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<strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>MATHEMATICAL</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>COMPUTER</strong> <strong>SCIENCES</strong><br />
Programme Structure Information for Academic Year 2013/14<br />
Computer Science Postgraduate<br />
Links will be added to refer students to appropriate programme information<br />
F2CG MSc in Information Technology (Business)<br />
F2CH Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (Business)<br />
F2EG MSc in Information Technology (Software Systems)<br />
F2EH Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (Software Systems)<br />
F2IM MSc in Advanced Internet Applications<br />
F2IE Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Internet Applications<br />
F2SM MSc in Computer Systems Management<br />
F2SD Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Systems Management<br />
F2S7 MSc in Software Engineering<br />
F2S5 Postgraduate Diploma in Software Engineering<br />
F2U7 MSc in Creative Software Systems<br />
F2U5 Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Software Systems<br />
F2B1 MSc in Business Information Management<br />
F2B2 Postgraduate Diploma in Business Information Management<br />
F2GD Graduate Diploma In Information Technology<br />
F2Z7 MSc in Artificial Intelligence<br />
F2Z5 Postgraduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence<br />
Selection of Courses (formerly called modules)<br />
The online enrolment system will allow you to select the courses you wish to study during Academic Year<br />
2013/14. Your courses are categorised into Mandatory and Optional courses:<br />
Mandatory Courses Optional Courses Elective Courses<br />
(shown under Optional<br />
Courses during online<br />
enrolment)<br />
All mandatory courses for your<br />
programme are listed on the<br />
online enrolment system. These<br />
courses cannot be altered and<br />
must be taken to meet the<br />
requirements for your<br />
programme of study. If your<br />
programme consists entirely of<br />
mandatory courses then no<br />
further action is required<br />
regarding selection of courses.<br />
Further Information<br />
All optional courses for your<br />
programme are listed within the<br />
online enrolment system, if<br />
applicable. If no optional courses<br />
are listed, please ignore and move<br />
to the next screen within the<br />
online enrolment system. For<br />
further information on the<br />
selection of your courses, please<br />
refer to your specific programme<br />
information below.<br />
Elective courses are listed<br />
under the specific programme<br />
information later in this<br />
document. If no information is<br />
present, please ignore and<br />
move on to the next screen on<br />
the online enrolment system.<br />
To assist you in the selection of your optional/elective courses, please find below additional information<br />
relating to the programme you are currently enrolling for. Be aware that there may be more than one year of<br />
study for this programme, therefore please ensure that you only refer to your appropriate year. For example,<br />
if you are enrolling for year/level 4 of the course, only refer to Year/Stage 4 within the appropriate information<br />
Timetable Clashes - Please note that mandatory courses will not clash on your timetable. Whilst the<br />
University aims to accommodate a full range of optional/elective courses, it may not be possible for the<br />
timetable to provide all choice combinations.<br />
Timetables will be available 2 weeks prior to the start of Semester and you are advised to check your<br />
timetable at this time. In the unlikely event that you have selected courses which result in a timetable clash,<br />
you should seek advice from your Academic School as to the availability of alternative courses.<br />
Please be aware that your optional/elective courses may be subject to change before the start of Semester.<br />
Maximum Limit Exceeded for a Course - We try to offer everyone the possibility to study the<br />
optional/elective course they request. However, in certain courses, we are required to limit the numbers<br />
participating. In the event that you have selected a course which is over-subscribed, you will be contacted<br />
by your Academic School and advised accordingly.<br />
Change of Course Selection - Providing that you have not completed the online enrolment process, you will<br />
be able to update your selection of courses. If however, you decide to change courses following the<br />
completion of this procedure, you will be required to complete a ‘Change of Course’ form found at:<br /> Please be aware that this form requires to<br />
be approved by your Academic School and decisions may not be made until the start of the Academic Year.<br />
You can change course options until the end of the 2nd week of the relevant semester.<br />
Further Assistance?<br />
If you require further help in choosing your courses, please contact your Programme Director (as noted<br />
below) or the Director of Postgraduate Study, Dr Hamish Taylor (, 0131 451 3427)<br />
F2CG MSc in Information Technology (Business)<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
Edinburgh campus students should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless they have<br />
been explicitly told to do so.<br />
Programme descriptors can be found by clicking on the programme codes in the programme structures<br />
linked to here:<br />
Edinburgh Campus Programme Director: Jenny Coady (, 0131 451 4178)<br />
Dubai Campus Programme Director: Dr Hind Zantout (, 04-4358764)<br />
F2CH Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (Business)<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
Edinburgh campus students should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless they have<br />
been explicitly told to do so.<br />
Programme descriptors can be found by clicking on the programme codes in the programme structures<br />
linked to here:<br />
Edinburgh Campus Programme Director: Jenny Coady (, 0131 451 4178)<br />
Dubai Campus Programme Director: Dr Hind Zantout (, 04-4358764)
F2EG MSc in Information Technology (Software Systems)<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
Edinburgh campus students should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class they have been<br />
explicitly told to do so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Edinburgh Campus Programme Director: Dr Lilia Georgieva (; 0131 451 8159)<br />
Dubai Campus Programme Director: Dr Hind Zantout (, 04-4358764)<br />
F2EH<br />
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (Software Systems)<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
Edinburgh campus students should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless they have<br />
been explicitly told to do so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Dr Lilia Georgieva (; 0131 451 8159)<br />
Dubai Campus Programme Director: Dr Hind Zantout (, 04-4358764)<br />
F2IM<br />
MSc in Advanced Internet Applications<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Dr Albert Burger (, 0131 451 3428)<br />
F2IE<br />
Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Internet Applications<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Dr Albert Burger (, 0131 451 3428)
F2S7<br />
MSc in Software Engineering<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Professor Robert Pooley (, 0131 451 3367)<br />
F2S5<br />
Postgraduate Diploma in Software Engineering<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Professor Robert Pooley (, 0131 451 3367)<br />
F2SM MSc in Computer Systems Management<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
Edinburgh campus students should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless they have<br />
been explicitly told to do so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Edinburgh Campus Programme Director: Dr Hans Wolfgang Loidl (; 0131 451 3421)<br />
Dubai Campus Programme Director: Dr Hind Zantout (, 04-4358764)<br />
F2SD<br />
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Systems Management<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
Edinburgh campus students should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless they have<br />
been explicitly told to do so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Edinburgh Campus Programme Director: Dr Hans Wolfgang Loidl (; 0131 451 3421)<br />
Dubai Campus Programme Director: Dr Hind Zantout (, 04-4358764)
F2U7<br />
MSc in Creative Software Systems<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so. The courses B30PA Software Engineering 1 and F21SF Software Engineering Foundations are<br />
alternatives and may not both be taken as options.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Professor Mike Chantler (; 0131 451 3352)<br />
F2U5<br />
Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Software Systems<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so. The courses B30PA Software Engineering 1 and F21SF Software Engineering Foundations are<br />
alternatives and may not both be taken as options.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Professor Mike Chantler (; 0131 451 3352)<br />
F2B1<br />
MSc in Business Information Management<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Professor Robert Pooley (; 0131 451 3367)<br />
F2B2<br />
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Information Management<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Professor Robert Pooley (; 0131 451 3367)
F2GD Graduate Diploma in Information Technology<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Ms Monica Farrow (; 0131 451 4160)<br />
F2Z7<br />
MSc in Artificial Intelligence<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Professor David Corne (; 0131 451 3410)<br />
F2Z5<br />
Postgraduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence<br />
Please ensure that you have checked with your Programme Director to ensure that the options you have<br />
selected are appropriate given your previous educational experience. The Programme Director should have<br />
checked your choices at the pre-enrolment meeting.<br />
You should not choose F21SM Software Engineering Master Class unless you have been explicitly told to do<br />
so.<br />
Course descriptors can be found by clicking on the course codes in the programme structures linked to here:<br /><br />
Programme Director: Professor David Corne (; 0131 451 3410)