Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eryurt (Last updated: 05 June 2013)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eryurt (Last updated: 05 June 2013)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eryurt (Last updated: 05 June 2013)
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<strong>Assoc</strong>. <strong>Prof</strong>. <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Mehmet</strong> <strong>Ali</strong> <strong>Eryurt</strong><br />
(<strong>Last</strong> <strong>updated</strong>: <strong>05</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>)<br />
<br />
• Bachelor’s Degree (1999), Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts<br />
and Science, Sociology Department, Ankara, Turkey<br />
• Minor Program (1997), Biology, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and<br />
Science, Biology Department, Ankara, Turkey<br />
• Master’s Degree (2003), Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies,<br />
Department of Economic and Social Demography, Ankara, Turkey.<br />
M.A. Thesis: Fertility Inhibiting Strategies of Socio-economic and Cultural Groups in<br />
Turkey (Supervisor: <strong>Assoc</strong>. <strong>Prof</strong>. <strong>Dr</strong>. Attila Hancıoğlu)<br />
• Ph.D. (2010), Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Department of<br />
Technical Demography, Ankara, Turkey.<br />
Ph.D. Thesis: Internal Migration and Fertility in Turkey: An Event History Analysis<br />
(Supervisor: <strong>Prof</strong>. <strong>Dr</strong>. İsmet Koç)<br />
<br />
• Certificate, Demographic Aspects of Population Ageing and its Implications for Socio-<br />
Economic Development, Policies and Plans, The International Institute on Ageing (INIA),<br />
United Nations – Malta, October 2007.<br />
• Certificate, Graduate Summer School on New Advances in Statistics Participation<br />
Certificate, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, August 2007.<br />
• Certificate, Applied Event History Analysis, International Max Planck Research School<br />
for Demography, Rostock, Germany, October 2006 – March 2007.<br />
• Certificate, Research Tools and Presentation Skills, International Max Planck Research<br />
School for Demography, Rostock, Germany, October 2006 - Ferbruary 2007.<br />
• Certificate: Qualitative Research Techniques, Sağlık için Sosyal Bilimler Dernegi,<br />
Ankara, Turkey, <strong>June</strong> 2002.<br />
• Certificate: Computer Programming (Pascal-Visual Basic-Delphi), Ministry of National<br />
Education, Ankara, Turkey, 2001.<br />
<br />
• Winter Fellow: Laboratory on Contemporary European Fertility and Family Dynamics,<br />
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock (Germany), October 2006-<br />
March 2007.
• Published Articles<br />
Journal papers in SCI/SSCI/AHCI<br />
1) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Koç, İ. (<strong>2013</strong>) “Child poverty and regional disparities in Turkey”, The<br />
Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 55(2): 140-151.<br />
2) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Beşe-Canpolat, Ş., Koç, İ. (<strong>2013</strong> forthcoming) “Türkiye’de Nüfus ve<br />
Nüfus Politikaları: Öngörüler ve Öneriler”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi.<br />
Other papers in refereed journal<br />
1) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Koç, İ. (2012) “Internal Migration and Fertility in Turkey: Kaplan-Meier<br />
Survival Analysis“, International Journal of Population Research, Vol. 2012, Article ID<br />
329<strong>05</strong>0, 11 pages, doi: 10.1155/2012/329<strong>05</strong>0.<br />
2) Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, İ., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Koç, İ. (2012) “Marriage Cycle of Women:<br />
Dissolution of Marriage and Remarriage”, Kadın/Woman 2000-Journal for Women’s<br />
Studies, Vol. 13(1), 93-127.<br />
3) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Akadlı-Ergöçmen, B. (2012) “Impact of Parent’s Education on<br />
Fertility”, Nüfusbilim Dergisi-The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, Vol. 30-31, 13-<br />
27.<br />
4) Koç, İ., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2011) “Trends in Timing and Extent of Under-five Mortality in<br />
Turkey: 1978-2008”, Turkish Pediatric Journal, Vol. 54(1), 39-44.<br />
5) Koç, İ., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2010) “Birth Registration Status of Children Under Five Years<br />
in Turkey: 1993-2008”, Turkish Pediatric Journal, Vol. 53(2), 114-121.<br />
6) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Koç, İ. (2010) “Construction of Life Tables for Turkey Using the<br />
Orphanhood Method”, Nüfusbilim Dergisi-The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, Vol.<br />
28-29, 47-60.<br />
7) Tezcan, S., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2010) “Internal Migration and Child Health in Turkey”,<br />
Nüfusbilim Dergisi-The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, Vol. 28-29, 15-28.<br />
8) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Koç, İ. (2009) “Poverty and Child Mortality: The Effect of Household<br />
Wealth Status on Child Mortality”, Turkish Pediatric Journal, Vol. 52(3), 113-121.<br />
9) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., (2008) “The Proximate Determinants of Fertility in Turkey: Looking at<br />
the Recent Period”, Nüfusbilim Dergisi-The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, Vol.<br />
27, 67-84.<br />
• Books and Book Chapters<br />
1) Koç¸ İ., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Adalı, T., Çağatay, P. (2010). Demographic Transition in<br />
Turkey: Fertility, Family Planning, Mother-Child Health and Changes in Under Five<br />
Mortality (In Turkish) . Ankara. ISBN 978-975-491-285-2<br />
2) Koç, İ., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., (2010) "Demographic Transition in Turkey: Past, Present and<br />
Future", book chapter in Sociology Articles 3 (In Turkish). Ankara. ISBN:978-975-491-<br />
302-6.<br />
3) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Adalı, T., Şahin, E., (2010) "Chapter 1. Demographic Transition in<br />
Turkey: Sub-population Variations”, book chapter in Fertility, Reproductive Health and<br />
Ageing in Turkey (In Turkish). Ankara. ISBN:978-975-491-290-6.<br />
4) Yüksel, İ., Yıldız, D., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., İrez, M., (2010) "Chapter 2. Male Contraceptive<br />
Methods in Turkey: Determinants of Withdrawal and Condom", book chapter in Fertility,<br />
Reproductive Health and Ageing in Turkey (In Turkish). Ankara. ISBN:978-975-491-<br />
290-6.<br />
5) Koç, İ., Türkyılmaz, A.S., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2009) “Chapter 3. Characteristics of the<br />
Household Population and the Respondents”, book chapter in Domestic Violence Against<br />
Women in Turkey. Ankara, KSGM Press. ISBN978-975-19-4498-6.
• International Conference Proceedings and Presentations<br />
• Papers<br />
• Posters<br />
1) Kirdar, M., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Koç, İ. (2012) “Could Infant Mortality Analysis with Timeinvariant<br />
Effects Could be Misleading? Evidence from Urban Turkey”, European<br />
Population Conference, EAPS (Stockholm-Sweden).<br />
2) Abbasoğlu-Özgören, A., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Koç, İ. (2012) “Determinants of Internal<br />
Migration in Turkey”, European Population Conference, EAPS (Stockholm-Sweden).<br />
3) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2012) “Internal Migration and Fertility in Turkey”, Demographic<br />
Transition in the Middle East and North Africa: Disciplines in Dialogue (An International<br />
Conference co-organised by the British Institute in Amman, University of Jordan, French<br />
Institute for the Near East, University of Bern) (Amman-Ürdün).<br />
4) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Koç, İ. (2010) “Internal Migration and Transition to Second Child: The<br />
Case of Turkey”, European Population Conference, EAPS (Vienna-Austria).<br />
5) Ergöçmen, B.A., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2010) “Whose Education is More Influential on<br />
Fertility Behaviour: Mother’s or Father’s?”, European Population Conference, EAPS<br />
(Vienna-Austria).<br />
6) Koç, İ., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2010) “Demographic Integration through Intermarriage of<br />
Turks and Kurds in Turkey”, European Population Conference, EAPS (Vienna-Austria).<br />
7) Koç, İ., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2008) “The Timing of Women's Life Course Events in Turkey:<br />
Cradle to the Grave”, European Population Conference, EAPS (Barcelona-Spain).<br />
8) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (20<strong>05</strong>) “Internal Migration, Poverty and Millenium Development Goals<br />
in Turkey”, Sixth Annual Population Researcher Conference, Linkages Between<br />
Population and Millennium Development Goals: The Asian Perspective, PAA (Islamabad-<br />
Pakistan).<br />
• 1) Tezcan, S., <strong>Eryurt</strong> M.A. (2008) “Internal Migration and Child Health in Turkey”,<br />
European Population Conference, EAPS (Barcelona-Spain).<br />
• 2) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2006) “Modernization and Fertility Inhibiting Strategies of Socioeconomic<br />
and Cultural Groups in Turkey”, European Population Conference, EAPS<br />
(London-England).<br />
• 3) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Özdemir, E. (20<strong>05</strong>) “The Impact of Internal Migration on Fertility<br />
Change in Turkey”, XV. Intenational World Population Conference, IUSSP (Tours-<br />
France).<br />
• National conference proceedings and presentations (Papers)<br />
1) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Ergöçmen, B.A. (2009) “Eğitim ve Doğurganlık: Annelerin Eğitimi mi<br />
Babaların Eğitimi mi Daha Önemli?”, 11. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Türk Sosyal<br />
Bilimler Derneği, Ankara.<br />
2) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Koç, İ. (2007) “Yoksulluk ve Çocuk Ölümlülüğü: Hanehalkı Refah<br />
Düzeyinin Çocuk Ölümlülüğü Üzerindeki Etkisi”, 10. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Türk<br />
Sosyal Bilimler Derneği, Ankara.<br />
• Guest Speaker<br />
1) Ergöçmen, B.A., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (Novermber 2011) National Mother and Child<br />
Health Congress: Demographic Transition and Changes in Fertility, Antalya.<br />
2) HUKSAM, Migration and Women Symposium (March 2010): Internal Migration<br />
and Fertility in Turkey<br />
3) Population <strong>Assoc</strong>iation of Turkey (Nüfusbilim Derneği), I. Congress on<br />
Turkish Demography (October 2010): Demographic Transition in Turkey
• Published Researh Reports<br />
1) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Türkyılmaz, A.S., Koç, İ. (2009) Household Population and Housing<br />
Characteristics, 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 2,<br />
Ankara-Turkey.<br />
2) Ergöçmen, B.A., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Adalı, T. (2009) Other Proximate Determinants, 2008<br />
Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 7, Ankara-Turkey.<br />
3) <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A., Türkyılmaz, A.S., Çağatay, P. (2009) Fertility Preferences, 2008<br />
Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 8, Ankara-Turkey.<br />
4) Koç, İ, Yüksel, İ., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2009) Infant and Child Mortality, 2008 Turkey<br />
Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 9, Ankara-Turkey.<br />
5) Ünalan, T., Yavuz, S., Civelek, Y., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (20<strong>05</strong>) Fertility Preferences, 2003<br />
Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Further Analysis Report, Ankara-Turkey.<br />
6) Ergöçmen, B.A., <strong>Eryurt</strong>, M.A. (2004) Other Proximate Determinants, 2003 Turkey<br />
Demographic and Health Survey Main Report: Chapter 6, Ankara-Turkey.<br />
<br />
1) Supervisor, 1998 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Hacettepe University<br />
Institute of Population Studies, Macro International Inc/USAID, and UNFPA, 1998-1999.<br />
2) Researcher, 2003 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Qualitative Study,<br />
Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2002.<br />
3) Researcher, Trainer, Field Coordinator, 2003 Turkey Demographic and Health<br />
Survey, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health, State<br />
Planning Organization and European Union, 2002-2004.<br />
4) Researcher, Trainer, Field Coordinator, Data Entry Coordinator, Turkey<br />
Migration and Internally Displaced Persons Survey, State Planning Organization, Ministry<br />
of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior and Hacettepe University Institute of Population<br />
Studies, 2004-2006.<br />
5) Researcher, Trainer, Field Coordinator, Data Entry Coordinator, Turkey,<br />
National Maternal Mortality Study, European Union, Ministry of Health, Hacettepe<br />
University Institute of Population Studies, 2004-2006.<br />
6) Researcher, Turkey, National Maternal Mortality Study Qualitative Survey, European<br />
Union, Ministry of Health, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2004-<br />
2006.<br />
7) Researcher, Questionnaire Preparation, Trainer, Field Coordinator, Turkey<br />
National Research on Domestic Violence in Turkey, Hacettepe University Institute of<br />
Population Studies, The General Directorate of Woman Status, European Union, 2007-<br />
2008.<br />
8) Researcher, Questionnaire Preparation and Design, Listing Field<br />
Coordinator, Trainer, Field Coordinator, 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health<br />
Survey, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health and<br />
State Planning Organization, 2007-2011.<br />
9) Researcher, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Öğretmen İstihdam Projeksiyonları, Stratejileri ve<br />
Sistemlerinin Geliştirilmesi Projesi-Okul Çağı Nüfuslarının Projeksiyonu (2012-2023),<br />
2012.<br />
10) Researcher, Skewed Sex Ratio at Birth in Azerbaijan, UNFPA-Azerbaijan, (2012-).<br />
11) Researcher, The Causal Relationship between Consanguineous Marriages and Infant<br />
Mortality in Turkey (TÜBİTAK 1001 Project No:111K335), 2012.
12) Researcher, <strong>2013</strong> Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, HUIPS, Ministry of<br />
Development, 2012-2014.<br />
<br />
• B.A. Courses<br />
AKT 306 Demography (2004)<br />
BES 108 Demographic Structure and Health (2006 and 2007)<br />
• M.A. Courses<br />
TKD 502 Demographic Models and Advanced Demographic Analysis (2010, 2011, 2012)<br />
ESD 671 Internal Migration and Urbanization (2011)<br />
TKD 600 Special Subjects in Technical Demography (2011, 2012)<br />
• PhD Courses<br />
TKD 713 Computer Applications in Demography (20<strong>05</strong>)<br />
ESD 772 Demographic Analysis of Migration (2008, 2010, 2012)<br />
TKD 752 Analysis of Mortality (2011, 2012)<br />
TKD 803 Evaluation and Correction of Demographic Data (2011)<br />
<br />
• Fertility<br />
• Internal migration and urbanization<br />
• Mortality, life tables, child mortality<br />
• Population projections<br />
• Survival analysis<br />
• Field surveys<br />
• Data entry, data quality, data analysis<br />
<br />
• International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Member.<br />
• European <strong>Assoc</strong>iation of Population Studies (EAPS), Member.<br />
• Turkish Population <strong>Assoc</strong>iation, Member.<br />
<br />
• E-mail:<br />
• Tel: +90 312 3<strong>05</strong>1115