National Parks as outdoor laboratories for climate change impact
National Parks as outdoor laboratories for climate change impact
National Parks as outdoor laboratories for climate change impact
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Berchtesgaden <strong>National</strong> Park<br />
<strong>National</strong> <strong>Parks</strong> <strong>as</strong> <strong>outdoor</strong> <strong>laboratories</strong><br />
a<br />
<strong>for</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> <strong>impact</strong><br />
Bonn, 26.6.2013<br />
Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
a<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Objectives of <strong>National</strong> Park<br />
cf. Regulation of Bavarian Parliament<br />
Research<br />
Preservation of<br />
Historical<br />
Monuments<br />
Nature<br />
conservation a<br />
Natural<br />
experience<br />
Environmental<br />
Education<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Core zone (67 %)<br />
Natural development dynamics<br />
Long term monitoring 1<br />
a<br />
1<br />
cf. <strong>National</strong> park management plan Kap. 11<br />
(<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Buffer zone (33%)<br />
maintenance of cultural landscape<br />
activ management me<strong>as</strong>ures<br />
Research and long term monitoring 1<br />
a<br />
»Normal« running<br />
Guidance of visitors<br />
Traditional land use<br />
Reconstruction to natural <strong>for</strong>ests<br />
Game controlling in both buffer zone categories<br />
Permanent buffer zone (yellow): 23 %<br />
Temporary buffer zone (braun): 10 %<br />
1<br />
Vgl. <strong>National</strong>parkplan, Kap. 11<br />
(<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Research and long term monitoring in<br />
Berchtesgaden <strong>National</strong> Park<br />
a<br />
1. Monitoring and evalutation of long term<br />
environmenal <strong>change</strong>s<br />
2. Support of <strong>National</strong> park management by<br />
plausibility checks usw.<br />
(<strong>National</strong>parkplan, Kap. 11)
Core business: Climate <strong>change</strong> research<br />
• meteorological network<br />
• Water balance model<br />
• Alpine Vegetation<br />
• GLORIA<br />
• Phenological observations<br />
• Sources<br />
• Bark beetles<br />
a<br />
• Vegetations fences<br />
• Change of land cover
Backbone of Climate Research: Meteorological stations<br />
including Stations of the Bavarian Avalance Service center<br />
a<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Hinterseeau (lower valley)<br />
a<br />
Altitude: 833 m <strong>as</strong>l<br />
Mean temperature: 7,2 o C<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature<br />
Conservation in Europa 26.6.2013<br />
Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel<br />
Kühroint (represents medium altitude) (LWD)<br />
a<br />
Altitude: 1411 m <strong>as</strong>l<br />
Mean temperature: 4,5 o C<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature<br />
Conservation in Europa 26.6.2013<br />
Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel<br />
Watzma<strong>as</strong>lgrat (Summit)<br />
a<br />
Altitude: 2694 m <strong>as</strong>l<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature<br />
Mean temperature: Conservation -3,0 in Europa o C 26.6.2013<br />
Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel<br />
1,5 years, 2 * winter<br />
°C pro 100m<br />
01.01<br />
16.01<br />
31.01<br />
15.02<br />
02.03<br />
17.03<br />
01.04<br />
16.04<br />
01.05<br />
16.05<br />
31.05<br />
15.06<br />
30.06<br />
15.07<br />
30.07<br />
14.08<br />
29.08<br />
13.09<br />
28.09<br />
13.10<br />
28.10<br />
12.11<br />
27.11<br />
12.12<br />
27.12<br />
Daily temperature gradient per year<br />
Temperatur-Höhengradient (alle Stationen) im Jahresverlauf<br />
0,10<br />
0,00<br />
-0,10<br />
-0,20<br />
-0,30<br />
-0,40<br />
-0,50<br />
a<br />
-0,60<br />
-0,70<br />
Day.month<br />
Tag Monat<br />
Stand: November 2011<br />
Helmut Franz, <strong>National</strong>park Berchtesgaden 5.3.2012<br />
Klimafolgen<strong>for</strong>schung des Bayerischen Umweltministeriums
°C<br />
01.01<br />
16.01<br />
31.01<br />
15.02<br />
02.03<br />
17.03<br />
01.04<br />
16.04<br />
01.05<br />
16.05<br />
31.05<br />
15.06<br />
30.06<br />
15.07<br />
30.07<br />
14.08<br />
29.08<br />
13.09<br />
28.09<br />
13.10<br />
28.10<br />
12.11<br />
27.11<br />
12.12<br />
27.12<br />
Daily temperature profile per year per 200 m<br />
Jahresgang der Tagestemperaturen. Quelle: mechanische und<br />
automatische Stationen<br />
20<br />
15<br />
10<br />
5<br />
0<br />
-5<br />
-10<br />
a<br />
t600<br />
t800<br />
t1000<br />
t1200<br />
t1400<br />
t1600<br />
t1800<br />
t2000<br />
t2200<br />
t2400<br />
t2600<br />
Tag Monat<br />
Day.month<br />
Stand: November 2011<br />
Symposium ‚Klima<strong>for</strong>schung Bayern‘ München, 24.6.2013<br />
Helmut Franz, Annette Lotz, Michael Vogel
Conclusion: Change of vegetation period<br />
But: Surface is reduced<br />
2400 m: + 4 o C: + 9 weeks<br />
+ 4 o C: + 11 weeks<br />
1400 m <strong>as</strong>l: Today: vegetation period of 10 weeks (10 o C)<br />
a<br />
Rise in temperature of 4 o C: Prolongation of Veg.-Period of 5 weeks<br />
600 m <strong>as</strong>l: Today: Vegetation period of 5 month (10 o C)<br />
The Questions: How will <strong>change</strong> precipitation, humidity, solar radiation? And, above all,<br />
snow cover? And other climatic parameter? Have been answered by the water balance<br />
model.<br />
The question: ‚Will plant species shift upward?‘ (keyword soil genesis) is not at all anwered
a<br />
Water balance model Berchtesgaden<br />
elaborated from<br />
Dr. Gabriele Kraller<br />
Michael Warscher<br />
with intensive support by<br />
Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann, Garmisch<br />
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Str<strong>as</strong>ser, Innsbruck
Water balance model: snow cover<br />
• Modelling of Scenario of water balance model (Kraller 2012)<br />
• Trend of medium average Temperature<br />
• + 1° Celsius <strong>for</strong> the time periods of 1970-2000 and 2021-2050<br />
a<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Modelling of duration of snow cover<br />
(Warscher 2012)<br />
Decre<strong>as</strong>e of duration of snow cover:<br />
19 days / year<br />
Period of scenario: 2021 – 2050<br />
Period of control: 1971 - 2000<br />
Mean monthly <strong>change</strong> of snow cover<br />
11/2001 – 10/2010<br />
white = a lot of snow<br />
light blue = less snow<br />
dark blue = no snow<br />
Forschungstreffen StMUG – LfU – ANL – NP 10.04.13<br />
A<strong>as</strong>lette Lotz & Helmut Franz
Mean plant species number per area<br />
Impact of Nitrogen input<br />
on alpine plant societies possible<br />
Alpine plants<br />
Incre<strong>as</strong>e or decre<strong>as</strong>e of plant species<br />
60<br />
50<br />
50,4<br />
1988<br />
2003<br />
40<br />
39,6<br />
36,4<br />
30<br />
20<br />
a<br />
25,7<br />
10<br />
0<br />
Horstseggenr<strong>as</strong>en<br />
Hortseggenr<strong>as</strong>en<br />
Polsterseggenr<strong>as</strong>en<br />
Incre<strong>as</strong>e: 27 % 42 %<br />
Kudernatsch 2005<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Phenological observations<br />
a<br />
30 study are<strong>as</strong> from 700 – 1400 m <strong>as</strong>l<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Responses of events to altitude<br />
and temperature<br />
a<br />
Data source:<br />
Phenological observations<br />
Wimbachbrücke - Schapbach -<br />
Kühroint in response to<br />
temperature und altitude<br />
LU: Beginning of leaf unfolding<br />
LE: Leaves fully expanded<br />
BF: Beginning of flowering<br />
FF: Full flowering<br />
EF: End of flowering<br />
CORNELIUS et. al 2013<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Sources<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
About 300 Sources in Berchtesgaden <strong>National</strong> Park<br />
Water temperature variation per year between 2 – 3 o C<br />
More than 700 animal species in about 60 explored sources<br />
About 250 Arten only in sources<br />
At le<strong>as</strong>t nine Arten new to science<br />
Change of species community indicates drying out of sources<br />
a<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
GLORIA<br />
a<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
GLORIA<br />
a<br />
Gr<strong>as</strong>kopf 2005<br />
2520 m <strong>as</strong>l<br />
40 Plant species<br />
Hochscheibe 2004<br />
2460 m <strong>as</strong>l<br />
60 plant species<br />
Schlunghorn 2003<br />
2200 m <strong>as</strong>l<br />
120 plant species<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Monitoring of bark beetle<br />
a<br />
KAUTZ et al. (2011)<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Vegetation fences<br />
Vegetation fence No. 21 (Altitude 1560 m <strong>as</strong>l, Exposition: SSW)<br />
Temerature indicator according to Landolt / Ellenberg<br />
a<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Vegetationszäune<br />
Vegetation fence No. 21 (Altitude 1560 m <strong>as</strong>l, Exposition: SSW)<br />
Temerature indicator according to Landolt / Ellenberg<br />
a<br />
STORCH (2006)<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
Change of landscape<br />
derived from Color Infrared Aerial photos<br />
<br />
Change between two aerial photo flight generations<br />
BLACK = Change 1980-1990<br />
BLUE = Change 1990-1997<br />
RED = Change 1997-2003<br />
<br />
Highlights<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Majority of <strong>change</strong>s in <strong>for</strong>est<br />
L<strong>as</strong>t <strong>change</strong>s could be documentated in regions<br />
above timberline (digital photos!)<br />
Complementary methods to <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong><br />
detection<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
<strong>National</strong> Park <strong>as</strong> a Outdoor laboratory <strong>for</strong><br />
<strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> dokumentation<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Analytical instruments <strong>for</strong> documentation and analysis of<br />
<strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> are available<br />
Analytical instruments <strong>for</strong> documentation and analysis of<br />
land cover <strong>change</strong>s are available<br />
With these instruments, we are able to analyse and<br />
evaluate the <strong>impact</strong>s of <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> on <strong>National</strong> Park<br />
plant and animal species in the context of nature balance<br />
(Naturhaushalt)<br />
On the b<strong>as</strong>is of these instruments we are able to<br />
document, which scenario of <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> will occur<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature<br />
Conservation in Europa 26.6.2013<br />
Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel
What will we do with this instrumentarium?<br />
1. Work out habitat suitability models <strong>for</strong><br />
plant and animal species on an<br />
adequate scale (older models exist)<br />
2. Validate these models with field data<br />
3. Determine (lateral or vertical) shift of<br />
species on the b<strong>as</strong>is of IPCC scenarios<br />
4. Compare the results with field data<br />
5. (Integrate this work in a larger spatial<br />
Thank you…<br />
…<strong>for</strong> your interest!<br />
Literature<br />
CORNELIUS, C., ESTRELLA, N., FRANZ, H. & A. MENZEL (2013): Linking altitudinal gradients and temperature responses of phenology in the Berchtesgaden<br />
<strong>National</strong> Park (Germany). - Biology 15, 57-69.<br />
GRABHERR, G., GOTTFRIED, M. & H. PAULI (2012): D<strong>as</strong> GLORIA-Monitoring-Netzwerk zum Klima- und Vegetationswandel in den Hochgebirgen. - Ber. D.<br />
Reinhold-Tüxen-Ges. 24, 77 - 97. Vgl. auch<br />
KAUTZ, M., LEHMBERG, L., SCHOPF, R., LINDAUER, M., SCHMIDT, H.P., WOLPERT, B., MAUDER, M. & R. STEINBERCHER (2011): Borkenkäferbefall auf<br />
Windwurfflächen: Prozessanalyse für Handlungsoptionen. Tätigkeitsbericht zum Oktober 2011. - Im Auftrag des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Umwelt und<br />
Gesundheit.<br />
KONNERT, V. (2011): Statistic analysis of the temperatures of the weather stations of the <strong>National</strong> Park Berchtesgaden b<strong>as</strong>ed on the Climate In<strong>for</strong>mation System. -<br />
Manuscript b<strong>as</strong>ed on the <strong>climate</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation system of the <strong>National</strong> Park.<br />
KRALLER, G. (2012): Zusammenf<strong>as</strong>sung und Auswertung der karsthydrologischen Markierungen und Modellierung des W<strong>as</strong>serhaushaltes im <strong>National</strong>park<br />
Berchtesgaden. - Endbericht. Im Auftrag der <strong>National</strong>parkverwaltung Berchtesgaden.<br />
KUDERNATSCH, T. (2006): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf alpine Pflanzengemeinschaften im <strong>National</strong>park Berchtesgaden. - <strong>National</strong>park Berchtesgaden.<br />
Forschungsbericht 52.<br />
a<br />
<strong>National</strong>parkplan: StMLU (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen) (Hrsg) (2001): <strong>National</strong>parkplan. <strong>National</strong>park Berchtesgaden.<br />
202 S. + Karten (cf. (2011 – 12 – 06)).<br />
STORCH, M. (2006): Wiederholungsaufnahme der Vegetationszäune im <strong>National</strong>park Berchtesgaden. - Im Auftrag der <strong>National</strong>parkverwaltung, unveröffentlicht.<br />
WARSCHER, M. & H. KUNSTMANN (2012): W<strong>as</strong>serhaushaltsmodellierung im <strong>National</strong>park Berchtesgaden – Abschlussbericht Projekt AZ MO 10/1. Entwurf,<br />
unveröffentlicht.<br />
International Conference: Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europa<br />
26.6.2013 Helmut Franz & Michael Vogel