Adjunct Faculty - Huntington University

Adjunct Faculty - Huntington University

Adjunct Faculty - Huntington University


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2012-2013<br />



Carolyn Sleet ……………………………………………………Page 2<br />

Charles (Chad) Daugherty …………………………………… Page 3<br />

Mark Dubois …………………………………………………… Page 7

Carolyn J. Sleet<br />

2533 Palisade Drive<br />

Fort Wayne, IN 46806<br />

(260) 437-6894<br />

carolyn.sleet@fwcs.k12.in.us<br />


To serve as an educational leader to future classroom teachers and to provide support for instructional leadership<br />

necessary to educate all students to high standards<br />


<strong>University</strong> of Tennessee at Martin - Martin, TN<br />

School of Education<br />

Bachelor of Science in Education June 1976<br />

Ball State <strong>University</strong> - Muncie, IN<br />

Masters of Arts in Education May 1980<br />

Indiana <strong>University</strong> - Purdue <strong>University</strong> Fort Wayne - Fort Wayne, IN<br />

Administration Supervision and Instructional Leadership May 1998<br />

Certifications:<br />

Indiana Department of Education Certified Facilitator and Ontological Coach<br />

Relevant Skills:<br />

Project Management, Report Preparation, Written Correspondence, Data Analysis, Interventionist, Facilitator,<br />

Instructional Leader, Cognitive Coach, Professional Presentations, Microsoft Office 2010<br />


Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS)<br />

Principal<br />

Fort Wayne, IN<br />

August 1998- Present<br />

• Administrative Responsibilities: Develop and implement strategic school improvement plans, balanced score<br />

cards, data analysis, and effective quality improvement teams, decreased student referrals by executing a schoolwide<br />

assertive discipline program<br />

• Oversee school operations: compliance with all guidelines and policies, supervision of personnel, submit<br />

personnel evaluations, and provide preeminent customer service to parents, personnel, and students<br />

• Manage all aspects of day to day operations as building principal: facility maintenance, finances/budgeting,<br />

accounts payable/receivable, invoicing and billing<br />

Milan Community Schools<br />

Milan, TN<br />

Second Grade School Teacher August 1976-June 1978<br />

Anderson Community Schools<br />

Anderson, IN<br />

Fifth Grade School Teacher August 1978-June 1985<br />

Fort Wayne Community Schools<br />

Fort Wayne, IN<br />

Third Grade School Teacher August 1985 - June 1997<br />


2012 <strong>Adjunct</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> for <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2012 IPFW Mentoring Administrator for Education Leadership Practicum<br />

2010-2011 Principal/Instructional Leader of an Exemplary School<br />

2009 Featured in State Documentary: The Good That You Do - The Principal Story<br />

2008 Mentoring Administrator for Indiana Professional Standards Board and the <strong>University</strong> Consortium<br />

2006 Indiana Principal Leadership Academy Outstanding Facilitator Award<br />

2005 21 Alive Women in Leadership Award<br />

2002 Mentor for FWCS Administrative Internship Program

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