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L Class l.n Hl.story ... - Local History Archives

L Class l.n Hl.story ... - Local History Archives


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_.. p.~a<br />


( HelP FEED<br />

niE WORLD'S<br />


(iross\e" Pointe News<br />

Complete. News Cooerage of AU the Pointes<br />



NEW BUILDfNS. ~<br />

TJ-tE ELM AT "<br />


, ypLU)tE 7-NO~ 25 ~~=..»:: .GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN. JUNE 20. 19046 $2.00 Per Y.ar--5c Per Copy Fully Paid Cjrc:~.~<br />

I jf<br />


, ' . , ~<br />

• • •<br />

• • •<br />

• • •<br />

of Ih.<br />

.WEEK<br />

As Campi/,tl by iI),<br />

&OSSII.PO;"'. N~s<br />

.ThlU'lMlay, Joe 13<br />


MEAT. MILK, BUTTER, cheese,<br />

other dairy products and bread<br />

are estimated by . Govepnment<br />

economists to have added $3.• .5<br />

per capita per year to the food<br />

costs of the American people .<br />

.'-,." .<br />

'<br />


lighter planeamake a round trip<br />

lIight. cout to coast and return.<br />

in 11 hours and 2. minutes (flylngtime)<br />

, •. lapsed time 'for the<br />

round trip was 12 hours and,22<br />

minutes.<br />


ieiled all powers of goverrunent<br />

while Humbert n hesitate! on his<br />

allQication pendini a supreme<br />

'colU'tdeei.lon on the legality of<br />

the: recent plebicite.<br />

), .<br />

..<br />

RESTA.URANTs 'J:x~<br />


PECT relieZ. frOftl food. shoriale<br />

in molt items aeepting m .. ts in<br />

I short time b:r GoYernment<br />

action, . ..<br />

AT A SENATE.HOUSE eommittee,<br />

COftferenee OIl cira.1't ex-<br />

.teMion OIleJrl.mber' pr~ tile<br />

ereation 01 111 'American l'oreifli<br />

!Alioa tc do ooeupi,&n Iel'Vice<br />

Mother-Daughter<br />

Ages of Three Birthday<br />

Guests Total 283 Years<br />

Here's one for the books. Frank<br />

Titll5. well known Pointe druggist,<br />

told us about it during the<br />

course of a visit in the News off.<br />

ice the other day.<br />

Frank happened to mention he<br />

had gone up to Imlay City. Mich.<br />

to 'spenll Father.'s Day. with his<br />

Dad. V:e just happened to ask<br />

the age o~ the old gentleman.<br />

"He's. 90" said Frink "and<br />

he's' quite •I fellow. Says he's<br />

eoming over .to spend some time<br />

a. our summer place on the lake<br />

this year!'<br />

Expressing interest at such am.<br />

bition in a man of those ad.<br />

vanced years, we. gleaned a litt;l~<br />

mo~ infol'Dlition about this Ti-<br />

tus family. John F .• the 9{) year.<br />

old one, just retired from business<br />

a couple of years ago. He<br />

kept a general store.<br />

On May 21 last he made a trip<br />

to Pontiac from Imlay City to<br />

attend his sister's birthday' party.<br />

The sister, Mrs. Eliza Minard.<br />

was 100 that day. Also present<br />

was another brother, George Titus,<br />

whose birthday happenerl to<br />

fall on the same day as his sistcr's.<br />

He was 93:<br />

Mull over that. you kiddies who<br />

are beginning to feel rheumatic<br />

t\.•inges and think you're oldtimers<br />

just because you've hit<br />

10 or ao. '<br />

Entry in Horse Show<br />

•• lttopealld reHeve. AlIlerican lIRJ. GLDfOOH K. ROiil:RTSof~rluNce road, aBet h~daughter, GLORIA,<br />

:::~ ~l:1.olWt',:,:r: .Will.:rWe .~heM~ ... ~U\f... acMlte.hone clul ill. the Pointe's firot:opostwar<br />

~1IM4 iia. tM~ ••. it fMK", 1M" to.''''ItqH.at the'GraMe Poiflte IIImt CJyb's Cook road groWlds on<br />

hot ~11 .... 1IlMiIlC the .J'Iicte,., Satwliay .iut Suftia,.lB cue you're confwed, Met!ter .is tbe one on the right.<br />

~~; '.. ... . .'. ' . . . , .<br />

~~~~:::l~~r:.~Sigler, ,Culehan, McNally;<br />

W4Ia ~'---~Y.'" Pi I P n B.! .. t T tal<br />

.~ .• ~iii~.~ 0 .•p' .../. +~~:£~:~-b~ol.l'<br />

. ;w,i' ~~~:.aBr' .OlnliC~'t!J";''b_Ii'''"'.DtI' •0110<br />

':'''!IN'f':.~:~C:O~~ '~.. .' ',' .;.;~,.,;" ,.'<br />

~!!d'to'oftiei"by ;,1Iiar,i~OI As Uw.l,"'lfiUblicell'VetersFilrOUt\'lu"",er Democrats il'l<br />

~e tb.n400 yol". ,.llilfpo.llt- . Tow"M.ip '.1Ml t;ity !4ectiorll<br />

icl!li t~am maM, BarMy .op~, .. . '<br />

~'~lI8Ur ... M reiumed by. M,,,,,as to be eJll*lted, Republkancandidates for state<br />

• .~~ '!'Mter Marlin of.,** andnationial'oRiCN reoeiVM th.e bulk: oUheb.Hots c.st, by<br />

, ');.c~~ that.the .~ive Poiftte voters at Tu8lldaT's electioll. Officials estjm.ateli that<br />

~~I~ wl1 a!lobe dOlll1nlled t1iere.were aJaout 4,f»8 votes l!ast ift GrMle Pointe Township,<br />

b:r!.rir ht will! e~etn~ts. ...whiChrinchuMs all Pcriftt. IXaept th.e City.<br />

. rr'1S ltf0W .. RJiMOREDin . Kim'.:Sillu IN:.)l,~epuWican~------------<br />

Wllilhlftitol1 Vial Yi_. lmew lit. ~Il!l~'datel for. Goverll()l'. t~}lt'- .aD.CI of Republican votes. Ui<br />

Idvlnee of the. fortheooJilll. at- 1J1g .. 1712 .vot". Brown. receIved shown in the balloting fol' g?Vtacll;<br />

on Jus Lice Black by. Justice 562, JeUn~, 7,QljXeHy )M. ernor.WlIu the Newl W8ll gomg<br />

Ja~n and thi,t Jacluori cabled Miles.Sule~an ran well on the to pres:s the ~o'N1Nihip. oltio.iab<br />

Viri#n of its release from Nuern_Re~ubh.can.tlcket fl/r,C~eS5, were still tall)'1lIlt, but the totals<br />

bett and that Yinson approved cetting 1199 votes a. "Illil'llt 83-2 had been . determtnedin the<br />

.,.~ in its broader implicatioN; for. Love, 552 -for Sllerlllan, ~ IUbe~llatOrJal ra~.<br />

eoliitll'ued .. a move to effect for Youngblood .and lH fo/. .While foUl'. Republicaa canlii~<br />

eh~"l1 in the Court from the CAarl~. . .. . .. . dates were receiving a total. of<br />

pa~rn Roo&evelt had formerl. ~enry W, PJel, fOflner ~1i~ 3301votol. tIl.etWD Demooratic<br />

. , I,} .• .• ,. chief. of the Park ~d Repu.blicl<strong>Hl</strong> candidates imere« only 279 be-<br />

. , Friday. Jue 14 . . can~ldate.~orsl\eriff, pqlled 1739 tween them,. Van WagOfter get-<br />

. JAMES CAESAR .PETRILLO votes agalllst 699 ,for .Behrendt ting 23'1. and Cody .2. The perpresident<br />

of the Anlerican Fed~ and.1 .• fcr Hunter. . . centages were muck the same in<br />

ara.tion of Musicians. is hauled in . Justice of theP,e,!,ce:James Mc- the balloting for the oth'er offices.<br />

b~ederal authorities for viola- ~ally!ed the candl~attl5 ~d lheReAHs ill City<br />

.lion' of the 'identkallaw. which bc~et m.the Republican ~Ight for Returns from the City of<br />

was passed to deal with his case. prosecuh~g at~orney. get.tmg 20:12 GrOSllie Pointe, which is not in.<br />

Tries to force a. radio slation' to votes while ~I~dleton, hIS ,oppan- cluded in Grosse Pointe Townemploy<br />

more musicians than it ent,was ..recelvlng 7I!J. . ship. also showed the voters goneeded,<br />

in direct violation of the Some Idea. of ..the preponder- ing heavily Republican, as 'usual.<br />

law recently passed ... says he ' VaRdenberg, Republican candie<br />

did it to make a test case. . St ..orrn. C' auses date for U. S. Senator, polled 841<br />

• •.• vptes as against 75 for James H.<br />

MAJOR 'EDWARD BOWES. L. k h' . C' . h Lee, his Democratic 0JlVOhent.<br />

the.~originator of ,the. amateur .. a •es .ore. ru Kim Sigler received 510 votes<br />

hoW' feature in radio. ,dies in his __ ' _ to •lead the Republican guberna.<br />

Ruwson.-N. J. home, at tire age .lorial slate in the'City. Other Re-<br />

.oi' 71. An au,tomobjle ac~dent o~. Lake publican candidates' votes for<br />

• • • Shore road Sunday night Wall def- this office were: Brown, 137; Jef!.<br />

STATE SENATOR IVAN A. initely attributed to the heavy fri.es.167; Kelly,. 73. Democrats:<br />


. ,.<br />

I<br />

a<br />

t<br />

e prosecu t. mg at- 9~orm.. Howard Edward ... Schryer.. of COdy. 11; Van Wagoner, 89.<br />

t orney of Macomb county arrest Republican candidates for lieu-<br />

• 629 Continental, was driving west<br />

ed at direction of grand jury. on wh.en he had to. s.low dOl'ffi quick-. tenant governor: Cleary. 303,<br />

charge of levying graft on. bawdy . Higgins. 63; Keyes, 219; Nugent,<br />

houses and policY operators. lyto ,ayoid plung~ng to? I;Jrecipi. 209. Democrats: Kelly, 79.<br />

• • •. tously Into a heaVily floOded area. Miles Culehan ran far ahead<br />

. THE GOVERNMENT. OPER- His car wa.s s~~uck in the rear of his Republica.n opponeilts in<br />

ATED atomic energy laboratory by another. dnven by George the city race for the Congresand<br />

factory at Oak Ridge, Tenn., Floyd Cannmg o~ 5412 Frankfort. sional nomination. He took 360<br />

directs its activities towards Damage was eslJ,maled at $50 to votes as against 11 for Charles,<br />

medical science and the. benefit eac.h eliI'. Ca~nJng told Farms 231 for Love. 130 for Sherman<br />

'of humans rather than their des- pollc.e he was lnsured'and would and 101 for Youngblood. Incum.<br />

uuclion. by authorizing the dis- pay for thl! damag~. . (Continued OIl rqe 2)<br />

tribution of radio active sub-<br />

.tances produced in its uranium<br />

ens to schools, hospitals and<br />

abratories.<br />


E LIFE OF OPA for a year<br />

. yond June 30 but with greaUy<br />

educed jurisdiction ••• ceilings<br />

ken off of chickens. meat ll'nd<br />

ilk.<br />


mpanied by Senators Vanderrg<br />

and Connally fiy to Paris to<br />

tend the. latest Big Four conrence<br />

in final attempt to arge<br />

for a peace conference.<br />

,. e, •<br />

Sat-relay, J.lle 15 "<br />


IKE was lettled last night<br />

almost the deadline hour at<br />

lch it was to begin. Harry<br />

dges and Joseph Curran, coitmen<br />

of the Committee for<br />

• (COIIU.... _ ~ 1)<br />

~<br />

Abandons Boat<br />

Fleeing Tortlado<br />

PatrDlmen Walsh and Dean of<br />

.the Park police focndan abandoned<br />

motor boat on the shore<br />

at the foot cf Grand Marais late<br />

Monday afternoon. The motor had<br />

been removed and fishing tackle<br />

tarpaulin and tools were scatter:<br />

ed about.<br />

The license number indicated<br />

it belonged to Edward Cantrell<br />

of 143 Euclid avenue East Detroit<br />

Later they got Mr. Cantrell's<br />

<strong>story</strong>. He had b~n out on. the<br />

lake when he got caught in the<br />

storm, and moreover, saw the<br />

portentious storm cloud which<br />

latcr proved to be the tornado<br />

that wrought such destruction<br />

farther down the water cour5e.<br />

He put on full speed ahead and<br />

landed at Grand Merais. the<br />

nearest point.<br />

Meanwhile the police at the<br />

Park had notilied the Coast<br />

Guard and the Harbor Muter's<br />

office.<br />

Board Settles<br />

Dust Problem<br />

The car parking lot on the<br />

Farms Village pier is either dusty<br />

or muddy most of the time and<br />

the situation irked Councilman<br />

McEachin.<br />

He persuaded the Board of<br />

Trustees at the meeting Monday<br />

to spend $350 on a seal coat pavement<br />

to allay the nuisance. inas.<br />

much as over $5,000 had alrC:ldy<br />

been spent this season by the<br />

village on the pier and adjoining<br />

park development.<br />

FarmsBudget Grosse Pointe High Farms Hears;<br />

J Increased to G d L . Lusty Wails ,.<br />

$384,405.77 ra uates argest Of Resic1entl'<br />

1940 TuR.t.'Rilel$I.04; <strong>Class</strong> l.n <strong>Hl</strong>.<strong>story</strong><br />

AHeHetI V.Ju.tion .$hews<br />

$35-4,000 Drep<br />

;--- C '1 f 89 Veterans .Included on Roster of 310 Getting Diplomas:<br />

T h e~illage ounlll 0 Seftoof Ha, Now Graduated Tot.1 of 4 214<br />

Everyone Gets His Exercise<br />

Except the Electrical Horse<br />

ViH.eje Trut+eec ~ ........<br />

lelft Mutt .. s-. ..<br />

Soon as P~<br />

GrossePomte Farms has- apo .• I A large growp of FaImrJ'<br />

pr~~ed the 1946 bwiget re- By far the larll8lt cl.us ever to he gracktated Rom Gl'OMe citi~s aM~nOed the lIa-.I<br />

qumng a t~x 1~vy 6i tI84,- Pointe };Ugh Seftool. rliKl&.ived diplomas at tM ~ment COIUlQiol. melt tin g .T .<br />

406.77, which lJ.. $!T,SSL98 exercises last ThwMr.y evetling in outdoor ceremOfties night with CXlMplamta ot ...<br />

. ~gher than tile .l~levy. staged on tne laW'ft 0f the SoftooI. individual sewer and ....<br />

~e .U6eSl!ied Va1uatlOf:l&, as 1ftclllded Oft Nle rocter of 310' water expedenees ift the ,..<br />

a.pprove(i by the ,Board Of Re- gradltatMwwe 80 ~eterflllll and •. cent heaw dowl)pows of Mar.<br />

VIew • ." e r. e $30,821,2ee.OO,. a liel'Vicemlll1 who c«JIIlleted their CIty. Okays 31 and Jltne II. C()~<br />

drop of '$354,300.00 over tlte hilk 5I!t\ool work uMer a pro- were r~iieten« b,. re~re ...<br />

previous year •. The dec~ ~a~ of specil~ Shill" llnd .1IIun-. frGIR 3~ .. 3¥ ~.<br />

in assessments and the In- matioll6 prescnbed by tile Boecd Bond Ic:u::!ue 434 TGlU'aiAe, In ~iFby, 1Ii<br />

crease in the requireti levy re- of Edu.cation !J1 coopEll'aWon with OU Oak: skeet aM :Dt:om. othW<br />

suIts in Jln increase in the tax educatlolialdll'eetOft~f &e -- numbelrs ill tile same ~<br />

.. . . ed foreel. 1!M Qf, fIftHe men wen V ~.J $~ 000 1. 6Uell aI!d IOW'!!- oteN IE:". 0 r 1.:nN, C)(lV-ill="_.~ .' ..a.-. __ ~,';<br />

of ,$1.64 .pe.r thouse.nd dollal's ed' relllts of tfte Iruillatlilll. Pr~ f.r ~.~ .M ....._"""'" _........., __<br />

of valuation, tRe rate for 1946 Tile toiel n\lJrlber of lII'1lfta\es ReaJ-1- P.ve",,_"" . ,ave a ~ up1aAatkia<br />

being $.120:5e ~r. thoUJalld as from t1l.e Groese p&iAte Itith Vl"~"" of lIbe Si_MIl, lUlc1 firwi"-t<br />

com"",r-" to. IUS!. for 1945., Sehool siflQ& the ftl'8t~. of 2. WatkiN _ed the eGmPlaiIiiMa,<br />

~_au Citr of GrOllle Pointe YO"" that it _ 1tle e~ wiail .f<br />

The 1946 appropriaut>.U for op. in JIltM 1915 ill 1)0,," 4114. Tuesday onrwlaelm'-.>7 lip' till v~ IIIttft~ _ "Da47<br />

erating purp~esare all' hither Thr~ Mncr- ...... frGm the proved ti1it _.He boDd Mfie the 9i~ .. ~ .. ,...<br />

except iJl. one Calle when the clBllll deU¥erM, _ tM ~e- which !lad heft pt'OIMlIeCl to rlto litHe, but llotil Mr. W~ aeII<br />

personnel wasr'educed. MOlt of moot adik_. OIer,llMe ~ButttI) pair al'ld repHiee the City •• paft- EqiDeer "';11.,_"01 1hIrt:<br />

the increases are a result of adt!. Skau spohe. OR. "'llhe Mark: of ment:!. the pt'M>lem lito '"<br />

ed wale cost as thMe are ;1I0 in- Educated M6I2." MMT Lotl Ew- The flrst work to be lime will preori witk ....,. a.t .....<br />

creases in pets01Ulel except tIlat ing dilCUll8l!d "'lIhe:lr Al!OOmpllsh- ied it Il7f ~ ~ ~ ....<br />

all former employes llalieil to ~ mams!' DnidL. &liter clOlleti ~1;'::tVeni6y place and Lin- lmew wMt _e .. !Milt ....<br />

Armed Forces have lIOw reNm- tile 1iM-ee reIaW apeMiwII wnk to be teklll. ~ _ file ....<br />

00. Tl!e pociti'Jns of theseJrlIll. hU addrees Oft "TIolek ~~twU- The Tote on tile Me w .. : 1"0l", expert ~ ..... ~<br />

were held opeJl and terieiIl bt ties!' 465; apiftlt, 1M. able... ..<br />

lage<br />

the service.<br />

were ClUrtailed<br />

rendered<br />

duritlg<br />

l!ly tile yit.<br />

the<br />

,<br />

Dr.<br />

Diplomas<br />

liaul L.<br />

were<br />

ked,<br />

pr_~ -by , TIle eit.i.z~nl .• ,.". ".<br />

lHoiperiItteM.-<br />

war. ',' eM of leftoOM, no dinc.-W.,.. Maid's Ha' n ,~to ......... M.t ,<br />

serve . Funcl, WAlch now tot.1I; ml!ll for the.zMmiM 1Aer ll..... Se $.... . _.. .......~<br />

appro~imate~ . $74.008. has beeR ,sho_ ill ~tiq tfteior hilA .. t at 2500 f.hM ~ .. lie ....<br />

Ca'm' p Cl .ed set .aside for 1teedell planned iftl- schoql w""k. Dr. Jluect. alto MI- abollt it.,<br />

.' OS<br />

~a:~=<br />

provl!ftle",tI: or for future .peet- phasiaecl the ob.~. llIMaHed _ ....... III 1tll ~.<br />

wpl.oo~~:u . by l!Ilj~ of ~ .. .. olll'i ~ • .e .. 'II: .. ~<br />

Beca'use Dads ~ari;u~v~ deck, '.CO __ n.e!l~t-- WM Pl'o- FOrmw ... ~ \ ~ ..,. wWIl 'tile .;;"'1i<br />

.. A ..,,: ''''..... '.', ..'"~:'."."fj"" 'l;t ."'.'.. ::~~v:'W~~ ~~~Q:-':::~,",,~ H.... '.re.~h.III~~~ at .•'?'::.,"<br />

.;...=~.eii,.lIOt<br />

"",c.o>.'.).) ~:.: ..~c: ..'1 -'th '.:.~:"~"+"~."'.'. 'c. Kll~:. ..L......... - ............ ~. " '.'rl'" 1 r..." ...JI' __ ..••.VXJl,:.~I,~, "'=-.ilIiMt.'. .• _ ,:•...• '.!'JIl~'4iII _<br />

' ~r~ ~'.iiU"""., 14,"l~..~{~~..J4..,+::tt!!!. ,rir.~~:fi'.~~':i~""- ..~.~+.~.,",~eLI' so~':ce ~ to OLe -Lool. dations had. beea c.arned ou.t over not. n.ecessar. Ill' 111 the order if<br />

U 11[.....'" 1 od _..L Ie L,,_ f th ,<br />

k 1 t Th yar s of pavemellt thIS year., at' The BauliCh • Lofflb edaI a ong perl ..,.1 wor ..... g. or eU' lIIlP\ll'tance, gut JIollIMCl __<br />

open a wee . a e.r. Olle willing a cost of $5.729. This comparell wen'. 0_ Charl-' Jor"'-- .~. OL_ the Bo.yers. She ha.d stolen as follows: tile _a 'lc.U.~ __ • .<br />

to volunteeJ are urg.ed. to con- • '" ~ ...... _ .. '" yth L. I 'J. t all be 6;7 __ -<br />

tact Mrs. Lynn O'Brien at with $6,256 spent last. ye.. an. memb&- of the 1!l81S wllo&e reoord ev~r In.... DIll C.OLZ,Jng a a y t',t'een Lothrop arwi ...<br />

LEnox 3807. $4,090 in 1944. in science ana mathetliatica ill ell:- ~Ist waleh and .gun of l;Ir.. ~y- ross and Ridge 11M ~ ~<br />

----- ceptionaUy R~ aftd who givllS ers,. to say noilllng of a I'llH'. of .~u.levard and ttl. lIk~<br />

C .h h F.. most PrDmiee. of futllre distinc- earn~ valued. at $3,000, whICh Fisher road area 1wom the Hi&II<br />

ure Ire tion iA. the field of,seieJlce. she had pawned. for $200•. ~i!!Stl Schoolb~~k Ul ~te. ,<br />

two years of s~ience and four number of articles foUlK! in her general probkfn ~~te4<br />

D<br />

bF ...<br />

oes . D. amage Yeal:i of mathemaf;i(,;. room on Trumbull. avenue, De- }tOA'll wa!f!r 19 .. ~ :=:.to; the ~<br />

Charles has a reQord of A- in were recov~ret!, toffether With a 1ft addltiOft to tftis then Is iDe ..<br />

ed Upoa the' PlebiaJI. Club trophy •. Husba.nd A.I-<br />

1<br />

6ts the l~ke afld their O?nl.~<br />

becallSe he WI6 judged by tfte UJIl ca.P8Ci1¥ .Il!'ld tMbeall: PI'eMIn<br />

coa.ehing staft to be the most O\lt- Good F. WI': W;ch ~e ~_ ~<br />

standing .athlete of the year.'s. Clean' ight rec Oft .~ .uo:'tf'Oit. '. . .,. ...<br />

graduates .. The Plebian Club is Mr •. Snuth Ig!:eed WIth .~<br />

made up for the most part of Lane, of the Park, tilat JmIC!l. II<br />

fornier Grosse Pointe High School An irate Farms husband was the tr'ouble that visits. .. lal1i<br />

letter winners. hauled into police he.dquarters part of the G~osse POI.ftte .,.<br />

As the outstanding athlete in at 12:30 a. m. JURe 15 on the came from the ml~Ull

: '1<br />

~-----------~-:----:"--~-~-----------------------------------"':""----- ••- .....---- ............ - ..''"'''''''f- .....-,.. ...f,..-,..:.t.<br />

rite .Two<br />


in'Recital<br />

Masonic<br />

Headlines of the uWeek<br />

(Contl.IIK frollS Pare 1)<br />

tion of Bridger and CUrran, co.<br />

chairmen of the Maritime Unity<br />

Committt@, .that another demand<br />

for more wages may be' made<br />

nex~ September.'. .<br />


friendliness and cooperation . is<br />

manifest at the early meetinc of<br />

the current Foreign Ministers'<br />

conference in Paris ..•. Moloto,',<br />

Russian foreign minister. agrees<br />

~o an opening up of the discus'<br />

sion on the whole Austrian question,<br />

while Byrnes and Bevin,<br />

the British minister, consent to<br />

similar examination of the cale<br />

ot Italy.<br />

• • •<br />


said to have o/[ered $3,000,000 for<br />

the royal jewels ot HesM stolen<br />

by American occupatinn.o/[icers<br />

in Germany and recovered by<br />

American authorities, but were<br />

told by their owner they were<br />

not for 1I1e.<br />

THE<br />

MIl<br />

. . ."<br />

YOUNG<br />

Photon811h<br />

Grosse<br />

Pointe<br />

AMERICt\N<br />


.In Action<br />

Beautiful candids of your en.<br />

tire wedding, breakfast and<br />

~elltion J)ermanently mounted<br />

in eXQ\liait. leather bo"Jnd<br />

album .<br />

Bridal portllitr of dist.inction<br />

by<br />

J. W .JIig,in~<br />

*<br />


'lfe had acreed to ToJo's demmds:<br />

"unlreedni of Japal\ts6 Usets'in<br />

tI:1e UD.lted Stata, ahipmeDu of<br />

Army, Lieutenant who "ad been hillh octane ,asoline to Japan, 'in<br />

0; quantities desired', and an emaccUMIDENT T R U MA N Is<br />

guards to make cert"in that inches. greatly di!turbed over the fate of<br />

atomic bombs will never a,ain • .. •. the OPA •.• Senator Barkley,<br />

be used as an instrument of war, W. STUART,SYMINGTO~, As- leader for the adminiatration in<br />

the United 'Statet will destroy sistant Secretary of War for Air, Congress,. SOl)'); "we will try to<br />

its store of atomic bombs and ""arm Detroit it is no lonrer a ,et the best bill we can,"<br />

will share the atoinie secrets fOr safe inland city." . again,t' at- 0 • '.<br />

peaceful' use .•• thii sa teiU'MS, tack over the,polar regions oy air A BRITISH NAVAL OF7ICER<br />

to, include: surrenier of the veto It, would be.the tlrst important qiscloses. plans to blow up the<br />

power by the five major nations Am~rican citY to ,et the blow. -, island 10rtreSllof Heligoland in<br />

on . all matters pertainiil" to.' .'.. • the North Sea. .<br />

atomic development;' 2) create :tNDIA'NEARER' INDEPEN- • • •<br />

an, international atOlnic de.,.elop. DENCE now than at' any time Wedneida;y, JlIne 19<br />

ment authority with absolute ainee Clive won Plassy two cen~ PRIMARY ELECTION RE.<br />

power' ovet atomic raw materials turies ago ... Lord Wavel and 'rURNS received up to noon toand<br />

productlonj 3)' adoptiOri' of tlle Bl'itish Cabinet Mission ap- day indicate' that Kim' Sillier is<br />

international laws "with teeth" point a .l(.member Ind'ian Gov- .well. in the lead for the Repub.<br />

providing for severe punishment ernment to carryon in the in~ Iican nQminatioll for governor ...<br />

of,viollttors on' a basis ,to be terim ,of aeting_ up a permanent former'Governor'Murray D. Van<br />

determined by the' United Na- native government for the coun_Waloner:captures the Democratic<br />

uo'ia:. ,,;,,;:':1rK, " nominatillll with eue. ",<br />

,cSNOOT MAKING ANDFISTI" ".,' " .• f','T'. • • •<br />

ctrrls '. in the dugout havelrt ' "JEWISH. EXTREMISTS in Pal •. ~WRiNCE"OLIVIER, "the<br />

~e.kened the Tigers" mettle' forQStme-,'blow"tip ~ve trans-Jordan great expellent of Shakespearean<br />

pOw.er-packeli' baseball; win their bnd,es. isolate Trans-Jordsn from ',drama' and. his wife, actress Vi-<br />

,fourth in a 'row and di.place the outside world and further ,vien L:eigh of "Gone-wlth.the<br />

Wuhingtonfor third place. gum up the hopes of etrectlng Wind" fame. narrowly esca~<br />

• • • peaceful settlement of 100,000 death in a Pan American Air.<br />

TO MAKE MORE BREAD Jews in thli Holy Land. ' ways Constellation. ,<br />

available the sural' ration' of . • • ., . • • "<br />

bakers for cake llnd pastries has FORD MOTOR COMFANY re- HELP IN GENEROUS QUANbeen<br />

cut l( per cent by OPA • .. sume. operations today. Most ofTlTY pours in for torn'ado vic.<br />

price' to householders will be the 65,000 returning to Roulle; ,tims ~n bo.th tlle American and<br />

raiaed Ie p,er 5 lb. packare. Hi,hland Park and 18villiIeCanadlan,llde, '.<br />

• • • plants have been idle lince May • • •<br />

'I'll!: WAR DEPARTMENT ilu 8:,; • With the opening of these FOR, 'l'HE SECOND .TIME in<br />

ordered the return from overseu plants assembly lines lire. expect- the hi<strong>story</strong> of the United Nations<br />

of non-volunteer tllthers with 21c:i to be in oper,ation by June 24 Council'Ru,uia exercises her V1!to<br />

montllA'or more service .•. ' there •.• The halt in production was power, ,in refusin',to refer the<br />

are still 133,000 non-volunteer caused by the coal strike and by quetltion of the Franco regime in<br />

iathen .ovel1leas ••• all will be iltrikes in U planla supplyin« Spain to the General A3iembly<br />

, parts. ' of the UNO ••• her action i!<br />

,. . . .<br />

horne by August :!l.. • • • variously interpreted asiear of<br />

A WINDSOR POLICEMAN, the mild action of the Assembly<br />

PAUL V, McNUTT will ,repre- df . .. fit t F . t<br />

lIent Pre!ident ,Truman at the Constable Roy Williamson, hears an suspICIon 0 a a en ascls<br />

Rnacetylene torch at work, noli- influence in the Wl:stern democ-<br />

Phill"plne<br />

...<br />

independence cere.mo.<br />

fie. his. headquarters and when racles<br />

.<br />

oppose<br />

d to C<br />

ommumsm<br />

.<br />

. , .<br />

.;l;;li}'~f'i'~'~:£~f'<br />

riles on July 4 and then take over Russia wishes to be assured of<br />

liS the flnt American ambusador trrt@ burrlars walk out the rear. . .<br />

door. with the swa, they are re, vIgorous actIO!),<br />

, at Manila. • .' • ceived in the arms of six waitinll .'. •<br />


J;<br />

!!IUIII!SY, June 11 po Icemen. ' • • • IAN reparations widens Ihe ever<br />

PRESIDENT TRUMAN submits , TIIMday,'.June 11 widening breach between her and<br />

to Conrre ... plan for the man. THE TOWERING SPIRAL OF the western democracies , . .<br />

arin, of the armed .forces under CLOUD observed, by Grosse wants $100,000,000 reparations<br />

, .<br />

a single cabinet officer to be. t' I kit . ht {rom Italy and insists.'that most<br />

, .,<br />

known as the Secretary ot Na; POinters a 6 0 c oc .. as nlg of it must come from current<br />

f ' ". "<br />

tiona I Defense •.• there are also proved to be, a to~a~~ th,a~ h~t Italian production ••. Russia was<br />

," .:,<br />

to be Secretaries of tha Army, River Rouge at : 0 c oc •. no factor in the conquest of Ital)',<br />

If<br />

it does, you're safe<br />

if it<br />

Auditorium<br />

, June 20th, 8: 15 P. M.<br />

Tickets' $1.50, $1.20, '$1.00<br />


NJ. 8900<br />

o!lt<br />

Grinnell's<br />

doesn't, you're still<br />

smart in this ,rain-or.shin.<br />

Byrd Cloth outer~t,<br />

pert ef lite ItHy I<br />

-<br />

CInfIs il'S ...<br />

......... ~<br />

~<br />

..<br />

The ...,.II9GIf:l ............<br />

r., tile,." '."'p ttt.t<br />

","Wet<br />

Its<br />

finer styling and unique,<br />

easy~draping fabric<br />

completely<br />

"raincoats"<br />

past •••<br />

outmode<br />

of the<br />

,~, 31\0<br />

c-<br />

Thu~.yIJUM'20, r~<br />

.,~Io.ed' Warning (Served, on'F~~s<br />

JULY 4, 5 AND 6. Employes ~ Pay Is "Raised<br />

I.<br />


Ckeaning<br />

now!<br />

Cleaning,<br />

Dying and<br />

Tailoring<br />

No tiner workmanship<br />

obtaimlble anywhere at<br />

any price. Lamp shades<br />

cleaned.<br />

Square Deal<br />

Cleaners & Dyers<br />


15226 CHARLEVOIX<br />

LEnox 42%5<br />

Also<br />

Art<br />

Fin,<br />

,Summer<br />

F.btic:s<br />

Are<br />

Her,<br />

,<br />

Ladies, Tailoring<br />


81 O~CONN~R<br />

C8eetIul'TalIon<br />

'1 ..<br />

<strong>Class</strong>es<br />

oI'no IS - Auplt<br />

Tues .. Wed .. Tllurs. ~nc1 FrJ. Mornings<br />

. Tues~ and Thurs. Eyenlng3<br />

Special O~y <strong>Class</strong>e's for Chlld""n <<br />

ART SCHooL'OF 'fHE ,<br />


41 Wa~n 51. CA. 4/21<br />

,I ' . , :<br />

,/~ostom<br />

Tailors<br />

Ca.)<br />

14127 E. J"'notI ...~<br />

LI8n: 5344<br />

Ii<br />

President JamesWa*ins Speaks His PiKe Agaim,t Strikes<br />

. Aimed 'at Public Health and Safety .<br />

, ".'.. ", ,<br />

, The Farms Council'Tuesday night incre~sed the pay. of<br />

the village hourly wage employes by thr"ee cents per h~ur<br />

and its salaried employes ~ve dollars per month. The act~on<br />

was taken in the adoption of the report a~d recommendatIon<br />

of the sp~Cial committee named last April to he.af the wage<br />

grievaricesofthe men ,after they ha~ ,voted to go back to<br />

\\lork following their three ,'feeks' strIke. .<br />

The high'point of th.e wage dlScl1Ssilln,<br />


.>'<br />

{<br />

;<br />

"Till. II II,.,,,,<br />

. '1'<br />

By FilED M. xOloP, •. Pit!<br />

.... :' .. ;,,; .. ,:'<br />

A presctiptioriiSilvery:personal<br />

ilem-- an mg out<br />

R' s a esman. t is inconceivable that either the under a payor perish sll'lgan and make us all come "cross? champagne suppers to our read-<br />

USSlans or any other people want actual war. The experi- H h' f h - . ers<br />

il ~ncheoC the whole world with its horrors is too recent. But I urra. or t e Unions. But why make them tight little I ThR't'~ wh T e~ t g t<br />

t e controlled press oC a country perseveres ih oreathing G?se corporations merely for the horny handed sons of toil? !bad of' that ~iIIY rRos:' , e a<br />

Ive everybody a chance at the euy'ioihg, Whit .iv .. with the ieU9w7

Th,ursday~June 20" 1946<br />

Pointers Push Drive<br />

For Russian Relief<br />

C.,~paign to Reh"bilitate, Great Hospital Being.Carri.d<br />

on Through June; Youngsters to ,Benefit<br />

'To provide hospital care )or the thousands of Russian<br />

children -who require operations to restore their' sight and<br />

their hearing, and to provide artificial legs and arms' for<br />

yOW1gsterswho saw actual warfare during the Nazi invasion,<br />

the" Detroit committee, Society fOr Russian Relief, hie., is<br />

. danger.<br />

.!<br />

•<br />

/<br />

Party Serves<br />

Dual Purpose<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Syd R. Scott of<br />

University place entertained on<br />

Tuesday, June HI .at an Open<br />

House for 125 guests. The occasion<br />

was in the form of a double<br />

celebratilm.<br />

It was the Scott's twenty-fifth<br />

wedding anniversary and' their<br />

eldest son Robe;t, had returned<br />

just recently from 18 months<br />

duty in the' South Pacific, an<br />

Ensign in command of an L.C.T.<br />

\<br />

Loch,uoor Plans<br />

Djnt&et- ,Dance<br />

i..oclunoor Club is holding a<br />

dinner,. dance on the night of<br />

Saturdpo, June ,22.<br />

Bobby Grayson's band will<br />

play lor dancinr which will. be<br />

from 9:30 t'& 1:30. Dinner will<br />

be from 7. to'9 p}>m,<br />


A brand new Ford Tudor sedan<br />

belongirig to the Alfred Sttiner<br />

COm\'any' caught fire' while<br />

parked at Jefferson' and Way burn<br />

Wedriesday forenoon. .<br />

_<br />

Lutherart<br />

WillHqld<br />

., 6 ROS S E ,PO I N T E<br />

Guild,'<br />

Sociai<br />

The St: James LuUieran chureh<br />

Women's Guild will hold .,lawn<br />

social 'on Sunday, June 23, at the<br />

home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flemming,<br />

265 Moross road. Grosse<br />

Porrite Farms. The event will<br />

start at 5: o'clock. ,<br />

Members of the church and<br />

their friends, are .cordially invited<br />

to attend. Mrs.' William Nelson<br />

is chairman of the. cOlIlinittee<br />

in charge. ' .<br />

conducting its final campijign for funds. The drive opened<br />

People wh~ se« how far they<br />

June 12 and will continue thr~,(gh June 30. :<br />

can 10, go too far and don't see it<br />

Grosse Pointe is, well represented,<br />

on}he committeecl;mduet- _<br />

ing Hie drive witli Wendell C. ------------- ------- _<br />

Goddard heading t,.he Michigan<br />

committee for RUSSian Re)ief and<br />

Dr. Alfred H. Whittaker, chairmall<br />

of the June drive.<br />

Surgical instflunents and medicines<br />

are to ~ purchased in this<br />

;, country to be. shipped to Russia,<br />

l' as the articles required. by host<br />

pita1s there are not available in<br />

1 Russia. Filatov Children's Hospital,<br />

lal'gest pediatric institution<br />

in the country.hasa capacity of<br />

700 beds, but is now functioning<br />

on a limited scale.<br />

Named after:: Dr. N.,F. Filatov,<br />

Russia's great pediatrician of the<br />

nineteenth century, the hospital<br />

not only directly cares for numerous<br />

ill and maimed children,<br />

but also serves as a training. in-<br />

,stitute for sp€dalists in children's<br />

diseases. Annually many of these<br />

doc to r s le'ave .the instilute to<br />

spread the benefit of their train- ,<br />

ing and .knowledge throughout<br />

thr,: childl'en's hospitals, schools.<br />

clinics and rest homes in all parts<br />

of the Soviet Union.<br />

Russian Relief has taken the<br />

f;,OUlSE STEVENS PAGE responsibility of. providing for Fi-<br />

, " 'Ialov HospitaL It.is the theory of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Blinn Stevens the sponsors that this kind of<br />

Pag~, 112~ ,Devonshire road,. help given to the Russians will<br />


...... ''''~ .<br />

-,<br />

6 R 0 SSE POI N T'E NEW S<br />

~Society News Gathered from<br />

;<br />

r,.,<br />

t<br />

From Another Pointe<br />

of View:<br />

!: yacht Club "Party Draws Dancers<br />

, Tea dmc:inI out of doors in<br />

j Ibe' late afternoon and dinner<br />

, dancing in the evening attracted<br />

lneJnbers and guests to the Grosse<br />

. Pointe Yacht. Club Saturday.<br />

lune.l11.<br />

Noted among thoSe dancing to<br />

Jack Oakie's music'were: Mr.<br />

and Mrs . .Jesse Fleck, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Edward White, Mr. and<br />

,Care and<br />

.9l1l~<br />

,Mrs. Edward Wheeler~mas<br />

'Tomorrow it GtHS 10<br />

Sul1;v_'s"<br />

New<br />

to<br />

:Bonded messenger pickup se",,"<br />

Ice - OUt' own spcdal vaulls -<br />

Fully Insured - Moderate rates -<br />

Restyling • RepalrlnC - C1eanllll<br />

, GIazinl.<br />

G. m Sullivan<br />

CUSTOM<br />

FUR-R.IER.<br />

1442~ Eo JdeI'lOlt,<br />

La. 6425 .. at CN!1Hn<br />

RA.3201<br />

I:HI:N<br />

!<br />

4 '':.uA*.<br />

All of the<br />

Short and to the Pointe Ann Whitehead Bride<br />

The former DOROTHY FLOItENCE HOnlAN,<br />

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, W. Hofman of Wind~<br />

mill ~ointe drive was married on Baiurday, June 15;<br />

in Graue Pointe Memorial Chwrcb. The Rev. Frank<br />

Fitt offidatOO. Thebridegroom'l parents are Mr.' and<br />

Mrs. Ralph Thomas of Merriweather,~ " ,.'<br />

Leaviar IOOIl far theit s1D!'JlIlr PIcture b)'Carl GHh<br />

home at Seal Harbor, Me., ,will -----...,------------------<br />

~ MRS. ERNEST L\1(ZLn whose coinin; out party takes Mrs. Mather WII' the' ,former<br />

and her chilciren. The KIIJIZ1ers place thiIt Friday. Next Barbara LOuise Klein. Mr. an4d,and her chilo lana. • ~ •<br />

JANE MoNAlJGH'I'QM'has reo dren, BOBBY, BILLY, CAROL,<br />


turned from studies atF:i1lcll have left for their summer home<br />

Junior College in New York to on Lake Huron. '<br />

be with her parents, MR. and • • •<br />


NAUGHTON of Grand Mara.11lher son, JOHN T. HOAG, and<br />

boulevard for the summer boll- her niece, MURIEL MCLlOD,<br />

day. • • •. ' has left by cn for Glacier Park,<br />

Of intere3t to their Pointe Montana. *'. _ '<br />

friendl5 i5 annoUDcemeat of MR. .lUCRAlU) SIDNEY COLLINS,<br />

~d MRS. EDwARD 'F. FISBR7117, Weiltcltester road, Gr05lle<br />

of the September 14 weddiq date PointtlPark, was l1'aduated from<br />

of their daughter, MARILYN lUld the Vniversity of Chicago in the<br />

,C. BRADFORD LUNDY jR., &oil. university's 223th convocation,<br />

of DR. and MRS. C. BRADFORD which was held Friday (June 14)<br />

LUNDY of Middlesex roaa. in Rockefeller Memorial ChaP'!1<br />

• • • .on the Midway.<br />

The Lake Shore road home of • • •<br />

~tw:C::~ m~~~ Paying their ih'st visit to the<br />

=~R~<br />

of the Smith College Club of De- POINTE since their marriage in<br />

trait. The tea will compliment England, are MR. and MllS.<br />

PETER'J. MAT1p:R of LoDdon,<br />

graduatel; and undergraduates of who will spend two monthl here<br />

the college as well as girls who ~ the .uestl of .Mrs. MllthU'1<br />

are planning to attend Smith. Parents, MR. and MRS. GEoltGE<br />

The Pointe's BARBARA S1- H. KLEIN of Devonshire road.<br />


will tell of their work durin,<br />

World War II.<br />

• • •<br />

Returnil:lg home this week from<br />

an Eutern holiday, were MR. and<br />

:MRS. ELMER GAGNIER of Merriweather<br />

road. TIle Gagnlers<br />

were away for a fort!UIht stopping<br />

in New York City and at<br />

the Dennis ~l in Atlantic City.<br />

.... -<br />

The end of this month, MRS.<br />

Mrs. Edward Macauley, Mr. and LYLE GIBSON and her dauSh-<br />

Mrs. Harlow Stahl, Mr. and Mrs. tel', DIXIE will leave their Neff<br />

road home for New York City.<br />

Leo Fitzpatrick, Colonel and Mrs. !m New York they will enplane<br />

Frank Couzens •. Bud Frischkorn for Miami Beac:hand Cubl."!hey<br />

and Susi!,!.Pack~r, Mr. and Mrs. plan to return to ~ Pointe the<br />

Richard ,.Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. first of AU(UJt.<br />

William Y¥!" Mr. and Mrs. Ray • • •<br />

Legg and~. and Mrs. LeRoy BYRD WILLIS' HOPKINS w<br />

Swift. arriving this week-en4. from Gar-<br />

£haraeter<br />

•••<br />

• • • are pt,rt of every tran5ltti0l1 bere at<br />

Scbettler's. YOQ will like t&ia profesaiOllal<br />

way of doing things.<br />

. Ho,v ~oes it help YO'll? Welt, )'OU jwt can't<br />

buy anytbing but the best quality here. We<br />

are proud to make this policy<br />

letVice<br />

to the community.<br />

I part of.our<br />

The CWI'OJtl><br />

land Orchard, Botecourt County,<br />

Va. to visit hi. fiancee, KATH.<br />

ERINE ROSBOROUGH and her<br />

parents, MR.ed MRS. WILLIAM<br />

M. ROSBOROUGH and her par,<br />

ents, MR. and MRS. WILLIAM<br />

ROSBOROUGH at their home in<br />

Washington roaa.<br />

• • •<br />

B. P. LC>JtAN;<br />

GEms of Lake Shore road were<br />

hOft.l 1.$t SUJUU)' to 10 of their<br />

!rlmlb at an al freseo supper on<br />

the groW1dl of their home. They<br />

My, myI••., . are pllMln. aleries of suppers<br />

We've jlolst r,<strong>Hl</strong>Vld iIIe wont plea of public re'atioM eVlr durinJ tbe 'ummel' months.<br />

to'corne our "":I '. • • • •<br />

A Dttr~ florilt ••• hal mailed to busineu men (that's IIsl} Home from ,raduation atCotl..<br />

• ptmPhJtt .tdlllg them in _~ng flowtrJ for the !eddy folb • •• cord GIrla' School in Massacbu.<br />

1M pllmphlet is jHusht~d, tot> • , • showing whllt ~ind of setts is PmnOPE WE.Yd<br />

SUE 'STOEPEL, MARJORIECrouse, Jr., last Saturday afternoon at 4.0 clock. AmllS the<br />

MAXON, NANCY HOGAN, ~13. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer WhIte 'head and WOO

________-<br />

--IIIII!IIII-.JIIl-------~-------------------~-~---~--.-.----,<br />

~..~'~<br />

;-...<br />

~ ~<br />

_ Thu~.YI Jurie 20, 1946<br />

:Woman's. Page<br />

:,JP6inte' 'Set for- First-<br />

Post War Horse Show<br />

Junior<br />

'-";<br />

Junior Le:ague<br />

Adds Members<br />

League swelled itll<br />

ranks this week with 38 newly<br />

elected provisional members.<br />

Names of the new Leaguers<br />

110 Animals to Be Exhibited in FuU List of Evenh at Hunt were announced at t~e .nnu.~<br />

Club Friday, Saturday .,nd Sunday m~tiDg Tuesday morning in the<br />

---------- Country Club.<br />

.' , The Pointe is poised for its first postwar full. dress horse , .The' girls are Sarah Booth. Mrs.<br />

show, to be staged this Friday, Saturday and Sunday on julian L. Brown, Gretchen Cai.<br />

the grounds of the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club on Cook road. hart! Mary Cupper, Pe~gy Davis,<br />

The fervent prayers of those running the show are for good Mrs. 'Richard Denyes, Justine Deweather,<br />

and if there is anything to the law of averages •• Petris. Mrs. John Drummy, Slilly<br />

the Pointe should be due for something perfect along this Duffield. Julia' <strong>Hl</strong>irris, Dorothy<br />

line. '

a<br />

a<br />

\ ,<br />

j<br />

•ules scLu101<br />

1".<br />


}riJI'tls FOr Every OUlISiMI .,<br />

CHerry 3454 807 Metropolitan' incl,.<br />

Florence A. McKinstry<br />

Ana<br />

Mildred ~ri99s<br />

Ano\lnCll \I1eir ~ppoinlmen\5 ~s<br />

Normal Telii:hei~<br />

of<br />

the<br />

Dunning tliln<br />

witkour, 1,Him, whith,re.<br />

-' qultt~ no, ~hy~icSI ~kMion<br />

o~ cliets, yet shoW$ iinh18di.<br />

flte results.<br />

.'<br />

":<br />

~<br />

,<br />

"<br />

,400'<br />

.1<br />

!<br />

!'<br />

"<br />

'],<br />

Metal<br />

or WBA<br />

YINrnAN<br />

ILl""!<br />

Maae<br />

ClI.lItom<br />

, , Z Weeks Se~<br />

•••<br />

DINE our at eUpid's<br />

Make it Il point to eat more often af<br />

Cupid's during the ~ummer months:<br />

Choic$ h5t:!:Iily menus, ~Iway~.<br />

I<br />

C(lupid's ~~.<br />

M.... "'"<br />

Aft'ltrlraft<br />

A=C::i~.<br />

0111,. a f." ,_na.<br />

t...... mal., l'~•••• r<br />

Iwrlttl<br />

lor cahJ01' tod,7"_<br />

_~'hofle<br />

u; f:Uh<br />


Detroit, Mieh.<br />


~"""W/I!lRIIII MACK~ .t HARVARD ROAD M1~<br />

l'5<br />


al a.ter Drln<br />


i:JC. n, ::AaUill'm~ '" ------- ~ NOTICE OF CHA"GE<br />

= i Florence Adams MC1\.instry Annourl1:es<br />

= change in d~te. of piano pupils' dcmollstrl!tion of the Du~ing<br />

liEI Course of imProved mllsie study; at the Gtbsse Pointe Memorial<br />

Church, to J<br />

: - - -. • ." .. U I<br />

l:I! FRIDAY, UNE Z1 at 7:3tP.M. PRbl!C I~lted<br />

i<br />

I<br />

II<br />

Camp<br />

Kalkask'.<br />

" recreational summer camp for boys 8 to 17,<br />

t:aEfie8 aR una ~~flistli6: Grand Travefae<br />

~y, region. Ol)e hour l'('IiJitarytraining dally.<br />

Fisfilng, swimming, S8&tlnij, tennis, hor!eb&ck<br />

ti81nl)I rifIel at~h~'1~ ,uNder the direction of<br />

Captain Donald B. Stucky ~rom How' Mili.<br />

Ury sat8&1:<br />

%,000 Acre Tract AS!lbrd<br />

Privacy<br />

rllforln' Ii<br />

o.slr\d<br />

,Tatorlnr If I so l'le.~<br />

tired, 5th UI 12th<br />

KJ'ade lit ~o Udl.<br />

lIonal .cAAr e. Tallion<br />

S3Z~, ,'0 r<br />

season, (;ataJOfllet<br />

M3.2 CAllS.<br />


(mt an auction-aU items plainly priced)<br />

. .<br />



WM.<br />

Goodhue<br />

R; TRACY<br />

Road<br />

~Ioomfield Hills, Michigan<br />

~~;U;Wd Awnue through Birmingham to Lone Pine<br />

KlIld:-,ltlm len beyond ChrIst Church on Goodhue Road,)<br />

~rtriNG ROOM: English. French and Antique<br />

fiifil<strong>Hl</strong>ire. Upholstered diairs, settees. davenports.<br />

ii88is, consoles, desks, mirrors, miniatures, oriental<br />

iHiSi r~dios, bronze and paintings.<br />

~iJsie ROOM-O.INING RooM--:4 BEDROOMS<br />


RoyAl Sjroti~<br />

tiui; iH;' ~ InB;;<br />

StelR*,iy BiJa.Af't Grana plano<br />

~ii, s!lver. china, glass, poll.>;,. linen, prtnts, book<br />

t81riaioli, blankets. comforu, golf bA!:. and clubs. tailored<br />

mllii l'1lbUa and boots,<br />

H. 0: MlNI.INIY<br />

Canvu<br />

Stock8 SOAr!<br />

','<br />

, .•..<br />

'<br />

- "<br />

..-<br />

.... /<br />

, \

~,<br />

".' ......<br />

*<br />

*<br />

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..<br />

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-- .-t ..... ~-~-----...__ ..- - "-..--<br />

.Al,er .JJiHUI.<br />

irrJU6ifUitil<br />

n{Jlj~<br />

by<br />

ttiUilti M. ptiif<br />

*<br />

*<br />

.'.' ..<br />

::*<br />

/PaPMi\<br />

-<br />

*<br />

f/J,(}(:nte<br />

Counter Points)<br />

,.<br />

., .....<br />

~,'.'- \,.<br />

. .'~<br />

\,<br />


Board of .Education Picks<br />

$uPe:rvisors for .Playground<br />

"ttling .~<br />

Bu(ges~<br />


Made<br />

Venetian<br />

S DAY<br />

.Delivery<br />

We ore mc'l~ufodrJrer. of<br />

stondry!.boal DeCrolI dlJllu ..<br />

T<br />

Rlehellell<br />

l'hursday, June 20, 1946<br />

,:J~f! new.<br />

R'O S L'l':N<br />

SUPER<br />

MA<br />

G RANT '5<br />

40-lb. Box/only<br />

Im;lIediale Deliver)"<br />


R K E.T<br />

invites Y6u 'to select in"<br />

fresner foods from its<br />

:"".:'<br />

::: ....... r ....<br />


;:<br />

.<br />

~<br />

"<br />

i'<br />

;,' • AKAL nLE.,...,Ivr,•. h""i .. /h<br />

wii~ JrNm 01 6i~ ~ olJOIIldoors. Crisp .. "<br />

k/el, , •• OR evlt 110 t!elicl............ ,.,. ,,;,' ,<br />

~ .. ~ ..<br />

.J<br />

-~) rj<br />

&<br />

A8'AIlA8111 ••• If '.'1ir .. 1" ......<br />

".,., •• '""' , •• tltit Is HI TIr.ir "rlHf, H".<br />

.1'01'. HI;,ir feMI.",. ..." 3h<br />

,<br />

~ ~ where the JHwr, Iwec~t jweier w........... an ~: ... that for you at peak of rip._.,,<br />

, ,The bigger watennelGM are p-own_ witlt ~rUIH upeel&l'& to,""~'"~;tiaVe been lit.er&lly ;<br />

, .'<br />

I ,<br />

Doa't Ce.f~ theee ltuciOUIhew_ Witlt eUIury n<strong>Hl</strong> •.c.... paadI. ~af«mel~, TruI1 your AlP to pt arouod<br />

I • , •. '.' . .' ,.<br />

." . .<br />

;'.<br />

r .. "<br />

ripened, Juicier watermeloJ1l have ,**, luareu ~ee. eoatl-and y-'U notlcehow shiny and'aymmetrica1' :<br />

theM are •.Take them home for YOW'faMily to .joy. ,Serve ill IPP.5""1 c»ekWJ •••• eool, tempting..w. •• ~,<br />

liIi N, taRt41izing .deeeeru. 'I1tey',e, ~llul<br />

.<br />

eetiJl& .. y ~.1Y-.en, ~<br />

,', .' ~'.~<br />

•.. and grand "buya'" toO;,<br />

'~<br />

. .<br />

(;BTA~uns •• , ....., .. eW,M<br />

""perHJ TIr,y''1•.... IflrtftHd ~ r:h "Iff"'"<br />

...... tipeMd to ,.rfKtiOll_Bt., II. .<br />

Eaela<br />

SID.<br />

I.E)JONS' ••• big. ""'0'11, Mey ••• N rielr<br />

he "s"lrIlrill.'~ '1ito",iItD. KNp 0 liberal Jupply<br />

,., $v,""''' "'tIrOf" __ io'IIft.-S =3lkl<br />

'n<br />

,n<br />

"1 ,.<br />

'" it.<br />

Ht<br />

'P<br />

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I.' In<br />

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.11<br />

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'I'<br />

IILUE •• ".JU .,."If., ","'IWN' MlIo<br />

ries'TIt.y',. "YII""Yu,;,'! 0" 6,"~fIS' e.,..'" ill<br />

Iti,s, tGrt. l1"d-""'t.f,,,yollr,,"olJl1t<br />

' ..<br />

mulfi"I'<br />

pl.t, Site<br />

17120KE"~IRVAL - GROSSE POL~TE. meB.<br />

\ \<br />

..<br />

.''''' •• 1'8 ••• I,",N'. ,.tH/., .fIf/ '~.nlll.<br />

s..." lor ,w,""ill' fl•• , • "' MlfIfh • ., C1I<br />

',mpt/", e,rrot ..'1id,.._ ...... , ..<br />

"M<br />

"I<br />

'.ET'rU(,B ••• c.mu"'1 pid,.i I., MItci :::<br />

toI.. 6o"/s. CrilPY, IretIt, cool .. • IHwre. ::<br />

..<br />

~<br />

G,,'• hfIfI • , , fHKI .t., .""'-.....<br />

.<br />

I" ~~., ><br />


---------..-..----------<br />

-------~i@.....- .....<br />

1'CH6-.1<br />

G-R.O.~.S..~-P.O.I.N.T.E•.• N.E.W.S•. - ..... ------ ... ---- j<br />

••••• Thursde •• Y,.June •• 20.,<br />

Spo,b<br />

~;Fra:nkBanach Is Appointed<br />

lolligh School Athletic Head<br />

":'0', :<br />

H.!w.rc1 Poe Named to Govern Secondary Health Educa-<br />

,'" ,-' .tiOn ee".rtment in New Set-up Announeed by Essen<br />

: ;.~. On June 14 William Healey, Head of the :qepartment<br />

: 'E'PhYsiCal Education and Athletics of the. ~rosse Poi~te<br />

I. ' dary Sphools, resigned U> accept a Posltlon as varsIty<br />

I; "ethall coach at Charleston Teachers' College, Charleston,<br />

I .lllinois. .. ..<br />

, ' JOllowing his,resignatiQri, Sup-<br />

: ierintendent of 5«:bool5. Dr. Paul<br />

I "1,..~ ~ert,announced. the roor.<br />

I :,~tion of the physIcal educa.<br />

: :tOD and athleticdepanment. ~o<br />

I '4ePartment heads will be created<br />

I :,' 1'1iIce o~ the combined, physi.<br />

It,.,.l' ~ucation '!Jld ,thletlcs de-<br />

I ,ktment.' •<br />

: ~~.:,'I'he Health .Educalion Depart-<br />

• l.."t.in the' sec:ondary schools,<br />

;~'~'be. headed by Howard Poe,<br />

: r:~teaCher at the Pierce, Junior<br />

i ~~hSChoo!, will bei:'Ie~P try his luck in the big<br />

_,.stak~ at Arlirigton. r ...<br />

School<br />

Loses<br />

Healey<br />

._------~===========<br />

Board of Education States-<br />

Policies for Playgrounds<br />

SaY5<br />

Open<br />

Pointe<br />

Defer, Trombly, Pierce, Kerby and Vernier Fields Are<br />

Not Large Enough for Hard BaNGame5<br />

- At the regula!' meeting of me BOard of Education on<br />

June 5,' the policies regulating the use, of school playgrounds<br />

were clarified and formally adopted,<br />

Since many qUe!jtions hiive arisen through the'press and<br />

in communications \lo the Board over' the past year or two<br />

about the use of these playgrounds outside of school time,<br />

it was thought acjvisable. to state in writing, policies that<br />

have been followed for some time, and to improve these<br />

policies in the light of modern needs.<br />

In brief the slated policies<br />

pl\lvide: (1). definite procedure5<br />

for groups other 'than the .schools<br />

to secure permits to use school<br />

playgrounds for schedulea games<br />

and contests; (2) general rules of<br />

decency and order required of<br />

groups using School playgrounds;<br />

(3) .protection of' neighbors bOl'.<br />

dering school playgrounds; (4)<br />

designation for hard baseball<br />

'playing . at the following playgrounds:<br />

Richard, .High. School,<br />

Mason School; (5) pr~hibiti.rig<br />

golf on any. playground a~d<br />

hard baseball on any other than<br />

mentioned above, because the<br />

size or location of Defer, Tromb.<br />

Iy, Pierce. Kerby "and Vernier<br />

are not adeqJ,late for h~rd base.<br />

ball; (6) prohibition of any con.<br />

tests or scheduled games on any<br />

pubUc school playgrounds on<br />

Sunday mornings.<br />

The policies also stat2 that; because<br />

of the primary responsibility<br />

of the Board fo;' expenditures<br />

from its regular budget<br />

for keeping playgrounds in shape<br />

for regular programs of school<br />

children, no expenditure of school<br />

flmds will be authorized for improvement,<br />

supervision or .main-.<br />

teoance .of these grounds, ex.<br />

cept where such expendilurl<br />

contributes to the playground<br />

program involved in the regular<br />

curriculum or extra-curriculum<br />

acvtivities approved by the<br />

~ard, or for general maintenance<br />

of the property. '<br />

A recent example of this type<br />

of eScpenditiJre' was t.lJe coopera.<br />

tive eXpenditure of the. Village<br />

of Grosse Pointe Woods and the<br />

Board of Education in the im~<br />

provement of the ball"field at<br />

the Mason School. Since this<br />

playground can also be Used for<br />

the hard ball games of the regular<br />

Board of Education super.<br />

vised summer playground, it. was<br />

'deemed justifiable to make modest<br />

expenditures of school fund!<br />

in cooperation with the Village,<br />

even though the field will/be<br />

used chiefly ror ball gaInes by<br />

the community which are not a<br />

part of the rellular .school program<br />

.<br />

letter to ~Members<br />

High' Dads' Ctub<br />

of<br />

Gentlemen: school in the Border City League<br />

You no doubt have heard' that does? .<br />

Why can't we hire a footb~ll<br />

Grosse Pointe High has lost its coach who has played varsiiy.<br />

athletic director. It is understood football in college and give our<br />

that the Board of Education is boys' the benefit of his bii time<br />

looking for a man to. take over experience? .<br />

the football and bas~elball coach- It )W1Ilbe very hard fo repla'ce<br />

ing duties at the school your sons CoaCh Bill Healey in basketball,<br />

bu~ it must. be done and done:,'in<br />

.ttend. 'th~'r'Opet'WaY'it' Jwe'elt.p~'H'~lo<br />

Now is the time for your or- see Grosse Pointe::remain' a basganization<br />

to exert every effort kelball power. in the state as it<br />

in your ]lOwer.to bring a big time has been since Healey took over<br />

coach to Grosse Pointe to give the basketball reins four year.<br />

our community the type of foot. ago.<br />

ball it deserves. r You men must IF-ad thE way'in<br />

bringing to Grosse Pointe coaches<br />

For years the Grosse Pointe of ~he highest caliber and make<br />

High. athletic department has our.athletic. system one ..to ~<br />

been undermanned, having only proud of.<br />

two regular coaches in this de- Call, wrile or even better d-o~<br />

partment to handl~ the. major i_ to the Board of Education of.<br />

sports program. ThIS was found .flee:l and make it k1Iown that<br />

to be too much for two men to your organization wants the best<br />

h:m dle S? t~achers were asked to available' coacheS to train your<br />

&;Ive their tune to coach .our var- . boys in high school sports in the'<br />

sty baseball and, tenn,!! teams future. Let's not settle for one<br />

and the reserve squads In every coach for several sports but I t'<br />

sport. • . . eJ<br />

. .have one full time coach for<br />

Why can't a school the size .of eVery major sport. .<br />

GrOSiC Pointe afford a regular' FRED RUNNELLS<br />

coach for every major' sport on SportS'Editor'<br />

the program like every other Grosse Pointe New~:<br />

,~ - at t!leBa5@ballHallc: f Fame ;~:S:.~~ ~~~~LY ~';;;'t~;r t~ar~e~er ~ ~ ~ e: e ha~ past several weeks, June 25 will . i.~.:.'.~;.',.:.:., ...i.i.'..~.:,i.:.'<br />

e where the~ ,o:vernor dedicated a TEN YEARS AGO this June 19; dropPed down to'nothing and,.lett officially, open the .reason as the • , ...•<br />

'.<br />

: I<br />

p~ue Xi' Wn<br />

to<br />

Land'<br />

the lale<br />

first'..<br />

Kenesaw J<br />

De<br />

Lo' ed aU-out'date. Conservation eXperts Br FIlED RUNNELLS Pointe athletes would say if.they<br />

UJ.S was knock. . out by the little crafts drifting about on predict the . pre-war record of<br />

'. ~ .0Ull IS, eomnus- Max Schmeling. It was the first a mirror-like lake. This caused 600 000 l' . 'ed fi h . '11 be Grosse Pointe High's basketbilll could see their 'coach before .he RatOn Plays .Havoc' Wl.th P'o'I.nte Bal'l<br />

• Oi l1O!1et ofbaseba)l.. .' , . and only tim' .e, the ~hampl'o'n had "reat ~on~em'. to .the' skipper'. S 'oe- ; Icens s .ermen WI leaves our community. '.'The best<br />

• ...... ~.. ~" broken.this yea'r.- ,. prestige suffered a severe blow .<br />

Ii ~'!"~; ~ l~O-JO.WHITE, been knocked out in his long pro- cause they had to battle the cur- Bass and Muskies will be Ihe with the announcement that ath. of luck and tile greatest' success Metropolitan Club<br />

'II the u-Tliah m~, took over to- fessional career. • . . rent, which prevails along the main objective of most of the leti,c dircctor Bill Healey had ac. to you always, coach. It's been The unseasonabre we a the 'r Leape. Sbndints<br />

. I.dly as. the playmg manager of THE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE channel, without the aid of any anglers, with the specific purpose cepted an .offer to become the swell knowing a fellow like you.'! plaYed ha:Voc with the ~eball ' W L<br />

: ~SeitUe Rainers in the Pacific has never changed hands in the of that stuff that makes'lhese 'lit- of dethroning Percy Haver.as the varsity basketball coach at East- ------ City ~ 2 O.<br />

• cGut LellgDe. He has been play- Yankee Stadium if that consoles Ue wind wagons go. The fleet was world c!tampionship muskalonge ern nIinois State Teachers Col- G P • t games scheduled in the Pointe Woods :._ 2 J<br />

. = ~.With. Sacramento. you folks who have laid it on the pretty well bunched during the fish~rman. Haver caught his 62 lege in Char~e5ton, Illinois. rosse OlD e, I during the last week and only Farms 1 1<br />

,'" ~"::MICHIGAN QUAL1FIED four line for Mr. Conn. . . lull. ]lOund 8 ounce world title win- Although it is a great lo~ to L Res Its one game was plaYl'd in the <strong>Class</strong> Shores ~ 1 2<br />

'II ~. for the final 36 holes of THE WEATHER put the damp- About 3:.30 p. m. the breeze de- ning muskie in about four feet the Blue Devils' athletic depart- eague U B diVision: and that one was Park ..: 0' 2<br />

~ ~. ~~l\&l Open. They were er on the exhibition game scheel- veloped sllghUy from .the north- of water oft tJ:e head o~ B~lIe Iment it is a. big ~tep forward fer I __ I . . . On Wednesday, June 12 all<br />

. ~ Je\:l',~:Eddie Furgol. the 27-year uled between the Tigers and the east and the fleet began to move Isle. Haver .adYIsed mus!'.1e flSh- Healey towards th,; big t i..m e. Ciaas E wash~OIl.t after five mnmgs of sclteduled l1:ames weTf~ rained ou't.<br />

• llltiPontiac Country Club pro Flint All-Stars when rain washed towards the first m,ark o! .the ermen to fISh the. shoal waters coaching of which every high J . 13 .1", play... . • , I Results of games Dlayed Fri-<br />

II .'!'lh'&'was,followed by Chick Har~ out the contest. The same down- course. As.all the h

~OY.I:.!UM20, 01946.<br />

aCoft'r BITES OIllLD<br />

-'--'<br />

A scOtty doiowned ,by Gear ••<br />

Ho~ch~of .05 M.dison: .bit<br />

Denis Perkins, Qed fourliild I<br />

halt, on the. wrist and hiP. duringth.<br />

mQrnu,i of June 14.. The .<br />

ariimal hac been ordered<br />

up fOr a 10.day observationperiQd<br />

•.<br />

fiSH ..IIOOHIPS'<br />

- TO. TAKI OUT.<br />

.If you haven.t lhef""d for eXtra<br />

.uests or tlIat un.xpected<br />

, ftrtlo~"~ry~ •. W. Cln ,Iy.<br />


WE serve<br />


,CI\l,le. of FI.yon<br />

OPEN<br />

1:38 A.M. to 11:10 P.M.<br />


:, 1'1457 M~k TV. I-M<br />

,.by'lmu •• , of I" i tll ,.; "<br />


his ~C"''''",.• .<br />


lkuaIac IUftr<br />

._.w_<br />

. .. ,~" ,<br />

, '<br />

, '. .<br />

A." . . ....<br />


Hpr;p..'fm 011/,.'<br />

S-.or1'16onl i" D,troit"<br />

*<br />

1.14 .. Jeffel'l"<br />

'.• t' al",",.<br />

'*<br />

. , \<br />

Luncheons Scn'O(\ 11,30 Ie 2:30'<br />

PlnaJra hrve4 S:3O10 10 P. 11..'<br />

. I - •.<br />

CloI.4 ,MoHe"<br />


ItAlHIolpb 10U-45<br />

ID:<br />

, .

I..an,<br />

'.<br />

,,"-"- ,'.,,-' ~_. ""<br />

,<br />

~~~:~: .<br />

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'.: -<br />

&ItOSSI!<br />

«~ r!/llJ-fJj<br />

j: ~:~I;~~<br />

\.<br />

,<br />

POINTE<br />

NEWS<br />

r<br />

I<br />

~I<br />

:04 .ttt C,UJUe'ZS; Ci 211. i 2 2i £jj t Ii 1.1, .iJ...i .,: ; .' .1~#QJ<br />

,::'1h'" 2'- .......,:c)I lENT ~ WANTED TO .ENT I-AmCLIS. FOI ~<br />

.... OSSE -'NTI NEWS fH..... A,m., ,.. etc.)<br />

,It_ n.n DESIRABLE furnished h om e WILL sacrifice 12 Z;ew ,enuine<br />

(J,'ftuk U- .. Iene 1'•• ) ~,'i!ilable for July and August Goo d II'" " n g, quiet, refined ]flue GOO'.>ej pillow.. ..Men',<br />

at $200 monthly. Must have ex-. 1 tho . 37 LEn 0295<br />

CBA&G.B &AftI cellent references. Write Box middle'llged coupl6 nee a 5 or 6 _ C 0 mg, 'Ize.. ox ..<br />

,,~... "... ~w .. ~ .. 875, Grs. Pte. News. room unfurnished flilt or income Lr\i;(NG room.uite, odd chain.<br />

WATERWORKS PARK district; by iW9D st 1st. No children or General Electric sun lamp. Hot<br />

"" ,,~SB aATEI..... must' sell furniture. DRexel pets. Both employed., A-I refer. Poin! electric range. TUrcedo<br />

~'w~ "...~ 2790. enc:e~. Cilil Mr. Mllxwell "t Rond. 2-1142. .<br />

CLOSING TIME 7-WANTED TO lENT olph 0500 or Prospect 2562 eve~ PEQUOT sireeu, tine table liIiens<br />

(H....,. A,m., A.... etc.) and napkins to match. English<br />

A4I wW be nings. dinner set and other articles.'<br />

I~C:t.bvrOm~ at TOP RENT Box 680 Grs. Pte. News. •<br />

; •. EMERGENCY-Present Gn. Pte.<br />

' TbUr Ad will be accepted UD. resident, 21 yrs. Michigu Bell, 18 FT BOAT, cabin, windshield,<br />

.1 gist.P:Ra~~~~i~~~ Will poy top rent ~o leose for I, wants 3 bedroom flat. single flying bridge wilh Universal<br />

: following stores: 2 or 3 yeors, " 7, 8 or 9.room or terrace. Call TUxedo. 2-9166 motor, 4 cylinder. Complete for<br />

~ house in either Forms or Snores for or CHerry 9900, ext. 778. $550. 284 Ashland or call DR.<br />

, ~ ~;].d::R's..;.i'laber at M.umH Salesexecu ve size '12, womonly twic!e. In PERFECT DIAMOND<br />

:1 ~luN'8 . ,........ ~ ~all DRexel 1001. excellent condition. NI. 4655. 87 Point I<br />

SWXa:R Dimas .' . . . " Platirlum mounting with' four<br />

,j ' ..:...17301 ... - .... _. HOUSE. 3 or 4 bedroom, No DAVENPORT, chlUI',. desk, tWIn baguettes and two small natural<br />

j •<br />

: 1T1"ll!! DRUGSJL~_' at 111_ children. G00d r eferences. Ex- metal beds, 271 Kenwood Ct.-.ton~. ~<br />

1 _ ..... - :cellerit care of property.,Tux. u~'TCHED' S'ET' f p' tt' :a ~e<br />

" 5. ". ".' " • . .nLn. . .0 . a y<br />

i. . i. ... '.' .... l~i9.82. . . Clubs, $80. With:)eather<br />

u,'"<br />

bag<br />

~:i ~FORiEst'RESUlts,. COUPLE-Minister' of Ors. Pte, alJlo . prewar tennis racquet. '-A.neLES WANTED<br />

< " • • Methodist Church arid wife Ladies English 'riding boots,<br />

!,tADVERnSl: IN.,tH!: NEWSI size 8'12. Niagara 9702.<br />

I.:: .. . ,. ' •want house or apt.; furnished .<br />

J 1'~'~if~. . .~~~t~~~er~ ;:s~~~~::<br />

;;~~ar:s~<br />

~~~.l~~~'<br />

, I' ..,'.. 'No liets. TUxed.o 1-1129. Lawn settee .wing: RoUer<br />

I...:t'rs, ~rl! .~elcomed<br />

Do:lFWor'l.~'h~~~~aI 1163. i )", . to Mr. ~d,Mrs. X.s~ew home.<br />

For QuIa. Service. Call ' . J;lierythmg 'seems to go beauti-;<br />

'. " ,'. J CEMENT and bri~ work. Side" 1ulb) the house and cfurtIUhinp'<br />

Gene'rol' Refri.g~rotor Service walks; 'Porches, etc. Vito Vin&i, m",Quly' adinired; until 'Mr&' X.<br />

3033 MARLBOROUGH 1577 HuntingtonRd,; Gn. Pte. ~rl:l~: a wh~red, reJbark:<br />

'II''';':: :: ~.c~~~' Woods.lilii ara '6OO1- " 'J;~~~~~t::g~1-.:'Lt ..lfOrd<br />

.,.': '. .'. - ~ cCiJTC .... i.r W .... :.. .,SlIoeked "iiiidhurt, MiI:X~ at<br />

FOR the ftnest interior decorat~CARPENTRY _ REPAIRS .' ;last realizes :.that ;good:.p&intiriga:<br />

inI imd .outsidepamlinr' at Porc1i'~,. s~eps; 1ru it ceJIars, win~ are not alu.xlll'Y_bu~ a 'neceuity,<br />

. reasonable cost:ieeCharlesA:. dow.5o' .'.doo ... i1l,' '.x,e.pafred... r.00. d. 'giVing the'firi.nouC~':to' .. beauti-<br />

SchnIeder t DR 10388 ' - ~ fun fU~;.hui\ilo;:2e".' ."" .• ~__<br />

, a exe.. .' repaired.<br />

tiqU'e loneseat; ladies dresses, sleeping porChes. . LE. . 2437 -4150 CADIEUX<br />

size 16; 2 men's tuxedos and. '<br />

accessories; one size 38 short, mOI1Ungs., .TUexdo 1.2029<br />

one size 38 regular; man's hunt~ HOUSE FOR SALE: Four beding<br />

suit and rubber hoou; call room home in Grosse Pointe<br />

NIagara 2886. Park. TUxedo 2-4902.<br />

9X12 RUG, sun room furniture,<br />

other household articles. 1369<br />

Nottingham.<br />

SAILBOAT; 'rhompson knl'JCk.<br />

about . snipe. Complete with<br />

sails. Call NIagara 2044.<br />

LATEST model ABC automatic<br />

washing machine. Excellent<br />

condilion. TU. l-i974. \<br />

SOFA, spring seats, good constmction.<br />

slip cover included,<br />

$75.00. Record cabinet, $10.00.<br />

Rose satin bedspread,. ~15.oo.<br />

Saturday after 10:00, 1041 Har.<br />

vard.<br />

LA WNMOWERS sharpened "rod<br />

repaIred by experts. Hous.ehold<br />

repairin~ and sharpening of all<br />

kinds. Rapid service. '<br />


14221 Kercheval Av!!.<br />

LE. 4352<br />

PLazll 3274 Work Gu~rel'\teed<br />

FERGucON'S ' storm windows removed. lICret!DS<br />

;) and awninlll hun/{. Estimates<br />

Rugs, C~rpet Cleoning Semc:e; ~ly ~ven on. wall washinj(.<br />

Hove your rugs woshed; sanitized HAYES WINDOW CLEANING<br />

ond germ-proofed. Let us revive AND WALL WASHING<br />

the ex"uisite c:olorings in your . 13927 E. Jefferson<br />

~ LEnox 7781<br />

rugs "nd c"rpets '<br />

Soapbox Derby think lvorysoap anlt- water<br />

Rules Ready<br />

are,ideal for, this :parpOR.<br />

Although eictiilent for your'<br />

k'it~en and laundry, it is not<br />

--' I advWlble to use on painting-.<br />

Chevrolet dealers throughout. This treatment will do more<br />

the arel! now have the official harm ~han' g'oodand may<br />

IH8 rules for the annual So,apbox damage your picture 'com.<br />

Derby which will be held this pletely. Oil too, as a cleaning<br />

year on 'August 18 in Aleron, O.<br />

~ Jnedium,<br />

since it<br />

is' not advlsable<br />

makes the surface<br />

All boys betwet!n the ages of sticky, inViting dust and dirt<br />

IJ and 15 are eligible to enter to accumulate. You may dust<br />

and ma)'obtain rules for building your pictures with a soft<br />

their derby cars from the de~lers.<br />

cloth<br />

.need<br />

or lambs-wool.<br />

a. cleaning job,<br />

U'they<br />

call an<br />

The most convenient dealer for expert. .<br />

Gr~ Pointe yo~ers Is the t. How to store a painting:<br />

Eastern Chevrolet at'l4SQO East ,- Remove screws and wire<br />

Jefte~ at ~hland. • from the back ot the frame.<br />

The requiremenu for the derby ~ut two cardboards largl1<br />

'will be staged early in Au,ust enough to cover 'the whole<br />

and from latest reporta the ~n-.. painting, put the Jlleture 'In<br />

triea are coming in rapidly and . behveeJl, I and wrap up tea<br />

reeo:d entl'1 ahouId reaul~ ewel¥, .<br />

/<br />

, ~<br />


_-- .....<br />

I'<br />

6 lOS, SE POI N TEN E W S<br />

Sixth ,Church of, christ<br />

, Sdeittist,Dmoit:', ,<br />

,"14noK~ A'ItftIii<br />

lk&Ilday,~ tD:lIO L ..<br />

U4 II:OO.p.lIII.<br />

"":~~~~i "<br />

'f!nt IIIIIIiIGIl ••••• ~ .10:aoL oil.<br />

..... 04 _loa ••••• - U:CS....<br />

,W~:r_lq,~<br />

, Meoot1JIl .:00 ,;.. '<br />

JlM4la& ~ _ ..- ~<br />

U:OO L m. to .:00 P.lIL ,<br />


" .~ ,.., .... ":~" -,.;.,"~ .~~, .;, •. Y. - •• • •<br />

,~,.i,V .<br />

.jU1ttS !Police to be Given<br />

~~:-' >, cams<br />

For' Office of Chief<br />

"',1' ..'<br />

;"£~~ of Trustees Approves Plan to Have Michigan<br />

\F;,:;~Municip411 League Prepare Test for Department<br />

!t:o".Farms Village Trustee George L. Schlaepfer, who is also<br />

;".thiij,J'olice Conunio;sionel', brought in a report to the Council<br />

;: ~day night which bore directly on the naming of a Chief<br />

: \Of ~olice for the village.<br />

tl it 7 ecommended, first, that the

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