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OF<br />
2009<br />
M. Ex. Comp. Roland Allen Paddle Grand First Principal<br />
1675 Shore Road, Kingston ON K7L 5H6<br />
R. Ex. Comp. Roland Patrick Mandeville Grand Second Principal<br />
36 Sapphire Crescent, Brampton ON L6Z 4M4<br />
R. Ex. Comp. Michael Jon Bowman Grand Third Principal<br />
134 Skye Street, Ingersoll ON N5C 2P8<br />
R. Ex. Comp Grand Chaplain<br />
R. Ex. Comp. Shavak Russy Madon Grand Treasurer<br />
375 Poplar Drive, Oakville ON L6J 4E3<br />
M. Ex. Comp. Richard James Jackson Grand Scribe Ezra<br />
RR 8, 443 10 Ferguson Line, St. Thomas ON N5P 3T3<br />
R. Ex. Comp. Melvyn James Duke Grand Scribe Ezra Emeritus<br />
253-3060 Constitution Blvd., Mississauga ON L4Y 3X8<br />
R. Ex. Comp. Roderick George Haufe Grand Scribe Nehemiah<br />
1 32 Old Colony Road, Kanata ON K2L 5T1<br />
R. Ex. Comp. Randolph Colin Thompson Grand Principal Soujourner<br />
7561 Leskard Road, Orono ON LOB 1M0<br />
R. Ex. Comp. Edward ( Ted ) George Toogood Grand Registrar<br />
928 Prestwick Crescent, Kingston ON K7M 8G4<br />
April 7-10, 2010<br />
St. Catharines<br />
Quality Hotel Parkway Convention Centre
OF<br />
Held in Quality Hotel Parkway Convention Centre<br />
St. Catharines, Ontario Canada<br />
Thursday, Friday, Saturday<br />
April 2, 3 and 4, 2009<br />
Roland Allen Paddle<br />
Richard James Jackson<br />
Grand First Principal<br />
Grand Scribe Ezra<br />
1 675 Shore Road 36 1 King Street West<br />
Kingston, Ontario<br />
K7L5H6<br />
Hamilton, Ontario<br />
Biography: Most Excellent Companion Roll and Allen Paddle<br />
Born: April 20, 1938, Gananoque, raised on a dairy farm Highway #2 St. Lawrence<br />
River<br />
Education (Formal:) Elementary one room country school Pittsferry SS#5 Pittsburgh<br />
Gananoque Secondary School and Frontenac Secondary School, Collins Bay, Ontario<br />
Fire College Gravenhurst<br />
Married: Marjorie V. Fertig R.N. Gananoque January 25, 1963, four daughters, six<br />
grandchildren<br />
Residence: 1675 Shore Road, Highway #2 East, Kingston<br />
Occupation: Retired in 1994 from Aluminum Company of Canada, Kingston, Works<br />
Production Supervisor, quality control 34 years service. Member, Workplace<br />
Occupational Health and Safety committee. Industrial Accident First Aid responder.<br />
Retired in 2005 from volunteer fire service as Fire Captain with Kingston Fire and Rescue<br />
36 years service specialized training in First Aid, CPR and Defibulator Instructor. Auto<br />
Crash Extrication and farm rescue training. Acting District Chief 2 years Station No. 1.<br />
Present: School Bus driver, driver Instructor, Stock Transportation 1 1 years service.<br />
Community Service: Coach Pittsburgh Township Recreation minor softball 8 years,<br />
Member of Parks Committee 2 years. Past president and secretary Pittsburgh Township<br />
Firefighters Association, Past president ofEastern Ontario Auto Extrication Competition.<br />
Faith: Member of Anglican Parish of Christ Church, Ganonoque, People's Warden 2007<br />
Craft Lodge<br />
1972 Initiated, Passed and Raised The Ancient St. John's Lodge No. 3 Kingston<br />
1979 Elected and Installed Wor. Master The Ancient St. John's Lodge No. 3<br />
19892004 Elected Treasurer of The Ancient St. John's Lodge No. 3<br />
1993 Senior Deacon, Bicentennial degree team The Ancient St. John's Lodge No. 3<br />
1 994 Appointed Grand Steward Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario<br />
January 21, 2003 Commuted Life Member The Ancient St. John's Lodge No 3<br />
Capitular Masonry<br />
1981 Exalted to the Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem<br />
1989 Installed First Principal, Ancient. Frontenac and Cataraqui Chapter No 1<br />
1992 Appointed Grand Steward, of Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons<br />
1 993 - 2004 Elected Scribe Ezra Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui Chapter No 1<br />
1997 Secretary/Treasurer Bicentennial Comm Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui Chapter No 1<br />
1997 Elected and Invested Grand Superintendent St. Lawrence District No. 12<br />
1999 Appointed Honourary member of the Grand Executive of Grand Chapter<br />
2001 General Chairman 143 rd Grand Chapter Convocation Kingston<br />
2001 Constituted and appointed Grand Representative of Newfoundland to Ontario<br />
2002 Honourary Member of the Grand Chapter of Newfoundland and Labrador<br />
2003 Paid up Life Member Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui Chapter No. 1<br />
2004 Elected as Grand Third Principal, Grand Chapter St. Catharines<br />
2005 Affiliated Sussex St. Lawrence Chapter No. 59 Brockville<br />
2006 Elected as Grand Second Principal, Grand Chapter St. Catharines<br />
2008 Elected as Grand First Principal, Grand Chapter St. Catharines<br />
2008 Honourary Past Grand First Principal Grand Chapter of Manitoba
2008 Honourary Past Grand High Priest of Newfoundland and Labrador<br />
2008 Honourary Member Grand Chapter of Vermont<br />
2008 Honourary Member Grand Chapter of Ohio<br />
Other York Rite Bodies<br />
1989 Anointed, Consecrated, and set apart, to the Holy Order of High Priesthood<br />
1990 Life Member of Adoniram Council No. 2<br />
2008 Honourary Member Order of the High Priesthood of Manitoba<br />
2008 Honourary Member Order of the High Priesthood of Iowa<br />
1989 Royal and Select Masters Frontenac Council No. 26 Kingston<br />
1989 St. Lawrence Lodge No. 23 Royal Arc Mariners Kingston<br />
1998 Consecrated Hugh de Payens Preceptory K.T. No. 1<br />
2002 Presiding Preceptor<br />
2008 Appointed Grand Executive<br />
1999 Thrice Illustrious Master, Frontenac Council No. 26<br />
1999 Worshipful Commander Noah St. Lawrence Lodge No. 23<br />
2005 Grand Steward Grand Council<br />
2006 Ontario Council Thrice Illustrious Masters Order of the Silver Trowel<br />
1990 Lactanian Conclave No 35 Knights of Red Cross of Constantine Kingston<br />
2002 MPS Lactanian Conclave No 35 Knights of Red Cross of Constantine, Kingston<br />
2002 St. Aidan's No 68 York Rite Sovereign College, Ottawa<br />
2003 Trent Priory No 74 Knights of the York Cross of Honour, Peterborough<br />
2008 Member Charles Clyde Hunt Priory No 42 Cross of Honour, Newfoundland<br />
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite<br />
2005 Kingston Lodge of Perfection, Kingston<br />
2006 14 Degree<br />
2006 15 Degree Kingston Chapter of Rose Croix<br />
2007 18 Degree Kingston<br />
2007 Moore Sovereign Consistory Hamilton 32 degree<br />
A.A.O.N.M.S.<br />
2004 Tunis Temple No. 1 79, Ottawa<br />
2005 Unit: Provost Corp.<br />
2004 1000 Islands Shrine Club, Gananoque
Most Excellent Companion Roland Allen Paddle
51<br />
The One Hundred and Fifty - First Annual Convocation of The Grand Chapter of Royal<br />
Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario, held at the Quality Hotel Parkway<br />
Convention Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario on April 3 rd and 4 ,h , 2009.<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Roland Allen Paddle<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Roland Patrick Mandeville<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Michael Jon Bowman<br />
Grand First Principal<br />
Grand Second Principal<br />
Grand Third Principal<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Charles W Emmett<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Gordon H Stuart<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Edward W Elcombe<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Leslie Levitt<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Alan F Walker<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Donald F Kline<br />
M.Ex.Comp. R Frank Russell<br />
M.Ex.Comp. John W McGill<br />
M.Ex.Comp. George H Gifford<br />
R.Ex.Comp.<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Shavak Russy Madon<br />
M.Ex.Comp Richard James Jackson<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Melvyn James Duke<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Roderick George Haufe<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Randolph Colin Thompson<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Edward (Ted) George Toogood<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Gary Paul Humes<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Tim Corrin<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Paul William Hooper<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Glen Allen Miller<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Gerald Edward Morgan<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Charles Phillip Stewart<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Stewart George Brass<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Sydney James Henhawk<br />
R.Ex.Comp. McAllister Home<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Barry Leslie Jones<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Harold E Belfry<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Raymond John Beverley<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Ronald Eugene Carter<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Davide Bertram Lyon<br />
R.Ex.Comp John David Andrew Graham<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Daniel Alexander Raycroft<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Warren Orville Copeland<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Harry D Turner<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Richard J Jackson<br />
Grand Chaplain<br />
Grand Treasurer<br />
Grand Scribe Ezra<br />
Grand Scribe Ezra Emeritus<br />
Grand Scribe Nehemiah<br />
Grand Principal Sojourner<br />
Grand Registrar<br />
Grand Historian<br />
Grand Archivist<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 1<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 2<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 3<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 4<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 5<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 6<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 7<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 8<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 9<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 10<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 1<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 12<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 13<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 14<br />
Grand Superintendent - District 1
R.Ex.Comp. David Edward Jacklin (1 Year Term)<br />
ELECTED 2008<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Michael William Channing<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Maurice Edward (Ted) Jenkins<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Brian Douglas Van Sickle<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Guy Henry Handsley<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Arthur David Payne<br />
ELECTED 2007<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Robert Joseph McMaster<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Thomas Albert Mortlock<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Harry Daniel Knox<br />
R.Ex.Comp. William Gary McCormick<br />
APPOINTED 2008<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Douglas Edwin Stitt<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Paraag Natwarlal Suchak<br />
R.Ex.Comp. John William Lidstone<br />
APPOINTED 2007<br />
R.Ex.Comp. William James Needham Throop<br />
A constitutional number of Chapters being represented by their qualified officers, the One<br />
Hundred and Fifty - First Annual Convocation of The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons<br />
of Canada in the Province of Ontario was opened in Ample Form at 9:00 a.m.<br />
The Grand First Principal announced that all Royal Arch Masons in good standing and<br />
properly vouched for, would now be welcomed. After admitting all Companions, the Grand<br />
First Principal welcomed all present at the One Hundred and Fifty -<br />
First Convocation.<br />
The Grand First Principal then appointed RExComps J William Lidstone and Melvyn J Duke<br />
as Parliamentarians for the duration of this Convocation.<br />
Distinguished Guests - Introduced by R.Ex.Comp. Hugh A Kernohan<br />
Order of the High Priesthood of Ontario.M. Ex.High Priest M John Moor, GrandPresident<br />
Sovereign Great Priory<br />
M.Em.Kt. W Job Parsons, P.G.Z, S.G.M., of S.G.P.<br />
Michigan<br />
R.Ex.Comp. David Dossette, G.R.A.C.<br />
New York<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Jeffrey Williamson, Grand King<br />
Ohio<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Robert Draye, G.H.P..<br />
Virginia<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Torben Pedersen, D.D.G.H.P<br />
Wisconsin<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Ken Bales, P.G.H.P.<br />
Nova Scotia<br />
M.Ex.Comp. James Taylor, G.H.P.<br />
Quebec<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Bertrand Poirier, Grand First Principal<br />
Alberta<br />
M.Ex.Comp Jim Lore, Grand First Principal<br />
British Columbia M.Ex.Comp. Joseph Marshall, Past Grand First Principal, G.Rep.<br />
The Grand First Principal greeted the Distinguished Guests individually as they were<br />
presented and welcomed them warmly. They were then escorted to their seats by the Grand<br />
Second and Grand Third Principals. Grand Honours were accorded the guests led by the<br />
Grand Director of Ceremonies.
Most Worshipful Brother Allan J Petrisor. the Grand Master of The Grand Lodge Ancient<br />
Free & Accepted Masons of Canada, in the Province of Ontario, was presented in the West<br />
where he was formally and warmly received by M.Ex.Comp Paddle. Following Grand<br />
Honours he was escorted to his seat on the dias by the Grand First Principal.<br />
Most Excellent Sir, Please raise the Companions.<br />
Most Holy and Almighty Being, we pray for your presence, guidance and wisdom to be<br />
\\ ith us here in this place and throughout the proceedings of this Convocation of The<br />
Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
We acknowledge your supremacy over us and humbly solicit that we may mimic what<br />
only You can achieve. We, therefore, implore that You impart to all participants a<br />
measure of Your divine abilities that the work of the Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the<br />
Province of Ontario may be completed in harmony and be aligned with Your wishes as<br />
Supreme Creator.<br />
May your omnipotent hand direct the leaders of this Grand Chapter in the paths of<br />
righteousness so that they may follow the course of perfection which You have directed.<br />
Finally, may Your eternal blessings be imparted upon this Convocation assembled in thy<br />
Holy Name and we pray thee, O Gracious God, to hear this our earnest supplication and<br />
be merciful to us now and forever.<br />
Amen So Mote It Be.<br />
The flags of Canada and the United States of America were presented at the Altar and<br />
placed in the East, following which the National Anthems of both countries were sung.<br />
Opening Prayer: Almighty and Supreme Lord, we remember before You those of our<br />
Companions who have faithfully laboured in the quarry using their skill and ability to<br />
raise a mighty temple to your honour and who are now called on the sixth hour to receive<br />
their wages. May the labour of their hands and the sharing of their skills be pleasing in<br />
Your sight and may their reward be a place of peace and perfection in Your Holy and<br />
Eternal Temple.<br />
We acknowledge before You Most Holy One, that the Companions who have gone before<br />
us have laid a firm foundation upon which we can continue to construct and one on which<br />
we can rely. Finally, we continue to offer to You our praise and obedience with thankful<br />
hearts for Your many blessings poured out upon us in great and unending abundance.<br />
Amen - So Mote It Be.
Most Excellent Sir, please seat the Companions.<br />
Scriptures: [I Kings 6:7, 1 1 - 1 2] In building the temple, only blocks dressed at the quarry<br />
were used, and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site while<br />
it was being built. The word of the Lord came to Solomon: "As for this temple you are<br />
building, if you follow my decrees, carry out my regulations and keep all my commands<br />
and obey them, I will fulfill through you the promise I gave to David your father."<br />
The temple grounds were considered to be so sacred and so hallowed that not even the<br />
sound of a workman's tool was allowed to be present. It, therefore, meant that the work<br />
done in the quarries had to be perfect for no final carving would be allowed to make the<br />
ashlers fit tight and precise. The stones not only had to be sized correctly, but, had to be<br />
smooth and flawless. This required skill, patience, determination, pride, and cooperation.<br />
Only by repeated effort could the learned craftsmen complete their tasks. They knew that<br />
not only did their work need to be correct but the work of their fellow craftsmen also<br />
needed to be correct - team work. The goal was not to make personal gain but rather to<br />
complete a structure to the glory of the Supreme Being. Those Companions who have<br />
laboured here in the quarry of Royal Arch Masonry were also trying to reach perfection.<br />
Now that they have been called to the Grand Temple may they know the rewards of their<br />
effort and may they also know the eternal peace that abides within the walls of that<br />
edifice. May we learn from their example and carry out the regular ions and keep the<br />
commands, for the Almighty's promise is timeless and for all generations. During this<br />
convocation, I would charge you with the responsibility to recall those of your<br />
Companions who have been summoned to that subliminary abode and set in your minds<br />
eye the example they provided for you and be resolved to continue the good work they<br />
have begun.<br />
Most Excellent Sir, please raise the Companions for a moment of silence.<br />
Closing Prayer: Grand and Great Architect and Geometrician of the Universe, we offer<br />
a prayer of thanksgiving for the lives of the Companions we commemorate this day. We<br />
acknowledge that they have laid a sound foundation upon which we can build and are<br />
grateful for their skills which they have so readily shared. May their work here in the<br />
quarry be forever remembered. We pray that You grant to them that eternal happiness<br />
they so richly deserve and may your temple be a haven of bliss and tranquility. Amen<br />
- So Mote It Be.<br />
Most Excellent Sir, please seat the Companions.<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Paddle called upon M.W.Bro. Allan J Petrisor to bring greetings from The<br />
Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Companion Roland A Paddle, Grand First Principal, Right Excellent<br />
Companion Roland P Mandeville, Grand Second Principal, Right Excellent Companion<br />
Michael J Bowman, Grand Third Principal, Ex.Comp. and R.W.Bro. Raymond SJ<br />
Daniels, Deputy Grand Master of Ontario, Grand Chapter Officers, Reverend Sirs, and<br />
I<br />
1<br />
thank you R. Ex.Comp. Hugh Kernohan for your kind words of introduction and you<br />
Most Ex. Sir for your words of welcome and for the Grand Honours extended to the<br />
Office of The Grand Master. I thank you V.Ex.Comp. Richard Bjerknes for leading the<br />
Grand Honours and you my Companions for your gracious response. 1 enjoyed being<br />
piped in by Ex.Comp. Hugh Goldie, piper extraordinaire.<br />
I thank you Most Excellent Sir for the opportunity of addressing this body of Royal Arch<br />
Masons at this annual Grand Chapter Convocation which marks the culmination of your<br />
15P year anniversary celebrations. I bring you the most sincere fraternal greetings on<br />
behalf of myself and the brethren of The Grand Lodge AF and AM of Canada in<br />
Province of Ontario. I also extend a warm welcome to the Province of Ontario to our<br />
visitors from other Provinces and the United States.<br />
Most Ex.Comp. Paddle 1 have enjoyed my travels with you over the course of this year<br />
in Craft Lodge settings and have appreciated your willing participation as one of the<br />
Leaders of the Family of Freemasonry.<br />
the<br />
Mary and I have enjoyed the company of both you and your wife, Marjorie, when we<br />
have been together. I know Mary has been looking forward to the luncheon and the<br />
therapeutic PAWS with Daisy and Teddy.<br />
My wife, Mary, and I are so looking forward to this evening's Grand First Principal's<br />
banquet and the entertainment. We are delighted to be with you and thank you for your<br />
hospitality and the many courtesies extended towards us, this weekend.<br />
Brethren my theme for my two years in office has been 'Masonry, Making a Difference',<br />
as many of you already know.<br />
I'd like to update you in the three areas which I brought forward to you last<br />
being MasoniChip, a child identification program offering a sense of security to parents<br />
whose children could go missing. It touches a sensitive spot as it concerns children's<br />
welfare and as a result it has taken off like wildfire with four hotspots around Ontario<br />
under Program Director, R.W.Bro. and Companion Ray Dobbs of Woodstock. The side<br />
benefit to this program may be an increase in Public Awareness of the Masons.<br />
To date we have processed almost 13,000 children. We have expanded to 50 computer<br />
work stations. One kit was called into use in the London area when a little girl went<br />
missing last fall. Police were able to download her pictures immediately and fortunately,<br />
it<br />
had a good ending when she was found on the swings in a park about a km away.<br />
Volunteers, either yourselves or your ladies, will always be required to staffthe ID clinics.<br />
This is one way you can make a difference in your community.<br />
We put into place a Youth Initiatives Committee, with V.W.Bro. and Comp. Bill<br />
Atkinson Sr, as Chairman to liaise with Demolay, Job's Daughters and Rainbow for Girls.<br />
This, too, has brought a new awareness to these groups. Two new Demolay chapters have<br />
been formed this past year in the Greater Toronto area. I gave dispensation to allow the<br />
wearing of Masonic regalia for Masons attending these youth meetings and our presence<br />
has been a lot more noticeable.<br />
The Demolay in turn, and unexpectedly, presented me with a large donation towards my<br />
charity of Prostate Cancer research at the last Communication and this year's Provincial<br />
Sweetheart, Miss Amy Larue, has taken on as her project support for the MasoniChip
program. Working together in such a relationship can only enhance the good will we have<br />
towards each other. The future of our organizations rests with our youth and anything we<br />
can do to encourage them has to have a positive outcome.<br />
My charity Project being Prostate Cancer Research has allowed me the opportunity to<br />
bring awareness to this dreaded male problem and I might say that many are sympathetic<br />
to the cause as donations to Project Number 2244 continue to be received. The generosity<br />
and support of the brethren has been overwhelming. In addition to this, in my travels, I<br />
have been able to stress starting PSA screening early, at least at age 40. It establishes a<br />
baseline for comparison as you age. Do not wait for the first symptom to appear....when<br />
such a simple blood test may give you advance warning. Early detection may save your<br />
life.<br />
Earlier this week, the Masonic Foundation of Ontario, the 'Masons' Charity ofChoice 9 ,<br />
made a sizeable donation of $120,000 to the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation, (to be<br />
renamed Prostate Canada on May 1<br />
st<br />
), to develop an awareness program to be used<br />
throughout the Province to bring needed information to our male population and to create<br />
dialogue amongst ourselves rather than keeping this problem one of the secrets of<br />
Masonry. I was very pleased with their decision in supporting promotion of research and<br />
awareness and I was pleased to be on hand with the President Dr. Sam Kalinowsky<br />
(President of the Masonic Foundation) and others of his committee to make the<br />
presentation on Tuesday of this week.<br />
The other Grand Lodge committees have accomplished much over the last two years<br />
under the direction of the President of the Board, R.W.Bro. and Ex.Comp. Raymond S.J.<br />
Daniels, Deputy Grand Master, who will take over the mantle of leadership of our Grand<br />
Lodge in July, but these things I have mentioned will always be remembered as successes.<br />
Companions, I thank you for the honour bestowed upon me in naming me your Grand<br />
Senior Sojourner for the upcoming year. I shall look forward to my investiture as a Very<br />
Excellent Companion, I believe in October, to be confirmed in Oxford-Harris Chapter No.<br />
18 in Ingersoll in District 2, hopefully with our M. Ex.Comp. Paddle on hand. It will be<br />
a satisfying privilege for me to wear the regalia once worn by my good friend and<br />
Companion, R. Ex.Comp. Michael Bowman, Grand Third Principal. It means that he is<br />
moving up and in doing so has made our Chapter, Oxford Harris No. 18, so very proud.<br />
In conclusion please view recent remarks I put together from various sources on the<br />
website from a paper given recently in Winnipeg on the topic, "What do we do to teach<br />
good men to become better men". As has been so aptly stated on so many<br />
occasions.... Freemasonry is a way of life... I hope you all are enjoying the journey and can,<br />
without solicitation, encourage others by your example to consider a future in<br />
Freemasonry.<br />
In closing, it has been a pleasure to meet many of you and to renew acquaintances. I wish<br />
you M. Ex.Comp. Paddle, your many Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of<br />
Royal Arch Masons ofCanada in the Province of Ontario all the best in your deliberations<br />
this weekend and much success for the future and I shall hope that the Grand Chapter of<br />
Royal Arch Masons will continue to prosper in the years that lie ahead.<br />
Allan J. Petrisor, Grand Master<br />
Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
1<br />
The Grand First Principal instructed the Grand Scribe Ezra to call the roll of the Past<br />
Grand First Principals and for them to assemble in the West.<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Charles W Emmett 1961-62<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Gordon H Stuart 1982-83<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Edward W Elcombe 1984-85<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Leslie Levitt 1988-89<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Donald F Kline 1990-91<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Alan F Walker 1994-95<br />
M.Ex.Comp. R Frank Russell 1996-97<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Harry D Turner 1998-99<br />
M.Ex. M Ex Comp. John W McGill 2000-01<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Richard J Jackson 2004-05<br />
M.Ex.Comp George H Gifford 2006-07<br />
Most Excellent Sirs: It is my privilege, on behalf of this Convocation here this morning,<br />
st<br />
to greet you all and extend to you a warm welcome to this our 15 Annual Convocation,<br />
here in the City of St. Catharines. We thank you for your individual contributions to our<br />
Grand Chapter during your terms as Grand First Principals and let we who follow in your<br />
footsteps today and in the years to come see that this great organization continues to move<br />
ahead.<br />
We are proud of your achievements in the interest of this Grand Chapter as Grand First<br />
Principals and may we continue to have the benefit of your wise council and judgements<br />
now and in the years to come.<br />
G.Z: M.Ex.Comp. Leslie Levitt, I would call upon you for some remarks.<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Levitt: Most Excellent Sir, it is a privilege for me to respond on behalf of<br />
my colleagues. We thank you for your warm welcome and comments and we assure you<br />
that we are here and ready to serve this Grand Chapter at all times. We express our<br />
gratitude for the dedication of you and your Council to Royal Arch Masonry in this Grand<br />
Jurisdiction.<br />
G.Z. Most Excellent Sirs, after receiving Grand Honours, I would ask you to take your<br />
seats in the East.<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Paddle called upon R. Ex. Comp. McAllister Home, Grand Superintendent<br />
of District No. 7 to give the Address of Welcome.<br />
To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Members ofThe Grand Chapter<br />
of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir, Distinguished Guests and Companions, on behalfof the Companions of<br />
District No. 7 it is my privilege and honour as the Grand Superintendent of this District to
1<br />
welcome you to this our 15<br />
st<br />
Grand Convocation here in St. Catharines.<br />
For those who are visiting for the first time, if you have some free time to take in the sites,<br />
the district has much to offer.<br />
There are many historical and interesting places to visit, such<br />
as the museum at Lock #3 on the Welland Canal which is particularly interesting as it<br />
records the history of our city since its inception.<br />
At Niagara on the Lake, we have Niagara No. 2 Lodge, the oldest Lodge in Ontario and<br />
the town with its own history and of course there are shops where the Ladies can spend<br />
your money.<br />
I<br />
take this opportunity to congratulate R.Ex.Comp. Douglas Stitt and his committee for<br />
their efforts in putting together this Grand Convocation.<br />
Also thanks to Ex.Comp. Brett<br />
Dickinson and the Companions of Mount Moriah Chapter No. 19 who provided their<br />
Chapter furniture to be used for the set up today.<br />
Finally Companions, thank you for your attention.<br />
Moved by R.Ex.Comp. Roland P Mandeville, Grand Second Principal, seconded by<br />
R.Ex.Comp Michael J Bowman, Grand Third Principal that the proceedings of the 150 th<br />
Grand Convocation held in St Catharines, Ontario, on Friday the 3 rd of April and<br />
Saturday the 4 th<br />
of April 2008, having been printed and copies sent to all Chapters in the<br />
jurisdiction, that the recorded minutes be considered as read, and the same now be<br />
confirmed. CARRIED.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, seconded by the Grand Third Principal that the<br />
order of business of this Annual Convocation be changed at the discretion of the Grand<br />
First Principal. CARRIED.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Doug Wilson be confirmed as Chairman of the Credentials Committee with<br />
power to form his own Committee as approved by the Grand First Principal. CARRIED.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Doug Wilson be confirmed as Chairman of the Scrutineer Committee with the<br />
power to form his own Committee as approved by the Grand First Principal. CARRIED.<br />
The Most Excellent Grand First Principal, asked the Grand Scribe Ezra to call the<br />
Representatives of Sister Jurisdictions near our Grand Body, and asked them to answer<br />
the call and assemble on the north and south sides of the Altar.<br />
Alabama<br />
Vcrn E Young<br />
Alaska<br />
Kenneth Lowery<br />
Alberta<br />
Brian R Simpson<br />
Argentina<br />
Hugh A Kernohan<br />
Arizona<br />
Robert C Wakefield<br />
Arkansas<br />
M. Hassan Mohamdee<br />
British Columbia and the Yukon<br />
Douglas W Overy<br />
California<br />
B. Andrew Downes<br />
Colorado<br />
Richard A Hryniw<br />
Connecticut<br />
Gary P Humes<br />
Delaware<br />
R. Frank Russell<br />
District of Columbia<br />
James Weir<br />
Finland<br />
Douglas E Stitt<br />
Florida<br />
Alan F Walker<br />
France<br />
Michel Sastre<br />
Georgia<br />
Frederick Garvin<br />
Germany<br />
Guenther H Gahs<br />
Greece<br />
Bruce G Edwards<br />
Idaho<br />
Guy Deveau<br />
Illinois<br />
Melvyn J Duke<br />
India<br />
F. Douglas Draker<br />
Indianna<br />
Andrew McLelland<br />
Iowa T. Bilardino Segui<br />
Ireland<br />
Donald Gillis<br />
Israel<br />
Eric H Lakien<br />
Kansas<br />
Edwin Can-<br />
Kentucky<br />
Brian E Keighley<br />
Louisiana<br />
Robert J McMaster<br />
Maine<br />
Gary McCormick<br />
Manitoba<br />
Maurice E Jenkins<br />
Maryland<br />
David G Walker<br />
Massachusetts<br />
Michael J Bowman<br />
Mexico<br />
Harold G Hubbell<br />
Michigan<br />
Donald F Kline<br />
Minnesota<br />
David Coulter<br />
Mississippi<br />
Shavak R Madon<br />
Missouri<br />
P. Raymond Borland<br />
Montana<br />
Larry Hostine<br />
Nebraska<br />
William Klapatiuk<br />
Netherlands<br />
Ronald McClung<br />
Nevada<br />
Brian Stapley<br />
New Brunswick<br />
William Stanfield<br />
Newfoundland & Labrador<br />
Roland A Paddle<br />
New Hampshire<br />
J. William Lidstone<br />
New Jersey<br />
Thomas C Warner<br />
New Mexico<br />
Robert E Todd<br />
New South Wales<br />
E. Roy Harrison<br />
New York<br />
Ronald T Stinson<br />
New Zealand<br />
William H Woods<br />
North Carolina<br />
Donald J Emerick<br />
North Dakota<br />
Norway<br />
Nova Scotia<br />
Ohio<br />
Oklahoma<br />
Oregon<br />
Pennsylvannia<br />
Phillipines<br />
Quebec<br />
Queensland<br />
Rhode Island<br />
Saskatchewan<br />
Scotland<br />
South Africa<br />
South Australia<br />
South Carolina<br />
South Dakota<br />
Switzerland<br />
Tennessee<br />
Texas<br />
Utah<br />
Vermont<br />
Victoria (Australia)<br />
Virginia<br />
Washington<br />
Western Australia<br />
West Virginia<br />
Wisconsin<br />
Wyoming<br />
Brian E Bond<br />
Richard O Bjerknes<br />
Richard J Jackson<br />
Robert H McKelvie<br />
Shayne H Eldridge<br />
Alan A Foote<br />
George H Gifford<br />
Sydney Edge<br />
Brain D Van Sickle<br />
Lloyd G Timson<br />
John E Gamble<br />
William G Esplen<br />
Edward W Elcombe<br />
Leslie Levitt<br />
Charles W Crow<br />
Lawrence M Halliday<br />
M John Moor<br />
James A Shaw<br />
Derek J Ward<br />
C. Gordon Sinclair<br />
Edmund Goldthorpe<br />
Edward G Ounjian<br />
W. Bruce Miller<br />
Dale Plant<br />
John Post<br />
Harry D Turner<br />
G. Henry Handsley<br />
Roland P Mandeville<br />
G.Z. To you Most Excellent, Right Excellent, Very Excellent and Excellent Companions<br />
I welcome you all to this Convocation and feel that you are all carrying out your duties<br />
as a Grand Representative to the satisfaction of our Grand Chapter.<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Paddle called on the Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies to lead in<br />
Grand Honours.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of The Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
On behalf of the Distinguished Service Award Committee, I am pleased to announce the<br />
results ofthe review of the applications for the recognition ofoutstanding service to Royal<br />
Arch Masonry in Ontario.<br />
The following Companions of Royal Arch Masonry are to be honoured:
1<br />
1<br />
Companion John Edward Millett, Quintc Moira Friendship Chapter No. 7, Belleville<br />
Companion Harry Dokmecian, Windsor Chapter No. 71, Windsor<br />
Companion T. Eric Moore, Tuscan Chapter No. 95, Sudbury<br />
Companion Donald H. Gorman, Victoria Chapter No. 205, Thornhill<br />
Companion John Douglas Kennedy, Golden Star Chapter No. 254, Dryden<br />
The dedication of these men to the service of their fellow Companions is greatly<br />
acknowledged and appreciated. We wish for them the Supreme Architect's richest<br />
blessing and many years to enjoy them.<br />
Fraternally and sincerely submitted M.Ex.Comps. Richard J. Jackson, George H. Gifford<br />
and John W. McGill, Chairman<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, seconded by the Grand Third Principal that this<br />
report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings.<br />
Excellent Companion and Most Worshipful Brother Allan J. Petrisor, Grand Master of<br />
The Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of<br />
Ontario; Past Grand First Principals of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of<br />
Canada in the Province of Ontario, Distinguished Guests and my Companions. Welcome<br />
st<br />
to this our 1 5 Annual Grand Chapter Convocation here in the city of St. Catharines.<br />
Most Worshipful Brother Petrisor, on behalf of the Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the<br />
Province of Ontario I pledge to you and the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of<br />
Ontario our continued allegiance and support. I likewise extend a personal appreciation<br />
st<br />
to you for reserving time in your busy schedule to attend this 15 Grand Convocation,<br />
along with the many courtesies you and your wife Mary have personally extended to<br />
myself, and my wife Marjorie in our travels. May you and your wife continue to enjoy<br />
good health and safe travels for many years to come. It was a distinct pleasure to share<br />
time with you at several official Masonic functions which were highlighted by the laying<br />
of the Corner Stone at the Ancient Lodge in Upper Canada Village last June, and<br />
secondly, the Grand Lodge Communication in Toronto last July.<br />
My appreciation to the Grand Convocation Committee under the direction ofR.Ex.Comp.<br />
Douglas Stitt, District 11, for arranging the support to prepare the details of our 151 st<br />
Grand Chapter Convocation program. Included is our appreciation to R.Ex.Comp.<br />
McAllister Home of District<br />
Chapter furniture this year.<br />
7, and Mount Moriah Chapter No. 19, for supplying the<br />
To the management and staff of the Quality Hotel Parkway Convention Center many<br />
thanks for your assistance and support to again provide us with all the comforts to stage<br />
a first class event.<br />
NECROLOGY: From the impressive ceremony of remembrance conducted by<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Richard Hryni w, we each reflect on our own special thoughts ofCompanions<br />
we remember from the past twelve months. R.Ex.Comp. Hryniw, you are to be<br />
commended for responding to my request to serve this Grand Chapter by altering your<br />
plans to our benefit. As we remember our departed Companions, let us not forget our<br />
1<br />
brave young Canadian Military personnel that have paid the supreme sacrifice in defense<br />
of the freedom we enjoy today. In your prayers think of the sick and wounded that they<br />
may return to good health.<br />
FRATERNAL RELATIONS: The Ontario Masonic Leaders of the Masonic Family<br />
under the leadership of our Grand Master met in Teeswater in conjunction with the<br />
International Plowing Match in September and again in December at the Rameses Shrine<br />
Centre. Discussions around the activities and issues affecting each Masonic body were<br />
presented and aired as well as recognizing new programs such as the MasoniChip<br />
program and the Youth Initiatives Committee. The Demolay is growing steadily in<br />
Ontario and has displayed some impressive ceremonies. Richmond Hill and Mississauga<br />
have now opened two new Demolays. Concern was raised regarding the break between<br />
the Demolay and Craft Lodge Initiation, as a cool down period and a risk of loosing<br />
interest. The Craft Lodge Prince Hall of Ontario and Quebec is recognized by the Grand<br />
Lodge in Ontario and visitation is encouraged.<br />
The Joint Public Relations Chairmen who met last year was not attended by all members<br />
of the Masonic Family unfortunately. The next joint meeting will be attended by the<br />
Royal Arch Public Relations Chairman or his designate.<br />
While attending the Grand Chapter of Manitoba it was noted that Grand Jurisdictions of<br />
five Provinces were represented there from Ontario to British Columbia. It was mentioned<br />
it has been some time since a visit has been made to the Grand Chapter of Manitoba from<br />
Ontario. With permission from the Grand High Priest, a visit was made to St. Rupert<br />
Chapter in Winnipeg. The history of the Traveling Golden Triangle indicates a visit to a<br />
Chapter in Winnipeg carrying this same name in 1910. The Golden Triangle was<br />
displayed at the Manitoba Grand Convocation April 26, 2008, by our Grand Registrar. A<br />
tour of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba was included in this trip.<br />
While visiting the Grand Chapter of Iowa at Cedar Rapids, an equal surprise came when<br />
a tour of the Grand Lodge building of Iowa was offered and accepted. This is an<br />
impressive building with many treasures displayed in a museum; meeting rooms; and<br />
historical artifacts stored in a climate controlled vault.<br />
During the year I found time to attend several Frontenac District Deputy Grand Master<br />
Official Visits and a Scottish Rite Installation. The office of the Grand First Principal of<br />
Royal Arch Masons in Ontario was recognized at all events.<br />
Albion Lodge in Harrowsmith celebrated their 1 50 th<br />
anniversary where my wife Marjorie<br />
and I attended the reception of the Most Worshipful the Grand Master.<br />
The following Grand Chapter Convocations in Other Jurisdictions were attended and the<br />
practice of honourary membership accepted. April 25 - Grand Chapter of Manitoba; May<br />
2 - Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia accompanied by my wife Marjorie; May 23 - Grand<br />
Chapter of Newfoundland and Labrador. Made an Honourary Past Grand High Priest.<br />
Honourary membership of this Grand Chapter was already received and I was invited to<br />
invest the Grand High Priest, M.Ex.Comp. Larry Moss which was a distinct honour. June<br />
st<br />
9 - 1 9 Grand Chapter of Vermont accompanied by my wife Marjorie; August 7 - Grand<br />
Chapter of Iowa, Cedar Rapids; October 7 - Grand Chapter of Ohio accompanied by my<br />
wife Marjorie; March 6 - Grand Chapter ofNew York accompanied by my wife Marjorie.<br />
Other Concordant Grand Sessions attended: May 24 - Grand Court of the Amaranth in<br />
Burlington; August 22 - Grand Assembly of the Grand Imperial Conclave of the Red<br />
Cross of Constantine; August 25 - Sovereign Great Priory of Canada.<br />
correct an oversight and recognize the<br />
generous donation made last year to the 1 50 th Anniversary Plaque by Ancient Frontenac<br />
and Cataraqui Chapter No. 1 . This plaque is displayed at 361 King St. W and efforts are<br />
in progress to complete the task of mounting the plaque.<br />
On May 20 th<br />
following the Joint Installation of Amabel and Georgian Chapters Officers<br />
in Owen Sound, R.Ex.Comp. Charles Stewart was obligated and installed into the office<br />
of Grand Superintendent of District 4 by the Grand First Principal and accompanied by<br />
the Grand Second and Grand Third Principals as well as the Grand Scribe Ezra.<br />
CHARITIES: Royal Arch Charity donations to Medical Research and Bursaries are<br />
facing some difficult economic times and everyone is feeling the pinch. The Medical<br />
Research million dollar club is still active and the earned keystone will remind you of<br />
your generosity.<br />
Student Bursary awards are equally important to assist our students<br />
facing the rising cost of education. The practice of including a personalized appreciation<br />
note from the Grand First Principal with the tax receipt, has been adopted this year.<br />
Remember your Royal Arch Charities, use the self addressed Royal Arch Charities<br />
envelope for Memorial Contributions as well as regular donations. Thanks to the Districts<br />
for Charity projects, your donations have been applied to the intended charity.<br />
MANUALS: The sixth edition November 2008 of the Manual for Chapter Officers has<br />
now been updated by the Grand Lecturer, printed, and one copy distributed to all<br />
Chapters. You may now place orders for your own copy as a new printing supply is<br />
available from the Grand Chapter office. The Grand Superintendent's manual was revised<br />
last March and immediate steps were taken to mail the manuals out as soon as the names<br />
and addresses were forwarded to the Grand Chapter office this year. The delivery of this<br />
pre course material will give the incoming Grand Superintendent and his secretary a<br />
chance to review the material and be prepared to ask questions pertaining to the duties of<br />
their office.<br />
ANNUAL RETURNS: Several disappointments occurred this year causing concern of<br />
how much care is given to improvement. Despite relaxing constitutional regulations by<br />
recent amendments and the availability of forms on the Grand Chapter web site, there<br />
were still nineteen Chapters not properly returned as of the due date ofJanuary 3 1 . Finally<br />
through contacts by letter and follow-up phone calls, the number was reduced to two<br />
Chapters not returned, Tecumseh No. 24 and Toronto Antiquity No. 91. Grand<br />
Superintendents took an active roll in attempts to remind Chapters of the due date and<br />
later to expedite the delivery of overdue reports.<br />
CONSTITUTION: An increasing number of Nomination Papers were again filed<br />
incorrectly and the special committee exercised due consideration to ensure the<br />
Constitution was precisely followed. Present amendments to the Constitution will be<br />
considered at this Convocation to reduce confusion for future filing. However, if these<br />
amendments are passed, closer attention is still necessary. "It does matter".
Without consultation, a recent practice of holding dual presiding officer positions in a<br />
Chapter and Grand Chapter has raised concern and some unpopular directives had to be<br />
issued. The Book of Constitution along with established protocols must not only be<br />
observed but obeyed, which are upheld by oath of office of your Grand First Principal.<br />
May I remind all Companions that you must remain in good standing of a Craft Lodge to<br />
hold membership in a Royal Arch Chapter. The use of the standard logo the Keystone as<br />
outlined in Article 5 of the Constitution is catching on and it is noted this practice is<br />
receiving favourable attention.<br />
AMALGAMATIONS: The Grand Registrar and Grand First Principal conducted the<br />
Amalgamation ceremony on April 23, 2008, in Kenora with Golden No. 90 and Alberton<br />
No. 152 being amalgamated as Golden Chapter No. 90. The process of amalgamation<br />
between Ancient Frontenac No. 1 and Mt. Sinai No. 44 was aborted in favour of further<br />
efforts to strengthen membership and officer commitment in each of the individual<br />
Chapters. Joint participation in the work is encouraging in this area. Amalgamation<br />
discussions between the Chapters of St. Francis No. 133 and Prince of Wales No. 226 are<br />
in the preliminary stage.<br />
TRUSTEESHIP: Efforts to improve conditions and support for four Chapters under<br />
trusteeship were evaluated by the Chairmen and levels of improvement were reported.<br />
Minnewawa Chapter No. 78 has now secured the placement of key officers and is on the<br />
right track to continuous improvement. Participation and support to District functions is<br />
most important and encouragement of the membership to become involved is essential.<br />
This Chapter is removed from Trusteeship but progress must be maintained to function<br />
at a satisfactory standard.<br />
Dedication of the Chapter room in Ravenswood is scheduled for June 15 th<br />
at 7:30 p.m.<br />
Presently Dispensation has been given to Minnewawa Chapter No. 78 to hold Royal Arch<br />
Chapter meetings in Ravenswood until the dedication is complete. Thanks to R.Ex.Comp.<br />
John Howden for assisting this Chapter to reach that desirable position.<br />
Tillsonburg Chapter No. 255 although a marked improvement in the quality of work and<br />
protocol is evident, there is a need to reinforce the correct practice of the Work and raise<br />
more positive involvement within the District. Otherwise, prospects look promising for<br />
this Chapter and accordingly this Chapter is removed from Trusteeship. Thanks goes to<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Jon Bowman for assisting this Chapter to reach for the target of perfection.<br />
Northern Lights Chapter No 2 1 3, despite the assistance of Trusteeship, has failed to show<br />
satisfactory improvement.<br />
Temiskaming Chapter No 1 69 in Haileybury is experiencing similar difficulties. To bring<br />
these concerns to light and examine ways and means to meet the challenges facing the<br />
Chapters in the Timmins area, the Grand Council plan to visit Timmins on a jointly<br />
agreed weekend in June. Royal Arch Masonry is dependent on harmony and purpose with<br />
all Companions working together towards a common goal. Abitibi Chapter No 223 will<br />
also be invited to offer input to strengthen Royal Arch Masonry in the District. The future<br />
depends on a positive commitment by all Chapter members to design a suitable plan and<br />
put it into action.<br />
Manitou Chapter No 27 was recently returned to trusteeship under the chairmanship of<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Dan Knox. District reports indicate attendance, management and<br />
participation issues appear to be the cause of limited interest. The term of the current<br />
trusteeship has been too brief to accurately assess the issues and mutually develop a plan<br />
to return this Chapter to harmony once enjoyed in the past. R.Ex.Comp. Dan Knox is<br />
reassigned as Chairman of Trusteeship of Manitou Chapter No 27.
St. Francis No 133, Smiths Falls under the Trusteeship Chairman of R.Ex.Comp.<br />
Roderick Haute has reached a decision to seek amalgamation with another Chapter. St.<br />
Francis No 133, Smiths Falls and Prince of Wales Chapter No 226, Perth, have mutually<br />
passed motions in their respective Chapters to enter into amalgamation discussions.<br />
R.l x.Comp. Roderick Haufe is appointed as representative to advise the Chapters as<br />
necessary under article 104 of the Constitution and report the progress to Grand Chapter.<br />
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES: Requests were approved and Charters issued for the<br />
following Grand Representatives of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada<br />
in the Province of Ontario near their Grand Chapters.<br />
R.Ex.Comp. John Leyshon<br />
Swift Current, Saskatchewan<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Harold J. Planetta Crocker Hill, New Brunswick<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Sven Joergensen,<br />
Oslo, Norway<br />
Grand Representative of Norway near Ontario, V.Ex.Comp. Richard Olav Bjerknes, was<br />
obligated and presented with his warrant. January 27 lh , 2009.<br />
Grand Representative of Quebec near Ontario, R.Ex.Comp. Brian Van Sickle, was<br />
obligated and presented with his warrant, March 17 th , 2009.<br />
Chapter No 145, Newmarket; Sussex St. Lawrence Chapter No 59, Brockville; Carleton<br />
Chapter No 16, Ottawa; St. John's Chapter No 148, Van Kleek Hill; Pentalpha Chapter<br />
No 28, Oshawa; Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui No 1 , Kingston; Palestine Chapter No<br />
249, Bowmanville were attended by the Grand First Principal.<br />
LONG SERVICE AWARDS PRESENTED: Two 60 year presentations were made<br />
personally to V.Ex.Comps. Mervin Tripp of Dochert Chapter No 248 and William<br />
Holcombe of The Hamilton Chapter No 175.<br />
Dispensations 79<br />
Past Principal Certificates 38<br />
25 Year Past Principal Bar 14<br />
50 Year Past Principal Bar<br />
60 Year Past Principal Bar 1<br />
50 Year Royal Arch Masons Jewel 26<br />
60 Year Royal Arch Mason Pin 1<br />
Although the membership has shown a net loss of269 Companions, the encouraging point<br />
is we advanced 26 more Mark Master Masons and had 1 6 fewer deaths compared to last<br />
year.<br />
A number of Chapters are active with new candidates, which had not reported candidates<br />
for some time and this is encouraging. We still find Chapters with no candidates and no<br />
Master Mason programs or membership proposals being conducted. Take the opportunity<br />
to advertise Royal Arch Masonry by effectively planning a program, show enthusiasm and<br />
send personal invitations to all District Craft Lodges. It can be a District project or just<br />
an individual Chapter, but effective advertising is essential.<br />
The ad hoc committee for Computer Resources, under the chairmanship of R.Ex.Comp.<br />
Paraag Suchak, has conducted District seminars to qualify Chapters to send Summonses<br />
by electronic means. In this regard, a course is being offered after the closing of this<br />
Convocation. This method reflects a considerable cost saving coupled with the promotion<br />
of forms on the web site. The Long Range Planning Committee, chaired by R.Ex.Comp.<br />
Robert McM aster, undertook a major project to seek alternate locations for our Grand<br />
Convocation with the cost and variety as the main focus. The five sites investigated were<br />
The Quality Inn Convention Centre in St. Catharines, Quality Inn in Woodstock, Best<br />
Western in Midland, Ambassador Inn in Kingston and Marriott in Ottawa. For a change<br />
in location, the discussion at the meeting of the Grand Executive, pointed to the Best<br />
Western in Midland for 20 1 2 over a three year term as the most favorable. During this<br />
current economic time, more detailed arrangements are necessary to ensure all aspects are<br />
properly covered and a suitable contract completed. I hereby establish a committee to<br />
explore these details in the persons ofR.Ex.Comp. William Lidstone, R.Ex.Comp. Harold<br />
Belfry, R.Ex.Comp. Mel Duke, R.Ex.Comp. Shavak Madon and with the ability to add<br />
others as needed.<br />
Our appreciation goes to these two ad hoc committees for their work over the past year<br />
to seek new ways of conducting business in Capitular Masonry.<br />
To R.Ex.Comp. Roland Mandeville, Grand Second Principal; R.Ex.Comp. Michael<br />
Bowman, Grand Third Principal; and M.Ex.Comp. Richard Jackson, Grand Scribe Ezra,<br />
your support and discussions throughout the past year have been a most valued asset to<br />
the daily operation of this Grand Chapter.<br />
To the Officers, Chairmen and Members of the Grand Executive Committees and Ad Hoc<br />
Committees, your dedicated contribution to the various committees has not gone<br />
unnoticed. To the standing committee of Grand Chapter; keeping the business of Grand<br />
Chapter in line and informed is the key to a successful fraternity. Thanks for your<br />
commitment.<br />
To the Grand Superintendents, thank you for representing the Grand First Principal in<br />
your respective Districts and remember you are the link to the foundation of Royal Arch<br />
Masonry, the Chapters. Your personal level of dedication and response to the duties of<br />
your office along with any special requests was important for the harmony within the<br />
respective Chapters in particular. Some Districts have pulled together and made<br />
remarkable improvements and others have made attempts to recognize difficulties for<br />
future consideration. The compliance to the instruction manual was focused more often<br />
this year but there is always room for improvement. You have served your District to the<br />
best of your ability and that is something to be proud of. Would you have done anything<br />
different? Probably, but be satisfied that you left a mark and continue to show your<br />
support to your successor and Royal Arch Masonry.<br />
To the Past Grand First Principals, your support and attendance to this Convocation is<br />
important to all Grand Chapter Officers and Companions but most especially your past<br />
leadership is the reason this Grand Chapter enjoys the due respect it deserves today. For<br />
all this we appreciate your dedication.<br />
APPOINTMENTS: I recommend that R.Ex.Comp. David Edward Jacklin be appointed<br />
for a 2 year position to the Grand Executive Committee as an Honourary Member for the<br />
continued dedication and expertise he provides to this Grand Chapter. Other appointments<br />
are listed in the list ofOfficers that will be available at the closing of this Grand Chapter.<br />
To the new members of the Grand Executive Committee and Grand Chapter Officers,<br />
thank you for accepting new responsibilities and enjoy the challenges through the year.<br />
CONCLUSION: To the Grand Superintendents elect, your District has spoken and<br />
elected you to serve your term which starts tomorrow. Put your plan into action,<br />
remember your responsibilities and above all be happy, enjoy Capitular Masonry, and<br />
have fun. The time will fly by sooner than you can imagine.<br />
The Royal Arch public image has taken on a new vitality in the Ontario Masons magazine<br />
this fall by developing a new format of the Royal Arch Mason page. Many favourable<br />
comments have been received regarding the new look. It is time now to develop an up-todate<br />
Royal Arch Mason pamphlet in promotion of the Holy Royal Arch. The Plowing<br />
Match in Teeswater in 2008 and now 2009 at Earlton in the Temiskaming area are an<br />
excellent opportunity to promote Freemasonry to the public. Offer your help to the<br />
committee, drop in for a short visit at the Match and encourage your friends to take a<br />
look.<br />
To my wife Marjorie thanks for being my mentor and concerning overseer. Your interest<br />
and support in my activities in the Royal Arch Family is more than I could have asked for<br />
which makes me proud to have you at my side.<br />
Please continue your tolerance in my<br />
excitable times and slow down the pace when days get hectic. All my love.<br />
Companions, times are still changing and we must continue to meet the modern<br />
challenges in this age of the electronic madness. There's lots to do out there, let's gather<br />
our committees and work together.<br />
Respectfully submitted,<br />
Roland A. Paddle, Grand First Principal<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, seconded by the Grand Third Principal that the<br />
Address of the Grand First Principal be received by Grand Chapter and that it be referred<br />
to a Special Committee on the Grand First Principals Address and that Committee report<br />
thereon at this Convocation. CARRIED.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of the Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
I am pleased as Chairman of this Committee to present the Committee Report for the year<br />
2008-2009 covering administration under its mandate during the above period, together<br />
with other matters dealt with by the Committee as required by the Constitution of Grand<br />
Chapter under Article 59.<br />
I, R.Ex.Comp. Roland P. Mandeville hereby give notice that at the next Annual<br />
Convocation of Grand Chapter, I will move or cause to be moved the following<br />
Amendments to the Consitution:<br />
That Section 1 8 Subsection (c) be deleted and replaced with: "Nominations for the Office<br />
of Grand First Principal, Grand Second Principal, Grand Third Principal, Grand Scribe<br />
Nehemiah, Grand Principal Sojourner, Grand Registrar and for the Grand Executive<br />
Committee, must be made in writing and signed, giving the following information of the<br />
nominee - his full name, Royal Arch Masonic Designation, Post Office Address, name<br />
and number of his Chapter, District, and the Office or Committee for which he is<br />
nominated together with his age, occupation, Grand Chapter Offices held and the year<br />
served as First Principal, Chapter name and number, if different from current Chapter<br />
membership. In addition enclose a current colour or black and white photo (25 x 35<br />
millimetres minimum to 50 x 70 millimetres maximum). The nominator must also submit<br />
information under his signature of, full name, Royal Arch Masonic Designation, Post<br />
Office Address, name and number of his Chapter and District."<br />
Subsection (e) delete and replace with: "Such nominations must be marked 'Nominations'<br />
and received by registered mail or hand delivered by the nominee or nominator at the<br />
Grand Chapter Office on or before the Thirtieth day of November prior to the Grand<br />
Chapter Convocation at which the voting is to take place. If the thirtieth day ofNovember<br />
falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Holiday, the next following business day."<br />
Subsection (g) delete and replace with: "The Grand Scribe Ezra will send at once, a<br />
complete list of such nominations by registered mail to members whose nominations are<br />
accepted. In addition those members whose nominations are rejected, the Grand Scribe<br />
Ezra will send by registered letter at once with reasons for rejection. Unless a notice of<br />
withdrawal from the member so nominated and over his signature, is received by the<br />
Grand Scribe Ezra by registered mail or hand delivered by the nominator or nominee on<br />
or before the Fifteenth day of December, the name of such member will appear on the<br />
final list of nominations. The nomination papers containing the names of the nominees<br />
for election to the Office or Committee specified with the following information, full<br />
name, Royal Arch Designation, Post Office Address, and number of his Chapter, District,<br />
age, occupation, Grand Chapter Offices held and year served as First Principal including<br />
a current photo will be printed in the same order as the ballot paper.<br />
Delete Subsection (d) and rename Subsections (e) to (k) as (d) to (j).<br />
Your Committee finds this amendment to be regular and in order.<br />
I, R.Ex.Comp. Roland P. Mandeville hereby give notice that at the next Annual<br />
Convocation of Grand Chapter, I will move or cause to be moved the following<br />
amendments to the Constitution:<br />
Section 29, Subsection (b) be deleted and replaced with "The District Meeting shall be<br />
held at the call of the Grand Superintendent during the month of February or the first full<br />
week of March."<br />
Subsection (c) delete and replace with: 'The Grand Superintendent will advise each First<br />
Principal and each Scribe Ezra in the District of the meeting date not later than the<br />
fifteenth day of December prior to the meeting. Notice of the meeting must be carried in<br />
each Chapter Summons."<br />
Your Committee finds this amendment to be regular and in order.<br />
I, R.Ex.Comp. Keith D. Robertson, hereby give notice that at the next Annual<br />
Convocation of Grand Chapter I will move or cause to be moved that Section 84 of the<br />
Constitution be amended as follows:<br />
Section 84 (c) be renumbered (c) (i) and a new Subsection be added; (c) (ii) "Where a<br />
Chapter had admitted a member to life membership prior to 1991 and had paid the<br />
commutation fee to Grand Chapter, that Chapter is exempt from paying further dues to<br />
Grand Chapter for the Life Member."<br />
Your Committee finds this amendment to be regular and in order.<br />
Since last reporting to the Grand First Principal and the Companions of Grand Chapter<br />
in 2008, your Committee has dealt with eight (8) issues brought to their attention<br />
pertaining to interpretations as per our mandate under the Constitution.<br />
In addition seven (7) submissions from Constituent Chapters pertaining to Amendments<br />
to their By-laws have been received, reviewed and recommendations made to the Grand<br />
First Principal for either approval, minor changes before receiving approval, or not<br />
recommended for approval.<br />
Respectfully submitted by R.Ex.Comp. J. William Lidstone, Committee Chairman.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal and seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
this report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings. CARRIED<br />
I, R.Ex.Comp. Roland P Mandeville, move the following amendments to Section 18;<br />
Subsection(c) delete and replace with "Nomination for the Office of Grand First Principal,<br />
Grand Second Principal, Grand Third Principal, Grand Scribe Nehemiah, Grand Principal<br />
Sojourner, Grand Registrar and for the Grand Executive Committee, must be made in<br />
writing and signed, giving the following information of the nominee - his full name,<br />
Royal Arch Masonic Designation, Post Office Address, name and number of his Chapter,<br />
District and the Office or Committee for which he is nominated together with his age,<br />
occupation, Grand Chapter Offices held and year served as First Principal, Chapter name<br />
and number, if different from current Chapter membership. In addition enclose a current<br />
colour or black and white photo (25 x 35 millimeters minimum to 50 x 70 millimeters<br />
maximum). The nominator must also submit information under his signature of; full<br />
name, Royal Arch Masonic Designation, Post Office Address, name and number of his<br />
Chapter and District."<br />
Subsection (e) delete and replace with "Such nominations must be marked "Nominations"<br />
and received by register mail or hand delivery by the nominee or nominator at the Grand<br />
Chapter Office on or before the Thirtieth day of November prior to the Grand Chapter<br />
Convocation at which the voting is to take place.<br />
on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday, the next following business day."<br />
If the Thirtieth day of November falls<br />
Subsection (g) delete and replace with "The Grand Scribe Ezra will send at once, a<br />
complete list of such nominations by registered mail to members whose nominations are<br />
accepted.<br />
In addition those members whose nominations are rejected, the Grand Scribe<br />
Ezra will send a registered letter at once with reasons for rejection. Unless a notice of<br />
withdrawal from the member so nominated and over his signature, is received by the<br />
Grand Scribe Ezra by registered mail, or had delivery by the nominator or nominee on or<br />
before the Fifteenth day of December, the name of such member will appear on the final<br />
list of nominations. The Nomination Papers containing the names of the nominees for<br />
election to the Office or Committee specified with the following information, full name,<br />
Royal Arch Designation, Post Office Address, name and number of his Chapter, District,<br />
age, occupation, Grand Chapter Offices held and year served as First Principal including<br />
a current photo will be printed in the same order as the ballot paper.<br />
Delete Subsection (d) and rename Subsections (e) to (k) as (d) to (j).<br />
After discussion by several Companions, it was moved by M.Ex.Comp. Richard Jackson<br />
and seconded by M.Ex.Comp. Donald Kline that this motion be referred to the Grand<br />
Council for their consideration and that they report back no later than the next<br />
Convocation.<br />
CARRIED.<br />
I, R.Ex.Comp. Roland P Mandeville, move the following amendments to Section 29;<br />
Subsection (b) delete and replace with "The District Meeting shall be held at the call of<br />
the Grand Superintendent during the month of February or the first full week of March."<br />
Subsection (c) delete and replace with; "The Grand Superintendent will advise each First<br />
Principal and each Scribe Ezra in the District of the meeting date. He shall mail the notice<br />
of the meeting not later than the fifteenth day of December prior to the meeting. Notice<br />
of the Meeting must be carried in each Chapter summons. CARRIED<br />
I, R.Ex.Comp. Melvyn Duke, move that Section 84of the Constitution be amended as<br />
follows:<br />
Subsection 84(c)be renumbered as (c)(i) and a new Subsection be added; (c)(ii) Where<br />
a Chapter had admitted a member to life membership prior to 1 99 1 and had paid the<br />
commutation fee to Grand Chapter, that Chapter is exempt from paying further dues to<br />
Grand Chapter for that Life Member. CARRIED.<br />
To the Most Excellent, The Grand First Principal, Officers, and Companions ofthe Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
The Scholarship and Bursary Committee have been diligently active over the past year.<br />
5<br />
And on behalf of the Committee, I would like to extend my thanks for the privilege to<br />
represent the Grand Chapter throughout this period.<br />
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude for the commitment and assistance the<br />
members of the Committee have given.<br />
During the year 50 applications were received, 44 were approved and there were 6<br />
rejected. There were a few applications which were returned before submission to the<br />
Committee, no student transcripts, outdated forms, etc. These were not included in the<br />
above figures. Some of these were resubmitted after the January 1<br />
be processed by the next Committee.<br />
th<br />
cut off date and will<br />
The total amount awarded was $14,600, which was well below the budget of $23,750.<br />
st<br />
However, 22 applicants were 1 year (exactly 50%) with eight 2 nd<br />
year and fourteen 3 rd<br />
or 4 th<br />
year.<br />
From the applications already received for the ensuing year and with the current economic<br />
conditions, I would anticipate a very busy year.<br />
Bursaries were awarded to 13 out of the 15 Districts. District 10 led with $3450, District<br />
7 was next with $2300. Districts 9 & 15 submitted no applications, combined they<br />
represent approximately 11% of the Chapters in the Jurisdiction.<br />
The previous Committee had implemented a number of changes to improve and<br />
streamline the application process, unfortunately a number of applications are still being<br />
received on outdated forms, and a few are still being submitted via the Grand Chapter<br />
Office.<br />
This Committee feels that the new system works extremely well, and the only<br />
recommendation was, where possible, to process the applications electronically. The<br />
current Committee has 5 of 6 members with email. Both the previous and current<br />
Committee allow the approval/rejection of applications to be submitted electronically.<br />
We feel that this would save considerable time and cost as every application currently<br />
requires a minimum of 1 8 copies with an average of 24. Therefore the Committee will<br />
process applications by either regular mail or electronic mail, whichever system would<br />
work best to suit their current conditions.<br />
The Committee would also like to have the Scholarship and Bursary Program with the<br />
eligibility qualifications, etc. easily accessible on the Grand Chapter Website.<br />
We feel that this would assist both the officers and sponsors in the correct method of<br />
processing the relevant information.<br />
This Committee feels that any improvements to the system would benefit the students<br />
who need the support during this difficult and stressful period.<br />
Respectfully submitted by: R.Ex.Comp. Barry Turnbull, Chairman<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal and seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
this report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings of Grand Chapter.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of The Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
This is my first year as Chairman of the Fraternal Correspondence Committee and I had<br />
the opportunity and pleasure of receiving and reviewing the Annual Proceedings of the<br />
following Grand Chapters: Athens, Connecticut, England, France, Georgia, Idaho,<br />
Illinois, Ireland, Manitoba, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina,<br />
North Dakota, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Scotland and West Virginia - a total of 19<br />
Jurisdictions. Seven of these Jurisdictions used a CD format. Some Jurisdictions have<br />
their proceedings available on their website to be downloaded and read.<br />
It was interesting to find that in some Jurisdictions they held a joint Grand York Rite<br />
Annual Session where Royal Arch Masons, Royal and Select Masters and the<br />
Commandries (Preceptory) came together and shared in some of the program such as the<br />
Worship Service and Evening Banquet.<br />
Many of the Jurisdictions I found are experiencing some of the similar problems we are<br />
faced with such as declining membership through demits, suspensions, declining<br />
enrolment and deaths. In spite of these challenges there are many Jurisdictions making<br />
every effort to stimulate interest in Royal Arch Masonry and the other York Rite bodies.<br />
Some of the efforts made are to call members who haven't been out to Chapter and<br />
encourage them to attend and give them a reason to participate; appoint a formal Royal<br />
Arch Representative in each Masonic Lodge to encourage Master Masons to consider<br />
Royal Arch Masonry; try to have fun and what I mean by this is having learned<br />
discussions on the lessons about life from a Masonic point of view and more fellowship;<br />
encourage visitations with other Chapters.<br />
Along this same vein, I wanted to make mention of what the State of Illinois is doing.<br />
Each year they hold the Keystone Challenge. It provides a fun opportunity for<br />
Companions to test their knowledge of Capitular Masonry in a competition format on<br />
behalf of their Chapters. All Companions participate in their Chapter to match 20<br />
questions with 20 answers which are sent to the Chapter and this is all timed by a<br />
stopwatch and scored. As the winning Chapters emerge the two finalists compete at the<br />
Annual Convocation and the winning Chapter has their name placed on a beautiful trophy.<br />
Also they have formed Capitular Clubs where Companions study ritual and this has<br />
increased the level of proficiency in the floor work and ritual memorization. Tests are<br />
conducted and Companions receive a certificate upon completion.<br />
Other Jurisdictions have adopted a 6 man opening as opposed to a 9 man opening to assist<br />
those Chapters with declining membership so they can do their work well and legally.<br />
In the State of Connecticut they have lowered the entry age to 18 years and have found<br />
this promising in attracting younger members joining Masonry.<br />
There are many Jurisdictions who are visiting Craft Lodges in their Districts to present<br />
the whole story of York Rite Masonry. This effort has produced new members and<br />
members who want to be active.<br />
In some Jurisdictions efforts are being made to promote family involvement and<br />
community activities. Programs of interest to the whole family are being developed and<br />
implemented so that the families can share in rewarding experiences.<br />
In Saskatchewan Chapters that do not have candidates are being encouraged to exemplify<br />
Degrees so they could revisit the teachings from those Degrees and not just have a<br />
business meeting and by doing this they will be ready for new candidates when they<br />
come.<br />
In the State of Missouri, they have reported that the Rainbow Girls and Job's Daughters<br />
have both increased their numbers. But the DeMolay is found to have had the most<br />
growth of the three groups. They have 26 Chapters across the state. For the third year in<br />
a row, they have had a larger increase in membership than any other Jurisdiction in the<br />
world.<br />
I would like to comment that I've noticed through reading the various proceedings that<br />
there is not only a need for younger members but a need for the older members who<br />
provide a steadfastness to show these newer members the light that Royal Arch Masonry<br />
can offer them. These younger members will be the next generation to carry on what they<br />
have learned.<br />
Many Jurisdictions are promoting further organizational and technological changes that<br />
include websites, down loadable brochures, CD format proceedings and e-mailing<br />
information.<br />
We all need to be salesmen for our Craft. We need to show not only Masons but also<br />
those who know nothing about Masonry, who we are and what we do.<br />
I would like to thank you, Most Excellent Sir, for the opportunity to serve our Grand<br />
Chapter and also I would like to thank our Grand Scribe Ezra for his continuing support.<br />
Respectfully submitted by Henry Handsley, Chairman<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal and seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
this report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings.<br />
CARRIED.<br />
During the 15 T' Annual Convocation of The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of<br />
Canada in the Province of Ontario, fraternal greetings were extended by visiting<br />
Companions of each of the Grand Chapters and other Bodies represented.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of The Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
Your Investment Committee is responsible for monitoring the management of our three<br />
portfolios: the General Account, the Scholarship and Bursary Account, and the Medical<br />
Research Account. The three portfolios are managed by RBC Dominion Securities;<br />
specifically by Financial Advisor Mr. Richard de Boekhorst. The funds are managed<br />
within the investment policy approved by the Grand Executive Committee of The Grand<br />
Chapter, which provide guidelines for the allocation of assets including cash, short-term<br />
investments, fixed income investments, and equities within the three portfolios. Your<br />
investment committee is in regular contact with our financial advisor, meeting with him<br />
in person and receiving regular reports both by mail and electronically.<br />
The objectives of our investment policy are to achieve long-term capital and income<br />
growth consistent with low to moderate risk, while producing an income stream to<br />
provide for operating expenses, and the funding of Scholarships and Bursaries and<br />
Medical Research. In order to balance these objectives, our policy has limited the<br />
proportion of equities in our portfolios to no more than 35% of the total.<br />
The fiscal year March 1, 2008 to February 28 th , 2009, has included some extremely<br />
turbulent times in both stock markets and fixed income securities trading. Your<br />
Investment Committee is concerned that we have experienced losses, but we are pleased<br />
to report that these losses are relatively minor in comparison to market fluctuations.<br />
During a twelve month period that saw the TSX Composite Index decline by 40%, our<br />
losses have been less than 1 5%. Our conservative investment policy has protected us from<br />
the steep downturn in equity markets worldwide. The equity investments that we do have<br />
are 100% Canadian, and are limited to large-cap blue chip companies. This has enabled<br />
us to avoid currency risk, and the even more turbulent markets in the U.S.A. and Europe.<br />
Our policy also ensured that we had no exposure to asset classes such as asset backed<br />
commercial paper, and mortgage backed securities.<br />
The balances and year to year change of our three portfolios are as follows:<br />
Account Balance February 28, 2009 1 2 month rate of return<br />
General $467,364.32 -12.21%<br />
Scholarship & Bursary $ 597,237.02 -14.1 1%<br />
Medical Research $636,853.85 - 8.99%<br />
$1,701,455.19<br />
At this time, the Investment Committee is not recommending any changes to either our<br />
Investment Policy or to the management of our portfolios. We believe that our current<br />
advisor is doing as well as can be expected in these difficult times and that our portfolios<br />
are well positioned to not only weather any further turbulence in the market, but also to<br />
reap the benefit of the inevitable market recovery.<br />
Finally, on behalf of the other members of the Investment Committee, M.Ex.Comp.<br />
Richard J Jackson and R.Ex.Comp. Shavak R Madon, we thank you for having given us<br />
this opportunity to serve our Grand Chapter.<br />
Respectfully submitted by R.Ex.Comp. David R Pass, Chairman.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal and seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
this report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings. CARRIED.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and members of the Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
It is my privilege to present to you the financial statements of the Grand Chapter, the<br />
Medical Research Fund and the<br />
February 28, 2009.<br />
Scholarship and Bursary Funds for the year ended<br />
The following are the highlights for the fiscal year 2009:<br />
The Grand Chapter: The total revenue was $3 1<br />
,200 compared to $ 1 20,800 in 2008. Our<br />
revenue reflects unrealized investment loss of $83,700 compared to $5,100 in prior year.<br />
Our expenses amounted to $96,700 as against $1 10,200 in the prior year. We ended the<br />
year excess of expenses over revenue of $65,500 compared to a surplus of $10,600 in<br />
prior year.<br />
Over the past four years for our 150 th Anniversary celebration, we collected $29,700<br />
which includes miscellaneous donations and sale of merchandise. We paid for expenses<br />
almost the same amount; hence we are in a break-even situation for our celebration.<br />
The Scholarship and Bursary Fund: We paid out bursaries of $14,300 compared to<br />
$20,600 in 2008. We ended the year with a deficit of $1 09,900 compared to a surplus of<br />
$ 1 9,400 in the prior year. Again the deficit was a result of unrealized investment losses<br />
of $1 19,200 compared to $6,000 in prior year.<br />
The Medical Research Fund:<br />
During the year we made grants of $20,000 as against<br />
$20,000 in the prior year. We ended the year with a deficit of $72,900 compared to a<br />
surplus of $38,000 in the prior year. Our donations were $12,000 compared to $24,000<br />
in prior year. The unrealized investment losses amounted to $86,900 compared to $8, 1 00<br />
in prior year.<br />
Investments: The market value of our total investments at the Grand Chapter, the<br />
Scholarship & Bursary Fund and the Medical Research Fund amounted to $1,695,000<br />
compared to $1,958,800 in prior year.<br />
General: As in prior years, I met several times with the Grand Scribe Ezra and the Grand<br />
Council to discuss the financial affairs of Grand Chapter. I sincerely appreciate the efforts<br />
of our Grand Council and Grand Scribe Ezra to stringently control the finances of the<br />
Grand Chapter and the two related funds. I would like to thank the Grand Scribe Ezra for<br />
the fullest cooperation provided to me throughout the year.<br />
Finally, I would like to acknowledge the efforts and dedication of the Finance Committee<br />
and Investments Committee members.<br />
Respectfully and fraternally submitted, R.Ex.Comp. Shavak R. Madon, Grand Treasurer<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, seconded by the Grand Third Principal that this<br />
report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings. CARRIED.<br />
To the Grand Executive Committee of The Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Canada<br />
in the Province of Ontario<br />
The accompanying summarized statement of Financial Position and Revenue, Expenses<br />
and Net Assets are derived from the complete financial statements of The Grand Chapter<br />
of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario as at February 28, 2009, and<br />
for the year ended February 28, 2009. The fair summarization of the complete financial<br />
statement is the responsibility of the organization's management Our responsibility, in<br />
accordance with applicable Assurance guideline of The Canadian Institute of Chartered<br />
Accountants, is to report of the summarized financial statements.<br />
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements fairly summarize, in all material<br />
respects, the related complete financial statements in accordance with criteria described<br />
in the Guideline referred to above.<br />
These summarized financial statements do not contain all of the disclosures required by<br />
Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Readers are cautioned that these<br />
statements may not be appropriate for their purposes. For more information on the Grand<br />
Chapter's financial position, results of operation and cash flows, reference should be<br />
made to the related complete financial statements.<br />
Hamilton, Ontario<br />
March 13, 2009<br />
Lepore and Company<br />
Chartered Accountants<br />
Audited copies ofthefinancial statements as at andfor the year ended February 28, 2009<br />
may be obtained by contacting the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in<br />
the Province of Ontario at 361 King Street West, 2 nd Floor, Hamilton Ontario L8P 1B4<br />
YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2009<br />
2009 2008<br />
Assets<br />
Cash $ 43,619 $ 52,301<br />
Accrued investment income 948 1,971<br />
Investments 535,340 535,340<br />
Capital assets -<br />
335<br />
Prepaid expenses including 150 th Anniv. Fund<br />
-<br />
8,246<br />
Inventory 19,307 19,283<br />
$ 528,244 $612,502<br />
Liabilities<br />
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 5,200 $ 18,700<br />
Deterred revenue 2,600 11,558<br />
7,800 30,258<br />
Net Asset $ 520,444 $ 582,244<br />
$528,244 $612,502<br />
YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2009<br />
2009 2008<br />
Revenue<br />
Investment income (loss)<br />
Dues and registration fees<br />
Others<br />
Expenses<br />
(64,822) $ 27,093<br />
88,120 89,674<br />
7,951 3,996<br />
31,249 120,763<br />
Administration and fund raising 96,730 101,192<br />
(Deficiency) Excess of revenue over expenses<br />
$(65,481) 10,571<br />
NET ASSETS, beginning of year<br />
Adjustment on Implementation of Financial<br />
Instruments Standards<br />
582,244 507,653<br />
_<br />
64,020<br />
-<br />
3,681<br />
NET ASSETS, end of year $ 520,444 $ 582,244<br />
To the Grand Executive Committee of The Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of<br />
Canada<br />
in the Province of Ontario - The Scholarship and Bursary Fund<br />
We have audited the statement of financial position of The Grand Chapter of Royal<br />
Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario - The Scholarship and Bursary Fund<br />
as at February 28, 2009, and the statements of operations and changes in net assets for the<br />
year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the organization's<br />
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements<br />
based on our audit.<br />
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing<br />
standards. Those standards require that we plant and perform an audit to obtain reasonable<br />
assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit<br />
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in<br />
the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used<br />
and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial<br />
statement presentation.<br />
The organization derives some fund revenue in the form of donations, the<br />
completeness of which is not susceptible to satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly,<br />
our verification of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of<br />
the organization and we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be<br />
necessary to revenues, excess of revenues over expenses, assets and fund balances.<br />
In our opinion, except for the omission of the disclosure described in the preceding<br />
paragraph, and except for the effect of adjustments, if any which we might have<br />
determined to be necessary had we been able to satisfy ourselves concerning the<br />
completeness of revenues referred to above, these financial statements present fairly, in<br />
all material respects, the financial position of the organization as at February 28, 2009 and<br />
the results of its operation for the year then ended, in accordance with Canadian generally<br />
accepted accounting principles.<br />
Hamilton, Ontario<br />
March 12, 2009<br />
Lepore and Company<br />
Chartered Accountants<br />
Audited copies of the financial statements as at and for the year ended February 28, 2009 may be obtained<br />
by contacting the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario - The Scholarship<br />
and Bursary Fund at 361 King Street West, 2"d Floor, Hamilton Ontario L8P 1 B4<br />
YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2009<br />
2009 2008<br />
Assets<br />
Cash $ 16,989 $6,084<br />
Investments 594,614 705,417<br />
$ 611,603 $ 721,501<br />
Liabilities<br />
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 1,501 $ 1,501<br />
Net Assets 610,102 720,000<br />
$ 611,603~ $ 721,501<br />
ASSETS<br />
YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2009<br />
Revenue<br />
Investment (loss) income<br />
Donations<br />
2009<br />
$(100,420)<br />
6,322<br />
2008<br />
$ 39,006<br />
2,546<br />
(94,098) 41,552<br />
Expenses<br />
Administration and fund raising<br />
Grants, bursaries and donations<br />
1,550<br />
14,250<br />
1,592<br />
20,550<br />
15,800 22,142<br />
(Deficiency) Excess of revenue over expenses $ (109,898) $ 19,410<br />
YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2009<br />
NET ASSETS, beginning of year as previously reported<br />
720,000 619,674<br />
80,916<br />
RESTATED NET ASSETS, beginning of year $ 720,000 $ 700,590<br />
NET ASSETS, end of year $610,102<br />
720,000<br />
FEBRUARY 28, 2009<br />
The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario<br />
Scholarship and Bursary Fund is a registered charity in Ontario, and is exempt from<br />
income tax under the Income Tax Act.<br />
The object of the organization is to provide assistance in the form of bursaries to Royal<br />
Arch Masons' dependants of members, widows and orphans of members to complete their<br />
education at universities, community or technical colleges.<br />
Investments<br />
All investments are classified as held-for-trading. These investments are measured at fair<br />
value with gains and losses recognized in net income. Any unrealized holding gains and<br />
losses related to held-for-trading investments are included in net income. The quoted<br />
market price was used to estimate the fair value of the financial instruments held as<br />
investments.<br />
Effective March 1, 2007, the Organization has adopted the provisions of CICA<br />
Handbook Section 3855, Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement and<br />
Section 4400, Financial Statement Presentation by Not-for- Profit Organizations (in place<br />
of those in section 1530) which address the classification, recognition and measurement<br />
of financial instruments in the financial statements and the inclusion of unrealized<br />
investment holding income (gains, losses, interest and dividends). As a result of adopting<br />
these new standards, the Organization has recorded a non-cash charge of $80,916 for the<br />
change in accounting for financial assets classified as held-for-trading and measured at<br />
fair value instead of cost. This charge is reported as a one-time cumulative effect of a<br />
change in accounting policy in opening accumulated net assets on March 1, 2007.<br />
In accordance with the provisions of CICA Handbook Section 3855, the investments are<br />
reported at fair market value, the actual book value (cost base) is $634,935 (2008 -<br />
$634,787). well, accrued interest receivable for the current year is included in the fair<br />
value of the investments.<br />
The net assets restricted for scholarships and bursaries are externally restricted for<br />
purposes of providing educational assistance. These amounts are not available for other<br />
purposes without the approval of the membership.<br />
Investment income consists of realized capital gains on the sale of investments, realized<br />
interest and dividend income and unrealized investment gains and losses.<br />
The financial statements of the organization include cash, receivables, payables and<br />
portfolio investments. The fair values of cash, receivables and payables are assumed to<br />
approximate their carrying amounts because of their short term to maturity. The fair value<br />
of investments are assumed to approximate quoted market value.<br />
Portfolio investments are placed in well capitalized, high quality corporate and<br />
government securities. The organization does not use derivative instruments to reduce its<br />
exposure to interest and foreign currency risk. The organization has no significant<br />
concentrations of credit risk.<br />
For the fiscal year 2009, the fund has met the distribution quota requirements to maintain<br />
its status as a charitable organization under the Income Tax Act (Canada).<br />
Certain of the prior year's figures have been reclassified to conform to the current year's<br />
presentation.<br />
To the Grand Executive Committee of The Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of<br />
Canada<br />
in the Province of Ontario - Medical Research Fund (Release A Miracle Fund)<br />
We have audited the statement of financial position of The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch<br />
Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario - Medical Research Fund as at February 28,<br />
2008 and the statements of operations and changes in net assets for the year then ended.<br />
These financial statements are the responsibility of the organization's management. Our<br />
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.<br />
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing<br />
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable<br />
assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit<br />
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in<br />
the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used<br />
and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial<br />
statement presentation.<br />
The organization derives some fund revenue in the form of donations, the completeness<br />
of which is not susceptible to satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, our verification<br />
of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of the organization<br />
and we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to<br />
revenues, excess of revenues over expenses, assets and fund balances.<br />
In our opinion, except for the omission of the disclosure described in the preceding<br />
paragraph, and except for the effect of adjustments, if any which we night have<br />
determined to be necessary had we been able to satisfy ourselves concerning the<br />
completeness of revenues referred to above, these financial statements present fairly, in<br />
all material respects, the financial position of the organization as at February 28, 2008 and<br />
the results of its operation for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally<br />
accepted accounting principles.<br />
Hamilton, Ontario<br />
March 12, 2009<br />
Lepore and Company<br />
Chartered Accountant<br />
Audited copies of the financial statements as at and for the year ended February 28, 2009 may be obtained by<br />
contacting the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario at 361 King Street West,<br />
2 nd Floor, Hamilton Ontario LHP 1 B4<br />
YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2009<br />
2009 2008<br />
Assets<br />
Cash $4,185 $ 3,225<br />
Accrued investment income 931 2,640<br />
Accrued interest receivable (Note 4)<br />
-<br />
6,243<br />
Investments 635,923 708,058<br />
$641,039 $713,923<br />
Liabilities<br />
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 1,501 $ 1,501<br />
Net Assets (Note 5) 639,538 712,422<br />
$641,039 $713^23<br />
ASSETS<br />
YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2009<br />
Revenue<br />
Bank interest<br />
Donations<br />
Investment (loss) Income (Note 6)<br />
2009 2008<br />
5 $ 213<br />
12,456 24,126<br />
(63,844) 35,349<br />
(51,383) 59,688<br />
Expenses<br />
Audit fees<br />
Bank Charges<br />
Grants<br />
1,501 1,501<br />
-<br />
202<br />
20,000 20,000<br />
21,501 21,703<br />
(Deficiency) Excess of revenue over expenses<br />
NET ASSETS, beginning of year<br />
(72,884)<br />
712,422<br />
37,985<br />
596,722<br />
NET ASSETS, end of year $ 639,538 $712,422<br />
(Release a Miracle Fund)<br />
FEBRUARY 28, 2009<br />
The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario Medical<br />
Research Fund (Release a Miracle Fund) is a registered charity in Ontario, and is exempt<br />
from income tax under the Income Tax Act.<br />
The object of the organization is to provide funds for medical research upon receiving<br />
a valid request for assistance.<br />
Investments<br />
All investments are classified as held-for-trading. These investments are measured at fair<br />
value with gains and losses recognized in net income. Any unrealized holding gains and<br />
losses related to held-for-trading investments are included in net income. The quote<br />
market price was used to estimate the fair value of the financial instruments held as<br />
investments.<br />
Effective March 1, 2007, the Organization has adopted the provisions of CICA<br />
Handbook Section 3855, Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement and<br />
Section 4400, Financial Statement Presentation by Not-for-Profit Organizations (in place<br />
of those in section 1530) which address the classification, recognition and measurement<br />
of financial instruments in the financial statements and the inclusion of unrealized<br />
investment holding income (gains, losses, interest and dividends). As a result of adopting<br />
these new standards, the Organization has recorded a non-cash charge of $77,7 15 for the<br />
change in accounting for financial assets classified as held-for-trading and measured at<br />
fair value instead of cost. This charge is reported as a one-time cumulative effect of a<br />
change in accounting policy in opening accumulated net assets on March 1, 2007.<br />
In accordance with the provisions of CICA Handbook Section 3855, the investments are<br />
reported at fair market value, the actual book value (cost base) is $638,185 (2008 -<br />
$629,258). As well, accrued interest receivable is included in the fair value of the<br />
investments.<br />
The net assets of the organization are externally restricted for the purposes of providing<br />
support for medical research. These amounts are not available for other purposes without<br />
the approval of the membership.<br />
Investment income consists of realized capital gains on the sale of investments, realized<br />
interest and dividend income and unrealized investment gains and losses.<br />
s<br />
The financial statements of the organization include cash, receivables, payables and<br />
portfolio investments. The fair values of cash, receivables and payables are assumed to<br />
approximate their carrying amounts because of their short term to maturity. The fair value<br />
of investments are assumed to approximate quoted market value.<br />
Portfolio investments are placed in well capitalized, high quality corporate and<br />
government securities. The organization does not use derivative instruments to reduce its<br />
exposure to interest and foreign currency risk. The organization has no significant<br />
concentrations of credit risk.<br />
For the fiscal year 2009, the fund has met the distribution quota requirements to maintain<br />
its status as a charitable organization under the Income Tax Act (Canada).<br />
Certain of the prior year' s figures have been reclassified to conform to the current year'<br />
presentation.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal and Members of The Grand Chapter of<br />
Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
Once again no recognition has been given to any gain or loss on sale of investments in<br />
the actual or budgeted figures in this report. Any gain or loss on sale of investments is<br />
of course recognized in the audited financial statements. However, we wish to be clear<br />
on this point that this is only a paper loss and not an actual cash loss.<br />
Our actual operating revenue for 2009 came to $105,500 compared to the budget of<br />
$103,500. Our expenses were $95,600 against a budget of $1 15,700. As a result we have<br />
a net surplus of $9,900 (no capital gain), which compares with a budgeted deficit of<br />
$12,200.<br />
For the fiscal year ending February 2010, we are projecting a budgeted income of<br />
$93,900 compared to budgeted expenses of $107,700 resulting in a budgeted deficit of<br />
$13,800. Our increases in expenses are mainly in the area of office expenses. While our<br />
revenue base of membership keeps going down we are projecting per capita dues of<br />
$88,000 due to maintaining the previous assessment of $1.00 per member for the 150 th<br />
Anniversary into the general fund. We are of course hoping that actual numbers for the<br />
year will reflect a smaller deficit or better still, a surplus.<br />
Finally, I am pleased to report that we continue to have a good relationship with our<br />
auditors Lepore & Company, Chartered Accountants.<br />
Respectfully<br />
submitted by R.Ex.Comp. Ronald T. Stinson, Chairman.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, seconded by the Grand Third Principal that this<br />
report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings.<br />
CARRIED.<br />
2009-2010 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET<br />
Per capita dues 88,000<br />
Registration Fees 2,000<br />
Other Income 700<br />
Interest & Investment Income<br />
Capital Gain<br />
Net Sales 3,200<br />
Total Revenue 93.900<br />
Rent and parking 9,800<br />
Office expenses 1 5,000<br />
Salaries & benefits 44,000<br />
Benevolence 2,000<br />
Travel 10,000<br />
Annual Convocation 6,000<br />
Printing Proceedings 3,200<br />
Regalia Refurbishing 2,500<br />
Insurance 2,200<br />
Jewel purchase 500<br />
Council & Committee 300<br />
Public Relations 3,000<br />
Office Equipment Upgrade 3,000<br />
Jewel Engraving 500<br />
Professional Fees 5,700<br />
Total Expenses 107,700<br />
Surplus/(Deficit) (13,800)<br />
Note: No provision is made for gain or loss on sale of investments.<br />
CARRIED.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of The Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
The past year has provided the World with many events which have truly changed the<br />
way we live our lives. Our concerns and the world wide "recession depression" has<br />
touched every one of us and Freemasonry has not been exempt from its grasp.<br />
As of December 3 1<br />
, 2008, we have 100 Chapters compiling 7,275 Companions, down<br />
27 1 Companions from the previous year. Demits, Suspensions, and Deaths still outnumber<br />
our Advancements and Reinstatements. The number of Demits each year continues to be<br />
of concern and with an emphasis on making Retention of Companions a priority in our<br />
Chapters we can foster a positive outcome.<br />
The late, R.Ex.Comp. W. James Curtis, Grand Scribe Nehemiah, made the following<br />
observations in 1975 and the comments are appropriate for today:<br />
"While perfection is our goal, no man is a failure for stuttering his ritual under tension<br />
or for jumping the Order of Ceremony. Only if his compassion dries up does he fail<br />
utterly. The Craft can take great comfort in that it is made up mostly of ordinary men, not<br />
all highly gifted and talented men, but men whose common bond is that their fundamental<br />
ideals of goodness is as large as their hearts, who have the native ability to recognize the<br />
relative worth of essential human values, and as long as we have such men, our Order is<br />
in no danger."<br />
My sincerest gratitude to M.Ex.Comp. Roland A. Paddle and the Grand Council for<br />
allowing me the honour and privilege to serve The Grand Chapter.<br />
Respectfully submitted by V.Ex.Comp. Gary P. Humes, Grand Historian.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, Seconded by the Grand Third Principal that this<br />
report be received and be approved for printing in the proceedings.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of the Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
The Benevolence Committee reports that there was no activity this year in the form of<br />
requests for financial aid. At the previous meeting there seemed to be the possibility of<br />
a request for help but the person who possibly would have made that application was<br />
worried about the effect of a monetary grant on his disability insurance. No application<br />
for assistance was then forthcoming.<br />
Respectfully submitted by the Grand Chapter Benevolence Committee: R.Ex.Comp.<br />
Hugh Kernohan, Chairman.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, seconded by the Grand Third Principal that this<br />
report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings. CARRIED.<br />
To the Most Excellent, The Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of the Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
This year end report covers the activities of the Committee on Medical Research of The<br />
Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario for the year<br />
ending February 2009.<br />
During the fall months of 2008, correspondence was sent to all Grand Superintendents<br />
to congratulate them on their preferment and encouraging them to promote the Grand<br />
Chapter Charities, especially "Release-a-Miracle" and to motivate the Companions in<br />
their Districts to continue with projects in raising of funds for this extremely important<br />
commitment of the Royal Arch Companions of the Ontario Jurisdiction.<br />
Three further communications were made during the year. The first consisted of a<br />
suggested presentation relating to a number of large print pages containing points in short<br />
form as an memory aid. Also, a revised brochure outlining projects and programs, in<br />
limited numbers, were sent out and finally a number of prepared pamphlets and donation<br />
envelopes were set as reminders.<br />
This year a further $20,000.00 has been donated to Medical Research projects. The<br />
projects that were selected and supported last year received concentrated support and<br />
made best use of were: Autism, Prostate Cancer, Arthritis and Alzheimers.<br />
1 respectfully report that the following projects were given our support for 2009:<br />
a) Dr. Jeanette J. A. Holden, Director, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Queen's<br />
University for research into the genetics and epidemiology.<br />
$5,000.00<br />
b) Dr. Neil Fleshner, Head Division of Urology, University Health Network for<br />
investigations into the relationship of dietary factors to prostate cancer.<br />
$5,000.00<br />
c) Dr. Edward Keystone, Director, Centre for Advanced Therapeutics in Arthritis<br />
AARC Foundation, University Health Network conducting<br />
research on<br />
new treatment modalities.<br />
$5,000.0<br />
d) Professor Peter St. George Hyslop, Director, Centre for Neurodegenerative<br />
diseases University of Toronto. Advance studies of gene effects of Alzheimers.<br />
$5,000.00<br />
This is the second year for the Million Dollar Club and is growing in numbers. "ARE<br />
YOU A MILLIONAIRE?" To date the donations have passed twenty-seven thousand<br />
dollars (27,000.00) with one hundred and fifty-three (153) members. The Companions for<br />
a donation of one hundred dollars ($100.00) receive a receipt, an exclusive lapel pin, a<br />
certificate and enrolled into the Club. Of the one hundred dollars, 3% covers the cost of<br />
material with the remainder going directly into Release a Miracle. The goal is a Million<br />
Dollars in the fund enabling self sustaining contributions to our Research Projects.<br />
We are still a ways from the $1,000,000.00 of Capital Investment. Your Committee,<br />
Grand Superintendents and Companions will strive to keep this worthwhile project in the<br />
forefront especially in these times of close finances.<br />
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Committee by R.Ex.Comp. Maurice (Ted)<br />
Jenkins, Chairman<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal and seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
this report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings.<br />
CARRIED.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of The Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
This report is submitted with the assistance of the 15 District Grand Superintendents.<br />
The final reports from the Grand Superintendents were well done and have contributed<br />
greatly in our assessment of the condition of Royal Arch Masonry in Ontario. Again this<br />
year many topics, both positive and negative, have been noted but as time is limited I will<br />
thus present a brief summary of the year past.<br />
Official Visits<br />
The Grand Superintendent reports indicate that overall the Official Visits went well, with<br />
proper protocol being observed for all receptions and only a small number of Chapters<br />
require a rescheduled visit. Chapters are to be commended for the dignity shown by them<br />
to the Grand Superindents and visitors. I wish to remind Chapters that they are expected<br />
to confer or exemplify a degree on their Official Visits night.<br />
Course of Instruction<br />
A Course of Instruction was to be held by all Districts. Reports indicate that these<br />
courses were generally well attended with most of the Chapters in each District having<br />
representation. The Superintendents and their team are to be commended on the<br />
development and presentation of these interesting courses.<br />
Membership<br />
It was again a challenge to keep ahead of membership decline as death, demits and<br />
amalgamations continue to take their toll. Also some Chapters are struggling to open with<br />
quorums and attract candidates, and as The Grand Second Principal has said, "a weak<br />
Chapter does not attract new members". In spite of these negative statements Chapter<br />
Summonses do indicate that many Chapters are enjoying an increase of candidates eager<br />
to gain knowledge of the secrets and mysteries of Royal Arch Masonry. It is also<br />
encouraging to see that the average age of these candidates is getting younger. As age<br />
continues to creep up on us all it is great to see younger members amongst us. They will<br />
continue to help us to grow and sustain our Order. If your Chapter is one suffering from<br />
a lack of new members you might want to consider hosting a Master Mason Night either<br />
individually or as a District project. These nights allow us to introduce our fellow<br />
Brethren to the advantages of Royal Arch Masonry and what our Order has to offer. Only<br />
a few Chapters or Districts have held Master Masons Nights this past year and they have<br />
yielded positive responses and potential new members. I also encourage the support of<br />
any Craft Lodge Friend to Friend Nights within your District, remember the greater the<br />
number of Master Masons we gain the greater the opportunity there is for recruiting new<br />
Royal Arch Masons. For information on Master Masons Nights contact The Public<br />
Relations Committee.<br />
The Work<br />
This is an area where there is a lot of inconsistency. Some Chapters are doing good work<br />
and enjoy a good turnout at their meetings, while other Chapters are struggling to open<br />
with a quorum and put on Degrees.<br />
Chapters are also having trouble with member turnout at meetings, especially when there<br />
is no Degree Work or special event evening, keeping in mind no one likes to attend<br />
meetings if all you do is business. In such cases you might consider a walk through of a<br />
Degree while reading aloud from the book of the work each portion of the work or lecture,<br />
study aloud the mechanics or italic portions of the ritual and encourage questions. Doing<br />
this will not only create an interesting meeting and generate discussion, but will enable<br />
members and officers to brush up and keep fresh in your minds the floor work, memory<br />
work and mechanics of each Degree. This will also enable any of your new membcr(s)<br />
to learn and understand the ritual work in a relaxed, informative and dignified manner.<br />
Remember there is no better way to teach than to lead by example.<br />
You can review the Chapter Officer's Manual and the Protocol & Etiquette Manual at<br />
a Masonic Education Night. This type of education will help to ensure that all your<br />
members and Officers are familiar with their duties and responsibilities. I believe you will<br />
find the three mentioned books important tools necessary to help rebuild your Chapter's<br />
strength. ..use them.. .review them.. .and read them.<br />
We must also continue to maintain and support the role of our senior members as<br />
mentors and draw from their wisdom and experience as they show us how to treat our<br />
Degrees with dignity and respect.<br />
Lastly, 1 must again emphasize and encourage all Chapter Officers and Companions,<br />
young and old, to do GOOD Degree work, and make it a point to memorize your parts<br />
to the best of your ability. Think back to when you were that candidate and you should<br />
be reminded of the importance of good work, memorized parts, accurate floor work and<br />
respect for our Degrees. The ceremonies of advancement, reception and exaltation will<br />
become lifelong Masonic memories for the new candidate and will leave him with a<br />
lasting impression of us, our Order and our abilities thus encouraging them to be just like<br />
us.<br />
Using these tools and ideas will help strengthen your Chapter and will go a long way to<br />
restoring dignity and respect to our Order.<br />
"Let's make that first impression a good one!"<br />
Communication<br />
I see communication as having four parts - written, electronic, visual and the spoken<br />
word. Written, we communicate using the written word by utilizing such medians as the<br />
monthly summons, the District Trestle Board, the Soapbox, Committee Reports and any<br />
other form of written correspondence including manuals of which this year there is a new<br />
or revised welcomed addition.<br />
In order to better enable Chapter Officers and new members to understand their current<br />
or future duties, responsibilities and roles, Grand Chapter has put together the latest<br />
version of the "Chapter Officers Manual". This manual describes the duties and<br />
responsibilities of each Chapter Officer. This little book is a great Officer tool and when<br />
combined with the "Book of the Work" and "Protocol and Etiquette Manual" should<br />
answer almost any question you might have outside of the Constitution.<br />
These forms of written communication are very important as they keep us as<br />
Companions up to date and abreast of what is happening in our Chapters, District, Grand<br />
Chapter and other Jurisdictions.<br />
Electronic, we have moved forward electronically. Some Companions are now<br />
beginning to receive and view their summons electronically. Committees continue to<br />
correspond with members via e-mail, Scribes can obtain necessary forms on demand from<br />
our website and the internet enables the research of various topics on demand.<br />
Visual, our Public Relations Committee continues to use pictures and articles as they<br />
visually promote Royal Arch Masonry on our website and large display at public events.<br />
We were again encouraged to relocate, keep track of, update and use our mini displays<br />
throughout our Districts. Using these displays we can display pictures and articles about<br />
events, celebrations and charitable presentations pertaining to our Order throughout<br />
Districts. It is hoped that these visual displays along with our website and public<br />
expressions of charity will positively advertise Masonry to our communities and<br />
encourage questions to be asked of us.<br />
The spoken word becomes important as we answer the questions put to us by others as<br />
they eagerly enquire about our Order. Always remember, as we speak we inform, as we<br />
inform we encourage, promote and spark interest and interest will hopefully lead to new<br />
membership.<br />
Finally, I would like to thank the Grand Superintendents and their Secretaries for their<br />
hard work and dedication. With the year behind you I hope your challenges were few and<br />
your memories many. To the new Grand Superintendents elect, Officers and Companions<br />
all, remember to make a good impression, promote good work and a positive<br />
Proud to be a Royal Arch Mason!<br />
Respectfully submitted by R.Ex.Comp. Michael J. Bowman, Grand Third Principal<br />
Moved by, the Grand Second Principal, seconded by myself, the Grand Third Principal<br />
that this report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings. CARRIED<br />
To the Most Excellent, the Grand First Principal, Officers and members of The Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
The main concern of the Public Relations committee throughout this year has been to<br />
establish and maintain a line of communication with the Districts and improve our<br />
activities to generate exposure to potential candidates.<br />
The Constitution mandates this Committee will be responsible for the care and showing<br />
of the film "The Saga of the Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem", in conjunction with the<br />
Grand Scribe Ezra. I would like to thank Most Excellent Companion Richard Jackson for<br />
his assistance and advise as to the completion of this task. The new CD was presented as<br />
recently as March 17 at Georgian Chapter 56, in conjunction with a Master Mason's<br />
Night. The disk is old and heavily American but was enjoyed by everybody who<br />
attended.<br />
This night was organized by the Officers of Georgian Chapter who in addition to formal<br />
invitations sent to each Craft Lodge followed up with personal visits and multitude of<br />
phone calls. This Chapter should be commended for its efforts to further Royal Arch<br />
Masonry's exposure in this part of the Province. The evening was attended by a number<br />
of Chapters and a number of potential Royal Arch Masons. The First Principal, Robert<br />
McCulloch and Second Principal, Jim Paget of Georgian Chapter No. 56 joined<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Charles Stewart and myself at the Grand Executive Committee meeting, for<br />
a little more exposure to the workings of this Grand Chapter.<br />
WORK...EFFORT...SUCCESS...Simple Formula<br />
The second objective of this Committee is for the solicitation of contributions, in the<br />
form of papers and articles as well as editing, publishing and distribution of Public<br />
Relations material.<br />
At the last Convocation of Grand Chapter each District was requested to submit the<br />
name of a Public Relations Chairman who was to make at least two reports of District<br />
activities, to this Committee. This objective fell sadly short of expectations. We were<br />
looking for the "Mr. Royal Arch Mason" in each District. A Companion involved in the<br />
Craft Lodges of his District and on top of all Masonic activities. What Lodges were busy,<br />
who had candidates but for the most part a Companion who would promote Royal Arch<br />
Masonry at every opportunity. Be totally involved in Craft Masonry BUT as a Royal Arch<br />
Mason encourage EVERY Royal Arch Mason to wear his Jewel at every opportunity and<br />
never avoid an opportunity to promote our Royal Craft. Unfortunately District<br />
participation was all but non existent.<br />
The Royal Arch Display Booth was used at the Communication of Grand Lodge and at<br />
the International Plowing Match in Teeswater.<br />
Efforts were made to update the Mini Display Boards and encourage their use at every<br />
opportunity. A number of our brochures and pamphlets are being reviewed and will be<br />
distributed when revised.<br />
I would like to thank those Companions who assisted this Committee in these activities<br />
during the past year. There was never a shortage of Companions, ready to assist when<br />
asked. To them I say a special thanks and extend an offer of our assistance to the<br />
incoming Public Relations Chairman and Committee Members.<br />
Respectfully submitted by R.Ex.Comp. H. Daniel Knox, Chairman.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal and seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
CARRIED.<br />
this report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings.<br />
To the Most Excellent, the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of the Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario:<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
The Grand Chapter website continues to grow and provide information to visitors from<br />
around the jurisdiction and world wide. In the past year the following items have been<br />
added and promoted:<br />
A new section has been opened with information related to the E-mail summons<br />
program. This area lists the requirements for Chapters to adopt the distribution of<br />
summons via e-mail. These requirements basically are that Chapters wishing to take part<br />
must first participate in a Computer Resources Seminar for the necessary training and<br />
thereafter obtain dispensation from the Grand First Principal to institute e-mail<br />
summonses within their Chapter. I am pleased to report that there are 35 Chapters eligible<br />
in our district as they have taken the required training.<br />
Since the last Grand Chapter Convocation three districts have applied for an approval<br />
icon and I am pleased to report that nine of the fifteen districts now have their own<br />
websites which are linked to the Grand Chapter website. There are also two individual<br />
Chapters that have been approved.<br />
I have also had the pleasure of acting on some great suggestions I have received during<br />
the year for improvement from members of the Grand Executive Committee - we now<br />
have a page showing items that are available for sale from the Grand Chapter - including<br />
various publications, jewels and pins. Another page will be put up within the next few<br />
weeks exhibiting pictures of various items of furniture that is available at the Grand<br />
Chapter for Chapters in need of replacements.<br />
Companions - the various forms in use by our Grand Chapter are available for download<br />
from our Grand Chapter website, but they are not linked off the main page. In order to<br />
access them, please go to This address is easily<br />
remembered as it is the same as our Grand Chapter website address but with "/Forms"<br />
with a capital "F" at the end of the address. The forms are not linked off the page as the<br />
website is open to every cowan out on the internet.<br />
Respectfully submitted by R.Ex.Comp. Paraag Suchak, Webmaster.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal and seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
this report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings. CARRIED<br />
DEATHS - 2008<br />
2-Leonard Martin Huget, John Alexander Johnston, Paul Wilkinson, William Reid<br />
Donkin, Richard Lee Crawford 3-Harold Wesley Nichols, Philip James Gale, Murray<br />
Elwood Harrison, Alfred Philip George Brown 6-Shane Michael Watson 7-Paul Price,<br />
Clarence A Faulkner, Thomas Stewart Hay, Herbert Gregory Teed, Albert Lome Foley,<br />
Allan Nobes, William John McMechan, Walter Swan, James T Freeman 8-James George<br />
Saunders, John Philo McLaughlin, Walter Robert Anderson, William Morrison Reiach<br />
15-Donald Landon Ivey MacDonald, William Wayne Emmett 16-David RG Saunders,<br />
Riddell William Alexander 18-James Bromiley, Russell Piper, Thomas James Boniface,<br />
Kenneth George Witty, John Galliford Parfrey 1 9-William Henry Rudge, George Wallace<br />
Corbin, Murray Downes Corbin, George Manoogian, Michael Walornyj, Thomas Samuel<br />
Cairns 20-William Robertson 22-Walter Robert Anderson, Louie Ludwig Boczy 23-<br />
Norman James Hill, Colin Gordon Sutherland, Claude Laverne Edge, Barrie Newton 24-<br />
John Seiger Whyte, Frank Stewart Jenner 26-James Heffel, Walter Swan, Ralph Bell 27-<br />
John Richards, James Horsburgh 28-William John Burch, Charles Clive Sleeman, Gordon<br />
Robert Kelly, Allin James Hewis 29-Raymond Russell Reece, George Edward Robertson<br />
3 1 -Clare Arnold McFaul 36-Reginal Kenneth Burns, Conrad Austin Dafoe, Elmer Peter<br />
Friesen, Robert John Robson 37-Alan Sumners 40-Norval Richard Richards, William<br />
Robertson Sivier, Edward Williams 44-William John Finlay, John Robert Wagar, David<br />
Moulton 53-James Harold Towle, Frederick B Seager, Alvin Henry Wanner, John Kucera<br />
54-Edgar Glen Rooke, Donald Walter Thomas, Roland Frederick Wood, Max Allison,<br />
Jack Tattersall 55-Norman Ring, Sidney E Wheat 56-Richard Reginald McKennitt, David<br />
Morris Watt 59-Frederick David Duke Rice, Dennis McGarr, Michael Pearson 6 1 -Gordon<br />
Oswald Wickenden 64-Eric Grundy, William J Coleman 71 -Christopher George Smith,<br />
Walter Allan McNeilly, William Perjul, Lionel Leon Lajoie 73-David Luke Lindsay 74-<br />
Gordon Kettlewell, Robert Patterson, Angus Falconer, John Carmen Patterson 75-Lachlan<br />
Rupert McKersie, John Philip Goulding 77-Thomas Kenneth Walters, Ian Calixte<br />
MacDonald 78-David Robert Earl Steeper 79-William Hine, Jan Auseklis Jansons,<br />
William Lewis Doherty 81 -Larry Mark Rabbits, Arthur Joseph Lee, Donald Walter<br />
Thomas Durkin 82-Russell Robert Mableson, James Brian McLeod, Edward L Martin,<br />
Rudolf Marquardt 83-Keith Burnside 88-John Kucera 91 -Clare Howes 94-Neil Irwin<br />
Brown, Robert Graham Parker, Louis Balint 95-Ronald Alvain Green 1 02-Charles Robert<br />
Gilbraith 104-Ross MacDonald Campbell 1 14-Kenneth Erroll Parks, Douglas Hamilton<br />
Stringer 1 17- Harold Wesley Nichols 1 19-Donald Albert Robinson, Frank Larry Wood<br />
130-Donald Clarence McGillivray 133-Arnold Ralph Shepherd 134-RobertE Luke 138-<br />
Hans Emil Metzger, Bernard Whistance Spencer, Ervine Robert Wood, Paul Ethlbert<br />
Cleal, John Cairney 145-Geoffrey Thomas G Scott, Victor Alexander Mclntyre 148-Dean<br />
Kelly 150-Samuel Elvin, Allan Stewart Kilgour, Ronald James Smith, James Graham<br />
Carroll, Clarence James Montag, Benson Walter Bebee, Frederick Ernest Williams,<br />
Daniel David Baer, Alvin Sylvester Gordon, Frank Reginald McNutt, Ronald James<br />
Sheils, William Matthew Smith, John Galliford Parfrey, William John Wyborn 152-<br />
William Andrew McQuaker, Rudolf Marquardt 153-John Kucera 167-David Fraces<br />
Powell, William Bannister, Wayne D Cowdery 168-Denis Clifford Lunn 184-Thomas<br />
Lillie<br />
195-Charles L Royce, Todd Barrow Armstrong, James A Hewson 198-Walter<br />
Marshall Connor 205-Maurice Alan Mahood, Raymond Charles Purslow, Kenneth Walter<br />
Heans 2 1 0-Norman Douglas Warner, Manfred Pipejohn 212-Fred Sheldon, Ned Austin,<br />
David (Rabbi) Monson, Gordon Albert Down, Michael Currie Donaghy, Gerald<br />
Lipperman, Walter Roberts, John Craig Honan 215-James T Freeman, Gordon Albert<br />
Down 220-Joseph William Fordham, Robert Arnold Robertson 222-Lloyd Cherry, John<br />
Albert Handley, John Hamilton Ferguson 224-Robert Burns Ross, Eugene John Bartus,<br />
Robert John Showkenik 226-Raymond Ernest Hughes 227-Russell Robert Mableson 230-<br />
Roy A Young, Henry Burton Holland, Cecil Lachoo 232-Douglas Thornley 233-A1 A<br />
Numminen, Peter William Scott 236-Douglas Anson Tomlinson 249-Joseph A Barton<br />
250-William Rae Gorman 252-William Ellis Andrews, John Stewart Reid, William Rae<br />
Gorman 254-Ronald Stewart Dawes 255-Sidney George Card, RN Clare McBride, Ross<br />
W Thompson, Max Allison Dennis 257-Alexander Sandy Glagow 261 -Frank Hyman,<br />
Frank Kenneth Thomas, Charles Arthur John Johnson, Thomas Andrew Duncan 264-<br />
Cecil Meredith Shaw 267-Thomas Stewart Hay, Clarence A Faulkner, Paul Price.<br />
DEMITTED - 2008<br />
1-Leon Michael Coyle, Timothy John Ford 2-William Ronald Gater 3-William Morris<br />
White6-Brian Alexander Tisdale, David Gibson, Sr 7-William Rudolph Hennig, Elmer<br />
Raymond Coulter 8-Nigel Burnl6-James O Pittis, John Henry Hogg, AJ Pendragon,<br />
Blake Kelly 18-Claude Joseph Roach, Raymond Lawrence Dobbs, John Allan Lynes,<br />
James Muir 1 9-Norman Pemberton, Peter Wilhelm 22-Walter Theodore Bulbeck, Douglas<br />
Graham C Casselman 23-Stanley Walter Holden, Mark Hagen 26-Lewis Goodchild,<br />
David Gordon Pyatt, John Schneider, Robert Wayne Mackey, Mackenzie Kerr, John<br />
Julien Landry, Alex Johnston, Louis Irwin Hickey 27-David Mazur 28-Ronald E Leduc,<br />
Darrell Firth 29-Kenneth Gavin Bell, John Alexander Toll, Robert Glen Steven 3 1 -Allan<br />
Roy Capon, James Harry Leavitt, Mario Vacira, John Anthony Delia Bosca 32-Alex<br />
Finlayson, Harry Daniel Knox, Chester McComb, Stephen Cooper 36-Stanley James<br />
Foskett, Andrew Philip Gray 40-John Ingles Wood Millar, John McCusker 44-Clarence<br />
Alfred Markle 46-John A McDonald 47-Richard Patrick Francis, Arthur R Semmler, Dale<br />
Thornton Dean 55-Robert Winston Irvine, Norman Pemberton 56-David Ross Tannahill<br />
59-Joseph Bernard Carney, Ronald Douglas Edgley, Peter Austin Alexander, Robert<br />
Crawshaw 63-Terrence Pook 64-Ian Robert Grundy, Bruce Reid Fraser 67-Howard<br />
Douglas Hilborn, John Alfred Leonard 68-Robert William Parnell, Jack Smith 71 -John<br />
Edward Worrell, J Gerrard Godin 73 -Donald Edward Grey 74-Gerald Bender 77-<br />
Alexander Parker, Alexander Forbes, Clayton John Shibley, Chas Alexander McGregor,<br />
Charles William Ambrose, Charles Brown, Brian McAteer, Donald Henry Youngblut,<br />
William S Sinclair, Michael Stephenson 78-George Howard Allison, Daniel Elvin<br />
MacDonald, Jerone Harold Clements 79-John Thomas Thorne, Anthony George Malcolm,<br />
Edward Roy Harrison, Joseph Harrison, James Baird 8 1 -Murray Sarson, William Robert<br />
James Laycock, Lloyd Douglas Rodgers 82-David Edward Norrish 83-William Henry<br />
Baker, Kenneth George Lee, Steve Clayton Burnell 24-Charles H Thomas, Tom Miller<br />
90-Ross Clifford Hoegi 94-Douglas C Trivett 95-Frederick Cameron Shortts 102-<br />
Frederick Russell Konkin, Graydon William Sharpe, Gordon Edward McMinn, Brent<br />
Halford 104-Philip Skivington, Thomas Henry Cowman, Peter Edmund Dennis Ribbins,<br />
Michael Alan Trax 1 10-Robert Paul Jolliffe, Frank William Groves 1 14-Merrill Warren,<br />
John WA McGonegal 1 1 7-John Arthur Lloyd Slack, Henning Grumme, Derek John<br />
Wildfong, Glen Russell Weatherdon 119-Arthur George Heartfield, John Alexander<br />
Armstrong, John McKinlay 1 30-George Sneddon Leishman, William Grant Kealey, Ward<br />
Roosevelt Cox 1 3 1 -Larry John McMillan, Kenneth Allan Hopkins 1 33-Robert Lawrence<br />
Tate 1 3 8-Gordon Elliot Duncan 146-Michael James Edward Brightling 148-Nield George<br />
Barnes, Kenneth Breeson 150-Charles Ernest Redman, Paul Garfield Smith, James<br />
Alexander McConnell, James Tarrance Currie 152-Alan McGregor Tibbetts 155-Steven<br />
Matthews 1 75-Miller McArthur, Stewart Alexander 1 84-Gregory Faraday, Thomas Oliver<br />
Jeacock 195-John Alan Klyn 198-Theodore Stanley Doran, Donald Dixon Groves,<br />
Gordon Gotthart Roehner 205-Ronald G Meyers, A Nezam Soltanzadeh, Franklin Kordell<br />
Bishop 210-Nizar Shureih 212-Benjamin Geisler, Edward Stewart, Raymond Wong,<br />
Charles Edwin Drew 220-Albert C Chatland, Bruce Dyer, Joseph A D'Ettore, Dominic<br />
Triumbari, Saad Fair, Michael Sloukji 221- Campbell, McCracken, Kenneth McBride,<br />
David Rose McCallum, Charles S Glasspool 222-Gert Jan Hagenaars 224-Dale Edgar<br />
Devins 226-Brian Samuel Parker 230-Thomas Harry Miller, Guy Kinzett, Douglas<br />
Wilden Gordon 23 3 -Gordon Stuart McHallam, Lennan Hughes 234-Eric Arthur Shields,<br />
James Blair 23 6-William Stanfield, Alex Cree 248-James Francis 249-Duane John Beers,<br />
William Gillespie Sinclair 252-Anthony A Gerrits 254-John Alexander Baird 257-Conrad<br />
Golden Brown, James Stanley Ramsay, Perry Lewis Leeson, Milford Keith Varey,<br />
William Harry Martin, AlanRichard Lloyd 264- Joseph Inglott.<br />
SUSPENDED - 2008<br />
6-Donald Ellis, Raymond (Rajko) Djurdjevic, Larry George Davey 7-Gordon Bronson,<br />
James Robert Smith 15 -Kenneth Stephen Coulis 16-John Redican, David Frederick<br />
Woodman, Lawrence Leahy 20-Brian Robert Adlam, Timothy Newell John Gerbrandt,<br />
Michael Charles McEachern 23-Mervin Orland Hurst, Alan Stanley Jackson 28-John<br />
Edwin Michael, Dennis Dmytro Urbanski, Douglas Louis Bell, John Harvey Wilson,<br />
Joseph Carmichael, William Ross Willard, Edward Riddell, Aubrey Pereira 29-Mike<br />
Sipos, William Cummings, Peter N Scarr 32-David A Kennedy, Frederick Orra Ball, Paul<br />
Bikash 40-Christopher Roy Brown 47-Thomas Hendry 48-Arthur Mitchell Rice 54-Ross<br />
Alexander Winger, Anthony (Tony) Johnson) 55-Robert John Ure 63-David Kenneth<br />
Tatum, Craig Edward Walker, Bradley Richard Fenton 68-Larry Walter Cousins 71-<br />
William George Beaton, Ronald J Cavanagh, David Frederick Woodman, Jamal Zeid<br />
Nasser, Paul Bikash, Harold Holmes 77-Dennis Melnik, Robert John Miller, Juan Jose<br />
Delmas, Ayoub Ayoub, Lowell Hendricks, Jesse Andrews 79-David Bruce Strapko, Troy<br />
Spinney, Andrew Ecklund, James Paterson 82-Fredrick James Solly 83-Ronald Joseph<br />
Del Rizzo 90-Brian Craig Saunders, Hugh William Clifford 95-Taisto Eilomaa, Scott<br />
Allan Smith 114-Frank Charles Murray, Frederick David Barber, Ralph Edward<br />
Bradburn, Kirk Thomas Bailey, Jamie L Casvasin, Shamus Hepworth C Green, Alder<br />
William Couglan 1 1 9-David Frederick Woodman 1 3 1 -Michael William Murphy 1 34-John<br />
Harvey Wilson, Edward Riddell 1 3 8-Richard Benjamin, Vladimir Vasques DeJesus, Elias<br />
Karailias 1 50-Kevin Cromack 1 95-Alexander Sidney Forrester 2 1 2-John Malcolm Shiell,<br />
Terry McKavanagh, Adam Feldman, Yitzchat Ben-Shabbat 223-John Hubert Wilkes 230-<br />
Marwan Zogheib249-Allan Oscar Devonish, 25 7-Robert Harold Golloher, Derek Quesnal<br />
261 -William Ross Willard 264-Andrew Nigel McClellan.<br />
REINSTATED - 2008<br />
6-Joseph Alexander McLucas, Gerald Edward Watt 15 -Joseph Michael Taylor 16-<br />
Layton Frederick Peck 29-Mike Sipos, Leonard Tufford 34-Stephen Maxwell Jagoe 40-<br />
Gary Wayne Saunders 54-Harold Long 55-Robert John Ure 56-Robert Edwin Morrill 67-<br />
Mark John Brunarski 71-B Patrick Chartier, David Wilkinson 82- Charles Henderson,<br />
Robert Douglas Gregory 94-Peter J Earl 1 30- John Richard Hamilton 1 33-James William<br />
John 248-John Arthur Bradley 261 -Donald Edwin Bruce Hall.<br />
1-R Winfield, D Zwicker, David W Holton, Roland Paddle, Douglas Stitt, Richard<br />
Bjerkness, John Schaeffer 3-Bob Milliken, Robert Wakefield, Charles Crow 6-Desmond<br />
Washer, Leslie Levitt, George Clifford 8-David Dainard 15-Lorne J Bourrie, Arthur D<br />
Payne 1 6-Ralph Boone, Gordon Hutcheson, Brian Vansickle 1 8-Michael Bowman, Allan<br />
Petrisor; Richard Hryniw 19-Brett Dickinson, James Cairns, William Klapatiuk, Harry<br />
Turner 20-David Pass, Ronald Stinson, Thomas Warner 22-Maurice Jenkins 23 -D Smout,<br />
Wm Rowling 28-Alan Williams, William Esplen, Robert McKelvie, George Robbins,<br />
Colin Skilling 29-Brent Forsyth, Christopher Frere, JR Douglas Wilson, John W Hart,<br />
Robert McMaster, Joseph Hodgen, Arthur Etling 3 1 -Donald A King, Ronald Carter, Steve<br />
Zwilling, Donald Gillis 32-G Morgan, B Turnbull, D Kaufman 34-David Ross, Rodney<br />
Purdy 36-Robert A Keay, John R Stiles, Tom A Mortlock 40-William Marshall 48-Dana<br />
Thomas, Alan Newton, John Beedham 54-Richard Jackson 55-MacAllister Home,<br />
Bernard Nehring 56-Dan Knox 59-Max Farrelly, Ralph Miller, Garry Todd 61 -Daniel<br />
Glenney, Rod Haufe, Dieter Jeschor 63-Ted Brown 64-James Elliott, Sean Fuller, Barry<br />
Douglas, Tom Jeacock, Greg Faraday 68-Andrew Graham 71 -Paul Hooper 74-Richard<br />
Collier, John Rowe, Fred Payne, John Howden 75-Nick Ellis, Ed Evans, Ed Ramsbottom<br />
77-Eric Bessler, Donald Clarke 79-Leo Smith, Joe Chamberlain, David Phelan, I Nichols,<br />
R. Boal, A McLelland, R Johnson, G Vardy, F Garvin 81 -Fred Ford, Bil Segui 84-Denis<br />
Langridge 94-Stanley Irvine 95-John W McGill 102-Daniel Raycroft, Richard<br />
McCutcheon 103-Thomas McParland, Andrew Grant, Michael Millard, Norman Coutts,<br />
Douglas Ball, Randy DeFreitas 104-Gary P Humes, Jeffrey Baker, Paraag Suchak, Errol<br />
MacKenzie, Shavak Madon, James Shaw 1 10-Victor Dawson 1 14-Edward Poole 1 17-<br />
George A Napper 130-Raymond Devaul 131-Stewart Charles, Arthur Haley 134-Hugh<br />
Kernohan, Ronald Bivens 138-Bob Young 148-John Moor 150-Alan Mills, Brian Peck,<br />
Edward Burt, Charles Warder, Donald Epps, Len Reeves, Lawrie Cousins 155-Steven<br />
Stewart, Jonathan Stewart, Peter Maley 167-John Lidstone, William Lidstone, Harold<br />
Belfry 175-David Beland 184-Doug Lauder, John Perham 195-Guenther Gahs, Ian Jess,<br />
W Donald Laycock, Austin Jackson, R Frank Russell, Roland Mandeville 198-Frank<br />
Richardson, Dale Plant 205-Barry Jones, Brian Stapley 212-Eric H Lakien, E Roy<br />
Harrison, Robert EH Takeda, John M Collier 213-Kian Jensen 220-GR Barker, P<br />
Monkman, MJ Duke, CG Sinclair, DF Kline, A Donovan 221 -David Wilde 222-Les<br />
Richardson, Brian Griffin, D Gary Gossling, Joseph Marshall 223-R Clemence 224-<br />
Robert Todd, Sydney Henhawk 226-Daniel Lepage 230-Milorad Krstic,<br />
William P<br />
Giroux, William W Holden, Gordon J Carr, Raivo Tahiste, Andres R Penaflor, Donald<br />
F Craig, Donald V Ross, Edwin J Carr, Gordon J Carr 232-Prince Selvaraj, Michael<br />
Boland, Alan McDonald, Harry Turner 233-Peter Nuttall, Raymond Beverley 234-<br />
Thomas Massena, Rod Taylor 236-Dennis Hill, J Peter Morris, Glen Harvey, Louis<br />
Leousis 248-G James Bonney, James Hill, Edward Poole 249-Randy Thompson, Merion<br />
Griffiths, Kenneth Bromley 252-Wm AR McKee 255-Alan Wittet, Max Meharg 257-<br />
Robert Prout, G Henry Handsley, Kenneth R Pierce 261 -David Mahon, David P Hardie.<br />
To the Most Excellent and Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of The Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
This year your Committee has had to deal with one matter brought before it. This was<br />
a rejection of a nomination for Grand Chapter Office on the basis that it had not been<br />
received by Grand Chapter Office by the mode of deliveries specified in Section 1 8 of our<br />
Constitution.<br />
This section clearly states that nominations to be received must be by registered mail or<br />
by hand delivery at the Grand Chapter office. No other means is permitted.<br />
Unfortunately, in the matter at hand, the nomination was sent by courier service. It is the<br />
view of the Committee that this<br />
appeal cannot be allowed. Although, amending this<br />
section of the Constitution has been discussed on a number of occasions, the section is<br />
still in full force and affect and must be adhered to.<br />
Over the years there have been numerous instances of noncompliance which<br />
unfortunately have led to the result of nominations being rejected.<br />
Your Committee is of the view that the Constitution, as written, is clear and that each<br />
Companion seeking nomination to Grand Executive or any other position must be deemed<br />
to be aware of what the provisions of it are. Accordingly, we reject this appeal.<br />
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Committee by R.Ex.Comp. David E. Jacklin,<br />
Chairman<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, seconded by the Grand Third Principal that this<br />
report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings. CARRIED<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of the Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario:<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
Your Committee on the Grand First Principal's Address to this our 151 st<br />
Convocation,<br />
had the opportunity to review that Address.<br />
We noted his comment that the Craft Lodge of Prince Hall of Ontario and Quebec has<br />
been recognized by the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario and that<br />
visitation is encouraged.<br />
In the matter of Royal Arch Charities, we note his concern that donations to Medical<br />
Research and Bursaries are facing some difficult economic times and everyone is feeling<br />
the pinch. The Student Bursary Awards assist students facing rising educational costs.<br />
We were pleased to learn that the Manual for Chapter Officers has been updated and<br />
printed and is now available.<br />
Once again, The Grand First Principal has had to report his disappointment in the failure<br />
of a number of Chapters to submit their Annual Returns in accordance with the<br />
Constitution.<br />
The Grand First Principal has had to report, once more, on the problems of Nomination<br />
Papers being filed incorrectly. He expressed his hope that the Constitution Amendments<br />
before this Convocation will reduce any future confusion in those filings.<br />
He reported on one successful Amalgamation, the decision of two other Chapters to<br />
discontinue Amalgamation discussions, and two other Chapters entering into such<br />
discussions.<br />
We note with concern the number of Chapters involved in Trusteeship. However, it<br />
appears that there is some evidence that with the assistance and involvement of a number<br />
of dedicated Companions, including Chapter members, this area of concern is, in some<br />
instances, being successfully addressed.<br />
We note the recommendation that Grand Chapter confer an Honourary Membership in<br />
the Grand Executive Committee, and we concur with the recommendation.<br />
Your Committee congratulates the Grand First Principal for his dedication and<br />
outstanding leadership to this Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the<br />
Province of Ontario.<br />
All of which is respectfully submitted on behalf of the Committee, R.Ex.Comps. Eric<br />
H. Lakien, J. William Lidstone, and V.Ex.Comps.. Grant H. Armstrong and Donald H.<br />
Mumby.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal and seconded by the Grand Third Principal that<br />
this report be received and approved for printing in the proceedings. CARRIED<br />
To the Most Excellent, the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of the Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companions:<br />
With reference to the Grand Chapter Storage Room located in the basement ofthe Grand<br />
Lodge building in Hamilton, Ontario, I enclose a short report of the status of the furniture<br />
as of the first day of March 2009. All the furniture has been personally inspected as to the<br />
condition of each item and a digital picture has been taken of most items which will be<br />
on the Royal Arch Website in the near future. This will become available to all Chapters<br />
seeking to replace any aging furniture.<br />
It is recommended that when we receive new records, furniture, regalia, etc. from any<br />
of the Chapters, that it shall be inspected, a digital picture taken for future records and<br />
then stored properly as space is limited.<br />
Some items have been passed to various Chapters as requested if items were available.<br />
Respectfully submitted by V.Ex.Comp. Tim Corrin, Grand Archivist.<br />
Moved by the Grand Second Principal, Seconded by the Grand Third Principal that this<br />
report be received and be approved for printing in the Proceedings.<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Paddle called upon the Grand Scribe Ezra to advise the Companions of the<br />
awarded to the Chapter with the<br />
winner of the William S Thomson Trophy, which is<br />
greatest percentage increase in membership.<br />
Second Runner Up - Kitchener Chapter No. 117 - 5.6%<br />
First Runner Up - The Hamilton Chapter No. 175 - 6.7%<br />
This year's winner - King Cyrus Chapter No. 232 - with 1 1.3%<br />
After congratulating the Companions and the Chapter M.Ex.Comp. Paddle accompanied<br />
by the other Grand Council members presented the trophy to the winner.<br />
At 3: 1 5 p.m., the Grand First Principal directed the Grand Principal Sojourner to call the<br />
Grand Chapter from labour to refreshment until 8:30 a.m. in the morrow.<br />
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DISTRICT No 1<br />
RExComp WAR (Bill) McKee<br />
622 Bristol Street Sarnia ON N7S 5E1 519-383-7191<br />
ExComp John B Bourrie<br />
916 Ennisclaire Drive Sarnia ON N7V 3G7 519-344-4732<br />
15 Wawanosh Sarnia 47 Wellington-MacNabb.. . Chatham<br />
53 Bruce Petrolia 71 Windsor Windsor<br />
73 Erie-Blenheim Ridgetown 119KingCyrus Leamington<br />
DISTRICT No 2<br />
RExComp Edward (Ted) James Burt<br />
1313 Elson Road London ON N6G 5R1<br />
Ex.Comp. Chris Peck<br />
82 Elm Street Brantford ON N3R 4V2<br />
3 St. John's & St. George's. . London<br />
18 Oxford-Harris Ingersoll<br />
54 Palestine St. Thomas 78 Minnewawa Ravenswood<br />
81 Aylmer Aylmer 150 The St. Andrew-London London<br />
255 Tillsonburg Tillsonburg<br />
DISTRICT No 3<br />
RExComp Grahame William Booker<br />
139 Blair Road Cambridge ON N1S 2J2<br />
ExComp Colin C Heap<br />
220-5 Salisbury Avenue Cambridge ON N1S 1K5<br />
24 Tecumseh Stratford<br />
46 South Perth Mitchell<br />
84 Lebanon Wingham<br />
32 Cambridge Cambridge<br />
67 Enterprise Palmerston<br />
1 17 Kitchener Waterloo<br />
146 Bernard Listowel<br />
DISTRICT No 4<br />
RExComp Charles P Stewart<br />
799 Howdenvale Rd RR 1 Mar ON NOH 1X0<br />
ExComp Murray Robins<br />
Box 280 Wiarton ON NOH 2T0<br />
27 Manitou Collingwood<br />
63 Havelock Kincardine<br />
131 Amabel Wiarton<br />
56 Georgian Owen Sound<br />
130 Chantry Port Elgin<br />
221 Durham Durham<br />
DISTRICT No 5<br />
RExComp Donald Gerald Clarke<br />
2643 Spruce Needle Drive Mississauga ON L5L 1M8<br />
ExComp Louis N Jansurik<br />
38-2020 South Milway Mississauga ON L5L 1K2<br />
40 Guelph Guelph<br />
77 Occident Streetsville<br />
104 White Oak Oakville<br />
230 Port Credit Port Credit<br />
75 St. Clair Milton<br />
83 Headwater Orangeville<br />
195 Orion Brampton<br />
234 Halton Georgetown<br />
DISTRICT No 6<br />
RExComp William Robert Rowling<br />
15 Southridge Road Tillsonburg ON L4G 5T8<br />
ExComp Dale Smout<br />
22 Ormond Crescent Simcoe ON N3Y 1Y2<br />
2 The Hiram Hamilton<br />
20 Brant-Mount Horeb Paris<br />
155 Ancaster Ancaster<br />
224 Keystone Stoney Creek<br />
6 St. John's Stoney Creek<br />
23 Regal-Ezra Simcoe<br />
175 The Hamilton Hamilton<br />
236 Caledonia Caledonia<br />
DISTRICT No 7<br />
RExComp Douglas Gordon Lauder<br />
3235 Bethune Avenue Ridgeway ON LOS 1N0<br />
ExComp Richard Simpson<br />
2001 Niagara Parkway Fort Erie ON L2A 5M4<br />
19 Mount Moriah. . . St. Catharines<br />
55 Niagara. . . Niagara-on-the-Lake<br />
29 McCallum Dunnville<br />
64 Willson Welland<br />
184 Hugh Murray Fort Erie<br />
DISTRICT No 8<br />
RExComp Ian David Nichols<br />
51 Lyall Avenue Toronto ON M4E 1W1<br />
VExComp Kenneth A Hunter<br />
10 Conlins Road Toronto ON MIC 1C3<br />
8 King Solomon Scarborough<br />
91 Toronto Antiquity. . . . Toronto<br />
205 Victoria Thornhill<br />
224 Keystone Stoney Creek<br />
79 Orient Scarborough<br />
138 Shekinah Toronto<br />
220 Lebanon Etobicoke<br />
236 Caledonia Caledonia<br />
DISTRICT No 9<br />
RExComp Michael Francis Boland<br />
106-4 Welsford Gardens Don Mills ON M3A 2P5<br />
ExComp Alan W McDonald<br />
19 Samson Crescent Scarborough ON M1G 1N2<br />
34 Signet Barrie 145 The St. Patrick.. . New Market<br />
167 Kichikewana. Victoria Harbour 198 Couchiching Orillia<br />
212 Mount Sinai.. . . Richmond<br />
Hill 232 King Cyrus Stouffville<br />
261 Seguin Parry Sound 264 Tecumseth Tottenham<br />
Carleton<br />
DISTRICT No 10<br />
RExComp Robert Alexander Keay<br />
198 Barnardo Ave Peterborough ON K9H 5V5<br />
ExComp John R Stiles<br />
630 Parkhill Rd West Peterborough ON K9J 6N6<br />
28 Pentalpha Oshawa<br />
37 Victoria Port Hope<br />
36 Corinthian Peterborough<br />
48 St. John's Cobourg<br />
94 Midland Lindsay<br />
233 Oakwood Pickering<br />
134 King Darius Sutton<br />
249 Palestine Bowmanville<br />
DISTRICT No 11<br />
RExComp David William Holton<br />
5636 C Bedford Rd, Sydenham ON KOH 2T0<br />
ExComp Raymond Winfield<br />
890 Queen Street Gananoque ON K7G 2B6<br />
1 Ancient Frontenac &<br />
Cataraqui<br />
Kingston<br />
7 Quinte Friendship<br />
Moira<br />
Belleville<br />
26 Presqu'ile-St. Mark's. . Brighton<br />
44 Mount Sinai Napanee<br />
3 1 Prince Edward Picton<br />
110 Warkworth Warkworth<br />
168 Ionic Havelock<br />
DISTRICT No 12<br />
RExComp Ralph Harold Miller<br />
RR #3 Brockville ON K6V 5T3<br />
ExComp Donald R Moore<br />
525 Jowsey McLean Rd RR #3 Brockville ON K6V 7B8<br />
22 Grenville Prescott 59 Sussex-St. LawrenceBrockville<br />
61 Maple-Granite. .<br />
Place 1 14 Sanhedrin Renfrew<br />
133 St. Francis Smith Falls 226 Prince of Wales Perth<br />
248 Dochert Arnprior<br />
DISTRICT No 13<br />
RExComp Brian W Griffin<br />
1025 Cahill Drive West, Ottawa ON K1V 9J1<br />
ExComp Leslie Richardson<br />
1533 Beaconsfield, Orleans ON K1E 1R3<br />
16 Carleton Ottawa 68 Maitland Kemptville<br />
148 St. John's Vankleek Hill 210 Kitchener Richmond<br />
222 Ottawa Ottawa<br />
DISTRICT No 14<br />
RExComp Kian A Jensen<br />
P.O. Box 37, South Porcupine ON PON 1H0<br />
ExComp Byron Miller<br />
P.O. Box 1229 South Porcupine ON PON 1H0<br />
95 Tuscan Sudbury 102 Algonquin. . . Sault Ste. Marie<br />
103 St. John's North Bay 169 Temiskaming Haileybury<br />
213 Northern Lights Timmins 223 Abitibi Timmins<br />
257 Espanola Espanola<br />
DISTRICT No 15<br />
RExComp Warren O Copeland<br />
Box 31, Site 118, RR#1, Dryden ON P8N 2Y4<br />
VexComp Andrew Skene<br />
217 Casimire Ave, Dryden ON P8N 2J1<br />
82 Shuniah Thunder Bay<br />
90 Golden Kenora<br />
254 Golden Star Dryden<br />
At 8:30 a.m. Saturday, April 4 th , 2009 the Grand First Principal directed the Grand<br />
Principal Sojourner to call the Grand Chapter from refreshment to labour.<br />
To the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of The Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companion<br />
The Committee of Credentials take great pleasure in presenting the following report:<br />
Number of Chapters 100<br />
Number of Chapters represented 75<br />
Number of Chapters represented by proxy 3<br />
Number of Chapters represented by Past Principals only 45<br />
Number of Chapters not represented 25<br />
Number of Delegates present 209<br />
Total Number of Ballots<br />
Spoiled Ballots<br />
Number of Chapters Denied Vote 2<br />
Moved by R.Ex.Comp. Roland P Mandeville, Grand Second Principal, seconded by<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Michael J Bowman, Grand Third Principal that this report be received and<br />
approved for printing in the proceedings.<br />
CARRIED.<br />
To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of The Grand<br />
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario.<br />
Most Excellent Sir and Companion<br />
The Committee of Scrutineers take great pleasure in presenting the results of the<br />
elections held at this Grand Chapter.<br />
Grand Scribe Nehemiah<br />
Grand Principal Sojourner<br />
Grand Registrar<br />
Ex.Comp. George Clifford<br />
Nominations Rejected<br />
Ex.Comp. Ronald Herbert Bivens<br />
Grand Executive Committee members acclaimed;<br />
V. Ex.Comp. Alan Donovan<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Barry Leslie Jones<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Robert Joseph McMaster<br />
R.Ex.Comp. David Robert Pass<br />
V. Ex.Comp. John William Richel<br />
Moved by R.Ex.Comp. Roland P Mandeville, Grand Second Principal, seconded by<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Michael J Bowman that this report be received and approved for printing in<br />
the proceedings. CARRIED.<br />
1<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Gifford announced that the time had arrived for the Ceremony of<br />
Installation and Investiture of Officers of this Grand Chapter for the ensuing year. Under<br />
the direction of M.Ex.Comp. R Frank Russell, the newly elected officers were installed<br />
according to ancient custom. M.Ex.Comp. Roland Allen Paddle then proceeded to<br />
announce the Appointed Officers of The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada<br />
in the Province of Ontario.<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Roland Allen Paddle<br />
Grand First Principal<br />
1675 Shore Road, Kingston ON K7L 5H6<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Roland Patrick Mandeville<br />
Grand Second Principal<br />
36 Sapphire Crescent, Brampton ON L6Z 4M4<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Michael Jon Bowman<br />
Grand Third Principal<br />
134 Skye Street, Ingersoll ON N5C 2P8<br />
R.Ex.Comp. William Arthur Robert McKee Grand Superintendent - District 1<br />
622 Bristol Street, Sarnia ON N7S 5E1<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Edward ( Ted ) Burt Grand Superintendent - District 2<br />
1313 Elson Road, London ON N6G 5R1<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Grahame William Booker Grand Superintendent - District 3<br />
139 Blair Road, Cambridge ON N1S 2J2<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Charles Phillip Stewart Grand Superintendent - District 4<br />
799 Hwdenvale Road, Mar ON NOH 1X0<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Donald Gerald Clarke Grand Superintendent - District 5<br />
2643 Spruce Needle Drive, Mississauga ON L5L 1M8<br />
R.Ex.Comp. William Rowling Grand Superintendent - District 6<br />
15 Southridge Road, Tillsonburg ON N4G 5T8<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Douglas Gordon Lauder Grand Superintendent - District 7<br />
3235 Bethune Avenue, Ridgeway ON LOS 1N0<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Ian David Nichols Grand Superintendent - District 8<br />
51 Lyall Avenue, Toronto ON M4E 1W1<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Michael Francis Boland Grand Superintendent - District 9<br />
106-4 Welsford Gardens, Don Mills ON M3A 2P5<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Robert Alexander Keay Grand Superintendent - District 10<br />
198 Barnardo Avenue, Peterborough ON K9H 5V5<br />
R.Ex.Comp. David William Holton Grand Superintendent - District 1<br />
5636C Bedford Road, Sydenham ON KOH 2T0<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Ralph Harold Miller Grand Superintendent - District 12<br />
1348 Hallecks Road, RR 3, Brockville ON K6V 5T3<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Brain Wayne Griffin Grand Superintendent - District 13<br />
1025 Cahill Drive West, Ottawa ON K1V 9J1<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Kian Attwood Jensen Grand Superintendent - District 14<br />
PO Box 37, 1 14 Spillenaar Street, South Porcupine ON PON 1H0<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Warren Orville Copeland Grand Superintendent - District 15<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Sidney James Maddock<br />
Box 3 1 , Site 1 1 8, RR 1 , Dryden ON P8N 2Y4<br />
Grand Chaplain<br />
33 Hastings Drive, RR 3, Woodland Beach ON LOL IPO<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Shavak Russy Madon<br />
Grand Treasurer<br />
375 Poplar Drive, Oakville ON L6J 4E3<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Richard James Jackson<br />
Grand Scribe Ezra<br />
44310 Ferguson Line, RR 8, St Thomas ON N5P 3T3<br />
1<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Melvyn James Duke<br />
Grand Scribe Ezra Emeritus<br />
253-3060 Constitution Blvd., Mississauga ON L4Y 3X8<br />
R.Ex.Comp. George Clifford<br />
Grand Scribe Nehemiah<br />
44 Gordon Street, Hamilton ON L8L 3H2<br />
R.Ex.Comp. George Ernest Robbins<br />
Grand Principal Sojourner<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Ronald Herbert Bivens<br />
1177 Windermere Court, Oshawa ON L 1 H 1 V<br />
Grand Registrar<br />
804-200 Limeridge Road West, Hamilton ON L9C 7M7<br />
R.Ex.Comp. David Edward Jacklin (2 Years) P.O. Box 1421, Blenheim ON NOP 1 A0<br />
ELECTED 2009<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Alan Donovan<br />
38 Lesmar Drive, Toronto ON M9B 2V2<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Barry Leslie Jones 90 Northwood Drive, Willowdale ON M2M 2K<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Robert Joseph McMaster 288 Russ Road, Grimsby ON L3M 4E7<br />
R.Ex.Comp. David Robert Pass 266 Connaught Avenue, Delhi ON N4B 1L4<br />
R.Ex.Comp. John William Richel 1 1 Maidstone Crescent, Brampton ON L6S 2Z4<br />
ELECTED 2008<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Michael William Channing 56 Kingsford Court, Kanata ON K2K 1T7<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Guy Henry Handsley<br />
148 Watson Court, Garson ON P3L 1 K7<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Maurice Edward ( Ted) Jenkins R.R. No. 2, Prescott ON K0E 1T0<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Arthur David Payne<br />
328 Devine Street, Sarnia ON N7T 1 V4<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Brian Douglas Van Sicklel9 Bearbrook Road, Gloucester ON K1B 3H4<br />
APPOINTED 2009<br />
R.Ex.Comp. John William Lidstone<br />
163 Jephson St, Box 291, Victoria Harbour ON L0K 2A0<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Barry Turnbull<br />
179 Hahn Avenue, Cambridge ON N3C 3B2<br />
APPOINTED 2008<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Douglas Edwin Stitt<br />
Box 45, 1 187 Roselawn Place, Kingston ON K7P 2V2<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Paraag Natwaral Suchak<br />
2072 Peak Place, Oakville ON L6H 5T1<br />
-<br />
R.Ex.Comp. David Alan Whiston<br />
Assistant Grand Chaplain<br />
34 Crossley Drive, Port Hope ON LI A 3T3<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Melvyn James Duke<br />
Assistant Grand Chaplain<br />
253-3060 Constitution Blvd., Mississauga ON L4Y 3X8<br />
R.Ex.Comp. Desmond Washer<br />
Grand Lecturer<br />
506 - 895 Maple Avenue, Burlington ON L7S 2H7<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Allan John Petrisor<br />
Grand Senior Sojourner<br />
RR 3, Woodstock ON N4S 7V7<br />
V.Ex.Comp. David Prentice Gahs<br />
Grand Junior Sojourner<br />
1234 Fisher Avenue, Burlington ON L7S 2B4<br />
V.Ex.Comp. William Lewis Foster<br />
Grand Sword Bearer<br />
402-69 Light Street, Woodstock ON N4S 7V7<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Arthur Radu<br />
Grand Master of 4th Veil<br />
1039 Laporte Avenue, Windsor ON N8S 3R6<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Donald Albert McCutcheon<br />
Grand Master of 3rd Veil<br />
V.Ex.Comp. David Phelan<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Neborja Djordjevic<br />
V.Ex.Comp. William Robert McKeag<br />
RR 3, 209796 Highway #26, Collingwood ON L9Y 3Z2<br />
Grand Master of 2nd Veil<br />
15 Ravine Park Crescent, Toronto ON MIC 2M2<br />
Grand Master of 1st Veil<br />
607-1 1 1 1 Steeles Avenue West, Toronto ON M2R 3N9<br />
Grand Standard Bearer<br />
134 Second Street, Dunnville ON N1A 1Y8<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Richard Olav Bjerknes<br />
Grand Director of Ceremonies<br />
2273 Isle of Man Road, R.R. No. 6, Kingston ON K7L 4V3<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Arthur Frederick Haley<br />
Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Peter Michael Whetstone<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Barry Francis Burchill<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Donald James Bender<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Robert Johnston<br />
V.Ex.Comp. John Henry Dean<br />
V.Ex.Comp. William Hollins Fulton<br />
V.Ex.Comp. William Rothwell<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Raj Sircar<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Brian Douglas Hopkins<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Gerald James Newall<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Stephen ( Steve ) Zwilling<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Raymond ( Ray ) John Toner<br />
523 Claude Street, Wiarton ON NOH 2T0<br />
Grand Organist<br />
61 1 Spence Avenue Hawkesbury ON K6A 3J4<br />
Grand Pursuivant<br />
10 Kesler Avenue, Napean ON K2E 5Z1<br />
Grand Steward<br />
143 Fried Street, Box 1 13, Dashwood ON N0M 1N0<br />
Grand Steward<br />
1 102-1061 Queens Boulevard, Kitchener ON N2M 1C1<br />
Grand Steward<br />
224 Howard Crescent, Orangeville ON L9W 4W6<br />
Grand Steward<br />
70 Jerome Park Drive, Dundas ON L9H 6H3<br />
Grand Steward<br />
638 Vine Street, St Catharines ON L2M 3V7<br />
Grand Steward<br />
401-8 McKee Avenue, Willowdale ON M2M 2K1<br />
Grand Steward<br />
393 Mildred Street, Midland ON L4R 3R7<br />
Grand Steward<br />
98 Fairmeadow Place, Whitby ON LIN 8V8<br />
Grand Steward<br />
103-172 Main Street, Picton ON K0K 2T0<br />
Grand Steward<br />
179 Victoria Street, Arnprior ON K7S 1T9<br />
V.Ex.Comp. George Lappage<br />
Grand Steward<br />
110 Promenade Avenue, Sault Ste Marie ON P6B 4G1<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Andrew Graham Skene<br />
Grand Steward<br />
27 Casmire Drive, Dryden ON P8N 2J1<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Thomas (Tom) Bell Lloyd<br />
Grand Steward<br />
1292 Forest Hill, Oakville ON L6H 2S4<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Bruce Dale MacDonald<br />
Grand Steward<br />
541 -14th Street West, Owen Sound ON N4K 3Y3<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Glenn Alexander Melanson<br />
Grand Steward<br />
1 182 White Lake Road, Arnprior ON K7S 3G9<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Douglas Frederick Doull<br />
V.Ex.Comp. John Lindsay Toshack<br />
V.Ex.Comp. Thomas Jeacock<br />
V.Ex.Comp. John Charles SchaefTer<br />
V.Ex.Comp Tim Corrin<br />
Grand Steward<br />
990 Ellwood Avenue, Sarnia ON N7V 3G1<br />
Grand Steward<br />
PO Box 82, Almonte ON KOA 1A0<br />
Grand Outer Guard<br />
739 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Erie ON L2A 5B7<br />
Grand Historian<br />
1950 Sudbury Road, Box 19, RR 2, Inverary ON KOH 1X0<br />
Grand Archivist<br />
99 Tragina Avenue South, Hamilton ON L8K 2Z4<br />
Moved by R.Ex.Comp. Roland P Mandevill, seconded by R.Ex.Comp. Michael J<br />
Bowman that Past Rank be granted to the Grand Chapter Officers of 2008. CARRIED.<br />
THANKS<br />
Moved by R.Ex.Comp. Roland P Mandevill, seconded by R.Ex.Comp. Michael J<br />
Bowman, that the thanks of The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in<br />
the Province of Ontario be extended to the following collectively:<br />
- the Credentials Committee for the efficient manner in which they discharged their<br />
duties.<br />
- the Scrutineers for their service in taking charge of the election of the Officers<br />
- the 2009 Convocation General Chairman and his committees and subcommittees for<br />
their most successful efforts and achievements.<br />
- to the Hotel staff for their great efforts which helped to make this such a fine<br />
Convocation. CARRIED.<br />
The business of the 151 st<br />
Convocation being completed Grand Chapter was closed at<br />
1 1 :00 a.m. in ample form.<br />
Richard J Jackson, Grand Scribe Ezra<br />
GRAND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - President R.Ex.Comp. Roland P. Mandeville,<br />
Vice President R.Ex.Comp. Michael J. Bowman, Committee members - as per<br />
constitution.<br />
CONSTITUTION, LAWS & JURISPRUDENCE - Chairman R.Ex.Comp. J. William<br />
Lidstone, Committee members - V.Ex.Comps. Donald Mumby, Grant Armstrong.<br />
Chairman R.Ex.Comp. Sidney James Maddock, Committee<br />
members R.Ex.Comps. David A Whiston, Melvyn J Duke.<br />
Chairman R.Ex.Comp. G Henry Handsley.<br />
GRIEVANCES AND APPEALS - Chairman R.Ex.Comp. David Jacklin, Committee<br />
members - R.Ex.Comp. Clark Brooks, V.Ex.Comp. Gary Atkinson.<br />
DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD - Chairman M.Ex.Comp. John McGill,<br />
Committee members - M.Ex.Comps. Richard Jackson, George Gifford.<br />
BENEVOLENCE - Chairman R.Ex.Comp., Hugh Kernohan, Committee members -<br />
R.Ex.Comps. Robert McMaster, Thomas Mortlock, George Clifford.<br />
CONDITION OF CAPITULAR MASONRY - Chairman R.Ex.Comp. Michael<br />
Bowman, Committee members 15 Grand Superintendents.<br />
FINANCE - Chairman R.Ex.Comp. Ronald Stinson, Committee members -<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Richard Jackson, R.Ex.Comp. Shavak Madon.<br />
INVESTMENTS - Chairman R.Ex.Comp. David Pass, Committee members -<br />
M.Ex.Comp. Richard Jackson, R.Ex.Comp. Shavak Madon.<br />
- Chairman R.Ex.Comp. Edward<br />
(Ted) Jenkins, Committee members R.Ex.Comps. Hassan Mohamdee, Colin Skilling,<br />
David Hardie, Dennis Langridge, V.Ex.Comp. Doug Wilson, Comp. Brian Bigelo.<br />
PUBLIC RELATIONS - Chairman R.Ex.Comp. Alan Donovan, Committee members -<br />
R.Ex.Comps. Raymond Beverly, Paul Hooper, Donald Jones, Daniel Knox, John<br />
Richel, Richard Clemence, Michael Channing, V.Ex.Comp. John Perham, Ex.Comp.<br />
Prince Selvaraj.<br />
SCHOLARSHIP AND BURSARY - Chairman R.Ex.Comp.Barry Turnbull, Committee<br />
members - R.Ex.Comps., Arthur Payne, Brian Van Sickle, Edward (Ted) Toogood,<br />
Kenneth Pierce, Gary McCormick, McAllister Home.<br />
COMPUTER RESOURCES - Chairman R.Ex.Comp. Eric Lakien, Committee members<br />
- R.Ex.Comps. David Walker, Paraag Suchack, V.Ex.Comp. Paul Pinel.<br />
LONG RANGE PLANNING - Chairman R.Ex.Comp. Robert Wakefield, Committee<br />
members - M.Ex.Comp. George Gifford, R.Ex.Comps. Frank Richardson, Roderick<br />
Haufe, Barry Jones, Ted Brown, Ronald Bivens.<br />
*Henry Robertson P.G.Z 1888<br />
*Kivas Tully, P.G.Z 1891<br />
*Hugh Murray, P.G.Z 1903<br />
*Harry Holgate Watson, P.G.Z 1909<br />
*Elias Talbot Malone, P.G.Z 1919<br />
*Augustus Toplady Freed, P.G.Z 1920<br />
*Sir John Morison Gibson, P.G.Z 1922<br />
.<br />
1901-02<br />
1909-10<br />
.<br />
Roderick B Dargavcl, P.G.Z 1923<br />
Melville S Gooderham, P.G.Z 1957<br />
The Rt.Hon. Earl of Galloway, Scotland, P.G.Z 1958<br />
Sir George Boag, England, Past Grand Superintendent 1958<br />
William H Sweeting, Victoria, Australia, Past Grand Principal Sojourner.. . . 1958<br />
Reginald J Lewis, P.G.Z 1964<br />
The Rt.Hon. Earl of Elgin & Kincardine, P.G.Z 1975<br />
Deceased<br />
William Mercer Wilson .... 1857 Richard Henry Spencer 1922-23<br />
Thompson Wilson .... 1858 Walter Hamill Davis 1924-25<br />
Thomas Douglas Harrington. . 1858-60 Kenneth Jewell Dunstan 1926-27<br />
1861-62 Edwin Smith 1928-29<br />
John Charles Franck .<br />
Thomas Douglas Harrington.<br />
Samual Bickerton Harmon. .<br />
Charles Davis MacDonnell.<br />
. 1863-71<br />
Walter Garnet Price 1930-31<br />
.... 1872 Charles William Haentschel. .<br />
.... 1873 Alexander Cowan .<br />
James Seymour .... 1874 George Lawrence Gardiner. . .<br />
Lawrence H Henderson .<br />
Frederick Joseph Menet. .<br />
Daniel Spry<br />
1875-76<br />
. . . 1877-78<br />
. 1879-80<br />
1932-33<br />
. . 1934<br />
1935-36<br />
William Young Mills 1937-38<br />
Llewellyn Fred Stephens 1939-40<br />
John Morgan Empy 1941-42<br />
. 1881-82<br />
Donald Ross<br />
John MacDonald Burden 1943.44<br />
Henry MacPherson . 1883-84 Reginald Van Every Conover. 1945-46<br />
Thomas Sargant . 1885-86 Frederick William Dean 1947-48<br />
Robert Hendry Jr .... 1887 Clarence McLeod Pitts 1949-50<br />
Richard Beecher Hungerford. . 1888-89<br />
John James Mason .<br />
John Elly Harding .<br />
John Ross Robertson .<br />
1890-91<br />
1892-93<br />
Alexander Geo. Noel Bradshaw .1951-52<br />
John Alex. MacDonald Taylor. 1953-54<br />
John Loftus House 1955-56<br />
1894-95<br />
Maurice Arthur Searle<br />
1957-58<br />
Michael Walsh . 1896-98 Bruce Harrison Smith<br />
1959-60<br />
William Gilzean Reid 1899-1900 Charles William Emmett 1961-62<br />
William Gibson .<br />
Abraham Shaw .<br />
Fraser Earl Jeffrey Hay<br />
1903-04<br />
James Elwood Girven<br />
1963-64<br />
1965-66<br />
William Roaf . 1905-06 Stanley Portch<br />
1967-68<br />
John Leslie . 1907-08<br />
George Harold Shannon<br />
. . . 1969<br />
. George Moore Frederick Wm. Davis Welham. 1970-71<br />
Frederick Weir 1911-12 Leo John Gent 1972-73<br />
Harcourt. . . . .<br />
Daniel Frazer MacWatt . 1913-14 William Simpson Thomson.. . . 1974-75<br />
William S R Murch .<br />
Arthur Stirling Gorrell . 1917-18<br />
William Nisbet Ponton .<br />
1915-16<br />
William Harold Sproule 1976-77<br />
Aube L Weisman 1978-79<br />
1919-20<br />
Herbert Spohn Griffin 1921<br />
n l
*Frederick Scott 1980-81<br />
Gordon Harold Stuart 1982-83<br />
Edward W Elcombe 1984-85<br />
*Albert A Mortlock 1986-87<br />
Leslie Levitt 1988-89<br />
Donald F Kline 1990-91<br />
*G Robert Jackson 1992-93<br />
Alan F Walker 1994-95<br />
R Frank Russell 1996-97<br />
Harry D Turner 1998-99<br />
John W McGill 2000-01<br />
*Melvin Sheldon Boomhour . . . .2002-03<br />
Richard J Jackson 2004-05<br />
George H Gifford 2006-07<br />
*Deceased<br />
1961-62 Charles W Emmett 1508-2000 Islington Avenue, Toronto ON M9P 3S7<br />
1982-83 Gordon H Stuart 506 Comanche Road Mississauga ON L5H 1W2<br />
1984085 Edward W Elcombe 65 Cuffley Crescent North Downsview ON M3K 1 Yl<br />
1988-89 Leslie Levitt 7 Hillcrest Court Hamilton ON L8P 2X7<br />
1990-91 Donald F Kline 889 Hollowtree Crescent Mississauga ON L4Y 2V3<br />
1994-95 Alan F Walker 2 Blackcombe Drive R. R. No. 2 Coldwater ON L0K 1E0<br />
1996-97 R Frank Russell 12 Kingsview Boulevard Brampton ON L6Y 1C3<br />
1998-99 Harry D Turner 2390 Red Maple Avenue, RR 1 Jordan Station ON LOR ISO<br />
2000-01 John W McGill 1838 Millwood Crescent, Sudbury ON P3E 2T1<br />
2004-05 Richard J Jackson R.R. No. 8, St. Thomas ON N5P 3T3<br />
2006-07 George H Gifford 1 19 Central Park Blvd S, Oshawa ON L12H 5W6<br />
. . 1978-88<br />
*Thomas Bird Harris 1857-73 *Maurice A. Searle 1960-61<br />
*Richard Porter Stephens. . . 1874-75 *Frederick C. Conley 1969-78<br />
*Daniel Spry 1876-77 * Robert Thornton Rigby. .<br />
*David McLellan 1878-91 Edward W. Elcombe 1988-94<br />
*Thomas Sargent 1892-98 Melvyn James Duke 1994-2007<br />
*George J. Bennett 1899-1915 Richard James Jackson 2007-<br />
* Henry Thomas Smith 1916-28 * Deceased<br />
*Edwin Smith 1929-49<br />
* Frederick J. Johnson 1949-59<br />
Grand Chapter:<br />
Page<br />
Grand Chapter Officers 2008<br />
Masonic Calendar<br />
Message to Scribes Ezra<br />
Inside Front Cover<br />
Outside Back Cover<br />
Inside Back Cover<br />
Business:<br />
Address of Grand First Principal 15-21<br />
Address of Welcome 11-12<br />
Auditor Report 29,31,34-35<br />
Biography - Roland A Paddle 2-3<br />
Budget 38-39<br />
Confirmation of Minutes 12<br />
Distinguished Guests - Introduction of 6<br />
Financial Statements 30-37<br />
Grand Historian's Report 39<br />
Grand Masters Remarks 8-10<br />
Grand Treasurer's Report 29<br />
Installation of Officers 71-75<br />
Invocation 7<br />
Motions and Resolutions 23-24<br />
Past Rank 75<br />
Presentation - William S Thomson Trophy 52<br />
Committee Reports:<br />
Archivist 52<br />
Benevolence 40<br />
Bursary 24-25<br />
Condition of Capitular Masonry 41-44<br />
Constitution, Laws and Jurisprudence 21-23<br />
Credentials 71<br />
Distinguished Service Award 14-15<br />
Finance 38-39<br />
Fraternal Correspondence 26-27<br />
Grievances and Appeals 50<br />
Fraternal Dead 7-8<br />
Investment 27-28<br />
Medical Research Fund (Release A Miracle) 40-41<br />
Public Relations 44-45<br />
Report on the Grand First Principal's Address 51<br />
Scrutineers 71<br />
Webmaster 45-46<br />
Statistical Reports:<br />
Chapter First Principals 58-61<br />
Chapter Scribe's Ezra and Addresses 58-61<br />
Deaths 46-47<br />
Delegates in Attendance 49-50<br />
Demits 47-48<br />
Grand Representatives 53-57<br />
Grand Secretaries of Other Jurisdictions 53-57<br />
Grand Superintendents, Secretaries & Chapters 66-70<br />
Membership Statistics 53-56<br />
Past Grand First Principals 1857 - 2008 77-78<br />
Past Grand First Principals - Living 78<br />
Past Grand First Principals (Honourary) 76-77<br />
Past and Present Grand Scribes Ezra 78<br />
Reinstated 49<br />
Suspensions 48-49<br />
1<br />
The financial year of Constituent Chapters ends on December 3 l y and Scribes<br />
Ezra are to forward the Chapter's Per Capita dues and Returns to the Grand<br />
Scribe Ezra on or before July 3 * and January 31 *. Each Chapter will forward<br />
its Financial Returns, semi-annually, to the Grand Scribe Ezra on or before July<br />
31 " and January 31 " in each year.<br />
All Chapters MUST forward theirAnnual Returns to the Grand Scribe Ezra on or<br />
before January 31 11<br />
of each year. Chapters failing to comply with the foregoing<br />
Regulations, shall be deprived of the privilege ofvoting at the next annual Grand<br />
Chapter Convocation. The Grand First Principal may, at his discretion, summon<br />
the Chapter to show cause why its Warrant should not be suspended until such<br />
time as the Dues are paid and the Annual Returns submitted.<br />
Write the names of Companions, in full, plainly in the Returns, so that there may<br />
be no errors in completing the Grand Chapter Certificate. Also see that the age,<br />
occupation and place of residence are not omitted. Where deaths are included,<br />
the date of death as well as the Companion's rank should accompany the record,<br />
also state ifa Commuted Member.<br />
Send a full list of the Officers of your Chapter immediately after Installation .<br />
Do not enter material on any form not requested. Use a separate sheet for<br />
other information you wish to convey to the Grand Scribe Ezra's office
Ancient Craft Masons: commence their era with the creation of the world,<br />
called it Anno Lucius (A.L.), "In the year of Light," and add 4000 to the common<br />
time, thus 2000 plus 4000 equals A.L. 6000. Lodges A.R & A.M. hold Annual<br />
Communications<br />
Royal Arch Masons: date from the year the second Temple was commenced by<br />
Zerubbabell, Anno Inventionis (A.L), "In the year of Discovery," and add 530 to<br />
the common time, thus, 2000 plus 530 equals A.L 2530. Royal Arch Chapters<br />
hold Annual Convocations.<br />
The Order of High Priesthood: dates from the year of the blessing ofAbraham<br />
by the High Priest Melchizedek, King of Salem, Anno Benedictionis (A.B. )<br />
" In<br />
the year of Blessing," and add 1913 to the common time thus, 2000 plus 1913<br />
equals, A.B. 3913 Councils ofthe Anointed High Priests hold Conventions.<br />
Royal and Select Masters: dates from the year in which the Temple of Solomon<br />
was completed, Anno Depositionis (A.D.), "In the year of the Deposit," and adds<br />
1,000 to the common time, thus, 2000 plus 1,000 equals A.D. 3000. Councils of<br />
Royal & Select Masters, hold Assemblies.<br />
Knights Templar: commence their era with the organization of the Order, Anno<br />
Ordinis (A.O.), "In the year of the Order," and deduct 1,118 from the common<br />
time, thus, 2000 less 1,118 equals A.O. 882. Preceptories of Knight Templars<br />
holdAssemblies.<br />
Scottish Rite: date same as Ancient Craft, except the use of the Jewish<br />
chronology, Anno Mundi (A.M.), In the year of the World," and add 3,760 to the<br />
common time, thus, 2000 plus 3,760 equals A.M., 5760. After each September<br />
add another year, Consistories of Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite hold<br />
Rendezvous or Reunions.