musicals - Hal Leonard

musicals - Hal Leonard

musicals - Hal Leonard


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MUSICALS: North Pole Musical<br />

& b b b<br />

& b b b<br />

North Pole Musical<br />

One Singular Sensational Holiday Revue<br />

John Jacobson/Mac Huff<br />

Auditions are underway for the 400th Anniversary of<br />

North Pole Musical, and everyone is in a panic! The<br />

dancing Reindeer are “hoofin’ it,” but don’t know what<br />

to do with Rudolph and his 4 left hooves. The elves are<br />

tired of always getting the short end of the stick, and<br />

are singin’ the blues. The snowmen are “chillin’” but<br />

worried about the funky hot lights, and the toys are<br />

trying to do the entire Nutcracker Suite in 3 minutes!<br />

The annual Christmas show keeps getting bigger and<br />

bigger each year. But, wait a minute! Is bigger really better? See how Santa finds<br />

a way to remind everyone of the true meaning of the season. This sensational<br />

35-minute holiday revue features seven original songs in a variety of musical<br />

styles, choreography and helpful production guide, and a script with 26 speaking<br />

parts and adaptable cast list for groups of varying sizes, and teaching objectives<br />

linked to the National Standards for each song. The expanded Performance Kit/<br />

CD provides 20 Singer books, along with the Teacher Edition and a P/A CD. Songs<br />

include: North Pole Musical, Tryouts, Hoofin’ It, The No Christmas Blues, Chillin’,<br />

The Nutcracker Megamix, The Heart of Christmas.<br />

09971430 Teacher Edition ............................................................................................................$19.99<br />

09971431 Singer Edition 5-Pak ....................................................................................................$19.99<br />

09971432 Preview CD (with vocals)..............................................................................................$14.99<br />

09971433 Preview Pak (1 singer, 1 preview CD) ...........................................................................$16.99<br />

09971434 Performance/Accompaniment CD ................................................................................$59.99<br />

09971435 Performance Kit/CD (Teacher, 20 Singer, P/A CD) .......................................................$119.99<br />

4<br />

4<br />

œ<br />

We’re<br />

Œ<br />

17 (1st time) All<br />

.<br />

.<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

all lined up. We’re<br />

(2nd time) RUDOLPH<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

œ œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

rea-dy to go.<br />

Rar - in’ to take our place<br />

j<br />

œ œ<br />

35 MIN.<br />

Gr. 4-8<br />

3. Hoofin’ It<br />

j<br />

œ œ ‰ j œ<br />

Words and Music by<br />


Arranged by MAC HUFF<br />

3<br />

œ œ œ j œ œ<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

j<br />

œ œ<br />

Come on, Rein-deer<br />

don’t say no! You got - ta let me be a part<br />

j<br />

œ<br />

j<br />

œ<br />

& # 4 4Maestoso (q = 120) 7<br />

& # 16<br />

F<br />

. ¿<br />

J<br />

16<br />

& #<br />

19<br />

& #<br />

22<br />

& #<br />

25<br />

& 4 4Maestoso<br />

. ¿ Œ<br />

œ œ<br />

Lis - ten! Ev - ’ry - bod - y<br />

Come on! Take a train or<br />

œ œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

time for cheer.<br />

en - ter - tain.<br />

œ œ œ œ œ<br />

once<br />

save<br />

œ<br />

J<br />

j<br />

œ œ j ‰ j œ œ œ<br />

j<br />

œ œ<br />

Way up<br />

Hit us<br />

a year you’re at the<br />

ap - plause for San - ta<br />

œ<br />

just can’t<br />

get a -<br />

singer book includes<br />

vocals and dialog<br />

1. North Pole Musical<br />

j<br />

œ œ ‰<br />

wait.<br />

way.<br />

All<br />

here,<br />

plane.<br />

j<br />

œ<br />

North,<br />

with<br />

8 Driving Rock (q = 155)<br />

8<br />

œ œ<br />

œ œ œ œ ‰<br />

j<br />

œ<br />

We’ve<br />

The<br />

œ<br />

got<br />

Pole<br />

top.<br />

Claus.<br />

œ œ<br />

a<br />

is<br />

rea<br />

rock<br />

the<br />

your<br />

Part I<br />

it’s<br />

Sit<br />

j<br />

œ<br />

We’re<br />

So<br />

œ œ œ œ œ œ<br />

time<br />

back,<br />

for joy<br />

re - lax<br />

and it’s<br />

and we’ll<br />

j<br />

œ œ j ‰ j œ œ œ<br />

fun won’t<br />

“oohs and<br />

j<br />

œ œ.<br />

-<br />

-<br />

Words and Music by<br />


Arranged by MAC HUFF<br />

son<br />

in’<br />

œ<br />

J<br />

œ<br />

feel - in’<br />

pack your<br />

stop,<br />

ahhs”<br />

j<br />

œ œ ‰<br />

great.<br />

sleigh<br />

Part II<br />

Œ œ œ œ<br />

to<br />

this<br />

cel<br />

hol<br />

’cause<br />

and<br />

- e-<br />

- i-<br />

j<br />

œ<br />

We<br />

and<br />

& #<br />

30<br />

˙w<br />

˙ ˙.<br />

œ ‰ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ<br />

28 brate!<br />

day!<br />

}<br />

Our friends are here, and we’re feel -<br />

& #<br />

j<br />

j<br />

œ œ j Œ œ ˙ n<br />

œ œ .<br />

œ œ<br />

œ œ ‰ j<br />

œ œ<br />

31<br />

6. The - in’ Nutcracker fine. Megamix<br />

North Pole Mu - si - cal. To-<br />

& #<br />

j<br />

œ œ œ œ j<br />

œ œ œ œ j Œ œ œ ˙ n<br />

œ Words and Music by<br />

œ.<br />


34<br />

Arranged by MAC HUFF<br />

night’s the night we’ve come to shine.<br />

North<br />

(over music)<br />

Elf Assistant Director: (matter of factly) Copyright © 2010 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION<br />

International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved<br />

Ya got three minutes. Ready, get set and go!<br />

Disco Megamix (q = 144)<br />

3<br />

(clock ticking) 4<br />

Pole<br />

& b b b<br />

& b b b<br />

œ œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

in the show.<br />

œ œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

of the show.<br />

& b b b Œ œ œ œ œ<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

Raise the cur - tain,<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

Got - ta tap on ev - ’ry hoof.<br />

& b b b Œ œ œ œ œ<br />

27<br />

& b b F<br />

b œ<br />

I can dance if<br />

œ œ œ Œ<br />

On some fog - gy Christ - mas Eve,<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

you be - lieve.<br />

œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

raise the roof.<br />

œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

Got - ta prance,<br />

- Ev - ’ry lit - tle rein - deer,<br />

& b b b œ œ œ œ<br />

& b b b<br />

& b b b<br />

You can call me<br />

j<br />

œ<br />

œ<br />

let ’er rip!<br />

j<br />

œ<br />

œ<br />

play that<br />

j<br />

œ œ Œ<br />

j<br />

œ œ Œ<br />

game.<br />

œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

got ta skip.<br />

œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

an - y name.<br />

I don’t wan - na<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

Cue the mu - sic,<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

Œ<br />

Œ<br />

2<br />

2<br />

œ œ œ œ œ<br />

œ<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

œ œ œ œ ‰ j œ<br />

bar the door. Why<br />

œ œ œ œ ‰ j œ<br />

I just want my one big chance to<br />

Copyright © 2010 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION<br />

International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved<br />

&<br />

8<br />

&<br />

11<br />

&<br />

14<br />

8 MARCH<br />

F<br />

‰ j<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

œ<br />

œ œ œ Œ<br />

‰ j œ œ œ œ<br />

It all be - gins on Christ - mas Eve,<br />

a lit - tle girl wants<br />

œ œ œ Œ<br />

to<br />

16<br />

&<br />

16<br />

&<br />

19<br />

&<br />

22<br />

œ.<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

‰ j œ<br />

œ.<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

be - lieve. Ev - ’ry-one is here, all full of Christ-mas cheer. The<br />

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ<br />

œ œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

un - cle gives the girl a gift, it’s odd but quite sin - cere.<br />

‰ j œ œ œ œ œ<br />

œ œ ˙<br />

‰ j œ œ œ œ œ<br />

œ<br />

‰ j œ<br />

Ev - ’ry - one hur - ries off to bed.<br />

The lit - tle girl creeps<br />

œ œ ˙<br />

down in - stead.<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

œ.<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

‰ j œ<br />

Then as you can see, as<br />

prince is danc - ing un - der-neath the tree.<br />

. œ<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

‰ j œ<br />

clear as it can be, a<br />

œ.<br />

œ œ œ œ Œ<br />

Copyright © 2010 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION<br />

International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved<br />


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