1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-11 November IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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..<br />

Mourned<br />

Retired Brothel luliu. Doneu <strong>of</strong> the At-dIed Mem·<br />

hm Club 01 Loeal 158, Pe"b Ambo,. N.I., will<br />

. IIIel ,. be miliN by ,II <strong>of</strong> <strong>11</strong>5.<br />

New Member<br />

NfW 1ft;'., Mit-hltl<br />

Konowiu celeb.at« hi,<br />

If-lilfment I . lob ~ iu .<br />

On", ISIIn OUI retu cts wcre able 10 IhQ'" ",I'll'<br />

, wtll·''''pn.:cd club can do when calld on to do<br />

• JOb This time the ,(men wcre ulled upon by<br />

Thud D'5<strong>11</strong>1(1 [mcmluonal Rcp,ucnlluyc GUIll<br />

TalC 10 mitlate , one-on OM pro".m to JUPJl ly •<br />

,""r, and .1'10 10 ,t' ,h .. many IHF.W ICIlfM<br />

mcm~ ' 1 out 10 vOle ,0 the rasl Mondale pnmary<br />

deenan hC lf In New IClsey Broth ... Tnt', leltcr<br />

'0 Pruldent Frank Smith IIltW In put, " You can<br />

be assured ,h.t yO\I and yOII. Retired Club members<br />

th'l (Qn(.lltled the .cllled mcmhcu In the CI,hl<br />

surround,n, (auouu contnbuu,d J1lmficlmly \0<br />

Mond.le', b'lI Win In New Icney The <strong>IBEW</strong> and<br />

you. Club members rlayed a key lole ,n thl'<br />

Mondale pnmary. V,ce P,uldenl II Blrry and<br />

myidl wlah to ~o n g •• tu!.u you all for ,he ucd·<br />

lent lob you p~rlormd "<br />

We arc I'Iluud 10 . eI'lOIl, and ag~Ln Ihank PIU'<br />

Idenl Frank SmLlh, Vtce Pruldent W,lham Coyk<br />

and brothel rtllI~C DanIel Zboyan and the many<br />

othel IcpICICnUtLVCi <strong>of</strong> the 3r(:3 ll1 EW RclirUJ<br />

Clubs 101 their dlon! 10 allluLng Imunltional<br />

Replutnlatlvt Giant Tile in Ihe formllinn <strong>of</strong> an<br />

cnu. cly new counCIl helt In New felsey 10 be:<br />

known as the New [elScy mEW Retueu AdYisory<br />

("'nunfll ThlJ CounCIl will be: compoud 01 one<br />

<strong>of</strong>llcel and Iwo .helnllU from e~ch IBtW Re\lIecs<br />

Club or or~ln luuon Ihll I"CC5 10 1010 AI Brolher<br />

Tilt sTated, Ihn IS an AdVISOry COUnt>! thll WIll<br />

be: able 10 ISIIII, coordLnlle, eommUOlCIIC and,<br />

... hrn rr'lunnd s pnk for .<strong>11</strong> clubs Wc con,ral'<br />

u1.IC and commend Blolhel Tau 101 h,s effOlls<br />

and sIncerely hopt all IflEW club. WIll eontLnue<br />

10lend theLl reprcscmatlVU 10lhe CouncLl', meet<br />

lOp and 3)n Ih eLl wholeheaned JUl'pon 10 rhlS<br />

Adv,JOl)' CouDe l1.<br />

In aecnldance wLlh .he IBtW plC·lelllemem<br />

p.ov~m. Pluldenl Frank SmJlh, wLlh Ihe support<br />

<strong>of</strong> OUI IC'''UI. hu vOled to amend the bylaws to<br />

now Indude .ny .cllve member <strong>of</strong> Local JS8 who<br />

IS !is yurl 01 oldcr The member 55 years or olde l<br />

who w,shu 10 JOIO Ihc Club tIn be lUre 01 ,ell1n~<br />

• wealth <strong>of</strong> rrc leUremen! InIOlmalLon IJ ISMlClate<br />

members oIlhe Club. If you're Ln.eluted, '010 us<br />

on .ny Ihlld SI,ulday 1\ 10:00 • m 1\ UOlon<br />

hndqun tell<br />

We salule OUI newest memMr, blolher reulee<br />

Mlchad Konowlc%, 51 M,ke, "'ho hu alwlY' been<br />

acuve and rart .ti p .u ~ d on many eommlttees IS an<br />

ICUye mcmbC'. 01 Lo,,1 358, inel udln8 ,he Blood<br />

n.nk COLl""III~"', CIM'" BMk" Cu.m",,''''', AfL·<br />

CIO CenuII Labol Body lepIClcnt'!1V", usuall y<br />

ehai lL n~ the", commltltCl, nOw bccomn 0\" 1001ue<br />

mrmblT We ~vlJ"U' \JI~I" 810Ihn Konow.ef Ind<br />

wish hIm II"n~ aDd huhhy rcmement<br />

We th~nk cO'ch~lI men Ellc Rusmunen ~n.I<br />

[ lnlC Sherry and the membC'n <strong>of</strong> the Clam 8~ke<br />

Committee lur LnVIlln& ,he IctLlees aJ luelu <strong>of</strong><br />

Loul JS8 ."h,s )lu,'s Ihke AJ UIUII, the wCllhel<br />

Wluuony, Ihe lcod waJ plennlul and wtll pier and<br />

and Ihe mccllnK <strong>of</strong> old.nd new Brothe" and S.,ltlS<br />

w,lI be remembered thrOUlhoul Ihe c ... mln~ year<br />

by all We ,"'Cle very happ~ to ICe ICIII~U Itowlld<br />

Therkelsen, forme. Viet PrUlden. CbuJc Lund<br />

and Funk Cltne who drove up/re>m Flond~, B.Othel<br />

'Iek Orsoc from Pcnnsylun .., Ind pnl Lxecurl~e<br />

Board chairman, 810thel WIlham Clcar, who tame<br />

In I,om An:tou 10 attend thl' YUI'I Cl.m Bake.<br />

The Brolhtll all looked "UI and they aU IUled<br />

Ihey really eOloycd MIn~ , clLled<br />

Sta y healthy B.others, lIay , cllve, help a RI

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