school of textiles and design - Heriot-Watt University
school of textiles and design - Heriot-Watt University
school of textiles and design - Heriot-Watt University
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School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design 3<br />
Aims <strong>and</strong> Objectives 4<br />
Staff Lists 5-7<br />
School Management 10-16<br />
Line Management within the School 16<br />
Records <strong>of</strong> Absence <strong>of</strong> Staff from Work 16-17<br />
Staff Development Policy 17-18<br />
Course Operation 18-19<br />
Module Operation 19-23<br />
Integrated Student System Intranet 23<br />
Guidelines for Staff Supervising Honours Year <strong>and</strong> Masters’ Student Projects 23-24<br />
Management <strong>of</strong> Student Files <strong>and</strong> Records 24-26<br />
Student Mentoring 26-27<br />
Health <strong>and</strong> Safety 27-28<br />
Travel Procedure 28-32<br />
Claims for Expenses 32-34<br />
Purchasing Policy <strong>and</strong> Procedures 34-37<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Indemnity Insurance 38-39<br />
Race Equality Policy 39<br />
Equal Opportunities Policy 39-40<br />
Reporting <strong>of</strong> Maintenance Issues/Room Problems, etc 40
Head <strong>of</strong> School:<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Learning <strong>and</strong> Teaching:<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Research:<br />
Financial Controller:<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Administration:<br />
Technician Superintendant:<br />
Timetabling Coordinator:<br />
Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Team:<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley<br />
Mrs J Smith<br />
Dr L Macintyre<br />
Mr I McGilp<br />
Mrs L Lindsay<br />
Mrs J Robertson<br />
Mrs R Walker<br />
Mrs J Robertson<br />
Mrs A Hardie<br />
Mr T Peyton<br />
Dr R Spark<br />
Mrs L Lindsay
The aim <strong>of</strong> the School is to enhance the <strong>University</strong>’s reputation as a leading national <strong>and</strong><br />
international provider <strong>of</strong> education, based on flexibility <strong>and</strong> quality in teaching <strong>and</strong> on<br />
distinction <strong>and</strong> relevance in research.<br />
The objectives <strong>of</strong> the School are:<br />
a) to have a portfolio <strong>of</strong> well-supported, respected undergraduate <strong>and</strong> postgraduate<br />
courses;<br />
b) to conduct research <strong>of</strong> national <strong>and</strong> international st<strong>and</strong>ing in disciplines relevant to the<br />
interests <strong>of</strong> the School;<br />
c) to enhance external recognition, through excellence in:<br />
i) national/international activities;<br />
ii) teaching <strong>and</strong> research;<br />
iii) links with industry.<br />
d) to provide a cultural <strong>and</strong> physical environment which enables students to develop their<br />
full potential.
STAFF LIST [as at December 2009]<br />
Name Position Discipline<br />
Ms Theresa Coburn Lecturer (PT) Textile Design (Fashion)<br />
Mrs Marnie Collins Teaching Fellow (PT) Textile Design (Weave)<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> Robert Christie Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Colour Chemistry<br />
Ms Sarah Dearlove Teaching Fellow (PT, FT) Textile Design (Knit)<br />
Mrs Cath Fenton Lecturer Services Management<br />
Dr Alex Fotheringham Lecturer Textiles/Biomedical Materials<br />
Mr Andrew Grieve Lecturer Marketing<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley Head <strong>of</strong> School Design<br />
Dr Britta Kalkreuter Lecturer History <strong>of</strong> art <strong>and</strong> <strong>design</strong><br />
Mr Ian McInnes Senior Lecturer Textile <strong>design</strong> (Knit)<br />
Dr Lisa MacIntyre Lecturer Textile technology (Knitting)<br />
Ms Vanessa Northway Senior Teaching Fellow Fashion<br />
Mrs Fiona Pankhurst Teaching Fellow (PT) Textile <strong>design</strong> (Weave)<br />
Mr Mark Parker Lecturer Textile <strong>design</strong> (Print)<br />
Ms Sara Robertson Lecturer Design & Printed Textiles<br />
Ms Emily Quinn Teaching Fellow Visual Studies<br />
Miss Judith Scott Lecturer Clothing, Fashion <strong>and</strong> Design<br />
Ms Hazel Sharp Teaching Fellow Pattern Cutting<br />
Mrs Jayne Smith Senior Teaching Fellow Pattern Cutting & Garment Assembly<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> George Stylios Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Textiles<br />
Dr Danmei Sun Lecturer Textile Technology<br />
Dr Christine Taylor Teaching Fellow (PT) CAD<br />
Ms Sarah Taylor Reader Visual Studies<br />
Mr Mark Timmins Lecturer Knitted Textile Design<br />
Dr Samantha Vettese Lecturer (PT) Visual Studies<br />
Mrs Fiona Waldron Senior Lecturer Pattern Cutting<br />
Mrs Ruth Walker Senior Lecturer Textile Design (weave)<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> Roger Wardman Pr<strong>of</strong>essor (PT) Colour Science<br />
Mrs Lesley <strong>Watt</strong>ers Tutor (PT) CAD (Weave)<br />
Mrs Theresa Wilkinson Lecturer Fashion<br />
PT = Part-time<br />
Mr Drew Kellett<br />
FT = Fixed-term contract<br />
Mr Andrew McCullough<br />
Mr John Allan<br />
Mrs Anne Hardie<br />
Mrs Anne Denham (TT)<br />
Mr Tony Peyton<br />
Mrs Yvonne Caldwell<br />
Mrs S<strong>and</strong>ra Darling<br />
Mrs Jane Robertson<br />
Leony Mayhew<br />
Lucy Welsh<br />
Dr Roger Spark (also CAD studio)<br />
Mr James McVee<br />
Mr Colin Turnbull
Mrs Lesley Lindsay<br />
School Administrator/Director <strong>of</strong> Administration<br />
Miss Rebecca Erwin<br />
Learning & Teaching Administrator<br />
Mrs Brenda Lindsay<br />
Student Administrator<br />
Mrs Ruth Paterson<br />
Admissions Manager<br />
Miss Gayle Poddubecki (PT) Secretary (Research)<br />
Miss Emma Sheridan Maternity Leave cover for Secretary (Research) until Nov 2010<br />
Mr Ian McGilp (PT)<br />
Financial Controller<br />
Mrs Avril Birtwistle (PT)<br />
Finance Supervisor<br />
Mrs Fiona Leitch (PT)<br />
Finance Clerk<br />
Mrs K Beattie (PT)<br />
Student Placement Coordinator<br />
Ms Fiona Duff<br />
Marketing Officer<br />
Biomedical Textile Research Centre<br />
Dr Alex Fotheringham<br />
Director<br />
Research Institute for Flexible Materials<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>. George Stylios<br />
Director<br />
Faraday TechniTex Partnership<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>. George Stylios<br />
Liang Luo<br />
Xiaoming Zhao<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Research<br />
Research Associate<br />
Research Associate<br />
Digitex<br />
Dr Shah Redwan Billah<br />
Research Associate<br />
TT = term time only<br />
FT = fixed term contract<br />
PT = part-time contract
COURT<br />
SENATE<br />
PME<br />
P & DC<br />
Ord &<br />
Regs<br />
Discipline<br />
Dis<br />
Appeal<br />
Board<br />
Library<br />
Comm<br />
Postgrad<br />
Students<br />
Comm<br />
Undergrad<br />
Students<br />
Comm<br />
Quality &<br />
St<strong>and</strong>ards<br />
Infrastr<br />
ucture<br />
Board<br />
Learning<br />
&<br />
Teaching<br />
Board<br />
Research<br />
Comm<br />
Industrial Advisory<br />
Committee<br />
Chair: Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley<br />
School Management<br />
Committee<br />
Chair: Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley<br />
Staff Appraisal &<br />
Promotions Group<br />
Convenor: Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley<br />
School Board<br />
Convenor: Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley<br />
Health & Safety<br />
Committee<br />
Chair: Mrs J Robertson<br />
Technical Staff<br />
Committee<br />
Chair: Mrs J Robertson<br />
Marketing <strong>and</strong><br />
Recruitment<br />
Committee<br />
Chair: Ms F Duff<br />
Learning <strong>and</strong><br />
Teaching Committee<br />
Chair: Mrs J Smith<br />
Research<br />
Committee<br />
Chair: Dr L Macintyre<br />
Web Strategy Group<br />
Chair: Dr R Spark<br />
Course Directors’<br />
Group<br />
Convenor: Mrs J Smith<br />
UG & PG<br />
Staff/Student Fora<br />
Chair: Mrs J Smith<br />
Course Progression<br />
Boards<br />
Chair: Mrs J Smith<br />
Research Student<br />
Sub-Committee<br />
Chair Dr B Kalkreuter<br />
NOTE: Committees/Boards - meetings formally minuted<br />
Groups - meetings not formally minuted
The Committee structure in the School is shown in the diagram given on the previous page.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Membership:<br />
Meetings:<br />
Functions:<br />
Head <strong>of</strong> School<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Learning & Teaching (Mrs J Smith), Director <strong>of</strong> Research (Dr L Macintyre),<br />
Financial Controller (Mr I McGilp), Director <strong>of</strong> Administration (Mrs L Lindsay),<br />
Departmental Superintendent (Mrs J Robertson), all Pr<strong>of</strong>essors <strong>and</strong> Readers <strong>of</strong> the<br />
School, (Pr<strong>of</strong> G K Stylios, Pr<strong>of</strong> R M Christie, Ms S Taylor), Chair <strong>of</strong> Recruitment &<br />
Marketing Committee (Ms F Duff) <strong>and</strong> other co-opted persons as required.<br />
Once per fortnight. The meetings are minuted.<br />
As with all Heads <strong>of</strong> Schools/Sections in the <strong>University</strong>, the Head <strong>of</strong> School is responsible<br />
directly to the Principal <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> for the efficient <strong>and</strong> effective operation <strong>of</strong> the<br />
School. The Head <strong>of</strong> School has a memor<strong>and</strong>um <strong>of</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing with the Principal<br />
which details the devolved responsibilities in terms <strong>of</strong> academic leadership, staffing,<br />
finance, quality <strong>and</strong> health & safety. The Senior Management Committee oversees the<br />
execution <strong>of</strong> these responsibilities. The Head <strong>of</strong> School in turn has authority to delegate<br />
the management <strong>of</strong> specific areas to other members <strong>of</strong> staff, while maintaining overall<br />
responsibility.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Head <strong>of</strong> School<br />
Membership: All members <strong>of</strong> the academic, technical <strong>and</strong> administrative staff <strong>of</strong> the School<br />
Meetings:<br />
Functions:<br />
At least once each semester. The meetings are minuted.<br />
It is a requirement <strong>of</strong> Ordinance 10 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> that each academic<br />
department/<strong>school</strong> has a Departmental Committee.<br />
1. to receive from the Head <strong>of</strong> School such information regarding the policy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />
the School as considered appropriate to give, or as Senate may instruct to be given;<br />
2. to provide opportunity for free expression <strong>of</strong> opinion on any matter affecting the School;<br />
3. to discuss any matter relating to the activities <strong>of</strong> the School;<br />
4. to discuss any matters referred to it by the Senate <strong>and</strong> to convey its views <strong>and</strong><br />
recommendations thereon to the Senate.<br />
Additionally, the School Board will take reports as appropriate from the other committees<br />
<strong>and</strong> groups <strong>of</strong> the School.
Chairperson:<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Learning <strong>and</strong> Teaching (Mrs J Smith)<br />
Membership: All members <strong>of</strong> the academic staff <strong>of</strong> the School<br />
Meetings:<br />
At least once each semester. The meetings are minuted.<br />
Functions:<br />
1. To take reports from individual Course Directors on issues raised at<br />
course administration committee meetings, course curricula, resource issues, etc<br />
2. To review academic developments:<br />
- course structures<br />
- teaching <strong>and</strong> learning methods<br />
- distance learning<br />
- centrally developed initiatives<br />
- new course developments<br />
3. To approve new courses <strong>and</strong> changes to course structures as appropriate, prior to<br />
submission to the <strong>University</strong> Undergraduate Studies Committee or the <strong>University</strong><br />
Postgraduate Studies Committee.<br />
4. To consider issues relating to quality:<br />
- School quality monitoring procedures<br />
- external examiner’s reports<br />
- annual course monitoring <strong>and</strong> review<br />
- student questionnaires<br />
5. To discuss any matters referred to it by the <strong>University</strong> Teaching <strong>and</strong> Learning Board <strong>and</strong> to<br />
convey its views <strong>and</strong> recommendations thereon to the Board.<br />
6. To discuss any matters referred to it by either the <strong>University</strong> Undergraduate Studies<br />
Committee or the <strong>University</strong> Postgraduate Studies Committee <strong>and</strong> to convey its views <strong>and</strong><br />
recommendations thereon to these committees.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Research (Dr L Macintyre)<br />
Membership: Head <strong>of</strong> School, Dr B Kalkreuter, Ms S Taylor, Ms M Collins, Dr A Fotheringham, Mr<br />
M Parker, Mr M Timmins, Ms T Coburn, Pr<strong>of</strong> G Stylios, Dr L Macintyre, Dr R Spark,<br />
Mrs F Waldron, Mrs H Taylor, Ms T Wilkinson <strong>and</strong> other co-opted persons as<br />
required.<br />
Meetings:<br />
Twice per semester. The meetings are minuted.<br />
Functions:<br />
1. To review <strong>and</strong> monitor the status <strong>of</strong> research in the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles.<br />
2. To formulate research strategy.<br />
3. To recommend actions, short-term <strong>and</strong> long-term, to enhance the research effort.<br />
4. To respond to internal <strong>and</strong> external initiatives on research <strong>and</strong> to monitor the progress <strong>of</strong><br />
5. To monitor the research output <strong>of</strong> academic staff<br />
6. To monitor the progress <strong>of</strong> research students through the Research Student Sub-Committee.<br />
7. To discuss any matters referred to it by the <strong>University</strong> Research Board <strong>and</strong> to convey its<br />
views <strong>and</strong> recommendations thereon to the Board.<br />
Health <strong>and</strong> Safety within the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design is organised within the guidelines detailed in the<br />
<strong>University</strong>’s booklet “Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Policy Statement”. All members <strong>of</strong> academic, academic-related,<br />
research, technician, administrative <strong>and</strong> secretarial staff have a duty to become involved with safety issues<br />
in the School. The Head <strong>of</strong> School is responsible to the Principal for the health <strong>and</strong> safety <strong>of</strong> everyone in, or<br />
affected by the School.<br />
The day-to-day management <strong>and</strong> running <strong>of</strong> safety matters within the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design is<br />
carried out by the School Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Committee. This Committee is responsible for developing <strong>and</strong><br />
implementing the School’s safety plan <strong>and</strong> ensuring that a safe working environment exists within the<br />
School. The School has representation on the Scottish Borders Campus Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Committee.<br />
Duties <strong>of</strong> Safety Advisers<br />
1. to act as a focal point <strong>of</strong> contact for staff in their areas <strong>of</strong> responsibility wishing to raise issues <strong>of</strong> concern<br />
related to safety;<br />
2. to assist School Safety Co-ordinator in administering <strong>and</strong> monitoring safety procedures <strong>and</strong> performance<br />
in their areas <strong>of</strong> responsibility;<br />
3. to advise the School Safety Co-ordinator on issues related to safety in their areas <strong>of</strong> responsibility.<br />
Individuals or groups within the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design may be allocated studios, workshop areas,<br />
laboratories or specific items <strong>of</strong> equipment for which they are responsible. They should ensure that all <strong>of</strong><br />
these are properly risk assessed <strong>and</strong>, if necessary, written risk assessments produced <strong>and</strong> formally<br />
logged with the School Safety Co-ordinator.<br />
Copies <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> Safety Policy booklet are held in the library. Booklets produced by the School <strong>of</strong><br />
Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design are:<br />
1. School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design: Safety Policy<br />
2. School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design: Safety Regulations <strong>and</strong> Procedures [Staff Edition]<br />
3. School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design: Safety Regulations <strong>and</strong> Procedures [Edition for undergraduate<br />
students]<br />
4. School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design: Safety Regulations <strong>and</strong> Procedures [Edition for postgraduate<br />
students]<br />
Chairman:<br />
Mrs J Robertson<br />
Membership: Mr J Allan, Mrs A Denham, Dr A Fotheringham, Mr A Kellett, Mr A McCullough, Mrs<br />
A Hardie, Dr R Spark, Mr T Peyton, Mrs A Hardie <strong>and</strong> Mrs L Lindsay<br />
Meetings:<br />
Twice per semester. The meetings are minuted.<br />
Functions:<br />
1. To develop, implement <strong>and</strong> monitor the School’s Health & Safety plan.
2. To ensure that safe operating procedures are in place in the School to cover all aspects <strong>of</strong><br />
work;<br />
3. To ensure that all risks involved in work are properly assessed <strong>and</strong> the potential hazards<br />
identified <strong>and</strong> controls properly implemented;<br />
4. To ensure that records <strong>of</strong> equipment (inventory, safety checks, risk assessments, etc) are<br />
accurately maintained<br />
5. To advise the Head <strong>of</strong> School on:<br />
- the implementation <strong>of</strong> the School’ safety plan;<br />
- the results <strong>of</strong> safety audits in the School;<br />
- reviews <strong>of</strong> health <strong>and</strong> safety performance in the School;<br />
6. To report to the Campus Health & Safety Committee.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Ms F Duff<br />
Membership: Pr<strong>of</strong>essor A Harley, Mrs F Waldron, Mr M Timmins, Mr M Parker, Mrs C Fenton, Dr A<br />
Fotheringham, Dr L Macintyre, Mrs M Collins, Dr B kalkreuter, Mr I McInnes, Mrs R<br />
Paterson, Ms E Quinn, Ms J Scott, Mrs J Smith, Dr R Spark <strong>and</strong> Ms V Bannerman.<br />
Meetings:<br />
Twice per semester. The meetings are minuted.<br />
Functions:<br />
The general marketing functions are:<br />
1. To develop <strong>and</strong> co-ordinate a marketing strategy for the School in line with the <strong>University</strong>’s<br />
strategy.<br />
2. To develop <strong>and</strong> co-ordinate marketing/publicity initiatives for the School.<br />
3. To co-ordinate publicity opportunities <strong>of</strong> the School’s activities with the Press <strong>and</strong> PR to<br />
ensure maximum coverage, both within <strong>and</strong> external to the <strong>University</strong>.<br />
4. To co-ordinate the preparation <strong>of</strong> publicity materials, ensuring that they follow <strong>University</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />
School br<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />
5. To establish spending priorities for recruitment <strong>and</strong> marketing from the allocated budget.<br />
6. To co-ordinate the development <strong>of</strong> the School’s Web pages through the Web Strategy Group.<br />
7. To co-ordinate the development <strong>of</strong> all publicity materials <strong>and</strong> course literature within the<br />
School.<br />
8. To co-ordinate Open Days in liaison with the <strong>University</strong>’s Recruitment & Admissions Office.<br />
9. To liaise with Corporate Communications <strong>and</strong> School Staff in the preparation <strong>of</strong> the School’s<br />
Entries in the UG <strong>and</strong> PG prospectuses.<br />
10. To stimulate the recruitment <strong>of</strong> overseas UG <strong>and</strong> PG students, in collaboration with the<br />
International Office.<br />
11. To stimulate the recruitment <strong>of</strong> taught PG students.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Departmental Superintendent (Mrs J Robertson)<br />
Membership: Mr J Allan, Mrs Y Caldwell, Mr A Kellett, Mr T Peyton, Mrs A Hardie, Mr J McVee, Mr<br />
R Spark <strong>and</strong> Mr C Turnbull<br />
Meetings:<br />
Once per semester. The meetings are minuted.<br />
Functions:<br />
1. To consider issues relating to technician functions <strong>and</strong> duties in the School.<br />
2. To advise on resource issues in the workshops, studios <strong>and</strong> laboratories.<br />
3. To receive information on course developments <strong>and</strong> on research activities in the School.<br />
4. To advise the School on issues relating to health & safety in the workshops, laboratories <strong>and</strong><br />
studios.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Membership:<br />
Meetings:<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor A Harley, Head <strong>of</strong> School<br />
Mrs R Moir, <strong>University</strong> Director <strong>of</strong> International Development, Mrs J Smith, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor S-M<br />
Carruthers, Mr M Timmins, Mrs L Lindsay, Mrs F Waldron, Dr B Kalkreuter, Ms S Taylor<br />
<strong>and</strong> any other staff who have involvement in overseas activities for the School.<br />
Monthly.<br />
Functions:<br />
To monitor the School’s international activities <strong>and</strong> develop opportunities.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor A Harley<br />
Membership: Mr M Timmins, Ms T Coburn, Mr M Parker, Ms F Duff, Mrs K MacGregor, Ms C<br />
MacLachlan <strong>and</strong> Student Representatives<br />
Meetings: Monthly.<br />
Functions:<br />
1. Organises events to promote the School to industry.<br />
2. To present the School <strong>and</strong> the work <strong>of</strong> its students to industry, external bodies <strong>and</strong> the general public<br />
In a pr<strong>of</strong>essional <strong>and</strong> Corporate manner<br />
Chairman:<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Learning & Teaching (Mrs J Smith)<br />
Membership: All members <strong>of</strong> the academic staff who teach <strong>and</strong> assess on the courses.<br />
Two student representatives from each year <strong>of</strong> each course.<br />
Meetings:<br />
once in each <strong>of</strong> the semesters. The meetings are minuted.<br />
1. To keep under review the curricula, module descriptors, assessment regulations <strong>and</strong><br />
regulations <strong>of</strong> the courses <strong>and</strong> to advise the Undergraduate Committee the outcomes <strong>of</strong> such<br />
reviews.<br />
2. To advise the School’s Teaching <strong>and</strong> Learning Committee on resource issues in the<br />
workshops, studios <strong>and</strong> laboratories.<br />
3. To monitor the progress <strong>of</strong> students following each course.<br />
4. To receive comments from student representatives on issues relating to the operation <strong>of</strong> each<br />
course, their learning experience <strong>and</strong> any other issues they have relating to their student<br />
experience on campus.<br />
5. To prepare the Annual Course Monitoring <strong>and</strong> Review report on the pr<strong>of</strong>orma produced by<br />
the Quality Unit <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>.<br />
6. To review the reports from external examiners <strong>and</strong> take action on issues raised in the reports<br />
as required by the Quality Unit <strong>and</strong> advise the School’s Teaching & Learning Committee <strong>of</strong><br />
such actions.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Learning <strong>and</strong> Teaching (Mrs J Smith)<br />
Membership: All members <strong>of</strong> the academic staff who teach <strong>and</strong> assess on the course.<br />
A Dean, or his nominee, representing the Senate.<br />
The Head <strong>of</strong> School, or her nominee.<br />
Student Administrator [Mrs Brenda Lindsay]<br />
Meetings:<br />
After the Summer <strong>and</strong> Autumn diets <strong>of</strong> examinations. The meetings are minuted.<br />
Functions:<br />
The functions <strong>and</strong> duties <strong>of</strong> Course Progression Boards are detailed in Paragraph 13<br />
“Common Assessment <strong>and</strong> Progression System” <strong>of</strong> Regulation 3 (New) <strong>and</strong> can be found in<br />
the booklet “General Information for First Degree Students”.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Learning <strong>and</strong> Teaching (Mrs J Smith)<br />
Membership: Course Directors<br />
Meetings:<br />
Normally once per fortnight during term time. The meetings are not minuted.<br />
Functions:<br />
1. To co-ordinate the general administration <strong>of</strong> courses, with regard to quality issues, resources <strong>and</strong><br />
academic developments.<br />
2. To annual reviews <strong>of</strong> all courses <strong>and</strong> coordinate the returns to the Quality & St<strong>and</strong>ards committee<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Annual Programme Monitoring <strong>and</strong> Review forms.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Dr A Fotheringham<br />
Membership: All members <strong>of</strong> the Biomedical Textile Research Centre, Director <strong>of</strong> Research.<br />
Meetings:<br />
Once per semester. The meetings are minuted.
Functions:<br />
1. To co-ordinate <strong>and</strong> run the Biomedical Textile Research Centre.<br />
2. To foster industrial collaboration in biomedical areas <strong>and</strong> other technical textile areas.<br />
Chairman:<br />
Mrs F Duff<br />
Membership: Pr<strong>of</strong>essor A Harley, Dr Roger Spark, Mr P S<strong>and</strong>ison<br />
student representative (TBC), Dr A Fotheringham, commercial activity representative<br />
(TBC). Other members co-opted as required.<br />
Meetings: As required. The meetings are minuted by members <strong>of</strong> the Group in rotation.<br />
Functions:<br />
1. To review <strong>and</strong> benchmark the School’s web site in relation to the <strong>University</strong>’s strategy.<br />
2. To develop, implement <strong>and</strong> monitor a strategy for the School’s web pages.<br />
3. To develop appropriate procedures for the approval <strong>and</strong> updating <strong>of</strong> the School’s web site.<br />
4. To advise the Recruitment <strong>and</strong> Marketing Committee <strong>of</strong> issues relating to the web site.<br />
5. To liaise with the <strong>University</strong>’s Web Strategy Group.<br />
The School has representatives on various committees, some by election, some by nomination by<br />
the Head <strong>of</strong> School. The members <strong>of</strong> staff currently serving on <strong>University</strong> committees are:<br />
Senate<br />
Planning & Management Executive<br />
Principal & Deans Committee<br />
Sub Dean<br />
Teaching <strong>and</strong> Learning Board<br />
Undergraduate Committee<br />
Postgraduate Committee<br />
Research Board<br />
Infrastructure Board<br />
Ordinances & Regulations Committee<br />
Quality Enhancement & St<strong>and</strong>ards<br />
Committee<br />
International Development Forum<br />
Library Committee<br />
Discipline Committee<br />
Discipline Appeals Board<br />
Collections Committee<br />
Honorary Degrees Working Group<br />
Occupational Health & Safety Committee<br />
Validation Committee<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley, Pr<strong>of</strong> , Pr<strong>of</strong>essor G K Stylios, Mr M<br />
Timmins, Mrs F Waldron, Dr L Macintyre <strong>and</strong> Mr<br />
M Parker.<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> R M Christie<br />
Mrs J Smith<br />
Mrs F Waldron<br />
Mr M Timmins<br />
Dr L Macintyre<br />
Mrs L Lindsay<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> R H Wardman<br />
Dr A F Fotheringham<br />
Mrs J Smith<br />
Mrs T Wilkinson<br />
Dr R M Christie<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley<br />
Mr M Timmins<br />
Mrs J Smith<br />
Mrs J Roberson<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong> A Harley<br />
The line manager for all members <strong>of</strong> the academic <strong>and</strong> technician staff is the Head <strong>of</strong> School. As such, the<br />
Head <strong>of</strong> School is always willing to speak with members <strong>of</strong> staff on any personal or pr<strong>of</strong>essional matters. If a
member <strong>of</strong> staff wishes to consult with the Head <strong>of</strong> School, an appointment should be made through the<br />
School Administrator. Normally an appointment can be made within one day <strong>of</strong> the request being made.<br />
Given the size <strong>and</strong> complexity <strong>of</strong> the School, it is not possible for the Head <strong>of</strong> School to be involved directly<br />
in the day-to-day running <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> its activities. It is necessary therefore that some delegation <strong>of</strong><br />
responsibility exists <strong>and</strong> accordingly most academic staff have responsibility for specific administrative<br />
duties. The day-to-day activities <strong>of</strong> the technician staff are overseen by the Technical Superintendent.<br />
In the main, this arrangement operates satisfactorily. However with the introduction <strong>of</strong> a modular course<br />
structure <strong>and</strong> the general movement towards flexibility <strong>of</strong> work activities, it is common for staff to operate<br />
across more than one course. Accordingly the Director <strong>of</strong> Learning <strong>and</strong> Teaching plays a direct role in<br />
overseeing the teaching commitments <strong>of</strong> individual staff.<br />
The Senior Staff in each <strong>of</strong> the core academic disciplines are expected to hold informal meetings with the<br />
lecturing staff in these disciplines on a regular basis. The purpose <strong>of</strong> such meetings is to discuss general<br />
issues relating to course operation or course development in their discipline.<br />
It is a requirement <strong>of</strong> the School to keep records <strong>of</strong> staff absence. In any case it is important that staff<br />
absences from the campus, for whatever reason, are known by the secretarial staff, so that any enquiries<br />
can be dealt with efficiently. Absences can arise for various reasons <strong>and</strong> the procedures for informing the<br />
secretarial staff which apply in each case are described below:<br />
a) Sickness<br />
I. You must telephone the Head <strong>of</strong> School by 10.00am on the first day <strong>of</strong> absence. In practice,<br />
in the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles, you should telephone the School Administrator, Mrs Lesley Lindsay,<br />
or in her absence, Miss Rebecca Erwin. Thereafter you should keep the Head <strong>of</strong> School<br />
informed on a mutually agreed regular basis. If you do not work normal <strong>of</strong>fice hours you<br />
should contact the Head <strong>of</strong> School two hours prior to starting your shift. An absence<br />
notification slip is completed by the School <strong>and</strong> forwarded to the salaries <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />
II.<br />
In all cases where you are absent due to sickness, self certification is required for all periods<br />
up to <strong>and</strong> including seven days, this also includes rest days. The self certificate should be<br />
completed on return to work.<br />
III.<br />
IV.<br />
If the absence lasts for longer than seven days you must forward medical certificates at<br />
weekly/fortnightly or appropriate intervals as determined by your GP.<br />
When you return to work the Head <strong>of</strong> School will, where appropriate, conduct an informal<br />
return to work interview. This should reconfirm the reason for absence, identify any potential<br />
underlying issues <strong>and</strong> identify if any further support if required.<br />
b) Annual Leave<br />
Records <strong>of</strong> annual leave taken by staff during the session are kept in the School <strong>of</strong>fice. Leave charts<br />
are normally issued to all staff mid-way during each term to enable staff to indicate the days <strong>of</strong> their<br />
intended leave over the Christmas, Easter <strong>and</strong> Summer periods. Staff are expected to return these<br />
forms promptly to the School <strong>of</strong>fice so that the information can be collated. The School secretaries<br />
should be notified immediately if any changes to the dates <strong>of</strong> proposed absences are to be made.<br />
Before any period <strong>of</strong> leave can be taken, staff must bring (or send) to the Head <strong>of</strong> School their white<br />
leave card indicating the proposed dates leave is to be taken. Only after the approval <strong>and</strong><br />
signature on the leave card by the Head <strong>of</strong> School may leave be taken. After signing by the<br />
Head <strong>of</strong> School, a copy <strong>of</strong> the leave card is held in the School Office <strong>and</strong> the card returned to the<br />
member <strong>of</strong> staff.<br />
c) School Business
Prior to a member <strong>of</strong> staff going away on School business, a Travel Authorisation (T1) form must be<br />
completed <strong>and</strong> authorised by the Head <strong>of</strong> School. Any journey made on School business will not be<br />
covered by the <strong>University</strong>’s insurance <strong>and</strong> expenses will not be re-reimbursed, unless prior<br />
authorisation has been obtained. Claims for expenses incurred on authorised School business<br />
should be made on an Expenses Claim form. Expenses will only be reimbursed for claims supported<br />
by receipts. The T1 <strong>and</strong> Expenses Claim forms are available from the School <strong>of</strong>fice. (See separate<br />
section on Travel Procedures).<br />
d) Absence for other reasons<br />
If it is necessary for a member <strong>of</strong> staff to be absent from work for any other reason, the prior<br />
permission <strong>of</strong> the Head <strong>of</strong> School must be obtained. If this is not possible for whatever reason, the<br />
Head <strong>of</strong> School must be notified as soon as possible <strong>of</strong> the absence.<br />
In the event <strong>of</strong> severe weather conditions, an employee must make every effort to report for work,<br />
giving due consideration to safety, etc. Any absence must be reported to the Head School as soon<br />
as possible <strong>and</strong> a request in writing should be submitted for authorised absence or annual leave or<br />
leave without pay. The only exception to this is if the campus buildings are closed due to weather<br />
conditions.<br />
The basic aims <strong>of</strong> the staff development activities supported by the School are:<br />
1. to enable academic <strong>and</strong> technician staff to improve their knowledge in the subject areas associated<br />
with their teaching or research. The activity may be <strong>of</strong> a nature which brings staff up-to-date with<br />
new developments or trends in their field, or which gives them knowledge or experience in new or<br />
associated fields, so that their scope <strong>of</strong> expertise is broadened. An outcome <strong>of</strong> such activities may<br />
be a formal academic qualification;<br />
2. to enable staff to develop their interpersonal skills so that they can perform their duties with greater<br />
skill <strong>and</strong> effectiveness;<br />
3. to provide staff with the training opportunities to allow them to improve the quality <strong>of</strong> their teaching<br />
methods or project supervision skills;<br />
4. to enable academic staff to present the results <strong>of</strong> their research work externally <strong>and</strong> have the<br />
opportunity to discuss their work with other academics in their field <strong>of</strong> interest;<br />
5. to enable staff to gain expert knowledge to carry out other duties associated with the running <strong>of</strong> the<br />
School, such as health <strong>and</strong> safety issues, first aid training, etc.<br />
The types <strong>of</strong> activities which are supported for staff development to meet these aims are:<br />
1. attendance at seminars/conferences on subjects related to the courses run by the School, or the<br />
research interests <strong>of</strong> the staff, as may be organised by other institutions or pr<strong>of</strong>essional societies;<br />
2. attendance at seminars/conferences on issues related to educational developments, as may be<br />
organised by other organisations, e.g. SHEFC, ILT<br />
3. attendance at seminars/conferences related to health <strong>and</strong> safety, as may be organised by the<br />
<strong>University</strong>, other institutions or pr<strong>of</strong>essional bodies;<br />
4. attendance at exhibitions, e.g. fashion shows, <strong>design</strong> exhibitions or trade exhibitions <strong>of</strong> equipment;<br />
5. attendance at short courses on specific academic topics, to enhance the ability <strong>of</strong> staff to deliver<br />
course material at an appropriate level <strong>and</strong> with appropriate expertise;
6. attendance at seminars such as may be organised by the <strong>University</strong>’s Staff Development Unit on<br />
issues related to the development <strong>of</strong> interpersonal skills, e.g. word processing, organising time,<br />
development <strong>of</strong> teaching skills;<br />
7. visits to industry for short periods, usually 1-3 days for training or observing working practices;<br />
8. attendance at courses, conferences or seminars concerned with teaching <strong>and</strong> learning practice, <strong>and</strong><br />
the assessment <strong>and</strong> monitoring <strong>of</strong> students;<br />
These activities are available to any permanent member <strong>of</strong> the academic, technician or secretarial staff.<br />
All staff development activities must be approved by the Head <strong>of</strong> School prior to commencement. It may be<br />
useful to discuss a proposed activity directly with the Head <strong>of</strong> School before making a formal application.<br />
The operation <strong>of</strong> courses is overseen by Course Directors who are appointed by the Head <strong>of</strong> School. In<br />
general Course Directors are responsible for all aspects <strong>of</strong> course management <strong>and</strong> the maintenance <strong>of</strong><br />
course philosophy <strong>and</strong> integrity. The specific duties <strong>of</strong> Course Directors are:<br />
a) to liaise with the Student Administrator <strong>and</strong> with the Recruitment <strong>and</strong> Marketing Committee on the<br />
recruitment <strong>and</strong> admission <strong>of</strong> students <strong>and</strong> to make decisions on applications by students to join the<br />
course;<br />
b) to report to the School’s Teaching <strong>and</strong> Learning Committee on the operation <strong>of</strong> the course;<br />
c) to liaise with the Director <strong>of</strong> Learning <strong>and</strong> Teaching about the teaching commitments <strong>of</strong> staff involved<br />
with the course;<br />
d) to liaise with the Timetabling Co-ordinator about the timetable requirements for the course;<br />
e) to liaise with the academic <strong>and</strong> technician staff involved with the delivery <strong>of</strong> the course on issues<br />
relating to the operation <strong>of</strong> the course;<br />
f) to oversee the general academic progress <strong>of</strong> students on the course <strong>and</strong> to advise individual<br />
students <strong>of</strong> their progress as necessary;<br />
g) to Chair meetings <strong>of</strong> the Course Administrative Committee for the course;<br />
h) to nominate external examiner(s) for the course <strong>and</strong> to liaise with external examiner(s) to enable<br />
them to discharge their duties;<br />
i) to collate student assessment marks <strong>and</strong> to Chair meetings <strong>of</strong> the Course Progression Board.<br />
The courses <strong>of</strong>fered by the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design are:<br />
Undergraduate Courses<br />
BA Design for Textiles<br />
BA Fashion<br />
BA Fashion Communication<br />
BA Fashion Marketing <strong>and</strong> Retailing
BA Fashion<br />
BSc Fashion Technology<br />
Postgraduate Courses<br />
MA Fashion <strong>and</strong> Textiles Design<br />
MSc Fashion <strong>and</strong> Textiles Innovation <strong>and</strong> New Applications<br />
MA Fashion <strong>and</strong> Textiles Innovation <strong>and</strong> New Applications<br />
MSc Fashion <strong>and</strong> Textiles Management<br />
The delivery <strong>and</strong> assessment <strong>of</strong> individual modules is overseen by Module Responsible Persons who are<br />
appointed by the Head <strong>of</strong> School. The duties <strong>of</strong> Module Responsible Persons are:<br />
1. to provide information, in advance <strong>of</strong> the academic session, to Course Directors <strong>of</strong> the courses to which<br />
the module is delivered <strong>of</strong> the requirements <strong>of</strong> the module, in terms <strong>of</strong> physical resources <strong>and</strong> also in<br />
terms <strong>of</strong> any items required by students, so that Course Directors can inform students;<br />
2. to co-ordinate the delivery <strong>of</strong> the module, by ensuring that the lecturers delivering the module are aware<br />
<strong>of</strong> timetabling <strong>and</strong> assessment requirements, etc.<br />
N.B. Assessments include project briefs, essays, class tests, as well as written examinations.<br />
3. to inform the lecturers delivering the module <strong>of</strong> the assessments required;<br />
4. to co-ordinate the preparation <strong>of</strong> all assessments. Normally examination papers for Years 1 & 2 modules<br />
should be submitted to the School secretaries for typing by no later than week 4 <strong>of</strong> the semester in which<br />
the module is delivered. The deadline for the typing <strong>of</strong> examination papers for Years 3 & 4 should be<br />
agreed with the Course Director, who will determine the date through liaison with the external examiner<br />
for the course;<br />
5. to convene the Internal Moderation Group for the module to scrutinise <strong>and</strong> approve the final text <strong>of</strong> all<br />
forms <strong>of</strong> assessments. In cases where an assessment is based on more than one module it will be most<br />
appropriate for a single meeting <strong>of</strong> all the staff concerned to be held. Additionally, Module Responsible<br />
Persons should liaise with the Course Directors <strong>of</strong> the courses to which their modules are delivered to<br />
ascertain whether a group <strong>of</strong> assessments (e.g. examination papers) could be scrutinised at a single<br />
meeting <strong>of</strong> all the staff concerned;<br />
6. to ensure that all written examination papers are marked anonymously <strong>and</strong> thence, with the member <strong>of</strong><br />
academic staff authorised to unseal the scripts to record the student marks <strong>and</strong> grades. The member <strong>of</strong><br />
the academic staff authorised to unseal the scripts should certify on the “Record <strong>of</strong> Unsealing Process”<br />
form that the script books were marked <strong>and</strong> intact before unsealing. The Module Responsible Person<br />
should return the signed form to the Examinations Office at the earliest opportunity following the full<br />
marking <strong>and</strong> unsealing process;<br />
7. to convene the meeting <strong>of</strong> the Module Board, according to Regulation 3(new) Modular First Degrees,<br />
paragraph 13.2, in liaison with the Course Directors <strong>of</strong> the courses to which the module is delivered. In<br />
the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design the Course Director will normally act as the Head <strong>of</strong> School's nominee<br />
in Chairing the meeting <strong>of</strong> the Module Board. The Module Responsible Person is responsible for<br />
completing the Module Report form at the end <strong>of</strong> the meeting <strong>and</strong> submitting the form to the Deputy<br />
Convenor.<br />
8. to collate all assessment marks <strong>and</strong> to present these marks to the appropriate Course Director(s)<strong>and</strong> to<br />
the Examinations Officer (Mrs Brenda Lindsay), preferably in spreadsheet form, by the following<br />
deadlines:<br />
modules delivered in semester 1: the end <strong>of</strong> week12 <strong>of</strong> the semester in which the module was<br />
modules delivered in semester 2: in good time prior to the scheduled Course Progression Board<br />
meeting;<br />
9. to administer the arrangements for coursework resits as detailed in the paper "Procedures for<br />
Administration <strong>of</strong> Coursework Resits" <strong>and</strong> to ensure the preparation <strong>of</strong> examination papers for resit<br />
written examinations;<br />
10. to monitor the attendance <strong>of</strong> the students registered for the module <strong>and</strong> to inform the appropriate Course<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> cases <strong>of</strong> unsatisfactory attendance;<br />
11. to maintain details <strong>of</strong> the module descriptor, through liaison with the Course Director(s) <strong>of</strong> courses to<br />
which the module is taught <strong>and</strong> the Head <strong>of</strong> School;<br />
12. to liaise with Course Directors <strong>of</strong> courses to which the module is delivered about proposed revisions to<br />
modules (e.g. on content or assessment method) <strong>and</strong> the preparation <strong>of</strong> proposals for consideration by<br />
the Head <strong>of</strong> School <strong>and</strong> the Faculty Board;<br />
13. to deliver the module to the students according to the details given in the module descriptor.<br />
Duties <strong>of</strong> the lecturing staff (if they are NOT the Module Responsible Person):<br />
1. to deliver the module to the students according to the details given on the module descriptor;<br />
2. to provide the Module Responsible Person details <strong>of</strong> individual student performance <strong>and</strong> attendance on<br />
the module as necessary;<br />
3. to provide the Module Responsible Person with details <strong>of</strong> the assessments, as required;<br />
4. to advise the Module Responsible Person <strong>of</strong> any revisions to the module (e.g. content, or assessment<br />
method) which are considered appropriate.<br />
* Internal Moderation Group<br />
Composition<br />
The IMG for a module must have a minimum <strong>of</strong> three members <strong>of</strong> academic staff. The IMG will normally<br />
comprise:<br />
1. the Module Responsible Person (Convenor)<br />
2. all other members <strong>of</strong> the academic staff who deliver the module;<br />
3. in the absence <strong>of</strong> any staff under (2), at least one other member <strong>of</strong> academic staff with<br />
knowledge <strong>of</strong> the discipline;<br />
4. at least one Course Director representing the course(s) to which the module is delivered.<br />
Duties<br />
1. to scrutinise all assessments (examination papers & associated marking schedules, project<br />
briefs, written assignments, etc) prior to being given to students or being sent to the external<br />
examiner. The scrutiny should consider the assessments with respect to clarity, fairness <strong>and</strong><br />
level <strong>of</strong> rigour;<br />
2. to ensure that details <strong>of</strong> any additional information for examinations, such as <strong>University</strong><br />
approved calculators, tables, or special charts are stated clearly on the examination paper;
3. to ensure that examination papers are correctly set out <strong>and</strong> that the front pages give clear,<br />
explicit instructions to c<strong>and</strong>idates.<br />
It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the Module Responsible Person to approve the final corrected examination<br />
paper before submission to the Examination Officer.<br />
The Module Responsible Person for each module is given in the list <strong>of</strong> course structures at the end <strong>of</strong><br />
the h<strong>and</strong>book.<br />
For each module there should be a Module Examination Board comprising the following:<br />
Module Responsible Person<br />
Head <strong>of</strong> School or her nominee<br />
All academic staff who teach or assess the module<br />
One other member <strong>of</strong> the academic staff not involved in the teaching <strong>of</strong> the<br />
module<br />
The functions <strong>of</strong> the Module Examination Board are stated in Paragraph 13 <strong>of</strong> Regulation 3 (New)<br />
<strong>and</strong> can be found in the booklet “General information For First Degree Students”, available from<br />
Registry.<br />
The Module Examination Board should prepare a report on student performance. To ensure uniformity<br />
<strong>of</strong> approach, a Module Report Form has been developed for use in the School which includes the following<br />
information:<br />
details <strong>of</strong> method <strong>of</strong> assessment used for the module<br />
names <strong>of</strong> Convenor <strong>and</strong> other members <strong>of</strong> module examination board present at the meeting<br />
name(s) <strong>of</strong> member(s) <strong>of</strong> staff who set the examination paper or prescribed continuous<br />
assessment arrangements<br />
name(s) <strong>of</strong> member(s) <strong>of</strong> staff who checked the examination paper prior to the examination<br />
number <strong>of</strong> students who sat the examination or were subject to continuous assessment<br />
number who passed/failed <strong>and</strong> percentage failure rate<br />
general observations on student performance<br />
perceived reasons for failure <strong>of</strong> students from ‘parent’ department<br />
perceived reasons for failure <strong>of</strong> students from other departments (if different)<br />
remedial action proposed in cases <strong>of</strong> high failure<br />
The Module Responsible Person should send details <strong>of</strong> the student marks <strong>and</strong> grades awarded for the<br />
module to:<br />
(a)<br />
(b)<br />
the Course Directors <strong>of</strong> the courses to which the module is delivered:<br />
the Examinations Officer (Mrs Brenda Lindsay), for entry <strong>of</strong> the grades on to the ISS.<br />
Procedure for Administration <strong>of</strong> Coursework Resits<br />
Module Responsible Persons also play a key role in administering resit coursework <strong>and</strong> examinations, the<br />
procedure for which is detailed below:<br />
1. At the end <strong>of</strong> the course Examination Board meeting, the Chairman will announce the date <strong>of</strong> the second<br />
diet Examination Board meeting;<br />
2. Directly after the meeting <strong>of</strong> the June Examination Board, the Course Director will inform the appropriate<br />
Module Responsible Persons <strong>of</strong> the name(s) <strong>of</strong> the students required to resit coursework;
3. The Module Responsible Person will finalise the details <strong>of</strong> the coursework with the other members <strong>of</strong> the<br />
staff who deliver the module (if relevant) <strong>and</strong> complete a copy <strong>of</strong> the st<strong>and</strong>ard Cover Sheet for Resit<br />
Coursework/Practical Work for each student named in (2) above;<br />
4. The Module Responsible Person will give the Admissions Manager (Mrs Ruth Paterson) the details <strong>of</strong><br />
the coursework to be completed by each student <strong>and</strong> the appropriate cover sheet for each student no<br />
later than one week after the date on which the course Examination Board meeting was held;<br />
5. Academic Registry will send out to students the results letter <strong>and</strong> the “Re-examination/Re-submission<br />
Application” form as soon as possible following the Examination Board <strong>and</strong> all the usual quality<br />
assurance checks have been carried out on the results information. The letter will inform the students<br />
that details <strong>of</strong> any coursework/practical work will be sent out under separate cover from the School.<br />
Registry will inform the Admissions Manager when the letter has been sent out.<br />
6. The Admissions Manager will prepare address labels <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the students to whom the resit<br />
information is to be sent, together with ‘Recorded Delivery’ slips;<br />
7. The Admissions Manager will send out to each student:<br />
i) a brief covering letter, stating the deadline for submission <strong>of</strong> the work <strong>and</strong> the<br />
address to which the work should be sent;<br />
ii) the st<strong>and</strong>ard Cover Sheet for Resit Coursework/Practical Work form<br />
which has been completed by the Module Responsible Person;<br />
iii) the details <strong>of</strong> the re-assessment.<br />
The information will be sent out from the School by recorded delivery.<br />
8. A copy <strong>of</strong> the resit assignments that have been sent will be kept in the School <strong>of</strong>fice;<br />
9. Once the resit work has been received in the School, the Admissions Manager will inform both the<br />
Module Responsible Person <strong>and</strong> the appropriate Course Director that the work is available for marking.<br />
The Module Responsible Person will collect the work, mark it (in association with any other staff who set<br />
the resit work) then send the collated marks to the Course Director in time for the course second diet<br />
Examination Board meeting.<br />
10. The Admissions Manager will maintain a record <strong>of</strong> the dates when;<br />
I) the work was received in the School from the student;<br />
ii) the Module Responsible Person <strong>and</strong> the Course Director were informed;<br />
iii) the work was collected for marking.<br />
The Integrated Student System Intranet (ISSi) is the web interface to the <strong>University</strong>’s central student <strong>and</strong><br />
admission systems, the Integrated Student System (ISS). ISSi allows queries on current students <strong>and</strong><br />
undergraduate applicants to the <strong>University</strong> <strong>and</strong> is available as a read-only system for staff who wish to query<br />
student-related data. The queries performed here are performed on the live database. Additionally, all<br />
information related to programmes, courses <strong>and</strong> modules is stored on the ISSi.<br />
The web version <strong>of</strong> ISS (ISSi) is located on the <strong>University</strong>’s intranet <strong>and</strong> is only accessible to members <strong>of</strong><br />
staff who have been allocated a username <strong>and</strong> password by Corporate Information Services. In order to<br />
obtain a username <strong>and</strong> password, please complete the online form on the CIS website which is located on<br />
the <strong>University</strong>’s intranet.
To find ISS on the intranet, the following steps should be taken:<br />
click on <strong>University</strong> Intranet on the <strong>University</strong>’s home page<br />
click on Corporate Databases (incl. ISS) on the left h<strong>and</strong> menu<br />
click on Integrated Student System (ISS) on the left h<strong>and</strong> menu<br />
(if you do not have <strong>and</strong> ISS logon, please select the Registration for these Services button).<br />
click on Log onto ISS button on the main screen <strong>and</strong> enter your ISS username <strong>and</strong> password.<br />
Once you have logged on, the main menu <strong>of</strong> the ISS will be displayed. From here you can access<br />
information about individual students, information on course structures <strong>and</strong> modules, <strong>and</strong> information about<br />
application statistics.<br />
All <strong>of</strong> the Honours’ level <strong>and</strong> Masters’ level projects in the School have aims which are broadly covered<br />
below:<br />
(a)<br />
(b)<br />
(c)<br />
(d)<br />
(e)<br />
(f)<br />
undertake a specific research project on a given topic with minimum supervision;<br />
demonstrate their ability <strong>and</strong> initiative to organise <strong>and</strong> plan such investigative/creative work;<br />
undertake a literature survey <strong>and</strong> critically apply their findings;<br />
develop their ability to analyse <strong>and</strong> solve problems <strong>and</strong> to produce or suggest rational solutions to<br />
such problems;<br />
interpret the information produced from their work <strong>and</strong> draw conclusions;<br />
present a concise written report.<br />
The supervisor’s role is to ensure that the proposed project to be followed has the potential to enable a<br />
student to meet the above aims <strong>and</strong> to give the student general advice in pursuing these aims.<br />
It is likely that supervisors will need to meet more <strong>of</strong>ten with the student in the early stages <strong>of</strong> the project<br />
than later on, but nevertheless arrangements should still be made to discuss progress with students on a<br />
regular basis. It is suggested supervisors agree specific times for progress meetings to be held with the<br />
student. The students should be told it is their responsibility to attend these meetings <strong>and</strong> to keep their<br />
supervisor informed <strong>of</strong> progress <strong>and</strong> any problems that occur. It is especially important in the case <strong>of</strong><br />
Masters’ students, whose projects run through the summer period, to make appointments convenient to both<br />
(considering holiday arrangements) on a regular basis.<br />
It is good practice for both the supervisor <strong>and</strong> the student to keep written copies <strong>of</strong> notes, ideas or decisions<br />
made during the meetings. These notes form a useful basis for the subsequent meeting <strong>and</strong> can also serve<br />
as evidence <strong>of</strong> advice given to a student during a project, should a complaint or appeal by the student about<br />
the supervision be made. If, at any stage during the project a supervisor judges the performance <strong>of</strong> the<br />
student to be less than satisfactory, for whatever reason, a letter should be written to the student informing<br />
them <strong>of</strong> the situation <strong>and</strong> its potential consequences.<br />
The onus for the development <strong>of</strong> the project rests with the student <strong>and</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> the guidance the<br />
supervisor should give to the student should be to:<br />
(a)<br />
(b)<br />
(c)<br />
(d)<br />
ensure that the student does not embark on a project that is too ambitious for the time allocated, for<br />
example by advising on the number <strong>of</strong> aspects/variables the student investigates;<br />
advise the student if it becomes clear that an avenue <strong>of</strong> investigation is being followed which is not<br />
likely to be <strong>of</strong> value to the overall aim <strong>of</strong> the project;<br />
remind students <strong>of</strong> the timing <strong>of</strong> their activities, for example when practical work should be finished<br />
<strong>and</strong> writing up commenced, in order that the submission deadline can be reached;<br />
provide outline guidance on the structure <strong>of</strong> the report/thesis/dissertation.
Some projects may generate a considerable quantity <strong>of</strong> information <strong>and</strong> students may need to be guided<br />
about how to condense it into a form which is concise, yet illustrates trends from which conclusions can be<br />
drawn. This aspect can require considerable skill <strong>and</strong> insight on behalf <strong>of</strong> the student.<br />
The supervisor should advise the student to ensure that the report/thesis/dissertation conforms to the<br />
guidelines issued to the students. However final responsibility for it rests with the student. It is normally<br />
expected that the student will let their supervisor have sight <strong>of</strong> a draft for comment, before the final version is<br />
submitted.<br />
Whilst the above guidelines have been written with campus-based students in mind, the same principles<br />
should apply to cases where the student is externally based, for example in industry. In the latter cases, the<br />
student will normally be assigned a company-based supervisor who can be in day-to-day contact with the<br />
student. This company-based supervisor would be expected to follow the above guidelines, but the School<br />
supervisor for the student should additionally make arrangements to see them both on a regular basis, to<br />
ensure in general terms that satisfactory progress on the project is being made.<br />
It has been agreed that as part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> restructuring, associated devolvement/sharing <strong>of</strong> Academic<br />
Registry activities with Schools, <strong>and</strong> Data Protection file management policy, only one student file should be<br />
maintained per student <strong>and</strong> that this should be based in Schools. The rationale behind this decision is to<br />
reduce the current duplication within the <strong>University</strong> whereby files containing identical information are being<br />
maintained in both Schools <strong>and</strong> Academic Registry, but with more comprehensive data maintained in<br />
Schools. Guidance on management policy will be provided by the Academic Registry, in consultation with<br />
the <strong>University</strong> Archivist who has taken on responsibility for Data Protection issues. Academic Registry staff<br />
will go to School <strong>of</strong>fices to consult files when the need arises.<br />
Maintenance <strong>of</strong> Student Files<br />
Good quality copies <strong>of</strong> the following information should be stored in student files in Schools:<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
UCAS form or other application form <strong>and</strong> associated correspondence/papers<br />
Registration forms for each year<br />
Examination results letters (including breakdown <strong>of</strong> module/course/marks)<br />
Confirmation <strong>of</strong> qualification awarded (<strong>and</strong> date), usually in the form <strong>of</strong> a graduation letter<br />
Information on resit examinations, examination failure <strong>and</strong> unsatisfactory progress, including any<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
associated correspondence, such as medical certificates etc<br />
Withdrawal/transfer information, including letters to <strong>and</strong> from the student<br />
Information on any matters relating to discipline, including letters to <strong>and</strong> from the student<br />
Information on health, welfare <strong>and</strong> sickness, including letters to <strong>and</strong> from the student<br />
Annual mentoring records<br />
Academic Registry staff will ensure that all appropriate documentation is forwarded to Schools for filing. In<br />
accordance with Data Protection guidance, academic staff in Schools must be advised to submit all<br />
appropriate documentation to the School Head <strong>of</strong> Administration for filing in the <strong>of</strong>ficial School files. There<br />
should be no shadow files or papers, other than “live” working documents relating to students being<br />
processed by individual members <strong>of</strong> staff. Working documents must be incorporated into the <strong>of</strong>ficial files<br />
once the necessity for immediate access by individual members <strong>of</strong> staff has passed.<br />
Storage <strong>of</strong> Student Records
Records must be stored in secure locked cabinets managed by the School Head <strong>of</strong> Administration with<br />
assistance from a <strong>design</strong>ated member <strong>of</strong> staff. The Academic Registry must be informed <strong>of</strong> the name <strong>of</strong><br />
this individual.<br />
Student records which are removed from files should wherever possible be viewed in the room where the<br />
student records are held. All files should be signed out <strong>and</strong> in, <strong>and</strong> must be returned as soon as<br />
possible, with follow-up by the Responsible Person/School Head <strong>of</strong> Administration if not returned<br />
timeously.<br />
Student files should be passed to the <strong>University</strong> Archive two years after a student has left the <strong>University</strong><br />
(unless other agreements have been made between the School <strong>and</strong> the Archive).<br />
Any information contained in the student record which does not effect a student’s final mark (e.g.<br />
discipline or health matters) will be removed from the file after six years (this process will be managed<br />
through the Archive).<br />
Examination Scripts <strong>and</strong> Dissertations/Assignments<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Examination scripts must be stored in the appropriate School for three months after the meeting <strong>of</strong> the<br />
examination/progression board <strong>and</strong> must then be passed to the Archive. They will be destroyed 18<br />
months after the date <strong>of</strong> the examination/assessment<br />
Assignments/dissertations must be stored in the appropriate School for three months after the meeting <strong>of</strong><br />
the examination/progression board <strong>and</strong> must be passed to the Archive. They will be destroyed 18<br />
months after the date <strong>of</strong> the examination/assessment.<br />
PhD/MPhil theses will be sent to the Library by the Student Records Officer based on the Academic<br />
Registry after awards have been approved by the Senate.<br />
Data Protection<br />
<br />
It is important to note that under the Data Protection Act the <strong>University</strong> is accountable for personal data<br />
which is held on individuals <strong>and</strong> its use/misuse. So that we are not vulnerable to accusations <strong>of</strong><br />
mismanagement <strong>of</strong> student data, it is advisable that all such data should be held in one file. Academic<br />
staff should not therefore retain any records or paperwork on individual students other than current “live”<br />
working documents, which should be transferred to the <strong>of</strong>ficial student file at the earliest opportunity.<br />
Heads <strong>of</strong> School Administration will be responsible for ensuring that acceptable mechanisms for file<br />
management are in place.<br />
The general policy on student mentoring is given in the <strong>University</strong>’s Quality Manual, (Appendix 5), available<br />
on the Intranet Home Page:<br />
The objectives <strong>of</strong> the mentor scheme, are to ensure, that at each point <strong>of</strong> their university career, students are<br />
able to consult a clearly defined member <strong>of</strong> staff, on all aspects <strong>of</strong> university life. The mentor is therefore<br />
intended to act in a general advisory capacity <strong>and</strong> will not necessarily be a specialist in the student’s area <strong>of</strong><br />
study.<br />
1. Each undergraduate course has Year Mentors, who are permanent members <strong>of</strong> the academic staff<br />
<strong>and</strong> normally teach on the course. Each mentor is allocated a maximum <strong>of</strong> 20 students.
2. Once class lists have been finalised at the commencement <strong>of</strong> the academic session, Course<br />
Directors assign a mentor to each student on their course. Course Directors then inform the relevant<br />
staff <strong>and</strong> post mentor lists on course notice boards to inform students.<br />
3. Students are allowed to request a change in mentor by application to the Course Director. If they<br />
continue to be dissatisfied, they may then apply for a change to the Head <strong>of</strong> School.<br />
1. A mentor should take a caring interest in the students <strong>and</strong> monitor their academic progress. If a<br />
student is experiencing problems with an academic subject, unless the topic falls within the mentor’s<br />
own area <strong>of</strong> responsibility or knowledge, they should normally direct the student to the Responsible<br />
Person for the module/s. Mentors will also be expected, where appropriate, to provide information<br />
about their students for Examination Boards.<br />
2. In particular, mentors are expected to <strong>of</strong>fer general advice <strong>and</strong> beyond this direct students to<br />
agencies better able to provide specialist information or services e.g. welfare, finance,<br />
accommodation etc.<br />
3. A mentor who becomes aware <strong>of</strong> any significant difficulty, for example, serious lack <strong>of</strong> progress, very<br />
poor attendance, potential withdrawal from their course or the <strong>University</strong>, health or other related<br />
problems, etc., should immediately inform the student's Course Director.<br />
4. Academic staff who are concerned about the progress or attendance <strong>of</strong> a student within their area <strong>of</strong><br />
responsibility should normally inform the student's mentor.<br />
1. Mentoring periods will be timetabled <strong>and</strong> will appear on both the staff timetable <strong>and</strong> the course<br />
timetable given to students. However, it is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> mentors to arrange <strong>and</strong> co-ordinate<br />
the meetings with the individual students or the small student groups within the timetabled periods.<br />
2. Mentors should meet with their students according to the following schedule:<br />
Semester 1: see students in groups <strong>of</strong> approximately five, during weeks 2 – 5, then individually<br />
during weeks 6 – 12<br />
Term 2: see students at least once, either individually, or in groups <strong>of</strong> approximately five<br />
See students once each semester in groups <strong>of</strong> approximately five.<br />
Additionally, Mentors should have times available for students to see them individually at other times<br />
if required.<br />
3. Year Mentors should keep their own informal records <strong>of</strong> the meetings with students. The student’s<br />
Course Director should be advised <strong>of</strong> any issues <strong>of</strong> significance that arise during the meetings, <strong>and</strong> a<br />
note made in a student’s file where appropriate<br />
Before incurring business travel staff should have due regard at all times for the need to travel <strong>and</strong> for<br />
economy in the mode <strong>of</strong> travel. Permission must be obtained from the Head <strong>of</strong> School or Financial<br />
Controller prior to travel expense being incurred. All travel tickets <strong>and</strong> car hire should be obtained through<br />
the <strong>University</strong>’s appointed suppliers as <strong>of</strong>ficial travel agents <strong>and</strong> to obtain discounts, Apex <strong>and</strong> special <strong>of</strong>fers<br />
etc wherever possible. Staff who find travel tickets at a lower cost from a non-recommended source (e.g.
internet) must contact Purchasing <strong>and</strong> Supply Services before making a booking. This will enable<br />
purchasing staff to contact the <strong>University</strong>’s appointed suppliers to obtain a like for like quotation <strong>and</strong> ensure<br />
the best rate is secured. Only in exceptional circumstances should tickets be purchased by staff in the<br />
course <strong>of</strong> travel, for example during a lengthy trip abroad: explanations must be stated on the claim form.<br />
Where possible, accommodation should be booked <strong>and</strong> paid for in the same way.<br />
The procedure for obtaining permission to undertake a journey on School business are detailed below:<br />
A Travel Authorisation T1 MUST be completed prior to all business absences from the School.<br />
Completion <strong>and</strong> authorisation <strong>of</strong> this form ensures that the person(s) travelling are covered by the<br />
<strong>University</strong>’s insurance. The form must be signed by all the persons travelling <strong>and</strong> authorised by the<br />
Head <strong>of</strong> School or Financial Controller.<br />
2. TRAVEL<br />
a) Travel to Riccarton - Use <strong>of</strong> Minibus Service<br />
The daily passenger shuttle service operates every day between the Scottish Borders<br />
Campus <strong>and</strong> Riccarton. The timetable for the daily service is:<br />
07.45 hrs ex SBC to Riccarton arr 09.30 hrs<br />
09.30 hrs ex Riccarton to SBC arr 10.30 hrs<br />
15.45 hrs ex SBC to Riccarton arr 16.45 hrs<br />
17.05 hrs ex Riccarton to SBC arr 18.05 hrs<br />
If you wish to use this service, contact the Reception staff to reserve a place on the minibus.<br />
b) Travel by School Car<br />
In the first instance, School Finance staff should be contacted to establish the availability <strong>of</strong><br />
the car <strong>and</strong> arrange a booking.<br />
Upon completion <strong>of</strong> the journey, the car logbook should be completed. The car keys should<br />
be returned to the School Finance staff directly (on no account should the keys be left in the<br />
mail box). The car must be refuelled prior to returning the vehicle to the Campus compound.<br />
A fuel card is available to allow refuelling <strong>of</strong> the car. This will be issued with the keys.<br />
1. The vehicles are only available for use in connection with <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>University</strong> business <strong>and</strong><br />
should be booked through the School Office.<br />
2. Authorisation must be obtained in advance from the Head <strong>of</strong> School or Deputy Convenor<br />
before the vehicle will be released.<br />
3. Only persons having submitted a completed driver declaration form <strong>and</strong> whose names<br />
are on the <strong>University</strong> register <strong>of</strong> authorised drivers will be allowed to drive the vehicles. In<br />
addition, persons wishing to drive the minibus are required to undergo <strong>and</strong> pass a driver<br />
assessment. All drivers must be members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> aged between 21 <strong>and</strong> 64<br />
years, holding a current full driving licence for over three years, with no endorsements or<br />
driving accidents during that time.<br />
4. The vehicle may only be used on <strong>University</strong> related business <strong>and</strong> for the carrying <strong>of</strong><br />
passengers <strong>and</strong> their luggage/equipment. The specified passenger load capacity must<br />
not be exceeded at any time.<br />
.<br />
5. The vehicle should be refuelled <strong>and</strong> a copy <strong>of</strong> the receipt returned with the vehicle<br />
6. The driver must report to the Head <strong>of</strong> School all accidents, damage or losses associated<br />
with the vehicle as soon as possible.<br />
7. The vehicle is covered by the RAC for roadside assistance, home start <strong>and</strong> relay. The<br />
membership disc is displayed on the vehicle windscreen.
8. In the event <strong>of</strong> an accident in which insurance details are required, a photocopy <strong>of</strong><br />
Certificate <strong>of</strong> Insurance will be found in the vehicle glove compartment. No admission <strong>of</strong><br />
guilt should be made. Details <strong>of</strong> the accident should be recorded on the Accident Report<br />
form which is also contained within the glove compartment.<br />
9. The user has no authority to arrange any repair or any type <strong>of</strong> work to the vehicle without<br />
permission from the Head <strong>of</strong> School or the Financial Controller <strong>of</strong> the School.<br />
10. All traffic <strong>of</strong>fences or violations <strong>of</strong> parking regulations involving the vehicle during the<br />
period <strong>of</strong> use, including all fines or penalties, will be the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the user.<br />
11. The <strong>University</strong> does not accept liability for any consequential costs or losses arising from<br />
the use <strong>of</strong> the vehicle, such as the theft or loss <strong>of</strong> personal property.<br />
c) Travel by Public Transport<br />
The mode <strong>of</strong> authorised travel for any journey must be determined by the Head <strong>of</strong> School in<br />
accordance with the following guide:<br />
i) Economy class (or equivalent) but the Head <strong>of</strong> School may, for particularly long<br />
journeys (e.g. to the Far East, Australia or the West Coast <strong>of</strong> USA. Canada) or in<br />
other exceptional circumstances, authorise business class.<br />
ii)<br />
iii)<br />
iv)<br />
St<strong>and</strong>ard class but the Head <strong>of</strong> School may authorise first class in special<br />
circumstances.<br />
First Class.<br />
Public service or private hire.<br />
v) As with all modes <strong>of</strong> travel, members <strong>of</strong> staff wishing to use a taxi for <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />
<strong>University</strong> business should obtain the Head <strong>of</strong> School’s authorisation in advance.<br />
The Recognised Supplier local taxi firms should be used quoting the <strong>University</strong>’s<br />
reference number. Only the journey itself will be paid, not any additional amount for<br />
gratuities. Exceptionally, local taxi fares could be claimed through personal expense<br />
claims stating the date, reason <strong>and</strong> destination <strong>of</strong> journey.<br />
d) Hired Vehicles<br />
Hired vehicles should be used only if the School’s car is unavailable <strong>and</strong> where the distance<br />
<strong>and</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> days involved make the cost equal or favourable to the <strong>University</strong> when<br />
compared to other forms <strong>of</strong> travel. As an approximate guide a hired car <strong>and</strong> fuel expenses<br />
are cheaper than the use <strong>of</strong> a pooled car over 120 miles. The <strong>University</strong> will only pay hire<br />
charges for cars up to engine size 1600 c.c. All drivers <strong>of</strong> hired cars must comply with the<br />
procedures for insurance coverage by completing a Driver’s Declaration Form <strong>and</strong> producing<br />
a current driving licence; such insurance instructions <strong>and</strong> guidance have been given to the<br />
School from the Safety/Risk Management Officer (from whom copies can be obtained):<br />
The <strong>University</strong> has arranged a contract with D S Dalgleish & Son, Galashiels <strong>and</strong> Enterprise<br />
Cards, Wilderhaugh, Galashiels. Concessionary hire rates have been obtained as motor<br />
insurance is covered under the <strong>University</strong>’s insurance policy. Therefore the <strong>University</strong>’s<br />
insurance cover will be used at all times <strong>and</strong> no unauthorised drivers can hire vehicles on<br />
<strong>University</strong>’s business.<br />
Booking a Hire Car<br />
To book a hire car, staff should complete a T1 “Authorisation to Travel” form, together with a<br />
“Car Hire Authorisation” form. It is not necessary to complete a “Purchase Requisition” form.<br />
Both forms should be submitted to either the Head <strong>of</strong> School or the Deputy Convenor for<br />
authorisation at least five working days before the car is required to allow sufficient time<br />
for the paperwork to be processed. Mrs Avril Birtwistle will then arrange for the hire car to be<br />
booked.<br />
The hire car will be delivered to/collected from the campus. The keys should be obtained<br />
from reception <strong>and</strong> left there for collection. The vehicles will be delivered with a full tank <strong>of</strong>
petrol <strong>and</strong> should be returned ready for collection with a full tank. The cost <strong>of</strong> fuel should then<br />
be claimed on the st<strong>and</strong>ard expenses claim form. If these arrangements are not suitable,<br />
alternative arrangements can be made with the garage at the time <strong>of</strong> booking.<br />
Should there be any damage sustained by vehicles whilst on hire to members <strong>of</strong> staff a<br />
signed receipt, with full details <strong>of</strong> such damage, must be obtained at the completion <strong>of</strong> the<br />
hire. Unattended drop-<strong>of</strong>fs should be avoided on all hires, particularly if there is any damage.<br />
It is recommended to return the vehicle first thing next day providing this falls within the same<br />
24 hour hire period.<br />
Similarly, all drivers must ensure that all vehicles are checked at commencement <strong>of</strong> the hire<br />
before the delivery driver departs <strong>and</strong> all damage is itemised on the vehicle checklist.<br />
e) Use <strong>of</strong> Private Cars<br />
It is the policy <strong>of</strong> the School to permit the use <strong>of</strong> private vehicles only if the School car is<br />
unavailable or in exceptional circumstances. Use <strong>of</strong> private vehicles on <strong>University</strong> business<br />
is subject to strict rules <strong>and</strong> is not an automatic right to claim mileage on use <strong>of</strong> own vehicle<br />
on business. <strong>University</strong> insurance does NOT cover use <strong>of</strong> private vehicles. Staff who wish to<br />
use their own private vehicles on <strong>University</strong> business must ensure that they are licensed <strong>and</strong><br />
sufficiently insured to permit such business use <strong>of</strong> their vehicle for themselves <strong>and</strong> any<br />
passengers. The Head <strong>of</strong> School may only authorise travel in private vehicles where<br />
appropriate licences <strong>and</strong> insurance cover are held <strong>and</strong> monitors this by using a system<br />
equivalent to the authorised driver procedures used for <strong>University</strong> vehicles.<br />
Mileage will be reimbursed at the current rate approved by the <strong>University</strong>’s Finance<br />
Committee. When substantial journeys are incurred over a short period <strong>of</strong> time a hired car<br />
will be more cost effective where the average daily mileage is in excess <strong>of</strong> a break-even limit<br />
- around 120 miles per day.<br />
<strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong> <strong>University</strong> has a comprehensive travel policy that provides insurance cover for all<br />
employees contracted to the <strong>University</strong>, students participating in overseas research projects,<br />
exchange students at Universities abroad <strong>and</strong> students participating in short period visits<br />
outwith the United Kingdom for language experience.<br />
All staff/students must complete a T1 travel authorisation form prior to travelling or the<br />
insurance cover will be void.<br />
Because <strong>of</strong> this comprehensive cover, staff/students do not require any form <strong>of</strong> insurance<br />
cover from travel agents when making their travel arrangements. When staff/students travel<br />
abroad, an insurance card (with emergency contact numbers) is available from Mrs Avril<br />
Birtwistle. The card should be returned to Mrs Avril Birtwistle within three days <strong>of</strong> return to the<br />
campus. A copy <strong>of</strong> the current <strong>University</strong> Travel Insurance booklet can also be obtained from<br />
the School <strong>of</strong>fice. Travel information can also be viewed at<br />
For all business trips to European countries, staff must ensure that E111 forms are always<br />
completed. Copies can be obtained from the Insurance Officer, Mrs Lorraine Loy, in the<br />
Finance <strong>of</strong>fice at Riccarton.<br />
All staff travelling overseas are required to complete a Risk Assessment form which is<br />
available from Mrs Lesley Lindsay.<br />
The following section is based on the procedures published by the <strong>University</strong>. The details have been<br />
supplemented to indicate how these procedures are operated within the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong><br />
Design. Claims for expenses MUST be made within one month <strong>of</strong> returning. The School will<br />
NOT reimburse staff for claims made later.
Forms for expenses are now only available at<br />
The appropriate form must be completed for reclaiming expenses incurred through<br />
travel, subsistence, accommodation <strong>and</strong> hospitality, etc. All claims must be for expenditure actually<br />
incurred. Details <strong>of</strong> the expenditure should be given <strong>and</strong> supported by original receipts. Where two<br />
or more staff share a receipt, the receipt concerned should be submitted on one Expenses Claim<br />
form. Please note that photocopied receipts <strong>and</strong> credit card slips are not accepted.<br />
Completed forms should be signed by the claimant <strong>and</strong> submitted, with receipts <strong>and</strong> a copy <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Travel Authorisation (TI) form attached, to either the Head <strong>of</strong> School or authorise budget signatory.<br />
Thereafter the form will be sent to the <strong>University</strong> Finance Office for processing. Payment <strong>of</strong><br />
expenses is usually made by credit transfer to the claimant’s bank account.<br />
a) Meals claimable: 5 hours 5 miles restriction<br />
Where the duties <strong>of</strong> a business journey or the distance involved make it necessary for an<br />
employee to stay at that place, a claim for accommodation <strong>and</strong> subsistence can be made.<br />
The refund will be no more than the costs incurred <strong>and</strong> receipts must be produced. There is<br />
a restriction on meals where no overnight stay is involved: the claimant must be out <strong>of</strong> the<br />
<strong>of</strong>fice for more than 5 hours <strong>and</strong> at a distance <strong>of</strong> more than 5 miles before a claim for a meal<br />
can be made. The payment <strong>of</strong> expenses to the employee must do no more than cover the<br />
costs incurred <strong>and</strong> receipts should be produced.<br />
b) Gratuities<br />
Unless a service charge is included within the service provider’s bill all gratuities are deemed<br />
to be personal choice <strong>and</strong> will NOT be refunded.<br />
c) Incidental Expenses<br />
In general personal expenses such as laundry, telephone, newspapers, mini bar, video hire,<br />
etc. are not allowable. However personal expenses will be refunded up to a limit <strong>of</strong> £5 per<br />
overnight stay in the UK <strong>and</strong> £10 per overnight stay abroad. Receipts should be produced<br />
<strong>and</strong> if the limit is exceeded the amount refunded will be restricted to the £5 or £10 limit.<br />
These limits apply to the overall total <strong>of</strong> all personal expenditure included in the hotel <strong>and</strong><br />
other refunded bills.<br />
d) Round Sum Claims<br />
All claims for re-reimbursement <strong>of</strong> expenses must be for actual expenses incurred supported<br />
by the appropriate receipts. No round sum claims will be paid (for example meals - £25 per<br />
day or lunch at £2.50 per day).<br />
Note: It is accepted that some small expenses such as car parking, bridge tolls <strong>and</strong><br />
underground fares may not have receipts.<br />
e) Telephone - Reimbursement<br />
Only the cost <strong>of</strong> business calls, substantiated by a log or itemised ‘phone bill, will be<br />
accepted. No proportion <strong>of</strong> rental will be re-reimbursed. Where telephone charges appear<br />
on hotel bills these must be identified as business calls where appropriate. Personal ‘phone<br />
calls are to be included within the £5 (£10 overseas) incidental expenses allowance per night<br />
for all personal expenses.<br />
f) Mobile Phones<br />
Calls on privately-owned mobile ‘phones are claimable as in (e) Where the mobile ‘phones<br />
are provided by the <strong>University</strong> any personal use must be re-reimbursed at actual cost <strong>of</strong> call<br />
plus contribution for rent - say 12%; otherwise claimants will be liable to the full Inl<strong>and</strong><br />
Revenue tax charge for this benefit.<br />
The <strong>University</strong> will reimburse reasonable hospitality <strong>and</strong> entertaining only where it is within the<br />
approved budget or where specific prior approval has been given. The <strong>University</strong> may reduce claims
or exclude items regarded as unreasonable. Reimbursement <strong>of</strong> business hospitality <strong>and</strong> staff<br />
entertaining can only be claimed if the individual is required for genuine business reasons to<br />
entertain visitors, suppliers or other business connections in the course <strong>of</strong> performing his or her<br />
duties.<br />
a) Business Hospitality/Entertaining<br />
Staff will be re-reimbursed for genuine business entertainment where receipts are produced <strong>and</strong> all<br />
the names <strong>and</strong> organisations <strong>of</strong> the attendees are provided on suitable forms. A reasonable ratio <strong>of</strong><br />
staff to business clients must be maintained.<br />
b) Reimbursement <strong>of</strong> Staff Hospitality using <strong>University</strong> Catering<br />
Staff using the <strong>University</strong> catering facilities, charged internally, must comply with requirements <strong>and</strong><br />
always record details <strong>of</strong> all persons attending <strong>and</strong> the organisations which they represent on an<br />
internal Catering Hospitality form, available from the School <strong>of</strong>fice. These forms are used to charge<br />
the School.<br />
c) Staff Entertaining<br />
Expenses incurred entertaining other members <strong>of</strong> staff are not an allowable tax free reimbursement.<br />
Where there is entertainment/hospitality enjoyed by staff which is not co-incidental to proper<br />
meetings, seminars, etc. then such expenditure cannot be reimbursed through SHEFC-funded<br />
accounts <strong>and</strong> is subject to Inl<strong>and</strong> Revenue <strong>and</strong> Contributions Agency taxation requirements.<br />
The liability to tax is either actual cost where outside facilities are used or marginal cost when using<br />
<strong>University</strong> facilities. In theory the tax liability is on the individuals receiving the benefit: however as a<br />
privilege from the Inl<strong>and</strong> Revenue the <strong>University</strong> can elect to settle. Only the Head <strong>of</strong> School can<br />
authorise internal <strong>and</strong> external hospitality. Any tax <strong>and</strong> employers’ NI contributions, are to be borne<br />
by the School. In the event <strong>of</strong> a dispute where the <strong>University</strong> pays the cost <strong>of</strong> entertaining then tax<br />
<strong>and</strong> NI contributions can be charged to the staff enjoying such hospitality. The Finance Office can<br />
provide further advice.<br />
The <strong>University</strong> does not normally make cash advances <strong>and</strong> a request for an advance can only be<br />
considered when the member <strong>of</strong> staff is travelling on <strong>University</strong> business <strong>and</strong> only when costs are<br />
expected to be particularly high, e.g. for a lengthy foreign trip.<br />
Advances should be kept to a minimum, certainly no more than any policy limit or such revised<br />
amount is notified. Advances, properly authorised, should be requested on a special form available<br />
from Finance no more than fourteen working days prior to the date <strong>of</strong> travel <strong>and</strong> state the date <strong>of</strong><br />
departure <strong>and</strong> return.<br />
Expense claims substantiating the advance should be submitted not later than ten working days after<br />
return. Any under/over expenditure will be settled either by repaying the unspent loan or by<br />
reimbursement for the additional expenditure. In either case full details <strong>of</strong> expenditure shall be<br />
provided on the expenses claim forms with complete, original, supporting documentation.<br />
Advances for travel abroad will be made by sterling cheque payment to the traveller who has to make<br />
own arrangements for foreign currency. Any cost involved in the purchase <strong>of</strong> currencies, travellers’<br />
cheques, etc. should be included in the expense claim.<br />
All advances are treated as loans. The <strong>University</strong> reserves the right to recover any outst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />
amount from an employee’s salary if there is any undue delay in reimbursing an advance or if an<br />
employee has not taken all reasonable steps to comply with these procedures. If advances are not<br />
settled within a reasonable period they would be regarded as remuneration by the Inl<strong>and</strong> Revenue<br />
<strong>and</strong> therefore subject to tax under PAYE.<br />
This procedure is an extract from the current Financial Regulations <strong>and</strong> Procedures document <strong>of</strong> the<br />
<strong>University</strong> <strong>and</strong> has been supplemented to indicate how the procedures operate in the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong><br />
Design.<br />
The purchasing policy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> is to obtain value for money in respect <strong>of</strong> all goods <strong>and</strong><br />
services purchased, irrespective <strong>of</strong> the source <strong>of</strong> funds, by maximising the <strong>University</strong>'s corporate<br />
purchasing power.<br />
In general, all purchases should be based on tendering procedures <strong>and</strong>, normally, advantage will be<br />
taken <strong>of</strong> the tender deemed to be the most economically advantageous. In selecting the tender for<br />
award, consideration should also be given to delivery date, running costs, cost effectiveness, quality<br />
aesthetic <strong>and</strong> functional characteristics, technical merit, after sales service <strong>and</strong> technical assistance.<br />
In the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design, the Head <strong>of</strong> School (Pr<strong>of</strong>essor A Harley) is the <strong>design</strong>ated<br />
budget holder. Additionally the Financial Controller (Mr I McGilp) <strong>and</strong> the School Finance Assistant<br />
(Mrs A Birtwistle) are authorised to raise orders up to specified maximum values. No other<br />
members <strong>of</strong> staff have authority to place orders.<br />
The budget holder is responsible to the Principal <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> for ensuring that he <strong>and</strong> any other<br />
named responsible staff with delegated authority to place orders, observe all financial regulations<br />
relating to purchasing <strong>and</strong> operate within the purchasing procedures.<br />
The Director <strong>of</strong> Finance <strong>and</strong> the Internal Auditor have a responsibility for monitoring <strong>design</strong>ated<br />
budget holders to ensure compliance with financial regulations <strong>and</strong> purchasing procedures.<br />
a) Request to Purchase<br />
Staff who wish to request the purchase <strong>of</strong> goods or services must first complete a Purchase<br />
Requisition form (duplicate form), giving full details <strong>of</strong> the goods/services required, the most<br />
appropriate supplier according to the purchasing policy stated in (1) above <strong>and</strong> an accurate<br />
indication <strong>of</strong> the cost, including VAT, delivery <strong>and</strong> installation charges, etc. All quotations<br />
received from potential suppliers (see Section 5 below) should be attached to the form. The<br />
Purchase Requisition form should be countersigned by the appropriate authorised budget<br />
holder:<br />
Authorised Cost Code Description<br />
Signatory<br />
Centre<br />
A Harley 0701 2501 Printing, stationery & copying<br />
3002 Marketing<br />
2408 Audio/Visual<br />
J Robertson 0701 2001 Direct materials<br />
2002 Laboratory consumables<br />
2006 Protective clothing<br />
2306 Repair & maintenance contracts<br />
A Birtwistle 0701 2004 Computer consumables<br />
2403 Postage/freight<br />
L Macintyre 0701/0703 all codes & valid project no. if appropriate<br />
A F Fotheringham 0701 2005 First aid<br />
A Harley all all
I McGilp all all to approved spend limits<br />
A Birtwistle all all<br />
The completed <strong>and</strong> authorised Purchase Requisition form should then be sent to the School’s<br />
Finance Supervisor (Mrs Avril Birtwistle) to check the account code from which the purchase will be<br />
made, verify that sufficient funds are available within the budget <strong>and</strong> enter the details in the School’s<br />
accounting s<strong>of</strong>tware. The budget holder who authorised the purchase request may be contacted in<br />
order to obtain further information about the request, such as a justification <strong>of</strong> the need, or the<br />
preferred supplier, etc.<br />
b) Ordering <strong>of</strong> Goods/Services<br />
The School’s Finance Clerk, prepares <strong>of</strong>ficial orders using the Purchase Order Processing<br />
System (POPS). It is important that staff complete the Purchase Requisition form clearly <strong>and</strong><br />
legibly so that the details can be entered correctly on to the <strong>of</strong>ficial order. The <strong>of</strong>ficial orders<br />
are signed either by the Head <strong>of</strong> School, the Financial Controller or the Finance Supervisor.<br />
The School is obliged by the purchasing procedures, to obtain the following range <strong>of</strong><br />
goods/services through Purchasing <strong>and</strong> Supply Services:<br />
i) <strong>of</strong>fice equipment including photocopiers;<br />
ii) stationery <strong>and</strong> computer consumables;<br />
iii) printing;<br />
iv) cleaning materials <strong>and</strong> equipment;<br />
v) protective clothing<br />
vi) vehicles - purchase <strong>and</strong> rental;<br />
vii) furniture <strong>and</strong> furnishings.<br />
If the supplier <strong>of</strong> the goods/service requires a cheque with the order, the member <strong>of</strong> staff must<br />
indicate this requirement clearly on the Purchase Requisition form. The School’s Finance Officer will<br />
then make appropriate arrangements with the Finance Office.<br />
The <strong>University</strong> requires the School to operate an effective system for ordering, receiving goods <strong>and</strong><br />
services, <strong>and</strong> passing the relevant invoices for payment. All goods will be received in the Goods<br />
Inward point in the ground floor <strong>of</strong> the High Mill building. Mr T Peyton <strong>and</strong> Mrs A Denham will<br />
administer the goods inward procedure:<br />
i) Every week the School’s finance staff will send to TP <strong>and</strong> AD a spreadsheet that details<br />
the goods requested, POPs order No., supplier <strong>and</strong> member <strong>of</strong> staff raising the order,<br />
together with the GRNs for each order.<br />
ii) On delivery <strong>of</strong> the goods, TP or AD will sign for them as “unchecked”, store the goods in<br />
the “cage” <strong>and</strong> record the delivery.<br />
iii) Upon delivery, TP or AD will contact the member <strong>of</strong> staff who ordered the goods.<br />
iv) The member <strong>of</strong> staff will check the goods are correct/satisfactory, complete the GRN <strong>and</strong><br />
leave it with TP or AD, before being issued with the goods.<br />
v) Every day, TP or AD will return the completed GRNs to the School’s finance <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />
The Director <strong>of</strong> Purchasing & Supply Services produces, for use by budget holders, a <strong>University</strong><br />
Purchasing Information <strong>and</strong> Buyer's Guide <strong>and</strong> catalogue <strong>of</strong> central stockholding. The Buyer's Guide<br />
summarises the best terms <strong>and</strong> prices negotiated for the <strong>University</strong> for goods <strong>and</strong> services, contracts<br />
<strong>and</strong> agreements negotiated by regional purchasing consortium <strong>and</strong> information relating to<br />
Government Agency contracts.
The <strong>University</strong> Purchasing Information & Buyer's Guide shows all approved or nominated suppliers<br />
<strong>and</strong> should be consulted for all external purchases <strong>of</strong> goods <strong>and</strong> services. Nominated suppliers must<br />
be used where specified for applicable goods <strong>and</strong> services.<br />
Goods <strong>and</strong> services detailed in the <strong>University</strong> Purchasing Information & Buyer's Guide have already<br />
been subjected to the tendering process therefore there is no need for further negotiation or<br />
tendering.<br />
These procedures are the minimum st<strong>and</strong>ard expected <strong>and</strong> must be followed for all external<br />
expenditure, including equipment leased, hired <strong>and</strong> rented, unless covered by a recognised supplier<br />
agreement. Written detailed specifications <strong>and</strong> quotations should always be used for complex<br />
requirements, to minimise the risk <strong>of</strong> misunderst<strong>and</strong>ing. Only the Head <strong>of</strong> School can authorise a<br />
reduction in the number <strong>of</strong> quotations obtained. The amounts below exclude VAT.<br />
a) Items up to £100<br />
Optimum value for money must be sought, irrespective <strong>of</strong> the source <strong>of</strong> funds, as required by<br />
the purchasing policy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>.<br />
b) Items over £100 <strong>and</strong> up to £1,000<br />
At least two quotations must be obtained. These may be verbal but details about each<br />
enquiry, who made it, to whom, when, <strong>and</strong> the price, must be recorded. These details must<br />
be attached to the purchase requisition form when seeking authorisation.<br />
c) Items over £1,000 <strong>and</strong> up to £5,000<br />
At least two written quotations must be obtained from potential suppliers which show details<br />
<strong>of</strong> items, price <strong>and</strong> date. A record <strong>of</strong> the member <strong>of</strong> staff who h<strong>and</strong>led the enquiry should be<br />
made with the written quotations, <strong>and</strong> the quotations attached to the purchase requisition<br />
form when seeking authorisation.<br />
d) Items over £5,000 <strong>and</strong> up to £12,000<br />
At least three written quotations must be obtained from potential suppliers <strong>and</strong> the actual<br />
purchase order form countersigned by the Head <strong>of</strong> School, <strong>and</strong> a written record kept as in (c)<br />
above.<br />
e) Items over £12,000 where there is only one known supplier<br />
If an occasion arises where the School requires an item costing more than £12,000 <strong>and</strong> there<br />
is apparently only one supplier, the Head <strong>of</strong> School has to:<br />
i) ensure that the Purchase Requisition form gives full details <strong>and</strong> cost, together with<br />
the reasons why tendering procedures are not possible;<br />
ii) send a copy <strong>of</strong> the purchase requisition form to the Purchasing & Supply Services<br />
BEFORE authorising an order, to allow any appropriate liaison <strong>and</strong> advice to be<br />
given.<br />
7. EQUIPMENT<br />
The budget available to the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design includes an amount, which can be varied<br />
at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the Head <strong>of</strong> School in the light <strong>of</strong> other expenditure priorities, for the purchase <strong>of</strong><br />
items <strong>of</strong> equipment. In determining the prioritised list <strong>of</strong> capital equipment requirements,<br />
consideration will be given to the following issues (not listed in order <strong>of</strong> importance):<br />
a) the number <strong>of</strong> students who will benefit from the purchase;<br />
b) whether old or obsolete equipment is to be replaced;<br />
c) if a new course or course subject is to be resourced;<br />
d) if the equipment would enable new research programmes to be initiated.<br />
e) the possibility that the equipment could be funded through other sources.<br />
The School is required to maintain an accurate, up-to-date inventory <strong>of</strong> all items <strong>of</strong> equipment. The<br />
inventory contains details <strong>of</strong> the name, location, date purchased, <strong>and</strong> serial number <strong>of</strong> each item <strong>of</strong><br />
equipment. Staff will be consulted from time to time when the accuracy <strong>of</strong> entries on the inventory<br />
are being checked.<br />
When an item <strong>of</strong> equipment has reached the end <strong>of</strong> its useful life, or if materials held in stock<br />
become obsolete, the <strong>University</strong> requires that such items should be disposed <strong>of</strong> in accordance to the<br />
following procedures. Where the original cost or estimated actual value (whichever is the higher) <strong>of</strong><br />
the equipment is more than £1,000, then the proposed disposal should be referred to the Secretary<br />
<strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>.<br />
a) if such an item could be <strong>of</strong> use to another department/section then it should be <strong>of</strong>fered <strong>and</strong> a<br />
transfer value agreed.<br />
b) if such an item might be <strong>of</strong> use to another university then it should be advertised in the interuniversity<br />
"For Sale/Wanted Bulletin" by forwarding details to the Purchasing & Supply<br />
Services.<br />
c) if an item has any residual value it should be disposed <strong>of</strong> using the <strong>of</strong>ficial documentation for<br />
disposal: copies are available from the Purchasing & Supply Services.<br />
d) if an item cannot be re-used, is obsolete or is beyond economic repair, it should be scrapped<br />
<strong>and</strong> such action recorded in the School's inventory <strong>and</strong> the disposal register maintained by<br />
the Purchasing Officer <strong>of</strong> the Scottish Borders campus.<br />
e) for any surplus or obsolete furnishings, the Purchasing & Supply Services section should be<br />
contacted to make arrangements for refurbishment or disposal.<br />
In the School <strong>of</strong> Textiles <strong>and</strong> Design, if an item is proposed for disposal, the Financial controller, Mr<br />
Ian McGilp, should be contacted in the first instance, so that the appropriate disposal authorisation<br />
forms can be prepared for authorisation by the Head <strong>of</strong> School.<br />
Details <strong>and</strong> guidelines regarding the <strong>University</strong>’s Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Indemnity insurance, issued by the<br />
<strong>University</strong>’s Insurance Officer (Lorraine Loy) in September 2001, are given below. Please note that<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Indemnity insurance only covers a member <strong>of</strong> staff undertaking outside work<br />
relating to his or her pr<strong>of</strong>essional discipline, provided that prior approval for the work has<br />
been granted.<br />
Insured<br />
Legal liability to third parties in respect <strong>of</strong> any claim made during the period <strong>of</strong> insurance as a direct<br />
result <strong>of</strong> any negligent act, error or omission in the pr<strong>of</strong>essional conduct <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>.<br />
The <strong>University</strong>’s pr<strong>of</strong>essional liability insurance only <strong>of</strong>fers cover to a member <strong>of</strong> staff undertaking<br />
outside work relating to his or her pr<strong>of</strong>essional discipline provided that prior approval for the work has<br />
been granted by the <strong>University</strong>. However, the <strong>University</strong> disclaims all liability for negligence,<br />
malpractice, or lack <strong>of</strong> exercise <strong>of</strong> due care in every case in which outside work is undertaken<br />
without prior approval.<br />
Limit <strong>of</strong> Indemnity - £10,000,000 in aggregate plus one reinstatement.<br />
For all contracts with the United States <strong>of</strong> America & Canada – please contact the Finance<br />
Office (Insurance Section).<br />
A few examples <strong>of</strong> cover are provided below, though this is by no means exhaustive. If you are<br />
unsure as to whether the complaint applies to this particular policy please contact the Finance Office<br />
(Insurance Section) in the first instance.
Promotion <strong>and</strong> managing <strong>of</strong> multi-disciplinary research project<br />
Organising seminars, courses <strong>and</strong> conferences<br />
Providing an information service on technical issues<br />
Providing <strong>design</strong> <strong>and</strong> constancy in all fields <strong>of</strong> engineering <strong>and</strong> computers including purchasing<br />
<strong>and</strong> supply<br />
Social <strong>and</strong> environmental studies<br />
Diving instruction<br />
Language interpretation <strong>and</strong> translation<br />
Production, development <strong>and</strong> marketing agency, consultation, <strong>design</strong> <strong>and</strong> graphics <strong>of</strong> <strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong><br />
<strong>University</strong> Media Services<br />
Research <strong>and</strong> development <strong>of</strong> pre-production medical laser <strong>and</strong> related equipment<br />
Trusteeship <strong>of</strong> the pension <strong>and</strong> superannuation funds <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong><br />
Principal Extensions<br />
Libel <strong>and</strong> sl<strong>and</strong>er<br />
Employees Indemnification<br />
Individual members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> Consultancy Committee<br />
Loss <strong>of</strong> or damage to documents<br />
Breach <strong>of</strong> infringement <strong>of</strong> copyright, plagiarism or infringement <strong>of</strong> patent right, trademark or<br />
<strong>design</strong> rights<br />
Breech <strong>of</strong> confidential information under Sections 22 <strong>and</strong> 23 <strong>of</strong> the Data Protection Act 1984 or<br />
obligations or other Intellectual property rights occurring or committed in good faith by the<br />
insured.<br />
The Finance Office (Insurance Section) must be notified <strong>of</strong> any incident that has the potential<br />
to form a Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Liability claim. A copy <strong>of</strong> all correspondence must be sent to the<br />
Finance Office (Insurance Section) upon receipt. This will enable our insurers to start the to<br />
assess the problem <strong>and</strong> determine an appropriate course <strong>of</strong> action.<br />
All reported incidents <strong>and</strong> claims are treated in the strictest confidence <strong>and</strong> will only be discussed<br />
with the individuals concerned. In each case you will be asked to provide the following information:<br />
The identity <strong>of</strong> the customer<br />
confirmation <strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> the complaint – is it regarding a product or pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />
advice/reports, etc<br />
Has there been any similar work carried out in the past?<br />
Have there been any previous complaints from other sources?<br />
details <strong>of</strong> any contractual conditions governing the work undertaken<br />
details <strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> the complaint – please forward any correspondence as soon as possible<br />
details <strong>of</strong> what the company/person is expecting you to do<br />
details <strong>of</strong> your response to the complaint – all correspondence must be attached<br />
your reaction to the complaint – whether you feel it is warranted, spurious, typical <strong>of</strong> the customer<br />
were disclaimers used within any <strong>of</strong> the documentation provided to the customer?<br />
If in any doubt, please contact the Finance Office (Insurance Section).<br />
The <strong>University</strong> is committed to the elimination <strong>of</strong> unlawful racial discrimination, <strong>and</strong> the promotion <strong>of</strong><br />
equality <strong>of</strong> opportunity <strong>and</strong> good relations between persons <strong>of</strong> different racial groups.<br />
No religious, racial or political test shall be imposed by the <strong>University</strong> on any person in order to entitle<br />
him or her to be admitted as a Member, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Teacher or Student <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>, or to hold<br />
<strong>of</strong>fice therein, or to graduate thereat, or to hold any advantage <strong>of</strong> privilege there<strong>of</strong>.<br />
Statement <strong>of</strong> Policy<br />
<strong>Heriot</strong>-<strong>Watt</strong> <strong>University</strong> is committed to equal opportunities for all, irrespective <strong>of</strong> sex, colour, ethnic<br />
origin, disability marital status, religious or political beliefs, trade union membership, sexual<br />
orientation or other irrelevant distinction.<br />
The <strong>University</strong> welcomes diversity among staff <strong>and</strong> students <strong>and</strong> aims to encourage all individuals to<br />
realise their full potential <strong>and</strong> contribute as fully as possible to the <strong>University</strong> community. The<br />
<strong>University</strong> aims to create conditions whereby the treatment <strong>of</strong> students, staff <strong>and</strong> applicants for<br />
employment or study is on the basis <strong>of</strong> their relative merits, abilities <strong>and</strong> potential.<br />
The <strong>University</strong> believes that achievement <strong>of</strong> equality <strong>of</strong> opportunity will be in the best interests <strong>of</strong> the<br />
organisation as a whole <strong>and</strong> its individual members. Consequently, it is committed not only to uphold<br />
the letter <strong>of</strong> the law, but also to promote diversity <strong>and</strong> equality <strong>of</strong> opportunity throughout the<br />
organisation.<br />
Responsibility<br />
The purpose <strong>of</strong> this statement is to provide guidance <strong>and</strong> encouragement to members <strong>of</strong> the<br />
<strong>University</strong> community to integrate the principles <strong>and</strong> practice <strong>of</strong> equality <strong>of</strong> opportunity into all aspects<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> life. All members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> community are responsible for playing their part in<br />
achieving the aims <strong>of</strong> this policy.<br />
The Principal’s Management Group <strong>and</strong> senior managers in the <strong>University</strong> fully support the policy<br />
<strong>and</strong> the Staffing Strategy Committee, acting for the <strong>University</strong> Court, has ultimate responsibility for its<br />
implementation <strong>and</strong> development.<br />
Policy Commitments<br />
In order to put the policy <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities into practice, the <strong>University</strong> is committed to the<br />
following (in no particular order):<br />
1. Publicising this policy to staff <strong>and</strong> students <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>and</strong>, where appropriate, to<br />
prospective staff <strong>and</strong> students.<br />
2. Developing <strong>and</strong> implementing an action plan to put this policy into practice in the <strong>University</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />
keeping the action plan under review.<br />
3. Providing training <strong>and</strong> guidance in equal opportunities, particularly for senior staff <strong>and</strong> for those<br />
involved in the recruitment, appraisal <strong>and</strong> review <strong>of</strong> staff <strong>and</strong> students.<br />
4. Promoting fair procedures for the recruitment, selection <strong>and</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> staff.<br />
5. Promoting fair procedures for the admission <strong>and</strong> assessment <strong>of</strong> students.<br />
6. Promoting working <strong>and</strong> learning environments which are accessible to all.<br />
7. Monitoring the <strong>University</strong>’s staff <strong>and</strong> student population.<br />
8. Monitoring <strong>and</strong> analysis <strong>of</strong> staff <strong>and</strong> student recruitment.<br />
9. Using language in <strong>of</strong>ficial communication which reflects the letter <strong>and</strong> spirit <strong>of</strong> this policy.<br />
10. Reviewing existing procedures to ensure that they avoid inappropriate discrimination in their<br />
operation.<br />
11. Developing <strong>and</strong> publicising a mechanism for resolving complaints under this policy.<br />
12. Using disciplinary procedures when dealing with serious breaches <strong>of</strong> this policy <strong>and</strong>/or the Sexual<br />
or Racial Harassment Policy.<br />
13. Introducing positive action initiatives, where appropriate.<br />
To ensure that prompt action can be taken to rectify maintenance issues <strong>and</strong> reported problem<br />
areas, staff should follow the procedures below.<br />
1. All emergencies should be reported immediately to the Help Desk by telephone 2645 <strong>and</strong><br />
followed up by email<br />
2. All maintenance issues identified by staff should be reported by email as above.<br />
3. Any problem areas identified by staff requiring urgent action should follow (1) above, or if nonurgent<br />
(2) above.
4. The following information should be identified in the email to the Help Desk:<br />
a) location <strong>of</strong> area affected (building/room number)<br />
b) nature <strong>of</strong> complaint (give a description <strong>of</strong> the problem)<br />
c) cause <strong>of</strong> complaint if known (explain what has happened to manifest the<br />
complaint)<br />
d) indicate when the problem arose<br />
e) indicate if the problem is related to the building <strong>and</strong> the fixed services or to an<br />
item <strong>of</strong> equipment.<br />
Human Resources Strategy<br />
The function <strong>of</strong> Human Resources is to support the Achievement <strong>of</strong><br />
the <strong>University</strong> Strategy through pro-active strategic interventions <strong>and</strong><br />
operational activities.<br />
<br />
Human Resources Strategy<br />
Appendix 1<br />
Appendix 2<br />
Appendix 3<br />
Appendix 4<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Adoption Leave (pdf)<br />
Advertising new staff<br />
Appointing new staff<br />
Alcohol & Substance Abuse (pdf)<br />
Capability Policy<br />
Childcare Vouchers Policy (word)<br />
Computing <strong>and</strong> Telecommunications Usage Policy (pdf)<br />
Conflict <strong>of</strong> Interest (pdf)<br />
Commercial Policy (Draft)<br />
Death in Service Procedure<br />
Dependants Emergency Leave Policy (word)<br />
Dignity at Work (pdf)<br />
Disciplinary Procedures <strong>and</strong> Rules<br />
Early Retirement Policy
Equality <strong>and</strong> Diversity Policy (word)<br />
Ethics Policy<br />
Fixed Term Contracts: 'H<strong>and</strong>ling the Expiry <strong>of</strong>' (pdf)<br />
Fixed Term Contracts - 'Policy on the Use <strong>of</strong>'(word)<br />
Flexible Working<br />
Grievance Procedures<br />
H<strong>and</strong>ling, Holding & Destroying Disclosure Information Policy<br />
Harassment <strong>and</strong> Bullying Grievance procedure (pdf)<br />
Holidays<br />
Intellectual Property (pdf)<br />
Interim Bonus Award Procedure<br />
Level Descriptors<br />
Maternity<br />
Parental Leave (pdf)<br />
Paternity<br />
Performance Management Policy<br />
PDR (Performance & Development Review) Policy<br />
Probationary Procedures<br />
Promotion procedures<br />
Race Equality Policy<br />
RAE Equal Opportunities Policy<br />
RAE Selection Policy<br />
Recruitment <strong>of</strong> Ex-Offenders Policy<br />
Redeployment - Ill-health Policy (word)<br />
Removal Expenses / Resettlement<br />
Research Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct<br />
Resettlement Allowance<br />
Retirement beyond the age <strong>of</strong> 65<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Review Boards<br />
Salary Scales<br />
Sickness Absence
Smoke Free Policy <strong>and</strong> Guidance<br />
Staff Cards<br />
Staff H<strong>and</strong>books (internal access only)<br />
Staff Records<br />
Use <strong>of</strong> Fixed Term Contracts - Staff (word)