1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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~ m~mlJ.et <strong>of</strong><br />

beum~ 24. 1894, and OUr locil on<br />

M ay L, 19 18 He rcured from Loc.1 4J on 'anun)'<br />

,. 1,1965. Among tllccmploycu "m wo rked 101 wuc<br />

M H Salmon Elcclllc Company and CI D"~C Ihnds<br />

Ar agc 90, and consldcnng h,a UIlUatHln date,<br />

Brother Sutherland m USt be remembered IS • PIoncct<br />

<strong>of</strong> OUI local Agam 10 Ihe 'amlllu <strong>of</strong> Ihese<br />

, wn fl nc men SO OUI local'. I~mr"hy<br />

On .. harple. nOlc OUI loul held III Annu .. t<br />

Cb.mh.h I' HJnc"",,,dd, etOile AJ usual. 8 10<strong>11</strong>\CI<br />

Pele Olill'l and hIS committee dId then ~I 10<br />

p.oVlde .. day <strong>of</strong> ,oad food, ,.mci. I''';U .nd tun<br />

.. In honor and ,n memory <strong>of</strong> IlIprcnuee lonph<br />

Palmisano. OIl' U«UILVC IkNrJ LnUllul~ an awa.d<br />

thai 10',<strong>11</strong> be ''''cn each yCi r I' the Clambake 10<br />

the gudultm& app.en"cc who achieves the hIghest<br />

cumulative uC' lgc dunng the lout yur Appren·<br />

ticeship Program The aw~nl wmner chi, yur was<br />

Kf nnelh P.lml,~no Cong r ~lulal1on, IIJ you. Ken,<br />

from Ihe local<br />

BIOlhcl Ohvi. Ifpon cd Ihl! S09 mcmbeu Ind<br />

guu" ,,,cnded Ihe Clambakt and would hkt 10<br />

ulcnd his apprceuuon 10 Ihf members <strong>of</strong> hi'<br />

commllle" which mcluded LallY Egn.nyk, "m<br />

Soulhard and Ray Keough ... Iong wllh thai gocs<br />

Ihe loc.I', Ihanks 10 all who helped make Ihe<br />

CI. mb.ke an enloy.ble d.y for . 1I<br />

... , che mtcll"g BUSiness ~b n . g c r Don Bova and<br />

Prnldtnt lim Ryan messed Ihe Impurtance <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

upcoming prnldenlial dcerlon As I have uid<br />

before, and II'S worth rcputin" rhls yu.', ciccI IOn<br />

15 Ihe mosl ImpooHanC ,,"'euon fn r o.pmud I.bo:"<br />

m reeeni h.uory If Ihe prnenl admlO.uul1on<br />

remaulS .n olAe" four mo.e yca .. , the labor mo~e<br />

m"nt In thiS counuy will be ICI bock lor yca r, to<br />

come Cocu.del dUo, Ihe NLRB " already hUYII,<br />

w"'gilled 'pinsl lIS The nell r.esidenl WIll ap'<br />

pom l 'wo DC'" members 10lhe Board, The Sllual10n<br />

on Ihe Supremf COUll IS even "'one. Over half Ihe<br />

boa.d may soan be rcpl.ted, .eplaced by the next<br />

p.uldenl These lie bUI two <strong>of</strong> Ihe areu thu ale<br />

crue,.1 10 0.g.nI1ed I.bol, Ihe. e .Ie mOle, bUI<br />

column ,~C" dot' nOI allow me to go InlO them<br />

m deplh. In ,holl. be ,ure 10 '''g''ler Ind be sUle<br />

10 YO' ''l yo." as.I you. IIvdlhood depcnd"d on <strong>11</strong>.<br />

becauK lid.,."<br />

Buy Ul1lOll, buy "'m"ncan<br />

SAMUll C, BIIUl", P S<br />

Torch Carriers<br />

S i~IU Laura Millu .nd Brother lim Vu qllu <strong>of</strong><br />

Loc. I . 7, Whiuiu , Cal., both "'!lied Ihe Olympit<br />

Torch thlough IIru, C. I,<br />

Officers Elected; Members<br />

Carry Olympic Torch<br />

LU . • 7 [ul, WIlITfIER, CAL_ Officers 01 Local<br />

'7 wc.c reccnl l, cleeled, Tht Nih 01 <strong>of</strong>f",e WIJ<br />

.dmln."",ed 10 III olficers al the lilly, 1964 Parcnl<br />

Body Mee.mg by 10lmer Loc.1 418I1,meS$ Mana,er<br />

and <strong>International</strong> Re prucnlulVe AI Coughhn<br />

IIroc her Coughlin" workrng lot Loc.1 41, once<br />

,pin, IS • busmus managcr<br />

The new olllc"rs <strong>of</strong> Loca] .1 .r" lIuslOen Man<br />

age l F,n.ne .. 1 S"e.tl"., Ru Sanbo.n, Pruldent<br />

/.,.,1 Wilham" Vice PrClldent Ne.l IIon& Recording<br />

Secrelal)' Sonia 1m Ho!, T.cuu. el Zanc Young and<br />

£,801.d m"mbers Ken ,.ckson, <strong>11</strong><strong>11</strong>01.1 8uch.n.n,<br />

Doug Nelson, Kenn., lIechlol, Davc McMllhan,<br />

Dave Camp bell .nd Bill Bo,an<br />

Local 47 is proud 01 Slstcr L. u. a MJllel and<br />

B.o.hel lim Vu qun, who bo.h e • • rl ed Ihe Olym pic<br />

TOlch through B. c., Californ ia, prIor 10 Ihe XXIII.d<br />

Olympiad in LOl ... nldcs IIrt"hel Vu quez ran his<br />

k.lometel filSl and p~sn'd .he fl.me nn 10 S,uel<br />

MIliCI<br />

These mcmbels won Ihe pllvllclt" 10 callY Ihe<br />

OlympIC lo.ch by flntshmg fi.sc 10 thclt l e~pecltve<br />

div's/UM 10 an ",rI 'CI fhe-kllome.e. race ~pon<br />

sored by Ihe" ernploye. , the Southern Cahforn ..<br />

Ed'Jon Cnmpany<br />

Defeat Reagan Forces<br />

On Election Day<br />

LU. 5 1 [o,u,I,UI..a",ItI, SPRINc nELI), ILL ··"',<br />

I ulcmpt 10 moke chc /ollmai dc.Jllne, I tin I<br />

help drawln'; a eompallson m hie \0 a c.lloon<br />

which haug" 00 a bullelln board nUl to my du k<br />

a ICl

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