DAFF Service Delivery Plan 2009 - Isle of Man Government
DAFF Service Delivery Plan 2009 - Isle of Man Government
DAFF Service Delivery Plan 2009 - Isle of Man Government
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SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong>
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
PAGE<br />
• ABOUT US 3<br />
• WHAT WE DO 4 - 6<br />
• WHAT WE WILL ACHIEVE 8 - 18<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
Having last year developed a long term strategy for our food industry, radically reformed our agricultural support system<br />
and won support for our innovative, low impact, landmark headquarters building the Department could be forgiven for<br />
taking things a little easier this year. While this may be an attractive prospect, there is still a lot more to do and both the<br />
political membership and <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the Department remain committed to delivering the significant reforms and new<br />
policy developments outlined in this year’s plan.<br />
I am pleased to acknowledge the continuing support <strong>of</strong> the Department’s political members. Brenda Cannell MHK<br />
retains responsibility for the Forestry Division and will be assisting with the implementation <strong>of</strong> an ambitious programme<br />
to refurbish and rejuvenate our glens and estate, making them more accessible to the public.<br />
David Quirk MHK will be assisting with the continuing reform <strong>of</strong> our fishing industry and the introduction <strong>of</strong> updated<br />
fisheries legislation. I am pleased to welcome David Callister MLC to the Department and he will head the Wildlife and<br />
Conservation Division in raising the pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> conservation issues, protecting more <strong>of</strong> our valuable habitats and revising<br />
and reforming our wildlife legislation.<br />
In Agriculture I will seek to continue the reform <strong>of</strong> the outdated structures which have been holding the industry back.<br />
Major initiatives to improve the efficiency and overall pr<strong>of</strong>itability for the meat, dairy and cereals sectors will be<br />
developed and implemented, working closely with farmers, processors and retailers. A significant effort will also be<br />
made in preparing and presenting our case for a continuation <strong>of</strong> the Red Meat Derogation.<br />
As the security and price <strong>of</strong> global fuel supplies continues to be volatile, and with the British Irish Council and the<br />
International Energy Agency predicting that supplies <strong>of</strong> oil and gas are expected to decline by 2020 or earlier, the<br />
Department will be encouraging the development <strong>of</strong> a home grown biomass energy industry. Woodchip fuel will be<br />
available this year and trials <strong>of</strong> short-term willow coppicing for woodchip will be established.<br />
The renegotiation <strong>of</strong> our Fisheries <strong>Man</strong>agement Agreement should allow for enhanced fisheries management <strong>of</strong> our<br />
territorial sea. This would not only deliver improved conditions for our own and visiting fishermen but could also result in<br />
greater protection for our marine environment. Our fishermen had a poor year last year and significant reform is required<br />
across the whole sector if pr<strong>of</strong>itability for our fishing sector is to be improved.<br />
Our natural environment and countryside are regularly cited amongst the most attractive features <strong>of</strong> living in the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Man</strong>. The Department is keen to do more to protect and promote our natural heritage for the benefit <strong>of</strong> both the <strong>Man</strong>x<br />
people and visitors. A considerable effort will be made this year to ensure that the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> can become signed up to the<br />
Convention on Biological Diversity so bringing us inline with the overwhelming majority <strong>of</strong> mature and responsible nations.<br />
It would be remiss <strong>of</strong> me not to put on record my heartfelt thanks to the politicians and <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the Department and<br />
the industry representatives with whom the Department has developed such a productive working relationship. It is my<br />
great privilege to work with such an energetic and committed team and I am sure that we will continue to deliver the<br />
substantial changes which the industries we serve require.<br />
I am pleased that the Department continues to play its part in delivering the central policy objectives developed by<br />
Council <strong>of</strong> Ministers. The contribution <strong>of</strong> the agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries to our economy has perhaps<br />
been overlooked in the past and the Department is keen to work with these industries to ensure that they play their<br />
fullest part in the economic, social and cultural life <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>.<br />
Hon Phil Gawne MHK<br />
Minister<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
As the Department prepares for the new financial year and reflects upon its performance during the 2008-09 year, there<br />
is a little time to dwell upon the significant events <strong>of</strong> the past twelve months and to reflect upon how these achievements<br />
will set our agenda for the forthcoming year.<br />
In December 2008, Tynwald gave overwhelming support to the Department’s plans to commence the process <strong>of</strong> phasing<br />
out current systems <strong>of</strong> production based agricultural subsidies which, complemented by a protected home market, have<br />
shielded the Industry from many commercial pressures.<br />
I am aware that the Department now has a bigger job to undertake in ensuring that the administration systems necessary<br />
to underpin the new Countryside Care Scheme are robust, while also ensuring that the Agricultural <strong>Service</strong>s Division,<br />
aided by Wildlife and Conservation staff, monitor the new arrangements, advise farmers as to how to maximise the<br />
returns available from the new regime and continue to communicate to the <strong>Man</strong>x public (and beyond) the virtues <strong>of</strong><br />
buying local produce.<br />
The next twelve months sees the ongoing progression <strong>of</strong> the largest capital scheme in the Department’s history, namely<br />
the construction <strong>of</strong> “Thie Slieau Whallian”, the name given to the new headquarters building at St John’s. Following<br />
Tynwald’s support in November 2008, work started on site almost immediately but timescales are very tight if the<br />
planned move is to be undertaken on schedule in April 2010. The project team has worked extremely hard to keep to<br />
schedule thus far and I remain optimistic that by next Easter, we will be bidding farewell to Rose House, much to the<br />
relief <strong>of</strong> the majority <strong>of</strong> our customers.<br />
St John’s will continue to be the focus <strong>of</strong> a great deal <strong>of</strong> managerial time in <strong>2009</strong>-10, as in addition to the new<br />
headquarters, the ongoing development <strong>of</strong> the Saw Mill will continue. In 2008-09, turnover rose by over 50% in<br />
comparison with the 2006-07 equivalent, despite delays in the delivery <strong>of</strong> new equipment.<br />
Simultaneously, the Department will commence the production <strong>of</strong> woodchips, not only to fuel its own district heating<br />
system at St John’s but also for use by other public sector buildings that are deemed appropriate by our colleagues at the<br />
DoLGE. Given the precarious position <strong>of</strong> our forestry operation some three years ago, it is pleasing to see how it has<br />
developed its role in the local economy by reducing imports <strong>of</strong> timber and providing a source <strong>of</strong> sustainable fuel.<br />
Another industry that has faced uncertain times in the recent past is the shellfish industry. 2008 saw very poor returns in<br />
respect <strong>of</strong> queenie and scallop catches and processors were hard pressed to maintain continuity <strong>of</strong> production. It was<br />
recognised that the Fisheries <strong>Man</strong>agement Agreement required a fundamental review in the light <strong>of</strong> changing<br />
circumstances and this process <strong>of</strong> re-negotiation <strong>of</strong> the regulation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>’s Territorial Waters has commenced.<br />
This is likely to be a protracted process involving representatives from all the U.K. fishing industries as the significant<br />
numbers <strong>of</strong> shellfish found in the sea around the Island have made our waters particularly attractive to fishing vessels<br />
from around the Irish Sea.<br />
This year will also see the development <strong>of</strong> plans for Marine Nature Reserves, led by the marine staff from the Wildlife<br />
and Conservation Division in conjunction with the Fisheries Division. The Department has learnt the lessons <strong>of</strong> the past<br />
and a fulsome consultation process is being devised to ensure all stakeholders have an opportunity to participate.<br />
During 2008-09, my frequent absences from the Department, while tending to the needs <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Tourism<br />
and Leisure, placed an extended reliance upon senior colleagues. Their pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism in accepting a greater degree <strong>of</strong><br />
responsibility is gratefully acknowledged.<br />
In particular, I would wish to place on record my appreciation <strong>of</strong> the dedication and leadership exhibited over the past<br />
decade and beyond by Eamon O’Donnell, the Chief Veterinary <strong>of</strong>ficer, who will retire in June. Eamon had led the<br />
Department and the <strong>Government</strong> through two outbreaks <strong>of</strong> Foot and Mouth Disease, in addition to facing many other<br />
challenges. His wise counsel will be greatly missed.<br />
Colin Kniveton, Chief Executive<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
ABOUT US<br />
Organisation Chart<br />
Minister<br />
Hon Phil Gawne MHK<br />
Agriculture and Animal Health<br />
David Quirk MHK<br />
Fisheries<br />
Brenda Cannell MHK<br />
Forestry, Amenity & Lands<br />
David Callister MLC<br />
Wildlife & Conservation<br />
Chief Executive<br />
Agricultural<br />
<strong>Service</strong>s<br />
Animal<br />
Health<br />
Finance &<br />
Corporate<br />
<strong>Service</strong>s<br />
Fisheries<br />
Forestry,<br />
Amenity<br />
& Lands<br />
Wildlife &<br />
Conservation<br />
The Department has a staffing budget <strong>of</strong> 132.25 full time equivalents including a significant number <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and<br />
specialists and a net financial budget <strong>of</strong> £15,969,000 for the financial year <strong>2009</strong>/10.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
WHAT WE DO<br />
Agricultural <strong>Service</strong>s Division<br />
The Division works in partnership with the agricultural<br />
industry to develop thriving farming and food<br />
businesses. It provides advice, guidance and support to<br />
the industry and is the primary source <strong>of</strong> agricultural<br />
advice to the Minister and Political Members. It manages<br />
and develops support schemes and <strong>of</strong>fers technical<br />
advice, training, education and non-commercial services<br />
to help evolve the agricultural industry.<br />
Financial Budget 09/10: £9,715,000<br />
Staffing: 21.65 FTE<br />
We aim to:<br />
• Deliver our agreed long term strategy for the future<br />
<strong>of</strong> agriculture which encourages the development <strong>of</strong><br />
an innovative, diverse and sustainable agriculture<br />
and primary processing industry which sells<br />
distinctive, top quality products into high value<br />
markets. We aim to maintain the Island’s capability to<br />
supply locally produced food through the creation <strong>of</strong><br />
a trading environment which enhances the<br />
entrepreneurial and competitive position <strong>of</strong> the<br />
industry, whilst protecting the Island’s natural habitat<br />
and enhancing the role <strong>of</strong> farmers as countryside<br />
custodians.<br />
• Assist in securing a trading environment in which<br />
<strong>Man</strong>x agriculture and the associated food chain has<br />
the most competitive opportunity to trade. This also<br />
involves business advisory work to optimise<br />
individual technical and financial performance.<br />
• Review and evolve the agricultural support tools to<br />
better match the vision for diversified agricultural<br />
businesses and to stimulate and facilitate an orderly<br />
evolution <strong>of</strong> the industry, combined with sustainable<br />
management <strong>of</strong> the countryside.<br />
• Work with the industry to improve communications,<br />
efficiency and market messages throughout the food<br />
chain in order to improve pr<strong>of</strong>its at each stage.<br />
Animal Health Division<br />
The Division strives to achieve high standards <strong>of</strong> animal<br />
health and welfare balancing the needs <strong>of</strong> the animal<br />
with the promotion and facilitation <strong>of</strong> trade in agricultural<br />
produce. This includes the prevention and control <strong>of</strong><br />
animal diseases, enhancement <strong>of</strong> animal welfare,<br />
livestock protection, animal tracing and identification,<br />
regulation <strong>of</strong> meat imports and provision <strong>of</strong> a Veterinary<br />
Officer to supervise the Department <strong>of</strong> Local<br />
<strong>Government</strong> and the Environment’s meat hygiene team<br />
at the Meat <strong>Plan</strong>t.<br />
Financial Budget 09/10: £670,000<br />
Staffing: 9 FTE<br />
We aim to:<br />
• Attain and maintain high standards <strong>of</strong> animal health,<br />
including aquaculture, in order to protect and<br />
enhance the trading position <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Man</strong>x food<br />
industry.<br />
• Promote high standards <strong>of</strong> welfare within modern<br />
husbandry systems, balancing the needs <strong>of</strong> the<br />
animal with the development <strong>of</strong> a progressive,<br />
sustainable and diverse agricultural industry.<br />
• Provide lead pr<strong>of</strong>essional services to DoLGE for the<br />
Meat Hygiene Team, safeguarding public health and<br />
validating standards for the entire food chain from<br />
farm to fork.<br />
Finance and Corporate <strong>Service</strong>s<br />
The Division delivers core services such as the finance<br />
and payroll functions, the provision <strong>of</strong> management<br />
information and health and safety advice, policy<br />
development and co-ordination, management <strong>of</strong> the<br />
planning processes, drafting <strong>of</strong> legislation, compliance<br />
with <strong>Government</strong> policies, procedures and legislation<br />
together with political advice and support.<br />
Financial Budget 09/10: £1,282,000<br />
Staffing: 8.6 FTE<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
We aim to:<br />
• Lead, guide and monitor the Department in relation<br />
to all Corporate initiatives.<br />
• Promote continuous improvement in the<br />
management <strong>of</strong> the Department’s services and<br />
resources, including its property portfolio, focusing<br />
on maximising value for money and compliance with<br />
policy, procedure and legislation.<br />
• Provide comprehensive financial and personnel<br />
support to the Department.<br />
• Provide quality legislative support and<br />
comprehensive, well researched advice to the<br />
Minister, Political Members and other Divisions.<br />
• Provide comprehensive health and safety advice to<br />
the Department.<br />
Fisheries Division<br />
The Division is responsible for the management <strong>of</strong><br />
fisheries within the Island and the Territorial Sea.<br />
Working with the <strong>Man</strong>x fishing industry, anglers and<br />
other stakeholders, the Division will develop innovative<br />
and dynamic management and marketing measures that<br />
reflect the social, environmental and economic needs <strong>of</strong><br />
the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>.<br />
Financial Budget 09/10: £1,404,000<br />
Staffing: 15 FTE<br />
We aim to:<br />
• Protect, manage and improve <strong>Man</strong>x fisheries, and<br />
native fish populations and to establish an<br />
international reputation for innovative and<br />
sustainable fisheries management.<br />
• Effectively control our fisheries through use <strong>of</strong> the<br />
fpv Barrule and rigorous land based enforcement<br />
measures.<br />
• Support the economic development and<br />
diversification <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> catching and<br />
processing sectors.<br />
• Assist the <strong>Man</strong>x fish and shellfish industry to<br />
increase demand for <strong>Man</strong>x seafoods, based on<br />
quality, traceability and sustainability.<br />
• Continue with the implementation <strong>of</strong> the Migratory<br />
Salmonid Enhancement Strategy for the effective<br />
management and development <strong>of</strong> the native<br />
migratory salmonid fisheries in the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>.<br />
• Develop opportunities for diverse recreational<br />
angling on the Island to contribute to an enhanced<br />
quality <strong>of</strong> life and to promote the Island’s natural<br />
environment for the enjoyment <strong>of</strong> family and<br />
community.<br />
Forestry, Amenity and Lands Division<br />
The Division sensitively manages and encourages<br />
recreational and commercial activity across the estate for<br />
the benefit <strong>of</strong> the public whilst ensuring that the<br />
plantations, National Glens and hill land are not<br />
detrimentally affected.<br />
The Division also monitors and protects arboricultural<br />
health and maintains the silvicultural environment and<br />
character <strong>of</strong> the countryside by rigorously enforcing Tree<br />
Preservation legislation.<br />
Financial Budget 09/10: £2,283,000<br />
Staffing: 73 FTE<br />
We aim to:<br />
• Promote and enhance the Island’s unique heritage<br />
and landscape for future generations and to enhance<br />
the role played by the Department in developing a<br />
co-ordinated approach with other Departments and<br />
bodies to achieve this aim Island wide.<br />
• Develop and maintain an economically viable timber<br />
industry and processing sector and achieve self<br />
sufficiency in agricultural timber products.<br />
• Utilise the Island’s natural resources to <strong>of</strong>fer healthy<br />
and invigorating outdoor activities by expanding<br />
existing uses and developing new and alternative<br />
uses.<br />
• Positively and proactively manage the estate in a<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>essional and prioritised manner to safeguard its<br />
fabric and to ensure effective and timely investment<br />
is made.<br />
• Promote the use <strong>of</strong> timber as an alternative and<br />
sustainable fuel source.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
WHAT WE DO cont’d<br />
Wildlife and Conservation Division<br />
The Division aims to ensure the Island’s most scarce and<br />
important species <strong>of</strong> wild plants, animals and their<br />
habitats are conserved effectively for future generations,<br />
for example through site designation (ASSI’s),<br />
conservation advice and management agreements, in<br />
recognition <strong>of</strong> the high value <strong>of</strong> the Island’s natural<br />
heritage. The Division works with others, such as<br />
voluntary groups, the public, government departments<br />
and specialists to maintain and enhance the ecological<br />
health and biological diversity <strong>of</strong> the countryside and<br />
marine environment. We <strong>of</strong>fer conservation and<br />
research grants, management agreements and funding<br />
for Agri-Environment Schemes on farms.<br />
We operate a licencing system to ensure that the trade<br />
in globally endangered species to and from the Island is<br />
controlled. The Island also has habitats and species<br />
which have international significance and we aim to<br />
ensure these are recognised in decision making and are<br />
effectively conserved. The Island has a number <strong>of</strong><br />
special birds (eg chough, hen harrier and corncrakes),<br />
sea creatures (eg basking sharks and Risso’s dolphins)<br />
and habitats <strong>of</strong> European importance (eg heathlands and<br />
upland moorland). Their conservation is prioritised.<br />
Financial Budget 09/10: £615,000<br />
Staffing: 5 FTE<br />
We aim to:<br />
• Maintain and enhance the wildlife value and natural<br />
beauty <strong>of</strong> our rural and maritime environments by<br />
encouraging sustainable use, giving appropriate<br />
protection, providing effective management<br />
incentives and monitoring change.<br />
• Protect and promote the Island’s international<br />
relations by ensuring the Island meets its obligations<br />
under international conservation conventions to<br />
which it is a signatory.<br />
• Communicate our aims and enter dialogues with<br />
stakeholders, the public and policy makers about the<br />
significance <strong>of</strong> the natural world and its<br />
management. In particular we wish to discuss and<br />
promote best practice guidelines for users <strong>of</strong> the<br />
land and sea.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
Changing Role <strong>of</strong> the Department<br />
In this section two years ago, the need to evolve internal<br />
systems and cultures within the Department to meet<br />
potential changes to support schemes was identified.<br />
Culturally, the focus within the Department has changed<br />
significantly and events such as the Woodland Fayre and<br />
support for “I Love <strong>Man</strong>x” and “Pure Produce <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>” has raised the awareness <strong>of</strong> the quality <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>x<br />
produce.<br />
The advent <strong>of</strong> the move away from production based<br />
subsidies now provides a larger and more tangible<br />
challenge to the Department. After a period <strong>of</strong> significant<br />
uncertainty, the agricultural industry now has a much<br />
clearer vision <strong>of</strong> the future. The time for debate has<br />
ended and the need for united and positive action has<br />
commenced. The Department must work with the<br />
industry to enable it to adapt to the new landscape, while<br />
ensuring that the administration <strong>of</strong> the new support<br />
mechanism is efficient and generates confidence within<br />
the industry.<br />
The need to work with all elements <strong>of</strong> the industry to<br />
help it identify and capitalise on opportunities available to<br />
it whilst ensuring that production <strong>of</strong> livestock and crops<br />
are maintained at the highest possible levels, represents<br />
the single most crucial challenge to have faced the<br />
Department since its inception.<br />
Property Issues<br />
The need to progress the new headquarters in the light<br />
<strong>of</strong> the very demanding schedule will constitute the major<br />
property based challenge for <strong>2009</strong>-10.<br />
However, the delays created by the frequent absences <strong>of</strong><br />
the Chief Executive due to his additional responsibilities<br />
at the Department <strong>of</strong> Tourism and Leisure during the<br />
latter part <strong>of</strong> last year did have a negative impact upon<br />
another property project, namely the development and<br />
restoration <strong>of</strong> units at Mill Road Yard, Peel.<br />
The need to bring this project back on schedule, in<br />
addition to the requirement to refurbish properties at<br />
Silverdale, Laxey Glen Gardens and the property and<br />
lands at the newly acquired Bradda Estate are challenges<br />
that will require a much greater emphasis from within the<br />
Department.<br />
Given that the Department is a relative stranger to capital<br />
schemes, the ambitions in respect <strong>of</strong> the major property<br />
works now scheduled for <strong>2009</strong>-10 will require the<br />
re-allocation <strong>of</strong> resources in terms <strong>of</strong> both personnel and<br />
finance if the objectives are to be achieved in a timely<br />
manner.<br />
Within the Forestry, Amenity and Lands Division, the<br />
ongoing investment at the Saw Mill will continue, with<br />
the extension <strong>of</strong> the main cutting shed to accommodate<br />
the new cutting equipment and the construction <strong>of</strong> a new<br />
workshop and stores building.<br />
The commencement <strong>of</strong> the production <strong>of</strong> wood chips as<br />
an alternative to non-sustainable fuels is set to commence<br />
in <strong>2009</strong>-10 and will require further development <strong>of</strong> the St<br />
John’s site.<br />
Combined with the requirement to commence the Glens<br />
refurbishment plan, the property and lands projects for<br />
<strong>2009</strong>-10 represent the most ambitious ever contemplated<br />
by the Department in its history.<br />
Conservation<br />
The consultation exercise in respect <strong>of</strong> the potential<br />
introduction <strong>of</strong> Marine Nature Reserves is ongoing and<br />
could lead to significant long term changes to the manner<br />
in which the Department interacts with the marine<br />
environment.<br />
Furthermore, the need to reduce current rates <strong>of</strong> biodiversity<br />
loss has been recognised and a key challenge<br />
for the Wildlife and Conservation team will be to<br />
generate the levels <strong>of</strong> public support necessary to effect<br />
change to traditional thinking. This may take many years<br />
to achieve but the long journey must commence with a<br />
single step.<br />
Fisheries Policies<br />
The Inland Fisheries section <strong>of</strong> the Fisheries Division does<br />
not <strong>of</strong>ten feature in the “key challenges” section, but<br />
<strong>2009</strong>-10 will see potential changes to the activities <strong>of</strong> this<br />
area <strong>of</strong> the Department being considered. Opportunities<br />
to review the manner in which trout for the Island’s<br />
reservoirs are produced are being considered along with<br />
the options to develop a policy in respect <strong>of</strong> coarse fish,<br />
following a study <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> ponds and dubs around<br />
the Island.<br />
As mentioned in the introduction, the re-negotiation <strong>of</strong><br />
the Fisheries <strong>Man</strong>agement Agreement and the ability to<br />
market locally caught and processed shellfish, represent<br />
considerable challenges to the Department in <strong>2009</strong>-10.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic<br />
Policy:<br />
Purpose:<br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic Aim:<br />
Income, Employment and<br />
the Economy<br />
To raise the standard <strong>of</strong> living <strong>of</strong> all<br />
the people <strong>of</strong> the Island through<br />
the ongoing development <strong>of</strong> a<br />
successful economy and the<br />
sharing <strong>of</strong> its benefits with all in<br />
our community.<br />
Economic Growth and<br />
Diversification – to facilitate a<br />
dynamic, modern and diverse<br />
economy.<br />
Department aim to provide leadership in facilitating<br />
economic development within the<br />
agricultural, fisheries and local<br />
food production sectors<br />
We will:<br />
• Ensure that the Island has innovative and sustainable<br />
agriculture, fisheries and primary processing<br />
industries which sell top quality, nutritional and<br />
distinctive products into high value markets<br />
maintaining our producers’ capability to feed the<br />
Island’s population by creating a trading environment<br />
which enhances the entrepreneurial and competitive<br />
position <strong>of</strong> the industry.<br />
• In partnership with the industry, implement the<br />
strategy for <strong>Man</strong>x agriculture and the associated<br />
food chain contained in “Developing a Reliable,<br />
Sustainable, Self Reliant <strong>Man</strong>x Agriculture”, as<br />
supported by Tynwald in April 2008. This will involve<br />
the introduction <strong>of</strong> marketing related support<br />
initiatives and the de-coupling <strong>of</strong> production related<br />
support in order to improve producer and<br />
processors’ focus on and response to market<br />
demands.<br />
• Improve communications between all levels <strong>of</strong> the<br />
food chain and work with the industry to develop a<br />
<strong>Man</strong>x food brand with an associated marketing<br />
strategy for each sector combined with a positive<br />
approach and a “can do” culture. This will include<br />
working across government to ensure a sustainable<br />
food procurement policy is adopted.<br />
• Work with DEFRA and the EU Agriculture<br />
Commission to seek an extension to the EU Redmeat<br />
Derogation.<br />
• Introduce support for industry diversification and<br />
continue to develop support for marketing.<br />
• Implement the Local Food Marketing Strategy,<br />
including a Local Food Marketing team and the<br />
Organic Action <strong>Plan</strong>.<br />
• Work with the whole food chain to increase the<br />
range and availability <strong>of</strong> organic products.<br />
• In partnership with the food chain, establish and<br />
oversee the introduction <strong>of</strong> a Local Food Quality label<br />
underpinned by an independent and rigorous<br />
assessment <strong>of</strong> top quality standards.<br />
• In partnership with other government and industry<br />
bodies, explore the need for increased rigour in<br />
monitoring and enforcing existing labelling<br />
legislation.<br />
• Support the development <strong>of</strong> an Agricultural Show<br />
site and Livestock Market at Knockaloe.<br />
• Work closely with the processing sector to ensure<br />
that fisheries management measures and Schemes<br />
adequately reflect the changing nature <strong>of</strong> the market.<br />
• Further develop and broaden the scallop assessment<br />
programme that has provided the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> with a<br />
uniquely detailed dataset on the <strong>Man</strong>x scallop beds,<br />
and ensure that this information is incorporated into<br />
future management advice.<br />
• Develop, in partnership with the industry, a distinct<br />
brand for <strong>Man</strong>x seafoods, including independent<br />
assurance schemes relating to the catching,<br />
processing and management <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>x fisheries.<br />
• Control and, where feasible, eradicate all notifiable<br />
diseases.<br />
• Prevent, through statutory measures, the importation<br />
<strong>of</strong> animal diseases.<br />
• Improve the health status <strong>of</strong> our livestock by<br />
statutory eradication and surveillance schemes and<br />
by encouraging membership <strong>of</strong> voluntary disease<br />
control schemes.<br />
• Arrange a series meetings, seminars and other<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
publicity to promote a greater awareness <strong>of</strong> bio<br />
security and its role in safeguarding individual farms<br />
from exotic and endemic diseases.<br />
• Encourage high standards <strong>of</strong> animal welfare on<br />
farms, during transport, at markets, in the Meat <strong>Plan</strong>t<br />
and, as far as possible, on export.<br />
• Ensure the statutory health status <strong>of</strong> the national<br />
flock and herd.<br />
Key Performance Indicators<br />
• Ensure that the animal and public health<br />
requirements <strong>of</strong> our export customers are met.<br />
• Implement and control the licensing regime<br />
introduced to give effect to the Island’s Meat<br />
Derogation.<br />
• Work with DoLGE, DTI and DOT to develop the<br />
marine spatial planning process based on sound<br />
knowledge <strong>of</strong> the marine environment to facilitate<br />
sustainable development <strong>of</strong> our seabed.<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
Maintain consumption <strong>of</strong><br />
home produced beef<br />
through improved<br />
marketing and control <strong>of</strong><br />
imports to maximum <strong>of</strong><br />
20%.<br />
Introduce a government<br />
wide sustainable food<br />
procurement policy.<br />
Implement existing<br />
Tynwald policy statement<br />
on the future <strong>of</strong><br />
agriculture.<br />
Implement the new<br />
Countryside Care Scheme.<br />
Support IOM Meat to<br />
establish a lamb marketing<br />
strategy.<br />
Introduce a Diversification<br />
Support Scheme.<br />
Develop a local food<br />
quality label.<br />
Statutory Disease Testing<br />
to maintain the health<br />
status that underpins all<br />
trade in agricultural<br />
produce.<br />
2008 - 1,023,137kg locally<br />
produced beef consumed<br />
on Island (88.6% <strong>of</strong> total).<br />
Up 13,031kg.<br />
Inter-Department working<br />
party finalising.<br />
Policy agreed by Tynwald<br />
in April 2008.<br />
Scheme approved by<br />
Tynwald in December<br />
2008.<br />
Nothing in place at<br />
present.<br />
Nothing in place at<br />
present.<br />
Nothing in place at<br />
present.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Maintain consumption <strong>of</strong><br />
local beef to at least 2008<br />
levels.<br />
UK policy in place. Introduce during <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Similar EU schemes<br />
introduced in 2005.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
UK Red Tractor broadly<br />
similar.<br />
Implement during <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Implement Scheme with<br />
effect from 1 April <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Implementation started by<br />
August <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Implement by April 2010.<br />
Stakeholder agreement on<br />
strategy during <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Target met. EU Directive. Standards laid down in EU<br />
Directive 64/432 as<br />
amended.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
Key Performance Indicators (continued)<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
Testing <strong>of</strong> Imports to<br />
protect the health <strong>of</strong> the<br />
national herd.<br />
On-farm inspections to<br />
ensure the integrity <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Bovine Identification and<br />
Traceability system.<br />
Recognisable quality<br />
assured brand for <strong>Man</strong>x<br />
Seafoods.<br />
Target met.<br />
Accepted scientific<br />
standard.<br />
Appropriate tests<br />
completed within 90 days.<br />
Target exceeded.<br />
Target laid down in EU<br />
Regulation.<br />
At least 10% <strong>of</strong> holdings<br />
inspected annually.<br />
<strong>Man</strong>x Queenies and<br />
Langoustine’s identified as<br />
suitable candidates for<br />
PDO status. Business plan<br />
for Seafood Branding<br />
initiative in place.<br />
Initiatives established in<br />
Northern Ireland,<br />
Scotland, The Humber and<br />
Cornwall. PDO<br />
applications for 4 Welsh<br />
fishery products<br />
underway.<br />
PDO status to be achieved<br />
for at least one <strong>Man</strong>x<br />
fishery product by 2011.<br />
Three year seafood<br />
branding initiative to<br />
commence <strong>2009</strong>/10.<br />
Further enhancement <strong>of</strong><br />
the scallop fishery.<br />
Closure and re-seeding <strong>of</strong><br />
Douglas Bay took place in<br />
2008.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Develop, in conjunction<br />
with industry, a plan for<br />
scallop ranching by March<br />
2010.<br />
Lead on the development<br />
<strong>of</strong> the marine spatial<br />
planning process together<br />
with DTI, DOT and DoLGE<br />
by employing a project<br />
<strong>of</strong>ficer to implement a<br />
project plan.<br />
Level <strong>of</strong> cross government<br />
co-operation on<br />
development <strong>of</strong> the marine<br />
environment.<br />
Currently a piecemeal ad<br />
hoc system operating<br />
through the Territorial Sea<br />
Committee.<br />
Marine Bill development<br />
and similar processes in<br />
the UK.<br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic Aim:<br />
International Relationships – to<br />
protect and promote the Island’s<br />
international relations.<br />
Department aim to protect and promote the Island’s<br />
international relations by ensuring<br />
the Island meets its obligations<br />
under its relationship with the<br />
European Union and the<br />
international conventions to which<br />
it is a signatory and to develop its<br />
links with neighbouring<br />
jurisdictions<br />
We will:<br />
• Cultivate and develop our relationship with the<br />
European Commission, UK Representative and<br />
DEFRA so as to enhance and utilise the opportunities<br />
afforded by Protocol 3.<br />
• Renegotiate the Fisheries <strong>Man</strong>agement Agreement<br />
to better reflect the new Irish Sea fisheries<br />
management regime which has resulted from the UK<br />
devolution settlements.<br />
• Foster positive relationships with equivalent<br />
departments in neighbouring jurisdictions.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
• Continue to safeguard movement <strong>of</strong> wildlife items<br />
and specimens covered by the Convention on<br />
International Trade in Endangered Species through<br />
operating under revised legislation.<br />
• Propose becoming signatory to the Convention on<br />
Biological Diversity.<br />
• Work with others, especially within government, to<br />
ensure we meet the agreements to which we are a<br />
signatory, for example the Ramsar and OSPAR<br />
conventions.<br />
• Maintain and develop contact with appropriate<br />
organisations and individuals in Europe to promote<br />
an effective working relationship with the European<br />
Commission and develop a greater recognition and<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>ile for the Island.<br />
Key Performance Indicators<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
Level <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>x participation<br />
in International Nature<br />
Conservation Agreements.<br />
The Island is party to the<br />
following; Convention on<br />
International Trade in<br />
Endangered Species<br />
(CITES) together with the<br />
Ramsar, Bonn, Bern and<br />
OSPAR Conventions.<br />
Other Island’s who are<br />
party to the Convention on<br />
Biological Diversity include<br />
Jersey, Gibraltar, St<br />
Helena, British Virgin<br />
Islands and Cayman<br />
Islands.<br />
<strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> to become<br />
party to the Convention on<br />
Biological Diversity.<br />
Development and<br />
agreement <strong>of</strong> a revised<br />
Fisheries <strong>Man</strong>agement<br />
Agreement (FMA).<br />
Current FMA was signed<br />
in 1991, prior to UK<br />
devolution.<br />
Guernsey currently has no<br />
FMA with the UK.<br />
To have agreed the main<br />
principles <strong>of</strong> a revised<br />
Fisheries <strong>Man</strong>agement<br />
Agreement with all 4 UK<br />
administrations by March<br />
2010.<br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic<br />
Policy:<br />
Purpose:<br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic Aim:<br />
<strong>Government</strong> Spendings<br />
and Revenues<br />
To raise revenues and allocate<br />
resources for the provision <strong>of</strong><br />
services in a way that:<br />
• meets the needs <strong>of</strong> the<br />
community<br />
• ensures that people are healthy<br />
and secure<br />
• assists the most in need<br />
• distributes the benefits <strong>of</strong><br />
economic growth<br />
Public <strong>Service</strong> – to provide high<br />
quality public services at maximum<br />
efficiency, whilst having regard to<br />
the cost to the community.<br />
Department aim to harness opportunities to<br />
improve the efficiency <strong>of</strong> service<br />
delivery and adopt, where<br />
appropriate, realistic pricing<br />
structures for services provided<br />
We will:<br />
• Balance a responsible pricing structure against the<br />
provision <strong>of</strong> essential services and amenity<br />
provisions, so as to allow the Department to fund key<br />
priorities.<br />
• Maintain scheme compliance, speed <strong>of</strong> delivery and<br />
value for money throughout the agricultural and<br />
fisheries support processes and the introduction <strong>of</strong><br />
the new Countryside Care Scheme.<br />
• Seek to capitalise on the efficiency opportunities<br />
which are expected from the new Countryside Care<br />
Scheme.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
• Provide reasonably priced and efficient services to<br />
the sector where these can not be provided by the<br />
commercial sector. Monitor and maintain these<br />
services so as to ensure continuity during the<br />
transition to the new support schemes.<br />
• Review opportunities for the commercial sector to<br />
undertake such services, where appropriate.<br />
• Launch and deliver the revised national advisory<br />
programme to raise the industry’s business efficiency<br />
and innovation and develop a “can do” culture.<br />
• Monitor and maintain the Island’s plant health through<br />
inspections <strong>of</strong> local and imported plant material for the<br />
presence <strong>of</strong> quarantine pests and diseases.<br />
• Provide the necessary certification and documentation<br />
to enable trade in livestock and fish to take place with<br />
the UK, other Member states and Third Countries.<br />
Key Performance Indicators<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
Provision <strong>of</strong> export<br />
certification for all livestock<br />
and fish to protect trade.<br />
Target exceeded with<br />
normal provision within 24<br />
hours.<br />
Corresponding UK<br />
provision times at least 10<br />
working days.<br />
Provision <strong>of</strong> livestock<br />
certificates within 72 hours<br />
(48 if submitted<br />
electronically).<br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic Aim:<br />
Asset <strong>Man</strong>agement - to ensure that<br />
<strong>Government</strong>’s assets are bought,<br />
sold and used in a way which gives<br />
value for money.<br />
Department aim to ensure that the Department’s<br />
property portfolio is effective, fit<br />
for purpose and delivers value for<br />
money<br />
We will:<br />
• Continue to review the Department’s property<br />
infrastructure with a view to improving the condition<br />
and management <strong>of</strong> the same.<br />
• Develop the estate management position with a view<br />
to increasing public enjoyment and benefit from the<br />
estate.<br />
• Prepare design plans for the development <strong>of</strong> Bradda<br />
Headland, Glen and Café.<br />
• Develop a long term plan for the future <strong>of</strong> Knockaloe<br />
Farm and in the interim, to optimise the commercial,<br />
demonstration, educational and amenity value it can<br />
provide.<br />
Key Performance Indicators<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
Commence full review <strong>of</strong><br />
and plan prioritised<br />
maintenance <strong>of</strong> two key<br />
properties.<br />
Identify a feasible and cost<br />
effective solution to the car<br />
park problems at<br />
Silverdale.<br />
Business and renovation<br />
proposal in place for public<br />
consultation for Bradda<br />
Head project.<br />
Ongoing maintenance.<br />
No complete<br />
refurbishment planned.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
2 property refurbishments<br />
fully planned and tendered<br />
for and funding secured by<br />
March 2010.<br />
Costed option report<br />
available to seek funding<br />
by August <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Current option does not<br />
tackle all issues.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Conveyance commenced.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
<strong>Plan</strong> available on site by<br />
August <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
Key Performance Indicators (continued)<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
Optimise the value<br />
achieved from Knockaloe.<br />
Farm trading at small<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>it, with growing<br />
demonstration activity.<br />
Target pr<strong>of</strong>it is 10% <strong>of</strong><br />
turnover.<br />
Develop strategy for future<br />
use <strong>of</strong> Knockaloe by<br />
March 2010.<br />
The continued<br />
redevelopment <strong>of</strong> Mill<br />
Road Yard.<br />
<strong>Man</strong>agement plan in place<br />
2008/09.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Existing properties up to<br />
an acceptable standard<br />
and one new building<br />
complete by March 2010.<br />
The development <strong>of</strong> the<br />
wider St John’s site.<br />
<strong>Plan</strong>ning permission<br />
granted for new Workshop<br />
& Stores. Riverbank<br />
stabilisation project<br />
complete.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Workshop & Stores,<br />
District Heating System<br />
and Sawmill building<br />
alterations complete by<br />
March 2010.<br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic<br />
Policy:<br />
Purpose:<br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic Aim:<br />
Legislation and Regulation<br />
To introduce and enforce<br />
legislation and regulations which<br />
provide for the care, protection,<br />
safety and personal development<br />
<strong>of</strong> the individual whilst minimising<br />
the burden <strong>of</strong> compliance to<br />
employers and the community.<br />
Legislation and Regulation – to<br />
provide a legislative and regulatory<br />
framework that strikes a balance<br />
between the interests <strong>of</strong> all<br />
stakeholders within the<br />
community.<br />
Department aim to ensure that legislation is<br />
updated and amended as required<br />
in order to meet the Department’s<br />
policies<br />
We will:<br />
• Ensure that there is an adequate and resilient supply<br />
<strong>of</strong> agricultural land available for local food production<br />
needs with a balanced public access policy for<br />
amenity purposes.<br />
• Introduce changes to the Agricultural Marketing Act<br />
which, combined with efforts to optimise our trading<br />
relationship with the European Union for all sectors,<br />
will deliver a platform for effective restructuring and<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>itable business development.<br />
• Undertake a review <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Plan</strong>t Health Order 1999<br />
and introduce an updated Order.<br />
• Promote and, where necessary, enforce Department<br />
policies on animal welfare.<br />
• Seek, through consultation and co-operation with<br />
colleagues in the police and Attorney General’s<br />
Chambers, to improve and streamline enforcement<br />
procedures to ensure timely prosecutions where<br />
necessary for their punitive and deterrent effect.<br />
• Review and update fisheries legislation to reflect the<br />
changing focus <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>’s needs, and to<br />
allow the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> to meet the obligations and<br />
responsibilities it has to both the UK and EU.<br />
• Increase enforcement ability, through partnership<br />
with other Departments or Agencies, to ensure that<br />
fisheries enforcement at sea is adaptable,<br />
unpredictable, and is focussed on areas <strong>of</strong> highest<br />
risk to our fisheries.<br />
• Progress with the review <strong>of</strong> Fisheries primary<br />
legislation with the submission <strong>of</strong> a consolidated<br />
Fisheries Bill by March 2010.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
• Ensure our rarest and most significant wildlife is<br />
given strong legal protection, through legislation<br />
revision and enforcement, while invasive and nonindigenous<br />
plants and animals are controlled or<br />
excluded. To do this we will work with <strong>Man</strong>x<br />
National Heritage and all our partners to ensure upto-date<br />
and comprehensive biological information is<br />
made available in a readily understandable form.<br />
Key Performance Indicators<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
Effective wildlife<br />
legislation.<br />
Relatively few changes<br />
have been made since<br />
1990.<br />
Legislation revisions have<br />
been undertaken in<br />
England and Wales (2000),<br />
Scotland (2004).<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Have a draft Wildlife Act<br />
amendment Bill drawn up<br />
by end March 2010.<br />
Propose further reform <strong>of</strong><br />
the Agricultural Marketing<br />
Act and the Island’s<br />
marketing structure.<br />
Introduce a revised <strong>Plan</strong>t<br />
Health Order.<br />
Current Marketing Acts <strong>of</strong><br />
1934 and 1955 amended<br />
from 1st January 2008.<br />
Proposals agreed by<br />
December <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Current <strong>Plan</strong>t Health Order<br />
introduced in 1999.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Order introduced during<br />
<strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Promotion <strong>of</strong> high welfare<br />
standards, balancing the<br />
needs <strong>of</strong> the animal with<br />
the development <strong>of</strong> a<br />
progressive, sustainable<br />
and diverse agricultural<br />
industry.<br />
Target met. EU Regulation. Welfare complaints<br />
responded to<br />
appropriately within one<br />
day.<br />
Introduction <strong>of</strong> legislation<br />
to reflect EU requirements<br />
for Registration <strong>of</strong> Buyers<br />
and Sellers, and Electronic<br />
Submission <strong>of</strong> Data.<br />
Registration <strong>of</strong> Fish Buyers<br />
legislation yet to be<br />
introduced.<br />
EU requirement for<br />
submission <strong>of</strong> electronic<br />
data by certain fishing<br />
vessels by <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
To undertake trials <strong>of</strong><br />
electronic sales notes<br />
within the industry by<br />
March <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Legislation for Registration<br />
<strong>of</strong> Buyers and Submission<br />
<strong>of</strong> Electronic Data to be<br />
drafted by April <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Commission <strong>of</strong><br />
replacement RIB capable<br />
<strong>of</strong> operating as a stand<br />
alone unit and to deploy<br />
on enforcement duties at<br />
different locations<br />
simultaneously with the<br />
Barrule.<br />
Simultaneous patrols at sea<br />
to take place independent<br />
<strong>of</strong> fpv Barrule.<br />
Customs & Excise RIB has<br />
been deployed by<br />
Fisheries Officers,<br />
independent <strong>of</strong> the fpv<br />
Barrule.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic<br />
Policy:<br />
Purpose:<br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic Aim:<br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic Aim:<br />
Quality <strong>of</strong> Life<br />
To continue to give people the<br />
freedom and opportunity to live<br />
and prosper in a safe and caring<br />
community, whilst protecting the<br />
Island’s unique natural and cultural<br />
heritage and way <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
Energy – to provide for the<br />
growing energy needs, which<br />
allows economic growth whist<br />
minimising environmental impacts.<br />
Climate Change and Sustainability<br />
– to ensure the Island can respond<br />
to the impact <strong>of</strong> climate change and<br />
plan its services and infrastructure<br />
to safeguard the Island.<br />
Department aim to ensure best practices are<br />
adopted to address the<br />
implications <strong>of</strong> climate change and<br />
the development <strong>of</strong> renewable<br />
energy sources<br />
Key Performance Indicators<br />
We will:<br />
• Encourage the use <strong>of</strong> timber and Short Rotation Willow<br />
Coppice as a sustainable energy source and an<br />
alternative to non sustainable fossil fuels. Make<br />
available a fuel source for the first timber fuelled<br />
<strong>Government</strong> district heating system which can be used<br />
to demonstrate its effectiveness across <strong>Government</strong>.<br />
• <strong>Man</strong>age the forestry plantations to achieve<br />
sustainable timber yield for the future and develop a<br />
harvesting programme to match demand.<br />
• Progress the construction <strong>of</strong> a new, environmentally<br />
sensitive, low impact Corporate Headquarters.<br />
• <strong>Plan</strong> for the smooth relocation <strong>of</strong> staff and equipment<br />
from existing locations to the new Corporate<br />
Headquarters.<br />
• Work with the agricultural and fishing industries to<br />
develop more sustainable production strategies.<br />
• Continue to monitor our progress towards<br />
sustainable land and marine use, by commissioning a<br />
wild bird survey to create a sustainability index.<br />
• Assess the opportunities which would ensue from<br />
the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> being designated as a UNESCO<br />
Biosphere Reserve and apply for such designation if<br />
considered appropriate.<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
The construction <strong>of</strong> a<br />
sustainable, low impact<br />
Corporate Headquarters.<br />
Relocation <strong>of</strong> staff and<br />
equipment into the new<br />
Corporate Headquarters.<br />
Develop a trial for Short<br />
Rotation Coppice Willow<br />
as a fuel source.<br />
Commence woodchip<br />
production.<br />
Prepare and develop a<br />
strategy for inland shore<br />
and charter vessel angling.<br />
<strong>Plan</strong>ning permission<br />
granted in June 2008.<br />
Tynwald approval obtained<br />
in November 2008.<br />
Project commenced<br />
2008/09.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Building ready for<br />
occupancy by April 2010.<br />
Relocation <strong>of</strong> staff and<br />
equipment during April<br />
and May 2010.<br />
None. UK trials and production. 7 acres planted by March<br />
2010.<br />
Business plan and funding<br />
being developed.<br />
Angler’s Forum in place.<br />
Agreement with DTL to<br />
promote charter angling<br />
and marine tourism in<br />
<strong>2009</strong>/10.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Fuel produced by October<br />
<strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Accreditation scheme for<br />
charter vessels in place by<br />
March 2010.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
<strong>Government</strong><br />
Strategic<br />
Policy:<br />
Rural and Marine <strong>Man</strong>agement<br />
– to maintain the quality and<br />
natural beauty <strong>of</strong> our rural and<br />
marine environment.<br />
Department aim to develop, and clearly<br />
communicate, its role in providing<br />
strategic leadership with regard to<br />
our natural environment,<br />
countryside access & amenity,<br />
commercial food production,<br />
marine and rural affairs<br />
We will:<br />
• Adopt a policy for rural areas which delivers effective<br />
and sustainable social, environmental and economic<br />
utilisation <strong>of</strong> land, freshwater and marine resources.<br />
• Embrace our responsibility for our natural<br />
environment and rural land management in order to<br />
be seen as the instinctive source <strong>of</strong> advice and<br />
leadership.<br />
• Ensure that the Island maintains an attractive and biodiverse<br />
land and seascape, with all important areas<br />
given suitable protection and appropriately<br />
managed.<br />
• Develop a formal relationship with DoLGE <strong>Plan</strong>ning<br />
and Building Control with the aim <strong>of</strong> becoming a<br />
statutory consultee on appropriate planning issues.<br />
• Work with the agricultural and fishing industries to<br />
promote and enhance their roles as guardians <strong>of</strong> the<br />
countryside and marine environment.<br />
• Continue Dutch Elm Disease control to minimise the<br />
loss <strong>of</strong> trees through the disease.<br />
• Roll out the new “Trees for Life” scheme and provide<br />
technical and financial help to landowners for the<br />
development <strong>of</strong> small tree planting schemes to<br />
improve the attractiveness <strong>of</strong> the Islands landscape.<br />
• Establish new areas <strong>of</strong> semi-natural broad-leaf/native<br />
woodlands to enhance the beauty and biodiversity <strong>of</strong><br />
the Island’s countryside and improve the<br />
management <strong>of</strong> semi-natural woodland and create<br />
further such areas whilst also increasing the diversity<br />
<strong>of</strong> structure within plantations.<br />
• Provide leadership in the promotion and<br />
establishment <strong>of</strong> National Heritage Areas.<br />
• Develop a sea angling strategy that reflects the<br />
opportunities this has to encourage tourism,<br />
economic and leisure activity.<br />
• Develop, in conjunction with Bangor University, a<br />
fisheries research programme that will underpin the<br />
management and protection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>x sea fisheries.<br />
• Develop the ability <strong>of</strong> the fpv Barrule to undertake<br />
other tasks such as scientific sampling.<br />
• In partnership with relevant <strong>Government</strong><br />
Departments and other interested parties, progress<br />
with habitat enhancement initiatives to improve<br />
environmental conditions for resident fish stocks.<br />
• Prepare a strategy for the active promotion and<br />
enhancement <strong>of</strong> recreational angling opportunities in<br />
rivers and reservoirs in close collaboration with our<br />
customers and stakeholders.<br />
• Continue to provide disease free rainbow trout <strong>of</strong><br />
high quality for angling in the Island’s reservoirs.<br />
• Develop and implement a robust strategic salmon<br />
stock enhancement programme for <strong>Man</strong>x rivers to<br />
clearly establish how the Laxey Salmon Hatchery will<br />
be used to augment native stocks.<br />
• Continue with implementation and expansion <strong>of</strong> the<br />
salmonid monitoring programme to establish a sound<br />
baseline dataset <strong>of</strong> fish stocks in order to plan future<br />
management strategies.<br />
• Develop and implement a strategy for conserving<br />
our diverse and unique natural heritage, in<br />
partnership with all stakeholders.<br />
• Work with the agriculture and fishing industries to<br />
promote and enhance their roles as the guardians <strong>of</strong><br />
the countryside and marine environment.<br />
• Continue to protect the most important and<br />
representative areas <strong>of</strong> habitat through site<br />
designation and provision <strong>of</strong> incentives for positive<br />
conservation management.<br />
• Aim to complete a network <strong>of</strong> well-managed<br />
terrestrial protected areas by 2020 and designate<br />
one Marine Nature Reserve and identify a potential<br />
network <strong>of</strong> marine protected areas by 2012.<br />
• Undertake or commission appropriate surveys and<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
monitoring <strong>of</strong> wildlife and habitats to enable the<br />
Department to advise on effective conservation and<br />
sustainable use <strong>of</strong> land and sea.<br />
• Improve awareness <strong>of</strong> the Island’s wildlife and<br />
promote best practice standards for all users in both<br />
the marine and terrestrial environments.<br />
• Continue to advise on sustainable land management<br />
and development practices to enable sensitive and<br />
appropriate regeneration <strong>of</strong> the countryside. This will<br />
include further development <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Agri-Environment Scheme to enable more farmers to<br />
be rewarded for environmentally responsible farming.<br />
• Assist other <strong>Government</strong> departments by providing<br />
ecological advice and information, and by advising<br />
on scoping, providing data for and evaluating<br />
Environmental Impact Assessments.<br />
• Work with the newly formed <strong>Man</strong>x Conservation<br />
Forum, a stakeholder forum for non government<br />
organisations, to more effectively deliver nature<br />
conservation policies.<br />
Key Performance Indicators<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
Area <strong>of</strong> most important<br />
habitat under statutory<br />
conservation designation.<br />
15 sites designated as<br />
ASSIs covering 939 ha or<br />
2,325 acres (Jan <strong>2009</strong>).<br />
3.55% <strong>of</strong> land area<br />
designated.<br />
UK average more than<br />
10% <strong>of</strong> land in designation<br />
for nature conservation<br />
(20% in Scotland in 2007).<br />
A minimum <strong>of</strong> an<br />
additional 4 sites or 500<br />
acres designated as Areas<br />
<strong>of</strong> Special Scientific<br />
Interest (ASSI) by end <strong>of</strong><br />
March 2010.<br />
Awareness <strong>of</strong> importance<br />
<strong>of</strong> marine environment and<br />
species which inhabit it.<br />
Moderate to low level <strong>of</strong><br />
awareness <strong>of</strong> conservation<br />
agreements.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Consult on Marine Nature<br />
Reserve site selection<br />
criteria and identify sites<br />
meeting the criteria by end<br />
<strong>of</strong> March 2010.<br />
Significant incentives for<br />
conservation in the wider<br />
countryside.<br />
30 farms in Agri-<br />
Environment Scheme -<br />
budget £200,000. Rates<br />
based on 1999/00 UK<br />
rates.<br />
UK Agri-Environment rates<br />
revised approximately<br />
every 5 years.<br />
Introduce a revised Agri-<br />
Environment Scheme<br />
including revised rates by<br />
end <strong>of</strong> March 2010.<br />
Level <strong>of</strong> understanding <strong>of</strong><br />
protection <strong>of</strong> areas for<br />
wildlife.<br />
Little publicly available<br />
information.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Raise awareness <strong>of</strong> ASSI’s<br />
and other protected sites<br />
by erecting signs at 5 sites,<br />
producing 2 leaflets and<br />
writing a newsletter.<br />
Forest design plans<br />
produced for 6 plantations.<br />
None.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Complete by April <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
Deliver planting under the<br />
“Trees for Life” scheme in<br />
conjunction with<br />
Department <strong>of</strong> Education.<br />
None.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
Year 1 planting delivered<br />
by May <strong>2009</strong> and 2 further<br />
schools introduced to the<br />
scheme.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
Key Performance Indicators (continued)<br />
Indicator Current Performance Benchmark Target<br />
Identify sites where<br />
amenity and landscape<br />
planting will be<br />
undertaken rather than<br />
commercial re-planting.<br />
Develop a management<br />
plan format for all new<br />
agricultural tenancy<br />
agreements.<br />
Expand the winter<br />
reservoir fishing<br />
opportunities in<br />
collaboration with the IOM<br />
Water Authority.<br />
Broadleaf planting is<br />
currently undertaken in<br />
some areas.<br />
None.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
4 open in 2008. No comparable<br />
benchmark.<br />
One amenity planting area<br />
identified for the 2010<br />
planting season.<br />
Format produced and<br />
approved by March 2010.<br />
Seek IOM Water Authority<br />
approval for more<br />
reservoirs to be open for<br />
angling in winter <strong>2009</strong>.<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
Revenue Estimates <strong>2009</strong>-10 2010-11 2011-12<br />
£ £ £<br />
Agricultural <strong>Service</strong>s Division<br />
Employee & Contract Staff Costs 925,500 904,200 905,300<br />
Administration Costs 191,400 191,400 191,400<br />
Support Schemes & Grants 8,929,700 8,929,700 8,929,700<br />
Loan Charges 42,000 61,200 54,200<br />
Farm Costs 116,000 116,000 116,000<br />
Income (489,600) (489,600) (489,600)<br />
Divisional Total 9,715,000 9,712,900 9,707,000<br />
Animal Health Division<br />
Employee Costs 472,200 472,200 472,200<br />
Administration Costs 42,500 42,500 42,500<br />
Industry <strong>Service</strong>s 174,000 174,000 174,000<br />
Income (18,700) (18,700) (18,700)<br />
Divisional Total 670,000 670,000 670,000<br />
Finance & Corporate <strong>Service</strong>s Division<br />
Employee Costs 446,700 452,100 454,700<br />
Administration and Centralised Costs 407,000 207,100 207,500<br />
Loan Charges 467,300 765,600 819,400<br />
Income (39,000) (39,000) (39,000)<br />
Divisional Total 1,282,000 1,385,800 1,442,600<br />
Fisheries Division<br />
Employee Costs 554,800 561,000 564,000<br />
Administration Costs 221,900 222,500 222,500<br />
Loan Charges 38,300 59,900 62,700<br />
Support Schemes & Grants 721,000 721,000 721,000<br />
Income (132,000) (132,000) (132,000)<br />
Divisional Total 1,404,000 1,432,400 1,438,200<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
Revenue Estimates <strong>2009</strong>-10 2010-11 2011-12<br />
£ £ £<br />
Forestry, Amenity & Lands Division<br />
Employee Costs 2,106,900 2,087,500 2,090,600<br />
Administration Costs 68,750 68,750 68,750<br />
Estate Maintenance Costs 333,700 333,700 333,700<br />
Contract Harvesting 135,000 135,000 135,000<br />
Operational Costs 276,150 276,150 276,150<br />
Income (637,500) (637,500) (637,500)<br />
Divisional Total 2,283,000 2,263,600 2,266,700<br />
Wildlife & Conservation Division<br />
Employee Costs 230,300 231,600 231,800<br />
Administration Costs 18,700 18,700 18,700<br />
Research, Survey & Consultancy 95,500 95,500 95,500<br />
Support Schemes, Agreements & Grants 271,000 271,000 271,000<br />
Income (500) (500) (500)<br />
Divisional Total 615,000 616,300 616,500<br />
DEPARTMENT TOTAL 15,969,000 16,081,000 16,141,000<br />
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN <strong>2009</strong><br />
Issued by the<br />
Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry<br />
Rose House<br />
51-59 Circular Road<br />
Douglas<br />
<strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong><br />
IM1 1AZ<br />
British <strong>Isle</strong>s<br />
Telephone: +44 (0) 1624 685835<br />
Fax: +44 (0) 1624 685851<br />
Website: www.gov.im/daff<br />
This document can be provided in large print or audio tape on request.
Printed by <strong>Man</strong>nin Media