1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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Team<br />

The ISEW [.oc:al 100, f rrsno, ell., Sollb.1I Turn<br />

memhln l It, nandi"" Itf! 10 .I,hl, AI, Salsml",<br />

,uk Wood, 0'''1 Adai r, Bur'fl,h Ilhpln , Briln<br />

Mtc:ln u, 8ri, ,, Bobbin, RichHd Wldand and Crt"<br />

' 0<strong>11</strong>1.1,,/ kottlin," 1"1 10 dShl, lit Ron Oni" ' ohn<br />

Blrry, ' til And,u, Dorvin Piomblno Ind Mike<br />

H Ult ••<br />

Somt <strong>of</strong> Ibe IUm mf.mHn' f.mUlu.~ IhowlI in<br />

":- I!lud,nce II Ibt' 1.1' ,Imt <strong>of</strong> fbe SUMlI!.<br />

Ihould be: compkrCl! UI 18 monlh.<br />

fro:ele Lyden, who have finished Ihe"<br />

prob.tion.ry yell and Ire DOW scrvi", the" ap'<br />

r p. eotleesh,p Bl:tI <strong>of</strong> luck to them and .bo to<br />

Brothel' '''''' Koc:h, lack Smolen, Mike ROHnbc.8.<br />

Bob Aeke.man, M,ke Ph.lon, O.ve B.enll"d .nd<br />

'1m 8«". M.y you.1I pro'pcr .nd m.y you .Iw.yl<br />

defend .nd support our union In all II It.nds fo r<br />

, We hope: 10 Ice you II the meetinll' whe.e you<br />

have .n opportunity 1(1 vOIce your opmion •• nd<br />

Of vote on mllten tllIt directly affect your livelihood<br />

Few peop]e .re affo.ded loch I privilege, gOlld .nd<br />

cherish ir we ll , usc It wbely.<br />

On SlIu. d.y, l)(,cembe:r 8, Itlrtlng II <strong>11</strong> :00 a.m.,<br />

ourIQC.II·. Annu.1 Children " Chnllmu P.ny WIll<br />

be: hdd In the Rus.,an H.Il, h I, truly. m'lie.!,<br />

wonderful lime 10. the kid" P!eaK COnl.ct the<br />

local to Inform them <strong>of</strong> the numbe:. <strong>of</strong> ehlldrtn<br />

you Will be bnnll'n,. Do not deJlllve you. ehlld. en<br />

<strong>of</strong> such '10)'0<strong>11</strong>' event, you w,I1 dehghlln wilch,n,<br />

theil faces Ushl up 10 such happmell.<br />

B.othe.s, may you and you. lam,het rntoy th"<br />

Thlnbl,vln,. We have much 10 be thankful for<br />

We ram a decent hvin, fo. deernl work We a.e<br />

~a.ded and p.olected withm the freedom <strong>of</strong> thi'<br />

"ut country. We ue ahle IS wo.ken to unlle m<br />

orde. 10 bar,alD collttllvciy 10 the IlIon,e. <strong>of</strong> us<br />

will tIC' able to help the wukl" But be:WlrC, fo.ces<br />

arc al<strong>of</strong>t altemplln, 10 relu.n u, to a da.ke., more<br />

smiSlel IIme--Dlle <strong>of</strong> blond obed,ellce and d.udlery<br />

PluK, please cOllslder well Ih,s eiecIIOflI do nOt<br />

be deceived by ,hb lonllues and cleve. KlIpt' Vote<br />

and make lu.eorhn5 also vole. It II very Imp<strong>of</strong>lant<br />

Pins, Scholarships<br />

Awarded by Local<br />

lIoNl1. Covnnuu., I' S<br />

LU. 103 li.uIllCl), BOSTON, MASS.-On luly 24<br />

Local 103 was Jlle.sed 10 honor it •• cli. eel. Ovc.<br />

800 members and ~e$U ;amed with Ihe <strong>of</strong>flccn<br />

<strong>of</strong> Local 103 to pay trlhute 10 .<strong>11</strong> Ihose rell.ed<br />

membe., who were good worke!! alld fllle cum·<br />

pies <strong>of</strong> the Amene.n labor movement. There Wert<br />

34 membe:rs who urned Ihl'lr lS·year pint, el!fbt<br />

receIved JO·ynr pms, ] 10 recelvcd 3S·yur plII',<br />

scven received 4Q·yur pm., th rce receIved 4S'ycar<br />

p,n" one receIved a SO·year pm, Ihlee lecelved SSyear<br />

pm., IJ .ecelved 6O·ye" pms, .. ~ rcccived<br />

6S·year pms .nd tWO rcce,ved 7S·yur pins<br />

That same nighl at Ihe hall, ]ntematrOflal Rep<br />

,eHOIaUVe VIVC.ros ,wore mto membe"hlp 601<br />

'pprc-nuees who havc successfully complcted ,heir<br />

first yeal <strong>of</strong> p,obJ,uon. Congratulanoru from.1I <strong>of</strong><br />

us 10 the lIew c.rd·carry,n, membe,. <strong>of</strong> Loc.1 10.)<br />

The loul UIl1OO', colle,e Kholauhlp, <strong>of</strong> $1 ,000<br />

.Iso were awarded 00 Ihe lotth, the Wlnnen were<br />

KIlSiena OIl50n and Sleven Walker<br />

The ThIrd Annu.1 \Vhalon Pllk OUlln, wu held<br />

Satu rday. Au&u'l I I. A "Ut lime was had by wdl<br />

over 2,000 fam Ily membe:r, <strong>of</strong> Local 103 Th.llu<br />

lie ID o.del to the OUI1I1I1 Committee for theil<br />

dforts <strong>11</strong>1 maklll& thu a mOSt plcuu.able day<br />

Look at the faclI, look 10 Mondale'S labo • • ecord<br />

Waller Mondalc and Gcraldine FCllaro bellcve In<br />

thc American UIIIOn worke. , you and I He hIS<br />

alway, be:eo on labor'. SIde, ., • younll .. to.ney,<br />

he worked for us, never apmn us. He needs our<br />

help. Please help. f"end-vote Walter F Mond.le<br />

lor JlreS1dent<br />

Ove. Ihe <strong>11</strong>$1 fou r ycars, P.esldent Rupn hu<br />

m.de one Ippointmenl 10 the United Statca Suo<br />

preme COUll 0<strong>11</strong> Febru.ry 22, <strong>1984</strong>, Ihe U _S<br />

Sup.eme Court ruled th.1 eomp.lI1n fIIml for<br />

Chap,cr II bankruptcy reorpnlullon coult! uni·<br />

laterally break Ihell colletllve buplnln, ."ce·<br />

ments Could Ihl, affcci you lOme day]<br />

Prullienl llupo has 'Jlpomted three <strong>of</strong> Ihe fI¥e<br />

members <strong>of</strong> Ihe N,llolI.1 Labo. RcJallons Board,<br />

the loverllmental "ency ch ..,ed With Jlroteetinl<br />

workers' nshl' to o.gall1U and h.orpm collec·<br />

livtiy Ru,an .ppo'nl~n hue lilted Ihe NLRB<br />

.plOSt workers. For cumple, one rCctnl deCision<br />

mlde II usier fo. m.nagcmellt to mterrogale em<br />

ployees .boUI thei. rUSOn. for jointn, • ullion<br />

Inlimldatill, pro· unIOn emJlloyces IS onc w.y em<br />

ployers flsht alttmpu loor"nlu Could this .ffeci<br />

you some dayf<br />

Althoush 10 a.o"oo .ecelltly WC havc Hen .n<br />

ellormous .moUllt <strong>of</strong> con,trucu on, Prcsltkol Rea·<br />

pn has throwlI Ihe rCSI <strong>of</strong> the country Into the<br />

wors, po5 l·war reeess

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