Mr VonDaan in<br />
='The DIary of Anne Frank" at<br />
;Kenyon College. Weyhing IS a<br />
~raduate of Umversity Liggett<br />
&hool. He IS a member of AI.<br />
~ha Delta Phi fratermty .<br />
•<br />
.•.: Eva Dodds, daughter of<br />
\fohn and Christine Dodds of<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, has prepared an<br />
lndependent study project at<br />
:The College of Wooster. Her<br />
~hesls, "The Impact of the Fed.<br />
~Ial Government on Contempo-<br />
~Jry Native American Life,"<br />
:\\as part of the college's gradu.<br />
~ltlon reqUIrements Dodds has<br />
1Jeen a member of the varsIty<br />
"'OCcel',cross country and track<br />
end field teams and IS the pres.<br />
~dent of Zeta Phi Gamma, one<br />
'of seven women's clubs on cam.<br />
JlUS<br />
•<br />
Ann Uewellyn, daughter of<br />
\ ldrew and Mane Llewellyn of<br />
(, ()sse POInte Farms, was reo<br />
« ltly Initiated Into Kappa<br />
h ,!>pa Gamma at the Umver.<br />
-It\ of Michigan She IS a 1990<br />
~) Hluate of <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />
"""lith High School<br />
ISOROUlf<br />
'iO-l' I "~l if f I f-R~.lON<br />
1>£ TROIT \11( H<br />
821.3525<br />
f II II II} ,"'i RVN(, ( 4RI<br />
Charlyn A. Carrier, Daryl<br />
F. Oliver and Andrew Me-<br />
Skimming 10, all of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
Pomte, graduated from West.<br />
ern MIchigan Umverslty at the<br />
end of the fall semester of the<br />
1990-91 school year Can-leI<br />
5 PIECE<br />
SET<br />
RETAil<br />
$1,040<br />
SALE<br />
$779 95<br />
$729 95<br />
Dr. Joseph Palmeri and Dr.<br />
Patricia Pillsbury<br />
Pillsbury-<br />
Palmeri<br />
:-'11' dnd MI's Donald Pills.<br />
lnll \ of GI'O"se Pomte City<br />
h,1\l' dnnounced the engage.<br />
lllL'nt of theIr daughter, Dr. Pa.<br />
llllhl Pillsbury of Long Island,<br />
X Y. to DI Joseph Palmen,<br />
a gladuate of the<br />
I\llChlgdl1 Stdte College of Vet.<br />
el mal \ Medlcme and IS an as-<br />
'"'OClolteat the East Meadow An.<br />
IInal C'hl1lcon Long Island<br />
Pollmerl IS a graduate of Cor.<br />
nell UI1lVer'Htv and the Michi.<br />
gan State College of VeterInary<br />
Medlcme He has hIS own prac.<br />
tIce on Long Island<br />
Pomte Park was the maid of<br />
honor<br />
BridesmaIds were Laurie<br />
Long and Jane Long, both of<br />
Wichita Falls, and Julia Pem.<br />
berton of New York City.<br />
Attendants wore off-white<br />
chiffon and Silk dresses with<br />
straIght skirts, short puffed<br />
sleeves and wide collars. They<br />
carried bouquets of longst.€mmed<br />
iris, tulips, delphin.<br />
IUm and wild flowers.<br />
The best man was the<br />
groom's father, Reece A West<br />
of Wichita Falls.<br />
Groomsmen were the groom's<br />
brother, Adam West of Plano,<br />
Texas, and the bride's brothers,<br />
Randall R. Long and Thomas<br />
F Long m, both of Wichita<br />
eal ned a bachelor of arts deb'1'ee<br />
m SOCIal SCience, Ohver<br />
earned a bachelor of arts degree<br />
In communicatIOn; and<br />
:\IIcSklmmmg earned a bachelor<br />
of busmess adImmstratlOn de.<br />
1-,'1 ee In finance .<br />
THE<br />
5 PIECE<br />
SET<br />
RETAIL<br />
$558<br />
Crook-Briggs<br />
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Crook<br />
of Orchard Lake have an.<br />
nounced the engagement of<br />
their daughter, Jennifer Mane<br />
Crook, to Todd Edwin BrIggs of<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park, son of Patrick<br />
Briggs of Charlotte, N.C.,<br />
and Mary Margaret Briggs of<br />
Sarasota, Fla. An August weddmg<br />
ISplanned<br />
Crook is a graduate of the<br />
Umverslty of MichIgan, where<br />
she earned a bachelor of arts<br />
degree m English She IS an ed.<br />
ltor for Entertamment Pubhca.<br />
trons in Troy<br />
Todd Edwin Briggs a:ad<br />
Jennifer Marie Crook<br />
Briggs is a graduate of MIch-<br />
Igan State University, where<br />
he earned a bachelor of arts<br />
degree in political science and<br />
hIStory, and Syracuse Law<br />
School, where he earned a juris<br />
doctor degree. He is an attorney<br />
for Jon Sheft'erly & Ass0-<br />
ciates in Detroit.<br />
Falls.<br />
The bride's mother wore a<br />
muted print chiffon dress in<br />
shades<br />
aqua.<br />
of blue, purple and<br />
Long earned a bachelor of<br />
arts degree in economics from<br />
Duke University. She is employed<br />
by the NCNB Bank of<br />
Wichita Falls.<br />
West earned a bacl1.elor of<br />
science degree in geology from<br />
Southern Methodist University.<br />
He is president<br />
Exploration Co.<br />
"of' Comanche<br />
of Wichita<br />
Falls.<br />
The newlyweds traveled to<br />
Caneel Bay, St, John. They live<br />
in Wichita Falls.<br />
~ ,<br />
SALE<br />
$439 95 •<br />
Brown-Wahl<br />
James J Brown of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
POInte Park and Annette R.<br />
Brown of Glendale, Cahf., have<br />
announced the engagement of<br />
their daughter, Emily Mane<br />
Brown, to Robert Lawrence<br />
Wahl, son of John J Wahl of<br />
Westminster, Colo, and Catherme<br />
A Wahl of Broomfield,<br />
Colo. A June weddmg is<br />
planned<br />
Brown IS a graduate of Mich.<br />
Igan State UnIversity, where<br />
she earned a bachelor of arts<br />
degree In elementary educa.<br />
tlOn She IS a fifth-grade<br />
teacher in Fort Collins, Colo.<br />
Wahl is a graduate of Colo.<br />
rado State UniverSity, where<br />
he earned a bachelor of science<br />
degree He expects to earn a<br />
doctor of vetermary medic me<br />
degree In 1991 and wlll prac.<br />
tice in ReidsVille, H".C<br />
Gralewski-Olsen<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W.<br />
Gralewskl of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Woods have announced the en.<br />
gagement of their daughter,<br />
Michele Mane Gralewski, to<br />
Brian Joseph Olsen, son of Mr.<br />
and Mrs. Robert J. Olsen of<br />
Birmingham. A September<br />
wedding IS planned.<br />
Gralewski earned a bachelor<br />
(. ~::v:r<br />
#-.r ,.,"*~.,>-<br />
~~i~~~<br />
i.:<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Michele Marie GralewsId and<br />
Brian Joeeph Olsen<br />
of arts degree In elementary<br />
educatIOn from the University<br />
of Michigan She teaches at<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Pre.Kindergarten<br />
and works part-time in the<br />
famdy business, Sweetheart<br />
Bakery Inc.<br />
Olsen earned a bachelor of<br />
science degree m engineering<br />
from Lawrence Institute of<br />
Technology. He is employed at<br />
Essex Specialty Products, a<br />
subsidiary of Dow Chemical Co.<br />
May 16 - 18th<br />
Thur. - Fri.<br />
10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.<br />
Sat. until 5:00 p.m.<br />
*Below Cost Items<br />
UP TO<br />
_I~JP"<br />
,"Lf/,f"J<br />
... OFCOURSE<br />
21024 Mack • G.P.W.<br />
343-9169<br />
~' .. " $ j<br />
SALE<br />
OFF<br />
On All<br />
Sale Merchandise<br />
No layaways • Holds<br />
No refunds or exchanges on sale items<br />
• No charges under $100.00<br />
RAIN DATES MAY 23-25th<br />
A distinctive style of dressing - casual to evening.<br />
19583 Mack Avenue<br />
between Broadstone & UttIestone in the Woods.<br />
882-3130<br />
Amer. Exprns • VIsa • Me<br />
a ~ •<br />
I<br />
-.--.._- ---- ...<br />
- ------ - - ..... _.. -
May 16,1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Bon Secours Golf Classic is June J<br />
The Bon Secours GoU Clanic. an allDual fundraiser for Bon Se
48<br />
r" :<br />
The Pastor's Corner<br />
God's ~romise<br />
of Is~irit' ba Rtism<br />
By Rev. Peter A. Wittstoc:k<br />
Hal r Woods Assembly of God Church<br />
Churches<br />
This Sunday, May 19, mat'ks what has been traditionally<br />
regarded as the bnthday of the Christian<br />
church. Pentecost Sunday commemomtes the day<br />
when God started a special celebration In the hearts<br />
and lives of those who had come to trust and believe m<br />
his Son. It commemorates the day w~1en God, the Holy<br />
Spirit, came to hve Within Jesus' first disciples.<br />
This was the same Holy Spirit who had inVisibly accompanied<br />
Jesus and his followers during hiS few<br />
years of earthly ministry, but was now to reside within<br />
each of them individually to console, strengthen, Ig.<br />
mte, and empower them as hiS witnesses. They were to<br />
receive the Holy Spirit's presence as the guarantee<br />
that eternal reward was aWaItmg them in heaven Je,<br />
sus had told them not to depalt from Jerusalem, but to<br />
WaIt lor the promise of the Father, which he said,<br />
"You heard from me, for John baptized with water, but<br />
before many days you shall be baptized with the Holy<br />
Spirit."<br />
The celebration of the young church's baptIsm in the<br />
Holy Spirit marked the passing of God's direct mmistry<br />
through his Son to God's direct mmlstry through<br />
his Spirit. The administratIOn of heaven's grace was<br />
changing hands, and the base of Its operatIOn being<br />
expanded to the ends of the Earth.<br />
What a moment it was as the Spirit came to reside<br />
withm the first believers on that Jerusalem morning<br />
so long ago The mamfestation of his coming produced<br />
great amazement in everyone who saw and heard it.<br />
The popular movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark' may<br />
have approximated m Its chmactic scene what it was<br />
like on that Pentecost morning (minus the wrath): the<br />
sudden sound of a rushing, mighty wind filling the<br />
house with heaven's fire followmg. The second chapter<br />
of the New Testament's Book of Acts appears to have<br />
served as the film's climactic inspiration.<br />
Not only is the supernatural manifestation of God<br />
forever our fascination, but it must also become our responsibility.<br />
T. S. Ehot writes of our present responsibility<br />
to the supernatural:<br />
To believe In the supernatural IS not SImply<br />
to believe that after living a successful, matenal,<br />
and fau-Iy Virtuous life here one wJlI con.<br />
tinue to exist in the best,posslble substitute for<br />
this world, or that after hving a starved and<br />
stunted life here one will be compensated With<br />
all the good things one has gone without: it is<br />
to believe that the supernatural is the greatest<br />
reality here and now.<br />
Even in our day of PCs and CDs; mAs and ATMs;<br />
BMWs and BLTs; the presence of the Holy Spirit<br />
within us - acting out the life of Christ, yet again -<br />
is still God's plan for everyone who has come to trust<br />
in his Son as Saviour.<br />
Let us, therefore, approach our respective places of<br />
worship this Pentecost Sunday with a new and reverent<br />
expectation. God's promise of "SPirit" baptism has<br />
never been revoked, and still stands available to all<br />
who belong to him today.<br />
_Support for families of leukemia patients<br />
Family support group meet Wayne State Umverslty, will<br />
: ings, led by profeSSIOnals, are speak to the group at First En-<br />
: free for patients and famIly ghsh Evangehcal Lutheran<br />
: members touched by leukemia, Church, 800 Vermer, in <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
. lymphoma, multIple myeloma Pomte Woods, from 7 to 8:30<br />
: and Hodgkin'S disease pm<br />
• On Thursday, May 23, Dr<br />
: Lyle Sensenbrenner, dIrector of<br />
; the: hunt: marrow transplanta.<br />
: tion unit of Harper Hospital!<br />
....<br />
~~<br />
37th<br />
Year<br />
For more InformatIon, call<br />
the Leukemia SocIety at 778<br />
6800<br />
BOYS and GIRLS, 6-15<br />
1-7 Weeks; Staff Ratio 1 to 4<br />
Emphasis on individual ability<br />
""Family like Atmosphere.'<br />
• Horsemanship • Cabins, Tents<br />
• Computer • Swimming Pool<br />
~<br />
~:y<br />
In the pOSf 6 months<br />
ROBERT WELKE • (517) 263.2039<br />
620 Comp ...,." St.... t, Ad,i .. n, MI 49221<br />
In the post 3 months<br />
HAD A DOn<br />
We have lots of local Information and over 59 gifts. No strtngsl<br />
MOSSI POINTl112-1790<br />
Phone -<br />
Warm and Loving Care<br />
Friendly companionship and speCial actiVities for older<br />
adults who need supervised day care In a spacIous<br />
seHlng convenient to the POlnles<br />
Call today for full details or drop In and VISit<br />
• A Center of LutheranSOCialServicesof MiChigan.<br />
4950Gateshead near Mack Ik Moross<br />
881.3374<br />
~o.t 011\ LJnded by the U(\lted FOfdor or<br />
: ord the Jetro t Area /ogene \ or "9 r 9 ,<br />
'Uf1iom~Oll<br />
even if you only moved next door!<br />
English choir to perform<br />
The Choir of Men cmd Boys from Peterborough Cathedral of England will Bing at Christ<br />
Church Groae <strong>Pointe</strong> at 8 p.m .. W.&lMday. May 22. as part of its North American tour.<br />
The choir regularly giftl recitals in the diocese and beyond. and at Christmas sings the<br />
carol service for tIM Worshipful CompaDy of Plalstere,. in their livery hall in the City of<br />
London. The director is Christoph. Gower. master of the music.<br />
Christ Church is 10CCltedat 61 GroeN Poin~ Blvd .. <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms. No tick.ts are<br />
required for the performance. A reception will follow the concert in the church Undercroft.<br />
Support group for families of Alzheimer's patients<br />
The Warren area Alzhei.<br />
mer's support group will meet<br />
on Monday, May 20, from 10<br />
a.m until noon at A Friend's<br />
House Adult Day Care Center<br />
In Warren, 28111 Imperial, one<br />
block east of Hoover and one<br />
block south of 12 Mile Road.<br />
Tne group provides support<br />
and information to family<br />
St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church<br />
881-6670<br />
1<br />
J( 375 Lolhrap .t ChIlIfante<br />
~900& 11'15a m Worshlp<br />
to 10 a m Education<br />
IIkJrsery AY8IlabIe<br />
Rev. J f'tIIhD Wahl Rev Colleen Kamke<br />
Rrst English Ev. Lutheran Church<br />
VernIer Rd. at Wedgewood Dr.<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods<br />
884.5040<br />
Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am<br />
Sunday School 9:45 am<br />
Dr. Walter A. Schmidt, Pastor<br />
Rev. Paul J. Owens, Pastor<br />
St James Lutherar: Church<br />
170 McMillan Rd., near Ken:heval<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Fanns<br />
884..0511<br />
Sunday Morning Won;hip<br />
8:30, 9:30 & 11 a.m..<br />
ChristIan Education for all ages<br />
9:30a.m.<br />
Pastor Robert A. Rlmbo<br />
Robin Abbott, Minister of Nurture<br />
TIffi SUBJECT<br />
FOR THIS<br />
SUNDAY IS:<br />
''Mortals and<br />
Immortals"<br />
First Church of Chris~<br />
Scientist<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms,<br />
282 Chalfonte Ave.<br />
4 blocks West of Morass<br />
Sunday 10:30 a.m.<br />
Sunday School 10:30 a.m.<br />
Wednesday 8:00 p.m.<br />
members canng for relatives<br />
with Alzheimer's disease or reo<br />
lated dementia.<br />
Group co-Ieaders are nene<br />
Zakul.Krupa of the Detroit<br />
chapter of the Alzheimer's DISease<br />
and Related Disorders As.<br />
sociation and Suzanne Szezepanslo..Whlte<br />
of A Friend's<br />
House.<br />
Volunteers donate from four<br />
to 16 hours a month. They are<br />
provided with extensive training<br />
by skilled professionals<br />
prior to placement. They are<br />
also reimbursed for mileage<br />
during the training and for mileage<br />
traveled to and from<br />
placement sites. Day, evening<br />
and Saturday hours are avail.<br />
able.<br />
Working with a person af.<br />
flicted with Alzheimer's disease<br />
Redeemer United<br />
Methodist Church<br />
(I:<br />
20571 Verruer Just W. of 1-94<br />
Harper Woods<br />
884.2035<br />
10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship<br />
9:15 a.m. Church School<br />
GRACE<br />
Kercheval at Lakepointe<br />
822-3823<br />
SW1(lay School and WorshIp<br />
10:30 a.m.<br />
Nursery_IS proVIded<br />
Rev. Harvey Reh<br />
Christ the King<br />
Lutheran Church<br />
Mack at Lochmoor 884-5090<br />
'1:00 a.m. Sunday School & BIble Classes<br />
9:00 " 10:30 a.m. WorshIp ServJces<br />
Supervised Nursery<br />
Preschool Call 884-5090<br />
Joseph P. Fabry, Pastor<br />
RaDdy S. Boelter, Pastor<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
CHURCH<br />
A Fnendly Clurch for All Ages<br />
211 Moross Rd.<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Fanus<br />
886-2363<br />
"Bullish On The<br />
Future"<br />
Dr. Jack E. Giguere, preachlDg<br />
9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Worship<br />
if- lHE UNITED<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Baptist Church<br />
~ "T1Je Church of the <strong>Pointe</strong>s"<br />
II I MinisWing to the Whole F8mily<br />
I IBIblical preachIng + Bible studies + Discipleship groups<br />
~ Children's mlrnstnes + Yo~ ministnes<br />
tt~<br />
iJ Sund~ Schoat: 9:45 ...<br />
Morning Worship: 11:00 ...<br />
.. Evening PtIliM: 6:30 pm<br />
" Wed.-.clay Pr1lytM-: 7:00 pm<br />
21338 Mack Awnue + GPW (Old 8 Mile' + 881 3343<br />
Community NurMfY School: 881 1210<br />
882-8770<br />
For Information, call 751.<br />
6260.<br />
A Fnend's House IS a pro.<br />
gram of Cathohc ServiceS of<br />
Macomb and GeneratIOns Inc<br />
and IS supported In part by Title<br />
m.B Older Americans Act<br />
Funds through the Southeast<br />
Michigan Area Agency on Ag.<br />
ing<br />
Alzheimer's Association needs volunteers for respite care<br />
The Detroit area chapter of<br />
the Alzheimer's Association is<br />
recruiting volunteers to assist<br />
with the in-home respite p~<br />
gram in Macomb County. The<br />
program, which is open to and<br />
utilized by residents in Wayne,<br />
Oakland and Macomb counties,<br />
serves to relieve caregivers of<br />
persons aftlicted with Alzheimer's<br />
disease or another irrev.<br />
ersible memory impairment.<br />
The respite is provided by<br />
trained volunteers.<br />
can be a poSItIVe and rewardmg<br />
experience. In-home volun.<br />
teers prOVide compamonshlp<br />
and SUperviSIon. This program<br />
allows for one-on-one mterac.<br />
tion with chents and, most of<br />
all, provides caregivers with<br />
much-needed free time.<br />
Anyone Interested in becoming<br />
a volunteer may attend the<br />
traimng in Macomb County at<br />
the end of May. Call 557-8277<br />
for further information<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Unitarian I J ++ .+<br />
Church J 1.+++.<br />
l/<br />
Our "As Good Names" As ~<br />
\<br />
240<br />
Chalfonte<br />
at<br />
Lothrop<br />
884-3075<br />
Reflections<br />
on Australia<br />
Cdrol Ann Bogaards Will<br />
shal e her IInpreS~lOns of hel<br />
mISSion tour In Austraha With<br />
the Pre~bytel Ian Women 01<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Memol'lal<br />
Church, on Tuesday, May 21,<br />
at 7'30 p.m<br />
She Will dlbCUbbkey Is~ues<br />
faCing the Unified church In<br />
Austraha She btayed In famIly<br />
homes In Austl aha, and has<br />
many human Intel e"t btones to<br />
share, Includmg buch tOPiCSas<br />
AustralIan men and Austrahan<br />
slang<br />
Bogaal cIs has been an elder<br />
and a model'ator of deacons<br />
She has been actIve on worship<br />
and musIc committees and m<br />
school organizatIOns For the<br />
past 12 years she has been the<br />
resource coordmator of Scioto<br />
Valley Resource Center There<br />
will be a dinner m the church's<br />
Fellowship Hall before the program<br />
at 6.30 p.m The cost of<br />
dmner IS $5.50 ReservatIOns<br />
may be made by calling the<br />
church office at 882 5330 no<br />
later than FrIday, May 17 Res<br />
ervatlOns are not requIred for<br />
those attendmg the program<br />
only<br />
Family Service<br />
honors G'rosse<br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> volunteers<br />
At Its third annual volunteer<br />
recognition receptIOn, Famdy ~.<br />
Service of Detroit and Wayne<br />
County recOgnIZed the following<br />
volunteers from <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> who donated their time<br />
and energy as board members<br />
in 1990. DaVId Benfer, Timothy<br />
Howlett and Jane Thomas<br />
Family Service is a United<br />
Way agency which provides in.<br />
dlvidual, marItal, family and<br />
group counsehng at offices in<br />
Dearborn, Detroit, Llvoma and<br />
Trenton.<br />
CHRIST<br />
CHURCH<br />
11 00 a m service & Church School<br />
17150 MAUMEE 881-0420 Saturday<br />
Rev John Corrado MInister<br />
••• ::~o ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL 5.30 p m Holy Euchanst<br />
~<br />
CHURCH<br />
61 <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Blvd.<br />
885-4841<br />
r"-. "I..\~ <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />
:1 'l~" N WOODS<br />
~!ll~I~ PRESBYTERIAN<br />
Church<br />
19950 MacIc (between MOrlXS & Verr>lE!rJ<br />
9:00 a m<br />
Worship & Learning Center<br />
1000 a.m<br />
Adult Education & ChIldren's<br />
Hour<br />
11'00 a m<br />
Worship & Church School<br />
Dr. Jack Ziegler<br />
preaching<br />
Nursery ServIces Avallablt3<br />
from 9.00 a m to Noon<br />
886-4300 •<br />
Sunday<br />
20475 Sunningdale Park 8 00 a.m. Holy Euchanst<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods, 884-4820<br />
8.00 a m Holy Euchanst<br />
10 15 a m. Pentecost Combined<br />
Se<br />
1030 a m Choral Euchansl and Sermon Nice<br />
QlUrch School (Nursery AvaIlable)<br />
Outdoor Birthday<br />
Mld.Week Euchanst 9 30 a m Tuesday<br />
Celebration<br />
Th;: Rc\. Robert E.Neily .<br />
The Rev. Jack G.Trembath 900- 12 15 SupeI'Vlsed Nursery<br />
bL~=~CH<br />
21230 Morass at Chester 881-9210<br />
9 15 Educallon HGur<br />
10 30 Tra and Toddler Care IIvallahlc<br />
!\ '0 12 '0 Tcll""""h,p and (offrc<br />
~ . ;t' 4:00 Tn-Church Progrc.c;.
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Dorothy Comstock Riley to speak<br />
The GIO"..,CPUI/lte Chaptci of<br />
the American RlNIIl''l;; Wom<br />
en's ASSOClatlO1l \\,III hold It~<br />
annual bUbl r~:'t<br />
ness asso<br />
clate event #q,ft<br />
on Wedneb ; ~<br />
day, May 22,<br />
to honor the<br />
buslIless as<br />
soclate" and<br />
employer" of<br />
ABWA mem<br />
bel'S and pro<br />
Vide an op<br />
portumty to RUey<br />
leal n about other fields, mdus<br />
tnes and posItions<br />
Dorothy Comstock Riley, as.<br />
socmte justtce of the Michigan<br />
supreme court, Will be the<br />
guest speaker Her tOpiC wtll be<br />
"Court Agenda - 21st Cent<br />
tury"<br />
Riley has received many<br />
awards The most recent were<br />
an honorary doctor of lllws<br />
from the Umvel slty of Detroit<br />
Law School and the Dtstm.<br />
gUlshed Alumm Award, Wayne<br />
State Unlverstty, IJ1 1990<br />
The AmerIcan Bustness<br />
Women's AssociatIOn currently<br />
has 100,000 members natIOn.<br />
Wide As an educational as,,"o<br />
CtatlOn, the awarding of schol<br />
at !ohlps is one of ABW A's key<br />
programs The month of May IS<br />
"cholalshlp month <strong>Local</strong>ly, the<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Chaptel has<br />
awarded $19,000 to women<br />
The mIssIon of the Amel'lcan<br />
Busllless Women's A~latlOn<br />
IS to brmg together worklllg'<br />
women of all backgrounds and<br />
to provide oPportUl1ltles for<br />
them to help themselves and<br />
others grow personally and<br />
plofesslOnaIly through leader<br />
ship, educatIOn, netwOJ kll1g<br />
support and nahonal Iecogm<br />
tlOn All employed indiVIduals<br />
who support the mISSIOn and<br />
goals of the associatIOn al'e eh<br />
glble for membership<br />
The meetlllg w1I1 begin With<br />
cocktalIs at 6 pm., followed by<br />
dmner with musIc by Ruth<br />
Cowan, pianist For further InformatIOn<br />
about the locatIOn of<br />
the meeting and reservations,<br />
call Donna, 268-2559, OJ Bar<br />
bara, 293-2164<br />
League of Women Voters to meet<br />
"Politics In <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte -<br />
Then and Now," will be dIScussed<br />
by Jean Dodenhoff, CUIa.<br />
tor of the GIOS'>e POlJ1te Hlstoncal<br />
Soctety at the League of<br />
Women Votel's annual meeting<br />
and dmner at GIObse POlllte<br />
Memonal ChUlch on Wednes<br />
Fort Pontchartrain<br />
The next meeting of the Fort<br />
Pontchartrain Chapter of the<br />
NSDAR Will be held at the De.<br />
troit Boat Club on Friday, May<br />
17.<br />
New officers WIll be Installed.<br />
The speaker Will be Mrs Milbert<br />
A. Ellman.<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Jewish Co uncil<br />
The <strong>Grosse</strong> POll1te JewIsh<br />
Council will sponsol a free lec<br />
ture at 7:30 p.m on Tuesday,<br />
May 28, at <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Unit<br />
tal'lan Church, 17150 Maumee<br />
The speaker wtll be Isaac<br />
Lakritz, U.S. representative,<br />
American Society for Techmon<br />
Umverslty<br />
He wIll dISCUSS"Is<br />
rael in the 199Os' Political and<br />
MIlitary Preparedness "<br />
The commumty IS Invited.<br />
Ribbon Farms<br />
Membel s of the RIbbon<br />
Farms chapter No 323 of Ques.<br />
tel'S will meet on Monday, May<br />
20, at the home of Amta Leshe<br />
for lunch, a busll1ess meeting<br />
and a progl am<br />
day, May 22 The evemng In<br />
eludes a SOCial hour at 5,30<br />
pm, dll1ner at 6 30 and the<br />
program at 7'~O<br />
Dodenholf will review the<br />
story of Citizen government in<br />
the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte area from<br />
early settlement days to the<br />
present tIme. The progl'am also<br />
will Il1clude the electIOn of offi.<br />
eel'S for the commg year.<br />
For more mformatlOn, call<br />
881-6343 by Fllday, May 17<br />
Trowel and Error<br />
Garden Club<br />
Members of the Trowel and<br />
En or Garden Club will paltlcI<br />
pate In the plantmg of the War<br />
Memorial garden on Tuesday,<br />
May 21, at 930 a.m and the<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods LIOn's<br />
Club garden<br />
Luncheon Will be served to<br />
the workers at noon by the<br />
LIOn's Club A bUSiness meet-<br />
Ing Will follow<br />
Detroit Garden<br />
Center<br />
The DetrOIt Garden Center<br />
mvites the public to an infor<br />
mal flower arranglng demon<br />
strati on Wednesday, May 22, at<br />
1 p m Don Jensen of The Ar-<br />
I'angement flower shop Will m.<br />
struct. PartIcipants are asked<br />
to bnng a flower from theIr<br />
gal den, If avaIlable, and Jensen<br />
will blend It mto an arrange<br />
ment Cost is $7 50 Phone 259<br />
6363 for reservations<br />
••<br />
••<br />
:. BRIDGE BY WOODY BOYD t'." .:<br />
Hairdr .... r Cheryl Kazmierski of Coloseum 2000 meets with<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> teens Laurie Mayk. left. and Tanya Latinas.<br />
right. in preparation for AssumptiCin Cultural Center's Teen<br />
Fitness and Beauty Day on Saturday, June 1.<br />
Teen fitness and beauty day<br />
to be at Assumption Center<br />
AssumptIOn Cultural Center<br />
wIll olfel a bpeclal day designed<br />
just for teenaged girls - Teen<br />
Fitness and Heauty Day - Saturday,<br />
June 1, from 9 a m to 3<br />
pm.<br />
The mornmg wtll begm wtth<br />
onentatlOn and an exet Clse<br />
wOI'kout Participants Will<br />
~hOWf'I' ami ~hRmpoo, then Jom<br />
profeSSIOnals from Colobeum<br />
2000 of <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Woods,<br />
who will demonstrate proper<br />
skm care and make up appllca.<br />
tIon Hall' stylists Will help the<br />
teens find ways to give hair a<br />
Polish Genealogical<br />
Society<br />
of Michigan<br />
The Polish Genealogical Society<br />
of Michign will hold a<br />
meeting on Saturday, May 18,-<br />
from 10 a,m, 3 p,m. in thecemetery<br />
offi&! of Sacred Heart<br />
of Mary Cemetery, Deqmndre<br />
at Mound Road<br />
Members of the society Will<br />
present a program about cemetery<br />
research. The group will<br />
then move to the cemetery for<br />
a hancls-
66<br />
Entertainment<br />
May<br />
CCS prepares to tap its<br />
way into your heart again<br />
By Ronald J. Bernas<br />
Staff Wnter<br />
Get out your tap shoes,<br />
Frances, the Center for Creatwe<br />
StudIes IS doing a show'<br />
Well, you won't have to aud!<br />
tIOn, but for those who say<br />
"you don't see much tap danemg<br />
anymore" every tlme they<br />
see a tap number on televIsIOn,<br />
DetrOit ISwhere you should be<br />
May 22 and 23 when CCS<br />
hosts Its second National Tap<br />
Dance Day celebration<br />
In 1989, at the request of<br />
Michigan Rep John Conyers,<br />
Congress declared May 25 Na.<br />
tlonal Tap Dance Day. The<br />
date has sIgnIficance - It's the<br />
birthday of one of the first and<br />
perhaps best tap dancers - Bill<br />
"BoJangles" Robmson.<br />
CCS's Lloyd Storey, 67, IS<br />
one of tap's final pIoneers. It IS<br />
- along WIth Jazz - the only<br />
tl'Uly natIve Amencan art form<br />
Not only dId he dance with Eo-<br />
Jangles as part of his famed<br />
troupe, Storey knew him as a<br />
mentor and fnend.<br />
It is that fnendship and Storey's<br />
dedication to his art that<br />
InspU'eS him to pass hIS craft to<br />
the next generatIon of tappers.<br />
NatIOnal Tap Dance Day is one<br />
way of domg that. As BoJangles<br />
passed It on to him, Storey in.<br />
tends to pass it on to another<br />
"There's only a few of us<br />
Meadow<br />
Brook<br />
announces<br />
season<br />
Artistic Director Terence KIlburn<br />
of Meadow Brook Theatre<br />
announced recently a sevenplay<br />
schedule for the 1991-92<br />
season. The new, shorter season<br />
will be reflected in reduced season<br />
tIcket pnces and opens Oct.<br />
3 WIth "Inherit the Wmd," a<br />
show postponed from the current<br />
season.<br />
Theater<br />
3NO.lIWaV<br />
The Jerome Lawrence-Robert<br />
E Lee courtroom drama, based<br />
on the Scopes Monkey Tnal of<br />
1925, Will feature Meadow<br />
Brook favontes Arthur J. Beer<br />
and Booth Colman. The Agatha<br />
ChristIe mystery "Ten Little<br />
Indians" will follow on Oct. 31<br />
Charles Dickens' "A ChrIstmas<br />
Carol" goes mto Its 10th<br />
year at Meadow Brook WIth a<br />
five-week run starting Nov 29.<br />
"A Chnstmas Carol" has be.<br />
come a hohday tradition for<br />
many famihes and performances<br />
are often sold out<br />
months In advance.<br />
"The Gin Game," the PulItzer<br />
PrIze.wmmng D L. Coburn<br />
play that starred Hume<br />
Cronyn and JessIca Tandy on<br />
Broadway, opens Jan 9<br />
Lee BleSSIng's new play,<br />
"Cobb," about DetroIt TIger<br />
Hall of Farner Ty Cobb, WIll be<br />
presented Feb 13. Meadow<br />
Brook is negotIatIng WIth De.<br />
trolt natIve and Tony Award<br />
wmner Lloyd RIchards to direct<br />
thiS Midwest premiere<br />
"Pnvate LIves,' the SOphlstl<br />
cated Noel Coward comedy,<br />
opens March 19, and the new<br />
Fats Waller mUSIcal "Am't<br />
MIsbehavm'," conceIved by<br />
Richard Malthby Jr, WIll close<br />
the season<br />
For ticket mformatlon about<br />
meadow Brook's 1991-92 season,<br />
call the box office at 370-<br />
3300.<br />
Meadow Brook Theatre IS a<br />
cultural program of Oakland<br />
Umvemty<br />
left," Store)! said<br />
"Tap ISa fUSionof the Insh<br />
JIg and Spamsh flamenco dallc<br />
mg " "Dunng vaudeVIlle, al<br />
most evelY act had a tap dance<br />
1ll It Then It began to Jose Its<br />
place to TV and other form~ of<br />
entertamment I - and d Jot of<br />
othel' people who loved tap -<br />
was concerned about the loss of<br />
an alt form Amellca doe!>n't<br />
have a lot of thmgs that are<br />
strIctly mdlgenous to the coun<br />
try "<br />
So he looked around and no.<br />
tlced there aren t many public<br />
schools teachmg tap as palt of<br />
theIr cw-riculum He volunteered<br />
to put on performances<br />
m DetrOit's schools as part of<br />
Black HIStory Month and was<br />
heartened by the kids' response.<br />
"They loved It," he saId<br />
So he doubled hiS efforts and<br />
today some schools In DetrOIt<br />
have tap dancmg groups And<br />
tap ISexperlencmg renewed<br />
popularity across the country,<br />
thanks to people like dancers<br />
Gregory Hmes and Paula Ab<br />
dul<br />
"We're Just mainly trying to<br />
keep tap alive," Storey saId.<br />
"And there's been a resurgence<br />
of tap, lIke, well, a renals.<br />
sance"<br />
Last year's celebratIOn of National<br />
Tap Dance Day was a<br />
Tcumer's portrait of Booker T. Washington.<br />
By Alex Suzcek<br />
SpecIal Wnter<br />
Maestro Jarvi concluded the<br />
season last weekend WIth yet<br />
another example of hIs talent<br />
for unusual but mcely balanced<br />
programnung.<br />
Not only did he treat his audIence<br />
to a preVIew of another<br />
soon-to-be recorded work, he<br />
programmed three non-tradItional<br />
pieces, presented a novel<br />
solo Instrument (the guitar),<br />
programmed vocal sound effects<br />
by the mUSICIansand made use<br />
of a sound system Whlle not<br />
all of it was fully successful, It<br />
made an mterestIng and en-<br />
IIghtemng evenmg.<br />
Walter PIston's "SUite from<br />
The Incredtble Flutist" opened<br />
the concert NotWIthstanding<br />
the programmatic character of<br />
this ballet score, it is 'beautifully<br />
crafted and engrosstng<br />
mucnc that reawakens Interest<br />
In the long neglected work of<br />
thIS American composer The<br />
themes are tuneful, ongInal<br />
and contemporary to Piston's<br />
tune (he studied in Pans With<br />
Boulanger In the 208)<br />
Most happdy, the perfor-<br />
one-nIght performance at Or.<br />
chestl a Hall featurIng Storey<br />
and hiS partner Frank Colvard,<br />
who together form "The Suitdns,"<br />
and other natIonal tap<br />
talents<br />
Orchestra Hall was standmg<br />
loom only<br />
"Last year when we planned<br />
the day we weren't sure If we<br />
\\ auld be able to sell tIckets but<br />
\\ e did," saId Kathleen Straus,<br />
one of the event's planners.<br />
"And It was the most enthusiastic<br />
audIence I've ever seen<br />
anywhere. And when they left<br />
they had the bIggest smiles on<br />
theIr faces and they asked us to<br />
do It agam next year"<br />
ThIS year's event runs two<br />
days and mcludes one free day<br />
of all the tap you could possibly<br />
want. On Wednesday, May 22,<br />
from noon to 9 p.m. Hart Plaza<br />
Will be the stage for hundreds<br />
of tappers at a state.wide festival<br />
Dancers of all ages from<br />
across the state will participate<br />
In the free program. The day<br />
was made possIble m part by a<br />
grant from the Knight Founda.<br />
tlOn<br />
Then on May 23, Storey and<br />
hIS partner and other nationally<br />
known dancers will Pf- 1'-<br />
form at Orchestra Hall pccom.<br />
panied by Jazz great Ma rcus<br />
Belgrave.<br />
Honorary chaIrman of the<br />
mance truly sparkled Jarvt's<br />
penchant for a httle fun was<br />
also eVIdent, to audIence delIght,<br />
as crowd sounds were<br />
shouted by the musIcians to<br />
add verlSmo to the<br />
ences of the circus march m the<br />
middle of the "Suite."<br />
Music<br />
~<br />
lively cad.<br />
The performance of Rodngo's<br />
"Conclerto de AranJuez" was<br />
more of a topiC for debate The<br />
work IS a blatantly romantiC<br />
guitar extravaganza utlhzmg<br />
popular and ethnic styles of<br />
Sparush gUJtar mUSIcIn a class-<br />
Ical format. Rasgueados borrowed<br />
from namenco gypsy<br />
music, plamtIve melodJes and<br />
rhythnuc strums recall earher<br />
but stilI recent tradttlons<br />
It was only at the start of<br />
thIS century, when FranC19CO<br />
Tarrega created a claSSical<br />
techmque capable of rendenng<br />
two-day event is Hmes He has<br />
been mvited to perform at Orchestra<br />
Hall, but recently began<br />
filmmg a new movie and<br />
schedulmg may not permIt it.<br />
Last year Hmes sent a tape recorded<br />
message which was<br />
played during the performance.<br />
All money raIsed by the<br />
event goes to support dance<br />
scholarshIps at the Center for<br />
Creative Studies, where Storey<br />
teaches part tIme.<br />
Storey, a constant ambassador<br />
for tap, will continue teaching<br />
and performmg and next<br />
year WIll travel to MeXICOas<br />
part of a cultural exchange.<br />
He's been to Japan, also under<br />
a cultural exchange program<br />
"We have to keep tap alive,"<br />
he saId.<br />
For more m{ormatwn on the<br />
CCS tap dance celebratwn<br />
events, call CCS at 872-3118,<br />
ext 278<br />
Uoyd Storey<br />
Born m Pittsburgh and<br />
raised In PhIladelphia, Tanner<br />
studIed under the famous<br />
Thomas Eakms at the Pennsyl.<br />
vania Academy of the Fme<br />
Arts.<br />
Declanng he could "not fight<br />
prejudice and pamt at the same<br />
time," Tanner saIled for France<br />
in 1891, where he made hIS<br />
home for the rest of hIS life, ex.<br />
cept for brIef VISits to the<br />
Umted States<br />
He began to exhibit at the<br />
annual Pans Salon m 1894,<br />
and was soon wmnIng awards<br />
and selling hIS pamtings to<br />
museums and private collec.<br />
tors. Two of Tanner's most famous<br />
canvases, "The BanjO<br />
Lesson" and "The Thankful<br />
Poor," were origInal and movmg<br />
deplctlOllS of the hfe of AfrIcan-Americans<br />
following the<br />
CIvil War. Later, he gamed renown<br />
for hIS portrayals of bIbhcal<br />
subjects which were enbe<br />
attamable in the acoustics of<br />
the DSO's hall.<br />
The adagIo second movement<br />
transcended these problems to<br />
some extent. It IS certamly the<br />
best music in the "Conclerto"<br />
and Parkening performed it<br />
with style, never forcmg the<br />
tone of his mstrument<br />
Elsewhere, however, he con-.<br />
tributed to the difficultIes.<br />
WhIle Parkenmg's performance<br />
was often exciting, even technically<br />
dazzhng, at tImes It was<br />
labored.<br />
FInally, a generous pall' of<br />
encores were played so mdlfferently<br />
as to seem tnte Not for<br />
lack of techmque, It was the fI)-<br />
cus and tenderness that were<br />
mIssing<br />
But Jarvt has an uncanny<br />
knack for bnngIng concerts to a<br />
triumphant conclUSIOn and hIS<br />
chOice of the Roussel Symphony<br />
No 3 was another coup Also<br />
long overlooked. the musIC IS<br />
ready for re-dlscovery It Will be<br />
mcluded by Jarvi In a forth.<br />
comIng CD of French musIc.<br />
ThIS post ImpreSSionIst<br />
16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Detroit Institute'.'o Arts opens<br />
exhibition of Tanner's work<br />
'f.<br />
The DetroIt Institute of Arts<br />
will present the work of Henry<br />
Ossawa Tanner in a major exhIbItion<br />
through Aug. 4.<br />
Tanner (1859-1937) IS recogmzed<br />
as the foremost Afncan-<br />
American artist at the turn of<br />
the century. With more than<br />
100 paintmgs and drawings,<br />
the exhibItIOn represents the<br />
artIst's entIre career<br />
The exhibItion and its catalogue<br />
were made possible by<br />
Ford Motor Company<br />
The exhibItion was organIZed<br />
by the Philadelphia Museum of<br />
Art. AddIt1Jnal support was<br />
prOVIded by The Pew Charita.<br />
ble Trusts and the National<br />
Endowment for the Arts<br />
In Detroit, the exhIbItion is<br />
made possible by addItIOnal<br />
fundmg from Ford Motor Company,<br />
the state of Michigan, the<br />
city of Detroit and the Found.<br />
ers Society.<br />
more than gypsy strums and<br />
the scales of baroque music,<br />
that the artistic genius of<br />
Andres Segovia could win status<br />
for the guitar as a classical<br />
concert instrument.<br />
Even so, the guitar is limited<br />
dynamically and IS at a chsadvantage<br />
playmg with large orchestras<br />
m big halls. Accordingly,<br />
Rodrigo scored the<br />
"CollClerto" for reduced orchestra.<br />
And soloist Chnstophl:r<br />
Parkening chose to play WIth<br />
amplification. This altered the<br />
character of the sound and balance<br />
and emphasized percus-<br />
SIve and harsh aspects of Parkemng's<br />
playmg It also<br />
neutralized the very expressive<br />
delIcacy and tenderness of tone<br />
(made possible by Tarrega tech.<br />
mque) that are the tnstru.<br />
ment's most endeanng qualI.<br />
tIes.<br />
RecognlZlng this undesIrable<br />
trade-off, other performers (and<br />
guitar makers) focus Much effort<br />
on prodUCIng more volume<br />
WIthout electronics and achievmg<br />
a good natural balance<br />
WIth the orchestra Some have<br />
excellent success which should<br />
dowed with the same human<br />
dIgnIty that characterized his<br />
scenes of everyday life.<br />
Tanner's long and distmgulshed<br />
career was recognized<br />
by the French government in<br />
1923 when he was made a<br />
chevalier of the Legion of<br />
Honor<br />
AdmiSSIOn to the exhibitIOn<br />
WIll be free; donations of $3 per<br />
adult and $1 per child are suggesteli.<br />
Free group tours of the<br />
exhIbItion for 15 or more persons<br />
may be scheduled by calling<br />
the DIA tIcket office at<br />
(313) 833-2323 Meetings and<br />
specIal events may be arranged<br />
by calling the DIA food service<br />
and activities office at 833-<br />
7967.<br />
DBa reEQrt:<br />
Electronics impede the artful playing of the guitar<br />
French composer, sometimes<br />
dIsmlSSed as a neo-classicist,<br />
was an original whose ideas<br />
can be ef\joyed today. He also<br />
provides pyrotechnics m this<br />
symphony by making lavish<br />
use of percussion and brass<br />
which open and close the work<br />
with a breathtaking rhythmic<br />
pulse.<br />
The DetrOIt InstItute of Arts<br />
is open Wednesday through<br />
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.rn.<br />
(Closed Monday, Tuesday, holidays).<br />
WhIle the extraordmary pol-<br />
Ish evident In the performance<br />
of the Ptston work was lacking<br />
here, J8rVl gave the Roussel a<br />
spnghtly and highly enjoyable<br />
readIng that whetted the appe.<br />
tite to hear more of this com<br />
poser's works.<br />
The ovation trIbute that followed,<br />
WInning another encore,<br />
must have been music to Jarvi's<br />
ears His Jove affair with<br />
the DSO audience appears<br />
more passionate than ever.<br />
We can look forward to Its<br />
contInuatIOn thIS summer at<br />
Meadow Brook where the innovative<br />
progranumng includes a<br />
contInuatIon r:i J8rVl'S creative<br />
Ideas For more Information,<br />
call 833-3700<br />
I<br />
- --- - - ---- - -----
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
tened. It contains phOllphorus,<br />
POtassium, magnesium, iron<br />
and vitamms.<br />
There are many types of rhubarb,<br />
with stalks ranging from<br />
green to varying shades of<br />
mauve. The stalks should be<br />
firm, thick, and crisp and release<br />
sap when snapped.<br />
Often lemon zest or gmger<br />
add flavor to rhubarb compotes<br />
and jams. The compote may ac.<br />
company fISh or chicken dishes.<br />
Rhubarb Sauce<br />
Cut enough rhubarb into 1.<br />
Inch pieces to measure 4 cups.<br />
Heat 3/4 to 1 cup sugar and 1/2<br />
cup water to boiling, stirring<br />
occasionally. Add rhubarb; slm.<br />
mer about 10 minutes or until<br />
rhubarb is tender and slightly<br />
transparent. If desired, stir in a<br />
few drops red food color. Makes<br />
5 servings.<br />
Orange Spice Rhubarb<br />
1 cup fresh orange juice<br />
1 cup sugar<br />
112 cup water<br />
2 T grated orange rind<br />
Elegant<br />
Eating<br />
112 t cinnamon<br />
1/4 t ground cloves<br />
1/4t lP"Ound<br />
1 pound rhubarb, cut into<br />
one inch pieces (4 cups)<br />
3 T cornstarch<br />
114 cup Tawny Port<br />
In a stainless steel saucepan<br />
combine the orange juice with<br />
the sugar, water, grated orange<br />
rmd, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger<br />
and bring the mixture to a<br />
boil over moderate heat, stir.<br />
ring. Add the rhubarb and simmer,<br />
stirrIng OCC88iolU' lIy, until<br />
the rhubarb IS tender but retains<br />
its shape Increase the<br />
heat to moderately l,igh and<br />
bring the syrup to a boil.<br />
By Irene H. Burchard<br />
In a small cup dIssolve the<br />
cornstarch in the Port and add<br />
the mixture to the pan, stirring.<br />
Cook over moderate heat,<br />
stirring for 1 minute. Transfer<br />
the rhubarb mixture to a bowl<br />
and let cool. Garnish with the<br />
julienne orange rind and serve<br />
with sour cream and brown<br />
sugar, if desired. Serves four.<br />
Strawberry Rhubarb<br />
Pie<br />
3 cups fresh sliced rhubarb<br />
1 cup fresh sliced strawberries<br />
1 cup sugar<br />
Entertainment<br />
A pie isn't the only delicious reason to cook up some rhubarb<br />
In the United States rhubarb<br />
is grown either in a hothouse<br />
or outdoors, with the latter considered<br />
more flavorful and<br />
deeply pink in color. It is a<br />
hardy perennial plant, originally<br />
from northern Asia. The<br />
English fIrst introduced rhu.<br />
barb to the kitchen In the nineteenth<br />
century. The etymology<br />
of the word goes back to the<br />
Greek, rha, which probably derived<br />
from the fonner name for<br />
the Volga River, Rha, where<br />
rhubarb was grown.<br />
Rhubarb pie, fU'St mentioned<br />
in print in the United States in<br />
1855, was to become one of the<br />
two most popular preparations<br />
of the food; the other was<br />
stewed, sweetened rhubarb<br />
served as a dessert. Rhubarb<br />
pie became so popular that the<br />
plant was called the "pie<br />
plant." (The leaves contain a<br />
large amount of oxalic acid and<br />
should not be eaten.)<br />
The average rhubarb grow.<br />
ing season lasts from May to<br />
July and it has a calorific value<br />
of only 16 calories per 100 g.<br />
Rhubarb is very sour and<br />
therefore must always be swee-<br />
1/4 cup orange juice<br />
2 T quick.(looking tapioca<br />
1/4 t nutmeg<br />
1/4 t salt<br />
1 T butter<br />
Preheat oven to 450 degrees.<br />
Make a pastry dough. Roll out<br />
1/2 of the dough to form 9 Inch<br />
pie shell.<br />
Mix rhubarb, strawberries,<br />
SL&gar, orange JUice, tapioca,<br />
nutmeg and salt together In<br />
large bowl. Turn into prepared<br />
pie shell.<br />
Dot filling with butter Roll<br />
out remaining dough to form<br />
top crust. Place over filling<br />
Moisten, seal and flute edges.<br />
Cut slits In crust in several<br />
places. Bake at 450 degrees for<br />
10 minutes Reduce tempera.<br />
ture to 350 degrees, and bake<br />
for an additional 30 minutes, or<br />
l.,til top crust is lightly<br />
browned. Makes one 9-inch pie<br />
Rhubarb<br />
Crisp<br />
1 pound rhubarb. trimmed<br />
and cut into 3/4 inch<br />
MOT's 'Madama Butterfly' continues at Masonic Temple<br />
As the finale to Michigan beth Hynes alternating in the May 19 at 2 p.m. The last depth as wen as impressive vo- rus master completes the erea.<br />
Opera Theatre's 20th anniver- title role, and distinguished performance will be AmeriCL'.n cal qualities." tive team.<br />
sary season, the company will American tenors Jonathan Sign Language-interpreted f"r The production is under the Tickets for "Madama Butterpresent<br />
Giacomo Puccini's Qri. Welch and Hans Gregory Ash. the hearing impaired. musical leadership 0{ American fly" are available at the MOT<br />
ental masterpiece, "Madama baker as Lt. B. F. Pinkerton. Watanabe"as been lauded conductor Louis Salemno in his ticket office, 6519 Second Ave.<br />
Butterfly," for three more Metropolitan Opera mezzo-so- around the world for her pro- company debut. Maestro Sal- nue, Detroit, or by calhng 874-<br />
performances May 17-19 at the prano Gail Dubinbaum sings trayal of Puccini's beloved her- emno made a successful debut SING and usIng a major credit<br />
4300-seat Masonic Temple The- the role of Suzuki in all perfor- ione, Cio-Cio-San, a role in with the New York City Opera card. Tickets are also available<br />
atre. mances. The production is spon. which she triumphed in Flor. this summer, conducting a new at all TicketMaster outlets, m.<br />
Sung in Italian with English sored by Royal Maccabees Life ence, Milan's La Scala, Covent production of Lucia di Lammer. eluding Hudson's, Harmony<br />
surtitle translations projected Insurance Company. Garden, the Metropolitan Op. moor and a revival ofTosca. House and Sound Warehouse,<br />
above the stage, Michigan Op. era, Canadian Opera Company The aettings and costumes of or dial 645-6666. Half.price<br />
era Theatre's production of Performances are scheduled and Opera Pacific. turn-of.the-century Nagasaki tickets are available one hour<br />
"Madama Butterfly" features for 8 p.m. Friday, May 17, and Of her portrayal of Butterfly were created by Ming Cho Lee before curtain to seniors and<br />
two outstanding casts of sing- Saturday, May 18 (performance for The Washington Opera, the and Zack Brown, originally for full-time students, subject to<br />
ers, including renowned Japa. sponsored by ANR Pipeline Washington Post proclaimed The Washington Opera. Light- availability. For group ticket<br />
nasa soprano Yoko Watanabe Company). One matinee perfor- her to be "a Butterfly of con- ing has been designed by Ken discounts, dial Kathleen Bordo<br />
and American soprano Eliza. mance is scheduled for Sunday, vincing dramatic presence and Smith. Suzanne Acton as cho- Crombie at 874-7878.<br />
Week at a glance<br />
78<br />
pieces (about 4 cupS)<br />
1 cup granulated sugar<br />
1.114cups aU.purpose flour<br />
112t cinnamon<br />
1 cup firmly packed datk<br />
brown sugar<br />
112 cup old.fashioned rolled<br />
oats<br />
1 stick (112cup) unsalted butter,<br />
melted and cooled<br />
Vanilla ice cream or creme<br />
fraiche as an accompaniment<br />
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees<br />
and butter the bakmg<br />
dish In a large bowl combme<br />
the rhubarb with the granulated<br />
sugar, 1/4 cup of the<br />
flour, and the cinnamon and<br />
transfer the mIXture to the bak.<br />
mg dish.<br />
In a bowl, thoroughly combme<br />
the remainmg 1 cup flour,<br />
the brown sugar, rolled oats,<br />
and melted butter. Spnnkle the<br />
streusel over the rhubarb mixture<br />
and bake in the middle of<br />
the oven for 35 minutes Let<br />
the dessert cool and serve it<br />
With the ice cream or creme<br />
fralche Serves SlX<br />
~<br />
RAM'S HORN<br />
aaTAUUNT<br />
".-1902<br />
17410 MACK AT ST. CLAIR<br />
11 a.m. to 11 p.m. only<br />
WEIGHT Senior CitIZen<br />
WATCHERS Age 65<br />
Frosted Treat Discount 10%<br />
& Desserts MInimum Order<br />
Lo Cal Menu $2.50<br />
Try our de6aous<br />
SwordfISh. Yellowfin Tuna<br />
Halibut. Orange Roughy<br />
lloollf~' __ ,,,,,,,,<br />
ow. 2llO IloftOIllll ......<br />
Items for thl.S column must be<br />
submitted by 10 a.m Monday<br />
the week before the event. Items<br />
wtthm the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>s will<br />
be gwen preference.<br />
Thursday, May 16<br />
"Lover's Cove," a new play<br />
about love, deception and con.<br />
spiracy for mature audiences,<br />
opens at the Detroit Repertory<br />
Theatre and runs Thursday<br />
through Sunday until June 23.<br />
Curtain IS 8:30 p.m.; 2 and 7:30<br />
p.m. Sundays. Tickets are $10.<br />
For more information, call B68-<br />
1347.<br />
Friday, May 17<br />
The Golden Lion Dmner<br />
Theater presents "Steel Magnolias,"<br />
the off-Broadway play<br />
that took America by stonn.<br />
Tickets are $23.95. The show<br />
follows dinner, which is served<br />
at 7 p.m. Call 886-2420 for tickets<br />
and information.<br />
Castle Inn (formerly Marc<br />
Anthony's) and ON "Q" Pr0-<br />
ductions present the comedy<br />
"Any Wednesday" by Muriel<br />
Resnik. See how funny the<br />
game of love can be. The show<br />
runs Fridays and Saturdays<br />
through May 18, Wlth shOWtime<br />
at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10.<br />
Dinner and drinks are optional.<br />
For reservations and information,<br />
call 469-0440 or 772.2798.<br />
Castle Inn is located at 43785<br />
Gratiot, Mt Clemens<br />
More than 2,000 art works in<br />
all medla will be on dISplay at<br />
the Center for Creative Studies<br />
- College of Art and DeSign'S<br />
65th Annual Student Exhibition.<br />
At 6:30 p.m. a PreVlew<br />
Party will be held at the college<br />
located at 245 E Kirby,<br />
behmd the DIA. For ticket information,<br />
call 872.3118, ext<br />
218. The show IS open to the<br />
public beginning May 19.<br />
"Brady of Broadway," a one.<br />
man show starring Roy K. Dennison<br />
as CiVlI War photographer<br />
Mathew Brady, makes Its<br />
world premiere tonight through<br />
Sunday at the Lila Jones Johnson<br />
Theatre on the campus of<br />
Oakland CommunIty College in<br />
Royal Oak. Shows are 8 p.m.<br />
tonight and Saturday and 2<br />
p.m. Sunday. For more information,<br />
call 4~27.<br />
The mnth annual Renaissance<br />
City Storyfest begins at 6<br />
p.m. at the General Lectures<br />
Budding on the main campus<br />
of Wayne State University. included<br />
in the twOOay event<br />
will be a storytelling concert,<br />
workshops and receptions. At<br />
1:30 p.m. Saturday, there will<br />
be a free story hour for children<br />
of all ages For more InformatIOn,<br />
as well as times and<br />
pnces, call 577-6296.<br />
Saturday, May 18<br />
Talbot's In the Village in<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> will present a<br />
get-away weekend packing<br />
seminar at 2 p.m. There will be<br />
packing tIps as well as clothing<br />
ideas for special weekends.<br />
The DetroIt Area Art Deco<br />
Society, a Michigan non-profit<br />
organization, holds its fourth<br />
Palmer Park Tour as part uf<br />
National Preservation Week.<br />
Tours will meet at the Unity<br />
Institute for Holistic Living, located<br />
at the corner of Second<br />
and Whitmore and will leave<br />
every half hour from noon to<br />
2:30 p.m. Reservations are not<br />
necessary. Ticket price IS $5 for<br />
members of The Detroit Area<br />
Art Deco Society and Preservation<br />
Wayne, and $7.50 for nonmembers.<br />
For Information, call<br />
864.1861.<br />
Sunday, May 19<br />
The Center for Creative<br />
Studies-InstItute of MUSIC and<br />
Dance will dedJ.cate Its annual<br />
Student Showcase Recital to<br />
the memory of CCS trustee<br />
Fredenck C. Ford Jr. The<br />
performance is at 3 p.m. at<br />
CCS-IMD in Detroit's Cultural<br />
Center. Ford, a <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />
resident, became a member of<br />
the school's board in the 19608<br />
and stayed with the school un.<br />
til his death this April. Adnussion<br />
is free.<br />
Wednesday, May 22<br />
The Jazz Forum will present<br />
Jimmy Wilkins, one of Detroit's<br />
finest jazz trombonists and<br />
bandleaders at the <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Unitarian Church at 8<br />
p.m. Tickets and information<br />
on the Jazz Forum can be obtamed<br />
by calling 961-1714, or<br />
by writing the Jazz Forum, Box<br />
350, 18530 Mack, <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Farms, 48236. Tickets<br />
are also available at Village<br />
Records and Tapes, 17116 Kercheval<br />
in <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>.<br />
Castle Inn (formerly Marc<br />
Anthony's) and ON "Q" Pr0-<br />
ductions present Neil Simon's<br />
comic romp, "Last of the Red<br />
Hot Lovers." The show runs<br />
Wednesdays through June 26.<br />
Buffet and show are $15. Dinner<br />
starts at 6:30 p.m. For reservations<br />
and information, call<br />
469-0440 or 772-2798. Castle<br />
Inn is located at 43785 Gratiot,<br />
Mt. Clemens.<br />
-•<br />
(J~r 1Jmporlanrr of ~ing<br />
~ 16. 17. 18 ~~1 8:00 '.JR.<br />
.~/<br />
'manning<br />
Arts Q:mtrr<br />
707 lImrirr Eoab<br />
3-l3.ZOZ1<br />
'1farnrst<br />
•• •<br />
Historie Romeo'.<br />
Saturday, May 18 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.<br />
Sunday, May 19 12:00 - 5 p.m.<br />
50 DEALERS • 7 SHOPS<br />
Refreshments Seroed<br />
Walking Map Provided<br />
32 MUe and Vaa Dyke<br />
In the WIa,e of Romeo<br />
\\)~~,*o<br />
~O IIlAY 16 .,ual 16<br />
~ WE07""<br />
ltg.RlaPM<br />
WSPMl9PM<br />
~2flMl7PM<br />
COospor\5OfS;<br />
The Metro TImes<br />
8: ()lI1leIlrA Incllrpor_ed<br />
"UYee WOfS Home"<br />
.. poMKfIJ 1heafre<br />
that demOishes stereo1',
8B<br />
Travel<br />
Trends<br />
Entertainment<br />
By Phyllis Hollenbeck<br />
Why not San Antonio?<br />
Visltmg a place that seems to have something for<br />
everyone - but no one talks about - creates a feehng<br />
of dIscovery, Visiting San Antomo IS something hke<br />
that. You rarely hear anyone say, "Well, next sprmg<br />
the family is off for two weeks in San Antonio," Yet<br />
San Antonio is a place the whole family will enjoy.<br />
San Antonio is celebratmg Its 300th anniversary thIS<br />
year Founded for three primary reasons - water, reh.<br />
gion and military defense - all three remam important<br />
to the San Antonio of today. With a population of<br />
1.3 million, San Antonio is the tenth largest CIty in the<br />
country, It's four primary mdustl'les are the military,<br />
tourism, medlcme and agribusiness. Yet, ItS contrasts<br />
keep it from being just another big city. It is charming,<br />
friendly and easy to get around m. Many of the major<br />
attractions are within walking distance of the famous<br />
Paseo del Rio - San Antonio's famous River Walk.<br />
San Antonio seemingly sets the standards for a uni.<br />
versal city. Millions are attracted annually to ride the<br />
ri vel' barges and stroll the flagstone pathways that border<br />
the water. There are trendy boutiques, out-
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
" RobFuJto<br />
Same old guys<br />
It had been almost eight<br />
months smce we last celebrated<br />
a vICtory<br />
We hadn't seen one another<br />
smce we lost In the champion.<br />
ship game last August<br />
Except for one guy, who is<br />
now runnmg with a httle<br />
limp after breaking,a leg<br />
playing hockey last winter,<br />
none of us had changed much.<br />
A few players got IJlarl'led,<br />
a couple more became fathers<br />
and others are walkmg beSide<br />
new gIrlfnends.<br />
One guy had a neon-eolored<br />
battmg glove Another guy<br />
was sporting a neon golf hat,<br />
and another had to finally<br />
break down and get pads for<br />
hIS agIng, and obviously achmg,<br />
knees. He claims he purchased<br />
them for when he<br />
slIdes he doesn't scrape the<br />
skm, but we all feel that once<br />
you get older, you need to<br />
cover up the soft spots (that's<br />
why a few extra large shirts<br />
were ordered).<br />
Softball is the last fling for<br />
many men and women to play<br />
some sort of team sport<br />
Tommy, Johnny, J.B., Fic,<br />
Johnny B , Greg, Pete, Steve,<br />
Mark, Jerry, Steve and Gary<br />
make up the famIly this tIme<br />
of year. We get together twice<br />
a week to live a fantasy, and<br />
remmd ourselves how out of<br />
shape we are We have developed<br />
a fnendshlp, a love for<br />
one another, and softball season<br />
rekindles the old flame.<br />
Playmg softball is a way for<br />
us to contmue to feel young,<br />
espeCIally Fic, who turned 40<br />
last week.<br />
"It was always my dream<br />
to st1l1be playing when I'm<br />
40," said Flc. Don't we all<br />
share the same dream?<br />
Even though running the<br />
bases becomes more of a task,<br />
or the throw from right field<br />
to second base seems longer,<br />
we still go out every spnng<br />
and fool around in an adult<br />
sandbox.<br />
Andy Doyle and Chns Dorman<br />
fimshed third 10 a pair<br />
WIthout coxswam. The women's<br />
eight, compns1Og Nissa Mitchell,<br />
Plubar, Mmam, McKinney,<br />
Laura Hupp, Gretchen HotTmyel',<br />
Andrea Reynolds, Robin<br />
Ebllght and coxswam Bruce,<br />
finished thu-d<br />
The South crew will compete<br />
111 the Midwest Scholastic<br />
ChampIOnshIp In Indianapolis<br />
and m the ScholastiC Rowmg<br />
ASSOCiatIOnof Amenca Regatta<br />
m MIddletown, Del, at the end<br />
of thE month.<br />
ports<br />
North, South tie one on at Barnes Field<br />
tIe, and not to lose. GolOg 111 all "pal,On The Lid) Nor..,emen '" ,<br />
we had a two.pomt lead and hel\'(' I('tot ded ..,even ..,Illltollt..,<br />
South needed to beat us m 01 In 11 gCcondgoal 1 felt ""e wel e<br />
I told the kids we were gomg to gOing to Win becdlhe we wel e<br />
;,tal t sacnficmg offense for de. call ymg the play"<br />
fense," said Regelbrugge, "par. In the second half. NO!th con<br />
tlcu)ally because all we needed tlnued Its defenblve "tdnd<br />
to do was tie m order to stay on 'Thl" '" a" the gclme we<br />
top m the league" needl'd to get dO'*1 to 0111'<br />
All four goals were scored in obJettJve," said Regelblllgge.<br />
H ",~venminute span North's ""0 I told the gill ~ at half time<br />
Holly Blooks lofted a corner to concentl ate on "Lopping<br />
kick toward South goalie AIlI- them flom ..,Wlmg If we do<br />
0 ,\ e had to<br />
mmutes later when she con play 110tto give up the gocl)"<br />
velted a CIOSSlngpass from Ste- NOlth's three lemcllllmg<br />
phame Coddens FehcJa Paluzzi games al e agalllst Ro~vllle, ~<br />
then fed Amy Shepley with a Lake ShOll' and AnchOI Bay,<br />
pi etty pass and Shepley qUickly all team;, It has beaten handily<br />
beat Lang for a 2-1 North lead. South plays Romeo and AnchO!<br />
Coddens then tied the score on Bay.<br />
a fl'ee kIck that beat North "We feel good aoout our<br />
goahe Julie Hlelscher selve.,." "aid Calamcholab "We<br />
The first half ended In a 2-2 were one ..,hot away flom Will<br />
tie nmg the game. but we Ju"t<br />
The two goals by South were dldn't get the goal Ill' needed I<br />
the most North has gIVen up stIli lo'e them. though<br />
98<br />
Photo by Rob Fulton<br />
Goalie Julie Hielscher has recorded seven shutouts for the<br />
North soccer team. but the two goals she allowed South were<br />
the most North has given up all season long.<br />
Most of the time we don't<br />
care If we win We can still<br />
enJoy bemg around one another<br />
whl1e playing a mindless<br />
game. Wives, girlfriends<br />
and kids are Just as much a<br />
part of our program as the<br />
players. We strive to make<br />
every outlOg a family affair<br />
and It works; even for the<br />
guys who don't have kids, because<br />
they have taken such a<br />
hking to the "little leaguers."<br />
Everything we do has one<br />
purpose: fun. We don't ndicule<br />
WIth a harsh tongue. We<br />
keep a loose mood and that's<br />
what promotes our camaradene<br />
Everyone should belong to<br />
a club, orgamzatlOn or team I<br />
often wonder what It would<br />
be hke If my Wife and my<br />
son, Robbie, didn't have these<br />
friends It's nut hke thiS IS<br />
the missing hnk. It's just another<br />
one of hfe's expenences<br />
that IS needed to complete the<br />
cham<br />
Playmg softball allows us<br />
to be kids. We can act goofy,<br />
release some pressures and<br />
forget about the office for an<br />
hour or two GettlOg out to<br />
the park IS hke escaplOg to a<br />
dIfferent world, and It'S par.<br />
tlcularly enjOyable when you<br />
can share your hfe 10 a dItTerent<br />
capaCIty<br />
It appears we do apprecIate<br />
and enJOYthe Simpler th10gs<br />
10 hfe Playmg softball<br />
wouldn't be as much fun IfI<br />
wasn't playlOg with such a<br />
diverse bunch, Includmg a<br />
JOurnahst, a couple advertlsmg<br />
WizardS, a few teachers,<br />
an entrepreneur and a corpo<br />
rate real estate salesman<br />
Gee. I love thIS time of<br />
,car<br />
GrOSM<strong>Pointe</strong>'. Mik. UzDil has been named to the U.S. 0ptimist<br />
Dinghy ~atfon'. world championship IOiling team.<br />
UzDil wW compete I1l Greec. I1lJuly. If. the second straight<br />
year Uz. has heeD Ilamed to the team.<br />
ULS holding lacrosse camp<br />
Umverslty Liggett School<br />
Will hold a boys' lacrosse camp<br />
June 17 21 for fourth through<br />
slxth.graders, and seventh to<br />
ninth grade boys<br />
The camp. which costs $55<br />
and Includes Insurance, runs<br />
from 9 a m to noon each day<br />
PartICipants must bnng the'n<br />
own stick, gloves. shorts. sup<br />
porter, socks and cleats. ULS<br />
proVides a helmet<br />
The camp IS open to am one<br />
and regIstratIOn must be com<br />
pleted before June 1 Enroll<br />
ment IS limIted Make checks<br />
payable to Umverslh LllmeU<br />
School Mati them to John Fo","<br />
leI", Umvennty Liggett School.<br />
1045 Cook Road, <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />
Wood", Mich. 48236<br />
McMahon lands<br />
hole-in-one<br />
Tom McMahon of Gros.'le<br />
POlntp Farm" u'lNl a :In on. to<br />
...hoot a holE'In one on the 200<br />
..ard fifth holE' at thE' Country<br />
Cluh of DetrOIt last week<br />
It was McMahon'" 'leventh<br />
hole m-one<br />
The South rowing teilm celebrates its fine outing In the Wyandotte High School Regatta.<br />
Uznis to sail in world championship<br />
On April 20 ID Clearwater,<br />
Fla., the United States Optimist<br />
Dmghy AssociatIOn held<br />
its world champIOnship team<br />
selection senes<br />
It was a closed event for the<br />
top 70 sailors under the age of<br />
15 from all over the United<br />
States. The top five finishers<br />
were selected to the U Steam<br />
and will sail In the World<br />
Championships in July at the<br />
Porto Carras YachtlOg Club in<br />
Sithonia, HalkidikI, Greece<br />
The top five fimshers in<br />
Dowe to play<br />
for Olympic<br />
soccer team<br />
Cris Dowe, who attends<br />
South, was named to the Michl.<br />
gan State Youth Soccer Asso-<br />
CIation's OlympIC Development<br />
Team for the fourth consecutive<br />
year.<br />
Dowe has been the startlOg<br />
goalkeeper for hiS age group<br />
smce 1988 Players selected to<br />
the state team represent MIChIgan<br />
in mterstate and regional<br />
competItion, and are evaluated<br />
for possible selectIOn to teams<br />
representmg the Umted State<br />
m international play<br />
Dowe's team now competes<br />
In the under-16 1/2 age group<br />
The MIchigan team was re<br />
cently mVlted to the Foot<br />
LockerlDtadora NatIOnal State<br />
Select ChamplOn!\hlp Tourna<br />
ment In L
_10B<br />
1\~~'<br />
\o.~1 (~,<br />
~.,y<br />
S~Orts<br />
gomg two-for-three. Zysk was<br />
~lo,-: winning pitcher. In game<br />
two, Kim Baranke had two<br />
hits, including abases-loaded<br />
double that knocked in three<br />
runs. Emily Faber had three<br />
hits in five trips, driving in two<br />
to seal the victory for Cathy<br />
Colby.<br />
Jeanne Calois struck out<br />
seven batters and tossed a twohitter<br />
as Star beat Mooney.<br />
Faber, Zysk, Colby and Kim<br />
Smith each had two hitB.<br />
In the nightcap, Star couldn't<br />
Red Sox 8, Orioles 4<br />
Nathan Steiner pitched two<br />
strong Innings and had two<br />
hits, and Justin Witzke tossed<br />
two innings, strikmg out five<br />
for the Sox Ben Wei and Jeff<br />
FaIlla had key hits, and Bo<br />
Leins scored the game-winning<br />
run. The O's were paced by<br />
J.R. Mason, Jay Lambrecht and<br />
Curt Marsh, who drove in two<br />
runs .<br />
White Sox 17, Blue Jays 5<br />
Chuck Thiel and Robby Thiel<br />
each had three RBI, Mike Case<br />
struck out five and Ian Wilson<br />
paced the defense for the Sox.<br />
The Jays were led by Greg<br />
Peppler's triple and Jim Leto's<br />
double, and the strong defense<br />
of Tony Gatliff and Dan<br />
Wouthe.<br />
Padres II, Cubs 3<br />
Clay Vanderpool was the<br />
winning pitcher, giving up<br />
three hits, two runs and striking<br />
out seven. Brien Morrell<br />
drove in four runs on two hits.<br />
Nathan Manire had two of<br />
the Cubs' three hits<br />
White Sox 14, Orioles 10<br />
Robby Thiel doubled, as did<br />
Chuck Thiel, and Brian Nelson<br />
and Andrew Hendrie both sin.<br />
gled and scored twice to pace<br />
the Sox. Josh Horwitz pitched<br />
in rehef and scored twice.<br />
Lambrecht, Dely, T. Williams<br />
and Spicer led the O's.<br />
Braves 19, Cubs 8<br />
Nathan KaC2IrJ8.rek had a<br />
double and scored twIce, and<br />
also pItched a strong game for<br />
the Braves. C.T Thurber doubled<br />
and homered, and Nate<br />
Bradley and Gene Cassaz each<br />
SIngled In a fifth-InnIng rally.<br />
JustIn SImon also did some<br />
clutch hIttIng.<br />
Brendan Walsh, Matthew<br />
Hmdelang, Ricky Gehlert and<br />
Justin Kreger were outstanding<br />
for the Cubs<br />
Blue Jays 10, Brewers 8<br />
Ryan Kingsley had two hIts,<br />
mcludmg a home run, and<br />
Tony Gathff had two hIts and<br />
one RBI for the Jays. Tim Leto<br />
struck out five and gave up<br />
only two runs In three mnings,<br />
ard Dan Woutat scored three<br />
runs<br />
Ryan Browne struck out<br />
three and smgled m the sixth<br />
for the Brewers, who were also<br />
led by Jack Donnelly's two hIts<br />
and one each by Pat Healy and<br />
Paul Gordon<br />
MAJORS<br />
hang on to a two-run lead and<br />
lost the game in the bottom of<br />
the seventh.<br />
Soccer<br />
Despite steady Improvement,<br />
the Tunas went Wlnless on the<br />
season.<br />
Star picked up its eighth de.<br />
feat last week, losing 3-1 to<br />
Royal Oak Shrine. Jenny Yez.<br />
back scored Star's lone goal.<br />
Earlier in the week, Star<br />
dropped a 4.() decision to Lutheran<br />
Northwest.<br />
Reds 3, Pirates I<br />
Rob Bennett had two hits for<br />
the Reds and two RBI, and J C.<br />
Tibbetts scored a run Cort<br />
Messacar and John Staniszewski<br />
led the defense. Billy<br />
Crandall pitched for the Reds<br />
The Pirates were paced by<br />
pItchers Christian Auty and<br />
Andrew Shipton, and the defensive<br />
support of DaVId Scrace<br />
and Tim and Greg Kelly.<br />
Reds 13, Pbillies 1<br />
Key hits by Chris McGratty,<br />
Aaron Kennedy, Eric Neveux<br />
and Brad Belesky gave the<br />
Reds the win. The Phils' only<br />
run was scored by Billy Gmelnero<br />
Reds 5, Royals 3<br />
Rob Bennett struck out SIX<br />
and allowed only four hIts for<br />
the Reds. Joe Gehrke and<br />
Larry Marantette contributed<br />
to the wm with outstanding de<br />
fense.<br />
The Royals got hits from Jonathon<br />
&yko, Gram Mern<br />
weather and Mark Conrad .<br />
Reds 5, Indians 3<br />
Aaron Kennedy led the Reds<br />
on the mound, strikmg out 15<br />
He also helped hIS own cause<br />
by slamming a two-run homer<br />
He was supported by Billy<br />
Crandall, Larry Marantette<br />
and Rob Bennett.<br />
The Indians were led by<br />
Kevin Messacar, Bill Blaess<br />
and Brad Dunlap.<br />
Indians 4, Pirates 2<br />
Nelson Ropke singled and<br />
scored the winning run for the<br />
IndIans. Bnan Barrett struck<br />
out eight batters in SIXmnIngs<br />
for the win, and John Schock<br />
provided strong rehef.<br />
Andrew Shipton had two hIts<br />
for the Pirates, as he and Matt<br />
Benfer each knocked In a run<br />
Tigers 5, Yankees 4<br />
The Tigers beat the Yankees<br />
behind the pitching of DaVId<br />
Kazma and Matt VanDeweghe<br />
VanDeweghe added a<br />
homer. Nick Conely led the<br />
Yanks<br />
Tigers 8, Mets 3<br />
Terry Brennan pitched a<br />
strong game for the Tigers,<br />
stnking out 12 Mets. DaVId<br />
Kazma led the TIgers' hlttmg<br />
assault. Stephen Andns played<br />
well for the Mets<br />
Woods-Shores<br />
MINORS<br />
Memphis 12, Richmond 3<br />
Jon Khmczuk hIt a grand<br />
Lmdsay Howlett (200), Crystal<br />
Evola (sh')t put), Stephanie<br />
Spinney (discus), Tempie Krag<br />
(400) and Kate Blake (400).<br />
At the Alma College Scottie<br />
Classic, one of the premier invi.<br />
tationals m the state, South<br />
ran to a third-place fimsh be.<br />
hmd seDlar Karen Ehresman.<br />
Ehresman lowered her school<br />
record m the 100 hurdles to<br />
14.9. The old record of 15.1 was<br />
set one week before that at the<br />
Sterling Heights Invitational.<br />
Amy Balok became the third<br />
South high jumper to clear five<br />
feet thiS season, and the 3,200<br />
relay team of Balok, Michele<br />
Evans, HeidI WIse and Rachel<br />
O'Byrne took four seconds off<br />
Its season-best time, covering<br />
the race m 10:07. Knstine<br />
Mueller raced to a personalbest<br />
13.1 In the 100 dash, as<br />
did Leshe<br />
(61.5)<br />
Arbaugh in the 400<br />
The BOO-relay team of Tere<br />
Gavm, Mueller, Angela Drake<br />
and Arbaugh placed fourth<br />
WIth a season-best time of<br />
150.4.<br />
Drake then came back to<br />
long Jump 15 feet, 11 inches,<br />
and O'Byrne and Sandy<br />
DIerkes ran times<br />
III the 1,600 and 3,200, respectively.<br />
South Will host the regional<br />
track meet at <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
North, Saturday, May 18 begin.<br />
nlng at 9:30 a.m.<br />
Baseball<br />
After handily beating R0seville<br />
(11-1) and Utica (14.2) in<br />
five-mning games, the Blue<br />
DeVils were upended by Romeo<br />
(40) and Lakeview (8-7) last<br />
week<br />
Despite losing to Romeo, the<br />
Devils are still in fU'St place in<br />
the Macomb Area Conference<br />
slam homer, Robbie Cooper hit<br />
a double and pitchers<br />
DeVIn O'Brien and J&son Vesey<br />
combmed to toss a three-hitter<br />
for Memphis. Jason Rapp drove<br />
In two runs for ~ichmond on a<br />
tnple ,1' .•<br />
Columbus 7:'Miami 6<br />
Columbus' Alex Lentine doubled<br />
and scored the winning<br />
run on Chris Fenton's hit in<br />
the seventh, backing the strong<br />
relief pItching of Dan Preston<br />
MiamI catcher NIck Paquin<br />
sent the game mto extra innings<br />
WIth a bases-loaded dou.<br />
ble m the sixth.<br />
Buffalo 9, Syracuse 8<br />
Ray Andary gave up only<br />
one run in five innings on the<br />
mound and Chris Burke doubled<br />
in the winning run in the<br />
sixth for Buffalo. David Kraft<br />
had a triple 10 Syracuse's sixthmning<br />
rally.<br />
Tucson 9, Dallas 1<br />
Mike Bertelsen and Chns<br />
Damman teamed up on a twohItter<br />
and struck out 17 for<br />
Tucson Hans Schwallbach<br />
chipped in two doubles and a<br />
SIngle. Rory Cleary and Pat<br />
Kosanke had the Dallas hits.<br />
Memphis 5, Columbus 4<br />
Derek Phillips had two hits,<br />
Matt Nantais drove in the winnmg<br />
run and pItchers Robbie<br />
Cooper and Jeff Hiller held Co-,<br />
lumbus to four runs. Darrin<br />
DobbIns had two hits and Dan.<br />
leI Preston hIt an RBI double<br />
for Columbus<br />
Tampa 11, Dayton 1<br />
Jay Figurski paced Tampa's<br />
wm with a bases-loaded double,<br />
drIvmg in three runs<br />
Miami 10, Richmond 5<br />
MIami pItchers Scott Gallagher<br />
and Nate Marshall<br />
turned m strong performances,<br />
and NIck Paquin cracked a<br />
bases. loaded double. Alex<br />
Thomas had two hits and Ryan<br />
KowalskI played well defen.<br />
sively for RIchmond.<br />
Austin 15, Tucson 8<br />
MIke Thill drove 10 eIght<br />
runs WIth two doubles and a<br />
tnple for Austin Hans Schwallbach<br />
knocked m three for Tucson<br />
on a smgle, double and triple<br />
Dayton 7, SyraCWle 2<br />
Dave Legwand went 3-for-3,<br />
Includmg a homer, and drove<br />
m thrP.e Dayton runs. Steve<br />
Burhngarn doubled In a run for<br />
S}racuse<br />
Tampa II, Buffalo 1<br />
Barron Reeder hit a double<br />
~:-l:! tnple, dnVIng In five<br />
Tampa runs Reeder, Matt Topper<br />
03\ ~ Kozaruk and Bob<br />
Knopf pitched for Tampa Gary<br />
Borrlato played well for Buffalo<br />
MAJORS<br />
White Division, Just percentage<br />
points ahead of Fraser.<br />
South is 8.3 in the league<br />
and Fraser is 7-3.<br />
Agamst Roseville, South had<br />
little trouble with the Panthers'<br />
top pItcher Brian Sikorski.<br />
South got nine hits, led by the<br />
two-RBI performances of Brian<br />
Blake and Colm Moore, and<br />
the three.RBI day of Matt<br />
Recht. Bill LeIns, who leads the<br />
team with a .414. batting aver.<br />
age, and Tim Gramling each<br />
singled, and Nick Johnston had<br />
an RBI double, makmg a winner<br />
out of pitcher Lance De.<br />
bets.<br />
Debets, now 2.1 on the season,<br />
struck out two and gave<br />
up three hits.<br />
Against UtIca, South struck<br />
for four runs In the fIrst Inning<br />
and three in the second. Recht<br />
had a two-run double in the<br />
first, and three straight SIngles<br />
by Blake, Leins and Kelly<br />
Graves in the third got home<br />
two runs. Recht finished the<br />
day with two hits and four RBI<br />
Kevin Brennan picked up his<br />
fourth win against no defeats,<br />
scattering three hIts and fannIng<br />
four.<br />
Mike Oliver's three-run dou.<br />
ble in the fIfth put Utica away.<br />
On May 10 at home, South's<br />
Brian Downs (3-2), who leads<br />
the team with a 1.56 ERA, got<br />
the 4.o loss, but he was only<br />
supported by four hIts.<br />
Three of the four runs Downs<br />
gave up were unearned.<br />
The same night, South<br />
played Lakeview under the<br />
lights at Kyle and, despite having<br />
14 hits, got tagged with its<br />
ninth loss of the season.<br />
Leins had a double and triple,<br />
and Scott VanAlmen, Johnston<br />
and Gramling had two<br />
hits apiece.<br />
Reds 2, Dodgers 1<br />
Brothers Chris and Andy<br />
Jones combIned to pitch a fourhitter.<br />
Andy drove in the winning<br />
run and Brian Amari got<br />
his. first hit in the tpajors. I~d.<br />
.ing the Reds to a WIn. Joe Ellis<br />
had two of the Dodgers' hits. .<br />
Braves 3, Yankees 2<br />
Mike Ciaramitaro drove in<br />
the tying and winnIng runs<br />
with a sixth-inning double, and<br />
started the game-ending doubleplay<br />
by catching a pop-up in<br />
short centerfield for the Braves<br />
Steve Dube pitched all six m.<br />
nings and s'xuck out 10 for the<br />
Yankees.<br />
Cardinals 10, Blue Jays 3<br />
A two-run double by Ben Peter<br />
and a two-run triple by<br />
John Choike backed the strong<br />
pitching of Cards' starter Joel<br />
Parrott Dave Strunk belted a<br />
paIr of doubles for the Jays<br />
Tigers 6, Orioles 5<br />
Danny Raymond and Bryan<br />
Dmverno paced the Tigers' attack<br />
with four hits and Jay<br />
Minger went 3.for.3. The O's'<br />
Chris Mikula hIt two homers<br />
and Gene Baratta and Fred<br />
Alvarado had two hits apiece.<br />
Reds 8, Braves 7<br />
Adam Rouls hit a two-run<br />
homer and Brian Kasiborski's<br />
third hit of the game keyed the<br />
Reds' game-winning three-run<br />
fifth-inning rally. Nathan Richardson<br />
and Kevin Brandon<br />
walked and scored on J.J Kin.<br />
kel's second-inning homer for<br />
the Braves.<br />
Cardinals 14, Orioles 5<br />
Winning pItcher JR. Hiller<br />
paced the Cards WIth four hIts<br />
and Mark Borushko drove in<br />
for runs with two hits. Chris<br />
Mikula slammed two doubles<br />
for the D's.<br />
Tigers 12, Blue Jays 1<br />
The TIgers used tImely hIts<br />
by Bryan Dmverno, Janod<br />
Kuclzia, Scott Gregory and<br />
Bnan Selewski on theIr way to<br />
victory. John Smyly's double<br />
and SIngles by Danny Gnesbaum<br />
and Steve Bernhardt<br />
paced the Jays<br />
Dodgers 7, Yankees 2<br />
Frank Sumbera hit a two-run<br />
double and Wes DeGuvera and<br />
Joe Elhs both went 3-for4 for<br />
t:le Dodgers Craig ZIOlkowski<br />
had a pall' of hits and RIChard<br />
Grostield<br />
had a key hit m the<br />
Yankees' two-ron fourth.mnIng<br />
rally.<br />
Babe Ruth<br />
FarnurCity<br />
Angels 8, Orioles 3<br />
Pete Messacar pIcked up the<br />
Win WIth the help of Mike<br />
Stlmes' double and Kevm<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
South sRorts<br />
Devils' tennis te,am wins first MAC championship<br />
By Rob Fulton<br />
Sports Editor<br />
After years of ruling the<br />
Eastern Michigan League, the<br />
South varsIty tennis team<br />
reigned supreme agam, thiS<br />
tIme wmnmg the Macomb<br />
~Area Conference Red DiVIsion<br />
i champIOnshIp.<br />
: South, unbeaten In dual<br />
\ meets thIS season, won SIXout<br />
of eight flights en route to the<br />
league tItle in the fIrst year<br />
South has competed in the<br />
MAC<br />
smgles) made it a clean South Lorenzini lost in the finals,<br />
sweep m all singles competitlon but McMahon took his flIght, 6-<br />
and all are mdlvidual league 1, 6.o. Smucker and Disser also<br />
champIOns. lost in the finals at No.3 and 4<br />
Blll Wundram and Chris singles, respectively, as did<br />
Schilling won the No.1 doubles Wundram and Schilling, Pow.<br />
flIght, and the No. 2 doubles era and Coyle.<br />
team of Shawn Coyle and Paul Girls' track<br />
Powers, won 6-1, 6.o.<br />
Jeff Huntington and Chad With a 93-35 VIctory over<br />
Yates lost a three-set match at Utlca EIsenhower, the Lady<br />
No. 3 doubles, and the No 4 Blue Devils improved to 7.o on<br />
doubles team of Rob McLaren the season.<br />
and Bnan Forster lost to Highhghting the meet Were<br />
North, 4-6,7.5, in the finals. 32 perfor-<br />
On May 13, South took sec. mances. CynthIa Gordon ran to<br />
ond place at the eIght-team a personal-best m the 3,200, as<br />
Emihano Lorenzmi (No 1 Trenton Invitational. did Erin NIven (300 hurdles),<br />
smgles), Cullen McMahon (No. The Blue Devils, ranked No. Megan Malecek (100 hW'dles),<br />
2 singles), Matt Smucker
_ ................ ....-.-_ ....... .. • .. _<br />
May 16,1991<br />
Groase <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
118<br />
By ..... Moore<br />
SpecIal WrUr<br />
The Norsemen varsity tennis<br />
team made an impressive showing<br />
at the Macomb Area Conference<br />
Red DiviBion meet,<br />
earning 44 points and a secondplace<br />
finish to <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
South (53 points).<br />
North's No. 3 doubles team<br />
of Kyle Foresman and Kevin<br />
Bai won its flight. Runners-up<br />
mcluded Craig Rogowski (No. 1<br />
singles), Mike McHugh (No.4<br />
singles), Amod Samaik and<br />
Nadeem Elian (No. 1 doubles),<br />
Rob Duroes and Brian DiLaura<br />
(No. 2 doubles) and Ken Mac.<br />
Norsemen net second place<br />
Donald and Bryce Kenny (No.<br />
4 doubles).<br />
Track<br />
By winning all four relays,<br />
the 400, 800, 1,600 and 3,200,<br />
the Lady Norsemen overpowered<br />
Utica Ford, 80-43.<br />
Noelle Cormier won the 100<br />
and 200 dashes, whIle Katie<br />
Loeher took the 800 run. Anne<br />
Scallen cruised to a f11'8t in the<br />
400 run, and AlY888Zepke won<br />
the 3,200.<br />
In the field events, Anne<br />
Maliszewski won the long Jump<br />
and Hope Fenton<br />
in the discus.<br />
On May 7, North<br />
sealed a f1J'8t<br />
continued<br />
GPSA Scores<br />
U-6 house<br />
Hurricanes 6, Bobcatl 1<br />
David Harri.s recorded the<br />
hat trick and an 888ist, and<br />
John Dallas added two goals<br />
for the 'Canes, who were also<br />
supported by &.ephen Addy,<br />
Nicky Myers, Lisa Gruynk,<br />
Brian Headpohl, Marie Ver.<br />
aeke and Lisa Vitale.<br />
The &beats' goal was BCOn!d<br />
by Christopher Ahee, off a Nick<br />
Lewis pass. Christopher Munsterman<br />
and Roes Gardener anc.<br />
hored the defense.<br />
Marauders 1, Rockers 1<br />
Tommy Solomon scored for<br />
the Rockers and David Kittle<br />
cnuntered with a goal for the<br />
Marauders. R.J. Scherer had a<br />
Rockers' assist and Aric Min.<br />
ney assisted for the Marauders.<br />
NOTICE<br />
MONDAY, JUNE 10,1981<br />
jog. Sam Alnalo, Rabeh Nour<br />
and Alex Groeebeck (goalie)<br />
were also strong. Eric<br />
Schleicher scored for the<br />
WingB, with Anthony Savalle<br />
assisting. Nicholas Degel was<br />
outstanding in net, with help<br />
from C.J. Hanna.<br />
Hurricanes 15,Eagles 1<br />
Paul Weissert, Bradley<br />
VanSickle and Matthew Lismini<br />
combined to carry the<br />
'Canes' scoring load, while Karl<br />
Stahl and Jimmy LaLonde took<br />
care of the defense. Lauren Williamson<br />
scored the Eagles' only<br />
goal when she converted a pass<br />
from Will Nixon and Matt<br />
Scarfone.<br />
Notice is hereby given thatavsentee balots for the annual election to<br />
be held in the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Public School System on the above date<br />
are available from 11:00 a m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday throUgh Thursday,<br />
and 11:00 a m. to 4:00 p.m., Fndays, in the Elections Office al Barnes<br />
School, located at 20090 Morningside, G.P.W., 48236.<br />
The Elections Office at Barnes School will be open from 9:00 a m<br />
to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 8, 1991, for the purpose of receiving<br />
applications for absent voter ballots.<br />
G.P.N.: 5/1~1<br />
U-I0 house<br />
Blazers 3, 'IUrt1es 2<br />
Jimmy Denner scored two<br />
U-8 house goals and Yorg Kerasiotis<br />
IlCOJ'ed one for the Blazers. Jus-<br />
Hawks 2, Flames 0 tin Schoenherr drew an assist.<br />
Jonathan Marsh scored his Jeff Barton. Chip Fowler, Marc<br />
first career goal for the Hawks, Kaplan and Ryan McK~nzie<br />
who were also paced by Bran. played outstanding offense, and<br />
don Krupka, Ryan Haas and Sean Burehrer, Randy Graves<br />
goalie Mark Perkowski. and Danny Woutat covered<br />
its winning ways, beating An.<br />
chor Bay, 89.39.<br />
Fenton dominated the throw.<br />
ing events with a 28 feet, 2 113<br />
inch throw in the shot put, and<br />
a toss of 78-1 in the diacus.<br />
Maliszewski won the long<br />
jump (14-4), while Cormier won<br />
the 100 dash (13.1). North also<br />
won the 400, 1,600 and 3,200<br />
relays.<br />
Other winners included Jen.<br />
mfer Trachy (high jump, 4-3;<br />
and 300 hurdles, 50.8); Peggy<br />
Finkleman 0,600, 6:10); Loeher<br />
(800, 2:32.1); Monica Rhee (200<br />
dash, 28.4); Rebecca Clor (3,200<br />
nm, 12:54).<br />
Softball<br />
from Andrew Stevens, John<br />
McNIcholas and Joe Gorczyca.<br />
Harry Gaggos scored twice<br />
for the Rockets and Patrick<br />
Moultrie added a single goal.<br />
NilQa Turtles 5. Gamecoeka<br />
3<br />
Eric Przepiorka (2), Eric<br />
Kraus (2) and Van Martin<br />
scored for the Turtles, who<br />
were supported by the defensIve<br />
efforts of Billy Ireland,<br />
Danny Stahl, Charlie Dallas<br />
and Bryan Kupets.<br />
Paul Georgandellis was the<br />
winning goalie.<br />
Andrew Valsa.k (2) and John.<br />
athan Kish scored for the Gamecocks,<br />
who were led by Alexander<br />
Howbert.<br />
Jets 2, Queen of Peace 1<br />
Michael and Nicholas Di.<br />
Loreto scored for the Jets, and<br />
Scott Vallee assisted. The defense<br />
was supported by David-<br />
Michael Boykin, Charley Starr,<br />
Adam Drader and Brad Smith.<br />
Jim Kruse scored for Queen<br />
of Peace, while Joe Solomon<br />
and goalie f , .Mike Martinez<br />
provided the defense.<br />
Eric Wood, Thomas Martina sweeper and goalie positions. U-IO travel<br />
and Sean Penne£ather led the Eric Pr7.epiorka scored two<br />
Flames. goals for the Turtles, assisted Rockets 3, Birmingham 0<br />
Hawks 1, Ealles 0 by David Majeski and Eric Stuart Yingst scored twice<br />
Lauren Vallee, Hans Barbe Krauss. Charles Dallas and and Peter Clark once for the<br />
and Shannon Springer led the Van Martin were also superb. Rockets, who got assists from<br />
Hawks with superb defense and Blazers 3, Kickers 0 J.D. Spina, Brad Drummy and<br />
The Lady Norsemen fell into<br />
a bit of a slump, losing 5-0 to<br />
Fraser and 1-0 to South.<br />
Fraser scored five times 10<br />
the fIfth, and North's Melissa<br />
ULS sports<br />
in MAC Red<br />
Drouillard's two hIts were not<br />
enough.<br />
South scored one run in the<br />
flrSt inning and made it stand<br />
up to beat the Norsemen.<br />
Knights shine on diamond<br />
After losing its first eight<br />
games of the season, the University<br />
Liggett School baseball<br />
team has won six of its last<br />
eIght, Including<br />
week.<br />
four Wing last<br />
"We're a young team," saId<br />
ULS coach Glynn Conley. "The<br />
ninth. and 10th-graders seemed<br />
to catch on to a lot of<br />
things at the same time.<br />
They're playing together very<br />
well."<br />
Ellis (2) and Joe Dwaighy<br />
scored for the Turtles. Rob<br />
Euashka and Martin Krall<br />
combined in goal for the shut.<br />
out.<br />
U-12 travel<br />
Travelers 8, Hurricanes 3<br />
The 'Canes played the Travelers<br />
even through the first 45<br />
minutes, but got derailed in the<br />
second h&lf. Andy Klein, Brandon<br />
Euashka and Don Sigler<br />
scored for the 'Canes, who were<br />
helped by David Dwaihy, Paul<br />
Thursam, Drew Harris, MIchael<br />
Bramlage, Don Llamini<br />
and Greg Peppler.<br />
U-I4 travel<br />
Rebels 4, Raiders 0<br />
Jeff Case, Matt Agnone,<br />
Ryan Braithwaite and Ryan<br />
Archibald scored for the Rebels.<br />
Defensively, the Rebels were<br />
led by Chris Teide, Jay Lytle<br />
and Brendon Thomas.<br />
Rebels&: Gston(}.-----~<br />
128<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
* *<br />
edmund t. AHEE jewelry co.<br />
edmund t. AHEE jewelers has the<br />
most outstanding collection of diamond<br />
engagement and diamond wedding<br />
rings you'll ever see. Let their<br />
GIA graduate gemologists and sales<br />
professionals assist you in choosing<br />
the perfect ring at a very affordable<br />
price. All of their rings are made in<br />
their own workroom and they can<br />
also custom design and craft a ring to<br />
your specifications. Visit edmund t.<br />
AllEE jewelers today. NEW HOURS:<br />
Monday through Saturday 10:00a.m.<br />
to 6:00 p.m., Thursday till 8:00 p.m.<br />
... at 20139 Mack Avenue at Oxford,<br />
between 7 & 8 Mile Roads in <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
<strong>Pointe</strong> Woods,886-4600.<br />
* *<br />
A<br />
*<br />
Fun time - sun time. 1bys<br />
fill the shelves at The School<br />
Bell... 17047 Kercheval inthe-Village.<br />
Safe and sturdy ~<br />
sponge balls and gliders are<br />
a special treat.<br />
* * *<br />
We invite you to join<br />
WILD us for our GRAND<br />
WINGS OPENING this Saturday,<br />
May 18th between<br />
10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Refreshments<br />
will be served. Be sure to stop<br />
by as we are looking forward to seeing<br />
you and showing you our NEW<br />
STORE ... at 16844 Kercheval, 885-<br />
4001.<br />
*<br />
*<br />
*<br />
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*<br />
Stay home this weekend. Have a lot<br />
of fun in your own backyard playing<br />
volleyball, croquet, bocci-ball, or<br />
horse shoes. You'reneuer too old or too<br />
young tojoin in these games. It really<br />
adds to the family barbecue to have a<br />
game on hand.<br />
Also get your Skin So-Soft oil or lotion<br />
right here ... at 20343 Mack Avenue<br />
(at Country Club) 884-5660.<br />
Finally<br />
- it's<br />
*<br />
that time again.<br />
-- The Once A<br />
Year Special -- ,<br />
NOW 4711 Original<br />
Eau De Cologne<br />
is on SALE - Only $21.00<br />
(reg. $32.00).Perfect time to stock<br />
up for yourself or for a gift for<br />
someone special ... at the NOTRE<br />
DAME PHARMACY... 16926<br />
Kercheval in-the- Village, 885-<br />
21M.<br />
• • *<br />
Needlepoint and knitting classes<br />
forming. Stitching with Ann on Saturday<br />
mornings for experienced needlepointers.<br />
Beginning knitting and<br />
finiwng your knitted garments both<br />
with Jean. To register stop in or call<br />
882-9110. Summer classes forming as<br />
requested... at 397 Fisher Road,<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, 882-9110.<br />
*<br />
:...... ANTIQUES in tIrt <strong>Pointe</strong>.<br />
f/, Belleek China, Indian<br />
~ '/ artifact, Western, Victorian<br />
Real Estate<br />
By RoMId J.....<br />
Staff Wnter<br />
The dream of every man<br />
woman and child is to own<br />
their own home. But with<br />
prices skyrocketing, the ~tion<br />
firmly entrenched in a recession<br />
and less government funds<br />
available to get you started, it's<br />
become an impoesible dream<br />
for DlO8t people.<br />
Or has it?<br />
Several state and national<br />
studies show that with a little<br />
planning, just about anyone<br />
can own a home.<br />
A recent National Association<br />
of Realtors study said that<br />
despite increaaes in home costs,<br />
most families in the United<br />
States are making enough<br />
money to afford a home.<br />
The January Houaing A1ford.<br />
ability Index wu 114.4, one of<br />
the highest recorded. The index<br />
measures the ability of a typical<br />
family to pun:hue a median.priced<br />
resale home.<br />
It means that in January<br />
(the last month figures are<br />
available) a family earning the<br />
national median income of<br />
$35,700, had 114.4 percent of<br />
the income needed to qualify<br />
for conventional fmancing covering<br />
80 percent of a home<br />
priced at $94,200, the median<br />
existing-home price in January.<br />
Got that?<br />
What it means in other Ian.<br />
guage is that a family earning<br />
$20,000 would have enough<br />
money to qualify for a home<br />
valued at $60,300, using a 20<br />
percent down payment and a<br />
$48,200 loan. A family with a<br />
$50,000 income would qualify<br />
for a $150,600 home using a 20<br />
percent down payment and a<br />
$120,500 loan.<br />
But people in the Detroit<br />
area have an even better<br />
chance than that, according to<br />
another study by the NAR.<br />
Using census data that<br />
shows median household in.<br />
the root ball.<br />
When planting a balled and<br />
burlappecl tree, place the root<br />
ball in the hole, and remove<br />
any string or twine from<br />
around the trunk. Peel the bur.<br />
't'l,'{"",~<br />
lassifie<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong> • May 16, 1991<br />
comes are higher in the trio<br />
county area than they are else.<br />
where in the country, it stands<br />
to reason that famihes have<br />
even more money to invest in a<br />
house.<br />
So, how do you know what<br />
you can afford before you go<br />
out looking?<br />
Begin with this rule of<br />
thumb: Your monthly housing<br />
expenses - including mortgage,<br />
utilities, taxes and insurance -<br />
should not exceed 28 percent of<br />
your groes income. So if you<br />
make $50,000 a year, you<br />
should be able to spend $1,166<br />
a month on housing.<br />
How much of that amount<br />
will be an actual mortgage pay.<br />
ment depends on the size of the<br />
loan and the interest rate. The<br />
down payment is generally between<br />
5 and 25 percent.<br />
Say you fall in love with an<br />
$80,000 hOUll8 and are able to<br />
make a $10,000 down payment<br />
with a 3O-year fixed-rate mortlap<br />
part way back 80 it will be<br />
buried u the hole is filled.<br />
With container-grown plants,<br />
remove the plant from the con.<br />
tainer. If you see roots circling<br />
on the cut side of the root ball,<br />
take a sharp knife and make<br />
two or three shallow cuts, from<br />
the top to the bottom of the<br />
ball, to encourage new roots<br />
which will grow out into your<br />
soil.<br />
Make sure that the root col.<br />
lar (the place where the tree's<br />
main stem meets the roots) is<br />
slightly above the surrounding<br />
~. !-lat, bacldUi the hole. If you<br />
are ,:a.nting in BOil composed of<br />
bee", _ or light sand, you<br />
c:an nUx the becldUl soil with<br />
up to one-third organic matter,<br />
gage of $70,000 at 10 percent.<br />
That will require a payment of<br />
$613 a month. Add monthly<br />
home expenses and remember,<br />
you must stay below that<br />
magic 28 percent. Any lending<br />
institution will make similar<br />
calculations.<br />
Well, you've figured. that out,<br />
now you have to figure out<br />
where the money is going to<br />
come from. Loans come in all ' j<br />
shapes and sizes and it's smart<br />
to determine which is best for<br />
you before getting into a con.<br />
tract. I<br />
Fixed.rate mortgages are<br />
usually offered for a term of<br />
either 15 or 30 years. They<br />
have a monthly payment<br />
amount that will remain the<br />
same for the term of the mortgage.<br />
Each payment includes a<br />
portion of the principal and intereIt<br />
on the loan with the<br />
principal amount applied per<br />
payment increasing u the loan<br />
is paid off.<br />
such as peat or compost.<br />
Lightly pack the soil into<br />
place around the tree. Spread a<br />
2- to 3-ineh layer of mulch in<br />
Adjustable rate mortgages<br />
are more complex. They begin<br />
at a glven interest rate, but the<br />
terms fluctuate penodically.<br />
There is usually a cap on the<br />
amount of fluctuation that is<br />
tied to an indicator such as the<br />
the entire area. However, be<br />
BUre to keep the mulch 6 to 8<br />
inches from the tree trunk.<br />
Stake the tree with discarded<br />
Trees benefit environment<br />
Trees - graceful, serene,<br />
awe-inspiring and enduring<br />
- do more than make the<br />
world a more beautiful place<br />
to live, according to the<br />
American Association of<br />
Nurserymen. They also help<br />
the environment and have<br />
an impact on our daily lives.<br />
Did you know that treeB:<br />
• clean the air, reducmg<br />
certain pollutants providing<br />
oxygen?<br />
• lower our energy bills<br />
through the cooling shade<br />
they provide in the summer<br />
and the in.."'U1ating warmth<br />
they provide in winter?<br />
• provide shelter for wildlife?<br />
• slow rainfall runoff, preventing<br />
soil erosion and leseening<br />
the pollution in our<br />
streams and riven?<br />
• reduce Bt.ess in the work<br />
place and hasten the recov.<br />
ery of hospital patients?<br />
Real Estate Resource<br />
Classified AdvertISing<br />
Want to buy a home? Check your affordability index first<br />
Welcome summer by planting a tree -<br />
What better way to welcome<br />
the bright colors and the fresh<br />
smells of spring than by planting<br />
a tree?<br />
It may sound like a big p~<br />
ject, but if' you follow the steps<br />
recommended by the American<br />
Association c:L Nurserymen, you<br />
will soon be watching your little<br />
bit of spring flourish into a<br />
luting treasure for all Bea8OD8.<br />
First, locate a clear, open site<br />
for the tree. There should be<br />
ample room for the tree to form<br />
its root system. Your site<br />
should also allow for good<br />
drainage.<br />
Next, 100een and blend the<br />
top 6 to 10 incheI ~ the IDi1 b!<br />
::e:~p~~~l:t.~ rrr: .<br />
inches wider than the width of<br />
U.S. Treasury Bill index.<br />
But don't forget about FHA<br />
and VA loans. You might quat.<br />
Ify for these special programs.<br />
The Federal Housing Admin.<br />
istratlOn insures loana which<br />
are originated by participating<br />
institutions. You pay an insurance<br />
fee, either at closing (It as<br />
part of the monthly payment.<br />
One advantage to these 108lUlis<br />
~(; [that, because they're insured,<br />
the lender may accept 8 lower.<br />
than.nonna! down payment.<br />
The Veteran's Admini8tnI.<br />
tion also offers insured 1oe.DIl<br />
which are usually le8B expensive<br />
due to restrictions Oft pr0-<br />
cessing. The restriction beinl.<br />
of course, that only military<br />
veterans qualify.<br />
Once you buy your houae,<br />
then you can start reaping the<br />
rewards of homeowners - like<br />
breaks on taxes.<br />
But that's another story.<br />
just for the green of it<br />
rubber inner tubes for the ftnt<br />
six months of its life. This will<br />
give the tree support and allow<br />
it to flex gently in the wiDd.<br />
Drive the stakes into solid IOi1<br />
at the bottom c:L the hole 800Il<br />
after you have set the tree into<br />
place. By placing the<br />
while the roots are still visible,<br />
you can avoid potential root<br />
damage.<br />
Water the tree thoroucb11,<br />
but do not flood the hole. Water<br />
twice a week during dry peri_<br />
ods. To avoid over-watering,<br />
check to see if the soil is moi8t<br />
" inches down. If it .. the tree<br />
has enough water and does not.<br />
need to be watered at this time.<br />
Your local garden center can<br />
offer more information<br />
to plant a tree.<br />
tIC<br />
5C<br />
on bow<br />
HARBOR<br />
PLACE<br />
The Condominium Lifestyle<br />
for<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
The Address Speaks For Itself<br />
,<br />
$<br />
',t<br />
: »<br />
,.<br />
"<br />
.. .<br />
....'<br />
::.:<br />
• Cluster Homes with first floor Master Suite starting at<br />
$259,000<br />
• Luxurious Townhomes starting at $425,000<br />
• Premium One Floor Terrace Homes starting at $360,000<br />
• Boatslips starting at $30,000<br />
Located on Lake St Clair at 9 Mile and Jefferson<br />
Visit our Sales Office and Model from 1 - 5 p.m. daily<br />
or call<br />
TH~:<br />
BLAKE<br />
CQ\1D\NY<br />
Office 881.6100<br />
Model 776.8115<br />
To visit the site enter through Riviera Terrace<br />
100 yds. North of Nine Mile Road, just off Jefferson<br />
Developer of Dodge Place, Windwood <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Scherbrook and Harbor Place<br />
In the heart of the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>s,<br />
stands <strong>Pointe</strong> Plaza. This unique<br />
business environment is recognized as<br />
one of the area's most distinguished<br />
addresses.<br />
Contemporary, yet<br />
classic. <strong>Pointe</strong> Plaza's<br />
exceptIOnal deSign is a<br />
setting of qUiet beauty<br />
With Its premiumquality<br />
finishes of<br />
imported marble and<br />
polished brass Stunning in its<br />
elegance and good taste, <strong>Pointe</strong> Plaza<br />
combifle~ 5-story executive office<br />
bUlldings, upscale shops and dmmg,<br />
ard extensive covered and reserved<br />
parking.<br />
Located at the promment mtersectlon<br />
of Moross and Mack Avenue, and<br />
adjacent to the renowned 5t John<br />
Hospital Medical Center, <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Plaza offers over 120,000 square feet<br />
of distinctive office space.<br />
The convenience of workmg in your<br />
neighborhood and the easy access<br />
from 1-94 and 1-696 allows this<br />
dynamic location to serve businesses<br />
and shoppers from the immediate<br />
areas as well as the surrounding areas<br />
of Metropolitan Detroit who have<br />
the desire to create a golden opportunity<br />
for your business.<br />
Space IS now<br />
available from<br />
1,000 square feet.<br />
We inVite your<br />
inqUIries.<br />
Pomte Plaza IS a<br />
joint venture of<br />
Schostak Brothers<br />
and the St. Clair Health Corporation .<br />
Call [)Qv,d S Grttnt.<br />
Vret PrtSldtnt III<br />
(313) 262-1000.<br />
______________ ........ __ • _ ....... 1lI.. .....<br />
-~--._... ~ -<br />
•<br />
- -----------------~<br />
804 S HAMIL TON<br />
PHONE (517) 792 093-4<br />
1 (800) 9\18.3-456
2C<br />
Learn to wallpaper<br />
YOU Dr.&QVt: T"[ Br.&T<br />
Qealor Boerds And<br />
Mult.H1st. &~. We<br />
Belong To Them An<br />
~<br />
.... 10<br />
Real Estate<br />
EM Y<br />
FLCffi<br />
R9Cla!<br />
19 4 .,2 10<br />
r~<br />
t€AftTH<br />
lMIIAU. ~_ 541-0 .51-0<br />
LMIlG 16tl ..._ IMl<br />
_*_1Ml<br />
~1l71_1Ml<br />
PLAN<br />
MAJESTIC 1201 031<br />
By Today'. Home<br />
Rambling home<br />
on standard lot<br />
The :Majestic efficiently assembles<br />
the features of a rambling<br />
suburban home into the<br />
space of a standard city lot. A<br />
covered walkway, vaulted ceilings<br />
with high windows, and<br />
sliding glass doors give the<br />
house a feeling of sp8al and<br />
light.<br />
It's not illusion. The Majestic<br />
contains separate living, dining,<br />
and family rooms; a two<br />
. car garage; a large master bedroom<br />
with ldtached bathroom!<br />
spa and sun porch; and two<br />
smaller bedrooms with a second<br />
beth. The vaulted space in.<br />
cludes the family room and dining<br />
area, and can include the<br />
kitchen.<br />
Considerable attention has<br />
been paid to convenieDal features.<br />
The master suite contains<br />
a walk-in closet. Addi.<br />
tional closets are found in the<br />
hall, family room, and back<br />
bedrooms.<br />
Washer and dryer are tucked<br />
into a utility space accessible<br />
from both the front hall and<br />
garage. Home workshop owners<br />
can organize tools and supplies<br />
in a garage storage area, while<br />
cooks will appreciate the kitch.<br />
, en's large enclosed pantry.<br />
Locating the master suite<br />
and utility space so near the<br />
front entrance is unconven.<br />
tional, but allows all the adult<br />
. activity areas to be accessible<br />
from the long leg of an L-<br />
shaped hall. The short back<br />
ball, the back bedrooms, and<br />
the family room can then be a<br />
separate children's domain -<br />
or possibly a work area for the<br />
Learn how to prepare a room<br />
properly for wallpapering in a<br />
two-session class taught by expert<br />
Jim Hay at 7 p.m. on<br />
'fuesday, May 21 in room 201<br />
mBarnes School.<br />
The class covers all the tricks<br />
m the trade, from selectmg pa- .<br />
per and related materials to actually<br />
hanging the paper.<br />
The fee is $10. For more information,<br />
call the Department<br />
of Community Education at<br />
343-2178.<br />
owner who wants an office in<br />
the home.<br />
• The main space compromises<br />
in fitting this design to small<br />
city lots are the shallow back<br />
bedrooms. SubW'ban or country<br />
dwellers for whom lot size is no<br />
limitation may want to move<br />
the back wall out, acljust the<br />
roofline, and let the Majestic<br />
ramble.<br />
For a study kit of the MajestiC<br />
(201-03), send $7.50 to Todays<br />
Home, P.O. BoJ. 2832-T<br />
Eugene: Oregon 97402. Be sw-e<br />
to specify plan name and number<br />
when ordering.<br />
M'SFEN~E<br />
CO.<br />
FENCES<br />
CALL<br />
774-2045<br />
Sales Center<br />
ModelS Open Noon-6 30 p m<br />
from $189,900<br />
IMetront'l",500<br />
May 16,1991<br />
Groue <strong>Pointe</strong> New.<br />
Selling your home in a soft market<br />
Looking for some magic for- makes a one-time payment to home be advertised? Does the all ~~rs charge a set :;te of<br />
mula for selling YoW'home in a the lender that will lower the broker expect to have an exclu- =-~n on ~ ~e ~<br />
soft market? Well, you can stop mterest rate on the buyer's sive listing and if so, for how b k . . e COOlon pal<br />
lookmg Market conditions mortgage for the fU'St few long? ro ers IS De&' 18 e.<br />
have not altered the rules for years, making monthly mort. You should also find out Of the factors that influence<br />
selling your home, according to gage payments more affordable. whether an agent works with a the price of your home, your<br />
the Michigan Association of Buyers who are tradilli up relocation company, which can home's condition is the only<br />
CPAs. On the other hand, they may be more interested in a be a valuable source for pelten- one over which you have subhave<br />
made It more important $1,000 redecorating or land. tisl buyers. stantial control. In toclay's mar.<br />
for you to put a httle extra scaping allowance. Or you may When you are ready to sign a ket, a home that is poorly<br />
muscle - and compromise - offer to include in the sale one contract, request one with a reI. maintained and in need m remto<br />
the process. or more of the items that your atively short term so that the pair doesn't stand a ch.aDce.<br />
Set a realistic price IUftlng indicated was not in- agent is motivated to perform Most real estate agents agree<br />
The nght pnce is probably eluded - draperies, carpeting quickly. If your hoU8e has not that "curb appeal," your<br />
the smgle most important fac- or even furniture. been sold by the end of the con- home's fU'St impression, is of<br />
tor m a timely sale. Unfor. Select a lood Realtor tract period, but you are satis- critical importance. A fresh<br />
tunely, these days you may To maximize the profit on fied with the agent's sel'Vice, coat of paint and a neatly manhave<br />
to accept the fact that yoW' house you may be you can always extend or re- icured lawn can put buyers in a<br />
YoW'home is worth less today tempted to 'try to sell your new the contract. favorable frame of mind for<br />
than It was worth just a few house on your own and avoid Finally, do not assume that viewing the interior.<br />
years ago paying a real estate agent's<br />
The value of YoW'residence commission. Most experts do<br />
is generally based on four fac. not recommend that sellers attors,<br />
your home's age, locatIon tempt this course during a slow<br />
and c~ndltlOn, as well as the market. In many cases, you can<br />
conditIOn of the real estate Improve your chances of sucmarket<br />
m your area. To arnve alssfully selling yOW'hoU8e by<br />
at a reahstlc pnce for your selecting a professional who<br />
home, you can hire an indepen. Will carefully and enthusiastident<br />
appra,iser to determine cally market your home.<br />
YoW' home s current market By most estimates more<br />
value. Or you can request esti- than 90 percent of all home<br />
ma~~ fro~ real estate agen.ts sales are accomplished through<br />
famlhar With yOW'commumty. professionals - and for good<br />
¥ you need to. sell your. h~me reason. A good broker can help<br />
qUIckly, start With a realistiC you price your home realistipnce.<br />
In a soft. market, the cally advertise and show it<br />
common tactic of listing a skiltfuny, and negotiate the<br />
house at an elevated price with sale professionally. Another<br />
the intention of lowering it major advantage of listing with<br />
later can backfrre. Remember, a Realtor is that he or she can<br />
yOW'house .appeals most to bro- put your hoU8e on the multiple<br />
kers when It fU'St comes ~n the listing service for your area,<br />
market. If you set yOW' list providing your home with<br />
price too high, you may miss much broader exposure<br />
out on the initial rush - ex- Selecting the right ~ esactly<br />
the time when brokers tate agent takes time Start by<br />
are most likely to show a new obtaining recommencktions<br />
listing to all prospective buyers. from friends and neighbors.<br />
Offer creative incentives You should also scan the real<br />
To entice potential buyers, estate pages in your local newsyou<br />
may need to resort to crea. paper. ....<br />
tive incentives. Generally, crea- ~e next step 15 mterviewmg<br />
tive financing is the most at. vanous ~roke!'8' ~~r example,<br />
tractive lure partl'cu1ar1 fi find out now riuniliar they are<br />
, y or .th rt" igh<br />
first-time buyers. To assist a WI prope les m your De -<br />
buyer, you can offer to pay all borhood. How do they plan to<br />
or part of the buyer's points, ti- marke; your house, and to<br />
tIe insurance or closing costs whom. Do they plan to sched-<br />
Mortga,e,buy~ ~ . ule an ':~n house" for y~W' _<br />
help a buyer ~ tor IImoti pt~;,;:1iillf IO! ~"H,;!,,:<br />
gage are also popular. With the<br />
typical buy-down, the seller<br />
Crptal cle8r water for<br />
swimming, boating<br />
a fishing .... lifestyle you'd<br />
love to come home to!<br />
FMfunng spacious ranch and 2 story luxury homes with<br />
WIIIkout lower levels and private decks/pstlos overlooking<br />
calm water and sandy beachfronts.<br />
3 Homes<br />
Remaining<br />
For Early Summer<br />
Occupancy<br />
call<br />
344-8808<br />
how ofteD2 Whelll will ~01¥' _ _<br />
Call the experts at Valentine Building Co.<br />
Your Complete Home Improvement Specialists<br />
• Additions • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Decks<br />
15620 15 Mile Rd<br />
777- 1852 licensed & Insured<br />
ThIs SpaCIOUS'tOlldohome" has It all and ISlocated In HAR80RTOWN<br />
- Downtown's most complete and servlCe.onented commumty' ThIS<br />
home has approxJmately 2.000square feet whICh mcludes large bVII\8<br />
room WIth ftreplace 2-car garage bnght and sunny eat-m kttchen<br />
powder room 2 SpacIOUS bedrooms WIth2 full baths cozy den<br />
pnvate deck lagoon ViewS<br />
HARBOR1OWN's amemtles mclude tenm. courts. sWlmmmg pool.<br />
fitness trail. eo
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Beware of.hit-and-run<br />
pavers<br />
~ach yea[, ~~v~~mg c:ur:t Traveling criminals usually ly susceptible to the otTer of a<br />
n~ s come 0 Ie. 19an 0 0 leave their customers with a so-called bargain and their vichit-and-run<br />
'pavmg ~ork. driveway or parking area that timll are often senior citizens.<br />
Homeowners and busmess will eventually reveal poor If there is any doubt about<br />
o~ ue,rs are urged ~y the workmanship. Poor work ill the reputability of a paving<br />
Ml~hl~an Asphalt Pavmg As- not always evident immediate- firm, consumers should take<br />
8OClatl011an~ local law enf~ree- ly, Probleme may not appear the time to check local bUllimen~<br />
agencIes to be eepeclally for several weeks or months. nesses and bank references,<br />
cautIous w~en approached. by ,Traveling criminals tradi- Most importantly, they should<br />
people a.e1bng asphalt pavmg bonally have no real local ineist on a written contract beand<br />
seall~g lJ~~ct8. business address. They are fore work is started. Consum-<br />
Travehng cnnunals were es. even known to use the name of ers must be alert.<br />
pecially active in Michigan last a reputable local asphalt sup- For helpful hints on dealing<br />
year. They are expected to reo plier in order to win customer with paving contractors con.<br />
tur~ in force during the confidence. Ilumers may call toU-r;ee 1-<br />
sprmg, sum~e.r and fall this They sell asphalt paving 800-292-5959 and request the<br />
year. I~ ~USPIC10USof fraudu- material after free pamphlet, "Asphalt Drivelent<br />
actIVIty, consumers should having 8COuted neighborhoods way and Parking Lot Paving:<br />
call the nearest local lawen- for their beet targets. Their Helpful Tips on Getting the<br />
forcement agency or the Michi- sales pitch is designed to ap- Best Pavement for Your<br />
gan State Police immediately. peal to those who are especial. Money."<br />
I<br />
Save money<br />
on decorating<br />
Spectacular<br />
Real Estate<br />
Sunrises<br />
"lntenor DesIgn: How to Get<br />
the Moo for Your Money," will<br />
be the topic of a presentation<br />
by Robin Wilson of Perlmutter<br />
and FreIwald at 7 p.m. on<br />
Tuesday, May 28, In Room 102<br />
of Barnes School, 20090 Mem.<br />
ingslde Dnve m <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />
Woods.<br />
Sponsored by the Department<br />
of Community Education,<br />
the talk Wlll focus on the eco-<br />
3C<br />
nomlC8 of mtenor design 88<br />
well as the aesthetICS.<br />
Learn where to spend your<br />
money to make the biggest impact<br />
In choosing furruture, aecessones,<br />
carpeting and window<br />
treatments in this new-forspring<br />
practIcal approach to design.<br />
The fee is $10. For further<br />
Information, call 343-2178.<br />
It's Time to Get Moving!<br />
Blue Ribbon Award Condominium<br />
4~<br />
1-<br />
REO CARPeT<br />
KElm<br />
17646 Mack • 886-4445<br />
1-8()()..882-6458<br />
fOR TtlEr:xEClIDVl ...<br />
"The Red Carpet Treatment!"<br />
> ,<br />
mREALTOR-<br />
Contemporary Masterpiece! Award-winning gardens<br />
With sculpturees Glass walled home WIthfabulous<br />
Vlewsof the gardens and lake.<br />
I~ ..10' f • , ,.<br />
17525 Maumee. Five bedroom, three and one half<br />
bath, new kitchen. OPEN SUNDAY 2.4 p.m.<br />
Charming with Location<br />
Needs Decorating<br />
""~<br />
~h<br />
Who wishes to travel! Spacious floor plan with Close to shopping and golf course! Three lakeside<br />
many special features! Impressive marble entry. parks! All of the appliances stay. Laundry room!<br />
way. Attached one car garage. Library with French Prioed for a quick sale! Nice and dean!<br />
doors leading to terrace. Available immediately.<br />
Maintenance fee.<br />
ONEBLOCK roOM 'I1lE LAIrn ON TIf.E lAKE!<br />
332 McKInley. Four bedroom, one and one half 305 Rivard. Three bedroom, one bath, screened<br />
bath, garden room. OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 p.m. porch. OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 p.m.<br />
St. Clair Shores Condominiums<br />
Blue Ribbon Award<br />
Great Value<br />
This is a great home for family or someone sizing First floor master bedroom suite. Family room, fordown<br />
for first floor living but guest rooml on second mal dining room, library. Indoor swimming pool,<br />
floor. Twofull baths, newer window., nice size yard. recreation room with bowling lanes. Park like set-<br />
Located in <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods!<br />
ting_ Watch the freighters pass by!<br />
CaD U. Por V........... Mullet ~ All.<br />
Relocatloa PacIrafef .. Raft ...., Cu,<br />
semre Jar........ Etc.<br />
151 Windwood <strong>Pointe</strong>. Two bedroom, two bath. 22061 Shorepointe. 1bwnhouse, two bedroom, one<br />
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 p.m. and one halfbath. OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 p.m.<br />
Call Sally Coe: 885-2000 or 885-5094<br />
74 Kercheval, <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms<br />
OPEN &UNDAY 24<br />
OPEN ~UNDAY 2-4<br />
C<br />
harm and elegance at 46 W"mel_ere Place.<br />
Fabulous muter suite with 12 foot tray ceiling<br />
and fireplace. Crown moldings, marble. wood bimB,<br />
French doors and Mutechler kitchen -. this condo<br />
buitan.<br />
Y<br />
ou have to see to believe 1028 Nottiqhalll!<br />
The charm and elegance for adults and the<br />
bedroom. and space for the kids. Magnificent<br />
hardwood floors, leaded glBSB,large kitchen and 80<br />
muehmon.<br />
L<br />
oeated at 773 8t. Clair, this well-kept family<br />
borne is cloee to shopping, schools and parks.<br />
The MCOndfloor muter suite has new full bath and<br />
sitting room. New windowl, furnace with central<br />
air and roof.<br />
.Q inee 1988, the owner haa added oversi2ed twot?<br />
and-one-half-car garage, zoned heating with<br />
central air concbtioning, new oak kitchen and<br />
extensive first floor renovations to this at<br />
14« GraytolL<br />
DERner<br />
fOR DOOn&SlONAL...<br />
CLA~IC fORM ...<br />
ouples who want eue of living without<br />
C compromising quality oflifestyle. Li~ four<br />
bedrooms, two-and-one.half baths and additional<br />
guest rooms and bath on the third floor.<br />
R<br />
ich textures and detailed beauty set the tone<br />
for this secluded five-bedroom, three-bath<br />
Grosee <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms home with newer lutchen,<br />
claaic library, and pnvate gardens.<br />
ffen lots of home for your houling dollar.<br />
OLocated in the Farms, the home has four<br />
bedrooms, two baths and SItting room. The bnght<br />
and airy dining room is an added touch.<br />
T<br />
hi. two-famIly home in the City hu • bomJII<br />
for you - a third floor WIth two-bedrooms, •<br />
full beth and Iota of storage. Each unIt hal three<br />
bedrooms.,cbrung and breakfast rooms.<br />
886-6010<br />
114 Kercheval<br />
- - -- - ~~ -..- ..- - - - .. -<br />
-----------_ .._---~<br />
&MlCltoeTEC ellk.<br />
804 S HAMIL TON<br />
PHONE 1517l 792 09304<br />
1 18(0) 968 30456
4C<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
...<br />
To advertise on this page call<br />
Classified Advertising at 882-6900<br />
Retail Advertising call 882-3500<br />
Fax 882-1585<br />
Select your preFerred location, price or style<br />
of home. The listings will show the address,<br />
bedroom/bath, description of home, price<br />
and telephone number. REALTORS and<br />
OPEN SUNDAYS will be indicated in bold.<br />
WelcolDe to the<br />
Real Estate Resource!<br />
In an effort to make your search for that next house easier, the <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong> is initiating a new page where you can find in a few minutes what the<br />
market is offering today, in the five <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>s, St. Clair Shores, Harper<br />
Woods,Detroit and other municipalities, This source will pinpoint what the up-todate<br />
price of a property is, what are it~ features and when it will be available for<br />
VIewing.<br />
Zone 1 - <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Shores<br />
Zone 2 . <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods<br />
Zone 3 - <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms<br />
Zone 4 - <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> City<br />
Zone 5 • <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park<br />
Harper Woods, Detroit, St. Clair Shores,<br />
All Other Areas<br />
ZONE<br />
4<br />
ZONE<br />
5<br />
882-6900<br />
Don't Miss Your<br />
Opportunity<br />
Call today to place your ad.<br />
Here's the opportUnity you've been waltmg for It's your chance to advertise In the one resource<br />
that area buyers WIlt be consulting when they're ready to take action. Along with your<br />
advertisement, readers Will find informative articles on bUYlngand seiling real estate. Be a part of<br />
the Real EstateResourcepoge being featured weekly In the <strong>Grosse</strong>POinte<strong>News</strong><br />
Address Bedroom/Bath Description<br />
Price<br />
35 Shoreham Rd. 3<br />
Ranch With family rm , central OIr, large lot $265,000<br />
30 N. Duval 4/2.5<br />
911 BaHcmtyne 4/2 S<br />
90 Cres'-d Dr. 4/2 5<br />
51 Regal PI. 4/25<br />
~~ ~~~. C~r@fl ..~o. ~~tShore .. ~,,~"<br />
. 'C'otdilfol 'In'Oi\.~featU'l'8s -cA.erica h~ . J,,.,. • •<br />
Tnllil Real EState. $297.5GO 222-6219<br />
,<br />
Address<br />
W7Hampton<br />
ledroom/Bath<br />
3/] 5<br />
Description<br />
Open Sunday. Cope Cod, 2,100 sq Ft<br />
915 Roslyn<br />
1131 Newtastle<br />
1109 Rollyn Rd.<br />
692 Hawthorne<br />
2136 Allard /lINe.<br />
624 Hampton<br />
616 llairmoor 4<br />
4/15<br />
3/1 5<br />
3/1 5<br />
3/4&15<br />
3/1<br />
5/2.5<br />
1577 Lochmoor Blvd. 4/2<br />
725 Hollywood 2/1<br />
1254 Hawthorne 4/2<br />
Open Sunclay 1-5. Colonial by owner See doss 800 $325,000 88-UlO56<br />
Perfect tocohonl 3,500 sq Ft. By owner $469,000 882-6867<br />
Open Sunday<br />
2.5. Coldwell Banker Schweitzer<br />
Open Sunday 1-4. Ranch. Reel Carpel Keim<br />
Open Sun. 1-4. CoIonlcl, new kd , ram rm By owner<br />
Near lake/schools..2,200 sq ft ColOnial<br />
Open Sunday 2-5. By owner. See Closs 800<br />
2 l/2 story.CoIonlal, fam rm, den<br />
IAdl 101additional $89,000)<br />
Colonial, many eldrasl By owner See doss 800.<br />
9Pen Sunday 1-5. Cope Cod Completely updated<br />
By owner.<br />
9Pen Sun. 1-4. PrICe reducedl Ask for Len Gallo,<br />
Remax Easl, Ext. 427.<br />
9P.e:n Sun., lob Kitchen,<br />
COldwell Banker Schweitzer.<br />
Price<br />
$115,000<br />
call<br />
$119,900<br />
$114,500<br />
$194,900<br />
$112,000<br />
$199,000<br />
$249,000<br />
$265,000<br />
$129,900<br />
$239,000<br />
"'-<br />
882-2968<br />
886-5800<br />
751...5500<br />
885-7509<br />
881-4343<br />
882-9832<br />
343.Q648<br />
885-8589<br />
88Ml475<br />
792-8000<br />
885-2000<br />
Address<br />
1341 Bishop<br />
Bed~/Bath<br />
3/1.5<br />
Description<br />
Open Sunday 2.5. 'Best value In Parkl' By owner<br />
1023 Somerset<br />
~I' ~ .....<br />
"to. •<br />
771 Bedford<br />
1393 Grayton<br />
1023 Nottingham<br />
1444 Grayton<br />
3/t-~ ¥.-..~!)C~ rec room...~ owner. r • .,....'~ ••<br />
3/1. ~ • ~a •• 'Mtlit •• V:. ":;" .. :<br />
6/3 5 Open Sunday 2.5. Enghsh Tuclor.<br />
4/1.5 Colonial, corner 101 By owner See Closs 800.<br />
4/2 5 ~ Sundc:y 2-4. Stone Englrsh Mln~nor House<br />
RoG. Eclgar<br />
3/15<br />
Addww. Bedroom/loth<br />
151 Windwood <strong>Pointe</strong> 2/2<br />
22061 5horepointe 2/1 5<br />
22440 Maple 2/1<br />
HARPER<br />
WOODS<br />
Address ledroom/lalh<br />
19694 Lochmoor 3/1<br />
20100 Old 1Mile 3/1<br />
~ Sunday 2-4. Zoned heating,<br />
central air condihomng LB. Edgci-<br />
Pric.<br />
$134,000<br />
$111,900<br />
Price<br />
CoB<br />
$325,000<br />
$135,000<br />
$169,900<br />
Call<br />
Call<br />
$14,500<br />
$49,000<br />
Phone<br />
885-5457<br />
885-2986<br />
822.:'2688<br />
824-6464<br />
885-7126<br />
886-6010<br />
$121))DO 886-6010<br />
--------------------<br />
Description Price Phone<br />
~ ~ 2-4. Cancio<br />
COldwell Banker Schweitzer<br />
QP.e!I Su~ 2-4. Town house<br />
COldwell lanker Schweitzer<br />
QHn Su~ 2.5. Coldwell lanker Schweitzer,<br />
lOb Kitchen<br />
Description<br />
Bright airy Colonial with <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Schools<br />
loG. Edgar<br />
Open Dal1y. Bungalow FHA/VA '0_ Brokers<br />
~<br />
$159,000<br />
885-2000<br />
885-2000<br />
885-2000<br />
886-6010<br />
264-1100<br />
Address Ied~/Iath Description Prb<br />
"'-<br />
2I1Beaupre 4/2 Open Sunday 1-4. Come see thiS lovely home I $191,000 ~5958<br />
332 McKinley 4/15 Open Sunday 2-4. Coldwell lanker Schweilur. call 885-2000<br />
425 Colonial CI. 3/2 Open Sunday 1-4. Ranch-See doss 800 $169,000 771-3448<br />
417 Moran 3/15 ~ Su~ 1.5. Brick home by owner<br />
see Closs 800<br />
Address W. oo,n/Iath Description<br />
17525 Maumee 5/35<br />
Open Sun. 2-4. Coldwell lanker Schweita ..<br />
3/1<br />
2/1<br />
3/2<br />
3/2<br />
8/3<br />
3/1<br />
6/3<br />
Open Sun. 2-4. eoww.n lanker Schweitler<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POInte Manor condo<br />
Comerica lank Trull Real Estate<br />
2 family Rot Great condotlon R.G. Edgar<br />
Open SuncIcry 2.5. Greol value R.G. Edgar<br />
GrOCIOUS twfomlly R.G. Edgar<br />
Three bedroom.Jorge ~,tchen pM family room<br />
loG. Edgar<br />
GraciOUSEnglIsh'lor brochure R.G. Edgar<br />
$135,900 $263-1299<br />
462 Mor.I 3/15 Open Sunday 1-4. Diana, Century 21 Mr. K. $115,000 772-7400<br />
Merriwea"_ 6/3&15 Center entrance Colonial CoJl 101'brochure-I.G. Edgar Call 886«>10<br />
45 Winclemere 3/2 ~ Su~. French ColonIC I site conclo<br />
con lor brochure- R.G. Edgar $635,000 886«>10<br />
272LaSa" 5/3 secluSIon, step clown IIVrm, paneled I,brary<br />
loG. Edgar $399,000 886-6010<br />
429 Manor 4/2 One of the Forms best buysl Loisof room & storage<br />
RoG. Edgar $139,900 886«>10<br />
3051tM1rd<br />
612 Cadieulll<br />
143 St. ClaW<br />
773 St. Clair<br />
373 Neff<br />
857 Uni¥eniIy<br />
267 ..... "eIt<br />
Pric.<br />
CoI<br />
Call<br />
Phone<br />
885-2000<br />
885-2000<br />
$124,500 222-6219<br />
$147,900 886-6010<br />
$124,900 886-6010<br />
$229,900 886-6010<br />
$134,000 886-6010<br />
$224,500 886-6010<br />
Addnss<br />
I.droom/Iath<br />
4110 lIaillard 3/1<br />
3910 Buckingham 3/1<br />
20207 Norwood 3/1<br />
5742 Yortuhire 4/2<br />
DescripIion<br />
2 story~IucIor CoIctweIIlanker Schweitzer,<br />
lob lC"Jtc:hen<br />
New rurnoce 5/11/91,<br />
Cozy bungalow I.G. Edgar<br />
Very Iorge twfomlly<br />
DescripIion<br />
16760 Mayfield 3<br />
23236 Johnston 3/1 5<br />
Hanging wallpaper in a room will make you feel<br />
hke you have a whole new room. It takes a speoal<br />
knack to wallpaper, and the more you do It,<br />
the better you get. That's why profesSIonals get<br />
the best results. But if you're trying to save a little<br />
money, you can save by dOIng the Job yourself.<br />
Below we've given you some tIP; to help you<br />
get professIOnal results:<br />
• If you're papenng over pamted walls, sand<br />
them down and oover the walls WIth an OIl-based<br />
pnmer-sealer. You mIght want to use a compound<br />
called SIZIng which IS a pnmer that seals<br />
the surface and also makes It more receptIve to<br />
the new paste and wall covenng<br />
• It IS best to remove old wallpaper when POSSIble.<br />
Most professIOnals and dO-It-yourselfers use<br />
a steamer, which loosens old paste Thai-rental<br />
stores usually stock steamers.<br />
• 1b remove VInyl wallpapers you WIll need to<br />
close to Mock, loG. Edgar<br />
R.G. Edgar<br />
RDSeV1lle-8ungolow, 1 1/2 Cor garage, basemen!<br />
ED, split level ronch Century 21 McK-.uie<br />
Redecorating With Wallpaper?<br />
Pric.<br />
$49,900<br />
$37,900<br />
$21,900<br />
$47,500<br />
Pric.<br />
CaI<br />
$105,900<br />
885-2000<br />
886-6010<br />
886-6010<br />
8U6010<br />
Phone<br />
822-2688<br />
779-7500<br />
spray a chemical compound that loosens the<br />
paste You'll need to puncture the paper carefully<br />
80 the chemical can get to the old paste.<br />
• If yo1.ocan't get the old paper down and are<br />
papenng over the eXIsting paper, make sure the<br />
eXIsting paper is In good shape. You don't want<br />
any tears, bubbles or lumpy seams. Coat the surface<br />
With an OIl-based pnmer-sealer to create a<br />
better surface for the new wallpaper and to keep<br />
the fresh paste from reactivating the old paste.<br />
• Getting paper straight IS the most Important<br />
skIll In wallpapenng. If your wallpaper rolls are<br />
26 Inches Wide, mark a POint 25 Inches from the<br />
comer where you want to start Use a level and<br />
draw a straight vertical hne through the 25-inch<br />
mark. Set one edge of the paper along that lme<br />
Let the extra Inch overlap In the corner. TIlls<br />
WIll make your JOb easier when you return to<br />
tha t comer at the end of the JOb<br />
- - ~ - -- - - -.-.....- --_.<br />
~ --------------~-~----.
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Classified Advertisin<br />
5C<br />
882-6900<br />
• Monday 4 p m - ALL BORDER<br />
and MEASURED (special type,<br />
bold caps, elc) must be In our<br />
office by Monday 4 p m<br />
• Monday 4 pm - ALL CANCELS<br />
or CHANGES must be In our office<br />
by Monday 4 p m<br />
• t2 Noon Tuesday - Regular hner<br />
ads No borders, measured, can<br />
cels or changes on Tuesday<br />
CASH RATES 12 words $500,<br />
each additional word 45e $ t 00<br />
fee for billing<br />
OPEN RATES Measured ads,<br />
$10 04 per Inch Border ads,<br />
$11 12 per Inch Addilional charg.<br />
es for photos, an work, etc<br />
We reserve the right to claSSify<br />
each ad under Its appropriate<br />
heading The publisher reserves<br />
the right to edit or reject copy submilled<br />
for publication<br />
ResponSibility for display and clas.<br />
slfled advertiSing error IS limited to<br />
either a cancellation 01 Ihe charge<br />
or a ot the portion In error<br />
NotifICation must be given In lime<br />
for correction In the folloWing Issue<br />
We assume no responSibility for<br />
the same after the first Ir.serllon<br />
100 Personals<br />
101 Prayers<br />
102 lost and Found<br />
105 Answering ServICes<br />
106 Camps<br />
107 Catering<br />
108 Drive Your Car<br />
109 Entertainment<br />
110 Heahh and NutritIOn<br />
111 Hobby InstrucllOn<br />
112 MusIC Education<br />
113 Party Planners/Helpers<br />
114 Schools<br />
115 TransportatlOnfTravel<br />
116 TutonngiEducatlOn<br />
117 Secretarial ServICes<br />
Fax. 882-1585 INDEX 96Kercheval, <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms, MI 48236<br />
200 General<br />
201 Help Wanted Babysitter<br />
202 Help Wanted. Clerical<br />
203 Help Wanted •<br />
Dental/MedICal<br />
204 Help Wanted. Domestic<br />
205 Help Wanted. Legal<br />
206 Help Wanted. Part.Tlme<br />
207 Help Wanted. Sales<br />
208 Employment Agency<br />
WANTED<br />
300 Babysltters<br />
301 Clerical<br />
302 Convalescent Care<br />
303 Day Care<br />
304 General<br />
305 House Cleaning<br />
306 House Sitting<br />
307 Nurses Aides<br />
308 OffICe C,eaning<br />
309 Sales<br />
400 Antiques<br />
401 Appliances<br />
402 AucllOns<br />
403 BICycles<br />
404 Garage/Yard/Basement<br />
Sales<br />
405 Estate Sales<br />
406 F'rewood<br />
407 Flea Market<br />
408 Household Sales<br />
409 Mlscclal/<br />
corporatel pnvate<br />
gatherings/ weddlngsl<br />
brunches Make It a success<br />
QassICaIl Popular<br />
~15<br />
PIANO InstructIon Preschool<br />
through UnJVerSIty<br />
level Popularl CIassIcaJ<br />
made easy Your home<br />
885-6215<br />
With teaching degree<br />
available lor lessons In<br />
your I'ome PI8J'lO or vcr<br />
cal 82 '-7182<br />
PlANO teacher WIth degree<br />
has opening for begin-<br />
"Ing or advanced students.<br />
Experienced '"<br />
classical, pop, ragtime,<br />
and J8ZZ 343-9314.<br />
I ; i MUSIC EOUCA not-!<br />
SUZUKI VIolin lessons, all<br />
ages Cerllfled Lisa<br />
Salgh, 886-1743<br />
PIANO InstrucllOns- many<br />
years experience, certified<br />
All levels. 839-3057<br />
THE<br />
116 TUTOllING, mUCATION<br />
GRADES 1 THRU 12<br />
131 Kercheval on the HIli<br />
343-0836 343-0836<br />
TUTOR for MathematICS,<br />
Geometry, PhySICS,<br />
Chemistry Evenings and<br />
WEDDfNGS, BIRTHDAYS weekends. $8. per hour<br />
ANY EVENT.<br />
824-7262<br />
CreatIVe I<br />
Reasonable'<br />
Insured!<br />
336-4428 EXPERIENCED typing ser-<br />
VIces. mailings, rElSlJmes,<br />
POINTE Party Helpers- any proof rea din g , e t c<br />
occasIOn set- up, serv- Reasonable rates 886-<br />
lng, clean- up, bartend- 2454<br />
109, valet. Excellent refer. ;:::::::::::::::==:;<br />
ences 881-8244, 885- BUSINESS AND<br />
_6629_______ TECHNICAL SERVICES<br />
CEfi IFED T.... wi tutor<br />
in )'OW home. K-5.<br />
MaiIh, reeding, $25i hour.<br />
8860068 weekdays after<br />
6:30 p.m.<br />
Classified Advertismg<br />
882-6900<br />
TUTORING Available all<br />
subjects K thru 8 CertIfied<br />
Elementary Teacher<br />
526-9857<br />
THE<br />
will be closed<br />
Monday, May 27,<br />
in observance of<br />
Memorial Day.<br />
Classified Advertising deadlines<br />
will be<br />
Friday, May 24 at 4:00 p.m.<br />
for all measured and<br />
border ads .<br />
The deadline for regular liner<br />
ads wIll remain at<br />
Noon, Thesday, May 28.<br />
UiuTPrillm<br />
Busmess. Technical<br />
Academic<br />
Medical. Dental • legal<br />
Letters • Reports. Memos<br />
Spreadsheet5 • InvOlClIlg<br />
Cilssette Trall5Cnpbon<br />
Standard. Micro. Mml<br />
PersonalJ.zed<br />
Repeti IIve Leiters<br />
Envel~ • l.abels<br />
.. ,aumg ltst MaUltenance<br />
The!.es • DJssertahons<br />
Term Papers. Manusmpts<br />
Foretgn Language Work<br />
Equabons • GraphiCS<br />
Stahshcs • Tables' Charts<br />
Resumes. VIQe<br />
Cover Letters<br />
822.4800<br />
M£MB£R<br />
• Professional ASSOCIa bon<br />
of Rl!suJ'M Wnters<br />
• Nahonal Assooabon of<br />
Sccretanal ServlOI!S<br />
• Engmeenng SoCIety<br />
of DetroIt<br />
117 StCRn ARIAL SEIIVlCfS<br />
LETTER<br />
FAX<br />
Word Processing<br />
Resume Preparation<br />
General.Personal TYPing<br />
Medical, Legal, BUSiness<br />
Cassette TranSCription<br />
Harper-Vernier<br />
n4-5444<br />
RESUMES wntten, edited,<br />
:..pdated AcademiC, busl'<br />
ness, personal typing<br />
Laser printing n!Xi636<br />
RESUMES, term papers,<br />
theses A profeSSional<br />
wnter armed with a Ma.<br />
clntosh Laserpnnter will<br />
create and pnnt your own<br />
unique rElSlJme School<br />
work proofread and<br />
pnnted 884-9401<br />
::: ~E.c ,', ~NTED ~,ENERM<br />
H.Ut dnIaer with cIlenteIe.<br />
Trent- David Hair Designs.<br />
881-5656.<br />
WAITER or Waitress<br />
wanted. Expel iellCed preferred.<br />
but will train Call<br />
for appointment. 259-<br />
8325.<br />
BAA'TENDEASI Waitresses<br />
needed days! lMnIngs<br />
C8I ~ 6 p.m. to apply-<br />
259-3675.<br />
W<staff, experienced<br />
with references. Near<br />
Ran Ceo 259-3217 between<br />
9- 3.<br />
WAITER wanted Some<br />
8lCpel iellC8d needed in<br />
ItaIiIIn cuisine Call 884-<br />
0253<br />
GAADENERI Odd i'Jb$, I~<br />
l:*l88d driYer. 15 yeers<br />
8xpeiience required. MInrmum<br />
one day per weet
6C<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong><br />
May 16, 1991<br />
POinte <strong>News</strong><br />
Several new outlets being<br />
ope(1 In Macomb & Oak<br />
land County area Permanenl<br />
full & part lime po-<br />
Sltlo'IS available $1 380<br />
per month with rapid ad.<br />
vancement opportunity<br />
Some management train<br />
m9 poSitions Must be<br />
high school grad & avail.<br />
able to start Immediately<br />
Warren 574.0901. Mt<br />
Clemens 949-6301<br />
PPHTHALMIC Tech- part<br />
time poSItion for office In<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Woods<br />
Exper enced only Please<br />
- call Mrs Wright at 350.<br />
1130<br />
COUNTER person for dry<br />
cleaners must be responsible<br />
& expenenced<br />
only part & full time<br />
8825151 Ken<br />
MANAGERS and dnvers<br />
needed. full and part time<br />
poSitions available Hun-<br />
_ gry Howles Pizza. 886-<br />
0900<br />
$7 TO $9 Per Hour<br />
-40 hrs per week perfect<br />
summer time Job for seNers<br />
and general set up<br />
Roostertall Catering Club<br />
822-3250<br />
ACCEPTING applicallons<br />
for oart time year<br />
around salesl stock posi.<br />
tlon In retail electroniCS<br />
store Experience preferred<br />
Apply at AMJ<br />
Electronics. 20746 Mack<br />
Ave<br />
'Due to 1991 expansion we<br />
have full and part time<br />
positions available $725<br />
to start- full training IS<br />
provided A ASP Scholarships<br />
and Internships<br />
available<br />
825-6485<br />
COOK and Bus help<br />
needed Cadieux cafe.<br />
, 4300 cadieux 882-8560<br />
DRY Cleaning counter per-<br />
'- son Experienced preferred.<br />
not reqUIred 891-<br />
\ 8787<br />
OFFICE Manager- execu-<br />
; tlve secretary for nonprofit<br />
organization located<br />
In St Clair Shores Minimum<br />
3 years full time or<br />
equivalent related work<br />
experience Type 55- 60<br />
wpm Possess strong ver-<br />
_ bal and written Skills. pre-<br />
VIOUS supeNlsory expenence<br />
as well as office<br />
administration skills are<br />
, reqUired Excellent bene-<br />
,fitS available Salary<br />
• $14,900 Resumes to.<br />
Personnel. P a Box 567.<br />
, St Clair Shores 48080<br />
WANT<br />
ADS<br />
Call In<br />
. Early<br />
r WEDNESDAY, 8-5<br />
THURSDAY, 8-5<br />
(' FRIDAY, 8-5<br />
MONDAY, 8-6<br />
882-6900<br />
MECHANICALI Illustrator<br />
_ keyllner. part-time linework<br />
Self-starter Hourly<br />
wage commensurate With<br />
expenence Submit resume<br />
WIth references to<br />
\ Box D-400, <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
Pomte <strong>News</strong>, 96 Ker-<br />
_ cheval Ave <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
POinte. MI 48236<br />
EXPERIENCED Waitresses<br />
and barmaid for Downtown<br />
DetrOIt Restaurant<br />
- 963-9191 after 2 pm<br />
eAREGIVER for elderly<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte woman 24<br />
or 48 hour weekend shift<br />
I 885-3249<br />
COOKS, expenenced line<br />
_ cooks, full and part time<br />
'flexible hours benefits<br />
and good starting wage<br />
, Apply at the anginal Pancake<br />
House 20273<br />
- Mack between 2 and 4<br />
, pm<br />
EXPERIENCED cook Apply<br />
Your Place Lounge<br />
17326 E Warren<br />
882-6900<br />
ADS<br />
YARD Helper Rehable<br />
High School or College<br />
: Student to do summer<br />
yard work from 9 to 12<br />
Monday thru Fnday Call<br />
Matlle at 884-1017 dUring<br />
'he day<br />
CASHIER- and stock person<br />
Wlth retail storp ex<br />
De'lence Flexl~ 11ft<br />
Ca'i Sdm 922.1980<br />
J)HONE girls $4 25 Pizza<br />
makers S4 75 Delivery<br />
boys Ex-Domlno's employees<br />
welcome little<br />
Italy Plzzena 52&0300<br />
Groae Po4nte<br />
Wer Memorial AaocI8Uon<br />
Director 01 P1'ognImmlng<br />
The <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte War<br />
Memooal Inwes appIlC8-<br />
tlOf"lS for the posrtlOn of<br />
Director of ProgrammlllQ<br />
ThIS department head reports<br />
to the PresIdent and<br />
IS respot1Slble for planning,<br />
organIZIng, coord ..<br />
nabng, Implementing and<br />
overseetng all program<br />
development and events<br />
of the War Memonal<br />
The War Memonal seeks an<br />
ImaginatIVe and dynamIC<br />
IndIVidual who has SIgnificant<br />
expenence In planning<br />
and Implemenbng<br />
communrty programs<br />
Communication skills, creatMty,<br />
f1exlbtlrty, admlnlStratrve<br />
expenence, and<br />
the abtllty to relate to var-<br />
IOUS Internal and external<br />
publICS are deslred ski lis<br />
Candidates must possess<br />
a expenence In working<br />
WIth communrty groups<br />
Send letter and resume to.<br />
Ten L. Hem<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />
War Memonal<br />
32 Lake Shore Or<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte, M, 48236<br />
A detailed posrtJon descnplIOn<br />
may be obtained at<br />
the War Memonal's<br />
Desk<br />
INSIDE<br />
SALES<br />
REPS<br />
Established 20 year old<br />
(Easl Area) auto<br />
afterm arket wholesaler<br />
$eeklng personable<br />
phone closers to staff<br />
our order desk<br />
afternoons tll 9 30 P m<br />
Great In demand"<br />
products Salary<br />
negotiable/bonus and<br />
incentives Management<br />
oPoorlunlty available<br />
Leave Message<br />
Mr. Bryant<br />
886-1763<br />
Front<br />
HAIR Stylist New shop<br />
open StudiO Styling.<br />
2M17 Nine Mack Dnve,<br />
St Clair Shores Designed<br />
to meet the stylist<br />
needs, booth rental only<br />
Call Debbie at 772-7110<br />
or 791-9205<br />
MANAGER! operator<br />
wanted for yogurt deli<br />
shop Expenenced preferred<br />
but Will train call<br />
between 9- 5 779-5900<br />
ask for Jeff<br />
OFFICE Cleaning person<br />
needed for early morning<br />
Harper Woods area Call<br />
884-1600 for InteNlew<br />
TIRED of working for someone<br />
else? Try something<br />
new Opportunlly of a life<br />
time With a little work<br />
you cou Id make a good<br />
Income for life call now<br />
for free Information 884-<br />
5610 leave name, address<br />
& phone number<br />
EDUCATIONAL Sales Consultant<br />
Full or part- time<br />
poSitions Benefits Call<br />
S Buechner 313-853-<br />
7675<br />
Good dnvmg record Will<br />
tram Excellent money<br />
making potential Apply In<br />
person<br />
15501 Mack Ave<br />
WOMAN to work weekends<br />
In a foster care home,<br />
sleep saturday & Sunday<br />
nights 921-5778.<br />
THE CIty of <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />
Woods, MI IS seeking a<br />
part- hme Building and<br />
Zoning 0fficiaJ who will<br />
be WOf'1(rng a ftex- hme<br />
schedule of 4 hours per<br />
day, Monday thnu Fnday<br />
Wage rate IS $20 per<br />
hour Or WlH COOSIder a<br />
contractual basis Must<br />
be regIStered WIth the<br />
state of Mangan as a<br />
Bulldu'lQ Inspector and<br />
Plan Revlewer, or be able<br />
to qualify for a prov1SIOI'laJ<br />
certrficate Wlthm 90 days<br />
of employment or c0ntract<br />
Excellent posIbOn<br />
for a sem .. retired person,<br />
a college student or entry-<br />
level Budding Inspector<br />
posIllon Please send<br />
resume to' Chester E<br />
Peterson, CIty AdrTllnlStrator,<br />
MunICipal BUilding<br />
20025 Mack Plaza<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POlllte Woods,<br />
MI 48236<br />
COOKS , pert & full ltme<br />
Apply In person Insh<br />
Coffee Bar & GnII 18666<br />
Mac!< Ave. <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />
Farms<br />
PHONE girts wanted full or<br />
part time positions available<br />
Apply In person af.<br />
ter 4 pm. 15134 Mack<br />
Personnel otrector<br />
Maple PMt OffIce Plaza<br />
200 Maple PMt Blvd.<br />
St. a.Ir Shores, MI.<br />
48081.<br />
SHOPPE<br />
Bakery assistant wanted to<br />
Immedtate pert- time open- help bakers With mixing &<br />
Ings for two people 10 as- cake prep WOrking 8 00<br />
SlSI with phone calls to to 2 00 Monday. Fnday<br />
purchasing office pros- Apply in person, mornpeets.<br />
Must have excel- Ings, 19813 Mack<br />
lent communicatIOn skills THIS End Up IS looking for<br />
and telephone demeanor. mature and experienced<br />
Must be familiar with indiViduals who can help<br />
computers, word process. customers turn their<br />
Ing and have excellent houses Into homes If In.<br />
lyplng skills Up to one terested please call Kns<br />
year pnor office expen- at 372-4947<br />
ence desirable Will work ----------<br />
8j)proXIr\'lately 20 hours GROSSE Pomte home<br />
per Vt"EI8k Hours are ftex.. needs summer time stuble.<br />
Non- smokJng arM- dent for general labor<br />
ronment Lawn weedlng(no cutling),<br />
washing Windows,<br />
QuaJrtled applICants are lOwed<br />
to submit resume<br />
and salary hIStory In contidenceto<br />
Equal Opportunfly<br />
Employer<br />
MlFIHN.<br />
PAINTERS wanted, must<br />
prove expenence, must<br />
supply own tools 884-<br />
9070.<br />
EDUCATED & mature adult<br />
for part lime retail sales<br />
of fine merchandISe. Reply<br />
7 to 9 am. or 4 to 10<br />
pm. 886-8387<br />
Glemby Salon at Hudsons<br />
Eastland IS looking for<br />
•Newly licensed StylISts<br />
Will help 'New talent'<br />
build a clientele Excellent<br />
career opportunities, guaranteed<br />
salary, training,<br />
benefits, paid vacatIOns<br />
call 245-2477 for and In.<br />
teNlew, ask for Chns<br />
BAKERY- Package orders<br />
for delivery & helpIng In<br />
the bakery Working 8 00-<br />
200 Monday- Fnday Permanent,<br />
not temporary<br />
summer help Apply In<br />
person, mornings 19873<br />
Mack<br />
WEAR Tailor made clothes I<br />
Drive a Mercedes I call<br />
396-1065, 24 hour recorded<br />
message If you<br />
have the courage to call,<br />
It can make you nch<br />
If your goal IS a rewarding<br />
retail sales career, we've<br />
got your ticket JOin us If<br />
you're good and want to<br />
be the best, WOrking for<br />
the best You'll be rewarded<br />
wrth a good base<br />
salary, solid commiSSIOnS<br />
and lots of benefits If you<br />
are motIVated and have a<br />
retail sales background,<br />
retail jewelry sales a plus<br />
Apply In person at the<br />
Zales Jewelers In Eastland<br />
Mall by asking for<br />
the store manager, John<br />
Murphy An Equal Opportunity<br />
Employer<br />
AREA SupeNlsors needed<br />
Work from home to be<br />
trained to hire and super-<br />
Vise sales personnel for<br />
our 1991 Fall home decor,<br />
toys, gifts tine No<br />
IIlVestment, collections,<br />
dellVenes Weekly c0mmiSSIon<br />
checks, $300<br />
demo kit prOV1ded. Train-<br />
Ing May 18th & 19th<br />
884-0461<br />
GENERAL Office- Full time<br />
secretarial! bookkeeping<br />
position available In landscaping<br />
and constructIon<br />
office Compu~r k~<br />
ledge and word process-<br />
Ing a must call Jo between<br />
1- 5 pm 773-<br />
7100<br />
attendant Should love<br />
animals, over 18 years of<br />
age 882-0s05<br />
Call your adS In Early!<br />
882-6900<br />
WAITRESSES and hostesses<br />
Full and parttime<br />
Health benefits,<br />
fleYlble schedule Apply<br />
at Tile Onglnal Pancake<br />
House. 20273 Mack Avenue<br />
Between 2 and 4<br />
pm<br />
Are You Serious<br />
About SelHng<br />
Real Estate?<br />
We re SERIOUS about<br />
YOUR SUCCESSI Extensive<br />
training including<br />
Pre-!lCense Expeneoced<br />
agents ask about our<br />
1()()O/o program In <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
POinte call George Smale<br />
at 886-4200<br />
19 otfic:es<br />
Expect the best<br />
etc $5- $7 per hour 885-<br />
8200<br />
201 HElP WANTfD<br />
IlA~YSlml!<br />
FULL time Sitter, In our<br />
home In The Park for 2<br />
year old call 223-3771<br />
WANTED mature woman to<br />
babYSit 3 children m our<br />
home Two to 3 days per<br />
week, needs to be able<br />
to drive Days 245-1686,<br />
Evenmgs 772-1917<br />
IDEAL for college student.<br />
babYSitting In my home<br />
for three children ages<br />
12. 10. 3, three dayst<br />
week Non.smoker, own<br />
transportation necessary,<br />
references reqUired After<br />
6,886-7360<br />
EXPERIENCED, reliable<br />
Nanny needed to work In<br />
my home begmnnlng In<br />
June Part-time, full-time<br />
In August References a<br />
mustl778-8293<br />
SITTER needed 2 days a<br />
week In my home Must<br />
have own transportatIOn<br />
Pays well 343-0959<br />
NEEDED- someone to care<br />
for our 3 children, ages 5,<br />
7, 12, for the summer<br />
Must be responSible, nonsmoker<br />
and have transportation<br />
to our home<br />
near the Village Please<br />
call after 3'30 882-5554<br />
NANNYI expenenced baby-<br />
Sitter, full time, 8 am - 6<br />
pm, Monday. Fnday<br />
(fleXible) Part- time summer<br />
& holiday hours<br />
aVailable. Non- smoker,<br />
own tl'8nsportat16n' reqUired<br />
982-4209<br />
NANNY needed, our home,<br />
2 children, non- smokat'.<br />
CaJl822.a135.<br />
BABYSITTER wanted for<br />
darling 7 year old girl dur-<br />
Ing the Summer 2. 3<br />
days per week In our<br />
home. 882~10.<br />
IMMEDIATE opening at luxury<br />
nverfront hotel Expenence<br />
preferred but<br />
not necessary. Good telephone<br />
ellquene and sales<br />
abtlity reqUired. Computer<br />
and typing skills a must<br />
Apply In person Tuesday<br />
through Friday, 10 am<br />
to 5 pm NO PHONE<br />
CALLS! Rlverplace Inn,<br />
1000 RlVerpiace, DetrOit,<br />
MI 48207 Foot of Mc-<br />
Dougall, at the nver Ask<br />
for MISS Pappas<br />
WORD Processor for Downtown<br />
Detroit Jaw firm, 3<br />
years expenence Pleasant<br />
working conditIOns for<br />
non- smoker CompetrtlVe<br />
salary and benefits<br />
Please send resume to<br />
Box T-44 <strong>Grosse</strong> POInte<br />
<strong>News</strong> 96 Kercheval,<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Farms, MI<br />
48236<br />
IMMEOfATE opening for full<br />
time secretary! receptIOn-<br />
Ist for small high tee firm<br />
In RoseVIlle Must possess<br />
good telephone<br />
sk"ls. Word Perfeet 5 1<br />
expenence required &<br />
spread sheet skills desirable<br />
Please send resume<br />
to Secretaryl Receptionist,<br />
Box 264.<br />
18530 Mack Ave, <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
POinte Farms MI 48236<br />
CLERK! Typist Rapidly expanding<br />
DetrOit based<br />
firm seeks entry level<br />
Clerk typists candidates<br />
should possess a minimum<br />
typing speed of 40<br />
wpm good phone skills<br />
and general clencal<br />
knowledge Excellent advancement<br />
opportUntlles<br />
ThiS positIOn IS full time<br />
With comptete benefit<br />
package Please send resume<br />
to POBox n9<br />
Detrert. MI 48231<br />
TYPIST . temporary part<br />
time $61 hour (15 hours<br />
per week for 9 weeks)<br />
Send resume to Debbie<br />
Smith Chlldrens Home of<br />
DetrOIt 900 C'X)!( Rd<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Woods<br />
MI 48236<br />
10. HHP .\ MHED CLERICM<br />
:03 HELP V,ANHD<br />
DE"TAl WOICAl<br />
FAMilY dental practice In<br />
Warren seeks expenenced<br />
Hygienist With<br />
scaling and root planing<br />
skills, two days a week,<br />
pleasant enVironment,<br />
prevention onented, excellent<br />
stenlizatlon and<br />
diSinfectIOn a must 751-<br />
3100<br />
X-RAY<br />
GROUP<br />
IlEA.LTB<br />
Has an Immediate part bme<br />
poslbOn for t2 hrs per<br />
week for a registered<br />
RadoIogK: Techlllaatl<br />
The select candidate must<br />
posses a current ARRT<br />
registry With expenence<br />
preferred but not<br />
required ThIS IS an excellent<br />
opportun Ity lor<br />
someone Willing 10 work<br />
part lime We are a grow-<br />
Ing organizatIOn we offer<br />
a compebtlVe starting<br />
salary<br />
203 HElP WANTED<br />
DENT Al MlOlCAl<br />
TYPIST fuI time, office ex- MEDICAL assistant, expenpenence<br />
reqtWed. cad- enced, enjoy working With<br />
lauX 8I8II. 88+3348. Ihe elderly No weekends<br />
SECRETARY or evenings n9-7717<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> CPA firm has EXPERIENCED Dental As.<br />
Immediate secretarial slstant to work Mondays<br />
opening 101' a bright, SIC- In <strong>Grosse</strong> pomte office<br />
curate, qulcI( leammg lIP- _88_1-_548_2 _<br />
pllC8Ilt W!Itl a minimum 3<br />
years secretarial experience,<br />
type 85 wpm., has<br />
Word Perfect 5 0 expenence,<br />
other duties Inelude<br />
filing, client contact, statlstlcal<br />
typing, telephones<br />
and other miscellaneous<br />
dulles as 8SSIQned Call<br />
Jan at 88&8892, 9-3.<br />
ExperienCed people needed<br />
for long and short term<br />
assignments Some are<br />
temp to perm<br />
Legal & Execullve<br />
Secretanes<br />
Word processors<br />
Data- Entry Clerks<br />
Receptionists 45 wpm<br />
Pleasant Working<br />
atmosphere<br />
964-0640.<br />
DEADLINE ...<br />
Is still<br />
for all regular liner ads All<br />
measured, border, photo<br />
or other special ads must<br />
be In by<br />
4:00 p.m. MONDAY<br />
The office Will be open until<br />
4 00 pm on Tuesdays to<br />
conduct other bUSiness,<br />
but the computers are<br />
down and<br />
Don't Forget -<br />
Cali your ads in Early!<br />
882-6900<br />
CLERK<br />
TYPIST<br />
Candidate must be able to<br />
project a profeSSional,<br />
fnendly Image With good<br />
commUnication skills and<br />
work ethiCS Typing 55-<br />
60 1 year office experience<br />
Salary DOE Excellent<br />
benefits All JOb Fees<br />
Paid<br />
Graebner Employment<br />
51. Clair Shores 776-0560<br />
Interested<br />
candidates<br />
please send resume<br />
to:<br />
Human Resourse Oepl<br />
Metro Medical Group<br />
1800 Tuxedo<br />
Detroit, MI 48206<br />
E.OE<br />
$$ HOME $$<br />
Come See us FlRS11<br />
Earn up to S8Jh0Ur1<br />
CALl (313) 772-5310<br />
affiliated with<br />
E.OE<br />
WANTED- denlIal hygl9f1lS1<br />
for restorative and pr&-<br />
venbve family praetJce,<br />
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday<br />
& Friday In <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
POInle area. Call 886-<br />
7336 for interview<br />
For Pediatric Surgery practice-<br />
Computer expenence,<br />
patient balance!<br />
collecllon, full working<br />
knowledge of all phases<br />
of medical bliling<br />
Medical termtnology, computer<br />
expenence, data<br />
entry, surgery or pedlatnc<br />
expenence helpful<br />
Mature indiVIdual, slrong<br />
bUSiness backgroundJ superviSion,<br />
baSIC book.<br />
keeping, accounts payable!<br />
receIVable Medical<br />
and computer experience<br />
helpful<br />
Full benefit package Included<br />
for all Salary commensurate<br />
With expenence<br />
Send resume to<br />
MPSA, POBox 36242,<br />
Detrolt,48236<br />
PHYSICAL Therapist, excellent<br />
opportUnity for a<br />
dynamiC person at a stimulating<br />
outpatient Or.<br />
thopedlc a,nlC Please<br />
send a confidential resume<br />
to PIPP and Gilboa,<br />
Assoc 23161 Greater<br />
Mack, St. aalr Shores,<br />
MI 48080 or call DaVid<br />
Gilboa, 779-8892<br />
204 HElP WANTED<br />
AIDES<br />
Live-In Aides IS looking for a<br />
few canng persons to JOin<br />
Its busy staff We offer<br />
permanent full-time or<br />
weekend IIve-m positions<br />
canng for the elderly In<br />
the Metro-Detroll area<br />
548.4447<br />
Be a nanny Full tlmel parttime<br />
Good salary and<br />
benefits 111The Nanny<br />
Network 650-0670<br />
AGENCY<br />
885-4576<br />
50 years reliable seNlce<br />
Needs expenenced Cooks,<br />
Nannies, Maids, H0usekeepers,<br />
Gardeners, Butlers,<br />
Couples, Nurse's<br />
Aides, Companions and<br />
Day Workers for prIVate<br />
homes<br />
18514 Mack Avenue<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Farms<br />
HOUSEKEEPER needed.<br />
Mature, own transportabon.<br />
E. Detroit area. 2<br />
chMdren ages 5 and 2. 5<br />
days per week, 5120 Ihru<br />
5131. Then Tuesdays and<br />
Thursdays there after.<br />
CaI 881-8937.<br />
203 HEl~ WANTED<br />
--<br />
Registered Nurses<br />
Operati'9 Room<br />
Cottage Hospital of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> has<br />
Immediate openings for experienced<br />
Opefating Room RegisteredNurses for<br />
both days and afternoons. A minimum<br />
of 1 year MedlSurg experience is required;<br />
2-3 years' OR experience<br />
strongly preferred. We offer competitive<br />
wage and benefit package.<br />
For further information please call or<br />
apply: Toni Unlck, RN, BS, Recruitment<br />
SpeclMIst, Cortege Hospft81 of<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, 159 Kercheval Avenue,<br />
Gro .. e <strong>Pointe</strong> Firms, MI<br />
48236, (313)884-8600, ext. 2450. We<br />
are an Equal Opportunrty Employer.<br />
..... ItPfo"'TI ')Ilol{~~",,,,TlolM'f'"<br />
,O~ HllP WANHO<br />
HOUSEKEEPER 2 or 3<br />
days. Oeamng, laundry.<br />
References needed. 881.<br />
8380 leave message.<br />
:0\ HElP ... ANTlO l[GAl<br />
Two expenenced Legal Secretaries<br />
needed for Senior<br />
per1nerS of Piof8S8iOIlal<br />
finns. 1 posIlIon requires<br />
shorthand skJIIs EIoU1 pc><br />
sitJOI'lS oftat' stability and<br />
excellent benefits Saranes<br />
are dependant upon<br />
~.<br />
965-3230 FEE PAID<br />
Or send relUme to:<br />
1380 PENOBSCOT BLDG.<br />
DETROIT, 4822t.<br />
106 HEll' WANTED<br />
BARTENDER, part lime<br />
nights. Shores Inn, 23410<br />
Greater Mack, South of 9<br />
Mile 773-8940<br />
WAITRESS, part time, days<br />
or nights Shores Inn,<br />
23410 Greater Mack,<br />
South of 9 M,le 773-8940<br />
PART TIme sales person<br />
for resale shop. Ideal for<br />
college student. Must be<br />
available for Saturdays.<br />
m-6551,<br />
107 HElP WANTED SAm<br />
SELECT the best opportunity<br />
for success In Aeal<br />
Estates Sales! We offer<br />
extensive training, nation-<br />
WIde referrals, and a vanety<br />
of commiSSIOn plans,<br />
Including 100% In<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte, call Nancy<br />
Velek at 886-5800<br />
Coldwell Banker<br />
Schweitzer Real Estate<br />
19 offices<br />
Expect the best<br />
GOlDEN OpportUnity Put<br />
No. 1 to work for you Established<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />
Realtor has 3 positions<br />
for full time, expenenced<br />
sales agents Wonderful<br />
working conditions Most<br />
competitIve pay plan In<br />
the bUSiness Excellent<br />
Benefrts For pnvate Interview<br />
call Mr Bojalad at<br />
881-7100<br />
EXCITING lnCOITl8 0pportunity<br />
teaching skin care<br />
and make-up application<br />
c1rniCS for reputable, international<br />
cosmetic firm<br />
partI ruM time. Training<br />
available. Opportunity to<br />
earn $200. on up a week.<br />
For interview, contact<br />
Jeannie, m-3831.<br />
CAREER<br />
UPON THE<br />
ROell'<br />
Take IIdvlI1la1e of all<br />
we have to offer:<br />
Unsurpassed real<br />
estAte trainiDa<br />
prolJam5, A top-ootdl<br />
sales stiff to learn<br />
from. Compur«ized<br />
sales suppon ayst.ema.<br />
And • nllDe that's<br />
second-to-none,<br />
Call our office today.<br />
And sr.t )"OlD" career an<br />
solid ground.<br />
ASK FOR.<br />
DOUOANDRus<br />
n-e Pm d ......<br />
GralMParM<br />
AMI EalMlCo<br />
882-«)87<br />
103 HElP WANTED<br />
At Cottage Hospital of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, an atfiate<br />
of the Henry Ford Heatlh System, we<br />
offer ruses a first class facility, a fitst class<br />
atmosphere, and first class COmpensaliorl.<br />
We now have opportunities for ANs wl1h cur.<br />
rent LOAP 1xp8i • ICe to pin the staff of 0Uf<br />
new Family ChikIlir1h Center. This unit features<br />
rine LORP's whICh provide quality and<br />
family focused care to a Iow-nsk populabon.<br />
Our I'U1IeS ~ !lelli)le 12-hour sc:he~~~~~~~<br />
201 HElP WANTED \ALEI<br />
PART time sales position<br />
Experience in reIall Sale<br />
preferred ExcluS1V9 w0man's<br />
store. Call for Inter.<br />
Y18W appointment, 881-<br />
7020<br />
SALES<br />
If you seNlce or sell to a<br />
regular customer base,<br />
call me for excellent additional<br />
Income opportUnity<br />
Patrick 884.7503<br />
BABYSITTING In home<br />
atmosphere Weekdays<br />
only Expenenced Excellent<br />
references 527-2869<br />
AVAILABLE to babYSit full<br />
time In my home Ages<br />
over 2 years please 774-<br />
1565<br />
882-6900<br />
ADS<br />
MATURE, experienced<br />
nanny Excellent references<br />
882-3971<br />
NEED to get away? Will<br />
babySit In your home,<br />
weekend or week Excellent<br />
references PaUline,<br />
771-84C5<br />
LOVING, mature, experienced<br />
lady Wishes to babYSit<br />
full time Excellent<br />
references 886-6152<br />
GROSSE pointe South student<br />
looking for daytime<br />
summer babysitting job.<br />
CPR certified. References.<br />
331~ after 6<br />
p,m.<br />
WONDERFUL mother wiN<br />
babysit your child, great<br />
references, reasonable<br />
rates. 839-0462.<br />
CHARGE seeks position<br />
In <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte area<br />
779-3884 Evenings<br />
TLC elderly, children<br />
HOUrly, overnight rates<br />
available experienced In<br />
the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte area<br />
PreViously Hammond<br />
Agency, 30 years llcensed<br />
and bonded<br />
Sally, 772-0035<br />
EXPERIENCED caregiver<br />
seeks private duty With<br />
elderly 8 to 12 hours per<br />
day, 5 or 6 days per<br />
week Good references<br />
and transportation 393-<br />
0326<br />
With 15 years experience<br />
In companion aide and<br />
nurSing care Will do light<br />
housekeeping and prepare<br />
meats Will stay over<br />
night Also possible live-<br />
In Good references 886-<br />
6102<br />
PRIY A TE Duty AIde Exper_<br />
1et'ICed. Barb. 822-3612.<br />
NURSE'S Aide, 18 years<br />
experience, references.<br />
live in or hourty. Insured<br />
and bonded. 884-7510.<br />
DAY CARE<br />
The Nanny NetwOrk, lne.<br />
Quality professional child<br />
care In your home call<br />
us NOW for information<br />
650-0670<br />
203 HEl~ WANTED<br />
Of NT Al MEDICAL<br />
- .- - - - - ..--- - - --
May 1C, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
DAY CUE<br />
EXPERIENCED, reliable,<br />
loving care in licensed<br />
home Large, well<br />
eqUiPped play areas In.<br />
doors and out Lots of at.<br />
tentlon Meals provided<br />
Jan,526-6759<br />
LOVING experienced day<br />
care In my licensed<br />
home. 886-0427<br />
GENUAl<br />
SPRING into Summer with<br />
flowers Let Planter's<br />
Touch purchase and! or<br />
plant them for you Call<br />
Susan or Nancy 885.<br />
0904<br />
BUTLER, houseman, recently<br />
relocated from<br />
New York City. looking<br />
for full time poSItion Excellent<br />
references. 258.<br />
9645<br />
BOOKKEEPER available<br />
Specialize In Small BusIness<br />
From Checkbook<br />
BalanCing to Financial<br />
Statement Flexible<br />
scheduling Reasonable<br />
Rates References available<br />
526-nlO<br />
COLLEGE Student looking<br />
for summer job. Compan-<br />
Ion aide, house and dog<br />
silting. house cleaning<br />
Sue 884-9193<br />
RETIREES Will do house,<br />
office cleaning, painting,<br />
etc Willing to work Ref.<br />
erences Call small bUSIness,<br />
9a m or 6p m. 824-<br />
0659<br />
EXPERIENCED lady Will do<br />
Ironing In your home Excellent<br />
references 822-<br />
7515<br />
RELIABLE college student<br />
will do housel pet silting,<br />
babYSitting, cleaning,<br />
Ironlngl laundry, yard<br />
work & other jObs. Gall<br />
kate, 886-5891<br />
ODD JOBS Including paint-<br />
Ing, landscaping, cleanup,<br />
etc Hard working<br />
College students Call<br />
Mike, 881-2140<br />
PROFESSIONAL Bartender.<br />
Available for all private<br />
functions. Pers0nable,<br />
dependable,<br />
experienced. Cd Paul,<br />
881~.<br />
EXPERIENCED woman<br />
looking for days or week.<br />
Helping with eIderty per-<br />
8011. 881-s954 any time.<br />
UVE-IN Companion, light<br />
housekeeping, mature,<br />
experieIlC8d,<br />
773-1541.<br />
refererlC8S.<br />
HOUSE Cl!ANING -<br />
308 SIWA TlON WANTEO<br />
OffiCE ClEANING<br />
EXPERIENCED home EURO Maids. European<br />
cleaner, not afraid to style of cleaning Days or<br />
8e<br />
eAlf WNf SAlIS<br />
404 GARAGE YARD<br />
4 0 ~ GARAGE YARD<br />
YAII) sale! 3867 BIShop. EVERYTHING goesl Fuml- GARAGE Sale 679 Nett.<br />
Saturday only. 10 am. ture, drapes. beds. <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte- Saturday<br />
MOVING sa!&- mlCfOWllVe. books, more. Friday, Sat- May 18th. 9 am. thru 4<br />
2 S19f808. leather chaJr. urday, 9 to 3 1114 Bed- pm No early sale"<br />
1oYeseet. 26" color oon- __ ford_. _<br />
MOVINGII Furmture. house-<br />
::nda TV y 5- ~~p.m' ~~1~ OonaJdLots of, aidE hold & yard Items, cloth.<br />
Ing Saturday. 9. 4 4510<br />
768 St. ClaJr Detrort. May 18th & 19th Nett<br />
4518 Lodewyck. between _9-_4 GIRL'S clothes. size new.<br />
Mack and Warren. Fn- COUCH , chalrs, krlctlen born to 4T. other baby<br />
day. May 17, 9 to 5 set, stove, dorm retngera. miscellaneous Saturday<br />
• Lawn mowers, fabnc and lor. baby SWIng, buggy, and Sunday. May 18 and<br />
' craft supphes. electric clothing, household 19, 10 to 4 24817 Ursu-<br />
'stow, microwave, car rtems, handlcap comode. line. St Clair Shores<br />
, stereos. WlYkers. ete Fnday &<br />
FURNITURE ( old Saturday, 1().4. 1030 Au- CHILDRENS Home of De-<br />
,new, , dubon, Pari< trolt, 900 Cook Rd eamwry<br />
old) dressers, end ----_____ pus Corner Open. Saturtabtes,<br />
lamps, two dining RUMMAGE Sale. Trailer, day. 5118/91. Noon to<br />
room IabIes and ChaIrs. welder Furniture, books, 400 pm Miscellaneous<br />
games. books, toys. antiques 16350 Harper, Items<br />
dishes, ctllldrens clothes, Whrltler area, next to I. ---- _<br />
10 speed Sc:t1wInn gII1's Rock NlQhtclub Satur. GARAGE! MOVing Sale- fur.<br />
bike, dirt bike. 811' condi- day. 10 to 5 884-4210 mture. bedroom set, baby<br />
tioner fans spreader en- and adult clothes. toys<br />
'menl' IlII -~- YARD sale. Plano. Thurs- appliances. sports eqUiPtertaJn<br />
u. ,............ day May 16th, 1()' 5. 456<br />
fi6e cabinet and outdoor Alard Ad. ment, electrOniCS, highfumitufe.<br />
Saturday. May chair. playpen. lots more<br />
18, 8 to 5. 1250 8Ishclp, THURSDAY & Friday, 9-2. May 18. 19. 9 to 5 64<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Park 1822 Newcastle Lawn Mapleton Road (by Cot.<br />
8OIE1lING for 8V8I')'Of1e. 1llOW8nl, golf cIU. bs......<br />
,... ,<br />
tage Hospital)<br />
390 Alter Ad., south of tanks. 881.1388. HUGE Garage Sale- Friday,<br />
JefferlIan. Saturday! Sun- HUGE garage salel EWIy- May 17, 9 to 5 1523 S<br />
day, May 18th! 19tt1. 1()' thlOg IS here from frames, RenaUd HighchaIr. car<br />
5 . fu rs. \A -'-A. _rs & antiques. seat, double stroller.<br />
BASEMENT! ......,;""" sale. ~ .... 'rda 1"" Sunda stereo. plano, doll house.<br />
;;>tIIU y. V". y, I<br />
....... HOW 14 eoo N D~A""A'_ Ct awn mower. clothes.<br />
Qtien's & household . ..---, much more<br />
goods. &- 4, Friday & Sat- near Momngside. _<br />
urday, 1033 Maryland, TWO family moving sale. GARAGE! Movmg Sale,<br />
Park. saturday! Sunday. 10-4. May 17, 18, ~ 6, 18011<br />
YARD Sale, 6127 BIuehtI. AntIque furniture, J8W8ky, Mott (8 1/2 & Kelly)<br />
Between Chandler Park app/lances, framed wat8l'- GARAGE sale. Fnday &<br />
OrNe and Harper. May colors, carpeting, eIothlng Saturday, ~3 596 Res-<br />
18th. 19tt1. 10 to 4. Fumi- (adult, teen, kids), TVs, Iyn, <strong>Grosse</strong> POlOte<br />
ture -- kMo.. items stereos, rElCOfds. blcydes. Woods<br />
, -7'" -7 'lawn ipment.316f318 -- _<br />
eIoIhes mi8c , ' Y Ridg:'ont., between SIX Family Block Sale' Sat-<br />
TH AEE F AMIL Kerby and Morose. urday May 18th 9 to<br />
GARAGE SALE -------- 1 30 HIllcrest (between<br />
11131EACONSFELD GARAGE Sale- sliding Chalfonte and Beaupre)<br />
SheIYes for cabmeIs cur Baby, kids clothes, toys,<br />
Salurdey Onty from QA.4P ' - furniture. 2 women's<br />
A lot Of 8'Y8IyIhing ~ tain rods, shutters, knick. bikes fans, air condl-<br />
.... clothes, books, ~nacks. miscellaneous tloner, luggage. houserecords,<br />
lamps, bike, itemS. clothing. Saturday, hold collect bIes<br />
china and decoralive 10 am.- 4 p.m. 760 Items, I<br />
Items and rTlIJCh more. Trombley. <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> MULTI fatlllly garage sale<br />
Complete bedroom en- Park. Fnday. 8'30 am 327 &<br />
.mbIe Of Queen siz8 5 FAa Y Sale. Clothes, ~ McMIllan Large van-<br />
Perry EIis IheeIs. MoD. toys, kitchen Items, _ety_. _<br />
C)'de helmets and 8lCI8n- books, misceIaneous. &- THREE Family Garage<br />
sIve parts from Honda 3, 8aturda.y, Sunday. Sale. SaIurday May 18th.<br />
750 series. 4264 Yortalt'ure. 9 to 5. 19967 Woodland.<br />
GARAGE salel Four fami- HUGE house sale. Quality harper Woods.<br />
IIee- ane huge sale! NaIu- SO's & 60's, fumiture, FOUR family garage 88Ie<br />
raI pine dining table. (82 clothing. 1160 EItord ca., this Friday & Saturday 9-<br />
x 40) pUI two 12 inch between 7 & 8 off Torrey. 3 Ant... fu Itu'<br />
- ......... &wn1OQS, UI_y ,"'. dolls g!_8 cIocIaI<br />
........ , 4 ~ . Th..-.... & Friday "12 . ....U8S. m reo<br />
beby fumituI'e plus a ton 881-1184. --i... cdIIctIiIes and<br />
of ~ iBns --------- ,....... 7. •<br />
SIUday, May 18 ..d GIGANT1C McMng S8le many Uher items. 1359<br />
Soodav, May 19, 9 to 6. You name it, we've got itl _"Three __ Mile_. _<br />
23615 HaJvard Shore. St. Everything goes!. Fumi- GARAGE SaJe. 700 Unc:oIn<br />
Qeir Shores. between ture. 8CC8S8Qfies, jewelry, Road. Foul' families, SaI-<br />
Jefferson and Harper, domestics, quality cIoCh- urday, May 18, 9 to 3. No<br />
NoI1tl of 14 Mile ins, large and smaI appIi- pre sales.<br />
GARAGE salel Saturday. 8J'lC8S'. dishes, ~ng -BR-I-DG-EW-OO-D--15-th--An--<br />
May 18.10 to 3. MisceIIa- mach,"~. typewl'lt~r, nuel garage sale, May<br />
• neous. 5215 Hereford. ~. fishing and sporti~ 17, 18, 10 am. 5 pm<br />
--------- equipment. collector 5 17 Mile between Garlield<br />
YARD Sale- 876 Beecons- ptales, and much more.<br />
fteId, <strong>Grosse</strong> PoInte Park 1027 Briarcliff Drive, cor- _a_nd_H_a_yes _<br />
south of JeIferson. May nsr of River Road, 145 MUIr, saturday' 9-3<br />
18th It 19111,9 to 4. Air <strong>Grosse</strong> POInte Woods. Three family Clothes,<br />
conditioil., bikes, misc. Mack to Brys Drive, Brys books, weight bench &<br />
household items, a little Drive to RIVer Road. mISCellaneous Items<br />
of this and a Iit1te of that. River Road to Bnardiff.<br />
In case of rain, sa6e in Friday, saturday, Sunb.Bmeill<br />
day. 5,117tc 5,119, 10 tc<br />
~05 ISTATE SAlI5<br />
4.<br />
, ~05 ESTATE SALES<br />
Appraisals<br />
CRailtbow £gtate<br />
~05 ESTAH SALES<br />
References<br />
Estate.<br />
Moving Sales<br />
CALL 771-1170<br />
~<br />
gaQeg<br />
E II Complete servICe<br />
xefe ent Glen and Sharon Burkett<br />
Ae erences 885-0826<br />
Antlquec<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Estate Sales, Inc.<br />
Estate - Household - MOVIng<br />
882.1498 885-6604<br />
tf t<br />
886-8982<br />
Trust your sale to us knoWing that we are the<br />
most experrenced moving and estate sale<br />
company In the <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte area<br />
For the past 12 years we have prOVided 'lrst<br />
quality servICe to o 650 satlsltees clients<br />
CALI- THfo U HOlR HOTLJ'E - 885.1410<br />
FOR l P(O\fI'G SALEI'FOR\fATlO'<br />
'-'I<br />
404 GAUGI YARD<br />
TWO family garage salefurniture.<br />
clothes, toys,<br />
IItte tykes. baby furniture<br />
and much more May<br />
18th, 9- 3 May 19th, 9-<br />
Noon 945 Three MIle<br />
Drive<br />
405 ESIATE SALES<br />
SALE<br />
622 RIVARD<br />
SATURDAY 9. 4<br />
Furniture. Trunk.Wreaths-<br />
Brass-Baskets-Wlcker,Sllk<br />
Flowers.AQuarium-Large<br />
hand made craddle-Rugs.<br />
Art works-Books-Magazlnes-Chlldren's<br />
toys &<br />
bookS-GlrI'S & adult cloth.<br />
lng-Spa rts sets. Tons<br />
mOl'el<br />
26209 CUbberness, 10<br />
Mde Lrttle Mack Three<br />
generation sale From<br />
baby to grandmother's<br />
treasures May 16th thru<br />
18th, ~5<br />
RUMMAGE sale. First<br />
MethodIst Church, Friday,<br />
May 17. 9 to 2 and Satur.<br />
day, 9 to 11 24036<br />
Greater Mack near 9<br />
Mde, St Cl8Ir Shores<br />
YARD sale With lots of<br />
treasures 20017 Kings-<br />
Ville May 17th, 18th,<br />
19th 9 to 5<br />
"SPRING Purge" 19959<br />
Lancaster, Harper<br />
Woods Between Harper<br />
and Beaconsfield Krng<br />
size waterbed, motorcycle,<br />
snowblower, anlJque<br />
linens Etched glass Infant<br />
and maternlly Much<br />
more! Don't mISS these<br />
quality bargains May<br />
17th, 18th. 9 to 4<br />
GARAGE SALE- Something<br />
for everyone Cleaned<br />
house & garage Stove.<br />
carpet, doors, quality<br />
toys, btkes, clothes (boys<br />
& adults). surt cases,<br />
much, much more Fnday,<br />
9-3 Saturday. 9-12<br />
747 Lakeland (off Charle-<br />
VOIX)<br />
YARD sale, 607 Middlesex<br />
(comer of Korte). Clothes,<br />
toys, Nlntendo tapes,<br />
small appliances, cur.<br />
talns, books. An like new.<br />
Fnday May 17th, 9- 3.<br />
Saturday May 18th 9- 1.<br />
FOUR Family. men's bike,<br />
clothes May 16. 17. 18.<br />
21710 Englehardt. St<br />
aalr Shores.<br />
QUAUTY adult & children's<br />
clolhll'IQ, many household<br />
Items, toys, books, baby<br />
Items, much more! Thursday,<br />
Friday, Saturday, 9<br />
am. 18994 McCormick<br />
(off Kelly near Moross).<br />
BROADS TONE Block Sale<br />
Between Bramcaster &<br />
Craig Saturday May<br />
18th, 9- 3 Appliances,<br />
furniture, baby rtems,<br />
mlSC8llaneous.<br />
No.1 FRl- SAT. MAY 17 & 18. 10 - 4<br />
4108 OlD DOMINION DR.<br />
W off Orchard Lake between<br />
Walnut Lake & Lone Pine<br />
•<br />
NO.2 SAT-SUN. MAY 18& 19.10-4<br />
16500 N PARK DR. NO. 617<br />
North off N Pal< Or<br />
Between Northwestern 5etvIce Drive & Providence<br />
Dr<br />
across from MICHIGAN INN (South of 9 MBe)<br />
855-0053<br />
MAY 17& 18<br />
10:00 A.M •• 4:00 P.M.<br />
71 LAKESHORE<br />
Between FIsher &I Moran<br />
Please park on west side of Lakecrest, Sunset,<br />
Eclgemere or Elm - No parlung on Lakeshore<br />
ThiS marvelous sale IS filled wrth traditIOnal mahogany<br />
furMure and antiques Includmg empire table and buffet<br />
1850 drop front desk set of Chippendale style dining<br />
chairs. antique leather screens poster bed several<br />
anl1que pme pieces loads of antique accessories from<br />
all era s cranberry old china Iron porch furnrture 4<br />
hitchcock chairs framed artwork Chinese trle tables orr<br />
ental birdcage miniature ladles desk plus lots of floral<br />
arranging needs ladles clothing vpholstered pieces to<br />
recover small collectibles and treasures<br />
There are IntereSling rtemc for every taste and pocket<br />
book Brrng your frrends wear your comfortable shoes<br />
and enJOyone of our most unique and eclectiC ever<br />
CAll 11IE 24 HOUR HOnINE AT<br />
885.1410<br />
101 GARAGI YARD<br />
MOVING Sale 1n8 Bournemouth<br />
Saturday 5/18<br />
9 to 3 DIning room table!<br />
hutch Air conditioner.<br />
like new Misc<br />
MOVING sale- May 18th.<br />
May 19th, 1(). 5 An.<br />
tlques. furniture 22321<br />
Alexander, St Clair<br />
Shores<br />
GOOD stUff, appliances.<br />
furnrture, antiques. tools<br />
Friday May 17th, Saturday<br />
May 18th, 10- 4 533<br />
Robe rt Joh n Road,<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Woods<br />
SUMMER clothes, prom<br />
dresses, stereo, chainsaw,<br />
tables, dishes Sat.<br />
urday 8 30 2329 Stan.<br />
hope. north of Moross,<br />
east of Harper<br />
GARAGE Sale, lots of baby<br />
and kitchen Items,<br />
freezer May 17th, 18th<br />
11925 Roxbury DetrOIt<br />
1264 & 1304 Buckingham<br />
Friday 9-4 & Saturday, 9-<br />
2 Drexel Hentage sec.<br />
tronal, aIr condrtlOners.<br />
besl seller books, console<br />
hUmidifiers, toys, games,<br />
chlldrens clothes, tot bike<br />
seat dishwasher, stereo<br />
system, king size headboard,<br />
10 speed bike,<br />
BMX blke, 2 deer heads,<br />
wood burning heater,<br />
changing table, draftu1Q<br />
table. dresser, 25" coI01<br />
Free Offers<br />
No ObligatIOn<br />
AppraisalS Fumlshed<br />
Entire Estates<br />
also Desired<br />
961-0622<br />
MtChIQan'S largest<br />
Book Store<br />
• Clop and Serve lhls ad •<br />
40B HOUSIHOlD SAllS<br />
FRIDAY - Saturday. 1().4<br />
858 Trombley, Park Furnllure.<br />
chinese screen,<br />
small appliances, glassware.<br />
paintings, curtainS,<br />
drapes & much, much<br />
more<br />
40Q<br />
ARflCl!S<br />
FRANCISCAN Desert Rose<br />
china pattern place setlings,<br />
luncheon plates.<br />
soups. cereaV frUitS. coffee<br />
mugs, serving pieces<br />
All mint conditIOn 886-<br />
9219<br />
SOliD oak custom made<br />
entertainment center. pull<br />
out shelf. glass doors,<br />
hide- a.way tv doors,<br />
$1.400 New $800 1 best<br />
offer n2.2389<br />
KITCHEN Table 45" round,<br />
4 ladder back ch8lrs, 2<br />
leaves $250 343-0316<br />
KITCHEN set, round WIth<br />
leaf Brown swrvel rocker<br />
$60 each 8844529<br />
WROUGHT Iron umbrella<br />
table and 4 chairs $150<br />
After 5, 882-0330<br />
WHITE WICker round table,<br />
4 chairs, ch8Jse $5001 offer<br />
881-5918<br />
AIR CondittOll9rs- three WIndow<br />
unlls' 12.300, 7,600<br />
and 6,000 BTU's $325.<br />
$250, $100. 885-8312.<br />
console tv, B&W tv, WANT<br />
GE upright freezer, black ADS<br />
leather chair & ottoman, Call In<br />
walker, bar stools. 84<br />
Bronco II, 85 Volvo, 87 Early<br />
Volvo & much more. No WEDNESDAY, 8-5<br />
pre sales" THURSDAY, 8-6<br />
FIVE Family Garage Sale FRIDAY t 8-5<br />
22116 Downing 9 1/2 MONDAY, 8-6<br />
Mile Rd Between Harper<br />
and Greater Mack Fnday GROSSE POINTE NEWS<br />
17th, Saturday 18th. 882-6900<br />
Everything must gol Mov. SEARS 500 BTU 8Jr COndI-<br />
Ing. tlOner, $100. Kenmore<br />
BLOCK Sale- Kenosha be- washer, suds retum 884-<br />
tween Beaconsfield and 3371.<br />
---------<br />
Peerless- 8 house partlC- 0 TO 3 year old children's<br />
paling May 18th- 20, 9 clothes, kitchen rtems.<br />
a m to 5 p.m Clothes for 884-3372. 582-4845<br />
all ages, toys. antIQues, NAKAMICHI TO-7oo mobile<br />
crafts, fumlture, house- tunerl cassette deck.<br />
hold Items Number 1 rated- top unrt<br />
405 ESTATE SALES<br />
of It's kind. Great seIec.<br />
tlvrty & sound, 6 months<br />
SALE<br />
old Was $1,000. New,<br />
must sell, reasonable.<br />
1019 HOllYWOOD Leave message for Todd<br />
GROSSE POINTE WOODS 886-1763<br />
May 17th & 18th, 1D-4 -E-LE-CT-AlC--st-ove--with--rn-l-<br />
Estate quality sale Four crowave, $4001 best. Tafarmlles<br />
hquidahng coIlec. ble, 6 chairs, $1501 best<br />
tJons of antIQues, decoratOl'<br />
Items, tradrtJonal fum ..<br />
After 6 885-2544<br />
' _<br />
ture, 1920's liquor DESK. Dark wood, 6ft x<br />
cabtnet, lamps, jElWEllry, 3ft, SWIVel chatr and 2<br />
china. glass, vintage chent chairs Like new.<br />
clothing, pottery, krng bed $250 884-3533.<br />
trame, mirrors Clean, WEIGHT eqUipment, 6 In 1<br />
carefully seIeced Items bench wrth leg attache-<br />
Garage and basement men! and prear.her curl.<br />
Ne PRE SAlES, FIRM. power rack, lat machine.<br />
GOING Out of BUSIness excellent condrtlOn 884-<br />
Sale- Thousands of hard 5471<br />
cover books, 10 cents on -SO-FA-.-N-&/i-,-ott-wh-Ite-J-u-st<br />
the dollar Sunday May moved can't keep 343-<br />
t9th 12 pm to 5 p.m. B655 after 4<br />
Grub Street Bookery -- _<br />
17196 E. Warren DetroIt. ORIENTAL RUG (8 X 11),<br />
882-7143 royal/light blue on white<br />
--------- background Newly<br />
Estatel Garage cleaned $450, best of-<br />
Sale fer 526-4273<br />
May 18th, 19th: 9-5 aECTRIC self. cleaning<br />
5288 GATESHEAD stove, excellent conditIOn,<br />
Between Chandler Pk white, $100 or best offer<br />
& Mack 884-4895<br />
Anlrques. collectibles, PERFECT for family room<br />
wooden duck decoys, set. couch and Ioveseat,<br />
]eWelry. glassware, lumi- rust Herculon, basket<br />
ture. copper pieces & lots<br />
morel Something tor weave pattem, coffee taeveryone<br />
b1e, end table, games ta.<br />
NO EARLY SAlES b1e, four chatrs Not to be<br />
CLASSIFIED ~rated $1,300 884-<br />
DEADLINE . • . GOlF clubs- men's Ping<br />
is still Eye- 2, woods 1, 3, 5<br />
NOON TUESDAY $255 new, three years<br />
for air regular liner ads All old, best otter 886-1739<br />
measured, border, photo JAMES A. MONNIG<br />
or other specI8/ ads must BOOKSELlER<br />
be In by 15133 KERCHEVAL<br />
4:00 p.m. MONDAY 331.2238<br />
The office WIll be open until Selected books<br />
4'00 p.m on Tuesdays to bought and sold<br />
conduct other buslness, Vintage Video Rentals<br />
but the computers are ---------<br />
down and . . AUTOMOBLE, Home or<br />
NO CLASSIFIED ADS Health Insurance at very<br />
CAN BE TAKEN pleasing rates ~<br />
ON TUESDAYSI OUT wrought Iron<br />
Don.t ~ • table. IoYe seat. SWlVeI<br />
• -..... charr. arm charr, $300<br />
C8It your _In e.tyl Umbrella.$50 Redwood<br />
GROSSE POINTE NEWS table, $10 Assorted<br />
882-6900 wrought Iron end tables,<br />
$15 822~n<br />
& .. P.InUng. & AntIques<br />
Don'1 sell yOUt'S unbl you<br />
see us We PIlIY top dollar<br />
for your merch
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
lQq<br />
BtEKER • STEIN<br />
"Specializing In the<br />
Extraordinary"<br />
15414 MACK AVENUE<br />
(at Somerset)<br />
Hours 10 am. 8 p m<br />
Closed Wednesdays &<br />
Sundays<br />
886-7544<br />
Restoration of porcelam,<br />
pottery, paintings &<br />
frames Expert faux mar.<br />
ble finishes- strlpptng &<br />
reflntshlng small pte
10C<br />
603 ,AUTOMOTIVE<br />
1982 Olds stallon wagon<br />
(custom cruiser) Diesel,<br />
full power Good condl'<br />
tIon $1 150 886-5746<br />
1984 PONTIAC Sunblrd,<br />
automatic air tinted Win.<br />
dows, low mileage extras<br />
881 5372<br />
DON'T WAIT<br />
Unltl Tuesday morning to<br />
REPEAT your classIfied<br />
adlll Call our classified<br />
advertiSing department<br />
Wednesdays, Thursdays<br />
Fridays, Mondays<br />
882.6900<br />
1974 PONTIAC Grand Ville<br />
convertible All power<br />
BO 000 Original miles<br />
Red With white lOp looks<br />
and runs excellent<br />
$2 850 778.2773<br />
1980 Ponllac PhoeniX New<br />
tires air good body<br />
needs engine $300 881-<br />
3778<br />
1982 Cadillac SeVille, gray<br />
& black looks good runs<br />
good $4 000 521-4911<br />
1985 Cadillac Eldorado<br />
very good condition<br />
leather and all power options<br />
$5,600 or best of.<br />
fer Call weekdays, after<br />
6 30 P m Saturday and<br />
Sunday after 12 noon<br />
526-1607<br />
CADILLAC Coupe DeVille,<br />
1983, Immaculate, one<br />
owner, new tires, new air<br />
$4,000 824.Q071<br />
WANT<br />
ADS<br />
Call In<br />
Early<br />
WEDNESDAY, 8-5<br />
THURSDA Y, 8-6<br />
FRIDAY, 8-5<br />
MONDAY, 8-6<br />
882-6900<br />
86 Electra Loaded, low<br />
miles, clean $7,000 884-<br />
5163<br />
1981 Olds 98, excellent<br />
condition $2,000 776-<br />
7167 atter 5<br />
1990 CADILLAC Fleetwood,<br />
dark gray, with light gray<br />
interior, fully loaded<br />
25,000 miles 884-4059<br />
1988 Chevy Caprice, 350<br />
VB Pollce engine, 4 door,<br />
aIr slereo new tues<br />
Great shape 56,000<br />
miles $6,000 822-6064<br />
603 AUTOMOTIVE<br />
1984 OLDS Cutlass CruI8et'<br />
wagon, loaded Excellent<br />
condition Rustproofed<br />
$2,500 331-7105 leave<br />
message<br />
CHEVY Cavall8f Z.24 c0nvertible,<br />
1989 Excellent<br />
conditIOn $10,200 negotIable<br />
881-3678<br />
1987 PONTIAC 6000 Aut~<br />
matlC, 4 door, BJr, crUIse,<br />
high miles $3,300 n4-<br />
6640 or 772-7224<br />
1986 SOMERSET, mmt<br />
COndition, 81r, automatIC.<br />
Must sell! Best offer 588-<br />
9025<br />
1988 CUTLASS Clera, low<br />
mileage Excellent conditIOn<br />
$7,300 n1-234a.<br />
1990 Chevy Pnzm, white,<br />
9,000 miles, new car warranty<br />
$7,800 775-3739.<br />
BUICK Regal, 78 60,000<br />
onglnal miles AIr Runs<br />
well $800 or best 527-<br />
5483<br />
BUICK 1982 RIVI9I'a convertible,<br />
maroon, white<br />
top, V~, sharp, anginal<br />
owner $5,900.884-6834.<br />
19n Pontl8C safari Wagon<br />
hlQh miles, some rust<br />
Reliable transportation<br />
$300 884-7926<br />
84 Corvette Absolutely<br />
mint $11,800 very firm<br />
777-6543<br />
1985 BUlcl< Century wagon,<br />
dark blue loaded, 6 cyclinder<br />
$3 500 882-8633<br />
BUICK Grand National,<br />
t987, 24,000 miles,<br />
clean $13,500 881-9620<br />
OUT of garagesl 1978<br />
Black Cadillac SeVille,<br />
gray leather Never In<br />
snow or salt I 1987 LIn'<br />
coin Towncar Signature,<br />
blue With blue leather<br />
54 000 miles $5,495 &<br />
$11 995 or offer 886-<br />
41n<br />
1984 Oldsmobile Toronado,<br />
2 lone, royal blue metallic,<br />
V8, loaded, new tires<br />
98,000 highway miles<br />
Top condition I $4,295 or<br />
best 885-1081<br />
1987 Pontiac 6000 LE 4<br />
door, air, automatic,<br />
68 000 miles By owner<br />
$3,875 16820 Kercheval<br />
1990 Pontiac Sunblrd C0nvertible,<br />
8,000 miles, all<br />
white, new car warranty.<br />
$11,850. n5-3739.<br />
Look for answers in next week's issue.<br />
ACROSS<br />
1. Dormant<br />
tulip<br />
S Surpass<br />
S.Ata<br />
distance<br />
12. Two-toed<br />
sloth<br />
13 Half brother<br />
of Wilham I<br />
14 Common to<br />
hor.;e or lion<br />
15 Transgresses<br />
16. Nest-bUilders<br />
18. Dyes<br />
20. Leam~<br />
teacher<br />
21. Morays<br />
23 Harem room<br />
24 Honeysuckle<br />
28 Theater org.<br />
31 Nameln<br />
baseball<br />
32 Manon,<br />
for one<br />
34. Bar offenng<br />
35 The weft<br />
37 F10wenng<br />
tree<br />
39 China or Ross<br />
41 Bleaching<br />
vat<br />
42 Emphasize<br />
45 Conftnes<br />
49 European<br />
shnke<br />
51 H:lnebeeste<br />
52 Leather<br />
flask<br />
53 EskImo<br />
kmfe<br />
S4<br />
Golfer s<br />
nemesl~<br />
55 Look<br />
askance<br />
12<br />
15<br />
18<br />
49<br />
52<br />
56<br />
King Crossword<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4<br />
56 Neon, for<br />
one<br />
57 Grafled<br />
(Her)<br />
DOWN<br />
I K I-<br />
1oedec:I, 5 speed, sunroof, matlC, 42,000 miles, pa-<br />
38,000 miles. $9,000 or clflc blue $19,000 822-<br />
best. 568-0590 or 824- 6836<br />
8971. -199-1-VW--J-e-tt-a-G-L-, -4-doo--r,<br />
1975 IEACEDES 230 automatIC, 9,000 miles,<br />
runs good, body fair. air, sunroof Save'<br />
$700.839-2796. $10,500 Wood Motors,<br />
1988 HONDA Accord OX _3_72_-7_1_00 _<br />
hatchback, 22,000 miles, 85 Volvo 760 Turbo n3-<br />
air, stereo. One owner, 77':!IJ<br />
garage kept. minI. -'9-7-4-R-O-LL-S-R-oyce--,7-0-,(lI'J()-<br />
$7,6&JI offer 822-9033 miles, mint condition<br />
after 7. $17,500 291.9206<br />
19n Rabbrt. aU1omatic, 1982 VW Scl rocco , air,<br />
74k, runs- needs body stereo, very clean, no<br />
work. $400. 886-9542. rust Dealer maintained<br />
1990 HONDA Accord LX, 5 $2,650 Wood Motors,<br />
speed, 4 door, SJrl CnJISeI _3_72_-_71_00 _<br />
stereo. Excellent condi- 1982 NISSAN 280 ZX,<br />
tion. Extended warranty. TURBO, auto, t-tops,<br />
$11,200. 824-6938. loaded, 67,000 miles<br />
$4,000 886-9532<br />
1987 N ISSAN Pu Isar,<br />
white, 5 speed, t- tops,<br />
new tires, new front and<br />
back brakes Excellent<br />
condrtlOn $6,500 or best<br />
offer n6-9884 Ask for<br />
Enn<br />
1976 MG Roadster, style A<br />
convertible, stick shift<br />
new red exterior, black<br />
Intenor New canvas top<br />
and rebUilt engine<br />
29,000 miles $5,000<br />
885-4397, for apPOint.<br />
ment<br />
83 Volvo Sun roof, 4<br />
speed, AMIFM stereo,<br />
air $4,500 ~2841<br />
1984 BMW 325e Excellent<br />
conditIOn Best offer 892-<br />
1710, days<br />
1988 Suzuki Hardtop, 5<br />
speed, gray, AMIFM cas.<br />
sette Excellent condltlonl<br />
$5,900 393-3534<br />
1988 Honda CMc LX 4<br />
door, low miles stereo<br />
very clean Full pnce<br />
$6 950 Wood Motors<br />
372.7100<br />
1_ TOYOTA CeItca Supra,<br />
22,000 miles, aut~<br />
matIC, excellent condltlOn<br />
Must seel Weekdays till 5<br />
p.m 77&-3955 After 6<br />
and ;r;;eelceuds 881-0920<br />
1.7 Mazde 323,lour door,<br />
47,000 mtIes, auto, 8JI',<br />
Ioeded, good condltlOn<br />
$4,500 or best 822-9741<br />
1.r Honda CrvIc OX,5<br />
speed, ~MIFM stereo<br />
C8IMIte. $3,500 or best<br />
of*. Cell weelcd8ys between<br />
8:30- 5'00, 492-<br />
8087<br />
606 AUTOMOTlVr<br />
HIPS I WHHl<br />
1987 Wranger, loaded<br />
Must selli Asking $7,100.1<br />
best 828-8469.<br />
1975 Ford Bronco, soft lop,<br />
best offer or trade. Beeper<br />
No 705-76n.<br />
1985 Ford Bronco U Eddie<br />
Bower Edition Tilt steer.<br />
ing, air, 4 wheel drive,<br />
V6, low miles Excellent<br />
condition $5,500 885-<br />
5378<br />
608 AUlOMOTIVE<br />
PA R rs T1RIS A l ARMS<br />
TRUCKS<br />
612 AUTOMOTIVE<br />
VANS<br />
bH 1I0An AND MOTORS<br />
$300.884-4145. lion $18,500 886-1922 1982 Bos10n Whaler, 134<br />
609 AUTOMOnVr<br />
after 5 p m ft, 40hp Mercury, electriC<br />
RENTALS! lEASING 20' Carver- 135 Evmrude start, Iraller, VHF, extras,<br />
PROM special I LimOUSine<br />
for 6 lucl
(<br />
,<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
GroS88 <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Inc, r,PT, HAT; OUi'UX<br />
;; lilt ~ Htll t" I. ,r,\<br />
700 APTI flATS OUPllX<br />
POint.) Ha'p"r W(lvd ..<br />
BACHELOR Apartment. BEACONSFIELD South of<br />
Specloua clean, incIucIe8<br />
lIII utIItie8 Ilwndry and Jeffer8on. Recently red&-<br />
garage. s3e0. plus de- conJted 2 bedroom unit in<br />
posit. 882.1644. 4 family bulldIng, __<br />
_.. ances, bBSllment aeee.,<br />
~CONSFIELD south of carpet 1tlroughout, reedy<br />
Jeffer8on, 5 room lower, to be moved In to. $425.<br />
spotless, remodeled Eastside Management<br />
kitchen and bath, carpet. Co. 1184-4887.<br />
ing, mini. bttnds, appb- SOIERSET In the Park.<br />
ances, ceiling fan, off V8Ify nice 2 bedroom<br />
street parking, quiet lower flat, fireplace,<br />
building, no pets. $560.' kitchen appIiancee IncIud-<br />
~..:.. 88CUrity331-~depoeit log dishwasher, W8Jlher1<br />
.--.-n..... ~. dryer, air condrbonlng,<br />
PARK! Waybum, sharp 4 window blinds, FIonda<br />
room Iow8r in four unit room, refinlshed wood<br />
building, Immediate occu- 1IocnI with 8nl8 rugs in<br />
pency. No petsl S330 dinlng & living rooms, 2<br />
monthly plus utJIities. Be- parking spaces, large<br />
curity deposit. 882~, bsumeut storage area.<br />
IeaYe mllllsge No pets. 1 rnonIhs 88CU-<br />
TWO bedroom stoYe reo rity depoeit. $636 per<br />
fngeraIcr, s8cond ftoor, mon1tl plus utiIitie8 ex.<br />
heat InCluded. Cd after 4 cept water. C8l1 824-<br />
p.m.822-a>25. 4531.<br />
---------<br />
HARCOURT - attractiYe 2 LARGE light one bedroom<br />
bedroom, 1 b8Ih lower ~ house, prestiwith<br />
flrepIace & screen geous addrees, stofage<br />
porch. All kitchen applle and garage included.<br />
a n c e s . • 6 75 . per $600, Dwlcan- 353-6400,<br />
month,(p1us lawn and days.<br />
snow). 223-3547 days, -UPPER---one--bedroom----heat-<br />
886-3173 8'118nings. It'lCIuded, garage, '~<br />
FOUR room flat. $500. ances. $425. No Pets.<br />
mon1tl. Owner pays gas 228-0751, after 6.<br />
heat, eIec:tric and water. 1081 Waybum, 2 bedroom<br />
867 St. Qair, <strong>Grosse</strong> upp8( ftat, IaI'ge living<br />
PoInte City. 88&8073 room, kiIchen & dining<br />
ST. a.AII I Maumee 2 room. Close to sehooIs &<br />
bedroom upper, stow: reo transportation. $395<br />
1Tigerator clean deco- month plus utlIIti8s & aerated.<br />
$515. 882.4132. curity depoeit. One year<br />
ntfEE bedroom upper ftat Ieese. 331-6770 or 331-<br />
. . 3500.<br />
In nicest section of ~~CONSFEI<br />
GI'0688 <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms. -~- .. ----.-~ - -:D near Jet-<br />
Completely remodeled. farson, sp8CIOUS 5 room<br />
77S-29OO or 886-2968. lower, nalUtaI woodwork,<br />
u..._.... hardwood ftoors, be8&-<br />
~ '. 2 bedroom, 1 ment, garage. Ready July<br />
bath. Available June 1st. 1st No pels. $595 plus<br />
$700. ~1723. security. 882~.<br />
1913 Vem~, 5 room, BfIGHT, FI88hIy painted 2<br />
$800, securtty, clean. At- bedroom lower. Dynamite<br />
ter 6:00 pm., 885-2808. kitchen, II appliances in-<br />
(R)SSE <strong>Pointe</strong> off Mack. eludes microwaIIe, hard-<br />
2 or 3 bedroom, 2 112 wood fIoonl, L8VOkn,<br />
bdJs. gange, II appIi- parking. Beaconsfleldl<br />
ances, mainlainellce free. Essex. $615 month. 1 112<br />
Ideal for couple. $960 month security. 886-1924.<br />
negotiable. Cd Lavon, BEACONSFIELD, 1084,<br />
773-2035. spotless 5 room upper<br />
1IARYlAND, bf91t, attrac> Brand new kitchen, brand<br />
tille, newty painted 2 bed- new decoratIOn and paint<br />
room upper. Plus adddi- Pnvate storage, off street<br />
tionaI den! sklrage space parking. Mill. b1tnds and<br />
on 3rd ftoor, all appIi- appliances. $525. per<br />
ances, seperate base- rnooth Includes heat 824-<br />
mem, garage. Available 7842,884-1749<br />
&'1, $425 plus security. RIVARD , 324- Three bed-<br />
824-6938. room lower New kitchen<br />
SPACIOUS newly deco- and bath central air, garated<br />
c:aniage hou8e near rage, basement, and ap-<br />
WIl'ldmiI <strong>Pointe</strong>. Includes pllances. $825 884-2706<br />
kitchen applallces, 1 112 EXECUTtVE UVING<br />
bath. many clOsets, sepa- SUITES<br />
rate entTance, garage.<br />
Beeutifufl Single person<br />
only. $700<br />
month .(lncludes utilities)<br />
331-7878<br />
LOWER flat for rent. Be.<br />
oonsfieId belween Jefferson<br />
and St. Paul. 3 bedrooms,<br />
WOfking fireplace.<br />
Hardwood floors, air c0nditioning,<br />
~lC8S.<br />
Offstreet<br />
;.<br />
12C<br />
FOil RENT<br />
23230 MACK AVE<br />
Office sUites available<br />
Upper Level<br />
Variable Sizes<br />
MOdern-Affordable<br />
InqUire on other locations<br />
771~91 ~3086<br />
MOVE from your home office<br />
to our "boutique" of.<br />
flce space at 15324<br />
Mack $100 and up 884-<br />
2257/885-5916<br />
GROSSE POinte Farms law<br />
bUilding has space for 1<br />
attorney John C Carlisle,<br />
18430 Mack Avenue,<br />
884-6770<br />
OFFICE! apartment, Rivertown,<br />
river View, newly<br />
redecorated, five large<br />
rooms Prefer professional<br />
259-0074<br />
11 112 Mile and Harper,<br />
1,050 $Quare feet, all utili.<br />
ties and laMor service Included<br />
$1,050<br />
778-0120 881-6436<br />
PRIME office, 430 square<br />
feet Across from Sparky<br />
Herberts $4501 month<br />
plus utilities Gall 822.<br />
0266 or 824-4280<br />
ST. CLAIR<br />
SHORES<br />
198 Sq. Ft.- $1981 Month.<br />
160 Sq. Ft.- $1601 Month.<br />
378 Sq, Ft.. $3781 Month.<br />
Ideal locatIOn for Attorney,<br />
Accountant, Broker, Etc<br />
Well malntamed building<br />
Plenty of parking<br />
642-7600.<br />
9 Mile and Harper, 150- 500<br />
square feet. all utilities<br />
and JaMor service In'<br />
cluded<br />
778-0120 881-6436<br />
Affordable office sUites<br />
Large area/single suites<br />
18121 East 8 Mile Road<br />
opposite Eastland Mall<br />
776-5440<br />
THREE Mile Dnvel Mack office,<br />
600 square teet 1st<br />
month free $300 885-<br />
0031<br />
MACKIFISHER 1900 sq ft<br />
Good parking. Like- new<br />
equipment available<br />
Virginia S Jetfnes<br />
Realtor 882-0899<br />
CLINTON Township on<br />
Garfield MedlcaV Professional,<br />
500- 1200 sq ft,<br />
1st month free rent 792-<br />
6700 or 776-4242<br />
NEWLY remOdeled offices,<br />
all Utlillres, Harper at<br />
Lochmoor Up to 900 sq<br />
ft Call 886-4099 for appointment<br />
ST. CLAIR<br />
SHORES<br />
1,000 to 6,000 square foot<br />
'executive offICe suites<br />
PrestigIOus locatIOn on<br />
Jefferson at 9 MIle! bank<br />
bUilding Pnced under<br />
market<br />
4,000 square foot commer-<br />
Cial building across from<br />
Rams Horn Restaurant<br />
Great for medlC8l or general<br />
office use or retail<br />
buSIness<br />
J. E. DEWALD & ASSOC.<br />
774-4666<br />
ST. CLAIR<br />
SHORES<br />
1,000 to 6,000 square toot<br />
executive office suites<br />
PrestlQlOUs locatIOn on<br />
Jefferson at 9 Mile! bank<br />
bUlldmg Prrced under<br />
market<br />
2.000 square foot new1y remodeled<br />
offices across<br />
from Rams Horn Restaurant<br />
Great for medICal or<br />
general office use<br />
J. E. DEWALD & ASSOC.<br />
774-4666<br />
OFFICE space $175 and<br />
up 15324 Mack A~ue<br />
(Nottingham BUilding)<br />
Beautifully decorated,<br />
parking available 884-<br />
2257/885-5916<br />
CJass.lfied Advertising<br />
882-6900<br />
Ret .. 1 Advertising<br />
882-3500<br />
<strong>News</strong>Room<br />
882-2094<br />
OFFICE lor rent- Mack Ave,<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Park AI<br />
utllrtJes lflCluded Pnvate<br />
pertong aYal!atlle $125<br />
per month 881~<br />
FOR RlNT<br />
READY<br />
SINGLE office, furnished,<br />
phone answenng, Fisher<br />
Rd<br />
SINGLE offICe, Hil" 2nd<br />
floor<br />
DELUXE large upper front,<br />
WindOWS, awning, former<br />
deSign studiO<br />
SINGLE office cheaple.<br />
basement, Kercheval<br />
EXECUTIVE sUite courtyard<br />
Fisher Mews hldea.<br />
wa~, full bath wI shower,<br />
kitchenette<br />
VERNIER near 1-94, large<br />
reception, 2 private offiCes,<br />
lav, great parking<br />
HILL, second floor rear<br />
large 3 room sUite<br />
1.941 ALLARD, 2,350 sq ft,<br />
large open area, 2 pnvate<br />
OffiCes, 2 lavs, kitchen,<br />
storage, lots of parking<br />
Virginia S Jeff Ties<br />
Realtor<br />
882-oB99<br />
20737 Mack and 20725<br />
Mack <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte<br />
Woods Ret8l1 storefronts<br />
ApprOXimately 1,380<br />
square feet at $1.050 a<br />
month and 1,650 square<br />
feet at $1,400 a month<br />
Owner pays taxes and<br />
exteTior Insurance Red<br />
Carpet Kelm ShorewOOd<br />
Real Estate, Inc. 886-<br />
8710<br />
710 ItOOMS fOR RENT<br />
OUT Of STATE<br />
50G HOUSFS fOR SAlE<br />
71 ] VACA H.ON REN l<br />
49 BELLE MEADE<br />
Four bedroom Co:onlal fin<br />
IShed basement, library. out-<br />
~tanding location, bUllt19n<br />
3600 squa'e feet FUlly lat1dscaped<br />
C811886-1329<br />
For Appointment.<br />
BY OWNER<br />
$549000<br />
R~ mrt.~<br />
.1pac•• c 110.<br />
THIII"<br />
.IAL IOATI<br />
nsou •• PAG ••<br />
'00 HOUSES fOR SAt{<br />
1109 ROSLYN RD.<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods<br />
911 BALLANTYNE<br />
aoo HOUSES FOR SAl!<br />
WATERFRONT. Pleasure HARBOR Spnngs, sleeps 8 BY owner- 1750 square foot HARPER Woods, 20243<br />
and comfort descnbe our Townhouse, 2 1/2 bath, newly decorated 3 bed- Country ClUb, <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
beach house bUilt In cable, central 81r, pool, room Harper Woods POinte achooIs, 4 bed-<br />
1988 3 bedrooms, 2 full tennis, golf 9~ home. Includes 18 X 18 room, 2 bath, family room<br />
baths, mOdern kitchen. HARBOR Springs Harbor famlty room WIth fire- WIth fireplace, finIShed<br />
deck and more! On Cove, 2 bedroom, 1/2 of place, IMng room, large basement, new AlC & fur-<br />
Northport Bay 25 mln- gOing rate $3501 week dInette, remodeled nace 1989, many uputes<br />
North of Traverse kitchen new ,.......... ad $98 500 .......<br />
June 21 thru July 5th '~t'¥" new gr 88. ,........<br />
City Near golf and water 664-1853 or 678.3270 Windows, finIShed base- 2256.<br />
actiVities Some weeks ment appl c _<br />
, Ian es In- TODAY'S<br />
stili available $800 per HARSENS Island Shlping cluded. $105,900. 882-<br />
week/ June $900 per Channel Lovely summer 7648. BEST BUYS<br />
weelr/ July and August cottage 45 minutes from --------- GROSSE POtNTE<br />
8844750 or 882-4096 the POlntes Adults only IMMEDIATE occupancy- 6- 5 bnck 2 family loft 2<br />
$4501 week Call week- 1073 Canterbury, <strong>Grosse</strong> . gas<br />
HARBOR SPRINGS, MICH. POinte Woods. Open furnaces, 2 car garage.<br />
IGAN. luxuTlous Hamlet ~~~ eves after 7 824- SUnday 1. 4. Beautifully PrICed at $125,000. C88tI<br />
Village Homes & Con. ---______ renovated 4 bedroom, 2 to a new mortgage.<br />
domlnlums next to Boyne HARBOR SPRING8- PE- 1/2 bath CoIonI8l Immac- GROSSE POINTE<br />
Highland's golf Great 10- TOSKEY Fully furnished ulate move- In conditIOn 6- 4 bnck 1llCXlI'n8. SIde<br />
cation, boating, shOPPing, 1,2,3 & 4 bedroom con. Featuers all new center dnve, 2 car garage, gas<br />
dining, day tnps Mackl- domlnlums tor rent at SIX Island washed oak heat, excellent location<br />
nac Island Pool. whlrl- different developments kitchen WIth built. In ap. Price to sell at $96,000<br />
pool spa tenOls, nature Outdoor pools, tenniS, pll8IlC8S skyI' ht terms<br />
trails 14 plus bedrooms, some waterfront units stili famlfy;: new~ r~~ ~ POINTE<br />
indiVidual spas Special available EnjOy luxunous exterior pamt, bay WIn- Net. listing .5: 5, 2 family<br />
rates, extra savings accommodations white dew and custom WIndow flat New siding, new root,<br />
through July 13th Land you vacation In the Mid. treatments. By owner. new garage, rented for<br />
Masters, 800.678-2341, west's premier resort Reduced to S229 900 $1,000 a month. Only<br />
616-526-2641 towns Little Traverse 884-5380. ' $69,900 fuI price, Cash<br />
HARBOR Spnngs 2 bed- Reservations 1-800-433- 000 to a new mortagage<br />
room t-ome on the bluff 6753 or (616) 526-2461 ~ bed~ bnck Colonial CROWN REALTY<br />
Weekly or monthly ex. WANTEDI Cottage for one Newer fumacel central 81ri TOM MCDONALD. SON<br />
cludlng August 616-526- week. MId August, bathroom! decorating. Fam- 821-6500<br />
7667 Thumb area, preferably Ily room 17 X 12 with natu- OPEN Sunday 2- 5, Grcsse<br />
HOMESTEAD, Glen Arbor, lakefront ResponSible ral fireplace $129,500 CITY- <strong>Pointe</strong> Shores 5 bed-<br />
South Beach on Lake family. 882-3,70 Artist's home Walk to room center' entrance<br />
MlchlQan Deluxe condo, OSCODA- Van Ettarl Lake. Village, decoratIVe painbng ~iaI, rnamle foyer,<br />
3 bedroom, 3 bath Lake home, 3 bedrooms, and custom drapes, sunny 4,600 square feet, 1st<br />
$1,800 per week 313- 2 baths and/or new cot- front porch aU make for an floor master suite, 3 full<br />
852~ tag&- 1 bedroom, 1 bath. excellent value.FARM8- baths and 3 half baths,<br />
GAYLORD- Otsego Lake 2 8andy lake with dock Excellent Iocabon In the the dual air conditioners.<br />
raft, slide, row boat Farms cloee to <strong>Grosse</strong> Family room with cathebedroom,<br />
sleeps 6, mi, P nte Blvd 3 bedroom 1 11<br />
crowave, cable TV, Weekly; $500 Home- 01. dral C8IIIng and wet bar,<br />
$300. Cottage, $700 both 2 bath, 2 car garage, den. fire and burglar alarm, 3<br />
washer, dryer, dish- or monthly, Cottage 313- Nice 60 foot lot. $200,000. 1/2 car attached garage.<br />
washer Completely fur- 885-1306 Ask for Tom, BoIIon John- P.......... ;".,~ ... IandscaDed<br />
nlshed Public access . . ston 884-6400 881~78. '~-""'1 .....<br />
200 feet No pets $300 HARBOR Spnngs, Hidea- ' , with patio and berbeque,<br />
week 882-4540 way Valley, 4 bedroom, 2 QUADthedrallevel,~;300 3sq. ft ., 08l< paneled office, 1st<br />
--------- 1/2 baths pool t ca or 4 floor laund:-y, under-<br />
SLEEPING Room With pn. VACATION In Harbor ~nd. Avale::; bedrooms, 2 1i2 baths, ground sprinIder system.<br />
vate kitchen and bath Spnngsl Beautiful new ~ Day & Summer. alarm, air, basement. Wired lor stereo. ButIt in<br />
Private entrance Fur- condo In charming down- ~106. $225,000. 930 Canter- 1980. 32 Bale Meade.<br />
nlshed $75 per week town, with View, JaCUZZI, --------_ bury, <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> $725,000. 882~172<br />
~102 fireplace Sleeps 6 313- ON lake Huron- Beautiful Woods. 882-9156 Open GROSSE <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods 4<br />
PROFESSIONAL. QUiet 644-0403 ::: j:1 :: :.. ~ _Su_nda_y,_M_a_y_1_9th_,_2_- _5._ bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, ~<br />
home Sleeping room MULLETT Lake, Wooded, tage _ 6 Available BY Owner. Exceptional 3 dated Colonial, many ex-<br />
East Warren! Outer Dnve new 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 In J~ne $325'per week bedroom <strong>Grosse</strong> POInte tras, Open house Sunarea<br />
Call before 6 PM bath, very private, 881-3595 Woods colorll8l. Freshly day, 1-4. Reduced to<br />
885-3')39 screened porch, micro-' decorated and updated $249,000. 686 BIumoor.<br />
MICKEY awarts you' DISney,<br />
Epcot, Mgm- 8<br />
miles 3 bedroom, 2 bath<br />
fully furnished condo<br />
Pool, week/month, 777-<br />
9335<br />
SIESTA Key Condo, 2 bedroom,<br />
2 bath, over 1.600<br />
sq ft Available from May<br />
through August. 881-<br />
5226<br />
SANIBEL on the Gulf 2<br />
bedrooms, newly decorated.<br />
all amenities Included<br />
794-5644<br />
---<br />
FORT Myers Townhouse- 2<br />
bedrooms, 2 baths, loft,<br />
fully fumlshed Pool and<br />
jacuzzI No smokers or<br />
pets 772-6245<br />
By The sea Immaculate<br />
2 bedroom, 2 bath home.<br />
air, pool, walk to beach.<br />
Also aV8llable 1 bedroom<br />
apartment & effiCIency<br />
Phone 884-5859 or 305-<br />
771-9343<br />
HILTON Head, S C - Ocean<br />
front condo sleeps 4- 6<br />
$4701 week Call 331-<br />
7474<br />
1820 restored Colonial, PIC'<br />
turesque 9 acre site at<br />
Little Boar's Head, NoI'th<br />
Hampton, New Hampshire<br />
Near 1-95 and AtlantIC<br />
Ocean- 5 minute<br />
walk to beach, 50 miles<br />
north of Boston. FUlly furnIShed,<br />
five bedrooms, 2<br />
1/2 baths, three fireplaces,<br />
brand new<br />
kitchen (JennAlre), first<br />
floor laundry room. large<br />
screened porch. garage<br />
In attached barn, new ITE<br />
central statIOn secunty<br />
system, cable and dog<br />
run, available In July and<br />
after Labor Day (WInter<br />
lease) For details call<br />
882-3883<br />
Summer rentals 1991<br />
Over 1 000 private<br />
homes All pnce ranges<br />
Best selectIOn now The<br />
Maury People (508) 228-<br />
1881 Open 7 days a<br />
week<br />
CAPE COD Cozy, hou9&-<br />
keeping beech COIt8ge.<br />
Perfect for couple. $385<br />
886-9542<br />
RUSTIC 100 year otd log<br />
cabin on mountain Iatce 11<br />
Rangeley RegIon, Mane<br />
Modem facItmes $350<br />
per week 517~<br />
tilTON Heed oceen front<br />
Condo, one bedroom<br />
$325 per.. 343-9053<br />
call In Earty<br />
882-6900<br />
wave, cable Washerl TWO bedroom. cottage near throughout. Fonnaf dining 885-8589.<br />
dryer. linens Dock, hOist Traverse City on Glen room, finished reo- room. -A-BO-A-TER---'S-d-ream--l-I-m-<br />
No pets Secunty deposit Lake. Sleeps 4- 6. ~t. Many new features! Must maculate 2 bedroom<br />
WOnderful 'lunsets 348- Beautiful VI8W of Sleeping Seel $112,500. 884-4809. ranch on St. Clair Shores<br />
8698 Bear Dunes June 1- 15, EAST DetrOIt- Stunnmg 3 canal. New custom<br />
HARBOR Springs! Pato- July 6- 20, August 17- 31 bedroom spirt level ranch kitchen, famUy room, 1st<br />
skey Luxury 3 bedroom ~ ~59 or WIth fi01Shed basement, floor laundry, new vinyl<br />
condo TenniS & pool, • attached 2 car garage, windows, 60 foot steel<br />
mmutes to golf 886-6922 SPACIOUS home on Mul- dining room; 1 -11.! bIIlIhs, sea wall & deck.. Cal80b<br />
or 885-4142. lett Lake Ideal for faml' ~,..lIMImIeystem KitetWl,tor.,."... details.<br />
LOG cabm ~ 6, on lies Borders on Golt $105,900. century 21 Co I d.w e II Ban k e r<br />
Lake Huron Rent June- course Available weekly MacKenzie, 779-7500. Schweitzer. 885-2000.<br />
September $450 per 414-339-0332<br />
week 517-655-4993 after HIGGINS LAKE cottage, 4<br />
5 bedroom, full bath, $350<br />
TRAVERSE CIty- Tastefully per week Excellent reefurnIShed<br />
and decorated reatlonal area 465-5670<br />
3 bedroom, 2 full bath HARBOR Springs, 2 cozy<br />
cottage on Duck lake condo's Sleeps 8 Pool,<br />
Featunng carpeting, fire- tennis and golf 886-8924<br />
place, cable TV. garage, --------_<br />
boat, pnvate sandy<br />
beach, excellent SWIm.<br />
mlng, fishing $695 per SAUGATUCK Rediscover<br />
week, August only 771- our charming town<br />
8078 lovely 2 & 4 bedroom<br />
LEXINGTON, SpaciOUS 4 cottages "On The HIli"<br />
bedroom lakefront home Close to shopping and<br />
, recrealiOn Please phone<br />
great beach Available 313-5574169 616-857.<br />
May through October, or<br />
weekends-weekly 1.359- 2086 for Information &<br />
8859 reservations<br />
SCHUSS Mountain Shanty LAKE Front home near Port<br />
Creek chalet m The Huron Sleeps 6 $400 a<br />
Woods. Sleeps 8, 54 week 385-4097<br />
holes of golf Including HILTON Head ocean Villa.<br />
The Legend TenniS, 2 bedroom, 2 batt.,<br />
pool 357-2618 or 822- sleeps 6 $560 a week<br />
4000 882-5997<br />
---------<br />
HARBOR Spnngs- 3 bed- HARSENS Island. 4 bedroom,<br />
2 1/2 bath Condo. room, 1 1/2 bath, 1.600<br />
SWImming pool. tennIS. square feet, fireplace<br />
golf. 62tH538 One acre on water,<br />
SMALL Harbor Spnngs res- housekeeping amenlbes,<br />
ICIence Long term sum- one hour from Detrort.<br />
mer Two adults or one Availabte before June 23<br />
profesSlOl'lal Includes util- and after August 25<br />
Itles Fully furnished, $600. per weei(. 822-9818<br />
deck, fireplace Refer.<br />
ences (616}526-2668<br />
CROSS Village 3 bedroom<br />
home overlooks Lake<br />
MIChigan, near beach<br />
S450 per week H;16-<br />
52&5040<br />
BURT Lake cottage on povate<br />
sandy beach Great<br />
for boating, fishing, sWImmIng<br />
Steeps 6 Available<br />
June n 30 $845 313-<br />
995-3332<br />
Complete Home Inspections Inc.<br />
Our pre-purchase home InspectIOn may save<br />
you a lifetime of problems and expense<br />
Inspecllons performed by licensed builders<br />
with over 20 years expenence Immediate<br />
written report Caflloday for a free brochure<br />
or to schedule Inspection<br />
PHONE 882-9142<br />
Three bedroom, claSSICColonial With new Merillat<br />
kilchen, outslandlng 16 x 24 fam i1y room with six<br />
wmdow bay and 6 fool doorwall. Much more.<br />
Open Sunday 2-4. call 885.7509.<br />
$184,500<br />
SO th Lake Schools • BUilders Home<br />
U<br />
10years old<br />
lovely 2,200 square foot ranch With two and<br />
one half car attached garage With<br />
automatic opener Family room With<br />
fireplace, three bedrooms, four full baths,<br />
central air, secullty sys1em Beautiful finished<br />
basement, doolwall leading to covered<br />
patio BUilt In china cabinet, fllst floor laundry<br />
and much more lot size 80 X 1SO A great<br />
value at $129,900. Call for an appointment<br />
Attractive, well kept Colonial bUilt In 1963 features<br />
four bedrooms, two and one half baths, two fireplaces,<br />
and two car garage LIVing room, dining<br />
room, paneled family room With doorwall, large<br />
kitchen With bUilt. Ins, fun basement wrth recreation<br />
room Central air, Inground sprinkler system, spa-<br />
CiOUS fenced Side and back yard With brick patio<br />
Call for details<br />
$297,500<br />
(313) 222.6219<br />
II<br />
,.<br />
KOO HOUS!S<br />
FOR SALE<br />
748 ~HELDONQD<br />
CrOS6iC<strong>Pointe</strong> 6hores<br />
May 16, 1991<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
aDo HOU~ES fOR SAt{<br />
GROSSE <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms, PRIME Iocationl 942 Wash-<br />
328 Belanger. 4 bed- ington, 3 bedroom, 2<br />
room, 2 1/2 bath ~ bath, air. Open Sunday 1<br />
ranch. New energy effj. to 5. $147,000. 882-6369<br />
clent furnace, 1990's<br />
whtte kitchen, natural fire- FARMS , 417 Moran,<br />
N........ large and charming 3 bedroom, 1<br />
...-.., garage 1/2 bath, spacious<br />
pnvacy yard. Move In<br />
condItlOl'll $182,500, 882. kitchen, formal dining<br />
5083 room, newer furnace,<br />
--------- completely redecorated.<br />
SUPERIOR Construction I Immediate occupancy.<br />
Four bedroom ranch In Open Sunday, 1.5.<br />
Grcsse POInte Woods. $135,900. 263-1299.<br />
Ideal location on a large GROSSE POinte Park.<br />
lot. Great ftooI' plan, up- n...... nda 2 5 1259<br />
dated kitchen, family wt'V" Su Y - ,<br />
bedroom Cadieux. Immaculate<br />
room, master I "'..<br />
It ...............firanl- Bungalow . ...",ng room,<br />
su e, ,,-..,...... '......--. silting room, formal din-<br />
Full security and fire sys- ing, Florida room, 2 fir.<br />
tern. You must see this places, finished basehome<br />
to appreciate ill! men t. Mus t see,<br />
C8II Bob Kitchen, C0ldwell<br />
Benker SChweItzer $139,000. Broker, 776-<br />
Real Estate, 885-2000, _4663 __ .<br />
_<br />
BUILD a home of your OPEN Sunday, 1-4. 2118<br />
dreams In the city Of Roslyn, <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
Grcsse POInte. comer Of Woods. Two bedrooms,<br />
lJncoIn Reed & Mawnee. new 1 112 car garage<br />
Beautiful tree lined lot WIth opener, new 89' fur.<br />
100 X 150. If Interested nace, CORlP'ete updating<br />
call for more information throughout, 10 x 18 COY-<br />
882-3203,882.1669. ered deck. $75,900. Call<br />
--------- anytime, 882-9451.<br />
GROSSE <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms- --- _<br />
425 QllonIal Court. AI- OPEN SUNDAY. 1-4<br />
t1actlYe 3 bedroom, 2 PRICE REDUCED<br />
bath ranch. 2,200 sq. ft. Owners motivated to ll8I<br />
FinIShed basement. Cbse this clean brick ranch with<br />
to transpor1atlon, schools. fuI bagement and garage.<br />
Open Sunday 1- 4, Asking $129,900. LocaIed<br />
Owner. $169,000, 771. at. 72S HoIywood neer<br />
3448. Morningside. (LG537).<br />
CaI Len Gala ReMax<br />
TODAY'S East, 792.aooo EXT m.<br />
BEST BUY<br />
Sunday, 1-4. Irnmaeulale<br />
WOODS brick bungalow, <strong>Grosse</strong><br />
OPEN SUNDAY <strong>Pointe</strong> tlChooIs, 21144<br />
Huntclub. For deCaiIs call<br />
2-5 Todd, Century 21 Mac-<br />
770 SHOREHAM Kenzie. ~7500, 884-<br />
Custom built 3 bedroom 9672.<br />
brick ranch, 2 fileplacesl ------- __<br />
finIShed basen l8I'lt, comer HOUSE for large family or<br />
lot, attached 2 car ga- lnlaw. 4- 5 bedrooms, 2<br />
rage. Star of the Sea Par- 1/2 baths, family room,<br />
ish. Priced to seI at centraJ air. newer kltchen,<br />
$205,000. Gesh to a new finished basllment, much<br />
nlOl1gage. morel Gro888 <strong>Pointe</strong><br />
CROWN REAL TV schoots. 19636 Lancas-<br />
TOIIIICDONALD • SOH tar, Harper Woods. For<br />
821-6500 appolntrllent, 882-4122.<br />
GROSSE <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods<br />
ENGIJSH tudor in DetroIt's bur1gabv". New kitchen, 3<br />
East English ViIage 8r8ll., bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths,<br />
on Harvard. Large 3 bed- Florida room. Nicely dElerooms,<br />
large kitchen, for. orated $110 000. 886-<br />
mal dining room, den, 2 7132.' ,<br />
car brick garage and ---- _<br />
newer drive. $49,900. BUYING a hOme? Don't for-<br />
. C8lI Bob KltcheO for more get to get a home inspecdetails.<br />
Coldwell Banker tlOn. Call Complete Home<br />
Schwedzer,886-2000. InspectIOnS 882-9142<br />
-Ameneln SOCiety at Home Inspedoll<br />
-Natlonll Auoclltion af Home I.. peclon<br />
1'~nIN'O ...' -Mlchl'ln BIlI~ell License '07968&<br />
~ U.l,.rgc~ 0Llcen_ oBonded oln.,red<br />
• 886-4 770 ~~<br />
19830 Mack Avenue CompletIOn<br />
<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Woods, MI 48236<br />
532 HAwnIORNE<br />
Three bedroom Colonial located on large private lot<br />
wuh shon walk to lake. Living room Wtth beautiful<br />
antique mantel and leaded doors leadmg into large<br />
farmly room WIth new Anderson windows and nine foot<br />
doorwall flowing onto stunning 16 x 16 cedar deck,<br />
hardwood floors with custom neutral carpeting<br />
throughout. Fonnal dining room, Io