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mm-M WkM^fttiki<br />

pfl<br />

is for Classified<br />

Adds.<br />


FOR SALE<br />


business in Brown county. Must be<br />

a man 21 years of age and under 50,<br />

that can give two good securities.<br />

One cent each word for first or<br />

*^ll*t^^tW \^g„ address J.<br />

ibsequent insertions. Minimum D _ W#WMI Tpvaa<br />

fc Paul..<br />

)$ first insertion 20 cents.<br />

WANTED<br />

fc4^W^^^^^^^^*^*><br />

I^ANTED—Unfurnished room, with<br />

leeping porch, for lighthousekeeping;<br />

iJlern conveniences. Address Box<br />

Brownwood. 141tf<br />

'4NTED—Good girl as cook and<br />

lousekeeper. References required. Ap-<br />

>ly 1604 Vincent St. 139tfc<br />

;AN*TED—Position as companion or<br />

[hildrens nurse by capable woman—<br />

IWAST TO RENT -A farm with some<br />

grass on the halves; will work by<br />

the month—G. A. Townsen, 1501 Vin-<br />

cent St., Brownwood.<br />

FOR RENT<br />

FOR RENT—Upstairs bedroom. South<br />

exposure. Call at Sfl West Le«<br />

Phcme J-291.<br />

IFOI^ RENT—One furnished or unfurnisb-^<br />

room. Close m. Apply at 715<br />

East Baker street. d*<br />

FOR SALE—Small stock of groceries<br />

with fixtures at 703 South Broadway.<br />

—j. W. Paul. dl43 P<br />

FOR SALE—Good horse and new sur<br />

ry and harness. Price right. Apply<br />

Daniel Baker lX>rniitory at<br />

FOR SALE—A good 5 room house on<br />

Austin avenue, close in. Pretty lot. A<br />

bargain. Phone 841.—J. I. MAYES.<br />

dl31tfc<br />

FOR SALE—Oliver typewriter ribbons,<br />

at 50c. Guaranteed. Call at<br />

Bulletin office.<br />

Two 80 acre tracts of land, both<br />

unproved, 7 1-2 miles of city, will sell<br />

one or both. The price of the two<br />

tracts is $210, the other $11 50. Bach<br />

iraets has a debt of |3tM against it.<br />

but the payments are vry easy.<br />

V. ry nice home in Ford's addition.<br />

5 room house, good barn, cistern, lot<br />

:»0 by 150 feet and well fenced. Pri e<br />

$1700; $100 cash; balance $25 p*<br />

month; fc per cent interest.<br />

4 room house on Victoria Street.<br />

Price $7«M>; cash $.".".'»; balance $10<br />

per month.<br />

Nice little home on Victoria St, in<br />

Ha* condition. Price $9«>0; about $t«i<br />

cash; balance %\'> per month.<br />

Four room house, close in. m<br />

*X)R RENT-One of the best finish-.repairing before Ml<br />

ed natttatc*. five rooms, reception $47..; cash $25; balance $10 per<br />

hall aU modern conveniences, fine, month. Th> look, like a bargain,<br />

mantel and hardwood floors, close Nice new 4 room house two porcho?<br />

paved street; has (art* I *j* large bath, modern. Prita SltOt.<br />

have four room C for rent. - j The terms are very ea ><br />

n F Hurlbut 143c J.I-ELLIN<br />

5^i!l!^~~~—— Keal .Mate and Insurance<br />

ROrTM FOR RENT in private fam y<br />

Office Trent Wdir.<br />


what percentage is in the material she<br />

is buyinfe.<br />

Representations made as to quality<br />

FOR AUTO—On city or country trips,<br />

of goods or materials by stores of esphone<br />

1086. 142 ? tablished standing in the elites and<br />

I larger towns may unually be depend-<br />

LET US CLEAN your art ^uar^; ed up011( slnce truth in advertising ;.nd<br />

ruus and curtains. Phone 43. We *> ll i honesty in n . pn . S entation are cardinal<br />

send man to examine goods and «»* ke, rule8 in modern advertising But once<br />

prices—Great Western Dry Cleaning ^ & ^^ particu, arly in villages or<br />

Company. P Rmaller towns, there may be found<br />

** *"*"*"* j merchants just beginning a business<br />

LET US store your household *" rnl -1 career who are not as we ii posted as<br />

ture or piano. Nice clean rooms up- . g ^ aV( . rag0 woman in qualities,<br />

stairs. Will make very reasonable, ^ ^<br />

charges.-L. E. Hall Music Co. 14* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ £ __<br />

tic soda test" and is based on the<br />

SEND YOUR YOLK HATS—any HAls-aoy kind, --• both "— , ff „ ( ., of an .,„„,„,. „ oiling solllti()n<br />

ladies and mens; panama or Wt. \W ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^<br />

guarantee satisfaction-Great *«»«-» h , c worth of so(llum hvdroxid „<br />

PAGE 8EW<br />

STUDY<br />

r\|| situation, in your vicinity, run<br />

The! || over to Santa Anna and look it<br />

'VyJLl^ over— take into consideration the<br />

quality, demand and price of Santa Anna oil;<br />

look our 10-acre tract over, which is 277 feet<br />

west ot the Turner well, with a new cerrick j;<br />

now up. Size it up thoroughly, then invest with<br />

our agent when he calls on you.<br />

;| Santa Anna Oil Development Co.<br />

»0»000 ftp 00000 0* 00 OH *♦*** ++* + + ff *** »•»*******■*•••*■*♦«<br />

^^^n^^^JtJ^ ' ic.ustlc acid, at the drug atore, »l.lct,.,<br />

LUMBER & BLDO. MATERIALS I comes In small sticks. Put a rtpful j «■■<br />

LOST. LEAF LUMBER. All BulW-' 0 f wa(e r In an enameled saucepan, add (|p ,| e „.,. ted |, y placing the sample on<br />

ing Materials. Complete House. Bills U two-inch stick of sodium and when I gmal| thin ' ( | jsh and i tB vin« it in<br />

willing to pay a fair price for the<br />

best materials.<br />

shipped anywhere. Quick shipments. ,i„. solution boils immerse the sample I |hp oven at al)out a (( . m p eralun . of 4 .,n One final word about -hoddy."<br />

A — * A rwomina. ' M - i— V*««« •■-111 I *.*%. LMII ut i^a/1 Grade and count guaranteed. Examina-, of goods. You will be surprised at , Fahr ranrenneu ,. nheit for i»r an hour noiir. The which is technically the be-t ^rad* of<br />

niepuresun,<br />

silk<br />

'hone J-S76. dl ** ' JFOR SA T >*-• '•■*' roll top desk, one tion allowed. Sen1 estimate. 1NDE- -what you see. or rather what you don't will<br />

• ,,<br />

be<br />

*<br />

burned,<br />

v i<br />

but<br />

i ♦<br />

the<br />

.v<br />

weighting<br />

t u.<br />

will<br />

11 "regenerated"<br />

regentjmicu<br />

wool which is made<br />

*a-<br />

typewri* r Desk, one letter and in- PENDENT Co-Operative Lumber Co.,| see for. if t he sample is all wool »t| rei<br />

from old woolen and worsted ear-<br />

VANTED— To loan $600 on good se- voice :i e. All oak finish, and almost Lake Charles, La. * 41 ' will disappear entirely. j To JnJ|fe TaMe L | nen#<br />

ments. rags and tailor scraps. T<br />

curity, three or five year term pre- Apply at 107 Brown street —<br />

Strain the liquid through a fine j TQ ju(Jge good ub , e , inen rem€m . ar*- all pulled apart b> machinery that<br />

ferred Inquire at office of Bulletin.<br />

HAVE you a Vietrola? If not lei us<br />

W. S. Cook & Co. dl37tft-<br />

doth, and If cotton has been usrd there , her thaf gQ(id Unfn Js soft and vieI(Jing<br />

can be respun into yarn. Frankly.<br />

143;»<br />

sell you one. The April Victor rec- ( will be a small mass 0 Brownwood heads have been<br />

read by Kdens. Parlor ent* rta;nment> ,<br />

agreeible ■corcnc4 odor. Pure<br />

burns lik^* wool, but to less extent.<br />

Cotton burns \OT ADVANCED and th»- A ay a piece of wo->l begins to<br />

We still offer guaranteed Oliver !.-.m if a match is dropped on it will<br />

typewriter ribbons at 60c each. Blue, gel the difference to the two fabrics.<br />

purple and black ribbonj in stock.— Havelinc" ll a.so another method<br />

Mayes Printing Co. phone 22<br />

FOR RESl'LTS — TRY<br />

WANT ADS.<br />


IN HI->M:i> ( Ol >TY<br />

, : , , BAI.LIN.;ER. Tex. lurch --An<br />

..n.illbeputd. -.ght<br />

plen;v til ;thofBallin.. Djulea<br />

now Phone or see J. W Kn..x.| east of Rowena A<br />

Rrnwnwood dU - p tTp*l9*A and funds put Op to sink<br />

I the w.n to ■ del '•' "<br />

-<br />


101 a'P-S near Ow»ns. 10 a' r<br />

•ivation. tq a>res tillable everlast<br />

-One r>-room house, witb r Csunl improvements. $20<br />

bath on F '<br />

MHh "! P- r. trade for city pro:<br />

•odist chnrcjL Frffchly • W">1H4C<br />

paper- -Phone 65. 12'tf<br />

batn><br />

fFOR RENT- ]<br />

Uelwood ATe. PTenhly pain-<br />

•and pi -!-ut— Phone<br />

dV.<br />

ONE SUITE n^ rooms<br />

f _Mrs Henry Ford. 2©S W. Chandler<br />

itmt ]41p<br />

PL\> KNTKKT\I>ME>T<br />

FOR STATE Y. M. B. L<br />

TEMPLE. Tex . March 2*.—A meeting<br />

of t: -Uinment committee of<br />

the Young Men's Business League<br />

was held here last night and plan?<br />

adopted for the entertainment of the<br />

sr^te convention of the Association of<br />

Young Men's Business Organizations<br />

of Texas. April 2"> and -<br />


117 Brown fit<br />



s»•• m The kind not to buy is the<br />

kind you find under the bed in little<br />

Again Below Par<br />

fuzzv rolls in the morning, which you If your health is below par, you<br />

must sweep into the dustpan. Do not need building up with HEMO, the<br />

fond for Above Par rlcaltn.<br />

buy a blanket because it is pretty or<br />

HEMO<br />

??-r~<br />

is a delicious Maltea<br />

appearently fluffy, but try to buy one Food, containing all the elements of<br />

that has a M per cent wool filling on Malted Milk and more—the juice of<br />

a cotton warp. You can tell it by<br />

beef and natural iron to aid in making<br />

rich, red blood. HEMO has<br />

the feel of the wool, the elasticity of<br />

great nutritive force.<br />

the blanket and by the animal odor. Especially for nervous w women,<br />

A litti" cotton helps to keep a blank- rickety children, over-worked busiet<br />

from shrinking and indeed a small<br />

ness men, convalescents and the<br />

aged. A delicious food beverage for<br />

px ri entagi of cotton is most desirable<br />

everyone. .<br />

in any material not exclusively Makes a delicious food drink by<br />

f< r s:nting.<br />

simply adding water.<br />

Tb» best pi ra of materials We suggest that you try a 50c<br />

e^ckasre with<br />

r tliat the consumer be educated * .jj^^^<br />

which can be used with a small piece to ^ roint wherP snP wi n bly nior<br />

BULLETIN of cloth. It may be raveled in both umier. T ., n j inK iv Another thing the<br />

directions and the yarn examined for<br />

r must be taught is to be<br />

the length of fibers for the luster or<br />

HAY—Bi« quantity Johnson grasa the kind of ' ' A - er >' fine - wcak<br />

hay for sale cheap in lots of 10 baleb ** warp will soon b- if a heavy<br />

and over. Phone 4"<br />

filling thread is inserted across it. as<br />

is frequently found in mixtures of WOOl<br />

Producers \n\Ion«* I hat < onMime<br />

Be 1 diieated to Bin More<br />

I uderstundimrl).<br />

o,;. • of the E'irop' an war is<br />

the change In tin manufa« tuie ol<br />

clothing fa r km thei p« • -hold<br />

taring m r wa<br />

irere told that ■robl is loCM<br />

that there is Indeed such .«-•<br />

that the trade may >. ><br />

| means to sub>titute pa ton in ma-<br />

and silk.<br />

c-j, Ills most<br />

.-nd trial LOOM opoii omNi are apt<br />

to catch, pull ; »t of shape and look<br />

shabby. Goods uoven with loi<br />

arp en • ■ «»" Uw<br />

... to<br />

r M<br />

,,) foods I ,f!l aM II<br />

''<br />

: lojfh; though<br />

! holdlni a Miraple to th^<br />

d >^.<br />

The minim<br />

........<br />



Sayi Cre^m Appli'Hl in Nostrils<br />

Relieves Head-Colds at Once.<br />

* . . .<br />

if your nostrils are clogged and<br />

voir head is stuffed and you can't<br />

breathe freely because of a cold or<br />

catarrh. Just fet a small bottle of,<br />

Ely's (Yearn Balm at any drug store.<br />

Apply a little of this fragrant, anti-1<br />

, terials formerly all woo<br />

septic cream into your nostrils and;<br />

Whether this plan will be adopted or let It penetrate through every air pasnot<br />

everv woman who is a purchaser sage of your head soothing and healnoT.<br />

e\«r> *U»J inflamed, swollen mucous<br />

for the family should be educated o ^m^ne<br />

ln<br />

fl<br />

f<br />

nd £ ^ inatant relief .<br />

iminate between the qualitj of ^ ^^ ^^ u fee]g your nog .<br />

fabrics. It may b« difficult to tell ^^ ^ Q^n your Qead lg cleaFf no<br />

how much cotton there is in a given mQT(k naw i tinKf dryness or struggling<br />

yard of material only by look or feel. for Dreat h. Ely's Cream Balm is Just<br />

but there are simple tests which will wn at suffferers from head colds and<br />

enable the purchaser to know exactly catarrh need. It's a delight.—Adv.<br />

Charley Chaplin's Comic Capers<br />

Kenfro-MeMian Drug < o.<br />

Teiaa.<br />

our guarantee of<br />

Brownwood,<br />

We Longed for an Auto<br />

It was a Sunday afternoon. The<br />

whole family was out on the<br />

porcti. One automobile was<br />

passing after another. Everybody seemed to<br />

be enjoying themselves but us. The wlio'e family<br />

was grumbling, "Buy an automobile," they<br />

cried.<br />

But I wanted one as much as they. I dreamt<br />

nutorfiobiles, talked automobiles, longed for<br />

t automobiles. But I couldn't see the percentage<br />

if* of paying a high price for one and I wanted a<br />

i.;; good make. I happened to pick up the Sunday<br />

[•;[ Morning Bulletin and noticed the<br />

Automobile Section<br />

I read it carefully and saw many good offerings.<br />

I was interested. I investigated some ot<br />

;; the propositions. They were excellent. I saw<br />

;;<br />

the car I wanted at the price I could afford to<br />

pay. Well, the family didn't have to long lor<br />

an automobile any more, because<br />

The Next Sunday We<br />

Had One!<br />

Charley Stops the Whistling<br />

Copyright, 191ft, by J. K«al«y.<br />

4<br />

^tX) CJOME *

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