Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alanur Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alanur Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alanur Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu


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As of February 2013<br />

<strong>Alanur</strong> Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, PhD<br />

<strong>Assoc</strong>iated <strong>Prof</strong>essor/Instructor<br />


Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies<br />

Sıhhıye Ankara<br />

312 305 11 15 ext. 144<br />

alanurcv@hacettepe.edu.tr<br />



Ph.D. in Economic and Social Demography, Department of Economic and<br />

Social Demography, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University,<br />

September 21 st , 2007, (Dissertation, Re-Placing Induced Abortion and<br />

Contraception: A Special Focus on Ethno-cultural Differences in the Cases of Turkey<br />

and Central Asian States)<br />

M.A. in Economic and Social Demography, Department of Economic and Social<br />

Demography, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University, September<br />

2001, (Thesis, Differentiation in the Demographic Characteristics of Gökçeada<br />

since 1923)<br />

B.Sc. in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Middle<br />

East Technical University (METU), February 1999.<br />

Relevant Education and Training<br />

Training Workshop, “How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for<br />

Smart Teaching”, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Queen’s University, Dec 3,<br />

2010.<br />

<strong>Prof</strong>essional Development Course, “Communication Skills for Teaching<br />

Purposes”, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Queen’s University, Jan-April 2010.<br />

<strong>Prof</strong>essional Development Course, “Focus on Graduate Supervision”, Centre for<br />

Teaching and Learning, Queen’s University, November 13, 2009.

Short Course, “Surveillance Project Summer Seminar”, Queen’s University, May<br />

19-23, 2009 (fellowship was given by the Turkish Academy of Sciences).<br />

Short Course, “Nvivo8: Software for Qualitative Analysis”, Ani Education and<br />

Consultancy, Ankara, September 2008.<br />

Summer School, “Causal Models and Structural Equations”, University of Essex,<br />

39 th Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, July-<br />

August 2006 (fellowship was given by the Hacettepe University).<br />

Training Workshop, “Advanced Demographic Techniques”, the Asian MetaCentre<br />

for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis, the College of Population<br />

Studies (CPS), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, September-October 2004<br />

(fellowship was given by the Asian MetaCentre).<br />

Short Course, “Social Science for Health and Survey Techniques: Qualitative<br />

Survey”, Social Science for Health Society, Ankara, June 2002.<br />

Short Course, “Sampling Techniques in the Field Surveys”, Hacettepe University<br />

Institute of Population Studies, Pamukkale, December 2000.<br />


Instructor, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara, since<br />

June 2012.<br />

Postdoctoral Fellow, Surveillance Studies Centre, Department of Sociology,<br />

Queen’s University, May 2010-May 2011.<br />

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Surveillance Studies Centre, Department of<br />

Sociology, Queen’s University, August 2009-April 2010 (funded by The Turkish<br />

Academy of Sciences -TÜBA).<br />

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, Middle East Technical University<br />

Department of Sociology, December 2007-August 2009 (funded by TÜBA).<br />

Research Assistant, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara,<br />

2001 -2007.<br />

Project Assistant, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, March<br />

2000-October 2001.<br />


Departmental teaching experience<br />

The instructor of the M.A. course “Introductory Methods to Demographic Analysis”,<br />

2012-2013 fall, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University<br />

The instructor of the M.A. course “Population Dynamics and Social Policy in<br />

Turkey”, 2008-2009 sprin and 2012-2013 spring, Social Policy Graduate Program,<br />

METU.<br />

The co-instructor of the B.Sc. course “Demography”, 2008-2009 fall, Department<br />

of Sociology, METU.

The teaching assistant of the M.A. course “Introductory Methods to Demographic<br />

Analysis”, 2001-2002 fall, 2002-2003 fall, 2003-2004 fall, 2004-2005 fall, 2005-<br />

2006 fall, and 2006-2007 fall, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe<br />

University.<br />

The co-instructor of the M.A. course “Demographic Models and Indirect Estimation<br />

Techniques”, 2005-2006 spring, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe<br />

University.<br />

The co- instructor of the PhD course “Mortality”, 2005-2006 fall, Institute of<br />

Population Studies, Hacettepe University.<br />

The teaching assistant of the M.A. course “Demographic Models and Indirect<br />

Estimation Techniques”, 2000-2001 spring, 2001-2002 spring, 2002-2003 spring,<br />

and 2003-2004 spring, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University.<br />

The co- instructor of the B.Sc. course “Demographic Structure and Health”, 2003-<br />

2004 spring, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Hacettepe University.<br />

Other teaching experience<br />

Invited instructor of the B.Sc. course Field Work, Introduction for Qualitative<br />

Analysis with Nvivo8, Department of Social Work, Hacettepe University, April 2009.<br />

Invited instructor of the B.Sc. course Methodology of Social Science, Population<br />

Data Sources in Turkey, Department of Sociology, METU, February 2009.<br />

Invited instructor of the M.A. course Research Methods, Introduction for Qualitative<br />

Analysis with Nvivo8, Department of Sociology, METU, April 2009.<br />

Instructor of Short Course Qualitative Research Methods: In-depth Interview and<br />

Focus Groups, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 11-15 June<br />

2007.<br />

The trainer of the interview’s training of Turkey Migration and Internally Displaced<br />

Persons Survey, two weeks in September 2005.<br />

The trainer of the project staff training for the questionnaire of National Maternal<br />

Mortality Study, one day October in 2004.<br />

The trainer of the interview’s training of Turkey Demographic and Health Survey<br />

2003, four weeks in November 2003 and one week in March 2004.<br />

The trainer of the shorth course “Questionnare Design and Application in<br />

Reproductive Health Surveys” Ankara, 10-20 September 2002 (with collobaration<br />

of UNFPA and Ministry of Health Turkey)<br />

Research experience<br />

Coordinator, The Private Sector, National Security and Personal Data: An<br />

assessment of private sector involvement in airport and border security in Canada,<br />

Surveillance Studies Centre, Department of Sociology, Queen’s University, June<br />

2010-April 2011.

Primary Consultant, Qualitative Survey for Understanding the Issue of Incest in<br />

Turkey, Population <strong>Assoc</strong>iation, Turkey and UNFPA Turkey, Feb. 2008-August 2009.<br />

Researcher, National Maternal Mortality Study, Hacettepe University Institute of<br />

Population Studies, EU, Ministry of Health Turkey, 2004-2006<br />

Researcher, Global Survey on Parliamentarians’ Activities to Implement the ICPD<br />

Programme of Action, Population <strong>Assoc</strong>iation of Turkey, funded by UNFPA, June<br />

2006.<br />

Researcher, Turkey Migration and Internally Displaced Persons Survey, State<br />

Planning Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior and Hacettepe<br />

University Institute of Population Studies, 2004-2006<br />

Researcher, Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, 2003, Hacettepe University<br />

Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health, State Planning Organization and<br />

EU, 2002-2004<br />

Researcher, Qualitative Research on Contraceptive Use and Abortion, Hacettepe<br />

University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health, State Planning<br />

Organization and EU, 2002.<br />

Researcher and Field Supervisor, Estimation of UN Habitat Indicators for Istanbul<br />

Slum Areas, UN-Habitat and Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies,<br />

2003-2005.<br />

Researcher, Social Assessment Survey for Black Sea Region Development Plan of<br />

Turkey, State Planning Organization and Japan International Cooperation Agency<br />

(JICA), February - August 1999.<br />

Researcher, METU, Research on Women in Informal Labor Market, December<br />

1998-February 1999.<br />

Field Supervisor and Data Entry Staff, Turkey Demographic and Health Survey,<br />

1998, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, July-October 1998.<br />

Memberships<br />

Member, Population <strong>Assoc</strong>iation, Turkey, 2004 (Board Member, 2006-2008 and<br />

2012-2014)<br />

Member, International Union for Scientific Study of Population, (IUSSP), 2005<br />

Member, European <strong>Assoc</strong>iation for Population Studies (EAPS), 2006<br />

Member, European Sociological <strong>Assoc</strong>iation (ESA), 2009<br />

Member, International Sociological <strong>Assoc</strong>iation (ISA), 2009<br />

Member, Surveillance and Society Network, 2009<br />

Member, National <strong>Assoc</strong>iation of Ethnic Studies (NAES), 2010

Meetings/Seminars/Conferences<br />

Presentation, “MOBESE, The Province Information and Security System in<br />

Istanbul”, Surveillance Studies Centre Seminar Series, Queen’s University, Nov<br />

2010.<br />

Presented by co-author (Helga Tılıç-Rittersberger), “De facto Nüfus Sayımından<br />

Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemine Geçişin Vatandaşlık Hak ve Sorumlulukları ile<br />

İlişkisi” 1. Ulusal Nüfusbilim Kongresi, Nüfusbilim Derneği ve ODTÜ Sosyal Politika<br />

Yüksek Lisans Programı, Ankara, October 2010.<br />

Presentation, “Citizenship Rights for Surveillance Society: the Case of Electronic<br />

ID Card in Turkey”, The 105 th Annual Meeting American Sociological <strong>Assoc</strong>iation,<br />

Atlanta, August 2010.<br />

Presentation, “The Province Information and Security System in Istanbul: State<br />

and Private Sector Cooperation in the Names of European Capital of Culture and<br />

Social Responsibility”, XVII International Sociological <strong>Assoc</strong>iation World Congress<br />

of Sociology, Gothenburg, 11-17 July 2010.<br />

Presentation, “How does Education Matter in Case of Unintended Pregnancy:<br />

Abortion Practice of Kurdish and Turkish Women in Turkey?” XVII International<br />

Sociological <strong>Assoc</strong>iation World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, 11-17 July<br />

2010.<br />

Presentation, “Surveillance and Identification: the Case of Electronic ID Card in<br />

Turkey ”, The Fourth Biennial Surveillance and Society Conference, Living in<br />

Surveillance Societies (LISS) COST Action and the Surveillance Studies Network,<br />

City University, London, UK, April 2010.<br />

Presented by co-author (Umut Beşpınar), “80 Darbesi Sonrası Eşleri Cezaevinde<br />

Olan Kadınların Gündelik Hayatlarının Dönüşümü”, 11. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler<br />

Kongresi Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği, Ankara, December 2009.<br />

Presentation, “Ailenin Karanlık Yüzü: Türkiye’de Ensest”, 6. Ulusal Sosyoloji<br />

Kongresi Adnan Menderes University, (presented by Ece Koyuncu with Filiz<br />

Kardam, and Altan Sungur).<br />

Presentation, “1927-1965 Döneminde İstanbul’un Etnik Yapısındaki Değişim”,<br />

Eski İstanbullular, Yeni İstanbullular, Osmanlı Bankası Müzesi, İstanbul. April 2009.<br />

Presentation, “To be or not to be Counted: Differentiation of the population data<br />

gathering system in Turkey”, Surveillance Project Seminar Series, Queen’s<br />

University, Nov 2009.<br />

Presentation, “The Place of Population Censuses in Nation State Formation of<br />

Turkey”, Surveillance Project Summer Seminar, Queen’s University, May 2009.<br />

Member of the Organization Committee, the 2 nd<br />

Studies, Population <strong>Assoc</strong>iation Turkey, October, 2008.<br />

Symposium on Population<br />

Poster presentation, “No safe place for women: Detecting women murders and<br />

suicides in Turkey with a specific emphasis on domestic violence”, European<br />

Population Conference 2008, Barcelona, Spain July 2008 (with Ilknur Yüksel)

Presentation, “Kadınların yaşamından bir kesit: ölüm nedeni cinayet olan 40<br />

kadınların profili” 10. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği,<br />

Ankara, December 2007 (with İlknur Yüksel)<br />

Member of the Organization Committee, The 1 st<br />

Studies, Population <strong>Assoc</strong>iation Turkey, October, 2006.<br />

Symposium on Population<br />

Poster presentation, “Induced abortion and contraception in Central Asian States<br />

and Turkey”, European Population Conference 2006, Liverpool, UK; June 2006.<br />

Presentation, “Türkiye’de Türkçe ve Kürtçe Anadil Nüfuslarının Demografik<br />

Farklılaşma ve Bütünlesme Düzeyleri”, 9. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi Türk<br />

Sosyal Bilimler Derneği, Ankara, December 2005 (with Ismet Koc)<br />

Presentation, “1927 Nüfus Sayımının Modern Türkiye’nin Oluşumundaki Yeri:<br />

1923-1928 Yılları Arası Basında Yansımalar”, 8. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi<br />

Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği, Ankara, December 2003 (with Aytul Tamer)<br />

Presentation, “Sahibini Arayan Ada: Gökçeada/İmroz” 2 Ulusal Türkiye Kültürleri<br />

Sempozyumu, Kültür Araştırmalrı Derneği and Yüzüncü Yıl University, Sep. 2003.<br />

Presentation, “İstemli Düşüğün Algılanılışı ve Nedenleri”, Turkey Demographic<br />

and Health Survey 2003 Preparation Seminar, Hacettepe University Institute of<br />

Population Studies, April 2003.<br />

Presentation, “Gender Difference in the Sexual Behaviour of the Youth in<br />

Turkey”, Workshop: Life Opportunities for Youth in the Region: Aspirations and<br />

Concerns, MEAward Cairo & American University in Cairo, November 2000.<br />

Presentation, “Avrupa’nın mülteci politikalarındaki dönüşüm: Türkiyeli mültecilere<br />

bir bakış”, 3. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi, Anadolu University, November 2000.<br />


Book chapters<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong>, (2011), “The Electronic Eye of the Police: Provincial<br />

Information and Security System in Istanbul” in A. Doyle, R. Lippert and D. Lyon<br />

(eds.) Eyes Everywhere: The Global Growth of Camera Surveillance, London and<br />

New York: Routledge.<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong>, (2009), “1927-1965 Döneminde İstanbul’un Etnik<br />

Yapısındaki Değişim”, Murat Güvenç (ed.), Eski İstanbullular, Yeni İstanbullular,<br />

İstanbul: Osmanlı Bankası Müzesi Yayınları, 82-94.<br />

Articles<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2011), “Nüfusun Biyopolitikasına Yeni Açılım:<br />

Türkiye'nin Biyometrik Elektronik Kimlik Kartı Sistemi”, Toplum ve Bilim 122: 24-<br />

37.<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2011), “Doğurganlık kontrolünde rasyonelliğin<br />

sınırları: Türkiye kürtaj ve gebeliği önleyici yöntem kullanımı”, Fe Dergi 3(1): 24-<br />


Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> and Rittersberger-Tılıç Helga (2011), “Türkiye’de<br />

Değişen Nüfus Bilgi Sisteminin Kamu Yönetimine Katılan ve Kamu Hizmetlerinden<br />

Faydalanan “Vatandaşla” İlişkisi: De facto Nüfus Sayımından Adrese Dayalı Nüfus<br />

Kayıt Sistemine (ADNKS) Geçiş, Amme İdaresi Dergisi 44(1): 89-113.<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2011), “Citizenship Rights for Surveillance Society:<br />

The Case of Electronic ID Card in Turkey”, Surveillance & Society, 9 (½): 64-79.<br />

ISSN: 1477-7487.<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong>, Ece Koyuncu, Filiz Kardam, and Altan Sungur (2010)<br />

“Ailenin Karanlık Yüzü: Türkiye’de Ensest”, Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi. 13(1):<br />

1-37.<br />

Koç, İ., Hancioğlu, A., and Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2008), “Demographic<br />

Differentials and Demographic Integration of Turkish and Kurdish Populations in<br />

Turkey”, Population Research and Policy Review, 27(3), 447-457.<br />

Ergöçmen, B. A., and Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2005) An Alternative<br />

Approach to Measure Unmet Need for Family Planning in Turkey, The Turkish<br />

Journal of Population Studies, (27), 3-17.<br />

Tamer, A., and Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2004), “1927 Nüfus Sayımının<br />

Türkiye’de Ulus-devlet İnşasındaki Yeri: Basında Yansımalar”, The Turkish Journal<br />

of Population Studies, 26, 73-88.<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2001), “Changes in the Demographic Characteristics<br />

of Gökceada”, The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, 23, 79-103.<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2001), “Avrupa’nin Mülteci Politikalarının<br />

Dönüşümüne ve Türkiyeli Mültecilere Bir Bakış”, Mürekkep, 16, Ankara.<br />

Published Survey Reports<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2011), The Private Sector, National Security and<br />

Personal Data: An assessment of private sector involvement in airport and border<br />

security in Canada, Surveillance Studies Centre, Queen’s University and Office of<br />

Privacy Commissioner of Canada.<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2009), Türkiye’de Ensest Sorununu Anlamak,<br />

Ankara: Damla Matbaacılık (English translation is also available: Çavlin<br />

Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> (2009), Understanding the Problem of Incest in Turkey,<br />

Ankara: Damla Matbaacılık)<br />

Hacettepe University Institute of Population (2006), Turkey Migration and Internally<br />

Displaced Persons Survey (In the team of writers).<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong>, Ilknur Yüksel and Banu Akadlı Ergöçmen, (2005),<br />

“Chapter 1: Gebeliği Önleyici Yöntem Kullanımı: Davranışlar, Hizmetlerden<br />

Yararlanma, Görüşler ve Eğilimler (with Ilknur Yüksel, B. Akadlı Ergöçmen), Turkiye<br />

Nufus ve Saglik Arastirmasi 2003 İleri Analiz Raporu Hacettepe University Institute<br />

of Population Studies, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Maternal and Child<br />

Health and Family Planning, State Planning Organization and EU, Ankara.<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong> and Sabahat Tezcan, Hacettepe University Institute of<br />

Population Studies, (2005), “Chapter 6: Abortion and Stillbirth” (with), Turkey<br />

Demographic and Health Survey 2003, Hacettepe University Institute of Population

Studies, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Maternal and Child Health and<br />

Family Planning, State Planning Organization and EU, Ankara.<br />

Çavlin Bozbeyoğlu, <strong>Alanur</strong>, Elif Kurtulus and Sabahat Tezcan (2003). “İstemli<br />

Düşüğün Algılanılışı ve Nedenleri”, Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2003,<br />

Qualitative Study: Contraceptives and Induced Abortion, University Institute of<br />

Population Studies, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Maternal and Child<br />

Health and Family Planning, State Planning Organization and EU, Ankara.<br />

Grants/ Fellowships<br />

Fellowship, Queen’s University Department of Sociology Surveillance Studies<br />

Centre, Post Doctoral Fellow, May-April 2011.<br />

Best Poster Award, European Population Conference 2008, Barcelona “No safe<br />

place for women: Detecting women murders and suicides in Turkey with a specific<br />

emphasis on domestic violence” Barcelona, Spain July 2008 (with Ilknur Yuksel)<br />

Fellowship, The Turkish Academy of Science (TÜBA), Post Doctoral Fellow,<br />

Department of Sociology, Middle East Technical University and Queen’s University<br />

2007-2009.<br />

Fellowship, Asian MetaCentre, Training Workshop “Advanced Demographic<br />

Techniques”, the Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development<br />

Analysis, the College of Population Studies (CPS), Chulalongkorn University,<br />

Thailand, September-October 2004.<br />

Software Use<br />

Microsoft Office<br />

Statistical: SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows<br />

AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures)<br />

Qualitative analysis: Nvivo8 (Qualitative analysis software program)<br />

Demographic Packages: Mortpak, DemProj III, PAS (U.S.Bureau of the Census)<br />

People (Population projection)<br />

Spectrum (Population projection)<br />

Language<br />

Turkish, mother tongue<br />

English, fluent

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