Identity Guidelines - Heriot-Watt University

Identity Guidelines - Heriot-Watt University

Identity Guidelines - Heriot-Watt University


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<strong>Identity</strong> <strong>Guidelines</strong><br />

<strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong> <strong>University</strong> has consolidated and updated its<br />

various logos to form a single more distinctive identity.<br />

This summary gives the basic specifications for usage and<br />

reproduction of the logo to bring about a consistent,<br />

co-ordinated application of the new look through all<br />

communications and marketing material.<br />

A copy of the complete identity guidelines is available<br />

on the web at: www.hw.ac.uk/logoguide<br />

All users are expected to follow these guidelines to ensure<br />

its success.

The Brand <strong>Identity</strong><br />


It is essential that a consistent use of colour<br />

and positioning is maintained throughout<br />

all areas of logo application such as stationery,<br />

documents, publications, signage and livery.<br />

The logo is available in black and white and<br />

colour versions and must be reproduced from<br />

printer-ready artwork and not from<br />

photocopied or pre-printed material or<br />

redrawn in any way.<br />

Relative scaling of the logo to increase or<br />

decrease the size is permissible down to but<br />

not below, the set minimum width of<br />

25.5mm. Manipulation of the logo in a<br />

manner which would cause distortion is not<br />

allowed.<br />

A websafe version of the logo is available to<br />

download from: www.hw.ac.uk/webguide<br />

Further advice can be obtained from Media<br />

Services.<br />


The following examples show the colour<br />

variants for the <strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong> Brand <strong>Identity</strong>.<br />

The logo should always appear in Pantone<br />

293 and 30% Pantone 293 with a white<br />

keyline. The keyline is visible when the<br />

identity is used on any background other<br />

than white. A palette of background colours<br />

has been created for this use.<br />

The black and white logo can also be used<br />

whenever the colour identity is inappropriate.<br />

This version may only be used with a<br />

background of sufficient density and contrast<br />

as to not impair the visibility of the logo.<br />

For printing the identity from 4 colour<br />

process, the colour split shown gives the best<br />

possible colour match.<br />

One Colour <strong>Identity</strong> on coloured background<br />

(when scaling this version up or down the keyline is<br />

always scaled in proportion to the identity)<br />

Black and White <strong>Identity</strong><br />

(Please note in the black and white version of the logo<br />

there is no shading in the <strong>University</strong> shield)<br />

PANTONE 293<br />


C = 100 M = 56<br />

Y = 0 K = 0<br />

PANTONE 293 - 30%<br />


C = 30 M = 17<br />

Y = 0 K = 0

20% of page width<br />

4x<br />

4x<br />

<strong>Identity</strong> Positioning on Literature<br />

<strong>Identity</strong> Positioning on Literature<br />

20% of page width<br />

4x<br />

7mm<br />

2x<br />

2x<br />

2x<br />

x<br />

2x<br />

<strong>Identity</strong> positioning on digitally produced literature<br />

<strong>Identity</strong> Exclusion Zone<br />


When printing the logo on new literature,<br />

it’s position is based on 4 x-heights from the<br />

right hand edge of the document (x-height<br />

being the measurement of the H ). The logo’s<br />

size is set at 42mm wide for placing on an A4<br />

page size, this equates as 20% of the sheet<br />

width. This calculation must be applied to<br />

the logo for its correct relationship to all<br />

other sheet sizes.<br />

When outputing a logo through a laserprinter<br />

or other digital output device, it is necessary<br />

to consider the printers normal image<br />

parameters. The logo should therefore be<br />

positioned using the guidelines above, to<br />

ensure correct positioning within the visible<br />

printed area.<br />


The logo is protected by an exclusion zone. This<br />

area is based on the height of the <strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong><br />

type, as illustrated above. No element should<br />

interfere with this area.<br />

When using the logo on a background other<br />

than white, the exclusion zone for the logo<br />

is measured from outside the white keyline.<br />


The <strong>University</strong> logo should never appear below<br />

its minimum size which is 25.5mm wide. When<br />

the logo is on a coloured background, this is<br />

the width inside the white keyline.<br />


The Brand <strong>Identity</strong><br />


Printed documents and reports must use the<br />

<strong>University</strong> Corporate <strong>Identity</strong> typefaces which<br />

are Garamond and Frutiger. Several weights<br />

exist to provide a degree of flexibility.<br />

Digitally produced versions where Frutiger<br />

is not available must use Arial as a substitute.<br />

Text within a letter, memo or fax should be<br />

Times New Roman. In the case of<br />

publications however, the typeface used for<br />

the text may be varied to compliment the<br />

overall look of the document.<br />

Garamond Light<br />

Garamond Light Italic<br />

Garamond Bold<br />

Garamond Bold Italic<br />

Frutiger Light<br />

Frutiger Light Italic<br />

Frutiger Roman<br />

Frutiger Roman Italic<br />

Frutiger Bold<br />

Frutiger Bold Italic<br />

Frutiger Black<br />

Frutiger Black Italic<br />

Frutiger Extra Black<br />

Frutiger Ultra Black<br />

Times New Roman<br />

Times New Roman Italic<br />

Arial<br />

Arial Italic<br />

Arial Bold<br />


Examples of stationery, designed in<br />

accordance with the new branding, covering<br />

house styles for letters, memos, fax and report<br />

covers along with PowerPoint slides, can be<br />

viewed at: www.hw.ac.uk/logoguide<br />

Working templates of the above are available<br />

for staff use. Administration staff can access<br />

these within MSWord by selecting File/New/<br />

<strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong> Administration. Academic staff<br />

should contact their departmental computing<br />

officer.<br />

Wider applications of the logo are also<br />

illustrated at this address, including<br />

advertising, promotional material and<br />

recommended colour palettes.<br />


For advice on the application of the logo,<br />

graphic design and printing:<br />

Media Services<br />

<strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Edinburgh EH14 4AS<br />

Telephone 0131 449 5111<br />

ext. 4284<br />

Email c.c.wilson@hw.ac.uk<br />

For advice on marketing communications<br />

and public relations:<br />

Corporate Communications<br />

<strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Edinburgh EH14 4AS<br />

Telephone 0131 451 3444<br />

Email PR@hw.ac.uk<br />

For advice on use of trademark:<br />

Intellectual Property Manager<br />

<strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Edinburgh EH14 4AS<br />

Telephone 0131 451 3194<br />

Email h.v.waugh@hw.ac.uk

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