1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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Officials<br />

Thanks<br />

Graduates<br />

Piclu"d I . t . he judge . od It UtU who (ondutlt.d<br />

the drcllon 01 <strong>of</strong>ficefJ 01 Lonl <strong>11</strong>4 on l u"t I.<br />

P;clLud.1t the ntW olfltcu 01 Loca1 124, ".nul<br />

.. City,Mo., who Wr rt ~ woln in by the pU t pluidr!!t<br />

01 Loul 124, Frank VOCh .llfl.<br />

to-<br />

The big A TI!I.T lob hu bc'tn b,uking ground for<br />

$tv" ••] momhl, and by 'rnn! at the latcst should<br />

tIC' ""Hlng 10 lake on wuemen<br />

A ll'ge gillen, prOlecl hu been proposed by the<br />

B. E. Saul Comp.ny nf Chevy Chan, Maryland,<br />

fOf the Overland Park, Kln.n, arCI. Similar to<br />

suucturea now clIll llng 1R IIOU51On and DaU •• ,<br />

the projt:cl Will Include. 4S -IiGry hotd, oillee<br />

. space, condos and I large ,hopp;n, mall. If Ip'<br />

proved, the proltCI may nal' In 1985<br />

Another PIOICCI prOpOsed by the R II S.llou<br />

ComJ'lany is I condominium complu on the Coun·<br />

try Club Plaza. Onglully de' lgncd as a Ic.ies <strong>of</strong><br />

high·risc buildings, zoning obSlldn lie Cluslng<br />

.edeslgns <strong>of</strong> Ihe structures. Itowever, the I"oleel<br />

is eommitt~d to be In the $300 mUlion UeI, so<br />

.... whltev.:r the layout, thaI's I 1I,~c prolect<br />

[ would like to congr.tulale and compliment the<br />

following Srmher, on the fine job they did con<br />

dUCling thc Local 124 elecuon <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers on lune<br />

L [ personally know a lot 01 hOUri <strong>of</strong> hud work<br />

wenl inlo whal ended II beillg a smooth alld nOli '<br />

problemlilc clectlon. The following members we. e<br />

tellers It thi. fleclion : Guy D.uhclI, Paul Kidu,<br />

George Garrison. Karl Schmidt, Ga ry Williams,<br />

Charln McCormick alld Fred Wilion. The Iud,.:<br />

for the elecuon wu Brother MIke OWen5.<br />

Thin y·cight membe.s <strong>of</strong> Loc.1 124 recclved Ihel.<br />

IS·Yel. krvice pins at the gener.! meetlog on<br />

AuguSt 8 Tholc prUent wue Kelln~th N. Coun<br />

ney, Rlchud E. fallis, BUly C . Ferrell, Stcphen I<br />

Cocthals, Rodge r K. lbflingloo, ' amel Hood, Rob<br />

ell D_ Klmb.lI, Joseph A Lynch, 'r., and Dould<br />

,," L. Pluce. and the followlI1g member, we. e .eeog<br />

nilCd for IS yells <strong>of</strong> IUVlee; ',ck 0<br />

8.umll,<br />

Edwlfd L. Bedsworlh, Ja ck G Keeney, Evclett<br />

McNutt, Carl L. Stevent, Jr., Ihrohl Wills, Jlmes<br />

C. Albright, Evelel! M Dorr, Phil Mook, Sterhen<br />

H McAuley, Bell C. Shuley, Rodney A Sommer.,<br />

Vince I. V.nCamp, Jr, Frank W WalJ.ce, Ir , Edwll1<br />

Hanley, Frank S. Emery, Norman A Goodm.n,<br />

Otis V. Smilh, lames L. Crouch, Rllph 0 liarmer,<br />

Raymond G Huluy, Ronald W Jonet, Richud F<br />

Miller, David L. Morri$, jay W RUJhton, Richard<br />

D. Smilh, J.tk L. Sleele, Donald Brandon .nd<br />

Leonard E. lIahn.<br />

Broth er Raynal<br />

Steps Down as President<br />

•<br />

L U. 130 (181.0), NEW ORLEANS, LA.-The aCtom·<br />

panying pic ture, submit led by a rothN Jim Loomi',<br />

,hQw, President·eleci loc ra rdo giving oUlgoing<br />

President Benny R.lynll I cake from the membe"<br />

Pluldtnl·tlUI loe<br />

Pardo, .ighl, <strong>of</strong> LOCi I<br />

no, New O,lunl, ~ .,<br />

&lvu oUlloins PI",.i·<br />

de DI BtDDy lIyn,1 a<br />

u h from Iht memM ..<br />

<strong>of</strong> LOOCiI 1l0 .<br />

<strong>of</strong> Local 130. The mltllpllOn says If .lL, "LocI I<br />

IJO thanks you, Benny" Brother Rlynal deCIded<br />

nOI to run for reelec tion and WIll be retlling loon<br />

Benny has K rvcd thIS local well nOI only u pres'<br />

idcnl, but al,o II an 1I"5lant bu,incu agenl. I<br />

memb~r <strong>of</strong> tht Exccutive Hoard and variQu, com·<br />

mI lIeu. Among Ihe committees h~ served 0<strong>11</strong> were<br />

the NcgoUating Cornmlltce hWltei.nd Ihe Ileahh<br />

and Welfare COlllmillce lor nine yca",<br />

I want to Wish tvcryon( a liappy Thanklglving.<br />

I know if you only look al all tht n~j(auve Ihing'<br />

happening, like the work SItuallOn not being vuy<br />

good at the present IIIIIC, or&ani~ed lalwr IlwlY'<br />

fighling jun to lIay alive, Iht ullta-conservative •<br />

u5mg all the news medii Ihal they own to keer<br />

lelling the public tht orga lll;CJI bbor h., OUt·<br />

lived 'IS u5eiulness, onc could gel very depressed.<br />

Wdl, leI me lell you Ihat you have a lot to be<br />

thankful fo,. You I.ve m I country th.t <strong>11</strong>I0wl you<br />

co live your life your own way, spl:.k OUI for or<br />

agam~1 anylhll1g you have an Opll<strong>11</strong>0n on .nd mlny<br />

other Ihll1gl. I .It-O W,lli 10 say thlt or~.nized<br />

labor has nOI outlived HS u,dulneu. We hIVe 10<br />

tonVlnce che general public Ihat we help them,<br />

too AU Ihe rub!.e has 10 do tS to look II al\ the<br />

lawl organized labor hIS fought for thai benefited<br />

everyone, nOt IUJ! us. When orp-nlled 1.bC'cl.1 people. These<br />

cho,en members arc this yeal's graduating appren<br />

lieu lohn Arnold, Myra Ch""ianson. R.ck Colbeck,<br />

Jeff COl, Jon Dcarnbarger, Doug Ford, Lynn<br />

H.rner, Bob Hlwbakcr, Ma.k Maples, Bill Smgle·<br />

lOn, Fred Smith. I'" and Rick WIllenborg. On Jun e<br />

14, <strong>1984</strong>, there WII a banquel g,ven at our locil<br />

ball The evenin, was quile • lOece" and. very<br />

cnloyable lime for all who attended.<br />

Being one 01 Ihe new ,ourneymen myself, I 1m<br />

very th.nkful for the opportunity 10 h.ve served<br />

my apprcnlltuhlp and our unton as I whole I<br />

rcalbe how fortunate we were to have even heen<br />

klectCJI, and, for mOSI 01 UI, to hlye finIShed il1l1<br />

• lIule oye, four yean. Howeyer, 1\ tould jUst IS<br />

cully not have hap(>C'n~d It .<strong>11</strong><br />

We wrre I bit lucky though. Our c1u, wu laken<br />

In 1980 befole Rugan'. r~glme came <strong>11</strong><strong>11</strong>0 power<br />

Work beca1l1e .taree. IS it did for many other local,<br />

acrost Ihe country. The workIng c<strong>11</strong>1S, <strong>11</strong>1 gcn~ .. l.<br />

wu huded for hard urnes. Had It not be~n for the<br />

Clinton Power PI.nt job, our 10ClI would have hod<br />

in uee .. <strong>of</strong> 50 pctcelll unemployed for th~ pa"<br />

couple 01 years. Ncvellhcleu, our "fine" p.esident<br />

usu red everyone Ihat betler limes were ahead But<br />

101 whom! Surely 1I0t the working middle dna,<br />

, he eldelly 01 Ih e poor "lUng Ronald" (anOlher<br />

ch"atter in a leries <strong>of</strong> lDiesl hu attacked Ihe very<br />

he~'1 <strong>of</strong> Americ • .<br />

Four yt," ago, our labor lude'li endorsed ~nd<br />

IU PflOrted Ihe l)cmocrallc Pany's cand.date, )unmy<br />

C.rter IIUI for some penonal, Ind.vidual reasonl,<br />

1---------------------------------------- 1<br />

I<br />

I<br />

! Address CHANGED? I<br />

1 Brothers and SIsters, we<br />

I want you to have your<br />

JOURNAL! When you<br />

have a change <strong>of</strong> address,<br />

please lei us<br />

know. Be sure 10 Include<br />

your old address<br />

and please don't lorget<br />

10 fill in l. U. and Card<br />

No. This information will<br />

be helpful in checkIng<br />

and keeping our records<br />

straight.<br />

" you have changed<br />

local unions, we must<br />

heve numbe,. 0' bolh.<br />

NAME '.' .............. , .......... " .. , ........... .<br />

NEW ADDRESS .... " ..•......................... ,.<br />

... ". ci~""""""'" ·&i'I.············· ii,;~."·<br />

PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO ...... " .............•...<br />

CARD NO ..................... " .................. .<br />

ell \lnknown - ei'leck witll loe.l Union)<br />


o<br />

OLD AODRESS ........ , .. , ........................ .<br />

ci,; ........ , , ..... ·Si'l.· ..... , . , .... ii o<br />

' COd •••.<br />


Mail <strong>11</strong>: Clrtulitian Department<br />

Interutlonll 8raUterhDad af Eleclrlc31 Warker1<br />

<strong>11</strong>25 15a Street, M.W., Wu~ingtOll , D. C. 2DDIl5<br />

~ - - --- ---- --- ---- -- - - -------- - --- - -- - -- -<br />


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